
1. 中国国家石油公司(中国石油):中国石油是中国最大的石油和天然气生产商之一,在国际上有着广泛的业务。
2. 中国移动通信集团公司(中国移动):中国移动是中国最大的移动通信运营商,在全球范围内有着庞大的用户群体。
3. 中国银行股份有限公司(中国银行):作为中国四大国有商业银行之一,中国银行在国际金融市场上拥有广泛的业务和影响力。
4. 中国航天科技集团公司(中国航天):中国航天是中国的主要航天科技研究机构和航天装备生产企业,在国际航天领域享有很高的声誉。


东方地球物理公司重视人才培养,通过制定 详细的培训计划,提高员工的专业技能和管 理能力。公司还与多所高校和研究机构建立 了合作关系,为优秀员工提供进一步深造的 机会。
公司积极履行社会责任,致力于环境保护和 社区服务。例如,公司在油气勘探过程中注 重减少环境污染,并积极参与和支持教育、 扶贫灾害救助等社区公益活动。
公司的软件产品广泛应用于国内外各 类矿产资源勘探和开发项目,同时还 为地质研究、环境保护、城市规划等 领域提供定制化的软件产品和系统集 成服务。公司积极拓展国际市场,与 多个国际知名石油公司和矿业公司建 立了长期合作关系。
东方地球物理公司在国际市场 上具有领先的技术实力,能够 提供高精度、高分辨率的地球
公司在国际市场上拥有较高的品牌 知名度和声誉,使得公司在获取国 际项目和合同方面具有优势。
公司拥有一支国际化的团队,具有 跨文化交流和合作的能力,能够更 好地适应不同国家和地区的项目需 求。
东方地球物理公司的数据处理与解释 服务是对地球物理勘探数据进行处理 、分析和解释的专业服务。通过利用 计算机技术和各种数学方法,公司将 大量勘探数据转化为地质信息和矿产 资源分布图。

国际部和一体化单位在考核指标上的不一致造成了报价问题上的矛盾 物化探工程较小,与陆上数据采集业务相差悬殊,相比而言,现有一体化的考核体系对国际部发挥的鼓励作用不明显 一体化管理中的利益主体过多,指标考核体系存在问题
不同事业部的财务核算体系有差异,造成一体化国际业务核算本钱不一致,从而影响投标决策 一体化事业部认为,在国际市场开发和工程运作中,财务不够透明。从而使事业部无法得到详细的财务数据,本钱不可控 国际部对一体化单位进行利润补偿,说明考核制度没能充分发挥鼓励和约束作用
探索阶段 成长阶段 快速开展阶段 一体化开展阶段
接受国 际理念
标准化 标准化
技术创新 文化创新
核心 竞争力
BGP国际化战略演进及能力开展 各个部门提出的相关问题有那些 这些问题的深层次根源是什么 BGP管理体制与运营机制应当如何变革 国际竞争对手——CGG的国际化管理体制与运营机制情况
国际部市场人员掌握市场资源,但对一体化单位技术缺乏了解 一体化事业部国际市场开发人员成长较慢,不能成为一体化国际市场开发的主体 公司内部缺少同时懂得国际部业务和一体化业务的市场人员
市场开发中没有统一平台,对国际工程经理部充分放权使得客户关系、资源、信息没有被公司总部掌握。 一体化事业部由于没有信息来源,做不了市场开发,仅在市场开发过程中提供技术支持


1.国内首家油藏地球物理研究中心中国石油东方地球物理公司油藏地球物理研究中心 [J],
质量、有效益、可持续发展,需要进一步创新市场营销、组织结构、经营模式等国际化经营战略 [J], 张连军
3.东方骄子--记东方地球物理公司研究院副院长、中油软件公司总经理刘超颖 [J], 文戈
4.东方地球物理公司系列报道之五——陡命·融合·创新——东方地球物理公司企业文化建设纪实 [J], 王丽花
5.东方地球物理公司系列报道之五使命·融合·创新--东方地球物理公司企业文化建设纪实 [J], 王丽花

1.构建具有较强国际竞争力的东方物探技术创新体系 [J], 张少华
2.夯实客户建设基础打造联动集成银行——农业银行响水县支行国际业务实现持续快速增长 [J], 王礼宏;管东平;薛海霞;
3.东方物探海洋勘探导航定位关键技术国际领先 [J],
4.东方物探低频地震激发技术跃居国际领先水平 [J],
5.东方物探公司低频地震激发技术跃居国际领先水平 [J], 天工

相 看 的 ,还是 东方 物探近 年 来大 踏步 输 出等 ,而且兼营物探监理 ,旅游 前进 的国 际化经 营及其 骄人 业绩 。 东 方物探 原是 中国石 油集 团旗 下
宾馆 服 务 , 通讯 及 工 程 服 务 ,建 筑 工程 及 安 装 , 物 业 管 理 、服 务 及 经 营等。 为提 高企 业科 技创 新 能力 和核心 竞 争 力 ,东 方 物 探 建 立 了 系 统 、完 善 的 自主 科技 研发 体 系 。先 后挂 牌 中 国 石油物 探技 术研 发 中心 和 国家 人事 部 博 士后科 研 工作 站 、石油 大学硕 士
场 格局将 因此 而发 生改 变。 国际合 作 专家评 价 :中国企 业参
务产 品 的研究 开发 ,在 全球 范 围 内优
化资 源配 置 ,不 断推 出更 多更好 的先
物 理 勘 探 业 务 为 主 体 , 集 物 探 主 进技 术和产 品 ,竭诚 为石油 物探 行业 业 、 多 元 开 发 、 公 共 事 业 为 一体 的 与 国际能 源合 作 ,以往 主要 以资 源分 提 供 一流 的技 术 、一 流 的产 品 、一流 跨 国 企 业 集 团 ,不 仅 面 向全 球 从 事 成 、服务 合 同的方 式进行 ,此 次是 以 的服务 ,成 为全 球石 油物 探 装备 和技 陆地 、 浅 海 地 震勘 探 及 综 合 物 化 探 合 资并购 的形 式 ,与西方 能源 类 高科 术 服务 的领跑 者 。 采 集 、 处 理 、解 释 , 以及 与 地 球 物 技公 司进行 的首 次 高层次 深度 合作 , 化 勘 高端 合 作 ,强 强 联 手 。领 跑 一 理 ( 学 ) 探 有 关 的 技 术 及 装 备 是 中国企业挺 进 国 际高端 市场 ,大 力 研 发 、产 品 研 制 、技 术 引 进 与 产 品 流 ,造就 更 高层次 的 技术 水平 和竞争 提 升 国际竞争 力的 新尝试 。 实 力 ,自不待 言 。然而 ,更令人 刮 目 销 售 , 国 内 外 技 术 工 程 承 包 与 劳 务 双 方携 手联 姻 ,得 到 了中美 两 国 政 府部 门的大 力 支持 。 2 1 日 ,继 月 4 中国国 家发改 委审 核批 复此 项并 购合 资 申请 后 ,3 初 ,美 国国 会在 经 过 月

颠覆物探从东方开始——中国石油东方物探公司依靠技术创新提升服务保障能力综述作者:暂无来源:《国企管理·石油经理人》 2018年第2期一场由石油物探颠覆性创新而引发的石油革命,已经悄然来到了我们面前。

为发展外向型经济建功--东方物探辽河物探分公司开发国际市场纪实2010-3-252010-3-25 字体:[大][中][小]3月中旬,东方物探辽河物探分公司297队承担的喀麦隆项目正式施工生产。

【总页数】4页(P38-41)【关键词】市场竞争;石油勘探企业;绿色勘探【作者】郑春晰;赵恩会【作者单位】东方地球物理公司国际勘探事业部【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X9;R13【相关文献】1.拓展国际市场翱翔海外天地——印度尼西亚芝拉扎2×300MW燃煤电站总承包项目执行情况 [J], 刘一横2.为拓展国际市场高效服务──香港贸易发展局海外拓展策略面面观 [J], 刘剑华;童亚青;3.拓展国际市场翱翔海外天地——印度尼西亚芝拉扎2×300 M W燃煤电站总承包项目执行情况 [J], 刘一横4.闯入国际市场的“铁军”——记石油物探局(BGP)局长助理,石油物探局国际勘探部总 [J], 芦根;旭东5.BGP海外高端客户PDO项目的HSE管理经验 [J], 张乐;王辉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

二、国际化经营战略的必然性(一) 全球扩张使得企业增加了获利和提高利润增长率的方式,这在纯粹的国内企业是不可能的。
(二) 中石油海外油气勘探的需要随着经济高速增长带动石油需求的不断加剧,以及国内石油供应的日趋紧张,中石油在海外进行着经营:中石油已经在数十个个国家执行着投资项目,并逐步形成了以苏丹项目为基础的中东及北非地区;以哈萨克斯坦项目为基础的中亚和俄罗斯地区;以委内瑞拉项目为基础的南美地区等3个具有规模的战略投资区域,最近中石油开始进军欧洲市场。
三、国际化战略的实施(一) 差异化战略在西方几大物探公司占据了全球大部分市场的情况下,要想扎根立足,有很大的难度。

1.关于中国石化炼化工程板块国际化经营发展的战略思考 [J], 何素珍
2.从“政策红利”到“管理红利”——兼谈中国动画产业国际化经营的战略思考[J], 苏锋
3.我国媒体产业国际化经营的战略思考 [J], 唐颖
4.国有企业国际化经营的战略思考 [J], 张璐
5.新时代钢铁企业国际化经营的战略思考 [J], 邹红
BGP International HSSE MS

H EALTH, S AFETY, S ECURITY &E NVIRONMENTM ANAGEMENT S YSTEMM ANUAL中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司国际部BGP INTERNATIONALAUTHORIZED FOR ISSUE BY THE HSE COMMITTEE DOCUMENT AUTHORIZATIONDocument Authority Document Custodian Document AuthorMr. Zheng Huasheng Mr. Zhang Xiaojun HSE DepartmentPresident HSE Department26th December 2008 26th December 2008 December 2008The following is a brief summary of the two most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file in the HSE Department of BGP International.Version No.Date Author Scope/Remarks2.0 Dec.08 HSE Dept. 1. Incorporated HSE-MS for BGP Marineoperations, and added Security Managementelement;2. Updated and streamlined the previous 15 policiesto 6 to facilitate implementation;3. Added new sections on Compliance Assessment,Asset Integrity, Clients and Products to align withBGP’s revised HSE-MS published on June 30,2008.1.7c Feb.06 HSE Dept. Update existing policies which are section2.1, 2.2,2.4, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.15, 2.16 to moreclosely align with industry standards and the needof operation; update existing BGP Internationalorganization chart.NOTES TO USERS:This updated version of HSSE-MS for BGP International is based upon the latest HSE-MS (E version) of BGP Inc., published on June 30, 2008, as well as current relative standards and guidelines from IAGC, OGP, ISM and SMS.The requirements stated in this document are mandatory for compliance. Non-compliance is an exception and is only authorized on case-by-case basis by senior management through Management of Change procedures.A controlled copy of the most current version of this document is held in the HSE Department of BGP International. Hence, b efore making reference to this document, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, please contact the Document Custodian.TABLE OF CONTENTS0INTRODUCTION 5 0.1Purpose of the HSSE-MS Manual 5 0.2Applicability of the HSSE-MS Manual 5 0.3Elements of the HSSE-MS 5 1LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT 6 1.1Regulatory Compliance 6 1.2―Zero‖ Incident Culture6 1.3Incentive Program 6 2POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES 7 2.1HSSE Policies 7 2.2HSSE Objectives and Targets 7 3ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RESOURCES 8 3.1Organization of BGP International 83.1.1Headquarters/Region/Country/Marine Operations Management 83.1.2Crew Management 9 3.2Key HSSE Responsibilities 93.2.1Company/Region/Country/Marine Operations Management 93.2.2Crew Management--Land 103.2.3Crew Management--Marine 11 3.3Resources 113.3.1Training and Competency 113.3.2Regulatory and Contract Requirements 113.3.3Sub-Contractors 123.3.4Medical 133.3.5Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) 14 3.4Communication 14 3.5Documentation 16 4RISK MANAGEMENT 174.1Hazard Registry 174.1.1Identification of Hazards/Risks 174.1.2Assessment of Risks 174.1.3Risk Control 184.1.4Implementation of Control Measure 18 4.2Hazard Management Program 184.2.1JSA Procedures 184.2.2Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 184.2.3Manual of Permittted Operations (MOPO) 194.2.4BGPI Risk Matrix 194.2.5Simultaneous Operations -- Marine 204.2.6Permit to Work (PTW) 21 4.3Implementation of Control Measures 21 5PLANNING AND PROCEDURES 225.1Standards & Guidelines 225.1.1Industry Standards & Guidelines 225.1.2Environmental Management 225.1.3Health Management 245.1.4Security Management 24 5.2Project HSSE Pre-Startup Planning 245.2.1HSSE Plan 255.2.2Project-Specific Risk Management Plan 265.2.3Emergency Response Planning 26 5.3Safe Working Procedures 275.3.1Land Seismic Safe Working Procedures 275.3.2Marine Seismic Safe Working Procedures 28 5.4Management of Change 28 6IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING 296.1Implementation of Project HSSE Plan 296.1.1Non-Compliance and Corrective Action Tracking System 296.1.2Risk Management Program 296.1.3Emergency Drills and Exercises 296.1.4Inspection and Maintenance Program -- Facilities, Equipment and Vessels 306.1.5Routine HSSE Reporting 30 6.2Asset Integrity 30 6.3Performance measuring and monitoring 30 6.4Operating Records 31 6.5Incidents, Near-Misses and Unsafe Situations 316.5.1 Classification 316.5.2 Reporting 326.5.3 Investigation 32 6.6Clients and Products 32 7AUDIT AND REVIEW 337.1Purpose and Definitions 337.1.1Internal Audit Program and Procedures 33 7.2Compliance Assessment 33 7.3Third-Party Audit 34 7.4Client audit 34 7.5Review 357.5.1HSSE Review Procedures 357.5.2Three-Tier Review 357.5.3Remedial Work Plan ( RWP) 370 INTRODUCTION0.1 Purpose of the HSSE-MS ManualThe BGP International (BGPI)manual on Health, Safety, Security and Environment Management System (HSSE-MS) is one of the key documents governing the programs and practices for its worldwide Land and Marine operations. Additionally, a bridging document will be prepared and followed for seismic operations on each vessel between the vessel’s SMS (safe management system) and this system to ensure a safe operation.Individual crew and operating unit are required to demonstrate positive compliance with the HSSE-MS by having a project-specific or unit-specific HSSE Plan. All BGPI Senior Managers, Vessel Masters, Party Chiefs, and Section Heads should be familiar with the contents of the HSSE-MS, and will be responsible for their own safety and health as well as the safety and health of their subordinates. Therefore, they should integrate HSSE programs and practices into their daily activities to foster a self-conscious safety culture, to achieve the company and individual crew/ vessel’s annual HSSE goals and objectives, and to comply with all the applicable HSSE laws, regulations and requirements as stipulated by the local governments and contracts.The land crew and vessel’s HSSE plan is the application of this system in its field operations while sub-contractors are expected to have their own HSSE-MS. This HSSE-MS provides processes to ensure that all parties within the same contract and the client can work together without contradicting with each other. If a sub-contractor does not have an HSSE-MS acceptable by BGPI, this system will be used by BGPI to manage that party.0.2 Applicability of the HSSE-MS ManualThis HSSE-MS applies to the following personnel and properties for BGPI operations:●All current employees.●All properties or vessels owned or managed by BGPI.●All land and marine operations.●All sub-contractors, client representatives and other third parties who may be on a landcrew, company owned or operated vessels, or who may work on a project.0.3 Elements of the HSSE-MSThe HSSE-MS is based on the key guidelines from IAGC, OGP, ISM, BGP’s current HSE-MS (E Version) as well as previous versions of BGPI HSE-MS. It includes seven (7) elements as follows:●Leadership and Commitment.●Policies and Objectives.●Organization, Responsibilities and Resources.●Risk Management.●Planning and Procedures.●Implementation and Monitoring.●Audit and Review.1 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENTThe management of BGPI is committed to implementing the HSSE-MS for all the operations. They will provide the leadership and resources necessary to ensure that the HSSE-MS is updated periodically and practical to foster a proactive safety culture in the work place, to meet the requirements of local governments and clients, and to enable the company to achieve its annual HSSE goals and objectives. BGPI management is also convinced that good HSSE performance will result in successful and profitable operations. The leadership and its commitment are demonstrated in at least the following three areas:1.1 Regulatory ComplianceBGPI will comply with applicable international and local laws and regulations wherever we operate, for both land and marine operations. BGP’s compliance assessment procedure will be used to ensure compliance.1.2 “Zero” Incident CultureBGPI management will undertake practical and consistent actions to engender a ―zero‖incident culture. Typical actions and programs are as follows:●Include HSSE as an integral part of all business planning and project operations.●Demonstrate personal exemplary behaviour.●Exercise visible leadership through consistent involvement in current HSSE issues ofconcern or interest.●Ensure all employees accept individually-defined HSSE roles and responsibilities.●Instil the conviction that HSSE is everyone’s responsibility.●Encourage active participation and involvement by all employees in HSSE issues.●Promote two-way communication throughout the company as well as with localcommunities, clients and sub-contractors.1.3 Incentive ProgramBGPI management has established a program to commend good HSSE performance with reward and recognition on regular basis. Hence, both individual and group HSSE performance will be assessed periodically based upon pre-determined HSSE targets, as well as establishing the corresponding award and/or recognition from the results of such appraisal.2 POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES2.1 HSSE PoliciesBGPI will implement six (6) policies as follows:●Health, Safety and Environment Policy.●Security Policy.●Drug and Alcohol Policy.●Smoking Policy.●Refusal to Work Policy.●Transportation Policy.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-002 BGPI HSSE Policies2.2 HSSE Objectives and TargetsDuring the early part of first quarter of each year, BGPI management will set the annual HSSE objectives for the company with specific performance targets to be determined and published by each Region/Country management for its land seismic operations, and for each vessel by the Marine Operations Management.3 ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RESOURCES3.1 Organization of BGP InternationalBGPI’s headquarters is in Zhuozhou, a suburb of Beijing, where all the senior management for both Land and Marine operations is located.To faciliate operations worldwide, the organization is further divided into different Regions/Countries for land operations as well as a separate Marine (deepwater) Operations Management team managing all the vessel operations from Tanggu, a sea port of Tianjin, about 120 km from Beijing.3.1.1 Headquarters/Region/Country/Marine Operations ManagementBGPI establish an organizational structure based in line with the BGP’s strategic objectives, production and operation activities and businesses development, four-layer management principle is adopted to assign HSE management functions:BGP INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION CHART3.1.2 Crew ManagementThe reference document below is only a generic crew organization which reflects line management responsibility, and it will vary from project to project on as-needed basis. Reference DocumentsBGPI-HSSE-003 Crew Organization Chart – Land & Marine3.2 Key HSSE ResponsibilitiesKey HSSE roles and responsibilities for management and senior positions are clearly defined in the BGPI’s Human Resources Manual. Headquarters departmental responsibilites shall be in line with the Job description of BGPI’s HR Manual as defined in Table 1 below.3.2.1 Company/Region/Country/Marine Operations ManagementThe reference document below provides a list of key HSSE functions for:●BGPI Company Management.●Region/Country Management for Land Operations.●Marine Operations Management.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-004 Key HSSE ResponsibilitiesBGPI-HSSE-005 BGPI Departmental HSE ResponsibilitiesTable 1 BGPI HSSE MS Function Allocation3.2.2 Crew Management--LandThe reference document below is a description of HSSE functions for key positions in a typical land crew operation.3.2.3 Crew Management--MarineThe reference document below is a description of HSSE functions for key positions in a typical vessel crew operation.BGPI-HSSE-006 Job Description Manual -- LandBGPI-HSSE-007 Job Description Manual -- Marine3.3 ResourcesThe management of BGPI is committed to providing required resources for the implementation of HSSE-MS on all projects. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of needed personnel, equipment, vessel, facilities and training for all employees of BGPI and its sub-contractors if necessary, in order to ensure compliance with the HSSE-MS, local laws, regulations and contract requirements.3.3.1 Training and CompetencyAll BGPI employees will receive specific job-related training according to BGPI’s minimum HSSE training requirements (referenced below), local regulations, project contract requirements, as well as STCW provisions and SMS for vessel operations.Sub-contractors are responsible for ensuring that their employees have received valid certificates required by land operations, and comply with the STCW requirements plus other relevant government and industry standards for Marine operations.The crew Party Chief for each project has to ensure that this training has been conducted, and records of such training such as appropriate certificates, if any, for certain types of workers -- drivers, welders, electricians, crane operators, fork lift operators, Marine workers, etc.—have to be kept.Specific HSSE training requirements for all job categories are listed in the attached reference document. For marine operations, all workers on a vessel must possess valid certificates required by the STCW plus meeting other local governmental requirements. Reference DocumentsBGPI-HSSE-008 Minimum HSSE Training Requirements3.3.2 Regulatory and Contract RequirementsBGPI will comply with all applicable regulatory requirements of the local and national governments where we operate, as well as the requirements stipulated in the contract between BGPI and the client.Changes or impending local regulatory requirements will be monitored and reported by the management team, such as the Region/Country manager, land crew party chiefs andvessel master. All identified ―non-compliance‖items will be recorded in the project/crew RWP for timely corrective actions.If the local regulatory standards are deemed as being less stringent than BGPI requirements for the prevention of injury or environmental damage/pollution, BGPI will maintain its own HSE standards in order to ensure a safe working environment. LandDuring the tender preparation stage, a joint effort by Company Legal, HSE Department, land project team will review and document all relevant country and international laws, codes of practice, and standards and guidelines. After receiving the contract award and prior to the start of the project, contract requirements will be thoroughly reviewed by project management to ensure compliance with its terms and conditions through implementation of the project HSSE Plan. MarineLike land operations, the Marine project team along with Company Legal, HSE Department, third-party consultants will review relevant local and national laws and regulations on marine operations, codes of practice, standards and guidelines during the bid tender stage. After receiving the contract award and prior to the start of the project, contract requirements will be thoroughly reviewed by project management to ensure compliance with its terms and conditions through implementation of the project HSSE Plan.3.3.3 Sub-ContractorsAll subcontractor personnel engaged by BGPI shall adopt BGPI standards and comply with all applicable regulatory requirements of the country where we operate. Subcontractors will be included in all HSSE work activities, programs and toolbox meetings to ensure that all planned activities are reviewed, hazards identified and controls established for the protection of health, safety and security of workers and the working environment.Upon arrival, all subcontractor personnel will receive HSSE orientation training for either land project or vessel operation. LandSubcontractors for land operations are managed by the Party Chief and the Country/Project management according to the BGPI subcontractor and supplier management procedures referenced below.As specific services, equipment, laborers, etc; provided by subcontractors vary from project to project in both scope and duration, therefore, BGPI project management will exercise extreme prudence in its selection and qualifying processes as well as supervision of subcontractors to ensure all services, equipment, laborers, etc; provided by subcontractors are acceptable by project management, and are planned, managed and incorporated into the entire project execution plan. MarineSubcontractors for vessel operations are managed by the Party Chief of the seismic crew and Master of the vessel according to the BGPI subcontractor and supplier management procedures referenced below.As specific services, equipment, laborers, etc; provided by subcontractors vary from project to project and from vessel to vessel in both scope and duration, therefore, BGPI vessel and project management will exercise extreme prudence in its selection and qualifying processes as well as supervision of subcontractors to ensure all services, equipment, laborers, etc; provided by subcontractors are acceptable by Marine project management and the vessel Master, and are planned, managed and incorporated into the entire project execution plan.Reference DocumentsBGPI-HSSE-009 Subcontractor and Supplier Management for Land OperationsBGPI-HSSE-010 Subcontractor and Supplier Management for Marine Operations3.3.4 MedicalThe BGPI Health Management Guidelines referenced below is used for all land and vessel operations. All BGPI employees and subcontractors are required to pass a physical fitness medical exam conducted either by a BGPI doctor or a third-party medical professional. They are also required to obtain valid certificates if required by international health standards and/or equivalent governmental standards.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-011 BGPI Guidelines for Health Management (Old Ref. BGPI-HM-001) LandAny specific requirements of the contracts, local government, or measures for protection against indigenous diseases will become part of the project HSSE Plan. Each land project will have a licensed and qualified medical staff as well as a well-equipped clinic with ambulance at the base camp to monitor the health of and provide care for all workers. Furthermore, paramedics will be deployed, if necessary, at the fly camp along with certified first-aid workers for remote operations away from the base.Confidential records containing employee health and medical information will be kept and maintained by the medical staff. MarineAny specific requirements from the contracts, local government, or measures for protection against indigenous diseases will become part of the vessel project HSSE Plan. Licensed and qualified medical staff with a well equipped clinic will be on board each vessel in order to monitor the health of and provide care for all workers on board. Confidential records containing employee health and medical information will be kept and maintained by the medical staff.3.3.5 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)BGPI management is committed to providing all required PPE for workers, based upon the results of risk assessments conducted for each land and marine project, as well as the specific requirements of each contract and local government. This is to protect workers from possible injuries and to mitigate the severity of potential risks as identified in the project.Minimum PPE requirements are listed in the reference document below for all types of operations. Workers will be given instructions on the proper use and maintenance of their PPE during the HSE orientation tour with additional training for specific PPE required for certain types of work. PPE will be provided to all workers on the first day upon their arrival. Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-012 Minimum PPE Requirements3.4 CommunicationIt has been proven in the industry that regular dissemination, discussion, training and reporting of HSSE information and issues, along with frequent feedback from workers have increased workers’HSSE awareness and enhanced their willingness to participate in activities, leading to their eventual ownership of HSSE responsibilities. BGPI management has been and will continue to devote much time and resources to foster and achieve such a proactive HSSE culture.Additionally, frequent communications with local communities, related governmental agencies and other interested parties will facilitate the operations. BGP’s procedure as listed below will be used for such endeavour. HSSE BriefingBGPI requires that all visitors receive a briefing upon their arrival. The briefing is to be conducted by one member of the project’s senior management and the following contents should be included as a minimum:●Site introduction●Major hazards communication●Emergency response plans●Other information upon visitors’ request3.4.1.2 OrientationBGPI requires that all new employees will receive a full HSE orientation conducted by the HSE department of the crew soon after their arrival. The following contents should be included in an HSSE orientation:●Company HSSE policies●Site specific hazard communication●Fire fighting and evacuation plan●Emergency response procedures●Job and associated hazards●Job description3.4.1.3 HSSE MeetingBGPI management recognizes the importance of HSSE meetings in promoting and fostering a proactive HSSE culture. Hence, meeting requirements have been set to ensure a platform for frequent two-way communication. Every employee will be required to participate in one or more of the following meetings for both Land and Marine crew operations;●Toolbox meeting--daily.●Land crew sectional HSSE meeting--weekly.●Crew HSSE Committee meeting--once a month.Additionally, Company/Region/Country/Marine Operations Management has established HSSE meeting schedule as follows:●Land --Region/Country Management--Quarterly.●Marine Operations Management--Quarterly.●BGPI Company HSSE Committee meeting--Quarterly.Except the daily tool box meeting, all the meetings listed above will generate formal meeting minutes which will be distributed to all relevant personnel.The tool box meeting is extremely vital to the safe operation of a project as well as a golden opportunity for the Party Chief, Master, Section Supervisor to address key HSSE issues and daily activities to their workers. Particular emphasis should be given to identified risks of the day, along with controls and mitigating measures.Other meetings will focus on a review of HSSE issues, including any incident reports or investigations as well as HSSE performance. All participants in the meetings are encouraged to actively participate in the discussion. Routine Reporting3. Daily HSSE ReportEach HSE Advisor for land or vessel crew is responsible for collecting a specified set of HSSE statistics on daily basis. This data will be kept by the respective land and vessel operations project management team and is not reported to the Headquarter s’ HSE Department. Refer to the reference document below for details.The daily report will include at least the following key activities:●Incidents/Accidents.●Man hours worked.●Medium or high risk hazards identified.●Drills conducted.●HSSE meetings.●Number of audit/inspections conducted.●Other reports required by law and/or contract. Weekly HSSE ReportEach land or vessel crew HSE Advisor is responsible for preparing and submitting this report to the Headquarters’ HSE Department on a weekly basis. Specific activities and requirements are listed in the reference document below.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-013 Weekly HSE Report – Land / Marine3. Monthly HSSE Performance Analysis (Region/Country Level/ Marine Operations)Regional/Country HSE manager along with the Regional/Country manager will be responsible for conducting a thorough review of HSSE performance for all the land crews within that Region on monthly basis as described by the reference document below. The result will be sent to the BGPI HSE Department for review by senior management.The Marine Operations manager and the Marine HSE manager will be responsible for reviewing the HSSE performances of all the vessels on monthly basis as described by reference document below. The result will be sent to the BGPI HSE Department for review by senior management. Others--Alerts, Awards, Recognition, etc.Safety alerts from BGPI, other seismic companies and oil companies will be reviewed with affected workers at HSSE meetings and to share the ―lessons learned‖. These alerts are in addition to the information and reports communicated regularly to workers.Individual and group awards/recognitions for excellent HSSE performance will be given on regular basis. These awards/recognitions will be based upon pre-established criteria set by each land crew with its Region/Country management, and vessel crew with its Marine Operations management.3.5 DocumentationRelevant documents listed in the HSSE-MS are kept for record and periodic maintenance of the system. Retention period for each document is specified in the reference document below.A list of key documents for each land or vessel crew is controlled and maintained by the crew HSE department.Reference DocumentsBGPI-HSSE-014 Minimum HSSE Documentation4 RISK MANAGEMENTRisk Management is the basis for proactively managing Health, Safety, Security and Environmental issues for BGPI operations.Hazard identification, assessment and control/mitigating measures are implemented across all activities undertaken by BGPI. All significant hazards are controlled and/or mitigated to ensure that potential risks are reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Assessment of significant risks for Health, Safety, Environment and Security for a specific project is routinely conducted and documented. If an assessment has identified control gaps within the BGPI system, these deficiencies are recorded in the project’s RWP system for appropriate improvement actions to eliminate such gaps.4.1 Hazard RegistryEach land and vessel crew will maintain a project-specific Hazard Register along with their control measures which will be included in the ―risk management plan‖ section of the project HSSE Plan.The Risk Management System is based on four processes as follows:4.1.1 Identification of Hazards/RisksProject-specific HSSE hazards/risks identification activities will be conducted during project scouting, planning and mobilization stages by an experienced team of employees. This will become a daily activity for all workers once operation is commenced. Land--Hazard RegisterAll hazards/risks identified by project management during the scouting, planning and mobilization phase of a land project are to be recorded in the standard BGPI Hazard Register as referenced below.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-015 General Hazard Register – Land Operations4.1.1.2 Marine--Hazard RegisterAll hazards/risks identified by project management during the scouting, planning and mobilization phase of a Marine project are to be recorded in the standard BGPI Hazard Register as referenced below.Reference DocumentBGPI-HSSE-016 General Hazard Register – Marine Operations4.1.2 Assessment of RisksThe above hazards/risks will be assessed by a group of experienced project/crew supervisors using the latest BGPI HSE Risk Matrix to determine the potential severity and。



BGP海外业务发展回顾与展望段世民【期刊名称】《北京石油管理干部学院学报》【年(卷),期】2004(000)004【摘要】一、海外业务发展回顾 BGP海外业务发展,大致经历了四个阶段:学习准备阶段(1980-1995年),起步成长阶段(1996- 1999年),快速发展阶段(2000-2002年),一体化发展阶段(2003年至今)。
BGP紧跟CNPC海外发展战略,并在CNPC 的关心支持下,3支地震作业队伍进入苏丹市场。
从2000- 2002年,通过大力度的结构调整和深化改革,使企业产业结构、资产结构、人员结构和组织结构得到明显【总页数】2页(P43-44)【作者】段世民【作者单位】中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司党委;副书记【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F426.22【相关文献】1.冷冻医疗十年发展回顾和未来展望:上海制冷十年回顾与展望之六 [J], 钟之海2.上海市制冷机工业十年发展回顾和未来展望:上海制冷十年回顾与展望之二 [J], 董天禄;戴永庆3."十二五"开局之年:回顾与展望——"十一五"内蒙古经济社会发展回顾与"十二五"展望 [J], 胡敏谦4.回顾与展望——"十一五"内蒙古经济社会发展回顾与"十二五"展望 [J], 胡敏谦5.战伤快速止血材料发展回顾与展望 [J], 郭静;彭碧波;刘小丽;李胜男;郑静晨因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

1.产业脱贫之路越走越宽 [J], 石谷华;陈建
2.从一国一地到三国五地r——辽河油田勘探开发研究院海外创效之路越走越宽[J], 付钰
3.从一国一地到三国五地——辽河油田勘探开发研究院海外创效之路越走越宽 [J], 付钰;
4.从一国一地到三国五地——辽河油田勘探开发研究院海外创效之路越走越宽 [J], 付钰
5.江西龙南稀土产业科技创新之路越走越宽 [J],
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