the center of bottom ranges from 41.5m/s to
50.9m/s,the level 14-15.
Super TY:The average wind speed in the center of
bottom is higher than 51.0m/s, the level 16 or higher.(Rammasun 17)
3. Typhoon can increase fish production .
4.Typhoon makes people live and work in peace.
Part five: Methods of prevention of typhoon.
At sea:
1. Before the typhoon ,you should immediately find a place for you to take shelter from the wind.
2.If you are caught in a typhoon , you should timely ask the relevant departments for help.
3. When you are waiting for rescue , you should take emergency measuresquickly away
3. The weather often brings about a dangerous situation caused by typhoon,the sea waves, a serious threat to the safety of navigation.After the landing of typhoon storm surge , the water can destroy crops,all kinds of buildings, resulting in heavy losses of life and property of the people.
the center of bottom ranges from 41.5m/s to
50.9m/s,the level 14-15.
Super TY:The average wind speed in the center of
bottom is higher than 51.0m/s, the level 16 or higher.(Rammasun 17)
3. Typhoon can increase fish production .
4.Typhoon makes people live and work in peace.
Part five: Methods of prevention of typhoon.
At sea:
1. Before the typhoon ,you should immediately find a place for you to take shelter from the wind.
2.If you are caught in a typhoon , you should timely ask the relevant departments for help.
3. When you are waiting for rescue , you should take emergency measuresquickly away
3. The weather often brings about a dangerous situation caused by typhoon,the sea waves, a serious threat to the safety of navigation.After the landing of typhoon storm surge , the water can destroy crops,all kinds of buildings, resulting in heavy losses of life and property of the people.
5、Because of the heavy rain, there are always stagnant water. Therefore, drivers must drive slower, and people who ride bicycles had better choose to walk or take bus.
What should we do when typhoon is coming?
1、Pay attention to the media reports, weather websites, or call weather hotline to know the latest developments in typhoon.
The diameter range from 10km to 70km,45km on average. The wind speed and air pressure in the eye of typhoon both are the lowest,and the weather appear to be windless,partly cloudy,warm and dry.
typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destruct
The eye of typhoon
The eye of typhoon lies in the center of typhoon ,shaped like an oval or a circle .
Atlantic Ocean .
We got three points:
(1)Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a Hurricane.
What should we do when typhoon is coming?
1、Pay attention to the media reports, weather websites, or call weather hotline to know the latest developments in typhoon.
The diameter range from 10km to 70km,45km on average. The wind speed and air pressure in the eye of typhoon both are the lowest,and the weather appear to be windless,partly cloudy,warm and dry.
typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destruct
The eye of typhoon
The eye of typhoon lies in the center of typhoon ,shaped like an oval or a circle .
Atlantic Ocean .
We got three points:
(1)Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a Hurricane.
They might get hurt outside Large window might break They might get hurt outside
Drains might flood They might know the weather changes Windows or doors might break They might get hurt if the windows break They might get hurt outside
Exercise: might
Add ‘might’ to the sentence. Windows break when winds are strong.
Windows might break when winds are strong.
Exercise: might
Add ‘might’ to the sentence. Vegetable prices go up after a typhoon.
Unit 8 : Typhoons
Where are these people? What are they doing? What should / shouldn’t they do?
What might happen if they are not careful?
In this unit, we have learned to use „might‟ to talk about possibilities.
We use „might‟ to talk about something that could happen but we are not sure.
春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,春长天得的郁风郁吹葱过葱银。杏当树我的把枝头这,个几好场消春息雨告让诉刚门冒口出的小孩芽子的们叶后子,春,他天长们的得便风郁一吹郁个过葱接银葱一杏。个树当的的我来枝把到头这我,个们几好家场消的春息花雨告园让诉中刚门。冒口出的小孩芽子的们叶后子,,他长们得便郁一郁个葱接葱一。个当的我来把到这我个们好家消的息花告园诉中门。口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。 春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,春长天得的郁风郁吹葱过葱银。杏当树我的把枝头这,个几好场消春息雨告让诉刚门冒口出的小孩芽子的们叶后子,,他长们得便郁一郁个葱接葱一。个当的我来把到这我个们好家消的息花告园诉中门。口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。
。 的孩子
春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,春长天得的郁风郁吹葱过葱银。杏当树我的把枝头这,个几好场消春息雨告让诉刚门冒口出的小孩芽子的们叶后子,春,他天长们的得便风郁一吹郁个过葱接银葱一杏。个树当的的我来枝把到头这我,个们几好家场消的春息花雨告园让诉中刚门。冒口出的小孩芽子的们叶后子,,他长们得便郁一郁个葱接葱一。个当的我来把到这我个们好家消的息花告园诉中门。口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。
春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,长 得郁郁 葱葱。 当我把 这个好 消息告 诉门口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。
春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,长 得郁郁 葱葱。 当我把 这个好 消息告 诉门口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。 春天的风吹过银杏树的枝头,几场春 雨让刚 冒出小 芽的叶 子,长 得郁郁 葱葱。 当我把 这个好 消息告 诉门口 的孩子 们后, 他们便 一个接 一个的 来到我 们家的 花园中 。
regions of the pacific ocean. 3.A typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of
destructiveness. 4.The word typhoon comes from the chinese term tai-fung
The four signals are enhanced from left to right.
The harm of the typhoon is huge. In order to make everyone more profound understanding of the dangers of the typhoon, I introduce a film called super typhoon to everyone.
What can typhoon bring?
▲ The typhoon often leads to a dangerous situation, caused by sea waves, threat to maritime security.
What can typhoon bring?
▲The typhoon will bring heavy rain and strong winds. This will make the crops flooded, houses, roads and other facilities will be destroyed.
meaning great wind.
Classification of Typhoon
The typhoon can be divided into six grades according to its intensity:
destructiveness. 4.The word typhoon comes from the chinese term tai-fung
The four signals are enhanced from left to right.
The harm of the typhoon is huge. In order to make everyone more profound understanding of the dangers of the typhoon, I introduce a film called super typhoon to everyone.
What can typhoon bring?
▲ The typhoon often leads to a dangerous situation, caused by sea waves, threat to maritime security.
What can typhoon bring?
▲The typhoon will bring heavy rain and strong winds. This will make the crops flooded, houses, roads and other facilities will be destroyed.
meaning great wind.
Classification of Typhoon
The typhoon can be divided into six grades according to its intensity:
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What can typhoon bring?
▲The typhoon will bring heavy rain and strong winds. This will make the crops flooded, houses, roads and other facilities will be destroyed.
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Author:Wu Qi 15 sociology 1521010619
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What is typhoon?
1.Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a hurricane. 2.Typhoon is a type of cyclone occurring in the western
regions of the pacific ocean. 3.A typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destructiveness. 4.The word typhoon comes from the chinese term tai-fung meaning great wind.
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The film tells a story. When the typhoon came, Mayor Xu organized the transfer of millions of people in a short time, so that the casualties caused by the disaster to the lowest.
5、Stock non-perishable goods
and medicines at home. This would include canned goods, noodle packets and enough rice to last for three days to a week in case you get stranded at home due to floods. Of course, have enough drinking water. Medicines for cough, cold and diarrhea and a first aid kit for
灰太狼:Stupid!How can you not to know it? Typhoon is the wind blowing up from Taiwan.(A pan appear……) :Don’t mislead! Typhoon is the wind blowing to Taizhou.
The level of typhoon
Super TY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom is higher than 51.0m/s, the level 16 or higher. STY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom ranges from 41.5m/s to 50.9m/s,the level 14-15. TY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom ranges from 32.7m/s to 41.4m/s,the level 12-13.
Influence of Typhoon
• Typhoon not only harms human beings,
• but also protects human beings. Typhoon has brought fresh water resources to human beings, greatly alleviating the global water shortage. A typhoon with a small diameter can bring 3 billion tons of precipitation when it lands. In addition, the typhoon also makes the cold and hot around the world keep relatively balanced. The equatorial region has a hot climate. If the typhoon did not dissipate the heat, the tropics would be hotter, the cold belt would be colder, and the temperate zone would disappear from the earth.
What is typhoon?
•Typhoon is a kind of tropical cyclone.
• Tropical cyclones are low-pressure vortices over the tropical or subtropical ocean surface, and they are a strong and deep "tropical weather system". The tropical cyclones in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific are divided into six grades according to the maximum average wind speed (wind speed) near the bottom center, and those with wind force of 12 or above are collectively referred to as typhoons.
垂直方向上,台风可分为三层: 流 入 层 , 从 地 面 到 大 约 3km 高 度,有显著的向中心辐合气流; 中 层 , 从 3km 到 8km 高 度 , 气 流主要沿切线环绕台风眼壁螺 旋 上 升 ; 流 出 层 , 8km 以 上 到 台风顶部,气流向外辐散,四 散流出,空气外流的量与流入 层的流入量大体相当。
强风台风是一个巨大的能 量库,其风速都在17米/秒 以上,甚至在60米/秒以上。 据测,当风力达到12级时, 垂直于风向平面上每平方 米风压可达230公斤。
暴雨台风是非常强的降雨系统。 一次台风登陆,降雨中心一天之 中可降下100-300毫米的大暴雨, 甚至可达500-800毫米。台风暴 雨造成的洪涝灾害,是最具危险 性的灾害。台风暴雨强度大,洪 水出现频率高,波及范围广,来 势凶猛,破坏性极大。
数量(个/年) 20-80
形成地区 热带地区海洋 除南极洲外的世界各地
出现季节 主要7-10月
水平方向上,一般由内而外可分为台风眼区、台风涡旋区和台风外圈三部分:在台风眼区, 风速极小或为静风,其直径一般为10-60km,通常为圆形;台风涡旋区是围绕台风眼分布 的一条最大风速带,宽度10-20km,台风中最强烈的大风、降水度出现在这个区域,是台 风破坏力最强区;台风外圈由内向外风速迅速减弱,直径一般为400-600km。
我国是世界上少数几个受台风影响最严重 的国家之一,平均每年有7个左右台风在 我国登陆,沿海地区从海南、广西、广东、 台湾、福建、浙江、上海、江苏、山东、 河北、天津一直到辽宁等省(自治区、直 辖市)以及我国中部地区,均可能受到台 风活动的影响。1990—2009年,我国大 陆平均每年台风造成的经济损失就达314 亿元,死亡人数高达443人。
01 成熟阶段 台风经过漫长的发展之路,变得强大,具有 了造成灾害的能力,如果这时登陆,就会造 成重大损失。
02 消亡阶段 台风消亡路径有两个,第一个是:台风登陆 陆地后,受到地面摩擦和能量供应不足的共 同影响,台风会迅速减弱消亡,消亡之后的 残留云系可以给某地带来长时间强降雨。第 二个是:台风登陆后,北上容易变性为温带 气旋,变性为温带气旋后,消亡较慢。
爲了防止他人使用軟件爬取本文檔,我加入了版權聲明,不影響您使用, 用時把此頁删除即可。用软件爬取的文档没有动画效果,并且大段文字被 切割成了很多小文本框,在修改时比较麻烦,PPT的背景图层有时也被合并 了,你想要的PPT中无背景的PNG图片都不存在,还需要你自己去除背景。 反对软件爬取,请用原版。
经过太阳一天的照射,海面上形成了强盛的积雨云, 这些积雨云里的热空气上升,周围较冷空气源源不绝 的补充进来,再次遇热上升,如此循环,使得上方的 空气热,下方空气冷,上方的热空气里的水汽蒸发扩 大了云带范围,云带的扩大使得这种运动更加剧烈。
经过不断扩大的云团受到地转偏向力影响,逆时针旋 转起来(在南半球是顺时针),形成热带气旋,热带 气旋里旋转的空气产生的离心力把空气都往外甩,中 心的空气越来越稀薄,空气压力不断变小,形成了热 带低压—台风初始阶段。
人们对台风的命名始于20世纪初,据说, 首次给台风命名的是20世纪早期的一个 澳大利亚预报员,他把热带气旋取名为 他不喜欢的政治人物,借此,气象员就 可以公开地戏称它。
爲了防止他人使用軟件爬取本文檔,我加入了版權聲明,不影響您使用, 用時把此頁删除即可。用软件爬取的文档没有动画效果,并且大段文字被 切割成了很多小文本框,在修改时比较麻烦,PPT的背景图层有时也被合并 了,你想要的PPT中无背景的PNG图片都不存在,还需要你自己去除背景。 反对软件爬取,请用原版。
The film tells a story. When the typhoon came, Mayor Xu organized the transfer of millions of people in a short time, so that the casualties caused by the disaster to the lowest.
What can typhoon bring?
▲The disasters caused by the typhoon also include landslides and debris flows caused by heavy rains.
Prevention and control您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
To strengthen the monitoring and forecasting of the typhoon is an important measure to reduce the typhoon disaster. In China, the typhoon warning signal is divided into several types:
What can typhoon bring?
▲ The typhoon often leads to a dangerous situation, caused by sea waves, threat to maritime security.
What can typhoon bring?
▲The typhoon will bring heavy rain and strong winds. This will make the crops flooded, houses, roads and other facilities will be destroyed.
1.What is typhoon. 2.Typhoon tidbits. 3.How typhoon form. 4.What can typhoon bring. 5 .What should we do when typhoon is coming.
What is typhoon?
In the face of nature. Mankind is very weak. natural
disasters and the environment further deterioration.
We need to protect our environment. Thank you !!!
Typhoon is a sort of cyclone which defines that the velocity of the center is more than 32.7meter per second and it occurs on the west of the Pacific Ocean while it changes it’s name to hurricane if it takes place on the east of the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean .
We got three points: (1)Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a Hurricane. (2)Typhoon is a type of cyclone occurring in the western regions of the Pacific Ocean. (3)A typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destructiveness.
• 2011年第9号热带风暴“梅花”于7月28 日14时在西北太平洋洋面上生成。随后两 度升级为超强台风,并于8月6日15时减 弱成台风。 • “梅花”几度弄人,最终还是没有在中 国的任何一个地方登陆。 • 这个今年以来影响我国最严重、最广泛的 台风,在海上转了11天,把从福建到东北 的人们都忽悠了一圈之后,仅以热带风暴 的强度在朝鲜登陆。 • 山东转移36万余人,浙闽沪转移61万余 人,辽宁转移近13万人。这一个惊动我国 东部海岸地区的“玩笑”,随着中央气象 台对“梅花”解除编号悄然结束了。 • 据国家减灾委办公室统计,截至8月8日 16时,364.98万人受灾,135.3万人紧急 转移安置,房屋倒塌600余间,损坏4800 余间,直接经济损失31.28亿元
台风眼位于台 风中心区,呈圆 形或椭圆形, 直径约10km~70km不等, 平均约45km。台风眼区 的风速、气压均为最低, 天气表现为无风、少云和 干暖。随着台风的加强, 台风眼会逐渐缩on
• 超强台风 超强台风(SuperTY):底层中心附近最大平均 风速大于51.0米/秒, 16级或以上。 • 强台风 强台风(STY):底层中心附近最大平均风速 41.5-50.9米/秒,也即14-15级。 • 台风 台风(TY):底层中心附近最大平均风速32.741.4米/秒,也即12-13级。 • 强热带风暴(STS):底层中心附近最大平均风速 强热带风暴 24.5-32.6米/秒,也即风力10-11级。 • 热带风暴 热带风暴(TS):底层中心附近最大平均风速 17.2-24.4米/秒,也即风力8-9级。 • 热带低压 热带低压(TD):底层中心附近最大平均风速 10.8-17.1米/秒,也即风力为6-7级。
什么是台风? 什么是台风? what is typhoon? ?
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TY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom ranges from 32.7m/s to 41.4m/s,the level 12-13.
How typhoon form
In meteorology, a tropical cyclone is
enough drinking water. Medicines for cough, cold and diarrhea and a first aid kit for
cleaning wounds will also come in
. handy
5、提前作好相应准备,如固定门窗或其它室内外悬挂 物,准备食物、手电筒等;
a storm system fueled by the heat
released when moist air rises and
condenses. The name underscores
their origin in the tropics and their
Geostrophic deflection force
cyclonic nature, which is that its circulation is counterclockwise in the
northern hemisphere and clockwise
in the southern hemisphere. They
are distinguished from other cyclonic
windstorms such as nor'easters,
European windstorms, and polar
lows by the heat mechanism that
fuels them, which makes them
"warm core" storm systems.
Typhoon can bring……
5、Stock non-perishable goods
and medicines at home. This would include canned goods, noodle packets and enough rice to last for three days to a week in case you get stranded at home due to floods. Of course, have
The level of typhoon
Super TY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom is higher than 51.0m/s, the level 16 or higher.
STY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom ranges from 41.5m/s to 50.9m/s,the level 14-15.
1what is typhoon 2Typhoon’s structure
3How typhoon form 4what can typhoon bring 5 How to prepare
What is
typhoon in the word?
小灰灰 :Daddy,what is typhoon, could you tell me?
Typhoon’s structure
Surrounding area maximum wind speed
The eye of typhoon
The eye of typhoon lies in the center of typhoon ,shaped like an oval or a circle .
The diameter range from 10km to 70km,45km on average. The wind speed and air pressure in the eye of typhoon both are the lowest,and the weather appear to be windless,partly cloudy,warm and dry.
hold住 !!!
The tree:Ah!I don’t want to die……
Free swimming pool
What should we do when typhoon is caming……
台风来 啦!
1、Listen for warnings from
your local officials or weather personnel in situations where evacuation is ordered. Note the evacuation routes and plan to leave early.
3、Typhoon can bring away the huge heat in the local of equator, and reduce the desertification and temperature difference between the two poles of the earth. 4、typhoon can increase the output of the fishing industry.
淡定 哥
2、Close the doors and
windows firmly
3、Remember to shut off electricity, water and gas to your home before
4、 If you can, store two weeks worth of food and water.
6、根据各种媒体及时了解台风动态; 7、要切断霓虹灯广告牌的室外电源; 8、停止高空及户外危险作业,停止各种露天集体活动
和室内型集会。 9、……
The advantage of typhoon
1、Typhoon can bring adequate fresh water.
2、Typhoon is a huge flow of energy ,which can keep the glob heat balance.
灰太狼:Stupid!How can you not to know it? Typhoon is the wind blowing up from Taiwan.(A pan appear……) :Don’t mislead! Typhoon is the wind blowing to Taizhou.
what is typhoon?
(1)Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a Hurricane. (2)Typhoon is a type of cyclone occurring in the western regions of the Pacific Ocean. (3)A typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destructiveness. (4)The word typhoon comes from the Chinese term tai-fung meaning great wind.
How typhoon form
In meteorology, a tropical cyclone is
enough drinking water. Medicines for cough, cold and diarrhea and a first aid kit for
cleaning wounds will also come in
. handy
5、提前作好相应准备,如固定门窗或其它室内外悬挂 物,准备食物、手电筒等;
a storm system fueled by the heat
released when moist air rises and
condenses. The name underscores
their origin in the tropics and their
Geostrophic deflection force
cyclonic nature, which is that its circulation is counterclockwise in the
northern hemisphere and clockwise
in the southern hemisphere. They
are distinguished from other cyclonic
windstorms such as nor'easters,
European windstorms, and polar
lows by the heat mechanism that
fuels them, which makes them
"warm core" storm systems.
Typhoon can bring……
5、Stock non-perishable goods
and medicines at home. This would include canned goods, noodle packets and enough rice to last for three days to a week in case you get stranded at home due to floods. Of course, have
The level of typhoon
Super TY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom is higher than 51.0m/s, the level 16 or higher.
STY:The average wind speed in the center of bottom ranges from 41.5m/s to 50.9m/s,the level 14-15.
1what is typhoon 2Typhoon’s structure
3How typhoon form 4what can typhoon bring 5 How to prepare
What is
typhoon in the word?
小灰灰 :Daddy,what is typhoon, could you tell me?
Typhoon’s structure
Surrounding area maximum wind speed
The eye of typhoon
The eye of typhoon lies in the center of typhoon ,shaped like an oval or a circle .
The diameter range from 10km to 70km,45km on average. The wind speed and air pressure in the eye of typhoon both are the lowest,and the weather appear to be windless,partly cloudy,warm and dry.
hold住 !!!
The tree:Ah!I don’t want to die……
Free swimming pool
What should we do when typhoon is caming……
台风来 啦!
1、Listen for warnings from
your local officials or weather personnel in situations where evacuation is ordered. Note the evacuation routes and plan to leave early.
3、Typhoon can bring away the huge heat in the local of equator, and reduce the desertification and temperature difference between the two poles of the earth. 4、typhoon can increase the output of the fishing industry.
淡定 哥
2、Close the doors and
windows firmly
3、Remember to shut off electricity, water and gas to your home before
4、 If you can, store two weeks worth of food and water.
6、根据各种媒体及时了解台风动态; 7、要切断霓虹灯广告牌的室外电源; 8、停止高空及户外危险作业,停止各种露天集体活动
和室内型集会。 9、……
The advantage of typhoon
1、Typhoon can bring adequate fresh water.
2、Typhoon is a huge flow of energy ,which can keep the glob heat balance.
灰太狼:Stupid!How can you not to know it? Typhoon is the wind blowing up from Taiwan.(A pan appear……) :Don’t mislead! Typhoon is the wind blowing to Taizhou.
what is typhoon?
(1)Typhoon is a name used in east Asia for a Hurricane. (2)Typhoon is a type of cyclone occurring in the western regions of the Pacific Ocean. (3)A typhoon is similar to a hurricane in levels of destructiveness. (4)The word typhoon comes from the Chinese term tai-fung meaning great wind.