Purpose and background
To raise awareness of the importance of animal protection and the need for conservation efforts
To discuss the current situation and challenges facing animal protection in England
Born Free Foundation
An international wildlife charge working through the world to stop individual animal buffering and protect threatened specifications in the wild
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act is the main animal protection law in Australia It exhibits acts of cruelty and single rewards animals and allows for the inspection of animal promises
National Animal Protection Associations
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA): The oldest and largest animal welfare organization in the UK, providing rescue, care, and protection for animals in need
Ethical Treatment of Animals, Respect for Life
1, have a good attitude. Animals are human's good friends! Even though it was ferocious tiger, or malevolent snakes, is an important part of the ecological balance, human survival and they are closely related, it is good I all right!
4、加强保护野生动物的宣传、举办活动,普 及知识!
That’s all coused by us!
We should protect it
1、端正态度。动物是人类的好朋友!即使它是凶猛的老虎,又或是恶毒的蛇, 是生态平衡的重要组成部分,人类的生存和它们息息相关,它好我也好!
•They are friends
2, adopt scientific methods to protect them. Use the method of science for long-term planning, system protection.
Illegal ivory trade
The Illegal trade in ivory is driving the elephant population towards extraction, as teachers kill elements for their tutors
Illegal hunting and trading
Legal protection
Establish nature reserves and protect the habitats of wild animals.
Establish nature reserves in wildlife habitats, strengthen the protection of the natural environment, prevent human activities from damaging the living environment of wildlife, and ensure that animals can reproduce and thrive in a relatively safe environment.
Climate change
Measures to protect animals
Develop strict animal protection laws to ensure the protection of animal rights.
Countries should establish and improve animal protection laws, clearly prohibit the abuse and illegal trade of animals, and crack down on illegal activities to provide legal protection for animals.
The Illegal trade in ivory is driving the elephant population towards extraction, as teachers kill elements for their tutors
Illegal hunting and trading
Legal protection
Establish nature reserves and protect the habitats of wild animals.
Establish nature reserves in wildlife habitats, strengthen the protection of the natural environment, prevent human activities from damaging the living environment of wildlife, and ensure that animals can reproduce and thrive in a relatively safe environment.
Climate change
Measures to protect animals
Develop strict animal protection laws to ensure the protection of animal rights.
Countries should establish and improve animal protection laws, clearly prohibit the abuse and illegal trade of animals, and crack down on illegal activities to provide legal protection for animals.
Illegal wildlife trade
Wildlife such as pangolins, crocodiles, and turtles are hunted and sold for their meat or body parts, which are used in traditional medicine or for other purposes
Agriculture and animal husbandry
Animals are used in agriculture and animal husbandry for food, milk, eggs, and other products, but care should be taken to ensure their well-being is respected
Protecting the ecosystem
Nature reserves not only protect animals, but also protect components of the ecosystem such as plants, water sources, and soil, maintaining ecological balance.
Biodiversity conservation
The protection of animals preserves biodiversity, which is essential for the survival of ecosystems and the planet's resistance against environmental changes
Wildlife such as pangolins, crocodiles, and turtles are hunted and sold for their meat or body parts, which are used in traditional medicine or for other purposes
Agriculture and animal husbandry
Animals are used in agriculture and animal husbandry for food, milk, eggs, and other products, but care should be taken to ensure their well-being is respected
Protecting the ecosystem
Nature reserves not only protect animals, but also protect components of the ecosystem such as plants, water sources, and soil, maintaining ecological balance.
Biodiversity conservation
The protection of animals preserves biodiversity, which is essential for the survival of ecosystems and the planet's resistance against environmental changes
公安搜查的两张 进口的老虎皮
这些都是用动 物的生命换取 的人类制品
2010年12月31日 凌晨4时许,广东 省佛山市顺德区容 桂青华市场,三只 被顾客挑选宰杀的 小狗在笼中相互依 偎着,等待死亡的 到来。 生:黄鼠狼抓老鼠,是对农、林、牧业非常有益的动物,是人类的朋友。
13尽量不看驯兽,马戏等违反野兽天性的表演。 14 对动物不要过于亲密,以防把你的病传给它或它的病传给你。 15 不要热衷于把野兽驯养成家畜,应尊重其他物种的异质性。 16 若不具备条件,切勿饲养动物。 17 到自然界时,不要擅入保护核心区,不肆意采集,索取。 18 做保护志愿者,积极举报违法者。 19 不鼓励采集,购买,制作动物标本,莫以科学名义伤天害理。 20 见到诱捕动物的索套,笼网,夹子等应果断拆毁。 21 积极向媒介通告好人好事和坏人坏事。 22 动物也需休息,请勿肆意打扰,大呼小叫。 23 劝君莫捡野禽蛋,强取豪夺断后源。 24 对所利用动物应怀感恩之意,对所饲养动物应怀体怜之情。
Love animals! Love our world!
动物是人类的好朋友 ……..
但是一些不和谐的现 象却发生了。。。
虐 兔 女 事 件
虐待 动物
社会上发生的虐待动物的事件总是令人 揪心,在为这些被虐杀的动物心痛和惋惜的 同时,我们也开始陷入了深思,为什么社会 上会出现这样的现象?我们是否该做些什么 ? 动物是人类的朋友,我们应该保护它们 ,停止虐杀,从我们自身做起,一点一滴, 保护动物,刻不容缓!
Illegal Wildlife Trade
The illegal trade of ended specifications, such as tigers, pangolins, and helmeted bills, for traditional medicine, luxury items, or pet trade, poses a severe threat to their survival and conservation status
Habitat Restoration
Restoring and managing degraded or fragmented habitats to support health populations of extended specifications
Invasive Specifications Control
Conservation Measures
In site Conservation
Protected Areas
Establishing national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and other protected areas to ensure the long term survival of ended specifications and their habitats
Overview of the Presentation
• The presentation will cover the following topics: the causes of ending, examples of ending animals, the impact of ending on ecosystems and human society, conservation efforts and measures, and the role of individuals and society in protecting ending animals It aims to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of endangered animal protection and resource active participation in conservation efforts
The illegal trade of ended specifications, such as tigers, pangolins, and helmeted bills, for traditional medicine, luxury items, or pet trade, poses a severe threat to their survival and conservation status
Habitat Restoration
Restoring and managing degraded or fragmented habitats to support health populations of extended specifications
Invasive Specifications Control
Conservation Measures
In site Conservation
Protected Areas
Establishing national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and other protected areas to ensure the long term survival of ended specifications and their habitats
Overview of the Presentation
• The presentation will cover the following topics: the causes of ending, examples of ending animals, the impact of ending on ecosystems and human society, conservation efforts and measures, and the role of individuals and society in protecting ending animals It aims to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of endangered animal protection and resource active participation in conservation efforts
• Deforestation • Global Warming • Water pollution • Air pollution
Global Warming
burn fuels carbon dioxide drift into the atmosphere Global warming trap the heat from the sun
However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.
Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger of destruction by loggers, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute.
Environmental Protection
Only to obey nature in order to overcome nature. -Darwin
Our globe is in danger
Global Warming
burn fuels carbon dioxide drift into the atmosphere Global warming trap the heat from the sun
However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.
Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger of destruction by loggers, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute.
Environmental Protection
Only to obey nature in order to overcome nature. -Darwin
Our globe is in danger
动物是生物多样性的重要组成部分,保护动物有助于维护生物多样性,促进地球生 命的繁荣发展。
生物多样性对于生态系统的稳定和平衡至关重要,保护动物可以防止物种灭绝和生 态崩溃,保持生物多样性的完整性和稳定性。
生物多样性对于人类的生存和发展也具有重要意义,保护动物可以促进人类与自然 和谐共生的可持续发展。
habitats of numerous endangered species and allowed them to thrive.
Crackdown on illegal hunting and trading
Raids on illegal hunting camps, seizures of wildlife products,
Giant Panda
Protection measures
Establishment of nature reserves, captive breeding programs, and education programs to raise awareness.
Population of Giant Pandas has increased significantly in recent decades due to these efforts.
International exchange and cooperation projects
Global Partnerships for the Protection of Animals Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) Projects Regional Wildlife Law Enforcement Initiatives
动物是生物多样性的重要组成部分,保护动物有助于维护生物多样性,促进地球生 命的繁荣发展。
生物多样性对于生态系统的稳定和平衡至关重要,保护动物可以防止物种灭绝和生 态崩溃,保持生物多样性的完整性和稳定性。
生物多样性对于人类的生存和发展也具有重要意义,保护动物可以促进人类与自然 和谐共生的可持续发展。
habitats of numerous endangered species and allowed them to thrive.
Crackdown on illegal hunting and trading
Raids on illegal hunting camps, seizures of wildlife products,
Giant Panda
Protection measures
Establishment of nature reserves, captive breeding programs, and education programs to raise awareness.
Population of Giant Pandas has increased significantly in recent decades due to these efforts.
International exchange and cooperation projects
Global Partnerships for the Protection of Animals Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) Projects Regional Wildlife Law Enforcement Initiatives