
这就是全球营销的市场观念国际市场营销发展过程:国际市场营销的形成与发展,大体上经历三个阶段:1、第一阶段:出口营销阶段(ExportingMarketing)2、第二阶段:国际市场营销阶段( InternationalMarketing )3、第三阶段:全球营销阶段(Global Marketing )怎样理解商品国际化,技术国际化,服务国际化资本国际化1、商品国际化:是根据世界各国消费者的需求与欲望的国际化倾向,按照全球营销观念,创造出受世界各国普遍欢迎的―世界产品‖,甚至采用统一商标和促销手段,满足市场顾客的需要。

国际市场营销课后答案internationalmarketingplanessayqueinternational marketing planDeveloping a Global Vision through Marketing ResearchEssay Questions100. (p. 216) Give the traditional definition for marketing research.Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.101. (p. 216) Discuss the differences between traditional marketing research and international marketing research. Although the research processes and methods are basically the same in traditional marketing research and international marketing research, international marketing research involves two additional plications. First, information must be municated across cultural boundaries. Second, the environments within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign markets.102. (p. 217) International marketers often collect forms of information not normally collected by domestic marketing researchers. Unisys Corporation gives some guidance as to what forms of information need to be collected in theinternational environment. List and briefly discuss each of the five types of information suggested by the UnisysCorporation model.103. (p. 218 and major section titles for the six) List and briefly characterize the six steps in the research process.The steps are: (a) define the research problem and establish research objectives, (b) determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives, (c) consider the costs and benefits of the research effort, (d) gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both, (e) analyze, interpret, and summarize the results, and (f) effectively municate the results to decision makers. Summaries of the steps can be found in the major sections describing each of the six steps.104. (p. 220-223) There are four major problems with using secondary data in international marketing research. What are these four major problems? Briefly, characterize each problem.The four major problems are: (a) availability of data, (b)reliability of data, (c) parability of data, and (d) validating secondary data. For a brief summary see each of the section titles of the four problem areas.105. (p. 223) As a practical matter, the international marketing researcher should ask four questions to effectively judge the reliability (validating secondary data) of secondary data sources. List those four questions.The four questions are: (a) Who collected the data? Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the facts? (b) For what purposes were the data collected? (c) How were the data collected? (methodology) (d) Are the data internally consistent and logical in light of known data sources or market factors?106. (p. 223-225) Demonstrate the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.In quantitative research, usually a large number of respondents are asked to reply either verbally or in writing to structured questions using a specific response format or to select a response from a set of choices. Questions are designed to obtain specific responses regarding aspects of the respondents' behavior, intentions, attitudes, motives, and demographic international marketing plancharacteristics. In qualitative research, if questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person's thoughts and feelings on the subject are sought.107. (p. 229) Discuss the differences between back translation and parallel translation in international marketing research. In back translation the questionnaire is translated from one language to another, and then a second party translates it back into the original. This process pinpoints misinterpretations and misunderstandings before they reach the public. Back translations may not always ensure an accurate translation because of monly used idioms in both languages. Parallel translation is used to e this problem. In this process, more than two translators are used for the back translation; the results are pared, differences discussed, and the most appropriate translation selected.108. (p. 232) It has been suggested that there are at least seven different uses for the Internet in international research.Assume that you are a marketing director for Ty Beanie Babies and are interested in expanding your pany's phenomenal growth into Asia. What are the seven uses suggested in the textand which of the seven would you propose to use to plish your objective?The seven uses are (a) online surveys and buyer panels, (b) online focus groups, (c) Web visitor tracking, (d) advertising measurement, (e) customer identification systems, (f) e-mail marketing lists, and (g) embedded research. The students could make a case for any or all of the above, therefore, the intent of the question is to get the students to first list and then creatively think about options. Discussion of the seven uses may be found on page 232. If the instructor would like to place additional suggestions or parameters on the question, be sure to do so before assigning the question to students.109. (p. 239, Exhibit 8.3) The text suggests four kinds of pany-agency-customer relationships for managing the cultural barrier in international marketing research. Describe or characterize each of these kinds of relationships and designate which one(s) are better suited for managing the cultural barrier across the chain of munication.The four options are: Option A (pany--agency--customers); Option B (pany--agency--local agency--customers); Option C (pany--subsidiary--agency--customers); and, Option D (pany--foreign agency--customers). The text suggests that Options B and C are best for managing the cultural barrier.Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization Essay Questions101. (p. 310-312) Briefly, explain the benefits of global marketing.When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and marketing can be important petitive advantages of global panies. Other benefits include: (a) a transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities, (b) ensures access to the toughest customers, and (c) diversity of markets served carries with it additional financial benefits.102. (p. 311-313) Demonstrate the differences among corporate, strategic, and tactical planning.Corporate planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprise as a whole. Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with products, capital, and research, and long- and short-term goals of the pany. Tactical planning pertains to specific actions and tothe allocation of resources used to implement strategic planning goals in specific markets. Tactical plans are made at the local level and address marketing and advertising questions.international marketing plan103. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) List and briefly characterize the four phases of the international planning process.The four phases are: (a) Phase 1--Preliminary analysis and screening (matching pany/country needs); (b) Phase 2--Adapting the marketing mix to target markets; (c) Phase 3--Developing the marketing plan; and, (d) Phase 4--Implementation and control.104. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A pany has four different modes of foreign market entry from which to select. List and briefly characterize each of these modes.The modes are exporting, contractual agreements, strategic alliances, and direct foreign investment. Brief characterizations may be found on page 319 in Exhibit 11.2. More detailed descriptions of each mode may be found in the associated sections found on pages 318-330.105. (p. 32-322) Describe the two basic contractual agreements that most panies follow in their attempt to enter aforeign market.Contractual agreements generally involve the transfer of technology, processes, trademarks, or human skills. The two basic forms of contractual agreements are licensing and franchising. Licensing is associated with patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological processes in foreign markets. It is a favorite strategy for small and medium-sized panies. Franchising involves offering a standard package of products, systems, and management services.106. (p. 323-324) What is a strategic international alliance (SIA)?A SIA is a business relationship established by two or more panies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a mon objective. SIAs are sought as a way to shore up weaknesses and increase petitive strengths.107. (p. 325-328) Explain the differences between a joint venture and consortia.A joint venture is differentiated from other types of strategic alliances or collaborative relationships in that a joint venture is a partnership of two or more participating panies that join forces to create a separate legal entity. Consortia are similar to jointventures but have two distinguishing characteristics: (a) they typically involve a large number of participants and (b) they frequently operate in a country or market in which none of the participants is currently active.108. (p. 328-329) You have just been hired as a consultant by Apple Computer to advise them on how to enter the South African market. You have decided that direct foreign investment would be the best mode for Apple to follow at this point in time. Write a one-paragraph memo that outlines the benefits of direct foreign investment in a country.Companies that manufacture locally can capitalize on low-cost labor, avoid high import taxes, reduce the high cost of transportation to market, gain access to raw materials, and gain advantages by being perceived as making an investment in the market (as a way to gain entry).109. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) With respect to organizational structures used in international marketing, panies are usually structured around one of three alternatives. Assuming that you were a consultant for ATT who desired to create an organization that was able to merge your organization's expertise and skills with that of Sony's cell phone division so that your new jointventure could enter the Scandinavian market, which of the organizational structure alternatives would make most sense? Comment on why the structure might be a good one to use.international marketing planThe three structures are product, geographic, and a matrix approach. Students could select any of the three options, however, the text suggests that the matrix form is preferable in today's market place. A matrix structure permits management to respond to the conflicts that arise between functional activity, product, and geography. Since the new venture will be a joint venture, the matrix structure might allow both of the panies to bring separate expertise to the table. Since a matrixstructure encourages sharing of experience, resources, expertise, technology, and information, it seem to be a natural in this situation.Products and Services for ConsumersEssay Questions107. (p. 337) Discuss the two dimensions of quality.The two dimensions of quality are market-perceived quality and performance quality. Simply, one dimension deals with how consumers believe the pany, product, or service matches toexpectations of quality. The other dimension, which can be measured, deals with how the product, pany, or service actually performs.108. (p. 339) Describe the process called product homologation.Product homologation is used to describe the changes mandated by local product and service standards. A product may have to change in a number of ways to meet the physical or mandatory requirements of a new market.109. (p. 344-347) Everett Rogers notes that four crucial elements impact the diffusion of new ideas. What are those elements?The elements are (a) an innovation, (b) which is municated through certain channels, (c) over time, and (d) among the members of a social system.110. (p. 350, Exhibit 12.1) Draw and correctly label the product ponent model shown in the text.The model is shown on page 350 (see Exhibit 12.1). Students should include the core, packaging, and support services ponents and the sub-parts of each for full credit.111. (p. 353-355) Consumer services are distinguished byfour unique characteristics. List and characterize each of these four unique characteristics.The characteristics are (a) intangibility--services cannot be touched, (b) inseparability--the service cannot be separated from its consumption, (c) heterogeneous--it is individually produced and is thus virtually unique, and (d) perishability--once created it cannot be stored but must be consumed simultaneously with its creation.112. (p. 356-358) Consumer services face four kinds of barriers as these services are presented to the global market. What are these barriers?The barriers are (a) protectionism, (b) controls on transborder data flows, (c) protection of intellectual property, and (d) cultural requirements for adaptation.113. (p. 358-359, Exhibit 12.2) A successful brand is the most valuable resource a pany has. Comment on why this is true and create an example to illustrate.international marketing planUsing the material on pages 358-359 and including Exhibit 12.2, students should be able to make a case for the value of a brand. To summarize, the brand name passes the years ofadvertising, good will, quality evaluation, productexperience, and other beneficial attributes the market associates with the product. Students may use whatever example they wish, however, it still needs to be appropriate to the material above.114. (p. 363-364) Assuming that you were a new marketing manager for Nike and that your first task was to launch a renewed effort to gain market share in Europe, an Adidas stronghold. Describe the impact that the country-of-origin effect might have on your chances of success.The country-of-origin effect can be defined as any influence that the country of manufacture, assembly, or design has on a consumer's positive or negative perception of a product. Students could discuss stereotypes in the example, mention the difficulties that the U.S. has had with France, the general opinion of American-made products, Nike's publicity as asweatshop broker, or how a home-based rival such as Adidas might react to Nike. If you, as an instructor, would like to set additional parameters for this question, please do so before the exam.International Marketing ChannelsEssay Questions101. (p. 396) Characterize a distribution process.A distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution of goods, the passage of ownership (title), and the buying and selling negotiations between producers and middlemen and between middlemen and customers.102. (p. 397) The Japanese distribution system has four distinguishing characteristics. What are these characteristics? The characteristics are (a) a structure dominated by many small middlemen dealing with many small retailers, (b) channel control by manufacturers, (c) a business philosophy shaped by a unique culture, and (d) laws that protect the foundation of the system--the small retailer.103. (p. 399) How does a manufacturer attempt to control the distribution channel?The manufacturer attempts to control the distribution channel through (a) inventory financing, (b) cumulative rebates, (c) merchandise returns, and (d) promotional support.104. (p. 404) Discuss the impact of the trend from traditional to modern channel structures.The impact of these trends will change traditionaldistribution and marketing systems. While retailing revolution remains in flux, new retailing and middle-men systems will be invented, and established panies will experiment, seeking ways to maintain their petitive edge. Moreover, it is ing more dangerous to think of petitors in terms of individual panies―in international business generally, and distribution systems particularly, a networks perspective is increasingly required. That is, firms must be understood in the context of the mercial networks of which they are a part. These changes will resonate throughout the distribution chain before new concepts are established and the system stabilizes.105. (p. 408) Characterize the difference(s) between agent middlemen and merchant middlemen.The primary difference is that agent middlemen do not take title to the goods they process and the merchant middleman does. Additionally, the merchant middleman normally performs more work tasks that are often general in nature whereas the agent middleman may be more of a specialist.international marketing plan106. (p. 412) Steve Smith has been assigned the task of choosing a foreign market channel that would be mostappropriate for his pany. Assuming that his pany was an automobile pany and he wished to enter the Spanish market, list the four points that were identified in the text as starting places for making the channel selection decision. Be specific with your wording of the points.The points are: (a) identify specific target markets within and across countries; (b) specify marketing goals in terms of volume, market share, and profit margin requirements, (c) specify financial and personnel mitments to the development of international distribution, and (d) identify control, length of channels, terms of sale, and channel ownership.107. (p. 419-421) Channel strategy is thought to have six specific strategic goals. If you were to list these goals for a strategic planner, what would be the six specific goals that the planner should consider?The six Cs of channel strategy are: (a) cost, (b) capital, (c) control, (d) coverage, (e) character, and (f) continuity.108. (p. 396-424) Name and briefly define/describe the five basic points involved in making channel decisions.1. channel decisions - producer's choice of a distribution structure through which goods pass from producer to user. Everycountry market has a distribution structure through which goods pass form producer to user. This structure may have a variety of possible middlmen.2. distribution patterns - the variety of possible distribution paths and distribution channel length through which a product may pass from producer to customer.3. available alternative middlemen - the external middlemen from which specific intermediaries are selected. The middlemen e the means of building and developing the channels for international distribution.4. factors affecting choice of channels - identifying target markets, specifying marketing goals, specifying financial and personnel needs, and identifying control, length of channels, terms of sales, and channel ownership.5. locating, selecting, motivating, terminating, and controlling middlemen - the process of building international distribution requires as a first step locationg prospective middlemen. Selection involves determining which ones can performsatisfactorily. Motivating middlemen may involve financial rewards, psychological rewards, munications, pany support, andcorporate report. Termination is the dismissal of middlemen that have not performed up to standard. Controlling middlemen involves control of the distribution network and includes middlemen meeting standards of performance to insure that product is flowing through desired middlemen.Integrated Marketing Communications and International AdvertisingEssay Questions100. (p. 464) Describe the ponents of integrated marketing munications (IMC).IMC are posed of advertising, sales promotions, trade shows, personal selling, direct selling, and public relations.101. (p. 464) What are sales promotions?Sales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middleman effectiveness and cooperation.102. (p. 465) Describe the role of public relations.Creating good relationships with the popular press and other media to help panies municate messages to their publics--customers, the general public, and government regulators--is the role of public relations.international marketing plan103. (p. 470-471) List the seven steps in creating an international advertising campaign.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the munication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) pose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified.104. (p. 476) List and describe the steps (stages) in the international munication process.The steps are (a) an information source, (b) encoding, (c) a message channel, (d) decoding, (e) receiver, (f) feedback, and (g) noise. See page 479 for details on each stage.105. (p. 486-493)advertising: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or direct mail.See pages 486-493 for summaries of each of the mass media forms mentioned. If you wish to give additional instructions for answering this question or set question limits, please do so before assigning the question.106. (p. 470-471) Assume that you are the munications manager for a pany that is seeking to begin amunications process with buyers in a foreign market. Take the steps in the international munications process, list them, and indicate which of the steps will probably present the greatest challenge with respect to munication.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the munication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) pose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified. Students should build a case for what they perceive to be the most challenging step. See pages 473 for additional aid.107. (p. 491) Belinda is considering Internet advertising to support her pany's international marketing campaign. She knows the Internet has some limitations as an advertising vehicle. What are the current limitations associated with Internet advertising?In many markets the Internet is limited in its penetration of households. Also, there is petition among Internet marketers for Web surfers.Pricing for International MarketsEssay Questions100. (p. 529) Explain the process called parallel importing.Parallel importing occurs when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's regular distribution system. For more information and illustrations see page 531, Exhibit 18.1.101. (p. 532) What is the difference between variable-cost pricing and full-cost pricing.In variable-cost pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets. In full-cost pricing, the philosophy insists that no unit of a similar product is different from any other unit in terms of cost and that each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost.international marketing plan102. (p. 544) There are two distinct views of what constitutes dumping. Explain each of these views.One approach classifies international shipments as dumped if the products are sold below their cost of production. The other approach characterizes dumping as selling goods in a foreign market below the price of the same goods in the home market.103. (p. 545-549) List and briefly characterize the four formsof countertrade.The four forms are (a) barter--the direct exchange of goods between two parties in a transaction, (b) pensation deal--involves payments in goods and cash, (c) counterpurchase--the seller agrees to sell a product at a set price to a buyer and receives payment in cash; however, a second contract stipulates that the original seller will in turn purchase a like amount of goods from the buyer (or a similar arrangement), and (d) product buy-back agreement--the seller may agree to accept partial payment in manufactured goods from the buyer or the seller can accept full payment in manufactured goods. For additional information and examples see pages 545-549.104. (p. 549) What are the benefits of transfer pricing?The benefits are (a) lowering duty costs by shipping goods into high-tariff countries at minimal transfer prices so that duty base and duty are low, (b) reducing e taxes in high-tax countries by overpricing goods transferred to units in such countries, and (c) facilitating dividend repatriation when dividend repatriation is curtailed by government policy.105. (p. 542) A reasonable price for goods in the home market may more than double in the foreign market. How doeschannel length and transportation costs contribute to the price increase?Channel length is determined by the number of middlemen. Middlemen may increase the price of goods to covertransportation costs and to increase their margins; there is little opportunity for a manufacturer to control retail prices in a foreign country. In addition, transportation costs also contribute to the increase in product costs. Transportation costs include insurance, packing, handling, and shipping charges. Such costs are added to the price of goods to determine the landed cost which es the basis of import tariffs. These costs add to the inflation of the final price of goods.106. (p. 551-553) Discuss the meaning of and nature of cartels. Are these groups beneficial or not? Create an example to illustrate your stance.A cartel exists when various panies producing similar products or services work together to control markets for the types of goods and services they produce. The cartel association may use formal agreements to set prices, establish levels of production and sales for the participating panies, allocate territories, and even redistribute profits. The economic role ofcartels is debatable, but their proponents argue that they eliminate cutthroat petition and rationalize business, permitting greater technical progress and lower prices to consumers. Many do not agree with this view. See the text on pages 551-553 for additional information and examples.。

Keys to the exercises of Chapter1Marketing’s Value to Consumers, Firms and Society1.Multiple choices.(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)D(5)A2.Terms translation.(1)营销(2)融资(3)顾客满意度(4)计划经济(5)社会责任(6)中间商(7)合作者(8)销售时代(9)营销伦理(10)规模经济3.True or false.(1)F(2)T(3)T(4)T(5)T(6)T(7)F(8)T(9)F(10)T4.Fill in the blanks.(1)Economics of scale(2)E-commerce(3)Customer value(4)spatial separation(5)Standardization and grading(6)collaborators(7)command(8)sales(9)marketing(10)micro-macro dilemma5.Answer the following questions.(1)There are seven main functions of marketing:selling,pricing,financing, promotion,distribution or channel management,product or service management, marketing information management.(2)Marketing is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization’s objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client. (3)Micro-marketing refers to the marketing of products or services designed to meet the needs of a very small section of the market.Macro-marketing is a social process that directs an economy’s flow of goods and services from producers to consumers in a way that effectively matches supply and demand and accomplishes the objectives of society.As the same with micro-marketing,macro-marketing is also concerned with the flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to consumer.However, the emphasis with macro-marketing is not on the activities of individual organizations.Instead,the emphasis is on how the whole marketing system works.(4)Production orientation refers to making whatever products are easy to produce and then trying to sell them.Marketing orientation means trying to carry out the marketing concept.Instead of just trying to get customers to buy what the firm has produced,a marketing-oriented firm tries to offer customers what they need. (5)Open-ended.Keys to the exercises of Chapter2:Evaluating Opportunities in theChanging Market Environment1.Multiple choices(1)C(2)B(3)D(4)B(5)A2.Terms translation(1)公司宗旨(2)竞争环境(3)可持续的竞争优势(4)竞争对手分析(5)经济环境(6)文化和社会环境(7)国民总收入(GNI)(8)智能代理(9)民族主义(10)可持续性3.True or false(1)T(2)T(3)F(4)F(5)T(6)F(7)T(8)T(9)F(10)T4.Fill in the blanks(1)mission statement(2)monopoly(3)opportunities(4)Artificial intelligence(AI)(5)intelligent agent(6)Nationalism(7)Free trade(8)competition(9)return on investment(10)Sustainability 5.Answer the following questions(1)The marketing manager should be heard when the company is setting objectives. But setting whole-company objectives—within resource limits—ultimately is the responsibility of top management.Top management must look at the whole business, relate its present objectives and resources to the external environment,and then decide what the firm wants to accomplish in the future.(2)Many firms try to avoid this problem by developing a mission statement,which sets out the organization’s basic purpose for being.A good mission statement focuses on a few key goals rather than embracing everything.It should guide managers in determining which opportunities to pursue.(3)To find its strengths or recognize weaknesses,a firm must evaluate its functional areas(production,research and engineering,marketing,general management,and finance)as well as its present products and markets.(4)Sustainable competitive advantage refers to a marketing mix that customers see as better than a competitor’s mix and cannot be quickly or easily copied.The search for some sort of competitive advantage—requires an understanding not only of customers but also of competitors.That’s why marketing managers turn to competitor analysis—an organized approach for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current or potential competitors’marketing strategies.(5)open-ended.Key to the exercises of Chapter3Focusing marketing strategy with segmentation and positioning1.Multiple choices.(1)A(2)D(3)D(4)C(5)C2.Terms translation.(1)市场细分(2)子市场,次市场(3)定位(4)客户关系管理(5)产品市场(6)差异化(7)定位声明(8)一般市场(9)组合(10)品牌熟悉度3.True or false.(1)F(2)T(3)F(4)F(5)F(6)T(7)T(8)T(9)T(10)F4.Fill in the blanks.(1)Submarkets(2)heterogeneous(3)Clustering(4)Segmenters(5)generic(6)Market segmentation(7)naming segmenting(8)Qualifying(9)Determining(10)Positioning5.Answer the following questions(1)A generic market is a market with broadly similar needs and sellers offering various,often diverse,ways of satisfying those needs.A product-market is a market with very similar needs and seller offering various close substitute ways of satisfying those needs.(2)Market segmentation is a two-step process of①naming broad product-markets and②segmenting these broad product-markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes.(3)There are three basic ways to develop market-oriented strategies in a broad product-market.①The single target market approach—segmenting the market and picking one of the homogeneous segments as the firm’s target market.②The multiple target market approach—segmenting the market and choosing two or more segments,and then treating each as a separate target market needing a different marketing mix.③The combined target market approach—combing two or more submarkets into one larger target market as a basis for one strategy.④Kind of relationship,types of customer,geographic,demographic,how product will be used,type of buying situation,purchasing methods.(5)A positioning analysis helps managers understand how customers see their market.It is a visual aid to understanding a product-market.The first time such an analysis is done,managers may be shocked to see how much customers’perceptions of a market differ from their own.Keys to the exercises of Chapter 4:1.Multiple choices (1)B (2)C (3)D (4)A (5)B2.Terms translation(1)消费者购买行为(2)经济需求(3)需求层次(4)空巢家庭(5)参照群体(6)安全需求(7)选择性记忆(8)生理需求(9)可支配收入(10)强化3.True or false (1)T (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)F (6)T (7)T (8)F (9)F (10)T4.Fill in the blanks (1)Learning (2)opinion (3)stimuli (4)Consumer (5)Social (6)classes (7)family (8)attitude (9)psychological (10)Perception5.Answer the following questions.(1)Needs are the basic forces that motivates a person to do something.Wants are “needs”that are learned during a person’s life.A drive is a strong stimulus that encourages action to reduce a need.(2)Maslow is well known for his five-level hierarchy of needs.They are physiological needs,safety needs,social needs,esteem needs and self-actualization.Esteem needs and self-actualization can be simplified as personal needs.(3)The learning process are illustrated as following.(4)Young single,young married without children,young married with children,middle-aged married with children,middle-aged married without dependent children,older married,and widowed.(5)Consumers use extensive problem solving when they put much effort into deciding how to satisfy a need.Limited problem solving is used by consumers when some effort is required in deciding the best way to satisfy a need.A consumer uses routinized response behavior when he or she regularly selects a CuesDriveResponse Reinforcementparticular way of satisfying a need when it occurs.Key to the exercises of Chapter51.Multiple choices(1)C(2)B(3)B(4)D(5)A2.Terms translation(1)企业顾客(2)组织买家(3)采购中心(4)首次购买(5)采购经理(6)供货商分析(7)直接再购(8)外包(9)购买申请(10)竞标3.True or false(1)F(2)F(3)F(4)T(5)T(6)T(7)F(8)T(9)F(10)T4.Fill in the blanks(1)derived(2)straight rebuy(3)fewer,emotional(4)New-task(5) local(6)Negotiated(7)buying center(8)dispersed(9)purchasing(10) deciders5.Answer the following questions.(1)Manufacturers;producers of services;retailers and wholesalers;government units(2)Users;influencers;buyers;deciders;gatekeepers(3)A straight rebuy is a routine repurchase that may have been made many times before.A modified rebuy is the in-between process where some review of the buying situation is done—though not as much as in new-task buying.(4)NAICS refers to North American Industry Classification System which are groupsof firms in similar lines of business.(5)Salespeople,others from supplier firms,trade shows,buying center members,outside business associates,consultants and outside expertsKeys to the exercises of CHAPTER61.Multiple choices(1)C(2)B(3)C(4)B(5)C2.Terms translation(1)物流系统(2)实体物流(3)顾客服务层次(4)供应链(5)电子数据交换(6)集装箱化(7)公营仓库(8)私营仓库(9)存货(10)运输方式3.True or false(1)T(2)F(3)T(4)T(5)F(6)T(7)T(8)F(9)T(10)F4.Fill in the blanks(1)logistics(2)trade-offs(3)chain(4)economies(5)valuable(6)carloads(7)distances(8)slowest(9)nonperishable(10)Pipelines5.Answer the following questionsAnswers are open for discussion.Keys to Chapter7Retailers,Wholesalers,and Their Strategy Planning1.Multiple choices(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)A(5)C2.Terms translation(1)专业商店(2)大众营销概念(3)折扣商店(4)量贩零售商(5)零售轮转理论(6)特许经营(7)专门批发商(8)产销直达货运批发商(9)制造商代理人(10)经纪人3.True or false(1)T(2)F(3)T(4)T(5)F(6)F(7)F(8)T(9)F(10)T4.Fill in the blanks(1)Single-line(2)specialty shop(3)Automatic vending(4)door-to-door(5)franchise operation(6)Wholesaling(7)Service wholesalers(8)Drop-shippers(9)Brokers(10)selling agent5.Answer the following questions(1)A specialty shop—a type of conventional limited-line store—is usually small and has a distinct personality.Specialty shops sell special types of shopping products, such as high-quality sporting goods,exclusive clothing,baked goods,or even antiques. Catering to certain types of customers whom the management and salespeople know well simplifies buying,speeds turnover,and cuts costs due to obsolescence and style changes.Specialty shops probably will continue to be a part of the retailing scene as long as customers have varied tastes and the money to satisfy them.(2)a.Internet retail is still growing.b.Online buying is more or less convenient.c.Online buying gets good information.d.The online costs for retailers and customers could be higher or lower.(3)The main advantage of limited-line retailers is that they can satisfy some target market better.Perhaps some are just more conveniently located.But most adjust tosuit specific customers.They build a relationship with their customers andearn a position as the place to shop for a certain type of product.But these retailers face the costly problem of havingto stock some slow-moving items in order to satisfy their target markets.Many of these stores are small—with high expenses relative to sales.(4)A manufacturers’agent sells similar products for several noncompeting producers—for a commission on what is actually sold.Such agents work almost as members of each company’s sales force,but they’re really independent wholesalers. More than half of all agent wholesalers are manufacturers’agents.Their big plus is that they already call on some customers and can add another product line at relatively low cost—and at no cost to the producer until something sells!If an area’s sales potential is low,a company may use a manufacturers’agent because the agent can do the job at low cost.Manufacturers’reps will continue to play an important role in businesses that need an agent to perform order-getting tasks.But manufacturers’reps everywhere are feeling pressure when it comes to routine business contacts.More producers are turning to telephone selling,websites,email, teleconferencing,and faxes to contact customers directly.(5)a.Wholesaling is in decline.b.Opportunities remain for progressive wholesalers.Those that have survived are adapting their marketing strategies and finding new ways to add value in the channel. Progressive wholesalers are becoming more concerned with their customers and with channel systems.c.Wholesalers need to add value.Progressive wholesalers need to be efficient,but that doesn’t mean they all have low costs.Keys to the CHAPTER81.Multiple choices(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)A(5)D2.Terms translation(1)促销(2)宣传(3)促销(4)公共关系(5)整合营销传播(6)AIDA模式(7)编码(8)信息通道(9)采用曲线(10)基本需求3.True or False(1)F(2)F(3)F(4)T(5)F(6)T(7)T(8)F(9)T(10)T4.Fill in blanks(1)seller(2)Pulling(3)adoption curve(4)innovators(5)early majority(6)selective demand(7)task method(8)Promotion(9)Mass selling(10)reminding5.Answer the following questions(1)a.Sale managers manage salespeople.b.Advertising managers work with ads and agencies.c.Sales promotion managers need many talents.They manage their company’s sales promotion effort.d.The marketing manager talks to all and blends all.They must weigh the pros and cons of the various promotion methods and then devise an effective promotion blend.(2)rming,persuading and reminding are basic promotion objectives.rming is educating.c.Persuading usually becomes necessary.d.Reminding may be enough sometimes.e.Promotion objectives relate to adoption process.(3)The basic promotion objectives and adoption process fit very neatly with another action-oriented model—called AIDA.It consists of four promotion jobs:1)to get attention,2)to hold interest,3)to arouse desire,and4)to obtain action.Getting attention is necessary to make consumers aware of the company’s offering. Holding interest gives the communication a chance to build the consumer’s interest in the product.Arousing desire affects the evaluation process,perhaps building preference.And obtaining action includes gaining trial,which may lead to a purchase decision.(4)a.During market introduction,the basic promotion objective is informing.b.In the market growth stage,more competitors enter the market,and promotion emphasis shifts from building primary demand to stimulating selective demand.c.In the market maturity stage,mass selling and sales promotion may dominate the promotion blends of consumer products firms.d.During the sales decline stage,the total amount spent on promotion usually decreases as firms try to cut costs to remain profitable.(5)The most common method of budgeting for promotion expenditures is to computea percentage of either past sales or sales expected in the future.The virtue of this method is its simplicity.In the light of our continuing focus on planning marketing strategies to reach objectives,the most sensible approach to budgeting promotion expenditures is the task method—basing the budget on the job to be done.It helps you to get priorities so that the money you spend produces specific results.Keys to CHAPTER91.Multiple choices(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)A(5)B2.Terms translation(1)目标利润目标(2)一种价格政策(3)渗透定价政策(4)基本价格表(5)折让(6)数量折扣(7)旧货折让折扣(8)给推销员的佣金(9)优惠券(10)广告补贴3.True or false(1)T(2)F(3)T(4)F(5)T(6)T(7)T(8)F(9)F(10)T4.Fill in the blanks(1)the Price(2)customer value(3)market share(4)Flexible pricing(5)Cumulative discounts(6)coupons(7)Rebate(8)monopolistic(9)Dumping(10)price discrimination5.Answer the following questions(1)a.Target returns provide specific guidelines.Marketing managers should set objectives oriented toward making a profit.A target objective sets a specific level of profit as an objective.Often this amount is stated as a percentage of sales or of capital investment.A target return objective has administrative advantages in a large company.Performance can be compared against the target.Some companies eliminate divisions, or drop products,that aren’t yielding the target rate of return.b.Some just want satisfactory profits.Some managers aim for only satisfactory returns.They just want returns that ensure the firm’s survival and convince stockholders they’re doing a good job.Many private and public nonprofit organizations set a price level that will just recover costs.In other words,their target return figure is zero.c.Profit maximization can be socially responsible.A profit maximization objective seeks to get as much profit as possible.It might be stated as a desire to earn a rapid return on investment or to charge all the traffic will bear.Pricing to achieve profit maximization doesn’t always lead to high prices.Low prices may expand the size of the market and result in greater sales and profits.(2)Marketing managers who administer prices must consciously set a price-level policy.As they enter the market,they have to set introductory prices that may have long-run effects.Marketers often use introductory price dealing—temporaryprice cuts—to speed products into a market and get customers to try them.The aim is to raise prices as soon as the introductory offer is over.By then,hopefully,target customers will have decided it is worth buying again at the regular price.Introductory price dealing should be part of a larger marketing strategy.(3)Cash discounts are reductions in price to encourage buyers to pay their bills quickly.The terms for a cash discount usually modify the net terms.Smart buyers carefully evaluate cash discounts.A discount of2/10,net30may not look like much at first.But the buyer earns a2percent discount for paying the invoice just20days sooner than it should be paid anyway.By not taking the discount,the company in effect is borrowing at an annual rate of36percent.That is,assuming a360-day year and dividing by20days,there are18periods during which the company could earn2 percent—and18times2equals36percent a year.(4)Allowances,like discounts,are given to final consumers,business customers,or channel members for doing something or accepting less of something.a.Advertising allowances are price reductions given to firms in the channel to encourage them to advertise or otherwise promote the supplier’s products locally.b.Stocking allowances,sometimes called slotting allowances,are given to an intermediary to get shelf space for a product.c.PMs,push money,or prize money allowances,sometimes called PMs or spiffs,are given to retailers by manufacturers or wholesalers to pass on to the retailers’salesclerks for aggressively selling certain items.d.A trade-in allowance is a price reduction given for used products when similar new products are bought.Trade-ins give the marketing manager an easy way to lower the effective price without reducing list price.(5)To maintain competition,there are several important regulations in the pricing area.Firstly,you can’t lie about prices.Phony list prices are prices customers are shown to suggest that the price has been discounted from the list.Most businesses,trade associations,and government agencies consider the use of phony list prices unethical.Secondly,pricing fixing is illegal.Price fixing,competitors getting together to raise, lower,or stabilize prices,is common and relatively easy.But it is also completely illegal in the United States.To discourage price fixing,both companies and individual managers are held responsible.Thirdly,producers may set minimum retail prices.Manufactures usually suggest a retail list price and then leave it up to retailers to decide what to charge in their local markets.Fourthly,U.S.antimonopoly laws ban price discrimination unless they are based on cost differences or the need to meet competition.Keys to the exercises of Chapter10:Ethical Marketing in a Consumer-Oriented World:Appraisal and Challenges1.Multiple choices(1)D(2)B(3)A(4)B(5)C2.True or false(1)F(2)F(3)T(4)T(5)F(6)F(7)T(8)F(9)T(10)T3.Fill in the blanks(1)attitude research studies(2)Micro-marketing;macro-marketing(3)consumer(4)society(5)marketing(6)increase(7)lower(8)materialistic(9)social values(10)actual performance4.Answer the following questions(1)open-ended.(2)ck of interest in or understanding of the sometimes fickle customer.b.Improper blending of the Four Ps—lack of understanding of or adjustment to the market environment,especially what competitors do.(3)Too many managers seize on whatever strategy seems easiest rather than seeking really new ways to satisfy customers.Too many companies stifle really innovative yers of bureaucracy and a“that’s not the way we do things”mentality can snuff it out.On the other hand,not every new idea is a good idea for every company.Many firms have lost millions of dollars with failed efforts to jump on the“what’s new”bandwagon—without stopping to figure out how it is going to really satisfy the customer and result in profit for the firm.(4)It seems fair to suggest that marketing managers should be expected to improve and expand the range of goods and services they make available—always trying to add value and better satisfy consumers’needs and preferences.This is the job we’ve assigned to business.If pursuing this objective makes excessive demands on scarce resources or has an unacceptable ecological effect,then consumer-citizens have the responsibility to vote for laws restricting individual firms that are trying to satisfy consumers’needs.This is the role that we,as consumers,have assigned to the government—to ensure that the macro-marketing system works effectively.(5)open-ended.。

单项选择题1.国际市场营销与国内市场营销相比,其表现为:(两者的理论来源和基础相同)2.( C .市场营销观念)是企业经营思想上的一次根本性的变革,被认为是现代市场营销学的“第一次革命”。
这句话体现的是企业营销的( A 生产观念)。
4.( A《巴黎公约)的保护对象是工业产权,包括发明、实用新型、外观设计等。
主要的鼓励出口措施有(B 本币升值)6.(B人均国民收入)在一定程度上反映一国的经济发展水平和现代化程度,以及健康、教育、社会福利状况,对评估耐用消费品、奢侈消费品、休闲旅游产品和娱乐产品的市场规模具有重要的作用。
7.( . D交通设施)不属于自然环境因素。
8.以下四项中,( B居民市场)不属于组织市场。
9.人们对商品的品牌、包装、款式、特性等提出的需求属于( A心理需求)。
1.( C. 抽样调研)就是从被调研对象的总体中,抽取一部分样本单位进行调研,用以推算总体。

国际市场营销课后习题答案《国际市场营销理论与实务》(第2版)习题答案仅供参考第一章国际市场营销概述一、单项选择题C C B C B二、多项选择题1.ABDE2.ABCD3.ACDE三、简答题1.简述国际营销和国际贸易的异同(1)相同点。




《国际市场营销理论与实务》(第2版)习题答案仅供参考第一章国际市场营销概述一、单项选择题C C B C B二、多项选择题1.ABDE2.ABCD3.ACDE三、简答题1.简述国际营销和国际贸易的异同(1)相同点。



《国际市场营销理论与实务》(第2版)习题答案仅供参考第一章国际市场营销概述一、单项选择题C C B C B二、多项选择题1.ABDE2.ABCD3.ACDE三、简答题1.简述国际营销和国际贸易的异同(1)相同点。

国际市场营销学课后答案chapter 1 outline

CHAPTER 1Scope, Concepts, and Drivers of International Marketing1.Please Give the overview of Chapter 12.Please describe the Levels of International Marketing Involvement3. What are the Drivers in the Business Environmen t?4. Please mention some Obstacles to Internationalization5. Please complete the following terms:a. Domestic Marketing:b. Global Marketing:c Polycentric Orientation:d Geocentric Orientation:e Regiocentric Orientation:Levels of International Marketing Involvementpanies have different degrees of commitment to international involvement; thefour levels of commitment are:a.Domestic marketing: The firm has the least commitment to internationalmarketing, with a focus solely on domestic consumers and on the home-country environment. Yet, even the local company cannot avoid the impactof the international environment on its operations: The home-countryenvironment is affected by events in the international environment and byinternational competition.b.Export marketing: The firm is indirectly or directly involved in exporting.While the firm seeks international clients, it considers the international marketto be a simple extension of the domestic market.c.International marketing: The firm has substantial focus on internationalconsumers in one or more countries. The firm has sales offices orsubsidiaries in different countries or is an active partner in alliances with localcompanies. However, the firm’s international activities ar e not coordinatedacross different countries. An international company has on of twophilosophies toward internationalization: polycentric (decentralized, nocoordination with firms in other countries) or regiocentric (with a region-widemarketing approach).d.Global marketing: The firm coordinates its marketing activities acrossdifferent countries without focusing primarily on national or regionalsegmentation. The strategy is possible due to the emergence of uniformglobal consumer segments and it entails an efficient global allocation ofcompany resources.Drivers in the Business Environment:petition: Competitive pressure from international companies will force thecompany to expand to new markets, even less profitable ones. (Example: McCannErickson advertising agency followed, until recently, its client Coca-Cola around theworld).2.Regional Economic and Political Integration: Involves lowering or eliminating barriersbetween neighboring countries and promoting trade within each regional market.Integration facilitates international trade for companies in member countries, and forcompanies from countries outside of the area.3.Technology: Media development exposes consumers worldwide to foreignprogramming. The Internet offers small and medium enterprises in both high- andlow-income countries unlimited international exposure. Technology offers a broadreach to these businesses whose advertising budget cannot cover the high cost ofinternational broadcast and print advertising.4.Improvements in the Transportation and Telecommunication Infrastructure:Improvements in telecommunications have lowered costs and allowed faster andmore efficient methods of communicating across borders. Outsourcing of customerservice to other countries has become more popular due to improvements intelecommunications. Efficient and fast travel allows for frequent interaction betweensubsidiaries in foreign countries and the headquarters. The introduction of containersin intermodal transportation and electronic communication between suppliers andcustomers greatly facilitates the transportation of physical goods.5.Economic Growth: Attributed to the emergence of a strong middle class in largemarkets. Economic growth created markets of high potential for international brands,while also opening previously closed markets.6.Transition to a Market Economy: The opening of previously closed markets inCentral and Eastern Europe and in China, and the subsequent deregulation andprivatization of former government monopolies created important new marketopportunities for international brands.7.Converging Consumer Needs: Consumers’ exposure to global brands createddemand for global products and worldwide loyalty to international brands. Theemergence of uniform consumer segments facilitates marketing strategies worldwide.Consumers, in their travels, learn of new product offerings and request them fromhome-country retailers, thus generating pull demand.Obstacles to Internationalization - Companies attempting to establish international presence are likely to encounter obstacles both from within the company and from the outside environment. Among the barriers to internationalization that companies face are the self-reference criterion, government barriers, and international competition.Domestic Marketing: Marketing that is focused solely on domestic consumers and on the home environment.Global Marketing: International marketing activities that do not have a country or a region focus and that are possibly due to the emergence of global consumer segments and efficient global allocation of company talent and resources.Polycentric Orientation: Company strategies predicated on the assumption that each country’s market in unique and should be addressed individually, with a country-specific marketing mix. Geocentric Orientation:Regiocentric Orientation: Company strategies that view world regions as distinct markets that share economic, political, and cultural traits that will respond to a region-wide marketing approach.REVIEW QUESTIONS:True/False1.True2.True3.True4.False5.FalseMultiple Choice1. C2. C3. A4. C5. B。


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《国际市场营销理论与实务》(第2版)习题答案仅供参考第一章国际市场营销概述一、单项选择题C C B C B二、多项选择题1.ABDE2.ABCD3.ACDE三、简答题1.简述国际营销和国际贸易的异同(1)相同点。
它在洛杉矶建立了“海尔设计中心”, 在纽约建立了“海尔美国贸易公司”、在南卡罗莱纳建立“海尔生产中心”, 在美国形成了设计、生产、销售三位一体的经营格局。
这样做的主要目的是为了更好地了解美国市场, 更快地针对市场变化做出反应。
海尔要做的是有国际竞争力的国际品牌运营商, 创国际名牌是海尔的主要目标。
第二章国际市场营销环境一、单项选择题A B二、多项选择题ABD ABCD ABCD ABCD三、判断题√×××四、简答题1.试述国际市场营销的分析思路与方法。