电源管理电路代换手册上海明达微电子有限公司2006年版XC6201系列XC6204系列XC6209系列与本公司对应型号XC6201P252Mx *XC6204x252Mx *XC6209x252Mx *MD73R25 XC6201P282Mx *XC6204x282Mx *XC6209x282Mx *MD73R28 XC6201P302Mx *XC6204x302Mx *XC6209x302Mx *MD73R30 XC6201P332Mx *XC6204x332Mx *XC6209x332Mx *MD73R33 XC6201P362Mx *XC620x362Mx *XC6209x362Mx *MD73R36 XC6201P442Mx *XC6204x442Mx *XC6209x442Mx *MD73R44 XC6201P502Mx *XC6204x502Mx *XC6209x502mx *MD73R50 SOT-25(250mA) SOT-25(150mA) SOT-25(150mA) SOT-23-5可以直接代换。
TOREX(特瑞仕)公司电压调整器电路代换表XC6206系列XC6206系列与本公司对应型号XC6206P152Mx XC6206P152Px MD7315XC6206P182Mx XC6206P182Px MD7318XC6206P252Mx XC6206P252Px MD7325XC6206P282Mx XC6206P282Px MD7328XC6206P302Mx XC6206P302Px MD7330XC6206P332Mx XC6206P332Px MD7333XC6206P362Mx XC6206P362Px MD7336XC6206P442Mx XC6206P442Px MD7344XC6206P502Mx XC6206P502Px MD7350 SOT-23 SOT-89 TO-92/SOT-89SOT-23-3 管脚排列一致,可以直接代换TOREX(特瑞仕)公司电压调整器电路代换表XC62FP系列(250mA) 与本公司对应型号XC62FP1502Tx XC62FP1502Px XC62FP1502Mx MD7315XC62FP1802Tx XC62FP1802Px XC62FP1802Mx MD7318XC62FP2502Tx XC62FP2502Px XC62FP2502Mx MD7325XC62FP2802Tx XC62FP2802Px XC62FP2802Mx MD7328XC62FP3002Tx XC62FP3002Px XC62FP3002Mx MD7330XC62FP3302Tx XC62FP3302Px XC62FP3302Mx MD7333XC62FP3602Tx XC62FP3602Px XC62FP3602Mx MD7336XC62FP4402Tx XC62FP4402Px XC62FP4402Mx MD7344XC62FP5002Tx XC62FP5002Px XC62FP5002Mx MD7350 TO-92 SOT-89 SOT-23 TO-92/SOT-89SOT-23-3 管脚排列一致,可以直接代换XC6213系列(150mA) XC6219系列(300mA) 与本公司对应型号*XC6213B252Mx *XC6219x252Mx *MD73R25*XC6213P282Mx *XC6219x282Mx *MD73R28*XC6213P302Mx *XC6219x302Mx *MD73R30*XC6213P332Mx *XC6219x332Mx *MD73R33*XC6213P362Mx *XC6219x362Mx *MD73R36*XC6213P442Mx *XC6219x442Mx *MD73R44*XC6213P502Mx *XC6219x502Mx *MD73R50 SOT-25 SOT-25 SOT-23-5 管脚排列一致, 可以直接代换注:有*号者带使能端。
宝德自强·鲲鹏个人电脑 PT620K 用户手册说明书
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章节说明本手册包括以下内容:1.使用准备2.系统结构描述3.系统说明与设置4.BIOS设置5.集成RAID配置6.操作系统安装说明7.系统故障诊断特殊标志手册中出现以下三种特定提示标志:警告:会引起人身伤害及灾难性的行为注意:会引起硬件损坏或造成软件故障的行为注释:提供重要信息目录使用准备 (6)1.1使用准备工作摘要 (6)1.2检查运输包装 (6)1.3选择一个放置计算机的合适位置 (6)1.4检查电源线 (7)1.5增加设备 (7)1.6连接外围设备 (8)1.7如果需要,连接其它扩展设备 (8)1.8打开显示器和计算机 (8)第二章系统结构描述 (9)2.1PT620K结构特性 (9)2.1.1前面板及指示灯: (9)2.1.2计算机后板连接示意图 (10)2.1.3网络状态灯说明: (10)2.2台式机主板 (11)2.2.1主板丝印说明 (11)第三章系统说明与设置 (13)3.1CPU (13)3.1.1CPU概述 (13)3.1.2CPU及散热器的安装 (13)3.2内存 (17)3.2.1内存概述 (17)3.2.2内存安装注意事项 (17)3.3内存安装步骤 (18)3.3.1安装前注意事项 (18)3.3.2操作步骤 (18)3.4视频控制器 (19)3.5硬盘控制器 (20)3.6网络控制器 (20)3.7键盘和鼠标 (20)3.8光驱和软驱 (20)3.9PCI扩展 (20)3.10其他配置 (20)3.11认证兼容操作系统 (20)第四章BIOS设置 (22)4.1BIOS的设置 (22)4.2BIOS功能简介 (25)4.2.1操作步骤 (25)第五章操作系统安装说明 (29)5.1操作系统的安装 (29)第六章系统故障排除 (37)6.1系统复位介绍 (37)6.2系统首次启动 (37)6.3其他问题及解决办法 (38)6.3.1准备系统进行诊断程序 (38)6.3.2验证系统指示灯 (38)6.4具体问题 (39)6.4.1电源灯不亮 (39)6.4.2屏幕不显示字符 (39)6.4.3屏幕显示字符不正确或字符扭曲 (39)6.4.4系统风扇转动不正常 (40)6.4.5硬盘驱动器的工作指示灯不亮 (40)6.4.6CD-ROM驱动器的工作指示灯不亮 (40)6.4.7可引导光盘不能自引导 (41)附录一: (42)7.1产品有害物质含量状态说明 (42)使用准备使用准备工作摘要本章内容的主要任务是讲述如何做一些基本的准备工作,它们包括:检查运输包装;选择一个放置计算机的合适位置;检查电源设置开关;检查电源线;增加设备;连接外围设备;打开显示器和计算机;操作系统安装准备。
NXP MIMXRT1020 EVK 板级硬件用户指南说明书
![NXP MIMXRT1020 EVK 板级硬件用户指南说明书](
© 2018 NXP B.V.MIMXRT1020 EVK Board Hardware User’sGuide1. IntroductionThis Hardware User’s Guide for the MIMXRT 1020Evaluation Kit (EVK) is based on the NXP Semiconductor i.MX RT1020 Processor. This board is fully supported by NXP Semiconductor. The guide includes system setup and debugging, and provides detailed information on overall design and usage of the EVK board from a hardware systems perspective.1.1. Board overviewThis EVK board is a platform designed to showcase the most commonly used features of the i.MX RT1020 Processor in a small, low cost package. The MIMXRT1020 EVK board is an entry level development board, which gives the developer the option of becoming familiar with the processor before investing a large amount or resources in more specific designs.NXP Semiconductors Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGUser's GuideRev. 0 , 05/2018Contents1.Introduction ........................................................................ 1 1.1. Board overview ....................................................... 1 1.2. MIMXRT1020 EVK contents ................................. 2 1.3. MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history ........... 3 2.Specifications ..................................................................... 3 2.1. i.MX RT1020 processor .......................................... 5 2.2. Boot Mode configurations ....................................... 5 2.3. Power tree ............................................................... 6 2.4. SDRAM memory .................................................... 9 2.5. SD Card slot ............................................................ 9 2.6. QSPI flash ............................................................... 9 2.7. Ethernet connector .................................................. 9 2.8. USB PHY connector ............................................. 10 2.9. Audio input / output connector .............................. 10 2.10. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link) ............................... 10 2.11. JTAG connector .................................................... 10 2.12. Arduino expansion port ......................................... 11 2.13. User interface LED indicator ................................ 13 3.PCB information .............................................................. 13 4. EVK design files .............................................................. 13 5. Contents of the Evaluation Kit ......................................... 14 6.Revision history (14)IntroductionFeatures of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board are shown in Table 11.2. MIMXRT1020 EVK contentsThe MIMXRT1020 EVK contains the following items: •MIMXRT1020 EVK Board•USB Cable (Micro B)Specifications 1.3. MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history•Rev A: Prototype.2. SpecificationsThis chapter provides detailed information about the electrical design and practical considerations of the EVK Board, and is organized to discuss each block in the following block diagram of the EVK board.( Figure 1)Figure 1. Block diagramThe overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2.SpecificationsFigure 2. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Front side)Figure 3. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Back side)Specifications 2.1. i.MX RT1020 processorThe i.MX RT1020 is a new processor family featuring NXP's advanced implementation of the Arm® Cortex®-M7 Core. It provides high CPU performance and best real-time response. The i.MX RT1020 provides various memory interfaces, including SDRAM, Raw NAND FLASH, NOR FLASH,SD/eMMC, Quad SPI, HyperBus and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS. Same as other i.MX processors, i.MX RT1020 also has rich audio features, including SPDIF and I2S audio interface.The i.MX RT1020 applications processor can be used in areas such as industrial HMI, IoT, motor control and home appliances. The architecture's flexibility enables it to be used in a wide variety of other general embedded applications too. The i.MX processor provides all interfaces necessary to connectp eripherals such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS.The more detail information about i.MX RT1020 can be found in the Datasheet and Reference Manual2.2. Boot Mode configurationsThe device has four boot modes (one is reserved for NXP’s use). The boot mode is selected based on the binary value stored in the internal BOOT_MODE register. Switch (SW8-3 & SW8-4) is used to select the boot mode on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board.Typically, the internal boot is selected for normal boot, which is configured by external BOOT_CFG GPIOs. The following Table 3 shows the typical Boot Mode and Boot Device settings.NOTEFor more information about boot mode configuration, see the System Boot chapter of theMIMXRT1020 Reference Manual. (waiting for update)For more information about MIMXRT1020 EVK boot device selection and configuration, see the main board schematic. (waiting for update)Specifications2.3. Power treeA DC 5 V external power supply is used to supply the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board at J2, and a slide switch SW1 is used to turn the Power ON/OFF. J23 and J9 also can be used to supply the EVK Board. Different power supply need to configure different Jumper setting of J1. Table 4 shows the details:NOTEFor some computers’ USB, it cannot support 500ma before establishingcommunication. In this case, it is recommended to replace the computer oruse the power adapter(J2) to power the EVK Board.The power tree is shown in Figure 4SpecificationsFigure 4. Power TreeThe power control logic of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board is shown in the Figure 5: •It will power up SNVS, and then PMIC_REQ_ON will be switched on to enable external DC/DC to power up other power domains.•ON/OFF button is used to switch ON/OFF PMIC_REQ_ON to control power modes.•RESET button and WDOG output are used to reset the system power.SpecificationsFigure 5. Power Control Diagram The power rails on the board are shown in Table 5.Specifications2.4. SDRAM memoryOne 256 Mb, 166MHz SDRAM (MT48LC16M16A2P) is used on the EVK Board.2.5. SD Card slotThere is a SD card slot(J15) on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. J15 is the Micro SD slot for USDHC1 interface. If the developer wants to boot from the SD Card, the boot device switch (SW8) settings should be: OFF, ON, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.6. QSPI flashA 64 Mbit QSPI Flash is used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. If the developer wants to boot from the QSPI Flash, the boot device switch(SW8) settings should be: OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.7. Ethernet connectorThere is one Ethernet Mac controller in the MIMXRT1020 processor. The Ethernet subsystem of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is provided by the KSZ8081RNB 10/100M Ethernet Transceiver (U11) and a RJ45 (J14) with integrated Magnetic.Figure 6. Ethernet Connector RJ45Specifications2.8. USB PHY connectorThe MIMXRT1020 contains a integrated USB 2.0 PHYs capable of connecting to USB host/device systems at the USB low-speed (LS) rate of 1.5 Mbits/s, full-speed (FS) rate of 12 Mbits/s or at the USB 2.0 high-speed (HS) rate of 480 Mbits/s.2.9. Audio input / output connectorThe Audio CODEC used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is Wolfson’s Low Power, high quality Stereo Codec, WM8960.The MIMXRT1020 EVK Board include one headphone interface (J11), one onboard MIC (P1), two speaker interfaces (J12, J13). J11 is a 3.5 mm audio stereo headphone jack, which supports jack detect.2.10. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link)The OpenSDA circuit (CMSIS–DAP) is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor.CMSIS-DAP features a mass storage device (MSD) bootloader, which provides a quick and easy mechanism for loading different CMSIS-DAP Applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial-to-USB converters, and more. Two or more CMSIS-DAP applications can run simultaneously. For example, run-control debug application and serial-to-USB converter runs in parallel to provide a virtual COM communication interface while allowing code debugging via CMSIS-DAP with just single USB connection.For the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board, J23 is the connector between the USB host and the target processor. Jumper to serial downloader mode to use stable DAP-Link debugger function. If developer wants to make OpenSDA going to the bootloader mode, and press SW5 when power on. Meanwhile, the OpenSDA supports drag/drop feature for U-Disk. First, use the seral downloader mode and drag/drop the image file to U-Disk. Then select QSPI Flash as boot device and reset the Board, the image will run.2.11. JTAG connectorJ16 is a standard 20-pin/2.54 mm Box Header Connector for JTAG. The pin definitions are shown in Figure 7. Support SWD by default.SpecificationsFigure 7. JTAG pin definitions2.12. Arduino expansion portJ17 – J20 (unpopulated) is defined as Arduino Interface. The pin definitions of Arduino Interface are shown in Table 6.Specifications2.12.1. Power switchSW1 is a slide switch to control the power of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board when the power supply is from J2. The function of this switch is listed below:•Sliding the switch to the ON position connects the 5 V power supply to the Evaluation board main power system.•Sliding the switch to OFF position immediately removes all power from the board.2.12.2. ON/OFF buttonSW2 is the ON/OFF button for MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. A short pressing in OFF mode causes the internal power management state machine to change state to ON. In ON mode, a short pressing generates an interrupt (intended to be a software-controllable(power-down). An approximate 5 seconds or more pressing causes a forced OFF. Both boot mode inputs can be disconnected.2.12.3. Reset buttonThere are two Reset Button on the EVK Board. SW5 is the Power Reset Button. Pressing the SW5 in the Power On state will force to reset the system power except SNVS domain. The Processor will be immediately turn off and reinitiate a boot cycle from the Processor Power Off state. SW3 is POR Reset Button.EVK design files 2.12.4. USER buttonSW4 is the USER Button(GPIO5-00) for developers using. Pressing can produce changes in high and low levels.2.13. User interface LED indicatorThere are four LED status indicators located on the EVK Board. The functions of these LEDs include: •Main Power Supply(D3)Green: DC 5V main supply is normal.Red: J2 input voltage is over 5.6V.Off: the board is not powered.•Reset RED LED(D15)•OpenSDA LED(D16)•USER LED(D5)3. PCB informationThe MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is made using standard 2-layer technology. The material used was FR-4. The PCB stack-up information is shown in Table 7.4. EVK design filesThe schematics, layout files, and gerber files (including Silkscreen) can be downloaded from/MIMXRT1020-EVK(waiting for update).Revision history5. Contents of the Evaluation KitNOTEPower adaptor, Micro SD Card are not standard parts of the Evaluation Kit.6. Revision historyTable 9 summarizes the changes made to this document since the initial release.Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGRev. 0 05/2018How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequenti al or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions . While NXP has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities oncustomer’s applications and products, and NXP accepts no liability for any vulne rability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, , Freescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis, are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2018 NXP B.V.。
主板芯片维修技术资料主板芯片级维修技术资料一主板各芯片的功能及名词解释主板芯片组〔chipset〕(pciset) :分为南桥和北桥南桥〔主外〕:即系统I/O芯片〔SI/O〕:主要管理中低速外部设备;集成了中断控制器、DMA控制器。
〔通用串行总线〕SYSTEM CLOCK系统时钟控制。
掌控项目多为高速设备,如:CPU、Host Bus。
586FX 82438FXVX 82438VXCache:高速缓冲存储器。
〔Basic Input Output System〕主要负责软件、硬件的连接。
ZX62R-B-5P中文资料(hirose)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
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ZX80-B-5S ZX80-B-5SA
注:上表列表大会(绝缘体/ 触点 /锁)插头部分1.部件号和相应屏蔽/封面. 注:2.可选印刷电路板插头显示仅供参考.未提供适用连接器. 注意:3上方绝缘子体在大会(绝缘体/ 触点 /锁定)在3D图像列中所示颜色是蓝色清晰度.参考
SMT 通孔(焊片长:0.8毫米)
大会(绝缘子/触点/锁) 盖(注1)
注1:量词,如A,B,和C *输入.
配合侧面 组态
安装,终止 款式/导线连接
接触电阻:从10 MO最大初值上升. 插入力:35 N最大,去除力:8 N分钟.
铜合金 不锈钢
材料 合成树脂
铜合金 不锈钢 不锈钢
sOrdering 信息
ZX 62 RD - B - 5 P
56 7 8
ZX 40 - B - 5 S * - 单位
USB2.0标准 ZX SeriesqMicro-USB接口会议要求
ZX62-B-5PA(11) ZX62D-B-5PA8
Himax HM01B0 UPduino 芯片说明书
![Himax HM01B0 UPduino 芯片说明书](
HM01B0-UPD-EVNHimax HM01B0 UPduino Shield User GuideFPGA-UG-02081 Version 1.0November 2018Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser GuideContentsAcronyms in This Document (3)1.Introduction (4)1.1.Further Information (4)2.Power Supply (5)3.Board Overview (5)4.iCE40 UltraPlus Pin Summary (7)5.Software Requirements (9)6.Board Configuration and Programming (9)6.1.Board Configuration (9)6.2.Programming the SPI Flash (10)6.3.Programming the CRAM Directly (11)7.Storage and Handling (13)8.Ordering Information (13)References (14)Technical Support Assistance (14)Appendix A. Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield Board Schematics (15)Revision History (19)FiguresFigure 1.1. Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield (4)Figure 3.1. UPduino v2.0 – Front View (5)Figure 3.2. UPduino v2.0 – Back View (5)Figure 3.3. Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board – Front View (6)Figure 3.4. Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board – Back View (6)Figure 6.1. Programming Settings (9)Figure 6.2. Device Family and Device Setting (10)Figure 6.3. Onboard SPI Flash Device Properties Settings (11)Figure 6.4. Device Family and Device Settings (12)Figure 6.5. Device Properties for iCE40 Device Configuration Memory (12)Figure A.1. UPduino 2.0 FPGA Schematic (15)Figure A.2. UPduino 2.0 SPI Flash/I/O Pins/Regulator Connections (16)Figure A.3. UPduino 2.0 FTDI Chip Connection (17)Figure A.4. Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board Schematic (18)TablesTable 4.1. Upstream Connector Mapping (7)Table 8.1. Reference Part Number (13)© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.2 FPGA-UG-02081-1.0Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide Acronyms in This DocumentA list of acronyms used in this document.Acronym DefinitionFPGA Field-Programmable Gate ArrayFTDI Future Technology Devices InternationalI²S Inter-IC SoundLED Light-Emitting DiodeSOIC Small Outline Integrated CircuitSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceUSB Universal Serial Bus© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 3Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.4 FPGA-UG-02081-1.01. IntroductionThe Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield is an evaluation and development platform based on the iCE40™ UltraPlus FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array). It consists of two boards – the UPduino v2.0 and the Himax HM01B0 Aapter Board. The UPduino v2.0 is an efficient, low-cost base platform designed by Gnarly Grey, including the iCE40UP5K FPGA, and basic power and programming control. The Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board adds a camera with a low-power Himax image sensor, two microphones, and multiple LEDs for quick visual feedback.This flexible and powerful platform enables designers to investigate and experiment with key features of the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA and assists with rapid prototyping and testing of specific designs.Key features of the Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield include: ∙ UPduino v2.0∙ iCE40 FPGA - iCE40UP5K-SG48I (5K LUTs, 39 I/Os, 120 Kbits Embedded Block RAM, 1 PLL and more in a 7 mm x7 mm 48-pin QFN package.)∙ USB connection for UART and device programming ∙ On-board Boot Flash ∙ RGB LED∙ Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board∙ Camera module with Himax HM01B0 image sensor ∙ Two I 2S microphones ∙ Six green LEDs∙ Also included with the kit∙ 3 ft Micro USB cable for programming and power ∙ QuickStart GuideFigure 1.1. Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield1.1. Further InformationThis board features an iCE40UP5K-SG48I FPGA. More information about this FPGA can be found on the Lattice web site at: /iCE40UltraPlus . A complete description of this device can be found in iCE40 UltraPlus Family Data Sheet (FPGA-DS-02008).Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 52. Power SupplyExternal 5 V Power from the USB Connector (J7) provides power to the entire two board set. Alternately, power can be applied to headers on the UPduino v2.0 board: ∙ J6 - 5.0 V ∙ J9 – Ground3. Board OverviewThe following diagrams show key features of the Himax HM01B0 Adapter and UPduino v2.0 boards.RGB LED iCE40 UltraPlus FPGAMicro USB ConnectorFigure 3.1. UPduino v2.0 –Front ViewUSB uCFigure 3.2. UPduino v2.0 – Back ViewHimax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.6FPGA-UG-02081-1.0Camera Module with Himax HM01B0 Sensor Holes for MicrophoneAudio InputLEDsFigure 3.3. Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board –Front ViewDual I2S MicrophonesFigure 3.4. Himax HM01B0 Adapter Board – Back ViewHimax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 74. iCE40 UltraPlus Pin SummaryThe following is a reference to indicate the connection of the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA I/O pins on each board. SG48 Function Pin Type Bank Differential Pair UPduino v2.0 Himax HM01B0Adapter 1 VCCIO_2 VCCIO 2 – – – 2 IO B_6a PIO 2 –JP6-16 I2S data 3 IO B_9b DPIO 2 COMP_of_IOB_8a JP6-11 Molex1 – 8: SDA 4 IO B_8a DPIO 2 TRUE_of_IOB_9bJP6-10 Molex1 – 7: SCL5 VCC VCC VCC –– –6 IO B_13b DPIO 1 COMP_of_IOB_12aJP6-8 Molex1 – 5: FVLD7 CDONE CONFIG 1 – LED – D2– 8 creset_b CONFIG 1 – – –9 IO B_16a PIO 1 – JP6-7 Molex1 – 4: TRIG 10 IO B_18a PIO 1 – TP3 – 11 IO B_20a PIO 1 –JP6-6 MCLK12 IO B_22a DPIO 1 TRUE_of_IOB_23b JP6-1 Molex1 – 18: D1 13 IO B_24a DPIO1 TRUE_of_IOB_25bJP6-3RESET_CAM (NC)14 IO B_32a_SPI_SO DPIO/CONFIG_SPI 1 – SPI Flash – SDO – 15 IO B_34a_SPI_SCK DPIO/CONFIG_SPI 1 – SPI Flash – SCK – 16 IO B_35b_SPI_SS DPIO/CONFIG_SPI 1 – SPI Flash – CS – 17 IO B_33b_SPI_SI DPIO/CONFIG_SPI1 – SPI Flash – SDI–18 IO B_31b PIO 1 – JP6- 5 PWDN (NC) 19 IO B_29b PIO 1 – JP6- 4 Molex1 – 16: PCLK 20 IO B_25b_G3 DPIO/GBIN 1 COMP_of_IOB_24a TP4 –21 IO B_23b DPIO 1 COMP_of_IOB_22aJP6- 2 Molex1 – 17: D022 SPI_V CCIO1 VCCIO 1 –– – 23 IOT_37a DPIO/I3C 0 TRUE_of_IOT_36bJP5- 3 D9 24 VPP_2V5 VPP VPP –– – 25 IOT_36b DPIO/I3C 0 COMP_of_IOT_37a JP5- 4 D826 IOT_39a DPIO 0 TRUE_of_IOT_38b JP5- 5 Molex1 – 24: D7 27 IOT_38b DPIO 0 COMP_of_IOT_39aJP5- 6 Molex1 – 23: D628 IOT_41a PIO 0 – JP5- 16 LED5 29 VCCPLL VCCPLL – – – 30 VCC VCC VCC –– –31 IOT_42b DPIO 0 COMP_of_IOT_43a JP5- 9 Molex1 – 20: D3 32 IOT_43a DPIO 0 TRUE_of_IOT_42bJP5- 7 Molex1 – 22: D533 VCCIO_0 VCCIO 0 –– – 34 IOT_44b DPIO 0 COMP_of_IOT_45aJP5- 11 LEDO35 IOT_46b_G0 DPIO/GBIN 0 –JP5- 8 Mole x1 – 21: D436 IOT_48b DPIO 0 COMP_of_IOT_49a JP5- 13 LED237 IOT_45a_G1 DPIO/GBIN 0 TRUE_of_IOT_44b JP5- 10 Molex1 – 19: D238 IOT_50b DPIO 0 COMP_of_IOT_51aJP5- 15 LED4 39 RGB0 LED 0 – RGB LED – Red –40 RGB1 LED 0 – RGB LED – Green – 41 RGB2 LED 0 –RGB LED – Blue– 42 IOT_51a DPIO 0 TRUE_of_IOT_50b JP5- 14 LED3 43IOT_49aDPIOTRUE_of_IOT_48bJP5- 12LED1Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.8 FPGA-UG-02081-1.0SG48 Function Pin Type Bank Differential Pair UPduino v2.0 Himax HM01B0Adapter 44 IO B_3b_G6 DPIO/GBIN 2 COMP_of_IOB_2a JP6- 9 Molex1 – 6: LVLD 45 IO B_5b DPIO 2 COMP_of_IOB_4a JP6- 13 U2 – 2: STBY 46 IO B_0a PIO 2 –JP6- 15 I25 Clk 47 IO B_2a DPIO 2 TRUE_of_IOB_3b JP6- 14 I25 WS 48 IO B_4a DPIO 2 TRUE_of_IOB_5bJP6- 12 –Paddle GNDGNDGND––Molex1 – 9: INTHimax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide 5.Software RequirementsInstall the following software before you begin developing designs for the board:∙Lattice Radiant 1.0 (or higher)∙Used for developing your own custom designs for the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA∙Download at: /radiant∙Radiant Programmer 1.0 (or higher)∙Used to program the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA∙This is included with Radiant software installation, or as a stand-alone tool.∙Download at: /radiant6.Board Configuration and Programming6.1.Board ConfigurationThe iCE40 UltraPlus on Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield can be programmed via the included micro-USB cable using a PC running Lattice Radiant Programmer software. After the software is installed and launched, and the USB cable is connected to the board, see below for programming procedures.There are two modes to program the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA on the UPduino v2.0 board.∙SPI Flash Programming (default): In this mode, the on-board SPI Flash is programmed, which in-turn programs the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA at power-up or reset. This allows the user program to be stored in non-volatile memory when the board is powered-off or reset. This is the default programming mode.∙Direct CRAM Programming: In this mode, the iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA CRAM memory is programmed directly. This may allow for more rapid reconfiguration (if you need to regularly re-program the iCE40 UltraPlus whiledebugging), but the program is not be retained when the board is powered-off. To use this mode, a modification to the board is required.The default programming mode is SPI Flash programming. To change the programming mode, resistor R4 and R3 must be removed and replaced in the orientation shown in Figure 6.1.Figure 6.1. Programming Settings© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 9Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide6.2.Programming the SPI FlashTo program the SPI Flash:1.Set board resistors to horizontal for SPI Flash programming.Note: This is the default mode.2.Connect the Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield via USB cable to PC with Radiant Programmer installed.3.Start Radiant Programmer.4.Set Device Family to iCE40 UltraPlu s and Device to iCE40UP5K as shown in Figure 6.2.Figure 6.2. Device Family and Device Setting5.Click the iCE40 UltraPlus row, and select Edit > Device Properties.6.In the Device Properties dialog box, apply the settings below that are common to the three files to program (seeFigure 6.3).a.Under Device Operation, select the options below:∙Target Memory —External SPI Flash Memory (SPI FLASH)∙Port Interface—SPI∙Access Mode— Direct Programming∙Operation—Erase, Program, Verifyb.Under Programming Options, select the option below:∙Programming File —<Select desired file to program>c.Under SPI Flash Options, select the options below:∙Family —SPI Serial Flash∙Vendor —Winbond∙Device —W25P32∙Package —16-pin SOIC© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.10 FPGA-UG-02081-1.0Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser GuideFigure 6.3. Onboard SPI Flash Device Properties Settings7.Click OK to close the Device Properties window.8.Click the Program button in Radiant Programmer to program the Onboard SPI Flash.6.3.Programming the CRAM DirectlyTo program the CRAM directly:1.Set board resistors to vertical for CRAM Programming.2.Connect the Himax HM01B0 UPduino Shield via USB cable to PC with Radiant Programmer installed.3.Start Radiant Programmer.4.Set Device Family to iCE40 UltraPlus and Device to iCE40UP5K as shown in Figure 6.4.5.Click the iCE40 UltraPlus row, and select Edit > Device Properties.© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 11Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser GuideFigure 6.4. Device Family and Device Settings6.In the Device Properties dialog box, apply the as shown in Figure 6.5.∙Target Memory —Compressed Random Access Memory (CRAM)∙Port Interface —Slave SPI∙Access Mode — Direct Programming∙Operation —Fast Configuration7.Click OK to close the Device Properties window.8.Click the Program button in Radiant Programmer to begin programming.Figure 6.5. Device Properties for iCE40 Device Configuration Memory© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.12 FPGA-UG-02081-1.0Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal .All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 137. Storage and HandlingStatic electricity can shorten the life span of electronic components. Observe these tips to prevent damage that can occur from electrostatic discharge:∙ Use antistatic precautions such as operating on an antistatic mat and wearing an antistatic wristband. ∙ Store the development board in the provided packaging.∙ Touch a metal USB housing to equalize voltage potential between you and the board.8. Ordering InformationDescriptionOrdering Part Number China RoHS Environment-Friendly Use Period (EFUP)Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldHM01B0-UPD-EVNHimax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser GuideReferencesFor more information, refer to∙iCE40 Ultra Plus Family Data Sheet (FPGA-DS-02008)∙/iCE40UltraPlusTechnical Support AssistanceSubmit a technical support case through /techsupport.© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal.All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.14 FPGA-UG-02081-1.0Himax HM01B0 UPduino ShieldUser Guide Revision HistoryRevision 1.0, November 2018Section Change SummaryAll Initial release.© 2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at /legal. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.FPGA-UG-02081-1.0 197th Floor, 111 SW 5th Avenue Portland, OR 97204, USAT 503.268.8000 HM01B0-UPD-EVN。
超强K620系列信创服务器 用户指南说明书
![超强K620系列信创服务器 用户指南说明书](
目录前言...................................................................................................................................................... i i 1简介 .. (1)1.1 物理结构 (1)1.2 逻辑结构 (3)2组件 (7)2.1 前面板组件 (7)2.2 前面板指示灯和按钮 (10)2.3 后面板组件 (13)2.4 后面板指示灯 (15)2.5 灵活IO 卡 (16)2.6 硬盘编号及指示灯 (17)2.6.1 硬盘编号 (17)2.6.2 SAS/SATA 硬盘指示灯 (21)2.6.3 NVMe 硬盘指示灯 (21)2.7 Riser 卡和PCIe 插槽 (22)2.8 风扇 (28)3产品规格 (30)3.1 技术规格 (30)3.2 环境规格 (33)3.3 物理规格 (35)3.4 电源规格 (35)4软硬件兼容性 (36)5安装与配置 (37)5.1 工具准备 (37)5.2 设备上的标志 (38)5.3 防静电 (39)5.3.1 操作准则 (39)5.3.2 佩戴防静电腕带 (40)5.4 安装环境要求 (40)5.4.1 空间要求与通风要求 (40)5.4.2 温度要求与湿度要求 (41)5.4.3 机柜要求 (41)5.5 拆除机箱外包装 (41)5.6 安装硬件选件 (42)5.7 安装导轨及服务器 (42)5.7.1 安装L 型滑道及服务器 (42)5.7.2 安装可伸缩滑道及服务器 (45)5.8 连接外部线缆 (46)5.8.1 布线指导 (46)5.8.2 连接鼠标、键盘和VGA 接口线缆 (47)5.8.3 连接网线 (48)5.8.4 连接光口线缆 (49)5.8.5 连接USB 设备 (52)5.8.6 连接串口线缆 (53)5.8.7 连接电源线缆 (54) 连接交流电源线缆 (54) 连接直流电源线缆 (55)5.8.8 检查线缆连接 (56)5.9 上电与下电 (57)5.10 初始配置 (59)5.10.1 默认数据 (59)5.10.2 配置简介 (60)5.10.3 查询管理网口IP 地址 (61)5.10.4 登录iBMC Web 界面 (64)5.10.5 检查服务器 (65)5.10.6 修改初始密码 (69)5.10.7 配置RAID. (73)5.10.8 设置BIOS. (73)5.10.9 安装操作系统 (81)5.10.10 使系统保持最新状态 (81)6故障处理指导 (83)7维保与安全 (84)7.1 维保与保修 (84)7.2 安全 (84)8常用操作 (85)8.1 登录远程虚拟控制台 (85)8.1.1 通过iBMC WEB 登录服务器远程虚拟控制台 (85)8.1.2 使用独立远程控制台登录服务器实时桌面 (90)8.2 登录iBMC 命令行 (95)8.3 使用PuTTY 登录服务器(串口方式) (98)8.4 使用PuTTY 登录服务器(网口方式) (100)8.5 查询服务器处理器型号 (102)9更多资源 (106)9.1 技术支持 (106)9.2 维护工具 (107)A 附录 (108)A.1 BIOS. (108)A.2 iBMC (109)A.3 术语 (109)A.4 缩略语 (111)A.5 传感器列表(配置鲲鹏920 7260、5250、5230、7265 或5255 处理器) (114)A.6 传感器列表(配置鲲鹏920 5220 或3210 处理器) (117)1 简介超强K620鲲鹏服务器是基于鲲鹏920处理器的数据中心服务器,K620是2U 2路机架服务器。
深圳市粤原点 PIC16F785 HV785 数据手册
![深圳市粤原点 PIC16F785 HV785 数据手册](
深圳市粤原点科技有限公司(Microchip Authorized Design Partner)指定授权总部地址:深圳市福田区福虹路世贸广场C座1103座Add: Room 1103,Block C,World Trade Plaza,9Fuhong Road,Futian District Shen Zhen City电话(tel) :86-755-83666321,83666320,83666325传真(fax) :86-755-83666329Web: E-mail:********************@联系人:马先生,王小姐,汤小姐在线咨询:QQ:42513912MSN:***********************7x24小时在线产品咨询:135******** 137********PIC16F785/HV785数据手册采用双相异步反馈PWM双高速比较器和双运算放大器的20引脚8位CMOS闪存单片机 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.初稿DS41249D_CNDS41249D_CN 第ii 页初稿2006 Microchip Technology Inc.提供本文档的中文版本仅为了便于理解。
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QBD-CB-UMD-201803280018 曙光天阔I620-G30用户手册V1.3(2)
![QBD-CB-UMD-201803280018 曙光天阔I620-G30用户手册V1.3(2)](
“SUGON”及图标是曙光信息产业股份有限公司的商标或注册商标。 “中科曙光”及图标是曙光信息产业股份有限公司的商标或注册商标,文中“曙光信息产业股份有限公司”简称“曙 光公司”。 “Intel”、“Xeon”图标是 Intel 公司的注册商标。 “Microsoft”、“Windows”、“Windows Server”及“Windows Server System”是微软公司的商标或注册商标。 上面未列明的本手册提及的其他产品、标志和商标名称也可能是其他公司的商标或注册商标,并由其各自公司、其 他性质的机构或个人拥有。 在本用户手册中描述的随机软件,是基于最终用户许可协议的条款和条件提供的,只能按照该最终用户许可协议的 规定使用和复制。 版权所有©2013 曙光信息产业股份有限公司,所有权利保留。 本手册受到著作权法律法规保护,未经曙光信息产业股份有限公司事先书面授权,任何人士不得以任何方式对本手 册的全部或任何部分进行复制、抄录、删减或将其编译为机读格式,以任何形式在可检索系统中存储,在有线或无 线网络中传输,或以任何形式翻译为任何文字。
声明 4: 【注意】
为减少人身伤害、火灾设备损坏的危险,为机架供电的交流电源分支电路不得超载。请向制定设备布线和安装要 求的电气机构咨询。
声明 5: 【注意】
请使用调节式不间断电源(UPS),以免服务器受到电源波动和临时断电的影响。此设备可防止硬件因电涌和电压 峰值的影响而受损,并且可在电源出现故障时使系统保持正常工作状态。
声明........................................................................................................................................ii 商标和版权.......................................................................................................................... iii 电源相关的操作说明...........................................................................................................iv 危险警告声明 目录.................................................................................................................................... viii 插图目录...............................................................................................................................xi 表格目录..............................................................................................................................xv 1 产品简介........................................................................................................................... 1
EMX3 中文产品手册
![EMX3 中文产品手册](
调试速度更快EMX3在设计时考虑到易用性,菜单功能规格EMX3产品系列A B C D E 重量EMX3-0023B156.4124.0(294.6)278.0192.2 3.2222.7(10.58)尺寸和重量EMX3有各种尺寸,可以满足你的应用需求。
EMX3-0023B ˜ 0105B EMX3-0145B ˜ 0220B EMX3-0255c EMX3-0360c ˜ 0930c EMX3-1200c ˜ 1600c型号mm (英寸)mm (英寸)mm (英寸)mm (英寸)mm (英寸)千克(磅)(6.16) 4.88(11.60)(10.94)(7.57)(7.05)EMX3-0043BEMX3-0050BEMX3-0053BEMX3-0076B(8.77) 3.5 (7.22)EMX3-0097B4.8EMX3-0100BEMX3-0105B额定值电压测量卡电压测量卡便于实时监视电源电压,无需使用外部设备。
指保护器适用于EMX3-0145B至EMX3-0220B支持Profibus、DeviceNet Modbus RTU协议,通过易于安装的通附件/其他功能部件关于AuCoMAucom制造厂位于新西兰基督城。
方正科技笔记本电脑产品说明书 6.4 内存的问题 .................................................................................................................. 37 6.5 光驱的问题 .................................................................................................................. 37 特别声明 ................................................................................................................................. 38 附录 A 产品规格 .................................................................................................................... 39 附录 B 方正科技笔记本 S、T、R 系列产品服务承诺(B 版) .......................................... 42 附录 C 有毒有害物质或元素名称及含量标识表 ................................................................. 47
L90多功能编程器使用说明L90多功能编程器,功能强大,支持最新的主板BIOS spi 25Xxxx 在线编程和高速烧写EPROM、EEPROM、FLASH和串行EEPROM 系列芯片,并且还直接支持PIC、MCS51、AVR单片机芯片;价格低,性价比高;既适合于电子和电脑爱好者使用,也适合于电子电脑维修人员和单片机开发人员使用。
一、特点:1、使用优质3M 32脚镀银锁紧座,夹具专用孔型18脚、8脚DIP插座,优质进口PLCC32座性能稳定可靠。
3、采用WINDOWS下的图形界面,使用鼠标进行操作,支持Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP系统。
4、支持最新810、815、845、848、865、875、915等等主板上使用的大容量FWH/LPC BIOS芯片,性能价格比高。
5、主板上集成了93CXX、24CXX、25CXX PIC 16FXX、DIP32Z转PLCC32、FWH/LPC PLCC32适配器,支持51系列单片机的全系列型号,可用来进行单片机开发;支持最新的大容量程序芯片;支持12.5V、15V、21V、25V多种编程电压,直接支持3.3V及2.9V电压的芯片(即显卡的BIOS芯片如SST39VF512等)。
无线条码扫描仪 X-620 用户手册说明书
![无线条码扫描仪 X-620 用户手册说明书](
w ireless b arcode s cannerX-620User ManualV:1.0Correct Way of Scanning Incorrect Way of Scanning Incorrect Way of ScanningSleep Time20 seconds30 seconds60 seconds 2minutes5minutes 10minutes20minutesChannel SettingsID SettingsID Display ID Hidden 01 23 45 67 89Shutdown Software information Hardware information Default valueAmerican English German French Italian Russian SpanishFCC Caution:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.。
型号总线速度内存支持显卡插槽HDD USB VGA架构925XE 1066 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ667 PCI Express SA TA/DMA100 2.0 SocketT/478925X 800 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ533 PCI Express SA TA/DMA100 2.0 SocketT/478915G 800 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ533 AGP8X/PCIE SA TA/DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics3 SocketT/478915GV 800 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ533 AGP8X/PCIE SA TA/DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics3 SocketT/478915P 800 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ533 AGP8X/PCIE SA TA/DMA100 2.0 SocketT/478910GL 533 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ533 AGP8X/PCIE SA TA/DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics3 SocketT/478875P 800 双通道DDR400 AGP8X SA TA/DMA100 2.0 Socket478865G 800 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics2 Socket478865PE 800 双通道DDR400 AGP8X SA TA/DMA100 2.0 Socket478865GV 800 DDR400 PCI DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics2 Socket478865P 533 双通道DDR333 AGP8X DMA100 2.0 Socket478848P 800 DDR400 AGP8X DMA100 2.0 Socket478E7205 533 双通道DDR266 AGP8X DMA100 2.0 Socket478850E 533 PC1066RDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket478850 400 PC800 RDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket423/478845GE 533 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics Socket478845PE 533 DDR333 AGP4X DMA100 2.0 Socket478845G 533 DDR266 AGP4X DMA100 2.0 Extreme Graphics Socket478845GV 533 DDR266 PCI DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics Socket478845GL 400 DDR266 PCI DMA100 2.0 ExtremeGraphics Socket478845E 533 DDR266 AGP4X DMA100 2.0 Socket478845D 400 DDR266 AGP4X DMA100 1.1 Socket478845 400 PC133SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket478820E 133 PC800 RDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370820 133 PC800 RDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 Socket370815E 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 I752 Socket370815EP 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370815 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 I752 Socket370810T/E 133 PC133 SDRAM PCI DMA66 1.1 I752 Socket370810 100 PC100 SDRAM PCI DMA66 1.1 I752 Socket370440BX 100 PC100 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Slot1440ZX-100 100/66 PC100 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Socket370440ZX-66 66 PC66 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Socket370440LX/EX 66 PC66 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Slot1430TX 66 PC66 SDRAM PCI DMA33 1.1 Socket7VIA型号总线速度内存支持显卡插槽HDD USB VGA架构PT894 Pro 1066 双通道DDR2 667 PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478PT890 800 双通道DDR400 PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478PT880 800 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478PM880 800 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Unichrome2 Socket478 PT800 800 DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4X400A 533 DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4X400 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4M333+VT8235 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 ProS***age Socket478P4M333+VT8233A 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 1.1 ProS***age Socket478P4X333+VT8235 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4X333+VT8233A 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 1.1 Socket478P4X266E+VT8235 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4X266E+VT8233A 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 Socket478P4M266A+VT8235 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 ProS***age Socket478P4X266A+VT8235 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 Socket478P4M266A+VT8233A 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 ProS***age Socket478 P4X266A+VT8233A 533 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 Socket478P4X266 400 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket478/423P4M266 400 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 ProS***age Socket478/423K8T890 Pro 1G / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket939K8T800 Pro 1G / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket754/939K8T800 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket754K8M800 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Unichrome2 Socket754K8T890 800 / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket754KT880 400 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket462KM400A 400 DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Unichrome Socket462KT600 400 DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket462KT400A 333 DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket462KM400 333 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Unichrome Socket462KT400 333 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket462KT333+VT8235 333 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 Socket462KT333+VT8233A 333 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 Socket462KT266A 266 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 Socket462KT266 266 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket462KM266 266 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 ProS***age Socket462KT133A 266 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket462KT133E 200 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket462KT133+686B 200 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket462KT133+686A 200 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 Socket462KLE133 200 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 Trident9880 Socket462KX133 200 PC133 SDRAM AGP4X DMA66 1.1 SlotACLE266 133 DDR266 AGP4X DMA133 2.0 CastleRock Socket370Pro266 133 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370694T 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370694X+686B 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370694X+686A 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 Socket370PM133 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA66 1.1 S***age Socket370/Slot1 PLE133 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA66 1.1 Trident9880 Socket370/Slot1 693A 133 PC133SDRAM AGP 2X DMA66 1.1 Socket370/Slot1693 100 PC100 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA66 1.1 Socket370/Slot1692/691 100 PC100 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Socket370/Slot1MVP4 100 PC100 SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 1.1 Trident9880 Socket7MVP3 100 PC100 SDRAM AGP2X DMA33 1.1 Socket7VP3 66 PC66SDRAM AGP 2X DMA33 / Socket7SIS型号总线速度内存支持显卡插槽HDD USB VGA架构659 800 四通道1200 RDRAM AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478 656 800 双通道DDRⅡ533 PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478/T 649 800 DDRⅡ533 PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478655FX/TX 800 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket478 655 533 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478658 533 PC1066 RDRAM AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478661FX 800 DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Real256E Socket478660FX 800 DDR400 AGP8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Ultra 256 Socket478648FX 800 DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478648 533 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket478651 533 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 SiS315 Socket478645DX 533 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA133 2.0 Socket478650 400 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 SiS315 Socket478645 400 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket478761 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Xabre Socket754/939760 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Xabre Socket754/939755 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket754755FX 1000 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket939756 1000 / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket939741 400 DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket462741GX 333 DDR333 AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 2.0 Socket462748 400 DDR400 AGP 8X SA TA 2.0 Socket462746FX 333 DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket462746 333 DDR333 AGP 8X DMA133 2.0 Socket462745 333 DDR333 AGP 4X DMA133 1.1 Socket462740 266 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 SiS315 Socket462735 266 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket462730S 266 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 SiS300 Socket462635/635T 133 DDR266 AGP 4X DMA100 1.1 Socket370630E/S/T 133 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X/PCI DMA66/100 1.1 SiS300 Socket370 620 100 PC100 SDRAM PCI DMA33 1.1 SiS6326 Slot1540 100 PC133 SDRAM AGP 4X/PCI DMA66 1.1 SiS300 Socket7530 100 PC100 SDRAM PCI DMA33 1.1 SiS6326 Socket7nVIDIA型号总线速度内存支持显卡插槽HDD VGA架构nForce4 SLI Intel 1066 双通道DDR/DDRⅡ667 PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 支持双显卡SocketT/478nForce4 Ultra 1G / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754/939nForce4 SLI 1G / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 支持双显卡Socket754/939nForce4 1G / PCI Express SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754/939nForce3 Ultra 1G / AGP8X SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754/939nForce3 Pro 250Gb 800 / AGP8X SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754/939nForce3 Pro 250 800 / AGP8X SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754/939nForce3 Pro 150 800 / AGP 8X SA TA/DMA133 USB2.0 Socket754nForce2 GT(C1内核) 400 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 USB2.0 Geforce4MX Socket462 nForce2 Ultra 400 400 双通道DDR400 AGP8X DMA133 USB2.0 Socket462nForce2GT 333 双通道DDR400 AGP 8X DMA133 USB2.0 Geforce4MX Socket462nForce2 ST 333 双通道DDR400 AGP8X DMA133 USB2.0 Socket462nForce 266 DDR266 AGP4X DMA100 USB1.1 Geforce2 MX Socket462本篇文章来源于“河北在线网” 转载请以链接形式注明出处网址:/zsku/Showinfo.asp?infoid=46219。
juniper 无线中文配置手册簿
![juniper 无线中文配置手册簿](
Trapeze 无线网络交换机配置手册(Version 1.0)羿飞目录第1章登陆无线网络交换机 (4)1.1登录无线网络交换机方法简介 (4)1.2 通过Console口进行本地登陆 (4)1.3 通过SSH2或Telnet进行登陆 (5)1.4 通过web方式登录 (6)第2章系统基本配置 (6)2.1配置系统名 (6)2.2配置系统时间 (7)2.3配置系统IP地址 (7)2.4配置缺省路由 (7)2.5系统初始化配置 (8)2.6无线网络交换机密码恢复 (8)第3章系统升级 (9)3.1 通过WEB方式升级 (10)3.2 通过网管软件RingMaster升级 (10)3.3 通过CLI命令行升级 (10)第4章 Trapeze配置实例 (11)4.1 最简单的公共区域接入—用户不需要口令 (11)4.2 访客使用Web-Portal接入 (12)4.3 基于MAC地址进行认证 (14)4.4 不同的认证加密方式 (16)4.4.1 无需密码和用户名口令 (16)4.4.2 wep加密,无需用户名口令认证 (17)4.4.3 WPA-tkip加密 (17)4.4.4 WPA2-TKIP加密 (18)4.4.5 Wpa+WPA2-tkip (18)4.4.6 WPA-AES (18)4.4.7 WPA2-AES (18)4.4.8 无加密,web-portal认证 (19)4.4.9 wpa-tkip,web-portal认证 (19)4.4.10 802.1X认证,WPA-tkip (19)4.4.11 MAC-local认证,无加密 (20)4.4.12 MAC-LOCAL认证,wpa-tkip (20)4.5对802.1x的支持 (20)4.6非法AP检测/分类/防护 (24)4.7 Intra-Switch 漫游 (25)4.8 跨交换机漫游 (26)4.9 有线用户认证 (30)4.10本地交换 (32)4.11 MESH和网桥 (33)4.12自动黑洞覆盖 (35)4.13控制器冗余支持 (36)4.14负载均衡 (38)4.15 同一台MX上跨vlan漫游 (39)第1章登陆无线网络交换机1.1登录无线网络交换机方法简介无线网络交换机的登陆,可以通过以下几种方式实现:通过 Console口进行本地登陆;通过以太网端口利用 SSH2进行本地或远程登陆;通过以太网端口利用 Telnet进行本地或远程登陆。
brocade g620 实施手册
![brocade g620 实施手册](
《Brocade G620 实施手册》一、引言在当今信息时代,网络设备的发展和应用已经成为IT行业的重要支撑。
作为网络设备中的佼佼者,Brocade G620交换机以其强大的性能和稳定的运行,被广泛应用于企业机房、数据中心等场景中。
本文将从深度和广度的要求出发,深入探讨Brocade G620交换机的实施手册,为读者提供高质量的知识共享。
二、Brocade G620实施手册概述1. 设备概述Brocade G620交换机是一款性能卓越的光纤通道交换机,采用了领先的刀片式结构,支持高达32Gb/s的光纤通道速率,具备卓越的可靠性和可扩展性。
2. 实施手册内容Brocade G620实施手册包括设备安装、配置、管理等多个环节的详细指导,旨在帮助用户快速、高效地部署和管理该设备。
三、手册内容深入解读1. 设备安装在实施手册中,设备安装是首要环节。
用户需按照手册指导,将Brocade G620交换机正确安装在机房中,并进行必要的物理连接。
2. 软件配置除了硬件安装外,软件配置也是用户关注的重点。
3. 管理和维护管理和维护是设备运行的关键环节。
四、结语和个人观点从本文对Brocade G620实施手册的深入解读中,我们可以看出手册内容涵盖了设备的安装、配置、管理等多个方面,具有全面性和实用性。
恩智浦半导体i.MX RT1020跨界处理器数据手册说明书
![恩智浦半导体i.MX RT1020跨界处理器数据手册说明书](
恩智浦半导体数据手册:技术数据文件编号:IMXRT1020IEC第0.1版,2018年7月MIMXRT1021CAG4A MIMXRT1021CAF4A面向工业产品的i.MXRT1020跨界处理器封装信息塑料封装144引脚LQFP,20 × 20 mm,0.5 mm间距100引脚LQFP,14 × 14 mm,0.5 mm间距订购信息参见第6页的表21 i.MX RT1020简介i.MX RT1020处理器属于i.MX RT系列,采用恩智浦先进的Arm®Cortex®-M7内核,运行速度高达396 MHz,可提供高CPU性能和实时响应。
i.MX RT1020处理器具有256 KB片内RAM,可灵活配置为TCM或通用片内RAM。
i.MX RT1020集成了先进的电源管理模块、DCDC和LDO,可降低外部电源的复杂性并简化上电时序。
IMX Rt1020还提供各类存储器接口,包括SDRAM、RAW NAND、闪存、NOR闪存、SD/eMMC、四通道SPI;以及各种连接接口,包括UART、SPI、I2C、USB和CAN,可用于连接外围设备,包括WLAN、b luetooth™和GPS。
i.MX Rt1020还提供丰富的音频功能,包括SPDIF和I2S音频接口。
1. I.MX RT1020简介 (1)1.1. 特性 (2)1.2. 订购信息 (6)2. 架构概述 (8)2.1. 功能框图 (8)3. 模块列表 (9)3.1. 特殊信号考量 (15)3.2. 未使用模拟接口的推荐连接 (16)4. 电气特性 (17)4.1. 芯片级条件 (17)4.2. 系统电源和时钟 (24)4.3. I/O参数 (29)4.4. 系统模块 (35)4.5. 外部存储器接口 (40)4.6. 音频 (50)4.7. 模拟 (53)4.8. 通信接口 (59)4.9. 定时器 (71)5. 启动模式配置 (73)5.1. 启动模式配置引脚 (73)5.2. 启动设备接口分配 (73)6. 封装信息和触点分配 (79)6.1. 20 x 20 mm封装信息 (79)6.2. 14 x 14 mm封装信息 (88)7. 修订记录 (95)i.MX RT1020简介i.MX RT1020特别适合以下应用:•工业•电机控制•家用电器•IoT1.1 特性i.MX RT1020处理器基于Arm Cortex-M7 MPCore™平台,具有以下特性:•支持单Cortex-M7和−16 KB L1指令缓存−16 KB L1数据缓存−全功能浮点单元(FPU),支持VFPv5架构−支持Armv7-M Thumb指令集•集成MPU,最多16个独立保护区域•I-TCM和D-TCM总共达256 KB•目标频率为396 MHz•集成Cortex M7 CoreSight™组件用于调试•内核频率请参见19页的表11“工作范围”。
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该电路具备较宽的工作电压范围(从2V到9.6V),最大持续输出电流达到2A,最大峰值输出电流达到 3.5A。
此时马达输出端OUTA和OUTB 都为高阻状态。
P M=(150℃-T A)/θJA
其中150℃为热关断电路预设温度点,T A为电路工作的环境温度(℃),θJA为电路的结到环境的热阻(单位℃/W)。
驱动电路功耗的计算公式为:P D=I L2*R ON其中I L表示马达驱动电路的输出电流,R ON表示功率MOSFET的导通内阻。
其中的R ONT为考虑温度特性后的功率MOSFET导通内阻。
根据电容的储能特性,电容容值越大,相同时间内的电压波动越小,因此在高压、大电流的应用条件下建议电容C1取值100uF,建议根据具体的应用选择电容值,但是该电容C1取值至少需要 4.7uF。