英语专业论文McDonald’s Marketing Strategies in China麦当劳在中国的营销策略


intergrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald

intergrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald

The integrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald’sThe integrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald’s by Larry Light was successful in 2002. McDonald’s firm which was found in 1948 and it was the largest fast food restaurants in the world, with more than 30000 outlets in 118 countries like Britain, India, Canada, China and so on(James, 2009). However, McDonald’s declared that 175 stores would be closed and the strategy of expanding was protected in 2002. Moreover, the position of brand was to appeal to ‘mother and children’ that was brand aging due to the change of opinion for marriage. In addition, McDonald’s insisted to launch the chain store by oneself without franchise. Then McDonald’s happened the situation of loss in 2002. Therefore, Larry Light who was the global chief marketing officer of McDonald’s planed a series of integrated marketing communication program for McDonald’s to change the bad situation. The integrated marketing communication is to develop, implement and evaluate the strategic roles of various communications programs, and by integrating a verity of messages to provide consistency, clarity and maximum communication influence(Yeshin, 1998). The objective of the integrated marketing communication is to affect directly the behaviour of customer who is selected communication by McDonald’s. Therefore, the essay demonstrate that through six marketing communications aspects which are advertising, sales promotion, public relations, product and services, media to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald’s(Shimp, 2000).McDonald’s use effective advertising to grab consumer attention, and let customer get the information of brand from advertisement directly. As McDonald’s combine brand-image strategy and positioning strategy to apply in the advertising. The brand-image strategy which is psychological needs advertising to associate the product with symbols in order to develop an image for a brand(Shimp, 2000). McDonald’s still declared the happiness image of ‘appealing to mother and children’in the past like the advertising of 1990 which illustrated many lives between McDonald’s and the role of mother and children from dawn to dusk(Kaye, 2013).However, as the implementing of integrated marketing communication strategy in 2002, the McDonald’s turn the old image into the new thinking which is cool, you can make decision for yourself and do things one’s own way in order to get the image of younger and fashion. For instance, the advertising 2009 which demonstrated the element of cool and everyone does things by own way(Moore, 2012). In addition, successful advertising must need positioning strategy which is the mind of consumer for a brand. The McDonald’s positioned at the family which had almost fifty years in the advertising before the happening of integrated marketing communication strategy(Leo Burnett London, 2008). Nevertheless McDonald’s puts attention on the group of consumer who are under the thirty-five age. Moreover, the chain store of McDonald’s started to use the fashionable black as the color of poster and uniform of employees which was showed from the advertising of 2012(Leo Burnett London, 2012). As the popular brand-image and the position of young group, McDonald’s make the advertising have more effectiveness.It is essential for sales promotion to make sure the continuity with other aspects of the marketing communications plan. Therefore, the image and values of brand must be integrated with other elements to ensure their consistency(Yeshin, 1998). Sales promotions are the ‘activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middlemen effectiveness and co-operation’(Cateora and Graham, 1999). And sales promotion has the high power to support general advertising which has fewer actual purchase actions than sales promotion which target to potential consumers. There are many techniques in sales promotion, for instance, money off, the pack, coupons, free gift, coupons and sweepstakes and so on. McDonald’s uses the sales promotion strategy which is consumer-oriented promotions including the activities of price discrimination and free gifts, coupons and sweepstakes. McDonald’s presented the activities of sales promotion which was ‘surprise, but five RMB’, moreover, almost ten products reduced under the five RMB in 2009(Ruang, 2009). The objective of this type promotion for McDonald’s is to reward consumer who like McDonald’s and get the attention from young for their new image. So it is effective. In addition, in order toensure the consistency with declaration of advertising, McDonald’s come up with very cool activities of sales promotion like free gift which is that if you say the word of ‘I’m loving it’to employee, you can get ice cream(Timberlake, 2003). These activities are very popular in younger group. In addition, to coupons McDonald’s would give coupon booklets to promote the food on every month. And you also can find this promotion from newspaper and magazine. And a coupon provides cents-off saving to consumers upon its redemption which is a promotional device(Shimp, 2000). McDonald’s want to increase sales and improve the loyalty of consumer, and these coupons can stimulate demand and push customer to buy certain items. What is more, sweepstakes is to attract a lot of consumers, the advertising of McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes was very famous around many countries in 1987 which created the repurchase of encourage and loyalty(Lurker, 2008). The aim of sales promotion for McDonald’s is achieved, so the sales promotion is effective.Compared with other elements of integrated marketing communications, undeniably, public relations activities have the great contribution. The one of reasons is that public relations can give more credibility than other forms of integrated marketing communications to customers. In addition, it is very important for all parties to ensure that the objectives are realized and understood. And the objective of public relations is to develop favourable attitudes and understanding of company, and to establish goodwill(Yeshin, 1998). Therefore, McDonald’s can cut the surrounding noise by public relations, and use it to publicize the reputation and name of organization and to reach small group consumers efficiently and effectively. At different times, public relations have a variety of different functions like opinion forming, in-house activities, product and service publicity, liaison with public officials and business sponsorship and so on(Yeshin, 1995). After the implementing of integrated marketing communications of McDonald’s, McDonald’s combine two function of public relations which are opinion forming and business sponsorship to achieve the objective. Ming yao became the image spokeswoman of McDonald’s in 2004, and Ming yao played the key role in activities which declared the health of body, action, the plan ofOlympics and consumer communication. And McDonald’s want to get opinion forming which was younger and fashion by Ming yao as spokesman. In addition, business sponsorship also is an important aspect in the public relations for McDonald’s to attract increased attention. Because the sponsor wants to achieve image association and name recognition by sponsoring some event or particular sporting. And the media like to give considerable levels of coverage to culture events and sporting(Yeshin, 1995). Therefore, McDonald’s demonstrated to extend the partnership with Olympic Games until 2012 in 2004(Durham, 2004). In addition, McDonald’s had unique rights of sales in the field of the services of restaurant and food during the 2006 winter Olympic Games in Italy, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2010 winter Olympic in Vancouver. In addition, McDonald’s can used the symbol of five rings in the global marketing(Olympic Movement, 2014). McDonald’s wants to improve the name and brand awareness, and achieve image reinforcement which is younger and fashion through the sponsorship. And more and more young people like the McDonald’s services and food from Olympic Games which is shifts in attitudes towards the organization. As the objectives are quantified and clearly defined and the results of public relations is very good, therefore, there are more effectiveness for McDonald’s public relations after integrated marketing communications strategy(McDonald’s, 2012).Product and services strategies are important aspect in the integrated marketing communications strategy. In particular, branding is the core of the marketing communication activities. ‘A brand is defined as a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services from those of other sellers’(Bennett, 1995). McDonald’s can get legal protection for its competitors by branding the product. In addition, McDonald’s can plan the inventory more efficiently, and to ensure the rapid processing of orders. Moreover, McDonald’s spend most budget in advertising to build the brand image(Carreras, 2014). Sometimes the product is to satisfy the needs of consumer, for instance, McDonald’s planed the new products which were ‘a series of rice wind’, ‘kimchi fried rice Xiang Bao’ to satisfyneeds of local consumer in Taiwan and Singapore in 2003. These new products give up the strict standard model, and to improve the strategy of localization. The McDonald’s Logo which was created by Heye & Partner Gmbh is most successful. Now it is the official logo with yellow ‘M’ word and the word of ‘I’m lovin’it’ which is black under ‘M’(Sagar, 2013). McDonald’s wants to appeal to the consumer of young group and shows the brand image of young and fashion, so Ronald McDonald was changed from old uncle to the new slimline Ronald Mcdonald which was young and wearing bright clothes(Roberts, 2011). In addition, to services McDonald’s provides free WiFi for consumers in China marketing to achieve the needs of customer and achieves the goodwill(Xu, 2012). From the product and services strategy to see that McDonald’s changes the logo, the image of character of Ronald McDonald to appeal to young group and grab attention from customer and this strategy is effective because the objective of these changes is achieved.Media strategy is important and complicated in integrated marketing communication strategy, and media planning must keep the consistency with advertising strategy and other marketing strategy. The objective of integrated advertising campaign is to generate high levels of frequency and reach among the target group of young. Selection of media and vehicles need company to do a media planning which is to build long-term equity of brand(Shimp, 2000). However, the process of media planning need to coordinate with advertising strategy in integrated marketing communications strategy. You need to know the advertising objectives, advertising budget and message, followed by media strategy which involves the selection of target group, objective specification, selection of media and vehicle and media buying(Yeshin, 1998). Therefore, after the implementing of integrated marketing communications strategy, McDonald’s select the target audience who is youth in particular under the 45 age(Sharan, 2011). And media objective of McDonald’s is to reaching the target group who is young, and it is necessary for McDonald’s to make these target audience see and read the advertising during the period time(Warshaw, 2011). As McDonald’s wants to grab the attention of target audience of young group, McDonald’s chooses a concentrated media mix to maximize stimulating the targetconsumers. Of course, selection of the media or vehicle also needs to consider the differentiation of culture in different countries for McDonald’s because the passion of people for different media is affected by the local culture. For instance, North Americans and Austrians spend time watching television with 280 minutes per day and 153 minutes per week respectively(Mooij, 2010). In addition, people who are in the poorer countries spend more watching television time than in the richer countries. Therefore, in the collectivistic and high power distance cultures like China, India, the time of watching television is highest in the proportion of leisure time(ibid). Therefore, in the market of China, McDonald’s chooses television as the main media of advertising because the young like watching television(Caprio, 2012). In addition, to USA and UK, McDonald’s needs to do more outdoor advertising as the young people in these countries like outdoor activities(Warren-Payne, 2013). The media strategy of McDonald’s has great successful in the marketing communications, so it is effective in the plan of integrated marketing communications strategy of McDonald’s.In conclusion, the integrated marketing communication strategy of McDonald’s get great successful in marketing communications by the implementing of strategy in advertising, sales promotion, public relations, product and services, media. The effectiveness of every aspect develops very well, and the target audience of every aspects of marketing communication all is young. In addition, McDonald’s achieves the objective of change the brand image, and young group accepts the image fashion and younger from brand. And McDonald’s combine brand-image strategy and positioning strategy to apply in the advertising for grabbing attention of youth. And sales promotion has the high power to support general advertising, therefore, McDonald’s uses the sales promotion strategy which is consumer-oriented promotions including the activities of price discrimination and free gifts, coupons and sweepstakes to get the attention from young for their new image. Moreover, McDonald’s combine two functions of public relations which are opinion forming and business sponsorship to achieve the objective of improving the name and brand awareness, and achieving image reinforcement which is younger and fashion throughthe sponsorship. In addition, McDonald’s changes the logo and character of Ronald McDonald to build new brand image which is young and fashion and to appeal to the consumer of young group. What is more, McDonald’s chooses a concentrated media mix to maximize stimulating the target consumers of youth. As McDonald’s achieves successful in every aspect marketing communications after the implementing of integrated marketing communications strategy, the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications strategy is very great.ReferencesTONY YESHIN, 1998. Integrated marketing communication: the holistic approach. Britain: Butterworth/Heinemann.RANDY JAMES, 2009. McDonald’s Abroad. TIME[online]. 28 October. Available from:/time/world/article/0,8599,1932839,00.html[Accessed 3 January 2015]TERENCE A. SHIMP, 2000. Advertising promotion: supplemental aspects of integrated marketing communication. 5th ed. London: Dryden.TONY KAYE, 2013. McDonald’s-A Day in the life[online video]. Available from: https:///watch?v=DAi8QmIl1Jc[Accessed 3 January 2015]GUY MOORE, 2012. McDonald’s. Just passing by[online video]. Available from: https:///watch?v=VjmcKg_Qo40 [Accessed 3 January 2015]LEO BURNETT LONDON, 2008. McDonald’s Planting[online video]. Available from:https:///watch?v=YeXCEBUTutA [Accessed 3 January 2015]LEO BURNETT LONDON, 2012. We all make the games[online video]. Available from:https:///watch?v=rcusUGMT9sc [Accessed 3 January 2015]CATEORA, P.R. and GRAHAM, J.L. 1999. International marketing. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, 2003. I’M LOVING IT[online]. Available from:/detail.php?id=24958 [Accessed 4 January 2015]YI LING RUANG, 2009. The sales promotion of product of McDonald’s. CHINANEWS[online]. 04 February. Available from:/cj/xfsh/news/2009/02-04/1550090.shtml[Accessed 4 January 2015]INTERNET LURKER, 2008. McDonald’s Monopoly commercial[online video]. Available from:https:///watch?v=zqvLiX6iTFU [Accessed 4 January]TONY YESHIN, 1995. Marketing communications strategy. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.DICK DURHAM, 2004. McDonald’s extend Olympic sponsorship. YACHTING MONTHLY[online]. 27 February. Available from;/news/mcdonalds-extend-olympic-sponsorship-2652 2 [Accessed 5 January 2015]THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT, 2014. MCDONALD’S[online]. Available from: /sponsors/mcdonalds [Accessed 5 January 2015] MCDONALD’S OFFICAL WEBSITE, 2012. Why does McDonald’s choose to be an Olympic sponsor?[online]. Available from:/ukhome/whatmakesmcdonalds/questions/sport/olympics /why-does-mcdonalds-choose-to-be-an-olympic-sponsor.html[Accessed 6 January 2015]PETER D BENNETT, 1995. Dictionary of Marketing Terms. 2nd ed. America: The American Marketing Association.ANA POMPOSO CARRERAS, 2014. What is the secret to McDonald’s Global Branding Success?[online]. Available from:/blogs/marketing/what-is-the-secret-to-mcdonalds-global-b randing-success/ [Accessed 6 January 2015]JULIA SAGAR, 2013. The story behind the McDonald’s logo[online]. Available from:/logo-design/mcdonalds-logo-short-11135325[Accessed 6 January 2015]FIONA ROBERTS, 2011. Thought clowns were creepy? Meet the very first Ronald McDonald on his 1963 TV debut[online]. Available from:/news/article-2001089/Meet-Ronald-McDonald-1963-TV-debut.html [Accessed 6 January 2015]XING XU, 2012. How does the organization win?[online]. Available from:/m/person/article/861.html [Accessed 7 January 2015] ANITA SHARAN, 2011. McDonald’s says youth are primary target consumers[online]. Available from:/article/mcdonalds-says-youth-are-primary-target-consumers/685 0.html [Accessed 7 January 2015]AUBREY WARSHAW, 2011. Objectives of McDonald’s[online]. Available from: /info_8360450_objectives-mcdonalds.html [Accessed 7 January 2015]MARIEKE DE MOOIJ, 2010. Global marketing and advertising: understanding cultural paradoxes. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE publications, Inc.ANDREW WARREN –PAYNE, 2013. 10 brilliant digital marketing campaigns from McDonald’s[online]. Available from:https:///blog/63032-10-brilliant-digital-marketing-campaigns-from-mcdonald-s/ [Accessed 8 January 2015]STACY CAPRIO, 2012. Mcdonald’s Commercials in the U.S vs China[online vedio]. Available from:https:///watch?v=a6r8HwHgm2E [Accessed 8 January 2015]。



两个服务全球化的英文案例以下是两个全球化的英文案例:1. McDonald's:McDonald's is a prime example of a globally successful fast food chain that has successfully implemented a globalized approach. With over 37,000 locations in more than 100 countries, McDonald's has adapted its menu, branding, and marketing strategies to cater to local tastes and preferences. For example, in India, McDonald's offers vegetarian options like the McAloo Tikki burger to cater to the country's large vegetarian population. In addition, McDonald's localizes its advertising campaigns by featuring local celebrities and incorporating cultural elements to resonate with the target audience. This approach has allowed McDonald's to establish a strong global presence while still appealing to diverse markets worldwide.2. Airbnb:Airbnb is another notable example of a company that has successfully achieved global reach. As an online marketplace for lodging and experiences, Airbnb has expanded its services to over 220 countries and regions. To ensure a seamless user experience, Airbnb has implemented various localization strategies. Firstly, the platform is available in multiple languages, allowing hosts and guests to communicate and navigate the site in their preferred language. Secondly, Airbnb has adapted its payment methods to accommodate different currencies and local payment preferences, making it convenient for users worldwide. Lastly, Airbnb incorporates local regulations and customs into its policies to comply with local laws and ensure a safe and trusted environment for its users. Through these efforts, Airbnb has become a trusted global platform for travelers to find unique accommodations and experiences around the world.These two examples highlight how McDonald's and Airbnb have successfully implemented globalized strategies to cater to diverse markets worldwide. By adapting theirproducts, services, and marketing approaches to local cultures and preferences, they have been able to establish a strong presence and gain popularity in different countries and regions.。



英语专业论文McDonald’s...McDonald’s Marketing Strategies in China姓名:班级:学号:AbstractIn recent years, Chinese fast food companies are developing rapidly, but the market share and profit level are far below that of the western fast food corporations like McDonalds and KFC. From the aspect of average sales turnover of one single store, McDonalds is 160 times of that of Chinese fast food companies. Currently, the turnover of western fast food corporations occupies more than 1/3 of the whole Chinese fast food industry. The causes are various, yet we could not neglect the problems in service marketing such as service quality, service process, service price and physical evidence, also the daily schedule in Northern China and Southern China is different, thus the service patterns differ. In order to make the proposal more specific, I choose McDonald’s stores within a region as the objects, to analyzed its marketing strategies in China. This essay analyzes the successful McDonald’s marketing strategies in China from “4P” (product, price, place, promotion)Key words: McDonald; marketing strategies; Chinese fast food1. IntroductionMcDonald’s is a chain of fast food restaurant that specializes in fri ed chicken. It was in 1940 that McDonald’s first started their op erations. The pioneer of many things, the Speed Service System introduced in their very first restaurant is beingfollowed in modern day fast food chains to this very day. Their very first mascot was a man with a head of a hamburger wearing a chef’s hat, which was replaced by McDonald’s ever popular clown man. It is estimated that McDonald’s currently serves 58 million customers each day in 119 countries. Their restaurants differ in their settings and facilities as some offer drive thru services, and some have play areas for kids while some offer counter service a lone. McDonald’s signature colors are red and yellow while their most popular products are their famous hamburgers, breakfast offers, desserts, chicken sandwiches and French fries. McDonald’s also f eature products for vegetarian customers, as well. When it comes to regional branches, McDonald’s are known to offer certain products customized to suit the food cultures of the respective regions.McDonald’s pay attention to the development of diversified and create differentiated product.2. The product strategies in China2.1 The product localizationThe first sign of success to an enterprise is that it can provide products to meet consum er demand. McDonald’s was so successful not by accident but have a lot by the constantly product innovation according to the taste of the Chinese people. McDonald’s has continually adapted to the customer’s tastes, value systems, lifestyle, l anguage and p erception. McDonald’s was known for its hambu rgers, beef and pork burgers. But most Chinese like toeat rice and something variety. To follow the local taste, M cDonald’s came up with Pork Chop Curry Rice and Preserved Egg Chicken Porridge to suite the Chinese palate. This way fitting customers ’requirement and has been widely recognized byChinese consumers. Therefore, the unification of food in McDonald’s has very strict standards, covering two aspects of qualitative and quantitative provisions.2.2 The product standardizationCore product stands at the center of the total product. It consists of the core, problem-solving benefits that consumers seek when they buy a product or service. As the world’s larg est fast food chain enterprises--- McDonald’s, in the whole process of its development, to provide customers with food, although there are regional differences for the customer, but the same is the sales all over the world of hamburgers, French fries, ice cream and soft drinks. Even if there is any change in the main product, it is only a small change. Others like Fillet-o-fish,Big Mac hamburgers are as the actual product. McDonald’s mix product to maximize sale opportunities with the limitations of its resources. Although there are big differences in eating habits and cultures in different countries, McDonald's is still committed to reducing the differences, providing a very similar product for global consumers. This management concept originated in the internationalization of chain management, the unified management mode included: unified trademark and name, unified interior design, standardization of the food supply and sales, unified national price.3. The price strategies in ChinaSuccessful pricing is a key element in marketing, ranked only next to product strategies in importance among the concerns of marketers. The specific pricing strategies that firms use to price goods and services grow out of the marketing strategies they formulate to accomplish overall organizational objectives. To establish a suitable price range, the target marketof the enterprise and the target market positioning have very big concern.3.1 Identify target customersMcDonald’s c aught Chinese homesick psychological needs, divide its target market segmentation for families as the unit group, and focus on the teenagers who have strong ability to accept foreign culture and new things. In addition, they have targeted design for all food, service and environment. Therefore, other family members, under the influence of young people, in order to stimulate demand, will slowly love the relaxed, pleasant dining environment in McDonald’s. Children is also an important service for McDonald’s. Every store has a baby chair and a small cart, and a variety of hanging picture, cartoon park, are all deeply favored by children.3.2 Determine the price rangeMcDo nald’s price range within the scope of the ordinary families can afford, but overall price is higher than the general price, because it adopts competitive pricing strategies. These strategies are designed to deemphasize price as a competitive variable by pricing a product or service at the general level of comparable offerings. McDonald’s mainl y take the following two ways to stimulate consumer demand: the first is the psychological pricing. On the one hand, by the way of improving the dining environment to provide customers a satisfying first-rate service. That create an additional value to customers. On the other hand, the price is accurate to angle and unified throughout the country, so that’s all as to give customers a feeling of benefits. The second is through the compound fixing prices. McDonald’s mainmeals and combination of a variety of food such as toys, colaand the appropriate package price and timeless payment coupons way. A big Mac as the example, has become one of the world’s economists do comment on all income of the pointer, McDonald’s use of price survey method as the selling pri ce of the product standard. Not only all these speed up the ordering rate, increase sales, but also offers and attract consumers, creating a win-win situation of enterprises and consumers.4. The place strategies in ChinaThe place mainly consists of the distribution channels. The distribution channel is an organized system of marketing institution and their interrelationship that enhances the physical flow of ownership of goods and service from producer to consumer or business user. It is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. McDonald’s from the product source, supply, sales and other links, in the premise of ensuring product safety, make better service to consumers.4.1 Strengthen the supplier managementFirst of all, in China, McDonald’s suppliers implement localization strategy, not only to ensure the quality of fresh ingredients, effectively saves transportation costs and procurement costs, but also reduce the outsourcing because of the weather, transport, customs, government policy can not predict the risk factors about. At present, McDonald’s all chicken ingredients and 85% of food packaging materials are to the Chinese local manufacturers to purchase, its overseas manufacturers to purchase only a small amount of fixed assets equipment. Secondly, star evaluation of suppliers, in order to standardize the supervision and management of suppliers, so there is a pop ular saying among suppliers: "Pass McDonald’srating systemmanufacturers, can smoothly and easily obtain national IS09002 quality certification accreditation."4.2 Scientific and accurate locationMcDonald’s has the standardization of distribution. For businesses such as McDonald's reliance on giant adult traffic in order to increase sales, the store location will undoubtedly have an important impact on the realization of its marketing objectives. Therefore, each openi ng McDonald’s have to undergo a rigorous selection process. As usual, the first step of McDonald’s location is in planning a general busines s scope, in this part, McDonald’s to collect a lot of information, decision must base on its own market positioning and business stability and maturity of the comprehensive consideration of the enterprise is entering the region. The second is to estimate and selection traffic generation. In the established business scope, further accurate specific shop address. McDonald’s stipulate that a chain store must be built in a busy commercial area, such as a large shopping mall, supermarket, school, or government office.5. The promotion strategies in China5.1Strong advertisingThe various promotion channels being used by McDonald’s to effectively communicate the product information are given above. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decided whether the cost of promotion is worth spending. There are three main objectives of advertising for McDonald’s are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. McDonald’s does itspromotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters.They use print ads and the television programmers are also an important marketing medium for promotion. The creative way of advertising is often the use of the existing brand visual elements--corporate logo M shape. The advertising is full of human touch, and the protagonist of the ads are ordinary Chinese people. Besides, in the part of graphic advertising design, McDonald’s focus on delicious food, through the display of the appearance of delicious food to the customers attractive to catch their eye, stimulate their desire to buy.Posters and television advertisements are often used to promote the new product promotion form, its advantages lie in: first, the product is directly displayed in front of consumers, succinctly communicate to the consumer the information enterprises want to express, so that people firmly remember the brand. Second, it touches consumers taste nerve through visual stimulation, brings back the appetite of the customer, thus causes the customer’s desire, so as to achieve the purpose of sales promotion.5.2Good public relationsGood public relations are intangible assets. McDonald's to build healthy food for the idea, carried out a series of marketing public relations activities. First of all, as the leader of Chinese fast food enterprises, McDonald's have full of enthusiasm to China’s public welfare undertakings. It helps children who in remote mountainous areas through various forms, such as donations to the "Hope Project", gifts the book album, held a variety of public cultural activities. Through these series of activities, McDonald’s show Chinese consumers a responsible, caring and good enterprise image, enhance the customer's recognition of theproduct, and forming a virtuous circle. In addition, every McDonald’s will held birthday party to children. The party not only has a special person in charge of site and facilities, but also prepare birthday gifts and arrange the game interesting for the child. The original purpose of "birthday party" held by McDonald’s is not profit, but from the point of view of customers to think, in hope for reducing the pressure of the busy parents. At the same time, can also create a warm entertainment environment for children, and let children spend their wonderful childhood. It is McDonald’s people-oriented attitude, narrowing the distance with consumers, improve customer loyalty to their brand.ReferencesWebsite Sources100 Best Global Brands 2009. Retrieved 2010-01-23.Marketing Mix (bite size 4P's) British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Schools. Retrieved 2010-01-23.“McDonald's history. Retrieved 2010-01-23.Related to the internationalization of business like McDonal d’sBookInternational Marketing; Sun Nin, Zhang Aiming; Published in 2001.6。



介绍麦兜的英语作文My Favorite Animated Character - McDullHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite animated character, McDull. He's this really funny pig from Hong Kong and his adventures always make me laugh.McDull is a male pig who dresses up like a boy. He wears a red and white striped t-shirt, blue shorts, and these big round glasses. His eyes are just two dots and he has a cute little snout nose. Even though he's a pig, he walks on two legs like a human.I think that's part of what makes him so funny and unique!McDull lives with his mom, Mrs. Mdull, who is also a pig. They live in a little apartment in Hong Kong. McDull goes to school and gets into all sorts of silly situations with his friends. His best friends are a chicken named Gibsay and a bunny named Bunnyfun. They have some other friends too like the dog Batchfatmoo and the cat Mcdairy.In the shows and movies, McDull deals with normal kid problems like getting good grades, handling bullies, playing sports, and so on. But everything gets exaggerated in a really goofy way because, well, he's a pig! It's hilarious seeing him tryto do human things like go to school or join a baseball team while being a little pig boy.One of my favorite episodes is when McDull joins the school baseball team. He's such a terrible player but he tries so hard. At one point, he gets hit in the face with the baseball and gets a crazy black eye. Another funny one is when he falls in love with a human girl at school. He writes her love letters and poems, but she doesn't realize they're from McDull because he's just a pig!McDull has been around since the late 1990s but he's still super popular today, especially in Hong Kong where he was created. There have been tons of McDull TV shows, movies, books, video games and even a McDonald's marketing campaign! He's a big icon in Hong Kong culture.I think part of why McDull is so beloved is because he represents the everyday struggles we all go through, but in a lighthearted way. Even though he's just a cartoon pig, we can relate to his feelings of being an outsider, trying his best, making mistakes, and just wanting to fit in. He stays positive and caring no matter what silly situation he gets into.McDull's creator, Brian Tse, based his personality on his own childhood experiences growing up in Hong Kong. So in a way, McDull reminds kids today what it was like being a kid back then.The stories teach simple lessons about friendship, perseverance, and appreciating what you have.Personally, I find the McDull cartoons really relaxing and comforting to watch after a long day at school. The bright colors, goofy humor, and imaginative stories never fail to put a smile on my face. Whenever I'm feeling down, McDull's cheerful and resilient attitude inspires me to look on the bright side.There's just something magical about this quirky little pig who sees the world a bit differently. He turns everyday life into extraordinary adventures full of laughter. Whether he's chasing after a pretty girl, dealing with a bully, or just eating a sandwich, McDull makes it all seem so random yet delightful.I've been a huge McDull fan for years now. I own all the DVDs, plushies, video games, you name it! My room is totally decked out. For my 10th birthday, my parents even hired a McDull character to come do magic tricks! It was the best day ever.So if you've never experienced the wacky world of McDull before, I highly recommend checking it out. The shows and movies are really funny and creative. You'll laugh out loud at all the crazy pig antics, but you'll also see yourself in McDull'severyday struggles and dreams. This goofy little fella will surely warm your heart!。

国际市场营销 Mcdonald's 分析

国际市场营销 Mcdonald's 分析

2. China's reform and opening, give many convenient to the McDonald's enter the Chinese market in national policies.
3. For McDonald's, China is a great attractive markets. China's huge population base, modern life style and fast growing affluence people make China to become the most potential mass catering market, Formed a huge market demand of consumption of fast food.
The speaker:严玉婷
McDonald's Corporation
• McDonald's Corporation is a large fast food chains, mainly sells hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken, soda, ice cream, salad, fruit, with more than 32000 fast food restaurants, distributed in 121 countries and regions.
food than women
Men are more likely to eat Western
※ Shanghai—— 42.5%
The number of the one under 30 eating fast food is once than that over 30



Operation management
Planning and control
1.It prescribed specific cooking instructions such as temperatures, cooking times for menus were to be held less than 10 mines in the transfer bin between being cooked and being served.
Planning and control
1.The company formed a ‘field service’ unit to appraise and help it’s restaurants by sending field service consultants to review their performance on a number of ‘dimensions’ including cleanliness, queuing food quality and customer service. 2.The company contributes their experience for the benefit of franchise operations in their relationship to concentrate on recruiting, deliver and driving profitability. 3. It concerned with getting good quality from their supplier.



麦当劳简介英文作文英文:McDonald's is a global fast food chain that was founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, California. It is known for its burgers, fries, and other fast food items that are served quickly and conveniently. The company has over 38,000 locations in more than 100 countries around the world, making it one of the largest fast food chains in the world.One of the reasons why McDonald's is so successful is because it has adapted its menu and marketing strategies to fit the local cultures and tastes of the countries where it operates. For example, in India, McDonald's offers a vegetarian menu because many people in India do not eat meat. In Japan, McDonald's offers a "Teriyaki Burger" that is made with a sweet soy sauce and topped with lettuce and mayo.Another reason why McDonald's is so popular is becauseof its convenience. Many McDonald's locations are open 24 hours a day, making it easy for people to grab a quick bite to eat at any time. Additionally, McDonald's has a drive-thru option at many of its locations, which allows customers to order and pick up their food without ever leaving their car.Overall, McDonald's has become a staple in the fastfood industry and has continued to adapt and evolve to meet the changing tastes and preferences of its customers.中文:麦当劳是一家全球性的快餐连锁店,成立于1940年,总部位于加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺。

Marketing Plan of McDonald

Marketing Plan of McDonald

Marketing Plan of McDonald’s09营Y 李晨洁November 20, 2011Executive Summary1. McDonald's Corporation was founded in 1940 in San Berna rdino, California. Nowadays, it has been the world’s largest ch ain of fast food restaurants, which owns thousands chain store s around the world, serving nearly 52 million customers daily. McDonald's mainly sells hamburgers, French fries, chicken pro ducts, salads, breakfast items and soft drinks. It also offers de sserts, fruits and vegetables. Actually, the company has also e xpanded the McDonald's menu in recent decades to include al ternative meal options, such as salads and snack wraps, in or der to capitalize on growing consumer interest in health and w ellness. It also provide Happy Meal which presents amusing to ys for children.McDonald’s always try to appeal to a wider ra nge of consumers.2. Many McDonald's restaurants have included a playground f or children and advertising geared toward children, and some have been redesigned in a more 'natural' style, with a particul ar emphasis on comfort: introducing lounge areas and fireplac es, and eliminating hard plastic chairs and tables.3. The advertising message 'I’m lovin' it is widely known by young people. Each McDonald's restaurant is operated by a fr anchisee, affiliate, or the corporation itself.Situation AnalysisSWOTStrengthsMcDonald’s is invariably devoted to innovating and reform.The corporation provides convenience for its customers, not only th rough how fast it serves customers, but also in the locationof its outlets. Freestanding restaurants are positioned so that you are never more than a few minutes away by foot in the city o r by car in the suburbs. McDonald’s is trying to tuck restauran ts into schools, stores, and more.Weaknesses1. Their biggest weakness is the negative image of their food. Their food doesn’t have a good public image.2. Declining market share.3. Weak product development.4. Quality and taste of products.OpportunitiesTo those who decide to build a career at McDonald's, the opp ortunities for growth are remarkable. A prime example of wher e a career at McDonald's can take a person is that of John Betts, McDonald's Canada's President, who began his career as a McDonald's crew person in Windsor, Ontario. And Louie's M cDonald's success story is common at McDonald's Canada - t here are incredible career opportunities available and weare c ommitted to promoting from within for all our employees. ThreatsThe key threats to McDonald’s domestically are the lack of gr owth opportunities. The market is well saturated, and it would difficult to achieve double-digit growth. Other concerns are a n ewfound e mphasis on healthier eating. Most of McDonald’s mo st popular fare probably in some small way contributes to the increasing incidence of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes a mong the population.But I feel the key threat to McDonald’s continued success is it s very universality. Because McDonald’s are everywhere, the d ining experience is never special. And as Baby Boomers grow up and become more rich, it is likely that they will leave beh ind their fast-food ways, if only to step up to moderately price d restaurants.Market PositioningMcDonald's positioning is the world's best quick service restau rant. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, servi ce, cleanliness, and value, so that McDonald’s make every cu stomer in every restaurant smile. McDonald’s wants to make s ure that it is unique in the fastfood market.Marketing ObjectivesA marketing strategy must be created in order to determine th e means by which a set of clear objectives may be met. Lon g-term objectives are broken down into shouter-term measurab le targets, which McDonald’s uses as milestones along the wa y.Results can be analyzed regularly to see whether objectives are being met. This type of feedback allows the company to c hange plans and allows flexibility.Once marketing objectives h ave been established, the next stage is to define how they wil l be achieved. The marketing strategy is the statement of how objectives will be delivered. It explains what marketing actions and resources will be used and how they will work together.Target MarketingMcDonald's target market is any person and any age, regardle ss of family life-cycles, nationality, incomes, generation, race a nd party groupings.Marketing StrategyProductMcDonald's sells hamburgers, various types of chicken sandwi ches and products, French fries, soft drinks, breakfast items, a nd desserts. In most markets, McDonald's offers salads and v egetarian items, wraps and other localized fare.PriceThe custo mer’s perception of value is an important determinan t of the price charged. Customers draw their own mental pictu re of what a product is worth. A product is more than a physi cal item; it also has psychological connotations for the custom er. The danger of using low price as a marketing tool is that the customers may feel that low price is indicative of compro mised quality. It is important when deciding on the price to be fully aware of the brand and customers’minds.Place1. To begin with, thinking of the standards established by the local McDonald's is to find their own position of the target m arket , adjusting in accordance with local conditions. They sav e more money, and are not afraid of wasting more time on th e site. However, they generally will not allocate huge funds to develop new markets, but to find their own market. Meanwhile they not only think that they have their own space, but also c hoose to achieve complete copy shop. Using a vivid metaphor, they will not be tailored to each individual. What they need t o do is to find clothes they wear.2. Development of the chain's logo is the size of the expansi on of its headquarters on the premise that the overall advanta ges of a unified control play, and the first step towards this g oal is selecting the appropriate shop to the maximum extent p ossible to copy, so that more standardized stores will bring th e total More simplified management of the Department. At the same time ,McDonald's chain of choice for the development of the three conditions which is the success of the "location, l ocation, location" have to choose the target market in order t o speed up the chain's pace.Promotion1. McDonald's has for decades maintained an extensive advert ising campaign. In addition to the usual media (television, radi o, and newspaper), the company makes significant use of billb oards and signage, sponsors sporting events from ranging fro m Little League to the Olympic Games. Nonetheless, television has always played a central role in the company's advertising strategy.2. To date, McDonald's has used 23 different slogans in United States advertising, as well as a few other slogans for select countries and regions. At times, it has run into trouble with it s campaigns.。



麦当劳和肯德基对比英语作文McDonald's and KFC: A Comparative AnalysisThe fast-food industry has become an integral part of modern society, with two of the most prominent players being McDonald's and KFC. These two giants have carved out their own unique niches in the market, offering a diverse range of menu options and catering to the ever-evolving tastes of consumers. In this essay, we will delve into a comparative analysis of these two industry leaders, examining their histories, menu offerings, marketing strategies, and overall impact on the global fast-food landscape.Firstly, let us explore the origins and histories of these two iconic brands. McDonald's was founded in 1940 by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. The brothers pioneered the concept of the "Speedee Service System," which revolutionized the way fast food was prepared and served. This innovative approach, combined with their focus on efficiency and quality, laid the foundation for the company's meteoric rise to global dominance. In contrast, KFC, or Kentucky Fried Chicken, was founded in 1930 by Colonel Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. The Colonel's secret blend of 11 herbs and spices, coupled with hisunique cooking method, quickly gained recognition and popularity, leading to the expansion of the KFC brand across the United States and eventually the world.Turning our attention to the menu offerings of these two giants, we can observe distinct differences in their culinary specialties. McDonald's is renowned for its burgers, fries, and iconic Big Mac, catering to the preferences of a predominantly Western audience. The company has also diversified its menu to include salads, wraps, and breakfast items, reflecting the evolving dietary preferences of its customers. In contrast, KFC has built its reputation on its signature fried chicken, offering a range of pieces, buckets, and combination meals. Additionally, KFC has adapted its menu to cater to local tastes, incorporating regional flavors and dishes in various international markets.When it comes to marketing strategies, both McDonald's and KFC have employed innovative and impactful approaches. McDonald's has long been known for its iconic Golden Arches and its ubiquitous presence in urban and suburban landscapes worldwide. The company's extensive advertising campaigns, featuring memorable slogans and characters like Ronald McDonald, have become ingrained in the collective consciousness of consumers. KFC, on the other hand, has leveraged the persona of its founder, Colonel Sanders, as the face of the brand. The Colonel's distinctiveappearance and charismatic persona have been central to KFC's marketing efforts, creating a strong emotional connection with customers.In terms of global impact, both McDonald's and KFC have left an indelible mark on the fast-food industry and the world at large. McDonald's, with its vast network of over 38,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries, has become a symbol of globalization, bringing its signature menu items and dining experience to diverse cultures and communities. KFC, too, has expanded its reach, with over 22,000 locations in more than 145 countries, introducing its unique fried chicken to a global audience. Both companies have faced criticism and scrutiny over the years, particularly regarding issues such as health, sustainability, and labor practices, but they have also demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt and respond to changing consumer demands and societal expectations.In conclusion, the comparative analysis of McDonald's and KFC highlights the distinct yet complementary roles these two industry giants have played in shaping the fast-food landscape. While McDonald's has dominated the burger and fries segment, KFC has carved out a niche for itself with its iconic fried chicken. Both companies have demonstrated their ability to innovate, adapt, and cater to the evolving preferences of their customers, while also grappling with the challenges and complexities of operating in arapidly changing global environment. As the fast-food industry continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to observe how these two powerhouses navigate the future and maintain their positions as leaders in the industry.。

案例介绍 英文

案例介绍 英文

案例介绍英文Title: McDonald's: A Case StudyIntroduction:McDonald's is a global fast-food chain that was founded in 1955. It is well-known for its burgers, fries, and beverages. This case study explores the success of McDonald's in the fast-food industry and the key factors contributing to its popularity.Background:In the 1950s, Ray Kroc joined the McDonald's company, recognizing the potential for growth in the fast-food industry. He built a franchise model that allowed rapid expansion and standardized operations across all restaurants. This innovation was the foundation of McDonald's success.Marketing Strategy:McDonald's is famous for its catchy jingles, various promotional campaigns, and the iconic golden arches. By targeting children, families, and teenagers, McDonald's has built a strong brand image around convenience, affordability, and a fun dining experience. Their innovative advertising campaigns have made it an easily recognizable brand worldwide.Menu Innovation:McDonald's offers a wide range of food options to cater to diverse customer preferences. Over the years, they have introduced healthier choices, vegetarian and vegan options, and adapted to regional tastes. For example, in countries like India, where beef is not commonly consumed, they introduced vegetarian burgers likethe McAloo Tikki.Global Expansion:McDonald's has successfully expanded its operations globally, adapting to local tastes and cultures. They have embraced localization, offering menu items like rice dishes in Asian countries. This strategy has allowed them to effectively penetrate new markets and compete with local competitors.Operational Efficiency:McDonald's is known for its efficient operations and high-speed service. The standardization of food production processes and the implementation of technology, such as self-service kiosks and mobile ordering, have enhanced customer experience and increased operational efficiency.Community Engagement:McDonald's has demonstrated a commitment to giving back to the community through various social initiatives. They have partnered with organizations like Ronald McDonald House Charities, providing support to families with ill children. This has helped to build a positive public perception and strengthen brand loyalty. Conclusion:McDonald's has successfully built a global fast-food empire through effective marketing strategies, menu innovation, global expansion, operational efficiency, and community engagement. However, the company has also faced criticism regarding the health impact of its products and employment practices. Nonetheless, McDonald's remains a dominant player in the fast-food industry, constantly evolving to meet changing customer needs and preferences.。



以下是一篇介绍麦当劳的英语短文:McDonald's is a global fast food chain that is recognized for its burgers, fries, and sandwiches. Founded in 1940 by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald, the company has grown to become one of the most successful and well-known brands in the world.McDonald's restaurants can be found in virtually every country and are known for their iconic golden arches logo, which represents the brand's signature hamburger. The company's menu has a wide variety of options, including breakfast sandwiches, wraps, salads, and snacks. In addition to its food,McDonald's is also known for its marketing strategies, which have included celebrity endorsements and promotional events.One of the most popular items on the McDonald's menu is the Big Mac, a hamburger that was introducedin 1968. The Big Mac is made up of two beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, and pickles, and is served on a sesame seed bun. Other popular menu items include the Chicken McNuggets, the Egg McMuffin, and the French Fries.McDonald's has always been a favorite among children and teenagers, and the company has long-standing relationships with various toy companies to include promotional toys with their Happy Meals. This has made McDonald's a popular destination forfamilies with young children.In conclusion, McDonald's is a global leader in the fast food industry that has been serving customers for over 70 years. The company's menuoffers a wide variety of options, and its marketing strategies have made it one of the most successful and well-known brands in the world.。



肯德基和麦当劳的区别英语作文KFC and McDonald's are two of the world's largest fast food chains. While they both serve similar types of food, there are some key differences between them.Firstly, their menus are different. KFC specializes in fried chicken while McDonald's is known for its burgers and fries. KFC also offers sides such as mashed potatoes and coleslaw, while McDonald's has a wider range of options including salads and breakfast items.Secondly, their marketing strategies differ. KFC tendsto focus on promoting its signature dish, the fried chicken, while McDonald's emphasizes its value meals and family-friendly atmosphere.Thirdly, their restaurant designs are distinct. KFC restaurants often have a red and white color scheme with a more rustic feel, while McDonald's has a more modern look with bright colors and sleek designs.Overall, while both KFC and McDonald's are popular fast food chains, they have their own unique identities and appeal to different customer bases.中文翻译:肯德基和麦当劳是世界上最大的快餐连锁店之一。



Brief Introduction
• McDonald's uncle is a brand of McDonald's fast food chain mascots and enterprise image spokesperson, named as Ronald McDonald's (Ronald McDonald). he is always the traditional circus clown, yellow shirt and trousers, red and white shirt and socks, red shoes, yellow gloves, red hair.
• McDonald's knows how to provide appropriate products and services to customers, and continuously meet the needs of the change from time to time customers.
Thanks for wathing
• 2015.06.18
• Three main reason for the success of McDonald's is to adjust measures to local conditions, brand positioning, and powerful enterprise ecosystem. It's like a microcosm of American culture, absorb and accommodate other culture into their own culture, to promote their own culture.

McDonald's marketing strategy

McDonald's marketing strategy

IntroductionMcDonald’s, the now well known fast food chain, has gone a rather rough way in its spread of its marketing strategy, which dates back to 1950s when the chain had no really marketing professional. In the year of 1963, McDonald’s placed its first national advertisement in Readers’ Digest. It was not until the year of 1967 that the company had its first interior marketing apartment. Therefore, McDonald’s marketing strategy draws our attention day by day. This essay will discuss McDonald’s marketing strategy in four aspects, which are merchandise strategy, distribution strategy, advertisement strategy and localization strategy.Merchandise strategyMcDonald’s most striking merchandise strategy is the complete series of value chain. The merchandise, service and entertainment facilities it provides make McDonald’s much more attractive because one need not go many other places to buy all the things they want to have with its complete and comprehensive value chain.This value chain helps raise its awareness and reputation as well as widen its market share. The merchandise weighs the most among all the other factors in regard to the marketing strategy due to the fact that all the others will not be tenable without their basis, the merchandise. It is without doubt that McDonald’s enjoys better quality than its rivals, such as the often seen stores on the street, Dicos and Nemande for fu. The standardization of its product is another plus factor there. The product standardization shows itself in both quality and quantity. It can be shown in the followings regulations. Hamburger’s diameter is regulated to be 25 centimeters with its no more than 19% of fat. Any chip potatoes lasting over 10 minutes and coffee lasting over 30 minutes will be disposed of regardless of the excuses or difficulties. Even the size and shape of potatoes are strictly set. Every local stores abide by these rules to make itself acceptable and popular among the customers while stand up to scrutiny from its superior bodies. These all together become McDonald’s unique features and high qualities of its products, which in turn makes a considerable contribution for McDonald’s to retain and furthermore largen its customer base.Distribution strategyMcDonald’s most striking distribution strategy is the precise set of its target market position. As a fast food chain, McDonald’s precise position of its target market to the children makes it possible to keep its customers stable and enough as well as widen it , which contains not only the children but also their parents. With a clear objection, distribution becomes much more handleable.The specific provision of the distribution standard also functions similarly and positively. Whether it comes to McDonald’s own chain stores or its authorized operations, their options of premises go within strict rules. From the very beginning, the rule is that there should be at least 50 thousand populations around the premises spreading on a radius of 5 kilometers. As time goes by, this particular rule got loosened to a point that the premises should be nearby the busy districts such as large scaled mall, supermarkets, colleges and governmental institutions. This rule is still been followed today and is one of the significant requests to choice one to give authorization. With a clear object of specific customers and strict regulation of premises options, its distribution strategy functions in a positive way.Advertisement strategyPopularized advertisement strategy provides an effective way for McDonald’s to raise its awareness. Every season, McDonald’s puts out various kinds of advertisements, ranging from the widely reached television ones, the relatively cheap newspaper ones to the now modern Internet ones. The participation of super stars in them intensifies McDonald’s awareness. The original and interesting advertisements in different media effect the consumers both aurally and visually in diversified aspects and multidimensionality. Recently, with the popularization of micro blog, McDonald’s push out the interaction on micro blogs, which is another new method of advertisement strategy to promote market popularity and draw more consumers.Localization strategyLocalization strategy paves a wide and bright path for McDonald’s to retain and largen its customers. Though countries around the world interact more closely owing to the globalization, each country has it own unique culture. Therefore, it is essential that McDonald’s adapt its specific strategies in different countries, because a well received product in one country may be offensive in another one. The pork in hamburgers should be replaced by chicken for example. While spreading its market share in China, McDonald’s make a great effort to be accepted by the Chinese. One strive may be that it adjust its recipes, containing Chinese featured factors to cater for Chinese customers’taste and to express them. More localized efforts in terms of product innovation and publicity ways also help improve its local recept-ance.ConclusionIn conclusion, doing marketing strategy is building a good reconception of the products on part of the potential customers. McDonald’s pays reverence to the market and strives to do a good job with regard to the marketing strategy in four aspects which are merchandise strategy, distribution strategy, advertisement strategy and localization strategy. It is necessary that the company plans its various kinds of operations in advance on the need of customers and according to customers’ amount of need, their purchase power, the request information and commercial field’s expectation. By adopting coordinated merchandise strategy, distribution strategy, advertisement strategy and localization strategy, McDonald’s supplies the customers satisfying product and service and realizes its company goal in general. Having done these things mentioned above, McDonald’s will definitely boast a much more promising future in the line of fast food not only in China, but also all around the world.ReferencesMalcolm McDonald. (2008). Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning: Understanding Marketing Plans and Strategy [ILLUSTRATED]. London:Kogan PageParvez Azim;Samreen Azim. 2012. Impact of Constructive Marketing Strategies on Return (Revenue & Profitability): A Case Study of Mcdonald\\\'s. Journal of Asian Business Strategy: No.7, 153-169Tălpău, A.;Boşcor, D. 2011. Customer-oriented marketing - a strategy that guarantees success: Starbucks and McDonald’s. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic Sciences: No.1, 51-58Chan S. Yeu;Kong C. Leong;Lee C. Tong;Su Hang;Y. Tang;A. Bashawir;M. Subhan. 2012. A Comparative Study on International Marketing Mix in China and India: The Case of McDonald's . Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences:V ol.65, 1054-1059Gauss M. Cordeiro;Elizabeth M. Hashimoto;Edwin M. M. Ortega;Marcelino A. R. Pascoa. 2012.The McDonald extended distribution: properties and applications. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis: No.3, 409-433。



麦当劳营销策划方案英文版1. Executive SummaryMcDonald's is one of the world's leading fast-food chains with a global presence. The company's success is driven by its marketing strategies that focus on brand recognition, product innovation, and customer engagement. This marketing plan aims to outline the objectives, target market, marketing mix, and promotional activities that McDonald's will employ to maintain its market leadership.2. Objectives- Increase brand awareness and recognition by 10% in the next year.- Increase market share by 5% in the next two years.- Launch new products and menu options to attract and retain customers.- Enhance customer loyalty by introducing a new loyalty program.3. Target MarketMcDonald's target market comprises families, young adults, and children. Family visits constitute a significant portion of their customer base, accounting for nearly 40% of their sales. Young adults and children represent another important segment, as they are frequent customers in both dining and takeout options.4. Marketing Mix- Product: McDonald's will focus on product innovation and diversification to cater to changing consumer preferences. This includes new menu options, healthy alternatives, and limited-time offers to create excitement and drive sales.- Price: McDonald's will implement dynamic pricing strategies based on local market conditions. Value meals and combo options will be promoted to offer affordability to customers.- Place: McDonald's aims to expand its presence in emerging markets and high-traffic areas. The company will also invest in technology by enhancing mobile ordering and delivery capabilities to provide convenience to customers.- Promotion: McDonald's will utilize various promotional activities such as advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and social media marketing to engage customers and create brand awareness. Sponsorships of local events and collaborations with influencers will also be considered to enhance brand association.5. Promotional Activities- Advertising: McDonald's will execute a multimedia advertising campaign targeting TV, radio, print, and online platforms. Emphasis will be placed on showcasing new products, value offerings, and the overall McDonald's experience.- Sales Promotions: Limited-time offers, special discounts, and loyalty programs will be introduced to incentivize repeat visits and drive sales.- Public Relations: McDonald's will actively engage in public relations activities to build a positive brand image. This includes sponsoring local community events, supporting charities, and promoting sustainability initiatives.- Social Media Marketing: McDonald's will leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with customers and create brand advocates. This will include interactive campaigns, user-generated content, and influencer partnerships to enhance brand presence.- Mobile Ordering and Delivery: McDonald's will enhance its mobile app and optimize the ordering and delivery process to provide convenience to customers. Promotions and discounts will be offered to encourage the use of mobile ordering.6. Implementation and ControlThe marketing plan will be implemented through a phased approach with clear timelines and responsibilities assigned. Key performance indicators will be established to monitor the progress and effectiveness of the marketing activities. Feedback from customers, sales data, and market research will be regularly collected and analyzed to make necessary adjustments and ensure the plan's success.7. BudgetA budget of $20 million will be allocated for the implementation of the marketing plan. This will cover advertising costs, promotional activities, public relations activities, social media marketing, and mobile app development and optimization.8. ConclusionThis marketing plan aims to strengthen McDonald's position as a market leader in the fast-food industry. By focusing on product innovation, customer engagement, and effective promotional activities, McDonald's will increase brand awareness, market share, and customer loyalty. The implementation of this plan will require close monitoring and adjustment based on market feedback to ensure its success.。

McDonald’s Strategies in India

McDonald’s Strategies in India

Factors of McDonald’s enter India
Social Factor:

Blend of habit, family traits, religion impact. Beef issues in India. The food in McDonald’s is non Vegetarian. Huge number of Indians are poor. Cheap labor in India. Price adjustment.
Legal Factor:

Marketing Strategy in India
Adaptation Strategy:

Minimized the meat products over vegetarian burgers. Use certain local cousin. Typing up with local partners. Use brand advertising. Create brand loyalty.
EcБайду номын сангаасnomic Factor:

Factors of McDonald’s enter India
Political Factor:

Religious issues force government ban McDonalds. One of the toughest market to enter. Get permission from Indian government. Forbid selling beef, in case.
Environmental Friendliness:











关键词:快餐,麦当劳,营销战略,消费者,生活方式Introduction to the McDonald's marketing strategyABSTRACTAt present in many advanced countries in the world industrial structure are service oriented, so is China's future trend, catering industry through service innovation will be able to enhance the added value of service industry, is indispensable for needed for the future development of Chinese service industry. With the rapid development of social economy, people life water product increase gradually, and the influx of western fast food, fast-food industry vigorous development and prosperity. Adapt to consumers under the fast-paced way of life of the traditional diet is hard to meet the growing consumer demand, people pursue the convenient, quick, nutrition, health food. However, the emergence of the fast food industry accepted by consumers, the fast food industry more and more important role in the food industry. Fast food industry's development and prosperity not only enriched the broad consumer food choices, also speed up the development of social economy. McDonald's is the world's first restaurant brands and the worldleader in retail food service industry, as one of the fast food industry leader, with its formulation and implementation of reasonable operation strategy, and thoughtful service, occupy the leading position in the competitive market, the enormous impact to the fast food industry and enlightenment.Based on McDonald's as the research object, by understanding the fast food industry market environment, and McDonald's strategy environment, using the potter five models, methods of PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, the marketing strategy of McDonald's for specific analysis. Found why McDonald's success and there is some strategic problems, and puts forward concrete Suggestions for Chinese fast food in China.KEYWORDS:fast food, McDonald's, marketing strategy, consumer and lifestyle目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 研究意义 (2)1.3 论文研究方法 (2)2 麦当劳战略环境分析 (4)2.1 宏观环境 (4)2.1.1 整治法律环境 (4)2.1.2 经济环境 (5)2.1.3 社会文化环境 (6)2.1.4 技术环境 (6)2.2 微观环境 (7)2.2.1 供应商 (7)2.2.2 替代品竞争 (8)2.2.3 行业现有竞争者 (8)2.2.4 顾客 (9)2.3 麦当劳的swot分析 (10)2.3.1 麦当劳的优势 (10)2.3.2 麦当劳的劣势 (10)2.3.3 麦当劳的机会 (11)2.3.4 麦当劳的威胁 (11)3 麦当劳STP战略分析 (13)3.1 市场细分 (13)3.2 目标市场 (13)3.3 市场定位 (14)4 麦当劳营销战略分析 (15)4.1 麦当劳营销策略7Ps分析 (15)4.1.1 产品策略 (15)4.2 麦当劳品牌策略 (22)4.2.1 “麦”进世界杯 (22)4.2.2 麦当劳作为合作伙伴 (22)4.2.3 为麦爱跑 (22)4.3 对麦当劳营销策略建议 (25)参考文献 (26)后记 (27)1绪论1.1研究背景随着社会经济的快速发展,人们生活水品的逐渐提高,快餐行业蓬勃发展和繁荣。



关于麦当劳和肯德基的英语作文In the world of fast food, two names stand tall above the rest: McDonald's and KFC. These two global brands have become synonymous with quick, convenient, and affordable meals that cater to the needs of consumers across the globe. Their success can be attributed to a number of factors, including their unique business models, innovativemarketing strategies, and diverse product offerings.McDonald's, founded in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald, revolutionized the fast food industry with its franchise business model. By franchising, McDonald's was able to expand rapidly, leveraging the capital andexpertise of independent franchisees while maintaining a consistent brand identity. This model allowed the companyto offer a standardized menu of burgers, fries, and drinksat affordable prices, making it a popular choice for consumers seeking a quick meal on the go.KFC, on the other hand, was founded by Harland Sandersin 1930 and is known for its signature fried chicken recipe. Unlike McDonald's, KFC focuses more on offering a varietyof chicken-based dishes, such as sandwiches, wraps, andsalads. KFC's unique recipe and flavorful dishes have helped it carve out a niche market in the fast food industry, particularly in regions where chicken is a staple food.Both McDonald's and KFC have been successful in leveraging technology to enhance their customer experience. For instance, both brands have mobile applications that allow customers to order ahead, pay online, and earn rewards. These digital platforms not only improve convenience but also enable the companies to collect valuable data on customer preferences and behavior, which they can use to personalize marketing campaigns and product development.McDonald's and KFC have also been proactive in adapting to changing consumer trends. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for healthier fast food options. In response, both brands have introduced healthier menu items, such as salads and grilled chicken sandwiches. They have also made efforts to reduce the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in their food, while maintaining the same delicious taste that customers love.Despite their differences, McDonald's and KFC share a common goal: to provide customers with a convenient and enjoyable dining experience. They have achieved this by offering a wide range of menu items, innovative technology solutions, and a commitment to quality and service. As the fast food industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these two giants adapt to changing consumer needs and preferences.**快餐巨头:麦当劳和肯德基**在快餐世界中,两个名字独树一帜:麦当劳和肯德基。



地域消费不同英语作文Title: Regional Disparities in Consumer Behavior。

Introduction:Consumer behavior varies significantly across different regions due to diverse cultural, economic, and social factors. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses to tailor their marketing strategies effectively. This essay explores the disparities in consumer behavior between regions and discusses the implications for businesses.Cultural Influence:Cultural norms and values play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior. In regions with collectivist cultures, such as many Asian countries, consumers tend to prioritize group harmony and social relationships over individual preferences. As a result, purchasing decisionsare often influenced by family or community opinions rather than personal desires. On the other hand, inindividualistic cultures like those prevalent in Western societies, consumers emphasize personal choice and autonomy in decision-making.Economic Factors:Economic conditions greatly impact consumer behavior. In affluent regions, consumers may have higher disposable incomes, leading to increased spending on luxury goods and experiences. Conversely, in economically disadvantaged areas, consumers are more likely to prioritize essential purchases and seek out bargains. Additionally, disparities in income distribution can result in contrasting consumption patterns within the same country.Social Trends:Social trends and lifestyle preferences also vary across regions. Urban areas often exhibit different consumer behaviors compared to rural regions. For example,urbanites may prefer convenience-oriented products and services due to their fast-paced lifestyles, while rural residents may prioritize traditional goods and locally sourced items. Moreover, generational differencescontribute to diverse consumer preferences, with younger demographics often driving trends in technology adoption and sustainability.Marketing Strategies:Businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to cater to regional consumer preferences effectively. This requires thorough market research and localization efforts to understand cultural nuances and consumer behaviors specific to each region. Strategies such as product customization, language localization, and targeted advertising campaigns can help businesses resonate with diverse consumer segments.Case Study: McDonald's。

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McDonald’s Marketing Strategies in China姓名:班级:学号:AbstractIn recent years, Chinese fast food companies are developing rapidly, but the market share and profit level are far below that of the western fast food corporations like McDonalds and KFC. From the aspect of average sales turnover of one single store, McDonalds is 160 times of that of Chinese fast food companies. Currently, the turnover of western fast food corporations occupies more than 1/3 of the whole Chinese fast food industry. The causes are various, yet we could not neglect the problems in service marketing such as service quality, service process, service price and physical evidence, also the daily schedule in Northern China and Southern China is different, thus the service patterns differ. In order to make the proposal more specific, I choose McDonald’s stores within a region as the objects, to analyzed its marketing strategies in China. This essay analyzes the successful McDonald’s marketing strategies in China from “4P” (product, price, place, promotion)Key words: McDonald; marketing strategies; Chinese fast food1. IntroductionMcDonald’s is a chain of fast food restaurant that specializes in fried chicken. It was in 1940 that McDonald’s first started their op erations. The pioneer of many things, the Speed Service System introduced in their very first restaurant is being followed in modern day fast food chains to this very day. Their very first mascot was a man with a head of a hamburger wearing a chef’s hat, which was replaced by McDonald’s ever popular clown man. It is estimated that McDonald’s currently serves 58 million customers each day in 119 countries. Their restaurants differ in their settings and facilities as some offer drive thru services, and some have play areas for kids while some offer counter service a lone. McDonald’s signature colors are red and yellow while their most popular products are their famous hamburgers, breakfast offers, desserts, chicken sandwiches and French fries. McDonald’s also f eature products for vegetarian customers, as well. When it comes to regional branches, McDonald’s are known to offer certain products customized to suit the food cultures of the respective regions.McDonald’s pay attention to the development of diversified and create differentiated product.2. The product strategies in China2.1 The product localizationThe first sign of success to an enterprise is that it can provide products to meet consumer demand. McDonald’s was so successful not by accident but have a lot by the constantly product innovation according to the taste of the Chinese people. McDonald’s has continually adapted to the customer’s tastes, value systems, lifestyle, l anguage and perception. McDonald’s was known for its hambu rgers, beef and pork burgers. But most Chinese like toeat rice and something variety. To follow the local taste, M cDonald’s came up with Pork Chop Curry Rice and Preserved Egg Chicken Porridge to suite the Chinese palate. This way fitting customers ’requirement and has been widely recognized by Chinese consumers. Therefore, the unification of food in McDonald’s has very strict standards, covering two aspects of qualitative and quantitative provisions.2.2 The product standardizationCore product stands at the center of the total product. It consists of the core, problem-solving benefits that consumers seek when they buy a product or service. As the world’s larg est fast food chain enterprises--- McDonald’s, in the whole process of its development, to provide customers with food, although there are regional differences for the customer, but the same is the sales all over the world of hamburgers, French fries, ice cream and soft drinks. Even if there is any change in the main product, it is only a small change. Others like Fillet-o-fish,Big Mac hamburgers are as the actual product. McDonald’s mix product to maximize sale opportunities with the limitations of its resources. Although there are big differences in eating habits and cultures in different countries, McDonald's is still committed to reducing the differences, providing a very similar product for global consumers. This management concept originated in the internationalization of chain management, the unified management mode included: unified trademark and name, unified interior design, standardization of the food supply and sales, unified national price.3. The price strategies in ChinaSuccessful pricing is a key element in marketing, ranked only next to product strategies in importance among the concerns of marketers. The specific pricing strategies that firms useto price goods and services grow out of the marketing strategies they formulate to accomplish overall organizational objectives. To establish a suitable price range, the target market of the enterprise and the target market positioning have very big concern.3.1 Identify target customersMcDonald’s caught Chinese homesick psychological needs, divide its target market segmentation for families as the unit group, and focus on the teenagers who have strong ability to accept foreign culture and new things. In addition, they have targeted design for all food, service and environment. Therefore, other family members, under the influence of young people, in order to stimulate demand, will slowly love the relaxed, pleasant dining environment in McDonald’s. Children is also an important service for McDonald’s. Every store has a baby chair and a small cart, and a variety of hanging picture, cartoon park, are all deeply favored by children.3.2 Determine the price rangeMcDo nald’s price range within the scope of the ordinary families can afford, but overall price is higher than the general price, because it adopts competitive pricing strategies. These strategies are designed to deemphasize price as a competitive variable by pricing a product or service at the general level of comparable offerings. McDonald’s mainly take the following two ways to stimulate consumer demand: the first is the psychological pricing. On the one hand, by the way of improving the dining environment to provide customers a satisfying first-rate service. That create an additional value to customers. On the other hand, the price is accurate to angle and unified throughout the country, so that’s all as to give customers a feeling of benefits. The second is through the compound fixing prices. McDonald’s mainmeals and combination of a variety of food such as toys, cola and the appropriate package price and timeless payment coupons way. A big Mac as the example, has become one of the world’s economists do comment on all income of the pointer, McDonald’s use of price survey method as the selling price of the product standard. Not only all these speed up the ordering rate, increase sales, but also offers and attract consumers, creating a win-win situation of enterprises and consumers.4. The place strategies in ChinaThe place mainly consists of the distribution channels. The distribution channel is an organized system of marketing institution and their interrelationship that enhances the physical flow of ownership of goods and service from producer to consumer or business user. It is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. McDonald’s from the product source, supply, sales and other links, in the premise of ensuring product safety, make better service to consumers.4.1 Strengthen the supplier managementFirst of all, in China, McDonald’s suppliers implement localization strategy, not only to ensure the quality of fresh ingredients, effectively saves transportation costs and procurement costs, but also reduce the outsourcing because of the weather, transport, customs, government policy can not predict the risk factors about. At present, McDonald’s all chicken ingredients and 85% of food packaging materials are to the Chinese local manufacturers to purchase, its overseas manufacturers to purchase only a small amount of fixed assets equipment. Secondly, star evaluation of suppliers, in order to standardize the supervision and management of suppliers, so there is a pop ular saying among suppliers: "Pass McDonald’s rating systemmanufacturers, can smoothly and easily obtain national IS09002 quality certification accreditation."4.2 Scientific and accurate locationMcDonald’s has the standardization of distribution. For businesses such as McDonald's reliance on giant adult traffic in order to increase sales, the store location will undoubtedly have an important impact on the realization of its marketing objectives. Therefore, each openi ng McDonald’s have to undergo a rigorous selection process. As usual, the first step of McDonald’s location is in planning a general busines s scope, in this part, McDonald’s to collect a lot of information, decision must base on its own market positioning and business stability and maturity of the comprehensive consideration of the enterprise is entering the region. The second is to estimate and selection traffic generation. In the established business scope, further accurate specific shop address. McDonald’s stipulate that a chain store must be built in a busy commercial area, such as a large shopping mall, supermarket, school, or government office.5. The promotion strategies in China5.1Strong advertisingThe various promotion channels being used by McDonald’s to effectively communicate the product information are given above. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decided whether the cost of promotion is worth spending. There are three main objectives of advertising for McDonald’s are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. McDonald’s does its promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters.They use print ads and the television programmers are also an important marketing medium for promotion. The creative way of advertising is often the use of the existing brand visual elements--corporate logo M shape. The advertising is full of human touch, and the protagonist of the ads are ordinary Chinese people. Besides, in the part of graphic advertising design, McDonald’s focus on delicious food, through the display of the appearance of delicious food to the customers attractive to catch their eye, stimulate their desire to buy.Posters and television advertisements are often used to promote the new product promotion form, its advantages lie in: first, the product is directly displayed in front of consumers, succinctly communicate to the consumer the information enterprises want to express, so that people firmly remember the brand. Second, it touches consumers taste nerve through visual stimulation, brings back the appetite of the customer, thus causes the customer’s desire, so as to achieve the purpose of sales promotion.5.2Good public relationsGood public relations are intangible assets. McDonald's to build healthy food for the idea, carried out a series of marketing public relations activities. First of all, as the leader of Chinese fast food enterprises, McDonald's have full of enthusiasm to China’s public welfare undertakings. It helps children who in remote mountainous areas through various forms, such as donations to the "Hope Project", gifts the book album, held a variety of public cultural activities. Through these series of activities, McDonald’s show Chinese consumers a responsible, caring and good enterprise image, enhance the customer's recognition of the product, and forming a virtuous circle. In addition, every McDonald’s will held birthday party to children. The party not only has a special person in charge of site and facilities, but alsoprepare birthday gifts and arrange the game interesting for the child. The original purpose of "birthday party" held by McDonald’s is not profit, but from the point of view of customers to think, in hope for reducing the pressure of the busy parents. At the same time, can also create a warm entertainment environment for children, and let children spend their wonderful childhood. It is McDonald’s people-oriented attitude, narrowing the distance with consumers, improve customer loyalty to their brand.ReferencesWebsite Sources100 Best Global Brands 2009. Retrieved 2010-01-23.Marketing Mix (bite size 4P's) British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Schools. Retrieved 2010-01-23.“McDonald's history. Retrieved 2010-01-23.Related to the internationalization of business like McDonald’sBookInternational Marketing; Sun Nin, Zhang Aiming; Published in 2001.6。
