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1. W: What a nice photo! Is it a photo of your family, Tim?

M: Yes, it is. Look, the boy on my left is my twin brother, Tom, and the girl on my right is my younger sister, Jane.

Q:What are they talking about?

2. W: I remember your brother, Ben, used to be thin and short.

M: Yes, he was. But now he is 1.9 meters tall. He is the captain of his school volleyball team. Q:. What does Ben look like now?

3. M: Can I help you, Madam? You look worried.

W: Y es, please. I brought my son here for a visit. But I can’t find him. Y ou know, he can’t speak English.

Q:What can we learn from the dialogue?

4. W: Wow! There are so many jobs to choose! What do you think?

M: Well, if I work in the bank, I may be rich. But working at the TV station could be fun. It’s really difficult for me to make a decision.

Q:Where will the man work?

5. M: Sally, which tie is better for my gray shirt, the black one or the blue one?

W: Both of them are good. But I think the pink one is best both for your shirt and your skin color. Q:Which tie is the man going to probably take?



W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?

M: I’m looking for a T-shirt for myself. Have you got one?

W: I’ll just have a look. What size do you need?

M: What size do you have?

W: Size S, M and L.

M: Size L, please.

W: How about the white one?

M: I dislike white. I like green best.

W: Here you are.

M: That’s great. Can I try it on?

W: Certainly. This way, please.

M: Hmm, I like it.

W: It fits you very well.

M: How much is it?

W: It’s $50.

M:$40, OK?

W: Sorry, sir.

M: That’s OK. I’ll have it.


M: Hi, Janet. Are you free?

W: Nothing much. What’s up?

M: I want to write an article on how to save the environment.

W: Good idea, Jim!

M: But I don’t know how to wr ite it. Would you like to give me a hand?

W: Well, first, you can start with turning off the lights when you leave a room.

M: Yes. That’s too easy. Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking. What’s next?

W: Second, how about riding a bike to go to sc hool? Don’t take a car or a taxi if you don’t have to. M: That will save money, too. What else?

W: Try to recycle paper.

M: Mm. Newspaper, magazines, mails… we get a lot of paper at home.

W: And last, take a bag with you when you go shopping. Don’t use pla stic bags.

M: OK. My parents often go shopping. I’ll tell them about it. Thanks a lot! I will begin to write. W: Good luck!


M:There’s going to be a great party on Saturday night, Julie.

W:Yeah, but I have a lot of things to do this weekend.

M:Is there anything I can do?

W:Well, yeah, maybe. Do you think you could take me shopping tonight?

M:I guess so.

W:Great! Pick me up around six, and —oh yeah! Can you lend me thirty or forty dollars?

M:No problem. I have about sixty …

W:Sixty is good, Larry, thanks. And listen, I was wondering if you could check my maths homework. M:OK. Tonight I have to do my maths homework, and check yours.
