兰大英语4作业1.Herplane_________attheairportrightnow.arrivedwaarrivinghaarrivediarriving本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:iarriving2.Lotofpeoplepretendthattheyneverreadadvertiement,butthiclai m________.maybehardlydoubtedmaybeerioulydoubtedmaybeharddoubtingmaybed oubtederiou本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:maybeerioulydoubted3.Mr.Wilonaidthathedidnotwantto______________anyfurtherrepon ibilitie.takeongetonputuplookup本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:takeonwillplayhaveplayedplayedplay本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:play5.Intheolddaypeopleonlyhada________ideaofwhatothercountriewe relike.coughtoughroughcrude本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:rough6.Theofficialinthe_______atLondonAirportwereverypolite.CutomCutomcutomcutom本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:Cutom7.Inthetheaterthatactorarevery___________tothereactionofthea udience.eniblepoitiveemotionalenitive本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:enitive8.Itigenerallybelievedthatreachingi___itiacienceanartmuchamuchanartaaanartmuchaamuchanarta本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:amuchanarta9.'Whoarethoepeopleoverthere''Theyare____________.'mathematic'tudentmathematictudentmathematictudentmathematict udent本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:mathematictudentfrominofat本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:ofaffectefforteffectafford本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:effectpractietopeakpractiingpeakingpractiepeakingtopractiepeaking本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:practiingpeakingdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:depend...on14.Heworedarkglaetoavoid____________.havingbeenrecognizedtoberecognizedrecognizedbeingrecognized 本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:beingrecognized15.Howcouldhe__________frombelievingthathewachanginghermindavoidtoppreventkeep本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:keep16.Thatyoungmanhamadeomuchnoiethathe___nothavebeenallowedatt endtheconcert.couldmutwouldhould本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:hould17.Morethanoneteacher_______toldhimitiimportantthathelearnEn glihwellifhe_______abroa;had,willgoha,wanttogoha,wanttogohave,hallgo本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:ha,wanttogo18.Withtheincreaingofenvironmentalawarene,manygreenbelt_____ __alloverthecountry.frownedatfrownedofffrowneddownfrownedon本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:frownedoff二判断题1.Learningaforeignlanguageareoneofthemotdifficultyetmotrewar dinge某perience.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2.Whatworriemeithatmuichaaverynegativemeage.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3.Mr.Barodafeltco nfuedwithGouvernail’puzzlingnatureandfound ithardtopenetratetheilenceinthathehadunconcioulycoveredhimelf.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4.Hebelievewecanolvewhatwecanthinkup.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5.Theyarguedthattheueofautomaticweaponviolatingtheconvention alinternationallaw.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6.Inflationreultfromane某ceofdemandoverupply.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7.Angelauggetthatteachermaychangetheirteachingbytakingtudent outoftheclaroomtoomeplacewhichtudentcanalotalkanddoomething.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1.Thelatetcenufigure_____________thefactthatwetwardmovementi ntheU.S.continuegrowing.confirmareconfirmedconfirmwereconfirmed本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:confirm2.Hewaagoodworkerwhowa________tohifamilyawellatohiwork.本题分值:4.0用户未作答3.Theprofeorkeptpeakingabouthinewdicoveryinthefield,only____ ____occaionallytohaveamouthfuloftedroppingoffbreakingoffputtingoffettingoff本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:breakingoff4.Thatyoungmanhamadeomuchnoiethathe___nothavebeenallowedatte ndtheconcert.couldmutwouldhould本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:hould5.Theonlywayto___afearitofaceit,andtodooafrequentlyapoible.本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:conquer6.Theypackedtheintrumentcarefully________theywouldbebrokendu ringtranportation.othatonconditionthatforfearthatprovidedthat本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:forfearthatwillplayhaveplayedplayedplay本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:play8.Morethanoneteacher_______toldhimitiimportantthathelearnEng lihwellifhe_______abroa;had,willgoha,wanttogoha,wanttogohave,hallgo本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:ha,wanttogo9.Intheolddaypeopleonlyhada________ideaofwhatothercountriewe relike.coughtoughroughcrude本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:rough10.Arethereanymatter_________fromthemeetingheldyeterdayariingarouingriingraiing本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:ariing11.Thiiagroupofi某boy________14to17.agedagingageage本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:aged12.'____________throughthealarmeemtobeyourbiggetproblem.'AleepTobealeepSleepingToleep本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:Sleeping13.Werethewireofamallerdiameter(直径),itreitance________. hadbeenincreaedwaincreaed mighthavebeenincreaedwouldbeincreaed本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:wouldbeincreaed14.Inthecoueofadaytudentdofarmorethanjut_____________clae. attendattendedtoattendattending本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:attend reluctantlydiappointedlyfortunatelyundoubtedly本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:reluctantlyverifyidentifyjutifyclarify本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:jutify17.Ineedonemoretampbeforemycollection___.本题分值:4.0用户未作答declare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:depend...on二判断题1.Ifyouwanttomakegoodimpreiononotherpeople,youhavetobeyourel fatyourbet.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2.Hebelievewecanolvewhatwecanthinkup.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3.Bothmarriageandfamilyinvolvelong-termobligationorreponibilityforharedcare,notjuttheearchofhappine.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4.Inflationreultfromane某ceofdemandoverupply.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5.Therearemanyapeoplewhoarejutnotgeareduptoliveindependently.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7.Theyarenotpreparedtolitentotudent,thatiafaultofthechool.错对本题分值:4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1.Mikewawornoutthathejut__________downandleptfortenhour.liedlaidlayhadlain本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:hadlain标准答案:lay2.Prioninomecountriearehortoftaff,___________meaneachprionof ficerioverworkedandunderpaid.whichthiwhatit本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:what标准答案:which3.Intheolddaypeopleonlyhada________ideaofwhatothercountriewe relike.coughtoughroughcrude本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:rough标准答案:rough4.HecameallthewaytoChinaforpromotingfriendhip____________for makingmoney.otherthanmorethanbetterthanratherthan本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:betterthan标准答案:ratherthan5.Hewaagoodworkerwhowa________tohifamilyawellatohiwork.engaged本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.06.TheVikingarebelieved___________America.tohavedicoveredtodicoverindicoveringtohavebeendicovered本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:indicovering标准答案:tohavedicovered7.Mr.Wilonaidthathedidnotwantto______________anyfurtherrepon ibilitie.takeongetonputuplookup本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:putup标准答案:takeon8.WhenHarryarrivedhomeafteraharddayatwork,______________.hiwifelepthiwifehalepthiwifewaleepinghiwifehabeenleeping本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:hiwifewaleeping标准答案:hiwifewaleeping9.-----Thearte某hibition______byme_______agreatucce.-----__________!run,promie,Congratulationmade,whihe,Congratulationrun,e某pect,Congratulationmade,eem,Congratulation本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:run,e某pect,Congratulation标准答案:run,promie,Congratulationpractietopeakpractiingpeakingpractiepeakingtopractiepeaking 本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:practiepeaking标准答案:practiingpeaking11.Allthetak________aheadofchedule,theydecidedtogoonholidayf oraweek.beenfulfilledwerefulfilledhavingbeenfulfilledhadbeenfulfille d本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:havingbeenfulfilled标准答案:havingbeenfulfilled12.________youarefree,whynotgokatingwithuBecaueSinceAFor本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:A标准答案:Since13.Howcouldhe__________frombelievingthathewachanginghermindavoidtoppreventkeep本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:prevent标准答案:keep14.Afiremandicoveredthe__________ofthefire.truthreaoncauefact本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:caue标准答案:caue15.Thefirewafinallybroughtundercontrol,butnot________e某tenivedamagehadbeencaue;beforeafterincea本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:ince标准答案:before16.WhenLaurafinallyarrivedheapologized_______olate.本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.017.Manydifficultiehave__________aareultofthechangeovertoanew typeoffuel.rienarienraiedarrived本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:raied标准答案:arienaffectefforteffectafford本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:effort标准答案:effect 二判断题1.Theyarenotpreparedtolitentotudent,thatiafaultofthechool.错对本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错2.Learningaforeignlanguageareoneofthemotdifficultyetmotrewar dinge某perience.错对本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错3.Howchildrenaretaughtandlearntoperformdifferentrole.错对本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:错标准答案:对4.Whatworriemeithatmuichaaverynegativemeage.错对本题分值:4.0用户得分:4.0用户解答:对标准答案:对5.Theworkerareholdingoutfora10%payrieandhavethreatenedtotrik e.错对本题分值:4.0用户得分:0.0。
兰州⼤学⽹络教育⼤学英语(4)课程作业_A⼤学英语(4)课程作业_A⼀单选题1. Ted agreed to _________ the strike if the company would satisfy the demands of workers.call outcall offcall tocall on标准答案: call off2. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts_______ all over the country.frowned atfrowned offfrowned downfrowned on标准答案: frowned off3. This multiple-choice test ____________ 40 incomplete sentences with several choices to complete them. is composed ofconsists inmakes upsets out标准答案: is composed of4. '____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem.'AsleepTo be asleepSleepingTo sleep标准答案: Sleeping5. Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over toa new type of fuel.risenarisenraised6. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? verifyidentifyjustifyclarify标准答案: justify7. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.for to comethat she was comingfor comingto come标准答案: to come8. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite.CustomCustomscustomcustoms标准答案: Customs9. Have a cup of tea, _______?shall wewill youwon't youdo you标准答案: won't you10. She has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people.intotoforon标准答案: to11. The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it.beginshaving begun标准答案: begun12. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________.his wife slepthis wife has slepthis wife was sleepinghis wife has been sleeping标准答案: his wife was sleeping13. Prisons in some countries are short of staff, ___________ means each prison officer is overworked and underpaid. whichthiswhatit标准答案: which14. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken during transportation.so thaton condition thatfor fear thatprovided that标准答案: for fear that15. We can never relax in this office. New problems are continually_______.coming outcoming upraisingpresenting标准答案: coming up16. I told him how to get here but maybe I __________ him a map.should have givenought to givehad to givemust have given标准答案: should have given17. They usually have less money at the end of the month than ___________ at the beginning.which wasit is标准答案: they have18. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.affectefforteffectafford标准答案: effect⼆判断题1. Manufacturing companies spend millions of pounds trying to convince customers that their products are superiorly to those of other companies.错标准答案:错2. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages .错对标准答案:对3. They pulled the child away of the fire and saved her life.错对标准答案:错4. Adult nurturing./They need adults to bring them up.错对标准答案:对5. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventional international law.错对标准答案:错6. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school.错7. One sign of a person nature is said to be found in his choices in architecture and furniture.错标准答案:错。
兰大14秋《大学英语(4)》14秋在线作业《大学英语(4)》14秋在线作业1试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100单选题判断题包括本科在内的各校各科复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者”一、单选题(共15 道试题,共60 分。
)得分:60V 1. I ______ to speak to you all thesedays.A. wantedB. have wantedC. shall wantD. shall be wanting满分:4 分得分:42. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ tobe a great disappointment.A. turned upB. turned inC. turned outD. turned down满分:4 分得分:43. Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ Iliked his sweet and hopeful smile.A. which...不填B. that...ThatC. it...thatD. what...不填满分:4 分得分:44. If you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out.A. fallbehindB. account forC. charge forD. come to满分:4 分得分:45. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough moneyto start a school.A. Some other tenB. An other tenC. Other tenD. Ten others满分:4 分得分:46. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensiveequipment .A. toB. aboutC. intoD. on满分:4 分得分:47. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learnEnglish well if he _______abroad.A. had,will goB.has,wants to goC. has,want to goD.have,shall go满分:4 分得分:48. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in ________.A.residentsB. settlersC. lodgersD. inhabitants满分:4 分得分:49. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?A. verifyB. identifyC. justifyD. clarify满分:4 分得分:410. ----- Did you say you like the film TINATIC? ----- _______.I saidit's not bad .A. Not exactlyB. I don't know whyC. You're greatD. That's all right满分:4 分得分:411. _______ hostels (招待所) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to travelling studentsand young people.A. WhenB. WhileC. NowthatD. If满分:4 分得分:412. "____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem."A. AsleepB. To be asleepC. SleepingD. To sleep满分:4 分得分:413. After several months' study, I was able to read Japanese novels inthe ______ at ease.A. originB. sourceC. referenceD. original满分:4 分得分:414. ----- What's wrong with the book? ----- One page is ________ .A.disappearedB. losingC. missingD. disappearing满分:4 分得分:415. It is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive.A.reactionsB. viewsC. ideasD. opinions满分:4 分得分:4二、判断题(共10 道试题,共40 分。
大学英语(4)课程作业_A一单选题1. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroa;had, will gohas, wants to gohas, want to gohave,shall go本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:has, wants to go标准答案:has, wants to go2. Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ somethingseat, writeseated , wroteseated , writingseating , writing本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: seated , writing标准答案: seated , writing3. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.having been recognizedto be recognizedrecognizedbeing recognized本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:having been recognized标准答案: being recognized4. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________.his wife slepthis wife has slepthis wife was sleepinghis wife has been sleeping本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: his wife was sleeping标准答案: his wife was sleeping5. The result of competition will ________ entirely _________ the opinions of the judgesdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: depend...on标准答案: depend...on6. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.may be hardly doubtedmay be seriously doubtedmay be hard doubtingmay be doubted serious本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: may be seriously doubted标准答案: may be seriously doubted7. She ______________ him to help her to find answers to her problems.learned fromcame intoleaned onlooked at本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: leaned on标准答案: leaned on8. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.had been increasedwas increasedmight have been increasedwould be increased本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:would be increased标准答案:would be increased9. The Vikings are believed ___________ America.to have discoveredto discoverin discoveringto have been discovered本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:to have discovered标准答案:to have discovered10. In the theater that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience.sensiblepositiveemotionalsensitive本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:sensitive标准答案:sensitive11. In the couse of a day students do far more than just _____________ classes.attendattendedto attendattending本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:attend标准答案:attend12. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17.agedagingagesage本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:aged标准答案:aged13. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?verifyidentifyjustifyclarify本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: justify标准答案: justify14. It ________ around nine when I drove back home because it was already dark.had to bewas to bemust have beenmust be本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:must have been标准答案:must have been15. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years.rankscalespanscope本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: span标准答案: span16. Henry was deported for having an expired vis He _______ his visa renewe;should have had?must have had?might have had?would have had本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:should have had?标准答案:should have had?17. We all argued about it for hours and finally _________ at a decision.camearriveddrewreached本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:arrived标准答案:arrived18. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____________ for making money.other thanmore thanbetter thanrather than本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: rather than标准答案: rather than二判断题1. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself at your best.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错2. When it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise;错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:对标准答案:错3. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students out of the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错4. How children are taught and learn to perform different roles.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:对标准答案:对5. He believes we can solve what we can think up.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错6. The confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:错标准答案:对7. The workers are holding out for a 10% pay rises and have threatened to strike.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错。
1. Her plane _________ at the airport right now.arrivedwas arrivinghas arrivedis arriving本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is arriving2. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim________.may be hardly doubtedmay be seriously doubtedmay be hard doubtingmay be doubted serious本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: may be seriously doubted3. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any furtherresponsibilities.take onget onput uplook up本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:take on4. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year. will playhave playedplayedplay本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: play5. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: rough6. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite.CustomCustomscustomcustoms本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Customs7. In the theater that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience. sensiblepositiveemotionalsensitive本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:sensitive8. It is generally believed that reaching is ___ it is a sciencean art much asmuch an art asas an art much asas much an art as本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as much an art as9. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.'mathematics' studentmathematics studentsmathematic studentmathematic students本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:mathematics students10. The home improvements have taken what little there is ___ my spare time. frominofat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: of11. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has beenapproved by the committee.affectefforteffectafford本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: effect12. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speakpractising speakingpractise speakingto practise speaking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:practising speaking13. The result of competition will ________ entirely _________ the opinions of thejudgesdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: depend...on14. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.having been recognizedto be recognizedrecognizedbeing recognized本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: being recognized15. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? avoidstoppreventkeep本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: keep16. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attendthe concert.couldmustwouldshould本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:should17. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English wellif he _______abroa;had, will gohas, wants to gohas, want to gohave,shall go本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:has, wants to go18. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts _______ allover the country.frowned atfrowned offfrowned downfrowned on本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: frowned off二判断题1. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages .错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hardto penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. He believes we can solve what we can think up.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventionalinternational law.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students outof the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. The latest census figures _____________ the fact that westward movement in theU.S. continues growing.confirmare confirmedconfirmswere confirmed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:confirms2. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. consistentcommittedcontentengaged本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: committed3. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ________occasionally to have a mouthful of tedropping offbreaking offputting offsetting off本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: breaking off4. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attendthe concert.couldmustwouldshould本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:should5. The only way to ___ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. commitenlargecommunicateconquer本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:conquer6. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken duringtransportation.so thaton condition thatfor fear thatprovided that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: for fear that7. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year. will playhave playedplayedplay本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: play8. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English wellif he _______abroa;had, will gohas, wants to gohas, want to gohave,shall go本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:has, wants to go9. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: rough10. Are there any matters _________ from the meeting held yesterday?arisingarousingrisingraising本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:arising11. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17.agedagingagesage本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:aged12. '____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem.'AsleepTo be asleepSleepingTo sleep本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Sleeping13. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.had been increasedwas increasedmight have been increasedwould be increased本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:would be increased14. In the couse of a day students do far more than just _____________ classes. attendattendedto attendattending本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:attend15. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go tobe;reluctantlydisappointedlyfortunatelyundoubtedly本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:reluctantly16. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the companyis losing so much money?verifyidentifyjustifyclarify本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: justify17. I need one more stamp before my collection ___.has completedcompleteshas been completedis completed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:is completed18. The result of competition will ________ entirely _________ the opinions of thejudgesdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: depend...on二判断题1. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself atyour best.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. He believes we can solve what we can think up.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility forshared care, not just the search of happiness.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. There are many a people who are just not geared up to live independently. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. They will come to believe it and behave according.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Mike was worn out that he just __________ down and slept for ten hours. liedlaidlayhad lain本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: had lain标准答案:lay2. Prisons in some countries are short of staff, ___________ means each prisonofficer is overworked and underpaid.whichthiswhatit本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:what标准答案:which3. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: rough标准答案: rough4. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____________ for makingmoney.other thanmore thanbetter thanrather than本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:better than标准答案: rather than5. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. consistentcommittedcontentengaged本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: content标准答案: committed6. The Vikings are believed ___________ America.to have discoveredto discoverin discoveringto have been discovered本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:in discovering标准答案:to have discovered7. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any furtherresponsibilities.take onget onput uplook up本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:put up标准答案:take on8. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. his wife slepthis wife has slepthis wife was sleepinghis wife has been sleeping本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: his wife was sleeping标准答案: his wife was sleeping9. ----- The art exhibition ______ by me _______ a great success . ----- __________ ! run, promises, Congratulationsmade, whishes, Congratulationsrun, expects , Congratulationmade , seems , Congratulation本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:run, expects , Congratulation标准答案:run, promises, Congratulations10. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speakpractising speakingpractise speakingto practise speaking本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:practise speaking标准答案:practising speaking11. All the tasks ________ ahead of schedule, they decided to go on holiday for aweek.been fulfilledwere fulfilledhaving been fulfilledhad been fulfilled本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: having been fulfilled标准答案: having been fulfilled12. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us?BecauseSinceAsFor本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:As标准答案:Since13. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? avoidstoppreventkeep本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: prevent标准答案: keep14. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.truthreasoncausefact本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:cause标准答案:cause15. The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damagehad been cause;beforeaftersinceas本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: since标准答案:before16. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.for to comethat she was comingfor comingto come本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: to come标准答案: to come17. Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new typeof fuel.risenarisenraisedarrived本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:raised标准答案:arisen18. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has beenapproved by the committee.affectefforteffectafford本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:effort标准答案: effect二判断题1. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错2. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错3. How children are taught and learn to perform different roles.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:错标准答案:对4. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages .错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:对标准答案:对5. The workers are holding out for a 10% pay rises and have threatened to strike. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:对标准答案:错6. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:对标准答案:错7. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hardto penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错1. The __________ f;owers were all that remained.two yellow littleyellow two littlelittle two yellowtwo little yellow本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: two little yellow2. One of the committee members brought __________ an interesting point.onaboutaboveforward本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:forward3. If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ________to leave it blank and go on with the test.valuableadvisableconsiderableprobable本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:advisable4. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demandfor it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:an order5. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to whokilled it.positiveseniorvirtualvital本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:positive6. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill ,especially ___ Father was awayinasthatduringif本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:as7. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process. prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:bound8. I ______ to speak to you all these days.wantedhave wantedshall wantshall be wanting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:have wanted9. Jumping out of ___ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ___ exciting experience. /the不填anananthethe本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:不填10. His difficulty in walking ________ from a childhood illness. revealsrecallsresultsreasons本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:results11. Since it is already midnight, we __________.had better leavingought to have leaveshould take our leavemight as well leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:might as well leave12. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.her hairher hairsthe hairthe hairs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:her hair13. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun; cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:crude14. The train was ________ slow I was almost two hours late.sosuchverythat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:so15. Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture toculture.obviouslysurprisinglyparticularlynormally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:surprisingly16. She keeps talking about the party, she had a very good time, _________? hadn't shehad shedidn't sheweren't she本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:didn't she17. The story he is telling is so _______ that some of the listeners begin to askhim to stop.pleasantHorriblehealthyexciting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Horrible18. England took arms against _______ enemy.hisherhersits本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: her二判断题1. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. They thought them better to inform the police before the wounded man came to. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. It means 'mades afraid'.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Were it left to her to decide if to have a family without children or a familywithout love, she should prefer the former.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Online learning require extra commitment to keep up with the flow of the course. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:and2. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a senseof infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: When one is walking3. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ___________,of course, made the others jealous.whothatwhatwhich本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:which4. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process. prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:bound5. He made such a ___________ contribution to the school that they are naming oneof the buildings after him.genuineminimummodestgenerous本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: generous6. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouththe tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:whose7. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demandfor it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:an order8. Jumping out of ___ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ___ exciting experience. /the不填anananthethe本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:不填9. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:worked as an English teacher at a middle school10. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves__________closer together.drawndrawingto drawbeen drawn本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:drawn11. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun;cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:crude12. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.forbiddenbannednot allowedprohibited本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:prohibited13. __________ the 1500s ____________ the first European explored the coast ofCalifornia.It was not until/ thenIt is not until/ whenIt is until/ thatIt was not until/ that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:It was not until/ that14. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large,luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:are15. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.will have stayedhave been stayingshall stayhave stayed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:will have stayed16. The president promised to keep all the board members ________ of how thenegotiations were going on.informbe informedinforminginformed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: informed17. She keeps talking about the party, she had a very good time, _________? hadn't shehad shedidn't sheweren't she本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:didn't she18. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy___________ for the exam.to prepareto be preparedpreparingbeing prepared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:preparing二判断题1. Another actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refusedpermission to work in this country.错本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Human can communicate by speaking to one another /by using words.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that theconstruction of language becomes possible.对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. The town is fairly unique in the widely range of leisure facilities it offers. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed bythe university to take in ________.residentssettlerslodgersinhabitants本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lodgers2. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.More and more students have part-jobs out of campus.The population of university students having part-time jobs is increasing quickly.Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.More people support students to have part-time jobs.本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.3. Twenty years ago it was common to see people ____________ from hunger on thestreets in that poor nation, but clearly the situation has improved greatly since then.callingpreventingresultingcollapsing本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: collapsing4. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. interpretationmeaningintelligibilitysense本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: sense5. Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. attribute tocontribute toattend todevote to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: contribute to6. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s. responsecommentanswerreply本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: comment7. Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture toculture.obviouslysurprisinglyparticularlynormally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:surprisingly8. Best ___of the news services is the Associated Press.being knownto be knownknowknown本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:known9. I was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a wor;mustn’t leaveshouldn’t have leftcouldn’t have leftneedn’t leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:shouldn’t have left10. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large,luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:are11. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. each carryingwhose that watch iswhose watch is thatwhose watch is本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:each carrying12. I ______ to speak to you all these days.wantedhave wantedshall wantshall be wanting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:have wanted13. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:worked as an English teacher at a middle school14. England took arms against _______ enemy.hisherhersits本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: her15. A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do.howafterwhatwhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: what16. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouththe tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:whose17. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes withinthe stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:entitles18. Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _________ blown off the mountain.to have beento bethat it had beenthat it was本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:to have been二判断题1. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that theconstruction of language becomes possible.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Another actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refusedpermission to work in this country.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. So popular is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign in dark. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. The equality between husband or wife.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Human can communicate by speaking to one another /by using words.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. It seems very difficult _______.to stop the child to cryrestraining the child to cryto keep the child from cryingholding the child's crying本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: holding the child's crying2. Our neighbour said that if we made more noise he would _________us to the police. inform ofcomplain aboutreport tocare for本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: complain about3. ________ speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other formsto communicate.SinceWhenWhileAs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: While4. Snap judgments, if ________, have usually been considered signs of immaturityor lack of common sense.taking seriouslytaken seriouslytake seriouslyto be taken seriously本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: taken seriously5. He was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.unlessifprovidedlest本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lest6. With the development of science and technology, man can make various flowers________ before their time.be bloomedbloomedbloomblooming本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: bloom7. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ murder lastweek.limitedmadedidcommitted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: committed8. Nobody knows _______________ how many people are to be blame for the coal-mineaccident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident. call outget aheadwake upcome to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: come to9. Mother dropped the glass ________ she was standing up from her seat.while askedAskedaskingwhile asking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: while asking10. He suggested the sports meet be _______because of the bad weatherput awayput upput downput off本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: put off11. We also use other forms of communication ________ we may be aware or unaware. to whichof whichwhichthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: of which12. She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back ____ heragain, sharp and insistent.conqueredwakenedabsorbedretired本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:wakened13. The warmth of ___ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ___ wooluse;the。
大学英语(4)课程作业第一套满分答案1.Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities. take on get on put up look up 标准答案: take on2. She has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people. into to for on 标准答案: to3. We had no trouble in the journey ____________ a flat tyre. but except besides except for 标准答案: except for4. I remember _____________ to help us if we ever got into trouble. once offering him once offering him to offer to offer him 标准答案: him once offering5. Her plane _________ at the airport right now. arrived was arriving has arrived is arriving 标准答案: is arriving6. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroa; had, will go has, wants to go has, want to go have,shall go 标准答案: has, wants to go7. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speak practising speaking practise speaking to practise speaking 标准答案: practising speaking8. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire. truth reason cause fact 标准答案: cause9. He thought that children ________ better through participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture. will learn would learn learn is learning 标准答案: would learn 10. She ______________ him to help her to find answers to her problems. learned from came into leaned on looked at 标准答案: leaned on 11. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us? Because Since As For 标准答案: Since 12. I was just congratulating her ________ having won her race. for off in on 标准答案: on 13. He _______ lives in the house where he was born. already yet still ever 标准答案: still 14. ----- The art exhibition ______ by me _______ a great success . ----- __________ ! run, promises, Congratulations made, whishes, Congratulations run, expects , Congratulation made , seems , Congratulation 标准答案: run, promises, Congratulations 15. Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel. risen arisen raised arrived 标准答案: arisen 16. Henry was deported for having an expired vis He _______ his visa renewe; should have had? must have had? might have had? would have had 标准答案: should have had? 17. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17. aged aging ages age 标准答案: aged 18. In the couse of a day students do far more than just _____________ classes. attend attended to attend attending 标准答案: attend 二判断题1. How children are taught and learn to perform different roles. 错对标准答案:对2. Loving a person means knowing the many sides of him —not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. 错对标准答案:对 3. They pulled the child away of the fire and saved her life. 错对标准答案:错 4. How to make a effective complaint about a faulty item. 错对标准答案:错 5. There are many a people who are just not geared up to live independently. 错对标准答案:错 6. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself at your best. 错对标准答案:错7. Adult nurturing./They need adults to bring them up. 错对标准答案:对 1. ___________ being used in industry, laser can be applied to operations in the hospital. Except for In addition to Out of In spite of 标准答案: In addition to 2. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________. had been increased was increased might have been increased would be increased 标准答案: would be increased 3. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us? Because Since As For 标准答案: Since 4. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17. aged aging ages age 标准答案: aged 5. We all argued about it forhours and finally _________ at a decision. came arrived drew reached 标准答案: arrived 6. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years. rank scale span scope 标准答案: span 7. They usually have less money at the end of the month than ___________ at the beginning. which is they have which was it is 标准答案: they have 8. I told him how to get here but maybe I __________ him a map. should have given ought to give had to give must have given 标准答案: should have given 9. Prisons in some countries are short of staff, ___________ means each prison officer is overworked and underpaid. which this what it 标准答案: which 10. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire. truth reason cause fact 标准答案: cause 11. It is generally believed that reaching is ___ it is a science an art much as much an art as as an art much as as much an art as 标准答案: as much an art as 12. All the tasks ________ ahead of schedule, they decided to go on holiday for a week. been fulfilled were fulfilled having been fulfilled had been fulfilled 标准答案: having been fulfilled 13. Having not money but ____________ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. not to want anyone not wanting anyone wanted no one to want no one 标准答案: not wanting anyone 14. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 15. In the theater that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience. sensible positive emotional sensitive 标准答案: sensitive 16. It ________ around nine when I drove back home because it was already dark. had to be was to be must have been must be 标准答案: must have been 17. I need one more stamp before my collection ___. has completed completes has been completed is completed 标准答案: is completed 18. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. his wife slept his wife has slept his wife was sleeping his wife has been sleeping 标准答案: his wife was sleeping 二判断题1. One sign of a person nature is said to be found in his choices in architecture and furniture. 错对标准答案:错 2. The teacher was patient with all the students to make them meet the minimum standards set by the course. 错对标准答案:对 3. They will come to believe it and behave according. 错对标准答案:错 4. The confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance. 错对标准答案:对5. Adult nurturing./They need adults to bring them up. 错对标准答案:对 6. Show some written proof of the purchase to the store. 错对标准答案:对7. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages . 错对标准答案:对 1. The Vikings are believed ___________ America. to have discovered to discover in discovering to have been discovered 标准答案: to have discovered 2. The ground was black ________ ants that were running back and forth. for in by with 标准答案: with 3. The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damage had been cause; before after since as 标准答案: before 4. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite. Custom Customs custom customs 标准答案: Customs 5. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ to be a great disappointment. turned up turned in turned out turned down 标准答案: turned out 6. We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study. admire adopt advise adjust 标准答案: admire 7. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________. may be hardly doubted may be seriously doubted may be hard doubting may be doubted serious 标准答案: may be seriously doubted 8. The latest census figures _____________ the fact that westward movement in the U.S. continues growing. confirm are confirmed confirms wereconfirmed 标准答案: confirms 9. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities. take on get on put up look up 标准答案: take on 10. She has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people. into to for on 标准答案: to 11. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 12. Have a cup of tea, _______? shall we will you won't you do you 标准答案: won't you 13. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroa; had, will go has, wants to go has, want to go have,shall go 标准答案: has, wants to go 14. England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______climate is generally mil; It , its She , Her He , his She ,its 标准答案: It , its 15. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17. aged aging ages age 标准答案: aged 16. The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it. begins having begun beginning begun 标准答案: begun 17. He thought that children ________ better through participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture. will learn would learn learn is learning 标准答案: would learn 18. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. could must would should 标准答案: should 二判断题1. How children are taught and learn to perform different roles. 错对标准答案:对 2. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students out of the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something. 错对标准答案:错 3. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventional international law. 错对标准答案:错 4. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages . 错对标准答案:对 5. The workers are holding out for a 10% pay rises and have threatened to strike. 错对标准答案:错 6. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself. 错对标准答案:错7. His statement has caused a chain of different reactions. 错对标准答案:对 1. We can never relax in this office. New problems are continually _______. coming out coming up raising presenting 标准答案: coming up 2. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroa; had, will go has, wants to go has, want to go have,shall go 标准答案: has, wants to go 3. We desire that the tour leader ____________ us at once of any change in plans. inform informs informed has informed 标准答案: inform 4. Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel. risen arisen raised arrived 标准答案: arisen 5. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late. for to come that she was coming for coming to come 标准答案: to come 6. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to be; reluctantly disappointedly fortunately undoubtedly 标准答案: reluctantly 7. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speak practising speaking practise speaking to practise speaking 标准答案: practising speaking 8. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? avoid stop prevent keep 标准答案: keep 9. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? verify identify justify clarify 标准答案: justify 10. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17. aged aging ages age 标准答案: aged 11. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 12. The result of competition will ________entirely _________ the opinions of the judges declare...for depend...on adapt...to arrive...at 标准答案: depend...on 13. She has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people. into to for on 标准答案: to 14. England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______climate is generally mil; It , its She , Her He , his She ,its 标准答案: It , its 15. Having not money but ____________ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. not to want anyone not wanting anyone wanted no one to want no one 标准答案: not wanting anyone 16. I need one more stamp before my collection ___. has completed completes has been completed is completed 标准答案: is completed 17. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years. rank scale span scope 标准答案: span 18. She ______________ him to help her to find answers to her problems. learned from came into leaned on looked at 标准答案: leaned on 二判断题1. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventional international law. 错对标准答案:错 2. They will come to believe it and behave according. 错对标准答案:错 3. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply. 错对标准答案:错 4. They pulled the child away of the fire and saved her life. 错对标准答案:错 5. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school. 错对标准答案:错 6. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness. 错对标准答案:错7. The teacher was patient with all the students to make them meet the minimum standards set by the course. 错对标准答案:对 1. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. his wife slept his wife has slept his wife was sleeping his wife has been sleeping 标准答案: his wife was sleeping 2. Life insurance, _______ available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people. before after former previously 标准答案: previously 3. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.' mathematics' student mathematics students mathematic student mathematic students 标准答案: mathematics students 4. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. consistent committed content engaged 标准答案: committed 5. ___________ being used in industry, laser can be applied to operations in the hospital. Except for In addition to Out of In spite of 标准答案: In addition to 6. I need one more stamp before my collection ___. has completed completes has been completed is completed 标准答案: is completed 7. It ________ around nine when I drove back home because it was already dark. had to be was to be must have been must be 标准答案: must have been 8. It is generally believed that reaching is ___ it is a science an art much as much an art as as an art much as as much an art as 标准答案: as much an art as 9. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? verify identify justify clarify 标准答案: justify 10. I told him how to get here but maybe I __________ him a map. should have given ought to give had to give must have given 标准答案: should have given 11. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities. take on get on put up look up 标准答案: take on 12. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken during transportation. so that on condition that for fear that provided that 标准答案: for fear that 13. We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study. admire adopt advise adjust 标准答案: admire 14. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire. truth reason cause fact 标准答案: cause 15. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had timeto play since th enew year. will play have played played play 标准答案: play 16. Have a cup of tea, _______? shall we will you won't you do you 标准答案: won't you 17. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite. Custom Customs custom customs 标准答案: Customs 18. He _______ lives in the house where he was born. already yet still ever 标准答案: still 二判断题1. Show some written proof of the purchase to the store. 错对标准答案:对 2. The enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them in a more practical way. 错对标准答案:对 3. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages . 错对标准答案:对 4. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself at your best. 错对标准答案:错 5. Loving a person means knowing the many sides of him —not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. 错对标准答案:对 6. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences. 错对标准答案:错7. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness. 错对标准答案:错 1. We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study. admire adopt advise adjust 标准答案: admire 2. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities. take on get on put up look up 标准答案: take on 3. This multiple-choice test ____________ 40 incomplete sentences with several choices to complete them. is composed of consists in makes up sets out 标准答案: is composed of 4. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years. rank scale span scope 标准答案: span 5. The only way to ___ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. commit enlarge communicate conquer 标准答案: conquer 6. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts _______ all over the country. frowned at frowned off frowned down frowned on 标准答案: frowned off 7. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late. for to come that she was coming for coming to come 标准答案: to come 8. He thought that children ________ better through participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture. will learn would learn learn is learning 标准答案: would learn 9. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . cough tough rough crude 标准答案: rough 10. Life insurance, _______ available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people. before after former previously 标准答案: previously 11. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 12. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. his wife slept his wife has slept his wife was sleeping his wife has been sleeping 标准答案: his wife was sleeping 13. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speak practising speaking practise speaking to practise speaking 标准答案: practising speaking 14. It is generally believed that reaching is ___ it is a science an art much as much an art as as an art much as as much an art as 标准答案: as much an art as 15. ___________ being used in industry, laser can be applied to operations in the hospital. Except for In addition to Out of In spite of 标准答案: In addition to 16. We all argued about it for hours and finally _________ at a decision. came arrived drew reached 标准答案: arrived 17. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to be; reluctantly disappointedly fortunately undoubtedly 标准答案: reluctantly 18. Entering theroom, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something seat, write seated , wrote seated , writing seating , writing 标准答案: seated , writing 二判断题1. This pass enables me to travel half-price to Beijing by train. 错对标准答案:对 2. The enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them in a more practical way. 错对标准答案:对 3. The teacher was patient with all the students to make them meet the minimum standards set by the course. 错对标准答案:对 4. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences. 错对标准答案:错 5. When it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise; 错对标准答案:错 6. There are many a people who are just not geared up to live independently. 错对标准答案:错7. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself. 错对标准答案:错1. The only way to ___ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. commit enlarge communicate conquer 标准答案: conquer 2. In the couse of a day students do far more than just _____________ classes. attend attended to attend attending 标准答案: attend 3. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. affect effort effect afford 标准答案: effect 4. After ________ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. being interviewed interviewed interviewing having interviewed 标准答案: being interviewed 5. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 6. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite. Custom Customs custom customs 标准答案: Customs 7. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities. take on get on put up look up 标准答案: take on 8. I remember _____________ to help us if we ever got into trouble. once offering him once offering him to offer to offer him 标准答案: him once offering 9. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________. had been increased was increased might have been increased would be increased 标准答案: would be increased 10. Have a cup of tea, _______? shall we will you won't you do you 标准答案: won't you 11. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________. may be hardly doubted may be seriously doubted may be hard doubting may be doubted serious 标准答案: may be seriously doubted 12. We had no trouble in the journey ____________ a flat tyre. but except besides except for 标准答案: except for 13. The ground was black ________ ants that were running back and forth. for in by with 标准答案: with 14. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? verify identify justify clarify 标准答案: justify 15. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to be; reluctantly disappointedly fortunately undoubtedly 标准答案: reluctantly 16. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.' mathematics' student mathematics students mathematic student mathematic students 标准答案: mathematics students 17. Having not money but ____________ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. not to want anyone not wanting anyone wanted no one to want no one 标准答案: not wanting anyone 18. My music teacher ___________ my scales several times a day. urged that I played encourage me to pay said to me play had me play 标准答案: had me play 二判断题1. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply. 错对标准答案:错 2. This pass enables me totravel half-price to Beijing by train. 错对标准答案:对 3. He believes we can solve what we can think up. 错对标准答案:错 4. When it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise; 错对标准答案:错 5. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences. 错对标准答案:错 6. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students out of the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something. 错对标准答案:错7. Adult nurturing./They need adults to bring them up. 错对标准答案:对 1. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____________ for making money. other than more than better than rather than 标准答案: rather than 2. England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______climate is generally mil; It , its She , Her He , his She ,its 标准答案: It , its 3. She ______________ him to help her to find answers to her problems. learned from came into leaned on looked at 标准答案: leaned on 4. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 5. Have a cup of tea, _______? shall we will you won't you do you 标准答案: won't you 6. We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study. admire adopt advise adjust 标准答案: admire 7. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late. for to come that she was coming for coming to come 标准答案: to come 8. Ted agreed to _________ the strike if the company would satisfy the demands of workers. call out call off call to call on 标准答案: call off 9. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.' mathematics' student mathematics students mathematic student mathematic students 标准答案: mathematics students 10. Mike was worn out that he just __________ down and slept for ten hours. lied laid lay had lain 标准答案: lay 11. Henry was deported for having an expired vis He _______ his visa renewe; should have had? must have had? might have had? would have had 标准答案: should have had? 12. It ________ around nine when I drove back home because it was already dark. had to be was to be must have been must be 标准答案: must have been 13. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year. will play have played played play 标准答案: play 14. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ to be a great disappointment. turned up turned in turned out turned down 标准答案: turned out 15. My music teacher ___________ my scales several times a day. urged that I played encourage me to pay said to me play had me play 标准答案: had me play 16. The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it. begins having begun beginning begun 标准答案: begun 17. This multiple-choice test ____________ 40 incomplete sentences with several choices to complete them. is composed of consists in makes up sets out 标准答案: is composed of 18. The only way to ___ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. commit enlarge communicate conquer 标准答案: conquer 二判断题 1. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages . 错对标准答案:对 2. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness. 错对标准答案:错 3. They will come to believe it and behave according. 错对标准答案:错 4. How to make a effective complaint about a faulty item. 错对标准答案:错 5. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself. 错对标准答案:错 6. He believes we can solve what wecan think up. 错对标准答案:错7. The confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance. 错对标准答案:对 1. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________. may be hardly doubted may be seriously doubted may be hard doubting may be doubted serious 标准答案: may be seriously doubted 2. My music teacher ___________ my scales several times a day. urged that I played encourage me to pay said to me play had me play 标准答案: had me play 3. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken during transportation. so that on condition that for fear that provided that 标准答案: for fear that 4. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late. for to come that she was coming for coming to come 标准答案: to come 5. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us? Because Since As For 标准答案: Since 6. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . cough tough rough crude 标准答案: rough 7. Having not money but ____________ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. not to want anyone not wanting anyone wanted no one to want no one 标准答案: not wanting anyone 8. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.' mathematics' student mathematics students mathematic student mathematic students 标准答案: mathematics students 9. Ted agreed to _________ the strike if the company would satisfy the demands of workers. call out call off call to call on 标准答案: call off 10. We desire that the tour leader ____________ us at once of any change in plans. inform informs informed has informed 标准答案: inform 11. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroa; had, will go has, wants to go has, want to go have,shall go 标准答案: has, wants to go 12. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. having been recognized to be recognized recognized being recognized 标准答案: being recognized 13. The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damage had been cause; before after since as 标准答案: before 14. We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study. admire adopt advise adjust 标准答案: admire 15. The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it. begins having begun beginning begun 标准答案: begun 16. Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something seat, write seated , wrote seated , writing seating , writing 标准答案: seated , writing 17. He thought that children ________ better through participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture. will learn would learn learn is learning 标准答案: would learn 18. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ________ occasionally to have a mouthful of te dropping off breaking off putting off setting off 标准答案: breaking off 二判断题1. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students out of the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something. 错对标准答案:错 2. One sign of a person nature is said to be found in his choices in architecture and furniture. 错对标准答案:错 3. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventional international law. 错对标准答案:错 4. His statement has caused a chain of different reactions. 错对标准答案:对5. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself at your best. 错对标准答案:错 6. When it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise; 错对标准答案:错7. There are many a people who are just not geared up to live independently. 错对标准答案:错。
【奥鹏】-[兰州大学]《大学英语(四)0004》19秋在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,— What do you think of this novel?— _______A、I've read it.B、It's well-written.C、It was written by my uncle.D、I bought it yesterday.正确答案:B第2题,I have the complacent feeling ______ I'm highly intelligent.A、whatB、whichC、thatD、this正确答案:C第3题,We’re using technology to _______ our levels of service.A、enhanceB、extendC、expandD、amplify正确答案:A第4题,It is not until he came back _______ I knew it.A、whenB、afterC、beforeD、that正确答案:D第5题,Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.A、as to makeB、that madeC、to makeD、that he made正确答案:D第6题,— How about going fishing?— ____________, I have no patience for that.A、Excuse meB、SorryC、PardonD、Apologize正确答案:B第7题,She suffered temporary loss of _______ after being struck on the head.-A、viewB、visionC、illusionD、eye正确答案:B第8题,_______ they met each other and became good friends.A、It was in the countryside whereB、Being in the countrysideC、It was in the countrysidewhenD、It was in the countryside that正确答案:D第9题,It is essential that these application forms _______ back as early as possible.A、must be sentB、will be sentC、are sentD、sent正确答案:D第10题,— Are you feeling better today, Jack?— _______A、There must be something wrong.B、Just have a good rest.C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.D、Don't worry about me.正确答案:C第11题,I wish I _______ what to do.A、knewB、have knownC、knowD、would know正确答案:A第12题,— Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you.— _______A、Are you?B、Nice to meet you too.C、Yes.D、Very nice.正确答案:B第13题,If you _______ me, I shall be very grateful to you.A、must helpB、will helpC、may helpD、need help正确答案:B第14题,We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.A、ofB、intoC、toD、at正确答案:C第15题,— Do you think I could borrow these magazines?— _______A、No, you can’t.B、You could borrow other magazines.C、The magazines aren’t here now.D、I’m sorry, but the magazines you want are ou t.正确答案:D第16题,The old lady _______ is Tom’s grandmother.A、you talkedB、who you talked to herC、whom you talkedD、to whom you talked正确答案:D第17题,After Mr. Smith retired, his son took over his company.A、史密斯先生退休后,他的儿子接管了他的公司。
B. taken on
C. taken with
D. taken over
2. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite.
《大学英语(4)》14秋在线作业1试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100单选题判断题包括本科在内的各校各科复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者”一、单选题(共15 道试题,共60 分。
)得分:60V 1. I ______ to speak to you all thesedays.A. wantedB. have wantedC. shall wantD. shall be wanting满分:4 分得分:42. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ tobe a great disappointment.A. turned upB. turned inC. turned outD. turned down满分:4 分得分:43. Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ Iliked his sweet and hopeful smile.A. which...不填B. that...ThatC. it...thatD. what...不填满分:4 分得分:44. If you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out.A. fallbehindB. account forC. charge forD. come to满分:4 分得分:45. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough moneyto start a school.A. Some other tenB. An other tenC. Other tenD. Ten others满分:4 分得分:46. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensiveequipment .A. toB. aboutC. intoD. on满分:4 分得分:47. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learnEnglish well if he _______abroad.A. had,will goB.has,wants to goC. has,want to goD.have,shall go满分:4 分得分:48. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in ________.A. residentsB. settlersC. lodgersD. inhabitants满分:4 分得分:49. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?A. verifyB. identifyC. justifyD. clarify满分:4 分得分:410. ----- Did you say you like the film TINATIC? ----- _______. I saidit's not bad .A. Not exactlyB. I don't know whyC. You're greatD. That's all right满分:4 分得分:411. _______ hostels (招待所) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to travelling studentsand young people.A. WhenB. WhileC. NowthatD. If满分:4 分得分:412. "____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem."A. AsleepB. To be asleepC. SleepingD. To sleep满分:4 分得分:413. After several months' study, I was able to read Japanese novels inthe ______ at ease.A. originB. sourceC. referenceD. original满分:4 分得分:414. ----- What's wrong with the book? ----- One page is ________ .A.disappearedB. losingC. missingD. disappearing满分:4 分得分:415. It is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive.A.reactionsB. viewsC. ideasD. opinions满分:4 分得分:4二、判断题(共10 道试题,共40 分。
【奥鹏】-[兰州大学]《大学英语(四)0004》19秋在线作业2试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Regardless of how hard she tried, Jennie couldn’t figure out what her boyfriend thought.A、珍妮努力的想都想不出她的男朋友在想什么。
正确答案:D第2题,— Do you prefer tea or coffee?— _______A、Milk.B、Yes, I like tea.C、Coffee, please.D、None.正确答案:C第3题,When Susan and I _______ on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult to work together.A、compiledB、gatheredC、collaboratedD、joined正确答案:C第4题,There ________ a book and some magazines on the desk.A、isB、areC、haveD、has正确答案:A第5题,— Do you think I could borrow these magazines?— _______A、No, you can’t.B、You could borrow other magazines.C、The magazines aren’t here now.D、I’m sorry, but the magazines you want are out.正确答案:D第6题,— Have you got a table for four, waiter?— _______A、Welcome to our restaurant.B、Yes, sure. This way, please.C、We have looked the seats.D、Here are the menus.正确答案:B第7题,It was on the beach ____Miss White found the kid lying dead.A、thatB、thisC、itD、which正确答案:A第8题,The publisher and the author _______ made an agreement.A、isB、hasC、areD、have正确答案:D第9题,Physics _______ always my strong point.A、isB、areC、beingD、to be正确答案:A第10题,Peter will _______ as managing director when Bill retires.A、take offB、take overC、take onD、take in正确答案:B第11题,He put forward a theory, _______ of great importance to the progress of scienceof technology.A、I think which isB、which I think isC、which is I thinkD、I think it is正确答案:B第12题,— Hi, I'm glad to see you.— _______A、Thank youB、Me, tooC、My name is MaryD、I'm glad to hear that正确答案:B第13题,— I didn't know my identity card(身份证)was needed, sir.— ______A、That's sorry.B、I don't believe you.C、Sorry, but that's no excuse.D、You can't say that.正确答案:C第14题,His answer is not correct, and _______.A、neither am IB、either is mineC、neither is mineD、mine is neither正确答案:C第15题,We consider _______ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.A、that it necessaryB、it necessary thatC、necessary thatD、necessary of it that正确答案:B第16题,The shops offer almost everything _______ ranges from cheap to expensive.A、thatB、whichC、whatD、It正确答案:A第17题,We moved to the front row ______ we could hear and see better.A、so asB、so thatC、becauseD、such that正确答案:B第18题,The young lady coming over to us _______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A、must beB、can beC、would beD、could be正确答案:A第19题,Only after I had reached the supermarket _______ that I had forgotten to take my purse with me.A、I had realizedB、I realizedC、I have realizedD、did I realize正确答案:D第20题,— I think he is a good lecturer.— _______A、Sorry, it doesn't matter.B、So do I.C、Yes. It's a good idea.D、I don't mind.正确答案:B第21题,—Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? — _______.A、Hello! International AirlineB、You'd better look up the schedule firstC、I'm sorry, but it's completely bookedD、I'm afraid you have to change正确答案:C第22题,Down the entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade students. Eachone is carrying a small basket with a single egg inside. Soon more students jointhem-each one of them is also carrying a basket with an egg. The eggs in a basketare part of a new school program that helps young people understand that having ababy is a great duty. At the beginning of the program, the teacher puts thestudents in pairs-one girl and one boy. Each pair gets an egg, which they must takecare of for two weeks. For those fourteen days, the students have to take care ofthe eggs as though they were real babies. Students whose eggs get broken have to startthe two weeks all over again with a new egg. One person in each pair must havethe egg with him or her at all times-twenty-four hours a day. At no time can theylet the egg be out of sight. "If a teacher catches you without your egg," said onestudent, "she makes you go get it. They are really strict." The teachers also makethe students spend half an hour each day sitting with the egg and just watching it.That can get pretty boring. But it's also something that parents spend a lot of timedoing. Children say that the program has helped them understand the dutiesinvolved in having a child. "It was really hard," said one student, "You had to thinkall the time about the egg."(5)、From the last paragraph, we can infer that ______.A、a program is the only way to educate childrenB、one has to think about a program all the timeC、only one child grasps the purpose of the programD、the program is of help to children's understanding of parents正确答案:D第23题,Mr. Liu, _______ at university in Changchun, works at Changhou Company now.A、whose wife I metB、I met whose wifeC、I met his wifeD、his wife I met正确答案:A第24题,— How much is this necklace?— _______A、It's very nice.B、It's a birthday present from my parents.C、It costs fifty pounds.D、It's a bargain.正确答案:C第25题,— Let's go to the library this afternoon.— _______A、Yes, that's right.B、No. I can't.C、What about you?D、That's a good idea.正确答案:D第26题,—Didn’t they come to the party last week?—Yes. They didn’t want to come with us at first, but then we _______ persuade them.A、wouldB、couldC、were able toD、had to正确答案:C第27题,Peter, whom everyone suspected, _______ to be innocent.A、turned outB、turned offC、turned upD、turned over正确答案:A第28题,— Oh dear! I've just broken a window.— _______! It can't be helped.A、GreatB、Never mindC、That's fineD、Not at all正确答案:B第29题,_______ they met each other and became good friends.A、It was in the countryside whereB、Being in the countrysideC、It was in the countrysidewhenD、It was in the countryside that正确答案:D第30题,— I'd like to book a room, please. — _______A、Single or double?B、Good or bad?C、Which room?D、We don't have books here.正确答案:A第31题,It’s already 5 o’clock. Don’t you think it’s about time _______?A、we are going homeB、we go homeC、we went homeD、we can go home正确答案:C第32题,— Hello, I would like to open an account.— _______A、Which account do you want to see?B、Have you make up your mind?C、What kind of account do you have in mind?D、You’re welcome.正确答案:C第33题,She knew that society would _______ her for abandoning her children.A、discussB、blameC、sayD、condemn正确答案:D第34题,I won’t make the _______ mistake next time.A、likeB、sameC、nearD、similar正确答案:B第35题,Our child's behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important partof a principle of behavioral psychology. The principle states that a behavioris influenced or affected by how the environment ---- people, places and things ----immediately responds to the behavior. Perhaps without realizing it, you have usedthis principle many times. On the occasion when you told your child what a goodboy he was after he cleaned up his room, you used the principle. When you sent yourchild to his room for fighting with his brother, you used the principle. When I gaveKim a cookie after she started to cry, I used the principle. In each of these examples,a particular behavior occurred first ---- cleaning up a room, fighting, and crying.Inaddition, there was a reaction to each behavior ---- the child was praised, sent tohis room, or given a cookie. By these actions, we have influenced the previousbehaviors and have helped to determine whether those behaviors will occur again inthe future.(2) On what kind of principle is the lecture based?A、A principle in chemistry.B、A principle in behavioral psychology.C、A principle in physics.D、A principle in geology.正确答案:B第36题,— _______—Yes, I’ll be happy to cash it for you.A、Do you need any cash?B、Are you happy with the cash?C、Are you happy to cash it for me?D、May I cash a traveler’s check here?正确答案:D第37题,— Bring me the bill, please. — _______A、You are welcome.B、Please wait for a moment, sir.C、I'll hurry up.D、Be quick正确答案:B第38题,We go to the cinema ______ a week.A、oftenB、onceC、seldomD、usually正确答案:B第39题,If you _______ me, I shall be very grateful to you.A、must helpB、will helpC、may helpD、need help正确答案:B第40题,Unemployment is not the _______—the real problem is the decline in publicmorality.A、troubleB、matterC、issueD、thing正确答案:C第41题,All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy,happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with the season. People playdifferent games in winter and summer. Games and sports often grow out of people'swork and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everydaylife; they use them in their sports, too. Some sports are so interesting thatpeople everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back to thousands of years ago, like running or jumping.Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyballare rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sportsor games all the time. People from different countries may not be able tounderstand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. Sports helpto train a person's character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win withoutpride and to lose with grace.(4)、From this passage we can see that according to the author sports and games aresignificant to our life in many respects.A、错误B、正确正确答案:√第42题,Albert Einstein had a great effect on science and history, greater than whatonly a few other men have achieved. An American university president once commentedthat Einstein had created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be sometime before the average mind understands fully the identity of time and space andso on-but even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something larger thanever thought before. By 1914 the young Einstein had gained world fame. He acceptedthe offer to become a professor at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin. He hadfew duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study, but soon his peaceand quiet were broken by the First World War.Einstein hated violence. The misery ofwar affected him deeply, and he sat unhappily in his office doing little. He lostinterest in his research. Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back towork. In the years following World War I honors were increasingly heaped on him.He became the head of the Kaiser Whihem Institute of Theoretical Physics. In 1921he won the Noble Prize, and he was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism whenhe was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.(1)、The main idea of Paragraph 1is the change in human thought produced by Einstein.A、错误B、正确正确答案:√第43题,In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an Americanfilm company which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His first job at thestudio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he waswriting scripts(剧本) and working as an assistant director. For the rest ofthe 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filmingwas often a rough-and-ready(匆忙做成的) affair and the assistant director wasrequired to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became acameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be incharge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money.At the same time, this being the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning thelanguage of cinema: telling a story-not through dialogue, but through visual images(视觉影象). This led to his success later. When he began to direct his ownfilms, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films thatheld the audience's attention and kept tension(紧张感). He succeeded. Hitchcock'sability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers ofsuspense(悬念)movies.(5)、He had taken up different jobs before he succeeded.A、错误B、正确正确答案:√第44题,In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an Americanfilm company which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His first job at thestudio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he waswriting scripts(剧本) and working as an assistant director. For the rest ofthe 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filmingwas often a rough-and-ready(匆忙做成的) affair and the assistant director wasrequired to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became acameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be incharge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money.At the same time, this being the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning thelanguage of cinema: telling a story-not through dialogue, but through visual images(视觉影象). This led to his success later. When he began to direct his ownfilms, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films thatheld the audience's attention and kept tension(紧张感). He succeeded. Hitchcock'sability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers ofsuspense(悬念)movies.(3)、Telling a story through dialogue prepared Hitchcock for his success later.A、错误B、正确正确答案:第45题,Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend and vacation place formany families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residentswoke up one morning to find that the lake had disappeared. Some people didn'tbelieve what they were seeing. They looked again, but to their amazement they foundthey had been right the first time. The lake was simply no longer there. In its placewas a big muddy hole, 30 feet deep. It was as if the lake had been a giant bathtuband someone had pulled the plug. The lake's owner, Joseph Unanue, did indeed pullthe plug. That's exactly what happened. The dam that held back the water to form thelake was falling apart, so government officials ordered him to repair it. They issuedhim a permit to lower the dam level "five feet or more."He did much more. Mr. Unanuefound repairs to the dam would cost $100,000. He didn't want to spend that much, sohe opened the dam and lowered the water level until the lake was completely emptied.People living above the dam ended up with no lake. People living below the dam endedup with tons of mud and lots of dead fish. Everyone involved was angry with Mr. Unanue.Area residents believed Mr. Unanue acted out of spite(恶意). They said he wantedto get back at them because the town wouldn't let him develop an amusement park onthe lakeshore. When he couldn't build his park, he just went away and took his lakewith him.(2)、The lake was compared to a bathtub because it could be emptied out.A、错误B、正确正确答案:√。
µ¥Ñ¡ÌâThey usually have less money at the end of the month than ___________ at the beginning.A: which isB: they haveC: which wasD: it isµ¥Ñ¡ÌâCan you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?A: verifyB: identifyC: justifyD: clarifyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe all argued about it for hours and finally _________ at a decision.A: cameB: arrivedC: drewD: reachedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâGovernment reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is use;A: in whichB: on whichC: at whatD: in thatµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIf you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out.A: fall behindB: account forC: charge forD: come toµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThat young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.A: couldB: mustC: wouldD: shouldµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.A: having been recognizedB: to be recognizedC: recognizedD: being recognizedµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ________ you are free, why not go skating with us?A: BecauseB: SinceC: AsD: Forµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt was until last year hat he ________.A: left his home town for a new startB: came to realize the importance of learning EnglishC: worked as an English teacher at a middle schoolD: set out to build a new house of his ownµ¥Ñ¡ÌâEvery dog that came ___________ sight was a terror to me.A: inB: toC: atD: onµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.A: isB: wereC: beD: had beenµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe theory of class currently prevailing in the West is ________ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, propose;A: fairlyB: kindlyC: greatlyD: largelyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt seems very difficult _______.A: to stop the child to cryB: restraining the child to cryC: to keep the child from cryingD: holding the child's cryingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâAs the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large, luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.A: isB: areC: wasD: wereµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ to be a great disappointment.A: turned upB: turned inC: turned outD: turned downµ¥Ñ¡ÌâSnap judgments, if ________, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense.A: taking seriouslyB: taken seriouslyC: take seriouslyD: to be taken seriouslyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study.A: admireB: adoptC: adviseD: adjustµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ________ all practical value by the time they were finishe;A: had lostB: would loseC: would have lostD: should have lostÅжÏHow to make a effective complaint about a faulty item.ÅжÏHow children are taught and learn to perform different roles.ÅжÏ'Even I can never count upon how you are going to act under given conditions. Here you are, taking poor Gouvernail seriously and making a fuss about him, the last thing he would desire or expect.'ÅжÏTo explain the influent of communication on people¡¯s behavior.ÅжÏThe enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them in a more practical way.ÅжÏLoving a person means knowing the many sides of him ¡ª not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults.ÅжÏAnother actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refused permission to work in this country.µ¥Ñ¡Ìâ----- The art exhibition ______ by me _______ a great success . ----- __________ !A: run, promises, CongratulationsB: made, whishes, CongratulationsC: run, expects , CongratulationD: made , seems , Congratulationµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe train was ________ slow I was almost two hours late.A: soB: suchC: veryD: thatµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThey usually have less money at the end of the month than ___________ at the beginning.A: which isB: they haveC: which wasD: it isµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHave a cup of tea, _______?A: shall weB: will youC: won't youD: do youµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe _______ lives in the house where he was born.A: alreadyB: yetC: stillD: everµ¥Ñ¡ÌâAccording to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years.A: rankB: scaleC: spanD: scopeµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.A: having been recognizedB: to be recognizedC: recognizedD: being recognizedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven¡¯t had time to play since th enew year. A: will playB: have playedC: playedD: playµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe latest census figures _____________ the fact that westward movement in the U.S. continues growing.A: confirmB: are confirmedC: confirmsD: were confirmedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a wor;A: mustn¡¯t leaveB: shouldn¡¯t have leftC: couldn¡¯t have leftD: needn¡¯t leaveµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWhen Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.A: for to comeB: that she was comingC: for comingD: to comeµ¥Ñ¡ÌâShe did not feel ______________ going out, as she had a slight headache.A: aboutB: likeC: afterD: forµ¥Ñ¡ÌâShe has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people.A: intoB: toC: forD: onµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining.A: reachedB: didC: arrivedD: droveµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe can never relax in this office. New problems are continually _______.A: coming outB: coming upC: raisingD: presentingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâSnap judgments, if ________, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense.A: taking seriouslyB: taken seriouslyC: take seriouslyD: to be taken seriouslyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâEntering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ somethingA: seat, writeB: seated , wroteC: seated , writingD: seating , writingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHis answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. A: interpretationB: meaningC: intelligibilityD: senseÅжÏAngela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students out of the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something.ÅжÏShe has threatening to takes me to court for not paying the bill on time.ÅжÏHow to make a effective complaint about a faulty item.ÅжÏThe enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them in a more practical way.ÅжÏTaking the seller to court or reporting to certain organization.ÅжÏThey will come to believe it and behave according.ÅжÏIn order to get preparing for a new challenge, he has to make decisions based on facts as well as experience.µ¥Ñ¡ÌâThough the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.A: affectB: effortC: effectD: affordµ¥Ñ¡ÌâBy the end of this month, we surely _________ a satisfactory solution to the problem.A: have foundB: will have foundC: will be findingD: are findingµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ----- Did you have ______ difficulty talking to the foreigner ? ----- No. I only could not follow him when he spoke too fast .A: anyB: aC: someD: muchµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThat young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.A: couldB: mustC: wouldD: shouldµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe latest census figures _____________ the fact that westward movement in the U.S. continues growing.A: confirmB: are confirmedC: confirmsD: were confirmedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâJack arrived an hour late for the meeting. _____, he didn¡¯t even apologize orgive any explanation.A: HoweverB: MoreoverC: FortunatelyD: By farµ¥Ñ¡ÌâUsually, _______ care for children's ______A: woman writers,livesB: women writer,lifeC: women writers,lifeD: women writer, Livesµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHelen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ___________, of course, made the others jealous.A: whoB: thatC: whatD: whichµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ__________ the 1500s ____________ the first European explored the coast of California.A: It was not until/ thenB: It is not until/ whenC: It is until/ thatD: It was not until/ thatµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ_________ you return those books to the library immediately you will have to pay a fine.A: UntilB: IfC: UnlessD: Providedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIf you _________ some of the early writing with her late work, you can see just how much she improved.A: connectB: supplyC: contrastD: presentµ¥Ñ¡ÌâA season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.A: entitlesB: presentsC: grantsD: promisesµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHis difficulty in walking ________ from a childhood illness.A: revealsB: recallsC: resultsD: reasonsµ¥Ñ¡ÌâSo little _________ about maths that the lecture was completely beyond me.A: I konwB: I knewC: do I knowD: did I knowµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThere was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouth the tea was supposed to come.A: whoseB: whichC: itsD: thatµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive. A: reactionsB: viewsC: ideasD: opinionsµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a wor;A: mustn¡¯t leaveB: shouldn¡¯t have leftC: couldn¡¯t have leftD: needn¡¯t leaveµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI ______ to speak to you all these days.A: wantedB: have wantedC: shall wantD: shall be wantingÅжÏI¡¯m sure which music is hurting your ears as well as your brain. ÅжÏInflation result from an excess of demand over supply.ÅжÏEither as little adults or unforming animals.。
兰大《大学英语(4)》17春平时作业12021秋春兰大《大学英语(4)》17春平时作业1一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, ________ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time 正确答案:2. He could be ______ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child. A. visual B. critical C. favorite D. essential 正确答案:3. �D�D\ A. me B. I for C. I am by D. me by 正确答案:4. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we' ve decided to ___ it. It might be valuable. A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after正确答案:5. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts_______ all over the country.A. frowned atB. frowned offC. frowned downD. frowned on 正确答案:6. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ________ and a scholarship. A. faithB. fameC. statusD. courage 正确答案:7. All details should be carefully checked. Nothing should be __________.A. born in mindB. put up withC. taken for grantedD. taken into consideration 正确答案:8. Every dog that came ___________ sight was a terror to me. A. in B. toC. atD. on正确答案:9. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carryingB. whose that watch isC. whose watch is thatD. whose watch is 正确答案:10. I told him how to get here but maybe I __________ him a map. A. should have given B. ought to give C. had to giveD. must have given 正确答案:11. The president promised to keep all the board members ________ of how the negotiations were going on. A. informB. be informedC. informingD. informed 正确答案:12. She has devoted all her energies _______ the care of homeless people.A. intoB. toC. forD. on正确答案:13. ...I must be leaving now. It will be 3 hours' drive to get there. ---__________. A. Good-byeB. Take careC. Take it easyD. What can I do for you 正确答案:14. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. A. could B. must C. would D. should 正确答案:15. \A. mathematics' student B. mathematics students C. mathematic student D. mathematic students 正确答案:《大学英语(4)》17春平时作业1二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。
µ¥Ñ¡ÌâTo his great joy he discovered that his ear became ________.A: sensitiveB: sensibleC: efficientD: sensibleµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.A: unlessB: ifC: providedD: lestµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThis multiple-choice test ____________ 40 incomplete sentences with several choices to complete them.A: is composed ofB: consists inC: makes upD: sets outµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThough the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.A: affectB: effortC: effectD: affordµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHusband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves __________closer together.A: drawnB: drawingC: to drawD: been drawnµ¥Ñ¡ÌâNot _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A: obviouslyB: surprisinglyC: particularlyD: normallyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâBeing with his family for a few days I gained one or two insights ________ the reason he behaves the way he does.A: haveB: am havingC: do haveD: hadµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIn the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ______________.A: gapsB: intervalsC: lengthD: distanceµ¥Ñ¡ÌâMuch of their success can be ________ to Wilson.A: creditedB: cultivatedC: criticizedD: createdNo one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.A: describeB: furnishC: installD: assessµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day _____ to the mountain.A: awayB: voyageC: boat tripD: excursionµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI ______ to speak to you all these days.A: wantedB: have wantedC: shall wantD: shall be wantingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWhen Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________.A: his wife sleptB: his wife has sleptC: his wife was sleepingD: his wife has been sleepingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThe dentist could ________ no signs of decay in my teeth.A: determineB: defineC: assignD: detectµ¥Ñ¡ÌâPeople who cannot __________ between colors are said to be color-blin;A: compareB: separateC: establishD: contrastµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ___ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A: itB: AsC: ThatD: Whatµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWith the development of science and technology, man can make various flowers ________ before their time.A: be bloomedB: bloomedC: bloomD: bloomingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHis answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. A: interpretationB: meaningC: intelligibilityD: senseÅжÏCommunication without wor;ÅжÏThey were not treated proper.ÅжÏÅжÏWhen it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise;ÅжÏHe will end up penniless if he carries on spending as many as that.ÅжÏThe town is fairly unique in the widely range of leisure facilities it offers. ÅжÏI suppose they¡¯re expressing their identity but it¡¯s such very different from what we di;µ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe had no trouble in the journey ____________ a flat tyre.A: butB: exceptC: besidesD: except forµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWhen Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________.A: his wife sleptB: his wife has sleptC: his wife was sleepingD: his wife has been sleepingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâBy the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.A: will have stayedB: have been stayingC: shall stayD: have stayedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâMy music teacher ___________ my scales several times a day.A: urged that I playedB: encourage me to payC: said to me playD: had me playµ¥Ñ¡ÌâEvery dog that came ___________ sight was a terror to me.A: inB: toC: atD: onµ¥Ñ¡ÌâBefore she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English .A: practise to speakB: practising speakingC: practise speakingD: to practise speakingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHis answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. A: interpretationB: meaningC: intelligibilityD: senseµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.A: isB: wereC: beD: had beenµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensive equipment .B: aboutC: intoD: onµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWith the development of science and technology, man can make various flowers ________ before their time.A: be bloomedB: bloomedC: bloomD: bloomingµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ'Do you hear someone knocking at the door?''Yes, I di; I heard him ______ three times.'A: knocking'B: knocked'C: being knocking'D: knockµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIf the building project ________ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fine;A: being completedB: to be completedC: is completedD: completedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâNo one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.A: describeB: furnishC: installD: assessµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe will not attack ______ we are attacked; if attacked, we will certainly counter-attack.A: ifB: whenC: unlessD: even ifµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt seems very difficult _______.A: to stop the child to cryB: restraining the child to cryC: to keep the child from cryingD: holding the child's cryingµ¥Ñ¡ÌâWe all argued about it for hours and finally _________ at a decision.A: cameB: arrivedC: drewD: reachedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâAs the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large, luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.A: isB: areC: wasD: wereµ¥Ñ¡ÌâJean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ___________ for the exam.B: to be preparedC: preparingD: being preparedÅжÏThey are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school.ÅжÏIn order to get preparing for a new challenge, he has to make decisions based on facts as well as experience.ÅжÏI would see to it that he becomes aware of his mistakes.ÅжÏWhen it come to makeup, I am absolutely convinced that cosmetics are the greatest protector of the skin yet devise;ÅжÏThey are reflecting in the likely consequences of this course of action.ÅжÏSo popular is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.ÅжÏShe hoped to remain unnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him.µ¥Ñ¡ÌâEngland took arms against _______ enemy.A: hisB: herC: hersD: itsµ¥Ñ¡ÌâCan you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?A: verifyB: identifyC: justifyD: clarifyµ¥Ñ¡ÌâI told him how to get here but maybe I __________ him a map.A: should have givenB: ought to giveC: had to giveD: must have givenµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThrough long power lines electricity goes ______.A: to the place neededB: there it is neededC: where it is neededD: which it is neededµ¥Ñ¡ÌâEating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A: attribute toB: contribute toC: attend toD: devote toµ¥Ñ¡ÌâNo one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.A: describeB: furnishC: installD: assessµ¥Ñ¡ÌâA season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.A: entitlesC: grantsD: promisesµ¥Ñ¡ÌâJean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ___________ for the exam.A: to prepareB: to be preparedC: preparingD: being preparedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâMuch of their success can be ________ to Wilson.A: creditedB: cultivatedC: criticizedD: createdµ¥Ñ¡ÌâJack wishes that he ________ business instead of history when he was in college.A: studiedB: had been studyingC: studyD: had studiedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIt is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive.A: reactionsB: viewsC: ideasD: opinionsµ¥Ñ¡ÌâMr. Thomas found the coins while ________ in his back garden.A: diggingB: was diggingC: dugD: being digginµ¥Ñ¡ÌâBoris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ___ IQ.A: a highB: a higherC: the higherD: the highestµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ______you choose, make sure that it is a good one.A: WhatB: WhereverC: WhicheverD: Whichµ¥Ñ¡ÌâIs it the watch you want ________?A: to have it repairedB: to repair itC: to have repairedD: to haverepaired itµ¥Ñ¡ÌâHe thought that children ________ better through participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture.A: will learnB: would learnC: learnD: is learningµ¥Ñ¡ÌâA: forbiddenB: bannedC: not allowedD: prohibitedµ¥Ñ¡ÌâThere _______ a lot of _______ on the roads yesterday.A: was , trafficB: were ,trafficsC: was ,trafficsD: were ,trafficÅжÏRoles not separated and household tasks sharing.ÅжÏShe poured out her troubles, worry and fears to me over a cup of coffee. ÅжÏHis statement has caused a chain of different reactions.。
(单选题)1: He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensive equipment .A: toB: aboutC: intoD: on正确答案:(单选题)2: The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is ______any other lake in the world. A: largestB: the largestC: larger thanD: the larger than正确答案:(单选题)3: ―Don’ t you think this colour is too light?‖ ―________.‖ A:Yes, I agree &nbs p; B: Yes, of course not C:Yes, I don’t think   ; D: What’s wrong 正确答案:(单选题)4: This article ________ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A: cares forB: allows forC: applies forD: calls for正确答案:(单选题)5: Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.A: her hairB: her hairsC: the hairD: the hairs正确答案:(单选题)6: ______bricks, workers press clay into blocks and bake them to the requisitehard.A: Being madeB: The making ofC: To makeD: Made正确答案:(单选题)7: She was arrested for ________ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad.A: getting awayB: giving awayC: breaking awayD: putting away正确答案:(单选题)8: Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A: risenB: arisenC: raisedD: arrived正确答案:(单选题)9: Just imagine Mary ________ in her favorite chair back home.A: tositB: sitC: SittingD: has been sat正确答案:(单选题)10: Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A: obviouslyB: surprisinglyC: particularlyD: normally正确答案:(单选题)11: Why do you want a new job_____ you've got such a good one already? A: thatB: whereC: whichD: when正确答案:(单选题)12: We arrived at the station_____late, or we____the bus.A: Too much; would catchB: a little too; had caughtC: much too; would have caughtD: too much; would have caught正确答案:(单选题)13: They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to who killed it.A: positiveB: seniorC: virtualD: vital正确答案:(单选题)14: The dress is so beautiful. Can I ______.  ;A: try it on B: try on it C: wear it on D: dress it on正确答案:(单选题)15: ― What’ s her teleph one number, please?‖ ― _______ _. Oh, it’s 5550888.‖A:By the way B: It doesn’t matter C:Let me see D: Yes, please 正确答案:(判断题)16: So popular is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)17: She hoped to remain unnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)18: Bringing up children involves a partnership of both parent.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)19: Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)20: I suppose they’re expressing their identity but it’s such very different from what we did.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)21: Action speak louder than words.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)22: Online learning require extra commitment to keep up with the flow of the course.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)23: He will end up penniless if he carries on spending as many as that. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)24: He believes we can solve what we can think up.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)25: To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(单选题)1: He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensive equipment .A: toB: aboutC: intoD: on正确答案:(单选题)2: The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is ______any other lake in the world. A: largestB: the largestC: larger thanD: the larger than正确答案:(单选题)3: ―Don’ t you think this colour is too light?‖ ―________.‖ A:Yes, I agree &nbs p; B: Yes, of course not C:Yes, I don’t think   ; D: What’s wrong 正确答案:(单选题)4: This article ________ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A: cares forB: allows forC: applies forD: calls for正确答案:(单选题)5: Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.A: her hairB: her hairsC: the hairD: the hairs正确答案:(单选题)6: ______bricks, workers press clay into blocks and bake them to the requisite hard.A: Being madeB: The making ofC: To makeD: Made正确答案:(单选题)7: She was arrested for ________ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad.A: getting awayB: giving awayC: breaking awayD: putting away正确答案:(单选题)8: Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A: risenB: arisenC: raisedD: arrived正确答案:(单选题)9: Just imagine Mary ________ in her favorite chair back home.A: tositB: sitC: SittingD: has been sat正确答案:(单选题)10: Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A: obviouslyB: surprisinglyC: particularlyD: normally正确答案:(单选题)11: Why do you want a new job_____ you've got such a good one already? A: thatB: whereC: whichD: when正确答案:(单选题)12: We arrived at the station_____late, or we____the bus.A: Too much; would catchB: a little too; had caughtC: much too; would have caughtD: too much; would have caught正确答案:(单选题)13: They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to who killed it.A: positiveB: seniorC: virtualD: vital正确答案:(单选题)14: The dress is so beautiful. Can I ______.  ;A: try it on B: try on it C: wear it on D: dress it on正确答案:(单选题)15: ― What’ s her telephone number, please?‖ ― ________. Oh, it’s 5550888.‖A:By the way B: It doesn’t matter C:Let me see D: Yes, please 正确答案:(判断题)16: So popular is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)17: She hoped to remain unnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him.B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)18: Bringing up children involves a partnership of both parent.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)19: Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)20: I suppose they’re expressing their identity but it’s such very different from what we did.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)21: Action speak louder than words.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)22: Online learning require extra commitment to keep up with the flow of the course.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)23: He will end up penniless if he carries on spending as many as that. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)24: He believes we can solve what we can think up.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题)25: To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.A: 错误正确答案:。
兰大 大学英语4(有答案全)
一单选题1. Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.attribute tocontribute toattend todevote to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:contribute to2. She want to be a fashion model, but her parents didn’t ___________ her doing so . boast ofapprove ofleave outsuck up本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:approve of3. The huge fire is reported to have _______ more than 300 people dea;remainedkeptlefthad本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:left4. The story he is telling is so _______ that some of the listeners begin to ask him to stop. pleasantHorriblehealthyexciting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Horrible5. It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.iswerebehad been本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:be6. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.interpretationmeaningintelligibilitysense本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:sense7. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to who killed it. positiveseniorvirtualvital本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: positive8. He was running ____________ the pace he had learnt from the natives.onatbyin本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:at9. One of the committee members brought __________ an interesting point.onaboutaboveforward本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: forward10. His difficulty in walking ________ from a childhood illness.revealsrecallsresultsreasons本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: results11. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: an order12. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ___________ for the exam.to prepareto be preparedpreparingbeing prepared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: preparing13. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.her hairher hairsthe hairthe hairs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: her hair14. It is forbidden by law to mail through parcel post any merchandise that might prove __________ in transport.dangerousdangerouslywith dangerto the danger本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: dangerous15. If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ________ to leave it blank and go on with the test.valuableadvisableconsiderableprobable本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: advisable16. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:When one is walking17. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: and18. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the statedperiod of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: entitles二判断题1. It is clear what there must be some aspects of language learning which have something to do with learning habits related to a particular culture.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. They use their body language, gesture and posture or position to communicate错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. I’m sure which music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. She had never known her thought to be so confused; like the bats now above her, her thoughts quickly flew this way and that.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. I suppose they’re expressing their identity but it’s such very different from what we di;错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Giving the fact that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对一单选题1. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.forbiddenbannednot allowedprohibited本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: prohibited2. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large, luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: are3. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: and4. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ___.it what to do withwhat to do it withwhat to do with itto do what with it本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:what to do with it5. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill ,especially ___ Father was away in asthatduringif本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as6. It was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day _____ to the mountain. awayvoyageboat tripexcursion本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:excursion7. Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.attribute tocontribute toattend to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:contribute to8. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.More and more students have part-jobs out of campus.The population of university students having part-time jobs is increasing quickly.Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.More people support students to have part-time jobs.本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.9. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun;cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: crude10. If you _________ some of the early writing with her late work, you can see just how much she improved.connectsupplycontrastpresent本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:contrast11. After a long period of regular exercise, I now ____________ much less than I used to.weighlikegrowincrease本题分值: 4.0标准答案: weigh12. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: entitles13. His difficulty in walking ________ from a childhood illness.revealsrecallsresultsreasons本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: results14. Not long ago, John Smith, whom you know very well, was __________ a car accident.related toinvolved inincluded indamaged by本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:involved in15. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves __________closer together.drawndrawingto drawbeen drawn本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: drawn16. This boy is able to repeat from memory ______ 200 short poemsup toup tillas toas far本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: up to17. One of the committee members brought __________ an interesting point.onaboutaboveforward本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: forward18. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ______________. gapsintervalslengthdistance本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: intervals二判断题1. The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign in dark.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. I’m sure which music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Either as little adults or unforming animals.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. This research is important in that of it confirms the existence of a relationship between traffic accidents and the wine drinking.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. The town is fairly unique in the widely range of leisure facilities it offers.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错一单选题1. Not long ago, John Smith, whom you know very well, was __________ a car accident.related toinvolved inincluded indamaged by本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:involved in2. The __________ f;owers were all that remained.two yellow littleyellow two littlelittle two yellowtwo little yellow本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:two little yellow3. All details should be carefully checked. Nothing should be __________.born in mindput up withtaken for grantedtaken into consideration本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: taken for granted4. The president promised to keep all the board members ________ of how the negotiations were going on.informbe informedinforminginformed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:informed5. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: an order6. I have no one ______ me , for I can deal with it all by myself .helpto helphelpedto have helped本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: help7. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.More and more students have part-jobs out of campus.The population of university students having part-time jobs is increasing quickly. Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.More people support students to have part-time jobs.本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.8. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: worked as an English teacher at a middle school9. It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.iswerebehad been本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:be10. So little _________ about maths that the lecture was completely beyond me.I konwI knewdo I knowdid I know本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I know11. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouth the tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: whose12. If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ________ to leave it blank and go on with the test.valuableadvisableconsiderableprobable本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: advisable13. By the end of this month, we surely _________ a satisfactory solution to the problem.have foundwill have foundwill be findingare finding本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will have found14. __________ the 1500s ____________ the first European explored the coast of California.It was not until/ thenIt is not until/ whenIt is until/ thatIt was not until/ that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: It was not until/ that15. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.each carryingwhose that watch iswhose watch is thatwhose watch is本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: each carrying16. She keeps talking about the party, she had a very good time, _________?hadn't shehad shedidn't sheweren't she本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: didn't she17. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: entitles18. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill ,especially ___ Father was away inthatduringif本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as二判断题1. They use their body language, gesture and posture or position to communicate错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Giving the fact that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Another actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refused permission to work in this country.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. The captain looks constantly from sides to side, ready to react to anything suspicious.对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. It means 'mades afraid'.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Why does she shy away from the idea of taking a leading part? 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对一单选题1. Much of their success can be ________ to Wilson.creditedcultivatedcriticizedcreated本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: credited2. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days. will have stayedhave been stayingshall stayhave stayed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will have stayed3. I was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a wor;mustn’t leaveshouldn’t have leftcouldn’t have leftneedn’t leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:shouldn’t have left4. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.interpretationmeaningintelligibilitysense本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:sense5. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: entitles6. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill ,especially ___ Father was away inasthatduringif本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as7. The taxi driver often reminds passengers to ___ their belongings when they leave the car.keepcatchholdtake本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:take8. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time ____________ the guards discovered what had happed.beforeuntilsincewhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: before9. She want to be a fashion model, but her parents didn’t ___________ her doing so .boast ofapprove ofleave outsuck up本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:approve of10. The president promised to keep all the board members ________ of how the negotiations were going on.informbe informedinforminginformed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:informed11. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: worked as an English teacher at a middle school12. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process.prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: bound13. I have heard ____________ that she has gone abroad.to saysaysayingsaid本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: said14. Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _________ blown off the mountain.to have beento bethat it had beenthat it was本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: to have been15. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ___________, of course, made the others jealous.whothatwhatwhich本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: which16. ----- Did you have ______ difficulty talking to the foreigner ? ----- No. I only could not follow him when he spoke too fast .anyasomemuch本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: much17. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s.responsecommentanswerreply本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:comment18. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:When one is walking二判断题1. They use their body language, gesture and posture or position to communicate错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. Either as little adults or unforming animals.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. I’m sure which music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. Were it left to her to decide if to have a family without children or a family without love, she should prefer the former.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Why does she shy away from the idea of taking a leading part?错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对7. The equality between husband or wife.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错一单选题1. Not long ago, John Smith, whom you know very well, was __________ a car accident.related toinvolved inincluded indamaged by本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:involved in2. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: and3. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves __________closer together.drawndrawingto drawbeen drawn本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: drawn4. Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human beings.awaruniqueabsolutecontinual本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:unique5. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s.responsecommentanswerreply本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:comment6. A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do.howafterwhatwhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:what7. The __________ f;owers were all that remained.two yellow littleyellow two littlelittle two yellowtwo little yellow本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:two little yellow8. He made such a ___________ contribution to the school that they are naming one of the buildings after him.genuineminimummodestgenerous本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:generous9. ----- Did you have ______ difficulty talking to the foreigner ? ----- No. I only could not follow him when he spoke too fast .anyasomemuch本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: much10. It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.iswerebehad been本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:be11. Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.attribute tocontribute toattend todevote to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:contribute to12. This boy is able to repeat from memory ______ 200 short poemsup toup tillas toas far本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: up to13. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: an order14. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ______________. gapsintervalslengthdistance本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: intervals15. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ___________ for the exam.to prepareto be preparedpreparingbeing prepared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: preparing16. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in ________.residentssettlerslodgersinhabitants本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:lodgers17. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:When one is walking18. He was running ____________ the pace he had learnt from the natives.onatbyin本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:at二判断题1. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. She regained her balance through coordinating the movements of her arms and legs. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. They thought them better to inform the police before the wounded man came to.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. They use their body language, gesture and posture or position to communicate错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that the construction of language becomes possible.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. The equality between husband or wife.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错一单选题1. The story he is telling is so _______ that some of the listeners begin to ask him to stop.pleasantHorriblehealthyexciting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Horrible2. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.forbiddenbannednot allowedprohibited本题分值: 4.0标准答案: prohibited3. If you _________ some of the early writing with her late work, you can see just how much she improved.connectsupplycontrastpresent本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:contrast4. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large, luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: are5. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:When one is walking6. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ___________, of course, made the others jealous.whothatwhatwhich本题分值: 4.0标准答案: which7. The train was ________ slow I was almost two hours late.sosuchverythat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: so8. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouth the tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: whose9. England took arms against _______ enemy.hisherhersits本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:her10. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ___.it what to do withwhat to do it withwhat to do with itto do what with it本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:what to do with it11. So little _________ about maths that the lecture was completely beyond me.I konwI knewdo I knowdid I know本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I know12. Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _________ blown off the mountain.to have beento bethat it had beenthat it was本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: to have been13. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: entitles14. He made such a ___________ contribution to the school that they are naming one of the buildings after him.genuineminimummodestgenerous本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:generous15. ----- Did you have ______ difficulty talking to the foreigner ? ----- No. I only could not follow him when he spoke too fast .anyasomemuch本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: much16. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.will have stayedhave been stayingshall stayhave stayed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will have stayed17. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ________ and a scholarship.faithfamestatuscourage本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:fame18. Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture. obviouslysurprisinglyparticularlynormally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: surprisingly二判断题1. They use their body language, gesture and posture or position to communicate错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. I’m sure which music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Human can communicate by speaking to one another /by using words.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that the construction of language becomes possible.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错一单选题1. Much of their success can be ________ to Wilson.creditedcultivatedcriticizedcreated本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: credited2. The __________ f;owers were all that remained.two yellow littleyellow two littlelittle two yellowtwo little yellow本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:two little yellow3. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: worked as an English teacher at a middle school4. A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do.howafterwhatwhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:what5. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: and6. __________ the 1500s ____________ the first European explored the coast of California. It was not until/ thenIt is not until/ whenIt is until/ thatIt was not until/ that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: It was not until/ that7. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process.prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: bound8. Responsibilities _________________ becoming a father.charge forgo withsave forgo through本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: go with9. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.forbiddenbannednot allowedprohibited本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: prohibited10. All details should be carefully checked. Nothing should be __________.born in mindput up withtaken for grantedtaken into consideration本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: taken for granted11. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ___________ for the exam.to prepareto be preparedpreparingbeing prepared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: preparing12. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.will have stayedhave been stayingshall stayhave stayed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will have stayed13. By the end of this month, we surely _________ a satisfactory solution to the problem.have foundwill have foundwill be findingare finding本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will have found14. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ___.it what to do withwhat to do it withwhat to do with itto do what with it本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:what to do with it15. Since it is already midnight, we __________.had better leavingought to have leaveshould take our leavemight as well leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: might as well leave16. So little _________ about maths that the lecture was completely beyond me.I konwI knewdo I knowdid I know本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I know17. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun;cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0。
2. He is interested in studying the complex way in which people interact with each other at parties.
3. He doesn't think his math teacher is good. He thinks that his teaching is dull and interesting.
题1. telephoning
题2. to telephone
题3. totelephone to
题4. the telephone to
15. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.
8. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed.
题1. reluctantly
题2. disappointedly
题3. fortunately
题4. undoubtedly
题1. taking seriously
题2. taken seriously
题3. take seriously
题4. to be taken seriously
14. Nancy isn't here. It's my mistake. I forgot all about____ her.
兰州大学《大学英语(4)》16秋平时作业1 免费答案
一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。
)V 1. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home.A. were leftB. had leftC. have been leftD. had been left标准答案:D2. Responsibilities _________________ becoming a father.A. charge forB. go withC. save forD. go through标准答案:B3. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed.A. reluctantlyB. disappointedlyC. fortunatelyD. undoubtedly标准答案:A4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.A. each carryingB. whose that watch isC. whose watch is thatD. whose watch is标准答案:A5. Peter, John and Tom each ______.A. say they came first"B. says they came firstC. say she came first"D. say came first标准答案:A6. We hurried on, our heads ________ against the wind, to the bright light ahead.A. being bentB. was bentC. bentD. was bending标准答案:C7. I have no one ______ me , for I can deal with it all by myself .A. helpB. to helpC. helpedD. to have helped标准答案:A8. He was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.A. unlessB. ifC. providedD. lest标准答案:D9. ________ speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other forms to communicate.A. SinceB. WhenC. WhileD. As标准答案:C10. I remember _____________ to help us if we ever got into trouble.A. once offeringB. him once offeringC. him to offerD. to offer him标准答案:B11. Dr. Bethune began to work the _____ he arrived at the front.A. momentB. placeC. wayD. reason标准答案:A12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can.A. expectedB. suggestedC. hopedD. wished标准答案:A13. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ______________.A. gapsB. intervalsC. lengthD. distance标准答案:B14. I don't think his remarks are relevant ________ our discussion.A. toB. atC. forD. with标准答案:A15. The country has ____________ too many wars in the past few decades; its people are longing for peace so much.A. prevented fromB. resulted inC. gone throughD. gone with标准答案:C二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。
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1. Her plane _________ at the airport right now.arrivedwas arrivinghas arrivedis arriving本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is arriving2. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim________.may be hardly doubtedmay be seriously doubtedmay be hard doubtingmay be doubted serious本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: may be seriously doubted3. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any furtherresponsibilities.take onget onput uplook up本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:take on4. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year. will playhave playedplayedplay本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: play5. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: rough6. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite.CustomCustomscustomcustoms本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Customs7. In the theater that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience. sensiblepositiveemotionalsensitive本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:sensitive8. It is generally believed that reaching is ___ it is a sciencean art much asmuch an art asas an art much asas much an art as本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as much an art as9. 'Who are those people over there?' 'They are ____________.'mathematics' studentmathematics studentsmathematic studentmathematic students本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:mathematics students10. The home improvements have taken what little there is ___ my spare time. frominofat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: of11. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has beenapproved by the committee.affectefforteffectafford本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: effect12. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speakpractising speakingpractise speakingto practise speaking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:practising speaking13. The result of competition will ________ entirely _________ the opinions of thejudgesdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: depend...on14. He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.having been recognizedto be recognizedrecognizedbeing recognized本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: being recognized15. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? avoidstoppreventkeep本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: keep16. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attendthe concert.couldmustwouldshould本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:should17. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English wellif he _______abroa;had, will gohas, wants to gohas, want to gohave,shall go本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:has, wants to go18. With the increasing of environmental awareness, many green belts _______ allover the country.frowned atfrowned offfrowned downfrowned on本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: frowned off1. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages .错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hardto penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. He believes we can solve what we can think up.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. They argued that the use of automatic weapons violating the conventionalinternational law.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Angela suggests that teachers may change their teachings by taking students outof the classroom to some place which students can also talk and do something. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. The latest census figures _____________ the fact that westward movement in theU.S. continues growing.confirmare confirmedconfirmswere confirmed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:confirms2. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. consistentcommittedcontentengaged本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: committed3. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ________occasionally to have a mouthful of tedropping offbreaking offputting offsetting off本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: breaking off4. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attendthe concert.couldmustwouldshould本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:should5. The only way to ___ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. commitenlargecommunicateconquer本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:conquer6. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken duringtransportation.so thaton condition thatfor fear thatprovided that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: for fear that7. I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year. will playhave playedplayedplay本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: play8. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English wellif he _______abroa;had, will gohas, wants to gohas, want to gohave,shall go本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:has, wants to go9. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: rough10. Are there any matters _________ from the meeting held yesterday?arisingarousingrisingraising本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:arising11. This is a group of six boys ________ 14 to 17.agedagingagesage本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:aged12. '____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem.'AsleepTo be asleepSleepingTo sleep本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Sleeping13. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.had been increasedwas increasedmight have been increasedwould be increased本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:would be increased14. In the couse of a day students do far more than just _____________ classes. attendattendedto attendattending本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:attend15. The boy ____ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go tobe;reluctantlydisappointedlyfortunatelyundoubtedly本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:reluctantly16. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the companyis losing so much money?verifyidentifyjustifyclarify本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: justify17. I need one more stamp before my collection ___.has completedcompleteshas been completedis completed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:is completed18. The result of competition will ________ entirely _________ the opinions of thejudgesdeclare...fordepend...onadapt...toarrive...at本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: depend...on1. If you want to make good impression on other people, you have to be yourself atyour best.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. He believes we can solve what we can think up.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations or responsibility forshared care, not just the search of happiness.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. There are many a people who are just not geared up to live independently. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. They will come to believe it and behave according.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Mike was worn out that he just __________ down and slept for ten hours. liedlaidlayhad lain本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: had lain标准答案:lay2. Prisons in some countries are short of staff, ___________ means each prisonofficer is overworked and underpaid.whichthiswhatit本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:what标准答案:which3. In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like . coughtoughroughcrude本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: rough标准答案: rough4. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____________ for makingmoney.other thanmore thanbetter thanrather than本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:better than标准答案: rather than5. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. consistentcommittedcontentengaged本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: content标准答案: committed6. The Vikings are believed ___________ America.to have discoveredto discoverin discoveringto have been discovered本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:in discovering标准答案:to have discovered7. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any furtherresponsibilities.take onget onput uplook up本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:put up标准答案:take on8. When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. his wife slepthis wife has slepthis wife was sleepinghis wife has been sleeping本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: his wife was sleeping标准答案: his wife was sleeping9. ----- The art exhibition ______ by me _______ a great success . ----- __________ ! run, promises, Congratulationsmade, whishes, Congratulationsrun, expects , Congratulationmade , seems , Congratulation本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:run, expects , Congratulation标准答案:run, promises, Congratulations10. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English . practise to speakpractising speakingpractise speakingto practise speaking本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:practise speaking标准答案:practising speaking11. All the tasks ________ ahead of schedule, they decided to go on holiday for aweek.been fulfilledwere fulfilledhaving been fulfilledhad been fulfilled本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: having been fulfilled标准答案: having been fulfilled12. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us?BecauseSinceAsFor本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:As标准答案:Since13. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? avoidstoppreventkeep本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: prevent标准答案: keep14. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.truthreasoncausefact本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:cause标准答案:cause15. The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damagehad been cause;beforeaftersinceas本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答: since标准答案:before16. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.for to comethat she was comingfor comingto come本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答: to come标准答案: to come17. Many difficulties have __________ as a result of the change over to a new typeof fuel.risenarisenraisedarrived本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:raised标准答案:arisen18. Though the long term ____________ cannot be predicted, the project has beenapproved by the committee.affectefforteffectafford本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:effort标准答案: effect1. They are not prepared to listen to students, that is a fault of the school. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错2. Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错3. How children are taught and learn to perform different roles.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:错标准答案:对4. What worries me is that music has a very negative messages .错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:对标准答案:对5. The workers are holding out for a 10% pay rises and have threatened to strike. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:对标准答案:错6. Inflation result from an excess of demand over supply.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:对标准答案:错7. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hardto penetrate the silence in that he had unconsciously covered himself.错对本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:错标准答案:错1. The __________ f;owers were all that remained.two yellow littleyellow two littlelittle two yellowtwo little yellow本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: two little yellow2. One of the committee members brought __________ an interesting point.onaboutaboveforward本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:forward3. If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ________to leave it blank and go on with the test.valuableadvisableconsiderableprobable本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:advisable4. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demandfor it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:an order5. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to whokilled it.positiveseniorvirtualvital本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:positive6. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill ,especially ___ Father was awayinasthatduringif本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:as7. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process. prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:bound8. I ______ to speak to you all these days.wantedhave wantedshall wantshall be wanting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:have wanted9. Jumping out of ___ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ___ exciting experience. /the不填anananthethe本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:不填10. His difficulty in walking ________ from a childhood illness. revealsrecallsresultsreasons本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:results11. Since it is already midnight, we __________.had better leavingought to have leaveshould take our leavemight as well leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:might as well leave12. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.her hairher hairsthe hairthe hairs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:her hair13. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun; cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:crude14. The train was ________ slow I was almost two hours late.sosuchverythat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:so15. Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture toculture.obviouslysurprisinglyparticularlynormally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:surprisingly16. She keeps talking about the party, she had a very good time, _________? hadn't shehad shedidn't sheweren't she本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:didn't she17. The story he is telling is so _______ that some of the listeners begin to askhim to stop.pleasantHorriblehealthyexciting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Horrible18. England took arms against _______ enemy.hisherhersits本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: her1. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. They thought them better to inform the police before the wounded man came to. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. It means 'mades afraid'.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. To explain the influent of communication on people’s behavior.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. Were it left to her to decide if to have a family without children or a familywithout love, she should prefer the former.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Online learning require extra commitment to keep up with the flow of the course. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.andbutorso本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:and2. _________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a senseof infinite peaceIf walkingWalkingWhile walkingWhen one is walking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: When one is walking3. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ___________,of course, made the others jealous.whothatwhatwhich本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:which4. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered(改变) in the process. prohibitedeagerembarrassedbound本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:bound5. He made such a ___________ contribution to the school that they are naming oneof the buildings after him.genuineminimummodestgenerous本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: generous6. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouththe tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:whose7. I cannot give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demandfor it in the market.an expensea chargea purchasean order本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:an order8. Jumping out of ___ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ___ exciting experience. /the不填anananthethe本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:不填9. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:worked as an English teacher at a middle school10. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves__________closer together.drawndrawingto drawbeen drawn本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:drawn11. Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the groun;cruderudefreshoriginal本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:crude12. I hear that in some countries children are __________ from buying cigarette.forbiddenbannednot allowedprohibited本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:prohibited13. __________ the 1500s ____________ the first European explored the coast ofCalifornia.It was not until/ thenIt is not until/ whenIt is until/ thatIt was not until/ that本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:It was not until/ that14. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large,luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:are15. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ________ here for two days.will have stayedhave been stayingshall stayhave stayed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:will have stayed16. The president promised to keep all the board members ________ of how thenegotiations were going on.informbe informedinforminginformed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: informed17. She keeps talking about the party, she had a very good time, _________? hadn't shehad shedidn't sheweren't she本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:didn't she18. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy___________ for the exam.to prepareto be preparedpreparingbeing prepared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:preparing1. Another actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refusedpermission to work in this country.错本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. Because it can help to solve complaint more effectively.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Human can communicate by speaking to one another /by using words.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. It angered her that he appeared to think this amounted to a great concession. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that theconstruction of language becomes possible.对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. The town is fairly unique in the widely range of leisure facilities it offers. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed bythe university to take in ________.residentssettlerslodgersinhabitants本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lodgers2. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.More and more students have part-jobs out of campus.The population of university students having part-time jobs is increasing quickly.Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.More people support students to have part-time jobs.本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:Part-time jobs can foster university students' sense of competition.3. Twenty years ago it was common to see people ____________ from hunger on thestreets in that poor nation, but clearly the situation has improved greatly since then.callingpreventingresultingcollapsing本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: collapsing4. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. interpretationmeaningintelligibilitysense本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: sense5. Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. attribute tocontribute toattend todevote to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: contribute to6. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s. responsecommentanswerreply本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: comment7. Not _____________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture toculture.obviouslysurprisinglyparticularlynormally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:surprisingly8. Best ___of the news services is the Associated Press.being knownto be knownknowknown本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:known9. I was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a wor;mustn’t leaveshouldn’t have leftcouldn’t have leftneedn’t leave本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:shouldn’t have left10. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large,luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.isarewaswere本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:are11. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. each carryingwhose that watch iswhose watch is thatwhose watch is本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:each carrying12. I ______ to speak to you all these days.wantedhave wantedshall wantshall be wanting本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:have wanted13. It was until last year hat he ________.left his home town for a new startcame to realize the importance of learning Englishworked as an English teacher at a middle schoolset out to build a new house of his own本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:worked as an English teacher at a middle school14. England took arms against _______ enemy.hisherhersits本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: her15. A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do.howafterwhatwhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: what16. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of ____________ open mouththe tea was supposed to come.whosewhichitsthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:whose17. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes withinthe stated period of time.entitlespresentsgrantspromises本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:entitles18. Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _________ blown off the mountain.to have beento bethat it had beenthat it was本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:to have been1. It is only after the child has interacted in the external world that theconstruction of language becomes possible.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. They were not treated proper.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Another actor has been substituted for the famous player, which was refusedpermission to work in this country.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. So popular is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign in dark. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错6. The equality between husband or wife.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错7. Human can communicate by speaking to one another /by using words.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. It seems very difficult _______.to stop the child to cryrestraining the child to cryto keep the child from cryingholding the child's crying本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: holding the child's crying2. Our neighbour said that if we made more noise he would _________us to the police. inform ofcomplain aboutreport tocare for本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: complain about3. ________ speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other formsto communicate.SinceWhenWhileAs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: While4. Snap judgments, if ________, have usually been considered signs of immaturityor lack of common sense.taking seriouslytaken seriouslytake seriouslyto be taken seriously本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: taken seriously5. He was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.unlessifprovidedlest本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lest6. With the development of science and technology, man can make various flowers________ before their time.be bloomedbloomedbloomblooming本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: bloom7. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ murder lastweek.limitedmadedidcommitted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: committed8. Nobody knows _______________ how many people are to be blame for the coal-mineaccident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident. call outget aheadwake upcome to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: come to9. Mother dropped the glass ________ she was standing up from her seat.while askedAskedaskingwhile asking本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: while asking10. He suggested the sports meet be _______because of the bad weatherput awayput upput downput off本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: put off11. We also use other forms of communication ________ we may be aware or unaware. to whichof whichwhichthat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: of which12. She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back ____ heragain, sharp and insistent.conqueredwakenedabsorbedretired本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:wakened13. The warmth of ___ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ___ wooluse;the。