



Listening Part 40%


()1、A. GKR B. JKR C. GKI

()2、A. 6:15 B. 7:14 C. 6:50

()3、A. / i?/ B. / ei / C. / ?i / ()4、A. fast B. must C. past

()5、A. /w?:t?/ B. /w?:?/ C. / w?:l / ()6、A. broken B. because C. brush

()7、A. pay attention B. play attention C. attention

()8、A. get there B. go together C. get together




()1、A. room B. foot ()2、A. bike B. give ()3、A.green B. glass ()4、A. water B. who ()5、A. sheep B. bread ()6、A. here B. where ()7、A. yellow B. windy ()8、A.cooked B.visited


()1、A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isn’t.

()2、A. He is going next weekend. B. He is going to school. ()3、A. It’s me. B. It’s his.

()4、A. He hobby is singing. B. His hobby is drawing. ()5、A. It’s Oct. 1st . B. It’s Dec. 25th .


()1、A. Spring is my favourite season. B. I like summer best.

()2、A. Amy is 150cm. B. Amy is 148cm.

()3、A. My father is a fisherman.B. My father is a postman. ()4、A. The tree is in front of the house. B. The tree is behind the house. ()5、A. I will take a bus home. B. I am going home by bike. 六、听对话,选出正确的选项6%


1、Where are they?

A.At home B. At school C. In a nature park.

2、What are the lions doing ?

A. They are talking to you.

B. They are sleeping.

C. They are running.


3、What happened to Ann ?

A. She rode a bike.

B. She hurt her foot

C. She fell off and angry.

4、Who did she go with ?

A. Her brother.

B. Her mother.

C. Her sister.


5、What are they talking about ?

A. A fareware party.

B. A birthday party.

C. A festival party.

6、What is Mike going to do in the party?

A. Sing a song.

B. Play the pipa..

C. Do kung fu.


()1、Deer is tall and thin..

()2、Mouse is small and stupid(愚蠢).

()3、Mouse is afraid of monkeys.

()4、Bear likes meat and fruit.

()5、Bear lives in the zoo.


1、__________ 2nd is my mother’s birthday

2、Look, the elephant is _________ water.

3、The ________ is near the cinema.

4、Yesterday my brother _________ many gifts for me from Yun Nan.

5、Before I liked play _________, but now I don’t like it.

Writing Part 60%



()2、A. v u w B. k l m C. e f j

()3、A. y x z B. p q r C. v d e

()4、A. n o p q B. K M N O C. F G H R


()1、A. teacher B. shirt C. her D. word

()2、A. coat B. know C. loud D. show

()3、A. cleaned B. cooked C. washed D. watched

()4. A. China B. lunch C. christmas D. beach

()5. A. there B. think C. these D. father


()1、A. Italian B. China C. UK D. Germany ()2、A. better B. sister C. older D. esaier ()3、A. singing B. amazing C. dancing D. talking ()4、A. share B. chase C. teach D. mice ()5、A. report B. worker C. writer D. coach



2、will (同义词)__________

3、country (复数)_________

4、hear (同音词)_________

5、thin (比较级)________



()1、I’m 15 years old, Tony is 13. He’s ________ than me.

A. 2 years younger

B. younger 2 years

C. 2 years older ()2、____________ ? It’s on May 24th.

A. What day is it today

B. What is the date today

C. What day

()3、______ shoes are these? They’re _______

A. Whose Amy

B. Who’s hers

C. Whose mine ()4、It’s time ______ have lunch.

A. to

B. for

C. to eat

()5、Mom, I don’t know the word. Dear, You can _______ on the Internet.

A. look up it

B. look up them

C. look it up

()6、He often help _____ with ______ English after class.

A. she her

B. her her

C. her she

()7、There _______ some bread on the table yesterday.

A. was

B. are

C. is

()8、_______ he going to the USA by plane ?.

A. Does

B. Is

C. Did


1、There are many teachers and students there, it’s a _________

2、My brother likes planes best, he works in the airport. He is a _________

3、It’s the first month of a year. It’s ________

4、When you don’t know the word, you can use it. It’s a __________

5、She is a university teacher, she often works in a lab(实验室). She is a __________


1、He went skating last winter vacation. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ skating last winter vacation ?

2、My uncle often plays football every Sundays.(用next Sunday 改写)

My uncle ________ ________ to play football next Sunday.

3、This is a book. It’s my sister’s.(将两句话合并成一句)

This _______ is my ________ .

4、There is a beautiful girl standing under the tree.. (改为复数句)

There ________ _________ beautiful girls standing under the tree.

5、She went to the cinema and saw an interesting film last weekend.(划线部分提问)

________ did she ________ in the cinema last weekend ?


Amy: Hello, John. __________.

John: I can empty the trash. I can do the dishes.

John: Great! You’re a helpful! ________

Mike: I went hiking with my parents. __________.

John: I went to a nature park saw lots of animals.

Mike: _____________

John: No, but there is a big river. There are many flowers near the river..

Mike: _____________ ?

John: I’m going to Turpan.

Mike: Cool, have a good time.

John: Sure !


()1、It’s cold and snow in Bei Jing today. __________


()2、They are going to buy some gifts to me next weekend. _________


()3、My English teacher is so angry of me. __________


()4、Two years ago, Mike can’t play the piano, now he can. ______


()5、Did he took lots of pictures last weekend.. ________



friends to his home, his mom _______ much delicious food. Beef is Mike’s favourite food, _______ Ann doesn’t like it, she ______ chicken best. After lunch, there was a party, in the party, Mike ______ kung fu, Ann sang an English song. What about ______? Haha, I was danced a nice dance. Everyone was so ______ on that day.


Chen Jie and Chen Lin are sisters. They both from Britain. Now they live in Shanghai .Chen Jie is fourteen years old, she is 2 years younger than her sister. But she is taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46kg, She is heavier than her. Next weekend Chen Lin are going to take a trip, but Chen Jie doesn’t want to go, She wants to go to the Renin Park with sally. In there, she’s going to fly kites, row a boat. At last, they agree to go to Ren Min Park together, all of them are happy.

()1、Chen Jie comes from_______


B. Shang Hai


()2、Chen Lin is _______ than Chen Jie.

A. younger

B. older

C. shorter

()3、Are they going to take a trip next weekend ?

A. Yes, they are

B. No, they aren’t

C. Yes, she is. ()4、What is Chen Jie going to do ?

A. Going to fly kites and row a boat

B. Going to fly kites and take a trip with Sally

C. Going to row a boat and take a trip.

()5. Who is heavier ?

A. Chen Jie

B. Chen Lin

C. Sally


听力部分 I. 听句子是否与图片一致,用“√”“ ×”表示。
1. ( )
2. ( )
3. ( )
4. ( )
5. ( )
II. 根据所听内容给图片标号。
6. ( )
第 1 页 共 10 页

III. 根据所听内容将单词与图片连线。 Spring
Summer Autumn
IV. 听问句,选择恰当答语。
( ) 1. A. I play the piano.
B. I’m reading an e-mail.
C. I’m going to buy an ice cream.
( ) 2. A. Yes, he is.
B. Yes, he like.
C. Yes, he does.
第 2 页 共 10 页

( ) 3. A. No, he isn’t. B. No, he doesn’t.
( ) 4. A. Tuesday.
B. September 10th.
( ) 5. A. I like a chocolate cake.
B. I like chocolate.
C. I’d like a round cake.
( ) 6. A. It’s hot.
B. It’s cold.
V. 根据所听内容填写信息卡中所缺部分。
Favorite thing
C. No, he not. C. September.
C. It’s cool.
第 3 页 共 10 页


小学英语模拟考试 听力部分(40分) 一.听录音,请按照录音顺序在图片下面的括号内填上相应的数字序号( 1——10 ) (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,请判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在图片下面的括号内写“T”, 不相符的写“F”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听下面的二五段小对话,请根据对话内容选择相应的答案,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号 内。(每段对话读两遍)(10分) 听第一段对话完成1——2小题 ( )1、Whose watch doesn’t work? A. Emma B. Jack C. Mike ( )2、What’s the time now? A. half past seven B.eignt o ’clock C. half past eight 听第二段对话完成3——5小题 ( )3、Is my cousin a Chinese girl? A.Yes,she is B.No,she isn ’t C. No,she is ( )4、How old is my cousin? A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 ( )5.When did she come to China? A. A year ago B. Two years ago C. Three years ago 四、听短文,请根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号内。 (短文读两遍)(10分) ( )1、Tomorrow is ____. A. Friday B.Saturday C. Sunday ( )2、 A.My friends gave me ____ . A.many presents B. a big cake C. a bike ( )3、____ bought a big cake. A.My parents B.My friends C.My father ( )4、I had a birthday party ____ A. at school B. at home C. at the park ( )5、We’re going to a park and____. A. have a party B.ride a bike C.ride a horse 笔试部分(60分) 一、单项选择。读一读,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的一项完成下列句子。将所选答案的 字母序号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1、I ____ a fun day yesterday. A. have B. has C. had ( ) 2、How many ____ ____ there in your family? A.people,is B. Peoples,are C. People,are ( ) 3、Tom’s cousins ____ good English. A. speak B.speaks C.speaking ( ) 4、My birthday is ____ the first of May. A. on B. In C. at ( ) 5、____ capital is Canberra. A. It B.It’s C. Its ( ) 6、Fruit ____ good for your health. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 7、Vegetables are ____ . 学 校 姓 名 班 级 考 场 考 号


江苏省学业水平测试英语学科 模拟试卷(二) 本试卷分两部分,第一部分语言基础知识与基本技能,满分45分;第二部分语言综合运用,满分55分;共计100分。考试时间75分钟。 第一部分:语言基础知识与基本技能(共4小节,满分45分) I.总结规律,从方框内找出各小题划线部分的音标:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) A. / z/ B. / ei / C. /d/ D. / t?/ E. /?/ 1. ( ) lived arrived happened joined 2. ( ) fun cut some ton 3. ( ) teach chair much China 4. ( ) plane pay make face 5. ( ) boys toys factories bodies II. 交际对话:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (A)在II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的句子 I II 6. ( ) How are you? A. I’m a driver. 7. ( ) What lessons do you have today? B. Fine. Thanks. 8. ( ) What do you do at weekends? C. I often go shopping. 9. ( ) What are you, Mr. Green? D. English and Chinese in the morning. 10. ( ) Why don’t you come with us? E. I’d love to, but I can’t. (B)从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,完成对话。 Cathy: Hello! This is Cathy. Is Tom there? Jack: I’m sorry.11 Cathy: Do you know when he’ll be back? Jack: 12 Sometime tonight, I guess. 13 Cathy: Yes, that would be great. 14 Jack: Does he have your number? Cathy: My number is 53874432. Jack: 15 Cathy: Yes, that’s 53874432. Thanks so much.


小学六年级英语模拟试题 Class__________ Name________________ 听力部分 一、根据你所听到的内容,选择相符的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ()1、A. talk B. tall C. tail ()2、A. write B. light C. right ()3、A. very B. every C. many ()4、A. music B. much C. museum ()5、A. thin B. think C. thank ()6、A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour ()7、A. walk B. week C. work ()8、A. turn right B. turn left C. go straight ()9、A. police B. please C. pen pal ()10、A. read books B. reading books C. reads books 二、根据你所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在题前的括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”。 (10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. Amy is 15 years old. ( ) 7. The cinema is west of the library. ( ) 8. My mother is 50kg. ( ) 9. The door is in front of the trash bin.

( ) 10. I am going to Beijing by plane. 三、根据你所听到的内容,选择合适的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. A.I’m 51 kg. B.I’m 165 cm. C.I’m 12. ( ) 2. A. No, it isn’t. B. No I’m not. C.Yes, my hair is short. ( ) 3.A.He is active. B.She feels tired. C.He is happy. ( ) 4. A.He went swimming. B.He swims in the morning. C.He swam in the sea. ( ) 5. A. It’s far from here B. It’s east of the bookstore. C. You can go on foot 四、根据你所听到的内容填入所缺的单词,使意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。(5分) 1.Li Ming was an _____________ years ago. 2.I bought a ____________ last night. 3.She usually ____________ a kite on the weekend. 4.Did they _____________ last Sunday? 5.There are two ______________ over the river. 五、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)( )1. Sarah went to Shanghai by train. ( )2. She was not happy in Shanghai. ( )3. She went shopping on the first day. ( )4 .She bought some presents for her parents. ( )5. She came back home on the third day. 笔试部分 六、根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并 将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。(10分) Zhang Peng: Hi, Chen Jie. _________________________? Chen Jie: I went to the hospital yesterday. Zhang Peng: ______________________________? Chen Jie: Yes, I was sick. Zhang Peng: ______________________________? Chen Jie: I had a headache ,I got the flu.


小升初英语试题(四) 一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B 或C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码A,B 或C 填到答题纸上。(每题1 分,共20 分) ()1.---- ?----She is a policewoman. A.What does your father do B.What does she do C.What does he do ( )2.—Is this your bike? —No,it is . is red. A.his;Her B.hers;Mine C.mine;Her ( )3.Nurses work at the . A.bank B.hospital https://www.360docs.net/doc/505441961.html, station ( )4.They are talking the movie. A.with B.to C.about ( )5.---Lei Hao,this is my friend Tom.─. A.How are you? B.Good morning C.How do you do? ( )6.--- a post office near here?---Yes, there is. A.Is it B.Is this C.Is there ( )7.When is your birthday? My birthday is December. A.in B.on C.at ( )8.A:Hi.John.Happy birthday to you. B: 。 A.Thank you B.Happy birthday C.You’re welcome ( )9.Mr Wang is my teacher.He is good teacher. A.a B.an C.the ( )10.“is the park?”“It’s about 5 kilometers away.” A.How far B.How long C.Where 二、完形填空:请阅读下面短文内容从每小题的A,B,C 或D,四个选项中,选择一个正确的答案。把选项代码A,B,C 或D 填到答题纸上。(每题 1 分,共14 分) Mrs Wang lives in Nanjing now. She is 102 years old. People often ask her 1 she can keep healthy in her life. Mrs Wang says everyone 2 live to 102 if he eats healthy food and does some exercise every day. Mrs Wang thinks, first of all, 3 is very important. She often 4 a glass of milk and two eggs for it at about 8:00 a.m. Milk and eggs give her energy. So she doesn’t often feel 5 in the morning. She 6 eats snacks because she doesn’t think they are healthy food. She seldom eats meat too. She usually has rice and vegetables for lunch and supper. And between meals, she usually has an apple or a banana. Mrs Wang does some exercise too. She thinks she is still young. She plays Taiji for half an hour every day. Sometimes she also dances with her friends. “Do you want to be 7 forever (永远)? I’m sure you can if you have a good lifestyle!” Mrs Wang says to us. ( )1.A.what B.when C.where D.how ( )2.A.can B.should C.need D.must ( )3.A.lunch B.breakfast C.supper D.dinner ( )4.A.is having B.are having C.has D.have ( )5.A.excited B.happy C.well D.tired ( )6.A. often https://www.360docs.net/doc/505441961.html,ually C.always D.never ( )7.A. hungry B.old C.luck D. young (三)阅读理解:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B,C 或D,4 个选项中,选择一个正确的答案。把选项代码A,B,C 或 D 填到答题纸上。(每题3 分,共24 分) (A) New Clothes for a New School Year There are big “back-to-school” sales everywhere now. Many school students need new clothes for the new school year.


六年级毕业班冲刺英语模拟测试卷(一) 英语 (全卷100分,测试时间为50分钟) 一、语音、词汇。34% (一)在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ()kangaroo ()young ()curtain ()skirt ()watch (二)根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分)[f?t][spr??t][h??t][sm??l][n??s] ()()()()()(三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、I always p trees with my family in spring? 2、He always help people when they are in t______. 3、In summer, the w is usually very h . 4、Lisa and Lyla are t____. They look the s____, but they are very d______. 5、Our m_______ teacher is very y______. He’s very f______. (四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) Last weekend, I v_____ my aunt’s farm. There are many a________ in the f_____, such a s cows, g_____, s_____, horses and etc. My aunt was very busy at first. She needed to _____ the hens, m____ the cows and shear a sheep. Later, she taught me how to r____ a horse. I really h____ a g____ time in my aunt’s farm. (五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、This is my weekend timetable. 2、Go straight along this road, and the school is on your left. 3.I can help my mother to wash the plates now. 4. Did you have a pleasant journey? 二、句型、情景表达。35 % (一)选择填空。将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( ) 1、Kunming is known as“”. A.Flower City B.Spring City C. Beauty City


第一卷(选择题共60分) I.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.—Hurry up! There's a bus coming! —Why run There will be ______ one in two or three minutes. A.another B.other C.the other D.any other 2.—The constant noise around here ______ me crazy! —Calm down.It's no use complaining. A.drove B.drives C.is driving D.had driven 3.It puzzles him why people here are so interested in what his job is.He ______ that question frequently.A.has asked B.gets asked C.is asking D.was asked 4.—Sunny had to give a speech in front of 500 people yesterday. —Whew! That's a big audience.She ______ have been nervous. A.must B.would C.might D.could 5.—I like your new shoes! —Thanks.I had to try on almost a dozen pairs ______ I decided to get them. A.as B.when C.after D.before 6.______ under the tree was a charming girl aged about seventeen or eighteen. A.Sat B.Sitting C.To sit D.Sit 7.There were several messages from people, most of _____ I didn't know, on my answering machine when I got home. A.those B.which C.whom D.them 8.Madonna ______ many albums and will probably make many more. A.records B.recorded C.had recorded D.has recorded 9.Education is ______ remains when we have forgotten all we have been taught. A.whether B.how C.that D.what 10.—Tom is very upset.I wish I ______ him the disappointing news. —I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen. A.didn't tell B.hadn't told C.haven't told D.wouldn't tell 11.The movie was so terrifying that she kept her eyes ______ through most of it. A.covering B.covered C.having covered D.being covered 12.the little boy knows so much about nature really surprises his teachers and classmates.A.How B.Why C.That D.What 13.According to some studies, EQ is ______ important, if not more important than IQ.. A.so B.very C.even D.as 14.While studying, fix your mind on what is really important, or you will ______remembering nothing.A.end up B.take up C.lead to D.stick to 15.Scientists have created the world's smallest "snowman" , ______ about a fifth of the width of a human hair.A.measuring B.measures C.measured D.to measure II. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A “Hey, Jenna, do you think we’ll still be friends when we’re eighty-two” I asked my friend.It was clear that


. 六年级英语模拟试题(一) ( D )1、A、take B、dad C、sad D、hand ( C )2、A、but B、cut C、hungry D、excuse ( C )3、A、window B、yellow C、cow D、know ( D )4、A、fish B、five C、Hi D、alive ( D )5、A、book B、look C、room D、good ( D )6、A、it B、sit C、like D、give ( B )7、A、next B、these C、let D、best ( B )8、A、now B、cow C、how D、yellow ( A )9、A、bread B、sea C、tea D、bee ( A )1、A、want B、fox C、not D、do 二、将下列单词补全完整(7) 1、wee enk 2、h__l__day 3、r__v__er 4、che__k 5、r__ce 6、__rovince 7、co__ntry 8、fr__dg__ 9、ro__e 10.mo__el 三、按要求完成下列各词(10) 1.come (过去式)__cooe ______ 2.buy (过去式)__ atout___________ 3. big (比较级)__ ___sllom_________ 4.two(同音词)___too__________ 5. young (比较级)______boll________ 6.get(过去式)___goo__________ 7. clever( 最高级)__leve___________ 8.best ( 原级)___beser___________ 9. long ( 反义词)____soll____ make( 过去式)___matk_________ 四、英汉互译(10) 1.跳绳_have a good _ 2. the sound of Music_ _a_ __have a good t_ _o o_____ 3.制定计划__ hear from ____ 4. have a good time____现在几点了___ 5.呆在家里_____the hooe 6. hear from _____呆在家里____ 7.做作业___go _hoom 8. the top o f the hill _我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了_ have a nice trip ____玩__ 10. make a plan ____到山上玩_______________ 五、用所给词的正确形式填空,每词只能用一次(10) 1. Elephants are ____ long _____________ animals on land 2. Grandpa is _______ high ________than dad . 3.The giraffe is ____ strong _____________ than the camel. 4.I think Billy is _____ fast ______________ in our class. 5.Which is _______ clever ________, the bear or the horse . 6.The sun is _____ big ___________ than the moon. 7. My pencil is ____ short _____________ than yours . 8.Wang Yu is _________ old _________in our 9.Which is _________ bright ______ in our school? 10. The Huanghe river is ______ l tal ____ than Liaohe river 六、选择填空(6) ( A )1.I __________ football every day . A . play B. played C.playing ( A )2. I_________ to supermarker last Friday . A. go B. went C.going ( C )3.What _______ your brother going to do ? A.am B.is C.are ( A )4.The sun, the earth ,the moon, The Sun is the ____of the three. A. big B. is C.are ( A )5.I’m going to ______some books A. by B. buy C. bought ( C )6.I’m _______ home 5 A. go B. going C. went ( A )7. You are _________ young to go abroad. A. two B. to C. too ( A )8.Did you _________ to beach . A. went B. gone C. go (B)9.打电话时,想知道对方是谁,应说:______


六年级英语模拟测试题 听力部分 I. 听句子是否与图片一致,用“√”“×”表示。 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) II. 根据所听内容给图片标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

III. 根据所听内容将单词与图片连线。 Spring Summer Autumn Winter IV. 听问句,选择恰当答语。 ( ) 1. A. I play the piano. B. I’m reading an e-mail. C. I’m going to buy an ice cream. ( ) 2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he like. C. Yes, he does.

( ) 3. A. No, he isn’t. B. No, he doesn’t. C. No, he not. ( ) 4. A. Tuesday. B. September 10th. C. September. ( ) 5. A. I like a chocolate cake. B. I like chocolate. C. I’d like a round cake. ( ) 6. A. It’s hot. B. It’s cold. C. It’s cool. V.根据所听内容填写信息卡中所缺部分。 People Favorite thing Father Mother Grandfather Grandmother Brother Me

笔试部分 I. 看图写出你会的单词。 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________ II. 选择填空。 ( ) 1. Don’t be late __________ school. A. to B. for C. from ( ) 2. We ___________ go home too late. A. should B. shouldn’t ( ) 3. In spring, the days get ____________________. A. shorter and shorter B. warmer and warmer C. longer and longer ( ) 4. Lisa will have party _______ Oct. 21st. A. on B in C. at ( ) 5. ________ they planting seeds? A. Are B. Do C. Is


江苏省学业水平测试英语学科 模拟试卷(一) 本试卷分两部分,第一部分语言基础知识与基本技能,满分45分;第二部分语言综合运用,满分55分;共计100分。考试时间75分钟。 第一部分:语言基础知识与基本技能(共4小节,满分45分) I.总结规律,从方框内找出各小题划线部分的音标:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) A. / / B. / / C. // D. / / E. // 1. ( ) map have apple than 2. ( ) those father within there 3. ( ) close coat drove nose 4. ( ) boy noise enjoy oil 5. ( ) throw think maths three II. 交际对话:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (A)在II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的句子 I II 6. ( ) Would you like another cake? A. Of course. 7. ( ) Could you do me a favor? B. No thanks. I’m just looking around. 8. ( ) What can I do for you? C. It’s boring. 9. ( ) How do you like the movie? D. No, thanks. I’m full. 10. ( ) May I take your order now? E. Wait a minute. I’m waiting for a friend. (B)从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,完成对话。 Jim: 11 Tracy: I bought this dress for my daughter last week, but 12 , I’d like to change it for a larger one. Jim: Oh, I see. Well, which one would you like to take? Tracy: 13 Jim: OK. May I have a look at your receipt? Tracy: Oh, my god! 14 Jim: I’m sorry. I can’t change it for you without the receipt. Tracy: OK…I will come tomorrow with the receipt.


小学六年级英语模拟考试题 (考试时间50分钟试题满分50分) 考场:学校:班级:姓名:分数: 听力部分(Listening Part)15分 Ⅰ. 听录音,根据所听句子顺序为下列图片标序号。(每空1分,计5分) Ⅱ.听录音,根据所听句子选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. On foot B. On feet C. By plane ( )2 .A. I’m 48kg. B. I’m 140cm long. C. I’m 140cm tall. ( )3. A. No, I did. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I didn’t. ( )4. A. I have a toothache. B. My throat is sore. C. I’m angry. ( )5. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, there are. Ⅲ. 听录音,把句子补充完整。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. My birthday is in ______________. 2. What did you do yesterday? I __________ a boat with my brother. 3. How does Amy feel? She feels ____________. 4. The sperm whale is ______________ than the killer whale. 5. The rain comes from the ________________. 笔试部分(Writing Part ) 35 分 Ⅳ. 选出与所给单词划线部分发音不同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. happy A .stamp B. apple C. name ( ) 2.best A. bed B. desk C. he ( ) 3.dive A. big B. library C. bike ( ) 4.cow A. window B. now C. how


2014~2015学年度第二学. 卷试拟末模测年级英语科期小学. . .

_ 听力部分. __考密 分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5__. __taller CBbigger stronger )1A(...._. ___ 封stayed CBwashed watched )2A(....___. __rides CBride rode A )3(...._. ___线B C A)4(eating.eat.ate..___. __B C 5A ()feet.food.foot.._. 名姓内_二、看图,听录音,标。(5分)_. ___. __ _ 不

___. ___. ___要__级. 班.___ 答___. )()()(())(___. _分)三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。(10__ 题___. CI'm 12 years old.BI'm 48 kg. I'm 1.61 metres.A ()1....___. 校the going 'II am good. BCm to It was good. (2A)....学. . zoo. . . . BShe watched TV. CWe ate fresh food. He slept. A )3(....BC A )4(I am in Xinjiang.to .I'm going .I went to Xinjiang...Xinjiang.B C A)5(No, there was..Yes, there were..Yes, there was...四、听录音,填上句子中所缺的单词。(10分) 1_________ was your weekend? .2.Where ________ you ________? 3We _________ __________ __________ in Beijing..4There was no __________ in my old school. .5She __________ to Beijing ________ _________. . 笔试部分 70% 一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用(T)或(F)表示。(6分) BB 2A(A()1 )foodthere..foot..here..BB A ))3A 4 ((whose.warm.who..March..BB )6 A(A()5wayslow..wait....window分)二、按要求写单词。(102 1)级比____________________较.thin(.heavy(比较级)_________________________43 )级good (最.take(过去式)_____________________高.________________________65 )形式Monday.(缩略__________________________.I(宾格)____________________87 )分在 _______________________.for(同音词)词have.(现_______________________109)词应(_______________________ slow.(副词).mother对_______________________分)6(三、用所给词的适当形式填空。. 1Listen! The girl ______________________ (sing) a song. .2He is ________ (I)brother. .3I ____________ (go) to Beijing with Mike last month. .4Oh, the bus is _____________ (e). .5_________________ (not speak) in the library. .6Sarah likes ___________ (dance) in the evening. .四、选择题。(10分) ()1.What are you going to do _________ ? A.now B.yesterday C.tomorrow
