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一、概 述 ..................................................................

起动数据参数 GROUP99 ....................................................................... 30 运行数据参数 GROUP01 ....................................................................... 30 命令输入参数 GROUP10 ....................................................................... 30 恒速参数 GROUP12 ............................................................................... 30 继电器输出参数 GROUP14 ................................................................... 31 模拟输出参数 GROUP15 ....................................................................... 31 系统控制参数 GROUP16 ....................................................................... 31 极限与保护参数 GROUP20 ................................................................... 32 起动与停止参数 GROUP21 ................................................................... 32 加速与减速参数 GROUP22 ................................................................... 32 电机控制参数 GROUP26 ....................................................................... 32 PID 控制参数 GROUP40........................................................................ 33
Fronius MagicWave 2500 3000 和 TransTig 2500 3000 T

MagicWave 2500 / 3000 TransTig 2500 / 3000TIG & MMA weldingGENERAL REMARKSQuiet, tough, stableTIG welders can raise a heartfelt cheer! Specially for them, Fronius has developed a series of machinesthat make their every wish come true: MagicWave 2500/3000 for DC and AC, and TransTig 2500/3000for DC. Active Wave and digitisation are the key technologies underlying this machine concept.These power sources are up-to-the-minute characters that are a pleasure to work with, in every way: Ever-so discreet, with a super-quiet yet highly stable arc. Extremely straightforward to use - in fact, almostself-explanatory. Tough, powerful and totally digitised. What is more, every single one of them is a member of a complete, totally co-ordinated welding system, all of whose components perfectly complement one another. All in all, the upshot is the sort of welding results which up to now you could only dream of.UTILISATIONFlexible and versatileOne of the many things that make the new MagicWave and TransTig machines such a pleasure to work withis the fact that they are designed for both field and production use. They can cope with the toughest conditions imaginable, putting out up to 250/300 A of power.In terms of materials, these welding systems are very suitable for aluminium and its alloys, but also forlow and high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals, of course. Thanks to their great versatility, the MagicWave 2500/3000 and TransTig 2500/3000 are used right across the entire spectrum of industry – from the construction of chemical plant, tanks and containersto mechanical and plant engineering, pipeline construction, automotive and railway engineering and aerospace, and taking in all site-erection, maintenance and repair firms. Delivering just as perfect results when used for robot welding as in manual welding.Welding made easyECONOMYA pleasing side-effectThis series of TIG machines is a fine example of just how efficient modern welding systems can be. Their efficiency begins with the high-grade componentrythat is used for all Fronius machines. Special mention should also be made of their high degree of power efficiency, extremely low open-circuit power, automatic cooling-unit cut-out (which has a direct and measurable impact on the current consumption), and of course the automatic cap-shaping function, which reduces the working times needed by the welder. All in all, these features result in outstandingly long operational life,a small number of wearing parts, and lower labour costs. And thus in a welding system that is highly cost-effective in every way.TIG robot welding system with integral cold-wire-feeder unit.WELDING PROPERTIESSimply perfectThe ignition plays a vital rôle in TIG welding. On each of the machines, ignition is possible either with or without touchdown. In non-contact ignition, the arc starts immediately with a high-voltage impulse, ensuring perfect ignition right from the first push of the button – even when you’re using extra-long hosepacks. Touchdown ignition is especially valuable in sensitive areas of application. And the important thing here is to make sure that there are no tungsten inclusions. The digital process control takes good care of this, perfectly controlling the entire sequence.Active Wave ensures peace and quietActive Wave makes TIG AC welding a much quieter business: The integrated digital signal processor always computes – in real time – the waveform that will permit the highest possible arc stability with the lowest possible noise-emission levels. Measurement of these noise levels clearly shows that with Active Wave, even when the machine is delivering 300 A of power, the dbA value is still below 80 dbA.TAC: Spot-by-spot tack weldingBefore you can weld, you have to tack. With TAC, one spot is all it takes – because the pulsed arc sets the two weld-pools in motion, making them “jump together”, in next to no time, to make one single weld-pool. This works fast, and is a lot easier than the old method. The TAC function is also very useful when light-gauge sheets are being welded without filler metal, as here too, the pulsed arc helps the weld-pools to merge more thoroughly.Real skill becomes apparent at the endAt the end of the weld, there are two main things to watch out for: The first of these is the end crater. This has to be filled, at a lower amperage. The power sources take care of this, with the end-crater and downslope functions. The second thing is the gas post-flow, to make sure that the electrode and the weld-pool do not oxidise. In the past, the gas post-flow had to be set manually. On the digital machines, the ideal post-flow time is computed automatically.The way welding ought to be60 120 180 240 300 ANoise volume from conventional inverters Reduced noise volume from Active WaveFor sensitive areas of application: Touchdown ignitiondbA 90807060Simultaneous welding on both sidesWhen joining plates, you normally have to weld a root pass first. This then has to be ground and back-welded –a time-consuming procedure which you can speed up by welding from both sides simultaneously. In “both-sides-simultaneously” TIG-AC welding, both arcs have to be synchronised. This is taken care of by the digital MagicWave power sources.Aluminium is differentAluminium always needs special treatment. So Fronius have made sure that it gets it. For example, in TIG AC welding, aluminium is normally not welded with a pointed electrode tip, but with a shaped cap at the tip of the electrode. On fillet welds, this leads to inadequate root fusion. The MagicWave machines use a pointed electrode with a much smaller shaped cap. This results in perfect root fusion.The cap is shaped automatically, by the way, which means huge time-savings. All you need to do is clamp the pointed electrode into the electrode holder and pre-select the cap diameter, and the arc then immediately forms the shape and size of cap that you want. Another interesting function enables you to make variable adjustments to the AC waveform, giving the welder reliable weld-pool control even at high amperages.SAFETYGreen lights all roundAs anybody at all familiar with Fronius machines will know, their safety features are second to none. This, in itself, is a minimum requirement that every appliance has to fulfil. Every power source comes with the CE mark and with the S mark – permitting welding in confined spaces in conditions of enhanced electrical hazard, also when AC welding, of course. What is more, each of the power sources amply fulfils the requirements of IEC “Degree of protection IP 23”, meaning that it is safely protected from dirt and water, for use in the field. The integral fan is thermostat-controlled and so only runs when it is needed. This reduces dirt collection and prolongs the service life of the power source. At Fronius, though, safety starts even sooner: in the development stage. The MagicWave and TransTig machines were designed from the ground up to be so robust and compact that they can take just about anything in their stride.Cap diameter: 3.2 mm Base metal: AIMg3Sheet thickness: 5 mm Welding amperage: 185 A Welding voltage: 15.6 V AC balance: 0Cap diameter: 1 mm Base metal: AIMg3Sheet thickness: 5 mm Welding amperage: 185 A Welding voltage: 15.6 VAC balance: -5HANDLINGSmall on size, big on quality – the ideal welding torch for this power classOf all the components of the welding system that execute a work function, the welding torch is the most important. You can have the world’s most advanced power source and its very best welder – but if the hosepack is under constant strain, it will still spoil the welding result. Fronius is well aware of this, too. Which is why it is continually developing and improving its welding torches – for instance by adding the water-cooled TIG-welding torch TTW 2500, for the power class up to 250 A.Its ergonomically designed handle-shell is smaller and so fits even better in the welder’s hand - in fact, it can even be held like a pencil. The up/down rockers are easy to actuate while wearing gloves. The handle-shell also integrates a perfect anti-kink feature: The hosepack flexes more quickly, resulting in more precise torch guidance. Importantly for uninterrupted water cooling, the hosepack itself cannot be endlesslyAnything elsewe can do for you?The water-cooled TIG welding torch TTW 2500, with integral up/down rockers.Thanks to its ergonomically shaped handle-shell, the welding torch fits superbly well in the welder’s hand. The perfectly integrated anti-kink device enables the torch to be guided with great precision, even when the hosepack is bent.rotated. A final, economic, argument is that the wearing parts from other Fronius welding torches are all compatible with the TTW 2500.For the power class up to 300 A, other Fronius welding torches can be used as well, of course. Mention should also be made of the TIG welding torch with its integral cold-wire feeder unit for manual and automated cold-wire applications.Perfect interplayFronius is a system supplier. Each member of the system is designed to “fit in” optimally with all the others, in perfect harmony. The system takes in everything from the power source to remote-control units, cooling units, trolleys and a wide range of different robot interfaces, as well as complete welding-data documentation and visualisation.Digital weld-process regulation and controlEnergy-saving inverter technologyGenerator-compatibleThermostat-controlled fan / overtemperature protectionEarth leakage monitoringContinuous welding-current adjustment from torchRemote-controllableSwitchover facility between touchdown and HF ignitionAutomatic gas post-flow (dep. on welding current)Gas-test functionAutomatic cooling-unit cut-outAnti-stick functionFreely selectable parameters on the welding torchJob modeAutomatic cap-shaping functionPolarity reversalRPI ignitionKeylock switchRobot interface, analogue / digitalCold-wire controlOperating modes2-step mode / 4-step modeTAC (programmed tack-welding)AC / DCSpecial 4-step modeTIG pulsed-arcSpot weldingDigital indication ofPlain-text displayRun-statusOperating modeParametersWelding voltage, welding amperage (actual value)Service codesJob numberAdjustable parametersWelding amperageElectrode diameterGas pre-flow time / gas post-flow timeCrater-fill current / start-arcUpslope / downslopeHot-Start / arc-force dynamicAC balance / AC frequency / AC waveformAll plain to seeThe machines in this series are available in threedifferent versions – Standard, Job and Comfort, eachwith differing functions. “Job”, for instance, lets youwork in job mode and allows cold-wire control andautomated applications.The “Comfort” model also includes a number of extraplus-points, such as the plain-text display. This isunique, in terms of both handling guidance and user-friendliness, and ranks at the very forefront of moderntechnology. It functions extremely simply and “tells itlike it is”, in plain text. That means no abbreviations,no numerical codes, just straight-to-the-pointannouncements like “Main current”, “Lowered current”or “Electrode diameter”. The additional parameters canbe set very conveniently using a navigation menu. Theplain-text display is easy to read and absolutely self-explanatory, meaning that anyone can learn to use itstraight away. The “Comfort” control panel lives up tothe usual high Fronius standards, and is easy to operateeven when wearing gloves.Control panel of TT 2500 Standard Control panel of MW 2500 Job Control panel of MW 3000 ComfortThe plain-text display on the “Comfort” models makesthe machines easier to operate by showing wholewords, in a choice of languages, and by visualising thefunctional sequence. Additional parameters can be setvery conveniently, by way of navigable menus.•as standard o optionalCHECKLISTMWMWJobMWComfortTTTTJobTTComfort• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • •o o o o o oo o o oo o o oTECHNICAL DATAPower sourceMW 2500MW 2500 MV MW 3000MW 3000 MV TT 2500TT 2500 MVTT 3000TT 3000 MVMains voltage 50-60 Hz3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400 V3×200-240 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 3×400-460 V 1×200-240 V1×200-240 V1×200-240 V1×200-240 VMains voltage tolerance ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 %Mains fuse protection (slow)3×400 (460) V 16 A 16 A 16 A16 A 16 A16 A 16 A16 A 3×230 V 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 1×230 V32 A 32 A32 A32 APrimary contin. power (100% d.c)3×400 (460) V 4.5 kVA 4.5 kVA 5.5 kVA 5.5 kVA 4.5 kVA 4.4 kVA 6.1 kVA 6.1 kVA 3×230 V 4.1 kVA 4.7 kVA 4.1 kVA 5.5 kVA 1×230 V4.1 kVA4.7 kVA4.1 kVA5.5 kVACos phi 10.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99Welding current three-phase TIG3-250 A 3-250 A 3-300 A 3-300 A 3-250 A 3-250 A 3-300 A 3-300 A MMA 10-250 A 10-250 A 10-300 A 10-300 A 10-250 A 10-250 A 10-300 A 10-300 A Welding current single-phase TIG 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 A 3-220 AMMA 10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A10-180 A Welding current at 10min/40 °C (104 °C)3×400 V 40% d.c. 250 A 40% d.c. 250 A 35% d.c. 300 A 35% d.c. 300 A 50% d.c. 250 A 50% d.c. 250 A 50% d.c. 300 A50% d.c. 300 A 3×460 V on MV 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 190 A 100% d.c. 240 A100% d.c. 240 A 3×230 V 35% d.c. 250 A 30% d.c. 300 A 45% d.c. 250 A 45% d.c. 300 A 100% d.c. 160 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 180 A 100% d.c. 220 A 1×230 V45% d.c. 220 A 40% d.c. 220 A 55% d.c. 220 A 55% d.c. 220 A 100% d.c. 150 A100% d.c. 150 A 100% d.c. 170 A 100% d.c. 190 AOpen-circuit voltage89 V 89 V 89 V 89 V 85 V 85 V 85 V 85 V Standardised working voltage TIG 10.1-20.0 V10.1-20.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-20.0 V 10.1-20.0 V 10.1-22.0 V 10.1-22.0 V MMA20.4-30.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-30.0 V 20.4-32.0 V 20.4-32.0 V Ignition voltage (Up)*10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV Type of cooling/insulation class AF/B AF/B AF/BAF/B AF/B AF/B AF/B AF/B Dimensions LxWxH mm560x250x435 560x250x435560x250x435 560x250x435 560x250x435 560x250x435560x250x435 560x250x435Inches22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1 22.0x9.8x17.1Weight26.6 kg 28.2 kg 28.1 kg 30.0 kg 24.2 kg 25.9 kg 24.2 kg 25.9 kg 58.64 lb.62.17 lb.61.95 lb.66.14 lb.53.35 lb.57.10 lb.53.35 lb.57.10 lb.Welding torchTTW 2500TTW 3000Welding current AC180 A 250 A DC250 A 300 A Duty cycle 40 % 60 %Electrode diameter 1.0-3.2 mm 1.0-3.2 mm 0.039-0.126 in. 0.039-0.126 in.Weight0.47kg (1.03 lb.)0.75 kg (1.65 lb.)FK 2500 FK 2500 MV Cooling unitFK 2500 FCFK 2500 MV FCMains voltage 50-60 Hz200-240 V 400 V400-460 V Mains voltage tolerance ± 10 % ± 10 % Power consumption 50 Hz/60 Hz0.6/0.7 A0.6-1.4 A Cooling capacity Q=1l/min +25 °C 800 W 800 W Cooling capacity Q=1l/min +40 °C 500 W 500 W Max. delivery rate 3.5 l/min 3.5 l/min Maximum rise 35 m 35 m (114.8 ft.) 35 m (114.8 ft.)Max. pump pressure 4.2 bar (60.9 psi) 4.2 bar (60.9 psi)Coolant volume 4 l (1.1 gal.) 4 l (1.1 gal.)Degree of protection IP 23IP 23Dimensions LxWxH 625x240x225 mm 625x240x225 mm 24.1x9.4x8.9 in. 24.1x9.4x8.9 in.Weight9 kg (20 lb.)11,6 kg (25.6 lb.)IP 23*The arc-ignition feature complies with the Standards governing manual operation.Welding torchTTG 2200TTG 2600Welding current AC180 A 220 A DC220 A 260 A Duty cycle 35 % 35 %Electrode diameter 1.0-4.0 mm 1.0-4.0 mm 0.039-0.157 in. 0.039-0.157 in.Weight0.96 kg(2.11 lb.)0.57 kg (1.25 lb.)w w w .r e k l a m e b u e r o .a t40,0006,2811 (1/07)FRONIUS INTERNATIONAL GMBHBuxbaumstrasse 2, P.O.Box 264,A 4602 Wels, AustriaTel: +43 7242 241-0, Fax: +43 7242 241-3940E-Mail:*****************T e x t a n d i l l u s t r a t i o n s t e c h n i c a l l y c o r r e c t a t t i m e o f g o i n g t o p r i n t . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e m o d i f i c a t i o n s .T h i s d o c u m e n t m a y n o t b e c o p i e d o r o t h e r w i s e r e p r o d u c e d , w h e t h e r i n p a r t o r i n i t s e n t i r e t y , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f F r o n i u s I n t e r n a t i o n a l G m b H . **********************。
Hartke 3500 Mosfet 使用手册说明书

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艾默生工业自动化产品及解决方案品质卓越全球领先的行行出众的控制技术目录变频器EV800高性能灵巧型变频器 (1)EV1000、EV2000通用变频器 (2)EV3000高性能矢量控制变频器 (4)TD2100 供水专用变频器 (5)EV3100、TD3100电梯专用变频器 (6)TD3200异步门机专用变频器、EV3200同步/异步门机专用变频器 (7)TD3300 张力控制专用变频器 (8)TD3400注塑机专用变频器 (9)SK高性能可编程变频器 (10)SP高性能系统解方案产品平台 (11)通讯组件 (12)制动组件 (13)可编程控制器EC系列可编程控制器 (14)ETC多路智能温控器 (17)EZ600文本显示器 (18)ControlStar编程软件 (19)EV800高性能灵巧型变频器控制领先内置无速度传感器矢量控制和V/F 两种控制方式精确的电机参数自辨识模型优化的空间电压矢量调制方式结构紧凑控制电路与主电路的集成设计高可靠性的线板插接工艺75×154×145mm 3业界超薄尺寸设计灵活最简单的按键设计,多功能模式键,一键多用简单的电子开关设定,即可完成I/O 的类型转换与功能配置安装便捷独特的I/O 端子压接方式方便的DIN 导轨式安装架构绿色环保输入谐波含量低,位移因数COS φ >0.97 低噪音设计,最大开关频率达18kHz●●●●●●●●●●●●型号EV800-2S0002G 2S0004G 2S0005G 2S0007G 2D0011G 2D0015G 2D0022G 适配电机(kW )0.250.370.550.75 1.1 1.5 2.2输出规格额定输出电流(A ) 1.7 2.2 3.0 4.0输出频率(Hz )0~1500过载能力150%额定负载1分钟输入电源相数、电压、频率单相,200/240V ;50/60Hz 三相,200/240V ;50/60Hz 允许电压波动-10%~+10%允许频率波动48~62Hz 型号EV800-4T0004G 4T0005G 4T0007G 4T0011G 4T0015G 4T0022G 4T0030G 4T0037G 适配电机(kW )0.370.550.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7输出规格额定输出电流(A ) 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.8 3.8输出频率(Hz )0~1500过载能力150%额定负载1分钟输入电源相数、电压、频率三相,380/480V ;50/60Hz 允许电压波动-10%~+10%允许频率波动48~62Hz1规格与型号通用变频器优异的控制性能磁通矢量PWM 调制电机参数自整定(静止与旋转)调速范围达1:100(EV1000为1:50)起动转矩0.50Hz 时180%额定转矩(EV1000 1Hz 时150%)转矩自动提升与手动提升功能可选多种行业专用功能PI 过程闭环,多段速,简易PLC ,纺织摆频定长控制,运行时间累计功能高速脉冲输入输出功能特长加减速时间功能优良的环境适应能力专业“瞬停不停”算法,应对电网晃电自动限流技术、自动频率调节技术,应对负载突变所有单板进行“三防漆”防护,提高变频器防潮湿、粉尘和油污能力独立风道设计,提高抗粉尘环境音调调整技术,全面改善噪声丰富的标准配置内置脉冲编码器接口RS232/RS485标准通信接口,支持MODBUS 协议EV1000全系列标配制动单元,EV2000 7.5kW 以下配置制动单元●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●摆频示意图23通用变频器EV2000 (55P 及以下)系列EV2000 (55G 及以上)系列型号EV2000-4T 0055G/0075P 0075G/0011P0110G/0150P 0150G/0185P 0185G1/0220P10220G1/0300P10300G1/0370P1 0370G1/0450P10450P1/0550P1适配电机(kW ) 5.5/7.57.5/1111/1515/18.518.5/2222/3030/3737/4545/55额定容量(kVA )8.5/1111/1717/2121/2424/3030/4040/5050/6060/72输出规格额定输出电流(A )13/1717/2525/3232/3737/4545/6060/7575/9090/110输出频率(Hz )0~650过载能力G 型:150%额定电流1分钟,200%额定电流0.5秒P 型:110%额定电流1分钟,150%额定电流1秒输入电源相数、电压、频率三相,380/440V;50Hz/60Hz 允许电压波动持续波动不超过±10%,短暂波动不超过-15%~10%,电压失衡率:<3%允许频率波动±5%型号EV2000-4T0550G 0750G/0750P 0900G/0900P 1100G/1100P 1320G/1320P 1600G1/1600P 2000G/2000P 2200G/2200P 2800P 适配电机(kW )557590110132160200220280额定容量(kVA )72100116138167200250280342输出规格额定输出电流(A )110152176210253304380426520输出频率(Hz )0~650过载能力G 型:150%额定电流1分钟,200%额定电流0.5秒P 型:110%额定电流1分钟,150%额定电流1秒输入电源相数、电压、频率三相,380/440V;50Hz/60Hz 允许电压波动320V ~460V 电压失衡率:<3%允许频率波动±5%型号EV1000-2S0004G 2S0007G 2S0015G 2S0022G 4T0007G 4T0015G 4T0022G 4T0037G/37P 4T0055G/55P 适配电机(kW )0.40.75 1.5 2.20.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5额定容量(kVA )1.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.98.9输出规格额定输出电流(A )2.5 4.07.510.0 2.33.7 5.08.813.0输出频率(Hz )0~650过载能力150%额定电流1分钟, 180%额定电流1秒G 型:150%额定电流1分钟,180%额定电流3秒p 型:120%额定电流1分钟输入电源相数、电压、频率单相,200/240V;50Hz/60Hz 三相,380/440V;50Hz/60Hz允许电压波动-15%~+10%允许频率波动±5%规格与型号EV1000规格与型号型号EV3000-4T 0022G 0037G 0055G 0075G 0110G 0150G 0185G 0185G10220G 0220G10300G 0370G 0450G 0550G 0750G 0900G 1100G 1320G 1600G 2000G 2200G 适配电机(kW ) 2.2 3.7 5.57.5111518.518.52222303745557590110132160200220额定容量(kVA )3 5.58.51117212424303040506072100116138167200250280输出规格额定输出电流(A )581317253237374545607590110152176210253304380426输出频率(Hz )0~400过载能力150%额定电流2分钟,180%额定电流10秒输入电源相数、电压、频率三相,380V;50Hz/60Hz 三相,380V ~440V;50Hz/60Hz 允许电压波动320V ~460V;电压失衡率<3%允许频率波动±5%EV3000高性能矢量控制变频器卓越的控制性能先进的控制算法:支持有速度矢量控制、无速度矢量控制,V/F 控制速度控制精度:有速度时 ±0.05%,无速度时±0.5%速度控制范围:有速度时1:1000,无速度时1:100起动转矩:有速度时200%/0r p m ;无速度时150%/0.5Hz 丰富功能支持直接转矩控制,转矩与速度在线切换,速度方式下多模式转矩限定零伺服功能多段速、简易PLC 、PID 过程闭环等优越的系统配置逆变采用智能功率模块IPM ,集驱动、保护、功率变换于一体LCD/LED 中/英文面板,支持参数拷贝内置PG 卡,支持差动/推挽/集电极开路编码器脉冲输入22kW 及以下内置制动单元,无需外配,成本低●●●●●●●●●●●45TD2100 供水专用变频器特点TD2100供水专用变频=PLC+变频器无需配置PLC 或供水控制器,即可实现多种常用供水模式。

第一节 TSI系统硬件基本知识3500系统能提供连续、在线监测功能,适用于机械保护应用,并为早期识别机械故障提供重要的信息。
3500框架有两种尺寸:1 全尺寸框架——19英寸EIA框架,有14个可用模块插槽2 迷你型框架——12英寸框架,有7个可用模块插槽电源和框架接口模块必须安装于最左边的两个插槽中。
2、3500/15电源模块3500 电源是半高度模块,必须安装在框架左边特殊设计的槽口内。
3500 框架可装有一个或两个电源(交流或直流的任意组合)。


TI开关电源基础知识目录1. 内容概览 (3)1.1 电源的重要性 (4)1.2 开关电源的概述 (5)2. 开关电源的工作原理 (6)2.1 开关型转换器的基本结构 (7)2.2 电流连续和电压连续型转换器 (8)2.3 开关频率的选择 (10)3. 开关电源的类型 (11)3.1 反激式转换器 (12)3.2 正激式转换器 (14)3.3 桥式转换器 (14)3.4 半桥转换器 (16)3.5 推挽转换器 (17)4. 开关电源的设计流程 (18)4.1 系统级设计 (19)4.2 输入和输出电压的选择 (20)4.3 开关频率和占空比的确定 (21)4.4 主开关和滤波器的选择 (22)5. 关键组件和工作原理 (24)5.1 主开关 (26)5.2 次级侧整流二极管 (27)5.3 输入和输出滤波电感 (28)5.4 输出滤波电容器 (29)5.5 反馈网络 (31)6. 设计举例与案例分析 (31)6.1 反激式转换器设计实例 (33)6.2 正激式转换器设计实例 (34)6.3 桥式转换器设计实例 (35)6.4 半桥转换器设计实例 (37)6.5 推挽转换器设计实例 (39)7. 电源效率与负载调整率 (40)7.1 效率计算 (42)7.2 负载调整率 (43)8. 开关电源的设计注意事项 (43)8.1 EMI抑制措施 (45)8.2 热管理 (46)8.3 电磁兼容性与安全 (47)8.4 封装与稳定 (49)9. 现代开关电源技术 (50)9.1 软开关技术 (52)9.2 多相电源 (53)9.3 高频转换器技术 (54)9.4 变频技术 (55)9.5 数字控制技术 (56)10. 测试与调试 (58)10.1 工作频率和占空比的测试 (59)10.2 输出电压和波形的测试 (60)10.3 效率和负载调整率的测试 (61)10.4 EMI和噪声测试 (63)11. 结论与展望 (64)11.1 开关电源的发展趋势 (65)11.2 未来研究方向 (66)1. 内容概览开关电源作为现代电子设备中不可或缺的组成部分,以其高效、节能、小巧等特点赢得了广泛的应用。
NORMA 4000 5000 Power Analyzer 用户说明手册说明书

Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.
Fluke gewährleistet, daß jedes Fluke-Produkt unter normalem Gebrauch und Service frei von Material- und Fertigungsdefekten ist. Die Garantiedauer beträgt 2 Jahre ab Versanddatum. Die Garantiedauer für Teile, Produktreparaturen und Service beträgt 90 Tage. Diese Garantie wird ausschließlich dem Erster

目录第一章注意事项..................................................11.1安全标识定义................................................11.2使用注意事项................................................31.3报废注意事项................................................5第二章安装配线..................................................62.1系列型号说明..................................................62.2技术指标及规格................................................72.3 安装环境要求.................................................92.4 变频器的安装尺寸.............................................92.5 操作面板尺寸................................................112.6 操作面板的拆卸与安装........................................122.7安装方向与空间...............................................122.8变频器的配线................................................132.9回路端子台的配线............................................162.10 JP跳线说明.................................................23第三章 操作与运行.............................................243.1 面板操作...................................................243.2 名词术语说明...............................................243.3 面板功能说明................................................263.4 键盘操作方法................................................273.5 变频器的运行................................................29第四章 功能参数一览表........................................304.1基本运行参数(A参数)......................................304.2中级运行参数(b参数).......................................314.3高级运行参数(c参数).......................................334.4状态监控参数一览表.........................................364.5 保护功能及对策..............................................384.6 故障记录查询................................................39第五章 功能详细说明...........................................405.1基本运行参数(A参数).....................................405.2中级运行参数(b参数).....................................465.3高级运行参数(c参数).......................................58第六章 维护与保养.............................................706.1 日常检查与保养................................................706.2 定期维护......................................................716.3 易损部件的检查与更换..........................................716.4 存放及保修.....................................................72第七章使用范例.................................................737.1 面板控制起、停, 面板电位器设置频率............................737.2 三线制控制模式................................................737.3 外部控制方式、外部电压设定频率.................................747.4 多段速运行、外部控制方式.......................................757.5 可编程多段速控制.............................................767.6 多台变频器的联动运行(群组控制)...............................777.7 用变频器构成闭环控制系统.....................................807.8 用上位机(PC)控制多台变频器..................................81第八章 选件.....................................................838.1 远控线缆和远控适配器.........................................838.2 制动组件.....................................................83附录1:RS485通讯协议....................................................85第一章 注意事项为确保您的人身、设备及财产安全,在使用变频器之前,请您务必阅读本章内容,并在以后的搬运、安装、运行、调试和维护过程中遵照执行。

Goodrive35 系列闭环矢量控制变频器
前 言 ................................................................................................................................................ i 目 录 ............................................................................................................................................... ii 1、 安全注意事项............................................................................................................................ 1
Goodrive35 系列变频器采用模块化设计,在满足客户通用需求的前提下,通过扩展设计可以灵活地满 足客户个性化需求、行业性需求,顺应了变频器行业应用的趋势。强大的速度控制、转矩控制、简易 PLC、灵活的输入输出端子、脉冲方向与频率给定、摆频控制等,支持多种编码器信号处理,满足各种 复杂高精度传动的要求,同时为设备制造业客户提供高集成度的一体化解决方案,对降低系统成本,提 高系统可靠性具有极大价值。
Goodrive35 系列变频器通过电磁兼容性整体设计,满足用户对应用场所的低噪音、低电磁干扰的环保 要求。
本说明书提供用户安装配线、参数设定、故障诊断和排除及日常维护相关注意事项。为确保能正确安装 及操作 Goodrive35 系列变频器,发挥其优越性能,请在装机之前,详细阅读本说明书。

SIMOVERTMASTERDRIVES矢量控制三相交流传动系统电压源型变频调速样本 DA 65.10 • 2006单电机和多电机传动0.55 kW 到2300 kW西门子电气传动有限公司对于6SE70书本型和装机装柜型装置提供电压等级为400V的产品,对6SE71变频调速柜提供电压等级为400V、500V、690V全功率范围的产品。
对增强书本型装置(Compact PLUS units),暂不在西门子电气传动有限公司供货范围内,如果您需要,请与当地西门子销售机构联系。
所使用的产品标识是Siemens AG或其它企业的商标和产品名称。
1/2应用内容提要1/4装置和系统元件1/6电子板选件和软件选件订货号举例1/8增强书本型、书本型和装机装柜型装置1/8变频调速柜Vector Control概述1/2概述应用1工程型传动的最佳解决方案SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 矢量控制的变频器是具有IGBT 逆变器、全数字技术的有电压中间回路的变频器。
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 基于系统的传动技术,一种通用和模块式的标准系列装置SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 矢量控制系列变频器是全系列通用和模块化的产品:•标准装置功率范围从0.55kW ~2300kW 。
ProtektR Aire 3000 3500 3600 产品说明书

Opera on ManualFORProtekt R Aire 3000/3500/3600TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS (3)STATEMENTS & SYMBOLS (4)INTRODUCTION (4)PRODUCT FUNCTIONS (5)CONTROL UNIT (5)MATTRESS (5)ENTRAPMENT GUIDELINES (5)INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (6)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (7)CLEANING (8)MAINTENANCE (8)MAINTENANCE TROUBLE SHOOT (9)TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (9)IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical products, especially when children are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGDANGERTo reduce the risk of electrocution:• Always unplug this product immediately after use.• Do not use while bathing.• Do not place or store product where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink.• Do not place or drop into water or other liquids.• Do not reach for a product that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury to persons:• A product should never be left unattended when plugged in.• Close supervision is necessary when this product is used by, on, or near children or invalids.• Use this product only for its intended use as described in this manual.•Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.• Never operate this product if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. Return the product to a service center for examination and repair.• Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.• Never block the air openings of the product or place it on a soft surface, such as a bed or couch, where the air openings may be blocked. Keep the air openings free of lint, hair and the like.• Never drop or insert any object into any opening or hose.• Do not use outdoors or operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used.• Connect this product to a properly grounded outlet only. See Grounding Instructions. GROUNDINGBefore any connection is made, make certain that this product is connected to a protective earth conductor via the three-wire power cord; the three-blade plug should be inserted only into a socket outlet that provides a protective earth contact.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSTATEMENTS & SYMBOLSNote, caution, warning & danger statements NOTEIndicates some tips or some information users should be aware of.CAUTIONIndicates correct operating or maintenance procedure in order to prevent damage to or destruction of the equipment or other property.WARNING/DANGERCalls attention to a potential danger that requires correct procedures or practices in order to prevent personal injury.OthersSymbols on the printed label on the outside package box are as below:Grounding Terminal!Always read the operating instructions before use.SYMBOLSINTRODUCTIONINDICATIONSProtekt ® Aire 3000 pump and mattress system , is indicated for the prevention and any and all stage pressure ulcers when used in conjunction with a comprehensive ulcer management program. It can be used in a hospital, homecare, or other healthcare environment.treatment of pressure ulcerPRODUCT FUNCTIONSCONTROL UNITThe functions of the Protekt ® Aire 3000 control unit are described below. Please refer to the figures of the Protekt ® Aire 3000 control unit in Fig A. Power Switch (1)Turn ON/OFF the power switch, the control unit will start/stop operation. Pressure-adjust Knob (2)Determine the patient’s weight and set the control knob to that weight setting on the control unit. Normal Pressure Indicator (3)A visible indicator (green) tells the pressure has reached a preset or user-defined level. Low Pressure Indicator (4)A visible indicator (orange) warns the pressure is below a preset or user-defined level. Static/Alternating control (5)Press ON to set the air mattress to static mode or OFF to set to alternating pressure mode.1. Power Switch2. Pressure-adjust Knob3. Normal Pressure Indicator4. Low Pressure Indicator5. Static ControlMATTRESSThe Protekt ® Aire 3000/3500/3600 System comes with an air cell mattress that provides low air loss, alternation pressure redistribution therapy. It is composed of a combination of materials including Nylon PVC Please refer to the specifications section for details.ENTRAPMENT GUIDELINESThe use of Bed Rails is dependent on the setting as well as the facilities protocols. Proactive Medical does not make product recommendations for any given patient. Those decisions are the responsibility of the health care facility and/or health care professional(s) familiar with each patient’s unique requirements. Proactive Medical support surfaces are made to fit standard hospital and health care facility beds. However, variations in bed rail dimensions, mattress compression based on patient size and shape, conditions such as dementia, seizure disorders, sleeping problems, incontinence, and restlessness could create an entrapment risk. Proper patient assessment, monitoring, equipment use, and maintenance are required to reduce entrapment risk.and static and PU.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSStep 1Place the mattress flat on the bed frame. The inflation tube should be towards the foot end so that it can be connected to the inflation nozzles on the control unit.Step 2You may place a thin cotton sheet over the quilted mattress top cover.Step 3Hang the control unit over the frame or board at the foot end of the bed using the hooks attached to the control unit. Make sure the control unit is secured.Step 4Connect the inflation tubes from the mattress to the control unit’s inflating nozzles. Make sure they are properly attached.NOTE!Make sure the air hoses are not kinked or tucked under the mattress. Also check to ensure the CPR valves are properly attached.Step 5Plug the power cord into an electrical outlet with grounded AC power. This product should be grounded. The power cord has a grounding wire with a grounding pin.NOTE!Before inserting the plug into the outlet, make sure the voltage is compatible. Also make sure this product is well grounded.Step 6Turn on the power by pressing the power switch on the control unit. Proceed to the Operating Instructions section on page 7.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSStep 1Turn on the control unit power. The indicator of the power switch will come on. The control unit will start to blow air into the mattress.Step 2The Low Pressure indicator (orange) will come on as inflation is underway.Step 3Press the Static button for a quicker inflation.Step 4When the pressure reaches the preset level, within approximately 30 minutes, the Normal Pressure indicator will come on, and the Low Pressure indicator will turn off.Step 5Patients can directly lie on the mattress or cover with a sheet and tuck loosely to increase the comfort of the patient.Step 6Determine the patient’s weight and set the control knob to that weight setting on the control unit.Step 7Press the Static button to shift between Alternating mode and Static Mode. When in Static mode,the Static indicator will come on. The static mode will be started within approximately 6 minutes. In Alternating Pressure mode, the air cells will alternate in 10 min cycles.NOTE!In static mode, the mattress provides a firm surface that makes it easier for the patient to transfer or reposition. The static mode will help ensure the patient does not bottom out when in a sitting position.DISCONNECT DEVICETo fully disengage the power to the unit, disconnect the power cord from the AC inlet.! WARNING• The control unit provided should only be used with the air mattress provided.• Do not expose the product to lint, dust and sun light to prevent damage of the product.• Keep the product away from the heat and moisture.• Keep the product away from pets and children.ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS• Operation Temperature: 50℉~95℉ (10℃~35℃)• Storage and Transport Temperature: 5℉~122℉ (-15℃~50℃)• Operation Humidity: 20%~80% non-condensingCLEANING GUIDELINES• Use a neutral detergent to clean surface of control unit and mattress; disinfectant products may be used according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Do not use phenolics on this product.• Do not immerse the control unit in water.• Do not heat or steam in autoclave.• Be sure to fully air dry the mattress and cover after cleaning and before use.• After using for some time (~ 3 months), clean the air filter cotton inside the enclosure base, steps as below:1) Take out air filter cover and air filter cotton.2) Wash air filter cotton with clean water, if the dirt sticks to the filter, soak the air filter cotton in thewater.3) Dry the air filter cotton then put it back to the air filter cover.MAINTENANCE• Make sure the control unit is in good condition by checking if the indicators illuminate when the power is first turned on.• Power supply cord can be replaced by SERVICE PERSONNEL.Power supply Information: Non-detachable cord , 18AWG/2C, Rated 300V, 105℃.! WARNINGFor safety reasons, only qualified service personnel should open the equipment.MANUFACTURER will provide circuit diagrams, component part lists, descriptions, calibration instructions to assist to SERVICE PERSONNEL in parts repair.LAY OPERATOR or LAY RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION should contact the MANUFACTURER or the MANUFACTURER’S representative for assistance in setting up, using or maintaining the product and to report unexpected operation or events.MAINTENANCE TROUBLE SHOOT / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPACKAGE CONTENT LIST• Control Unit x 1 • Mattress Unit x 1• User Manual x 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSINPUT RATING: 120VAC, 60Hz, 1A FUSE RATING: 250V, 1ALIMITED WARRANTYYour Proactive Medical branded product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for 18 Months Non-Prorated from the date of purchase for the original consumer purchaser.This device was built to exacting standards and carefully inspected prior to shipment. ThisNon-Prorated 18 Month Warranty is an expression of our confidence in the materials and workmanship of our products and our assurance to the consumer of years of dependable service.This warranty does not cover device failure due to owner misuse or negligence, or normal wear and tear. The warranty does not extend to non-durable components, such as rubber accessories, casters, and grips, which are subject to normal wear and need periodic replacement.If you have any questions about your Proactive Medical device or this warranty, please contact an authorized Proactive Medical dealer.。

电气工程中电气自动化融合技术的应用探讨目录一、内容概要 (3)二、电气工程与电气自动化融合技术概述 (4)2.1 电气工程简介 (5)2.2 电气自动化技术简介 (6)三、电气自动化在电力系统中的应用 (7)3.1 电网自动化系统分析 (9)3.1.1 智能电网架构 (10)3.1.2 分布式能源系统与智能电网的融合 (12)3.2 智能变电站的应用 (13)3.2.1 自动监控系统 (15)3.2.2 状态检测与故障诊断 (16)四、电气自动化在电机和驱动系统中的应用 (18)4.1 高效电机控制与应用 (19)4.1.1 变频技术的应用 (20)4.1.2 精确实时控制 (22)4.2 驱动系统的智能化 (23)4.2.1 实时监控 (24)4.2.2 远程控制系统 (26)五、嵌入式计算在电气自动化中的应用 (27)5.1 嵌入式技术在供电系统中的应用 (28)5.1.1 主站微控制器 (30)5.1.2 通信解决方案 (31)5.2 嵌入式系统与传感器融合 (33)5.2.1 环境监控系统 (34)5.2.2 预警与故障预防 (35)六、光电传感器和物联网在电气工程中的应用 (36)6.1 光电传感器在自动化技术中的作用 (38)6.1.1 位置检测 (39)6.1.2 智能材料与结构健康监测 (41)6.2 基于物联网的电力管理系统 (42)6.2.1 故障诊断与服务 (44)6.2.2 数据驱动的性能优化 (45)七、未来发展趋势与挑战 (46)7.1 新材料与新能源对电气工程的影响 (47)7.2 智能化与人工智能的进步 (49)7.2.1 智能硬件 (50)7.2.2 自适应控制 (51)7.3 工业4.0背景下的电气自动化创新 (53)7.3.1 工业互联网 (54)7.3.2 数字化制造 (55)八、结语 (56)一、内容概要电气自动化作为现代电气工程领域的核心技术之一,其应用范围已经延伸到了电力系统、智能制造、新能源、交通运输等多个行业。

口连接至计算机 。一旦所需 的参数设定 , 计算机可 以被 用作为一个连接器 , 控制器能独立 T作 。这 设置保仔 在非易失性存储器上。此外 , 该控 制器以易读的数字显 示模块为特色 , 其控制 功能包 括调节输 出电压和 没定所 需温度 。如果 传感器 被打开或短路 , 町实现其附带 的 自 动输 出关 闭功能 。它还包含 了高 、 低 警报设 置和无 警报
设计 特色 、 功 能齐全 、 价格适宜 的实验室测 量仪 e d g e  ̄ 。
A n i t e 使 U陋 一 A 设 备 测试 更 流 畅
全球 无线设 备测试技术 的领 导者 A n i t e ,近 日宣 伽 其 D T ( D e v e l o p m e n t T o o l s e t ) 开 发 T具 已经 支持 I T E — A
电子质量 ( 2 0 1 3 第1 0 期)
Ma x i m 推 出八通道超声收发器 MA X 2 0 8 2
Ma x i m 日前推出八通道超声收发器 M A X 2 0 8 2 。该款
至还可 附着在墙上 ,以腾出实验室宝贵的试验 台空 间。
除设计轻薄外 , e d g e  ̄ 还包 含一个广角 的 5 . 5 英寸大液 晶
显示 屏 、 电容触摸 键盘 、 双U S B端 口、 带摇臂 电极 夹 的
托架 以及 一个 内附的墙贴 。e d g e  ̄ 通过数字智能 电极
高集成度收发器能够 为任意超声 系统省去上千颗分立元
件 ,与传统架构相比,电路板空间缩减 4 0 %、功耗降低
3 0 %。MA X 2 0 8 2 完备的低功耗超声收发器方案在不足 1 0 平方英寸 的小封装 内集成了 8 通道 、 3级电平 的 2 0 0 V脉 冲发生器和 T / R开关 ; 8 通道 A D C 、 L N A和 V G A、 C W 混频

2.集带PG 矢量控制(VC)、无PG 矢量控制(SVC)和V/F 控制三种调速方式于一身,充分满足客户的不同应用需求:其中矢量控制(VC 和SVC)适用于高速、高精度、高响应、高转矩的场合,可用于转矩控制(TC);V/F控制适用于一般的对负载要求不高的场合。
5.矢量化V/F控制:采用无功电流与有功电流独立调节的方法,在保持传统V/F 控制方法简单,参数依赖性小等优点的同时,保证了负载在各种工况下电流稳定,无震荡现象发生,低频带载能力较强。
7.丰富的应用功能:改进转速跟踪,可以平滑启动自由滑行中的电机;直流制动, 实现快速准确停机;过流降频,实现负载自动适应(挖土机特性);瞬停不停,避免电网电压瞬时波动的影响。

产品介绍:阿洛卡ProSound SSD-3500源自阿洛卡高性能的纯净声束成像技术平台,系统采用了大量先进的声学技术优化系统结构,以满足医院广泛的临床应用需求。
◆新一代数字化前端技术SSD-3500的前端技术中采用了高性能的12bit A/D数字化声束形成器,实现了极宽的动态范围,提高了对比和空间分辨率。