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19. /
20. An,a
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. D
18. B
19. D
an hour an ice cream an artist
二、选择 a/an/the 填空或不填词。
1. an
2. an
3. an
4. An
5. the
6. a
7. the
8. a
9. /
10. the 11. the
12. an
13. an,a 14.the,/,a 15. an,the 16. The 17. /,/,/ 18. /,the
20. D
21. A
22. B
23. B
24. B
25. D
B. /,a
C. a ,/ D. the,the
20.Do you see_______book on_______table
A.the,a B. a,an
C.an,an D.a,the
21.He meet_____friend of mine on the road.
22.Mary is from_____ USA.
A. a
B. the
C. an
23.The girl under____tree is my sister.
A. a
24.There is_____apple on the desk.
A. a
B. an
C. /
D. the
( )1. 上学
A. go to school B. go to the school C. go to a school
( )2. 回家
A. go home
B. go a home
C. go the home
( )3. 步行
A. on foot
B. on the foot
C. on feet
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
11. She has _______orange skirt. _______skirt is nice.
A. a;The
B. an;The C. an;A D. the;The
12. This is_______apple. It’s_______big apple.
A. The
B. A
C. An
D. Two
3. —How many books do you have?
—I have_______book. That´s_______English book.
A. a;an
B. a;one C. one;an D. one;one
4. We can’t see_______sun at _______night.
18.He likes playing ______ football. His sister likes playing ______ piano.
19.They often play______ basketball after school.
20._______ elephant is heavier than _______ horse.
B. a
C. one
D. /
9. Does Tom often play_______football after_______school?
A. /;/
B. /;the C. the;/
D. a;/
10. Australia is_______ English-speaking(说英语的) country.
A. an;a
B. a;the
C. a;an D. an;the
13. Look at _______horse over there.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
14. Don’t play_______basketball here. It’s dangerous.
A. a
B. an
C. /
25._____tiger is from China.
A. /
B. An
D. The
一、在空格内填上 a 或者 an。
a peach a book
an apple a pear
a cake an orange
an ear a hamburger a pencil an eye
an egg an umbrella
7.Look at___blackboard,please.
8.Have___rest! You are so tired(累).
9.The boy can play___football.
10.Can your sister play___guitar(吉他).
11.I can see___ sun.It is yellow.
15.There is ______ interesting(有趣的) picture on ______ wall.
16.--Which picture is more beautiful? --______one on the left, I think.
17.After ______ breakfast he went to ______ school on ______ foot.
( )4.乘公共汽车 A. take bus
B. by bus
C. by the bus
( )5. 在家
A. at the home
B. at a home
C. at home
( )6. 去睡觉
A. go to bed
B. go to the bed C. go to a bed
( )7. 感冒
A. have a cold
A. A;an B. The;a C. The;the D. A;the
7. His father is_______ English teacher. He works in our school.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
8. Is he_______American boy ?
A. an
12.There is___old woman on the street(街道).
13.This is ______ old map. It is ______ useful(有用的) map.
14.Beijing is ______ capital(首都) of ______ China. It is _______ big city.
C. on a right
1. There is_______old bike. _______old bike is Mr. Zhao´s.
A. an ;The
B. the;An C. a;The D. the;The
2._______apple a day keeps the doctors away.
B. have the cold C. have cold
( )8. 乘船
A. by ship
B. on ship
C. by a ship
( )9. 玩得愉快 A. have good times B. have a good time C. have good times
( )10.在右边
A. on the right B. on right
D. the
15. There is_______old woman in the car.
A. /
B. the
C. a
D. an
16. Beijing is_______ beautiful city. It’s_______capital(首都)of China.
A. a;a
B. the;the C. /;the D. a;the
17. Shanghai is in_______ east of China.
A. /
B. an
C. a
D. the
18.There is_______artroom near the library.
A. a
B. an
C. /
D. the
19.Where´s_______desk? It´s in_______middle(中间) of the room.
一、在空格内填上 a 或者 an。
___ice cream
二、选择 a/an/the 填空或不填词。
1.This is___egg.
2.I have___idea(注意).
3.There is___orange on the table.
4.___apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu5.Clean___table,please.
6.There is___TV in the classroom.
A. the;the B. the;/ C. a;/
D. /;/
5. _______Great Wall is _______longest(最长) wall in the world.
A. A;a
B. The;the C. A;the D. The;a
6. _______woman over there is_______ popular(受欢迎) teacher in our school.