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2017-2018学年七年级下unit 1-unit 4 单元知识集结


U 1 知识点总结

1. talk with 意为“与……交谈” talk about… talk to…

2. Can后接动词原形,过去式Cound + V原形 Lily could swim at the age of three

3. be patient with sb.意为“对某人有耐心”。Miss Li______ _______ ______ her student.

拓展:patient作名词,意为“病人”。They look after patients every day. 她们每天照顾病人。

4. take意为“花费(时间)”。 The journey takes about 30 minutes.这段路程大约需要30分钟。

5. with 介词,是“具有;带有”的意思。 Lily is a short girl with glasses

6. She was a very good cook. My father usually cook dinner for me.

注意:cook+ er → cooker, 表示“炊具”。 I often wash the cooker.

7. forget to do sth.意为“忘记去做某事” Don’t forget to turn off the light before you leave

8. 辨析:as well, also, too与either

He can swim as well.他也会游泳。 He also wants to go there. 他也想去那儿。

I am a boy, too.我也是个男孩。 He doesn’t want to go, either.他也不想去。


9. take care of意为“照顾,照料“ = look after,

take good care of…相当于look after…well,表示”照顾好……”。

have to take good care of my sister.

10. miss意为“想念”。 I miss you very much. 我非常想念你。

拓展:①miss意为“错过”。翻译:I missed the beginning of the film.

11. make sth.意为“使/让某人做某事” The teacher makes the students run everyday.

Make fun of 取笑、、、 Don’t make fun of the little boy.

12. full of fun 充满乐趣 be full of意为“充满” The room is full of smoke.


13. lots of = a lot of,意为“许多,很多” There_______ a lot of water in the bottle.

14. be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 He _____ _____ _______ her daughter.

be strict about sth对某事要求严格 My mother______ ______ _______ his work.

15. encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”。He ________ ________ ________ study hard.

16. give up意为“放弃” + Ving。We didn’t give up ________. 我们没有放弃游泳。

17. We will r__________ friends forever.



2.特指用the Do you see the pen on the desk. The book under the table

3.第一次提到某物用“a”, 第二次以上使用“the” Lily has a dog, the dog’s name is Judy.

4.世界上独一无二的事物前面用 the I want to visit the moon

5.形容词最高级前面用the He is the most beautiful girl in the world.

6.序数词前面用the I was the first student to go to school today

7.乐器类前面用the I like playing the violin. Piano/ drum/ guitar

8.球类前面不用the I like playing the football. Tennis/ basketball/ badminton/golf/ soccer/


9.三餐前面不用the He usually has breakfast at seven oclock


11.姓氏复数前用the,表示“…一家”。The Greens are from Australia.

More practice:

辨析:on, in与at

(1)on 在星期几 on Monday在星期一

在几月几日 on May 1st在五月一日

在节日当天 on New Year’s Day在新年那天

在具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上on Sunday morning on the afternoon of July 7th


在限定词修饰的上午、下午或晚上 on a cold winter morning 在一个寒冷冬天的


(2)in 在某年、某月、某个季节in 2013 in spring, in May

(3)at 在具体钟点前at eleven 在11点

习惯搭配at noon在中午at night在晚上in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening

U 2 知识点总结

1.french . 法国的 french法语 France法国 He is a French, he speak_______, he is


2.department store 百货商店 the department store will be open at 10 oclock.

3.lie . 位于,坐落在 Guangzhou ______ in the south of China.

4.on the coast . 在海滨 Shenzhen is a village _______ _______ ________ before.

5.Perfect 完美的The film is over with a perfect end.

6.prefer + to do sth I prefer to swim on Saterday.

prefer A to B I prefer dogs to cats.


prefer doing to doing I prefer running to swimming.

7.The capital of …的首都 Paris if the capital of France.

8.Places of interest 名

胜 I visited many places of interest when I was in Beijin
