
对英语作文评价的评语英文回答:In my opinion, your essay is well-written and demonstrates a good command of the English language. Your ideas are clear and well-organized, making it easy for the reader to follow your arguments. Additionally, you have used a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures, which adds depth to your writing.One aspect that stands out in your essay is yourability to provide supporting evidence for your claims. You have effectively used examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points, making your arguments more persuasive. For example, when discussing the importance of education, you mentioned a personal experience of how education helped you overcome a challenge. This not only adds credibility to your argument but also engages the reader on a personal level.Furthermore, your essay showcases your ability to analyze and evaluate different perspectives. Instead of presenting a one-sided argument, you consider opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments. This showscritical thinking skills and adds nuance to your writing. For instance, when discussing the impact of technology on society, you acknowledge the benefits it brings but also highlight the potential negative consequences. This balanced approach demonstrates a mature understanding of complex issues.Moreover, your essay displays a strong sense of coherence and cohesion. Each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, with logical transitions that guide the reader through your ideas. This makes your essay easy to read and understand. For example, when transitioning from one point to another, you use phrases like "In addition to that" or "Furthermore" to signal the shift in topic. These transitional phrases help the reader navigate through your essay seamlessly.Overall, your essay is impressive in terms of languageproficiency, organization, supporting evidence, critical thinking, and coherence. It successfully engages the reader and presents a well-rounded argument. With some minor revisions and proofreading, it can be a top-notch piece of writing.中文回答:就我个人而言,你的文章写得很好,展示了对英语的良好掌握。

英语作文教师评语大全As a teacher, it is important to provide thoughtful and constructive feedback to students on their writing. Here are some general comments that can be used to evaluate English essays:1. Your essay shows a strong understanding of the topic and effectively communicates your ideas.2. You have demonstrated a clear and logical structure in your writing, which makes it easy for the reader to follow your argument.3. Your use of language is impressive, and you have effectively employed a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures.4. However, there are a few grammatical errors that detract from the overall quality of your writing. I would recommend reviewing the rules for subject-verb agreement and punctuation.5. Your essay could benefit from more specific examples and evidence to support your points. This will help to strengthen your arguments and make them more persuasive.6. Overall, you have done a commendable job with this essay. With some careful editing and revision, it has the potential to be an outstanding piece of writing.作为教师,给学生提供思想深刻、建设性的反馈是非常重要的。

英语作文点评语1. "Excellent use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Keep up the good work!"(词汇使用和句子结构都非常棒,继续保持!)2. "Your essay shows a clear understanding of the topic. Well done!"(你的作文显示了对主题的清晰理解,做得很好!)3. "Your introduction is engaging and sets the tone for the rest of the essay."(你的引言引人入胜,为整篇作文定下了基调。
)4. "The argument is well-presented with strong supporting evidence."(论点表述清晰,有强有力的支持证据。
)5. "Your conclusion effectively summarizes the main points of your essay."(你的结论有效地总结了作文的主要观点。
)6. "The transition between paragraphs is smooth, making your essay easy to follow."(段落之间的过渡流畅,使你的作文易于阅读。
)7. "Your writing style is concise and to the point, which is very effective."(你的写作风格简洁明了,非常有效。
)8. "The use of varied sentence lengths adds rhythm andinterest to your writing."(使用不同长度的句子为你的写作增加了节奏和趣味性。

1. “哇塞,这篇作文条理清晰得像理好的毛线一样!比如,‘My Favorite Season’这篇,从喜欢的原因到每个季节的特点,都写得明明白白,真不错!”
2. “嘿,这个用词好生动呀,就像活灵活现的画一样!像写动物的那篇,‘The dog wagged its tail happily’,让人一下子就想象出小狗开心的样子。
3. “哎呀呀,这语法错误也太明显啦!难道不知道第三人称单数要加 s 吗?就像说‘He go to school’,这可不行哦!”
4. “哇哦,这篇作文的衔接简直绝了,像坐滑梯一样顺畅!比如从一段到下一段,过渡得自然极了。
5. “哟呵,这句子写得太简单了吧,就像白开水一样没啥味道!可以多用点复杂点的句式呀。
6. “哇,这描述好细致呀,就像在眼前发生一样!比如描写风景的那部分,‘The flowers are blooming in all colors’,真让人陶醉。
7. “哎呀,这个逻辑有点乱呀,东一下西一下的,难道是在迷宫里写的作文?”
8. “哇塞,这作文的开头太吸引人了,就像磁铁一样把人吸住!让人迫不及待想读下去。
9. “嘿,这里的拼写错误可不能有呀,就像漂亮衣服上的污渍一样显眼!”
10. “哇哦,这结尾收得好棒呀,像给整篇作文画了个完美的句号!让人回味无穷。

教师评论英文作文评语英文:As a teacher, I often find myself commenting on students' English compositions. It is important to provide constructive feedback that not only points out mistakes, but also encourages improvement. Here are some common comments I use:1. "Great job! Your essay is well-organized and easy to follow." This comment acknowledges the student's effort and also highlights a strong point in their writing.2. "You have a few grammar errors, but overall your writing is clear and effective." This comment points out a weakness in the student's writing, but also acknowledges their strengths.3. "I noticed that you repeated the same word multiple times. Try using synonyms to vary your vocabulary." Thiscomment provides specific advice on how the student can improve their writing.4. "Your introduction is engaging, but your conclusion needs more work. Try summarizing your main points and leaving the reader with a lasting impression." This comment provides targeted feedback on a specific aspect of the student's writing.5. "Remember to proofread your work for spelling and punctuation errors. They can distract from your overall message." This comment emphasizes the importance of editing and attention to detail.中文:作为一名教师,我经常会对学生的英语作文进行评论。

初中英语作文分析评语大全1. 内容丰富,表达清晰 - 你的作文内容充实,能够清晰地表达出你的观点和想法,这是非常值得表扬的。
2. 语法掌握良好 - 你的作文中语法错误很少,显示出你对英语语法有着扎实的掌握。
3. 词汇使用恰当 - 你能够恰当地使用词汇,避免了重复和单调,这使得你的作文更加生动有趣。
4. 句式多样,表达流畅 - 你的作文中句式多变,既有简单句也有复合句,这样的表达方式使得文章更加流畅和专业。
5. 逻辑性强,结构清晰 - 你的作文逻辑性强,每个段落都有明确的主题句,并且段落之间过渡自然,整体结构清晰。
6. 创意独特,观点新颖 - 你对作文题目的理解和处理很有创意,提出了一些新颖的观点,这非常难得。
7. 拼写无误,标点正确 - 你的作文中拼写和标点符号使用正确,这体现了你对细节的重视。
8. 情感表达真挚 - 在描述个人经历或情感时,你能够真挚地表达自己的情感,使读者能够产生共鸣。
9. 论据充分,论证有力 - 在论述性作文中,你提供了充分的论据来支撑你的观点,论证过程逻辑严密。
10. 格式规范,书写整洁 - 你的作文格式规范,书写整洁,这对于阅卷老师来说是一个良好的阅读体验。
11. 注意时效性 - 在写作时,注意使用时事相关的信息,这样可以使你的作文更具时效性和说服力。
12. 避免使用非正式语言 - 在正式的英语写作中,应避免使用俚语或非正式表达,以保持作文的正式性和专业性。
13. 审题准确,不偏题 - 你的作文紧扣题目要求,没有出现偏题的现象,这是写作的基本要求。
14. 引用恰当,增强说服力 - 你在作文中恰当地引用了名言或例子,这增强了你的观点的说服力。
15. 总结有力,印象深刻 - 你的作文结尾部分总结有力,给读者留下了深刻的印象。
16. 注意文化差异 - 在写作时,注意避免文化误解,尽量使用能够被广泛接受的表达方式。
17. 避免冗长和啰嗦 - 你的作文简洁有力,避免了不必要的冗长和啰嗦,这是高效写作的标志。

初中英语作文评语教师评语大全简短1. Your essay is well-organized and demonstrates a good understanding of the topic. You have used a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to express your ideas effectively. Keep up the good work!你的文章结构清晰,对主题有很好的理解。
继续努力!2. Your writing shows potential, but there are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasing that could be improved. Pay attention to verb tenses and word choice to make your writing more fluent and natural.你的写作显示出潜力,但有一些语法错误和表达不够自然的地方需要改进。
3. You have a good grasp of the topic and have presented your ideas clearly. However, try to vary your sentence structures and use more descriptive language to make your writing more engaging.你对主题有很好的把握,表达清晰。
4. Your essay lacks coherence and organization. Try to develop a clear thesis statement and use transitions to connect your ideas. Also, pay attention to punctuation and capitalization for a more polished writing style.你的文章缺乏连贯性和组织性。

1.Excellent work!你的作文非常棒!继续保持。
2.Great effort!你付出了很大的努力,作文写得很好。
3.Well done!干得好!你的作文很出色。
4.Nice writing!写作很棒!你的表达清晰流畅。
5.Good job!做得好!你的作文结构合理。
6.Keep it up!继续保持!你的作文进步很大。
7.Your writing is improving!你的写作水平在提高!8.You have a good grasp of the language.你对语言掌握得很好。
9.Your sentences are clear and concise.你的句子清晰而简洁。
10.Your vocabulary is impressive.你的词汇量令人印象深刻。
11.I like your creativity in this essay.我喜欢你在这篇作文中的创造力。
12.Youve made good use of the language structures.你很好地运用了语言结构。
13.Your essay has a strong conclusion.你的作文有一个强有力的结尾。
14.Youve shown good understanding of the topic.你对主题有良好的理解。
15.Your essay flows well.你的作文流畅自然。
16.Your ideas are wellorganized.你的想法组织得很好。
17.Your writing style is engaging.你的写作风格引人入胜。
18.Youve captured the essence of the topic.你抓住了主题的精髓。
19.Your essay is wellstructured.你的作文结构清晰。
20.Keep practicing,and your writing will get even better.继续练习,你的写作会变得更好。

1.Excellent Composition Your essay is wellstructured and demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic.The vocabulary and grammar are used proficiently,making it a pleasure to read.2.Wellarticulated Ideas Your ability to express complex ideas clearly is commendable. The logical flow of your arguments is evident,and the supporting evidence is wellpresented.3.Strong Vocabulary Usage The range of vocabulary youve used is impressive,and it has been applied effectively to convey your thoughts with precision.4.Coherent and Logical Your essay maintains a clear and logical progression of ideas, making it easy for the reader to follow your train of thought.5.Engaging Introduction and Conclusion The introduction grabs the readers attention, and the conclusion effectively summarizes your main points,leaving a lasting impression.6.Effective Use of Transitions Your essay benefits from smooth transitions that guide the reader through your arguments without any abrupt shifts.7.Wellresearched Content Its clear that youve invested time in researching the topic,and your essay reflects a thorough understanding of the subject matter.8.Creative Approach Your unique perspective on the topic is refreshing and adds depth to your essay.9.Punctuality and Grammar Your essay is free from grammatical errors and is punctuated correctly,which contributes to its overall clarity and professionalism.10.Captivating Narrative If your essay tells a story,it does so in a captivating manner, drawing the reader in and holding their interest throughout.11.Appropriate Tone The tone youve chosen for your essay is fitting for the subject and audience,enhancing the impact of your message.12.Strong Argumentative Skills Your ability to construct and defend a thesis is commendable.The counterarguments are addressed effectively,strengthening your position.13.Impressive Depth of Analysis Youve delved deeply into the topic,providing anuanced understanding that goes beyond surfacelevel observations.14.Effective Use of Examples The examples youve chosen are relevant and enhance your arguments,making your points more tangible for the reader.15.Wellorganized Paragraphs Each paragraph in your essay is focused and contributes to the overall argument,demonstrating a strong organizational skill.16.Innovative Insights Your essay offers fresh insights that challenge conventional thinking,which is highly valued in academic writing.17.Appropriate Length Your essay is of an appropriate length,providing a comprehensive discussion without unnecessary verbosity.18.Adherence to Instructions Its clear that youve followed the instructions carefully, addressing all aspects of the prompt.19.Polished Writing Style Your writing style is polished and engaging,making your essay enjoyable to read.20.Room for Improvement While your essay is strong overall,there are areas where further development could enhance the quality of your work.Consider expanding on certain points or providing more detailed analysis.21.Needs More Specificity To strengthen your essay,consider providing more specific examples or evidence to support your claims.22.Varied Sentence Structure While your essay is wellwritten,experimenting with sentence structure could add variety and keep the reader engaged.23.Clarity in Expression Some parts of your essay could benefit from clearer expression to ensure that your ideas are fully understood.24.Avoidance of Jargon While specialized language can be appropriate,consider simplifying some terms to make your essay accessible to a wider audience.25.Enhanced Critical Thinking Encourage further critical thinking by questioning assumptions and exploring multiple perspectives on the topic.26.Better Thesis Statement A stronger thesis statement could provide a clearer focus foryour essay and guide your argument more effectively.27.Improved Citation Ensuring proper citation of sources will strengthen the credibility of your essay and avoid any issues with plagiarism.28.More Emotional Appeal Incorporating an emotional appeal could make your essay more persuasive and connect with readers on a deeper level.29.Avoidance of Repetition Reducing repetition will make your essay more concise and focused,allowing each point to stand out.30.Final Proofreading A final proofreading pass could eliminate minor errors and improve the overall presentation of your work.。

写给初一学生的英语作文评语简短1. You have shown great improvement in your English writing skills. Keep up the good work!你的英语写作能力有了很大的进步。
继续努力!2. Your use of vocabulary is impressive. Make sure to vary your word choice to make your writing more interesting.你的词汇运用令人印象深刻。
3. I can see that you are making an effort to use complex sentence structures. Just remember to pay attention to grammar and punctuation.我看得出你在努力运用复杂的句子结构。
4. Your organization of ideas is clear and logical. Keep practicing to make your writing even more coherent.你的思路清晰有逻辑。
5. It's great to see you experimenting with different writing styles. Don't be afraid to take risks and be creative.看到你尝试不同的写作风格真是太好了。
6. Your introduction and conclusion are well-written. Makesure to maintain a strong thesis throughout your essay.你的引言和结论写得很好。

品德英文作文评语小学英文:As a teacher, I believe that it is important to not only teach academic subjects, but also to instill good character in my students. Here are some comments on character for my elementary school students:1. Responsibility: It is important to take responsibility for your actions and to follow through on your commitments. For example, if you promised to do your homework, make sure you complete it on time.2. Honesty: Always tell the truth, even if it is difficult. For instance, if you accidentally broke something, be honest and admit to it.3. Respect: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This means being kind, polite and considerate to everyone, regardless of their background or appearance.4. Perseverance: Never give up, even when things get tough. Keep trying and working hard, and you willeventually achieve your goals.5. Empathy: Try to understand how others feel and show compassion towards them. For example, if you see someonewho is upset, offer your support and try to make them feel better.中文:作为一名老师,我认为不仅要教授学术科目,还要在学生中灌输良好的品德。

给初一学生的英语作文评语应当鼓励和建设性,以下是一些简短的评语示例:1. "Well done! Your essay is clear and easy to understand."(做得好!你的作文清晰易懂。
)2. "Great effort! Your vocabulary is improving."(很棒的努力!你的词汇量正在提高。
)3. "Excellent work! Your grammar is accurate."(出色的工作!你的语法很准确。
)4. "Nice job! Your ideas are well-organized."(干得好!你的想法组织得很好。
)5. "Keep up the good work! Your writing is getting better."(继续保持!你的写作正在变得更好。
)6. "Good use of adjectives to describe."(形容词使用得很好,描述得很生动。
)7. "Your sentences are varied and interesting."(你的句子多样化且有趣。
)8. "Try to use more complex sentences next time."(下次尝试使用更复杂的句子。
)9. "Your story has a good beginning, middle, and end."(你的故事有好的开头、中间和结尾。
)10. "I enjoyed reading your essay. Keep expressing your thoughts."(我享受阅读你的作文。

英语作文的评语大全1. Well done! Your essay is well-organized and clearly expresses your ideas. 。
2. Your writing style is engaging and makes the reader want to keep reading. 。
3. You've done an excellent job of supporting your arguments with evidence and examples. 。
4. Your use of vocabulary is impressive and adds depth to your writing. 。
5. You have a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation, making your essay easy to read. 。
6. Your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. 。
7. Your essay shows a great deal of creativity andoriginality in your approach to the topic. 。
8. Your writing is persuasive and convincing, making a compelling case for your argument. 。
9. Your essay is well-researched and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject matter. 。

写英语作文的评语大全家长感言1. Outstanding.Your writing demonstrates an exceptional command of the English language, with a rich vocabulary, flawless grammar, and sophisticated syntax.Your ideas are well-organized, clearly presented, and supported by compelling evidence.Your writing style is engaging, persuasive, and insightful, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.2. Excellent.Your writing exhibits a strong command of the English language, with an extensive vocabulary, solid grammar, and effective syntax.Your ideas are well-developed, logically presented,and supported by relevant evidence.Your writing style is clear, concise, and engaging, effectively conveying your thoughts and ideas.3. Very Good.Your writing shows a proficient understanding of the English language, with a diverse vocabulary, generally sound grammar, and mostly effective syntax.Your ideas are well-structured and presented in a logical manner.Your writing style is clear and engaging, although further refinement could enhance its readability.4. Good.Your writing displays a basic understanding of the English language, with a developing vocabulary, mostly correct grammar, and generally acceptable syntax.Your ideas are presented in a somewhat organized manner, but further clarity and support would improve their coherence.Your writing style is generally clear, but additional polish could enhance its effectiveness.5. Fair.Your writing demonstrates a limited understanding of the English language, with a limited vocabulary, occasional errors in grammar, and inconsistent syntax.Your ideas may be somewhat disorganized or disjointed, and require further development to be fully supported.Your writing style may lack clarity or engagement, hindering the reader's understanding.6. Needs Improvement.Your writing exhibits significant gaps in your understanding of the English language, including a limited vocabulary, frequent errors in grammar, and inconsistent syntax.Your ideas may be poorly organized, difficult to follow, and lack sufficient evidence to support your claims.Your writing style may be unclear, disjointed, or distracting, impeding the reader's comprehension.Parent's Feedback."My child has made remarkable progress in their English writing skills since working with their teacher. Their vocabulary has expanded significantly, and their grammarand sentence structure have become much more polished. They are now able to express their ideas clearly, confidently, and persuasively, which has greatly improved their academic performance and overall communication skills.""I am so impressed with the writing techniques andstrategies my child has learned in their English class. They have become more organized, thoughtful, and analytical in their writing. The feedback they receive from their teacher is incredibly helpful and has enabled them to identify areas for improvement and develop as writers.""I highly commend the writing instruction my child has received. Their teacher has created a supportive and encouraging learning environment, fostering theircreativity and passion for writing. They have gained valuable skills that will undoubtedly benefit them in their future endeavors.""My child has always struggled with writing, but after working with their English teacher, I have witnessed a remarkable transformation. They are now more confident in their writing abilities, and their work has become increasingly well-written and engaging. I am eternally grateful for the positive impact their teacher has made on their academic journey.""I am extremely pleased with the progress my child hasmade in their English writing. Their writing has become more sophisticated, both in terms of language and structure. They are now able to produce well-organized and well-reasoned arguments, which has significantly enhanced their communication and critical thinking skills."。

1.Excellent Work你的作文非常出色,语言流畅,表达清晰,逻辑性强。
2.Great Effort看得出来你在这作文上下了很多功夫,继续保持这种努力。
4.Good Vocabulary Usage你的词汇使用得当,丰富了文章的内容。
5.Impressive Grammar你的语法掌握得很好,几乎没有错误。
6.Creative Ideas你的想法很有创意,给作文增添了不少亮点。
7.Engaging Content你的文章内容吸引人,能够引起读者的兴趣。
8.Clear Expression你的表达清晰,读者可以很容易地理解你的观点。
9.Nice Work on Punctuation你的标点使用得当,增强了文章的可读性。
10.Effective Use of Transitions你有效地使用了过渡词,使文章更加流畅。
11.Good Command of English你对英语的掌握很好,作文中很少出现错误。
12.Appreciate the Detail你的文章细节丰富,让读者能够更好地理解主题。
13.WellDeveloped Paragraphs你的段落发展得很充分,每个段落都有明确的主题句。
14.Strong Introduction and Conclusion你的开头和结尾都很有力,给读者留下了深刻印象。
15.Good Use of Examples你使用的例子恰当,有效地支持了你的观点。
16.Nice Job on Spelling你的拼写做得很好,几乎没有错误。
17.Keep Up the Good Work继续保持,你的英语写作能力在不断提高。
18.Room for Improvement虽然整体不错,但还有一些小地方可以改进。
19.Try to Vary Sentences尝试变化句子结构,可以使文章更加生动。

同学英语作文评价语1. Your essay is well-structured and easy to follow. Your use of vocabulary is impressive and shows a good understanding of the topic.2. Your writing style is engaging and your arguments are well-supported. Your use of examples and evidence is effective in making your points clear.3. Your essay is well-researched and shows a deep understanding of the topic. Your analysis is thorough and your conclusions are well-supported.4. Your writing is clear and concise, making it easy to understand your ideas. Your use of transitions between paragraphs is effective in maintaining coherence.5. Your essay demonstrates a strong command of the English language and a good understanding of grammar and syntax. Your writing is polished and professional.6. Your arguments are persuasive and well-developed. Your use of rhetorical devices adds a level of sophistication to your writing.7. Your essay is insightful and thought-provoking. You bring a unique perspective to the topic and your analysisis insightful.8. Your writing is creative and engaging, making it enjoyable to read. Your use of imagery and descriptive language is effective in bringing your ideas to life.9. Your essay is well-organized and coherent, making it easy to follow your line of reasoning. Your use of evidence and examples is effective in supporting your claims.10. Your writing is mature and sophisticated, demonstrating a high level of critical thinking and analysis. Your essay is a pleasure to read and shows a deep understanding of the topic.。

英语作文评语教师评语大全100字1. 你的作文结构清晰,开头点明主题,中间论述有条理,结尾总结到位,这是非常好的英语作文写作习惯。
2. 词汇运用较为丰富,像“exquisite”这样的高级词汇为文章增色不少,看得出你在词汇积累上下了功夫,继续保持。
3. 语法方面基本正确,但存在个别小错误,例如主谓一致的小疏忽,以后要更加细心哦。
4. 文章的连贯性不错,连接词如“moreover”“however”的使用使文章逻辑更顺畅。
5. 你对英语表达的准确性有一定把握,不过在一些句子中可以更简洁明了,避免冗长复杂。
6. 从内容上看,论述较为全面,能围绕主题展开多方面的阐述,这点值得表扬。
7. 句子结构多样,既有简单句又有复合句,很好地展示了你的语言能力。
8. 拼写错误较少,这反映出你在书写时的认真态度,但还是不能大意。
9. 你在作文中使用了一些地道的英语表达,这是提升作文质量的关键,希望继续发扬。
10. 文章的立意很好,能够从独特的角度看待问题,很有自己的想法。
11. 但是在段落之间的过渡上,可以再自然一些,让文章的整体性更强。
12. 你的书写工整,这在一定程度上也会给作文加分,希望继续保持。
13. 对于英语中的习惯用法,还需要进一步加强学习,有些地方的用法不太准确。
14. 文章的论据比较充分,能够很好地支撑论点,这是写好议论文的重要因素。
15. 词汇的搭配上有一些小问题,例如“make great progress”而不是“do great progress”,以后要多注意。
16. 你尝试使用了一些新的语法结构,虽然不是很完美,但这种探索精神值得鼓励。
17. 在描述事物时,可以更加生动形象一些,增加一些形容词或者副词的使用。
18. 作文中的时态运用基本正确,但在个别地方有混淆的情况,需要加强时态的学习。
19. 整体来看,这篇作文有很大的提升空间,只要你不断努力,一定会写出更优秀的英语作文。
20. 希望你能多读一些优秀的英语作文范例,学习别人的写作技巧,从而提高自己的写作水平。
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(1)Do in Rome as the Romans do
(2)Actions speak louder than words
(3)Go helps those who help themselves
(4)It is the first step that costs
(5)Always put yourself in others’ shoes
Well, your handwriting is very good.
Great! I appreciate what you’ve done for your class.
You’re a good student with sense of responsibility.
I marvel at the maturity of such a young child as you.
You’ve made fabulous progress, and I’m sure you’ll succeed.
As fire tries gold, so does adversity try courage. Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried. You’ve made a good start.
A good beginning is half the way of success.
Time waits for no man. Nothing is more precious than time, do you agree with me?
Not only energy, but also persistence is necessary to success, do you think so?
No pains, no gains.
I’m glad to know that you want to learn English well, I’d be glad to help you.
Nothing is difficult for us to learn if you want to learn.
I t’s not helps but obstacles that make a man.
Where there’s a will, there is a will.
If the facts had been in a good order, the article would have been cleaner.
Your essay shows you have real ability in English, and you are developing, increasingly depth of thought and clarity of expression in your written work. But there are some grammar mistakes in it.