关键词:电表计量管理 JSP Access EclipseABSTRACTElectricity metering work is a very important job, but also the power companies and users to establish trust between the key. The rapid development of the electricity market requires metering must improve the management level, to ensure measurement accuracy, reliability, and all this must rely on technological progress and development can be achieved. Currently, a variety of database technology and the rapid development of computer operating systems, especially the Internet, network technology widely used in the measurement of management prompted us to adopt new techniques to manage a wider choice.Metering management should establish metering installations of computer management information systems, and to achieve sales and other departments with the power of networking. Metering management information system in the functional design, each functional module to be combined to form an organic whole, interrelated, and independently, to meet the metering requirements of each business function. Electricity metering management as a fundamental part of MIS, data interface must be set aside.Metering data management to the main line metering devices, measuring instruments, supplemented by line assets, the metering device to achieve the operational status of the whole process of management. The business processes should be independence and unity of the continuity of business processes; data sharing is high, and good consistency; system query flexible way; system maintenance simple.The system uses the B / S structure mode. Main use JSP technology, Eclipse tools development, database using Access. And a good test run on the server.The thesis of the system from the early research, needs analysis, to outline the design, design implementation for a detailed description, but also for the use of this graduation project to do with the technical overview.Keywords: Metering management JSP Access Eclipse目录1 前言 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (1)1.3 系统设计目标 (1)1.4 系统开发方法的选择 (1)1.5 论文组织结构 (2)2 关键技术介绍 (3)2.1 关于Assecc (3)2.2 关于Tomcat (3)2.3 JSP语言简单介绍 (4)2.4 J2EE简介 (6)3 系统分析 (8)3.1 可行性分析 (8)3.2 电表信息系统模块功能分析 (8)3.3 智能电表信息系统功能介绍 (9)3.4 系统数据流程分析 (9)3.5 数据字典 (10)4 系统总体设计 (12)4.1 智能电表信息展示模块系统功能结构图 (12)4.2 电表系统数据库设计 (12)4.2.1 数据库设计概述 (12)4.2.2 数据库设计规则 (13)4.3 数据库的概念设计 (13)4.4 数据库逻辑设计 (14)4.5 数据库的物理设计 (14)5 详细设计 (16)5.1 系统登录页面实现 (16)5.2 电表管理模块的实现 (18)5.2.1 添加电表 (18)5.2.2 修改电表 (19)5.2.3 删除电表 (20)5.3 新闻发布模块的实现 (21)5.3.1 发布新闻管理模块 (21)5.3.2 修改新闻管理模块 (22)5.3.3 删除新闻模块 (23)5.4 留言板模块的实现 (24)5.4.1 留言板留言模块 (24)5.4.2 留言板查看模块 (25)6 系统测试 (27)6.1 系统测试简述 (27)6.2 系统登录测试 (27)6.2.1 系统入口测试要点 (27)6.2.2 测试用例 (27)6.3 用户注册测试 (27)6.3.1 用户注册信息测试要点 (27)6.3.2 测试用例 (28)6.4 新闻发布测试 (29)6.4.1 新闻发布测试要点 (29)6.4.2 测试用例 (29)结论 (30)谢辞 (31)参考文献 (32)附录 (33)1 前言1.1 课题背景传统的电费管理都是由工作人员手工查表,抄表完成的,其中要完成用户电费的收取,每月抄度,用户购电情况查询,以及列出欠费用户的信息名单,之类的信息.其工作强度大,工作流程繁琐,由于工作人员的不细心,将会造成电费收支的出错也是经常发生的。
关键词:智能电表IC卡1 引言近年来,我国电力建设发展迅速,电网改造在有些地区已初步完成,用户不仅要求有电用,而且要求用高质量的电,享受到更好的服务。
鉴于此,目前市场上已出现无线(或者有线)抄表的电表和IC 卡电表。
例如基于电力线载波的有线抄表系统、基于无线通信网无线抄表系统、基于GPRS/CDMA 的无线抄表系统、基于有线电视网络有线抄表系统和IC卡电表等。
2 已有电能收费系统的优缺点2.1 基于电力载波的有线抄表系统利用电力载波作为自动抄表系统的底层数据通道,可以充分利用已有的供电线路,无需单独架设通讯网络,也无须后续的通讯费用,经济且实用性强,采集所得的数据实时性较好,运行成本低,无疑是很方便的。
关键词:智能电能表;智能电网;ic卡电能表中图分类号:tm60 文献标识码:a文章编号:1 智能电能表背景介绍随着国民经济的不断发展,电力已经成为国家的最重要能源。
2 智能电表的现状目前,国内智能电能表从结构上大致可分为机电一体式和全电子式两大类。
本设计采用MCS-51系列单片机中的89C51为CPU,当IC卡插入后,燃气开通,传感器会将检测到的流量以电流的形式送入I /V变换器,得到相应的电压信号,该信号经A/D转换后,以数字量的形式存在于CPU单元中,该量与设定值一定存在差值,通过PID调节后,将信息送入CPU中,由他发出指令信号推动执行机构带动调节阀控制燃气流量的大小,如此反复多次控制后,最终可实现设计的相关参数。
关键词:IC卡单片机流量显示目录引言 ........................................................................... .............................................................................. ................1 第一章智能IC卡燃气表的总体设计方案及原理 (2)1.1 IC卡燃气表的总体设计方案 ........................................................................... .. (2)1.1.1 系统总体的控制过程 ........................................................................... ...........................................2 1.1.2 智能IC卡燃气表的控制算法 ........................................................................... ...........................2 1.2 智能IC卡燃气表的原理及功能 ........................................................................... (3)第二章智能IC卡燃气表系统的硬件组成 ........................................................................... . (4)2.1 传感器的功能及其技术参数 ........................................................................... .................................4 2.2(RCV420)变换器的设计 ........................................................................... ........................................5 2.3 A/D转换器的设计 ........................................................................... .....................................................6 2.4 TLC549与89C51芯片的连接方法 ........................................................................... .....................6 2.5 单片机的设计 ........................................................................... ..........................................................7 2.5.1 89C51芯片及片内功能 ........................................................................... .....................................7 2.5.2 89C51各引脚功能 ........................................................................... ..............................................7 2.5.3 89C51最小应用系统设计 .........................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目录1前言 (3)1.1智能电表应用的意义 (3)1.2智能电表的发展 (3)2 总体方案设计 (5)2.1 方案比较 (5)2.2 方案选择 (7)3 器件介绍和单元模块设计 (8)3.1单元模块设计 (8)3.1.1 电源模块电路 (8)3.1.2 信号采集电路 (9)3.1.3 计量模块 (10)3.1.4 时钟及LCD显示模块 (11)3.1.5 接触式IC卡模块 (12)3.2 器件介绍 (12)3.2.1 STC89C52单片机 (13)3.2.2 ADE7758 (13)3.2.3 DS12887 (14)3.2.4 LCD1602 (15)3.2.5 SLE4442 (17)4 软件设计 (18)4.1 主要芯片读写程序设计及设计工具 (18)4.2 主要软件设计流程框图及说明 (21)5 系统硬件调试 (23)6 系统软件调试 (26)7 总结与体会 (28)8 谢辞 (29)9 参考文献 (30)附录1:电路原理图 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
附录2:PCB图 ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
附录3:程序 ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
附录4:英文文献翻译............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
基于单片机的低功耗智能IC卡电表设计1低功耗智能IC卡电表2012.3目录第一章序言 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第二章课题的目的 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第三章电表的发展及IC卡的介绍 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.1电表概述.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.2电能表在我国的发展情况.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.3我国电能表收费和管理现状.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.4IC卡技术 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第四章智能IC卡电表的硬件组成 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.1IC卡电能表的工作原理 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.2IC卡电能表的总体设计 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
关键词:A T89S52;IC卡;智能热量计Design of IC Card Heat MeterAbstractA before a long period of time, thermal management that users consume dependences on artificial reading, which needs workers collect money from each families or users pay it to go to special locations on their own. This traditional way of collecting heating costs requires more workers, time, labor, and it also inefficient. There are usually some problems that user do not pay money or don’t pay it on time.In advanced economies countries, heat flow meter is widely used. Heat meter is the measurement fees between heating companies and users with warm, not only has been widely accepted and can obviously have energy-saving effect.In order to solve these problems, the paper designs an IC card intelligent thermal control system based on a single chip, after learning the development of domestic and foreign intelligent calorimeter. In this paper, there is a detailed description of design for the control system of IC card intelligent calorimeter. The system uses AT89S52 as the core component, and achieves thermal purchase and management through detecting consuming heat by sensors. The paper has completed the hardware circuit design and software design. Hardware is designed as module, including the heat detecting circuit, IC card interface circuit, the electromagnetic valve drive circuit, alarming circuit, LCD display circuit, and so on. In this paper, there is a detailed analysis of the working principle of each module. The system software is compiled by C language. Specificprogram flow chart is also given in the paper.The system has a greatly many functions, such as supplying or pausing water automatically, intelligent identifying cards, power-down protection, LCD display, intelligent switching electromagnetic valve, anti-interference, anti-demolition, and so on..In the future will develop set prepaid, ladder heat metering, fault detection and alarm functions, etc. In the hot scale, and has clear reading, accurate measurement and control is convenient for a characteristic.Keys word:AT89S52; IC card; intelligent calorimeter目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 IC卡智能热量表设计的背景及意义 (1)1.2 IC卡智能热量计的研究现状 (1)1.3 IC卡智能热量计系统设计的发展趋势 (3)第2章IC卡智能热量表的设计思想与方案论 (4)2.1 热量表的工作原理 (4)2.1.1 热量表计算原理 (4)2.1.2 IC卡热量表工作原理 (4)2.2 IC卡热量计总体结构 (5)2.2.1 流量传感器 (5)2.2.2 温度传感器 (7)2.2.3 电动阀 (7)2.2.4 IC卡 (7)2.2.5 供电方式选择 (7)2.3 IC卡智能热量表系统的功能 (8)第3章IC卡热量计硬件电路设计 (9)3.1 AT89S52单片机外围工作电路设计 (9)3.1.1 AT89S52单片机引脚说明 (9)3.1.2 AT89S52单片机复位电路 (11)3.1.3 AT89S52单片机时钟电路 (12)3.2 温度测量电路 (13)3.2.1 温度测量电路原理 (13)3.2.2 温度传感器的线性校正 (15)3.2.3 温度传感器的A/D转换模块 (15)3.3 流量传感器 (16)3.3.1 流量传感器技术参数 (17)3.3.2 流量传感器工作原理 (17)3.4 LCD液晶显示 (18)3.4.1 LCD显示器连接 (18)3.5 电动阀及驱动 (20)3.6 IC卡及接口电路 (21)3.6.1 SLE4442卡 (21)3.6.2 SLE4442卡接口电路 (23)3.7 中断保护电路及按键电路 (25)第4章IC卡热量计软件设计 (27)4.1 AT89S52单片机的编程特点 (27)4.2 IC卡热量计软件设计 (28)4.2.1 主程序模块 (28)4.2.2 热量值的读取 (30)4.2.3 1602LCD液晶显示程序 (30)4.2.4 IC卡的存储操作 (34)4.2.5 中断保护程序 (35)第5章总结 (38)参考文献 (39)谢辞 (40)附录IC卡热量表源程序 (41)第1章绪论1.1 IC卡智能热量表设计的背景及意义在经济发达国家,用户热量表的应用已经相当广发。
毕业设计(论文)题目名称:基于单片机的数字电能表设计就读学校:河南工学院专业:工业自动化学生姓名:指导教师:中原工学院继续教育学院2016年4月基于单片机的数字电能表设计The design of digital watt-hour meter based on single chip microcomputer就读学校:河南工学院专业:工业自动化学生姓名:指导教师:2016年4月摘要19世纪三四十年代,中国人民的照明途径还是主要由煤油灯为主,而在经济飞速发展的,科技产品日新月异的今天,电的应用已经深入中国人民的日常生活。
关键词:AT89C51;ADC0809;数字电能表;八段数码管ABSTRACTThirties and 19th century, the Chinese people's way of illumination is mainly composed of kerosene lamp is given priority to, and with the rapid economic development, science and technology products with each passing day today, the applications of electricity have the Chinese People's Daily life. Lights, refrigerator, air conditioner and so on, all has close relationship with electricity. Electricity is essential in today's society, and also emerged for the measurement of the power, thus appeared the watt-hour meter measuring instrument. The developing course of watt-hour meter is mainly composed of a single rate, initial watt-hour meter in today's complex rate watt-hour meter. This is associated with rate more electricity policy of our country, aimed at peak valley town, balance of power. Also, in what is now the rapid development of science and technology, all kinds of electrical appliances, instrument has gradually tend to be automated, humanization and intelligent. But most of these electrical equipment including microcontroller or CPU controller.We will integrate the intelligent watt-hour meter in the design of watt-hour meter as important measuring instrument, the accuracy, stability is very important. And digital watt-hour meter with high precision, measurement accuracy, reading the advantages of intuitive and easy to use. This design USES AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, to compare successive type A/D converter ADC0809, eight digital tube as the main body, constructed A simple digital watt-hour meter, can be achieved at the same time measuring 8 road from 0.00 V to 5.00 V dc voltage, minimum resolution of 0.02 V.Keywords: AT89C51;ADC0809;Digital watt-hour meter;Eight digital tube目录第1章绪论 (1)第2章总体方案选择 (2)2.1方案一:由数字电路及芯片构建。
I c卡 的接 口电路 由 R 1 4 、 R 1 5 、 R 6 . 按钮 B 1 和I c卡组成 , 如图 3 所示 。 其 中. 管脚 1 接+ 5 V电源 . 单片机 的 P 2 3 、 P 2 4 、 P 2 5 外接上拉电阻 后分别和 I c卡的 2 、 3 、 8 引脚 连接 , 6 , 9 为 常开触 点 , 1 O 脚 接地 , 6 脚和 按钮 B 1 连接后接到单片机的 P 3 3口。当插 入 I c卡时 , 单片机并 不立 即对卡进行操作 . 为 了避免插卡 的不稳和有效去抖 动 . 提高系统 的稳 定性 . 此时需要按下 B 1 按钮 . 单 片机获得中断 申请 才开始对 I c卡进 行读 写操作
模块 , 不断地进行数据交换 , 在L E D 1 6 0 2上清晰的显示 出" 3前的剩余 电量和 累计 用电量。 系统主要 由单片机控制模块 、 - 电能采集和计量模块、 数据存储模块、 显示模块、 报警模 块、 断电控制模块组成 。
【 关键词】 电能表 ; I c卡 ; 单 片机 ; A D E 7 7 5 5
2 . 5‘ 数据存储 选择 A T 2 4 C 0 8 .可提供 8 1 9 2 位的串行电可擦 写可 编程 只读存储 1 . 1 I c卡智能 电表控制系统的计 要求 器( E E P R O M ) . 组织形式为 1 0 2 4 字× 8 位字长 。 适用于许多要求低功耗 从供电部门购得所需 电量后 . 存入 I c卡中。然后将 I c卡插入 I c 和低 电压操作的工业级或商业 级应用。可选节省空 间的 8 脚P D I P , 8 卡座 . 经过 I c卡智能电表控制系统对 I c卡 的识别后 , 开始供电。 显示 脚 J E D E C S O l E , 8脚 Ul t r a L e a d F r a me I . a n d G i r d Ar r a y f U L A ) , 5脚 芯片可以把 当前 的用 电量信息 以及卡 中的所剩 电量清晰的显示出来 . S O T 2 3 , 8 脚T S S O P , 和8 触点 d B G A 2封装 , 并通过 2 - w i r e 串行 接 口存
图1 IC卡只能电表的总体结构图在电子计量工作原理中,将西门子SLE4442IC卡控制器AT89C51单片机与智能IC卡电表相结合,构成具有智能IC卡控制功能的电表。
下面所述接触式IC 卡电度表就是其中的一种。
关键字:IC卡;电度表; IC卡电度表;单片机ABSTRACTThe electric meter as the electrical energy metering outfit, obtains the widespread application in national economy various departments, since long, the use is the mechanical type induces the electric meter. The tower has consumes the electricity many, unwieldy, to need to copy the table, against to steal the electricity performance low status shortcoming manually. Along with microelectronic technology's rapid development, the micro controller (monolithic integrated circuit) and the large-scale integrated circuit in the electrical energy measurement domain's widespread application, causes electric meter's technical level and the performance obtains the considerable development. Below states the contact IC card electric meter is one kind..Although the contact IC electric meter is only the ordinary measurement appliance, but as a result of the micro controller's introduction, set the very high request to the designer. Is only because by introduction and so on power source disturbances is very easy to cause the procedure to make a mistake, possibly leads to the uncertain consequence, moreover the pre-payment electric meter's working condition is quite bad, therefore, relatively is also high to its reliable request, but this article introduced the contact IC card pre-charge electric meter's principle of work and the hardware circuit, discussed its work process, and has given its work schematic diagram, has solved in reality some difficult problems, the contact IC card pre-charge electric meter, it caused the charge to copy the table, the manual valuation from the past tedious man-power to transform for the user holds the card to buy the electricity, realized the electrical bill to capture the management automation.Key words: IC card ;electric meter;IC card electric meter ;monolithic integrated circui目录绪论 (1)论文的背景及意义 (1)IC电度表的发展及现状 (2)论文涉及的主要技术 (6)论文研究的主要内容 (14)2 方案论证与总体设计 (15)设计方案 (15)电能计量系统方案设计 (15)预付费系统方案设计 (16)IC卡电度表的工作原理框图 (18)单相电子式预付费电度表的工作过程 (19)3 硬件电路及工作原理 (20)电能计量电路 (20)实现功能 (20)电子计量电路图 (20)芯片介绍 (21)工作原理 (22)单片机外围电路 (24)实现功能 (24)单片机外围电路图 (24)芯片介绍 (25)工作原理 (25)键盘 (25)显示电路 (26)实现功能 (26)显示电路图 (26)芯片介绍 (26)工作原理 (31)掉电检测电路 (31)实现功能 (31)掉电检测电路图 (31)芯片介绍 (32)工作原理 (33)IC卡接口电路 (33)实现功能 (33)IC卡接口电路图 (33)芯片介绍 (34)工作原理 (36)电能存储电路 (36)实现功能 (36)电能储存电路图 (36)芯片介绍 (37)工作原理 (38)磁保持持续电器驱动电路 (38)实现功能 (38)磁保持继电器驱动电路图 (39)磁保持继电器介绍 (39)工作原理 (40)4 结论与展望 (41)结论 (41)预付费IC卡电度表的展望: (41)致谢 (42)参考文献 (43)绪论论文的背景及意义随着社会发展和科技进步,电子技术已经广泛应用于电信、公安、金融、社保、商业流通、航天航空等各个领域。
2013届毕业生毕业论文题目:智能电表的设计院系名称:信息科学与工程学院专业班级:电子信息工程09级3班2013 年6 月3 日摘要随着科技的进步,电子产业的发展,人们生活水平的提高,电子式智能电表的出现势不可挡。
关键词:智能电表485通信智能载波通信Title:The design of the smart meterAbstractWith the progress of science and technology, the development of electronic industry and the improvement of people's living standard. The emergence of smart meters is inevitable .Respect to the traditional mechanical meters, Smart meters is higher precision, further more, the smart meters have the function such as achieve multi-rate billing, automatic meter reading, prepaid fees .The smart meter have the function of data protecting , event logging and automatic meter reading because of the IC. In this paper, a simple design of smart meters will be made description. It will make the data transfer though GPRS and 485.Keywords: smart meters 485 smart Power Line Carrier目次1前言 (2)1.1智能电表的概念 (2)1.2智能电表发展概况 (2)1.3智能电表的结构 (3)1.4智能电表的主要特点 (3)1.5智能电表研究的目的以及意义 (3)2 智能电表的简单设计思路 (5)2.1智能电表的硬件设计方法 (5)2.2智能电表硬件设计 (6)2.3智能电表的软件设计 (8)3智能电表各个模块的设计 (1)3.1通讯模块功能描述及设计 (1)3.2 继电器模块功能描述 (2)3.3继电器模块性能描述 (3)3.4载波通讯部分电路及简要工作原理 (3)3.5红外控制电路及原理分析 (5)3.6计量模块 (6)3.7 ESAM 电路及原理分析 (7)4 系统软件设计 (8)5 智能电表常见问题分析 (8)5 智能电表常见问题分析 (9)5 智能电表常见问题分析 (10)结论 (11)致谢 (12)参考文献 (13)1前言1.1智能电表的概念所谓智能电表就是就是基于单片机,集成电路使电表具有简单的数据分许能力及其他功能。
在论文完成过程中,主要进行了以下工作:(1) 对系统要求进行分析,并设计系统的整体结构(2) 把整体细分化,对每个模块进行详细设计(3) 绘制原理图和PCB板,并制成实验板(4) 按照硬件电路,编写软件程序(5) 调试阶段,调试各软、硬件模块,编写测试程序,验证系统的可用性,最后制成系统样机。
关键词:键盘模块;LCD显示模块;时钟芯片ABSTRACTThis study will discuss about the intelligence electric energy meter in detail. It is an intelligent electric energy meter by expanding to the normal electric energy meter, carries out the divided chronometer price, gives the software design and adjusts the problem. We do the following work in the completion of the thesis.(1) Analyze the requirement of the system, and design the whole structure of the system.(2) Subdivide the whole, and design each module in particular.(3) Protract schematic plot and PCB plot, and crank out experiment board.(4) Write software procedure according to hardware circuit.(5) In debugging moment, debug each software and hardware module, write testing procedure, validate the usability of the system, and finally crank out the system sample.This study will discuss about the intelligence electric energy meter in detail, and tell of the recent development of electric energy meter and the research statement in brief. This study analyzes materially the two parts: keyboard part program design and LCD show part program design, and does the explanation to the use of main chip. Also it explains the hardware total design in brief, and writes some analysis about editing the function which is used of software.Moreover this study also introduced some problems about drawing the principle diagram. For example, the connected line each chip and interface problem.Keywords: keyboard part; LCD show part; clock chip目录摘要Abstract1 概述 (3)1.1 本课题研究背景及意义 (3)1.2 国内外研究的动态 (4)1.3 本课题的可行性分析 (5)1.4 设计要求及预期研究成果 (5)2 系统简介 (6)2.1 系统总体方案设计 (6)2.2 硬件各模块的设计 (8)2.2.1 主机 (8)2.2.2 电脑时钟模块 (9)2.2.3 LCD显示模块 (9)2.2.4 光电转换模块 (9)2.2.5 键盘控制模块 (9)2.2.6 看门狗模块 (10)3 软件设计 (10)3.1 键盘模块 (13)3.1.1 键盘的中断处理函数 (16)3.1.2 实时时钟电路MC146818A (19)4 调试中出现的问题 (25)参考文献 (27)致谢 (28)附录1概述1.1 本课题研究背景及意义近年来,随着经济的快速发展,电力需求的不断增长和能源价格的不断提升,ⅰ智能电能表软件设计用电紧张已经成为突出的问题摆在我们面前。
关键字:电子电能表,IC卡,预付费,单片机,交流采样Design of the full electronic watt-hour meter of prepaymentAuthor:Ba LuoTutor:Niu YuelanABSTRACTThe electric industry has been developed at very fast speed, it brings forward higher requires to the electricity management. It hopes that the user can prepay electricity before using it,time-sharing electrovalence, copying the data’s from watt-hour meters and charging can be carried out automatically. In these cases the full electronic watt-hour meter of prepayment of IC card emerges, it can be met the demands of the management above.Based on consulting a lot of literature and investigating,the paper discussed the principle of the full electronic watt-hour meter of prepayment of IC card, the standard and the technology of IC card. It also discussed the design of the watt-hour meter, the type of the energy measurement chips and the technique problems of the control program.The software of selling electricity management system can carry out not only the management to the IC card, but also the comprehensive management of various fees. The paper explained the analysis of function, module partition, program structure, input and output, interface and structure design of the software in detail. It stressed the critical technology of each module.Therefore the system of the full electronic watt-hour meter of prepayment has widely application prospect.Key words:The full electronic watt-hour meter,IC card,Prepayment,Single chip computer,Ac sampling目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 IC卡概况 (1)1.2 IC卡的分类 (2)1.3 IC卡预付费电能表 (3)1.4 近几年IC卡预付费电能表发展状态 (4)2 IC卡电能表原理分析 (6)2.1 预付费电表原理和常识 (6)2.2 市场上常见预付费电表及其比较 (6)2.3 IC卡电能表的组成框图 (7)3 硬件电路设计 (8)3.1 主控芯片的选用 (8)3.1.1 AT89C52的封装引脚 (8)3.1.2 AT89C52的内部特性 (8)3.1.3 AT89C52方框图 (9)3.1.4 各引脚功能说明 (9)3.1.5 振荡器特性 (12)3.1.6 空闲模式 (12)3.1.7 掉电模式 (12)3.2 接口电路的设计 (13)3.2.1 信号检测与传感电路的设计[8] (13)3.2.2 A/D转换通道的设计 (13)3.2.3 外部存储器的扩展设计 (17)3.2.4 掉电检测及看门狗电路的电路设计 (18)3.2.5 键盘及显示电路的设计 (19)3.2.6 串行通信接口的设计[10] (19)3.2.7 稳压电源的设计[11] (22)3.2.8 报警电路的设计 (23)3.3 硬件地址的确定 (23)3.3.1 外部存储器的分配 (23)3.3.2 A/D转换器的地址分配 (23)3.3.3 LED显示器地址分配 (23)4 系统软件的设计 (24)4.1 主控程序的设计 (24)4.1.1 中断源及中断优先级的安排 (24)4.1.2 存储器的分配 (24)4.2 模块部分的设计 (24)4.2.1 掉电中断子程序的设计 (24)4.2.2 数据采集中断子程序的设计 (25)4.2.3 键盘中断子程序的设计 (26)4.2.4 串行口中断子程序的设计 (26)4.2.5 显示子程序的设计 (26)4.2.6 声光报警子程序的设计 (26)4.2.7 数字滤波的设计 (29)4.2.8 系统主流程图 (31)4.3 软件程序清单 (31)结论 (32)1 设计历程 (32)2 设计特点 (32)3 展望和体会 (32)致谢 (34)参考文献 (35)附录A IC卡家用电能表硬件框图 (36)附录B 软件程序清单 (37)1 绪论1.1 IC卡概况IC卡是集成电路卡(Integrated Circuit Card)的英文简称,在有些国家也称之为灵巧卡(Smart Cart)、智慧卡(Intelligent Card)、微芯片卡(Microchip Card)等。
本⽂对每个模块逐⼀进⾏了研究,全⾯详细地论述了硬件电路的设计流程,对本设计中⾮接触式IC 卡读写电路模块、液晶显⽰电路模块和H6152读写电路模块等⼯作原理及功能进⾏了详细了说明。
关键词:单⽚机;IC卡;液晶显⽰;记忆模块Design of the Water Meter IC Card System Based OnSing-chipAbstractIn order to adapt the reform of the nation system of water supply,studying and making use of the modern intelligence technique to realize the automatic supervision of the water supply,lightening the funds pressure because of“supply wate r first behind charge”of the department supplying water,reducing the trouble and dispute of copying the form and charging monthly,using the modern science technique change the current administration structure of using water and water supply industry is imperative under the situation.The application of intelligent water meter not only improves work efficiency of intelligent water meter not only improves work efficiency of the department supplying water and realizes using water electronically but also creates a condition for using water frugally and rationally.Because of these charactetistics,intelligent water meter obtained more and more widespread application.In this paper, the main design based on single-chip pre-charges the IC card water meter system hardware circuit design, its main function is based on AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, the realization of IC card reader, LCD display control, the control solenoid valve, pulse extraction, at the same time security protection circuit, memory cell circuit, communication interface circuit, the signal meter tocomplete the reading, writing and processing, monitoring the work function of water meters. In this paper, one by one for each module studied. Full detail of the hardware circuit design flow, for the design of the Central African contactless IC card reader circuit module, liquid crystal display circuit module and circuit module, such as reading and writing H6152 working principle and function are described in detail.Key words: SCM; IC Card ; Liquid crystal display; Memory modules毕业设计(论⽂)原创性声明和使⽤授权说明原创性声明本⼈郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论⽂),是我个⼈在指导教师的指导下进⾏的研究⼯作及取得的成果。
成教学院毕业论文题目基于单片机的智能电表的毕业设计论文专业电气工程及其自动化(本科)姓名学号二O 年月日毕业论文评语姓名班级学号题目正文字数18166 字指导教师评语:评定成绩20 年月日指导教师基于单片机的智能电表设计摘要随着经济的快速发展,人们生活水平不断地提高,传统的电网已经不能满足现代社会的需求。
本文主要完成以下工作:提出了智能电表总体设计方案,设计了数据采集电路,运用Protel DXP软件绘制了原理图及生成了PCB板,焊制了数据采集电路板,运用Keil uVision2编写了程序。
关键词:智能电表,数据采集电路,PCB板,程序设计AbstractWith the rapid development of economy, people life level continuously improve, the traditional power grid already cannot satisfy the demand of modern society. Now, smart grid technology to flourish, as an important component of smart grid, smart meters also get great development. In the near future, smart meters will be installed on a national scale. So the smart meter technology research is of great practical significance.Traditional meters can only show the overall power consumption, but also need artificial meter reading, wasted a lot of manpower material resources. Smart meters research mainly in order to realize the real-time communication of supply and demand, the supplier can adjust the price according to demand load, the buyer can be regulated according to electricity power consumption. Ultimately reached peak cut and save electricity effect. The meter at present, and puts forward the overall design scheme of intelligent electric meter based on single chip microcomputer.This paper mainly completed the following work: proposed the overall design scheme of smart meter data acquisition circuit was designed, using Protel DXP software to draw the schematic diagram and generated the PCB, welded the data acquisition circuit, using the Keil uVision2. Write the program. After debugging, the circuit board can accurately show the input of the effective value of voltage, current, power factor Angle and power in real time.Keywords:data acquisition circuit, PCB board, the program design目录摘要 (I)Abstract ......................................................................................................... I I 目录.............................................................................................................. I II 前言. (1)1 智能电表的概述 (2)1.1 智能电表的定义 (2)1.2 智能电表的结构分类 (2)1.3 智能电表的工作原理 (3)2 智能电能表的设计方法 (5)2.1 智能电能表的硬件组成 (5)2.1.1 微处理器或微控制器 (6)2.1.2 传感器 (6)2.1.3 信号调理 (6)2.1.4 A/D转换器 (6)2.1.5 D/A转换器 (7)2.1.6 智能电能表的通信接口 (7)2.2 智能电能表的软件设计方法 (8)2.3 智能电能表的抗干扰方法 (10)3 智能电能表的硬件设计 (11)3.1 电能表概述 (11)3.2 电能表的总体方案设计 (11)3.3 电能表的控制芯片AT89C51 (13)3.3.1单片微控制器、微处理器 (13)3.3.2 AT89C51各主要引脚功能: (14)3.4 电能计量芯片 (15)3.4.1 CS5460A的性能 (16)3.4.2 CS5460A管脚说明 (16)3.4.3 CS5460A外围电路及供电电路设计 (18)3.4.4 微控制器AT89C51与CS5460A的接口 (18)3.4.5 电源模块 (19)3.4.6 电压电流采样模块 (20)3.5 显示模块 (20)3.5.1 八段数码管显示器 (21)3.5.2 数码管与AT89C51的接口 (22)3.6 按键组功能及与AT89C51总线口的连接 (22)3.7 SPI接口型EEPROM与AT89C51的接口 (23)3.7.1 X5045管脚分布 (23)3.7.2 X5045功能描述 (24)3.7.3 X5045硬件连接 (25)3.8 时钟模块 (26)3.8.1 DS13O2的引脚分布见图3.10。
关键词IC卡;电表;单片机;SLE4442AbstractAlong with the development of market economy in our country and finance modernization, cash and many certificates are replaced gradually by some cards. The technology about the IC card is a recently rising technology which based on the computer and communication. The IC card is a new card which appears in recent years that preserves the information is reliable and safe and reach as high as read-write several ten thousand times. This paper takes the prepaid meter as an example to the card of IC in the application thorough study.The article has analysed the traditional meter and designed the pre-payment control system of the IC card meter which combines hardware and software knowledge. Hardware including sampling electric circuit, storage circuit, display circuit, IC card connection electric circuit and alarm circuit. Through the assembly language programming , the article realizes the meter terminal pre-payment, the meter energy measurement, the digital display and the function of alarm. The software design is a process of procedure design that based on the foundation of hardware design, includes: the main procedure, inserts the card interrupt procedure, the pulse interrupt procedure and the display procedure and so on.The main content of this system involves: the basic knowledge of the IC card, the hardware choice of the design control system, system of the hardware primarily to analyze with the function; The software design part has mainly given the procedure basic flow chart and the part concrete function realization procedure as well as the brief instructions.Keywords IC card;meter;chip;SLE4442目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1本文研究的背景及目的 (1)1.2国内外IC卡相关领域的研究应用成果 (2)1.3本文的主要内容及组织结构 (3)第2章 IC卡的概述 (4)2.1IC卡的发展及应用 (4)2.2IC卡的分类 (5)2.3IC卡的特点 (6)2.4IC卡的种类 (6)2.5IC卡基本构成及操作过程 (7)2.5.1 IC卡的内部结构及触点功能 (7)2.5.2 IC卡的选用 (8)2.5.3 IC卡的操作过程 (12)第3章 IC卡电表硬件系统设计 (13)3.1硬件设计 (13)3.2单片机的选型 (14)3.3采样电路设计 (15)3.4存储电路设计 (16)3.5IC卡接口电路设计 (18)3.6显示电路设计 (19)3.7报警电路设计 (20)第4章 IC卡预付费电表软件系统设计 (22)4.1软件设计 (22)4.2系统安全性分析 (26)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录A (31)附录B (37)第1章绪论本文对IC卡技术进行研究,并以逻辑加密IC卡[1](Smart Card with Security Logic)SLE4442在预付费电表中的应用为例进行硬件选用和软件设计。
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本文以低功耗高性能的ATMEL公司生产的Atmega16单片机为核心,配以ADI公司的高精度电量测量芯片ADE7755,SLE4442卡等外围电路设计的IC卡预收费电度表控制系统,采用硬件和软件相结合的方法,通过C语言编程实现IC 卡在电表终端的持卡消费。
关键词:IC卡;电度表;ADE7755;单片机AbstractSince the state grid first publicize the development plan of "smart grid" in May 2009, Smart grid steps into people's life gradually, Smart grid as a trends of grid development in future, smart power equipment will benefit from the reform and construction of smart grid, smart electricity is a indispensable equipment of smart power equipment. The current poly-phase electricity although has the characters of mature technology, stable operation and power accuracy, but it defects in smart management and safety confidentiality, therefore the smart electricity will have the important significance of the reform and construction of smart grid.Based on low-power, high-performance production ATMEL Corporation Atmega16 as the core, coupled with ADI's high-precision measurement of electricity chip ADE7755. ALE4442 cards and cards and other external circuit design of IC card charges meter control system, The controlling system of the prepaid electrodynamic meter with 1C card combines hardware and software knowledge and accomplishes consumption of the electrodynamic meter terminal with IC card through assembly language programming. Main program, brownout interrupt subroutine, AT24C02 read and write subroutines, SLE4442 card and display subroutine subroutine design and software design and data security, system of the hardware primarily to analyze with the function;The main procedure,the IC card break-sub-procedure,the customer card sub- procedure, the pulse break-sub-procedure and the display-sub- procedure design.and data security.The system in consumption and stability is optinal effect through selection hardware.The card's security with data is enhanced through programming in reason.Key words:IC card; the electrodynamic meter;ADE7755;microchip computer毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
图表整洁,布局合理,文字注释必须使用工程字书写,不准用徒手画3)毕业论文须用A4单面打印,论文50页以上的双面打印4)图表应绘制于无格子的页面上5)软件工程类课题应有程序清单,并提供电子文档5.装订顺序1)设计(论文)2)附件:按照任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)次序装订3)其它目录1 引言 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 IC卡电度表发展现状 (3)1.3 本文研究的主要内容 (4)2 系统的方案论证 (6)2.1电能计量系统方案设计 (6)2.1.1 电子式电能表的测量原理 (6)2.1.2 方案的选择 (9)2.2 IC卡系统方案设计 (11)2.3 系统总体方案设计 (13)3 系统的硬件设计 (14)3.1 电量检测电路 (14)3.1.1电量测量芯片的选择 (14)3.1.2电量测量芯片ADE7755 (14)3.1.3电量采集电路硬件设计 (17)3.2 IC卡接口电路 (20)3.2.1 IC卡的选择 (20)3.2.2 SLE4442卡 (21)3.2.3 IC卡接口电路 (25)3.3 数据存储电路 (26)3.4 用电控制电路 (27)3.5 报警电路设计 (27)3.6显示电路设计 (28)3.7掉电检测电路 (29)3.8电源电路设计 (29)3.9单片机最小系统设计 (31)3.9.1 Atmega16单片机介绍 (31)3.9.2最小系统电路 (32)4 程序的软件设计 (33)4.1 掉电中断子程序的设计 (33)4.2 AT24C02读写子程序设计 (33)4.2.1 向AT24C02中写入数据的设计 (34)4.2.2 从AT24C02中读取数据的设计 (34)4.3 显示子程序的设计 (34)4.4 数字滤波的设计 (35)4.5 SLE4442卡子程序 (36)4.5.1 写数据程序 (37)4.5.2 读数据程序 (37)4.5.3 密码校验程序 (38)4.6 系统主流程图 (40)5 误差的定性分析及改进措施 (41)5.1 空间电磁场的抗干扰设计 (41)5.2 模拟通道与数字通道之间抗干扰设计 (41)5.3电源和接地系统的抗干扰设计 (44)5.4 印刷电路板抗干扰设计 (44)6 结论 (46)致谢 (47)参考文献 (48)附录 (49)1 引言1.1研究背景IC卡是集成电路卡(Integrated Circuit Card)的英文简称,在有些国家也称之为灵巧卡(Smart Cart)、智慧卡(Intelligent Card)、微芯片卡(Microchip Card)等。
1969年12月,日本的有村国孝(Karnataka Arimura)提出一种制造安全可靠的信用卡方法,并于1970年获得专利,那时叫ID(Identification Card)。
1974年,法国的罗兰•莫雷诺(Roland Moreno)发明了带集成电路芯片的塑料卡片,并取得了专利权,这就是早期的IC卡。
1984年,法国的PTT(Posts Telegraph sand Telephones)将IC卡用于电话卡,由于IC卡良好的安全性和可靠性,获得了意想不到的成功。