
I give up。
Let's play another game. (我们再玩另一个游戏吧。
)You're too good for me. I give up. (你也玩得太好了,我不玩了。
)I fold. *用于玩扑克时。
I raise you $20. ([玩牌时的]再加20美元。
)I fold. (我不玩了。
)I give in。
I can't help it. *当带有can时,help表示“避开”、“抑制”、“控制”,所以I can't help it 表示“不得不这样做”、“无法回避”。
You should stop smoking. (你该戒烟了。
)I can't help it. (戒不了啊。
)There's nothing I can do about it。
Not a chance! *用于没有可能性时。
Would you lend me ¥5,000? (你能借给我5000日元吗?))Not a chance! (没戏。
)No chance at all。
Fat chance。
No way. (根本不可能。
) *否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。
That's the way it goes。
The game is canceled because of the rain. (因为下所以比赛取消了。
)That's the way it goes. (没办法呀。
I have no clue. *clue 表示“线索”、“头绪”。
Do you know who stole it? (你知道是谁偷的吗?)I have no clue. (毫无线索。
)I don't have any idea。

一、日常问候与告别Hi there, how’s it going? 嗨,最近怎么样?What’s up, buddy? 哥们,怎么了?Goodbye and take care. 再见,保重。
二、表达感谢与回应Thanks a million. 非常感谢。
You’re welcome. 不用谢。
Appreciate it. 感激不尽。
三、提出建议与意见You should try it. 你应该试试。
Why don’t you give it a shot? 你为什么不尝试一下呢?In my opinion, it’s worth a try. 在我看来,值得一试。
四、表达喜好与兴趣I’m really into music. 我很喜欢音乐。
I love nothing more than reading. 我最喜欢的就是阅读。
I’m crazy about sports. 我对运动非常着迷。
五、谈论工作与学习How’s work been? 工作怎么样?I’m still studying hard. 我还在努力学习。
The project is coming together nicely. 项目进展得很顺利。
六、描述人物与外貌She’s got a great sense of humor. 她很有幽默感。
He’s always dressed to the nines. 他总是穿着很讲究。
She has the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen. 她有我见过的最美的笑容。
七、谈论食物与餐饮This dish is delicious. 这道菜很好吃。

“yes-man“、”big potato“、”a man of a woman”......都是什么意思?在国内如果我们听到歪果仁说出一两句很地道的中文时,可能周围人立马会不自主的看他一眼。
如果客户不记得的话,他们会说一句:Oh, the name rings a bell. 口语中,ring a bell表示“对……有印象”。
美国的俚语中有一个like nobody's business,就表示“无与伦比”。
比如:Joseph, you have excellent price negotiation ability like nobody's business!约瑟夫,你的议价能力真厉害!03老外其实很不喜欢一种业务员,就是不论他提出什么质疑,对方都说ok或者yes。
所以当客人提出不合适的要求时,你可以直接说明原因,再来一句:I'm a professtional guy, not a Yes-man.我是个专业的人,并不是应声虫。
此时客人如果说:No,that's the white elephant. 这里的white elephant并不是指“白色的大象”,而是“昂贵且无用”的意思。

地道英文表达16个怎么表达英文才显示的自己厉害呢?现在这里有16个地道的英文表达,让你的英语口语不一般,下面,小编在这给大家带来地道英文表达16个,欢迎大家借鉴参考!I'm goodI'm good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,还常用于:- Do you want some chips with your sandwich?你的三明治要带薯条吗?- No, I'm good. Thanks.不用了,谢谢。
- Do you have any questions?你还有什么问题吗?- No, I'm good.没有了。
- Do you wanna go to a movie theater?要不要去看场电影?- I'm good.不去啦。
Go by在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。
Instead of saying "My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.", 你可以这样说:My name is xxx (中文名), and I go by xxx (英文名).Go by即“被叫做,人们常叫我……”,“To be called; be known”。
例如:Our friend William often goes by Billy.我们的朋友William,我们一般都叫他Billy。
一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达:My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat.我的名字是Catherine,你们可以叫我Cat。
Appreciate it!在美国,每次下公交车的时候,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。
除了常见的"Thank you very much!","Thanks a lot!"以外,就是“Appreciate it!"Appreciate it,完整意思就是:I appreciate what you have done for me.我非常感谢你为我做的事。

下面是收集的32个地道英式英语表达,欢迎参考!1、“Can I get a…”英国人吐槽:当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a…(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。
这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!英式表达:Please can I have/ I’d like to order the…2、“least worst option”英国人吐槽:下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
英式表达:The lesser of two evils/the better of the two eg:I think going with him is the better of twoevils/is the better of the two options.3、”two-time” and “three-time”英国人吐槽:我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three-time(三次)”。
我去!英式表达:double,triple,quadruple,quintupleEg:a double ourrence (not a two-time ourrence)4、24/7英国人吐槽:使用24/7来表达“全天候”,不如就朴实地说“all day, every day”。

英语地道口语表达以下是一些地道的英语口语表达方式,涵盖了不同场景:1. 日常问候- Hey, how's it going?(嘿,最近怎么样?)- What's up?(有什么新鲜事吗?)- Good morning!(早上好!)- Good afternoon!(下午好!)- Good evening!(晚上好!)2. 表达感谢- Thanks a lot!(非常感谢!)- Appreciate it!(感激不尽!)- Many thanks!(多谢!)3. 道歉- I'm sorry for the inconvenience.(很抱歉造成不便。
)- Excuse me.(打扰一下。
)- Please forgive me.(请原谅我。
)4. 请求帮助- Could you help me out?(你能帮我个忙吗?)- I need some assistance.(我需要一些帮助。
)- Is there anyone who can give me a hand?(有人能帮我一下吗?)5. 谈论天气- It's a beautiful day, isn't it?(今天天气真好,不是吗?)- The weather is terrible today.(今天天气真糟糕。
)- It looks like it's going to rain.(看起来要下雨了。
)6. 在餐馆- Could I please have the menu?(我可以看一下菜单吗?)- I'll have the chicken salad, please.(请给我来份鸡肉沙拉。
) - Check, please.(请结账。
)7. 告别- It was great seeing you!(很高兴见到你!)- I'll talk to you later.(回头再聊。

You look stunning. 你太美了。
I miss you. 我想你。
You had me at “hello”. 我对你一见钟情。
I missed you. 我错过你了。
(你看,时态一变,意思大不一样)Love at first sight. 一见钟情(I believe in love at first sight. -我相信一见钟情)Are you hitting on me? 你是在对我放电吗?You are my priority. 你是我的一生挚爱。
I wanna be with you. 我想和你在一起。
You complete me. 有你我才完整。
What is done is done. 覆水难收。
Never mind. 算了。
I am so sick of this. 我受够了。
I loved you.我爱过你。
Let bygones be bygones.往事不重提。
Force of habit. 习惯了。
Farewell. 再见(永别)Long time no see. 好久不见。
woulda coulda shoulda早知如此,何必当初频率篇I always go fishing.I usually go fishing.I seldom go fishing.I never go fishing.表示频率的词叫做频率副词,什么是副词?副词表示在句子中表示行为或者状态特征的词,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词(没错还可以两个副词连起来使用)、介词短语、甚至全句!表示时间、地点、方式等概念。
频率副词怎么区分?always 总是100%usually 通常80%often 经常60%sometimes 有时候40%seldom 几乎不10%never 从不0%所以,霉霉的歌曲we were never ever getting back toghter 就是我们永远回不去的意思啦。

1. (To be) On the ball从字面意思上看,它表示站在或坐在一颗球上——但是谁会这么做呢?如果你正on the ball,那表示你很快明白了某些事情,准备很充足或者很快(又准确地)应对了某种情况。
例如,如果你正策划一年后的婚礼,而且几乎完成了所有的计划,那你真是太能干了,不是所有的人都能做到这么周全!“Wow, you’ve already finished your assignments? They are not due until next week, you’re really on the ball. I wish I could be more organized.”“哇,你已经完成任务了?它们下周才截止呢,你真有能耐。
”2. (To) Ring a bell如果我们从字面意思上看这个俚语,情况可能是你拉响了学校的铃声,告诉学生们该上课了,或者是摁响别人家的门铃。
“You’ve met my friend Amy Adams, right?”“Hmmm, I’m not sure, but that name ri ngs a bell. Was she the one who went to Paris last year?”“你见过我的朋友艾米·亚当斯,对吗?”“嗯……我不确定,但是名字听起来很熟。
她是去年去巴黎的.那个人吗?”3. Rule of thumb拇指可以统治吗或者你能从字面意思上去统治一根拇指吗?如果从逻辑上来考虑,这是完全讲不通的。

• 我玩得很开心 • I am having a swell time. • 如果我是你的话…; • If I were in your shoes… • 这是不可能的 • This is out of the question. • 他已经昏倒了! • He passed out.
• 那可以理解 • That makes sense • 你算说对了 • You said it • 我得舒缓一下压力 • I really need to blow off some steam!
• 我受够他了
• I've had it with him. • 我赞成。 • I’m up for it。 • 我忙的不可开交
• 这件事真令我开心 • I got a big kick out of it. • 别想给我洗脑 • Don’t try to brainwash me. • 不要退缩了 • Don’t chicken out,Be a man. • 他的话很有份量 • His words carry a lot of weight.
• 筋疲力尽 • run-down • 丰富多彩就是美 • Variety is charming. • “天啊” • Oh!boy或Oh!man
• 网开一面 • bend the rules at times • 说出实情 • Spill one’s guts • 紧张,激动 • Nervous wreck
Native expressions
• 脱险,渡过难关 • Pull through • 心力交瘁 • Spread oneself too thin • 你出卖我 • You set me up! • 他在人群中特显眼 • He stands out in the k. • 你该向他表达你的不满

我来了英语的地道表达一、常见表达1. “I'm here.”- 这是最基本、最常用的表达,在很多场景下都可以使用,例如你到达了某个约定的地点,或者进入一个房间时告知他人你的到来。
2. “Here I am.”- 这种表达带有一点强调自己已经到达的感觉。
比如在捉迷藏游戏中,当你被找到或者主动现身的时候可以说“Here I am.”3. “I've arrived.”- 比较正式一点,通常用于到达某个目的地,如旅行到达一个城市、到达一个会议场所等。
例如:I've arrived at the airport.(我已经到达机场了。
)4. “I'm on the scene.”- 这个表达有“我在现场”的意思,适用于一些特殊场景,比如事故现场、活动现场等。
例如:The police officer said, “I'm on the scene now.”(警察说:“我现在在现场了。
”)二、不同语境下的使用示例(一)日常见面- 在朋友聚会,你迟到了一会儿,到达时可以说:“I'm here. Sorry for being late.”(我来了,抱歉迟到了。
)- 如果是比较俏皮一点的到达,也可以说:“Here I am, ready to have some fun!”(我来啦,准备好好玩啦!)(二)商务场合- 参加商务会议,到达会议室后对同事说:“I've arrived. Let's start the meeting.”(我到了,咱们开始会议吧。
)(三)特殊场景(如救援等)- 救援人员到达灾难现场时会说:“I'm on the scene. What's the situation?”(我在现场了,情况如何?)。

1. (To) Hit the books从字面意思看,它表示撞击正在阅读的书籍,然而,这个俚语在学生群体中十分常见,特别是美国那些功课繁重的大学生。
“Sorry but I can’t watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I have a huge exam next week!”“对不起,我今晚无法和你一起观看比赛,下周有个重要的考试,我必须要学习了!”2. (To) Hit the sack和第一个俚语一样,这个俚语字面意思是敲击麻布袋,但事实上,它的意思是上床休息,你可以用这个词向你的朋友或家人表示你真的很累,想睡觉了。
除此之外,你还可以用hit the hay表达这层意思。
“It’s time for me to hit the sack, I’m so tired.”“是时候上床睡觉了,我太累了。
”3. (To) Twist someone’s arm如果你逐字翻译,那么它字面意思表示抓住某人的胳臂并把它扭过来,这会非常疼。
Tom: Jake you should really come to the party tonight!Jake: You know I can’t, I have to hit the books (study).Tom: C’mon, you have to come! It’s going to be so much fun and there are going to be lots of girls there. Please come?Jake: Pretty girls? Oh all right, you’ve twisted my arm, I’llcome!汤姆:杰克,你今晚真应该来参加聚会!杰克:你知道我去不了,我必须要学习。

300个地道的英语表达法1.I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩)2.How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你)3.She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。
)4.So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。
)5.Be my guest.(请便、别客气)6.That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)7.Far from it.(一点也不。
)8.It's a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)9.We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。
)10.My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。
)11.I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。
)12.I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。
)13.Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)14.Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。
)15.I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。
)16.I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。
)17.For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前)18.Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。
)19.It's up on the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。
)20.It slipped my mind.(我忘了。
)21.You can't please[使人感到满意和愉快] everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。
)22.I'm working on[着手;从事] it.(我正在努力。
)23.You bet!(当然!)24.Drop me a line[短信].(写封信给我)25.Are you pulling my leg[同某人开玩笑;取笑]?(你在开我玩笑吗?)26.I'll keep my ears open.(我会留意的。

1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快。
2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好。
3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒。
4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油。
5. Good for you. 好啊!做得好!6. Time flies!时光如梭。
7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
8. I mean it. 我是说真的。
9. Now you’re talking. 这才对嘛。
10. Beauty is only skin deep. 美貌是肤浅的。
11. You asked for it. 你自找的。
12. read between the lines 读出字里行间的言外之意。
13. The rest is history. 众所皆知。
14. A little bird told me. 我听说的。
15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。
16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿。
17. Hang in there. 坚持下去。
18. could be worse 可能更糟。
19. Money talks. 金钱万能。
20. count me out 不要算我,我不参加。
21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)。
22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分。
23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了。
24. It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响25. It’s Greek to me. 这我完全不懂。
26. take my word for it 相信我的话。
27. not one’s cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口。

1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油5. Good for you. 好啊!做得好!6. Time flies!时光如梭7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱8. That's life. 这就是人生9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛10. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张11. You asked for it. 你自找的12. read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意13. The rest is history. 众所皆知14. A little bird told me. 我听说的15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿17. Hang in there. 坚持下去18. could be worse 可能更糟19. Money talks. 金钱万能20. count me out 不要算我21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了24. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!25. It's Greek to me. 这我完全不懂26. take my word for it 相信我的话27. not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口28. Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了29. head over heels 深陷;完全地30. Suit yourself. 随你高兴31. What's the catch? 有什么意图?32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密33. sth. is touch and go 危险的情况;惊险的;一触即发的34. beat a dead horse 白费劲35. The sky's the limit. 没有限制36. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得一次37. Be prepared. 准备好38. It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简单39. have second thoughts 考虑一下;犹豫40. behind someone's back 在某人背后;背着某人41. Better luck next time. 下次运气更好42. come in handy 派得上用场43. rains cats and dogs 倾盆大雨44. First come, first served. 先来先招待;捷足先登45. It's not my day! 今天运气真糟46. That's news to me. 这可是新闻呢47. There's no way to tell. 没办法知道48. read sb. like an open book 清楚某人心里的想法49. You've got me there. 你考到我了50. Easy does it. 慢慢来;小心一点;别生气了51. on the tip of one's tongue 差一点就说出口;差一点就记起来的52. The more, the merrier. 越多越好53. let someone off the hook 让某人摆脱麻烦、解脱困境54. beside the point 离题的;不是重点55. burn the candle at both ends 白天晚上都要忙;花费很多精力56. meet a deadline 截稿57. out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;离久情疏58. rub someone the wrong way 惹恼某人59. stop on one's toes 触怒到某人60. be fed up with 对……感到厌烦61. give credit where credit is due. 称赞该被赞美的人62. go from bad to worse 每况愈下63. hit the jackpot 中大奖,走运64. It all depends on what one means by sth. 看某人对于……是指什么意思65. accidentally/on purpose 不小心/故意66. in one's book 在某人的字典里;对……而言67. No pains, no gains 一份耕耘,一份收获68. You ain't seen nothing yet. 你还没看过更好(烂)的69. to give a rain check 改天的邀请70. That's what friends are for. 这就是好朋友啊71. It's a pain in the neck. 很讨厌而难避免72. It's the thought that counts. 心意最重要73. the tip fo the iceberg 冰山一角;危险的细微的征兆74. jump down someone's throat 粗暴地回答某人;无理地打断某人的话75. save sth. for a rainy day 以备不时之需76. behind the scenes 在幕后;在黑暗中77. by the skin of one's teeth 刚好,勉强,侥幸78. Don't rock the boat. 不要破坏现状、捣乱79. worth its weight in gold 很有价值的80. speak fo the devil 说曹操曹操到81. right up/down someone's alley 某人的专长82. You never know what you can do until you try.不试试看,就不知道自己的潜力83. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. 你帮我,我也帮你84. A penny saved is a penny earned. 省一分就是赚一分85. get away from it all 远离这一切86. make a mountain out of a molehill 大惊小怪;小题大做;言过其实87. Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠抵过一个诸葛亮88. get/ have cold feet 紧张89. have someone's sight on sth. 看好了某样东西;决心要90. Honesty is the best policy 诚实为上策91. No sooner said than done. 说做就做92. sleep like a log 睡得很沉93. through thick and thin 共同经历94. all in the day's work 习以为常;不足为奇95. Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇伤身96. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略图97. Some people never learn. 有些人总是学不乖98. There's no place like home. 没有比家更温暖的地方99. You learn sth. new everyday. 你每天都会学到新东西/知道新事情100. wrap things up 把事情整理一番,做个结束101. at the drop of a hat 立即,随时102. Beauty is only skin deep. 美丽是肤浅的103. It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响104. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕105. Some people have all the luck. 有些人就是那么幸运106. Don't be such a poor loser. 不要输不起107. Don't cry over spilt milk. 覆水难收108. It wouldn't hurt to ask. 问人又不会怎么样109. have one's head in the clouds 心不在焉110. Never say die. 决不要灰心111. seeing is believing 眼见为实112. Patience is a virtue. 耐心是一种美德113. Talk is cheap. 光说没有用114. turn over a new leaf 重新开始115. burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战116. grin and bear it 默默忍受;忍耐着点117. same to you 同样祝福你118. sth. is better than nothing 有总比没有强119. Opposites attract. 异性相吸120. The feeling is mutual. 有同感121. the calm before the storm 暴风雨前的宁静122. The early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃123. Better left unsaid. 最好还是不要说124. Tomorrow is another day. 明天又是崭新的一天125. come out in the wash 真相大白;得到圆满的结果126. Every dog has his day. 十年风水轮流转127. bury the hatchet 言归于好;和好128. A good man is hard to find. 好人难找129. in the nick of time 及时130. Don't speak too soon. 别说的太早131. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐132. without batting an eyelid 眼眨都不眨;泰然自若133. know the ropes 知道学习规则或内容134. pay through the nose 花很多钱135. sell like hot cakes 很畅销136. What's done is done. 做了就做了137. Look before you leap. 三思而后行138. When the chips are down. 在重要关头;到了关键时刻139. bet one's bottom dollar 确信无疑140. Variety is the spice of life. 多样化丰富生活141. a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼142. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达143. like a bull in a china shop 笨手笨脚;莽撞行事144. someone is not out of the woods yet 还未脱离危险145. The best things in life are free. 生命中最好的东西是金钱买不到的146. Easy come, easy go. 来得快,去得快147. I don't have a clue. 我不知道148. Better safe than sorry. 宁愿安全(可靠)也不要后悔149. Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧150. for crying out loud 哎呀呀!拜托151. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动;一时兴起152. Every little bit counts. 一点一滴都算153. drive sb. to the wall 使某人发疯/受不了;使某人束手无策154. get sth. off one's chest 倾吐心中的事;落下心中的大石头155. Two wrongs don't make a right. 报复于事无补156. the blind leading the blind 外行领导外行157. in the same boat 同命相连158. Appearances can be deceiving. 外表是会骗人的159. only time will tell 只有时间会证明160. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 别孤注一掷161. take the good with the bad 好的与坏的都要一起接受162. take the bull by the horns 当机立断;大胆果断地解决问题163. That's the last straw. 使人无法忍受的最后一击164. You can't please everyone. 你无法使每一个人都满意165. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙166. Money doesn't grow on trees. 金钱得来不易167. cost sb. an arm and a leg 花大笔钱168. have the upper hand 占优势169. everything but the sink 所有的东西170. Boys will be boys. 男孩就是男孩171. Not be able to get a word in edgewise. 插不上话172. go back to square one 回到原地173. It's never too late to learn. 学习永远不嫌晚;亡羊补牢犹未晚174. Leave well enough alone. 维持现状;对现在已经很满意了,不用变更175. on a first-name basis 直呼其名(很熟的)176. Nothing to write home about. 没什么值得说的;不值得推荐177. packed in like sardines 挤得要命178. There are other fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草;还有别的机会179. What you see is what you get. 你看到什么就是什么180. come out smelling like a rose 一枝独秀181. hear through the grapevine 听到谣言182. read you loud and clear 听得很清楚;很了解你183. have a sweet tooth 喜欢甜食(喜欢某物)184. know sb. like the back of one's hand 很了解某人185. It's not the end of the world. 不是世界末日186. come away empty-handed 一无所获187. breathe down someone's neck 紧跟在某人后面;监督某人188. cost sb. a pretty penny 很贵189. fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位190. act the mustard 达到标准191. like a dream come true 如梦成真192. zero in on sth. 专注于;对准(两个介词并用,奇怪)193. put/ lay sth. on the line 坦白的说,冒……风险194. like a fish out of water 感到尴尬不适应195. All systems are go. 准备好了。

外国人最常用20个地道的英语表达1、I'm goodI'm good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,还常用于:- Do you want some chips with your sandwich?你的三明治要带薯条吗?- No, I'm good. Thanks.不用了,谢谢。
- Do you have any questions?你还有什么问题吗?- No, I'm good.没有了。
- Do you wanna go to a strip club?要不要去看脱衣舞?- I'm good.不去啦。
2、Go by在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。
Instead of saying "My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.", 你可以这样说:My name is xxx (中文名), and I go by xxx (英文名).Go by即“被叫做,人们常叫我……”,“To be called; be known”。
例如:Our friend William often goes by Billy.我们的朋友William,我们一般都叫他Billy。
一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达:My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat.我的名字是Catherine,你们可以叫我Cat。
3、Appreciate it在美国,每次下公交车的时候,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。
除了常见的"Thank you very much!","Thanks a lot!"以外,我觉得最好听的就是“Appreciate it!"Appreciate it,完整意思就是:I appreciate what you have done for me.我非常感谢你为我做的事。

英语地道表达200个1. also-ran 参加比赛2.anyone's guess 谁也说不准3.around the corner 马上,不久之后4.alive and kicking 十分健康,生机勃勃5.against all odds 出乎意料6.add fuel to the fire 火上浇油,让情况变得更糟7.across the board 全面地,整体地8.acid test 关键性的测试9.Achilles' heel 一大弱点10.zone out 头脑空白,注意力不集中11.write off 认为某人或某事是失败的,小看12.worth one's while 值得的13.work like a charm 非常有效,好用14.with one hand tied behind one's back 做某事非常熟练,轻而易举15.without a leg to stand on 站不住脚,无法取信于人16.with a vengeance 猛烈地,激烈地17.under the wire 勉强达到要求18.washed up 彻底完蛋,没用19.wake-up call 警钟,提醒20.vicious circle 恶性循环22 up a creek 处境困难,形势不妙23 come unglued 抓狂,大发脾气24 under a cloud 不得志,有麻烦,受怀疑25 turn up the heat 加大压力,更加努力26 tug of war 激烈的竞争27 tried and true 靠得住,行之有效28 trick out 打扮花哨。

以下是分享给大家的最地道的表达,欢迎阅读!Hey, man, good to see you. 嗨,幸会。
Good to see you too, I think. 幸会……,大概。
Good afternoon, sir. 下午好,先生。
At ease. 休息。
Good evening, how are you? 晚安,你好吗?Hello, Randy. Is he going to be taken care of? 喂,蓝迪,你肯把那家伙收拾掉吗?Sure thing, boss. All in a day's work. 当然,头,这是家常便饭。
Hi, Joe! 嗨,乔!Hello, Tom, what's happening? 你好,汤姆,怎么啦?Morning, Alice. 早上好,爱丽斯!Bye! Have a good day. 再见!请慢走!Bye! 再见啦!Good morning, dear. 早,亲爱的。
Inter is number one! 国际互联网真是顶呱呱!We finally made it. 我们终于做到了!Well done! Bond, you've done it! 好极了!邦德,干得好!Yay, a hole in one! 嘿!一杆进洞!(一击必杀?)Oh well, better luck next time. 算了,下次的运气会更好。
Steady wins the race. 沉着就是赢得比赛的诀窍。
Chase the nice bone, doggie. 狗兄,去追那可口的骨头啊。
(俚语,不用解释了吧?)Tell me, is it a boy? 喂,你是男孩吗?Come on, honey. 过来,亲爱的。
He swept her off her feet. (俗语)他对她可着迷了。

早安英语最地道的说法一、常见的早安英语说法1. “Good morning”- 这是最基本、最通用的“早安”表达。
例如,在商务会议的早晨、学校的早间问候或者朋友间的日常招呼,“Good morning”都不会出错。
2. “Morning”- 这是一种比较简洁、口语化的说法。
3. “Rise and shine”- 这种说法比较生动、富有活力。
例如,父母可能会对孩子说“Rise and shine, it's a beautiful day today!”(起床啦,今天是美好的一天呢!)4. “Top of the morning to you”- 这是一种比较传统、具有爱尔兰风格的早安问候语。
二、不同语境下的选择1. 正式场合- 在正式的商务会议、职场交流或者与不太熟悉的人交往时,“Good morning”是最合适的选择。
例如,在公司的早间例会开始时,领导会说“Good morning, everyone.”(大家早上好。
)2. 非正式场合- 如果是和朋友、家人或者同事(关系比较亲近的)之间,“Morning”或者“Rise and shine”就比较合适。
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1. XYZ 检查你的拉链
Hey, man. XYZ. 老兄啊!检查一下你的拉链吧。
"XYZ" 是"Check your zipper." 的意思。
这个选项的动作就叫"Check",也就是XYZ 中的X。
Y 代表Your,Z代表Zipper 。
2. kiss ass 拍马屁(来源:英语麦当劳-英语学习门户)
A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together? Mary,我真的很抱歉对你不忠。
B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass. 不知道,不过你可以拍我马屁,讨好我试试。
3. kick ass 了不起
A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good. 哇!你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了!你真棒!
B: Yep. I just kick ass. 是的!我就是了不起!
"kick ass" 除了字面意“踢屁股”外,还有“了不起、打败”的意思。
当“踢屁股”讲时,比如某人放你鸽子,你很生气,就可以说"I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的屁股)。
"kick ass" 还可作“打败某人的意思”。
比如某人一向在某方面比你强,但终于有一天你比他厉害了,你就可以说"Hahaha...I kicked your ass."。
觉得"ass" 太难听的人,也可以用"butt" 代替!不管ass还是butt都是屁股的意思,只不过butt比较正式一些。
4. click (两人)合得来
I really like talking to her. I think we two really click. 我很喜欢和她说话。
click 不一定只用在异性之间。
5. Say cheese. (照相时)笑一个
试着讲"cheese" 这个字,你的牙齿是不是露出来了呢?这跟中国人在照相时说“茄子”真是有异曲同工之妙呢。
6. catch some Zs 小睡一下
A: Excuse me. I have to catch some Zs. 抱歉!我想小睡一下。
B: I thought you just woke up. Sleepy head. 我以为你才刚睡醒。
漫画里的人睡觉,不是都画"Z,Z,Z..."来表示吗?这里的"catch some Zs" 就是这么演变而来的。
"I have to catch some Zs." 也可以说成"I have to take a nap." 或"I need to snooze."。
7. Oh, boy! 乖乖!唉呀!真是!
A: Guess what? We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead. 你猜怎么了?先是我们的车胎爆了,而后我的手机又没电了。
B: Oh, boy! 唉!
"Oh, boy!"是美国人用的一种感叹表示词句。
不必问他们为什么不说"Oh, girl" 或者别的,因为这么用就是一种习惯,大家都不知道原因。
8. all set 一切准备妥当
A. Is my car ready yet? 我的车好了吗?
B: Yep! We just need to get this paper work done and you'll be all set. 是的!我们只要把这份证明填好,一切就都准备妥当了!
一次到修车厂提车,付完修车费后,老板就说"O.K. You're all set."。
有时你到超市买东西,买完要付帐时,店员也会对你说"Are you all set?"。
9. dirty work 卑鄙的工作;讨厌的工作(来源:英语学习门户网站)
A: All right. You go ahead and sign this paper and I'll do the dirty work. 好吧!你就把这个签了,剩下来的讨厌工作就交给我了。
B: Sounds good to me. 听起来不错!
"dirty work" 指的是一些没人愿意做的扮坏人的事。
这个房东做的就是这里说的"dirty work" 。
10. cop 警察
A: Oh! No. My TV and stereo are gone. Who did this? 噢!不!我的电视和音响都不见了。
B: I've already called 911. The cops should be here any time. 我已经报警了。
美国人在口语里很少用"policeman" 来表示“警察”。
这里报警的电话号码是"911" 。
有时候,美国人也用"911" 来表示“紧急的事”。
11. spooky 玄;可怕
A: I had a dream last night that Keith and I had a big argument. This morning he came in wearing the same clothes he had on in my dream! 我昨晚梦见我和Keith 大吵了一顿。
B: That's spooky! 真玄!
"spooky" 就是一些所谓的鬼怪、太凑巧而令人觉得“恐怖”的意思。
12. My hands are tied 我无能为力(来源:专业英语学习网站)
A: Mr. Chapman, can I hand in my homework next time. I left it at home. Chapman 先生,我能不能下次再交作业呢?我把功课忘在家里了。
B: All of the scores must be given to the office by Friday, so you must have your homework today. It is a school rule and there is nothing I can do. My hands are tied!. 所有的分数都必须在礼拜五前交到办公室,所以你今天必须交作业。
"My hands are tied." 并不是真正的“手被绑起来”的意思,而是指“没办法”的意思。
好比电话响了,你很忙不能接,也可以说"Can you get it? My hands are tied." (我很忙,你能接一下吗?")。