



典范英语8第七本英语概括blackbeard's last standthe most famous piratethese are some facts about the one of the greatest sea-battles , about the final day of captain blackbeard and his pirates .lieutenant robert maynard was assigned by alexander spotswood, the governor of virginia , to capture or kill pirate edward teach, nicknamed blackbeard. maynard took control of the two sloops , " ranger" and " jane", perfectly suited for shallow waters . it was a very difficult mission, but not for such a fearless and experienced naval commander.he prepared attack under cover. the pirate hunters learned that blackbeard was in his base at ocracoke islands . they sailed there quietly and found pirates anchored in ocracoke inlet in the evening of 21 st november 1718. the pirates were celebrating and drinking whole night with local merchants. teach was unaware of the pursuers, although he had sources that had warned him of potential attack.blackbeard had lost his flagship , the "queen's anne revenge", not long before this event . therefore, he had to rely on the sloop"adventure", which was equipped with 10 guns. there were not more than 25 pirates on the ship that day.the fight between those sloops began at dawn. there was not practically any wind and both attacking sloops were forced to use the oars. maynard raised a flag and rushed directly into the conflict with every sail and oar. his sloops were unarmed so he had no better choice. blackbread knew that his opponents had much more men, so he tried to escape while he was firing from his heavily loaded guns. although those shallow waters were perfectly familiar to him, his sloop still ran aground . however, same happened to maynard's vessels. while maynard was waiting for a tide to attack pirates, enemies were having an opportunity to mock on each other , they were that close.just about as maynard's sloops were ready to attack the "adventure", she got afloat and ready for engagement. blackbeard fired a broadside on the "ranger", killing around twenty soldiers including a sloop's commander. the "ranger" was totally crippled and out of battle. then maynard, who was in the jane, sailed straight towards the "adventure" with a genius plan that brought victory .lieutenant hid most of his man bellow the deck. when blackbeard spotted almost empty ship , he decided to board "jane". with fourteenpirates, he recklessly entered the sloop. the signal was given to maynard's men, who quickly attacked outnumbered opponents.it was an epic hand-to-hand conflict like we are seeing in movies, certainly one of the most fearful in naval history. especially dramatic and intense was one-on-one fight between the captains . maynard wounded blackbeard with close shot from his gun, but lieutenant's sword broke in mêlée between them. hopefully, he was saved by one highlander at the very last moment . soon after, teach got fatal cuts in the neck and throat and finally died after he got more then twenty wounds.without their valiant commander, rest of mostly-injured pirates was defeated easily. the same went for the others who were left on the "adventure" as the crew from partially recovered "ranger" captured them. the fight was over and maynard slung blackbeard's head below the bowsprit of the "jane" as a trophy of the famous victory .4。



典范英语七第八本主要内容The Eighth Book of The Exemplary English Series is a crucial resource for English learners. 这本书是英语学习者的重要资源。

It covers various topics ranging from grammar rules to vocabulary building exercises. 它涵盖了各种主题,从语法规则到词汇建设练习。

The book is designedto help students improve their English language skills in a systematic and comprehensive manner. 这本书旨在帮助学生系统全面地提高他们的英语语言能力。

With a focus on practical application, the book is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. 以实际应用为重点,这本书适合初学者和高级学习者。

It offers a balance of theory and practice, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to enhance their English proficiency. 它提供了理论和实践的平衡,是任何想提高英语水平的人的必备工具。

One of the key features of The Eighth Book of The Exemplary English Series is its interactive exercises. 这本书的一个重要特点是互动练习。

These exercises are designed to engage students and help them apply the concepts they have learned. 这些练习旨在让学生投入其中,并帮助他们应用所学概念。



典范英语8故事梗概英文回答:Chapter 1: The Call.The protagonist, a young woman named Emily, receives a mysterious call from an unknown phone number. A man's voice informs her that she has been chosen for a special mission. Emily is initially hesitant but agrees out of curiosity.Chapter 2: The Initiation.Emily arrives at a secluded location where she meets a group of other candidates. They undergo a series of physical and mental tests, testing their strength, agility, and problem-solving skills. Emily excels in the challenges and impresses the instructors.Chapter 3: The Training.After the initiation, Emily is assigned to a team and begins intensive training. She learns advanced combat techniques, weapons handling, and espionage tactics. She also undergoes rigorous physical conditioning and psychological preparation.Chapter 4: The Mission.Emily's team is deployed on a high-stakes mission to apprehend a dangerous criminal. They must infiltrate a heavily guarded facility, locate the target, and extract him without raising an alarm. Emily uses her skills and training to complete the mission successfully.Chapter 5: The Aftermath.After the mission, Emily returns to her normal life, but she is changed by her experience. She has become a highly skilled and confident operative, ready to face any challenge that comes her way.Chapter 6: The Revelation.Emily discovers that the mysterious organization she worked for is involved in a sinister plot. She must confront her past and decide whether to expose the truth or remain loyal to her former allies.Chapter 7: The Choice.Emily faces a moral dilemma. She must weigh the consequences of exposing the organization against the potential danger to herself and others. In the end, she chooses to do what she believes is right, even if it comes at a great personal cost.中文回答:第一章,召唤。




感激不尽!典范英语7 第8——13本中文概括(不用太详细,英文也行,每本50字左右)。



































71OnemorningthepostmancamedownElmRoad.Inhisbagweretwoletters.Theylookedlikethis:“MissPJones10ElmRoadBilton ”;“MissFJones79ElmRoadBilton”ThereweretwoMissJonesinElmRoad.PippaJoneslivedatnumber10.Shewasmadaboutponies.FloJoneslivedatnumber79.Shewa smadaboutfootball.Butthatmorningthepostmanhadbrokenhisglassesandhecouldn’tseeverywell.That’showthemix -upbegan. Pony-madPippawasoutatthestablewhenherlettercame.PippahadaponycalledBlossomwhowasachampionjumper.ShegaveBlos somsomeoatsandakisson thenose.Thenherdadstuckhisheadoutofthebackdoor.“Pippa,thereisaletterforyou.”Football-madFlowasinthegardenwhenherletterarrived.FloplayedforRedlandRovers.ShewaswearingherRoverskitasusual.Shed ribbledpastthecatandswervedroundtheswing.“Thud.”theballhitthebackdoor.“goal.”criedFlo.“Flo!”calledhermum.“St opthatracketandcomeinside.There’saletterforyou.”Flotoreopenherletter.Itsaid:DearMissJones,TheJuniorCupisonSaturdayatChestnutfield.Wehopetoseeyouthere.“Wow!”sai dFlo.“I’mplayingintheCupFinalonSaturday.RedlandRoverswillwinforsure.”At10ElmRoad,Pippawasalsoreadingherletter.“DearMissJones,TheJuniorCupFinalisonSaturdayatRedlandPark.Wehopetoseeyouthere.”“Fantastic,”saidPippa.“I’mri dingBlossomintheJuniorCup.Wearesuretowin.”2PippaandFlocouldn’twaitforSaturdaytocome.Theydidn’tnoticethattheyhadgotthewrongletter.Theywerebothgoingtothe wrongplace.OnSaturdaymorningPipparodeBlossomtoRedlandPark.DowntheroadtheypassedFloonherwaytoChestnutField.Pip pastaredatFloinherredandwhitefootballkit.“Fancydressinguplikethattoplayastupidgameoffootball,”shethoughttoherself.Flos taredatPippainherblackridinghatandboots.“Fancydressinguplikethattorideaboringoldpony,”shethoughttoherself.PippaarrivedatRedlandPark.Butwhereweretheotherponies?AllshecouldseewastheRedlandRoversteamkickingaball.“Excuse me,”saidPippa.“Wherearethefencestojump?”TheRoversteamlaughed.“Thisisafootballmatch.Poniescan’tplay.”saidone.Rovers’captainwentovertoPippa.“Haveyo useenFloJones?Shehasn’tcomeyetandwe’reoneplayershort.”‘Idon’tknowanyonecalledFlo,’saidPippa.‘MynameisPi ppaJones.’‘Well,you’llhavetoplaythen,’saidthecaptain.‘Hurryupandgetchanged,kick -offisinfiveminutes.’Pippawashorrified.Shedidn’twanttoplayfootball.ShewantedtorideBlossomintheJuniorCup.ShetriedtoexplainbuttheRoverst eamdidn’tlisten.Theypushedherintothechangingroom.Theygave herfootballbootsandashirt.Theshirtcametoherknees.Andtheb ootspinchedherfeet.WhenPipparanshekepttrippingoverherlaces.Theylinedupforkick-offandtherefereeblewhiswhistletostartthe game.TheballcamewhizzingtowardsPippa.‘WhatshallIdowithit?’shewailed.‘Justkickitthatway,’shoutedRovers’captain.Pip pakickedtheball.‘Youch,mytoe.’sheyelled.TheballwenttooneoftheBlueteam.Pippatriedtogetitback.Butshetrippedoverherlacesandfellinamuddypuddle.‘Thisisallamist ake.’moanedPippa.‘I’minthewrongplace.’3Flowasinthewrongplacetoo.ShewasinChestnutField.ButwherewastheCupFinal?Allshecouldseeweregirlstrottingroundonponi es.‘Whatisallthis?’Floaskedamaninabrownhat.‘It’stheJuniorShow.IamMr.Trotter,oneofthejudges.Whatisyourname?’ ‘FloJones.Iamheretoplayfootball.’Mr.Trotterwasn’tlistening.Hewasbusylookingatalistofnames.‘Ahyes.Hereyouare.M issJones.Youarejumpingtwenty-third.’‘Jumping?Me?’Floturnedpale.‘ButIcan’t...Ihaven’tevengotapony.’Mr.Trott erlaughed.‘Dearme!You’vecomewithoutyourpony?Thenwe’llhavetofindoneforyou.FiveminuteslaterFlowassittingon abig,blackpony.Itsnortedandstampeditsfeet.‘Hisname’sThunder.Youhavetoshowhimw hoisboss.’saidMr.Trotter.FlolookedatThunder.Shewasprettysurehewasboss.‘Idon’tknowhowtoride,’shesaid.‘There’sbeenamistake...’‘You’llbefine.Goodluck.’saidMr.TrotterandslappedThunde rontheback.ThundergallopedoffwithFloholdingontight.ThTheWrongLetter送错的信efenceslookedveryhigh.FlowantedtojumpoffbutThunderwouldn’tstop.Theloudspeakerboomed:‘AndthenextriderisMissPip paJonesonThunder.’Thecrowdclapped.‘Butmynameisn’tPippa!’criedFlo.‘Somebodygetmedown.’Itwastoolate.Thunderwasheadingforthefirstfence.Floshuthereyes.Shewassuretheyweregoingtohitit.JustintimeThunderjumpe d.TheylandedwithabumpandFlo’shatslippeddownoverhereyes.Nowshecouldn’tseewhereshewasgoing. Thundersailedoverthenextjump.Andthenext.ButFlowasslippingoutofthesaddle.Shewasalmostupsidedown,hangingontoThu nder’sneck.‘Whatanoddwaytoride,’saidMr.Trotter.Thundertookthenextthreefencesatagallop.Theycametothelastone,ahig hbrickwall.Thundertookoff.‘he-lp.’criedFlo,flyingintheair.Theylandedwithathud.ThenFlofelloffon tothegrass.Everyonecrowedaroundher.Theypickedherupandpattedherontheback.‘Areyouallright?’‘Welldone.’‘Jollygoodriding.’‘Whathappened?’askedFlo,gettingup.‘Youwon.Youjumpedallthefencesinthefastesttime,’saidMr.Trotter.HepinnedarosetteonThunderandgaveFloasilve rcup.‘Thisyear’swinneroftheJuniorCupisMissPippaJones,’shesaid.‘MyrealnameisFlo,’smiledFlohappily.4BackattheCupFinal,thingsweren’tgoingwellforPippa.Herlegshurt.Shewaswetandmuddyandthebootswerekillingher.Therew eretwominutesleft.Thescorewas2-2,butPippadidn’tcare.Shejustwantedthegametoendsothatshecouldgohome. TheBlues’goalkeeperkickedtheballout.ItbouncedstraighttoPippa.Shewasn’tpleasedtoseeit.‘Goaway!’sheshoutedcross lyandgavetheballamightykick.TohersurprisetheballsoaredthroughtheairtowardstheBlues’goal.Thegoa lkeeperdived-buttheball hitthebackofthenet.‘Goal!’shoutedtheRovers.‘Whatagoal!’Atthatmomentthefinalwhistleblew.PippawasGirloftheMatch.Herteamcarriedheroffthepitch,cheering.Everyonewantedtopat herontheback.PippahadwontheJuniorCupforRovers.AfterthegamePippasetoffhomewithBlossom.OnherwayupElmRoadshepa ssedFlo.PippaandFlobothstopped.Theybothstared.Bothofthemwerecoveredinmudandholdingsilvercups.‘Isyourname...Pippa Jones?’askedFlo.Pippanodded.‘ThenyoumustbeFloJones.’thentheyunderstood.Sothat’swhathadhappened.‘Imusthavegotyourletter,’saidFlo.‘Iwenttoaponyshow.’‘AndImusthavegotyourletter,’saidPippa.‘Iwenttoafootb allmatch.’Theybothstartedtolaugh.‘Footballisfun,’grinnedPippa,‘Whenyougetusedtoit.’‘Andridingaponyisreallyquiteexciting,’saidFlo.Afterthat,PippaandFlobecamethebestoffriends.Notonlydidtheysharethesamename,theyalsolikedthesamethings.Now,onone SaturdayFlogoesridingwithPippa.And,onthenextSaturday,PippaplaysfootballwithFlo.Thepostmanstillbringsletterstoboththeirh ouses.Butthesedayshe’sgotanewpairofglasses.注释postman邮递员camedownElmRoad来到榆树路wasmadabout…特别喜欢…ponies小型马,矮脚马thepostmanhadbrokenhisglasses邮递员的眼镜碎了That'showthemix-upbegan.差错就这样发生了。



典范英语8泰坦尼克号读后感英文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Titanic, one of the most famous and tragic shipwrecks in history, has captivated the hearts and minds of people all over the world for over a century. The story of the Titanic is a powerful and emotional one, filled with tales of love, loss, and heroism.As a classic novel, Titanic 8 is a novel that delves deep into the lives of its characters, showcasing their struggles, their triumphs, and ultimately, their tragic fate. The novel follows the lives of Jack and Rose, two star-crossed lovers who come from vastly different backgrounds but are brought together by the power of love. Their romance blossoms amidst the opulence and luxury of the Titanic, a ship hailed as the "unsinkable" vessel.However, as fate would have it, the Titanic meets its tragic end when it collides with an iceberg on its maiden voyage. The ship, which was deemed unsinkable, quickly begins to sink, leaving its passengers and crew scrambling for survival. Jack and Rose must fight against all odds to stay together and survive the disaster, with heartbreaking consequences.The novel's vivid descriptions and poignant storytelling bring the tragedy of the Titanic to life in a way that is both haunting and beautiful. As readers, we are transported back in time to that fateful night, witnessing the chaos and confusion that ensued as the Titanic began to sink. We are left with a sense of awe and disbelief at the sheer magnitude of the disaster, and the bravery and selflessness displayed by those on board.Overall, Titanic 8 is a captivating and emotional read that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who reads it. It serves as a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of love, as well as a tribute to those who lost their lives on that tragic night. The novel is a timeless classic that will continue to be revered and cherished for generations to come.篇2The Titanic is arguably one of the most famous and tragic maritime disasters in history. The story of the "unsinkable" ship that met its demise on its maiden voyage has captivated people for over a century. Reading the book "Titanic: A Complete Story of the Titanic," written by the editor of The Titanic & Olympic Association, Charles Haas, has provided me with a deeper understanding of the events surrounding the sinking of the ship and the human stories that unfolded that fateful night.One of the most striking aspects of the book is the meticulous research that went into documenting the details of the Titanic's construction, its voyage, and ultimately, its sinking. Haas provides a comprehensive overview of the technical aspects of the ship, its passengers, and crew, as well as the decisions that ultimately led to its tragic end. The accounts of survivors and witnesses of the disaster are particularly poignant, as they offer a first-hand look at the chaos and heroism that unfolded on that cold April night.Reading about the passengers and crew of the Titanic, their hopes and dreams, and the sudden turn of events that changed their lives forever, has made me appreciate the fragility of human existence and the importance of valuing every moment we have. The book serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity and tragedy.The sinking of the Titanic continues to be a powerful symbol of human hubris and the consequences of unchecked ambition. The lessons learned from this tragedy have influenced maritime safety regulations and practices, ensuring that such a disaster never happens again. The Titanic will forever be a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of learning from our mistakes.In conclusion, reading "Titanic: A Complete Story of the Titanic" has been a sobering and enlightening experience. It has deepened my understanding of the events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic and the impact it had on the world. The book serves as a tribute to the lives lost on that fateful night and a reminder of the human capacity for both greatness and folly. The Titanic will always hold a place in our collective memory as a cautionary tale of the consequences of pride and arrogance.篇3The movie "Titanic" is a classic epic romance and disaster film directed by James Cameron. The film was released in 1997 and became a cultural phenomenon, winning numerous awards and breaking box office records. It tells the story of the doomed voyage of the RMS Titanic, a luxury liner that sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912.One of the most striking aspects of "Titanic" is its attention to detail and historical accuracy. The sets, costumes, and special effects are all meticulously crafted to recreate the look and feel of the Titanic. The film also weaves in real historical figures and events, such as the ship's designer Thomas Andrews and the band playing Nearer, My God, to Thee as the ship sinks.The film's central romance between Jack Dawson, a poor artist, and Rose DeWitt Bukater, a wealthy socialite, has become iconic in its own right. Their love story transcends class boundaries and captures the audience's hearts, even as they know the tragic fate awaiting the ship. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet's performances as Jack and Rose are electrifying and bring a depth and humanity to their characters.The sinking of the Titanic is portrayed with harrowing realism and suspense. The chaos, panic, and heroism of the passengers and crew as they try to escape the rapidly sinking ship are captured in heart-wrenching detail. The film also highlights the social and economic inequalities that played a role in the disaster, as the rich are given preferential treatment over the poor in boarding lifeboats.The film's framing device of an elderly Rose recounting her experiences onboard the Titanic adds a bittersweet touch to the story. As she reminisces about her brief but passionate love affair with Jack, she discovers the strength and resilience within herself that allowed her to survive the tragedy and live a fulfilling life.Overall, "Titanic" is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its epic scope, emotional power, and historical significance. It is a film that reminds us of the fragilityof life, the power of love, and the enduring legacy of those who perished on that fateful night in 1912. As the ship sinks into the icy depths of the Atlantic Ocean, we are reminded of the indomitable spirit of the human heart and the enduring power of hope in the face of overwhelming adversity.。



典范英语7第7本读后感After reading the seventh book in the Exemplary English series, I am once again impressed by the depth of the content and the way it has been presented. The book covers a wide range of topics, from literature to science, and it does so in a way that is both engaging and informative.One of the things that struck me about this book is the way it explores the theme of human nature. The author delves into the complexities of the human mind and the various factors that shape our behavior. This is a topic that has always fascinated me, and I appreciated the way the book tackled it with intelligence and insight.Another aspect of the book that I found particularly compelling is its exploration of the natural world. The author has a gift for bringing the wonders of nature to life on the page, and I found myself captivated by the descriptions of the various ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit them. It reminded me of the importance of preserving our environment and the need to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.In addition to these themes, the book also delves into the realm of literature and art. I was particularly struck by the way the author discussed the power of storytelling and its ability to shape our understanding of the world. This is something that I have always believed in, and it was inspiring to see it explored in such a thoughtful and thought-provoking manner.Overall, I found the seventh book in the Exemplary English series to be a truly enriching and enlightening read. It challenged me to think about the world in new ways and to appreciate the complexities of the human experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in broadening their horizons and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around them.。

典范英语8 titanic survivor 读书笔记

典范英语8 titanic survivor 读书笔记

典范英语8 titanic survivor 读书笔记As I delved into the pages of "Titanic Survivor," a story from the renowned "Oxford Reading Tree: Stories from Around the World" series, I was transported to a fateful night in April 1912. This book, targeted at intermediate readers, tells the tale of a young girl's survival on the ill-fated ship and her subsequent struggle to overcome the trauma and loss.The story opens with the excitement and anticipation of the Titanic's maiden voyage. The girl, an unnamed survivor, recalls the glamour and luxury of the ship, the bustling crowds, and the sense of invincibility that pervaded the atmosphere. However, the narrative quickly shifts to the horror and panic as the ship collides with an iceberg and the reality of the situation sinks in.The author masterfully captures the chaos and desperation as the ship begins to sink. Readers are taken through the girl's terrifying journey as she struggles to find her family amidst the confusion and fear. The heart-wrenching scenes of separation and loss are handled withsensitivity and empathy, making the story not just a historical retelling but a deeply personal account.What struck me the most was the girl's resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Despite the trauma and heartache, she manages to find hope and healing through the kindness and support of others. Her story is not just about survival, but also about the power of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit.The language used in the book is both engaging and accessible, making it an ideal read for intermediate learners. The vocabulary and sentence structure are challenging enough to promote language development, but not overly complex to hinder comprehension. The illustrations, which complement the text, add an extra layer of visual interest and help to bring the story to life."Titanic Survivor" is not just a retelling of a well-known historical event; it's a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It teaches us about the importance of family, the value of kindness, and the strength we can draw from within ourselves in times of crisis. As I closed the book, I found myself not just movedby the story, but also inspired by the courage and resilience of the girl and the lessons she taught me about life and humanity.**泰坦尼克号幸存者:穿越时空的旅程**当我深入阅读《泰坦尼克号幸存者》这本书时,我仿佛被带回到了1912年那个命运多舛的夜晚。


















典范英语8第8本概括The eighth book of "Exemplary English 8" covers a wide range of topics, including literature, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the English language and help them improve their language skills. The book is divided into several units, each focusing on a specific aspect of English language learning.One of the key focuses of the book is literature, with a variety of literary works and genres being explored. Students are introduced to different forms of literature, such as poetry, short stories, and plays, and are encouraged to analyze and interpret these texts. This helps students develop their critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as their appreciation for literature. By studying different literary works, students can also improve their language proficiency and expand their vocabulary.In addition to literature, the book also covers grammar and vocabulary in depth. It provides students with a thorough understanding of English grammar rules and usage, as well as a wide range of vocabulary words and phrases. This helps students improve their language accuracy and fluency, as well as their ability to express themselves effectively in writing and speaking. The book includes various exercises and activities to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary lessons, allowing students to practice and apply what they have learned.Furthermore, the book includes a section on writing, which guides students through the process of writing different types of texts, such as essays, reports, and letters. It provides students with the necessary skills and strategies for organizing and expressing their ideas coherently and persuasively. By practicing writing, students can enhance their communication skills and develop their creativity and critical thinking.Apart from language skills, the book also emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding and globalawareness. It introduces students to different cultures and perspectives, helping them develop empathy and appreciation for diversity. This not only enhances their language learning experience but also prepares them to be global citizens who can communicate and collaborate effectively in a multicultural world.Overall, "Exemplary English 8" provides a comprehensive and engaging approach to English language learning, covering literature, grammar, vocabulary, writing, and cultural understanding. It equips students with the necessary language skills and knowledge to communicate effectively and confidently in English, as well as fosters a deeper appreciation for the language and its cultural significance. Through its diverse and interactive content, the book aims to inspire and empower students to become proficient and passionate English language learners.。



















典范英语8危险的运动鞋读后感After reading the classic English novel "Dangerous Shoes," I was deeply moved by the powerful themes and impactful storytelling. The characters in the book struggled with issues of identity, acceptance, and belonging, making it a relatable and thought-provoking read. The author beautifully portrayed the complexities of human emotions and relationships, drawing me in from the very first page.阅读经典英语小说《危险的运动鞋》后,我深受其中强大的主题和感人的叙事所感动。



The struggles and triumphs of the characters in "Dangerous Shoes" served as a mirror to reflect on my own life experiences and relationships. It made me reflect on the importance of self-discovery and authenticity in a world that often demands conformity and sacrifices individuality for societal norms. The novel reminded me tostay true to myself, even when faced with challenges and pressures to conform.《危险的运动鞋》中人物的挣扎与胜利成为了一面镜子,让我反思自己的生活经历和人际关系。



典范英语8布莱克博恩拯救学校读后感全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1After reading "Blagbon Saves the School", I felt so excited and inspired by the adventures of Blagbon and his friends. The story was super cool and full of fun and surprises. Blagbon was such a brave and clever alien who helped save the school from the evil aliens.One of my favorite parts was when Blagbon and his friends used their special powers to defeat the evil aliens. It was so cool to see them working together and using their strengths to solve problems. I also loved how Blagbon never gave up, even when things got tough. He always stayed positive and believed in himself.Another thing I loved about the book was how it showed the importance of friendship and teamwork. Blagbon and his friends showed that when you work together, you can accomplish anything. They all had each other's backs and never left anyone behind. It made me think about how important it is to support my own friends and classmates.The story also taught me the importance of being brave and standing up for what is right. Blagbon risked his own safety to protect the school and his friends, and that really inspired me to be more courageous in my own life. It made me realize that even though things can be scary sometimes, it's important to face your fears and do the right thing.Overall, "Blagbon Saves the School" was a super awesome book that I would recommend to all my friends. It was funny, exciting, and had a great message about friendship and bravery.I can't wait to read more books about Blagbon and his adventures in the future. Thanks to the author for writing such an amazing story!篇2Title: My Thoughts on “The Blackthorn Key: The School Save”Hi everyone, today I want to talk about a super cool book I just read called “The Blackthorn Key: The School Save”.It’s about this awesome alchemist’s apprentice named Christopher Rowe who gets caught up in a mystery at his school in 17th century London.So, first off, I have to say that I really liked Christopher. He’s smart, brave, and always up for an adventure. Even when things get tough, he never gives up and keeps trying to solve the mystery. I think he’s a great role model for kids like me!The story itself was super exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. There were secret codes, dangerous traps, and even a hidden treasure! I loved following Christopher as he unraveled the clues and tried to save his school from a terrible fate.One thing I really learned from this book is the importance of friendship. Christopher has his best friend Tom by his side through everything, and they make a great team. It made me realize how much stronger we are when we support each other and work together.Overall, I would definitely recommend “The Blackthorn Key: The School Save” to all my friends. It’s a thrilling read that will keep you entertained from start to finish. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series and see what other adventures Christopher gets into!That’s all for now, thanks for listening to my thoughts on this awesome book! See you next time!篇3The Blackbourne School was in trouble! The mean old principal, Mr. Snodgrass, was trying to shut it down. But don't worry, because the amazing Blake Brown came to the rescue!When Blake first arrived at Blackbourne School, he was just a regular kid. But as soon as he found out about Mr. Snodgrass's evil plan, he knew he had to do something. With the help of his friends, Emma and Max, Blake came up with a brilliant idea to save the school.They started by organizing a protest outside the school gates. They made signs and chanted slogans like "Save our school!" and "We love Blackbourne!" The protest caught the attention of the local news, and soon everyone in town was talking about it.But that was just the beginning. Blake and his friends knew they needed to do more to stop Mr. Snodgrass. They came up with a plan to gather evidence of his wrongdoing and present it to the school board. They snuck into his office, rummaged through his files, and found out the truth about his plans to sell the school property for profit.Armed with this evidence, Blake and his friends confronted Mr. Snodgrass at a school board meeting. They presented their findings and exposed his devious plot. The board was shocked and outraged, and they immediately voted to remove Mr. Snodgrass from his position.The school was saved, thanks to the bravery and determination of Blake Brown and his friends. The students and teachers cheered as they celebrated their victory. And from that day on, Blackbourne School was a happy place where everyone felt safe and welcome.I learned a lot from reading about Blake's adventure. It taught me the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it seems impossible. It showed me that with courage and teamwork, we can overcome any challenge. And most of all, it reminded me that no matter how small we may feel, we all have the power to make a difference.So thank you, Blake Brown, for saving Blackbourne School and inspiring us all to be heroes in our own way. You truly are a role model for us all, and I will never forget the lesson you taught me.篇4After reading the book "Babymouse: Queen of the World!" by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm, I have to say it was super awesome! Babymouse is the coolest mouse ever, and I wish I could be just like her.The story is all about Babymouse wanting to be the queen of the world, and she tries so many different things to make it happen. She even joins the school play, goes to a sleepover, and dares to stand up to the school bully. Babymouse is so brave and determined, and she never gives up on her dreams.My favorite part of the book was when Babymouse finally gets to play the queen in the school play. She looks so beautiful in her costume, and she really shines on stage. It made me think that I can do anything if I just believe in myself and keep trying.Another thing I liked about the book was the illustrations. They were so colorful and funny, and they really brought the story to life. I could imagine myself right there with Babymouse, having all sorts of adventures.Overall, "Babymouse: Queen of the World!" taught me that it's important to be confident, to be brave, and to never give up on my dreams. I'm so glad I read this book, and I can't wait to read more Babymouse books in the future!篇5Title: My Thoughts on "The Adventures of Captain Underpants"Hey guys, have you ever read "The Adventures of Captain Underpants" by Dav Pilkey? It's such a funny and cool book! I want to share my thoughts with you after reading it.First of all, I really liked how George and Harold were always coming up with crazy ideas and getting into trouble at school. They were so creative and funny, and I couldn't stop laughing at their pranks. It made me think about all the fun things me and my friends do together.But what I loved the most was Captain Underpants himself! He was so brave and silly, and he always saved the day with his underpants cape. It was awesome how he fought against the evil teachers and robots, and even saved the school from being destroyed.I also learned a lot from this book. It taught me that it's important to stand up for what you believe in, even if others don't agree with you. George and Harold never gave up, even when things got tough, and that inspired me to be more courageous too.Overall, "The Adventures of Captain Underpants" is a fantastic book that made me laugh, think, and feel inspired. I can't wait to read the next book in the series and see what crazy adventures George, Harold, and Captain Underpants will have next!篇6Wow! I just finished reading "Blackboard Jungle" and it was super awesome! This book is all about how a cool teacher named Mr. Blackbourne comes to a school that is really bad and helps all the students.I really liked how Mr. Blackbourne never gives up on his students, even when they are really mean to him. He always tries to understand them and help them become better people. He even takes them on cool field trips and teaches them in fun ways.One of my favorite parts was when Mr. Blackbourne helps a student named Artie who is always getting into trouble. He shows Artie that he is smart and has potential, and Artie starts to change for the better. It really made me feel happy!I also learned a lot from this book. I learned that teachers can make a big difference in students' lives, and that everyonedeserves a second chance. I think it's important to always try our best and never give up, just like Mr. Blackbourne did.Overall, "Blackboard Jungle" is a great book that teaches us about kindness, understanding, and never giving up. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends! Thank you, Mr. Blackbourne, for saving the school and inspiring us all.篇7The story of "Blake Brown: School Rescuer" is super awesome and fun to read! I love how Blake and his friends worked together to save their school from being closed down. It was really cool to see them come up with all sorts of creative ideas to raise money and fix up the school.I think the most important lesson I learned from the book is that teamwork is super important. Blake and his friends all had different strengths and when they put them together, they were able to accomplish so much more than if they had tried to do everything on their own.I also liked how the book showed that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Blake and his friends were really brave to reach out to the community and ask for donations and support.It showed me that it's always better to work together than to struggle on your own.Another thing I loved about the book was how it made me think about the importance of standing up for what is right. Blake never gave up, even when things got tough, because he knew that saving his school was the right thing to do. It made me realize that we should always fight for what we believe in, no matter how hard things get.Overall, "Blake Brown: School Rescuer" was a super inspiring book that taught me so many valuable lessons about teamwork, bravery, and standing up for what is right. I can't wait to read more books in the series and see what other adventures Blake and his friends go on!篇8Title: My Thoughts on “Blackboard Jungle” by Evan HunterHi everyone, today I want to share with you my thoughts on the book “Blackboard Jungle” by Evan Hunter. I just finished reading it and I have to say, it was a really cool book!The story is about this young teacher named Richard Dadier who goes to teach at a tough city school. At first, the studentsare really naughty and disrespectful to him. They even try to bully and intimidate him. But Mr. Dadier doesn’t give up. He tries to understand why the students are behaving this way and he tries to connect with them on a personal level.I really liked Mr. Dadier because he is a very brave and kind teacher. Even though the students gave him a hard time, he never stopped trying to help them. He even risked his own safety to protect them from harm. That’s so cool!The book also shows us that teachers can make a big difference in students’ lives. Mr. Dadier’s dedication and perseverance helped the students to change their behavior and start respecting him. It made me realize that teachers are really important and they can inspire us to be better people.Overall, I really enjoyed reading “Blackboard Jungle”. It taught me a lot about the power of patience, kindness, and understanding. I hope I can be like Mr. Dadier when I grow up and help others in need.That’s all for now, thanks for listening to my thoughts! Bye bye!篇9Title: My Thoughts on "Blackboard Jungle" by Evan HunterOh my gosh, guys! I just finished reading this super cool book called "Blackboard Jungle" by Evan Hunter. It's all about this tough teacher named Mr. Dadier who goes to work at this really rough school called North Manual High. The kids there are so wild and out of control, but Mr. Dadier is determined to make a difference.I thought the book was amazing because it showed how important it is for teachers to care about their students. Even though Mr. Dadier had a hard time with the kids at first, he never gave up on them. He believed that every student could succeed if they were given a chance.There were some parts of the book that made me feel sad, like when Mr. Dadier had to deal with gang fights and students getting into trouble. But there were also parts that made me feel happy, like when he finally gained the respect of his students and they started to listen to him.I learned a lot from this book about the challenges that teachers face in some schools and how important it is to have patience and empathy for students who are going through tough times. It made me think about how lucky I am to have great teachers who care about me and support me every day.Overall, "Blackboard Jungle" is a really inspiring book that made me appreciate the hard work that teachers do. It reminds me that education is so important and that every student deserves a chance to succeed. I definitely recommend this book to all my friends!篇10Recently, I read a book called "Blackboard Rescue School" and I really liked it. It was super cool and interesting!The story is about a boy named Blake who goes to a school that is in danger of closing down. Blake and his friends come up with a plan to save the school by entering a singing competition. They practice really hard and work together as a team. It was so inspiring to see them working together for a common goal.I liked how the characters in the book were all so different but they all came together to help save the school. It taught me that teamwork is important and that we can achieve anything if we work together.I also liked how the book showed that even though things might seem impossible, if you believe in yourself and work hard, you can make a difference. It made me feel like I can do anything if I put my mind to it.Overall, "Blackboard Rescue School" was a great book that taught me a lot about teamwork, determination, and believing in myself. It was a fun and exciting read that I would recommend to all my friends. I can't wait to read more books by the same author!。



精品文档The Wrong Letter7送错的信1One morning the postman came down Elm Road. In his bag were two letters. They looked like this:Road Bilton” ;“ Miss F Jones 79 Elm Road Bilton”There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road. Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived atnumber 79. She was mad about football. But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn That ’ s howthe mix-up began.Pony-mad Pippa was out at the stable when her letter came. Pippa had a pony called Blossom who was a champion jumper.She gave Blossom some oats and a kiss on the nose. Then her dad stuck his head out of the back door.rfor you.”Football-mad Flo was in the garden when her letter arrived. Flo played for Redland Rovers. She was wearing her Rovers kit as usual. She dribbled past the cat and swerved round the swing. “ Thud. ”the ball hit the back door. “ goal.”cried Flo.“ Flo!” called her mum.“ Stop that racket and come inside. There’ s a letter for you.”Flo tore open her letter. It said: Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup is on Saturday at Chestnut field. We hope to see you there.“ Wow!” said Flo.“ I’ m playing in the Cup Final on Saturday. Redland Rovers will win for sure.Road, Pippawas also reading her letter. “ Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup Final is on Saturday at Redland Park. We hope to see youthere.”“ Fantastic,” said Pippa.“ I’ m riding Blossom in the Junior Cup. We are sure to win.2Pippa and Flo couldn’ t wait for Saturday to come. They didn’t notice that they had got the wrong letter. T going to the wrong place. On Saturday morning Pippa rode Blossom to Redland Park. Down the road they passed Flo on herway to Chestnut Field. Pippa stared at Flo in her red and white football kit.“ Fancy dressing up like that to play a stup of football,” she thought to herself. Flo stared at Pippa in her black riding hat and boots.ridea boring old pony,” she thought to. herselfPippa arrived at Redland Park. But where were the other ponies? All she could see was the Redland Rovers team kicking a ball. “ Excuse me,” said Pippa.“ Where are the fences to jump?”The Rovers team laughed.“ This is a football match. Ponies can’ t play.” said one. Rovers’“ Have you seen Flo Jones? She hasn’ t come yet and we’ re one player short.”‘ I don’ t know a Pippa. ‘ My name is Pippa Jones.’‘ Well, you’ ll have to play then,’said the captain.‘ Hurry up and get changed,kick- off is in five minutes.’Pippa was horrified. She didn’ t want to play football. She wanted to ride Blossom in the Junior Cup. She tried to explai the Rovers team didn’ t listen. They pushed her into the changing room. Theyhergavefootball boots and a shirt. The shirtcame to her knees. And the boots pinched her feet. When Pippa ran she kept tripping over her laces. They lined up for kick-off and the referee blew his whistle to start the game.The ball came whizzing towards Pippa.‘ What shall I do with it?’ she wailed.‘ Just kick it that way, captain. Pippa kicked the ball.‘ Youch, my toe.’ she yelled.The ball went to one of the Blue team. Pippa tried to get it back. But she tripped over her laces and fell in a muddy puddle.‘ This is all a mistake.’ moaned Pippa.‘ I’ m in the wrong place.’3Flo was in the wrong place too. She was in Chestnut Field. But where was the Cup Final? All she could see were girls trottinground on ponies.‘ What is all this? a man’Floin aaskedbrown hat.‘It’ s the Junior Show. I am Mr. Trotter, one of thejudges. What is your name?’‘ Flo Jones. I am here to play football.’ Mr. Trotter wasn’ t listening. He was busy looking at a list of na Here you are. Miss Jones. You are jumping twenty- third.’‘ Jumping? Me?’ Flo turned pale.‘ But I can’ t ... even got a pony.’ Mr. Trotter laughed.‘ Dear me! You’ ve come without your pony? Then we’ ll h Five minutes later Flo was sitting on a big, black pony. It snorted and stamped its feet.‘ His name’ s Thunder. show him who is boss.’ said Mr. Trotter. Flo looked at Thunder. She was pretty sure he was boss.ride,’ she said.‘ There’ s been a mistake...’‘ You’ ll be fine. Good luck.’ said Mr. Trotter and slapped Thunder on the back. Thunder galloped off with Flo holdingon tight. The fences looked very high. Flo wanted to jump off but Thunder wouldn’ t stop. The louds the next rider is Miss Pippa Jones on Thunder . ’ The crowd clapped.‘ But my name isn’ t Pippa!’ cried Flo.get me down.’It was too late. Thunder was heading for the first fence. Flo shut her eyes. She was sure they were going to hit it. Just in time Thunder jumped. They landed with a bump a nd Flo’ s hat slipped down over her eyes. Now she couldn’ t see w going.Thunder sailed over the next jump. And the next. But Flo was slipping out of the saddle. She was almost upside down,hanging onto Thunder’ s neck.‘ What an odd waysaidtoride,Mr. Trotter. Thunder’ took the next three fences at a gallop.They came to the last one, a high brick wall. Thunder took off.-lp.’ cried Flo, flying in‘theheair.They landed with a thud. Then Flo fell off onto the grass. Everyone crowed around her. They picked her up and patted heron the back.‘ Are you all right?’‘ Well done.’‘ Jolly good riding.’‘ What happened?’ as ‘ You won. You jumped all the fences in the fastest time,’ said Mr. Trotter. He pinned a averosetteFlo ona Thund silver cup. ‘ This year ’ winners of the Junior Cup is Miss Pippa Jones, ’she said. ‘ My real name is Flo, ’smiled Flo happily.4Back at the Cup Final, things weren’ t going well for Pippa. Her legs hurt. She was wet and muddy and thelingboots wer her. There were two minutes left. The score was 2-2, but Pippa didn’ t care. She just wanted the game to end so that she could go home.The Blues’ goalkeeper kicked the ball out. It bounced straight to Pippa. She wasn’ hetpleased to shouted crossly and gave the ball a mighty kick. To her surprise the ball soared through the air towards the Bluesgoalkeeper dived- but the ball hit the back of the net.‘ Goal!’ shouted the Rovers.‘ What a goal!At that moment the final whistle blew. Pippa was Girl of the Match. Her team carried her off the pitch, cheering. Everyonewanted to pat her on the back. Pippa had won the Junior Cup for Rovers. After the game Pippa set off home with Blossom. On herway up Elm Road she passed Flo. Pippa and Flo both stopped. They both stared. Both of them were covered in mud andholding silver cups.‘ Is your name... Pippa Jones?’ asked Flo. Pippa nodded.‘ Then you must be understood. So that’ s what had happened.‘ I must have got your letter,’ said Flo.‘ I went to a pony show.’‘ And I must have got your lett went to a football match.’They both started to laugh.‘ Football is fun,’ grinned Pippa,‘ When you get used to it.’‘exciting,’ said Flo.After that, Pippa and Flo became the best of friends. Not only did they share the same name, they also liked the same things. Now, on one Saturday Flo goes riding with Pippa. And, on the next Saturday, Pippa plays football with Flo. The postman stillbrings letters to both their houses. But these days he’ s got a new pair of glasses.注释postman 邮递员came down Elm Road 来到榆树路was mad about 特别喜欢 ponies小型马,矮脚马the postman had broken his glasses邮递员的眼镜碎了 That's how the mix-up began. 差错就这样发生了。



典范英语7第7本读后感Travel beeen channeling in a sea of ??books, often elve to get my appreciation of famous masterpiece, but when I touch that book, and I'm fascinated by it, as it moved, it looked million times, never fet in hearts. Read a spell that one, it will e to mind, long time ... ... can not be dispersed Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me: A child named Harry Potter, an ordinary child, born will have a fight with the villain Voldemort's sign, a lightning-shaped scar. It is a curse of death more than marks, because the mother's sacrifice into his death by that road scars. He was adopted uncle had a wronged childhood, always relied on force table Gotha big bully his head, so, after 11 years. In his 11 birthday, there was an extraordinary thing, changed his life. Actually a very gentle surface terror watch Hagrid sent him a letter magic school admission letter, that he was born with a shaman's fate. He was very pleased to enter the school, know the Diagon Alley and a series of things in the Wizarding World. To the school also met o friends, one is stupid in the stupid brain Ron, there is a similar to Harry when the child's mother. One is the high academic Hermione, there are o ordinary Muggle parents. (Non-magic people) who work together to save the Philosopher's Stone, and heroic struggle against Voldemort, Voldemort finally destroyed the dream, get everyone's respect. Flaubert once said: the more we plain about the unfortunate fate, the more we feel the pain; the more we want to escape, the more that fear, it is better to face it, against it, overe it, so that all the pain down to concede defeat, so brilliant flowers bloom in the hard worked the land. Harry Potter is such that he does not bow to the face of difficulties, but raised his head, Student Groupsbrave face, conquer it. Students, there is no straight road in the mountains ah, however, bending, only majestic, with beautiful, there are ups and downs, only waves, as the streams there are obstacles, there are uneven, have the song! Our road is not flat, there is ups and downs, bumps and hollows, but we can not bow to difficulties, to the Harry - Potter study, do an honest, justice, courage to face difficulties, contempt difficult people! Victory will always be people who are tough are not Postscript. Let us all work together! Magic, the shaman is already written by many of the old theme of the writer. But Rowling is undoubtedly the best written. T o write such a real magic world, numerous details are woven into a magical . The book is undoubtedly the most attractive that is full of suspense story, every ending is you so get enough, lovely. The book is full of foreshadowing, who would have thought to hide in unexpected oute that many of the details. It is such a fascinating story, addictive. Harry the boy's image deeply into my mind, his loyalty, courage, the pursuit of justice and truth, and the kind of indomitable spirit, and both clearly echoed in my thoughts. Ever thought about a teenage boy, to bear the responsibility to save the world, to face death, to endure great pain and resentment, I can do? Naive child has been considered synonymous, but Harry told them, like Harry, like you can take responsibility. This is probably the "Harry Potter" For me the biggest incentive. I might throw a lot of books, but the shelves will always have a "Harry Potter"; I would buy many books, but never have a bookshelf in the gap. 朗读显示。





















典范英语8读后感People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.If we never posseanything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don’t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up ‘by hand’. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn’t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn’t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met MiHavisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.Four years later, MiHavisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman whoexpects inherit a fortune when he grow up.After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip’s ‘great expectations’ destroyed his life.This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don’t feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don’t despise your poor friends.2.The feeling after readingPetey is a domestic day I and Sam found petey was very , he want to be a support him to be a my mum found it .and called the factory on the ‘re on a the way ,Petey was caught by connections squad van in order to save Sam at last . At last ,my parents followed petey to be petey was travelled at the outer planet.Although it is in a future world, very advanced,everything wants to get his own consciousness, so is the robot. In order to own his own consciousness, a robot could be experienced the rough time . This shows that c onsciousneis the most precious in one’s life.。



典范英语七第八本,有趣的地方摘要:I.引言- 提及典范英语七和八的背景- 提出本文讨论的主题是有趣的地方II.典范英语七第八本简介- 简要介绍典范英语七和八的难度和内容- 指出这两本书适合的年龄段和学习目标III.有趣的地方- 描述典范英语七第八本中一些有趣的地方1.生动的故事情节2.有趣的角色设定3.丰富的文化背景4.地道的英语表达IV.对学习者的启示- 分析典范英语七和八如何帮助学习者提高英语能力1.扩展词汇量2.提高阅读理解3.增强口语表达能力4.培养英语思维V.结论- 总结典范英语七和八的优点和特点- 强调这两本书对于学习英语的重要性正文:作为一套广受好评的英语学习教材,典范英语七和八在内容上有着许多有趣的地方,吸引了大量学习者的关注。















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