



1.By the time I got there, the football match ________ already ________.

A. has; finished

B. was; finished

C. had; finished

D. /; finished

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:到我到达那里的时候,足球赛已经结束了。by the time通常用完成时态,根据got可知是过去完成时,故选C。


2.— How long has the train been away?

— Sorry. I don't know. By the time I got here, the train ________.

A. has left

B. was leaving

C. had been away

D. had left

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——火车离开多久了?——很抱歉。我不知道。我到这儿的时候,火车已经离开了。由By the time I got here可知该用过去完成时,所以选C。


3.She said when she got to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes.

A. has begun

B. had begun

C. has been on

D. had been on

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:她说当她到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始五分钟了。根据got 可知,电影开始五分钟属于在过去某时间前已经存在的状态,应该用过去完成时,所以排除A和C。开始begin,电影已经开始了五分钟是存在的状态,要用延续性的动词,所以要将瞬间动词begin改为be on,故选D。


4.—Did you see Tom at the party?

—No, he by the time I got there.

A. left

B. was leaving

C. had left

D. has left

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】by the time的从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时,表示主句的动作先发



5.Seeing John rush into the room with tears in his eyes, I asked him what .

A. would happen

B. had happened

C. happened

D. was happened

【答案】 B



6.—How long you TV by the time I called you?

—For about two hours

A. had; watched

B. have; watched

C. did; watch

D. were; watching

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】由句中的by the time可判断.这里用过去完成时,故选A。句意是:—到我打电话给你为止,你已经看了多长时间的电视了?—大约两个小时。


7.My grandparents for fifty years by the time My sister was 15.

A. married

B. had married

C. had got married

D. had been married


【解析】【分析】句意:到我妹妹十五岁的时候,我的祖父母已经结婚五十年了。根据for fifty years 五十年和be动词was,可知是表示一段时间的状语,谓语动词具有持续性,用过去完成时had been married“结婚”表状态。故选D。


8.The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous, for she before.

A. didn't fly

B. hasn't flown

C. hadn't flown

D. wasn't flying


【解析】【分析】句意:飞机上坐在我旁边的女孩很紧张,因为她以前没有坐过飞机。根据上文的句子The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous的一般过去时态可知,这里空白处所表示的是过去的过去,谓语应该用过去完成时态:had+动词的过去分词。根据句意,故答案为C。


9.By the time we got there, the film ________ already.

A. began

B. has begun

C. have begun

D. had begun

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我们到那儿时,电影已经开始了。by the time,直到……时候,指从过去某一点到从句所示的时间为止的一段时间,常与过去完成时连用。故选D。

【点评】考查时态,注意 by the time+过去时的用法。

10.Everything he ____ away from him before he returned to his hometown.

A. took

B. had been taken

C. had had been taken

D. had taken

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意为:他所拥有的一切在他回家之前都被拿走了。根据题干中的before he returned to his hometown,可知主句的谓语动词要用过去完成时,又因everything 与take 之间存在动宾关系,且everything 作take 的宾语,谓语动词要用被动语态,过去完成时的被动语态的基本构成是had been +过去分词,第一个had表示拥有的意思,后面的had been taken是过去完成时的被动语态。故选C。


11.Mr. Smith ________ in a car factory for ten years before he came to China.

A. had worked

B. works

C. is working

D. will work

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:史密斯先生来中国前在一个汽车厂工作十年了。根据before he came to China,可知他来汽车厂发生在来中国前,所以句子时态是过去完成时,had worked,故选A。


12.— Jack, would you like to see the new movie?

— I'd love to, but I______ it already.

A. am seeing

B. will see

C. see

D. have seen

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——杰克,你愿意去看这个新电影吗?——当然乐意,但是我已经看过了。由already可知是完成时,所以用have done。故选D。

【点评】本题考查完成时have done。

13.By the time I got to school, I realized that I ________ my backpack at home.

A. have forgotten

B. had forgotten

C. have left

D. had left

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我到学校的时候,我意识到我把书包忘在家里。考查过去完成时。by the time:到…时候为止;通常引导一个时间状语从句,表示“到……的时候为止”主句则表示在此时间之前某个事件已完成。值得注意的是,当从句用过去时时,主句通常用过去完成时。Leave sth. Sp.:把…落在某地。结合句意和语境可知选D。


14.By the time the alarm clock went off, My mother had already _________.

A. wake me up

B. wake up me

C. waken up me

D. waken me up

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:闹钟响时,我妈妈已经把我叫起来了。根据句意,动词应用过去完成时,用had +动词的过去分词。wake up是动副结构,代词作宾语必须放中间,故选D。


15.Yesterday when I _______ to the station, the train ______ already.

A. got, had left

B. got, has left

C. had got, left

D. got, left

【答案】 A



16.When I got to school, I realized I ______ my backpack at home.

A. left

B. had left

C. forgot

D. had forgotten

【答案】 B



17.By the time I finished my homework,my mother .

A. slept

B. has been asleep

C. was asleep

D. had been asleep

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】由上文“By the time ”和“ finished”可知此处应为过去完成时,故选D.


18.Jake _____his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _______ home.

A. has forgotten … comes

B. forgot… come

C. had left… came

D. had left…would come

【答案】 C



19.—Peter, _______ you _______ your homework?

—Not yet, I'll do it at once.

A. have; finished

B. Did; finish

C. Will; finish

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——皮特,你完成作业了吗?——还没有,我马上做。根据Not yet, I'll do it at once.可知此处问你的作业完成了吗,所以句子时态用现在完成时,现在完成时的结构have+done,故选A。


20.The boy was _____ on the ground and he had _____ bicycle behind the big tree.

A. lying; laid

B. lying; lay

C. lay; lain

D. lied; lied

【答案】 A



21.Tom realized that he ________ his physics book at home when he reached school.

A. left

B. had left

C. was leaving

D. leaves

【答案】 B


22.– Were you late for work yesterday morning?

– Yes. By the time I got to the bus stop, the early bus .

A. has already left

B. is already left

C. had already left

【答案】 C



23.They to help but could not get there in time.

A. wanted

B. had wanted

C. want

D. have wanted




24.Lucy_______ to go shopping, but it began to rain.

A. want

B. wants

C. had wanted

D. has wanted




25.I you could come.

A. hope

B. had hoped

C. have hoped

D. are hoping





26.Johnson ______ two tickets for the concert before Joe made a phone call to him.

A. had booked

B. booked

C. has booked

D. were booking

【答案】 A


去的过去”动作要用过去完成时(had + 过去分词),所以选A。

27.The movement of boycotting(联合抵制)the South Korean goods in whole China

_______ for a few months by the time Lotte Group(乐天集团)agreed to provide land for USA.

A. had been on

B. had begun

C. has been on

【答案】 A


物已经开始了一段时间。by +过去时间状语和过去完成时连用,可知句子时态要用过去完



28.I ________ to go to Beijing the next day.

A. plans

B. planned

C. had planned

D. has planned





29.By the time he ______________ at the cinema, the movie ______________ for five minutes.

A. arrived; had begun

B. had arrived; had begun

C. arrived; had been on

D. had arrived; had been on

【答案】 C


过去时;had begun开始,过去完成时,had been on进行,上映;begin开始,是短暂性动

词,不能和段时间连用,根据for five minutes.故排除AB,be on进行,上映,表状态,可

和段时间连用,by the time到……时候,从句用一般过去时,表示“截止到从句动作发生时,


【点评】考查动词时态。注意句子涉及到begin和be on的词义和用法。

30.My aunt said that she ________ to Guangzhou.

A. has never gone

B. had never gone

C. has never been

D. had never been

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我阿姨说她从没去过广州。have gone to…表示已经去了某地(强调不在说话者所在地);ha ve been to…曾经去过某地(现在已经回来)。又因为此处是宾语从句,而且主句是过去时,所以从句用过去完成时had been to。故答案为D。


31.Daming _______ to have a rest, but he didn't have time.

A. intended

B. had intended

C. intends

D. has intended




32.Pardon? I _____ quite catch you.

I said I ______ the song before.

A. didn't, hadn't heard

B. don't, didn't hear

C. didn't, didn't hear

D. won't, hadn't heard

【答案】 A



33.When Tom got to the examination room, he realized he ______ his pen at home.

A. was leaving

B. had left

C. forgot

D. was forgetting

【答案】 B



34.By the first day of August, 2007, the PLA ________ for eighty years.

A. founded

B. has founded

C. has been found

D. had been founded

【答案】 D



35.By the end of last term, the students of Class One___________ three projects.

A. finished

B. would finish

C. have finished

D. had finished

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:到上学期末,一班的学生已经完成了三个项目。根据by the end of last term,可知表示过去的过去,谓语动词要用过去完成时had+过去分词。故选D。【点评】考查过去完成时的构成和用法。根据时间状语,确定动词的时态。

36.-My parents our home for a few hours when I arrived. I didn't meet them.

-You could call them if you wanted to know where they were.

A. have been away from

B. had been away from

C. had left

D. had gone

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:---当我到家的时候,我的父母已离开家几个小时了。我没遇到他们。---假如你想知道他们在哪里的话,你可以给他们打电话。当我到家的时候是过去时间状语,所以我的父母已离开家几个小时了。for a few hours表示一段时间,不能与非延续动词连用。所以要用过去完成时态。故选B.


37.When I got to the cinema, the film ___________ for 15 minutes.

A. has begun

B. has been

C. has been on

D. had been on 【答案】 D



38.Mr. Wang ______ in this factory for 30 years already.

A. works

B. is working

C. has worked

D. will work

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:王先生在这个工厂工作已经30年了。根据for 30 years already,可知句子为现在完成时,表示发生于过去的动作一直持续到现在。C是现在完成时结构,故答案是C。


39.By the end of last month, we ______already ______ our lessons.

A. has, finished

B. have, finished

C. had, finished

D. will, finish

【答案】 C


40.– What were you doing when I called you last night?

– I ______ my homework and was going to bed.

A. did

B. had done

C. was doing

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】had+动词过去分词构成过去完成时,表示的是过去的过去,答语中go to bed是过去将来时,do my homework发生在go to bed之前,即过去的过去,要用过去完成时had done my homework.句意:昨天我给你打电话的时候,你正在做什么?我完成作业正要去睡觉。故选B。



41.Rosa _____ this washing machine for more than ten years. She is thinking about buying a new one.

A. is using

B. used

C. had used

D. has been using

【答案】 D




42.— Do you know the Color Run, a five-kilometer race?

—Yes. So far it______into quite a few cities in our country.

A. comes

B. came

C. has come

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道彩色跑,一个五千米的赛跑吗?——知道,到目前为止它已经进入了我们国家的好几个城市。由so far可知用现在完成时,故选C。


43.The most delicious cookies in the world ________ by granny. Please wait ten more minutes to enjoy them.

A. makes

B. is made

C. is being made

D. is going to make

【答案】 C


44.Housing prices ________ since the end of the last year. Therefore, it's time the central government ________ some effective measures to bring them under control.

A. have increased; would take

B. have increased; will take

C. have been increasing; take

D. have been increasing; took

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查时态和虚拟语气。句意:房价自从去年年末以来一直在上涨,所以中央政府该采取措施加以控制了。第一空依据since一词应该使用现在完成时,且进行时态更能体现出目前的状况,故使用现在完成进行时最好;第二空是虚拟语气中“it's time that +did/ should do”的句式使用,故选D项。

45.— He speaks Chinese very well.

— It's not surprising. He ___ in Beijing for nine years next week.

A. has been living

B. has lived

C. will have been lived

D. will have been living

【答案】 D



46.I'm tired out. I_______ all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.

A. shopped

B. have shopped

C. had shopped

D. have been shopping

【答案】 D


47.—Nice to see you again after all these years. What ________?

—Well, I've tried many things since we left school. I'm now working for a large oil company.

A. have you done

B. were you doing

C. did you do

D. have you been doing




48.Tom in the library every night over the last three months.

A. works

B. worked

C. has been working

D. had been working

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查时态,题干中出现的over the last three months,用于现在完成进行时或现在完成时。故答案为C。

【点评】本题的关键是牢记短语over/in the last/past+段时间“在近几年里”,常用于现在完成进行时或现在完成时。

49.He _______ it for two hours, and he's still watching now.

A. has been watched

B. watching

C. has been watching

D. is watching

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】由前半句的for two hours和后半句句意“他现在仍然在看”可知应用现在完成进行时。

50.The Ford Company its autonomous minicars on public roads in Arizona, the US, without a safety driver since October, 2017.

A. has been operating

B. has operated

C. had been operating

D. had operated




51.— What's wrong? You look really stressed out.

—I ________ the whole week preparing for my graduation paper.

A. work

B. have worked

C. have been working

D. worked

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:—你怎么了?看起来真的压力很大。—我已经连轴转努力了一整个星期来写我的毕业论文。根据本题题意,“我”已经从一周前开始,持续工作直至现在(有表达时间段的提示短语the whole week),唯有现在完成进行时可表达这一含义,应选用have been doing的结构,故选C。


52.—Lucy seems absent these days.

—She _____ a job from city to city—you see, she is graduating in June.

A. hunts for

B. is to hunt for

C. has hunted for

D. has been hunting for


【解析】【分析】句意:——Lucy这些天似乎不在。——从一个城市到另一个城市她一直在寻找一份工作,你知道,她将在六月毕业。根据"you see, she is graduating in June."可以判断"她快要毕业,所以最近一直在找工作",用现在完成进行时,故选D。


53.My friends from the mainland to me that they find the city's subway cars are "too old" compared with what they pay for subways in Beijing.

A. complained

B. is complaining

C. was complaining

D. have been complaining

【答案】 D




54.— I so busily recently that I no time to help you with your maths.

—That's OK. I can manage it by myself.

A. have been working; have

B. have worked; had

C. am working; will have

D. had been working; had had

【答案】 A



55.In order to find the missing child, villagers _____ all they can over the past five hours.

A. did

B. do

C. had done

D. have been doing

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:为了找到失踪的孩子,村民们在过去五小时里一直在尽力做自己能做的事情。A. did一般过去时 B. do 一般现在时 C. had done 过去完成时表示过去的过去 D. have been doing现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始一个动作持续到现在也可能持续下去。根据题干意思表示在过去五小时里一直做因此用现在完成进行时,故选D。


56.In my younger years, my father gave me some advice that I in my mind ever since.

A. turned over

B. was turning over

C. had turned over

D. have been turning over

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:在我年轻的时候,我的父亲给了我一些建议,从那时起,这些建议一直在我的脑海里翻来覆去。turn over表示仔细回想,反复斟酌考虑。因为句中ever since"自从……" 这里谓语动词turn over在将来会继续下去,故用现在完成进行时have been doing。故选D。

【点评】考查动词时态和短语turn over。

57.They the plan for a week, but no decision has .

A. have been discussing; made

B. have been discussing; been made

C. have been discussed; been made

D. are discussing; been made

【答案】 B




58.—I'm sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.

—I think so. He _____ for it months.

A. is preparing

B. has been preparing

C. was preparing

D. had been preparing

【答案】 B


59.Judith ______ on her new novel which is supposed to come out next month.

A. has been working

B. had worked

C. will be working

D. was working

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:朱迪思一直在写她的新小说,这本小说预定下个月出版。根据下文which is supposed to come out next month可知,她的小说还没写完,现在还在写,表示从过去一直到现在一直在写,可能还会写下去,应使用现在完成进行时。故选A。


60.—You look pretty tired today!

—I an environmental report over the last few days, which should be submitted to the boss tomorrow.

A. wrote

B. was writing

C. had written

D. have been writing





英语过去完成时练习全集及解析 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.She said when she got to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:她说当她到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始五分钟了。根据got 可知,电影开始五分钟属于在过去某时间前已经存在的状态,应该用过去完成时,所以排 除A和C。开始begin,电影已经开始了五分钟是存在的状态,要用延续性的动词,所以要 将瞬间动词begin改为be on,故选D。 【点评】此题考查动词的时态问题以及瞬间动词和延续性动词的区别。 2.Simon ________ the piano for ages when he gave his first concert. A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹了很多年钢琴了。根据时间 状语when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然 后开了音乐会,表示过去的过去,应该用过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词,故答案为C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。掌握过去完成时的意义(过去的过去)和构成:had+动词的过去分词。 3.By the time I finished my homework,my mother . A. slept B. has been asleep C. was asleep D. had been asleep 【答案】 D 可知此处应为过去完成时,故选 D. 和“ finished” 【解析】【分析】由上文“By the time ” 【点评】考查过去完成时。 4.By the end of 2012, many buildings built in our city. A. have been B. have C. had been D. will 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:到2012年底,我们的城市里已经建成了很多大楼。Buildings是build这一动作的承受者,该用被动语态。而被动语态是由“be + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。根据By the end of 2012可知该用过去完成时,所以选C。


外研版英语【初中英语】过去完成时难点、易错点 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.— Jim, why didn't you go to Beijing by train? — Bad luck! When I got to the station, the train ________. A. left B. had already left C. has already left D. has been left 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——吉姆,你为什么不坐火车去北京呢?——真倒霉!我到车站时,火车已经开走了。根据When I got to the station 可知,到那是过去时,离开是过去的过去,使用过去完成时,had done,故选B。 【点评】考查时态,注意过去的过去是过去完成时的用法。 2.By the time I got there, the football match ________ already ________. A. has; finished B. was; finished C. had; finished D. /; finished 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:到我到达那里的时候,足球赛已经结束了。by the time通常用完成时态,根据got可知是过去完成时,故选C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。 3.The film when I got there. A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】题中“I got there”表现的是过去时,且题意表达已经开始故为过去完成时,故选C. 【点评】此题考查过去完成时。 4.—I ______ know you can play the piano so well. —Thank you. A. didn't B. don't C. can't 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——我不知道你钢琴弹得那么好。——谢谢。A. didn't不,一般过去时态,指过去的状态及过去发生的动作;B. don't不,一般现在时态,指经常性、习惯性的动作;C. can't不能,指能力;不可能,表示否定的推测。根据语境,说话时我已知道你钢琴弹得好,不知道是过去的状态,用一般过去时,故选A。


过去完成时用法小结 一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。 4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when...(刚…就…), no sooner...than... (刚…就…), It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。


过去完成时用法小结一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had fini shed my homework before suppe我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started whe n we got to the theat 我们至U剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients 六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续至过去某个时间或还要 持续下去,常与for, si nee等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten yeabefore he retired last year.他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known hes in eehe was a child.他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight yearbsefore he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。


过去完成时难点、易错点含答案解析 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.The fireman________ the burning building three times before the fire was put out. A. is entering B. has entered C. was entering D. had entered 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:消防队员三次进入着火的大楼,才把火扑灭。A. is entering现在进行时;B. has entered现在完成时;C. was entering过去进行时;D. had entered过去完成时。根据 was put out,可知一般过去时,消防队员三次进入着火的大楼,动作已经完成,因此用过去完成时(表达过去的过去),had entered,故选D。 【点评】考查句子时态。注意过去完成时的用法。 2.Simon ________ the piano for ages when he gave his first concert. A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹了很多年钢琴了。根据时间状语when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然后开了音乐会,表示过去的过去,应该用过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词,故答案为C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。掌握过去完成时的意义(过去的过去)和构成:had+动词的过去分词。 3.—How long you TV by the time I called you? —For about two hours A. had; watched B. have; watched C. did; watch D. were; watching 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】由句中的by the time可判断.这里用过去完成时,故选A。句意是:—到我打电话给你为止,你已经看了多长时间的电视了?—大约两个小时。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法。 4.My grandparents for fifty years by the time My sister was 15. A. married B. had married C. had got married D. had been married 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:到我妹妹十五岁的时候,我的祖父母已经结婚五十年了。根据for fifty years 五十年和be动词was,可知是表示一段时间的状语,谓语动词具有持续性,用过去完成时had been married“结婚”表状态。故选D。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时,注意通过时间状语及动词判断句子的时态。


过去完成时(past perfect)表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。 它表示句子中描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。 基本结构:主语+had+过去分词(done) ①肯定句:主语+had+过去分词+其他. ②否定句:主语+had+not+过去分词+其他. ③一般疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词+其他 肯定回答:Yes,主语+had. 否定回答:No,主语+had not . ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(Had+主语+过去分词+其他) 基本用法 。 (1)表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例如:By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship. 到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。

(2)表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for, since 构成的时间状语连用。 例如:I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 当车来的时候,我在车站已等了20分钟。 He said he had worked in that factory since 1949. 他说自从1949年以来他就在那家工厂工作。 (3)叙述过去发生的事情,在已叙述了过去发生的事情后,反过来追述或补述以前发生的动作时,常使用过去完成时。 例如:Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine. ~ 史密斯先生昨天去世了。他以前是我的好友。 I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson. 我对动词一无所知,因为我没有好好学习功课。 (4)在含有定语从句的主从复合句中,如果叙述的是过去的事,先发生的动作常用过去完成时。 例如:I returned the book that I had borrowed.


过去完成时 (1)表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句(在复合句中,由时间连接词引导的状语从句叫做时间状语从句)来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例;By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.到昨天晚上9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。 (2)表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for, since 构成的时间状语连用。 例;I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.我在车站已经等了20分钟,一辆公共汽车终于来了。 He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.他说他自从1949年以来他就在那家工厂工作。 (3)叙述过去发生的事情,在已叙述了过去发生的事情后,反过来追述或补充以前发生的动作时,常使用过去完成时。 例;Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine. 史密斯先生昨天就去世了。他以前是我的好朋友。 I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson. 我对动词一无所知,因为我没有好好学习功课。 (4)在含有定语从句的主从复合句中,如果叙述的是过去的事,先发生的动作常用过去完成时。 例;I returned the book that I had borrowed.我已归还了我借的书。 She found the key that she had lost.她发现她失去了的钥匙。 (5)过去完成时常常用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句(或间接引语)中,这时从句中的动作发生在主句表示的过去的动作之前。 例;He said that he had known her well.他说他早就很了解她了。 I thought I had sent the letter a week before.我认为我一星期前就把信寄出去了。(6)状语从句:在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,“发生在过去的过去”,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 如when,before,after,as soon as,till/until引导的 e.g:When I woke up, it had already stopped raining.我醒来时雨已停了。 She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work.她直到把工作做完之后才睡觉。 注意:如果两个动作紧接着发生,则常常不用过去完成时,特别是在包含before和after 的复合句中,因为这时从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,这时可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。 e.g:After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English. 马克思到达英格兰之后,努力提高他的英语水平。 (7)动词think, want, hope, mean, plan, intend等用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法,希望,打算或意图等。 e.g:They had wanted to help but could not get there in time. 他们本来打算去帮忙,但没有及时赶到那里。 We had hoped to be able to come and see you . 我们本来希望能来看看你。 (8)过去完成时还可用在hardly when no sooner than It was the first


过去完成时 一、过去完成时的概念与结构特点 概念:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。 ----|-------------------------- |-------------------------------|----------------------------> 那时以前那时现在 构成:过去完成时由“助动词 had + 过去分词”构成,其中 had 通用于各种人称。 They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. She had finished writing the composition by 10 :00 this morning. 二、过去完成时的判断依据 1. 由时间状语来判定 一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: ( 1 ) by + 过去的时间点。 如: I had finished reading the novel by nine o'clock last night. ( 2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。 如: We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term. ( 3 ) before + 过去的时间点。 如: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday. 2. 由“过去的过去”来判定。 过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: ( 1 )宾语从句中 当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。如: She said that she had seen the film before. ( 2 )状语从句中 在时间、条件、原因、方式等状语从句中,主、从句的动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。如: When I got to the station, the train had already left.


人教版英语过去完成时形式讲解含答案百度文库 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.By the first day of August, 2007, the PLA ________ for eighty years. A. founded B. has founded C. has been found D. had been founded 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:到2007年8月1日为止,中国人民解放军已经成立了80年了。句中有by+过去的时间,表示到…为止,句子用过去完成时,found成立,故选D 【点评】动词的时态是学习英语过程中非常重要的知识。现在完成时表示动词在过去发生对现在造成的影响。现在完成时往往和already,yet,for+一段时间,since+点时间的时间状语连用。过去完成时表示动作发生在过去的过去,句子中强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响。 2.— How long has the train been away? — Sorry. I don't know. By the time I got here, the train ________. A. has left B. was leaving C. had been away D. had left 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——火车离开多久了?——很抱歉。我不知道。我到这儿的时候,火车已经离开了。由By the time I got here可知该用过去完成时,所以选C。 【点评】考查动词时态。 3.—How long you TV by the time I called you? —For about two hours A. had; watched B. have; watched C. did; watch D. were; watching 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】由句中的by the time可判断.这里用过去完成时,故选A。句意是:—到我打电话给你为止,你已经看了多长时间的电视了?—大约两个小时。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法。 4.By the time of last year, she the piano for five years. A. learnt B. has learnt C. had learnt D. will learn 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:到去年的时候,她已经学了五年钢琴了。由时间状语By the time


人教版英语过去完成时难点练习含答案推荐精选 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.— Jack, would you like to see the new movie? — I'd love to, but I______ it already. A. am seeing B. will see C. see D. have seen 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——杰克,你愿意去看这个新电影吗?——当然乐意,但是我已经看过了。由already可知是完成时,所以用have done。故选D。 【点评】本题考查完成时have done。 2.Simon ________ the piano for ages when he gave his first concert. A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹了很多年钢琴了。根据时间状语when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然后开了音乐会,表示过去的过去,应该用过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词,故答案为C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。掌握过去完成时的意义(过去的过去)和构成:had+动词的过去分词。 3.Tom by the time I got to the party. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句中有“by+过去时间”作时间状语,提示谓语动同用过去完成时,即“我到达”和“他离开”,后者发生在前者之前,即“过去的过去”,因此,后者用过去完成时。故选C。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法。 4.The bus ______ for five minutes when Tim arrived at the station. A. went B. has left C. had left D. had been away 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:当迪姆到达车站时,公交离开了五分钟了。表示到达车站前已经发生或完成的动作,句子用过去完成时态;leave是一个非延续性的动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语for…连用,可以表达成be away,形容词表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。故选D。


定义 过去完成时(past perfect)表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或状态。它表示句子中描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。 基本结构 主语+had+过去分词vpp.(done) ①肯定句:主语+had+过去分词. ②否定句:主语+had+not+过去分词. ③一般疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+had. 否定回答:No,主语+had not . ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(Had+主语+过去分词)? 基本用法 (1)表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例如:By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship. 到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。 (2)表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for, since构成的时间状语连用。 例如:I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 当车来的时候,我在车站已等了20分钟。 He said he had worked in that factory since 1949. 他说自从1949年以来他就在那家工厂工作。 (3)叙述过去发生的事情,在已叙述了过去发生的事情后,反过来追述或补述以前发生的动作时,常使用过去完成时。 例如:Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine. 史密斯先生昨天去世了。他以前是我的好友。 I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson. 我对动词一无所知,因为我没有好好学习功课。 (4)在含有定语从句的主从复合句中,如果叙述的是过去的事,先发生的动作常用过去完成时。例如:I returned the book that I had borrowed. 我已归还了我借的书。 She found the key that she had lost. 她丢失的钥匙找到了。 (5)过去完成时常常用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句(或间接引语)中,这时从句中的动作发生在主句表示的过去的动作之前。 例如:He said that he had known her well. 他说他很熟悉她。 I thought I had sent the letter a week before. 我认为我一星期前就把信寄出去了。 (6)状语从句:在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在前,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 如when,before,after,as soon as,till/until引导的


人教版英语初二英语过去完成时知识点总结及解析 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.The fireman________ the burning building three times before the fire was put out. A. is entering B. has entered C. was entering D. had entered 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:消防队员三次进入着火的大楼,才把火扑灭。A. is entering现在进行时;B. has entered现在完成时;C. was entering过去进行时;D. had entered过去完成时。根据 was put out,可知一般过去时,消防队员三次进入着火的大楼,动作已经完成,因此用过去完成时(表达过去的过去),had entered,故选D。 【点评】考查句子时态。注意过去完成时的用法。 2.Simon ________ the piano for ages when he gave his first concert. A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹了很多年钢琴了。根据时间状语when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然后开了音乐会,表示过去的过去,应该用过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词,故答案为C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。掌握过去完成时的意义(过去的过去)和构成:had+动词的过去分词。 3.—We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didn't you come? —Because I that movie twice. A. have watched B. had watched C. was watching D. would watch 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】“看过电影”这一动作发生在“没去影院”之前,是过去的过去,用过去完成时,故选B。句意是:—昨天晚上除了你之外我们都去电影院了,你为什么没来?—因为这部电影我已经看过两次了。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法,表示过去的过去。 4.—Did you see Tom at the party? —No, he by the time I got there. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】by the time的从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时,表示主句的动作先发生,故选C。句意是:在我到那里之前他已经离开了。


过去完成时用法讲解 一、概念:表示过去的过去,其构成是had +过去分词。 二、用法: 1. 表示某一动作在过去某一时刻之前已完成。例如: He had gone to bed by 10:00 last night. (昨夜十点钟之前他已上床去睡了。) 2. 与一般过去时搭配,表达某一动作在过去的动作发生时已完成。例如: The train had started when I got to the station. (当我到达车站时火车已开走了。) # The minute I saw a lady getting off the bus, I knew it was she, for I had seen her before. (我一看到正在下公共汽车的那位女士就知道是她,因为我以前看见过她。) 解说:使用过去完成时在简单句里表达某一动作在过去的某一时刻已完成时,该过去的时刻常以“by +过去时间”的短语来表达。例如下面的说法是不正确的: He had gone to bed at 10:00 last night. 若是要说“at 10:00 last night”就必须用一般过去时“He went to bed...”。请再观察下面的句子试比较:It had rained yesterday. (误) It rained yesterday.(正) 或许你会说:“昨天下了雨,可是今天已放晴了,下雨已是过去的事,而且已经下完了,所以就用过去完成时……。”这就是最令同学们对一般过去时和过去完成时感到混淆和困惑的。实际上只要我们了解下面的两点原则就可以消除这种现象。 1. 由过去的时间作状语来修饰动词的句子都使用一般过去时。 ; 2. 除非从谈话的先后关系和上下文关系对过去的动作完成的基准点可以确定以外,应该避免在简单句中使用过去完成时。 三、过去完成时常用的连词有:before, by, until, when, after, once, as soon as等。例如: He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 四、在什么情况下使用过去完成时 1. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词引导的宾语从句中,一般用过去完成时。例如: She said (that) she had never been to Paris. … 2. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。例如:When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. 3. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本……,未能……”。例如: We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 典型例题: The students ________ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ____ in the office. A. had written, left , B. were writing, has left C. had written, had left D. were writing, had left 答案D。“把书忘在办公室”发生在“去取书”这一过去的动作之前,因此“忘了书”这一动作发生


英语过去完成时练习题及答案及解析 一、单项选择过去完成时 1.—Lily went to see the movie alone. —If she _____ me about it, I would have gone with her. A.should tell B.tells C.told D.had told 【答案】D 【解析】 考查时态。句意:丽丽一个人去看电影了。——如果她告诉过我这件事,我会和她一起去的。结合语境可知从句中说的是在过去已完成动作,故用过去完成时态。 2.The girl, when _____ why she _____ in the exam, just lowered her head and kept silent. A.questioned; was cheated B.being questioned; was cheating C.questioned; had cheated D.being questioned; has cheated 【答案】C 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:当被问到为什么在考试中作弊中,小女孩子低头不语。When引导的是是时间状语从句,与girl 之间是被动关系,所以用done形式,作弊没有被动语态,故选C项。 3.Hardly ___________the door when he rushed into the office out of breath. A.I opened B.did I open C.I had opened D.had I opened 【答案】D 【解析】 本题考查hardly...when 结构,表示“一……就、刚刚……就”;句意:我刚把门打开,他就气喘吁吁冲进办公室。hardly 以及含有否定意义的副词放在句首,句子用倒装结构,故选D。 【名师点睛】 hardly......when的用法 表示一件事紧接着另一件事发生,意思是“刚刚....,就....”。注意其时态上主句一般用过去完成时,从句用过去时。有时主句也可用现在完成时,从句用一般现在时。


过去完成时难点、易错点含答案解析百度文库 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.The film when I got there. A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】题中“I got there”表现的是过去时,且题意表达已经开始故为过去完成时,故选C. 【点评】此题考查过去完成时。 2.— How long has the train been away? — Sorry. I don't know. By the time I got here, the train ________. A. has left B. was leaving C. had been away D. had left 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——火车离开多久了?——很抱歉。我不知道。我到这儿的时候,火车已经离开了。由By the time I got here可知该用过去完成时,所以选C。 【点评】考查动词时态。 3.She said when she got to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:她说当她到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始五分钟了。根据got 可知,电影开始五分钟属于在过去某时间前已经存在的状态,应该用过去完成时,所以排除A和C。开始begin,电影已经开始了五分钟是存在的状态,要用延续性的动词,所以要将瞬间动词begin改为be on,故选D。 【点评】此题考查动词的时态问题以及瞬间动词和延续性动词的区别。 4.—Did you see Tom at the party? —No, he by the time I got there. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】by the time的从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时,表示主句的动作先发


【初中英语】过去完成时难点练习 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.By the time we got there, the film ________ already. A. began B. has begun C. have begun D. had begun 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们到那儿时,电影已经开始了。by the time,直到……时候,指从过去某一点到从句所示的时间为止的一段时间,常与过去完成时连用。故选D。 【点评】考查时态,注意 by the time+过去时的用法。 2.By the time I ________ on the TV, Beckham ________ two goals. A. turned; have scored B. turned; had scored C. had turned; have scored D. had turned; had scored 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:当我打开电视的时候,贝克汉姆已经进了两个球。本句是时间状语从句,by the time到…时候为止,用于一般过去时,可排除CD选项。从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,需用“had+过去分词”结构,可排除A;根据句意结构,可知,故选B。 【点评】考查动词时态辨析题。 3.Before O'Shea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing, he_______ in Hongkong for ten years. A. works B. has worked C. had worked D. would work 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:O'Shea在北京主持Joy FM节目前,他已经在香港工作了10年了。根据Before O'Shea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing可知,主持节目这个动作发生在过去,而在香港呆了十年是发生在过去的过去,时态要用过去完成时(had +过去分词),故选C。 【点评】考查动词的时态。牢记过去完成时的用法。 4.— What do you think of the young lady? — She is hard-working. She ________ all her effort into her work before she got ill. A. has put B. put C. had put D. would put 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为这位小姐怎样?——她很勤奋。她生病前把她所有的精力都投入到她的工作中。根据时间状语从句before she got ill.可知主句动作是过去的过去,该用过去完成时态:had+过去分词,故答案为C。 【点评】考查过去完成时。理解句意并掌握过去完成时表示过去的过去,构成为:had+过去分词。
