

汉英煤炭科技名词(定义版, 1996)

汉英煤炭科技名词(定义版, 1996)

汉英煤炭科技名词(定义版, 1996)1/2 中粘煤||1/2 medium caking coal; 粘结性介于气煤和弱粘煤之间、挥发分范围较宽的烟煤。

1/3 焦煤||1/3 coking coal; 介于焦煤、肥煤和气煤之间的、含中等或较高挥发分的强粘结性煤。


200kg焦炉炼焦试验||200kg sample coke oven test; 进行单煤或配煤炼焦的一种半工业性试验。

A级储量||grade A reserves; 在精查阶段,通过较密的勘探工程控制,含煤性、煤层产状等均已查明,勘探程度高的煤炭储量。

B级储量||grade B reserves; 在详查和精查阶段,通过系统的勘探工程控制, 含煤性、煤层产状等已基本查明,勘探程度较高的煤炭储量。

COED法||char oil energy development process, COED; 主要产物为半焦、焦油和煤气的一种多段流化床的煤热解工艺。

C级储量||grade C reserves; 在普查、详查、精查阶段,通过稀疏的勘探工程控制,含煤性、煤层产状等已初步查明,有一定勘探程度的煤炭储量。

D级储量||grade D reserves; 在找煤、普查、详查阶段,通过地质填图和少量勘探工程控制,对含煤性、煤层产状等有初步了解的煤炭储量。

F-T煤液化法||Fischer-Tropsch coal liquefaction process; 煤制成的合成气经催化合成为以烃类为主的液体产物的间接液化工艺。

K-T气化炉||Koppers-Totzek gasifier; 又称“柯-托气化炉”。


UGI水煤气炉||UGI water gas gasifier; 美国联合煤气改进公司(United Gas Improvement Company)开发的,采用常压移动床生产水煤气的装置。



abandoned drives [ə’bændənd][draivs] 废巷道abrasion resistance [ə’breiʒən] [ri'zistəns] 抗磨蚀能力abrasive [ə'breisiv]磨料absorbent [əb'sɔ:bənt]吸收剂access ramp [’ækses][ræmp]出入沟,出入引道accessory minerals [ək'sesəri][’minərəls]副矿物accidental explosion [,æksi'dentəl][ik’spləuʒən]意外爆炸Accumulated losses 累计亏损Acid Mine Drainage 矿山酸性废水Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines.acid mine water ['æsid][main][’wɔ:tə]酸性矿水acid resistant [’æsid] [ri'zistənt] 耐酸的acid rock ['æsid] [rɔk]酸性岩acidite ['æsidait]酸性岩acidulation 酸化acquirer投资主体Acquisition premium 收购溢价activated charcoal ['æktiveitid]['tʃɑ:kəul] 活性煤activator ['æktiveitə]活化剂adamic earth [’ædəmik] [ə:θ]红粘土additive ['æditiv]添加剂adhere [əd'hiə]粘着adhesion force [əd'hi:ʒən][fɔ:s] 粘附力Adit ['ædit] 平硐An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill for providing access to a mineral deposit。



煤炭术语中英文对照表1. 煤炭 Coal2. 无烟煤 Anthracite3. 贫煤 Lean Coal4. 烟煤 Bituminous Coal5. 褐煤 Lignite6. 矸石 Gangue7. 矿井 Coal Mine8. 矿井瓦斯 Coal Mine Gas9. 矿井水害 Coal Mine Water Disaster10. 矿井通风 Coal Mine Ventilation11. 矿井安全 Coal Mine Safety12. 煤层 Coal Seam13. 煤层气 Coal Seam Gas14. 煤质分析 Coal Quality Analysis15. 煤炭洗选 Coal Washing16. 煤炭燃烧 Coal Combustion17. 煤炭气化 Coal Gasification18. 煤炭液化 Coal Liquefaction19. 煤炭焦化 Coal Coking20. 煤炭发电 Coalfired Power Generation21. 煤炭运输 Coal Transportation22. 煤炭储存 Coal Storage23. 煤炭市场 Coal Market24. 煤炭价格 Coal Price25. 煤炭政策 Coal Policy26. 煤炭行业 Coal Industry27. 煤炭企业 Coal Company28. 煤炭协会 Coal Association29. 煤炭科学研究 Coal Science Research30. 煤炭教育 Coal Education继续完善煤炭术语中英文对照表:31. 煤炭资源 Coal Resources32. 煤炭勘探 Coal Exploration33. 煤炭开采 Coal Mining34. 煤炭选煤 Coal Dressing35. 煤炭综合利用 Comprehensive Utilization of Coal36. 煤炭深加工 Deep Processing of Coal37. 煤炭环保 Coal Environmental Protection38. 煤炭清洁利用 Clean Coal Utilization39. 煤炭节能 Coal Energy Saving40. 煤炭减排 Coal Emission Reduction41. 煤炭国际贸易 Coal International Trade42. 煤炭进口 Coal Import43. 煤炭出口 Coal Export44. 煤炭供应链 Coal Supply Chain45. 煤炭物流 Coal Logistics46. 煤炭消费 Coal Consumption47. 煤炭替代能源 Coal Substitute Energy48. 煤炭市场竞争 Coal Market Competition49. 煤炭产业升级 Coal Industry Upgrading50. 煤炭科技创新 Coal Technology Innovation51. 煤炭峰值 Coal Peak52. 煤炭转型 Coal Transition53. 煤炭去产能 Coal Capacity Reduction54. 煤炭过剩 Coal Overcapacity55. 煤炭结构调整 Structural Adjustment of Coal56. 煤炭回采率 Coal Recovery Rate57. 煤炭机械化 Mining Mechanization58. 煤炭自动化 Coal Automation59. 煤炭信息化 Coal Informatization60. 煤炭智能化 Coal Intelligence61. 煤炭安全监控 Coal Safety Monitoring62. 煤炭职业健康 Coal Occupational Health63. 煤炭企业文化 Coal Corporate Culture64. 煤炭社会责任 Coal Social Responsibility65. 煤炭可持续发展 Sustainable Development of Coal66. 煤炭替代品 Coal Alternatives67. 煤炭期货 Coal Futures68. 煤炭现货市场 Coal Spot Market69. 煤炭储备 Coal Reserves70. 煤炭地质 Coal Geology71. 煤炭岩芯 Coal Core72. 煤炭样品 Coal Sample73. 煤炭实验室 Coal Laboratory74. 煤炭质量标准 Coal Quality Standards75. 煤炭行业协会 Coal Industry Association。



煤炭术语中英文对照(一)煤及其产品序号术语名称英文名称定义符号允许使用的同义词停止使用的同义词2.1.1煤coal植物遗体在覆盖地层下,压实、转化而成的固体有机可燃沉积岩煤炭2.1.2煤的品种Categories of coal以不同方式加工成不同规格的煤炭产品2.1.3标准煤Coal equivalent凡能产生29.27MJ的热量(低位)的任何数量的燃料折合为1kg标准煤2.1.4毛煤Run-of-mine coal煤矿生产出来的,未经任何加工处理的煤2.1.5原煤Raw coal从毛煤中选出规定粒度的矸石(包括黄铁矿等杂物)以后的煤2.1.6商品煤Connercial coal;salable coal作为商品出售的煤销煤2.1.7精煤clenedcoal煤经精选(干选或湿选)后生产出来的、符合质量要求的产品洗精煤2.1.8中煤Middings煤经精选后的道德、灰分介于精煤和矸石之间的产品2.1.9洗选煤Washed coal经过洗选后的煤'2.1.10筛选煤Screened coal;sieved coal经过筛选加工的煤2.1.11粒级煤Sized coal煤通过筛选或精选生产的,粒度下限大于6mm并规定有限下率的产品2.1.12粒度Size颗粒的大小2.1.13限上率Oversize fraction筛下产品中大于规定粒度上限部分的质量百分数2.1.14限下率Undersize fraction筛上产品中小于规定中的粒度下限部分的质量百分数含末率2.1.15特大块Uitra large coal(>100mm)大于100mm的粒级煤2.1.16大块煤Large coal(>50mm)大于50mm的粒级煤2.1.17中块煤Medium-sizldcoal(25~50mm)5~50mm的粒级煤2.1.18小块煤Small coal(13~25mm)13~25mm的粒级煤2.1.19混中块Mixed medium-sized coal(13~80mm)13~80mm的粒级煤2.1.20混块Mixedlumpcoal(13~300mm)13~300mm之间的粒级煤2.1.21粒煤Pea coal(6~13mm)6~13mm的粒级煤2.1.22混煤Mixed coal(>0~50mm)0~50mm之间的煤2.1.23末煤Slack;slackcoal(>0~25mm)0~25mm之间的煤2.1.24粉煤Fine coal(>0~6mm)0~6mm之间的煤2.1.25煤粉Coal fines(>0~0.5mm)小于0.5mm的煤2.1.26煤泥slime煤经洗选或水采后粒度在0.5mm以下的产品2.1.27矸石Shale采.掘过程中从顶、底板或煤层混入煤中的岩石矸子2.1.28夹矸Dirt band夹层在煤层中的矿物质层2.1.29洗矸washeryrejects从洗煤中排出的矸石2.1.30含矸率Shale cont ent煤中大于50mm矸石的质量百分数(二)煤的采样和制样序号术语名称英文名称定义符号允许使用的同义词停止使用的同义词2.2.1煤样Coals ample;sample为确定某些特性而从煤中采取的、具有代表性的一部分煤2.2.2采样Samping采取煤样的过程2.2.3子样Increment采样器具操作一次或截取一次煤流分断面所采取的一份样2.2.4总样Gros ssample从一个采样单元取出的全部子样合并成的煤样2.2.5随机采样andom sampling在采取子样式,对采样的部位或时间均不施加任何人为的意志,能使任何部位的煤都有机会采出2.2.6系统采样Systematic sampling按相同的时间、空间或质量的间隔采取子样,但第一个子样在第一个间隔内随机采取,其余的子样按选定的间隔采取2.2.7批Batch;lot在相同的条件下,在一段时间内生产的一个量2.2.8采样单元Sampling unit从一批煤中采取一个总样的煤量。



外文翻译Coal Mining T echnology煤炭开采技术院校: 资源学院专业: 土木工程(矿建)班级: 2009级07班学生姓名: 学号: 时间: 2013年5月指导老师:煤炭开采技术摘要:在当今科技经济发展的新形势下,煤炭开采技术的研究必须面向国内国外两个市场、面向经济建设主战场,立足于煤炭开采技术的前沿,立足于中国煤炭发展战略所必要的技术储备,立足于煤炭工业中长期发展战略所必须的关键技术的攻关,立足于煤炭工业工程实际问题的解决,重点从事中长期研究开发和技术储备,跟踪产业科技前沿,开发有自主知识产权的以煤矿开采技术及配套装备为主导的核心技术,占领技术制高点。









绪论☐☐mine n. 矿山,矿井。

v. 采矿☐mining n.采矿,采矿业,采掘行业☐mineral n. 矿物☐mine development 矿井开拓☐mine planning 矿井设计☐mine operation 矿井作业☐mine closure 矿井关闭☐mine reclamation 矿区恢复治理☐ore n. 矿石☐gangue n. [ɡæŋ] 夹石,夹矸 n. 脉石☐waste n. 废石☐mineral deposit 矿床☐metallic ore 金属矿石☐nonmetallic mineral 非金属矿物☐coal 煤☐petroleum 石油☐natural gas 天然气☐ground control 岩层控制☐ventilation 通风☐haulage 运输☐hoisting 提升☐rock breakage 破岩☐surrounding rock mass 围岩,周围岩层☐Dynamite 炸药☐Dark Ages 黑暗时代(欧洲史上约公元476-1000年),欧洲中世纪☐prospecting 勘探,探矿☐exploration 勘探,探测☐development 开拓☐exploitation 开采☐reclamation [﹑reklə′meɪʃən] 恢复治理,复垦☐colliery [′kɔljəri] n. 矿井,煤矿☐surface mining 露天开采☐shaft 井筒,立井☐slope 斜井☐adit 平硐☐open pit mining 基坑式露天开采井,煤矿☐open cast mining (strip mining) 倒堆式露天开采☐stripe 条带☐stripe mining 条带开采☐aqueous mining method [′eikwiəs] 水采方法☐underground mining 地下开采☐unsupported mining 空场法/无支护法☐supported mining 有支护法☐caving mining 垮落法/崩落法☐unit operations 单元作业;工序☐production operation 生产工序,主要工序☐materials handling 物料搬运☐drill 钻眼☐blast 爆破☐load 装载☐unload,dump,卸载☐haul 运输☐auxiliary operation 辅助工序☐roof support 顶板支护☐ventilation and air-conditioning 通风和空气调节☐power supply 供电☐pumping;drainage 排水☐maintenance 设备维护☐communication 通讯☐lighting 照明☐delivery of compressed air, water 供水和压缩空气☐supplies to the working sections 其它材料供应☐provide slope stability 保持边坡稳定☐waste disposal 废物处理☐supply of material 材料供应1.1 Earth crust and strata☐heavenly body 天体☐atmosphere 大气层☐hydrosphere 水圈☐lithosphere岩石圈☐earth core地核☐earth mantle地幔☐crust地壳☐geologic function; geologic process地质作用☐geologic process from the external force外力地质作用☐geologic process from the internal force内力地质作用☐metamorphic process变质作用☐weathering风化作用☐mechanical weathering物理风化☐chemical weathering化学风化☐disintegration剥蚀,剥蚀作用☐decay 侵蚀、腐蚀☐侵蚀 erosion☐搬运作用 transportation☐沉积作用 deposition, sedimentation ☐成岩作用lithogenesis☐岩石 rock☐土 soil☐矿物 mineral☐火成岩igneous rock☐沉积岩sedimentary rock☐变质岩metamorphic rock☐喷出岩 extruded rock☐侵入岩intrusive rock☐花岗岩 granite☐玄武岩basalt☐斑岩porphyry☐石英 quartz☐长石feldspar☐云母 mica☐砂岩 sandstone☐粉砂岩 siltstone☐细砂岩 packsand☐粗砂岩 gritrock☐砂质泥岩 sandy mudstone☐页岩 shale☐石灰岩limestone☐泥 mudstone☐地层、岩层 stratum (pl) Strata☐大理marble☐板岩 slate☐石英岩quartzite☐gneiss1.2 Origin of Coal☐fossil n. 化石。



常用采矿工程词汇(分类按汉语拼音顺序排列)煤柱尺寸pillar dimension灰色关联分析gray relationship analysis地质构造geological tectonic水文地质hydrogeology极不规则煤层extremely anomalistic coal seam预紧力、预应力pre-tightening force, pre-stress含水的hydrous水力采煤hydraulic cutting coal主(副)井main (auxiliary) shaft敏感性sensitivity国内外at home and abroad瓦斯抽放gas drainage机电一体化mechanical-electrical integration稳定性stability微地震micro-seism动载dynamic loading流变特征rheological characteristic蠕变creep人工神经网络artificial neural network定位orientation保水开采mining without detroying water resource高压注水water injection with high pressure中硬煤层medium hard coal seam层次分析法hierarchy anallysis proceeding煤与瓦斯突出coal and gas bursting模糊综合评判fuzzy comprehensive evaluation综(放)采工作面full-mechanized (caving) mining face 炮采工作面blasting mining face机采工作面mechanized mining face(急)倾斜煤层(steeply) inclined coal seam走向strike倾向direction dip,dip,inclination矿山压力underground pressure支承压力abutment pressure上覆岩层overlying rock strata薄、中厚、厚煤层thin,medium thick,thick coal seam (松散)含水层(loose) aquifer裂缝带crack zone垮落带caving zone顶、底板roof,floor顶煤top coal(掩护式)液压支架(shield) powered support割煤机coal cutter刮板机scrapper胶带输送机belt conveyor片帮coal slide冒顶roof fall岩爆(矿震、冲积矿压)rock burst自燃spontaneous combustion 防水(砂)煤柱water(sand)-proof coal pillar陷落柱collapse column煤(岩)巷coal(rock) roadway沿空巷道roadway along gob围岩surrounding rock突水water bursting"三软" soft roof,soft coal,soft floor地应力ground stress(开采)地表沉陷(mining) surface subsidence高产高效high production and high efficiency回风巷ventilation roadway运输巷transportation roadway火成岩(岩浆岩)igneous rock厚冲积层thick alluvium条带开采strip mining移动、变形movement,distortion极限平衡区limit equilibrium area可靠性,可行性,合理性,适应性reliability, feasibility, rationality,adaptability采出率、回收率mining rate,recovery rate埋管注氮nitrogen injection with buried pipe复合顶板combined roof断层fault喷浆grouting动压dynamic pressure地质灾害geological disasterEH-4电导率成像系统EH-4 electro-conducibility imaging system透气性(渗透性)permeability倾向性liability井下underground设备配套equipment match选型设计lectotype design撤架dismantling supports加固reinforcing安全阀safety valve积水seeper柔性支架flexible support伪斜apparent dip绞车房hoist room(winder chamber)暗立(斜)井blind (slope) shaft底臌floor heave破碎顶板cracked roof解放层protective coal seam电阻应变仪resistance strain instument坑口电厂pithead power plant1.煤炭科学技术总论采矿系统工程mining system engineering采矿系统优化模型model of mining systemoptimization采矿岩石学mining rock mechanics采煤coal mining, coalextraction, coal getting采煤学coal mining地下开采underground mining矸石refuse, waste, dirt,debris固体可燃矿产solid combustible mineral褐煤lignite, brown coal化石燃料fossil fuel洁净煤技术clean coal technology矿[underground] mine矿床模型model of mineral deposits矿井[underground] mine矿井通风[学] mine ventilation,underground ventilation矿区mining area矿山mine矿山测量[学] mine surveying矿山电气工程mine electric engineering,mine electro-technics矿山机械工程mine mechanical engineering 矿山建设mine construction矿山提升[学] mine hoisting, winding矿山运输[学] mine transportation, mine haulage矿田mine filed露天开采, '露天开采学surface mining露天矿surface mine煤coal煤当量coal equivalent煤的综合利用comprehensive utilization of coal, coal utilization煤化学coal chemistry煤矿coal mine, colliery煤矿安全mine safety煤矿机械coal mine machinery煤转化coal conversion煤炭地下技术underground coal gasification 煤炭环境保护coal environmental control,environmental protection in coalmining煤炭技术coal technology煤炭加工coal processing煤炭科学coal science煤田coalfield煤田地质勘探coal exploration, coalprospecting煤田地质学coal geology煤岩学coal petrology 石煤stone-like coal无烟煤anthracite选煤coal preparation, coal cleaning烟煤bituminous coal硬煤hard coal2.地质测量A级储量grade A reservesB级储量grade B reservesC级储量grade C reservesD级储量grade D reserves边界角limit angle采场验收测量pit acceptance survey采出率ratio recovery采动系数factor of full extraction采掘工程平面图mine map采煤工作面测量coal face survey采区测量mining district survey采区联系测量transfer survey in miningdistrict超前影响角advance angle of influence沉井凿井法施工测量construction survey for dropshaft sinking充分采动full subsidence,critical/supercritical extraction充分采动角ZHANGCHIZZubsidence储量管理reserves management导入高程测量elevation transfer survey导水断裂带water conducted zone点下对中centering under roof station地表移动surface movement, ground movement地表移动观测站observation station of ground movement地表移动盆地subsidence trough,subsidence basin顶板测点roof station定向连接测量connection survey for shaftorientation定向连接点connection point for shaftorientation动用储量mining-employed reserves冻结凿井法施工测量construction survey for shaft sinking by freezing method断层几何制图fault geometrisation断裂带fractured zone防水煤岩柱safety pillar underwater-bodies非充分采动subcritical extraction刚性结构措施structurerigidity-strengthening measures工业场地平面图mine yard plan贯通测量holing-through survey光电测距导线EDM traverse拐点偏移距deviation of inflection point 滑动层sliding layer缓冲沟buffer trench灰分等值线图isogram of ash content回采煤量workable reserves激光指向laser guide几何定向orientation by shaft plumbing 近井点near shaft control point井底车场平面图shaft bottom plan井上下对照图location map, site plan井田区域地形图topographic map of [underground] mine field井筒煤柱开采shaft pillar extraction井筒延深测量shaft deepening survey井下测量underground survey井下平面控制测量underground horizontal control survey开采沉陷mining subsidence开拓煤量developed reserves抗变形建筑物deformation resistant structure垮落带caving zone矿区控制测量control survey of mining area 矿山工程测量mine survey矿体几何学geometry of ore deposits矿体几何制图geometrisation of ore deposits矿田区域地形图topographic map of mine field立井定向shaft orientation立井施工测量construction survey for shaft sinking立井十字中线标定setting out cross line of shaft center立井中心标定setting out shaft center联系测量transfer survey连接三角形法connection triangle method 裂缝角angle of break临界变形值critical deformation values露天矿测量open-pit survey煤层等厚线图isothickness map of coal seam煤层等深线图isobath map of coal seam煤层褶皱几何制图fold geometrisation of coal seam瞄直法alignment method逆转点法reversal point method柔性结构措施structure yielding measures 三量Three Class of Reserves设计损失allowable loss实际损失储量actual loss of reserves水平移动系数displacement factor损失率loss percentage投点shaft plumbing陀螺方位角gyroscopic azimuth 陀螺经纬仪定向gyroscopic orientation survey 弯曲带sagging zone围护带safety berm下沉系数subsidence factor巷道坡度线标定sitting out roadway gradient 巷道碎部测量detail survey for mine workings巷道验收测量footage measurement of roadway巷道中线标定setting out center line of roadway岩层移动strata movement移动角angle of critical deformation 移动盆地主断面major cross-section of subsidence trough影响传播角propagation angle中天法transit method主要影响半径major influence radius主要影响角正切tangent of major influence angle注浆凿井法施工测量construction survey for grouting sinking准备煤量prepared reserves钻井凿井法施工测量construction survey for shaft boring最大下沉角angle of maximum subsidence最大下沉速度角angle of maximum subsidence velocity3.地下开采安全平盘safety berm安全水头safety water head暗井blind shaft, staple shaft薄煤层thin seam爆破采煤工艺blast-winning technology爆破装煤blasting loading变形压力rock deformation pressure闭路供水closed-circuit water supply闭式落煤顺序close-type winning sequence 不规则垮落带irregularly caving zone部分开采partial extraction侧支撑压力side abutment pressure采场延伸pit deepening采动裂隙mining-induced fissure采动应力mining-induced stress采垛winning-block采垛角angle of winning-block采段extracting zone采段流煤上山extracting block coal-waterrise采高mining height采掘带cut采掘区block采宽cut width采矿站ore station采空区goaf, gob, waste采装loading采煤方法coal wining method, coal mining method采煤工作面coal face, working face采区district, panel采区车场district station, district inset采区准备preparation in district采区设计mining-district design, panel design采区上山district rise采区石门district cross-cut采区下山district dip仓储采煤法shrinkage stoping长壁放顶采煤法longwall mining with sublevel caving长壁工作面longwall face超前巷道advance heading充采比stowing ratio充填倍线stowing gradient充填步距stowing interval充填沉缩率setting ratio充填法stowing method充填能力stowing capacity冲击地压rock burst, pressure bump 承压含水层上采煤coal mining above aquifer初撑力强度setting load density, SLD 初次放顶initial caving初次来压first weighting出气孔production well出气强度production well capacity出入沟main access储量备用系数reserve factor of mine reserve 垂直切片terrace cut slice大巷main roadway带压开采mining under safe water pressure of aquifer单侧沟hillside ditch单煤层大巷main roadway for single seam单体液压支柱hydraulic prop倒台阶采煤法overhand mining底板floor底板载荷集度floor load intensity底帮foot slope底部境界线floor boundary line底鼓floor heave地表境界线surface boundary line地下煤气发生场underground gasifier地下气化工作面underground gasification face 地下气化效率efficiency of underground gasification 叠加应力superimposed stress顶板roof顶板单位破碎度specific roof flaking ratio顶板回弹roof rebound顶板垮落roof caving顶板垮落角roof caving angle顶板冒落roof fall顶板破碎度roof flaking ratio顶板弱化roof weakening顶板台阶下沉roof step顶板稳定性roof stability顶板压力roof pressure顶帮top slope顶底板移近量roof-to-floor convergence顶底板移近率roof-to-floor convergence ratio动压巷道workings subject to dynamic pressure动载系数dynamic load coefficient端帮end slope端面距tip-to-face distance端面冒顶roof flaking短壁采煤法shortwall mining断壁工作面shortwall face墩柱heavy-duty pier, breaker props房顶柱breaker props房式采煤法room mining, chamber mining房柱式采煤法room and pillar mining封闭圈closed level放采比drawing ratio放顶caving the roof放顶距caving interval放煤步距drawing internal放煤顺序drawing sequence非工作帮non-working slope非工作帮坡面non working slope face风力充填pneumatic stowing分层开采slicing分层巷道slice drift, sliced gateway 分带strip分带集中斜巷strip main incline drift分带斜巷strop inclined drift分段sublevel分段平巷sublevel entry, longitudinal subdrift分级提运separate transport and hoisting分流站distribution station分期开采mining by stages分区开采mining by areas分区域开拓areas development辅助水平subsidiary level矸石带waste pack, strip pack, interval of moving monitor,unit advance of monitor高压大射流high pressure large diameter jet干馏----干燥带distillation and drying zone 工作帮working slope工作帮坡面working slope face工作阻力yield load, working resistance工作面working face工作面顶板控制roof control工作面端头face end工作面回风巷tailentry, tailgate, return airway工作面运输巷headentry, headgate, haulage gateway工作平盘working berm工作线front构造裂隙tectonic fissure构造应力tectonic stress规则垮落带regularly caving zone固定路线permanent haulage line管道水力运输pipeline hydrotransport横向前移cross removal恒阻支柱yielding prop厚煤层thick seam后退式开采retreating mining后支撑压力rear abutment pressure滑移顶梁支架slipping bar composite support还原带reduction zone缓沟easy access缓慢下沉法gradual sagging method缓斜煤层gently inc lined seam回采巷道gateway, entry, gate 回柱prop drawing基本顶main roof机械充填mechanical stowing集中大巷gathering main roadway急斜煤层steeply pitching seam, steep seam坚硬岩层strong strata, hard strata 间断开采工艺discontinuous mining technology架后充填backfill建筑物下开采coal mining under buildings 阶段horizon阶段垂高horizon interval阶段流煤上山extracting block coal-water roadway阶段流煤巷main coal-water rise阶段斜长inclined length of horizon 近距离煤层contiguous seams近水平煤层flat seam 井田尺寸[underground] mine field size 井田境界[[underground] mine field boundary井田开拓[underground]mine field development静压巷道workings subject to static pressure掘进率drivage ratio局部冒顶partial roof fall开采水平mining level, gallery level 开采水平垂高lift, level interval开路供水open-circuit water supply开切眼open-off cut开式落煤顺序open-type winning sequence 开拓巷道development roadway抗压入强度press-in strength垮采比caving-height ratio垮落法caving method跨采over-the-roadway extraction 矿井初步设计preliminary [underground]mine design矿井服务年限[underground]mine life矿井井型production scale of [underground] mine矿井开拓设计[underground]mine development design矿井可采储量workable [underground]mine reserves矿井可行性研究[underground]mine feasibility study矿井设计[underground]mine design矿井设计储量designed [underground]mine reserves矿井设计能力designed[underground]mine capacity矿井施工设计[underground]mine construction design矿井延深shaft deepening矿区地面总体设计general surface layout of mining area矿区规模mining area capacity矿区开发可行性研究feasibility study forming area exploitation矿区总体设计general design of mining area 矿山压力rock pressure in mine矿山压力显现strata behaviors控顶距face width离层bed separation离层带注浆充填grouting in separated-bed立井开拓vertical shaft development联络巷crossheading连续开采工艺continuous mining technology溜井draw shaft溜煤石煤coal-water cross-cut溜眼chute临界滑面critical sliding surface漏顶face roof collapse with cavity 锚梁网支护roof bolting with bar and wire mesh煤壁wall煤层产出能力coal-seam productive capacity煤房room, chamber煤浆coal slurry煤门in-seam cross-cut煤面清扫cleaning煤水泵slurry pump煤水比coal-water ratio煤水仓coal-slurry sump煤水洞室coal slurry preparation room 煤炭地下气化站underground coal gasification station煤岩固化coal/rock reinforcement煤柱coal pillar煤柱支撑法pillar supporting method明槽水力运输flume hydrotransport摩檫支柱frictional prop逆向冲采contrary efflux片帮rib spalling, sloughing平盘berm平硐开拓drift development平行推进parallel advance破煤coal breaking, coal cutting 破碎顶板fractured roof, friable roof 普氏系数Protodyakonov coefficient普通机械化采煤工conventionally-mechanized coal winning technology气化贯通linkage气囊支架air-bag support前进式开采advancing mining前支撑压力front abutment pressure强制放顶forced caving倾倒toppling倾斜长壁采煤法longwall mining to the dip or to the rise倾斜短壁水力采煤法shortwall hydraulic mining in the dip倾斜分层采煤法inclined slicing切口stable, niche区段district sublevel区段集中平巷district sublevel gathering entry, district main entry区段平巷district sublevel entry, district longtudinal subdrift区域性切冒extensive roof collapse全柱开采full pillar extraction柔性掩护支架flexible shield support人工顶板artificial roof入换spotting, train exchange 入换站exchange station三下"开采" coal mining under buildings, railways and water-bodies扫清平盘cleaning berm山坡露天采场mountain surface mine射流打击力jet impact force射流烛心动压力jet axis dynamical pressure扇型推进fan advance上覆岩层overlying strata上装upper level loading上山rise, raise上挖up digging上行式开采ascending mining上行式开采upward mining十字定梁cross bar石门cross-cut始采线beginning line, mining starting line双工作面double-unit face, double face水采回采巷道stopping entry水力采煤hydraulic coal mining technology水平分层采煤法horizontal slicing水平分段放顶采煤法top-sliming system of sublevel caving水平切片dropping cut slice水枪monitor水体下采煤coal mining underwater-bodies松动压力broken-rock pressure松软岩层weak strata松软岩层soft strata塌落fall台阶坡面线bench angle掏槽slotting挑顶roof ropping特种支柱specific props铁路下开采coal mining under railways 推垮型冒顶thrust roof fall往复式开采reciprocating mining挖底floor dinting挖掘系数excavation factor围岩surrounding rock围岩稳定性stability of surrounding rock 伪顶false roof伪倾斜柔性掩护支架采煤法flexible shield mining in the false dip伪斜长壁采煤法oblique longwall mining喂煤机coal feeder无井式地下气化法shaftless gasification无煤柱护巷non-chain-pillar entry protection无特种柱放顶caving without specific props, caving without breaker props无支柱距prop-free front distance下装lower lever loading下山dip下挖down digging下行式开采descending mining, downward mining巷道断面缩小率roadway reduction ratio巷旁充填roadside packing巷旁支护roadside support限厚开采limited thickness extraction 限制区间limit section协调开采harmonic extraction斜井开拓inclined shaft development 斜切分层采煤法oblique slicing旋转式推进revolving mining,turning longwall循环working cycle循环进度advance of working cycle循环平均阻力time-weighted mean resistance循环平均阻力mean load per unit cycle岩层控制strata control岩石内摩檫角internal friction angle of rock 岩石软化系数softening factor of rock岩石碎胀系数bulking factor, swell factor岩石粘聚力rock cohesion岩应力降低区stress-relaxed area氧化带oxidation zone沿空巷道gob-side entry掩护支架采煤法shield mining移道步距shift spacing移动坑线temporary working ramp移动线路shiftable haulage line应力增高区stress-concentrated area迎山角prop-setting angle有井式地下气化法shaft gasification有效支撑能力practical supporting capacity 原岩virgin rock, virgin rock mass原岩应力initial stress, stress in virgin rock mass员生裂隙initial fissure运输大巷main haulage roadway, main haulageway运输平盘haulage berm增阻支柱late bearing prop再倒退overcasting再生顶板mat, regenerated roof整层开采full-seam mining正台阶采煤法heading-and-bench mining 支撑效率supporting efficiency支撑压力abutment pressure支垛crib支护刚度support rigidity 支护强度supporting intensity支架可缩量nominal yield of support支柱密度prop density直接顶immediate roof, nether roof直进坑线straight ramp中厚煤层medium-thick seam中斜煤层inclined seam, pitching seam终采线terminal line周期来压periodic weighting主石门main cross-cut主要上山main rise主要下山main dip注砂井storage-mixed bin准备巷道preparation roadway自然平衡拱dome of natural equilibrium, natural arch自重充填gravity stowing自重应力gravity stress综合机械化采煤工艺fully-mechanized coal winning technology综合开采工艺combined mining technology 综合开拓combined development总回风巷main return airway纵向前移longitudinal removal走向长壁采煤法longwall mining on the strike 走向短壁水力采煤法shortwall hydraulic mining on the strike组合台阶bench group4.矿山机械工程安全绞车safety winch安全制动safety braking, emergency braking扒爪collecting-arm耙斗scraper bucket耙斗装载机slusher, gathering-armloader, collecting-arm loader,gathering-arm, scraper loader耙式浓缩机rake thickener包角wrap angle, angle ofcontact刨刀bit, plough cutter刨链plough chain刨煤机kohlenhobel, coal loader,plough, plow刨头plough head刨削阻力ploughing resistance刨削深度ploughing depth刨削速度ploughing speed本架控制local control变位质量equivalent mass不平衡提升unbalanced hoisting部分断面掘进机selective roadheader, partial-size tunneling machine侧卸式装载机side discharge loader采煤机coal winning machine采煤机械coal winning machinery, coal getting machinery采煤联动机coal-face winning aggregate 缠绕式提升drum winding铲斗bucket铲斗装载机bucket loader铲装板apron铲煤板ramp plate铲入力bucket thrust force沉降过滤式离心脱水机screen-bowl centrifuge沉降式离心脱水机bowl centrifuge冲压式成型机briquetting machine成组控制batch control, bank control成型机briquetting machine出绳角elevation angle弛张筛flip-flop screen齿轨机车rack track car, rack track locomotive齿辊破碎机toothed roll crusher串车trip, train串车train磁选机magnetic separator错绳圈live turns带式输送机belt conveyor带压移架sliding advance of support 单轨吊车overhead monorail, overhead rope monorail挡车栏arrester挡煤板spillplate底座base电气牵引electrical haulage电液控制elector-hydraulic control等厚筛banana vibrating screen低速刨煤slow-speed ploughing调高vertical steering调向油缸lifting ram调斜roll steering定距控制fixed-distance control定压控制fixed-pressure control动力刨煤机dynamischer Hobel, dynamic plough, activated plough多段提升multistage hoisting多水平提升multilevel hoisting, multilevel winding垛式支架chock端头支架face-end support对辊成型机roller briquetting machine 二级制动two stage braking, two period braking翻车机tippler, rotary car dumper 反井钻机raise boring machine防倒装置tilting prevention device防滑安全系数antiskiding factor防滑装置slippage prevention device防坠器safety catches, parachute 放顶煤支架sublevel caving hydraulic support风镐air pick, pneumatic pick 高速刨煤heigh-speed ploughing, rapid ploughing钢丝绳牵引运输wire rope haulage工作机构working mechanism, operating organ, service braking轨道运输track transport, track haulage刮板链scraper chain, flight chain 刮板输送机scraper conveyor, flight conveyor滚筒drum, pulley滚筒采煤机shearer, shearer--loader过渡槽ramp pan过放overfall过放高度overfall height, overfall distance, overfall clearance过卷overwind, overtravel过卷高度overwind height,overwind distance, overraiseclearance过滤机filter过煤高度under clearance, passage height under machine过速overespeed后牵引rear haulage弧形筛seive bend护帮板face guard滑架guiding ramp, plough guide滑行刨煤机Gleithobeol, sliding plough滑行拖钩刨煤机Gleit-schwerthobel,sliding drag-hook plough环式成型机impact briquetting machine 机面高度machine height机头部drive head unit机尾部drive end unit机械搅拌式浮选机subaeration flotation machine, agitation froth machine机械牵引mechanical haulage即时前移支架immediate forward support, IFS, one-web back system挤压成型机single lead-screw extruding briquetting machine间隔圈interval turns检验圈inspection cutting turns架节support unit, support section胶套轮机车rubber-tyred locomotive截槽kerf截齿pick, bit截齿配距lacing pattern, pick arrangement进刀sumping截割比能耗specific energy of cutting截割部cutting unit截割高度cutting height截割滚筒cutting drum截割阻抗cutting resistance截割速度cutting speed, bit speed 截割头cutting head截距ntercept截链cutting chain截煤机coal cutter截盘cutting jib, cutting bar截深web, web depth截线cutting line节式支架frame [support]经济提升量economic hoisting capacity, economic winding capacity经济提升速度economic hoisting speed, economic winding speed井架headframe, hoist tower, shaft tower井筒掘进机down-the hole shaft boring machine静力刨煤机statischer Hobel, static plough卷筒winding drum, hoist drum 掘进机械road heading machinery, driving machinery卡轨车road railer, coolie car可爬行坡度passable gradient可伸缩带式输送机extensible belt conveyor可弯曲刮板输送机flexible flight conveyor, armored face conveyor, AFC矿车mine car, pit tub矿井提升机mine winder, mine hoist 矿井提升绞车mine hoist矿井提升阻力winding resistance of mine 矿井提升阻力系数coefficient of winding resistance of mine矿用机车mine locomotive矿用绞车mine winch, mine winder 空气脉动跳汰机air pulsating jig空气室air chamber离地间隙ground clearance of machine 离心脱水机centrifuge立轮重介质分选机vertical lifting wheel separator连续采煤机continuous miner链牵引chain haulage邻架控制adjacent control 落道derailment迈步支架walking support螺旋滚筒screw drum, helical vaner drum锚杆钻机roof bolter锚固支架anchor support煤电钻electric coal drill煤浆准备器pulp preprocessor磨擦轮friction pulley, Koipe wheel磨擦圈holding turns, spare turns, dead turns磨擦式提升friction hoisting, Koepe hoisting磨砺性系数coefficient of abrasiveness 内喷雾internal spraying内牵引internal traction, integral haulage爬车机creeper爬底板采煤机off-pan shearer,floor-based shearer,喷射式浮选机jet flotation machine偏角fleet angle平衡提升balanced hoisting铺网支架support with mesh-lying device骑槽式采煤机conveyor-mounted shearer 普通机械化采煤机组conventionally-mechanized coal winning face unit气力输送air conveying, pneumatic conveying气腿airleg牵引力haulage pull, haulage speed牵引链haulage chain, pulling chain牵引速度travel speed钎杆stem钎头bit, bore bit钎尾shank, bit shank前牵引front haulage前探梁forepole, cantilever roof bar潜孔冲击器down hole hammer潜孔钻机down-the hole drill, percussive drill桥式转载机stage loader切槽cutting groove切削深度cutting depth驱动装置drive unit全断面掘进机tunnel boring machine, TBM, full facer乳化液泵站emulsion power pack人车man car伸缩梁extensible canopy深锥浓缩机deep cone thickener上出绳overlap上漂climbing输送conveying输送带conveying belt输送机conveyor双扭线机构lemniscate linkage双速刨煤dual-speed ploughing水力输送hydraulic conveying顺序控制sequential control梭行矿车shuttle car探钻装置probe drilling system提升不均衡系数hoisting unbalance factor提升富裕系数hoisting abundant factor提升容器hoisting conveyance提升容器自重减轻系数unbalance coefficient of sole weight of hoisting conveyance提升容器载重减轻系数unloading coefficient of hoisting conveyance搪瓷溜槽enameled trough天轮head sheave, sheave wheel 推车机car pusher, ram推移装置pusher jack拖板base plate, articulated拖钩刨煤机reibhakenhobel,drag-hook plough拖缆装置cable handler托辊carrying idler, supporting roller外喷雾external spraying外牵引external traction, independent haulage尾绳tail rope, balance rope无轨运输trackless transport无极绳牵引运输endless-rope haulage无链牵引chainless haulage下出绳underlap下切深度dinting depth, undercut下扎dipping, penetration巷道掘进机roadheader, heading machine, tunneling machine行走部travel unit, traction unit行走机构travel mechanism, traction mechanism行走驱动装置travel driving unit悬boom悬臂式掘进机boom-type roadheader, boom roadheader压滤器press filter岩石电钻electric rock drill掩护梁caving shield掩护式支架shield [support]摇臂ranging arm摇床shaking table, concentrating table 液压牵引hydraulic haulage液压支架hydraulic support,powered support圆盘式真空过滤机disk-type filter凿岩机hammer drill, percussion rock drill凿岩台车drill jumbo, drill carriage 张紧装置tensioner, bridge conveyor, take-up device真空过滤机vacuum filter振动筛vibrating screen支撑式支架standing support支撑掩护式支架chock-shield [support]支架伸缩比support extension ratio制动空行程时间time lag, dead time制动系统brake system中部槽linepan终端载荷end load重力运输gravitational conveying, gravity haulage主顶梁main canopy主绳main rope, head rope主尾绳牵引运输main-and-tail rope haulage, main-and-tail haulage专用车special car, specialty car 装煤面coal loader装岩机rock loader装岩机muck loader装载机械loader自然加速度natural acceleration自然减速度natural deceleration综合机械化采煤机组fully-mechanized coal winning face unit阻车器car stop, retarder钻杆drill rod钻井机shaft boring machine,shaft borer钻孔采煤机auger, auger machine钻孔机械drilling machine钻装机drill leader钻头bit, bore bit钻巷机drift boring machine钻削采煤机trepanner钻削头treoan wheel最大工作高度maximum working height最大结构高度maximum constructive height 最小工作高度minimum working height最小结构高度minimum constructive height 最小转弯半径minimal curve radius5. 煤矿安全保护层protective seam被保护层protected seam避难硐室refuge chamber并联网络parallel network测风站air measuring station残存瓦斯residual gas尘肺病pneumoconiosis抽出式通风exhaust ventilation串联通风series ventilation串联网络series network电化学式瓦斯测定器electrochemical type gas detector等积孔equivalent orifice低瓦斯矿井low gaseous mine调压室pressure balance chamber独立风流separate airflow惰性气体防灭火inert gas for fire extinguishing对角式通风radial ventilation反风reversing the air反风道air-reversing way反风风门doors for air reversing防爆门breakaway explosion door防尘口罩dust mask防火门fire-proof door防火墙fire stopping, water [proof] dam防水闸门water door, bulkhead风表校正曲线calibration curve of anemometer风窗air regulator风电闭锁装置fan-stoppage breaker风电甲烷闭锁装置fan-stoppagemethane-monitor breaker风阻特性曲线air way characteristic curve 风量air flow, air quantity风量按需分配air distribution风量调节air regulation风量自然分配natural distribution of airflow 风门air door风墙air stopping风桥air crossing风筒air duct风硐fan drift风障air brattice分区通风parallel ventilation, separate ventilation粉尘dust粉尘采样器dust sampler粉尘粒度分布dust size distribution粉尘浓度dust concentration浮尘airborne dust辅助通风机booster fan负压negative pressure高瓦斯矿井gassy mine隔爆explosion suppression灌浆grouting 呼吸器respirator呼吸性粉尘respirable dust混合式通风compound ventilation火风压fire-heating air pressure火区sealed fire area火灾气体fire gases回风return airflow机械通风mechanical ventilaton甲烷报警器methane alarm甲烷断电仪methane-monitor breaker甲烷遥测仪remote methana monitor检定管detector tube角联网络diagonal network进风intake airflow局部阻力shock resistance局部阻力系数coefficient of shock resistance局部通风local ventilation局部通风机auxiliary fan绝对瓦斯涌出量absolute gas emission rate均压防灭火pressure balance for air control可燃性气体inflammable gases矿尘mine dust矿井堵水water-blocking in mines, sealing off mine water矿井防治水mine water management, prevention of mine water矿井火灾mine fire矿井空气mine air矿井空气调节mine air conditioning矿井内部漏风underground leakage矿井内部漏风率underground leakage rate矿井气候条件climatic condition in mine矿井通风mine ventilation矿井突水water bursting in mines矿井瓦斯mine gas矿井瓦斯涌出量[underground] mine gas emission rate矿井外部漏风surface leakage矿井外部漏风率surface leakage rate矿井有效风量effective air quantity, ventilation efficiency矿山救护队mine rescue team溃浆burst of mortar扩散器fan diffuser扩散通风diffusion ventilation漏风air leakage落尘settled dust煤(岩)与瓦斯突出coal (rock) and gas outburst mine煤(岩)与瓦斯突出矿井gas explosion煤层注水coal seam water infusion煤层透气性gas permeability of coal seam 煤层瓦斯含量gas content in coal seam。



煤矿专业词汇1.综合词汇Coal Mine Resources Development and Utilization Plan 煤炭资源开发利用方案Description 说明书Revised 修改地China Coal Handan Design Engineering Co., Ltd 中煤邯郸设计工程有限责任公司addendum 附加物,附录Engineering No. 工程编号Construction Size 建设规模Inner Mongolia 内蒙古the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Location(矿井)位置Subordinative Relationship of the Mine 隶属关系subordinative [səbɔ:dinətiv] adj. 从属的,表示从属关系的drilling and blasting 炮掘mining method 采煤方法coal seam 煤层coal thickness(m)煤厚strike length(m) 走向长度incline width(m) 倾向宽度mining height(m) 开采高度(采高)specific gravity(t/m3) 容重daily cycle 日循环数drivage per cycle(m) 日循环进度(指掘进)output per cycle(t) 循环产量daily output(t) 日产量coal recovered(10kt) 煤炭回收量(万吨)remarks 备注drivage n. 掘进driving place, developing face 掘进工作面stoping n.(stope的ing形式) 回采development n. 开拓mining n. 开采total planned drivage(m)计划掘进总长度mining team No.1 综采一队developing team No.2 掘进二队Subtotal 小计Total 合计Grandtotal 总计Working face ID 工作面编号detail list, breakdown 明细表Contents 目录Chapter 章Section 节General situations 概况Overview 概述Traffic and location 交通位置Natural geography 自然地理Enterprise type 企业性质Preparation basis 编制依据Status quo and forecast of mineral demand 矿产品的需求现状及预测Coal price analysis 煤炭产品价格分析General situations of mineral resources 矿产资源概况Minefield structure and geological feature 井田构造及地质特征Mining conditions and Hydrogeology conditions 开采技术条件及水文地质条件Mineral resources reserves 矿产资源储量Comments on Geological survey Report 对地质勘探报告的评述Construction Plan 建设方案Mining Plan 开采方案Water prevention and control program 防治水方案Prevention of the gas and coal dust explosion 防治瓦斯、煤尘爆炸Mine fire prevention 矿井防灭火Minefield development and mining 井田开拓与开采Mine characteristic and development principle 矿井特点及开发原则Minefield development 井田开拓underground mining 井下开采Coal processing 煤的加工,煤的洗选Coal quality 煤质Environmental protection 环境保护Major sources of pollution and pollutants 主要污染源和主要污染物Ecological changes caused by mine development 矿井开发引起的生态变化Designed with environmental protection standards设计采用的环境保护标准Preliminary plan of pollution control 控制污染的初步方案Development Plan Brief Conclusions 开发方案简要结论Available reserves of mine design, design duty and service life 设计可采储量、设计生产能力、服务年限product scheme 产品方案Mine industrial field location and scheme of mining and development 井口工业场地位置及开拓开采方案Brief assessments for engineering project 对工业项目的简要评述Issues and suggestions 存在的问题及建议attached Document 附件文案大全entrustment letter 委托书Record-Keeping Certification 备案证明Review Opinions on Report for 评审意见书Attached drawings 附图attached file (邮件的)附件Surface and underground map of 井上下对照图plane map 平面图section map 剖面图Mining area 矿区范围Geological and Topographic map 地质地形图General Layout Plan of 总平面布置图geographic coordinate 地理坐标Its traffic is comparatively convenient 交通较为方便Topography and landform 地形和地貌The mining area topographic dissection is intense 矿区地形切割强烈dry season 干季,旱季rainy season 雨季private enterprise 民营企业,私营企业minable coal seams 可采煤层one-third(1/3) coking coal 1/3焦煤the raw coal ash contents are between 15% and 25%原煤灰分为15%-25%the total sulphur contents of raw coals are between 0.2% and 0.5%. 全硫0.2%-0.5%production 生产,产量(指宏观的)product 产品(指微观的)civilian use 民用Coal preparation plant(CPP)洗煤厂Preface 前言be administered by the authorities of 行政区划隶属于(准格尔旗窑沟乡)管辖workload,workvolume 工程量(工作量)commissioning 投产shaft bottom 井底车场working face 工作面haulageway,haulage roadway 运输巷main haulageway 运输大巷main roadway 大巷track transport, track haulage 轨道运输trackless transport 无轨运输track roadway 轨道巷air-return roadway 回风巷roadway 巷道shaft 井筒incline, inclined shaft 斜井shaft, vertical shaft 竖井vertical shaft development 竖井开拓mine construction 矿井建设mine construction volume 矿建工程量district 采区roof 顶板floor 底板false roof 伪顶immediate roof 直接顶main roof 老顶roof stability 顶板稳定性working face 回采工作面,采煤工作面coal mining method 采煤方法blast-winning technology 爆破采煤工艺mining level 开采水平longwall mining on the strike 走向长壁采煤法advancing mining 前进式开采retreating mining 后退式开采upward mining 上行式开采downward mining 下行式开采belt transporter 胶带输送机extensible belt transporter 可伸缩胶带输送机belt 胶带,皮带belt roadway 皮带巷transfer 转载,转运transfer point 转载点transloader 转载机coal mining 采煤caving the roof 放顶inclined roadway 斜巷level working,horizontal working 平巷shaft sinking and drifting 井巷工程setup room 切眼adit 平硐tunnel 隧道shaft mouth 井口main shaft 主井air shaft, ventilating shaft 风井synchronize 使同步roadway support 巷道支护shield(support)采煤支架(掩护式支架)chock-shield 支撑掩护式支架2.矿山机械2.1.采煤机械coal winning machinery 采煤机械文案大全coal cutter 截煤机(用于煤层内掏槽的采煤机械)cutter-loader 截装机(兼有掏槽和装煤功能的截煤机)coal winning machine 采煤机shearer, shearer-loader 滚筒采煤机trepanner 钻削采煤机continuous miner 连续采煤机conventionally-mechanized coal winning face unit普通机械化采煤机组(高档普采机组)即采煤机+单体液压支柱fully-mechanized coal winning face unit 综合机械化采煤机组(综采机组)即采煤机+综合液压支架machine height 机身高度:自采煤工作面底板至采煤机机身上表面的高度cutting height 截割高度:简称截高,采高。




















在1920年代早期,McKinley Entry Driver,一个出生很早地使用连续开采方法的矿工,加入的很多条目在Illinois.然而煤炭生产靠它,和几乎如今的所有连续开采矿工,这对于全国上下的取暖需求不是很畅销,所以它产生了低回报。




accoustic signal 音响信号 accretion 表土 accumulation 蓄积 accumulator 蓄电池 accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量 accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯 accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车 accuracy 精度 accuracy degree 精确度 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 aceton 丙酮 acetonitrile乙腈 acetyl 乙酰 acetylene 乙炔acetylene lamp 电石灯 achromatic 消色差的 aciculite 针状矿石 acid 酸 acid minewater 酸性矿水 acid number 酸值 acid proof 酎酸的 acid resistance 耐酸性 acid resistant 耐酸的 acid resistant steel 耐酸钢 acid resisting steel 耐酸钢 acid rock 酸性岩 acid treatment of a bore hole 钻孔酸处理 acid value 酸值 acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度 acidness 酸度 acidproof 耐酸的 actinium 锕 actinolite 阳起石 actionradius 酌半径 activate 活化 activated carbon 活性煤 activated charcoal 活性煤 activating agent 活化剂 activation 活性化 activation energy 活化能 activator 活化剂 active 活化的采矿英语专业词汇Aabandoned workings 废巷道 abandonment 废弃 abelite 阿贝立特炸药 abichite 砷铜矿 ability 能力 ability to flow 怜性 ablation 水蚀 ablution 洗净 abnormality 反常abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistance抗磨蚀能力 abrasive 磨料abruption 断层 abscissa 横座标 absite 钍钛铀矿 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对温度 absorbability 吸收性 absorbent 吸收剂 absorber 吸收器吸收剂 ;减震器 absorbing ability 吸收性absorption 吸收 absorption factor吸收系数 absorption meter 液体溶气计 absorptivity 吸收性absortion constant 吸收常数 abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱 abundance 丰富 abundant 富有的 abutment 拱座 abutment area 支承压力带 abutment pressure 支承压力 accelerated motion 加速运动 accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验 acceptor charge 被动装药 accessory equipment 补助设备 accessory minerals 副矿物 accidental explosion 意外爆炸 acclivity 上倾 accompanying bed伴生层active dust 活性尘末active working face 生产工祖activity 活度actual mining 回采工作actuate 驱动actuating roll 导辊actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度acute 尖的acute angle 锐角adamantine 冷铸钢粒adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石adamic earth 红粘土adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添additional tension 附加应力additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力adhesive 胶粘剂adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adit 平硐adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采adit entrance 平硐口adit mine 平硐开采矿山adit mouth 平硐口adjoining rock 围岩adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱adjuster 装配工adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting screw 蝶螺丝adjustment 蝶adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管admixture 掺和物adobe 风干砖adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 裸露装药爆破adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adulterant 掺杂物adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺advance bore 超前钻孔advance borehole 超前钻孔advance cut 超前掏槽advance grouting 超前灌浆advance heading 超前平巷advance mining 前进式开采advance of the face 工祖推进advance rate 掘进速度advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进advancing 掘进advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进advantage 长处adventure 矿山企业adversary grade 逆坡adverse grade 逆坡aegerite 纯钠辉石aegirine 霓石aegirite 霓石aeolation 风蚀aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器aeremia 沉箱病aerial cableway 架空死aerial conveyer 架空运输机aerial dust 浮尘aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死aerocrete 气孔混凝土aeroembolism 沉箱病aerofloat 黑药aerogel 气凝胶aerolite 陨石aerolith 陨石aerometer 气体表aerophore 氧气呼吸器aerosite 深红银矿aerosol 气溶胶aerotriangulation 航空三角测量aeroview 空中俯瞰图aerugo 铜绿aeschynite 易解石afflux 岭after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效afterexpansion 残余膨胀aftergases 爆后气体aftertreatment 后处理agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙age 期age of mine 矿山寿命ageing 老化agent 剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度aggregation 聚集aging 老化agitation 搅拌agitator 搅拌器agnotozoic era 元古代agricolite 硅铋石aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air adit 通风平硐air blast 空气冲击air blast goaf stowing machine 风力充填机air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管air bottle 压气瓶air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器air brattice 风帘air brick 空心砖air bubble 气泡air bump 空气突出air chamber 空气室air change 换气air channel 空气通路air classifier 空气分级机air cleaner 空气滤净器air cleaning 风力选矿air compartment 通风隔间air composition 空气成分air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量air contamination 空气污染air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流air curtain 风帘air cylinder 空气缸air distribution 风量分配air door 风门air door tender 风门工air drift 通风石巷air drill 风钻air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机air driven pump 风动泵air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机air drying 风干air duct 空气通路air ejector 喷气器air escape 空气漏出air feed 气力推进air filter 空气过滤器air float table 气浮式风力摇床air flotation 充气浮选air flow 风流air flow resistance 气凌力air gap 风口air gate 风巷air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷air heater 空气加热器air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度air inlet 进气口air intake 进气口air jig 风力跳汰机air leg 风动钻架air level 气泡水准仪air lift 空气提液器air line 空气管air lock 气闸air locomotive 压气机车air measurement 通风测量air moisture 空气湿度air motor 风动发动机air movement 空气怜air network 通风网air opening 风巷air operated machine 风动机air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性air pick 风镐air pipe 风管air pocket 气袋airpollution 空气污染air powered locomotive 压气机车air preheater 空气顸热器air pressure 空气压力air proof 不透气的air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力air screw fan 轴两扇风机air separation 风选air separator 风力分离器风力分选机air shaft 风井air splitting 风林支air stopping 风墙air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应air table 风力淘汰盘air tank 空气箱air trammer 风动机车air trunk 通风隔间air tube 风井air valve 气阀air velocity 风临度air vessel 蓄气器airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒airflow measurement 通风测量airing 通气airleg 气腿airlock 风闸airman 风门工airway 风巷airwinch 风动绞车akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩akins classifier 螺旋分级机alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩alaskite 白岗岩alaunstein 茂石albertite 沥清煤albite 钠长石albitite 钠长岩albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规aliphatic acid 脂族酸alkali 碱alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度alkyl 烷基all over work 长壁开采all ups 原煤allactite 砷水锰矿allanite 褐帘石allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allophane 水铝英石allophanite 水铝英石allotrope 同素异形体allotropy 同素异形allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负载allowable stress 容许应力allowance 公差alloy 合金alloy bit 合金钻头alloyed steel 合金钢alluvial 冲积的alluvial deposit 冲积矿床alluvial gold 砂金alluvial mining 砂矿开采alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌alternate load 交变负载alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流alternating current generator 交立电机alternating current motor 交羚动机alternating motion 往复运动alternation 交替altimeter 测高计altimetry 高度测量术altitude 高度alum 茂alum earth 矾土alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝aluminium bronze 铝青铜aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管alundum 氧化铝alunite 茂石amalgam 汞齐amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器amatol 阿马托炸药amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度ambligonite 磷铝石amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸ammon dynamite 硝安炸药ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatine dynamite 铵胶炸药ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitrate dynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate explosives 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵amorphous 无定形的amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolization 闪石化酌amplification 放大amplifier 放大器amplify 放大amplitude 振幅ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构analcime 方沸石analcite 方沸石analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器analysis 分析analyst 化验员analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytical chemistry 分析化学analyze 分析analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚anchor bolt 锚杆ancillary work 辅助工作ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿andalusite 红柱石anderseam 下部煤层andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andradite 钙铁榴石anemobarometer 风速风压计anemograph 自记风速计anemometer 风速表anemometry 风速测定aneroid barometer 无液气压计anfo explosives 铵油炸药anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器angle 角angle bar 角钢angle face 倾斜工祖angle gauge 角规angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角angle of dip 倾角angle of draw 落角angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of pitch 螺距角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 边界角angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular hole 斜炮眼angular motion 角动angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量anode 阳极anomaly 异常anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长石antarctic pole 南极antecedent magnetic concentration 储备处理磁选anthracene 葸anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计anthracosis 煤肺病anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转antidote 解毒药antifoamer 消泡剂antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂antifreezing agent 防冻剂antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂antiseptic 防腐剂apatite 磷灰石aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频apparent resistance 表观阻力apparent specific gravity 表观此重apparent viscosity 视粘度apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近approved cable 防爆电缆approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firing apparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的approximate value 近似值approximation 近似法apron conveyor 平板运输机apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液aquifer 蓄水层aquiferous 含水的aragonite 霰石arc 弧arch 拱arch lining 拱形支架arch pressure 支承压力arch setting 安设拱形支架arch span 拱跨arch theory 成拱论arch timbering 拱形木支架arch truss 拱式桁架arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破area of explosion 爆炸区arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argillaceous rock 泥质岩argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩argillaceous slate 泥板岩argillite 泥质板岩argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土armoure 加强armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土armoured conveyerpanzer conveyer 镫装运输机arrangement 布置arrangements 准备arrester 制动器制止器arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架articulation 铰链接合artificial caving 人工崩落artificial draught 人工通风artificial petroleum 人造石油artificial respiration 人工呼吸artificial vetilation 人工通风asbestos 石棉asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿asbstos cement 石棉水泥ascending working 漏口ascension 上升ascensional ventilation 上向通风ash 灰ash coal 高灰煤ash composition 灰分组成ash content 灰分askew 斜的asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土asphaltite 沥青岩asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气aspirator 抽风机assay 试金assemblage 装配assemble 装配assimilation 同化酌association缔合assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁; 隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的asymmetrical 不对称的asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机atacamite 氯铜矿atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子atomic 原子的atomic number 原子序atomic ore 放射性矿石atomic volume 原子体积atomization 喷雾atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环; 开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土attle 充填料attraction 引力attractive force 引力attrition 磨耗attrition mill 盘磨机attrition test 磨损试验auger drill 螺旋钻augering 螺旋钻法auget 雷管augite 辉石aureole 接触带auric 金的auriferous 含金的aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuring device 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃autocollimation 自动视准autoconverter 自动变流autocrane 汽车起重机autodumper 自卸汽车autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊autoloader 汽车式装载机automated mine 自动化煤矿automated mining 自动化采掘automatic block 自动闭塞automatic brake 自动制动器automatic checking 自动检验automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器automatic control 自动控制automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器automatic coupler 自动车钩automatic door 自动风门automatic dumper 自动翻车机automatic equipment 自动设备automatic feed 自动给料automatic feeder 自动给矿机automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑automatic pressure controller 自动倒器自动压力控制器automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤automation 自动化automatization 自动化automobile 汽车autotransformer 单卷变压器autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机auxiliary level 辅助平巷auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力average sample 平均试样average trend 平均走向average value 平均值axe 斧axial 轴性的axial blower 轴寥风机axial compression 轴向压缩axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵axial pump 轴两泵axle 车轴axle base 轴距axle bearing 轴承axle box 轴颈箱axle box bearing 轴箱轴承axle journal 轴颈azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘azote 氮azurite 蓝铜矿Bbabbit 巴氏合金back bolting 顶板锚杆支护back bone 分水岭back brace 背板back break 超欠挖back brushing 挑顶back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机back filling 充填back filling method 充填法back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩back filling system 分段上向充填开采法back lath 顶板背板back leg bracing 柱腿支撑back lye 井下错车道back pulling 回采煤柱back stope 上向梯段回采工祖back stoping 上向梯段回采back stroke 回程back water 回水back weight 平衡锤backacter 反铲backbye deputy 井下维修工backdigger 反铲backdraught 逆通风backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲backlash 轮齿隙backman 辅助工backpressure 顶板压力backstoping 上向梯段回采backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆backweight 平衡锤backwork 辅助工作bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤bactericide 杀菌剂bad top 不稳固顶板baddeleyite 斜锆矿baffle plate 反射板bag filter 袋滤器bag powder 装袋炸药bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器bagger 多斗控掘机bagging 装袋baghouse 囊式集尘窒baikalite 贝钙铁辉石bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤bal 矿山balance 平衡balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓balance level 水准仪balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀balance weight 平衡锤balanced hoist 两容漆升机balanced hoisting 平衡提升balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄ball 球ball and socket joint 球节ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball bushing 球轴套ball cage 球护圈ball charge 磨球装量ball crusher 球磨机ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机ball retainer 球护圈ball up 钻孔堵塞ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药ballstone 球石balsam 香液bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍band 带band brake 带式制动器带闸band conveyor 带式运输机band iron 带铁band ore 带状矿石banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车bank 阶段bank coal 原煤bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度bank method of attack 阶段开采法bank shaft mouth 坚井口bank work 阶梯开采bankcoal 原煤banker 掘土工banket 含金砾岩层bankhead 斜井井口出车平台banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机bar screen 棒条筛bare 裸露的bare cable 裸电缆bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业baring 复盖岩层; 剥离barings 截煤粉barite 重晶石barium 钡barkevikite 棕闪石barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barometer 气压表barometric 气压的barometric height 气压高度barrage 堰barrel 桶barren 不含矿物的barren layer 废石层barren rock 废石barricade 隔墙barrier 岩粉棚barrier method 柱式开采法barrier pillar 安全煤柱barrier system 柱式开采法barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器barring 顶板支护barrow 手推车barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿baryte 重晶石baryum 钡basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面basalt 玄武岩base 基础;碱基base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线base plate 底板base road 诛base rock 基岩base unit 基本单位bashing 用废矸石充填采空区basic 基性的basic line 基线basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池basis 基础bass 炭质页岩basset 露头bast 炭质页岩bastard 夹石bastite 绢石bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿bat 泥质页岩batardeau 隔墙bathoclase 水平节理batholite 基岩batholith 基岩bathometer 深海测深仪bathymeter 深海测深仪bating 井筒延伸;卧底batt 泥质页岩batter 坡度batter level 倾斜仪batter pile 斜桩batter post 斜柱battered prop 斜柱battery 电池组;木隔壁; 工专battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车baulk 煤层薄baum jig 空气跳汰机baum jig washer 空气跳汰机baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿bawke 吊桶beach combing 海滨开采砂矿beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床beam 梁bearer 矿柱bearing 煤层走向; 轴承bearing alloy 轴承合金bearing block 矿枉煤柱bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器bearing load 轴承负载bearing metal 轴承合金bearing pointer 方位指示器bearing position 支点bearing power 承重能力bearing pressure 承压力bearing ring 之框bearing set 之框bearing test 承载力试验bearing up pulley 紧绳轮beat 打击beater 木捣锤beater pulverizer 锤碎机beckelite 方钙饰镧矿bed 地层bed plane 层理面bed series 层系bed succession 层序bed thinning 煤层变薄bed top 矿层顶板bedded iron ore 层状铁矿bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉bedding 层理bedding rock 基岩bedding surface 层理面bedrock 基岩beetle 大锤; 捣固机belemnite 箭石bell man 信号工bell pit 小探井bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚belonite 针雏晶belowground 地下的belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机belt cleaner 净带器belt conveyor 带式运输机belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置belt elevator 带式提升机belt extension 胶带接长belt fastener 带扣belt feeder 带式给矿机belt heading 皮带输送机平巷belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒belt incline 胶带输送机斜井belt joint 带接belt lacer 带扣belt lacing 胶带接合belt lacing machine 缝带机belt loader 胶带动载机belt pulley 带式运输机滚筒belt punch 皮带穿孔器belt roller 皮带轮belt screen 带筛belt separator 带式分选机belt slip protection 胶带打滑保护belt stower 抛掷式胶带充填机belt stretcher 紧带器belt tension 皮带张力belt tightener 紧带器belt tightening pulley 皮带拉滚筒belt training idler 胶带导辊belt transport 皮带输送belt type dehydrator 带式干燥机belt type magnetic separator 带式磁选机belting 输送机胶带装置bench 阶段bench cut blasting 阶段爆破bench drilling 阶段钻眼bench face 台阶工祖bench floor 台阶底bench height 台阶高度bench hole 梯段的下向垂直炮眼bench mining 阶梯式开采bench preparation 阶段准备bench stoping 阶梯式开采benched quarry 阶段采石场benching 阶梯式开采benching bank 阶段bend 弯管bimetallic strip relay 双金属片继电器 bin 矿仓 bin gate 贮仓闸门 binder 粘结剂 binding agent 粘结剂 bindingcoal 粘结煤 binding energy 结合能 binding force 结合力 bing 堆 bing hole放矿溜口 binning 装仓biogeochemistry 生物地球化学 biotite黑云母 biquartz 双石英 bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿 bismuthinite 辉铋矿 bismuthite 泡铋矿 bisulfate 硫酸氢盐 bisulfite 亚硫酸氢盐 bisulphate 硫酸氢盐 bisulphite 亚硫酸氢盐 bit 钎头 bit dresser 钻头修整机 bit dressing 钻头修整 bit edge 钻刃 bit face 钻头刃面 bit grinder 钻头磨锐机 bit head 钻头 bit life 钎头使用期间 bit shank 钎尾 bitter earth 氧化镁 bitum 沥青bituminous coal 沥青煤 bituminous rock 沥青岩 bituminous shale 沥青页岩 black band 菱铁矿 black blastingpowder 黑色火药 black bog 泥炭沼泽 black diamond 黑金刚石 black earth黑土 black iron ore 磁铁矿 black lead 石黑 black lead ore 黑铅矿bender 弯机 bending force 弯力 bending machine 弯机 bending moment 弯曲矩 bending resistance 抗弯强度 bending rolls 辊子卷板机 bending strength 抗弯强度 bendingstress 弯曲应力 bending test 弯曲试验 benefication 选矿 beneficiating method 选矿法 beneficiation 选矿 benitoite 蓝锥矿 bent 弯曲 bent entry 弯曲平巷 bent face 弯工祖 bent pipe 弯管 bentonite 皂土 benzene 苯 benzine汽油 benzol 苯 beresite 黄铁长英岩 berm 段台 berme 段台 berthierite 辉铁锑矿 bertrandite 硅铍石 beryl 绿柱石 beryllium 铍 beryllonite 磷钠铍石 beton 混凝土 bevel 斜面 bevel gear 伞齿轮 bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动 bevelgearing 伞齿轮咬合 ;锥齿轮传动装置 bevel wheel 伞齿轮 bevelling 锨 bicable tramway 双线死 bickford fuse 比克福特导爆线 biconetype rolling cutter bit 双圆锥齿轮钻 头 big hole大径钻孔 billot 杆 bimetal 双金属 bimetalthermometer 双金属温度计black manganese 黑锰矿black powder 黑火药black powder train 黑药导火线blackdamp 室息性空气blacksmith 锻工blade 刀片blade grader 推土机blader 推土机blaize 硬砂岩blanch 铅矿石blanket 表层blanket table 平面洗矿台blast 爆炸blast blower 鼓风机blast firing 放炮blast hole 炮眼blast hole drill 凿岩机blast layout 装药布置blast stower 风力充填机blastability 爆炸性blaster 放炮工blaster cap 雷管blasters' permit 爆破技术员blasthole 炮眼blasthole bit 炮眼钻头blasthole collar 炮眼口blasthole method 深孔爆破开采法blasting 爆破blasting accessories 爆破用七blasting agent 炸药blasting cable 放炮电缆blasting cartridge 药包blasting charge 装炸药blasting compound 炸药blasting cone 爆破漏斗blasting device 爆破用具blasting drift 爆破平巷blasting dust 爆破尘末blasting equipment 爆破用具blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线blasting galvanometer 放炮电路试验器blasting gelatine 煤炸药blasting lead 爆破导线blasting machine 电气发爆器blasting material 爆炸物blasting oil 硝化甘油blasting operation 爆破blasting ratio 爆破比blasting supplies 起爆颇blasting switch 爆破开关blasting technician 放炮工blasting tools 爆破工具bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出bleeder entry 通风平巷bleeder hole 放泄孔bleeder off hole 排放钻孔bleeder pipe 排出管blende 闪锌矿blender 掺合器混合器blending 掺合blending bunker 配合仓blending conveyor 掺合输送机blind 暗的blind coal 无焰炭blind drift 独头巷道blind galley 独头巷道blind lead 无露头矿脉blind outcrop 盲露头blind pit 暗井blind shaft 暗井blister 气泡block 采区;块;滑车组block brake 闸块式制动器block caving method 分段崩落采矿法block line 钻井钢丝绳block mining 分块开采blockage 闭塞blockhole 炮眼blockhole blasting 爆破地面大块岩石blockholing 爆破地面大块岩石blocking 闭塞blondin 采掘场架空死blow 放炮blow of gas 瓦斯喷出blow up 爆炸blowcharging 风力装药blowed fill 风力充填blower 吹风机blower fan 吹风机blowing out 吹洗炮眼blowing over 工祖通风blowing ventilation 吹入通风blowlamp 焊灯blowout 突出blowout preventer 防喷器blowpipe 喷焊器喷割器blowtorch 焊灯blue cap 蓝色焰晕blue printing machine 蓝图机blue spar 天蓝石blue vitriol 胆矾blueprint 蓝图blueprint paper 蓝图纸bluestone 胆矾blunt 钝的blunt drill 钝钻board 板board and pillar 房柱式开法board and pillar method 房柱式开采法board and pillar work 房柱式开法board and wall method 房柱式开采法boarding 安装木板boart 工业用圆粒金刚石bob 铅锥bobbin 绕线管bog land 沼地bogie 小车;转向架boiled oil 熟炼油boiler 锅炉boiling 沸腾boiling process 沸腾法boke 小细脉bolt 螺栓bolt connection 螺栓连接bolt joint 螺栓接合bolting 锚杆支护bolting cost 锚杆支架费bonanza 富矿脉bond 结合bond energy 结合能bonding agent 结合剂bonding energy 结合能bonding strength 结合强度bone 可燃性页岩bone char 骨煤bone coal 骨煤bone picker 拣矸工bonnet 盖bonny 矿襄bonstay 暗井bont 提升装置bonze 末精选的铅矿石boom 悬臂boom crane 伸臂起重机boom hoist 悬臂绞车boom ripper 悬臂挑预机boose 矿石内的脉石booster 传爆药booster fan 辅助扇风机booster primer 传爆药booster pump 增压泵boosting 局部通风bootleg 拒爆炮眼booze 铅矿bop 防喷器boracite 方硼石borax 硼砂bord 巷道bord and pillar method 房柱式开采法bord and pillar work 房柱式开法bord and wall method 房柱式开采法border 边缘border pile 边桩bordering 炮泥borderline 界线bore 孔bore bit 钻头bore borings 钻粉bore hole 炮眼bore meal 钻粉bore mining 溶液采矿bore mud 钻泥bore plug 钻孔岩样borehole 钻孔borehole charge 钻孔装药borehole clinometer 钻孔测斜仪borehole diameter 钻孔直径borehole profile 钻孔断面图borehole pump 深井泵borehole seal 镗孔密封垫borehole shooting 钻井爆破borehole survey 钻孔测量borer 钻工boride 硼化物boring 钻进boring bar 钻杆boring bit 钎头boring for oil 石油钻深boring frame 钻塔boring head 钻头boring machine 钻机boring mud 钻泥boring pump 钻眼用泵boring rig 钻塔boring rod 钻杆boring rope 钻机用的钢丝绳boring tool 钻具boring tower 钻塔boring tube 钻管bornite 斑铜矿boron 硼bort bit 金刚石钻头bortz 工业用圆粒金刚石bortz powder 金刚石粉borway bit 齿状钻头boss hammer 大锤bossing 厚层切底bottle coal 瓦斯煤bottom 底板bottom banksman 井底把钩工bottom belt 底部皮带bottom canch 卧底bottom captain 井下组长bottom cutting 底部截槽bottom discharge bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom discharge skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dump bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dumping car 底卸式车bottom gangway 底导坑bottom gate 底导坑bottom heading 底导坑bottom hole 底部炮眼bottom installation 井底车场设备bottom kerf 底槽bottom layer 底层bottom layout 井底车场布置bottom level 井底车场标高bottom loading belt 底带装载式胶带输送机bottom man 井底把钓工bottom plate 底板bottom pressure 底部压力bottom priming 底部点火bottom sediment 罐底杂质bottom slice 底分层bottom stope 下向梯段工祖bottom stoping 下向梯段回采bottom taking 卧底bottom wall 下盘bottomer 井底把钓工bottoming bit 可卸式钻头boulangerite 硫锑铅矿boulder 圆石boulder blaster 大块爆破工boulder blasting 二次爆破boulder crusher 粗碎机boundary 边界boundary breakthrough 边界联络横巷boundary condition 边界条件boundary layer 边界层boundary of property 建矿边界boundary of section 采区边界boundary surface 界面boundary surface active agent 界面活性剂boundary value 监界品位boundary ventilation 对边通风bounge 煤的挤出bournonite 车轮矿bouse 矿石内的脉石boutgate 通地面的人行道bow 弧;拱梁bowl classifier 浮槽分级机box 箱box car 棚车box compass 罗盘box floor 溜口底box timbering 板框支护box type scraper 箱形刮斗boxhole 联络小巷brace 撑木bracing 支撑bracket 托架;井口车场bracket crane 悬臂式起重机bradford breaker 勃莱福型破选机brae 斜井braize 煤尘brake 制动器brake application time 制动时间brake band 制动带brake beam 制动杠杆brake block 闸瓦brake drum 制动鼓brake equipment 制动装置brake shoe 塞块brakesman 跟车工braking 制动braking controller 制动控制器braking device 制动装置braking distance 制动距离braking effort 制动力braking energy 制动能braking fluid 制动液braking force 制动力braking incline 轮子坡braking terminal 制动终点站braking time 制动时间branch 支线branch circuit 分支电路branch conduit 支管branch entry 支巷branch roadway 中间平巷branching 分支brannerite 钛铀矿brash 脆的brasil 黄铁矿brass 黄铜brassil 黄铁矿brattice 风布brattice cloth 风幛布brattice way 上部巷道braunite 褐锰矿bravoite 镍黄铁矿brazil 黄铁矿brazing 铜焊breach 缺口break 崩落break in declivity 倾斜变化break in grade 坡度转折点break thrust 背斜上冲断层breakability 可破碎性breakage 崩落breakage face 回采工祖breakdown 破坏;破损breakdown fluid 爆破用压力水breakdown point 强度极限breakdown test 破坏试验breaker 破碎机;落煤工breakerroll 破碎辊breaking 破碎breaking cone 破碎圆锥breaking current 开闸电流断路电流breaking in 磨合breaking load 断裂负载breaking out of fire 发生火灾breaking point 强度极限breaking strength 抗断强度breaking stress 致断应力breaking test 破坏试验breaking up of boulders 大块二次破碎breaking weight 断裂负载breakoff 联络小巷breakthrough 联络小巷breast 工祖前壁breast and pillar 房柱式采煤法breast and pillar method 房柱式采煤法breast mining 扒矿开采breast stoping 扒矿开采breather 通气孔breathing 呼吸breathing apparatus 呼吸器breathing bag 氧气囊breathing mask 防毒面具breccia 角砾岩breeze 粉煤brettis 风帘brick 砖brick earth 砖土brick lining 砖砌支护bricking 砖砌支护bricklayer 砌砖工brickwork 砌砖bridge 桥bridge conveyor 桥式输送机bridge crane 桥式起重机bridging 桥连brigade 工子brigadesman 矿山救护队队员bright coal 辉煤brightness 亮度briight coal 辉煤brine 盐水brine intake 冻结管brinell apparatus 布氏硬度试验器brinell hardness test 布氏硬度试验brinell hardness tester 布氏硬度试验器bring back 后退式回采bringing back 后退回采briquette 煤球briquette press 压煤砖机briquetting 煤砖制造briquetting machine 团压机briquetting press 压煤砖机brisance 猛度brittle 脆的brittle fracture 脆性断裂brittleness 脆性broaching bit 扩孔钻头broad gauge track 宽轨broadwall 长壁开采brochantite 水胆矾broil 露头broken charge 分段装药bromargyrite 溴银矿bromin 溴bromlite 碳酸钙钡矿bromyrite 溴银矿bronchiectasis 支气管扩张bronchitis 支气管炎bronze 青铜bronzite 古铜辉光brookite 板钛矿brow 巷道口brow bin 临时贮石仓brow box 临时贮石仓brow of station 井底车场的标高brown coal 褐煤brown hematite 褐铁矿broyl 露头brucite 水镁石bryle 露头bubble 气泡bubble cell 泡沫浮选槽bucked ore 富矿石bucker 碎矿机bucket 吊桶bucket capacity 抓斗子容量bucket chain 斗链bucket chain dredger 多斗挖掘船bucket conveyor 斗式运输机bucket dredger 多斗挖掘船bucket elevator 提斗机bucket excavator 多斗挖掘机bucket grab 抓斗bucket hook 吊桶钩bucket loader 斗式装载机bucket pump 链斗提水机bucket teeth 铲斗齿bucket trenching machine 多斗控沟机bucket wheel excavator 斗轮式挖掘机buckling 纵向弯曲buckling load 纵弯曲负载buckling strength 纵向弯曲强度buckling stress 纵向弯曲应力bucksaw 架锯buddle 斜面固定淘汰盘buddle jig 动筛跳汰机buffer 缓冲器。



Chapter 3 .1 Mining methodmining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤本钱;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip 〔Pitch〕倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运dpower n. 动力power Supply 动力供给communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。

disruption in production 停产;reduction in production 减产;compromise 折衷room and pillar 房柱式by far 到目前为止i n common with … 和…一样underground mining 井工开采outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;crosscut 联络巷、石门;drift 平硐;entry 平巷;development stage 开拓阶段;production stage 生产阶段;face 工作面。

continuous miner 连续采煤机;haulage capacity 运输能力;main entry 主巷。



汉英煤炭科技名词开采沉陷||mining subsidence; 又称“矿山岩层及地表移动”。


开采程序||mining sequence; 露天采场内剥采工程在时间和空间上的发展顺序。

开采水平垂高||lift, level interval; 又称“水平高度”。


开采损害||mining-induced enviromental damage; 因煤炭开采造成的对自然资源及人工建筑物或构筑物的损害。

开段沟||pioneer cut; 为建立台阶工作线开挖的沟道。

开孔率||percentage of open area; 曾称“筛网有效面积”、“活面积”。


开路供水||open-circuit water supply; 水力采煤生产用水不循环复用的供水方式。

开切眼||open-off cut; 曾称“切割眼”。


开式落煤顺序||open-type winning sequence; 采垛内暂不留煤柱的破煤顺序。

开拓煤量||developed reserves; 通向采区的全部开拓巷道均已掘完,并可开始掘进采区准备巷道时所构成的可采储量。

开拓巷道||development roadway; 为井田开拓而开掘的基本巷道。


勘探程度||degree of exploration; 对勘探区地质条件研究和查明的程度。

勘探方法||method of exploration; 煤田勘探所采取的各种手段、工程布置和技术措施的总称。

勘探工程||exploration engineering; 地质勘探所采用的钻探、物探、坑探等各种工程的总称。

勘探工程分布图||layout sheet of exploratory engineering; 表示勘探区各勘探工程分布位置的图件。



英译汉Underground Mining Methods地下采矿方法Room and Pillar Mining房柱采矿法Ramps (inclined tunnels) are excavated to connect the surface to the underground orebody. Drifts (horizontal tunnels) are excavated at different elevations to surround the orebody. Next, stopes (tunnels that have direct access to mining the ore) are mined to gain access to the ore. All tunnels are excavated by drilling and blasting. Jumbos are in charge of drilling the holes in the rocks and filling them with explosives. The loose rock, also called muck, is transported by either dump trucks back up to the surface for either waste disposal or processing.矿体由隧道(斜井)与地表联通。






As mucking progresses, rooms (tunnels) are cut into the ore body. In order to provide safe roof support for mining, pillars of material around the rooms are left standing to hold up the rock ceiling above. Some parts of the mine roof can be particularly weak and fragile. In addition to pillar support, a jumbo is then brought back in for rock bolting of the roof to ensure safety.随着巷道的掘进,矿体被分割成矿块。






1. 煤炭资源与地质中文英文释义煤coal由植物遗体经过地质作用形成的含碳的固体有机化合物煤层coal seam, coal bed在地层中连续分布的一层或多层煤煤田coal field在一定区域内含有一个或多个可开采的煤层的地区矿区mining area, mining district在一定区域内含有一个或多个已开发或正在开发的矿井的地区矿井mine, colliery为开采地下矿产而建立的井筒、巷道、工作面等设施的总称井田minefield, colliery field由一个或多个相邻或相近的矿井所拥有或开采的地下范围煤储量coal reserves按一定条件计算出的可供开采的煤量煤资源coal resources按一定条件估算出的尚未探明或不可供开采的煤量煤种coal type, coal rank根据煤化程度、成分和性质的不同而划分的煤的类别褐煤lignite, brown coal低阶煤,含水量高,发热量低,颜色为褐色或黑褐色无烟煤anthracite, hard coal 高阶煤,含碳量高,发热量高,颜色为黑色或钢灰色,有金属光泽长焰煤long flame coal, bituminous coal A中阶煤,含挥发分高,着火容易,焚烧时有明亮长焰1/3焦煤1/3 coking coal, bituminous coal B中阶煤,含挥发分中等,可用于制焦或混合焦弱粘结煤weakly caking coal, bituminous coalC中阶煤,含挥发分较低,可用于制气或发电非粘结煤non-caking coal, bituminous coal D中阶煤,含挥发分最低,不适于制焦,可用于发电或工业锅炉2. 矿山开采中文英文释义开采方法mining method, mining system开采地下资源所采用的技术方案和组织形式露天开采法open-pit mining method, surface miningmethod, opencast mining method在地表或靠近地表的矿体,采用剥离覆盖层,直接开采的方法地下开采法underground mining method, subterraneanmining method在较深的地下矿体,采用井筒、巷道、工作面等设施,通过人工或机械的方式开采的方法房柱式开采法room and pillar mining method, bord andpillar mining method在煤层中留下一定规格和形状的煤柱,以支撑顶板,同时开采出一定形状的空间的方法长壁式开采法longwall mining method 沿煤层走向或倾斜方向,开掘出一定长度的工作面,利用机械化设备连续采煤,同时让顶板垮落在采空区的方法顶板管理roof control, roof management 为保证安全和高效地开采煤层,在开采过程中对顶板进行观测、分析、评价和控制的技术和措施中文英文释义顶板垮落roof fall, roof collapse由于地压或人为因素造成的顶板断裂和下沉的现象顶板冒落roof caving, roof breaking 在开采过程中,由于地压作用或支护失效,造成顶板局部或整体下落的现象瓦斯gas, firedamp, methane 主要成分为甲烷的可燃性气体,通常伴随煤层赋存,易与空气形成爆炸性混合物瓦斯抽采gas drainage, gas extraction 为了降低瓦斯含量和危险性,在开采前或开采中,利用钻孔或管道等设施,将瓦斯从煤层或巷道中抽出的技术和方法瓦斯爆炸gas explosion, firedamp explosion 当瓦斯与空气混合达到一定浓度范围,并遇到明火或电火花等引燃源时,发生的剧烈燃烧和爆炸现象煤尘coal dust煤在开采、加工、运输、使用等过程中产生的细小颗粒煤尘爆炸coal dust explosion 当空气中含有足够量的可燃性煤尘,并遇到引燃源时,发生的剧烈燃烧和爆炸现象防尘dust prevention, dust control 为了减少或消除煤尘对人体和设备的危害,在生产过程中采取的各种技术和措施灭尘dust suppression, dust elimination 为了防止或减轻煤尘爆炸的危险,在生产过程中采取的各种技术和措施3. 矿山机械中文英文释义采煤机械coal winning machinery, coal cutting machinery, coalmining machinery用于从工作面切割或剥离煤体的机械设备截割机cutter, coal cutter, cutting machine 用于在工作面上切割出一定深度和形状的煤槽的机械设备剪刀机shearer, shearing machine, coal shearer 用于在长壁工作面上沿煤层走向或倾斜方向切割煤体的机械设备综合掘进机roadheader, continuous miner, heading machine 用于在巷道或工作面上同时掘进、装载和运输煤岩的机械设备掘进机tunneling machine, boring machine用于在巷道或工作面上掘进岩体的机械设备装载机械loading machinery, coal loading machinery 用于将采出的煤岩从工作面装入运输设备的机械设备铲运机scraper, scraper loader, scraper conveyor 用于将采出的煤岩从工作面铲起并输送到指定位置的机械设备装载机loader, loading machine, coal loader 用于将采出的煤岩从工作面装入皮带输送机或其他运输设备的机械设备运输机械transport machinery, coal transport machinery 用于将采出的煤岩从工作面或巷道运输到地面或指定位置的机械设备矿车mine car, mine wagon, mine cart用于在轨道上运输煤岩或其他物料的车辆输送机conveyor, belt conveyor, chain conveyor用于在皮带或链条上运输煤岩或其他物料的设备升降机械hoisting machinery, winding machinery, liftingmachinery用于将人员或物料在井筒内上下运输的机械设备提升机hoist, winder, winding engine 用于驱动升降笼或提升容器在井筒内上下运行的动力设备中文英文释义升降笼cage, skip, elevator用于在井筒内运输人员或物料的容器提升容器skip, kibble, bucket用于在井筒内运输物料的容器支护机械support machinery, roof support machinery 用于支撑顶板,保证开采空间安全和稳定的机械设备单体支柱single prop, individual prop, timber prop 由木材、钢材或混凝土制成的单根支撑杆,用于支撑顶板组合支柱set prop, compound prop, composite prop 由两根或多根单体支柱组合而成的支撑杆,用于支撑顶板液压支柱hydraulic prop, hydraulic jack, hydraulic leg 利用液压原理进行伸缩调节的支撑杆,用于支撑顶板综采支架powered support, mechanized support, longwallsupport配合综合采煤机械使用的自动化、液压化、可移动的支护设备4. 矿山安全中文英文释义矿山安全mine safety, mining safety, colliery safety 保障矿山生产过程中人员、设备、环境等不受伤害或损失的技术和管理矿山事故mine accident, mining accident, collieryaccident在矿山生产过程中发生的造成人员伤亡或设备损坏的突发事件矿难mine disaster, mining disaster, colliery disaster 在矿山生产过程中发生的造成大量人员伤亡或重大经济损失的严重事故矿山救援mine rescue, mining rescue, colliery rescue 在矿山事故发生后,为了挽救人员生命和财产,采取的紧急救助措施救援队rescue team, rescue squad, rescue crew 由经过专业训练和装备的人员组成的执行矿山救援任务的团队救援器材rescue equipment, rescue apparatus,rescue gear用于矿山救援过程中的各种工具和设备,如呼吸器、检测仪、通讯器等安全监测safety monitoring, safety detection, safetymeasurement为了及时发现和预防矿山安全隐患,对矿山环境和设备进行的定期或实时的检测和分析安全评价safety evaluation, safety assessment,safety appraisal为了评估和改进矿山安全水平,对矿山安全状况进行的定量或定性的分析和判断安全管理safety management, safety administration,safety control为了保障矿山安全生产,对矿山安全活动进行的规划、组织、指导、协调、监督和检查安全培训safety training, safety education, safetyinstruction为了提高矿山工人和管理者的安全意识和技能,对他们进行的系统或定期的教育和训练5. 煤炭加工与利用中文英文释义煤炭加工coal processing, coal preparation, coalbeneficiation为了提高煤炭质量和降低运输成本,对原煤进行的物理或化学的处理过程煤炭洗选coal washing, coal cleaning, coal dressing 利用原煤与水或其他介质在密度、粒度等方面的差异,将原煤中的杂质分离出来的物理处理过程中文英文释义洗选厂washery, coal washery, coal preparationplant (CPP)用于进行煤炭洗选的工厂或设施洗精煤clean coal, washed coal, prepared coal经过洗选后得到的具有一定质量标准的煤洗中煤middlings, middling coal, washery middlings 在洗选过程中得到的介于洗精煤和洗混煤之间的中间产品,可再次洗选或直接利用洗混煤reject, washery reject, washery waste 在洗选过程中得到的含有大量杂质的废弃物,可作为低质量的能源或填埋处理煤制气coal gasification, gasification of coal, coal to gas (CTG)利用水蒸气、空气或氧气等氧化剂,将固体煤转化为可燃性气体的化学处理过程煤制油coal liquefaction, liquefaction of coal, coal to liquid (CTL)利用氢气或其他还原剂,将固体煤转化为液体燃料或化工原料的化学处理过程煤制烯烃coal to olefin (CTO), methanol to olefin(MTO)利用煤制甲醇或其他中间体,通过催化裂解或其他反应,制得乙烯、丙烯等低碳烯烃的化学处理过程煤制乙二醇coal to ethylene glycol (CTEG), syngas toethylene glycol (STEG)利用煤制合成气或其他中间体,通过催化水合或其他反应,制得乙二醇等多元醇的化学处理过程。



开采水平 mining level,gallery level运输大巷及井底车场所在的水平位置及所服务的开采范围。

辅助水平 subsidiary level在开采水平内,因生产需要而增设有运输大巷的水平位置及所服务的开采范围。

开采水平垂高 lift,level interval又称“水平高度”。


矿井延深 shaft deepening为接替生产而进行的下一开采水平的井巷布置及开掘工程。

采区准备 preparation in district采区(盘区、带区)内主要巷道的掘进和设备安装工作。

采区 district阶段或开采水平内沿走向划分为具有独立生产系统的开采块段。

近水平煤层采区又称“盘区(panel)”;倾斜长壁分带开采的采区又称(“带区(strip district)”)。

分段 sublevel曾称“小阶段”、“亚阶段”、“分阶段”。


区段 district sublevel在采区内沿倾斜方向划分的开采块段。

分带 strip在带区内沿走向划分的开采块段。

前进式开采 advancing mining(1) 自井筒或主平硐附近向井田边界方向依次开采各采区的开采顺序;(2) 采煤工作面背向采区运煤上山(运输大巷)方向推进的开采顺序。

后退式开采 retreating mining(1) 自井田边界向井筒或主平硐方向依次开采各采区的开采顺序;(2) 采煤工作面向运煤上山(运输大巷)方向推进的开采顺序。

往复式开采 reciprocating mining前一采煤工作面推进到终采线位置后,相邻的后续采煤工作面按相反方向推进的开采方式。

上行式开采 ascending mining,upward mining分段、区段、分层或煤层由下向上的开采顺序。

下行式开采 descending mining, downward mining分段、区段、分层或煤层由上向下的开采顺序。



Introduction (绪论)mine n. 矿山,矿井。

v. 米矿colliery n. 矿井coal mining 采煤underground mining 地下开采surface mining 露天开采reserve n. 储量coal-bearing adj. 含煤的high production and high efficiency 高产高效development n. 开拓preparation n. 准备mining method 采煤方法subside v. 下沉,沉陷subsidence n. 沉降,沉陷mining subsidence n. 开采沉陷mechanize v. 使… 机械化mechanization n. 机械化blind shaft 暗立井drawn shaft 溜井chute n. 溜煤眼adit n. 平硐drift n. 平硐crosscut n. 联络巷;石门coal crosscut 煤门entry n. 平巷haulage n. 运输main haulage roadway 主要运输平巷main return-air roadway 主要回风平巷head entry 区段运输平巷tail entry 区段回风平巷slope n. 斜井rise n. 上山dip n. 下山rock rise 岩石上山coal rise 煤层上山coal haulage rise 运煤上山Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Mine (矿井基本概念)coalfield n. 煤田mining area n. 矿区mine field n. 井田divide v. 戈Ll 分division n. 戈Ll 分material transporting rise 运料上山return-air rise 回风上山men-walking rise 行人上山inclined roadway of a strip 分带斜巷inclined coal haulage roadway of a strip运煤斜巷分带mine production capacity 能力(MPC) 矿井生产inclined material haulage roadway of a strip分带运料斜巷mine service life 矿井服务年限production scale of mine 井型small mine 小型矿井middle mine 中型矿井large mine 大型矿井huge mine 特大型矿井strike n. 走向dip n. 倾向dip angle 倾角workable adj. 可采的workable reserve n. 可采储量opening n. 通道,开口mine opening n. 矿山井巷passageway n. 通道shaft n. 立井roadway n. 巷道chamber n. 硐室main shaft 主立井auxiliary shaft 畐廿立井air shaft 风井development roadway 开拓巷道preparation roadway 准备巷道gateway 回采巷道pit bottom 井底车场shaft bottom 井底车场station n. 车场,车站mining district station 采区车场horizon n. 阶段level n. 水平haulage level 运输水平return-air level 回风水平mining level 开采水平interval between levels 阶段垂高mining district 采区panel n. 盘区sublevel n. 分段strip district n. 带区inclined length 斜长strike length 走向长度district sublevel 区段Open-off cut n. 切眼coalface n. 采煤面working face 工作面production n. 生产;产量production system 生产系统coal haulage system 运煤系统ventilation n. 通风ventilation system 通风系统fresh air 新鲜风dirty air 乏风,污风refuse n. 矸石material and refuse transportation system 运料排矸系统drain v. 排水drainage system 排水系统power supply system (electric power, compressedair)动力供应(电、压风)communication and monitoring system 通讯、监测系统drive v. 掘进excavate v. 开挖,开掘hoist v. 提升winch n. 绞车Chapter 2 Coal Mining methods 采煤方法)stope 采场mining works/units 回采工作basic operation 基本工序break v. 破碎load v. 装载haul v. 运输auxiliary operations 辅助工序roof support 顶板支护gob treatment 采空区处理auxiliary transportation 辅助运输ventilation 通风drainage 排水power supply 供电,emulsion supply 供液(乳化液)等winning/mining technique 采煤工艺mining system 采煤系统mining roadway layout 回采巷道布置classify v. 分类dry mining 旱采wall mining system 壁式开采full-seam mining 整层single longwall mining methodlongwall mining on strike 走向长壁开采longwall mining on inclineii 倾向长壁开采sublevel caving 放顶煤shield 掩护支架slicing method 分层inclined slicing 倾斜分层horizontal slicing 水平分层oblique slicing 斜切分层top-slicing system of sublevel caving 水平分段放顶煤pillar mining system 柱式开采room and pillar mining method 房柱式room method 房式hydraulic mining 水采underground liquefaction 地下液化和气化underground gasification 地下液化和气化roof caving 垮落法(自然垮落、强制放顶)packing 充填法pillar support 刀柱式nearly horizontal coal seam 近水平煤层gently inclined coal seam 缓斜煤层inclined coal seam 倾斜煤层steeply inclined〜急倾斜厚煤层:thin coal seam 薄煤层middle thick coal seam 中厚煤层thick coal seam 厚煤层steeply inclined coal seam with an hugethickness 急倾斜特厚煤层blasting mining technology 炮采conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤工艺fully mechanized mining technology 综合机械化采煤工艺fully mechanized mining with top coal cavingtechnology 综采放顶煤工艺continuous miner 连续采煤机shuttle car n. 梭车universal extensible conveyor 万向接长机bolt v. 打锚杆;n. 锚杆mining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;单一长壁采煤法ground control 顶板管理;recovery 回采率;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;hardness 硬度;strength 强度cleavage 解理gas , methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation 辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;lighting n. 照明outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层development stage 开拓阶段production stage 生产阶段haulage capacity 运输能力main entry 主巷barrier pillar 隔离煤柱butt entry 区段平巷shearer 滚筒采煤机planer ,Plow 刨煤机auger mining 螺旋钻开采rapid excavation 快速掘进ocean mining 海洋采矿Chapter3 Concepts of Mine Development 田开拓的概念)mine boundary 井田边界terrain n. 地形geological structure 地质构造fault n. 断层fold n. 褶皱down fold n. 背斜upfold n. 向斜coal quality 煤质occurrence 赋存mine geological reserve usable reserves ( A 储量temprary useless resrves 暂不能利用储量mine industrial reserveZg=(A +B + C) 矿井工业储量future reserve ( D) 远景储量workable reserve 开采储量designed lost reserve 设计煤炭损失recovery rate 回采率Mine Production Capacity (MPC) coalface output 采煤工作面产量mining district production capacity能力cost per ton coal product 吨煤成本mine service life 矿井使用年限mine field development 井田开拓development roadway 开拓巷道development way 开拓方式development system 开拓系统portal type 井筒类型shaft development 立井开拓combined development 综合开拓development roadway layout 开拓巷道布置main roadway for single seam 分层大巷gathering main roadway 集中大巷gatering main roadway for each coal seam group分组集中大巷single level 单水平mutiple level 多水平preparation type 准备方式rise type 上山式rise and dip Type 上下山式combined rises and dip 上山、上下山混合式industrial area 工业场地mining level 开采水平pit bottom 井底车场development deepening 开拓延深replacement of mining level 水平接替transportation facility 运输设备electromechanical mine operation 矿井机电作业capital investment 基本建设投资。



煤炭专业英语词汇煤炭专业英语词汇coal - 煤炭black gold - 煤炭solid fuel - 固体燃料powdered coal - 粉煤lignite - 褐煤bituminous coal - 无烟煤anthracite - 硬煤graphite - 石墨coal bed - 煤层coal mining - 采煤业coal mining area - 采煤区coalfield - 煤田coal-bearing stratum - 含煤地层coal-bearing layer - 含煤层coal-bed methane - 煤层气coal cleaning - 煤炭洗选coal dressing - 煤炭分类coal drying - 煤干燥coal gasification - 煤的气化coal grinding - 磨煤coal内侧burning-煤炭自燃coal quality - 煤炭质量coal refuse - 煤渣coal seam - 煤层coal shoveling - 装煤coal stacking - 煤堆放coal washing - 洗煤计算机专业英语词汇计算机专业英语词汇计算机专业是一个涉及计算机科学、信息技术和软件工程等领域的综合性学科。







6、Cloud Computing(云计算):一种基于互联网的计算模式,用户可以通过网络共享资源、数据和信息。



煤矿开采流程英文Coal Mining ProcessCoal mining is a crucial industry that plays a vital role in meeting the global energy demand. The process of coal mining involves several stages, each requiring specialized equipment, techniques, and expertise. In this essay, we will explore the various steps involved in the coal mining process.Exploration and Geological SurveysThe first step in the coal mining process is the exploration and geological survey of the potential mining site. Geologists and mining engineers use a range of techniques, such as seismic surveys, core drilling, and geological mapping, to gather information about the size, depth, and quality of the coal reserves. This data is then used to determine the feasibility of the mining project and to develop a detailed mining plan.Land Acquisition and PermittingOnce the exploration and geological surveys are complete, the mining company must acquire the necessary land rights and obtain the required permits and licenses from local, state, and federalauthorities. This process can be complex and time-consuming, as it involves navigating a web of environmental regulations, zoning laws, and land use policies.Site Preparation and Infrastructure DevelopmentWith the necessary permits and land rights in place, the mining company can begin the process of site preparation and infrastructure development. This includes clearing the land, building access roads, and constructing the necessary facilities, such as processing plants, storage silos, and transportation systems.Overburden RemovalThe next step in the coal mining process is the removal of the overburden, which is the layer of soil and rock that covers the coal seam. This is typically done using large-scale excavation equipment, such as draglines, backhoes, and bulldozers. The overburden is then either stored on-site or used to backfill the mined-out areas.Coal ExtractionOnce the overburden has been removed, the coal extraction process can begin. This involves the use of specialized mining equipment, such as continuous miners, longwall shearers, and shuttle cars, to extract the coal from the seam. The coal is then transported to the surface using conveyor belts or other transportation systems.Coal Processing and BeneficiationAfter the coal has been extracted, it undergoes a process of processing and beneficiation to remove impurities and prepare it for use. This may involve crushing, screening, washing, and other processing techniques to improve the coal's quality and consistency.Transportation and DistributionThe final step in the coal mining process is the transportation and distribution of the processed coal. This may involve the use of trains, barges, or trucks to transport the coal to power plants, steel mills, or other end-users. The coal may also be exported to international markets, depending on the demand and the logistics of the supply chain.Throughout the coal mining process, there are a number of environmental and safety considerations that must be taken into account. Mining companies are required to follow strict regulations and guidelines to minimize the impact of their operations on the surrounding environment and to ensure the safety of their workers.In conclusion, the coal mining process is a complex and multifaceted operation that involves a range of specialized equipment, techniques, and expertise. From exploration and geological surveys to transportation and distribution, each step in the process plays acritical role in meeting the global demand for this valuable energy resource.。



★采矿工程专业常用英语词汇★①geologic structure 地质构造 geologic age geologic term coalfield 煤田 take 井田reserve of the take 井田储量 geologic reservecoal exploration 煤层勘探 explore②sedimentary rock 沉积岩 metamorphose rock 变质岩igneous rock 火成岩 alluvium 冲积层coal seam mineral deposit 矿床③epoch 纪元、纪、代 Permian 二叠纪(系)Carboniferous 石炭纪 Cretaceous 白垩纪Tertiary 第三纪④fold 褶 曲 fault 断层 normal~ reverse~ faulting 断层作用⑤strike 走向 along the strikedip 倾向、倾角 dip angle of coal seam煤层倾角⑥weathered 风化的bituminous coal 烟煤 [bi’tjuminэs] anthracite 无烟煤 lignite褐煤limestone 石灰岩 sandstone 砂岩 shale 页岩⑦fully mechanized coal face 综采 conventional mining 普采Semi-mechanized coal face blasting mining 炮采fully mechanized sublevel caving mining 综放⑧colliery (coal mine) colliery undertaking ~企业Longwall mining 长壁开采 Room and pillar 房柱式开采pillar and stall Panel, district, mining area 盘区采区⑨Shaft (vertical) 井筒 adit 平硐 shaft sinking 井筒掘进opencast open pit 露天矿 surface mining strip mining⑩strata(stratum) 岩层 stimulated caving 强制放顶longwall advancing retreatingroof (floor) 顶(底)板 main ~ immediate ~ false ~11pit bottom shaft station 井底车场 up cast downcast 进回风井ventilate ventilation borehole 钻孔 drill bunker(coal bin) 煤仓12Skip 箕斗 cage 罐笼 conveyor 运输机 belt conveyor 胶带运输机AFC(Armored Face Conveyer) 刮板输送机 coal preparation 选煤Powered roof support 液压支架 (shield)13drift entry roadway gateroad巷道 crosscut 石门,横贯,捷径methane 甲烷瓦斯 gas ~ drainagegob,goaf (mined out area) 采空区14airway 风道 intake ~ return ~ 进风巷回风巷stress-strain 应力-应变 stress relief zone de-stressed 应力解除15 room dispatcher’s ~ pump ~泵房 dispatcher’s room 调度室waiting room 候车室 winch engine room first-aid room16 tale air 乏风 fresh intake ~ tail entry head entry 顺槽heading 掘进头 rise ~ 上山 opening ~开切眼17 timber 木支柱 prop, jack 支柱 individual jacks (prop)单体支柱convergence 顶底板移近、会合 smooth ~ 缓慢下沉(巷道)free subsidence method (采场)18 waste heap /spoil tip 矸石山 spontaneous combustion 自燃hoist 提升 gate road/drift/entry 巷道 incline gate 斜巷incline shaft19 tectonic 构造的~ stress mining regulations safety regulations rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力Behavior of rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力显现20 floor heave 底鼓 thin or medium-thick seam 中厚incline seam 倾向煤层 sloping ~steep coal seam 急倾向煤层 gently slopping ~ 缓倾斜煤层21 cracked roof 破碎顶板 fractured roof crush, crackspacing of main falls 放顶步距 distance of roof fallwinch 小绞车 caving ~22 eaker props/breaker support 切顶支柱 withdrawal of support回柱prop withdrawer 回柱绞车 shield-type support 掩护式支架chock support 垛式支架常用专业英语词汇23 survey(ing) 测量 ~ station 观测站 elevation标高 elevator,lifttransit 经纬仪 full caving method 全部跨落法partial caving partial backfilling (packing)24 subsidence 下沉 ~ trough ~basin 下沉盆地surface structure(building)地表建筑物surface movement and deformation 地表移动和变形Contour 等值线下沉(Subsidence)、倾斜(Slope)、曲率(Curvature)、水平移动(Displacement)、水平变形(Horizontal strain)25 aquifer 含水层 coal mining above a confined aquifer承压水上采煤protective pillar 保护煤柱 barrier pillar 隔离煤柱26 angle of draw 移动角边界角 draw angle of strata 边界角surface cracks 地表裂缝 Surface slope (incline) 地表倾斜curvature 曲率27 Overburden strata 上覆岩层 overlying strata 上覆岩层structure damage 建筑物损害 recovery ratio 采出率、回采率28 backfilling mining method filling mining stowing miningmethod充填回采建筑物下开采(Mining under buildings) 铁路下开采(Mining under railways)水体下开采(Mining under water bodies)29 simultaneous extraction 同时开采 limited thickness extraction 限厚开采selected extraction 选择开采 continuous extraction 连续开采 land reclaimation technology 土地复垦技术30 compressed air drill 风钻 electric ~ 电钻yielding support 可缩支架 rigid ~ 刚性支架roof bolting 顶板锚杆 resin ~31 auxiliary fans 局扇 auxiliary shaft 副井 subsidiary shaft 副井Main shaft 主井 mine water drainage 矿井排水haulage hoisting lighting 运输、提升、照明32 seam subject to rock burst 易突出煤层~spontaneous combustion易自然煤层rock burst 岩爆冲击矿压 surrounding rock 围岩 first cost 初期投资33 multiple coal seam 多煤层 subsoil 下层基岩quarry 采场、采矿场、采石场horizon 区段、水平 horizontal34 washery 洗煤=coal preparation plantdevelopment,Preparation, production systemhigh-productive&high efficient coal mine 高产高效矿井35ascending order descending mining coalification 煤化作用repairing shift development shift productive capacity,output36 standby equipment deplete 枯竭采完extract/mine/exploit/win/work 开采cantilever 悬臂梁 water-bearing ground 含水地层37 run-of-mine coal 原煤 raw washed coal ,clean coal fossil fuel 化石燃料rock mechanics岩石力学 dummy road 盲巷 safety pillar安全煤柱38 tensile stress field( zone )拉应力区Compressive stress field rock mass 岩体rock mechanics in coal mining 煤矿岩石力学 Rock pressure 岩石压力39 behavior of rock pressure 矿山压力显现 Stress 应力;Strain 应变rock strata control (ground control) 岩层控制elastic deformation 弹性变形 plastic deformation 塑性变形40 rheology of rock 岩石(体)流变性 virgin rock[mass]/initialrock[mass]原岩(体)virgin stress of rock[mass] 原岩应力 initial stress of rock[mass]原岩应力virgin stress field of rock[mass] initial stress field of rock[mass] 原岩应力场41 stress in surrounding rock围岩应力 stress-concentrated zone 应力增高区virgin stress zone(field) initial stress zone 原岩应力区coefficient of stress concentration 应力集中系数42 Support 支架,支撑 partial caving method 局部跨落法pillar support method 煤柱支撑法43 weak ( soft) strata 松软岩层 hard strata 坚硬岩层unstable roof 不稳定顶板 load of support 支架载荷44 medium stable roof 中等稳定顶板 stable roof 稳定顶板hard roof; strong roof 坚硬顶板 classification of roof 顶板分类 classify45 setting load 初撑力 yield load 额定工作阻力support load 支护阻力 prop density 支柱密度46 load density; supporting intensity支护强度rib spalling 片帮 impact load 冲击载荷47 first weighting初次来压 periodic weighting (of main roof)周期来压coal and gas bump; coal and gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出48 aved zone 冒落带 fractured zone 裂隙带sagging (continuous deformation) zone 弯曲下沉带natural arch; ~ of natural equilibrium 自然平衡拱49 Soil zone Continuous deformation zone Fractured zone Caved zone50 Initial supporting 一次支护 first supportingPermanent supporting二次支护 second supporting road side supporting 巷旁支护 non-pillar roadway protection无煤柱护巷protective seam 保护层51 abutment pressure 支承压力 method of roof control 顶板管理方法roof-to-floor convergence 顶底板移近量 rib sides convergence 两帮移近量52 Cross section 剖面 Sectional(plan) view 剖(平)面图softening factor of rock 岩石软化系数 roof caving angle 顶板跨落角。

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外文翻译--煤炭开采技术英文翻译原文在当今科技经济发展的新形势下煤炭开采技术的研究必须面向国内国外两个市场面向经济建设主战场立足于煤炭开采技术的前沿立足于中国煤炭发展战略所必要的技术储备立足于煤炭工业中长期发展战略所必须的关键技术的攻关立足于煤炭工业工程实际问题的解决重点从事中长期研究开发和技术储备跟踪产业科技前沿开发有自主知识产权的以煤矿开采技术及配套装备为主导的核心技术占领技术制高点1 采煤方法和工艺采煤方法和工艺的进步和完善始终是采矿学科发展的主题采煤工艺的发展将带动煤炭开采各环节的变革现代采煤工艺的发展方向是高产高效高安全性和高可靠性基本途径是使采煤技术与现代高新技术相结合研究开发强力高效安全可靠耐用智能化的采煤设备和生产监控系统改进和完善采煤工艺在发展现代采煤工艺的同时继续发展多层次多样化的采煤工艺建立具有中国特色的采煤工艺理论我国长壁采煤方法已趋成熟放顶煤采煤的应用在不断扩展应用水平和理论研究的深度和广度都在不断提高急倾斜不稳定地质构造复杂等难采煤层采煤方法和工艺的研究有很大空间主要方向是改善作业条件提高单产和机械化水平开发煤矿高效集约化生产技术建设生产高度集中高可靠性的高产高效矿井开采技术以提高工作面单产和生产集中化为核心以提高效率和经济效益为目标研究开发各种条件下的高效能高可靠性的采煤装备和工艺简单高效可靠的生产系统和开采布置生产过程监控与科学管理等相互配套的成套开采技术发展各种矿井煤层条件下的采煤机械化进一步改进工艺和装备提高应用水平和扩大应用范围提高采煤机械化的程度和水平2开发浅埋深硬顶板硬煤层高产高效现代开采成套技术主要解决以下技术难题硬顶板控制技术研究埋深浅地压小的硬厚顶板控制技术主要通过岩层定向水力压裂倾斜深孔爆破等顶板快速处理技术使直接顶能随采随冒提高顶煤回收率且基本顶能按一定步距垮落既有利于顶煤破碎又保证工作面的安全生产硬厚顶煤控制技术研究开发埋深浅支承压力小条件硬厚顶煤的快速处理技术包括高压注水压裂技术和顶煤深孔预爆破处理技术使顶煤体能随采随冒提高其回收率顶煤冒放性差块度大的综放开采成套设备配套技术研制既有利于顶煤破碎和顶板控制又有利于放顶煤的新型液压支架合理确定后部输送机能力两硬条件下放顶煤开采快速推进技术研究合适的综放开采回采工艺优化工序缩短放煤时间提高工作面的推进度实现高产高效5,55m宽煤巷锚杆支护技术通过宽煤巷锚杆支护技术的研究开发和应用有利于综采配套设备的大功率和重型化有助于连续采煤机的应用促进工作面的高产高效3缓倾斜薄煤层长壁开采主要研究开发体积小功率大高可靠性的薄煤层采煤机刨煤机研制适合刨煤机综采的液压支架研究开发薄煤层工作面的总体配套技术和高效开采技术4缓倾斜厚煤层一次采全厚大采高长壁综采应进一步加强完善支架结构及强度加强支架防倒防滑防止顶梁焊缝开裂和四连杆变形防止严重损坏千斤顶措施等的研究提高支架的可靠性缩小其与中厚煤层采高3m左右高产高效指标的差距5各种综采高产高效综采设备保障系统要实现高产高效就要提高开机率对支架围岩系统采运设备进行监控今后研究的重点是通过电液控制阀组操纵支架和改善支架围岩系统控制进一步完善液压信息支架位态顶板状态支护质量信息的自动采集系统乳化液泵站及液压系统运行状态的检测诊断采煤机在线与离线相结合的油磨屑监测和温度电信号的监测带式输送机刮板输送机全面状态监控2 深矿井开采技术深矿井开采的关键技术是煤层开采的矿压控制冲击地压防治瓦斯和热害治理及深井通风井巷布置等需要攻关研究的是深井围岩状态和应力场及分布状态的特征深井作业场所工作环境的变化深井巷道特别是软岩巷道快速掘进与支护技术与装备深井冲击地压防治技术与监测监控技术深矿井高产高效开采有关配套技术深矿井开采热害治理技术与装备3 三下采煤技术提高数值模拟计算和相似材料模拟等深入研究开采上覆岩层运动和地表沉陷规律研究满足地表建筑物地下水资源保护需要的合理的开采系统和优化参数发展沉降控制理论和关键技术包括用地表废料向垮落法工作面采空区充填的系统研究与应用各种充填技术和组合充填技术村庄房屋加固改造重建技术适于村庄保护的开采技术研究近水体开采的开采设计工艺参数优化和装备提出煤炭开采与煤矿城市和谐统一的开采沉陷控制开采村庄下压煤土地复垦和矿井水资源化等关键技术4 优化巷道布置减少矸石排放的开采技术改进完善现有采煤方法和开采布置以实现开采效益最大化为目标研究开发煤矿地质条件开采巷道布置及工艺技术评价体系专家系统实现开采方法开采布置与煤层地质条件的最优匹配总结推广神华集团大柳塔矿潞安漳村矿实行全煤巷布置单一煤层开采矸石基本不运出地面生产系统大大简化分别实现无轨胶轮单轨吊辅助运输一条龙从井口直达工作面同时实现了综采与综掘同步发展生产效率大幅提高的经验的同时重点研究高产高效矿井开拓部署与巷道布置系统的优化简化巷道布置优化采区及工作面参数研究单一煤层集中开拓集中准备集中回采的关键技术大幅度降低岩巷掘进率多开煤巷减少出矸率研究矸石在井下直接处理作为充填材料的技术既是减少污染的一项有力措施又简化了生产系统有利于高产高效集中化开采应加紧研究5 采场围岩控制技术1 进一步完善采场围岩控制理论以科学合理优化高效的岩层控制技术来保证开采活动的安全高效低成本为目标深入总结我国几十年的矿山压力研究成果以理论分析解析法现代数学力学统计分析预测数值法和实测法相结合运用先进的计算机技术深入研究各种煤层地质及开采条件如急倾斜大采高大采深采场矿山压力显现规律及围岩破坏与平衡机理不断完善采场围岩控制技术2 研究坚硬顶板与破碎顶板条件下应用高技术低成本岩层控制技术目前由于应用高压注水深孔预裂爆破处理坚硬顶板和应用化学加固技术存在工艺复杂成本高的问题因而需进一步研究开发新技术新工艺新材料来解决这些问题3 放顶煤开采岩层和支架围岩相互作用机理研究放顶煤开采力学模型围岩应力顶煤破碎机理支架顶煤直接顶基本顶相互作用关系运用离散元等方法研究顶煤放落规律提出放煤优化准则和提高顶煤回收率的途径4 支护质量与顶板动态监测技术在总结缓倾斜中厚长壁工作面开展支护质量与顶板动态监测方面应进一步在坚硬顶板破碎顶板急倾斜放顶煤工作面开展支护质量与顶板动态监测同时应不断完善现有的监测技术发展智能化监测系统改进监测仪表使监测仪表向直观轻便小型化方向发展5 冲击地压的预测和防治通过计算机模拟研究冲击性矿压显现发生的机理进一步完善冲击性矿压显现监测系统发展遥控测量和预报技术完善冲击性矿压综合防治措施的优化选择专家系统6 研究开发新型的支护设备研究硬煤层硬顶板放顶煤液压支架完善液压支架性能和快速移架系统开发耐炮崩轻型化单体液压支柱和厚煤层巷道锚索和可伸缩锚杆6 小煤矿技术改造和机械化开采技术实施国家关闭小煤矿淘汰落后生产技术和生产设备提高平均单井规模的技术政策开发小型煤矿机械化半机械化开采技术和装备改进小煤矿的采煤方法和开采工艺提高采煤工作面的单产和工效提高小煤矿的顶底板控制技术水平最大限度地减少顶底板事故率7 煤炭地下气化技术煤炭地下气化技术是将处于地下的煤炭进行有控制的燃烧通过对煤的热化学作用而产生可燃气体的过程煤炭地下气化技术属于一种特殊的采煤方法它属国际首创煤炭地下气化技术具有投资少工期短见效快用人少效率高成本低效益好等优点尤其适合我国煤矿地质条件复杂劣质煤比例高三下压煤严重的具体国情具有广阔的推广应用前景应继续研究完善长通道大断面两阶段和矿井式气化两种典型煤炭地下气化工艺进行较大规模的地下气化试验研究摸索实现两个控制三个稳定的技术途径并实现连续稳定生产探索应用的途径英文翻译译文Nowadays science and technology the new situation of the economic development under coals mining a technical research has to be faced to domestic foreign two markets and faced to was constuct by mainbattlefield have a foothold in the coal mine technical of before follow have a foothold the development is in the Chinese coal strategy necessity of technique storage have a foothold strategic in the long-term development in the coal industry have to of the key offends a pass technically have a foothold the industrial engineering is in the coal is actual the problem resolve the point be engaged in in the long-term research develop to store and technique before following the industry science and technology follow develop to have an independent intelligent property right of with the coal mine mine the technique and the kitmaterial for predominant core technique capture technique system alittle bit high1 adopt the coal method and craftAdopt the coal method and the progress of the craft with perfect is the topic that the always opencast academics developThe development that adopts the coal craft will arouse the change that the coal mines each link moderns adopting the development direction of the coal craft is highto produceefficientlyhigh safety with high and dependable the basic path makes to adopt a high new technique of the coal technique and modern to combine together studying to destrongdintefficientlysafetycredibilityenduringthe intelligence turn of adopt the coal equipments and production to supervise and control system improve with perfect adopt a coal craftContinue to develop multilayers at the time of developping a modern to adopt the coalcraftdiversification of adopt the coal craft the establishment has Chinese special features to adopt coal craft theoriesThe our country is long the wall adopt the coal method to have already tend mature put a coal to adopt coal of the application Be expanding continuously applying the depth of the level and theories research with wide degree all Be raising continuously nasty tilt to one side unsteadythe geologystructure complications etc is difficult to adopt coal seam to adopt the coal method and the research of the craft contain very big space themain direction improves the homework condition raising a list to produce with mechanization levelDevelop coal mine efficiently intensive turn a production techniquethe construction produce height concentrationhigh credibility of high produce efficiently the mineral well to mine a techniqueProduce by raising the work noodles list and produce concentration to changeinto core with lift high-efficiency with economic performance for target study to develop under various condition of high performancethe high credibility adopt the coal material and craftsimpleefficientlydependable production system with mine a decoration produce a distance to supervise and control to manage etc and science the kit is mutually of the set mine a technique develop under various mineral well coal seam condition of adopt the coal mechanization further improvement craft and material raise applied level and extend an application raise to adopt the degree and the level of the coal mechanization2 the development"shallow cover up deeply hard crest the plankhard coal seam is high to produce efficiently modern mine a set a technique" mainly solve a following technique hard nut to crackHard crest the plank control technique the research covers up a depthground to press a small hard and thick crest the plank control technique mainly pressing and tilting to one side deep bore to blow up through the rock strata definite direction water power etc crest the plank dispatch a technique make direct crest can with adopt with emitexaltation crest the coal recovery rate and the basic crest can press certain step to be apart from to fall since be advantageous to a coal broken up promise the safe production of the work noodles again Hard and thick crest the coal control technique the research development covers up a depth and pays to accept a hard and thick crest of small condition of pressure the dispatch of coal technique including high pressure to note the water pressure technique and crest coal deep bore to prepare to blow up the processing technique make a coal physique with adopt with emit raise its recovery rateCrest the coal emit to put sex badpiece degree the big release to adopt a set the equipments kit technique develop since be advantageous to a coal broken up with crest plank control and then be advantageous to the new liquid that puts a crest coal to press a support the empress of the reasonable assurance the department transport function dint Under two hard conditions put a coal to mine fast push forward a technique study suitable to release to adopt back to adopt a craft excellent chemical engineering preface shorten to put the coal time exaltation the work noodles of the propulsion degree carry out high produce efficientlyThe 5-55 m breadth coal lane anchor man pole protects a technique protecting the technical research development andapplication through the breadth coal lane anchor man pole be advantageous to the adopts the kit equipments of the big power and heavy type turn contributing to continuously an application of adopt the coal machine promote the work noodles of high produce efficiently3 tilt to one side long wall of thin coal seam to mine slowlyMain research developmentThe physical volume is smallpower the thin coal seam of[with] big and high credibility adopt coal machine and plane coal machineThe liquid that develops to suit to plane the coal machine to adopt presses a supportThe research develops the total kit technique of the thin coal seam work noodles with mine a technique efficiently4 tilt to one side thick coal seam slowly once to adopt whole thick adopt high and long wall to adopt greatlyShould strengthen the perfect support structure and strength further add a strong support to defend to pourantiskidkeep a beam from sew to open with four connect a pole to transformprevent?from the serious damage jack measure research of[with] etc suggest the credibility of the high support contract the margin that it is high with medium thick coal seam adopt a high 3 ms or so to produce efficiently index sign5 various adopt high produce efficiently to adopt equipments guarantee systemWant to carry out to be high to produce efficiently will raise to switch on a rate to the "support- round a rock" systemadopt the luck equipments to carry on supervisionThe point that will study from now on BEManipulate a support and change through the electricity liquid control valve set well"support- round a rock" system control the further perfect liquid presses an informationthe support crest plank appearancepay to protect the quality information of from move to collect systemThe examination that emulsifies the liquid pump station and liquid to press the system movement appearance examine a patientAdopt the coalmachine on-line and off-line monitor of[with]"oil- whet scraps" monitor and temperaturethe telecommunication number for combine togetherThe take type transports machine and pare off plank to transport overall appearance of machine supervision2 deep mineral wells mine a techniqueThe key technique that the deep mineral well mine BEThe mineral that the coal seam mine presses a controlpound at ground to press the prevention and curegas and heat to harm to manage and the deep well breezethe well lane decorationetcDemands offending what pass study BEThe deep well rounds the rock appearance with should the dint field and distribute the characteristic of the appearanceThe variety of homework place work environment in deep wellThe deep well tunnel especially soft rock tunnel digs quickly into with pay to protect the technique and materialImpact ground in deep well presses the prevention and cure technique and monitor to supervise and control a techniqueThe deep mineral well is high to produce to mine a concerning kit technique efficientlyThe deep mineral well mines heat to harm to manage the technique and material3 three times"s adopt a coal techniqueThe exaltation number imitates the calculation and alike material to imitate etc the thorough research mines to exercise to sink to sink regulation and earths surface up the rock strata studying a full foot earths surfacebuildingthe groundwater resources protection to need ofreasonable of mine system with excellent turn parameter develop to sink to decline the control theories and the key technique include to use the earths surface waste toward to fall the method work noodles to adopt the system that the empty area fillResearch and apply various to fill technique and combination to fill a technique the village housereinforces the reformation reconstruction technique being suitable for the village protection to mine a techniqueStudy the near water body mine of mine a designthe craft parameter is excellent to turn with the material putting forward coal to mine to unify with the coal mine city diapason of mine to sink to sink a control and mine a village to descend to press coalland to reply key techniques such as and the mineral well water recyclingetc4 excellent turn the tunnel decoration reduce the stone to exhaustof mine a techniqueImprovementperfect and existing adopt the coal method and mine a decoration with the realization mine a performance biggest change into a target research development the coal mine geology condition mine the tunnel decoration and the craft technique evaluation system expert system carrying out to mine methodmine to decoration and the coal seam geology condition of superior matchSummary expansion the absolute being group big LIU3 TA3 GONG3 the Anne Tsun mineral practice the whole coal lane to set out single coal seam to mine the stone basic not deliver a ground of side produce system consumedly simplify respectively carry out to have no a track gumroundsingle track hang an assistance to transport a dragon from the mouth of a well go directly to the work noodles in the meantime carry out adopt to dig a synchronous development with produce an efficiency significantly raise of empirical of in the meantime point research high produce efficiently the mineral well expand deployment set out system with tunnel of excellent turn simplification tunnel decoration excellent turn adopt the area and the work noodles parameter study single coal seam gather win expand concentration preparationconcentrate return to the key technique for adopt significant lower the rock lane dig into rate open the coal lane more reduce a rateStudy the stone a direct processing under the well and Be the technique that the fills material since is reduce polluting emollient measure and then simplify production system be advantageous to high produce to concentrate to turn to mine efficiently should step up a research5 adopt a field to round a rock control technique1 further perfect adopt a field to round rock control theoriesWith science is reasonable and excellent to turn efficiently of the rock strata control technique to promise a safety of mine the activityefficientlylow cost is target thorough summary our country the mineral mountain pressure of several decades research result with theories analysis solution the method modern mathematics mechanics statistics analysis estimatethe number method with measure a method to combine together the usageforerunners calculator technique actually deep go into study various coal seam geology and mine a condition such as nasty tilt to one sideadopt greatly highadopt greatly to adopt a mineral mountain pressure to present regulation and round the rock breakage and equilibrium mechanism deeply continuously perfect adopt a field to round a rock control technique2 study a strong and tough crest plank the lath piece to descend the applied high technique low cost rock strata control technique with the broken up crest Currently because of applied high press to note a waterdeep bore to prepare to blow up to handle a strong and tough crest plank and applied the chemistry reinforce the technique existence craft complicationscost high problem as a result need the further research development a new techniquenew craftnew material to resolve these problems3 put a coal to mine the rock strata and support-round rock interaction mechanismResearchs putting a coal to mine mechanics model and rounding a rock should the dintcrest mechanism with broken up coalthe support-crest coal-direct crest-basic crest interaction relationMake use of a long-lost dollar the etc method research crest coal to put to fall regulation put forward put coal is excellent to turn standard and exaltation a crest the coal recovery rate of path4 pay to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitortechniqueIn the aspects of tally up slowly tilt to one side win thickly grow wall work noodles openning the exhibition to protect thequality and crest plank dynamic state monitor should further at strong and tough crest the plankbroken up crest planknasty tilt to one side and put a coal work noodles to open the exhibition to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor in the meantime should continuously perfect and existing monitor technique develop intelligence to turn monitor system improvement monitor appearance make monitor appearance to keep a vieweasy and convenient and small scaled turn a direction development5 pound at ground the estimate and the prevention and cure for pressPass the mechanism that the calculator emulation research impact mineral presses to present occurrenceFinish to pound at sex mineral to press to present monitor system well further develop to control from a distance measure and forecast a technique the perfect impact mineral press comprehensive prevention and cure measure of excellent turn choice expert system6 the research develop to pay to protect an equipments newlyStudythe hard coal seamhard crest plank puts a coal liquid to press a support the perfect liquid presses the support function with move a system quickly develop to bear cannon to collapsethe light type turn single body fluid to press to pay pillar with the thick coal seam tunnel anchor man and the flexible anchor man pole6 small coal mine technique reformation and mechanization mine a techniqueCarry out the nation closes small coal mine eliminating to fall behind the production technique and producing an equipments raising the technique policy of the single well scale equally develop small scaled coal mine mechanizationthe half mechanization to mine the technique and material improve small coal mine to adopt the coal method with mine a craft the list that raises to adopt the coal work noodles produces with the work effectRaise the crest of the small coal mine scaleboard control technique level reduce a scaleboard trouble rate with imum limit7 coal underground gasify a techniqueThe coal undergrounds gasifying a technique is the coal that will be placed in an underground to carry on the combustion that has a control passing to the hot chemical effect of the coal but producing can the process of the airThe coal underground gasification technique belong to a kind of adopt the coal method specially it belongs to nations to foundThe coal underground gasifies a technique to have an investment littlethe work expect to be short and take effect quickly and use a person littletheefficiency is highthe cost is lowperformance good etc advantage particularly in keeping with our country the coal mine geology condition complicationsthe inferior coal comparison is high"three times" press the coal severity to have the body state of the nation have vast of expansionapplication foregroundShould continue to study perfect"long passagebig cross sectiontwo stages" two kinds of typical model coalundergrounds to gasify a craft with"the mineral well type gasify" carry on a more large-scale underground to gasify to experiment a research grope for the technique path of the realization"two controls3 stabilize" and carry out a consecution and stabilize to produce to investigate applied path。
