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Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
1. Which of the following is NOT an interest mentioned about McClintock when she was a child? A. sports B. music C. science D. literature 2. When studying at university, McClintock received training in _______. A. geriatrics B. genetics C. geoscience D. geoponics
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
C. Listen to the passage “ Rosalind Franklin’s Contribution to the DNA Discovery” three
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
6. McClintock won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1983, which ________. A. was shared with other two scientists B. was first awarded to an American woman C. was the first Nobel Prize she won D. was an unshared Nobel Prize
Section I. Asking, listening and watching
B. Listen to the passage “ Barbara McClintock” twice
and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
4. In 1951, McClintock presented her findings, which _______. A. seemed to be understood only by conference organizers B. enabled her to become a leading expert in genetics C. brought about a mixture of argument and criticism D. were accepted silently by most scientists
decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
D. Watch a video clip “Advice from Susume Tonegawa, a Nobel Laureate” twice and
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
They (5) _______ it with Maurice Wilkins, a British shared scientist who also studied DNA. agree Looking back, both scientists (6) _________ they never would have made their discovery luck without (7) _______ and help. One person whose chemist work they used was a British (8) _________. Her name was Rosalind Franklin. Rosalind Franklin had investigated the shape of DNA molecules. She hit them with X-rays. As she recorded images, one of them showed a
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
3. Gregor Mendel’s experiments ________. A. showed how genetic qualities are passed to living things. B. helped scientists re-discover the theory of heredity C. led to widespread acceptance of genetics as a subject D. allowed experiments with genes to be accepted
times and fill in each blank with the word or sentence form the audio clip.
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
Some say that, (11) ____________________ because she was a woman, Rosalind Franklin never got as much recognition __________________________________________ as she should have for her research ________________________________. She might have shared the Nobel Prize with Watson, Crick and Wilkins. But Nobels only go to living people. Rosalind Franklin died of cancer of the ovaries in 1958, at the age of thirty-seven.
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
a molecule in the shape of an X. (9) ___________ It provided ___________________________________________ strong evidence of the structure of DNA as a ____________. double helix. Maurice Wilkins worked with Rosalind Franklin, He did not tell her but they were not friends. (10) ________________ that he showed the picture—known as Photograph ___________________________________________ Fifty-One—to James Watson. ___________________________Mr Watson and Mr Crick said nothing about this picture in their famous paper.
There was great competition to find the secret of life. This was before scientists had today's (1) computers __________ . Francis Crick and James Watson made mistakes. But in April 1953 Nature magazine published a one-page letter in which they (2) _________ described the structure of DNA. react At first, the world did not (3) _______. Several years later, scientists proved that DNA can (4) copy _______ itself. In 1962, James Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Chapter 2
The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
5. McClintock’s work at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was recognized in 1970, when _____. A. she went to South America to study different kinds of maize plants B. she assisted younger scientists and students in genetics C. she was given the American government's highest science award D. she proposed her ideas of controlling elements in genes
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists
English Course of Contemporary Medicine
当代 医学 英语综合Hale Waihona Puke Baidu程
Chapter-2 The Personal and Professional Stories of Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists