
Qingdao wurde wieder aufgebaut im Jahr 1988, originalgetreu wiederhergestellt und eröffnet.滕王阁的建筑结构完全按照明代的风格进行复建,整体呈现出典型的明式建筑风格。


第五层是用笔墨展现滕王阁 ___最佳处,苏东坡手书王勃作的千古名篇《滕王阁序》就在其中。

Tengwang Pavilion, one of the four famous buildings in Jiangnan, is located on the banks of the Ganjiang River in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. This tower was built during the Tang Dynasty to commemorate the Tang Dynasty writer Wang Bo. Tengwang Pavilion is not only a landmark building in Nanchang, but also an important heritage of ancient Chinese culture.滕王阁是一座以木结构为主的建筑,采用重檐歇山顶,高达57.5米。
Tengwang Pavilion is a building mainly composed of wooden structures, with double eaves resting on the mountaintop, reaching a height of 57.5 meters. The entire building appears simple and elegant, rich in the style of Tang Dynasty architecture. There are many exquisite carvings and paintings inside the pavilion, showcasing the exquisite techniques of ancient Chinese culture.滕王阁也是中国古代文学的重要载体之一。


滕王阁英文导游词篇一:滕王阁英语导游讲解词Tour-GuidecommentaryonTengwangPaviliondearfriends,welcometoTengwangPavilion.iamthetourguide—Jerryfromthe XingtianxiaTravelagency.i’mdelightedtoshowyouaroundthePaviliontoday. TengwangPavilion,standingbytheGanRiver,isoneofthreefamouspavilionss outhoftheYangtzeRiver.TengwangPavilion’sfamehasbeenspreadfarandwide,duetothemasterpiece,Prefacetothecollecti onofPoems,writtenatTengwangPavilion,authoredbywangBo,oneofthefourf amouspoetsintheearlyTangdynasty. TengwangPavilionwasfirstlybuiltbythegovernorLiYuanying.Heuseditasad ancinghall.BecauseLiYuanyinghadbeenhonoredwiththetitleKingTeng,thep avilionwasthennamedTengwangPavilion.alongthecourseofhistorythepavili onwasrebuiltformanytimes.Thepresentonewasreconstructedandredecorate din1989withthedesignofSongdynastyarchitecturestyle.Themagnificentpav ilionaddstobeautyoftheancientcityofnanchangandattractsthousandsoftouris tsfrombothhomeandabroad.TengwangPavilionis57.5mhighandcoversanareaof13000squaremeters.itsb aseconsistsofa12-meterhightwo-tierplatform,symbolizingtheancientcitywall.abovethisplatformisthemainstructure,consistingofthreevisiblestoriesan dfourinvisibleones.Therefore,althoughitlooksfromtheoutsidethereareonlyt hreestories,infacttherearesevenstoriesinside. Therearefourboardsbeneaththeeavesofthefirstfloor.ontheboardtotheeast,th erearefourwords:marvelous,magnificent,Superb,Unique.asweenterthepavi lionfromthefrontgate,wecanseea4.5-meterlongstainlesssteelcouplet:“The singlewildduckflyingagainstthedriftingsunset;Theautumnwatersharesthec olorofthevastsky”.in thehall,wefirstseeawhite-jaderelief,whosetitleis“Bein gSenttoTengwangPavilionbyaFavorablewind”.inthecentreofthepicturewan gBostandsinthebowoftheboat,sailingthroughhugewaves.Heiseagertoreach Hongdu,350kilometersaway.Seehowhandsomeheis!ontherightofthereliefw ecanseethatwangBoisblockedbyheavywind.Fortunatelyhoweverhegetsthe waterGod’shelp.ThewaterGodtoldhim“TomorrowisthechongyangFestival,therewillb eagrandgatheringinTengwangPavilion.ifyoujoininitandwriteaneulogytothe Pavilion,yournamewillgodowninhistory.”ontheleftoft hereliefwangBoisatt endingthegathering,writingdownthefamousarticle.Thisreliefusesmodernco ncepts,combiningtimeandspace,toplacedifferenttimes,locations,characters ,andstorieswithinasinglepicturetoleadvisitorsintoasilentandattractiveenvir onmentbymeansoftraditionalmoldinganddimlight. ontheabovefloor,wecanappreciatetheintroductionofexcellentpersonsinanci entJiangxi,picturesofnaturalsceneryinJiangxi,theantiquemusicalinstrumentsperformanceandalsoadistanceviewofGanRiver. TengwangPavilionisanelegantculturalpalace.itisaffluentinrelief,inscription s,frescoes,pictures,tablet,coupletandplaque,whichillustratestheancientbrill iantcultureofthechinesenationandreflectsthecharacteristicsofancientciviliz ationinHongdu.well,myfriends,mycommentaryiscomingtoanend.nowi’dliketoleaveyoutofeelandtouchthegreattowerbyyourself.wishyouhaveahap pyandrelaxingtimehere.Thankyou!篇二:滕王阁导游词滕王阁导游词各位游客大家好,今天我带大家参观的景点是与湖南的岳阳楼,湖北的黄鹤楼并称为为“江南三大名楼”有西江第一楼之称的南昌滕王阁。

The biggest asset of an enterprise is people.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)2021年南昌滕王阁导游词范文(精选3篇)南昌滕王阁导游词1各位游客:大家好!欢迎大家来到滕王阁风景区。

南昌滕王阁门票南昌滕王阁导游词中国有句话讲的非常好!有缘千里来相会,无缘对面手难牵!我们相聚在这部车上是我们修来的缘分!我将会用我的优质服务和我的完美讲解为您的江西之旅添砖加瓦!如果大家在旅游过程中有什么需要我提供帮助或者对我的服务有什么不满意的地方请您告诉我,我将尽我全力来为您解决!最后祝大家在江西旅游愉快!(下车以后慢慢进入到景区)我们今天要参观的景点是与湖南的岳阳楼,湖北的黄鹤楼并称为江南三大名楼有西江第一楼之称的南昌滕王阁!现在我们大家跟随我进入到整个景区!现在正对我们的就是滕王阁了!它为仿宋建筑风格,采用明三暗七的建筑风格!始建于唐永徽四年,即公元653年!是唐王朝的开国皇帝—唐高祖李渊的儿子李元婴在当时的洪洲(今南昌)为官期间建造的!当时建造这个建筑的目的就是为了满足李元婴吃喝玩乐,欣赏歌舞!此人在离开洪洲到山东时被封为滕阁,故这个建筑就被命为滕王阁!它的高度为57.5米,由于历史上的原因(战争,火灾等),我们现在所看到的是重建成于1989年重阳节的第29代滕王阁,!在重建时主要参考了梁启超的儿子梁思成所绘制的八副重建滕王阁计划草图并参照了宋代的李明仲的营造法式!滕王阁序使其在历史的长河中没有被历史忘记,滕王阁又使滕王阁序在实在的载体中不断流传!从远处看,滕王阁和它的压江挹翠两亭象中国的”山”字,从空中俯瞰,滕王阁又象一只展翅欲飞的大鹏!有可能大家有点疑问,为什么我们江南三大名楼中湖南的岳阳楼,湖北的黄鹤楼都是楼,为什么我们这里被称为阁?答案就在我们的面前!大家请注意,在这个建筑下面有象征古城墙的两层,高度为12米!平地起高楼,我们这里的建筑是在这两层上建筑,所以就被称为阁了!这两层的台阶有89个,寓意着是在1989年重建!如果您有兴趣可以数数看!(1楼门口)大家现在看到的”落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”是毛主席同志的亲笔手书,在重建滕王阁的时候送给我们江西!__在1989年和1989年来我们这里参观时,在这里久久观赏,并和我们的导游员一起吟诵了滕王阁序!(进入到1楼)现在我们到的位置就是这个建筑的第三层,也是我们滕王阁的序厅! 请看我们的正前方,有一幅汉白玉浮雕时来风送滕王阁,是根据明朝的冯梦龙的醒世恒言中的名篇马当神风送滕王阁而创作的!它将不同的时间空间人物和故事集合在同一个画面上,体现出历史的厚重!它主要介绍我们滕王阁的来由!描写的是与杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王号称“初唐四杰”的王勃在前往当时的交趾(现在的越南)探望被贬职的父亲在江西马当山处遇到大风,幸遇中原水神的帮助而抵到当时的洪洲,在不明白当时举办滕王阁高会主要目的(阎都督准备在此会上炫耀其女婿的文才)而在众人的半推半就中写下了生命的绝唱腾王阁序! 王勃写完这个诗文离开洪洲在海上就遇海难! 王勃作序后,又有王仲舒作记,王绪作赋,历史上称为“三王文章"。

我们现在所看到的是重建成于1989年重阳节的第29代滕王阁,! 现在我们来到了大门口,大家看,滕王阁青瓦红柱,飞檐走壁,雄伟壮观。
拾级而上,我们来到了一楼的门口,大家现在看到的“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”是毛主席的亲笔手书,在重建滕王阁的时候送给我们江西! 我们进入一楼,现在我们到的位置就是这个建筑的第三层,也是我们滕王阁的序厅! 我们的正前方,有一幅汉白玉浮雕时来风送滕王阁,它主要介绍我们滕王阁的来由! 大家跟我上2楼,现在我们来到就是第4层“人杰厅”!这里主要描绘的是江西从先秦以来的历代名人! 共有80位!虽然他们的时代,服饰,地位,年纪,职业,性格和人品不同,但和谐的统一在同一画面!我们到的3楼是明层.是第五层!在中厅有壁画临川梦 ,在公元1599年, 汤显祖首次在滕王阁排演了牡丹亭这出戏,开创了滕王阁上演戏曲的先河!滕王阁从此由一个歌舞戏台变成戏曲舞台 4楼是地灵亭,我们到的第6层!主要是我们江西的闻名的7山1水! 7山一水从左至右分别是江西大庾岭梅关,龟峰,三清山,龙虎山,井冈山,庐山,鄱阳湖,石钟山! 我们现在所处的位置是中厅,大家看到的《滕王阁序》,就是这篇诗文使滕王阁名扬千古。





接下来是我为大家整理的关于南昌滕王阁英语(导游词),便利大家阅读与鉴赏!南昌滕王阁英语导游词1Sunset and lone flocks fly together, autumn water grows in the same color in the sky. this is an eternal sentence that I will recite long ago. This summer vacation, I went back to my hometown Nanchang, and finally got a chance to board the famous Tengwang Pavilion.Tengwang pavilion was first built in Tang Dynasty. It has been destroyed and built for more than a thousand years. Up to now, it has been built 28 times. It is said that prosperity of the country means prosperity of the building.. Tengwang pavilion has unique architectural features, with the momentum of flying Pavilion, flowing elixir, facing no land. Therefore, it is famous all over the world and well known by the public, attracting many celebrities to visit here and recite poems. Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion broke through the sky and made a great success. It has won the favor of more than ten generations and is regarded as a rare masterpiece through the ages. Han Yu, a litterateur, wrote: the south of the Yangtze River is full of beauty, and Tengwang Pavilion is the first, which is called magnificent and unique. Therefore, it has the reputation of the first building in Jiangxi. Because its height and area are better than other lofts, it is listed as the first of the three famous buildings in Jiangnan.The basement of Tengwang Pavilion is divided into nine floors. Each floor has more than ten eaves, which are tilted upward. It looks like a lone duck spreading its wings to fly. Entering the attic is like being in an art palace with the theme of Tengwang Pavilion. In the main hall on the first floor, there is a large-scale white jade relief when the wind comes to send tengwangge, which shows Wang Bos preface to tengwangge, skillfully integrates the moving legend of tengwangge with historical facts. The main hall on the second floor is a large-scale meticulous heavy color mural portrait of outstanding people, which depicts 80 Jiangxi celebrities from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. This is as the acme of perfection, the fourth floor of the Jiangxi mountain and the earths soul. The fifth layer is the best place to show the history of tengwangge with pen and ink, in which the famous preface to tengwangge written by Wang Bo written by Su Dongpo. When you climb to the top floor, you can feel the river flowing through the bottom of the building. Although you dont see the magnificent scenery of sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water is the same color in the sky, you can get a panoramic view of the whole Nanchang City: the straight and majestic Bayi Bridge, the wide and beautiful Qiushui Square, and the high-rise and modern Honggutan Development Zone This is my hometown of outstanding people!The magnificent Tengwang Pavilion is changing with each passing day. You will witness the take-off of Nanchang, the ancient city. I wish you always beautiful!南昌滕王阁英语导游词2Dear members, we have come to Tengwang Pavilion, the most famous historical scenic spot in Jiangxi Province. Together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and Yellow Crane Tower inHubei Province, Tengwang Pavilion is known as the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. Now please follow my steps to appreciate the first floor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built in 653 A.D. when Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, was appointed as the governor of Hongzhou. It is the only royal building in the south. Because Teng King Li Yuanying was granted the title of Tengzhou in Zhenguan years, he became Teng king. He built a loft in Tengzhou and named it Tengwang Pavilion. Later, he transferred to Hongzhou in Jiangnan and built a powerful Pavilion, which is still called Tengwang Pavilion. This is also known as Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi. The Tengwang pavilion that we can see at a glance is three stories, but in fact it is nine stories. Why is this? In fact, it is an imitation of Song Dynasty architectural style, adopting the architectural style of three bright and seven dark. The so-called three bright and seven dark means that from the outside, there are only three storeys with cloisters. In fact, there are seven storeys inside, plus two basements, a total of nine storeys. Zhenzhen is an ancient mansion. In 1942, the reason why Tengwang Pavilion today is a Song Dynasty style building was that Mr. Liang Sicheng, a master of ancient architecture, together with his disciple Mo Zongjiang, drew eight plans for rebuilding Tengwang Pavilion according to the Old Song Dynasty paintings of Tianlai Pavilion. In the 29th reconstruction, the architects used this as a basis. On the occasion of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the 29th reconstruction of Tengwang pavilion was successfully completed on October 8, 1989 on the Double Ninth Festival, which not only adds luster to the ancient city Nanchang, but also attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists with its unique charm. Tengwang Pavilion is the pride of Nanchang, the symbol of the ancient civilization of Yuzhang, and the treasure of the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.Now we come to the gate, the green tiles and red pillars of Tengwang pavilion are magnificent. The roaring lions on both sides hold their heads up and shake their tails, lifelike. It fully shows the style of the famous building. After stepping on the stone steps, we came to the gate on the first floor, and entered the pavilion from the main gate of dongbaoxia. A4.5-meter-long stainless steel arch couplet was hung on the red column in front of the gate: sunset and lone ducks fly together, autumn water grows in the same color.. This was written by Comrade Mao Zedong in his lifetime. This is one of the reasons why tengwangge, a famous poet in the early Tang Dynasty Wang Bos preface to tengwangge, is so popular. Step into the first floor. The first floor is the third floor of Tengwang Pavilion, which is the preface hall. What is on display here is a white jade relief work when the wind comes to send Tengwang Pavilion, which is created according to the story of the famous piece when the wind comes to send Tengwang Pavilion in Ming Dynasty Feng Menglongs Xingshi Hengyan. It records the origin of Tengwang Pavilion in the form of relief.On the second floor, there is a dark layer. The theme of this layers furnishings is outstanding people. On the walls of the main hall, there is a large acrylic mural outstanding people, 2.55 meters high, It is more than 20 meters long and vividly depicts Jiangxi celebrities from pre Qin to the end of Ming Dynasty. Although these people are different in times, costumes, status, age, occupation, quality and personality, they are harmoniously united in the same picture.Now we arrive at the third floor, which is a Ming floor surrounded by corridors, and also an important level in the pavilion. Under the eaves, there are four huge gold lettered plaques, all of which were designed by Cai Shiying when herebuilt Tengwang Pavilion. On both sides of the east hall are luanqia ritual vessels. On the north side of the hall are Jiangxi craft exhibits famous for natural treasures. The North ear hall is a teahouse, which is a place for tea and rest in the pavilion. There is a 2.8m × 5.5m acrylic mural Linchuan dream on the screen wall of the central hall, which is based on the story of Tang Xianzu rehearsing Peony Pavilion in Tengwang Pavilion. In 1599, Tang Xianzu rehearsed Peony Pavilion in tengwangge for the first time, creating a precedent for tengwangge to perform opera. From then on, tengwangge changed from singing and dancing stage to opera stage. Then come to the fourth floor. The fourth floor is similar to the second floor, which is also a dark floor. This layer mainly reflects the theme of Earth Spirit. On the walls of the main hall, the wall is now in the land map, which reflects the essence of Jiangxis well-known mountains and rivers.On the fifth floor, we can see that on the central screen wall of the central hall, there is a stele of Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which is made of brass plate. It is nearly 10 square meters. It is written by Su Dongpo. After being copied and enlarged, it is hand carved by craftsmen. On the east wall of the West Hall, there is a polished lacquer painting the painting of a hundred butterflies and flowers. This theme is selected in memory of Li Yuanying, the king of Teng, for his love and painting of butterflies. The fifth floor is also the highest bright floor, the best place to climb the range rover. Here you can go to the corridor to experience the beautiful scenery of sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water growing in the sky.Finally, on the sixth floor, which is actually the ninth floor, we can see the West Hall, which is called antique exhibition hall. It is a small stage. There are extremelyprecious copies of ancient musical instruments on the stage, implying the meaning of singing and dancing. On the three walls of the hall, there is a large-scale Tri Color mural of the Tang Dynasty, dance music of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, there are singing and dancing performances on this floor. You can watch large-scale artistic performances here.Well, members of the group, so far my explanation is over. You can seize the time to visit the scenic spots you are interested in. In an hour, we will gather at the exit of the first floor to go to the next scenic spot. I hope you can have a good memory in Tengwang Pavilion.南昌滕王阁英语导游词3Welcome to tengwangge scenic area. Im glad to be your guide!Tengwang Pavilion is located at the junction of Ganjiang River and Fuhe River, Yanjiang North Road, Nanchang city. In the fourth year of Yonghui in Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanying, the king of Teng, built it when he was an official in Hongzhou (now Nanchang), so it is called Tengwang Pavilion. It is famous for Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion. Together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei, they are known as the three famous towers in Jiangnan.What we are seeing now is the 29th generation tengwangge, which was rebuilt on the Double Ninth Festival in 1989,!Now we come to the gate. Look at the green tiles and red pillars of Tengwang Pavilion. They are magnificent. The roaring lions on both sides hold their heads up and shake their tails, lifelike. It fully shows the style of the famous building.As we ascended the stairs, we came to the gate of the first floor. What you can see now is that the sunset and the lone ducks are flying together, and the autumn water is the same color in the sky written by Chairman Mao himself. It was given to us in Jiangxi when the Tengwang pavilion was rebuilt!We went to the first floor, and now were thereThe location is the third floor of the building, and it is also the preface hall of our Tengwang Pavilion. Right in front of us, there is a white marble relief, which mainly introduces the origin of our Tengwang Pavilion!Come up to the second floor with me, and now we come to the fourth floor Renjie hall! It mainly depicts the celebrities of Jiangxi since the pre Qin period! There are 80 people in total! Although their times, costumes, status, age, occupation, personality and personality are different, they are harmoniously unified in the same picture!The third floor we went to is the Ming floor. Its the fifth floor! There is a mural Linchuan dream in the central hall. In 1599, Tang Xianzu rehearsed the play Peony Pavilion for the first time in Tengwang Pavilion, creating a precedent for Tengwang pavilion to perform opera. Tengwang pavilion has since become an opera stage from a song and dance stageThe fourth floor is dilingting, the sixth floor we went to! Its mainly our famous seven mountains and one water in Jiangxi Province! From left to right, they are Meiguan, Guifeng, Sanqingshan, Longhushan, Jinggangshan, Lushan, Poyang Lake and shizhongshan in Jiangxi Province!We are now in the middle hall,You can see the preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which makes Tengwang Pavilion famous for thousands of years. Lets go to the West Hall and have a look. The painting of a hundred butterflies and flowers on the wall is in memory of Li Yuanying, who likes art. Its a polished lacquer painting. The fifth floor is also the best place for climbing and sightseeing. Lets go to the corridor with me to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Here, you can experience the artistic conception of sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water growing in the same color.We are now on the sixth floor, which is also the highest floor where we go. There are singing and dancing performances. Now you can watch large-scale artistic performances.At the end of my introduction, please have a rest while enjoying the program. Thank you.南昌滕王阁英语导游词4Hello everyone! Welcome to Nanchang. Im wang zuorei, the tour guide. Next, I will show you the scenic spots of Tengwang Pavilion.Do you know the origin of Tengwang pavilion? By the way, Tengwang Pavilion is the first floor of Xijiang River. Together with yellow crane tower and Yueyang Tower, it is known as the three famous towers.Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hongzhou. Hongzhou refers to Nanchang now. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted the title of Teng Wang. Of course, the loft he built was named after his title, so it wascalled Teng Wang Pavilion. It has been more than 1300 years since Tengwang pavilion was first built. In the past thousand years, it has been up to 29 times of alternation. The foundation was laid in 1983, the ground was broken in 1985, and the main Pavilion of Chongyang Festival was completed on October 8, 1989. Now we can see the plaque of Tengwang Pavilion is the cursive calligraphy of huaisu, the calligrapher of Song Dynasty, which is known as the first cursive plaque in the world. These four words highly summarize the unique features of Tengwang Pavilion. It is taken from Han Yus poem when I was young, I heard the beauty of Jiangnan, and Tengwang Pavilion is the first, which is called magnificent and unique. Therefore, Tengwang pavilion has the reputation of the first floor of Xijiang River .Now we are going to visit the main Pavilion of Tengwang Pavilion. Please pay attention to your safety when you play. Dont stick your head out of the railing; dont climb. We will gather at tengwangge at 12:00 noon. Tengwang pavilion has 89 steps, which means: the 29 generation Tengwang pavilion was rebuilt in 1989, and 89 refers to this time. The main Pavilion of Tengwang Pavilion is 57.5 meters high and has nine floors, but now you can see only three floors! How can it become nine floors?This is because the structure of Tengwang Pavilion is bright three dark seven, plus two base, is nine. On both sides of the main Pavilion, there are two pavilions named Yajiang and yicui. If you look at Tengwang pavilion from a high altitude, you will find that it looks like a giant Kunpeng trying to spread its wings. Well, Ive finished my introduction. Please continue to watch if you havent finished. Now its disbanded!南昌滕王阁英语导游词5Dear guestshello everyoneThere are so many pavilions in the south of the Yangtze River. Why are these three buildings called the three famous pavilions in the south of the Yangtze River? Whats their unique charm? Here, I want to make a statement that they are not named because of the exquisite architecture itself, nor because of the purpose of their construction. They are all famous for the same reason - each for an article. For example, the Yellow Crane Tower is due to Cui Haos poem the Yellow Crane Tower, which is not as good as Li Bais. Yueyang Tower is due to Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower, which is first worried about the world, then happy about the world. Tengwang Pavilion is no exception. It is famous for Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion.Have you ever been to the other two of the three famous buildings in Jiangnan? Ah, my friend, have you ever been to the Tengwang pavilion? Do you think there is any difference between the Tengwang Pavilion and them? Oh, the Tengwang Pavilion is bigger and more magnificent than the other two buildings. Yes, my friends, have you found out that the Yellow Crane Tower and Yueyang Tower are all about towers, while the only Tengwang Pavilion is about pavilions. At this point, I have to tell you the difference between this building and the pavilion. Lets take the three famous buildings as examples. The typical difference between this building and the pavilion is that the building rises from the ground, and the pavilion has a base, so the pavilion looks very magnificent; And this pavilion is not like a building - you can build it if you have money, and the identity of the person who built it is also very important. You must be the prince and grandson. Who is the prince and grandson who built Tengwang pavilion? I think everyone wantsto know. Dont worry. Listen to Xiao x slowly.Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hongzhou, which refers to Nanchang now. Li Yuanying was born in the imperial family. Because of the influence of court art, he loved painting, singing, dancing and butterflies very much. So when he was transferred from Suzhou to Hongzhou as governor, he brought a group of Kabuki from Suzhou to enjoy himself in the governors house all day. He suggested: governor, since you like listening to music and enjoying dancing so much, why dont you build a house by the river Gao Ge, in this way, you can not only enjoy the scenery, but also enjoy the music of singing and dancing. Why not? After listening to Li Yuanying, he thought this idea was very good, so he adopted it. Thats why Li Yuanying built a high Pavilion here. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted the title of King Teng. Of course, the pavilion he built was named after his title, so it was called Tengwang Pavilion.It has been more than 1300 years since the construction of Tengwang Pavilion. In the past thousand years, he has been up and down for 29 times. As we all know, Li Yuanying is a romantic prince. The pavilion he built was not worth mentioning, but why can it be spread from now on? If you have heard such a sentence: Tengwang, if you know it, you should be relieved that the Millennium Pavilion is still there. It is not difficult to find out the relationship between the king of Teng and the pavilion. The king of Teng has been handed down through the ages because of the pavilion. Maybe you will be puzzled again. Whats the reason that the pavilion is spread from today? I still remember what Xiao x told you just now about Wang Bos (preface to Tengwang Pavilion). This pavilion is spread from today because of Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion.The Tengwang Pavilion we see now is the 29th reconstruction. It laid the foundation in 1983, broke the ground in 1985, and opened to the outside world on October 8, 1989. The main Pavilion is 57 high. Five meters, there are nine floors. Which nine floors? The two-layer base is built according to the form of three bright and seven dark, so we can only see three floors on the outside, but there are actually seven floors on the inside, three bright and three dark, plus one equipment floor. There are two pavilions on both sides of the main Pavilion, Yajiang and yicui. Maybe you dont think there is anything special between the main Pavilion and the two pavilions. But if we overlook Tengwang pavilion from high altitude, it looks like a giant Kunpeng who is about to fly high. When you go back by plane, you can see if Xiao x is right and there is a big Kunpeng.When you look up, you can see the plaque of Tengwang Pavilion inscribed by Su Dongpo, a calligrapher of Song Dynasty. If you look down, I dont know if anyone can see the plaque of wild grass. Those who have studied wild grass can be of great use now. You can guess. There are four characters. En, its hard to guess. Xiao x will tell you that you should remember them well. These four characters are magnificent and unique. They are the cursive calligraphy of huaisu, a calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, and are known as the first cursive tablet in the world. These four characters highly summarize the unique features of tengwangge, which are taken from Han Yus poem Yu Shaoshi Tengwang Pavilion is the first one in Jiangnan, which is known as the first building of Xijiang.南昌滕王阁英语导游词。


滕王阁英⽂介绍带翻译滕王阁英⽂介绍带翻译engwang Pavilion has long been ranked first among the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River. Standing by the North Fuhe Avenue in Nanchang, the magnificent pavilion is located at the convergent point of Ganjiang River and the old Fu River, taking the city as its background and the river as its mirror. Its splendor and majesty was lauded by Wang Bo, the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty, in one of his masterpieces, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and thus has been famous throughout the world as well as maintained the glory with the years going. Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular among the mass that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Named after the pavilion, the masterpiece in turn brought to the architecture high reputation to enduring the historical baptism.Tenwang Pavilion was initially built by Li Yuanying in 653 (the fourth year of the Yonghui Reign in Tang Dynasty), when he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Hongzhou. As one of the sons of Li Yuan, the first emperor in Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanying had grown in a monarch home and nourished by the royalty elegance.He “mastered in painting, calligraphy and music and was fascinated by the natural beauty,frequently indulging himself in the balmy isles and gorgeous boats, which had reached the summit of the prosperity at that time”. (Narration for the Rebuilding of Tenwang Pavilion written by Chen Wenzhu in Ming Dynasty). According to history records, as the former inspector of Suzhou, Li Yuanying had brought a group of singing and dancing artists from Suzhou to Hongzhou, when he was transferred to be a commander- in – chief there, and immerged in banquets and amusements all day long. Later, he specially built the pavilion by the river to enjoy the pleasure and merry in the music and dance, thus the pavilion taken the name of Tengwang that was a title awarded to him in Zhenguan Reign.滕王阁,与黄鹤楼,岳阳楼并称江南三⼤名楼。

The Pavilion of King TengKing Teng, the 22nd son of the Emperor Tang Liyuan, was appointed as the General Governor of Jiangxi region in the year of AC 653. He constructed this pavilion by the river. It became a good place to entertainment the guest for the royal and the wealthy at that time. The pavilion has been destroyed and rebuilt as many as 28 times, now the building show to you is the 29th outcome of reconstruction in the year of 1989, followed the design of great architect Liang Sicheng. The pavilion was built on the a 12-meter base, on the first floor of the pavilion,there is a huge white marble relief sculpture on the wall, telling the story of poet Wang Bo. On his way to visiting his father, he was stranded and delayed during the journey, the God of water came to him, and helped him get to Nanchang in amazing speed, thanks to the power and kindness of the God, he occasionally attended the grand party held in new King Teng pavilion, and wrote the Master Piece there.The 2nd floor, there is huge wall painting named Ren Jie Tu, the picture is a collection of 80 remarkable and intelligent people in Jiangxi region in the past thousands of years. In correspondence to it, there is a painting named De ling Tu on the 3rd floor, it depicts the splendid mountains and rivers in Jiangxi.It is just as shinning and bright as a crystal in Nanchang, attracting people all over the world.。
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Tour-Guide Commentary on Tengwang Pavilion Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Tengwang Pavilion. I am your tour guide from the International Travel Agency. My name is Li Li and I am delighted to be able to show you around the Pavilion today.Tengwang pavilion, standing by the Gan River, is one of three famous pavilions south of the Y angtze River. Tengwang Pavilion’s fame of has been spread far and wide, due to the masterpiece, Preface to the Collection of Poems Written at Tengwang Pavilion, authored by Wang Bo, one of the four famous poets in the early Tang Dynasty. These poems, and the Pavilion itself, which are the favourites of thousands and thousands of people, have both proved immortal. The present pavilion, the twenty-ninth reconstruction, was completed in 1989, the year of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. This magnificent pavilion adds to beauty of the ancient City of Nanchang and attracts thousands and thousands of tourists from both home and abroad.It is recorded that, in 652 A.D., when Li Yuanying was transferred from Suzhou to Hongzhou as the governor, he brought a group of dancers to Hongzhou, so that he could enjoy their dancing in his palace. Later he ordered that a pavilion be built by the river, as a place for dancing. Because Li Yuanying had been honored with the title King Teng, the pavilion was named Tengwang Pavilion. The present Pavilion is a replica, in the style of the Song Dynasty. Song Dynasty buildings were an extension and development of those in the Tang Dynasty. Pavilions built in the Song Dynasty display the best of ancient architecture. The design of the present Pavilion is an extension of this Song Dynasty architecture.Now let us enter the Pavilion’s garden through the east gate. First we see this colourfully decorated Song-style archway, supported by two poles. On the front of the archway there are two horizontal boards with these words written in gold: “Autumn Wind Blowing Through the Pavilion” on the eastern board, and “Numerous Friends Like Sea of Clouds” on the western. Passing through the archway, we come to the East Gate. Over the front of the gate there is a horizontal board with these words written in gold: “Seen in Fog, the Administrative Districts Are Arranged in Order”. And over the West Gate there is another board with words, also written in gold: “Connecting Mt. Heng and Mt. Lu”. On either side of the gate is the ancient street where there are many stores in which we can buy different things, such as paintings, antiquities, arts and crafts, and souvenirs.Tengwang Pavilion is 57.5m high and covers an area of 13,000square meters. Its base consists of a 12-meter-high two-tier platform, symbolising the ancient city wall. Above this platform is the main structure, consisting of three visible storeys and four invisible ones. So that, although it looks from the outside as though there are only three stories, in fact there are seven stories inside.Beneath the eaves of the first floor, there are four boards. On the board to the east is written: “Marvelous, Magnificent, Superb, Unique ”. On the board to the west:“No Land But Water Below”. On the south: “Facing the River”. And on the north: “Surrounded by Lakes”.As we enter the pavilion from the front gate, we can see a 4.5-meter-long c ouplet made of stainless steel: “The single wild duck is flying against the drifting sunset clouds; the autumn water shares the color of the vast sky”, this is Chairman Mao’s handwriting. When Comrade Jiang Zemin visited the pavilion in 1989 and 1996, he paused in front of the couplet, written by Wang Bo, and recited it together with the guide. In the hall, we first see a white-jade relief, whose title is “Being Sent to Tengwang Pavilion by a Favorable Wind”. In the centre of the picture Wang Bo stands in the bow of the boat, sailing through huge waves. He is eager to reach Hongdu, 350 kilometers away. See how handsome he is! On the right of the relief we can see that Wang Bo is blocked by heavy wind. Fortunately however he gets the Water God’s help. The Water God told him “Tomorrow is the Chongyang Festival, there will be a grand gathering in Tengwang Pavilion. If you can join in it and write an eulogy to the Pavilion, your name will go down in history.” On the left of the relief Wang Bo is attending the gathering, writing down the famous article.This relief uses modern concepts, combining time and space, to place different times, locations, characters, and stories within a single picture. So leading visitors into a silent and attractive environment by means of traditional molding and dim light.The West Hall on the first floor is the biggest in the pavilion. A one-twenty-fifth scale copper model of Tengwang Pavilion is displayed here, so the hall is also called “A Pavilion within the Pavilion”. The model’s p latform is made of white rock from Guilin, and the model itself was made at the Jiangxi Copper Arts and Crafts Factory. Many couplets, written by famous people, also hang in this hall.Invisible from the outside, the second floor makes use of artificial light and ventilation. “Excellent Persons” is the theme of the display on this floor. On the main wall we see the “Mural of Excellent Persons”, 2.55 meters high and 20 meters long. Depicted are famous persons of Jiangxi Province from the Qin Dynasty (221 BC) to the Qing Dynasty (1911 AD). Though they come from different dynasties, wear different clothes, have different social positions, are old and young, do different jobs, and have different characters, all the figures co-exist harmoniously in the one picture. The mural displays the heroic atmosphere of the great Chinese Nation. All the figures are painted vividly with a tone of elegance.On the either side of the main hall are the Guest Room and Small Meeting Room respectively. Over the entrance to the West Hall is a golden board with words “Heroes like Numerous Stars”, which matches the “Mural of Excellent Persons” very well. Also displayed in the west hall are some pictures of leaders of the Party and of the country, such as Jiang Zemin and Li Peng, who have visited the pavilion since its construction.The third floor is an open one with corridor around it. Beneath the eaves there are four huge boards, each of which is 1.5 meters by 4.5 meters. On the board facingthe east are the words “Rivers and Mountains Coming into Sight”. On the West: “River and Sky Looking Clear after Raining”. On the south: “Sleeping with Drifting Clouds”. And on the north: “Morning Bringing in Fresh Air”. In the east hall are displayed some things used to protect the emperor when he travelled, such as a crescent-moon spear and a dragon and phoenix screen, which were made in Suzhou. In the south hall are displayed arts and crafts produced in Jiangxi called “Abundant Materials and Treasured Products”. There is a tea-house in the North Hall, where visitors can enjoy tea and have a short rest.In the Central Hall is a huge picture “Dream of Linchuan”, 2.8m by 5.5m, based on Peony Pavilion written by Tang Xianzu, in 1599. Tang Xianzu showed his drama Peony Pavilion here starting the gradual change of Tengwang Pavilion from a stage for dancing into a stage for drama.The fourth floor, like the second, is invisible from outside. This floor’s theme is reflecting “Splendid Geography”. On the front wall is a picture of “Splendid Geography”, showing the elements of the natural scenery of Jiangxi’s mountains and rivers. From south to north the picture depicts: Dayuling’s Meiguan, Yiyang’s Peak Gui, Shangrao’s Sanqingshan, Yingtan’s Dragon-and-tiger Mountain, Mt. Jinggang, Mt. Lu, Poyang Lake, and Mt. Shizhong.Like the third floor, the fifth floor is open, with corridor around it. It is the best place for visitors to climb to for a distant view, express their feelings and make friends by sharing what they have written. There are four boards beneath the eaves. All the words on the boards are adopted from the article written by Wang Bo. On the east board is written: “To the East Lies Zhejiang Province ”. On the south: “To the South Is the Deep Ocean”. On the west: “To the West Are the Uncivilized Areas”. And on the north: “To the North Stands the Magnificent Capital”.In the east hall the model of Tengwang Pavilion’s panorama is exhibited. On the west there are two huge porcelain frescoes, both of which are 2.6m by 2m. The one to the left is called “Attracting Phoenix by Fluting”. The one to the right, “Waiting to Cross the River at Xishan Ferry”. In the central hall there is a bronze tablet on which Wang Bo’s Preface to the Collection of Poems Written at Tengwang Pavilion is engraved. The handwriting is Su Dongpo’s, enlarged by craftsmen to 10 square meters.Visitors cannot go higher than the sixth floor. Beneath the east and west eaves of this floor there are boards carrying the words “Tengwang Pavilion”, originally written by Su Dongpo. Though it is invisible outside, the sixth floor is bright enough inside because the designers used lattice windows for the walls. There seems to be no difference between the visible floor and the invisible floor, when viewed from outside.On the sixth floor visitors can enjoy a performance which re-creates music played on ancient instruments, as well as different frescoes. Displayed here are objects of deep cultural importance, illustrating the ancient and brilliant culture of the Chinese Nation, and reflecting the characteristics of ancient civilization inHongdu. Tengwang Pavilion is an elegant cultural palace, worthy of appreciation.Ladies and gentlemen, our visit is now at its end. Thank you for your cooperation. I hope you will come here again sometime. If you do, I will be glad to be your guide again.。