



cleara nces\i nstruct ions or stateme nts, there are four an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. Northwest 345, hold at north cross flight level 60 inbound track 256 degrees turns left outbound time 1mi nute.Questi on: What should the pilot do whe n the con troller gives such an in structi on?a. To cross a trackb. To hold at the cross of run waysc. To get into holdi ng patter nd. To make a left turnAn swer: c2. Gree n air 345, positi on 10 miles no rtheast of kilo mike. This is a right hand circuit for run way 28.Questio n: What should the pilot do whe n he has this in struct ion?a. To tur n rightb. Circle to landc. To make a procedure turnd. To make a traffic patternAn swer: d3. CCA 981, we ' re having difficulties in maintaining straight cour se, our plane tends to drift to the right. Comingback.Question: What is the crew ' s intention?a. Retur ning to the airportb. Turning to right.c. Having maintenanced. Intending to drift dow n.An swer: as a bom4. KLM 991, Blueyeard approach, we ' ve just received an anonymous call saying thereyour aircraft. Come back immediately to Blueyard airport.Questi on: What happe ned?a. An anonym ous call was received.b. It was a bomb alert.c. The aircraft retur ned due traffic.d. Luggage not on board.An swer: b5. Beijing, CCA 981 could you confirm that you have got our flight plan. Originally we were to take off at 0815.Then it was put off un til 0930.Questi on: What do you lear n from the message?a. The crew was worried about the delay.b. The crew wan ted to make sure they had sent the flight pla n.c. The crew was ready to take off at 0930.d. The crew had taken off at 0815.An swer: a6. JAL 782, you are cleared to continue visually keep ing clear of buildup areas.Questio n: What should the pilot do?a. To stay out of the build ing areas.b. To stay out of the visual flight areasc. To stay out of the bad weatherd. To stay out of the clear areas.Correct an swer: c7. Chen gdu ground, Air Three Star 554, loadi ng operati ons are tak ing Ion ger tha n pla nn ed. Would you delayour flight plan un til 1415?Questio n: What might be the reas on for the request to delay the departure?a. The payload is not correct.b. Load sheet calculati on is wrong.c. Passe ngers have not got on board on time.d. Some surgical operati on is going on.An swer: c8. JAL 728, next turn left. Caution the snow drifts on the left hand side of the taxiway.Questi on: What do you lear n from this message?a. The pilot is in structed to turn to the left taxiway.b. The pilot is alerted to pay attention to the snow drifts onthe taxi way.c. The pilot is in structed to take cauti on of the turnin gs.d. The pilot is alerted about the snow banks along the taxiway.An swer: d9. Iran 800, nose wheel still appears to be jammed. We ' ll have to make an emergency landing. Question: What might be the pilot ' s intention?a. A touch and go.b. A belly landing.c. Nose wheel exte nsion.d. Priority landing.An swer: b10. BAW 031, win dshear warning. An arrivi ng B747 reported strong wind shear in approach run way 36 right at1015 height of wind shear layer 600m.Question: How did the controller know there was a wind shear?a. Wind shear warning was in itiated.b. The crew got the warning on in strume nts.c. A previous flight told the con troller.d. A win dshear was obserbed.An swer: cSection IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. C: JAL 728, can you make a slot time of 52 minu tes?P: Negative, we now have a cateri ng delay. Put me back 15 ' past the hour. JAL 728.C: Roger. 728, let me know whe n you are ready.Questi on: Why does the pilot want a delay?a. Pla n delay.b. Due to food loadi ngc. Not ready to start upd. Not the correct slot time.An swer: b2. C: KOR 151, severe turbulence reported in the vicinity of the level 1800m.P: KOR 151, request alternate route because last time we flew in turbule nce 2 engines feathered.Questi on: Why did the pilot request ano ther route?a. He worried that he would lose engin es.b. He believed that he would lose engin es.c. He heard that there was a reported win dshear a head.d. He heard that there was a reported turbule nce o n the alter nate route.An swer: a3. P: Shanghai approach, Eastern 456, request priority landing. We got a passengeron board who feels difficulty inbreath ing.C: Easter n 456, dow n to 3000 feet, straight in approach run way 18 right, first to land.Questi on: What might be the problem?a. There is a patie nt withsevere diarrhea.b. There is a patie nt withsevere asthma.c. There is a patie nt withsevere flu.d. There is a patie nt withsevere stomachache.An swer: b4. P: Ground, JAL 728. The tow bar has bent duri ng push back. We are wait ing for them to get ano therone.C: JAL 728, report when ready to push. But if your take a little bit long time, we have to allocate you a new slot time.Question: What will happen if the aircraft can not be pushed back quickly.a. They will be delayed for departure.b. They will get ano ther tug.c. They will have to wait for a new tow bar.d. They will have to go back to sta nd.An swer: a5. C: Southwest 4901, the visibility is worse than expected, we ' ll have to turn up the lights.P: Roger, 4901.Questi on: What is going on?a. The visibility is becoming better, and the lights will be turned dimmer.b. The visibility is becoming worse, and the lights will be turned brighter.c. The pilots requests to turn the lights a little brighter.d. The pilots are requested to turn the lights a little brighter.An swer: bSection IIIDirections: In this sect ion you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoke n only once. After each passage fivequestions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .Passage IWhen an aircraft crosses a sector boundary, the responsibility for separating that aircraft passes on to the controller in the new sector. The original controller is known as the transferring controller, while next controller is called the receiving controller. This transfer of separation responsibility is known as the transfer of control. Normally, the pilot is directed to con tact the receivi ng on a differe nt radio freque ncy prior to cross ing the sector boun dary. This is known as the tran sfer of com muni cati on. The process of tran sferri ng con trol and com muni cati on of an aircraft from one con troller to the n ext is known as a han doff.Han doffs are n ecessary whe n aircraft cross sector boun daries and whe n an aircraft crosses the boun dary betwee n two separate ATC facilities, such as between two centers or between a tower and a center. It is specified that the tran sfer of com muni cati on must occur before the aircraft crosses the sector boun dary. This en sures that the receivi ng con troller will be in radio con tact with the pilot before the aircraft en ters his or her sector. This permits the receivi ng con troller to issue any new con trol in struct ions to the pilot before the aircraft crosses the sector boun dary.The follow ing questi ons are based on the passage you have just heard.1. What is the tran sfer of separatio n resp on sibility known as?a. Tran sferof origi nal con troller and receivi ng con troller.b. Tran sfer of com muni cati on.c. Tran sferof con trold. Tran sferof aircrafts.An swer: c2. How does a tran sfer of com muni cati on happe ns?a. The pilot is in structed to con tact next con troller on the freque ncy give n on the flight pla n.b. The pilot is in structed to con tact the n ext con troller on the freque ncy give n by the previouscon troller.c. The pilot is in structed to con tact the receivi ng con troller after he has crossed the boun dary.d. The pilot is in structed to con tact the origi nal con troller prior to the han doff.An swer: b3. Accord ing to the passage, why are han doffs n ecessary?a. To en sure that the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with the pilot whe n the pilot is cross ing theboun dary.b. To en sure the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with the pilot before the pilot crosses the boundary.c. To en sure the receiv ing con troller will be in con tact with the pilot after the pilot crosses the boundary.d. To en sure that the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with the origi nal con troller whe n the pilotis cross ing the boun dary.An swer: b4. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT correct?a. Han doffs are n ecessary whe n an aircraft crosses betwee n a tower and a cen ter.b. Tran sfer of com mun icati on en sures the origi nal con troller to give in struct ions to the aircraft.c. The process of tran sferri ng con trol and com muni catio n is called han doffs.d. Before an aircraft passes the sector boun dary, the handoff must have occurred.An swer: b5. What do you think the title of passage should be?a. Tran sferri ng betwee n the con trollersb. Tran sfer of con trolc. Tran sfer of com muni cati ond. Handoff proceduresAn swer: dPassage IIWhen the Wright brothers ' emeeri in flight succeeded on December 17, 1903, the world took little notice. Newspapers of that time did not believe that accomplishments of the two brothers on that cold morning. At the start of the century, most people regarded aviation as a pastime for brave experimenters. It was hard to believe that the tiny, underpowered aircraft of that era would ever develop into a useful form of transportation. In this early period of experimentation, anyone with a mechanical aptitude could design, build, and fly an aircraft without passing any type of test or possessing any type of license. Without regulation or certification, people began to build and quite regularly crash these early flying mach in es. The gen eral public was frighte ned by the mach ines and believed that only fools would fly in them. Pote ntial in vestors in this new in dustry were fearful of risk ing their capital to finance an un prove n and appare ntly dan gerous in dustry.The follow ing questi ons are based on the passage you have just heard.1. According to the passage what is the response of the public towards the Wright brother ' ssuccess of flight?a. It caused a great sen sati on.b. The public paid a little atte nti on to it.c. The people of that time almost paid no attention to it.d. The n ewspapers believed that was a great eve nt.An swer: c2. What did the people at that time thi nk of aviati on?a. It was only the activities of a small porti on of people to seek fun.b. It was only some kind of experime nts.c. People believed that it would be a long time to develop into a useful transportation.d. People believed that it was an experime nt con ducted by fools.An swer: a3. Who was allowed to fly at that time?a. Anyoneb. Those who were in volvedin the desig ning and buildi ng.c. Those who passed the tests.d. Those who go a lice nse.An swer: a4. What was the general attitude of the public towards the flying machines at that time?a. They did not believe they could fly.b. They were fearful of such dan gerous thi ngs.c. They thought those mach ines were promis ing.d. They thought those mach ines were foolish.An swer: b5. What was the attitude of the in vestors?a. They were con fide nt of the repay of the in vestme nt.b. They were doubtful of the repay of the in vestme nt.c. They thought flying was dan gerous.d. They thought it was foolish to fly.An swer: bSection IVDirections: In this sect ion there are some ATC in struct ions or pilot 'reports'requests. These above words are spoke n only once. In each spoke n part some words are miss ing. Liste n carefully and fill the bla nks with what you have just heard.1. Kiwi Air _____ , expedite your desce nt all the way dow n to __________ , please.2. Africa Air fiftee n, fly a headi ng _____________ . This is radar vectors for your _____ .3. CCA 101 We've already talked to ________ uh your problems on the ACARS so they are aware of your____ f or about 30 minu tes, we don't know if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold out here, they got ___________ of fuel. The con trollers are say ing _______ forEFC so in about ano ther four or five minu tes they will get new in struct ions.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker run way ________ make _________ on the outer marker the n reportthe outer marker inbound for run way two seve n.1. Kiwi Air seve ntee n, expedite your desce nt all the way dow n to eleve nthousa nd, please.2. Africa Air fiftee n, fly a headi ng zero seve n zero. this is radar vectors for your desce nt.3. CCA 101 We've already talked to dispatch uh your problems on the ACARS so they are aware of your delayfor about 30 minu tes, we don't know if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold out here, they got thirty three hun dred poundsof fuel. The con trollers are say ingfiver zero, for uh, EFC so in about ano ther four or five minu tes they will get new in structi ons.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker run way two seve n make a three sixty on the outer marker the n report theouter marker inbound for run way two seve n.Sectio n VDirections: In this sect ion there is an excha nge betwee n pilots and con trollers, the excha nge will be spoke n only on ce. Liste n carefully and the n complete the table below.VI Liste ning comprehe nsionRuda Flight 689: Dan Approach, Ruda Flight 689 passi ng FL150.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689 radar con tact 45 miles on M-13, headi ng 265. Desce nt to 3500ft for Run way 09, reduce speed to 200.F 689: Desce nd 3500for Runway 09. Reduce speed to 200 kts Ruda Flight 689.F 689: Approach, Ruda Flight 689, request reas on to reduce speed above 10000 to200kts.Dan App: OK Sir, your traffic departure sir, now start engine, release traffic departure at or before 27.F 689: Ruda Flight 689 like to maintain 210 kts... 210kts, and below 10000.Dan App: OK, it's approved.Flight 414 : Flight 414 passing 17000 to 11000ft. Position now 13 miles on M-13.Dan App: Flight 414, turn left headi ng 085, reduce speed to minimum, you Con tact 122.1 Happy landing.Flight 414 : Good after noon. Thank youF 689: Ruda Flight 689; 3000Dan App: 689, mai ntai n 3000ft for a while. Main tai n headi ng Dan VOR. Traffic now still taxiRun way 27.Flight 689 : Maintain 3000.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689, you turn left headi ng 250 vectori ng for in tercept ILS Run way 09 from right side. Traffic now rolli ng.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689 do you read?F 689: Ruda Flight 689, say aga in?Dan App: Turn left headi ng a .... 240, 250. Now vectoring for in tercept ILS Run way 09.F 689: Roger, headi ng 250. Ruda Flight 689 .F 689: 689 headi ng 250. Confirm we cleared from a ..... mountainous area?Dan App: Affirm sir! Con ti nue turn left on headi ng 210.F 689: On head ing 210, Ruda Flight .Flight 212: Good afternoon, approach. Flight 212 departed right turn heading 110 1000 ft climbing, 5 miles on M-13Dan App: 212 continue turn right on head ing 120 in itial 2000ft in crease speed 210 knots.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689, turn right heading 086, report established on localizer.F 689: Turn right to heading 080, Ruda Flight 689, check established.Dan App : Ruda Flight 689, confirm you're making turning now?F 689 : We are turning right now.Dan App : 689 OK, you continue turning to heading 090 now.Part II Oral in teract ionSecti on One: Normal ProcedureDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers in struct ions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded whe n you see a micropho ne on the scree n.1. Pre-flight(You are on sta nd E45 Con tact Blueyard Ground)P: Blueyard Ground ABCDEC: ABCDE Blueyard Ground I read you 2 check your tran smitter give me a short countP: roger ABCDE(Call Ground aga in)P: Ground ABCDE 1 , 2,3,4,5 . how do you readC: A DE you are cut i n and out check aga inP: Roger A DE 5,4,3,2 , 1 how do you read me nowC: ABCDE loud and clearedP: thanks A DE(request ATC cleara nee, con tact Blueyard Delivery )P: Blueyard Delivery ABCDE request A TC clearaneeC: ABCDE is cleared to Greenard via flight planed route Brick 1 departure initial climb to 7000ft request level cha nge en route squawk 3672P: cleared to Gree nard via flight pla ned route Brick 1 departure in itial climb to 7000ft request level cha nge en route squawk 3672 ABCDEC: ADE confirm in itially climb to 7000ftP: in itially climb to 7000ft ADEC: read back is correct con tact ground 121.9P: 121.9 ADE(Loadi ng operati ons are tak ing Ion ger tha n pla nn ed, you want to delay your slot un til 0845, con tact ground) P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE the loadi ng operati ons are tak ing Ion ger tha n pla nn ed, Would you delay our slotun til 0845?P: slot time 0845, ABCDE.(You want pushback and sta nd up)P: Ground ADE sta nd E45 in formati on K, request pushback and start up for Gree nard.C: A DE sta nd-by. your aircraft has not received customs cleara nee(say you have the cleara nee sheet)P: Ground A DE we have the cleara nee sheetC: A DE roger call you back after I checkP: wilco A DEB. Departure(you are at holdi ng point r/w08L con tact tower)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE holding point r/w08LC: A DE line up and waitP: lining up and wait A DE(You are ready for departure, call Tower)P: Tower A DE ready for depa rturePage 8(You want to know how long the delay to be?)P: Roger how long do you estimate the delay to be? A DEC: ADE the delay will be in ten minu tes, I call you back.P: roger, ADE.C: A DE clear for take off wind calm.P: cleared for take off A DEC: ADE stop immediately, cancel I say aga in, stop immediately, flames coming from left gearP: stopping, ADEC. En route(con tact Blueyard con trol)P: Blueyard con trol ABCDE Good morningC: ABCDE Blueyard control go ahead(Report you are over FVL at 40 FL 330 ETO ECT at 05)P: ABCDE FVL at 40 FL 330 ETO ECT at 05C: A DE roger report ECTP: Wilco A DE(you are over ECT at05 ETO DOK at 25)P: Blueyard Con trol ADE over ECT at 05 ETO DOK at 25C: ADE roger omit report un til LMIP: omitting report un til LMI ADEC: ADE unknown traffic 10 o ' clock 5miles cross Left to right(you can ' t see traOfek vector)P: negative con tact request vector A DEC: ADE turn left headi ng 060P: left headi ng 060 ADEC: ADE clear of traffic .resume own n avigati on direct ELNP: Direct ELN ADED. Desce nding and approach 5(you are desce nding, pass ing 7000 ft, con tact Gree nard approach)P: Greenard Approach ABCDE pass ing 7000 ft desce ndingC: A DE Gree nard approach clear to direct ADN 5000ft hold at ADN at 5000ft as published expect app time 25 P: direct ADN and hold at 5000ft app time 25 A DEC: ADE revised expect app time 35P: roger 35 ADEC: ADE revised expect app time 50(say you have only 20 minu tes en dura nee.)P: Approach ADE we can only hold 20min .C: ADE delay is un determ ined , r/w is still blocked(say you want to direct to the n earest available alter nate)P: Approach ADE we ' d like to direct to nearest available alternate.E. Landing and after landing 6(you have just Ian ded on r/w 17L)C: A DE vacate via taxiway E5 and con tact ground on 121.8P: vacate taxiway E5 121.8 A DE(con tact ground)P : Ground ABCDE r/w vacatedC: A DE taxi via taxiway E5, then turn right to t/w E, H and M to stan dA18P: taxiway E, H and M to sta nd A18 A DEC: ADE you have gone passed H in tersect ion, do you request follow me car?(say no, you request tax ing in structi on)P: It is unn ecessary, request detail in structi on ADEC: ADE backtrack first rightP: backtrack first right ADFC: ADE correction first leftP: first left ADEDirections: .In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsig n is ABCDE. Complete your com muni cati on with ATCaccording to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microph one on the scree n.Item 1(You are in take -off positi on, ready to go.)CTL: ABCDE, cleared to take-off, wind 320 degree 15 knots. Report airborne.PIL: Taking off, wilco ADEPIL: (Engine failure, you aborted take off) ADE, take off aba ndoned due to engine failureCTL: ADE,roger.PIL: (Call tower you n eed airport assista nee, some passe ngers got injured) ADE we have some passe ngers injured, request airport assista nee.Item 2(You are ready to cross taxiway C4, and you see a large dog cross the taxiway, call Ground)PIL: Blueyard Ground, a large dog has just crossed the taxiway C4 ahead of us.CTL: Which directio n has it gone?PIL: (Left to Right) It crossed from left to rightCTL: Thank you, ADE, We ' ll try to get some people to catch it. Are you ready to cross taxiway?PIL: (You are ready) Affirm, we are ready to cross taxiway 4CCTL: ADE, approved to cross taxiway 4CItem 3(You are ready to take off)CTL: ABCDE, cleared to take off, wind 300 degree 15 knotsPIL: Cleared to take off, ADEPIL: (Duri ng tak ing off, you have a tyre blow-out, abort take off and report): ADE, take-off aborted due to tyre blow-out.CTL: ADE, taxi off run way ahead.PIL: (Read back and report your aircraft slid off the run way a little): Roger. Taxi off run way. But we slid off the run way slightly.CTL: ADE, are you able to taxi off the run way without assista nee?PLI: (Say you can not manage.Your left gear is bogged down, you need steps and buses to take passengers back): Negative, the left gear is bogged dow n. Request passe ngers steps and buses to take the passe ngers back to the termi nal.CTL: Roger, ADE. We ' ll also get a tug to you soon..Part III Oral resp on sesNarrati onDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your an swer be recorded whe n you see a micropho ne on the scree n.Accide nt n arrative20 MAR 1969, Flight N142D, a DC-3aircraft, departed Memhis at 04:36 on an IFR flight to New Orleans.At 06:35 the crew contacted New Orleans approach control.The approach controller told the crew to maintain 3000 feet and proceed direct to the ILS outer compass locator. He gave the weather as "sky partially obscured visibility1/16 fog and smoke, altimeter 30.00, run way 10 run way visual range less tha n 600 feet". The pilot elected to carryout the approach despite the fact that minimum visibility for an approach was 2400 feet and that the cen terl ine lights were in operative. After being give n vectors for the run way 10 approach, the pilot decided to carry out a low pass and con ti nue if run way lights became visible. Apparte ntly the pilot continued the desce nt.The aircraft con tacted the run way very hard 1198 feet past the threshold, boun ced and after power was applied, the DC-3 struck the ground aga in 3100 feet further on. The airpla ne cartwheeled and caught fire.Accord ing to in vestigatio n, the probable cause of the accide nt in cludea) The con trolled desce nt of the aircraft into known below minima weather con diti ons and the failure of the crew to disc on ti nue the landing attempt upon reachi ng the decisi on height.b) Contributing to the cause are existing regulations which permit an approach to be initiated in conditions well below mi ni ma.c) Improper crew actio n at the time of in itial run way con tact , poor crew judgeme nt and the lack of man ageme nt required for such an operati on.Questio n 1: Accord ing to the passage, what are the three factors leadi ng to the accide nt?Question 2: According to your experienee, what can be done to avoid the accident?Question 3: Please give a brief description of the accident in your own words.。



飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、选择题1. 飞机在大气中的飞行原理主要是什么?A. 升力大于重力B. 升力等于重力C. 升力小于重力D. 升力与重力无关答案:B2. 以下哪种飞行状态属于不稳定飞行?A. 水平飞行B. 俯冲C. 爬升D. 盘旋答案:D3. 以下哪个部件用于控制飞机的俯仰?A. 副翼B. 升降舵C. 方向舵D. 油门答案:B4. 以下哪个仪表用于指示飞机的空速?A. 的高度表B. 的升降速度表C. 的空速表D. 的航向仪答案:C5. 飞行员在起飞滑跑过程中,何时应拉杆使飞机离地?A. 当飞机达到预定速度时B. 当飞机达到安全速度时C. 当飞机离地时D. 当飞机离地后答案:A二、填空题1. 飞机在飞行过程中,需要克服的主要力有______、______、______和______。

答案:升力、重力、阻力和推力2. 飞机的基本操纵面有______、______和______。

答案:副翼、升降舵和方向舵3. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查飞机的______、______、______和______。

答案:燃油、氧气、油压和电气系统4. 飞行员在飞行中,需要密切关注的气象要素有______、______、______和______。

答案:气温、气压、风速和湿度5. 飞行员在紧急情况下,应按照______、______。

答案:紧急程序执行三、判断题1. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查飞机的燃油量,确保足够完成飞行任务。

()答案:正确2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,可以随时调整飞行高度。

()答案:错误3. 飞行员在飞行中,如遇到紧急情况,可以立即返回起飞机场。

()答案:正确4. 飞行员在飞行中,可以关闭飞机的导航设备,仅凭经验飞行。

()答案:错误5. 飞行员在飞行中,如遇到恶劣天气,可以随时改变飞行计划。

()答案:正确四、问答题1. 请简要说明飞机的飞行原理。




飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共40分)1.以下哪个不属于飞行员执照的分类?A. 私照B. 商照C. 公务照D. 驾驶证答案:D2.以下哪个不是飞行规则?A. VFRB. IFRC. CRMD. FMS答案:C3.以下哪个不属于飞机的四大基本部件?A. 机翼B. 尾翼C. 起落架D. 发动机答案:D4.以下哪个是飞机的导航系统?A. VORB. ILSC. GPSD. ADF答案:A5.以下哪个不属于飞机的燃油系统?A. 燃油箱B. 燃油泵C. 燃油流量计D. 发动机答案:D6.以下哪个是飞机的通信系统?A. VHFB. HFC. UHFD. All of the above答案:D7.以下哪个是飞行员应遵守的规定?A. 飞行规则B. 民航法C. 飞行手册D. All of the above答案:D8.以下哪个是飞行员应具备的素质?A. 团队合作B. 应变能力C. 责任心D. All of the above答案:D9.以下哪个是飞行员在飞行前应进行的检查?A. 飞机外观检查B. 飞机性能检查C. 飞行计划D. All of the above答案:D10.以下哪个是飞行员在飞行中应关注的仪表?A. 空速表B. 高度表C. 垂直速度表D. All of the above答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共30分)11.以下哪些是飞行员执照的考试科目?A. 理论考试B. 实操考试C. 医疗体检D. 英语水平测试答案:ABCD12.以下哪些是飞机的导航设备?A. VORB. ILSC. GPSD. 无线电高度表答案:ABC13.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行中应遵守的规定?A. 飞行规则B. 民航法C. 飞行手册D. 公司规定答案:ABCD14.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行前应进行的准备?A. 飞行计划B. 天气预报C. 飞机性能检查D. 燃油检查答案:ABCD15.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行中应关注的仪表?A. 空速表B. 高度表C. 垂直速度表D. 油压表答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16.飞行员执照考试分为理论考试和实操考试两部分。



TELAP(SET TWO) 2TEST 第 1 页 共 9 页Directions: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. Danair 654, we are experiencing slight turbulence. Can we have a climb to FL330?Question: What is the reason for the pilot to request a climb?a. minor turbulenceb. moderate turbulencec. severe turbulenced. being assigned a higher altitudecorrect answer: a2. The captain found no oxygen indication in preflight preparation. After check the crew found it wasbecause the wrong connection.Question: What is the problem?a. The crew did not do the preflight check.b. The crew found no indication on the front panel.c. There is something wrong with the emergency equipment.d. There is something wrong with the connection check.Correct answer: c3. China Eastern 517, going around. We just had a windshear warning. Request further instructions forthe second approach runway 34.Question: What happened in the second approach?a. encountered a windshearb. went aroundc. windshear warning soundedd. landed on the runwaycorrect answer: d4. China Southern 304, Hong Kong Ground, your signal is unstable. Check your transmitter and give me a short count.Question: What does the controller ask the pilot to do?a. time check.b. Radio checkc. Signal checkd. Transmitter checkCorrect answer: b5. Eastern 5152 returned to the airport after it had taken off from Beijing, because a passenger was found not on board while the luggage was on the airplane.Question: What happened to the flight 5152?a. One passenger was lost.b. The luggage was lost.c. The flight returned to Beijing.d. The passenger lost the luggage.Correct answer: a6. Ground, Air China 901, main gear fails and is bogged and unable to taxi. Would you send a tug and get us back to the stand.Question: What is 901‟s problem?a. Main gear failure.b. Traffic conflict.c. Request taxi.d. Runway blocked.Correct answer: a7. DKR Vanta tower, descend to 2000 feet QNH 1001. Join right-hand downwind runway 33, number 2 in traffic, report downwind.Question: What should pilot do?a. Join upwind runway 33, number 3 in traffic. Part I Listening Section Ib. Join downwind runway 32, number 2 in traffic.c. Join upwind runway 23, number 3 to land.d. Join down wind runway 33, the second to land.Correct answer: d8. DLH 784 take-o f aborted due to port engine ingested some foreign matter. Tan blades severelydamaged. We just managed to stop short of the ILS antennas , everybody on board seems to be all right. Question: What happened to the airplane?a. left engine damaged, stayed on the runway.b. right engine damaged, stayed out of the runway.c. left engine undamaged, stayed on the runway.d. right engine un damaged, stayed out of the runway.Correct answer: a9. KLM919, flight level 250 not available due to traffic. Alternative is 230.Question: What should the pilot do?a. Fly at flight level 250.b. Fly at flight level 230.c. Fly either at flight level 250 or 230.d. Fly neither at flight level 250 0r 230.Correct answer: b10. Ground, eastern 056, we found some mistakes of takeoff center of gravity and zero fuel center ofgravity when we were checking the load sheet. Would you check the load sheet and correct the mistakes? Question: What do you learn from the statement?a. Correct calculation on the load sheet.b. Wrong calculation on the load sheet.c. The ground personnel found the mistake.d. The crew corrected the mistake.Correct answer: bSection IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. P: Rex ground, Northern 670, good morning, request startup.C: Northern 670, expect departure 50, I‟ll call you back for star t.P: Could we startup quickly please. We‟ve got livestock in the hold.C: Standby.C: Northern 670, startup approved.P: Starting up. Thank you. Northern 670.Question: Why does the pilot asks for a quick startup?a. There is a stockbroker on board.b. There are some animals on board.c. The departure is delayed.d. The controller does not call back immediately.Correct answer: b2. P: Northwest 281, we have an engine failure. We intend to return to Rex, but we have to dump 40 tonsof fuel first.C: Roger, Northwest 281, proceed to fuel dumping area at 5000 feet, right hand pattern over Forest, report when reaching.Question: What happened to 281?a. Engine failureb. Fuel dumpingc. Holdingd. Flying to ForestCorrect answer: a3. P: Mayday, mayday, mayday. Winton control, JAL 662, we have fire in the rear toilets, we aredescending to fl 30, request emergency landing at Winton, position, 50 miles west ofWinton, heading 75 degrees.C: JAL 662, Winton control, roger mayday, break, all stations on 126.3, stop transmitting, mayday.P: Mayday, Winton, JAL 662, fire now under control, cancel distress.C: Roger, JAL 662. Mayday all stations distress traffic ended.Question: What happened?a. Engine fireb. Fire in the toiletc. Emergency descentd. Flight cancelledCorrect answer: b4. P : Sierra Foxtrot 594, over mike echo lima 2000 feet, landing gear down but maybe not locked. Weintend to make a low pass near the tower to have the under carriage checked.C: Sierra Foxtrot 594, make a low pass at 200 feet heading 200, north of tower.Question: What do the crew intend to do?a. Try to extend the landing gear.b. Try to lock the landing gear.c. Check the landing gear by making a low pass.d. Check the landing gear at the present position.Correct answer: c5. P: Guangzhou tower, China Southern 304, flaps and slats are jammed, we can‟ t extend beyond 15,request divert to Zhuhai airport which has a longer runway.C: China Southern 304, cleared to Zhuhai. I‟ll inform Zhuhai you have a configuration problem.Question: What is the problem of China Southern 304?a. Traffic problemb. Runway is not long enough.c. Weather problem.d. Improper configuration problem.Correct answer: dSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IJuly the 20th looked like a normal day. John went to the airport as usual. He was going to fly to Hong Kong. The first officer, Ted, controlled the airplane and the Airbus took off perfectly. When the plane reached 1200 feet, a windshear warning occurred and the warning sound echoed in the cockpit. John, as the captain, took over the control and called for the checklist. Then they found the left PFD indicated normally while a malfunction indication appeared on the right seat PFD. After the checklist, the crew agreed that it was a false warning, and they controlled the plane to climb. 3 hours later they landed on Hong Kong airport and the ground maintenance personnel fixed the problem. Unfortunately, on the way back, the same trouble appeared again.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1. Who controlled the aircraft to take off?a. Johnb. Tedc. Both of themd. Neither of themCorrect answer: b2. What initiated the warning?a. windshearb. cross windc. false indication of PFDd. unknown reasoncorrect answer: d3. What happened after the aircraft landed?a. The crew fixed the problem.b. The company sent the maintenance stuff.c. The local maintenance stuff took the malfunction.d. The local maintenance stuff fixed the problem. Correct answer: d4.a.b.c.d. Correct5.a.b.c.d.What happened on the way back?The malfunction occurred.Another problem appeared.Everything looked perfectly.They brought maintenance personnel.answer: aWhat do you think is the most suitable title for the passage?A Pleasant FlightThe Brave CaptainProblem FindingAn Adventurous FlightCorrect answer: dPassage IIPilots may simulate emergency incidents, but not the state of distress, on 121.50 MHz to enable them to gain experience of the ATC service provided. Before calling, pilots should listen out on the emergency frequency to ensure that no actual or practice incident is already in progress. Practice calls need not disrupt a planned flight or involve additional expense in fuel or time since the pilot can request …diversion‟ to his intended destination or cancel the exercise when necessary. Simulated emergency calls must be prefixed …PRACTICE‟ and should be brief, for example, …Practice PAN, Practice PAN, Practice PAN, London center, this is G- abcd‟ . The emer gency controller will then indicate acceptance of the Practice PAN by transmitting: …G-ABCD, THIS IS LONDON CENTRE CONTINUE WITH PRACTICE PAN.‟ The emergency controller may instruct the pilot to call at another time, if the practice cannot be accommodated.If a practice is accepted, the pilot should then pass his details. SSR mode A code 7700 should not be selected during a practice emergency exercise unless required by the emergency controller. Mode C should be switchedon , if available.Following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?a. 121.50 is the frequency for the pilots to practice the experience of the ATC service.b. Pilots may use the frequency of 121.50 to practice the emergency calling.c. The frequency of 121.50 maybe used anytime the pilot like.d. When necessary, the practice can be cancelled.Correct answer: c2. Which of the following is the correct simulated emergency calls?a. Practice pan, practice pan, practice pan, …b. Practice panpan, panpan, panpan, …c. Pan, pan, pan, this is a simulated emergency call, …d. Panpan, panpan, panpan practice, …Correct answer: a3. What may the controller do if the practice can not be accommodated?a. To instruct the pilot to call later.b. To instruct the pilot to call again.c. To instruct the pilot not to call.d. To instruct the pilot to call more than one time.Correct answer: a4. What happens if the practice is accepted?a. The pilot then learns how to communicate with controller.b. The pilot then learns that next time this frequency is available.c. The pilot then may begin his practice.d. The pilot then may complete his practice.Correct answer: c5. Under what circumstance may SSR Mode A Code 7700 be selected?a. Required by the controller.b. Required by the pilot.c. Required by the regulation.d. When Mode c is switched on.Correct answer: aDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\ instructions or pilot ‟s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1. Aeromexico four ninety eight, cross _________miles southeast of Seal Beach at and maintain_______________2. There is A little bit of ________ coming up, you will recognize just a little bit. It's down right there, ________ the runway3. American forty heavy, Kennedy Tower, roger, _____ , you're number two following heavy seven oh seven traffic on a_____. Wind two zero zero at one eight. RVR five thousand, five hundred, Cleared to land.4. Aeroflight four ninety eight estimate__________, you have assigned gate _____________awaiting your arrival5. Canadian five zero five, Los Angeles tower, wind two five zero at seven, cleared to land runway__________, caution ________turbulence preceding heavy Boeing seven forty-seven1. Aeromexico four ninety eight, cross one zero miles southeast of Seal Beach at and maintain seven thousand2. There is A little bit of low fog coming up, you will recognize just a little bit. It's down right there, close to the runway3. American forty heavy, Kennedy Tower, roger, runway two two left, you're number two following heavy seven oh seven traffic on a two mile final. Wind two zero zero at one eight. RVR five thousand, five hundred, Cleared to land.4. Aeroflight four ninety eight estimate fifteen minutes, you have assigned gate one hundred and nineteen or one one nine awaiting your arrival5. Canadian five zero five, Los Angeles tower, wind two five zero at seven, cleared to land runway two four left, caution wake turbulence preceding heavy Boeing seven forty-sevenSection VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange will be spoken only once. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.Air Delta Lima descend fight level one hundred fifty To one hundred fifty, we'll descend Delta Lima Delta Lima heading to DALAM Heading to DALAM correct? Affirmative Delta Lima what's your heading to DALAM? Our heading is zero fifty five to DALAM Air Delta Lima, maintain heading zero fifty-five until further advised We'll maintain until further advised. Delta Lima continue descent to flight level seventy Continuing descent to seventy Delta Lima Ladies and gentlemen, we are starting our descent. We ask you to please return to your seats. Thank youAir Delta Lima the level on descent Leaving one fifty descending to seventy Delta Lima Air Delta Lima received, no more restrictions on heading, contact Stanburd one twenty dot six. GoodbyeNo more restrictions on heading, Stanburd approach, good day. Delta Lima Air Delta Lima, good day. Proceed to DALAM. Your distance? Yes DALAM, and we are at twenty-two nautical DME from STB Received, continue the descent to five thousand feet QNH one thousand twenty-three call DALAM inbound five thousand feetFive thousand feet, we'll call DALAM five thousand QNH one thousand twenty-threeCTRL PNF CTRL PNFCTRL CTRL PNF CTRL PNF CTRL PNF CA CTRL PNF CTRL PNF CTRL PNF CTRL PNFCTRL Section IVTELAP(SET TWO)2TEST 第 6 页 共 9 页Level Change Heading Change Distance Change Turn Leftor RightLevel 1 Heading DistanceLevel 2 Heading DistanceLevel 3 Heading DistanceLevel 4 Heading Distance Level Change Heading Change Distance Change Turn Leftor RightLevel 1 FL150 Heading 055 Distance 22 LLevel 2 FL70 Heading 230 Distance 6 LLevel 3 5000 Heading 090 Distance 4 L Level 4 3500 Heading 050 DistancePNFWhat's the temperature? The temperature...? CTRLAir Delta Lima, initially maintain five thousand, QNH, one thousand twenty three and as there will be three takeoffs on zero six, you may have to hold in the stack at five thousand feet. PNFWe'll go back to the VOR DME procedure at this time then CTRLIf you want I can take you on the radar to bring out to DALAM at five thousand PFEr! Yeah, that's good idea PNFYes CTRLOK! descend three five zero zero , turn left heading two hundred thirty PNFThree five zero zero and heading two hundred thirty to the left AirDL CTRLAir DL There you are, that will save you time PNFThank you CTRLMaintain three five hundred on reaching it and until DALAM, the QNH is one thousand twenty three PNFQNH one thousand twenty-three, maintaining three thousand five hundred. CTRL Air Delta Lima, six nautica l radial two hundred ninety for Stanburd PNFReceived Delta Lima CTRLAir Inter Delta Lima turn left heading ninety , zero nine zero PNFHeading ninety, zero nine zero to the left Delta Lima CTRLDelta Lima continue left turn to establish yourself on zero fifty , you are four miles from DALAM, passing left of DALAM PFOK PNFReceived, we will call established CTRLAffirmative sir PF Yeah, yeah CTRL Delta Lima call the VOR on finalWe're passing DALAM outbound, seven thousand five hundred feet , descending. Received Delta Lima, you are number one for the VOR DME zero six, call passing the VOR in final Yeah, we planned to proceed Sierra Echo, do an ILS approach runway 06. Received Delta Lima PNFCTRLPNF CTRLDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.A. Pre-flight1. (you are on stand B21 request start up for Greenard. )P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE request start up for Greenard, information K, stand B21.2. C: Sorry ABCDE I have no flight plan under that call-sign, standby while I check.( tell the controller as you known you filed flight plan an hour ago.)P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE as we known, we filed our plan an hour ago.3. C: ADE Ground My apologies, the computer has failed to produce a strip for you. I ‟ll write one out. Start upapprovedP: That‟s OK. Start up app roved, temperature +15, AD E.4. (When you start up, you found you can‟t start due to the flat batteries, you want to know if you can use GPU.) P: Blueyard Ground A DE we can‟ t start up. Our batteries are flat. Would you check for us ifwe can use a GPU?5. C: A DE Blueyard Ground At the moment they are starting up the A320 on your right side. Can you contact them yourself?(You say yes)P: A f irm, We‟ ll try A D E.6. (You started up your engines and request pushback.)P: Blueyard Ground, A DE, stand B21 request pushback.7.C: A DE Blueyard Ground standby expect 2 minutes delay due congested traffic, call you back.P: standing by A DE.8. C: A DE Blueyard Ground pushback approved facing west.P: Pushback approved facing west A DE.Departure9. (You are at holding point 08L, contact Blueyard Tower)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE hold at holding point r/w08L10.C: ABCDE Blueyard Tower Are you ready for immediate departure?P: (say yes)affirm ABCDE11.C: ADE line up be ready for immediate departure.P: lining up ADE.12.(Call tower You are on the r/w and ready for departure.)P: Blueyard Tower A DE ready for departure.13.C: A DE cleared for takeoff, wind 270 degrees, 15 ktsP: cleared for takeo f A DE14.C: A DE hold position cancel I say again cancel takeoff vehicle on the r/wP: holding position (or: cancel takeoff) A DE15.(Now you are airborne, time is 32, contact Blueyard Tower)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE Good morning Airborne 3216.C: ABCDE Blueyard Tower maintain r/w heading until 2000ft, then turn right direct to BRK VORP: Maintaining r/w heading until 2000ft, then turn right direct to BRK VOR, ABCDE17. (You got the warning of “hydraulic system 2 failure ” and the quantity of hydraulic fluid is displayed Zero onthe hydraulic page, you completed the checklist procedure, report to Blueyard Departure, ask them to contact with your company. )P: Blueyard Departure, ABCDE we got the warning of hydraulic system 2 failure, and the quantity of hydraulic fluid is displayed Zero on the hydraulic page. We have finished the checklist procedure, please relay this message to our company.18.C: A DE Blueyard Departure What‟s your intention?(You decided to continue your flight, but you need your company‟s permission.)P: Blueyard Departure, ABDE we ‟d like to continue our flight, but we need company‟s permission.En-route19. (You are en route now, make a position report to Blueyard Control. Report you are over FVL at 50 FL310ETO ECT at 15) P: Blueyard Control ABCDE FVL at 50 FL310 ETO ECT at 15Part II Oral interaction Section One: Normal Procedure20.C: ABCDE Blueyard Control roger report ECTP: report ECT ABCDE (or: wilco ABCDE)21. (you are over LMI 15 ETO Boundary 35)P: Blueyard ControlA DE over LMI 15 FL310 ETO Boundary 3522.C:ADE roger next report ECN, contact Greenard Control 132.1 good day.P: wlico next report ECN 132. 1 ADE good day.23. (Contact Greenard Control )P: Greenard Control ABCDE good morning24.C: ABCDE Greenard Control Caution unknow traffic 2 o'clock 6 miles crossing right to left(you can not see traffic ask for vector )P:Greenard Control ABCDE negative contact request vector25.C: ADE turn right heading 070P: Right heading 070 ADE26.C: ADE clear of traffic resume own navigation direct ECN.P: direct ECN ADEDescend and approach27. (you are over SIV at 6000ft , contact Approach and request descend)P: Greenard Approach ABCDE over SIV 6000ft request descend.28.C: ABCDE Greenard Approach descend to and maintain 4000ft. What rate of descent can you give me?P: Greenard Approach ABCDE we‟ll descend at 3000ft per min, if you wish.29. C: ADE descend to 3000ft make straight in approach r/w35R wind 310/8 gusting to 13 QNH1012P: descending to 3000ft straight in approach r/w35R QNH1012 ADE30. (you gear is jammed, you want to proceed to holding area)P: Greenard Approach A DE our gear is jammed. We‟d like to proceed holding area31.C: A DE roger maintain 3000ft proceed to PC to hold as published.P: proceeding to PC hold as published A DE32. (you are over PC at 3000ft you are not sure if gears down or not, request low pass for visual check)P: Greenard Approach ADE PC 3000ft we are not sure if gears down ornot request low pass for visual checkLanding and after landing33. C:ABCDE ary you ready for landing?P:A f irmABCDE.34. (Everything is normal now, you are ready to land, contact tower)P: Greenard Tower ABCDE request to land.35. C: ABCDE Greenard Tower cleared to land wind calm.P: cleared to land ABCDE.36.(you have just landing on r/w35R)C:A DE Greenard Tower vacated via t/wE2 contact ground on 121.7P: t/wE2 121.7 ABCDE37. (contact ground)P: Greenard ground ABCDE r/w vacated38. C: ADE Greenard Ground good morning turn left into t/w F then t/w M to stand A19.P: left turn into t/w F, then t/w M to standA19 ADE39. C: ADE you missed the exit backtrack and next leftP: backtrack and next left ADE40. C: ADE taxi slowly on approaching the apron, there‟s no marshaller available due to ground staff strike.P: Roger and thank you.Section Two:Abnormal ProcedureDirections: . In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Item1CTL: ABCDE, are you ready for start?PIL: (One passenger is missing ,you wish to put off the start up) Blueyard, we wish to delay our start-up. We have one passenger missingCTL: Roger, ADE, I‟ll call you back to checkCTL: ADE, Have you got all the passengers on board?PIL: (Say yes and ready for start ) Affirm. We are ready to start.CTL :ADE, start-up approved.(Now you are ready to push back call Ground)PIL: Blueyard Ground, ADE request push-back.CTL: ADE, there is an Airbus 300 pass behind, after him, push back approvedPIL:(Read back) After the Airbus 300, pushing back, ADEItem2(You are ready to depart, contact tower)PIL: Tower ABCDE, ready for departure.CTL: cleared for take-off, wind calm.PIL: Taking o f, ADECTL: ADE, stop immediately, I say again, stop immediately, flames coming from right main gear.PIL: (Stop and activate escape slides, request emergency services) ADE stopping, activating escape slides, request emergency services .Item3(You are at holding point R/W33, contact tower)PIL: Tower ABCDE, holding point 33CTL: ADE, line up and wait.( report your nose wheel steering is jammed)PIL: ADE, we have a problem, the nose wheel steering is jamedCTL: Do you need a tug?PIL: (You need it) Affirm. Request tug to tow us back to the apronCTL: ADE, call me back when ready.PIL: Wilco, ADE.Part III Oral responsesNarrationDirections:In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questionswill be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrativeOn 30 JUN 1967, Thai Airways Flight 601 was flying from Taipei-Sung Shan Airport to Hong Kong-Kai Tak International Airport. The aircraft was instructed to make an ILS approach to runway 31 during a heavy rainstorm. The captain was busy seeking visual contact with the ground and didn't notice the descent through the minimum altitude of 415 feet. The co-pilot, who was flying the aircraft, made an abrupt heading change (while already 80 feet below the glide slope) and was possibly caught by downdraft, causing the aircraft to enter a high rate of descent and a crash into the sea short of the runway. According to investigation, the probable cause of the accident includes: a) The pilots did not adhere to the Thai Airways procedure for a 'captain monitored' approach in bad visibility; b) The captain did not monitor the approach adequately; c) The co-pilot mishandled the aircraft after descending below minimum altitude; downdrafts may be contributed to the height loss which resulted from this mishandling.Question 1: According to the narrative, what are the three causes of the accident?Question 2: Please retell the accident in your own words?Question 3: What lessons have you learned from the accident?。



Part I ListeningSection IDirections:In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements,each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once.A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements,there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d,choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard.1.G-CD,one aircraft on runway nd at yourdiscretion,surface wind260,6kts.Question:what should the pilot dond normally.b.Hold until the aircraft has vacated the runway.c.He can not land due wind.d.Fly to the alternate.Correct answer:a2.Air China162,hold position,your departure is delayeddue to a bird flock upwind of your departure runway. Question:What is the reason for the pilot to be instructed to holda.Traffic on the departure runway.b.Bird strike occurred.c.Birds over the taxiway.d.Bird strike danger.Correct answer:d3.KAL436,an airbus34011o’clock position,moving leftto right,2and half a mile ahead,report traffic in sight. Question:Where is the other planea.11o’clock,left to right,2and half a mileb.11o’clock,right to left,2and half a milec.7o’clock right to left,2and half a miled.7o’clock left to right,2and half a milecorrect answer:a4.Cathy pacific401,Hong Kong departure,cancel SID turnright heading230to intercept CH190radial.Question:Why is the pilot instructed to turn right and intercept CH190radiala.SID is cancelledb.STAR is cancelledc.To intercept to a new heading230d.To intercept to a new heading320.Correct answer:a5.Fastair350,turn right heading190base leg,no ATCspeed restriction.Question:What speed instruction should the pilot to followa.350ktsb.190ktsc.at the pilot’s own discretiond.follow ATC instructioncorrect answer:c6.KLM345,braking action medium,heavy rain,time ofmeasurement0830.Question:What makes the runway surface less favorablea.rainingb.snowingc.iced.sandcorrect answer:a7.JAL706,displaced threshold runway27500feet duebroken surface.Question:What happensa.runway unavailable due broken surfaceb.runway partially unavailable due broken surfacec.The broken surface does not affect the runway.d.The landing length will be lengthened.Correct answer;b8.GC136TB200,from mike kilo to zulu golf,VFR2500feetregional QNH1011,estimating zone boundary52,zulu golf02, information Kilo.Question:What is the ETA to zone boundarya.1000b.1011c.1052d.1102correct answer:c9.Southern445,yaw damper inoperative.Are we likely torun into turbulence on our route That might make us tough to fly.Question:What will the malfunction lead toa.running into turbulenceb.run to the wrong routec.difficulty to controld.other problemscorrect answer:c10.Panpan,panpan,panpan,Beijing approach,Russian air151,heading190,above cloud,unsure of my position, request heading to Beijing.Question:What do you learn from this statementa.The pilot is unsure of the weatherb.The pilot is unsure of the present headingc.The pilot is unsure of the heading to the airportd.The pilot is unsure of the approach procedureCorrect answer:cSection IIDirections:In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers,each exchange will be spoken only once.A question will be asked after each exchange,there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d,choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard.1.C:Southwest459,ground,is it possible to delay yourdeparture time to54P:459,negative.Cannot depart before05due de-icing proceduresC:Roger,459,call me when ready to startup.Question:Why the crew can not depart as the controller instructeda.departure delayb.deicing procedurec.startup delayd.not ready to start upcorrect answer:b2.C:Southern344,approved to taxi via taxi way b to holding point runway36left.P:Taxiway b,36left,roger.Southern344.P:Ground,southern344,request return to the apron due to malfunction indication of hydraulic system.Present position,interception of taxiway b and c.C:344,hold your position.Question:Why does the pilot want to go back to the aprona.Because there is a malfunction of instruments.b.Because there is some mechanical problem.c.Because taxiway b is blocked.d.Because runway34is not available.Correct answer:b3.C:Air China981,a flock of birds north of runway 31near taxiway a12.hold your position.I will call youback.P:Holding position.Air China981.Question:Why does the controller instruct the pilot to holda.Due to danger of bird strike.b.Due runway31blocked.c.Due to work in progress on taxiway a12.d.Due to birds flying over runway12.Correct answer:a4.C:Southern302,for your information,taxiway Ccenter line lighting unserviceable.P:302roger.Question:What do you learn from the exchange between the pilot and the controllera.There is a danger of lightening.b.The information broadcast is not serviceable.c.The taxiway is not available.d.The runway centerline lights are out.Correct answer:c5.P:Hong Kong delivery,China Southern309,stand28,we are bound for Beijing,five minutes before start.C:China Southern309,Hong Kong delivery,I have not gotyour flight plan.Standby,while I check.P:Delivery,309,as far as we are concerned,it was filed an hour ago.C:309,the computer has failed to produce a strip for you,call you back.Question:What is wronga.The pilot is asked to standby due to delay ofstartup.b.The crew has not sent the flight plan.c.Something wrong with the computer.d.Five minutes are not enough for the controller.Answer:cSection IIIDirections:In this section you will hear two passages.each passage will be spoken only once.After each passage five questions will be asked,for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d,choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard. Passage IClimb performance is important from both economic and flight safety points of view.In a climb the potential energyof the aircraft is increased and fuel energy must be expended to achieve this.The fuel required to climb to a given height can be minimized by the used of the correct climb technique and optimum economy of operation can be attained.Economy, however,is not the only criterion of operation.The safety of the aircraft depends on its ability to climb above obstructions at all points on the flight path.Sufficient excess thrust must be available to ensure that the aircraft can meet certain minimum gradients of climb in any of the safety critical segments of the flights.Following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Why is climb performance importanta.Due to economic factor.b.Due to safety factor.c.Considering both economic and safety factors.d.Due to the need of fuel saving.Answer:c2.According to the passage,what is the use of thecorrect climb techniquea.To reach to a given height quickly.b.To use least fuel.c.To achieve the ability to climb aboveobstructions.d.To ensure safety.Answer:b3.Why is sufficient excess thrust necessarya.Because safety can be ensured.b.Because of the economic purpose.c.To climb as fast as possible.d.To save as much fuel as possible.Answer;a4.According to the passage,what is the othercriterion of operationa.Fuel saving.b.Time saving.c.Ability of clearing obstructions.d.Safety ensuring.Answer:d5.What do you think is the best title for thepassage you have just hearda.The economic factors of climb performanceb.How to climb safelyc.Minimizing the fuel required in climbingd.Factors considered in climb performance Answer:dPassage IIMany air carrier aircraft have a flight engineer as a required flight crewmember.The aircraft‘type certificate’shows whether or not a flight engineer is needed.On each flight that requires a flight engineer,at least one flight crewmember,besides the flight engineer,must be qualified to provide emergency performance of the flight engineer’s functions for the safe completion of the flight if the flight engineer becomes ill or is otherwise incapacitated.A pilot need not hold a flight engineer’s certificate to perform the flight engineer functions in such a situation.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.What kinds of aircrafts require a flightengineer on boarda.It depends on the type of the aircraft.b.It depends on the certificate of theaircraft type.c.The captain decides it.d.The company decides it.Answer:b2.Who is qualified to perform the flightengineer’s function in emergencya.All the crewmembers including the flightengineer.b.No one except the flight engineer.c.The first officer of the flightd.At least one member other than the flightengineer.Answer:d3.What if the flight engineer has a heartattack during a flighta.Anyone of the crewmembers who is qualified.b.One of the crewmembers designated by typecertificate.c.One of the crewmembers designated by thecaptain.d.One of the crewmembers designated by thecompany.Answer:a4.What does a pilot need to perform thefunction of the flight engineera.He needs a flight engineer’s certificate.b.He doesn’t need a flight engineer’scertificate.c.He must be authorized by the company with awritten form.d.He may be authorized by the company orally.Answer:b5.what do you think is the most suitable titlefor this passagea.Flight engineer requirementsb.How can a pilot become a flight engineerc.Qualification of a pilot to perform as aflight engineerd.Flight function in emergency situationAnswer:aSection IVDirections:In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests.These above words are spoken only once.In each spoken part some words are missing.Listen carefully and fill the blanks with whatyou have just heard.1.GRTWS you have a heavy__________ahead,and he's abouttwenty knots slower,that's due to the winds.I've got to need you to slow twenty knots___________.2.Abbair zero five two heavy,you are one five miles fromthe outer marker,maintain___________until established on the localizer,cleared ILS__________3.Ameri five eight zero,ah,I'm going to bring you aboutfifteen miles____,and then turn you back onto the approach, is that fine with you and your______l4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on topof Mount while approaching runway30.The____________ separated and the aircraft crashed at_____________.5.Air France140there is aircraft ten minutes ago lossof engine thrust during takeoff due to________of birds resulting in loss of control.The_________are extensive about1.GRTWS you have a heavy jet seven miles ahead,and he'sabout twenty knots slower,that's due to the winds.I've got to need you to slow twenty knots in three or four miles.2.Abbair zero five two heavy,you are one five miles fromthe outer marker,maintain two thousand until establishedon the localizer,cleared ILS23left3.American five eight zero,ah,I'm going to bring youabout fifteen miles northeast,and then turn you back onto the approach,is that fine with you and your fuel4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on topof Mount while approaching runway30.The left wing separated and the aircraft crashed at3400feet.5.Air France140there is aircraft ten minutes ago lossof engine thrust during takeoff due to ingestion of birds resulting in loss of control.The bird activities are extensive about.Section VDirections:In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers,the exchange will be spoken only once.Listen carefully and then complete the table below.E127BOTON We just saw an explosion out here;E127. BOTON Eastern air127,I'm sorry I missed it,ah,you're out eight miles,did you say something elseE127Ah,we just saw an explosion up ahead of us here, about seventeen thousand feet or something likethat;it just went down--in the water.A663Boton Alpha663confirms just ahead of us.GERY205BOTON,GERY205,I can confirm that out of my nine o'clock position,we just had an...it looked likean explosion out there about six miles away. BOTON An explosion six miles out at your nine o'clock position.Thank you very much sir GERY205.ContactNew Island approach119.8.BOTON TWA880Boston centerBOTON TWA880,if you hear Boston center,ident. BOTON E127,you reported an explosion,is that correct sir E127Yes sir,about eight miles at my eleven o'clock here. BOTON Alpha663,contact Boton now on122.9.A663122.9and just for your information sir,we are just overhead the explosion;right overhead at this time,now eighteen thousand feet.The explosion took placeright before us,9miles.E127Boton E127We are directly over the site watching that airplane or whatever it was just exploded andwent down into the water.BOTON Roger that,thank you very much sir.We'reinvestigating that right now.TWA880if you hearcenter,ident.E127I think that was him.BOTON I think so.E127God bless him.E127BOTON E127Anything we can do for you before we goBOTON Well,E127I just want to confirm that you saw the splash in the water approximately twenty miles southwest of Saton,is that rightE127Ah,yes sir.it just blew up in the air and then we saw two fireballs go down into the water and there was a big,smoke,ah,coming up from that also,ah, there seemed to be a light.and I pushed on my landing lights,ah,you know,so I saw him and then it blew.BOTON Roger that sir,that was a seven forty seven out there;you had a visual on that;anything else in the area when it happenedE127That's all I can think of at this time.BOS Uniform12,BOTON on122.9U12122.9,and is that airplane right in front of us nowBOTON He should be right underneath before you,they reported the splashdown right underneath you about, ah,twelve miles ahead.U12It's still burning down there. BOTON In the waterU12Well there's bright red and there's smoke comingup...there's fire with smoke.BOS Fire with smoke coming out of the waterUA12Right at our position right now;I can give you alat/long if you want.BOTON Absolutely,thank you.U12It's ah,forty thirty nine point one west zero seventwo three eight point zero.BOTONAll-right,we got forty thirty nine point one westzero seven two three eight point zero.Aircraft Level RelativeDistance Clock Position or PositionE127A663Gery205 U12Aircraft Level RelativeDistance Clock PositionorPositionE12717000811A66318000912Gery20569U121212Part II Oral interactionSection One:Normal ProcedureDirections:In this part,you are a pilot.Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE.Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard, alternate is plete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt.Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.1.Pre-flight14(You are at Gate F52,you are bound for Greenard,all flights have been delayed due to weather,you will be ready soon,ask Blueyard Ground what about the delays.)P:Blueyard Ground ABCDE we are bound for Greenard,we’ll be ready soon,what are the delays likeC:A DE Blueyard Ground delays are minimal on your route.There’s likely to be a delay of ten or twenty minutes for you. (You want to change route through COL to save delay.)P:Blueyard Ground A DE Can we change route through COL,it’ll save us a delay.C:Negative ADE you have to be subject to regulation.standby,I’ll call you back.P:Roger,standing by ADE.(You want to check your time,call Ground)P:Blueyard Ground A DE request time check.C:A DE Blueyard Ground time is1247and a half.P:1247and a half A DE.(Call Ground,you want to start-up.)P:Blueyard Ground ADE Gate F52,information K request start-up for Greenard.C:ADE Blueyard Ground departure time55,start up at your discretion.P:departure time55,start up at own discretion ADE.(you want push back)P:Blueyard Ground A DE request push back from F52C:A DE Blueyard Ground hold position.There is a light aircraft passing behind you.P:holding position,ADE.C:ADE Blueyard Ground pushback approved.Caution,there seems to be a bus behind you.P:Pushing back,ABCDE.(You complete pushback and ready to taxi)P:Ground ADE pushback complete,request taxi.C:ADE give way to a737crossing you from right to left,you are No.2to him.P:No.2,behind737ADE.(you are not so familiar with the airport,request detailled taxi instruction.)P:Ground ABCDE request taxi instruction.C:ADE taxi via taxiways E,D to holding point r/w26L.P:taxiways E,D to holding point r/w26L ADE.B.Departure8(call tower you are ready for departure)P:Blueyard Tower ABCDE ready for departureC:ABCDE cleared for take off wind310/8P:cleared for take off ABCDEC:A DE contact departure120.5P:120.5A DE(contact departure)P:Blueyard Departure ABCDEC:A DE cancel SID turn left to intercept DR300radial climb to9000ft report reachingP:Cancel SID left turn to intercept DR300radial climb to 9000ft wlico A DEC:ADE expedite climb due trafficP:Expediting climb ADE(you are reaching9000ft)P:Blueyard Departure A DE reaching9000ftC:A DE maintain9000ft until further advisedP:Maintaining9000ft ADEC.En route5(contact Blueyard control)P:Blueyard control ABCDE good morningC:ABCDE Blueyard Control go ahead(report you are over DOK at30FL230Estimating TUF45) P:Blueyard Control ABCDE over DOK at30FL230Estimating TUF 45C:ADE maintain FL230until boundary.P:Maintaining FL230ADE(you want higher level)P:A DE Blueyard Control request higher levelC:ADE negative for now contact Greenard Control on132.1for higher level.P:132.1for higher level ADED.Descend and approachC:ABCDE Greenard Control request flight condition.(you are very bumpy at this level,you want to have FL320) P:Greenard Control ABCDE Conditions are very bumpy at this level.Can we have FL120C:ADE negative,there’s a traffic right with you at FL320. Can you accept FL300(You can.)P:Affirm,ADE.(you are descending,received information L,contact Greenard Approach)P:Greenard Approach,ABCDE,descending,information L received.C:A DE Greenard Approach,descend to8000ft,Squawk3421,make your heading085.P:descending to8000ft,Squawking3421,heading085ABCDE. (Contact Greenard Tower you are on approach for ILS r/w35R.) P:Tower ABCDE ILS approach r/w35RC:A DE continue approach report outer markerP:wilco(report outer marker)A DE(you are over outer marker)P:Tower ABCDE outer markerC:ADE cleared to land r/w35RP:cleared to land ADEnding and after landing(you have just landed on r/w35R)C:ADE backtrack the r/w and vacate via t/w E2and contact ground on121.7P:Backtrack t/wE2121.7ADE(contact ground)P:Greenard Ground ABCDE good morningC:A DE good morning taxi to stand A19via t/w F and M.P:taxiway F and M to standA19ADEC:ADE you can not turn into taxiway G,taxiway G is closed backtrack next rightP:backtrack next right ADEC:ADE after turn right taxi straight ahead for stand A19 P:after turn right straight ahead for standA19ADESection Two:Abnormal ProcedureDirections:.In this part,you are a pilot.Your aircraft callsign is plete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt.Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen. Item1(You are50miles East of Blueyard,at FL250,and have adepressurization.Send a distress message to Blueyard Control) PIL:MAYDAY,MAYDAY,MAYDAY,Blueyard Control, ABCDE.Squaking A7700.Position50miles East of Blueyard.Leaving flight level300due decompression.CTL:Roger,ADE,descend to flight level100.Report reaching. PIL:(Read back)Roger ADE,Flight level100.PIL:(Report reaching):ADE,reaching flight level100 CTL:Roger,ADE.Item2(You are40miles West of Blueyard,Heading230at FL270.You have a bomb scare,a man on board claims that he has bomb,call Blueyard Control in urgency and you decide to return for landing)PIL:PAN PAN,PAN PAN,PAN PAN,Blueyard Control ABCDE We are coming back to Blueyard.A man clamed to have bomb on board.Position40miles west of Blueyard,heading230,flight level 270Request priority landing and emergency service.CTL:Roger,ADE,continue present heading,descend to flight level150.Report reaching.PIL:(Read back).Descend to flight level150,heading230,ADE. PIL:(Report reaching)ADE,reaching FL150CTL:Roger,ADE.I’ll call you backItem3(Your no.2engine is in failure,call Blueyard Radar in urgency)PIL:PAN,PAN,PAN,Blueyard Radar.We are in trouble.We have an failure on no.2engineCTL:Roger,ADE,report your position.PIL(50miles East of Blueyard,heading200,FL180).We are 50miles East of Blueyard,heading200,at flight level180. ADECTL:Roger,ADE,are you able to maintain present altitude PIL:(Unable,request lower)Requesting lower level,ADE CTL:Roger,ADE.Turn right heading heading230,descend to flight level100.Advise passing120PIL:(Read back)Right heading230.Leaving180for100.I’ll advise you passing120.ADEPart III Oral responsesNarrationDirections:In this part,you are going to listen to twoaccident narratives,after each narrative three questions will be asked,make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrativeOn5JAN1969,Arina Afgan Flight701,a Boeing727,was flying from Frankfurt International Airport to London-Gatwick Airport.During approach,the crew were carrying out a runway 27approach with the autopilot coupled to the ILS,because of bad weather(freezing fog and an RVR of100m).The'stabilizer out of trim'warning light illuminated shortly after glide slope capture.The captain responded by disconnecting the autopilot.After passing the Outer Marker flaps were changed from15deg to30deg and the rate of descent increased.The aircraft descended below the glide slope until the pilot realised that the aircraft was too low(200feet agl).A missed approach was executed,but the descent was not stopped in time to avoid a collision with trees and a house.Question1:Please retell the accident in your own words Question2:what causes of the accident can you conclude from the narrativeQuestion3:If you were the flying pilot,what can you do to avoid the accident。



飞行员选拔考试题库及答案1. 飞行中,如果遇到紧急情况需要立即下降高度,以下哪项操作是错误的?A. 快速收起襟翼B. 立即减小发动机推力C. 打开减速板D. 增大飞机的俯角2. 根据国际民航组织规定,民用飞机在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,应使用哪种频率进行通信?A. 121.5 MHzB. 243.0 MHzC. 8.8 MHzD. 156.8 MHz3. 飞行员在进行仪表飞行时,应如何判断飞机的飞行姿态?A. 依靠外部视觉B. 依靠飞机的仪表指示C. 依赖地面雷达D. 通过与塔台的通信4. 以下哪个因素不会影响飞机的起飞性能?A. 飞机的重量B. 跑道的长度C. 飞机的机翼面积D. 飞行员的飞行技术5. 在飞行中,飞行员如何判断飞机是否处于失速状态?A. 通过飞机的发动机声音B. 通过飞机的加速度表C. 通过飞机的空速表D. 通过飞机的攻角指示器答案1. 答案:A解析:在紧急下降高度时,快速收起襟翼会导致飞机升力减少,增加失速风险。

2. 答案:A解析:121.5 MHz 是国际民航组织规定的民用飞机紧急频率。

3. 答案:B解析:在仪表飞行中,飞行员主要依靠飞机的仪表指示来判断飞行姿态。

4. 答案:D解析:飞行员的飞行技术虽然重要,但不是影响飞机起飞性能的直接因素。

5. 答案:D解析:飞机的攻角指示器可以直观地显示飞机的攻角,帮助飞行员判断是否处于失速状态。




B. International Cargo Aviation Organization
C. International Commercial Aviation Organization
D. International Communication Aviation Organization



一、SPEED BIRD 621,武汉到伦敦,正常申请放行,使用36R跑道,因为后面有一架B747通过,等待一分钟。





滑行过程中ATC 通知跑道有施工,需要注意。

WuHan Ground BAW621,Gate 3 request pushback.BAW 621 standby,expect one minute delay due B747 taxiing behind,call you back.Ground BAW621 the tow bar was broken during push back we are waiting for a replacement.BAW621 caution, B737 overtaking you on your left,he is NO.1 departure.Roger BAW621.BAW621 taxi with caution ,work in progress adjacent to stand 36.BAW621 roger.二、CA101在武汉机场。



起飞后航路有气球,10 O’CLOCK 3NM,风挡玻璃破裂,返场。

CA101 fllow the centerline.Wilco CA101.CA101 Your left engine is on fire.Roger We will shut down the engine and request ground assistance.Wuhan Tower CA101 balloon 10 O’clock 3 miles crossing left to rightCA101 looking.CA 101 Cockpit Window cracked,request return to airport.三、BAW725,进跑道后请求起飞。



Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATCclearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. G-CD, one aircraft on runway vacating. Land at your discretion, surface wind 260, 6 kts.Question: what should the pilot do?a. Land normally.b. Hold until the aircraft has vacated the runway.c. He can not land due wind.d. Fly to the alternate.Correct answer: a2. Air China 162, hold position, your departure is delayed due to a bird flock upwind of your departure runway.Question: What is the reason for the pilot to be instructed to hold?a. Traffic on the departure runway.b. Bird strike occurred.c. Birds over the taxiway.d. Bird strike danger.Correct answer: d3. KAL 436, an airbus 340 11 o’clock position, moving left to right, 2 and half a mile ahead, report traffic in sight.Question: Where is the other plane?a. 11 o’clock, left to right, 2 and half a mileb. 11 o’clock, right to left, 2 and half a milec. 7 o’clock right to left, 2 and half a miled. 7 o’clock left to right, 2 and half a milecorrect answer: a4. Cathy pacific 401, Hong Kong departure, cancel SID turn right heading 230 to intercept CH190 radial.Question: Why is the pilot instructed to turn right and intercept CH190 radial?a. SID is cancelledb. STAR is cancelledc. To intercept to a new heading 230d. To intercept to a new heading 320.Correct answer: a5. Fastair 350, turn right heading 190 base leg, no ATC speed restriction.Question:What speed instruction should the pilot to follow?a. 350 ktsb. 190 ktsc. at the pilot’s own discretiond. follow ATC instructioncorrect answer: c6. KLM 345, braking action medium, heavy rain, time of measurement 0830.Question: What makes the runway surface less favorable?a. rainingb. snowingc. iced. sandcorrect answer: a7. JAL 706, displaced threshold runway 27 500 feet due broken surface.Question: What happens?a. runway unavailable due broken surfaceb. runway partially unavailable due broken surfacec. The broken surface does not affect the runway.d. The landing length will be lengthened.Correct answer; b8. GC 136 TB200, from mike kilo to zulu golf, VFR 2500 feet regional QNH 1011, estimating zone boundary 52, zulu golf 02, information Kilo.Question: What is the ETA to zone boundary?a. 1000b. 1011c. 1052d. 1102correct answer: c9. Southern 445, yaw damper inoperative. Are we likely to run into turbulence on our route? That might make us tough to fly.Question: What will the malfunction lead to?a. running into turbulenceb. run to the wrong routec. difficulty to controld. other problemscorrect answer: c10. Panpan, panpan, panpan, Beijing approach, Russian air 151, heading 190, above cloud, unsure of my position, request heading to Beijing.Question:What do you learn from this statement?a. The pilot is unsure of the weatherb. The pilot is unsure of the present headingc. The pilot is unsure of the heading to the airportd. The pilot is unsure of the approach procedureCorrect answer: cSection IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. C: Southwest 459, ground, is it possible to delay your departure time to 54?P: 459, negative. Cannot depart before 05 due de-icing procedures?C: Roger, 459, call me when ready to startup.Question:Why the crew can not depart as the controller instructed?a. departure delayb. deicing procedurec. startup delayd. not ready to start upcorrect answer: b2. C: Southern 344, approved to taxi via taxi way b to holding point runway 36 left.P: Taxiway b, 36 left, roger. Southern 344.P: Ground, southern 344, request return to the apron due to malfunction indication of hydraulic system. Present position, interception of taxiway b and c.C: 344, hold your position.Question: Why does the pilot want to go back to the apron?a. Because there is a malfunction of instruments.b. Because there is some mechanical problem.c. Because taxiway b is blocked.。



飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 飞机起飞前,下列哪项检查是必须的?A. 检查飞机油量B. 检查飞机轮胎气压C. 检查飞机发动机启动时间D. 检查飞机座椅和安全带答案:A2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,下列哪项行为是不允许的?A. 接听电话B. 吸烟C. 吃东西D. 调整飞机无线电频率答案:B3. 下列哪种飞行天气条件下,飞行员应该推迟或取消飞行?A. 能见度低于5000米B. 风速超过100公里/小时C. 云高低于1000米D. 温度低于-20摄氏度答案:A4. 在飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该特别注意?A. 飞机速度B. 飞机高度C. 飞机油门D. 飞机襟翼答案:B5. 下列哪种飞行高度层,飞行员应该遵守?A. 900米至1200米B. 1500米至1800米C. 2100米至2400米D. 2700米至3000米答案:D6. 飞机在雷雨天气飞行时,飞行员应该采取哪种措施?A. 降低飞行高度B. 增加飞行速度C. 保持原有飞行高度D. 立即降落答案:D7. 飞机飞行过程中,下列哪种情况可能导致飞机失速?A. 增加油门B. 减小油门C. 增加飞机速度D. 减小飞机速度答案:D8. 飞行员在飞行过程中,下列哪种行为是不允许的?A. 调整飞机座椅B. 操作飞机导航设备C. 观察飞机外部情况D. 睡觉答案:D9. 下列哪种飞行天气条件下,飞行员可以进行飞行?A. 能见度低于1000米B. 风速超过200公里/小时C. 云高低于500米D. 温度低于-30摄氏度答案:C10. 飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该注意哪种灯光?A. 红色灯光B. 绿色灯光C. 蓝色灯光D. 黄色灯光答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 飞机起飞前,飞行员应该进行的检查包括哪些?A. 飞机油量B. 飞机轮胎气压C. 飞机发动机启动时间D. 飞机座椅和安全带E. 飞机无线电设备答案:ABCDE2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,哪些行为是不允许的?A. 接听电话B. 吸烟C. 吃东西D. 调整飞机无线电频率E. 操作飞机导航设备答案:ABCD3. 下列哪些天气条件会影响飞机飞行?A. 能见度B. 风速C. 云高D. 温度E. 雷雨答案:ABCDE4. 飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该注意哪些方面?A. 飞机速度B. 飞机高度C. 飞机油门D. 飞机襟翼E. 飞机起落架答案:ABDE5. 飞机飞行过程中,可能导致飞机失速的情况有哪些?A. 增加油门B. 减小油门C. 增加飞机速度D. 减小飞机速度E. 飞机负载过重答案:BDE三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机起飞前,只需要检查飞机油量。



Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten A TC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.G-CD, one aircraft on runway vacating. Land at your discretion, surface wind 260, 6 kts. Question: what should the pilot dond normally.b.Hold until the aircraft has vacated the runway.c.He can not land due wind.d.Fly to the alternate.Correct answer: a2.Air China 162, hold position, your departure is delayed due to a bird flock upwind ofyour departure runway.Question: What is the reason for the pilot to be instructed to holda.Traffic on the departure runway.b.Bird strike occurred.c.Birds over the taxiway.d.Bird strike danger.Correct answer: d3.KAL 436, an airbus 340 11 o’clock position, moving left to right, 2 and h alf a mileahead, report traffic in sight.Question: Where is the other planea.11 o’clock, left to right, 2 and half a mileb.11 o’clock, right to left, 2 and half a milec.7 o’clock right to left, 2 and half a miled.7 o’clock left to right, 2 and half a milecorrect answer: a4.Cathy pacific 401, Hong Kong departure, cancel SID turn right heading 230 to interceptCH190 radial.Question: Why is the pilot instructed to turn right and intercept CH190 radiala.SID is cancelledb.STAR is cancelledc.To intercept to a new heading 230d.To intercept to a new heading 320.Correct answer: a5.Fastair 350, turn right heading 190 base leg, no ATC speed restriction.Question:What speed instruction should the pilot to followa.350 ktsb.190 ktsc.at the pilot’s own discretiond.follow ATC instructioncorrect answer: c6.KLM 345, braking action medium, heavy rain, time of measurement 0830. Question: What makes the runway surface less favorablea.rainingb.snowingc.iced.sandcorrect answer: a7.JAL 706, displaced threshold runway 27 500 feet due broken surface.Question: What happensa.runway unavailable due broken surfaceb.runway partially unavailable due broken surfacec.The broken surface does not affect the runway.d.The landing length will be lengthened.Correct answer; b8.GC 136 TB200, from mike kilo to zulu golf, VFR 2500 feet regional QNH 1011,estimating zone boundary 52, zulu golf 02, information Kilo.Question: What is the ETA to zone boundarya.1000b.1011c.1052d.1102correct answer: c9.Southern 445, yaw damper inoperative. Are we likely to run into turbulence on our routeThat might make us tough to fly.Question: What will the malfunction lead toa.running into turbulenceb.run to the wrong routec.difficulty to controld.other problemscorrect answer: c10.Panpan, panpan, panpan, Beijing approach, Russian air 151, heading 190, above cloud,unsure of my position, request heading to Beijing.Question:What do you learn from this statementa.The pilot is unsure of the weatherb.The pilot is unsure of the present headingc.The pilot is unsure of the heading to the airportd.The pilot is unsure of the approach procedureCorrect answer: cSection IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there arefour answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.C: Southwest 459, ground, is it possible to delay your departure time to 54P: 459, negative. Cannot depart before 05 due de-icing proceduresC: Roger, 459, call me when ready to startup.Question:Why the crew can not depart as the controller instructeda.departure delayb.deicing procedurec.startup delayd.not ready to start upcorrect answer: b2.C: Southern 344, approved to taxi via taxi way b to holding point runway 36 left.P: Taxiway b, 36 left, roger. Southern 344.P: Ground, southern 344, request return to the apron due to malfunction indication of hydraulic system. Present position, interception of taxiway b and c.C: 344, hold your position.Question: Why does the pilot want to go back to the aprona.Because there is a malfunction of instruments.b.Because there is some mechanical problem.c.Because taxiway b is blocked.d.Because runway 34 is not available.Correct answer: b3.C: Air China 981, a flock of birds north of runway 31near taxiway a12. hold yourposition. I will call you back.P: Holding position. Air China 981.Question: Why does the controller instruct the pilot to holda.Due to danger of bird strike.b.Due runway 31 blocked.c.Due to work in progress on taxiway a12.d.Due to birds flying over runway 12.Correct answer: a4.C: Southern 302, for your information, taxiway C center line lightingunserviceable.P: 302 roger.Question: What do you learn from the exchange between the pilot and the controllera.There is a danger of lightening.b.The information broadcast is not serviceable.c.The taxiway is not available.d.The runway centerline lights are out.Correct answer: c5.P: Hong Kong delivery, China Southern 309, stand 28, we are bound for Beijing,five minutes before start.C: China Southern 309, Hong Kong delivery, I have not got your flight plan. Standby,while I check.P: Delivery, 309, as far as we are concerned, it was filed an hour ago.C: 309, the computer has failed to produce a strip for you, call you back.Question: What is wronga.The pilot is asked to standby due to delay of startup.b.The crew has not sent the flight plan.c.Something wrong with the computer.d.Five minutes are not enough for the controller.Answer: cSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IClimb performance is important from both economic and flight safety points of view. In a climb the potential energy of the aircraft is increased and fuel energy must be expended to achieve this. The fuel required to climb to a given height can be minimized by the used of the correct climb technique and optimum economy of operation can be attained. Economy, however, is not the only criterion of operation. The safety of the aircraft depends on its ability to climb above obstructions at all points on the flight path. Sufficient excess thrust must be available to ensure that the aircraft can meet certain minimum gradients of climb in any of the safety critical segments of the flights.Following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Why is climb performance importanta.Due to economic factor.b.Due to safety factor.c.Considering both economic and safety factors.d.Due to the need of fuel saving.Answer: c2.According to the passage, what is the use of the correct climb techniquea.To reach to a given height quickly.b.To use least fuel.c.To achieve the ability to climb above obstructions.d.To ensure safety.Answer: b3.Why is sufficient excess thrust necessarya.Because safety can be ensured.b.Because of the economic purpose.c.To climb as fast as possible.d.To save as much fuel as possible.Answer; a4.According to the passage, what is the other criterion of operationa.Fuel saving.b.Time saving.c.Ability of clearing obstructions.d.Safety ensuring.Answer: d5.What do you think is the best title for the passage you have just hearda.The economic factors of climb performanceb.How to climb safelyc.Minimizing the fuel required in climbingd.Factors considered in climb performanceAnswer: dPassage IIMany air carrier aircraft have a flight engineer as a required flight crewmember. The aircraft ‘type certificate’ shows whether or not a flight engineer is needed. On each flight that requires a flight engineer, at least one flight crewmember, besides the flight engineer, must be qualified to provide emergency performance of the flight engineer’s functions for the safe completion of the flight if the flight engineer becomes ill or is otherwise incapacitated. A pilot need not hold a flight engineer’s certificate to perform the flight engineer functions in such a situation.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.What kinds of aircrafts require a flight engineer on boarda.It depends on the type of the aircraft.b.It depends on the certificate of the aircraft type.c.The captain decides it.d.The company decides it.Answer: b2.Who is qualified to perform the flight engineer’s function inemergencya.All the crewmembers including the flight engineer.b.No one except the flight engineer.c.The first officer of the flightd.At least one member other than the flight engineer.Answer: d3.What if the flight engineer has a heart attack during a flighta.Anyone of the crewmembers who is qualified.b.One of the crewmembers designated by type certificate.c.One of the crewmembers designated by the captain.d.One of the crewmembers designated by the company.Answer: a4.What does a pilot need to perform the function of the flight engineera.He needs a flight engineer’s certificate.b.He doesn’t need a flight engineer’s certificate.c.He must be authorized by the company with a written form.d.He may be authorized by the company orally.Answer: b5.what do you think is the most suitable title for this passagea.Flight engineer requirementsb.How can a pilot become a flight engineerc.Qualification of a pilot to perform as a flight engineerd.Flight function in emergency situationAnswer: aSection IVDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1.GRTWS you have a heavy__________ ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower, that'sdue to the winds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots ___________.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain___________ until established on the localizer, cleared ILS __________3.Ameri five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles ____, and then turnyou back onto the approach, is that fine with you and your ______l4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approachingrunway 30. The ____________ separated and the aircraft crashed at _____________.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff dueto ________ of birds resulting in loss of control. The _________ are extensive about1.GRTWS you have a heavy jet seven miles ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower,that's due to the winds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots in three or four miles.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain twothousand until established on the localizer, cleared ILS 23 left3.American five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles northeast, andthen turn you back onto the approach, is that fine with you and your fuel4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approachingrunway 30. The left wing separated and the aircraft crashed at 3400 feet.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff dueto ingestion of birds resulting in loss of control. The bird activities are extensive about. Section VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange willDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.1. Pre-flight 14(You are at Gate F52, you are bound for Greenard, all flights have been delayed due to weather, you will be ready soon, ask Blueyard Ground what about the delays. )P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE we are bound for Greenard, we’ll be ready soon, what are the delays likeC: A DE Blueyard Ground delays are minimal on your route. There’s likely t o be a delay of ten or twenty minutes for you.(You want to change route through COL to save delay.)P: Blueyard Ground A DE Can we change route through COL, it’ll save us a delay.C: Negative ADE you have to be subject to regulation. standby, I’ll call you back.P: Roger, standing by ADE.(You want to check your time, call Ground)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request time check.C: A DE Blueyard Ground time is 1247 and a half.P: 1247 and a half A DE.(Call Ground , you want to start-up.)P: Blueyard Ground ADE Gate F52, information K request start-up for Greenard.C: ADE Blueyard Ground departure time 55, start up at your discretion.P: departure time 55, start up at own discretion ADE.(you want push back)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request push back from F52C: A DE Blueyard Ground hold position . There is a light aircraft passing behind you.P: holding position, ADE.C: ADE Blueyard Ground pushback approved. Caution, there seems to be a bus behind you. P: Pushing back, ABCDE.(You complete pushback and ready to taxi)P: Ground ADE pushback complete, request taxi.C: ADE give way to a 737 crossing you from right to left, you are No. 2 to him.P: No.2, behind 737 ADE.(you are not so familiar with the airport, request detailled taxi instruction.)P: Ground ABCDE request taxi instruction.C: ADE taxi via taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L.P: taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L ADE.B. Departure 8(call tower you are ready for departure)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE ready for departureC: ABCDE cleared for take off wind 310/8P: cleared for take off ABCDEC: A DE contact departure 120.5P: 120.5 A DE(contact departure)P: Blueyard Departure ABCDEC: A DE cancel SID turn left to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft report reaching P: Cancel SID left turn to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft wlico A DEC: ADE expedite climb due trafficP: Expediting climb ADE(you are reaching 9000ft)P: Blueyard Departure A DE reaching 9000ftC: A DE maintain 9000ft until further advisedP: Maintaining 9000ft ADEC. En route 5(contact Blueyard control)P: Blueyard control ABCDE good morningC: ABCDE Blueyard Control go ahead(report you are over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45)P: Blueyard Control ABCDE over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45C: ADE maintain FL230 until boundary.P: Maintaining FL230 ADE(you want higher level)P: A DE Blueyard Control request higher levelC: ADE negative for now contact Greenard Control on 132.1 for higher level.P: 132.1 for higher level ADED. Descend and approachC: ABCDE Greenard Control request flight condition.(you are very bumpy at this level, you want to have FL320)P: Greenard Control ABCDE Conditions are very bumpy at this level. Can we have FL120 C: ADE negative, there’s a traffic right with you at FL320. Can you accept FL300(You can.)P: Affirm, ADE.(you are descending, received information L, contact Greenard Approach )P: Greenard Approach, ABCDE, descending, information L received.C: A DE Greenard Approach, descend to 8000ft, Squawk 3421, make your heading 085. P: descending to 8000ft, Squawking 3421, heading 085 ABCDE.(Contact Greenard Tower you are on approach for ILS r/w35R.)P: Tower ABCDE ILS approach r/w35RC: A DE continue approach report outer markerP: wilco (report outer marker) A DE(you are over outer marker)P: Tower ABCDE outer markerC: ADE cleared to land r/w35RP: cleared to land ADEE. Landing and after landing(you have just landed on r/w35R)C: ADE backtrack the r/w and vacate via t/w E2 and contact ground on 121.7P: Backtrack t/wE2 121.7 ADE(contact ground)P: Greenard Ground ABCDE good morningC: A DE good morning taxi to stand A19 via t/w F and M.P: taxiway F and M to standA19 ADEC: ADE you can not turn into taxiway G, taxiway G is closed backtrack next rightP: backtrack next right ADEC: ADE after turn right taxi straight ahead for stand A19Directions:. In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Item 1(You are 50 miles East of Blueyard, at FL 250, and have a depressurization. Send a distress message to Blueyard Control)PIL: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Blueyard Control, ABCDE .Squaking A 7700. Position50 miles East of Blueyard. Leaving flight level 300 due decompression.CTL: Roger, ADE, descend to flight level 100. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back) Roger ADE, Flight level 100.PIL: (Report reaching): ADE, reaching flight level 100CTL: Roger, ADE.Item 2(You are 40 miles West of Blueyard, Heading 230 at FL270. You have a bomb scare, a man on board claims that he has bomb ,call Blueyard Control in urgency and you decide to return for landing)PIL: PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Blueyard Control ABCDEWe are coming back to Blueyard. A man clamed to have bomb on board.Position 40 miles west of Blueyard, heading 230, flight level 270Request priority landing and emergency service.CTL: Roger, ADE, continue present heading, descend to flight level 150. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back). Descend to flight level 150, heading230, ADE.PIL: (Report reaching) ADE, reaching FL150CTL: Roger, ADE. I’ll call you backItem 3( Your no.2 engine is in failure, call Blueyard Radar in urgency)PIL: PAN, PAN, PAN, Blueyard Radar. We are in trouble. We have an failure on no.2 engine CTL: Roger, ADE, report your position.PIL (50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, FL 180). We are 50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, at flight level 180. ADECTL: Roger, ADE, are you able to maintain present altitudePIL: (Unable, request lower) Requesting lower level, ADECTL: Roger, ADE. Turn right heading heading 230,descend to flight level 100. Advise passing 120PIL: (Read back) Right heading 230.Leaving 180 for 100. I’ll advise you passing 120.ADEPart III Oral responsesNarrationDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrativeOn 5 JAN 1969, Arina Afgan Flight 701, a Boeing 727, was flying from Frankfurt International Airport to London-Gatwick Airport. During approach, the crew were carrying out a runway 27 approach with the autopilot coupled to the ILS, because of bad weather (freezing fog and an RVR of 100m).The 'stabilizer out of trim' warning light illuminated shortly after glide slope capture. The captain responded by disconnecting the autopilot. After passing the Outer Marker flaps were changed from 15deg to 30deg and the rate of descent increased. The aircraft descended below the glide slope until the pilot realised that the aircraft was too low (200 feet agl). A missed approach was executed, but the descent was not stopped in time to avoid a collision with trees and a house.Question 1: Please retell the accident in your own wordsQuestion 2: what causes of the accident can you conclude from the narrativeQuestion 3: If you were the flying pilot, what can you do to avoid the accident。



Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.G-CD, one aircraft on runway vacating. Land at your discretion, surface wind 260, 6 kts. Question: what should the pilot do?nd normally.b.Hold until the aircraft has vacated the runway.c.He can not land due wind.d.Fly to the alternate.Correct answer: a2.Air China 162, hold position, your departure is delayed due to a bird flock upwind of your departurerunway.Question: What is the reason for the pilot to be instructed to hold?a.Traffic on the departure runway.b.Bird strike occurred.c.Birds over the taxiway.d.Bird strike danger.Correct answer: d3.KAL 436, an airbus 340 11 o’clock position, moving left to right, 2 and half a mile ahead, reporttraffic in sight.Question: Where is the other plane?a.11 o’clock, left to right, 2 and half a mileb.11 o’clock, right to left, 2 and half a milec.7 o’clock right to left, 2 and half a miled.7 o’clock left to right, 2 and half a milecorrect answer: a4.Cathy pacific 401, Hong Kong departure, cancel SID turn right heading 230 to intercept CH190radial.Question: Why is the pilot instructed to turn right and intercept CH190 radial?a.SID is cancelledb.STAR is cancelledc.To intercept to a new heading 230d.To intercept to a new heading 320.Correct answer: a5.Fastair 350, turn right heading 190 base leg, no A TC speed restriction.Question:What speed instruction should the pilot to follow?a.350 ktsb.190 ktsc.at the pilot’s own discretiond.follow ATC instructioncorrect answer: c6.KLM 345, braking action medium, heavy rain, time of measurement 0830.Question: What makes the runway surface less favorable?a.rainingb.snowingc.iced.sandcorrect answer: a7.JAL 706, displaced threshold runway 27 500 feet due broken surface.Question: What happens?a.runway unavailable due broken surfaceb.runway partially unavailable due broken surfacec.The broken surface does not affect the runway.d.The landing length will be lengthened.Correct answer; b8.GC 136 TB200, from mike kilo to zulu golf, VFR 2500 feet regional QNH 1011, estimating zoneboundary 52, zulu golf 02, information Kilo.Question: What is the ETA to zone boundary?a.1000b.1011c.1052d.1102correct answer: c9.Southern 445, yaw damper inoperative. Are we likely to run into turbulence on our route? That mightmake us tough to fly.Question: What will the malfunction lead to?a.running into turbulenceb.run to the wrong routec.difficulty to controld.other problemscorrect answer: c10.Panpan, panpan, panpan, Beijing approach, Russian air 151, heading 190, above cloud, unsure ofmy position, request heading to Beijing.Question:What do you learn from this statement?a.The pilot is unsure of the weatherb.The pilot is unsure of the present headingc.The pilot is unsure of the heading to the airportd.The pilot is unsure of the approach procedureCorrect answer: cSection IIDirections:In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, eachexchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.C: Southwest 459, ground, is it possible to delay your departure time to 54?P: 459, negative. Cannot depart before 05 due de-icing procedures?C: Roger, 459, call me when ready to startup.Question:Why the crew can not depart as the controller instructed?a.departure delayb.deicing procedurec.startup delayd.not ready to start upcorrect answer: b2.C: Southern 344, approved to taxi via taxi way b to holding point runway 36 left.P: Taxiway b, 36 left, roger. Southern 344.P: Ground, southern 344, request return to the apron due to malfunction indication of hydraulic system. Present position, interception of taxiway b and c.C: 344, hold your position.Question: Why does the pilot want to go back to the apron?a.Because there is a malfunction of instruments.b.Because there is some mechanical problem.c.Because taxiway b is blocked.d.Because runway 34 is not available.Correct answer: b3.C: Air China 981, a flock of birds north of runway 31near taxiway a12. hold your position. Iwill call you back.P: Holding position. Air China 981.Question: Why does the controller instruct the pilot to hold?a.Due to danger of bird strike.b.Due runway 31 blocked.c.Due to work in progress on taxiway a12.d.Due to birds flying over runway 12.Correct answer: a4.C: Southern 302, for your information, taxiway C center line lighting unserviceable.P: 302 roger.Question: What do you learn from the exchange between the pilot and the controller?a.There is a danger of lightening.b.The information broadcast is not serviceable.c.The taxiway is not available.d.The runway centerline lights are out.Correct answer: c5.P: Hong Kong delivery, China Southern 309, stand 28, we are bound for Beijing, five minutesbefore start.C: China Southern 309, Hong Kong delivery, I have not got your flight plan. Standby, while I check.P: Delivery, 309, as far as we are concerned, it was filed an hour ago.C: 309, the computer has failed to produce a strip for you, call you back.Question: What is wrong?a.The pilot is asked to standby due to delay of startup.b.The crew has not sent the flight plan.c.Something wrong with the computer.d.Five minutes are not enough for the controller.Answer: cSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IClimb performance is important from both economic and flight safety points of view. In a climb the potential energy of the aircraft is increased and fuel energy must be expended to achieve this. The fuel required to climb to a given height can be minimized by the used of the correct climb technique and optimum economy of operation can be attained. Economy, however, is not the only criterion of operation. The safety of the aircraft depends on its ability to climb above obstructions at all points on the flight path. Sufficient excess thrust must be available to ensure that the aircraft can meet certain minimum gradients of climb in any of the safety critical segments of the flights.Following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Why is climb performance important?a.Due to economic factor.b.Due to safety factor.c.Considering both economic and safety factors.d.Due to the need of fuel saving.Answer: c2.According to the passage, what is the use of the correct climb technique?a.To reach to a given height quickly.b.To use least fuel.c.To achieve the ability to climb above obstructions.d.To ensure safety.Answer: b3.Why is sufficient excess thrust necessary?a.Because safety can be ensured.b.Because of the economic purpose.c.To climb as fast as possible.d.To save as much fuel as possible.Answer; a4.According to the passage, what is the other criterion of operation?a.Fuel saving.b.Time saving.c.Ability of clearing obstructions.d.Safety ensuring.Answer: d5.What do you think is the best title for the passage you have just heard?a.The economic factors of climb performanceb.How to climb safelyc.Minimizing the fuel required in climbingd.Factors considered in climb performanceAnswer: dPassage IIMany air carrier aircraft have a flight engineer as a required flight crewmember. The aircraft ‘type certificate’ shows whether or not a flight engineer is needed. On each flight that requires a flight engineer, at least one flight crewmember, besides the flight engineer, must be qualified to provide emergency performance of the flight engineer’s functions for the safe completion of the flight if the flight engineer becomes ill or is otherwise incapacitated. A pilot need not hold a flight engineer’s certificate to perform the flight eng ineer functions in such a situation.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.What kinds of aircrafts require a flight engineer on board?a.It depends on the type of the aircraft.b.It depends on the certificate of the aircraft type.c.The captain decides it.d.The company decides it.Answer: b2.Who is qualified to perform the flight engineer’s function in emergency?a.All the crewmembers including the flight engineer.b.No one except the flight engineer.c.The first officer of the flightd.At least one member other than the flight engineer.Answer: d3.What if the flight engineer has a heart attack during a flight?a.Anyone of the crewmembers who is qualified.b.One of the crewmembers designated by type certificate.c.One of the crewmembers designated by the captain.d.One of the crewmembers designated by the company.Answer: a4.What does a pilot need to perform the function of the flight engineer?a.He needs a flight engineer’s certificate.b.He doesn’t need a flight engineer’s certificate.c.He must be authorized by the company with a written form.d.He may be authorized by the company orally.Answer: b5.what do you think is the most suitable title for this passage?a.Flight engineer requirementsb.How can a pilot become a flight engineerc.Qualification of a pilot to perform as a flight engineerd.Flight function in emergency situationAnswer: aSection IVDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1.GRTWS you have a heavy__________ ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower, that's due to thewinds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots ___________.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain ___________until established on the localizer, cleared ILS __________3.Ameri five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles ____, and then turn you backonto the approach, is that fine with you and your ______l?4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approaching runway 30.The ____________ separated and the aircraft crashed at _____________.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff due to________ of birds resulting in loss of control. The _________ are extensive about1.GRTWS you have a heavy jet seven miles ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower, that's due tothe winds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots in three or four miles.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain two thousanduntil established on the localizer, cleared ILS 23 left3.American five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles northeast, and then turnyou back onto the approach, is that fine with you and your fuel?4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approaching runway 30.The left wing separated and the aircraft crashed at 3400 feet.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff due to ingestionof birds resulting in loss of control. The bird activities are extensive about.Section VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange will be spokenDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.1. Pre-flight 14(You are at Gate F52, you are bound for Greenard, all flights have been delayed due to weather, you will be ready soon, ask Blueyard Ground what about the delays. )P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE we are bound for Greenard, we’ll be ready soon, what are the delays like?C: A DE Blueyard Ground delays are minimal on your route. There’s likely to be a delay of ten or twenty minutes for you.(You want to change route through COL to save delay.)P: Blueyard Ground A DE Can we change route through COL, it’ll save us a delay.C: Negative ADE you have to be subject to regulation. standby, I’ll call you back.P: Roger, standing by ADE.(You want to check your time, call Ground)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request time check.C: A DE Blueyard Ground time is 1247 and a half.P: 1247 and a half A DE.(Call Ground , you want to start-up.)P: Blueyard Ground ADE Gate F52, information K request start-up for Greenard.C: ADE Blueyard Ground departure time 55, start up at your discretion.P: departure time 55, start up at own discretion ADE.(you want push back)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request push back from F52C: A DE Blueyard Ground hold position . There is a light aircraft passing behind you.P: holding position, ADE.C: ADE Blueyard Ground pushback approved. Caution, there seems to be a bus behind you.P: Pushing back, ABCDE.(You complete pushback and ready to taxi)P: Ground ADE pushback complete, request taxi.C: ADE give way to a 737 crossing you from right to left, you are No. 2 to him.P: No.2, behind 737 ADE.(you are not so familiar with the airport, request detailled taxi instruction.)P: Ground ABCDE request taxi instruction.C: ADE taxi via taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L.P: taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L ADE.B. Departure 8(call tower you are ready for departure)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE ready for departureC: ABCDE cleared for take off wind 310/8P: cleared for take off ABCDEC: A DE contact departure 120.5P: 120.5 A DE(contact departure)P: Blueyard Departure ABCDEC: A DE cancel SID turn left to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft report reaching P: Cancel SID left turn to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft wlico A DEC: ADE expedite climb due trafficP: Expediting climb ADE(you are reaching 9000ft)P: Blueyard Departure A DE reaching 9000ftC: A DE maintain 9000ft until further advisedP: Maintaining 9000ft ADEC. En route 5(contact Blueyard control)P: Blueyard control ABCDE good morningC: ABCDE Blueyard Control go ahead(report you are over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45)P: Blueyard Control ABCDE over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45C: ADE maintain FL230 until boundary.P: Maintaining FL230 ADE(you want higher level)P: A DE Blueyard Control request higher levelC: ADE negative for now contact Greenard Control on 132.1 for higher level.P: 132.1 for higher level ADED. Descend and approachC: ABCDE Greenard Control request flight condition.(you are very bumpy at this level, you want to have FL320)P: Greenard Control ABCDE Conditions are very bumpy at this level. Can we have FL120? C: ADE negative, there’s a traffic right with you at FL320. Can you accept FL300?(You can.)P: Affirm, ADE.(you are descending, received information L, contact Greenard Approach )P: Greenard Approach, ABCDE, descending, information L received.C: A DE Greenard Approach, descend to 8000ft, Squawk 3421, make your heading 085. P: descending to 8000ft, Squawking 3421, heading 085 ABCDE.(Contact Greenard Tower you are on approach for ILS r/w35R.)P: Tower ABCDE ILS approach r/w35RC: A DE continue approach report outer markerP: wilco (report outer marker) A DE(you are over outer marker)P: Tower ABCDE outer markerC: ADE cleared to land r/w35RP: cleared to land ADEE. Landing and after landing(you have just landed on r/w35R)C: ADE backtrack the r/w and vacate via t/w E2 and contact ground on 121.7P: Backtrack t/wE2 121.7 ADE(contact ground)P: Greenard Ground ABCDE good morningC: A DE good morning taxi to stand A19 via t/w F and M.P: taxiway F and M to standA19 ADEC: ADE you can not turn into taxiway G, taxiway G is closed backtrack next rightP: backtrack next right ADEC: ADE after turn right taxi straight ahead for stand A19Directions:. In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Item 1(You are 50 miles East of Blueyard, at FL 250, and have a depressurization. Send a distress message to Blueyard Control)PIL: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Blueyard Control, ABCDE .Squaking A 7700. Position 50 miles East of Blueyard. Leaving flight level 300 due decompression.CTL: Roger, ADE, descend to flight level 100. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back) Roger ADE, Flight level 100.PIL: (Report reaching): ADE, reaching flight level 100CTL: Roger, ADE.Item 2(You are 40 miles West of Blueyard, Heading 230 at FL270. You have a bomb scare, a man on board claims that he has bomb ,call Blueyard Control in urgency and you decide to return for landing)PIL: PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Blueyard Control ABCDEWe are coming back to Blueyard. A man clamed to have bomb on board.Position 40 miles west of Blueyard, heading 230, flight level 270Request priority landing and emergency service.CTL: Roger, ADE, continue present heading, descend to flight level 150. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back). Descend to flight level 150, heading230, ADE.PIL: (Report reaching) ADE, reaching FL150CTL: Roger, ADE. I’ll call you backItem 3( Your no.2 engine is in failure, call Blueyard Radar in urgency)PIL: PAN, PAN, PAN, Blueyard Radar. We are in trouble. We have an failure on no.2 engineCTL: Roger, ADE, report your position.PIL (50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, FL 180). We are 50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, at flight level 180. ADECTL: Roger, ADE, are you able to maintain present altitude?PIL: (Unable, request lower) Requesting lower level, ADECTL: Roger, ADE. Turn right heading heading 230,descend to flight level 100. Advise passing 120PIL: (Read back) Right heading 230.Leaving 180 for 100. I’ll advise you passing 120.ADEPart III Oral responsesNarrationDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrativeOn 5 JAN 1969, Arina Afgan Flight 701, a Boeing 727, was flying from Frankfurt International Airport to London-Gatwick Airport. During approach, the crew were carrying out a runway 27 approach with the autopilot coupled to the ILS, because of bad weather (freezing fog and an RVR of 100m).The 'stabilizer out of trim' warning light illuminated shortly after glide slope capture. The captain responded by disconnecting the autopilot. After passing the Outer Marker flaps were changed from 15deg to 30deg and the rate of descent increased. The aircraft descended below the glide slope until the pilot realised that the aircraft was too low (200 feet agl). A missed approach was executed, but the descent was not stopped in time to avoid a collision with trees and a house.Question 1: Please retell the accident in your own words?Question 2: what causes of the accident can you conclude from the narrative?Question 3: If you were the flying pilot, what can you do to avoid the accident?。



Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. Northwest 345, hold at north cross flight level 60 inbound track 256 degrees turns left outbound time 1minute.Question: What should the pilot do when the controller gives such an instruction?a. To cross a trackb. To hold at the cross of runwaysc. To get into holding patternd. To make a left turnAnswer: c2. Green air 345, position 10 miles northeast of kilo mike. This is a right hand circuit for runway 28. Question: What should the pilot do when he has this instruction?a. To turn rightb. Circle to landc. To make a procedure turnd. To make a traffic patternAnswer: d3. CCA 981, we’re having difficulties in maintaining straight cour se, our plane tends to drift to the rig ht.Coming back.Question: What is the crew’s intentio n?a. Returning to the airportb. Turning to right.c. Having maintenanced. Intending to drift down.Answer: a4. KLM 991, Blueyeard approach, we’ve just received an anonymous call saying there’s a bomb on boardyour aircraft. Come back immediately to Blueyard airport.Question: What happened?a. An anonymous call was received.b. It was a bomb alert.c. The aircraft returned due traffic.d. Luggage not on board.Answer: b5. Beijing, CCA 981 could you confirm that you have got our flight plan. Originally we were to take off at0815. Then it was put off until 0930.Question: What do you learn from the message?a. The crew was worried about the delay.b. The crew wanted to make sure they had sent the flight plan.c. The crew was ready to take off at 0930.d. The crew had taken off at 0815.Answer: a6. JAL 782, you are cleared to continue visually keeping clear of buildup areas.Question: What should the pilot do?a. To stay out of the building areas.b. To stay out of the visual flight areasc. To stay out of the bad weatherd. To stay out of the clear areas.Correct answer: c7. Chengdu ground, Air Three Star 554, loading operations are taking longer than planned. Would youdelay our flight plan until 1415?Question: What might be the reason for the request to delay the departure?a. The payload is not correct.b. Load sheet calculation is wrong.c. Passengers have not got on board on time.d. Some surgical operation is going on.Answer: c8. JAL 728, next turn left. Caution the snow drifts on the left hand side of the taxiway.Question: What do you learn from this message?a. The pilot is instructed to turn to the left taxiway.b. The pilot is alerted to pay attention to the snow drifts on the taxi way.c. The pilot is instructed to take caution of the turnings.d. The pilot is alerted about the snow banks along the taxiway.Answer: d9. Iran 800, nose wheel still appears to be jammed. We’ll have to make an emergency landing. Question: What might be the pilot’s intention?a. A touch and go.b. A belly landing.c. Nose wheel extension.d. Priority landing.Answer: b10. BAW 031, windshear warning. An arriving B747 reported strong wind shear in approach runway 36right at 1015 height of wind shear layer 600m.Question: How did the controller know there was a wind shear?a. Wind shear warning was initiated.b. The crew got the warning on instruments.c. A previous flight told the controller.d. A windshear was obserbed.Answer: cSection IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1. C: JAL 728, can you make a slot time of 52 minutes?P: Negative, we now have a catering delay. Put me back 15’past the hour. JAL 728.C: Roger. 728, let me know when you are ready.Question: Why does the pilot want a delay?a. Plan delay.b. Due to food loadingc. Not ready to start upd. Not the correct slot time.Answer: b2. C: KOR 151, severe turbulence reported in the vicinity of the level 1800m.P: KOR 151, request alternate route because last time we flew in turbulence 2 engines feathered.Question: Why did the pilot request another route?a. He worried that he would lose engines.b. He believed that he would lose engines.c. He heard that there was a reported windshear ahead.d. He heard that there was a reported turbulence on the alternate route.Answer: a3. P: Shanghai approach, Eastern 456, request priority landing. We got a passenger on board who feelsdifficulty in breathing.C: Eastern 456, down to 3000 feet, straight in approach runway 18 right, first to land.Question: What might be the problem?a. There is a patient with severe diarrhea.b. There is a patient with severe asthma.c. There is a patient with severe flu.d. There is a patient with severe stomachache.Answer: b4. P : Ground, JAL 728. The tow bar has bent during push back. We are waiting for them to get anotherone.C: JAL 728, report when ready to push. But if your take a little bit long time, we have to allocate you a new slot time.Question: What will happen if the aircraft can not be pushed back quickly.a. They will be delayed for departure.b. They will get another tug.c. They will have to wait for a new tow bar.d. They will have to go back to stand.Answer: a5. C: Southwest 4901, the visibility is worse than expected, we’ll have to turn up the lights.P: Roger, 4901.Question: What is going on?a. The visibility is becoming better, and the lights will be turned dimmer.b. The visibility is becoming worse, and the lights will be turned brighter.c. The pilots requests to turn the lights a little brighter.d. The pilots are requested to turn the lights a little brighter.Answer: bSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IWhen an aircraft crosses a sector boundary, the responsibility for separating that aircraft passes on to the controller in the new sector. The original controller is known as the transferring controller, while next controller is called the receiving controller. This transfer of separation responsibility is known as the transfer of control. Normally, the pilot is directed to contact the receiving on a different radio frequency prior to crossing the sector boundary. This is known as the transfer of communication. The process of transferring control and communication of an aircraft from one controller to the next is known as a handoff.Handoffs are necessary when aircraft cross sector boundaries and when an aircraft crosses the boundary between two separate ATC facilities, such as between two centers or between a tower and a center. It is specified that the transfer of communication must occur before the aircraft crosses the sector boundary. This ensures that the receiving controller will be in radio contact with the pilot before the aircraft enters his or her sector. This permits the receiving controller to issue any new control instructions to the pilot before the aircraft crosses the sector boundary.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1. What is the transfer of separation responsibility known as?a. Transfer of original controller and receiving controller.b. Transfer of communication.c. Transfer of controld. Transfer of aircrafts.Answer: c2. How does a transfer of communication happens?a. The pilot is instructed to contact next controller on the frequency given on the flight plan.b. The pilot is instructed to contact the next controller on the frequency given by theprevious controller.c. The pilot is instructed to contact the receiving controller after he has crossed theboundary.d. The pilot is instructed to contact the original controller prior to the handoff.Answer: b3. According to the passage, why are handoffs necessary?a. To ensure that the receiving controller will be in contact with the pilot when the pilot iscrossing the boundary.b. To ensure the receiving controller will be in contact with the pilot before the pilot crosses theboundary.c. To ensure the receiving controller will be in contact with the pilot after the pilot crosses theboundary.d. To ensure that the receiving controller will be in contact with the original controller when thepilot is crossing the boundary.Answer: b4. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?a. Handoffs are necessary when an aircraft crosses between a tower and a center.b. Transfer of communication ensures the original controller to give instructions to theaircraft.c. The process of transferring control and communication is called handoffs.d. Before an aircraft passes the sector boundary, the handoff must have occurred.Answer: b5. What do you think the title of passage should be?a. Transferring between the controllersb. Transfer of controlc. Transfer of communicationd. Handoff proceduresAnswer: dPassage IIWhen the Wright brothers’experiment in flight succeeded on December 17, 1903, the world took little notice. Newspapers of that time did not believe that accomplishments of the two brothers on that cold morning. At the start of the century, most people regarded aviation as a pastime for brave experimenters. It was hard to believe that the tiny, underpowered aircraft of that era would ever develop into a useful form of transportation. In this early period of experimentation, anyone with a mechanical aptitude could design, build, and fly an aircraft without passing any type of test or possessing any type of license. Without regulation or certification, people began to build and quite regularly crash these early flying machines. The general public was frightened by the machines and believed that only fools would fly in them. Potential investors in this new industry were fearful of risking their capital to finance an unproven and apparently dangerous industry.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1. According to the passage what is the response of the public towards the Wrightbrother’s success of flight?a. It caused a great sensation.b. The public paid a little attention to it.c. The people of that time almost paid no attention to it.d. The newspapers believed that was a great event.Answer: c2. What did the people at that time think of aviation?a. It was only the activities of a small portion of people to seek fun.b. It was only some kind of experiments.c. People believed that it would be a long time to develop into a useful transportation.d. People believed that it was an experiment conducted by fools.Answer: a3. Who was allowed to fly at that time?a. Anyoneb. Those who were involved in the designing and building.c. Those who passed the tests.d. Those who go a license.Answer: a4. What was the general attitude of the public towards the flying machines at thattime?a. They did not believe they could fly.b. They were fearful of such dangerous things.c. They thought those machines were promising.d. They thought those machines were foolish.Answer: b5. What was the attitude of the investors?a. They were confident of the repay of the investment.b. They were doubtful of the repay of the investment.c. They thought flying was dangerous.d. They thought it was foolish to fly.Answer: bSection IVDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1. Kiwi Air_______, expedite your descent all the way down to____________, please.2. Africa Air fifteen, fly a heading ____________. This is radar vectors for your ______.3. CCA 101 We've already talked to ______uh your problems on the ACARS so they are aware of your_____ for about 30 minutes, we don't know if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold out here, they got ________ of fuel. The controllers are saying ________forEFC so in about another four or five minutes they will get new instructions.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker runway _________ make _________ on the outer marker then reportthe outer marker inbound for runway two seven.1. Kiwi Air seventeen, expedite your descent all the way down to eleven thousand, please.2. Africa Air fifteen, fly a heading zero seven zero. this is radar vectors for your descent.3. CCA 101 We've already talked to dispatch uh your problems on the ACARS so they are aware of yourdelay for about 30 minutes, we don't know if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold out here, they got thirty three hundred pounds of fuel. The controllers are sayingfiver zero, for uh, EFC so in about another four or five minutes they will get new instructions.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker runway two seven make a three sixty on the outer marker then reportthe outer marker inbound for runway two seven.Section VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange will be spoken only once. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.VI Listening comprehensionRuda Flight 689: Dan Approach, Ruda Flight 689 passing FL150.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689 radar contact 45 miles on M- 13, heading 265. Descent to 3500ft for Runway 09, reducespeed to 200.F 689: Descend 3500for Runway 09. Reduce speed to 200 kts Ruda Flight 689.F 689: Approach, Ruda Flight 689, request reason to reduce speed above 10000 to200kts.Dan App : OK Sir, your traffic departure sir, now start engine, release traffic departure at or before 27.F 689: Ruda Flight 689 like to maintain 210 kts... 210kts, and below 10000.Dan App : OK, it's approved.Flight 414 : Flight 414 passing 17000 to 11000ft. Position now 13 miles on M-13.Dan App : Flight 414, turn left heading 085, reduce speed to minimum, you Contact 122.1 Happy landing.Flight 414 : Good afternoon. Thank youF 689: Ruda Flight 689; 3000Dan App : 689, maintain 3000ft for a while. Maintain heading Dan VOR. Traffic now still taxiRunway 27.Flight 689: Maintain 3000.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689, you turn left heading 250 vectoring for intercept ILS Runway 09 from right side. Traffic now rolling.Dan App : Ruda Flight 689 do you read?F 689: Ruda Flight 689, say again?Dan App : Turn left heading a ...... 240, 250. Now vectoring for intercept ILS Runway 09.F 689: Roger, heading 250. Ruda Flight 689 .F 689: 689 heading 250. Confirm we cleared from a ..... mountainous area?Dan App : Affirm sir! Continue turn left on heading 210.F 689: On heading 210, Ruda Flight .Flight 212: Good afternoon, approach. Flight 212 departed right turn heading 110 1000 ft climbing, 5 miles on M-13Dan App : 212 continue turn right on heading 120 initial 2000ft increase speed 210 knots.Dan App : Ruda Flight 689, turn right heading 086, report established on localizer.F 689: Turn right to heading 080, Ruda Flight 689, check established.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689, confirm you're making turning now?F 689 : We are turning right now.Dan App: 689 OK, you continue turning to heading 090 now.aircraft Departure/approach Climb / descent 1st Reported Distance ApprovedATC Heading on M-13 speedissued levelaircraft Departure/approach Climb / descent 1st Reported Distance ApprovedATC Heading on M-13 speedissued levelPart II Oral interactionDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen. 1. Pre-flight(You are on stand E45 Contact Blueyard Ground) P: Blueyard Ground ABCDEC: ABCDE Blueyard Ground I read you 2 check your transmitter give me a short count P: roger ABCDE (Call Ground again)P: Ground ABCDE 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . how do you read C: A DE you are cut in and out check againP: Roger A DE 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 how do you read me now C: ABCDE loud and cleared P: thanks A DE(request ATC clearance, contact Blueyard Delivery ) P: Blueyard Delivery ABCDE request A TC clearanceC: ABCDE is cleared to Greenard via flight planed route Brick 1 departure initial climb to 7000ft request level change en route squawk 3672P: cleared to Greenard via flight planed route Brick 1 departure initial climb to 7000ft request level change en route squawk 3672 ABCDEC: ADE confirm initially climb to 7000ft P: initially climb to 7000ft ADEC: read back is correct contact ground 121.9 P: 121.9 ADE(Loading operations are taking longer than planned, you want to delay your slot until 0845, contact ground)P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE the loading operations are taking longer than planned, Would you delay our slot until 0845?C: ADE Blueyard Ground Affirm, your slot time is 0845. P: slot time 0845, ABCDE.(You want pushback and stand up)P: Ground ADE stand E45 information K, request pushback and start up for Greenard. C: A DE stand-by. your aircraft has not received customs clearance (say you have the clearance sheet)P: Ground A DE we have the clearance sheet C : A DE roger call you back after I checkP: wilco A DEB. Departure(you are at holding point r/w08L contact tower) P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE holding point r/w08L C: A DE line up and wait P: lining up and wait A DE(You are ready for departure, call Tower) P: Tower A DE ready for departureSection One: Normal ProcedureFlight 689 Approach Descent 3000 ft 265 45 210 Flight 414 approach Climb 17000 ft 085 13 min Flight 212 DepartureClimb 2000 ft1105210(You want to know how long the delay to be?)P: Roger how long do you estimate the delay to be? A DEC: ADE the delay will be in ten minutes, I call you back.P: roger, ADE.C: A DE clear for take off wind calm.P: cleared for take o f A DEC: ADE stop immediately, cancel I say again, stop immediately, flames coming from left gearP: stopping, ADEC. En route(contact Blueyard control)P: Blueyard control ABCDE Good morningC: ABCDE Blueyard control go ahead(Report you are over FVL at 40 FL 330 ETO ECT at 05)P: ABCDE FVL at 40 FL 330 ETO ECT at 05C: A DE roger report ECTP: Wilco A DE(you are over ECT at05 ETO DOK at 25)P: Blueyard Control ADE over ECT at 05 ETO DOK at 25C: ADE roger omit report until LMIP: omitting report until LMI ADEC: ADE unknown traffic 10 o’clock 5miles cross Left to right(you can’t see traffic ask vecto r)P: negative contact request vector A DEC: ADE turn left heading 060P: left heading 060 ADEC: ADE clear of traffic .resume own navigation direct ELNP: Direct ELN ADED. Descending and approach 5(you are descending, passing 7000 ft, contact Greenard approach)P: Greenard Approach ABCDE passing 7000 ft descendingC: A DE Greenard approach clear to direct ADN 5000ft hold at ADN at 5000ft as published expect app time 25 P: direct ADN and hold at 5000ft app time 25 A DEC: ADE revised expect app time 35P: roger 35 ADEC: ADE revised expect app time 50(say you have only 20 minutes endurance.)P: Approach ADE we can only hold 20min .C: ADE delay is undetermined , r/w is still blocked(say you want to direct to the nearest available alternate)P: Approach ADE we’d like to direct to nearest available alternate.E. Landing and after landing 6(you have just landed on r/w 17L)C: A DE vacate via taxiway E5 and contact ground on 121.8P: vacate taxiway E5 121.8 A DE( contact ground)P : Ground ABCDE r/w vacatedC: A DE taxi via taxiway E5, then turn right to t/w E, H and M to standA18P: taxiway E, H and M to stand A18 A DEC: ADE you have gone passed H intersection, do you request follow me car?(say no, you request taxing instruction)P: It is unnecessary, request detail instruction ADEC: ADE backtrack first rightP: backtrack first right ADEC: ADE correction first leftP: first left ADESection Two: Abnormal ProcedureDirections: . In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Item 1(You are in take -off position, ready to go.)CTL: ABCDE, cleared to take-off, wind 320 degree 15 knots. Report airborne.PIL: Taking o f, wilco ADEPIL: (Engine failure, you aborted take off) ADE, take off abandoned due to engine failureCTL: ADE,roger.PIL: (Call tower you need airport assistance, some passengers got injured) ADE we have some passengers injured, request airport assistance.Item 2(You are ready to cross taxiway C4, and you see a large dog cross the taxiway, call Ground)PIL: Blueyard Ground, a large dog has just crossed the taxiway C4 ahead of us.CTL: Which direction has it gone?PIL: (Left to Right) It crossed from left to rightCTL: Thank you, ADE, We’ll try to get some people to catch it. Are you ready to cross taxiway?PIL: (You are ready) Affirm, we are ready to cross taxiway 4CCTL: ADE, approved to cross taxiway 4CItem 3(You are ready to take o f)CTL: ABCDE, cleared to take off, wind 300 degree 15 knotsPIL: Cleared to take off, ADEPIL: (During taking off, you have a tyre blow-out, abort take off and report): ADE, take-off aborted due to tyre blow-out.CTL: ADE, taxi off runway ahead.PIL: (Read back and report your aircraft slid off the runway a little): Roger. Taxi off runway. But we slid off the runway slightly.CTL: ADE, are you able to taxi off the runway without assistance?PLI: (Say you can not manage.Your left gear is bogged down, you need steps and buses to take passengers back): Negative, the left gear is bogged down. Request passengers steps and buses to take the passengers back to the terminal.CTL: Roger, ADE. We’ll also get a tug to you soon..Part III Oral responsesNarrationDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrative20 MAR 1969, Flight N142D, a DC-3aircraft, departed Memhis at 04:36 on an IFR flight to New Orleans.TELAP(SET FOUR) 4TEST 第11 页共11 页At 06:35 the crew contacted New Orleans approach control.The approach controller told the crew to maintain 3000 feet and proceed direct to the ILS outer compass locator. He gave the weather as "sky partially obscured visibility 1/16 fog and smoke, altimeter 30.00, runway 10 runway visual range less than 600 feet". The pilot elected to carry out the approach despite the fact that minimum visibility for an approach was 2400 feet and that the centerline lights were inoperative. After being given vectors for the runway 10 approach, the pilot decided to carry out a low pass and continue if runway lights became visible. Appartently the pilot continued the descent. The aircraft contacted the runway very hard 1198 feet past the threshold, bounced and after power was applied, the DC-3 struck the ground again 3100 feet further on. The airplane cartwheeled and caught fire. According to investigation, the probable cause of the accident include a) The controlled descent of the aircraft into known below minima weather conditions and the failure of the crew to discontinue the landing attempt upon reaching the decision height.b) Contributing to the cause are existing regulations which permit an approach to be initiated in conditions well below minima.c) Improper crew action at the time of initial runway contact , poor crew judgement and the lack of management required for such an operation.Question 1: According to the passage, what are the three factors leading to the accident?Question 2: According to your experience, what can be done to avoid the accident?Question 3: Please give a brief description of the accident in your own words.Page 11。



飞行员ICAO考试完整试题Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once.A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.G-CD, one aircraft on runway vacating. Land at your discretion, surface wind 260, 6 kts. Question: what should the pilot do?/doc/c9d3f9377175a417866fb84ae45 c3b3567ecddae.html nd normally.b.Hold until the aircraft has vacated the runway.c.He can not land due wind.d.Fly to the alternate.Correct answer: a2.Air China 162, hold position, your departure is delayed due to a bird flock upwind of your departurerunway.Question: What is the reason for the pilot to be instructed to hold?a.Traffic on the departure runway.b.Bird strike occurred.c.Birds over the taxiway.d.Bird strike danger.Correct answer: d3.KAL 436, an airbus 340 11 o’clock position, moving left to right, 2 and half a mile ahead, reporttraffic in sight.Question: Where is the other plane?a.11 o’clock, left to right, 2 and half a mileb.11 o’clock, right to left, 2 and half a milec.7 o’clock right to left, 2 and half a miled.7 o’clock left to right, 2 and half a milecorrect answer: a4.Cathy pacific 401, Hong Kong departure, cancel SID turn right heading 230 to intercept CH190radial.Question: Why is the pilot instructed to turn right and intercept CH190 radial?a.SID is cancelledb.STAR is cancelledc.To intercept to a new heading 230d.To intercept to a new heading 320.Correct answer: a5.Fastair 350, turn right heading 190 base leg, no A TC speed restriction.Question:What speed instruction should the pilot to follow?a.350 ktsb.190 ktsc.at the pilot’s own discretiond.follow ATC instructioncorrect answer: c6.KLM 345, braking action medium, heavy rain, time of measurement 0830.Question: What makes the runway surface less favorable?a.rainingb.snowingc.iced.sandcorrect answer: a7.JAL 706, displaced threshold runway 27 500 feet due broken surface.Question: What happens?a.runway unavailable due broken surfaceb.runway partially unavailable due broken surfacec.The broken surface does not affect the runway.d.The landing length will be lengthened.Correct answer; b8.GC 136 TB200, from mike kilo to zulu golf, VFR 2500 feet regional QNH 1011, estimating zoneboundary 52, zulu golf 02, information Kilo.Question: What is the ETA to zone boundary?a.1000b.1011c.1052d.1102correct answer: c9.Southern 445, yaw damper inoperative. Are we likely to run into turbulence on our route? That mightmake us tough to fly.Question: What will the malfunction lead to?a.running into turbulenceb.run to the wrong routec.difficulty to controld.other problemscorrect answer: c10.Panpan, panpan, panpan, Beijing approach, Russian air 151, heading 190, above cloud, unsure ofmy position, request heading to Beijing.Question:What do you learn from this statement?a.The pilot is unsure of the weatherb.The pilot is unsure of the present headingc.The pilot is unsure of the heading to the airportd.The pilot is unsure of the approach procedureCorrect answer: cSection IIDirections:In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, eachexchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.C: Southwest 459, ground, is it possible to delay your departure time to 54?P: 459, negative. Cannot depart before 05 due de-icing procedures?C: Roger, 459, call me when ready to startup.Question:Why the crew can not depart as the controller instructed?a.departure delayb.deicing procedurec.startup delayd.not ready to start upcorrect answer: b2.C: Southern 344, approved to taxi via taxi way b to holding point runway 36 left.P: Taxiway b, 36 left, roger. Southern 344.P: Ground, southern 344, request return to the apron due to malfunction indication of hydraulic system. Present position, interception of taxiway b and c.C: 344, hold your position.Question: Why does the pilot want to go back to the apron?a.Because there is a malfunction of instruments.b.Because there is some mechanical problem.c.Because taxiway b is blocked.d.Because runway 34 is not available.Correct answer: b3.C: Air China 981, a flock of birds north of runway 31near taxiway a12. hold your position. Iwill call you back.P: Holding position. Air China 981.Question: Why does the controller instruct the pilot to hold?a.Due to danger of bird strike.b.Due runway 31 blocked.c.Due to work in progress on taxiway a12.d.Due to birds flying over runway 12.Correct answer: a4.C: Southern 302, for your information, taxiway C center line lighting unserviceable.P: 302 roger.Question: What do you learn from the exchange between the pilot and the controller?a.There is a danger of lightening.b.The information broadcast is not serviceable.c.The taxiway is not available.d.The runway centerline lights are out.Correct answer: c5.P: Hong Kong delivery, China Southern 309, stand 28, we are bound for Beijing, five minutesbefore start.C: China Southern 309, Hong Kong delivery, I have not got your flight plan. Standby, while I check.P: Delivery, 309, as far as we are concerned, it was filed an hour ago.C: 309, the computer has failed to produce a strip for you, call you back.Question: What is wrong?a.The pilot is asked to standby due to delay of startup.b.The crew has not sent the flight plan.c.Something wrong with the computer.d.Five minutes are not enough for the controller.Answer: cSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IClimb performance is important from both economic and flight safety points of view. In a climb the potential energy of the aircraft is increased and fuel energy must be expended to achieve this. The fuel required to climb to a given height can be minimized by the used of the correct climb technique and optimum economy of operation can be attained. Economy, however, is not the only criterion of operation. The safety of the aircraft depends on its ability to climb above obstructions at all points on the flight path. Sufficient excess thrust must be available to ensure that the aircraft can meet certain minimum gradients of climb in any of the safety critical segments of the flights.Following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Why is climb performance important?a.Due to economic factor.b.Due to safety factor.c.Considering both economic and safety factors.d.Due to the need of fuel saving.Answer: c2.According to the passage, what is the use of the correct climb technique?a.To reach to a given height quickly.b.To use least fuel.c.To achieve the ability to climb above obstructions.d.To ensure safety.Answer: b3.Why is sufficient excess thrust necessary?a.Because safety can be ensured.b.Because of the economic purpose.c.To climb as fast as possible.d.To save as much fuel as possible.Answer; a4.According to the passage, what is the other criterion of operation?a.Fuel saving.b.Time saving.c.Ability of clearing obstructions.d.Safety ensuring.Answer: d5.What do you think is the best title for the passage you have just heard?a.The economic factors of climb performanceb.How to climb safelyc.Minimizing the fuel required in climbingd.Factors considered in climb performanceAnswer: dPassage IIMany air carrier aircraft have a flight engineer as a required flight crewmember. The aircraft ‘type certificate’ shows whether or not a flight engineer is needed. On each flight that requires a flight engineer, at least one flight crewmember, besides the flight engineer, must be qualified to provide emergency performance of the flight engineer’s functions for the safe completion of the flight if the flight engineer becomes ill or is otherwise incapacitated. A pilot need not hold a flight engineer’s certificate to perform the flight eng ineer functions in such a situation.The following questions are based on the passage you havejust heard.1.What kinds of aircrafts require a flight engineer on board?a.It depends on the type of the aircraft.b.It depends on the certificate of the aircraft type.c.The captain decides it.d.The company decides it.Answer: b2.Who is qualified to perform the flight engineer’s function in emergency?a.All the crewmembers including the flight engineer.b.No one except the flight engineer.c.The first officer of the flightd.At least one member other than the flight engineer.Answer: d3.What if the flight engineer has a heart attack during a flight?a.Anyone of the crewmembers who is qualified.b.One of the crewmembers designated by type certificate.c.One of the crewmembers designated by the captain.d.One of the crewmembers designated by the company.Answer: a4.What does a pilot need to perform the function of the flight engineer?a.He needs a flight engineer’s certificate.b.He doesn’t need a flight engineer’s certificate.c.He must be authorized by the company with a written form.d.He may be authorized by the company orally.Answer: b5.what do you think is the most suitable title for this passage?a.Flight engineer requirementsb.How can a pilot become a flight engineerc.Qualification of a pilot to perform as a flight engineerd.Flight function in emergency situationAnswer: aSection IVDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1.GRTWS you have a heavy__________ ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower, that's due to thewinds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots ___________.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain ___________until established on the localizer, cleared ILS __________3.Ameri five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles ____, and then turn you backonto the approach, is that fine with you and your ______l?4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approaching runway 30.The ____________ separated and the aircraft crashed at _____________.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff due to________ of birds resulting in loss of control. The _________ are extensive about1.GRTWS you have a heavy jet seven miles ahead, and he's about twenty knots slower, that's due tothe winds. I've got to need you to slow twenty knots in three or four miles.2.Abbair zero five two heavy, you are one five miles from the outer marker, maintain two thousanduntil established on the localizer, cleared ILS 23 left3.American five eight zero, ah, I'm going to bring you about fifteen miles northeast, and then turnyou back onto the approach, is that fine with you and your fuel?4.GCS the Boeing collided with a television antenna on top of Mount while approaching runway 30.The left wing separated and the aircraft crashed at 3400 feet.5.Air France 140 there is aircraft ten minutes ago loss of engine thrust during takeoff due to ingestionof birds resulting in loss of control. The bird activities are extensive about.Section VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange will be spokenDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.1. Pre-flight 14(You are at Gate F52, you are bound for Greenard, all flights have been delayed due to weather, you will be ready soon, ask Blueyard Ground what about the delays. )P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE we are bound for Greenard,we’ll be ready soon, what are the delays like?C: A DE Blueyard Ground delays are minimal on your route. There’s likely to be a delay of ten or twenty minutes for you.(You want to change route through COL to save delay.)P: Blueyard Ground A DE Can we change route through COL, it’ll save us a delay.C: Negative ADE you have to be subject to regulation. standby, I’ll call you b ack.P: Roger, standing by ADE.(You want to check your time, call Ground)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request time check.C: A DE Blueyard Ground time is 1247 and a half.P: 1247 and a half A DE.(Call Ground , you want to start-up.)P: Blueyard Ground ADE Gate F52, information K request start-up for Greenard.C: ADE Blueyard Ground departure time 55, start up at your discretion.P: departure time 55, start up at own discretion ADE.(you want push back)P: Blueyard Ground A DE request push back from F52C: A DE Blueyard Ground hold position . There is a light aircraft passing behind you.P: holding position, ADE.C: ADE Blueyard Ground pushback approved. Caution, there seems to be a bus behind you.P: Pushing back, ABCDE.(You complete pushback and ready to taxi)P: Ground ADE pushback complete, request taxi.C: ADE give way to a 737 crossing you from right to left, youare No. 2 to him.P: No.2, behind 737 ADE.(you are not so familiar with the airport, request detailled taxi instruction.)P: Ground ABCDE request taxi instruction.C: ADE taxi via taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L.P: taxiways E, D to holding point r/w 26L ADE.B. Departure 8(call tower you are ready for departure)P: Blueyard Tower ABCDE ready for departureC: ABCDE cleared for take off wind 310/8P: cleared for take off ABCDEC: A DE contact departure 120.5P: 120.5 A DE(contact departure)P: Blueyard Departure ABCDEC: A DE cancel SID turn left to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft report reaching P: Cancel SID left turn to intercept DR 300 radial climb to 9000ft wlico A DEC: ADE expedite climb due trafficP: Expediting climb ADE(you are reaching 9000ft)P: Blueyard Departure A DE reaching 9000ftC: A DE maintain 9000ft until further advisedP: Maintaining 9000ft ADEC. En route 5(contact Blueyard control)P: Blueyard control ABCDE good morningC: ABCDE Blueyard Control go ahead(report you are over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45)P: Blueyard Control ABCDE over DOK at 30 FL 230 Estimating TUF 45C: ADE maintain FL230 until boundary.P: Maintaining FL230 ADE(you want higher level)P: A DE Blueyard Control request higher levelC: ADE negative for now contact Greenard Control on 132.1 for higher level.P: 132.1 for higher level ADED. Descend and approachC: ABCDE Greenard Control request flight condition.(you are very bumpy at this level, you want to have FL320)P: Greenard Control ABCDE Conditions are very bumpy at this level. Can we have FL120? C: ADE negative, there’s a traffic right with you at FL320. Can you accept FL300?(You can.)P: Affirm, ADE.(you are descending, received information L, contact Greenard Approach )P: Greenard Approach, ABCDE, descending, information L received.C: A DE Greenard Approach, descend to 8000ft, Squawk 3421, make your heading 085. P: descending to 8000ft, Squawking 3421, heading 085 ABCDE.(Contact Greenard Tower you are on approach for ILS r/w35R.) P: Tower ABCDE ILS approach r/w35RC: A DE continue approach report outer markerP: wilco (report outer marker) A DE(you are over outer marker)P: Tower ABCDE outer markerC: ADE cleared to land r/w35RP: cleared to land ADEE. Landing and after landing(you have just landed on r/w35R)C: ADE backtrack the r/w and vacate via t/w E2 and contact ground on 121.7P: Backtrack t/wE2 121.7 ADE(contact ground)P: Greenard Ground ABCDE good morningC: A DE good morning taxi to stand A19 via t/w F and M.P: taxiway F and M to standA19 ADEC: ADE you can not turn into taxiway G, taxiway G is closed backtrack next rightP: backtrack next right ADEC: ADE after turn right taxi straight ahead for stand A19Directions:. In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Item 1(You are 50 miles East of Blueyard, at FL 250, and have a depressurization. Send a distress message to Blueyard Control) PIL: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Blueyard Control, ABCDE .Squaking A 7700. Position 50 miles East of Blueyard. Leaving flight level 300 due decompression.CTL: Roger, ADE, descend to flight level 100. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back) Roger ADE, Flight level 100.PIL: (Report reaching): ADE, reaching flight level 100CTL: Roger, ADE.Item 2(You are 40 miles West of Blueyard, Heading 230 at FL270. You have a bomb scare, a man on board claims that he has bomb ,call Blueyard Control in urgency and you decide to return for landing)PIL: PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Blueyard Control ABCDE We are coming back to Blueyard. A man clamed to have bomb on board.Position 40 miles west of Blueyard, heading 230, flight level 270Request priority landing and emergency service.CTL: Roger, ADE, continue present heading, descend to flight level 150. Report reaching.PIL: (Read back). Descend to flight level 150, heading230, ADE.PIL: (Report reaching) ADE, reaching FL150CTL: Roger, ADE. I’ll call you backItem 3( Your no.2 engine is in failure, call Blueyard Radar in urgency) PIL: PAN, PAN, PAN, Blueyard Radar. We are in trouble. We have an failure on no.2 engineCTL: Roger, ADE, report your position.PIL (50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, FL 180). We are 50 miles East of Blueyard, heading 200, at flight level 180. ADECTL: Roger, ADE, are you able to maintain present altitude?PIL: (Unable, request lower) Requesting lower level, ADECTL: Roger, ADE. Turn right heading heading 230,descend to flight level 100. Advise passing 120PIL: (Read back) Right heading 230.Leaving 180 for 100. I’ll advise you passing 120.ADEPart III Oral responsesNarrationDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrativeOn 5 JAN 1969, Arina Afgan Flight 701, a Boeing 727, was flying from Frankfurt International Airport to London-Gatwick Airport. During approach, the crew were carrying out a runway 27 approach with the autopilot coupled to the ILS, because of bad weather (freezing fog and an RVR of 100m).The 'stabilizer out of trim' warning light illuminated shortly after glide slope capture. The captain responded by disconnecting the autopilot. After passing the Outer Marker flaps were changed from 15deg to 30deg and the rate of descent increased. The aircraft descended below the glide slope until the pilot realised that the aircraft was too low (200 feet agl). A missed approach was executed, but the descent was not stopped in time to avoid a collision with trees and a house.Question 1: Please retell the accident in your own words?Question 2: what causes of the accident can you conclude from the narrative?Question 3: If you were the flying pilot, what can you do to avoid the accident?。

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飞行员ICAO4考试完整试题TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第1 页共11 页Part I Listening Section I Directions: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard . 1. UAL 45, we’ve just got a message that you have a home made bomb on board. Descend to 150 and return to the airport. Question: What happened? a. A bomb alert. b. Emergency descent. c. Sick passenger on board. d. Quarantine requirement. Answer: a 2. Hong Kong, Cathy 34, negative to pushback, we just found a mistake in the load sheet. Need to check for a while. Question: What is the problem? a. Tug is not available. b. Pushback is not approved. c. Wrong load sheet. d. Wrong in radio check. Answer: c 3. Approach, Southern 435, it seems we just hit a big bird and power isdropping. Request further instruction to come back. Question: What happened to the aircraft? a. Engine failure. b. Powerplant trouble. c. Bird hit d. Emergency landing. Answer: c 4. North 345, We’re running low on fuel, we cannot hold longer than 5 minutes. Do you know how long the delays will be? Question: What is the crew doing? a. Waiting to refuel. b. Waiting to startup. c. Waiting for further instruction. d. Waiting for pushback. Answer: c 5. C- GH, over mike kilo 2000 feet, landing gear down but maybe not locked. We intend to make a low pass near the tower to have the under carriage checked. Question: What goes wrong? a. Landing gear not extended. b. Landing gear not locked. c. Manual extension unavailable.Page 1TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第2 页共11 页d. Wrong indication. Answer: b 6. KML 564, we got a suspected cholera patient on board. Request necessary services on landing. Question: What might be needed on landing? a. A police car. b. A fire engine. c. An ambulance. d. A wheel chair. Answer: c 7. G-cd, unable to extend flaps beyond 10 degrees. Request high speed flat approach to runway 26 which is the longest. Question: Why does the pilot intend to land on runway 26? a. It is safe to land on long runways. b. Landing gear can not be extended. c. The aircraft has a high landing speed. d. Flaps can not be extended. Answer: d 8. American 546, taxiway alpha 4 is not available. Lighting system failed. Taxi straight ahead and hold short of runway 35. Question: Why is taxiway alpha is unavailable? a. Lights are out. b. Work in progress. c. That does not lead to runway. d. American 546 is too heavy. Answer: a 9. G-DH, negative to climb to flight level 350 before lima mike due weight. Question: Why does not the crew accept flight level 350? a. Due to weather. b. Due to rate of climb c. It is a heavy aircraft. d. Due to clearance of obstruction. Answer: c 10. China Southern 303, do not acknowledge further transmissions, on trackapproaching glide path. Question: What does the ATC ask the pilot to do? a. Precision approach b. Precision radar approach c. Radar vector on flight path d. Straight in approach Answer: b Section II Directions: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard . 1. P: Hong Kong, Southern 306, bay 25, ready to taxi, information c. Page 2TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第3 页共11 页2.3.4.5.C: 306, go straight to holding point r/w 13, via delta 2 and bravo 1, QNH 1010. Question: Who is controlling the aircraft? a. ground control b. approach control c. tower d. control center answer: a P: Tower, TWA 101, takeoff aborted due No 1 flameout. Standing on r/w 25. C: TWA 101, can you taxi back to the apron on your own power: P: Negative, 101. Question: What is the problem of 101? a. Engine failure. b. Wheel malfunction. c. Tyre blown out. d. Engine fire. Answer: a P: Alaska 304, mike lima in 2 minutes. C: Alaska 304, proceed to golf Charlie and hold at flight level 150 due trafficcongestion, standard pattern. P: Golf Charlie , flight level 150, standard, 304. Question: Why is the pilot required to hold? a. Collision danger. b. Crowded flight path. c. Procedure requirement. d. None of above. Answer: b P: PANPAN, PANPAN, PANPAN, B eijing approach Lufthansa 720, first officer has been seriously injured after the bird strike, request priority landing and medical assistance, position north of VHK at 5000 m. C: Lufthansa 720, make straight in approach ILS runway 36 right, wind 340, 10 meters/second, QNH 1004. Question: What happens to the crew? a. Captain is injured. b. First officer is injured. c. A bird strikes the airplane. d. Captain is seriously ill. Answer: b P: KLM 529, we’re returning. We seem to have a wheel well fire. The warning light has just flashed on. Request priority landing and emergency services. C: KLM 529, you are number one to land, runway 36 right, contact tower on 118.5. P: Runway 36 right, 118.5, 529. Question: Why does the crew ask for priority landing? a. Landing gear malfunction. b. Engine fire. c. Wheel well fire. d. None of above. Answer:cPage 3TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第4 页共11 页Section III Directions: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard . Passage I The Captain is the commander on board but this doesn't mean he can't listen of take advice. Sometimes in aviation the Captain is thought of as "god", you don't dare approach him or question him. A lot of cabin and flight crews are afraid to approach the Captain about a safety concern for fear of how he'll react. Slowly this attitude has been changing. How can a cockpit be effectively run if the Captain's own crew can not work together? One example of how these attitudes can affect the operation is the Air Ontario flight from Dryden, Canada. The aircraft had been waiting along time for its turn to takeoff. The weather was bad, it was snowing hard and the visibility was low. The last time the plane was de-iced was a half-hour ago. From the pilots view out the window everything looked normal. Meanwhile, a flight attendant noticed the snow that wasaccumulating on the aircraft's wings. She wanted to inform the flight crew before takeoff but feared what their response would be to her, so she said nothing. There was also an airline pilot aboard who wasn't on duty at the time, but was also concerned about ice forming on the wings. He thought about letting the flight crew know what he saw, but didn't want to interfere with their operations. The Air Canada barely took off when it crashed because ice had built on the wings causing loss of lift. The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. What will happen if the crews regard the captain as god? a. It will be easier for others to provide advice. b. It will be hard for people to give advice. c. People will worship him. d. Crewmembers will not listen to him. Answer: b 2. What is the result if the crews are afraid of the captain’s authority? a. It will do harm to safety. b. It will be beneficial to safety. c. The crews will be working effectively. d. A better CRM will be produced. Answer: a 3. What is the most important cause of the accident mentioned in the passage? a. It snowed. b. Low visibility. c. Icing occurred. d. No one talked about icing to the captain. Answer: d 4. Why did the flight attendant said nothing about what she saw?a. The captain might be rude to her.b. She worried about the reaction of the flight crew.c. She thought it was not severe icing.d. Another pilot had seen that. Answer: b 5. Why didn’t the pilot who was not on duty told what he saw?Page 4TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第5 页共11 页a. He feared the authority of the other crewmembers.b. He was afraid that they would laugh at him.c. He supposed cockpit operation shouldn’t be interrupted. d. He believed it was not his duty. Answer: c Passage II On February 19, 1985, a B-747 SP, flown by a China Airlines Capt., suffered an engine failure while cruising at 41,000 ft. The Capt. left it on autopilot too long. The autopilot tried to maintain that altitude, which was impossible at that weight, with only 3 engines functioning. As it approached the stall, because the speed kept decelerating, the Capt. finally disconnected the autopilot. He was not prepared, because he had failed to trim in rudder to compensate for the asymmetrical thrust condition; the autopilot was maintaining wings level by the use of aileron and spoilers only. This happened because autopilots normally do not control the rudder in climb, cruise, or descent. They use only the ailerons, spoilers, elevators and horizontal stab trim. When he hit that disconnect switch, the plane rolled rapidly and entered a dive. Although the plane exceeded the speed of sound, tearing parts off and causing major structural damage, the Capt. wasable to make a recovery at a few thousand feet over the Pacific Ocean, after he broke out of the clouds and could see his attitude via outside visual reference. There were, incredibly, only two serious injuries to the 274 passengers and crew. The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. Why couldn’t the aircraft maintain the altitude? a. It was heavy one. b. Only ailerons and spoilers were available. c. Two engines were lost. d. The aircraft approached to stall. Answer: a 2. What happened after the captain disconnected the autopilot? a. The crew controlled the aircraft manually. b. All control devices were available. c. The aircraft began to dive.d. The captain recovered the control. Answer: c 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Some parts of the aircraft were torn out. b. The aircraft was severely damaged. c. Many passengers were injured. d. The aircraft exceeded the speed of sound. Answer: c 4. Why did the aircraft begin to roll and dive after the autopilot was disengaged? a. The autopilot did not trim ailerons properly. b. The autopilot did not trim spoilers properly.c. The captain did not prepare rudder properly.d. The aircraft was going to stall. Answer: c 5. What is the result of the accident?Page 5TELAP(SET ELEVEN)11test第6 页共11 页a. All the people on board were killed.b. The accident did not happen.c. The aircraft was not found. d. The aircraft landed safely. Answer: dSection IV Directions: In this section there are some ATCclearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1. Iberia 500 you are cleared to the outer marker runway two seven make ______on the outer marker then report the outer marker ______ for runway two seven.2. N196LP cleared down to 4000 _______, flight level 55 altimeter _______3. LOT 541 continue _______for runway 23. report passing the outer marker inbound. Caution ________ on the runway.4. Eastern 907 standby I am still ___________your flight plan. Ok I have got your flight plan. I have your _____________ now.5. PAN PAN PAN GDS CESSNA 150 departed Frankfurt 15 minutes ago. Having difficulty in __________south of your airfield. Request。
