

试题内容试题答案选项A选项B选项C选项D选项E选项F These results are______with the findings of the previous study.A consistent consistency

The statistics______a change in people’s spending habits.A reflect reflection

I’m afraid your driving license is______in Eastern Europe.B valid invalid

Twenty-five dollars was______more than be ha expected to pay.B considerable considerably

Direct______between the two languages is not possible.B compare comparison

We were not surprised by their _____that the train services

would be reduced.

B state statement

In my opinion,there was no______evidence against him.C assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate Evan the smallest baby can______its mother by her voice.E assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate People tend to make______about you based on your appearance.A assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate This new report______the current situation in our schools.B assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate The performance of each employee is______once a year.D assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate

We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is______to

their needs.

F assumption represents credible evaluated identify appropriate That bit of the form is for UK citizens--it doesn’t


B into to forth for with

Arguments were put______for changing some of the rules of the


C into to forth for with

When judging his performance,don’t take his age______account.A into to forth for with

He’s universally recognized as an authority______Russian


D into to forth for with

Just compare the one that has been cleaned______the others.E into to forth for with

I can say with______that all our targets have now been met.B confident confidence

Like so many______people he was never satisfied.A creative creativity

A move towards healthy eating could help______heart disease.A eliminate elimination

You life changes______when you have a baby.B dramatic dramatically

The annual strategic dialogue between China an America is very______for the relationship between the two countries.A significant insignifican


Having so little money to spend on an apartment does______you

in your choice.

A limit limitation

The children______more to her than anything else in the world.E commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased Lung cancer is the most______found cancer in men.D commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased It______her mother that she chose a college close to home.F commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased The city offers a/an ______variety of things to do.C commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased He hated being in the army because he had to obey______.A commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased The ______of the picture on our television isn’t very good.B commands quality infinite commonly matter pleased

Police say that they believe the attacks were carried______by


A out up on to in over He struggled for mastery______his emotions but failed.F out up on to in over

Dr Marion is the person______control of all medical decisions

in the hospital

E out up on to in over I’ve been asked to limit my speech______ten minutes maximum.D out up on to in over

The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an impact______young


C out up on to in over

It’s______to all of us to try to solve the problems in our


B out up on to in over This system could deliver services to local communities


B effective effectively

His comments sparked an angry______from dissatisfied customers.B respond response

Checks are made to______whether applicants have a criminal


A discover discovery

If any of these symptoms______while you are taking the

medicine,consult your doctor immediately.

A occur occurrence

The museum is full of______and precious treasures.A rare rarely

Do you agree with the use of animals in______experiments?B science scientific

The men came to______the rubbish from the backyard.B interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked She sees the bar as a starting point and______plans to run her

own chain of country inns.

D interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked The job pays well,but there’s not much______for career


C interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked The program includes a performance by the______Berlin


E interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked Who is the most famous person you’ve ever______on TV?A interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked

The judges______on the high standard of entries for the


F interviewed remove opportunity eventually renowned remarked I’m______upset that she forgot my birthday.B slight slightly

He needed surgery to cure a _______back injury.B trouble troublesome

S1even used to visit him for the_______days and weekends.A occasional occasionally

The documents are available for public______.B inspect inspection

Last moth’s bad weather was______for the crop failure.A responsible responsibili


Despite all my efforts,my carefully planned party turned out to

be a complete______

A disaster disastrous

The mayor______him with a gold medal at an official city


E deserves issues awfully frustration presented

I could sense his______at not being able to help.D deserves issues awfully frustration presented

It’s a/an______long time since we last saw each other.C deserves issues awfully frustration presented

Chris______our special thanks for all his efforts.A deserves issues awfully frustration presented

Ideas about the social______of religion have changed over time.B deserves issues awfully frustration presented

He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of______.B recognize recognition

After long______we decided to purchase the house.B reflect reflection

For years General Motors(GM)was the______giant of the world’s

car industry.

B disputed undisputed

We can’t conclude that the frequent transfer from one job to

another undermines______.

B loyal loyalty

Vitamins are_______to the proper nourishment of the body.A essential essentially

They answered with______that it was against the rules.B assure assurance

Many people spend little time in______of physical fitness.B pursue pursuit

His______old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.B faith faithful

At any time,don’t feel sad for a(n)______man.B grateful ungrateful

Often they are competing______with fellow Spaniards for


B fierce fiercely

The war was followed by a long period of peace and______.B prosperous prosperity

The service at the famous hotel failed to failed to live up to


B repute reputation

The campaign to drive the drug______away will continue.A dealers dealerships

I’m going to______to the manager about this.A complain complaint

This method is______used in modern laboratories.B rare rarely

The rain will be a______for the farmers.B bless blessing

Your suggestion will______to solving the problem.A contribute contribution

It is______to buy cigarettes in Britain if you are under 16.B legal illegal

This______study was conducted by the Royal Institute of


B exhaust exhaustive

In these jungle areas,every day is a fight for______.A survival survive

They are seeking financial support from______sources.B vary various

These methods can help to increase students’______and


B motivate motivation
