
﹡ask students to make dialogues by using the given information.
﹡in-class listeningand speaking materials
﹡after-class listeningand speaking materials
﹡materials from internet
﹡audio-visual materials
﹡simulated test of CET-4
4. Conduct a series of listening and speaking activities related to the theme of the unit.
Emphasisis placed on:
﹡ask students to make dialogues by using the given information
Difficulty in teaching:
The lack of background information andnew English wordsmay prevent students from understanding the listening materials.

Conversation 1W: Hello,Mr。
Williams. This is John Barrett’s secretary. I’m calling to canc el his appointment with you at 10 today as he is not feeling well。
你好,威廉姆斯先生.这是John Barrett的秘书.我打电话是想取消他今天10点的约会,因为他身体不好.。
M: Thanks for calling. It’s quite all right. We'll arrange some other time to meet.谢谢你的电话。
我们会安排其他时间见面.Q: What is the man going to do?آConversation 2M: I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don' t have a calculator。
Shall I go and buy one?M:对于这些问题我需要用的不仅仅是我的数学技能,但我没有计算器。
我去买一个吗?W:Actually, I've got two. And I'll let you have one for the price of a coff ee.女:事实上,我有两个。
我会给你一杯咖啡的价格.Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?آConversation 3M: Professor Smith, I'd like to have your advice as to my career development in the future.男:史米斯教授,我想知道你对我未来职业发展的建议.。

UNIT 1UNIT 2Short conversationsShortconversations1 Q: What is the man going to do? 1 Q: How does the man feel about his sister?B. Make another appointment. 2D He ’s very unhappy at his sister ’s act. Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?C. She will give the man a calculator for a coffee. 2 Q: What does the man say about Professor Smith?3C He often loses his temper.Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?3 Q: What do we know about the man?A. Go to graduate school.4A He didn ’t makejoketheabout Horace on purpose.Q: What does the man imply?4 Q: How does the manaboutfeelJack ’s failing the exam?D. Ken is always absent-minded.A He feels unsympathetic. 5 Q: What does the man think of his job?5 Q: What do we learn about the woman?C. The job is challenging but rewarding.D She is worried about the interview.Long conversationLong conversation1 Q: Why doesceyStacome to Dr. Pearl ’s office?1 Q: How does the man feel about his sister? B. To get permission to quit his class. D He ’s very unhappy at his .sister ’s act2 Q: What is worrying Stacey about her studies? 2 Q: What does the man say about Professor Smith?A. She faces the danger of lowering her grade point C He often loses his temper. average. 3 Q: What do we know about the man? 3 Q: Which of the following does Dr. Pearl suggest Stacey do?A. Sign up for free tutoring in writing.A He didn ’t makejoketheabout Horace on purpose.4 Q: How does the manaboutfeelJack ’shefailingexam?t 4 Q: What is Dr. Pearlattitude ’s toward Stacey? A He feels unsympathetic.C. Patient. 5 Q: What do we learn about the woman? Passage 1D She is worried about the interview.Passage 11 Q: When did Ang Lee come to understand his father ’sconcern about studying film? 1 Q: What will happen if you always think that you mustD. When he graduated from the film school. something in a certain way?2 Q: What was Ang Lee ’s most painful experience according tothe passage?B You will experience more stress.2 Q: How can you make large projects workable accordiC. Being refused repeatedly by production companies whenshopping a screenplay. passage?C By dividing them into smaller parts to finish one af 3 Q: Why did Ang Lee enroll in a computer course at a another. community college? 3 Q: What is the benefit of classical music mentioned in tA. Because he wanted to learn some skills to be employed.4 Q: What did Ang Lee ’s wife thinkingof tohimtheaccord passage?A It can facilitate your learning. passage? 4 Q: What is the best title for the passage?B. He has a talent in making films.A Suggestions to reduce your stress to It can facilita P assage 2 learning. manageable levels.Passage 21) believe in1) exerting 2) circumstances 2) fabulous3) searching for3) take them out 4) a strong sense of 4) approaches 5) responsibility5) head for 6) insecurity 6) efficient7) integrity7) is linked with8) accomplishing 8) compare favorably to 9) are longing for9) boost10) priorities10) sessionUNIT 310) talk it outUNIT 4Shortconversations1 Q: What are the speakers doing?Shortconversations2 D They are discussing their curriculum schedules. Q: What do we know about the Christmas party last year?B It was not well-organized. 1 Q: What does the woman mean?3D Ted is not capable of setting up his computer com Q: What is the man supposed to do now according to theconversation? 2 Q: What is the man worried about?B He is worried about the price of the tiny engines.C Look after the woman ’s children. 3 Q: What can we infer from the conversation? 4 Q: What does the woman think of her new neighbor? C The man thinks intelligent cars might be expensivB She thinks he is always very frank. 4 Q: What are they talking about? 5 Q: What is the man going to do this weekend?A A business idea brought forth by an airline.C He is going to help Mr. Smith move to a new house. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?5LongconversationD She suggests the man edit videos for people onlin1 Q: Why is the woman asking for two weeks off from Longconversationwork? 1 Q: What ’s the problem with the man?C Because she wants to volunteer for an organization. B He has no idea about his new writing assignment. 2 Q: Which of the following statements is true? 2 Q: How does the woman get her ideas before paintingB Over 150,000 volunteers worked for the building ofC She draws inspiration by taking long walks in natu houses after the hurricane. 3 Q: What is the man ’s attitude toward the woman 3 Q: According to the woman, why is she willing to volunteer forHabitat for Humanity? getting inspiration?D Disapproving.C Because she enjoys developing friendships and building4Q:What does the woman suggest the man do at the tr communities through volunteer work. station? 4 Q: What do we know about the man from the conversation?B Get creative ideas from real daily life.B He finally agreed to let the woman take 14 days off.Passage 11 Q: Who invented the first toilet according to the passag1 Q: What question did the research group try to find an answerB Sir John Harrington.to?2 Q: What was one of the problemswithHarrington ’s water B How well do people know their neighbors?closet?2 Q: Which age group is more likely to know their neighbors?C The basin had to be emptied and cleaned constanD 55 - to 64-year-olds. 3 Q: How did inventors improve the original toilet accordi3 Q: Which of the following statements is true according to thepassage?the passage?A They improved the pipes that were attached to the C Women are more likely to know their neighbors thanmen.bottom.4 Q: Which of the following can best summarize the pass 4 Q: What do the website ’s commentsthe mentionedendof a D The development of the toilet. the passage imply?D It is hard to get to know our neighbors.Passage 2Passage 21) vary2) a large portion of 1) illegal3) well-being 2) taking family vacations 4) profound 3) acquaintances 5) accessible 4) throwing a party 6) ultimately5) verbal 7) have a harmful effect on 6) tolerant 8) went against 7) intervene9) aviation8) splits the difference 10) is not worth pursuing9) resolvePassage 110) focusing onUNIT 5UNIT 6ShortconversationsShortconversations1 Q: Whattheis man ’s advice for the woman? 1 Q: What does the woman imply?B. She should keep shut until a better job is available.C They still have plenty of time to work on the assig2 Q: What does the woman imply?2 Q: Whatis the man ’s reply to the woman ’s suggA He is too busy to go with her.B. The man should earn the bread.3 Q: What does the man mean?3 Q: What does Mrs. Smith imply?B Americans are heavily dependent on cars.A. The man is ungrateful in deciding to leave.4 Q: What does the man think of historians?4 Q: What does the man mean?A They can get clues to our past from old family pictD. He cannot afford to have a coffee break.5 Q: What does Sam imply?5 Q: What can we learn about Jane from the conversation?C. She was fed up with counting money at her job.B He will probably fail the test this Friday.LongconversationLongconversation1 Q: What was the girl doing on such a hot morning?A Working outside in the yard. 1 Q: What is the man complaining about?2 Q: What do we know about the air conditioning from thB. Awful job, hot weather and working outside. conversation?2 Q: What does the man dream of being?C It was invented by Willis Carrier.A. A self-made millionaire. 3 Q: What can we learn about the man when he was 13?3 Q: What is the woman ’s attitude toward the manC He kept cool in summer by swimming in a stream. ’s dream?B. Sarcastic. 4 Q: What would the girl like to have in the next century t 4 Q: What does the woman dream of doing?cool?D. Becoming a ballroom dancer.A personal ice cream machine.Passage 1Passage 1 1 Q: What was Sir Ludwig Guttmann ribution ’sgreatestto conthe disabled? 1 Q: Why did the speaker get tired of her job at the company?D. Because she had no passion anymore. A He was the first to organize games for the disable2 2 Q: When were the first Paralympic Games held?Q: Which of the following is true about money according to thespeaker? D In 1960.3 Q: What was special about the 1988 Seoul ParalympicA. Money can buy you nice things. 3 B They were held right after the Summer Olympic GQ: What can bring satisfaction according to the speaker?B. Doing jobs that express your passion. in the same city and using the same facilities.4 4 Q: What do we know about the Paralympic Games froQ: What does the speaker find most suitable for her now?D. Sharing ideas and thoughts through blogging.passage?B The Games have not been included in the OlympiGames for the able-bodied.Passage 2Passage 21) suffer from 1) estimated2) assassinated2) enthusiastic 3) was intended to 3) erodes4) released from4) competent 5) made a contract with 5) clear-cut 6) gave way6) labeling7) Accomplishing ensued 7) comes down to 8) survived 8) commonplace 9) victims9) tend to10) perished10) second natureUNIT 7UNIT 8ShortconversationsShortconversations1 Q: What does the man say about the woman’s laptop?1 Q: What ’s the man ’s opinion of mobilecampus?phones on2 C It ’s not easy to spot the problem with her laptop. A Mobile phones disturb students when they study.Q: How can the man solve the problem of the heating unit according to the woman?2 Q: Why doesn ’omantthe havew an instant messenger?C Because she believes that online chatting is unsafA Turn the switch off for a while and then restart it. 3 Q: What does the woman imply?3 Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? D She can ’t send the email right now.B The man would have to review more lessons to meet the exam requirements.4 Q: Why was the man frustrated with the get- togetheryesterday?4 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?A Because most peoplecellwerphone addicts and didnD Make a compromise with his partner.5 concentrate on their conversation. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?5 Q: What does the man imply?B Decline the employer directly and politely.A Online love is not as reliable as you expected. LongconversationLongconversation1 Q: What is the man ’s problem accordingn?to the conversatioD He is worried whether he could pass the test. 1 Q: Why is the woman so happy?2 Q: Why is the man afraid of asking the professor for help?D Because she received a letter from her pen pal.A Because he is too shy and nervous.2 Q: What is the woman ’s job?3B An accountant in Miami.Q: What can we know about the teaching assistant from the3 Q: Which of the following would belikelymostto be talkedconversation?about between the woman and her pen pal?B She is easy to talk to and good at making complex ideasC Old cowboy movies.easy.4 Q: Why is the woman more willing to receive old-style l4 Q: What else will the man probably do in addition to talking tothe teaching assistant?instead of emails from her friend?D Because she thinks waiting for a letter is like expeD Surf the Internet to get help from some great lectures online. gift from far away.Passage 1Passage 11 Q: Which of the following is the most popular form of1 Q: Why is it important to “see the problem from the otherperson ’s perspective ” according to the passage? communication according to the passage?A Emailing.B Because it enables us to understand why people havetheir particular attitude.2 Q: How many people use their smart phones to text, ato the passage?2 Q: What is a major cause of conflicts in relationships accordingto the passage?C More than 70 percent of people.3 Q: What do we know about the number of messages sA We expect people to behave in a certain way. over Facebook?3 Q: How should we solve the problem by way of talking? C It is far less than the number of emails sent everyA We should talk about something positive. 4 Q: What is probably the speaker ’s attitude towa4 Q: Which of the following can best summarize the main idea ofthis passage?decreasing face-to-face and verbal communication?D Neutral.C How to deal with the conflicts in relationships.Passage 2Passage 21) endangered 1) was accompanied by 2) falling apart 2) acceleration 3) calculates3) severe4) tosses aside 4) endeavor 5) turn to5) practicable 6) unprecedentedly 6) analogy7) classified 7) speeding up 8) shut down8) attempts to 9) approximately9) foster10) fury。

Unit 1 Access to successListening to the worldSharing:(P2)T2 bungee jumping ; cup of tea ; feel good ; achievementT3 C – D – E – B – AT4 1 ; 2 ; 4T5 B C B C BT6 started off ; a huge business empire ; teacher ; taught me so much about life ; imprisoned ; survived ; impressed ; ability or the skills Listening:(P7)T2 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11T3 Sub-topic 2 :Detail 1:Detail 2:Detail 3:Sub-topic 3 :Detail 1:Detail 2:Viewing:(P10)T3 3T4 e – g – c – b – f – a - dT5 90 minutes ; true landmark ; 10 times ; focus ; make this challenge ; seven miles ; four months ; outstanding achievementSpeaking for communicationRole – play:(P11)T1 BT2 Like I said ; having said that ; That’ s what I was sayingGroup discussion:(P13)T1 speaking:(P18)TFurther practice in listening(P19)Short conversations: B C A D CLong conversation:B A A CPassage 1: D C A BPassage 2:believe in ; circumstances ; searching for ; a strong sense of ; responsibility ; insecurity ; integrity ; accomplishing ; are longing for ; priorities News(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 B C A D CPart 2 D A B C CPart 3 B C A A DPart 4 opening ; struggled ; progress ; remaining ; emerged ; continued ; enlarge ; crawling ; get through ; as strong asUnit 2 Emotions speak louder than wordsListening to the worldSharing:(P25)T2 mood ; sun ; smile ; feelingT3 b – e – a – d - cT4 3 ; 5T5 success of the business ; last June ; vegetables and flowers ; visit my father ; amazing sights ; applicants ; getting a jobListening:(P29)T2 1. people are getting angrier ; controlling their temper2. leave us feeling angry3. in a controlled way4. feel much better5. laughter therapy ; they make them laugh ; doing something funny6. they don't need medicineT4 1 ; 4Viewing:(P30)T2 1.eager ; pleased 2.nervous ; awkward 3.expectant ; excited 4.agitated ; contentedT3 for communicationRole – play:(P32)T1T2T3Group discussion:(P35)T1T2T3Public speaking:(P39)TFurther practice in listening(P41)Short conversations: D C A A DLong conversation:C B A DPassage 1: B C A APassage 2:exerting ; fabulous ; talk them out ; approaches ; head for ; efficient ; is linked with ; compare favorably to ; boost ; sessionNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 C D A A CPart 2 B C C B CPart 3 A D B A APart 4 at ; wheel ; tone ; expression ; Honey ; divorce ; speed ; talk me out ; bank accounts ; everything I needUnit 3 Love your neighborListening to the worldSharing:(P46)T2 block ; a few of ; similar ; quite a lot ; wellT3 b – d – a - cT4 1A ; 2D ; 3D ; 4E ; 5B ; 6D ; 7A ; 8C ; 9A ; 10DT5 exist as well ; loud music ; respecting privacy ; participating ; needs help ; considerate ; property ; friendlyT6 2 ; 3Listening:(P51)T3 e – a – f – b – d - cT4 A A B CSpeaking for communicationRole – play:(P54)T1T2T3Group discussion:(P56)T1T2T3T4Public speaking:(P62)T3Further practice in listening(P63)Short conversations: D B C B CLong conversation:C B C BPassage 1: B D C DPassage 2:illegal ; taking family vacations ; acquaintances ; throwing a party ; verbal ; tolerant ; intervene ; splits the difference ; resolve ; take it outNews(Unipus)News report 1:News report 2:Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 A C A C BPart 2 B B D A CPart 3 C B D D DPart 4 winter ; literally ; community ; winder ; siblings ; woods ; explore ; catching ; would run ; golf courseUnit 4 What’s the big idea?Listening to the worldSharing:(P69)T2 c – d – a - bT3 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5T4 amazing ; changed my life ; mobile phone ; emails ; camera ; taking a picture ; fantasy ; cakes ; arts ; creativityListening:(P73)T3 1. cheaper 2. better 3. oil 4. sad 5. safety 6. appetite 7. precision 8. precisionT4 Which soft drink ; want things ; how consumers behave ; above ; a bigger share ; small ; I deserve the best ; steam ; cigarette smoke ; smile ; a tick symbol ; positive ; built-in associations ; sports equipmentViewing:(P76)T2 A B CT3 for communicationRole – play:(P77)T3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Group discussion:(P79)T1T2T3Public speaking:(P84)T3T4Further practice in listening(P85)Short conversations: D B C A DLong conversation:B C D BPassage 1: B C A DPassage 2:vary ; a large portion of ; well-being ; profound ; accessible ; ultimately ; have a harmful effect on ; went against ; aviation ; is not worth pursuingNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 B C A C DPart 2 C C D A DPart 3 D A B A APart 4 biological ; firmly ; efforts ; isolation ; objectors ; originality ; modest ; improve the health ; morally ; legislationUnit 5 More than a paycheckListening to the worldSharing:(P91)T2 producer ; enjoys ; in a successful band ; dream jobsT3 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 8 ; 9 ; 11T4 footballer ; enough ; professional ; performing ; band ; world-famous ; sports ; later on ; serving peopleT5 e – b – a – d – cT6 1 ; 4Listening:(P94)T2 B – C - AT3T 4Viewing:(P98)T3 B D B DSpeaking for communicationRole – play:(P99)T1T2Group discussion(Presenting):(P102)T1T2T3T4Public speaking:(P106)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations: B B A D CLong conversation:B A B DPassage 1: D A B DPassage 2:suffer from ; enthusiastic ; erodes ; competent ; clear-cut ; labeling ; comes down to ; commonplace ; tend to ; focusing onNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 A D A D DPart 2 D C A B BPart 3 A C A A DPart 4 predict ; identical ; typical ; boring ; variety ; dangerous ; normal ; some robbers ; captured ; right thereListening to the worldSharing:(P)T2T3T4T5Listening:(P)T2 for communication Role – play:(P)T1T2T3Group discussion:(P)T1T2T3Public speaking:(P)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations:Long conversation:Passage 1:Passage 2: nNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2 Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Listening to the world Sharing:(P)T2T3T4T5Listening:(P)T2 for communication Role – play:(P)T1T2T3Group discussion:(P)T1T2T3Public speaking:(P)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations:Long conversation:Passage 1:Passage 2: nNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1Part 2Part 4TTT。
新视界听说第三册Unit 3教案讲稿

5. Would you like to see more sculpture in public places?
6. Do you like the theatre?
Understanding long conversations and story.
Further listening and speaking
The conversational skill
Under the guidance of student-centered principle, get students involved in class participation.
B.Listen to this part twice, and ask them some simple questions related to the passage.
C.Check the answers.
D.Listen to the advert once again, and review some useful expressions.
Veniceis a city inNorthern Italythat stretches across 117small islands and if famous for its canals. From the 13thcentury to the end of the 17thcentury it was one ofEurope’s most important cities. It is generally agreed that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

2 Travel site3 Social networking site4 Dating site5 Rating site6 Corporate website7 Blog8 Wiki9 Search engineDiscuss the questionsWhich of these websites do you use regularly Which do you use occasionally Which do you never useThe websites I use regularly include search engines, news sites, blogs, Wiki and social networking sites. I use these websites almost every day to get information I need and share things about myself. As to the types of websites such as photo sharing websites and travel sites, I only visit them occasionally. The websites I never use include rating sites, dating sites, and corporate websites.Distinguishing fact from opinionFirstly, determine if the information can be proved.At the beginning, ask questions like Who What When Where Why and How. If you can get answers from the information you hear, it probably contains facts. Then, determine if the statements can be checked and verified to be true.I saw a science-fiction movie last night about aliens invading the earth. (fact)The truth of the matter is that frozen foods are just as good-tasting as fresh foods are. (opinion)Distinguishing fact from opinionSecondly, pay attention to the signal words indicating opinions. Some expressions can change a statement from a fact to an opinion. Such expressions as I think that ..., I believe that ..., and In my judgment ... are clear signals that the speaker is about to give an opinion.Yesterday’s high temperature reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (fact)In my judgment, yesterday’s high temperature rea ched 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (opinion)Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (fact)I believe that Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (opinion)Thirdly, identify “loaded” words.Loaded words are words that contain an emotional appeal, such as exciting, beautiful, boring, and extremely. These descriptive words signal an opinion because they indicate the speaker’s personal point of view.Abraham Lincoln was the16th president of the United States. (fact)Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president of the United States. (opinion)IV. Conclusion and homework1. Group Discussion2. Supplementary Listening3. Oral ReportReferences:1. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20152. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20153.新东方考试研究中心《大学英语四级听力特训》浙江教育出版社,20114.《英汉多功能词典》外语教学与研究出版社,2008Unit ThreeLove your neighbor (2)I.Checking homeworkOral presentation:toB How well do people know their neighborsQ2: Which age group is more likely to know their neighborsD 55 - to 64-year-olds.Q3: Which of the following statements is true according to the passageC Women are more likely to know their neighbors than men.Q4: What do the website’s comments menti oned at the end of the passage implyPassage 21) illegal2) taking family vacations3) acquaintances4) throwing a party5) verbal6) tolerant7) intervene8) splits the difference9) resolve10) talk it outnguage use in public speakingIn public speaking, it is important that you communicate your ideas to the audience in an easy-to-follow and interesting way. To do so, you should use:clear, specific and simple language Clarity, specificity and simplicity of your speech mainly concern the choice of words and sentence structures. Simpler words and shorter sentences enables the audience to follow the speaker with little difficulty.vivid languageVividness of your speech can be achieved through the use of rhetorical devices, or figures of speech. By using some rhetorical techniques, speakers can attract and keep the listeners’ attention, and their speech will be more forceful, more vivid, and more pleasant to listen to.Read and decide which one in each pair is more effective when used in a speech.1 B: Compared with Sentence A, Sentence B is morespecific since it states the name of the position that the speaker is running for.2 A: Sentence A is more vivid than Sentence B because of the use of parallelism. It contains three similar structures,。

Conversation 1W:Hello,Mr.Williams.This is John Barrett's secretary.I'm calling to cance l his appointment with you at10today as he is not feeling well.你好,威廉姆斯先生。
这是John Barrett的秘书。
M:Thanks for calling.It's quite all right.We'll arrange some other time t o meet.谢谢你的电话。
Q:What is the man going to do?آConversation 2M:I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don't have a calculator.Shall I go and buy one?M:对于这些问题我需要用的不仅仅是我的数学技能,但我没有计算器.。
我去买一个吗?W:Actually,I've got two.And I'll let you have one for the price of a coffee.女:事实上,我有两个。
Q:What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?آConversation 3M:Professor Smith,I'd like to have your advice as to my career develop ment in the future.男:史米斯教授,我想知道你对我未来职业发展的建议.。

新视野视听说第三册短对话新视野第三册短对话Unit1II. Basic Listening Practice1.scriptW: Have you chosen your electives for next semester yet? Are you taking French writing again?M: Yes, I am , but it is compulsory for us next semester. So I think I am going to take marketing as an elective instead.Q: Which class will the man choose as his electice.2.scriptM: Did you go to that business stratery lecture on Friday? I missed it and need to copy your notes.W: I’d say you could borrow my notes,but Sarah has got them . Be careful not to miss Professor Brown’s lecture. He takes attendance in that.Q: What does the woman tell the man?3.sriptW: Wow,Steven! In the library! What brings you here?M: I am enjoying the view . All the girls in fashion design are here prepareing for an exam on Monday.Q: Why is the man in the library?4.scriptW: How is your group doing with this statistics presentation? Mine is doing a terrible job.M: Year,mine too. David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesn’t pull his weight and Susan is never around . I don’t see how we can pass unless Steven and Susan relize that this is their last chance.Q: What is ture of Stnven and Susan?5.scriptW: You took an MBA at Harvard Business School,d idn’t you? What is it like?M: It is expensive ,about US $40,000 a year ,plus the cost of food and housing. But the teaching is first class . The professor have a lot of practical experience. They use the case system of teaching, that is, you study how actual business grew or failed.Q:Why is MBA teaching in harvard Business School first-class?unit 2Basic Listening practice1.M: Now we have satellites and high-powered microscopes, it’s easy to think weknow everything about the world; but we still don’t understand EL NinoW: Right. Even the scientists are uncertain about the exact cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought- the mysterious EL Nino.Q: Which of the following is true according to the dialog?2.M: Everyone is talking about environmental problems: acid rain, greenhouseeffect, holes in the ozone layer. We should think positively. What can we do to improve things?W: I agree. We could do a lot more to harness the sun’s energy for heating and lighting in our homes. Millions of solar roofs are now emerging in Japan, the U.S., Italy and Germany.Q: How do the man and the woman view the environment?3.W: We lived in Beijing some years ago. It was always difficult to keep the houseclean with the wind from the north blowing sand from thedesert.M: That’s why the Chinese government has been encouraging people to plant trees along the edges of the Gobi Desert. Now those trees act as wind barriers.Q: What have the Chinese people been encouraged to do?4.M: Many old refrigerators and cars are environmental hazards because theycontain CFCs that destroy the ozone layer.W: Yes, but government organizations are helping people to safely dispose of old refrigerators or, in the case of cars, to upgrade their air conditioning.Q: What are government organizations helping people to do?5.M: Hey. That’s an aerosol spray you’re using on your hair! Build a bomb or set fireto the apartment to kill us quickly instead of making holes in the ozone layer, so we die of cancer.W: Cool it. This spray d oesn’t contain CFCs. And you’d better read a little more.Q: What does the man mean?unit3Basic Listening practice1. ScriptW: Many Chinese students are too shy to say anything in a classroom.M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty, and they don’t want to appear to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius.Q: Why don’t Chinese stud ents say anything in classroom according to the man?2. ScriptW: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the workplace. Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work.M: Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men do for the same job. It’s a situation that has to be changed.Q: What does the man say about women?3. ScriptW: I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers, and he has realized that dream.M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that. Q: What do we learn about Dell from the conversation?4. ScriptM: Successful entrepreneurs are often self-made people who have a vision and know where they are going.W: But do they enjoy life like you and me, or is money their only concern?Q: What are the two speakers’ attitudes toward successful entrepreneurs?5. ScriptW: Do you agree that equal opportunity for all in an educational system is important? M: Yes, but we have to recognize that all of us are not of equal ability.Q: What does the man imply?Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I aregoing to separate.W: What! Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What is the girl saying?2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sent you these roses and his best wishes to you both for a happy anniversary.W: Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration/Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. ScriptW: Wh ile I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it gets warmed up.Q: Where does this conversation probable take place?4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parent s’ meeting at school, and I was expecting you’d come to it. OK, I’ll phone Dad, maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listen to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?UNIT 5II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptW: Of all the holidays people celebrate, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day...which are the most important to you?M: Christmas and Easter, because they mark events in Jesus Christ's life: his birth and his escape from a tomb into heaven. The other festivals, I think, were mainly created to increase sales.Q: How many holidays does the man believe to be important?C)Two2. ScriptM: I used to love giving my mother a present on Mother's Day. It always made her cry, then she'd hug me hard enough to squeeze the breath out of me.W: Mothers are really no different from anyone else. They love to be loved, that's all. Q: What was the mother's response to her son's gift?A)She was beside her-self with joy.3. ScriptM: Every country has its own unique holidays. There is one exclusive to some British Commonwealth countries like England, Australia and Canada. That' s Boxing Day. W: I know, and it's a perfect date for a holiday, being the day after Christmas Day. Apparently it began with the custom of giving the poor boxes of food; thus a boxing day.Q: What was the origin of Boxing Day?B)Giving poor people food4. ScriptM: I absolutely hate Christmas shopping. I can never figure out what to buy for everyone, so I rush around like an idiot at thelast minute, buying junk.W: Then maybe you shouldn't buy any gifts. Just tell people "Merry Christmas!" instead.Q: What does the woman mean?D)She disagrees with the man .J5. ScriptM: When all the children come home for Christmas, there won't be enough room for everyone...what shall we do? Maybe some will have to stay in a hotel.W: I want them all here. We'll make it work. I can hardly wait to see everyone; it doesn't matter if we're a bit squished. We'll be like turkey stuffing.Q: What does the woman mean?C)She wo n’t care if the children are crowded at home。

Unit 1 Access to successListening to the worldSharing: (P2)T2 bungee jumping ; cup of tea ; feel good ; achievementT3 C – D – E – B – AT4 1 ; 2 ; 4T5 B C B C BT6 started off ; a huge business empire ; teacher ; taught me so much about life ; imprisoned ; survived ; impressed ; ability or the skills Listening: (P7)T2 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11T3 Sub-topic 2 :Detail 1:Detail 2:Detail 3:Sub-topic 3 :Detail 1:Detail 2:Viewing: (P10)T3 3T4 e – g – c – b – f – a - dT5 90 minutes ; true landmark ; 10 times ; focus ; make this challenge ; seven miles ; four months ; outstanding achievementSpeaking for communicationRole – play: (P11)T1 BT2 Like I said ; having said that ; That’ s what I was sayingGroup discussion: (P13)T1 speaking: (P18)TFurther practice in listening(P19)Short conversations: B C A D CLong conversation: B A A CPassage 1: D C A BPassage 2: believe in ; circumstances ; searching for ; a strong sense of ; responsibility ; insecurity ; integrity ; accomplishing ; are longing for ; priorities News(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 B C A D CPart 2 D A B C CPart 3 B C A A DPart 4 opening ; struggled ; progress ; remaining ; emerged ; continued ; enlarge ; crawling ; get through ; as strong asUnit 2 Emotions speak louder than wordsListening to the worldSharing: (P25)T2 mood ; sun ; smile ; feelingT3 b – e – a – d - cT4 3 ; 5T5 success of the business ; last June ; vegetables and flowers ; visit my father ; amazing sights ; applicants ; getting a jobListening: (P29)T2 1.people are getting angrier ; controlling their temper2.leave us feeling angry3.in a controlled way4.feel much betterughter therapy ; they make them laugh ; doing something funny6.they don't need medicineT4 1 ; 4Viewing: (P30)T2 1.eager ; pleased 2.nervous ; awkward 3.expectant ; excited 4.agitated ; contentedT3 for communicationRole – play: (P32)T1T2T3Group discussion: (P35)T1T2T3Public speaking: (P39)TFurther practice in listening(P41)Short conversations: D C A A DLong conversation: C B A DPassage 1: B C A APassage 2: exerting ; fabulous ; talk them out ; approaches ; head for ; efficient ; is linked with ; compare favorably to ; boost ; sessionNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 C D A A CPart 2 B C C B CPart 3 A D B A APart 4 at ; wheel ; tone ; expression ; Honey ; divorce ; speed ; talk me out ; bank accounts ; everything I needUnit 3 Love your neighborListening to the worldSharing: (P46)T2 block ; a few of ; similar ; quite a lot ; wellT3 b – d – a - cT4 1A ; 2D ; 3D ; 4E ; 5B ; 6D ; 7A ; 8C ; 9A ; 10DT5 exist as well ; loud music ; respecting privacy ; participating ; needs help ; considerate ; property ; friendlyT6 2 ; 3Listening: (P51)T3 (P53)T3 e – a – f – b – d - cT4 A A B CSpeaking for communicationRole – play: (P54)T1T2T3Group discussion: (P56)T1T2T3T4Public speaking: (P62)T3Further practice in listening(P63)Short conversations: D B C B CLong conversation: C B C BPassage 1: B D C DPassage 2: illegal ; taking family vacations ; acquaintances ; throwing a party ; verbal ; tolerant ; intervene ; splits the difference ; resolve ; take it outNews(Unipus)News report 1:News report 2:Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 A C A C BPart 2 B B D A CPart 3 C B D D DPart 4 winter ; literally ; community ; winder ; siblings ; woods ; explore ; catching ; would run ; golf courseUnit 4 What’s the big idea?Listening to the worldSharing: (P69)T2 c – d – a - bT3 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5T4 amazing ; changed my life ; mobile phone ; emails ; camera ; taking a picture ; fantasy ; cakes ; arts ; creativityListening: (P73)T3 1.cheaper 2.better 3.oil 4.sad 5.safety 6.appetite7.precision 8.precisionT4 Which soft drink ; want things ; how consumers behave ; above ; a bigger share ; small ; I deserve the best ; steam ; cigarette smoke ; smile ; a tick symbol ; positive ; built-in associations ; sports equipmentViewing: (P76)T2 A B CT3 for communicationRole – play: (P77)T3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Group discussion: (P79)T1T2T3Public speaking: (P84)T3T4Further practice in listening(P85)Short conversations: D B C A DLong conversation: B C D BPassage 1: B C A DPassage 2: vary ; a large portion of ; well-being ; profound ; accessible ; ultimately ; have a harmful effect on ; went against ; aviation ; is not worth pursuingNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 B C A C DPart 2 C C D A DPart 3 D A B A APart 4 biological ; firmly ; efforts ; isolation ; objectors ; originality ; modest ; improve the health ; morally ; legislationUnit 5 More than a paycheckListening to the worldSharing: (P91)T2 producer ; enjoys ; in a successful band ; dream jobsT3 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 8 ; 9 ; 11T4 footballer ; enough ; professional ; performing ; band ; world-famous ; sports ; later on ; serving peopleT5 e – b – a – d – cT6 1 ; 4Listening: (P94)T2 B – C - AT3T 4Viewing: (P98)T3 B D B DSpeaking for communicationRole – play: (P99)T1T2Group discussion(Presenting): (P102)T1T2T3T4T5Public speaking: (P106)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations: B B A D CLong conversation: B A B DPassage 1: D A B DPassage 2: suffer from ; enthusiastic ; erodes ; competent ; clear-cut ; labeling ; comes down to ; commonplace ; tend to ; focusing onNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1 A D A D DPart 2 D C A B BPart 3 A C A A DPart 4 predict ; identical ; typical ; boring ; variety ; dangerous ; normal ; some robbers ; captured ; right thereListening to the worldSharing: (P)T2T3T4T5Listening: (P)T2 (P)T2T3 for communication Role – play: (P)T1T2T3Group discussion: (P)T1T2T3Public speaking: (P)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations:Long conversation:Passage 1:Passage 2: nNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2 Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Listening to the world Sharing: (P)T2T3T4T5Listening: (P)T2 (P)T2T3 for communication Role – play: (P)T1T2T3Group discussion: (P)T1T2T3Public speaking: (P)TFurther practice in listening(P)Short conversations:Long conversation:Passage 1:Passage 2: nNews(Unipus)News report 1News report 2Assessment (Unipus)Unit test:Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4TT T。

新视野大学英语第三版视听说3教案讲稿讲稿内容 Unit Three Love your neighbor (1) I. Listening to the world A. Sharing Scripts V = Val; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc. Part 1 V: Hi. I live in a block of flats and I know a few of my neighbors really well. We like similar things so we socialize quite a lot. Today, I’m going to ask people about their neighbors. How well do you know your neighbors Part 2 W1: Um, I know my neighbors quite well. I moved in a year ago and I live in the middle flat, and, it’s a house that’s broken into three flats. Um, the guys upstairs moved in a year ago as well and um, the guys downstairs have been there for a few years, but we all have a xxmunal garden um, so we get to use that space together. W2: Er, virtually not at all. Um, I’ve er, I live in a flat and I moved into the flat about er, six months ago. M1: Yeah, I know them quite well, but I don’t, er, some I get on with and some I don’t. Some I want to get on with and some I don’t want to get on with. W3: Um, not at all. I’ve never even seen them. Um, no, I don’t know themat all, quite honestly. Part 3 V: What makes a good neighbor W1: A good neighbor is someone that you can trust, that you could leave your key with, that you could ask to water your plants or feed your cat. W2: I think what makes a good neighbor is someone who looks out for you, er, and you look out for them as well. M2: Knowing when to interfere and not to interfere; being friendly at the备注1 The people in the podcast mainly talk about how well they know their neighbors and what makes a good neighbor and a bad neighbor. They also talk about the best or worst neighbor they’ve ever had. 讲稿讲稿内容 right times but not being intrusive. W3: A good neighbor would be someone who’s considerate; um, who always keeps in mind that …they do have neighbors – whether it be noise or trash, just keeping up their property, making it a nice place that people will want to xxe home to. M1: Someone who you can trust and doesn’t cause you any grief. Part 4 V: What about a bad neighbor W1: A bad neighbor is someone that forgets that you exist as well, and has loud music until 6 M2: Not respecting privacy, intruding; um, notunderstanding what your neighbor wants and not just in that sense, but in the sense of not participating, not doing things when a neighbor needs help. W3: Someone who is not considerate, who, whether it’s a lot of noise or a lot of trash, doesn’t upkeep their property, um, who’s not really friendly. Part 5 V: Tell me about the best or worst neighbor you’ve ever had. W3: Um, she was a lady who lived above me and she was very quiet, very nice. She would oftentimes xxe and, kinda, check on me, see if I’m OK, so we would kind of chit-chat, so I got to know her pretty well, which was pretty nice. W2: The worst neighbor I’ve ever had lived next door to me er, in the last house I was in, er, and he was just very noisy all the time, day, day and night. You were constantly, constantly aware of him. M2: One night I was um, about eight o’clock, I heard a noise outside and I opened the windows and a loud voice said, “Get down, crouch down.”And it was clearly a policeman, um, and I had to stay crouched down and in my garden at the back three policemen shot in and shot over the wall and it turned out that I was living next to the “number two” in the main criminal gang in NorthLondon – and they were arrested and taken away. II. Sharing备注 2 讲稿讲稿内容 Look at the picture and answer the questions 1 News site 2 Travel site 3 Social networking site 4 Dating site 5 Rating site 6 Corporate website 7 Blog 8 Wiki 9 Search engine Discuss the questions Which of these websites do you use regularly Which do you use occasionally Which do you never use The websites I use regularly include search engines, news sites, blogs, Wiki and social networking sites. I use these websites almost every day to get information I need and share things about myself. As to the types of websites such as photo sharing websites and travel sites, I only visit them occasionally. The websites I never use include rating sites, dating sites, and corporate websites. Distinguishing fact from opinion Firstly, determine if the information can be proved. At the beginning, ask questions like Who What When Where Why and How. If you can get answers from the information you hear, it probably contains facts. Then, determine if the statements can be checked and verified to be true.I saw a science-fiction movie last night about aliens invading the earth. (fact) The truth of the matter is that frozen foods are just as good-tasting as fresh foods are. (opinion) Distinguishing fact from opinion Secondly, pay attention to the signal words indicating opinions. Some expressions can change a statement from a fact to an opinion. Such expressions as I think that ..., I believe that ..., and In my judgment ... are clear signals that the speaker is about to give an opinion. Yesterday’s high temperature reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (fact) In my judgment, yesterday’s high temperature reached 98 degrees备注3讲稿讲稿内容Fahrenheit. (opinion) Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (fact) I believe that Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (opinion) Thirdly, identify “loaded” words. Loaded words are words that contain an emotional appeal, such as exciting, beautiful, boring, and extremely. These descriptive words signal an opinion because they indicate the speaker’s personal point of view. Abraham Lincoln was the16th president of the United States. (fact) 备注4 Abraham Lincolnwas the greatest president of the United States. (opinion) IV. Conclusion and homework 1. Group Discussion 2. Supplementary Listening 3. Oral Report References: 1. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 2. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 3.新东方考试研究中心《大学英语四级听力特训》浙江教育出版社,20XX 4.《英汉多功能词典》外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 讲稿讲稿内容 Unit Three Love your neighbor (2) I. Checking homework Oral presentation: What do you think are the similarities and differences between an online xxmunity and a real xxmunity (I think there are similarities as well as differences between an online xxmunity and a real xxmunity. On the one hand, an online xxmunity is just similar to a real xxmunity in sharing and discussing. On the other hand, there are also many clear differences. For Example, … ) II. Warming-up activities 1. What are the benefits of online xxmunities Online xxmunities provide another chance for people to xxmunicate with each other. They do things without going out, and this saves time, money,energy and natural resources. Furthermore, through online xxmunities, people can sometimes do what they can’t do in real xxmunities. For example, a guy who may be shy and quiet in the eyes of his friends and families may bexxe open and talkative in online xxmunities. 2. What are the possible dangers or problems if people spend a lot of time in online xxmunities If people spend a lot of time in online xxmunities, they will be greatly affected physically, mentally and emotionally. They may bexxe inactive, slow in memorizing things, as well as addicted to the Internet and confuse the online xxmunities with the real ones, thus having difficulties in xxmunicating with other people around them. III. Speaking for xxmunication A. Role-play Scripts W = Woman; M = Man M: OK, so, tell me all about it … W: Well, in the beginning, I was at home, and … um … this was just one morning before a very important interview.备注5 讲稿讲稿内容 M: Uh-huh. W: And … um … I didn’t feel well, so my mother had given me some pills, and um … and then I didn’t think anything more about it. So, anyway, um … I then goton to the tube, um … to go for my interview. M: Right, and what happened then W: Well, um … clearly I must have fallen asleep, because I wasn’t feeling great by this time. And um, I’m starting to feel sleepy, so I’m thinking I must have fallen asleep. Anyway, um, I was getting some funny looks, even before I fell asleep, but anyway, I fell asleep, and then I realized, um, before long, um, I must have been having a dream, I suppose, about my mother. Um, all of a sudden, I’ve woken up, but I haven’t just woken up, I’ve woken up shouting the word, “Mum!”. M: No! You’re joking! W: At the top of my voice, in a packed, quiet tube. M: Oh no! W: Yes, and everybody’s staring at me, and that did not help, er, matters. Anyway, I’ve got off the tube, and I’ve then arrived at my interview, put all that behind me, I’m not, still not feeling 100 percent perfect, um, but nevertheless arrived at my interview on time, and go in, and think, actually “This is going rather well. They’re not saying an awful lot…” and xxe to think of it, they’re looking at me in a rather strange way. M: Right … Then what W: Well, the next thing I knew, I have left the interview, and said “Thankyou very much for seeing me, blah-di-blah …” and gone to the ladies’ room. And there in the mirror, I could see what everybody was looking at, and why they couldn’t say anything. M: What was it W: My face had swollen up! M: Ah! No way! W: And it was bright red … M: No! W: And covered in blotches, spots … M: Oh! You’re kidding! W: Yes, and the pills that my mother had given me were so out-of-date that they had caused an allergic reaction …备注6讲稿讲稿内容 Unit Three Love your neighbor (1) I. Listening to the world A. Sharing Scripts V = Val; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc. Part 1 V: Hi. I live in a block of flats and I know a few of my neighbors really well. We like similar things so we socialize quite a lot. Today, I’m going to ask people about their neighbors. How well do you know your neighbors Part 2 W1: Um, I know my neighbors quite well. I moved in a year ago and I live in the middle flat, and, it’s a house that’s broken into three flats. Um, the guys upstairs moved in a year ago as well and um, the guys downstairs have been therefor a few years, but we all have a xxmunal garden um, so we get to use that space together. W2: Er, virtually not at all. Um, I’ve er, I live in a flat and I moved into the flat about er, six months ago. M1: Yeah, I know them quite well, but I don’t, er, some I get on with and some I don’t. Some I want to get on with and some I don’t want to get on with. W3: Um, not at all. I’ve never even seen them. Um, no, I don’t know them at all, quite honestly. Part 3 V: What makes a good neighbor W1: A good neighbor is someone that you can trust, that you could leave your key with, that you could ask to water your plants or feed your cat. W2: I think what makes a good neighbor is someone who looks out for you, er, and you look out for them as well. M2: Knowing when to interfere and not to interfere; being friendly at the备注1 The people in the podcast mainly talk about how well they know their neighbors and what makes a good neighbor and a bad neighbor. They also talk about the best or worst neighbor they’ve ever had. 讲稿讲稿内容 right times but not being intrusive. W3: A good neighbor would be someone who’s considerate;um, who always keeps in mind that …they do have neighbors – whether it be noise or trash, just keeping up their property, making it a nice place that people will want to xxe home to. M1: Someone who you can trust and doesn’t cause you any grief. Part 4 V: What about a bad neighbor W1: A bad neighbor is someone that forgets that you exist as well, and has loud music until 6 M2: Not respecting privacy, intruding; um, not understanding what your neighbor wants and not just in that sense, but in the sense of not participating, not doing things when a neighbor needs help. W3: Someone who is not considerate, who, whether it’s a lot of noise or a lot of trash, doesn’t upkeep their property, um, who’s not really friendly. Part 5 V: Tell me about the best or worst neighbor you’ve ever had. W3: Um, she was a lady who lived above me and she was very quiet, very nice. She would oftentimes xxe and, kinda, check on me, see if I’m OK, so we would kind of chit-chat, so I got to know her pretty well, which was pretty nice. W2: The worst neighbor I’ve ever had lived next door to me er, in the last house I was in, er, and he was just very noisy all the time, day, day and night. Youwere constantly, constantly aware of him. M2: One night I was um, about eight o’clock, I heard a noise outside and I opened the windows and a loud voice said, “Get down, crouch down.”And it was clearly a policeman, um, and I had to stay crouched down and in my garden at the back three policemen shot in and shot over the wall and it turned out that I was living next to the “number two” in the main criminal gang in North London – and they were arrested and taken away. II. Sharing备注 2 讲稿讲稿内容 Look at the picture and answer the questions 1 News site 2 Travel site 3 Social networking site 4 Dating site 5 Rating site 6 Corporate website 7 Blog 8 Wiki 9 Search engine Discuss the questions Which of these websites do you use regularly Which do you use occasionally Which do you never use The websites I use regularly include search engines, news sites, blogs, Wiki and social networking sites. I use these websites almost every day to get information I need and share things about myself. As to the types of websites such as photo sharing websites and travelsites, I only visit them occasionally. The websites I never use include rating sites, dating sites, and corporate websites. Distinguishing fact from opinion Firstly, determine if the information can be proved. At the beginning, ask questions like Who What When Where Why and How. If you can get answers from the information you hear, it probably contains facts. Then, determine if the statements can be checked and verified to be true.I saw a science-fiction movie last night about aliens invading the earth. (fact) The truth of the matter is that frozen foods are just as good-tasting as fresh foods are. (opinion) Distinguishing fact from opinion Secondly, pay attention to the signal words indicating opinions. Some expressions can change a statement from a fact to an opinion. Such expressions as I think that ..., I believe that ..., and In my judgment ... are clear signals that the speaker is about to give an opinion. Yesterday’s high temperature reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (fact) In my judgment, yesterday’s high temperature reached 98 degrees备注3讲稿讲稿内容Fahrenheit. (opinion) Jackie walked to the storeyesterday. (fact) I believe that Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (opinion) Thirdly, identify “loaded” words. Loaded words are words that contain an emotional appeal, such as exciting, beautiful, boring, and extremely. These descriptive words signal an opinion because they indicate the speaker’s personal point of view. Abraham Lincoln was the16th president of the United States. (fact) 备注4 Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president of the United States. (opinion) IV. Conclusion and homework 1. Group Discussion 2. Supplementary Listening 3. Oral Report References: 1. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 2. 郑树棠《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第三版) 第三册外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 3.新东方考试研究中心《大学英语四级听力特训》浙江教育出版社,20XX 4.《英汉多功能词典》外语教学与研究出版社,20XX 讲稿讲稿内容 Unit Three Love your neighbor (2) I. Checking homework Oral presentation: What do you think are the similarities and differences between an online xxmunity and a real xxmunity (I think there are similarities as well as differences between anonline xxmunity and a real xxmunity. On the one hand, an online xxmunity is just similar to a real xxmunity in sharing and discussing. On the other hand, there are also many clear differences. For Example, … ) II. Warming-up activities 1. What are the benefits of online xxmunities Online xxmunities provide another chance for people to xxmunicate with each other. They do things without going out, and this saves time, money, energy and natural resources. Furthermore, through online xxmunities, people can sometimes do what they can’t do in real xxmunities. For example, a guy who may be shy and quiet in the eyes of his friends and families may bexxe open and talkative in online xxmunities. 2. What are the possible dangers or problems if people spend a lot of time in online xxmunities If people spend a lot of time in online xxmunities, they will be greatly affected physically, mentally and emotionally. They may bexxe inactive, slow in memorizing things, as well as addicted to the Internet and confuse the online xxmunities with the real ones, thus having difficulties in xxmunicating with other people around them. III. Speaking forxxmunication A. Role-play Scripts W = Woman; M = Man M: OK, so, tell me all about it … W: Well, in the beginning, I was at home, and … um … this was just one morning before a very important interview.备注5 讲稿讲稿内容 M: Uh-huh. W: And … um … I didn’t feel well, so my mother had given me some pills, and um … and then I didn’t think anything more about it. So, anyway, um … I then got on to the tube, um … to go for my interview. M: Right, and what happened then W: Well, um … clearly I must have fallen asleep, because I wasn’t feeling great by this time. And um, I’m starting to feel sleepy, so I’m thinking I must have fallen asleep. Anyway, um, I was getting some funny looks, even before I fell asleep, but anyway, I fell asleep, and then I realized, um, before long, um, I must have been having a dream, I suppose, about my mother. Um, all of a sudden, I’ve woken up, but I haven’t just woken up, I’ve woken up shouting the word, “Mum!”. M: No! You’re joking! W: At the top of my voice, in a packed, quiet tube. M: Oh no! W: Yes, and everybody’s staring at me, and that did not help, er, matters. Anyway, I’ve got off thetube, and I’ve then arrived at my interview, put all that behind me, I’m not, still not feeling 100 percent perfect, um, but nevertheless arrived at my interview on time, and go in, and think, actually “This is going rather well. They’re not saying an awful lot…” and xxe to think of it, they’re looking at me in a rather strange way. M: Right … Then what W: Well, the next thing I knew, I have left the interview, and said “Thank you very much for seeing me, blah-di-blah …” and gone to the ladies’ room. And there in the mirror, I could see what everybody was looking at, and why they couldn’t say anything. M: What was it W: My face had swollen up! M: Ah! No way! W: And it was bright red … M: No! W: And covered in blotches, spots … M: Oh! You’re kidding! W: Yes, and the pills that my mother had given me were so out-of-date that they had caused an allergic reaction …备注6。

V:Tell me about the best or worst neighbor you’ve ever had.
W3: Um, she was a lady who lived above me and she was very quiet, very nice. She would oftentimes come and, kinda, check on me, see if I’m OK, so we would kind of chit-chat, so I got to know her pretty well, which was pretty nice.
Part 2
W1: Um, I know my neighbors quite well. I moved in a year ago and I live in the middle flat, and, it’s a house that’s broken into three flats. Um, the guys upstairs moved in a year ago as well and um, the guys downstairs have been there for a few years, but we all have a communal garden um, so we get to use that space together.

教学 难点
及 突破 方法
Difficulty in teaching: The lack of background information and new English words may
explanations. ﹡ask students to make dialogues by using the given information
Difficulty in teaching: The lack of background information and new English words may
章 节 Unit 1 Enjoy the colorful campus life 课时 2
教 学 目 的 教学 内容
教学 重点
及 突出 方法
教学难 点及突 破方法
相关内 容素材
Students will be able to: 1. Talk about college education and campus life; 2. Ask for and give advice; 3. Understand and talk about educational system; 4. Conduct a series of listening and speaking activities related tobe able to:
1. Talk about different cultures; 2. Speak emphatically

新视野大学英语第三版视听说3教案199演讲包含第三单元爱你的邻居I .倾听世界a .分享脚本v = valW1 =女人1,等等。
;M1 =男人1,等等。
第1 V部分:嗨。

II. Create a dialog with your partner according to the instructions, referring to the useful expressions in the boxes if necessary.
A (an Asian)
Divorce fairly low Rate
Situation: Almost four years after the marriage the wife is pregnant, but she does not want the child, knowing that she will lose her job if she leaves it for more than two weeks. The husband, however, is eager to be a father. He argues that after a few years, they will be even busier and a baby borne by a woman in her 30s may not be physically and intellectually very healthy. Moreover, he promises to redouble his efforts to make both ends meets.
Do people get married young? Do people marry early?
Useful Expressions
Not really. That’s not true.
Do women usually work after they get married? Do women usually go to work after marriage?

﹡ask the students to listen to the listening materials with necessary explanations.
﹡ask students to make dialogues by using the given information.
Unit 1Enjoy the colorful campus life
Students will be able to:
1. Talk about college education and campus life;
2. Ask for and give advice;
3. Understand and talk about educational system;
﹡ask the students to listen to the listening materials with necessary explanations.
﹡ask students to make dialogues by using the given information
﹡in-class listening and speaking materials

新视野大学英语第三版视听说3教案my neighbors at all。
I live in a block of flats and I just keep to myself.In this unit。
we focus on the importance of loving our neighbors。
The first step in doing so is by listening to the world around us。
In a survey conducted by Val。
she asked people about their XXX 1.who lives in a house with three flats。
knows her neighbors quite well as they share a communal garden。
Woman 2.on the other hand。
virtually does not know her neighbors as she moved into her flat only six months ago。
Man 1 knows his neighbors quite well but has varying nships with them。
Woman 3.unfortunately。
does not know her neighbors at all and prefers to keep to herself.It is XXX community。
We should take the initiative to get to know our neighbors。
even if it means just saying hello or introducing ourselves。
By doing so。
we can create a sense of XXX.W1: A bad neighbor is someone who is loud。

Emphasisis placed on:
﹡topic understanding
﹡improving the students’listening and speakingability.
﹡in-class listeningand speaking materials
﹡after-class listeningand speaking materials
﹡materials from internet
﹡audio-visual materials
﹡simulated test of CET-4
﹡give students some background information about thetopic, suchas some useful words and expressions maybe used when refer to this topic..
﹡ask the students to listen to the listening materials with necessaryexplanations.
Difficulty in teaching:
The lack of background information andnew English wordsmay prevent students from understanding the listening materials.

Part 3
V:What makes a good neighbor?
W1: A good neighbor is someone that you can trust, that you could leave your key with, that you could ask to water your plants or feed your cat.
W2:Er, virtually not at all. Um,I’ve er, I live in a flat and I moved into the flat about er, six months ago.
M1: Yeah, I know them quite well, but I don’t, er, some I get on with and some I don’t. Some I want to get on with and some I don’t want to get on with.
W3: Someone who is not considerate, who, whetherit’s a lot of noise or a lot of trash, doesn’t upkeep their property, um, who’s not really friendly.
Part 5
W2: I think what makes a good neighbor is someone who looks out for you, er, and you look out for them as well.
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Conversation 1W:Hello,Mr.Williams.This is John Barrett's secretary.I'm calling to cance l his appointment with you at10today as he is not feeling well.你好,威廉姆斯先生。
这是John Barrett的秘书。
M:Thanks for calling.It's quite all right.We'll arrange some other time t o meet.谢谢你的电话。
Q:What is the man going to do?آConversation 2M:I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don't have a calculator.Shall I go and buy one?M:对于这些问题我需要用的不仅仅是我的数学技能,但我没有计算器.。
我去买一个吗?W:Actually,I've got two.And I'll let you have one for the price of a coffee.女:事实上,我有两个。
Q:What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?آConversation 3M:Professor Smith,I'd like to have your advice as to my career develop ment in the future.男:史米斯教授,我想知道你对我未来职业发展的建议.。
W:It's my pleasure.I think you are good at abstract thinking.I am sure you'll make it if you pursue your graduate work in theoretical physics.这是我的荣幸。
Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?آConversation 4W:I can't believe Ken missed such an important lecture even though I re minded him the day before yesterday.我真不敢相信肯竟然错过了这么重要的演讲,尽管我前天就提醒过他.。
M:You should know him better by now.He's known for taking everything in one ear and straight out the other.男:现在你应该了解他了。
Q:What does the man imply?آConversation 5W:I hear you're working as a market surveyor this summer.It's got to be awfully difficult going to so many places in such hot summer days.听说今年夏天你在做市场测量师.。
M:Well,it is challenging,but I get to meet lots of new people and th e pay is decent enough.男:这很有挑战性,但是我结识了很多新人,薪水也很不错.。
Q:What does the man think of his job?آ第二单元Conversation 1W:What's up?You look so upset and tired.怎么了?你看起来很沮丧和疲倦。
M:To be frank,I am getting a little tired of my sister's vanishing witho ut any explanation,especially when there is a lot of work to do around the house.男:老实说,我对我妹妹的消失没有任何解释,尤其是在家里有很多事情要做的时候,我有点累了。
Q:How does the man feel about his sister?Conversation 2W:What's wrong with Professor Smith?I can't imagine that he lost his t emper this morning.When I first met him,he looked so gentle and kind.史米斯教授怎么了?我无法想象他今天早上发脾气了.。
M:Oh,don't make a fuss about it.If you know him,then you'll also k now it'll pass very soon.男:哦,不要大惊小怪的。
Q:What does the man say about Professor Smith?Conversation 3W:You mean Horace is still angry about that joke you made about his name?你是说贺拉斯还在为你的名字开玩笑吗?M:Yes.But I couldn't help it.It just occurred to me at that moment.I didn't mean to offend him at all!对.但我忍不住了。
我根本不想冒犯他!Q:What do we know about the man?Conversation 4W:By the way,did you hear that Jack failed his mid-term exam?It's too bad because it will disqualify him for next year's scholarship,and his p arents will be really disappointed with him.女:顺便问一下,你听说杰克期中考试不及格了吗?这是因为它会剥夺他下一年的奖学金,他的父母会真的对他很失望。
M:He deserved it.He's never really studied since last semester.他应得的。
Q:How does the man feel about Jack's failing the exam?问:男人对杰克考试不及格的感觉如何?Conversation 5W:I have been thinking about the interview all week.I'm so desperate f or this job,I can't afford any mistakes.我整个星期都在考虑面试的事。
M:Take it easy.You've made enough preparations.What you really need i s a little bit of confidence.I'm sure you'll get the job.男:很容易。
Q:What do we learn about the woman?3单元Conversation 1M:It's considerate of the community to offer us old people so many cha nces.As you can see from my curriculum schedule,I have one music the ory class and one piano lesson in the afternoon.男:考虑到社区给我们这么多人机会,真是考虑周到.。
W:I still have no idea which class I should choose.I think I may take music theory class with you.女:我还是不知道我该选哪个班。
Q:What are the speakers doing?Conversation 2W:Let's talk about the preparations for the coming Christmas party.让我们谈谈即将到来的圣诞晚会的准备工作.。
M:I think we really need a good plan and to arrange everything well in advance this time.Do you remember what a mess it was last year?M:我认为我们真的需要一个好的计划,并且提前做好一切安排。
你还记得去年有多乱吗?Q:What do we know about the Christmas party last year?问:我们对去年的圣诞晚会了解多少?Conversation 3W:John,could you look after the children for me while I go to the d octor?The only appointment I could get is at11:00.约翰,我去看医生的时候,你能帮我照看一下孩子吗?唯一我能得到的是约11:00。