一.问候对方(一)外线电话之问候External Call1.向对方问好.Address the caller.例: 你好. Good morning / afternoon/ evening2.说出酒店名称.Identify the hotel.例:中国大酒店. China Hotel3.表明自己身份.Identify yourself例:我是丽莎. Lisa speaking.4.提出帮助.Offer help例:我可以帮你什么忙呢? May I help you?(二)内线电话之问候. Internal call1.向对方问好.Address the caller.例:你好. Good morning /afternoon /evening. 2.介绍你自己的部门/部分.Identify your department /section.例: 食街/询问处. Food Street / Information.3.介绍你自己Identify yourself.例: 我是丽莎. Lisa speaking.4.提出帮助.Offer help.例: 我可以帮你什么忙呢? May I help you?二.电话转线.TRANSFER CALL1.告诉对方你的意向.Tell the caller of your action.例: 请稍等,我帮您将电话转给陈先生.One moment please, I’ll connect you to Mr.Chen.2.如果等回话时间超过30秒应向对方道歉.Apologize for the time lap if the line has been held for 30 seconds. 例:对不起.让您久等了.Sorry to have kept you waiting.3.告诉对方情况.Reassure the caller.例: 电话正在使用,您是否再等一会或者留下一个口信呢?The line is busy .Would you like to hold the line or leave a message?4.若对方再次要求尝试再转线.Transfer again if the caller insists.例: 请稍等,我会帮您再转线的.Certainly, sir.Please hold on and I’ll transfer for you again.三.当对方要找的人不在时.WHEN THE EXPECTED PERSON IS OUT……1.留下对方的姓名. Get the caller’s name.例: 请问贵姓? May I know who’s calling?2.向对方作出解释,并提出帮助.Explain the situation and offer help.例: 陈先生,对不起,冼小姐暂时不在,但她会很快回来,您是否等一会或留下口信呢?Mr.Chen,I’m sorry .Ms Sin is not around but she will be back soon .Would you like to hold the line or leave a message?3.如若要找的人短时间内将不会再回来,我们便应提出帮助.If the expected person will not be back soon , offer help.例: 陈先生,对不起,冼小姐正在开会,我恐怕她可能短时间内不回来了,我是她的助手,有什么我可以帮忙的?Mr.Chen,I’m sorry .Mr.Sin is in a meeting now and I’m afraid she won’t be back for a while I’m Lisa ,her assistant, is there anything I can do for you ?4.小心聆听并记录下来.Listen carefully, and take the note.5.不要打断客人的说话,但须作适当的回应,表示你在聆听.Do not interrupt the caller. Just give response to show that you’re listening.例: 是的,太太.Y es, madam.6.当你听不清楚对方的讲话时,便应有礼貌地要求客人重复.If you can’t hear clearly, request the caller to repeat.例: 陈先生,对不起,可否再讲多一次呢?Mr.Chen, I’m sorry. I beg your pardon.7.当对方讲完时,应重复一次记录.When the caller finishes, REPEAT the message.例:陈先生,我可以重复一下您刚才所讲的话吗?……是这样吗?Mr.Chen, may I repeat the message to you ?……Is that correct?四.挂线. CLOSING CALL1.问对方是否有其他的要求.Ask if the caller has any other request.例: 陈先生,是否还有其他事情?Mr.Chen, will that be all?2.如果对方留了口信,应令对方确定下来.If the caller has a message, assure him / her.例:我会把您的口信给冼小姐.I’ll pass your message to Ms.Sin.3.向对方道别.Farewell.例: 再见,多谢你的来电,祝您有愉快的一天.Goodbye. Thank you for calling .Have a nice day.五.电话应对时应做的……DOS1.显示出欢悦的声音.Put a smile into your voice.2.讲话应该清楚.Be concise.3.保持镇静,有礼且乐于助人.Remain Calm, polite and helpful.4.用姓氏称呼对方.Address by last name at all time.5.保持一种轻松的语调.Maintain a pleasant tone.6.记住多讲“请”, “多谢”,“对不起”.Remember PLEASE, THANK YOU and EXCUSE ME.7.注意你讲话的姿势.Mind your talking posture.8.在电话旁边常放有纸.笔.Keep paper and pen beside telephone.9.被咨询时,大方地告诉来电者你的姓名.Give your name to the caller upon request.10.等候时间不超过1分钟.Hold call for maximum one minute.六.电话应对时不应该做的.DON’TS1.当你讲电话时不能吃东西.Don’t eat while you’re talking.2.不能一面讲电话,一面和身边的人交谈.Don’t talk to people around while you’re using the phone.3.不能问对方太多问题,而后才告诉对方所要找的人不在.Don’t ask the caller a lot of information, then inform him/ her that the expected person is out.4.不能把对方转到其他地方寻求帮助.Don’t direct the caller to get the assistance elsewhere.5.不能总是讲OK.我没办法.我不知道.Don’t say OK, I’VE NO IDEA and DON’T KNOW.6.不能没有回应.Don’t give no response.7.就算对方先发火,我们也不能发火.Don’t lose your temper even if the caller loses his / hers.8.收线时,不能将话筒大力放下. Don’t bang the phone.。
酒店总机常用服务英语Operator 总机A. Transfer the call 转接电话1) If you need outside call, please dial “9” first, and then the number.要打外线的话,请先拨“9”,然后拨电话号码。
2) One moment, please. 请稍等。
3) Would you like to wait?您愿意等会吗?4) I’ll switch you to room 1501. 我给您转到1501房。
5) The line is busy, would you mind calling back later?电话占线,您待会再打来吗?6) I’ll transfer your call, You hold the line, please. 我给您转,请别挂机。
7) I’ll connect you to Mr. Smith’s room straight away.我会把您的电话直接接到史密斯先生房间。
8) Just a moment, sir. I’ll put you through. 稍等会,我替您接过去。
9) You’re through / The line is free. 线通了。
10) May I tell him who is calling?能告诉我谁的打电话给他吗?11) I’m afraid I cannot transfer calls from the house phone. Could you dial the number directly, please.我恐怕我不能直接转房间之间的电话,请直接拨。
12) Mr. Smith, someone wants to speak to you.史密斯先生,有人打电话给您。
13) Would you like me to place the call for you? 您想接这个电话吗?B. Take a message 留言1) I’m sorry, sir. Mr. Smith is not in, would you like to take a message to him?对不起,先生,史密斯先生不在,您需要留口信吗?2) Shall I ask him to return your call?我要请他回您电话吗?3) I’m afraid we can only take simple messages.抱歉,我们只能转达简短的口信。
酒店总机常用英语口语对于一个国际化酒店来说,酒店总台接电话的人员英语水平相对来说要求比较高,因为这关系到整个酒店的形象问题,所以掌握下面这些酒店总机必备的英语口语,对于接线员来说是十分必要的!一、接听外线电话:01、电话铃响三声接起,中英文清晰报出酒店名称:您好,昆明电信国际技术交流中心!Good morning ,02、转接时,对来电方:请稍等!Hold on ,please !03、电话占线时:对不起,电话占线,请您稍后再拨。
Sorry , the line is busy .please call back later!04、转入电话无人接时:电话没人接,您是否需要留言?There's no answer , Would you like to leave a message ?05、转入客房电话:A、请问您找那位?Who would you like to speak to ?B、对不起,没有这个姓名的客人。
Sorry , there's no guest with that nameC、您能告诉我他是住客还是访客?Excuse me for asking but is he a visitor or a hotel guest?06、内容没听清或不确定时:A、请您再说一遍好吗?Would you like to repeat the number ?B、请您大声一点好吗:Could you speak a little louder , pleaseC、请说慢一点!Could you speak slowly ,please?07、对方拨错号码:恐怕您拨错了号码,这里是XXX酒店总机。
I'm afraid you dial the wrong number . here is xx hotel operator;08、外线来电详细问询时:我将帮您把电话转到问讯处;I'll put you through to the information desk09、来电方需要留言:A、请告诉我您的留言内容;Could you please give me the message , sir / madam?B、请放心,我一定将您的意思转达给X先生/小姐,谢谢您的来电,再见!Thank you for calling , I 'll relay the message to Mr./Mrs.二、酒店住店客人的叫醒受理:01、能告诉我您的姓名和房号吗?May I have your name and your room number , please?02、您需要什么时间的叫醒?Could you tell me what time would you like to get up ?03、我重复一遍您的房号和叫醒时间,好吗?May I repeat your room number and the time , sir / madam ?04、早上好(中午、晚上好),先生/女士,这是您的叫醒电话,祝您过得愉快!Good morning (afternoon , evening ), sir / madam ! this is your wake-up call ,Have a good day to you (have a nice day )!三、接酒店营业区,后台区,办公室电话:OPERATOR,您好,总机!四、住客电话询问:01、内线电话免费。
酒店总机日常英语(全文)酒店总机英语一. 问候对方(一) 外线电话之问候External Call1. 向对方问好.Address the caller.例: 你好.Good morning / afternoon/ evening2. 说出酒店名称.Identify the hotel.例:中国大酒店.China Hotel3. 表明自己身份.Identify yourself例:我是丽莎.Lisa speaking.4. 提出帮助.Offer help例:我可以帮你什么忙呢?May I help you?(二) 内线电话之问候.Internal call1. 向对方问好.Address the caller.例:你好.Good morning /afternoon /evening.2. 介绍你自己的部门/部分.Identify your department /section. 例: 食街/询问处.Food Street / Information.3. 介绍你自己Identify yourself.例: 我是丽莎.Lisa speaking.4. 提出帮助.Offer help.例: 我可以帮你什么忙呢?May I help you?二. 电话转线.TRANSFER CALL1. 告诉对方你的意向.Tell the caller of your action.例: 请稍等,我帮您将电话转给陈先生.One moment please, I’ll connect you to Mr.Chen.2. 如果等回话时间超过30秒应向对方道歉.Apologize for the time lap if the line has been held for 30 seconds. 例:对不起.让您久等了.Sorry to have kept you waiting.3. 告诉对方情况.Reassure the caller.例: 电话正在使用,您是否再等一会或者留下一个口信呢?The line is busy .Would you like to hold the line or leave a message?4. 若对方再次要求尝试再转线.Transfer again if the caller insists. 例: 请稍等,我会帮您再转线的.Certainly, sir.Please hold on and I’ll transfer for you again.三. 当对方要找的人不在时.WHEN THE EXPECTED PERSON IS OUT ……1. 留下对方的姓名. Get the caller’s name.例: 请问贵姓?May I know who’s calling?2. 向对方作出解释,并提出帮助.Explain the situation and offer help.例: 陈先生,对不起,冼小姐暂时不在,但她会很快回来,您是否等一会或留下口信呢?Mr.Chen,I’m sorry .Ms Sin is not around but she will be back soon .Would you like to hold the line or leave a message?3. 如若要找的人短时间内将不会再回来,我们便应提出帮助.If the expected person will not be back soon , offer help.例: 陈先生,对不起,冼小姐正在开会,我恐怕她可能短时间内不回来了,我是她的助手,有什么我可以帮忙的?Mr.Chen,I’m sorry .Mr.Sin is in a meeting now andI’m afraid she won’t be back for a while I’mLisa ,her assistant, is there anything I can do for you ?4. 小心聆听并记录下来.Listen carefully, and take the note.5. 不要打断客人的说话,但须作适当的回应,表示你在聆听.Do not interrupt the caller. Just give response to show that you’re listening.例: 是的,太太.Yes, madam.6. 当你听不清楚对方的讲话时,便应有礼貌地要求客人重复.If you can’t hear clearly, request the caller to repeat.例: 陈先生,对不起,可否再讲多一次呢 ?Mr.Chen, I’m sorry. I beg your pardon.7. 当对方讲完时,应重复一次记录.When the caller finishes, REPEAT the message. 例:陈先生,我可以重复一下您刚才所讲的话吗?……是这样吗?Mr.Chen, may I repeat the message to you ?……Is that correct?四. 挂线. CLOSING CALL1. 问对方是否有其他的要求.Ask if the caller has any other request. 例: 陈先生,是否还有其他事情?Mr.Chen, will that be all?2. 如果对方留了口信,应令对方确定下来.If the caller has a message, assure him / her.例:我会把您的口信给冼小姐.I’ll pass your message to Ms.Sin.3. 向对方道别.Farewell.例: 再见,多谢你的来电,祝您有愉快的一天.Goodbye. Thank you for calling .Have a nice day.五. 电话应对时应做的……DOS1. 显示出欢悦的声音.Put a smile into your voice.2. 讲话应该清楚.Be concise.3. 保持镇静,有礼且乐于助人.Remain Calm, polite and helpful.4. 用姓氏称呼对方.Address by last name at all time.5. 保持一种轻松的语调.Maintain a pleasant tone.6. 记住多讲“请”, “多谢”,“对不起”.Remember PLEASE, THANK YOU and EXCUSE ME.7. 注意你讲话的姿势.Mind your talking posture.8. 在电话旁边常放有纸.笔.Keep paper and pen beside telephone.9. 被咨询时,大方地告诉来电者你的姓名.Give your name to the caller upon request.10. 等候时间不超过1分钟.Hold call for maximum one minute.六. 电话应对时不应该做的. DON’TS1. 当你讲电话时不能吃东西.Don’t eat while you’re talking.2. 不能一面讲电话,一面和身边的人交谈.Don’t talk to people around while you’re using the phone.3. 不能问对方太多问题,而后才告诉对方所要找的人不在.Don’t ask the caller a lot of information, then inform him/ her that the expected person is out.4. 不能把对方转到其他地方寻求帮助.Don’t direct the caller to get the assistance elsewhere.5.不能总是讲 OK.我没办法.我不知道.Don’t say OK, I’VE NO IDEA and DON’T KNOW.6.不能没有回应.Don’t give no response.7.就算对方先发火,我们也不能发火.Don’t lose your temper even if the caller loses his / hers.8. 收线时,不能将话筒大力放下.Don’t bang the phone.第二篇:酒店总机实习心得还记得在以前在学校里被安排去饭店实习,自那一次实习给自己有了一个很好的锻炼机会,也让自己成长了很多。
快捷服务中心日常英语1.请您重复一次好吗?May I beg your pardon?2.请拼出客人的名字好吗?How to spell the guest’s name please?3.对不起,我们在酒店系统里找不到客人的名字。
I am sorry. We didn’t find the guest name in our hotel system.5.介意我把电话转接到前台让他们为您查一下,好吗?Would you mind connecting the line to reception to check it?6.我再帮您查一下,请稍等。
I will double check it for you. Just a moment please.7.很抱歉,让您久等了。
I am sorry to have kept you waiting.8.请您讲慢一点(大声点),好吗?Could you speak more slowly(loudly)?9.为您转接。
I will connect/transfer it for you.10.您好,先生。
这里是总机,您有一个外线电话,方便我帮您接进来吗?How are you, sir? This is Express Service. You have an outside line. The guest name is XXX. May I put it through?11.我可以帮您转到礼宾部/康体部/前台,我的同事可以帮您。
I will put you through to the concierge/work out/reception. They can help you.12.对不起,先生,我们不可以透露客人的房号。
I am sorry, sir, we are not allowed to disclose our guest’s room number.13.还有什么可以帮您?感谢致电。
酒店日常英语口语大全1Weletoourhotel!欢迎光临(我们酒店).2Wele,sir/madam!欢迎光临.3Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好!4FrontOffice/Restaurant/RecreationalMeetingRoom/Guestroom/O perator,MayIhelpyou?您好,总台/餐厅/康乐中心/总机(我能为您做些?)5TarimePetroleumHotel,MayIhelpyou?您好,塔里木石油酒店(我能为您做些什么?)6MayIhaveyourname/roomnumber,please?您可以告诉我您的姓名/房号吗?7Onemoment,please.请您稍候。
酒店英语口语900句16:电话总机服务(2) 294.Just a moment,please. I’ll put you through.请稍等,我给您接过去。
295.May I know who is calling,please?我能够问是谁在讲话吗?296.I’ll switch you to room 333#.我马上为您接333号房。
297.I’ll connect you to Mr. Smith’s room right away.我马上为您接Smith先生房间。
298.Please hold the line a moment,I’m putting you through to his office.请不要放电话,我这就给您接待他办公室去。
299.You’re through,sir.先生,给您接通了。
300.I’m sorry,the line is busy. Would you like to hold on or call back?对不起,占线。
您是等一会,还是过会再打过来?301.Would you like me to page him?您需要我为您呼叫一下吗?302.Sir,there is no answer. Would you like to leave a message?先生,没有人接电话,您是不是要留言?303.I’m afraid I cannot transfer calls from the house phone. Could you dial the number directly,please?抱歉,我这里无法为您转电话,请您直接拨那个电话号码,好吗?304.I’ll transfer your call. Could you hold the line,please?我这就把您的电话转过去。
请不要放电话,好吗?305.May I tell him who is calling,please?请问我能够告诉他是谁打的电话吗?306.Shall I ask him to return your call?我请他给您回电话,好吗?307.Shall I ask him to telephone you?and your telephone number,please?我让他给您打电话,好吗?请问您的电话号码?308.Would you care to wait a moment and call back later?请您稍等一会再打过来好吗?309.I’ll pass the message to him.我回向他转达这个意思的。
Dialogue A(R=Receptionist G=Guest)G:Good evening!This is Mr.Baldwin in room 303.R:Good evening,Mr.Baldwin.What can I do for you?G:Im going to Tianjin early tomorrow morning. So I would like to request an early morning call.R:Yes,Mr.Baldwin,at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?G:Well,Im not really sure. But I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Tianjin by 10 oclock.You wouldnt know how long it takes to drive to Tianjin from the hotel,would you?R:I would give it three to three and a half hours.G:That means that Ill have to be on the road by 7 oclock atthe latest.R:Thats right.G:Well,in that case,I would like you to call me at 5∶45?R:OK.,so we will wake you up at 5∶45 tomorrow morning.Good night,Mr.Baldwin.Have a good sleep.G:Good night.Dialogue BMr Smith(B)asks the room attendant(A)how to have the morning call service.B:Will you do me a favour,Miss?A:Certainly,sir.B:This is my first visit to China. I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.A:Yes,sir.Anyone who stays in our hotel can ask for the service. Would you like a morning call?B:Yes,I must get up earlier tomorrow. I want to go to the Bund to enjoy the morning scenery there. You know this is my first visit to Shanghai.People say there is a marvelous view of a poetic yet bustling life at the Bund just at dawn.A:Thats true. At what time do you want me to call you up,sir?B:At 6 sharp tomorrow morning,please.A:What kind of call would you like,by phone or by knocking at the door?B:By phone.I dont want to disturb my neighbors.A:Yes,sir.Ill tell the operator to call you up at 6 tomorrow morning.Anything else I can do for you?B:No.Thanks.Good night.A:Good night,sir.Sleep well and have a pleasant dream.Words and Expressionsrequest vt.请求,要求conferenc n.会议scenery n.风景,自然景色Bund n.外滩(上海)marvelous a.极好的,奇异的poetic a.诗的,有诗意的bustling a.喧闹的;活跃的disturb vt.扰乱,使不安;打乱。
酒店总机英语对话酒店电话英语培训资料外线电话的处理『对话精华』Could you put me through to Room #2614, please?请帮我接通2614号房好吗?I’d like to speak with Mr. Bramley.我想请布兰雷先生听电话。
Dialogue1C: Is this the President Hotel?Speaking. (Yes, it is.) May I help you?C: Yes. Could you put me through to Room #2614, please? Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please.Dialogue2C: I’d like to speak with Mr. Bramley.Is he a hotel guest, sir?C: Yes.How do you spell his name, please?C: B, R, A, M, L, E, Y.Just a moment, please. I’ll check for you… Thank you for waiting, sir. Mr. Bramley is staying in Room #1562. I’ll connect you.客房没有人回应时『对话精华』I’m afraid there is no reply from Room #3510. 3510号房恐怕没人接电话。
Could you try again? 请再试一次好吗?DialogueC: Hello. Can I speak to Mr. Franks in Room #3510, please? Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please… Thank you for waiting. I’m afraid there’s no reply from Room #3510.C: Could you try again?Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please… Thank you for waiting. I’m afraid there is still no reply. Would you like to leave a message?C: Yes, I’ll do that.I’ll connect you with the Message Desk. Just a moment, please.广播呼叫客人『对话精华』Would you like to leave a message. 您要留话吗?Could you page him for me? 请帮我广播叫他好吗?DialogueC: Is this the Holiday Hotel?Speaking. May I help you?C: Yes. Could you put me through to Mr. Mercer in Room #1513, please?Certainly, sir… Thank you for waiting, sir. I’m afraid there is no reply from Room #1513. Would you like to leave a message?C: Well, I’m sure he’s in the hotel. Could you page him for me ? Certainly, sir. Where do you think he will be?C: He’s p robably having lunch. Could you page the restaurant, please? Do you know which restaurant he is likely to be in?C: I’ve no idea.I’m afraid we can only page the public places.C: Fine. Do that then, please!May I have his full name?C: Tom Mercer.Mr. Tom Mercer. Thaank you, sir. Could you hold the line, please? Paging Mr. Tom Mercer, Paging Mr. Tom Mercer.Please pick up the nearest House phone for Operator No. 5. Thank you.。
Iamsorrythelineisstillbusy,Wouldyouliketowaitanothermoment?对不起电话还在占线,请问您还要稍等吗?4听不清/线路不清(Unclear)Iamsorry,Icannothearyouclearly,WheredoyouwanttocallPardonplease 对不起,线路不清,请您大声一点好吗?5受话者不在(Noanswer)Iamsorry,Thereisnobodyanswer。
总机常用语(中英文)1、Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, MAN WAN Harmona Hotel.您好,曼湾禾田居度假酒店2、Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, Operator.您好,总机3、Thank you for your calling.谢谢您的来电4、Certainly, Sir/Madam, I’ll put you through,Thank you for calling!好的, 先生/女士, 现在为您转接,谢谢您的来电5、May I know which department?请问您是否能告诉我她/他是哪个部门的?6、I’m sorry,Mr.XX.this is operator ,there is a call from MR./MS. XXX in XX,would you liketo answer the call?对不起,打扰了,XX经理,这有XX地打来的XX电话,请问您要接听吗?7、I’m sorry,XX is not in the office,may I leave a message for you?对不起,他现在不在办公室,我们可以为您留言吗?8、Would you like tell me the guest's name please,Sir/Madam?您能告诉我客人贵姓吗?9、Would you please spell the guest name for me, Sir/Madam? 请问您是否能拼写一下客人的姓名给我?10、Hold on please Sir/Madam,I will put you through right now, Thank you for yourcalling!好的, 先生/女士, 现在为您转接, 谢谢您的来电。
酒店总机叫醒服务中英文对话Revised at 2 pm on December 25, 2020.酒店总机叫醒服务Wake-up Call Service 五星级酒店总机员工要为客人提供叫醒服务,叫醒服务其实很简单,无非需要得知客人的叫醒时间、是否需要第二次叫醒(有的酒店可能没有二次叫醒)就可以了;同时,在最后要重复客人的信息,以免出现差错,另外,也可以让客人觉得总机员工专业贴心的服务。
G:Hello, I need a wake-up call. (G=Guest; O=Operator)O:Certainly, Ms. X, may I know what time would you like?G:7 o’clock.O:Tomorrow morning?G:Yes.O: Certainly, Ms. X, would you like a reminding call?G: Yes, 7:10 , please.O:Certainly, Ms. X, your room number is XXX, and your wake-up call time is 7 am. And 7:10 am. Tomorrow, is that right?G: Perfect.O: Anything else I can do for you?G: No, thank you.O: Thank you for calling. Good night.以上对话无非遵循以下流程:1.Greeting。
总机电话礼貌服务常用语一、总机外线接听标准(双语):Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. XX Hotel Xi’an.您好!西安XX酒店总机/服务中心内线接听标准(可只讲英文,如客人不懂英文,则再说中文):Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Operator/Guest Service XXX speaking. How may I help you?您好!这里是总机(服务中心)All Other Sections前厅其他各分部(可只讲英文,如客人不懂英文,则再说中文):Good morning/afternoon/evening.Reservation XX Hotel Xi’an. How may I help you? 您好!这里是西安XX酒店预订部(总台/礼宾部/商务中心)二、帮客人查询酒店住客情况时:Could you spell his name for me please? 请您拼他的姓名给我好吗?I’m afraid we don’t have such a name registered.恐怕没有这个名字的登记记录。
Do you have any other name to check? 您还有其他姓名可以查询吗?Just a moment please. I will double check it for you. 请稍等,我再帮您查一下。
He hasn’t checked in / arrived yet. 他还没入住/到达。
He has already checked out. 他已经离店了。
三、为外来客人转接电话:Hold on please. I will put you through. 请不要挂电话,我帮您将电话转过去。
I’m sorry, sir. The line is engaged / busy. 对不起,先生,电话占线。
英语900 句大概目录A.Front office 前厅部分1.Greeting Guests 问候客人(1~~80句)2.Room Reservation 客房预订(81~~137句)3.Registration 入住登记(138~~169句)4.Room Change or Extension 换房或续住(170~~194句)rmation 问询服务(195~~234句)6.Bell Service 行李服务(235~~272句)7.Switchboard Operator 电话总机服务(273~~322句)8.Cheek-out and Money Exchange结帐与兑换服务(323~~390句)9.Booking Tickets 订票服务(391~~410句)B. Food and Beverage Service 餐饮服务部分1. Restaurant Reservation 餐饮预订(411~~431句)2. Receiving a Guest in Restaurant 餐厅款客服务(432~~457句)3. Taking Orders 点菜服务(458~~516句)4. Serving the Food 餐厅值台服务(517~~526句)5. Settling the Bills 结帐服务(527~~548句)6. Handling Complaints 处理投诉(549~~565句)7. Bar Service 酒吧服务(566~~595句)C. Housekeeping Service 客房服务部分1. Floor service 楼层值台服务(596~~660句)2. Room Cleaning 清扫客房(661~~683句)3. Room Service 客房送餐服务(684~~717句)4. Compensation and Change 赔偿与更换(718~~747句)5. Lost and Found 失物招领(748~~764句)6. Maintenance 客房维修(765~~804句)7. Laundry Service 洗衣服务(805~~870句)D. Auxiliary Service 其他服务部分1. At the Hotel Clinic 在饭店医务室(871~~880)2. At the Hotel Beauty Parlor 在饭店美容美发室(881~~890句)3. At the Hotel Shopping Centre 在饭店购物中心(891~~900句)【内容】1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。
问候客人1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。
2.Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。
3.Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。
4.Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。
How are you?你好吗?Fine,thank you,and you?很好,谢谢,您呢?Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。
5.How do you do?您好?How do you do!您好!6.Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们饭店。
7.May you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝您住店期间愉快。
8.Hope you had a good trip. 希望您旅途愉快。
9.Hope you have a good journey. 祝您旅途愉快。
10.It’s nice to meet you,sir. 见到您很高兴,先生。
11.Pleasant to meet you,sir. My name is……见到您很高兴,先生。
我叫×××12.Welcome you back,sir. 欢迎您回来,先生。
13.Nice to see you again,madam. 很高兴又见到您,夫人。
14.Goodbye,thank you for coming. Please come again. 再见,感谢您光临,希望您再次光临。
15.Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。
16.Have a good evening. 祝您度过一个愉快的夜晚。
17.Have a good weekend. 祝您周末愉快。
18.Good night and have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。
19.Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,祝您做个好梦。
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酒店英语口语900句16:电话总机服务(2) 294.Just a moment,please. I’ll put you through.
295.May I know who is calling,please?
296.I’ll switch you to room 333#.
297.I’ll connect you to Mr. Smith’s room right away.
298.Please hold the line a moment,I’m putting you through to his office.
299.You’re through,sir.
300.I’m sorry,the line is busy. Would you like to hold on or call back?
301.Would you like me to page him?
302.Sir,there is no answer. Would you like to leave a message?
303.I’m afraid I cannot transfer calls from the house phone. Could you dial the number directly,please?
304.I’ll transfer your call. Could you hold the line,please?
305.May I tell him who is calling,please?
306.Shall I ask him to return your call?
307.Shall I ask him to telephone you?and your telephone number,please?
308.Would you care to wait a moment and call back later?
309.I’ll pass the message to him.
310.May I be of any assistance to you?
311.For room-to-room calls,please dial 6 first and then the room number.
312.For outside calls,please dial 9 first and then your desired telephone number.
313.For domestic long distance calls,please dial 9 first then the area code and your desired telephone number.
314.You may have a long distance call directly from your room,sir. It is cheaper than booking it through the operator.
315.For international direct dial,please I before the country code and then the area code and the telephone number.
316.I’m afraid all calls to abroad must go through the operator.
317.Could you hang up please and we’ll call you back?
318.I have a collect call from Mr. Smith in New York.
Will you accept the charges?