
• Sample 5: • stand a chance • Though his health is not in a very good condition, he still stands a good chance of winning the championship in boys’ 400metre race, as he has no rivals in this event.
• 2. attach • To the document we attached several riders, which form an integrated part of the contract we signed last week. • Sample 2: • via • As soon as we receive your confirmation of the contract, we’ll have all the samples of the foods you ordered sent to you via airmail.
• 3) It is a great honour/pleasure to acknowledge/appreciate/express thanks to ( Prof Black ) for presenting the thesis titled (“Study on Stator Field Orientation Control Method ”). • 4) On behalf of the conference secretariat, we feel it a great honour to inform you that your thesis titled (“Supportive Communication and School Outcomes for Academically At-risk and Other low Income Middle School Students ”).

Administrators from all four-year colleges and universities in South Carolina are encouraged to participate…
Faculty and staff with strong interests in developing the research enterprise at their institutions are also invited to attend.
The Workshop, coinciding with the South Carolina Academy of Science Annual Meeting, is to be held on Friday, March 21,2003 from 12 noon to until 5 p.m. at Madre Conference Center at Clemson Universitiy.
E-Education provides a valuable opportunity for communication and cooperation by domestic and overseas software/hardware manufacturers.The Conference will push forward the development of the modernization of
The workshop, including lunch and a keynote speaker, national experts on developing research at four-year colleges and universities, panel discussions and breakout brainstorming sessions, will focus on three key topics Strategic planning for moving a four-year institution into the research arena Encouraging under-represented groups to paricipate in research Funding opportunities for four-year colleges and universities

Unit 2Book 2 Culture and TraditionThink and Discuss Viewing the WorldExploring the ThemeAnalytical ListeningSharing Your IdeasEngagingFurther ListeningC ontentUnit 2 Culture and TraditionT hink and Discuss1.Look at the photo. What do youknow about cowboys?2.In which countries do cowboyslive and work?A cowboy and a cowgirlherding horses in Oregon,U.S.AQuestionsQuestions1.Look at the photo. What do you know about cowboys?Example AnswersI know that cowboys ride horses, and their job is to takecare of cows, or cattle. Many cowboys work on ranches,which are farms where cattle and other animals are raised.Questions2.In which countries do cowboys live and work?Example AnswersCowboys live and work in North and South America, from Canada and the U.S.A. to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.国际交流英语视听说Culture and TraditionUnit 2E xploring the ThemeCulture and Tradition Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions.1.Where do these people live?2.How are these people similar?3.What are some cultures that interest you? Why?4.What are some things that make your own culture special?An Argentine gaucho, or cowboy, herdsblack cattle through a field.Culture and TraditionIn Japan, geishas are female entertainers. The wordgeisha means “art person”. Geishas spend a lot of time studying how to perform traditional Japanese music and dances.Culture and TraditionCulture and Tradition The Sherpa people live in Array the Himalayan region. Theword Sherpa means “easternpeople”. The word Sherpaniis used for female Sherpas.guides and help peopleclimb mountains,particularly MountQomolangma.The Roma people lived in India before they moved to Europe. Today,there are many Roma people living in Romania, Hungary, and otherEuropean countries. When Roma children go to a school where people speak a different language, they often stop speaking their Roma language. Scientists estimate that 3,000 languages might disappear in the next 100 years as people stop speaking their native languages.Culture and TraditionCulture and TraditionAborigines are the original people of Australia. There are many different groups of Aborigines living there. Each group has its own language, culture, and customs.In the United States, the Navajo Indians still do their traditional dances, and many speak both the Navajo language and English.Culture and TraditionGauchos are cowboys from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Gauchos’ work involves moving herds of cattle from one place to another.Culture and TraditionCulture and Traditiongeisha: a woman who works as a traditional Japanese entertainer. Geishas are trained in traditional Japanese arts including singing, dancing, as well as conversation and games. 日本艺妓Culture and TraditionSherpa: a member of an ethnic group living in the Himalayan region. The Sherpas are best-known for their work as expert mountaineers and porters (行李搬运工) who take expeditionsup the mountains in the Himalayas. 夏尔巴人gypsy:a name used to describe a member of the Roma ethnic group. The name comes from a mistaken historical belief that they were Egyptian in origin. The Roma have several different languages and cultures. Most Roma live in Europe, though there are Roma populations in North and South America. 吉卜赛人Culture and TraditionAborigine:a name used to describe people who are historically native to a region. The best-known example is the people who lived in Australia before European settlers arrived. The term “indigenous person” has the same meaning and is usually considered more acceptable. 澳大利亚土著居民Culture and TraditionNavajo Indian: a member of a tribe of native American Indians in the U.S.A. Many Navajo live in the Navajo Reservation ( 纳瓦霍印第安人居留地) which occupies parts of the states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The Navajo people are famous for their traditional arts and crafts, including weaving and silver jewelry. 纳瓦霍印第安人Culture and Traditiongaucho:a person who rides a horse and works with cattle in parts of South America. Gauchos are famous for their rugged ( 吃苦耐劳的) and independent lifestyle. 加乌乔牧人Culture and TraditionCulture and Tradition 1.Where do these people live?Example AnswersGeishas live in Japan.The Sherpa people live in the Himalayan region.The Roma people live in Romania, Hungary, and other European countries.Aborigines live in Australia.The Navajo Indians live in the United States.Gauchos live in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.Culture and Tradition 2. How are these people similar?Example AnswersThese people represent old cultural traditions in the placeswhere they live. They also represent smaller culturalgroups—not huge populations.Culture and Tradition 3. What are some cultures that interest you? Why?Example Answers• I’m interested in the Hawaiian culture because I think huladancing is beautiful and the Hawaiian Islands are verybeautiful.• I’m interested in the Sami people of Scandinavia because they herd reindeer, their culture and language are very old,and their customs are disappearing quickly.• I’m interested in the culture of Sri Lanka because it has been influenced by several ethnic groups, including theSinhalese (僧伽罗人), Tamil (泰米尔人), etc.Culture and Tradition 4. What are some things that make your own culture special?Example AnswersMy own culture, Chinese culture, is special because it is soancient. Its history goes back thousands of years. Chineseculture is also special because China covers such a largegeographical area, and Chinese food, customs, andlanguages have traveled to many places, includingSingapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, to name a few.国际交流英语视听说A nalytical ListeningUnit 2Culture and TraditionRobb Kendrick 罗布·肯德里克(人名)Tyrel Tucker 蒂雷尔· 塔克(人名)ranch n. 大牧场Wyoming 怀俄明州(美国西部州)Manuel Rodriguez 曼努埃尔·罗德里格斯(人名)Coahuila 科阿韦拉州(墨西哥东北部州)La Mora Ranch 拉莫拉农场Listening 1Listening 1vaquero: a Spanish word used to describe a man who rides a horse and works with cattle. The vaquero style of working with cattle came historically from Spain to Mexico and spread to California, New Mexico, and Texas in the U.S.A. 牧牛人charro: a kind of traditional cowboy from Mexico. Thecharros are best-known for their colorful hats and clothes, and for their traditional Mexican rodeos (牛仔竞技表演), called charreadas . 墨西哥牛仔Listening 1Prior Knowledge. Discuss the questions with a partner.Before Listening Listening 11.What do you know about cowboys’ lifestyle?2.Besides North America, do you know of any other regions that have cowboys? What arethey called in those places?Cowboy still work onranches in the westernUnited StatesListening 11.What do you know about cowboys’ lifestyle?Example AnswersThe lifestyles of cowboys involve being away from home for long periods, riding horses, and living and working with cattle outdoors.Listening 12. Besides North America, do you know of any other regions that have cowboys? What are they called in those places?Example AnswersBesides North America, there are cowboys called gauchos who live in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Other cowboys called paniolos live in Hawaii, and vaqueros live in Mexico.A |Listening for Main Ideas.Listen to the first part of the lecture and check(√) the main idea you hear.A LectureListening Listening 1☐The last cowboys disappeared a long time ago.☐Fewer young people want to be cowboys because of the money matters.☐In some parts of the world, there are still traditionalcowboy customs.√Listening 1Professor Daley: OK, so let’s continue. A lot of people today think that the last cowboys disappeared a long time ago. It’s true that there are fewer cowboys today, and the cowboy way of life is endangered. Money is a big factor here. Cowboys usually don’t make a lot of money for all the hard work they do, so fewer young people today want to be cowboys—it’s not an easy lifestyle. Even so, in some parts of the world, cowboys still ride their horses, watch the cattle, and practice traditional cowboy customs.B | Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture and complete the notes about the two cowboys.Listening 1•________ years old when the photo was taken•got his first horse when he was_________________•one winter, he worked alone with his_______________ on a ranch •took care of _________ cattle •lived in a shack with no ___________•_____________ the work Tyrel Tucker18two years old older brother2,300electricity enjoyedListening 1 •started working with his father whenhe was _______________•_________ generations of his familyhave worked on the same ranch•got ____________ and moved to thecity•wants to ______________ to thecountryside and work as a vaquero again Manuel RodriguezB| Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture and complete the notes about the two cowboys.four years oldfourmarriedmove backC| Making Inferences. Read the statements. Then listen again and check (√) T for true or F for false. The statements are not in the professor’s exact words. You need to think about what you hear.Listening 11. Tyrel liked school.2. Tyrel and his brother ate a healthy diet.3. Both Tyrel and Manuel would be very unhappy living in a big city.4. The two men want to get better jobs.T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Example Answers1. F (He was happy to leave school at the age of 17.)2. F (They ate the same few foods every day, and didn’t eatvegetables or fruits.)3. T4. F (Tyrel enjoys cowboy work, and Manuel plans to work as acowboy again after his first child is born.)Listening 1D| Discussion. Read the questions. Then listen again and discuss the questions with your partner.1. When did the cowboy tradition start in Mexico? Why?2. Who did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?3. What did the Mexican vaqueros wear? For whatreasons did they wear those clothes?4. Which part of America did the Mexican cowboys firstmoved into?5. How many kinds of cowboys are there in Mexico today?What are they?Listening 11.When did the cowboy tradition start in Mexico? Why?Example AnswersThe cowboy tradition in Mexico started in the 1600sbecause Spanish people brought cattle to the NewWorld. Workers are needed to take care of the cattle.Listening 1 2. Who did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?Example AnswersThe Mexican vaqueros used to work for people whoowned big ranches.Listening 13. What did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?Example AnswersThe Mexican vaqueros used to wear big hats to keep the sun off their faces and high boots to protect their legs.Listening 1 4. Which part of America did the Mexican cowboys firstmoved into?Example AnswersThe Mexican cowboys first moved into Texas in the southern U.S.A.Listening 15. How many kinds of cowboys are there in Mexico today?What are they?Example AnswersThere are two kinds of cowboys in Mexico today. Onekind, called charros, ride horses and compete in sports.The other kind, called vaqueros, work with cattle on the ranches.Critical Thinking.Form a group with two or three other students. Discuss the questions.Listening 1After Listening 1. Why do you think Robb Kendrick used an old kind of camera for his pictures?2. What kinds of people want to be cowboys now?3. Why do you think they like the cowboy’s way of life?4. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?5. Are there cowboys in China? If yes, what is their way of life like?Listening 11. Why do you think Robb Kendrick used an old kind of camera for his pictures?Example AnswersRob Kendrick used an old camera probably becausecowboy work is an old tradition, and Kendrick wantedthe photos to look old-fashioned, not modern.Listening 1 2. What kinds of people want to be cowboys now?Example AnswersPeople who want to be cowboys now probably likeanimals and enjoy working outdoors, and they don’t expect to make a lot of money or live in luxury.Listening 1 3. Why do you think they like the cowboy’s way of life?Example AnswersThey probably like the cowboy’s way of life because they have a love for freedom.Listening 1 4. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?Example Answer 1Yes, because I’d like to seek a life of loneliness in the wild nature. I also like freedom and enjoy workingoutdoors, so the cowboy lifestyle would work for me.Listening 14. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?Example Answer 1No, because it’s important to me to earn enough money to save and invest. I need to live with my family, so the cowboy lifestyle wouldn’t work for me.。

A Letter of Acceptance of invitation
Dear Dr.Rose Zimbardo, I have received your letter dated December 28, 2004, inviting me to attend the First International Conference on Wireless Innovations: New Technologies and Evolving Policies to be held in Birmingham, England, July, 18-20,2005. Thank you for your invitation. I am pleased to accept your invitation and will send my paper entitled A Preliminary Discussion on Unlicensed Wireless Technologies to the Paper Committee before the required date.
to be held in this university from 14 to16 June, 2004.You will be provided with subsistence allowance and accommodation for the duration of the conference. If you have any enquiries or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Conference Convener, Ms.Hilary Zhang on (852)2358 8148 or our Executive Officer, Mr. Walter Wang on (852)2358 7850. We look forward to receiving you here.

Task 1 Conference Notice
Warm-up Questions
•Have you ever written a conference notice? •What items are usually covered in a conference notice?
Background Information
Unit One
International Conference
We will learn to accomplish the following tasks. Task I: Understanding and writing a conference notice. Task II: Understanding and writing a letter of invitation, a letter of acceptance of invitation, and a letter declining the invitation. Task III: Understanding and writing a conference program.
3. workshop Dancers who attend the workshops find them very helpful. 4. agenda This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.
5. register Have you come to register at the school? 6. grant These studios are funded by a grant from the Kress Foundation.

Improve academic speaking and writing skills: cultivate learners to effectively express themselves orally and in writing at international academic conferences, seminars, and other occasions.
Basic Skills of Academic Exchange English
Comprehension of Main Ideas: The ability to understand the overall topic or idea being presented in a speech or discussion
Extracting Details
The ability to analyze written materials, breaking it down into its component parts and understanding how they fit together
Analyzing Text
Well designed PPTs can enhance the claim of one's research ideas and facilitate effective communication with foreign collaborators
Clear communicac communication English requires accurate and professional expression, avoiding ambiguity and misunderstanding.

What items should be covered in a notice of acceptance or rejection of an abstract or a paper?
Background Information
Acceptance of the abstract or thesis
Rejection of the
Abstract or Thesis
• If an abstract or thesis is rejected due to certain reasons, a letter of notice should be sent to the writer in due time. A letter of this kind usually should include:
• 2. attach • To the document we attached several
riders, which form an integrated part of the contract we signed last week.
• Sample 2: • via • As soon as we receive your confirmation
a notice of acceptance or rejection
of an abstract or a paper
• Warm-up Questions
Have you ever written ction of an abstract or a paper?
• A letter of acceptance is written to inform the writer that his abstract or thesis has been accepted by the conference committee and he is expected to attend the conference if possible. It usually includes the following:
外研社学术英语(第二版)综合Unit 2 (教师用书U2

Unit 2 EconomicsI Teaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 2, students (Ss) are expected to develop the following academic skills and knowledge:II Teaching Activities and ResourcesReadingText ALead-inTeaching StepsAsk Ss to work in pairs and do the task in Lead-in. Then invite several Ss to share their answers with the whole class.Answer Keys1.The invisible hand.2.Our economic life is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of totalstrangers.The activities of countless far-flung men and women have to be intricately choreographed and precisely timed. However, no one coordinates it, and yet they do cooperate. It’s “the invisible hand” —the mysterious power that leads innumerable people, each working for his own gain, to promote ends that benefit many. Out of the seeming chaos of millions of uncoordinated private transactions emerges the spontaneousText AnalysisTeaching Steps1.OverviewAsk Ss to preview Text A before class. Or, allocate some time for Ss to read the text quickly in class. Then invite several Ss to summarize the main idea of Text A.2.In-Depth Analysis1)Show Ss the following words and ask them to contribute to the class as muchas possible with what they know about these words. Provide additional information in Supplementary Information when necessary.•the invisible hand•free-market economy•economic downturn•An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations2)Explain some important language points in Language Support to Ss.3)Discuss with Ss the invisible hand in the author’s eyes by doing Task 1 inCritical reading and thinking.4)Organize a group discussion about the questions from Task 2 in Criticalreading and thinking. Encourage Ss to think independently, critically and creatively and share their ideas with each other.Supplementary Information1.free-market economyIn a free market economy, the laws and forces of supply and demand, rather than a central government, regulate production and labor. The prices for goods and services are self-regulated by buyers and sellers negotiating in an open market.Most companies and resources are not owned by the state. Instead, they are owned by private individuals or entities who are free to trade contracts with each other. 2.economic downturnAn economic downturn is a general slowdown in economic activity over a sustained period of time. It occurs when the value of stocks, property, and commodities fall, productivity either grows more slowly or declines, and GDP shrinks, stands still or expands more slowly. It can happen in a specific region (e.g.the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s) or on a global scale (e.g. the global financial crisis in the late 2000s). The main features of an economic downturn include rising unemployment, falling share and house prices, low consumer confidence and declining investment.4.An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations(《国富论》)An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is Adam Smith’s masterpiece. It was first published in 1776, and is widely considered to be the first modern work in economics. Through reflection over the economics at the beginning of theIndustrial Revolution, the book touches upon broad topics such as the division of labor, productivity and free markets.Language Support1.Individual buyers and sellers will act according to what is in their own bestinterests. (Para. 2)The phrase “in one’s interest” means “for one’s benefit or advantage”(为了……的利益;为……着想). There are some relevant expressions, such as “in the interest of one”, “in one’s own interest”, and “in one’s best interest”.e.g. It’s obviously in their interest to increase profits.I suspect it’s in your own best interest to quit now.2.Customers are likewise typically looking out for their self-interests. (Para. 4)The word “likewise” is used to signal a comparison that explains how things are similar(同样的;此外).e.g. In this episode, we will likewise deal with another extremely commonquestion.Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.Other special words and expressions are often used to signal the comparison of two or more people, places, things, ideas, etc. Here are some examples of these signposts for your reference:similarly, both, just as, and also, resemble, parallel, in the same manner, inthe same way, alike, equally3.The market becomes more efficient as buyers and sellers move in the samedirection—as if directed by an invisible hand. (Para. 5)这里的as if用于省略句。

职务、学术成果、社会活动、其他个人信 息) • 3. 发言顺序 • 4. 邀请第一位演讲人
Task 1 介绍发言人
• Ⅰ Before listening, please read the useful patterns and expressions often used in introducing a a speaker in the data bank.
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.回顾常用的会议用语
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.会议用语
• Meeting
• 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于 各种场合。
• e.g. •
• 峰会 • a summit meeting • 参加会议 • attend a meeting
• a farewell meeting
• 联欢会
• a convivial meeting
• 筹备会议
• preparatory meeting
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• Conference
• (通常持续几天的大型正式)会议, 如政府工作会 议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈 等。
• 研讨会、专题报告 symposium (pl.
• is a kind of meeting, but if refers exclusively to the meetings for specialized academic discussion.
• The symposium on AIDS research lasted two days.

—What does she look like? —She is a young girland say.
Pay attention to the intonation.
Listen again and fill. (录音1)
2. What color is his nose? __It_’s_r_e_d_.__
3. Does he have short arms?_____Y_e_s,_h_e__d_oes.
4. Does he have hair?____N__o_, h__e_d_o_e_s_n’t.
Let’s play.
Where is she from? She is from America.
What does she look like? She has blond hair and blue eyes.
Look at this picture. Can you describe her?
She has… Her…
句子: What does she look like? She has red hair and long legs. I don’t know her. I don’t have big eyes.
画下来吗? 然后, 用英 语把你的画描述一下吧!
Here is a __le_tt_e_r _ for Maria. Maria is in ClassF_o_u_r,Grade _S_ev_e_n_. She is _t_al_l _. Her hair is _sh_o_r_t and _b_ro_w_n_. The _g_ir_l _ will give the letter to her.
国际学术交流英语 第二单元

Contact info for enquiries
airfare: n. transportation charge on airplane cordially: adv. in a friendly but polite and formal way convener: n. sb. who chairs a meeting, committee, etc. Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis: 有 限或无限维的复分析 incidental expenses: 附带(发生的)费用 stipend: n. a sum of money that is paid for living expenses. Youngstown: 杨斯顿,俄亥俄州东北部一城市
I wish the conference a successful one.
extending good wishes
Respectfully yours, (signature) Feilong Wang
Tips for Letter Writing
Good letter writing includes proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, format, structure and addressing persons of title. Be consistent in format. Be brief, succinct, and unambiguous in content. Be courteous and polite in tone.
Sample Demonstration

Incorrect gender perceptions are also embedded in most public policies. That governments transfer land almost solely to men, has much to do with perception about, rather than the universal fact of, male responsibility and female dependency. Men are often seen as primary bread winners and women at best as helpers.
译文:社会准则严格地限制妇女的经济选择权,通过 阻止女性继承财产的索求或阻止她们从事工作,限定 她们执行工作的范围,规定照顾孩子是她们的责任, 限制她们的流动性等等。因此,性别歧视在社会准则 和社会观念中已根深蒂固,那么这些变化是如何发生 的呢? 词汇: mobility [moʊˈbɪləti] n. 流动性;移动性;
deserve. That is the inequality about gender-biased
social perceptions and social norms.
性别歧视的一个方面(的议题),它集中影响着数以 百万计的女性工人,但也许未能得到应有的重视。这 个性别的歧视是由社会观念和社会准则的偏见所造成 的。
译文:同样的性别歧视也存在于许许多多的社会保障体 系之中。例如,具有代表性的,在印度的寡妇只要她们 有一个成年的儿子,有时甚至是只要有成年的男性亲属, 即使再贫困也没有获得养老金的权利。在实践中,关于 男性主义的假设往往被证明是错误的。
学术英语(教师资料)_Unit 2

• Remember that the sources you are going to use should be:
• 1) recent source materials which give new information and results of your discipline;
• 2) unbiased publications which are more trustworthy;
• 3) to show that you have a better understanding of the opinions and even controversies in the subject you have studied;
• 4) to allow your readers to find the original sources themselves if necessary.
Unit 2 Searching for Information
2 Scanning and skimming
Tips for scanning and skimming
the title and subtitles; the abstract (if there is one); the introduction and thesis; the first or last paragraphs of the essays/chapters; headings and subheadings; the conclusion and summaries; the first sentence or the last sentence of each paragraph; highlighted texts such as words in bold or italic text; graphs, tables or diagrams.
国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2分析[文字可编辑]
![国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2分析[文字可编辑]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/de118ff3a417866fb84a8ec6.png)
2) What to Correspond about ,
? Pre-/post-conference correspondence may vary greatly in terms of their contents. The usual contents of the correspondence are, however, not beyond the scope of making inquiries, explaining reasons, specifying requests, seeking possibilities, and the like.
? Post-conference Correspondence: letter of thanks, etc.
Theme Presentation 1. Pre-conference Correspondence
? 1) Whom to Correspond with ? Before a conference, whom to
? 2-I A letter of inquiry for the deadline of submission
? Dear Professor Smith,
I am the Deputy Director of the Zhong-yuan Institute of Acoustics in Zhengzhou, China. Since we have been undertaking researches on underwater imaging and ultrasonic non-destructive testing ' for many years, we are very much interested in attending the Twelfth International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging,2 which is to be held in London, dated 5 — 11th July, this year.

九年级上英语U2T2知识点Unit 2, Topic 2: Exploring KnowledgeIn the second topic of Unit 2 of our 9th-grade English module, we dive deeper into the world of knowledge and explore some fascinating concepts. Knowledge is the foundation of human progress and understanding, and through this topic, we are encouraged to expand our horizons and embrace a thirst for knowledge in various fields.The first aspect of knowledge that we will explore is the power of language. Language is not merely a means of communication; it is a tool that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. It is through language that we can express our ideas, engage in debates, and ultimately learn from one another. By understanding and utilizing the power of language effectively, we can open up doors to new opportunities and bridge the gaps between cultures and societies.Moving on, we delve into the intriguing world of literature and its influence on our understanding of the human condition. Literature offers a window into the lives, experiences, and imaginations of people from different times and places. It enables us to explore diverse perspectives and emotions, ultimately broadening our empathy and understanding of the world around us. Whether we are reading classicnovels, contemporary poetry, or thought-provoking essays, literature challenges us to think critically and encourages us to question the status quo.Furthermore, the study of history broadens our knowledge and helps us comprehend the lessons of the past. History is not just a collection of dates and events; it is a reflection of human achievements, struggles, and our shared heritage. Through the study of history, we can gain valuable insights into the mistakes and triumphs of those who came before us. It reminds us of the importance of learning from the past to shape a better future.Science, with its inherent curiosity and constant quest for knowledge, also plays a pivotal role in our understanding of the world. Scientific discoveries and advancements have shaped the course of human civilization. From the understanding of natural phenomena to the development of life-saving medical treatments, science offers us endless possibilities for growth and progress. By nurturing a scientific mindset, we not only stay informed about the latest breakthroughs but also develop critical thinking skills necessary to navigate the complex world around us.Last but certainly not least, mathematics, often considered a precise and structured discipline, fosters logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Mathematics is the language through which we can understand and describe the underlying patterns and principles in the universe. From the laws of physics to the algorithms that power our technology, mathematics provides us with the tools to unravel the mysteries of the world and make sense of its intricate complexities.In conclusion, Unit 2, Topic 2 of our 9th-grade English module immerses us in the vast realm of knowledge. From the power of language to the influence of literature, history, science, and mathematics, we are reminded of the boundless opportunities for learning and growth that await us. By embracing a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, we empower ourselves to become active participants in shaping a brighter and more enlightened future for all.。

通用学术英语unit2词汇表Unit 2 Petroleum IndustrySection 1 VocabularyText AWordsmulti-faceted ['m?lti,f?sitid] adj.多方面的;多才多艺的encompass[?n'k?mp?s; en-] vt.包含refinement [r?'fa?nm?nt] n.[油气] 提纯subdivision [s?bd?'v??n] n.细分;再分成的部分upstream [?p'strim] n.上游部门chronological [kr?n?'l?d??k(?)l] adj.按年代顺序排列的stabilized [s'te?b?la?zd] adj. 稳定的condensate [k?n'd?nset] n.冷凝物;浓缩物sniffer [sn?f?] n.嗅探器(捕捉局域网数据信息,分析统计,数据自由导进导出, 动态分析,对查找敏感数据、恶意攻击等有很好的帮助作用。
)thumper trucks n. 桑普卡车hydrophone['ha?dr??fo?n] n. 水中听音器(用于接收水声信号的水声传感器。
)warrant [?w?:r?nt] vt.保证,担保seismic [?sa?zm?k] adj. 地震的yield 英[ji:ld] 美[jild] vt. 产生blurred bl?d] adj.模糊不清的feature 英['fi?t??] 美['fit??] vt.以…为特色vertically ['v?t?kli] adv.纵向地,垂直地integrated ['?nt?ɡret?d] adj. 综合的;完整的segment ['s?ɡm?nt] n.部分adversely [?d'v?sli] adv.不利地refinery [r?'fa?n?ri] n.精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂impurity [?m'pj?r?ti] n.杂质;不纯convert [k?n'v?t] vt. 使转变;转换…;imperative [?m'p?r?t?v] adj.必要的,势在必行的pollutant [p?'lut?nt] n.污染物asset ['?s?t] n.资产,财产customized['k?st?ma?zd] adj.定制的;用户化的prowess ['pra??s] n.英勇;超凡技术niche [ni?] adj.有利可图的innovative ['?n?vet?v] adj. 革新的,创新的opportunistic [,ɑp?tu'n?st?k] adj.机会主义的;投机取巧的renaissance ['r?n?sɑns] n.新生;再生asphalt ['?sf?lt] n.沥青;柏油lubricant ['lubr?k?nt] n.润滑剂;润滑油pharmaceutical [,fɑrm?'sut?kl] n.药物antifreeze ['?nt?friz] n. [助剂] 防冻剂propane ['pro'pen] n. [有化] 丙烷synthesize ['s?nθ?sa?z] vt.合成;综合regimented ['r?d??m?nt?d] adj.统一的,受管制的naphtha ['n?fθ?] n.石脑油kerosene ['k?r?sin] n.煤油derivative 英[d?'r?v?t?v] 美[d?'r?v?t?v] n. [化学] 衍生物,派生物seasonality [,siz?'n?l?ti] n.季节性optimal ['ɑpt?ml] adj.最佳的;最理想的revenue ['r?v?nu] n.税收hemisphere ['h?m?sf?r] n.半球Phrases and Expressionsexploratory well探井,探勘井(para.6)core sample矿样,岩心样品(para.7)plug up 堵塞,塞紧(para.7)generic term 通用术语(para.9)takeaway message 结论(para.10)water vapor水汽;水蒸气(para.12)hydrogen sulfide[无化] 硫化氢(para.12)production site 生产现场(para.13)growth boom 发展与繁荣(para.15)crude blend 混合原油(para.16)value chain 增值连锁图表(para.17)shale plays 页岩油气藏(para.17)retail outlet 零售商店(para.18)process hazard analyst 过程风险分析师(para.21)tax accountant 税务会计师(para.21)plant operator 装置操作工,设备操作员(para.21)maintenance supervisor 维修主管(para.21)contracts manager 合同经理(para.21)instrument engineer 仪表工程师(para.21)residual fuel oil 渣油(para.22)Text BWordsConcawe欧洲石油化工协会Solvent ['sɑlv?nt] n.溶剂panoply ['p?n?pli] n.全副甲胄,全副装备(常作比喻)Babylonians [,b?bi'l?unj?nz] n. 巴比伦人(Babylonian的复数形式)Byzantine [ba?'z?nta?n; 'ba?z?nta?n] n.拜占庭人,拜占庭派的建筑师Incendiary[?n's?nd??ri] adj.放火的,纵火的Barbados [bɑ:'beid?uz] n.巴巴多斯(拉丁美洲国家)Seneca ['s?n?k?] n. 塞内卡族(位于纽约西部)ointment ['??ntm?nt] n.药膏;[药] 油膏propel [pr?'p?l] vt. 推进;驱使;激励[过去式、过去分词propelled 现在分词propelling ] potpourri [,pop?'ri] n.混合物bond [bɑnd] n.[化]键methane ['m?θen] n. [有化] 甲烷;[能源] 沼气ethane ['?θen] n.乙烷propane ['pro'pen] n.丙烷butane ['bj?ten] n. 丁烷heptanes ['h?pten] n.庚烷octane ['ɑkten] n.辛烷catalyst ['k?t?l?st] n. [物化] 催化剂olefin ['??l?f?n] n.烯烃aromatic [,?r?'m?t?k] n.芳香族环烃polymer ['pɑl?m?] n. [高分子] 聚合物ethylene ['?θ?lin] n.乙烯propylene ['prop?lin] n. [有化] 丙烯(等于propene)vinyl ['va?nl] n.乙烯基polypropylene ['pɑl?'prop?'lin] n. [高分子] 聚丙烯isopropyl [,a?s??'pr??pa?l; -p?l] n. [有化] 异丙基benzene ['b?nzin] n. [有化] 苯toluene ['tɑlj?,in] n. [有化] 甲苯xylene ['za?lin] n. [有化] 二甲苯polystyrene [,p?l?'sta?ri?n] n. [高分子] 聚苯乙烯utensil [j?'t?nsl] n.用具,器皿styrofoam ['sta?r?,fom] n.泡沫聚苯乙烯polyurethane [,pɑl?'j?r?θen] n.聚氨酯polyester [,pɑl?'?st?] n. 聚酯destabilizing [di:'steibilaiz??] adj.不稳定的ethanol ['?θ?n?l] n. [有化] 乙醇,[有化] 酒精biodiesel ['ba?odizl] n.生物柴油Phrases and ExpressionsSt. Quirinus 圣奎里纳斯(para. 5)Petroleum jelly 凡士林(vaseline)(para. 6) unsaturated carbon bond 不饱和碳键(para. 16) rubbing alcohol 外用酒精(para.17)furniture foam 海绵(家具用)(para. 18)Text CWordsperipherally [p?'r?f?r?li] adv.周边地,外围地divest [da?'v?st] vt.剥夺,迫使放弃embattled [?m'b?tld] adj.心烦意乱的equity ['?kw?ti] n.公平,公正redeploy ['rid?'pl?i] vt.重新部署vacate [v?'ket] vi.空出,腾出incumbent [?n'k?mb?nt] n.在职者;现任者infrastructure ['?nfr?'str?kt??] n.基础设施;公共建设rosy ['rozi] adj.乐观的turbo ['t?bo] n.涡轮增压机premium ['prim??m] n. 额外费用;奖金forefront ['f?rfr?nt] n.最前线,最前部intermediate [,?nt?'mid??t] adj.中级的rejuvenating [r?'d?uv?net??]adj.更新的,复原的fractionators ['fr?k??n,et?] n.分馏器retool [,ri'tul] v.更换机械设备augment [?ɡ'm?nt] vi. 增加;增大aggregate ['?ɡr?ɡ?t] adj.总计的,合计的Phrases and ExpressionsKanata energy group卡纳达能源集团(title)equity stake 股权(para.4)spin off 甩掉(para.4)equity capital 权益资本(para. 7)gas plant 煤气厂,[油气] 天然气加工厂(para.10) even out使(表面等)平坦(或平滑),使平整(para.14) scale up 按比例放大;按比例增加(para.16)take over control 接管(para.18)cubic feet [计量] 立方英尺(para.18)shale gas页岩气(para.19)at full capacity 以全部力量;满功率,满负载(para.21)。
国际学术交流英语词汇 UNIT 2

Keynotespeakern.主讲人;大会发言人;Prospective[pr?u'spektiv]adj.未来的;预期的n.预期;展望Ongoingadj.不间断的,进行的;前进的Bearvi.承受;结果实vt.忍受;具有;支撑Sincerity[s?n'ser?t?]n.真实,诚挚Attendees[?'t?n'di]n.出席者;在场者Letterheadn.信头Salutation['s?lj?'te??n]n.称呼;问候;招呼;寒喧Flushvt.abbr.Tonen.Chairasession 主持一个会议Interchangevt.(指两人等)互换vi.交换;n.互换;立体交叉道Paneln.座谈小组,全体陪审员Preparatory[pr?'p?r?t?ri]adj.预备的n.预科;预备学校Symposium[s?m'poz??m]n.讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集;Coveredadj.覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的Reimburse[,ri?m'b?s]vt.偿还;赔偿Subsidizedadj.补贴的,补助的Subsistenceallowance[s?b's?st?ns][?'la??ns]n.预付给新进员工的钱;生活津贴Duration[dj?'re??(?)n]n.持续Registration[red??'stre??(?)n]n.登记;注册;挂号Coordinator[k??'?:d?ne?t?]n.协调者Promptly['pr?m(p)tl?]adv.迅速地;立即地;敏捷地Familiarize[f?'m?l??ra?z]vt.使熟悉Courteous['k?t??s]adj.有礼貌的;谦恭的Alternative[?l't?n?t?v]adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的n.二中择一Confirm[k?n'f?m]vt.确认;确定;证实;Participation[pɑr,t?s?'pe??n]n.参与;分享;参股Commitment[k?'m?tm?nt]n.承诺,保证;委托;Prohibitive[pr?'h?b?t?v]adj.禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的Colleague[?k?li:ɡ]n.同事;同行Task3Viaprep.VImpactn.Decode[Trackv.跟踪,追踪Manuscript['m?njuskr?pt]n.手稿;原稿。

Text study (A)
Background information Words and expressions Text
appropriate flip flops sneeze tattoo
adj. having or showing dignity 尊严的,高贵的
adj. proper 合适的 人字拖
Looking at the text Working with words Listening
Listening 1
Book 2 Unit 2 - The Office
Personal view – Text (B) Text study
Background information Words and expressions Text
n. the feeling of being excited 兴奋,激动
n. people you work with 同事 n. power or right 权力,权威
Book 2 Unit 2 - The Office
Text study (A)
Background information Words and expressions Text
Book 2 Unit 2 - The Office Focus
Now work with a partner. Say what you do with the office equipment.
You can … with a …
make holes in documents
repair documents
Book 2 Unit 2 - The Office Focus

Task 1 Call for Conference Papers The planning process for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various mittees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These mittees generally consist of Conference Organizing mittee and Conference Academic mittee. The mittees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference.Format of call for conference papers·Theme and/or background·Conference objectives·Topics to be discussed·Time and venue·Papers and submissions·Organizing institution and mittee·Contact informationSampleConference Goals:To promote the study of material science in China; to introduce the development of the research work; to discuss the important issues in the field; to provide opportunities for international munication; to promote the understanding of related disciplines; to explore future cooperation possibilities between the countries. Topics to be Discussed:Papers are solicited on theoretical issues and their applications related to crystal materials. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:Papers and Submissions:Authors are invited to submit full papers, up to six pages, with the authors’names and affiliations, plete address (including email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author), before April 10,2006, by email to aass.. The language is Chinese or English. The papers will be reviewed by the program mittee based on content, presentation and suitability for the conference. The papers must be in an MS word or Latex format (A4, single space, Songti, 10 points if in Chinese, or Times New Roman, 12 points if in English). More detailed information will be available on the web page: .aa..Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns1. Call for papers·Papers are being invited for TI 83rd World Conference to be held in Shanghai, May 23-27, 2004.·Titles of proposed papers with a 200-word abstract should be submitted no later than May 10, 2006.·The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by July 15, 2006.2. Submission·The submitted papers should be original and have not been published elsewhere. ·Best papers will be selected by the Advisory mittee and Program mittee, and the authors are invited to submit their papers to an international journal.·For all submissions, please include the following information: title of the paper, name, affiliation, address, phone number, email, and audiovisual request. ·Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks followed by 10 minutes of discussion addressing any topic in the areas of Asian environmental protection…3. Format and length·Abstracts should be submitted electronically in an MS Word format and sent by email to the conference secretariat.·Authors of accepted papers should send the full text paper in format of PDF or MS Word before September 15, 2006 to aass. with attachment.·All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format.·Initial paper submissions should be approximately ten pages.4. Notification of acceptance and refusal·Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by August 1, 2006. ·Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email.·Submissions received after this date will not be given primary consideration. ·Acceptance of the paper will be confirmed by JICC 2006 Program mittee based on content quality of the extended abstract.·Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in papers being excluded from the conference proceedings.Called to order by the presiding officer主持人致辞roll call点名announcement of quorum宣布大会决议reading of the minutes of the previous meeting宣读前期会议纪要approval of the minutes of the previous meeting通过前期会议纪要related matters相关事宜unfinished business未尽事宜appointments and removal任命与离任nomination and elections提名与选举adjournment休会opening ceremony开幕式keynote speech主题发言forum论坛plenary session全体会议poster session论文展示panel session专题讨论会discussion / question & answer session讨论/提问与回答时间field trip考察活动closing ceremony闭幕式reception/banquet招待晚宴Task 1 Letters of Invitation Before the international conference, the conference host or organizer(s) will send invitation letters to famous scholars and experts in the field and invite them as keynote speakers to the conference. They will also invite other prospective authors to present their new ideas, valuable works, and ongoing research at the conference. These letters are formal letters and therefore should bear all the necessary information about the occasion(s), and express the host’s sincerity and hospitality toward the attendees.在国际会议,会议主持人或组织者〔〕将发送邀请信,著名学者在该领域的专家和邀请他们作为主讲人会议。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2. 研究目的
1) This thesis is intended to explore the major technical challenges facing ( the electronic field for many years). 2) This system is designed for (librarians ) to help them (manage the library easily). 3)This thesis concerns the design ( of a special project ) about (choosing a site for school buildings).
3. examines The passage mainly examines the structure of all the novels written by the author in his forties. 4. indicate All the symptoms on the body of the patient indicate immediate surgery.
Task 2 Writing an abstract and a thesis for submission to a conference
Warm-up Questions
• Have you ever written an abstract ? • What items should be covered in an abstract for submission to a conference?
Sample 3 1.aims at • In order to survive the fierce competition in the rubber industry, the factory must aim at developing new models of machines.
2. participated in •Visiting lecturers from the chemical industry participated in the teaching program. 3.In addition to •In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.
Sample 4 1.demonstrate His commitment to the company is demonstrated by his work on the project. 2.address These protections addressed issues ranging from the death penalty and homosexual rights to term limits, campaign-finance reform, and congressional redistricting.
Descriptive Abstracts
Informative Abstracts
• communicate specific information from the report, article, or paper. • include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. • provide the report, article, or paper's results, conclusions, and recommendations.
Sample 2 1.provide…as… In the dome of the house, the architect designed a special round hole to provide ample sunlight and ventilation as the only outlet.
• tell readers what information the report, article, or paper contains. • include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. • do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations. • are always very short, usually under 100 words. • introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the report, article, or paper to find out the author's results, conclusions, or recommendations.
• adds no new information, but simply summarizes the report. • is understandable to a wide audience. • oftentimes uses passive verbs to downplay the author and emphasize the information. Check with your teacher if you're unsure whether or not to use passive voice.
Key Sentences
1. 研究背景
3) In most studies of (teaching methods, ) (students-centered activities ) have been emphasized with attention being giving to ( classroom teaching only.) 4) There have been a few studies highlighting ( information accumulation on the Internet )while( experience accumulation has been completely Ignored.)
Language Points
3.apply By applying that rule to the endless number of immigrants who flood into the country, the United States has successfully stopped millions of immigrants surging into it every year. 4.obtain Such oblique photography is a selective process, involving archaeological judgment, in contrast to the unselective view obtained by vertical survey.
Background Information
Abstract Wris a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing's contents in abbreviated form. • Descriptive Abstracts and informative Abstracts are typically used in academic writing.
Key Sentences
1. 研究背景
1) Several researchers have theoretically investigated that( a 3-dimentional cartoon is unlikely to be used in material molding.) 2) The precious work on archeology has indicated that ( cultural relics can only be well preserved by painting a layer of oil on them once only. )
Task 2 Writing an abstract and a thesis for submission to a conference
• read samples of abstract submissions to familiarize yourself with the format and content. • summarize the commonly-used sentence patterns in abstract submissions. • learn to write abstract submissions according to the information given
Language Points
Sample 1: 1. in question Whether to attend the international conference to be held in Moscow is still in question. 2.employ In order to do this, we have to employ a method of understanding rooted in scientific principles that are universally accepted.