



I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room./ I wish to make a complaint about…/ I am writing to draw your attention to….
(二)信纸格式: 日期:本月份的缩写 称呼(后面的标点是逗号,冒号):Dear Sir or Madam,
To whom it may concern,
正文:空4个字节或者顶格写,段与段之间空行) 签名:sincerely yours
▪ 书信写作的五点要求: 1、开门见山说意图 2、咨询/ 建议1、2、3、 3、不同内容可分段 4、感谢客气不可少 5、期待回信成老套
I am writing to you because I am unable to…./ I am terribly sorry that…./ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to….
4)询问: I would like to obtain /request/seek/inquire some information about…
forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith
Mail box No.23, GX university Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Dec, 2007
Writing—Practical Writing



格式不正确, 开头要顶格写。
内容太简单, 署名要靠右下 角,缺少日期。
称呼顶格打冒号 先向亲友问个好 正文段落空两格 一件一件不乱套 正文写完写祝福 健康快乐常祈祷 署名日期不颠倒 工整写在右下角
• 小组讨论交流,说说你给谁写信?
• 信的内容包括哪几方面?(即你要告诉对 方哪些事?你想知道对方的什么事?)
信终于写出来了,但寄给谁呢?“爷爷家正在拆迁,还 不知道门牌号,外婆家的信箱坏得差不多了,天知道能不能 收到?”最后,陈欣把信寄给了舅舅,几天后,舅舅收到了 信,在宿舍里还引起了一阵轰动,“真是少见呐,现在还有 人写信。”
像这样写信的小学生已经不多了,有人说:“都什么年 代了,还教这些无用的玩意,有什么事打个电话就行了,何 必费这么大劲。”
(有人担忧)“10年后, 你还会写信吗?”对于这个 问题,你一定会嗤之以鼻, 这么简单的事谁不会做!别 急,再回答一个问题,“你 多长时间没有写信了?”看 到这里你也许会犹豫一下, 已经好久了吧,1年、2年, 也许是更久。
五年级下册语文作文扩展课件写信部 编版
五年级下册语文作文扩展课件写信部 编版
五年级下册语文作文扩展课件写信部 编版
五年级下册语文作文扩展课件写信部 编版
三、正对方的内容条理清楚地写下来,要写出真情实感。如果要 说的事情不止一件,应每件事写一段。书信不要使用华丽 的词语,不能言不由衷。
正文可以紧接问候语写,也可以另起一行空两格写。 四、祝愿语:正文写完后,通常要向对方表示致敬或祝福。 另起一行,空两格写“此致”或“祝你”,再另起一行顶 格写“敬礼”或“健康”等祝福的话。同学之间,祝愿语 可以写“祝你学习进步”之类的内容。 五、署名:在信纸的右下方写上自己的名字,前面还可以 注明自己的身份,如“学生崔琳”、“侄儿宏洋”等。 六、日期:把写信的具体时间写在署名的正下方,应写清 年月日(不写年份是错误的),以备收信人日后查阅。



我觉得开展 “手拉手”活动可以拉 近我们之间的距离,让我们从陌生 人变成好朋友,了解彼此的生活,增长知识, 开阔视野。我们可以写信、打电话,还可以发“伊妹儿”, 定期交流学习方法、学习体会,还可以谈理想、兴趣、爱好,互相倾 诉自己的心事。当然,我真诚地欢迎你到我家来做客,我要让你 尝尝我妈妈的厨艺,可是很不错的!我们还可以到 衡水湖划船呢!
灾区孩子的答案是:有房子住, 有好衣 服穿就 是幸福 。灾难 毁掉了 他们的 家园, 这些孩 子因此 没有了 家。人 们常说 :家是 每个人 的避风 港。是 的,没 有了避 风港的 孩子还 怎么谈 得上幸 福呢? 所以, 对于灾 区孩子 来说, 有房子 住,有 衣服穿 就是幸 福。www .28404 .com 学生的答案是:能取得理想的成 绩,考 上好的 大学, 就是幸 福。每 个莘莘 学子都 渴望自 己的努 力得到 回报, 考上理 想的大 学也是 他们所 追求的 目标, 所以, 对于学 生来说 ,取得 理想的 成绩, 考上好 的大学 就是幸 福。
和我同桌的莱佐从他叔叔的商店里拿来了一 些粘鞋用的胶,我趁坐在前面的同学站起来回答老 师问题的时候,把这团胶悄悄地放在他的椅子上。 这个同学名叫马里奥·贝蒂,我们叫他小脏鬼。因为 他穿的那套英国式的衣服虽然很体面,可脖子和耳 朵都很脏,好像一个化了装的清道夫一样。(万巴 《捣蛋鬼日记》)
好 段
既然生命如此庄重,就需要自己心地的一份虔 诚,去践行生命的温暖和光明,让活着成为一种对 生命的敬仰,而不是对光阴的一种敷衍。
下洋中心小学 六(1)班 曾菲 亲爱的同学们:
在这六年的小学生活,因为有你们,我的小学生活才 多姿多彩,充满乐趣,也是因为你们,让我度过了一个愉 快且难以忘怀的六年时光。都说“光阴似箭,日月如梭” 六年的小学生活一眨眼就临近“期 限”了。





给亲人或朋友写一封信,把写好的信 寄出去或通过电子邮件发给他。
称呼顶格加冒号,换行两格问个好。 正文每段空两格,有主有次不乱套。 事情谈完写祝福,健康快乐常祈祷。 先署名,后日期,分行写在右下角。
写信之前要成竹在胸, 明白写信的主旨,做到有条 有理,层次分明。
若信中同时要谈几件事, 要注意主次分明,有头有尾, 信?
书信曾经是人们 和远方的亲人朋友 互通消息、交流情 感的主要方式,现 在仍然是重要的联 络手段。
书信的格式是怎样的?让 我们通过这封书信的内容,了 解书信的基本格式。
称呼 问候语
正 文
祝福语 署名 日期
从这封信中,你知道书信一共分几部分 了吗?各部分应注意什么呢?
称呼:顶格写,称呼后加冒号。 问候语:另起一行,空两格写。 正文:换行空两格,分层表述。 祝福语:可紧接正文写,也可换行空两格写。 署名:右下角写署名。 日期:署名下面写日期。



英语写信作文讲解课件Title: English Letter Writing Composition Tutorial。

Introduction:In today's lesson, we'll delve into the art of English letter writing. Writing letters in English is a valuable skill that enables effective communication in various personal and professional contexts. Whether it's sending a formal letter to a business associate or a heartfelt letter to a friend, mastering the conventions of English letter writing is essential. Let's explore the key components and techniques together.Components of a Letter:1. Sender's Address: 。

The sender's address typically appears at the top right-hand corner of the letter. It includes your name,street address, city, state, and postal code.2. Date:Following the sender's address, the date is written. It's crucial to include the date to establish a timelinefor the correspondence.3. Recipient's Address:Beneath the date, you write the recipient's address. This includes their name, title (if applicable), company or organization name, street address, city, state, and postal code.4. Salutation:The salutation is the greeting at the beginning of the letter. Depending on the formality of the letter and your relationship with the recipient, you can use greetings like "Dear," "Hello," or "Hi" followed by the recipient's name or title.5. Body of the Letter:The body of the letter is where you convey your message. It should be concise, clear, and organized into paragraphs for readability. Depending on the purpose of the letter, you may need to provide details, explanations, or requests.6. Closing:The closing of the letter comes after the body. Common closings include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully," followed by your name.7. Signature:Your signature serves as a personal touch and indicates authenticity. It should be written by hand if the letter is printed or typed.Techniques for Effective Letter Writing:1. Clarity and Conciseness:Express your ideas clearly and succinctly. Avoid unnecessary verbosity or ambiguity that can confuse the reader.2. Tone and Politeness:Choose a tone appropriate for the recipient and the purpose of the letter. Maintain a polite and respectful demeanor throughout the correspondence.3. Grammar and Spelling:Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Errors can detract from the professionalism and credibility of your letter.4. Personalization:Tailor your letter to the recipient to demonstratethoughtfulness and sincerity. Reference previous interactions or relevant details to make the letter more personal.5. Professional Formatting:Use a standard business letter format unless the situation calls for a more informal approach. Proper formatting enhances the professional appearance of your letter.Conclusion:Mastering the art of English letter writing is a valuable skill that can open doors to various opportunities and strengthen personal connections. By understanding the components of a letter and employing effective writing techniques, you can communicate with clarity, professionalism, and warmth. Practice regularly to refine your skills and adapt your approach to different contexts. With dedication and attention to detail, you'll becomeproficient in crafting compelling letters that leave a lasting impression.。

书信作文指导 ppt课件

书信作文指导 ppt课件
马路上的见闻,学校、家里的变化。 5、可以写你认为高兴的事,难过的事

让我们把对 妈妈、老师、 同学、或想和 其他人说的心 里话写下来给 他(她)看。
妈妈,您为我付出的太多太多了,我非常 感谢您对我的养育之恩。可是,在我的心里还 有很多话想对您说,今天,您就让我以文字的 方式一吐为快吧!妈妈,您别把我当小孩看了。
您的儿子 李明
亲爱的小明: 你好吗? 最近我们吵架了,不再理会对方了。
▪ 那一天,我和你走在上学路上,谈论着老 师布置的一道思考题。我和你有不同意见,发 生了分歧,越争声音越大,后来竟大打出手, 打得两个人都鼻青脸肿。来到教室,老师问: “你们的脸为什么青一块紫一块的?”我们低 着头一声不吭。老师一再追问,我只好说是在 在路上摔了一跤。老师没有责怪我们,让我们 回座位了。我和你谁也没有理谁,只管回到座 位,自己读书。下课以后,看着坐在我前面的 你一直都没有回头看我,我的心中冒起了无名 火:“哼,你不理我,我也不理你,有什么了 不起的。以后就各走各的路。我们不再是兄 弟!”
③正文。这是信的主体,可以分为若干段 来书写。每段第一行空两格。
④祝福语。正文写完后,通常对于对方有 一番祝福的话。以最一般的“此致”、 “敬礼”为例。“此致” 在正文之下另起 一行空两格书写。“敬礼”写在“此致” 的下一行,顶格书写。后应该加上一个惊 叹号,以表示祝颂的诚意和强度。又如 “祝您身体健康”“祝您万事如意”等, “祝您”另起一行空两格,“身体健 康”“万事如意” 则另起一行顶格写。
上述几种场合,可按特殊对象,视情况加上“ 尊敬的”、“敬爱的”、“亲爱的”等修饰词,以 表示敬重或亲密之情。当然,这要用得适宜, 如对好友称“尊敬的”,反而显得见外,对年轻 女性贸然称呼“亲爱的”,那就有失检点了。



刚才大家都说得很好,我觉得王虹要是听到了这些 建议,一定会知道该怎么做了。那么接下来我们赶紧把 自己的这些想法、建议整理好,写出来,给王虹回一封 信吧,相信一定能够帮助到她。写信的时候,一定要把 自己想说的意思写清楚,还要注意书信的格式哦。
我的类似苦恼: 1. 爸爸妈妈不同意我学习小提琴。 2. 爸爸妈妈干涉我交朋友,不让我和学习差的同学在 一起。 3. 爸爸妈妈总是给我安排好一切事情,但是我不喜欢。
写信需要的好词 开头问候:别来无恙 一切安好 好久不见 欣喜至极 结尾祝愿:万事顺意 笑口常开 心想事成 学业有成 沟通理解:将心比心 和好如初 换位思考 心意相通
写信需要的好句 分析原因: 同学们之所以对你有误解,是因为他们不了解 情况。一旦他们知道了真相,问题就很容易解决了。
我对此事的理解: 1. 爸爸妈妈肯定是担心晚上出门不安全,才没让王虹 去参加生日聚会。 2. 爸爸妈妈害怕王虹在这个方面浪费时间耽误了学习。 3. 同学们误会王虹不愿意和他们一起玩,所以才疏远 她,不再邀请她去参加聚会。
小结 修改过的文段整个语言和口吻都亲切起来了,让人 感觉确实是从王虹的角度出发去帮她解决问题的。从一 开始就先适当夸奖了王虹,拉近了彼此之间的距离;接 着在分析问题的时候,不一味说父母的原因,而是揣测 了王虹的心理,充分表达了自己的理解;最后还进行了
1. 称呼:在第一行顶格写,然后要加上一个冒号哦; 2. 正文:另起一行,空两格开始写;
3. 祝愿语:有两种写法——



英语写信作文讲解课件Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing English Letters: Explained Presentation。

Introduction:Welcome to our comprehensive guide on writing English letters. In this presentation, we'll delve into the nuances of crafting effective and articulate letters in English. Whether you're writing a formal business letter, a personal correspondence, or any other type of letter, this guidewill provide you with the necessary insights and tips to ensure your message is conveyed clearly and professionally.1. Understanding the Structure of a Letter:Greeting: Begin your letter with an appropriate salutation, such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]," or "To WhomIt May Concern," depending on the level of formality and your familiarity with the recipient.Body: The body of the letter comprises the main content, where you express your thoughts, concerns, requests, or any other relevant information. Organize your ideas logically and coherently, using paragraphs to separate different points.Closing: Conclude your letter with a courteous closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully," followed by your signature and printed name.2. Tips for Effective Communication:Clarity: Use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively. Avoid using overly complex words or phrases that may confuse the reader.Tone: Consider the tone of your letter, and adapt it to suit the purpose and audience. Whether formal or informal, maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout.Politeness: Always be polite and courteous in your language and tone. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, and avoid any language that could be perceived as rude or offensive.Proofreading: Before sending your letter, carefully proofread it for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.A well-written and error-free letter reflects positively on your professionalism and attention to detail.3. Types of Letters and Their Formats:Formal Letters: Used for business communication, job applications, inquiries, etc. Follow a standard format with a formal tone and language.Informal Letters: Used for personal communication with friends, family, or acquaintances. Can be more casual in tone and language.Business Letters: Include elements such as the sender's address, date, recipient's address, subject line,salutation, body, closing, and signature.Personal Letters: Generally omit the sender's address and include a more personal salutation and content.4. Sample Letter Templates:Formal Business Letter Template:[Include a sample template with placeholders for sender's address, recipient's address, date, subject line, salutation, body, closing, and signature.]Informal Personal Letter Template:[Include a sample template with placeholders for date, recipient's name, salutation, body, closing, and sender's name.]Conclusion:In conclusion, mastering the art of writing Englishletters is essential for effective communication in various contexts. By understanding the structure, tone, and conventions of different types of letters, you can confidently express your thoughts and ideas while maintaining professionalism and courtesy. We hope this guide has been helpful in enhancing your letter-writing skills. Thank you for your attention, and happy writing![End of Presentation]。

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