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一. 目的:
二. 内容:
1. 练习查询语句:(Example3.4.1-3.4.3; Example3.4.6-3.4.14;Example3.5.1.-3.5.2). 操作内容截图如下:
select distinct cid from orders
where aid in (select aid from agents
where city='Duluth' or city='Dallas');
Example3.4.2 Retrieve all information concerning agents based in Duluth or Dallas.
select*from agents
where city in('Duluth','Dallas');
select cname,discnt from customers
where cid in(select cid from orders where aid in(select aid from agents where city in('Duluth','Dallas')));
select ordno from orders x where exists
(select cid,aid from customers c,agents a
where c.cid=x.cid and a.aid=x.aid and c.city='Duluth' and a.city='New York);
select aid from agents where commission<=all(select commission from agents);
select cid,cname from customers
where discnt =some(select discnt from customers
where city='Dallas'or city='Boston');
select cid from customers
where discnt where city='Duluth'); Example3.4.10 select distinct ame from customers c,orders x where c.cid =x.cid and x.aid='a05'; Example3.5.1 select city from customers union select city from agents; Example3.5.2 select c.cid from customers c where not exxists(select*from agents a where a.city='New York'and not exists(select*from orders x where x.cid=c.cid and x.aid=a.aid)); 3. 验证、分析作业题: 3.1 (2.5 (a), (c), (e), (g),(k))( (o), (s)); 3.2 2.5(a)Find all(cid,aid,pid)triples for customer,agent,product combinations that are all in the same city.Nothing about orders is involved in this selectio. select c.cid,a.aid,p.pid from customers c,agents a,products p where c.city=a.city and a.city=p.city (c)Find all(cid,aid,pid)triples for customer,agents,product combinations,no two of which are i the same city. select c.cid,a.aid,p.pid from customers c,agents a,products p where c.city<>a.city and a.city<>p.city and p.city<>c.city (e)Get product names ordered by at least one customers based in Dallas though an agent based in Tokyo. s elect p.pname from customers c,agents a,products p,orders o w here o.cid=c.cid and o.aid=a.aid and o.pid=p.pid and c.city='Dallas'and a.city='Tokyo' (g)Display all pairs of aids for agents who live in the same city. select distinct a1.city,a2.city from agents a1,agents a2 Where a1.city=a2.city and a1.aid (k) Find pids of products ordered through agent a03 bur not through agent a06 s elect distinct pid from orders x w here x.aid='a03' and not exists (select pid from orders y where y.aid='a06'and x.pid=y.pid) (o)Get names of agents who play orders for all products ordered by customer c002 select distinct aname from agents a where not exists(select * from orders x where x.cid='c002' and not exists(select * from orders y where y.aid=a.aid and x.pid=y.pid)); (s) Get aids of agents who place individual orders in dollar value greater than $500 for customers living in Kyoto. select distinct aid from customers c,orders o where c.cid = o.cid and o.dollars>500 and c.city='Kyoto'