
第一部分名校考研真题2017年中山大学837语言学考研真题及参考答案考试科目:外国语言学与应用语言学I. Explain the following terms. (10 points for each term)1. allomorph【答案】Those morphs which represent the same morpheme are called the allomorphs of the same morpheme. For instance, the noun plural morpheme {plural} in English has [-s], [-z], [-iz], [-ai], [-n], [-i] and other morphs, such morphs are termed as the allomorphs of the morpheme {plural}. Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts, some others may have considerable variations; some morphemic shapes represent different morphemes and thus have different meanings, for instance, the morphemic shapes {-s} can express plurality in desks, person/ finiteness in speaks and case in girl’s.Words such as illogical, imbalance, irregular and inactive share a common morpheme in-. In other words, il-, ira-, and ir- are exceptionally the variation forms of one morpheme in-. These variation forms are called ALLOMORPHs, i.e. allomorphs of the same morpheme owing to the influence of the sounds to which it attaches. Other instances are such as the variation of plural forms of nouns. -s, -es, -en, -ee-, o, -ce and -yes.2. diglossia【答案】The term diglossia, first used by Ferguson in 1959, refers to a sociolinguistic situation similar to bilingualism. But instead of two different languages, in a diglossic situation two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play. The language which Ferguson used as examples are Arabic, Modem Greek, Swiss German and Haitian Creole. Each of these languages has two varieties: the high variety (H) and the low variety (L). The two varieties have overt recognition in the community and have commonly known and used labels. H-variety is used in government, the media, education and for religious services. The other one is usually a non-prestige variety, the low variety used in the family, with friends, when shopping, etc.One of the most important features of diglossia is the specialization of function of the two varieties. Each variety is the appropriate language for certain situations with very slight overlapping.3. embedding【答案】Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination which is also called center embedding in linguistics. Different languages accommodate this construction in various ways, but many of them allow for instances where a smaller, or more precise, unit of speech can be included in a fuller sentence. When this phrase is integratedwhole into the larger one, it is often referred to as center embedding. One of the most common examples of center embedded phrases involves relative clauses that get injected into larger sentences. One basic example is a sentence like this one: “The man that the woman heard left.” – In this example of center embedding, if the relative clause was entirely taken out, a shorter sentence might read like this: “The man left.” The inclusion of the relative clause serves to show the r eader that there was a woman who heard the man, and this leads to the appearance of the phenomenon of center embedding in the sentence. Thus the basic function of embedding is to demonstrate more details about the meaning of the original sentence.4. idiom【答案】An idiom is a phrase or an expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. Categorized as formulaic language, an idiom’s figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms, occurring frequently in all languages. It is estimated that there are at least twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions in the English language.5. pragmatics【答案】Pragmatics can be defined in various ways. A general definition is that it is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. As the process of communication is essentially a process ofconveying and understanding meaning in a certain context, pragmatics can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study. Pragmatics is a comparatively new branch of study in the area of linguistics; its development and establishment in the 1960s and 1970s resulted mainly from the expansion of the study of linguistics, especially that of semantics. Pragmatics is the study of language in use, focusing on the study of speaker’s meaning, utterance meaning or contextual meaning. Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic studies of meaning, so they are related to as well as different from each other. It differs from the kind of meaning we studied in semantics in that it takes context into consideration while semantics concentrate on the study of literal meaning without context.6. loan translation【答案】Loan translation is a special type of borrowing, in which each morpheme or word is translated in the equivalent morpheme or word in another language. For instance, the English word almighty is a literal translation from the Latin omnipotens. This is also called CALQUE, which may be a word, a phrase, or even a short sentence. The English expression free ve rse was translated from Latin’s verse libre, and black humour is a loan translation from French humour noir, so is found object from French objet trouve.7. interlanguage【答案】The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learnerswho are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as Interlanguage. Interlanguage is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language. It is imperfect compared with the target language, but it is not mere translation from the learner’s native language either. However, interlanguage should not really be seen as a bridging language between or a mixture of the target language and native language. Interlanguage is a dynamic language system, which is constantly moving from the departure level to the native-like level. Therefore, “inter” actually means between the beginning stage and the final stage. Studies on interlanguage can be done in two ways: (1) investigating the psychological, biological or neurological mechanisms involved in the production of interlanguage; (2) investigating the linguistic features of interlanguage. The former type of research has been widely conducted, whereas the latter type has not received due attention.8. communicative competence【答案】Communicative competence includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. It includes five main components of communicative competence. Namely, linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.(1) Linguistic competence ‘is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning’ (Hedge, 2000:46). More specifically, it involves spelling,pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure, and semantics. Hedge emphasises that linguistic competence is an integral part of communicative competence and it is wrong to think that communicative language teaching does not aim for high standard of linguistic correctness.(2) Pragmatic competence is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context. That is to say, the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting, the relative status of the speakers, and their relationships. The above tasks have illustrated this point. In Hymes’s words, to know ‘when to speak, when not, what to talk about with whom, when, where and in what manner’(3) Discourse competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them (Canale and Swain, 1980). In other words, it is one’ s ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse such as: ‘by the same token’, ‘to put it in other words’, ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘at last’, and also the reference words such as ‘it’, ‘they’, ‘that’, etc. in the context. It is these cohesive words which hold meaning together in a sensible way. Discourse competence, according to Hedge (2000), also includes one’s ability to initiate, develop, enter, interrupt, check, or confirm in a conversation.(4) Strategic competence is similar to communication strategies. It refers to。

performative utterance
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2017年中山大学833英语语言文学考研真题及详解Part ⅠLinguistics (75 points)1. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary. (20 points)Example: see /siː/; below / bɪ'ləʊ/(1) thank【答案】/θæŋk/(2) curious【答案】/'kjʊəriəs/(3) butcher【答案】/'bʊtʃə(r)/(4) washed【答案】/wɒʃt/(5) competence【答案】/'kɒmpɪtəns/(6) singer【答案】/'sɪŋə(r)/(7) column【答案】/'kɒləm/(8) chimney【答案】/'tʃɪmni/(9) expertise【答案】/ˌekspɜ:'ti:z/(10) confused【答案】/kən'fju:zd/2. Fill in the following blanks. (10 points)(1) When languages share major features that transcend families it may be useful toarrange them by such features rather than by family. This is the study of _____. 【答案】language【解析】Linguistics is the scientific study of language.(2) A principal distinction between morphology and syntax is that the former isconcerned with the internal composition of a word, whereas the latter is concerned with _____ of words.【答案】combinations【解析】Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning- morphemes and word -formation processes. Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structure.(3) _____ _____ is the accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, with arelationship to regional accents similar to the relationship in other European languages between their standard varieties and their regional forms.【答案】Received pronunciation【解析】Received pronunciation is an accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, and is defined as “the standard accent of English as spoken in the south of England”.(4) Cognates are words that have a _____ etymological origin.【答案】common【解析】A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language.(5) A _____ condition is a condition that must apply before an utterance can constitute a speech act.【答案】felicity【解析】Though performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. These conditions are called felicity conditions.(6) Embedding is the _____ of one clause within another.【答案】inclusion【解析】Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination.(7) Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of _____principally transmitted by vocal sounds.【答案】symbols【解析】Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(8) The means employed by a language to indicate the relationship between theelements of a sentence include _____ _____, a case system, prepositions and particles.【答案】relative clause【解析】The elements of a sentence can be linked grammatically by means of relative clause, a case system, prepositions and particles.(9) _____ refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number orgender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.【答案】Agreement【解析】Agreement or concord is defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another., shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category (or categories).(10) When we consider how language has changed over time we are looking at itfrom a _____ point of view.【答案】diachronic【解析】When we study language developments through time, it is called diachronic linguistics. It focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.3. Define the following terms. (25 points)(1) assimilation【答案】Sounds belonging to one word or one syllable can cause changes in soundsbelonging to neighboring words or syllables. This is called assimilation. For example, in English the negative prefix occurs as im- before words such as possible: impossible. As “possible”starts with a bilabial sound, the prefix im- ends in a bilabial sound. Before words like tolerant, however, the prefix is in-: intolerant. As “tolerant” starts with an alveolar sound, the prefix in- ends in an alveolar sound. As the following sounds bring about the change, this process is called regressive assimilation. On the other hand, the difference between the [s] in the English word cats and the [z] in the English word “dogs”is an example of progressive assimilation because the preceding sounds bring about the change.(2) performative utterance【答案】Austin distinguishes two types of sentences: performatives and constatives. Some sentences do not describe things. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. Although performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. And these conditions are called felicity conditions.(3) mood【答案】Mood is one of the realization means of interpersonal function. Mood shows what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what he assigns to the addressee. If the speaker selects the imperative mood, he assumes the role of。