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本文根据OPSM模型,建立了一个快速有效的精确性寻找方法,来挖掘分散在基因数据矩阵中的OPSM聚类。首先在基因数据矩阵中的每两行寻找其公共子序列,然后利用STL map,在整个基因数据矩阵的范围内,对找到的公共子序列进行支持度的统计,并将达到支持度阈值的OPSM聚类输出。实验证明该方法能够快速地找到符合条件的OPSM聚类,并且能够通过条件存储,针对长频繁模式进行寻找分析,挖掘出更具生物意义的Deep-OPSM聚类。此外,通过条件存储,可以在多台计算机上实现并行计算,提高分析处理速度,适应大型数据矩阵的分析需求。最后从生物学的角度,验证了该方法的可行性。

关键词:OPSM,序列模式,Deep-OPSM,STL map

Mine the knowledge from the gene expression data

A bstract

Order-preserving submatrix (OPSM) has been widely accepted as a biologically meaningful cluster model, capturing the general tendency of gene expression across a subset of experiments. In an OPSM, the expression levels of all genes induce the same linear ordering of the experiments. The OPSM problem is to discover those statistically significant OPSMs from a given data matrix. The problem is reducible to a special case of the sequential pattern mining problem, where a pattern and its supporting sequences uniquely specify an OPSM. However, as more and more genes are discovered, data sets containing more and more experiments and genes. And existing methods do not scale well to massive data sets containing many experiments and hundreds of thousands of genes because of the low efficiency problem. It makes it difficult to discovery OPSM in a massive data sets. In particular, deep OPSMs, corresponding to long patterns with few supporting sequences, incur explosive computational costs in their discovery and are completely pruned off by existing methods. Deep-OPSM problem is to discover long-frequent patterns with few supporting sequences in a data sets. It will have greater biological significance in the analysis of data matrix. Therefore it is needed to find more efficient ways to find OPSMs.

In this paper, We propose a accuracy method that is rapid and efficiency, to find all OPSMs in a data sets , as well as Deep-OPSMs. Firstly, we find the all the common subsequence in the data matrix for each of its two rows, and then we use the STL map, to count the supports of every common subsequence in the range of the data matrix. If the support of the common subsequence is grater than the support threshold , we find a OPSM. Experimental results show that this method can quickly find qualified OPSMs. And we can only digging out more Deep-OPSMs with more biological significance by selecting the long frequent patterns according to their lengths. In addition, because of the storage conditions(the length of the common
