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66. __________(一月)is the first month of the year.

67. Jenny spends hours in front of the___________(镜子)!

68. Your plan needs some ______________ (解释), we are not quite clear about it.

69. The more you listen to English, the _____________ (容易) it becomes.

70. A fork and knife is often used when eating ___________ (西方) food.

71. It is no use _____________(假装) not to see him in the street.

72. She has some difficulty ___________(说服) her husband to give up smoking.

73. The two friends sat in a corner and _________(闲聊) about the price of stocks and shares.

74. The ________(大多数)of students find it quite hard to learn German.

75. _____ (固定) English programs are broadcast on CCTV ,Channel 4 every day.

76. He works as a ________(秘书) in the company.


66 January 67 mirror 68 explanation 69 easier 70 Western

71 pretending 72 persuading 73 chatted 74 majority 75 regular

76 secretary


1. I like English best, what is your f__________ subject?

2. If you knock into somebody, you should a__________ to him.

3. Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself u__________.

4. ---This problem is not difficult. --- But that one is even e__________.

5. I think you can sit on this newly bought chair very c__________.

6. A great celebration was held on his _________(50岁)birthday.

7. The assistant is very friendly to all the __________(顾客).

8. When I came to the riverside, I found a boy __________(挣扎) in the water.

9. The students in our school study very hard, ___________(尤其) those in our class.

10.He dived into the water, leaving only his face _________(裸露)

Keys: 1. favorite 2.apologize 3. understood 4. easier 5. comfortable

6. fiftieth

7. customers 8 struggling 9. .especially 10.exposed


We all know the pyramids in Egypt and most of 11. ______ us don’t know the people in Mexico in th e old time also 12. ______ built pyramids. They didn’t build them to tombs. The 13. ______ pyramids in Mexico aren’t so high as that in Egypt, but 14. ______ they are big. Each one pyramid has a wide stairway 15. ______ up to the top. There is nothing inside the pyramids, 16. ______ only earth and stones. Scientists think it takes one 17. ______ thousand men more than ten years build the biggest one. 18. ______

How did he people build the pyramids? Scientists had 19. ______ Studied for years, but no one can say what they did it. 20. ______

11.and→but 12.time→times 13.to→for14.that→those 15.去掉one

16. √17.takes→took 18.build前加to 19.had→have20.what→how


After a day of work, the body need to have a rest. 1. ____________ Sleep is unnecessary for good health. The rest you 2. ____________ get while sleep makes your body able to prepare 3. ____________ itself the next day. There are four levels of sleep. 4. ____________ Each is little deeper than the one before. As you 5.____________

will sleep, your body relaxes (放松). Your heart 6. ____________ beats more slowly and your brain slows down. If you 7. ____________ have troubles falling asleep, some people suggest8. ____________ breathing slowly and deeply and the other people9. ____________ believe drink warm milk will help you get sleepy. 10. ____________ Will you try them both?




4.itself---itself for

5.little---a little







