
文学评论·外国文学《小妇人》的女性主义批评——以乔为例王冠丹 哈尔滨师范大学刘畅 哈尔滨师范大学摘 要:路易莎•梅•奥尔科特的《小妇人》中马奇家四姐妹性格鲜明,其中二女儿乔,是作者所创造女性形象中最浓墨重彩的一位。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-18-129-01作为19世纪美国众多歌颂女性主义的文学作品之一,《小妇人》在女性文学世界具有重要意义。


小妇人英语人物介绍"Little Women" is a classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott, and it features four main characters, the March sisters.First, there is Meg March, the oldest sister. She is responsible and caring, often taking on the role of the mother figure in the absence of their real mother. Meg is also depicted as a romantic and dreams of a future filled with love and stability.Next, there is Jo March, the second oldest sister and the protagonist of the novel. She is independent, tomboyish, and has a strong passion for writing. Jo is determined to become a successful author and often challenges the traditional gender roles of her time.Beth March is the third sister, known for her gentleand musical nature. She is shy and often prefers the company of her family to socializing with others. Beth'skind and selfless personality endears her to those around her.Finally, there is Amy March, the youngest sister. Amy is artistic and has a strong desire for refinement and elegance. She is often seen as the most vain and materialistic of the sisters, but she also possesses a deep inner strength and resilience.The novel follows the lives of these four sisters as they navigate through the challenges of growing up, love, and the societal expectations placed upon them as women in the 19th century. Each sister's unique personality and journey contribute to the rich tapestry of the novel, making "Little Women" a beloved and enduring classic.。
最新-高中英语 名著精读《小妇人》第五章:和睦邻居

名著精读《小妇人》第五章:和睦邻居第1节"What in the world are you going to do now, Jo?" asked Meg one snowy afternoon, as her sister came tramping through the hall, in rubber boots, old sack, and hood, with a broom in one hand and a shovel in the other.“你究竟是去干什么,乔?”梅格问道。
"Going out for exercise," answered Jo with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.“出去锻炼,”乔答,眼睛调皮地一闪一闪。
"I should think two long walks this morning would have been enough! It's cold and dull out, and I advise you to stay warm and dry by the fire, as I do," said Meg with a shiver.“今天早上散了两次步,还不够么?外面又冷又闷,我劝你还是呆在火边暖和暖和,就像我一样,”梅格说着打了个冷颤。
"Never take advice! Can't keep still all day, and not being a pussycat, I don't like to doze by the fire. I like adventures, and I'm going to find some."“不接受意见!我不能一整天都安静地呆着,我又不是小猫咪,不喜欢在火炉边打盹儿,我喜欢探险,我这就打算去。




---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 《小妇人》中女性形象的分析_英语论文摘要路易莎•梅•奥尔科特是美国十九世纪最有影响力的女作家之一。
1 / 16关键词:女性形象;性格分析;成长;人生观;价值观AbstractLouisa May Alcott is one of the greatest nineteenth-century American female writers. Little Women is one of the most famous works of hers. The novel has made the bestseller list since it was published in 1868. It attracts readers generation by generation. Set in the American civil war, in the background of the nineteenth century American society perspective personalities , ideals and aspirations of four sisters,step by step to start a lively ,interesting description .In the thesis, it focuses on female image analysis, by means of the analysis of characters’ portraits, languages, movements and behaviors; characters in specific situation and the comparison and contrast between characters. It states the March sisters’ different characteristics and different outlooks on life and values .It shows women ought to be independent and continuously improve and go beyond themselves, adopting positive---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------attitudes to life, loving others as yourself and helping others to realize self-value.4.2.2 Amy in the Eyes of Aunt March154.3 Amy’s Growth and Change . .15Ⅴ.The Common qualities of the Little Women. . 155.1 The Value of Self-reliance205.2 The Love for the Family.205.3 The Loyalty of Love.21Ⅵ.Conclusion21Bibliography223 / 16Acknowledgements23I. IntroductionLouisa May Alcott is one of these greatest nineteenth-century American female writers. Little Women is one of the most famous works of her. The novel has made the bestseller list since it published in 1868. It attracts readers generation by generation. Set in the American civil war, the novel presents March sisters’ progress of growing up, which describes the life of the poor March during the civil war in its first part and presents that the four sisters are seeking independence and self-improvement achieving happy ending in the second part.The critical response to Little Women between 1868 and 1869 was as favorable as the readers’ response, and Alcott was among the most popular children’s authors to be taken seriously by literary critics. A review in---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------Nation declared Little Women an “agreeable” story that appeals to juvenile readers as well as adult readers. In fact, Alcott’s contemporaries and modern critics agree that the novel is remarkable for its reality and depth, compared with the too-sweet, overly didactic stories available to children at that time. Besides, “Jane Gabin in Reference Guide to American Literature deemed Little Women “markedly superior to other books of its genre” because of its unobtrusive “sermonizing” and its well-rounded characters. She added that the villains and the heroes were clearly identified in other books of that time, but in Alcott’ s book, even the heroes have flaws and make mistakes. (DiaoWeiyang 4) So the characters are real and natural.Eager for an inkstand, a stable full of Arabian steeds, and rooms piled with books, Jo hopes to be a famous and rich writer and do something heroic or wonderful that5 / 16won’t be forgotten after she is dead. At that time, she is unwilling to grow up and scorn love and romance which is just accepted in books for her. That is her castle in the air.2.2 Jo in the Eyes of OthersJo is a girl who makes different impressions on different people. In the eyes of her parents, she is a rebellious daughter whose clothes, behavior and thoughts are like boys.In her sisters’s eyes, Jo is more like a brother. She never cares about what she looks like and admires all boys could do. Besides, she has a gift for writing. Bad temper as she is, she is so helpful, when others get caught in sticky situations. In the eyes of males, Jo is a special girl. Compared with other girls, she is independent, frank, longing for freedom and has strong wills.2.2.1 Jo in the Eyes of her ParentsJo is a “son” in her parents’ eyes, whose clothes behavior and thoughts are similar to boys.---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------She is so independent and tough that she could work to support the family and handle most of her own things. So filial she is that she buys mom a pair of slippers as the Christmas present while she gets noting for herself. Though it is difficult for a girl, she prefers to sell her beautiful long hair for her father when Mr. March is sick. She tries her best to comfort her parents and undertake everything in the family when Beth is dead, though she is also extremely distressed on Beth’s death.Besides, she is reliable for her parents to share her sister’s secrets and to stay with and look after them after Meg is married, Amy goes abroad and Beth is dead. Being a bookworm, their Jo spends her most of time in reading books and on writing in her leisure. She is so optimistic, humorous and frank that she brings a lot of joy to the family and friends. What’s more, she has her own vision of love. For her, marriage must be based on love, so she could not marry someone just for money.7 / 162.2.2 Jo in Sisters’ EyesJo is a “brother” in her sisters’ eyes. She hopes to be a boy. But “all that she could do are just to make her name boyish and to play brother to her sisters.”(Louisa May Alcott 5) She likes boy’s games, work and manners. Dressed in flyaway clothes, she often puts her hands in her pockets and begins to whistle. Being very popular among boys, she is regarded as the best friend by Laurie. She does not love to take part in balls and calls like her sisters. Receiving the invitation from Mrs. Gardiner, Meg is very excited and thinking about what to dress, while Jo does not care about it very much and the poplins with the burn and the tear is her only choice. In order to hide the burn and behave properly, she has to sit quietly in corner. The ball is boring for her until she comes across Laurie. And once she promises to make half a dozen calls with Amy which upset her.Jo is enthusiastic and hospitable but careless, so she is always screwing things up. When sisters are getting ready---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------for a party, she helps Meg with a few curls. However, curls don’t appear but a row of little scorched bundles. In spite of her poor cooking skills, Jo is to cook the dinner and invite Laurie to come, one day during the experiment time. She cooks it in her own way. The dinner is turned out to be a failure ended gaily with bread and butter, olives and fun.Despite of many demerits, Jo has more merits. She is called “a regular Shakespeare (by Beth) who could write and act splendid things.”(Louisa May Alcott 8) She is so crazy about literature that staying in the garret stairs, reading or writing with a pet rat was her favorite. Nobody dares to interrupt her, when her writing does not go well. And Jo is very helpful. For Meg, It is Jo that accompanied her to the party and takes her home after her feet gets hurt, though Jo does not loved party. For Beth, Jo is her dearest sister, who she could talk about everything with. And it is Jo that attends to her when she is ill, pays for her to go seaside for being healthier and accompanies her to the end of her life and makes her comfort. For Amy,9 / 16It is Jo that helps her to end her humility at school and free from the unfair treatment she faces in Mrs. Chester’s fair. So as for her sisters, nobody could replace Jo.The second biggest thing in her growth is that Beth has scarlet. After Mrs. March goes to look after Mr. March, the sisters (except Beth) go back to the idle state of life. It is Beth that does all the little duties to make things right. She does not forget that her mother asks them to go and see the Hummels. As one of the Hummels’ babies is sick, Beth doesn't know what to do and hopes someone to go with her. Jo and Meg promise to go but they both make excuses not to go. It is Beth that goes alone. Unfortunately, the baby is dead and she gets scarlet, which makes Jo very guilty. She thinks if she went to the Hummels, Beth might not get scarlet. Realizing her selfishness, she is so remorseful and determines to get rid of her selfishness. Fortunately, though Beth is a little weak, she is recovering from scarlet, under the care of Jo. After---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------that Jo indeed overcomes her selfishness. Once, in order to make Beth healthier, she spends all her contribution on Beth’s tip to seaside.The last thing is that she and Mr. Bhaer get married. Getting acquaintance with Mr. Bhaer, she learns not only a lot of knowledge, but also modesty, kindness, and lofty character from him. It makes it clear for her to set up the right outlook on life. After Beth dies, Meg has children, and Amy and Laurie marry happily, Jo rethinks about her life and changes her idea on love. She believes that Mr. Bhaer is the one she appreciates and shares her life with. It is him that makes Jo changes her mind on being single all her life. Besides, she and Mr. Bhaer set up a school for boys, which makes her realize her own value and keep her independence as a lady. Despite of hard work, much anxiety, and a perpetual racket, Jo is a happy woman with her boys at school. “She enjoys it heartily and finds the applause of her boys more satisfying than any praise of the world.” (Louisa May Alcott 451)11 / 16Although her castle is so different from the past, the ending is good. She has a happy family of her own with a learned professor and a lovely son. Besides, the couple owns their own career and lives a happy life, though they are not rich.3.2 Meg and Beth in the Eyes of Others3.2.1 Meg in the Eyes of OthersMeg is so different in the eyes of different persons. She is a beautiful and lovely daughter in parents’ eyes; she is the oldest sister in her younger sisters’ eyes; she is a good wife and mother in her husband’s and children’s eyes.Meg is a beautiful and independent girl, which makes her parents be proud of her. Though she is the oldest sister who could take good care of her sisters, she is always a child needed caring for and helping in the eyes of her---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------parents. On one occasion Meg gets back from Annie’s party, she feels uneasy and confused, and confesses all happened in that party to her mother. Her mother does not blame her but also comforts her and removes the doubts she has that mother doesn't marry her daughters just for money and social status.On another occasion Laurie makes mischief between Meg and Brooke. She doesn't know what to do just crying sadly with face hid in her hands. It’s her mother and Jo that help her to deal with it properly. After mother talks to Laurie, he is so regretful that Meg accepts his humble apology. “She is much comforted by the assurance that Brooke knows nothing of the joke.” (Louisa May Alcott 194)Also once, Meg does not know how to deal with the relationship between her and her husband after Daisy and Demi is born. She thinks that she isn't beautiful so that John does not love her any more. At this time her mother comes to give her advice, according to her own13 / 16experience, which helps her a lot. “Their home grows homelike again, and John has no wish to leave it, unless he takes Meg with him.” (Louisa May Alcott 371) Even both the Scotts and Sallie Moffat like to come to the Brookes’, for everyone finds the little house a cheerful place. Meg and John find the key to the household happiness with the help of Mrs. March.In Mr. Brook’s eyes, Meg is a beautiful wife and their children’s good mother. She tries to make everything at home right and give all her love to her husband and children. Though, sometimes, she is a little vain and shortsighted. John believes she is the one loves him and he loves. As love cover s a multitude of sins.3.2.2 Beth in the Eyes of OthersIn her parents’ eyes, Beth is their little tranquility, who is kind and gentle; In sisters’ eyes, she is a shy and helpful sister.---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------Beth is a kind and gentle girl. She never loses temper and hardly complains anything. Being a housewifely little creature, she helps Hannah to keep home neat and comfortable for the workers. She is so unselfish that she helps others, never thinking of any reward but to be loved. And she is so considerate. It is Beth that suggested buying a pair of new slippers for her mother, when she sees the old ones; it is she who made Mr. Laurence a pair of nice shoes to express her thanks; and it is she that goes and sees the Hummels, after her mother goes away for her father. So obedient she is that she goes faithfully on study by herself and does the best she could, when her father goes away and her mother is called to devote her skill and energy to Soldiers’ Aid Societies. Besides she loves music very much. Though the old piano isn't in tone with her, she thinks that “she would get her music some time, if she is good.” (Louisa May Alcott38)However, she is so shy that “she seems to live ina happy world of her own, only venturing out to meet the few whom she trusts and loves.” (Louisa May15 / 16Alcott 6) Thus, Beth is that little tranquility. She is so kind that she helps others without any reward. 《小妇人》中女性形象的分析(7):。

英语作文小妇人人物分析Little Women is a classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott. It tells the story of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, and their journey through life during the CivilWar era. Each sister has a unique personality and character, which makes the novel a timeless masterpiece.Meg is the eldest sister, and she is portrayed as the traditional, responsible, and motherly figure of the family. She is the one who takes care of the household and looks after her younger sisters. Meg is also the one who dreamsof a traditional family life, with a husband and children, and she eventually marries John Brooke, the tutor of her younger brother.Jo is the second eldest sister, and she is the most tomboyish of the four. She is outspoken, independent, and rebellious, and she dreams of becoming a writer. Jo is also a loyal and caring sister, and she is always there for her family when they need her. Jo eventually marries ProfessorBhaer, a German teacher who encourages her writing and supports her dreams.Beth is the third sister, and she is portrayed as the quiet, gentle, and kind-hearted one. She is the peacemaker of the family and is always there to comfort her sisters when they are upset. Beth is also a talented musician, and she plays the piano beautifully. However, Beth is also the most fragile of the sisters, and she eventually dies of scarlet fever.Amy is the youngest sister, and she is the most ambitious and materialistic of the four. She dreams of becoming a famous artist and marrying a wealthy man. Amy is also the most vain and selfish of the sisters, but she learns to become more selfless and compassionate as she grows older. Amy eventually marries Laurie, the boy next door, after Jo rejects his proposal.In conclusion, Little Women is a timeless novel that explores the themes of family, love, and sisterhood. Each sister has a unique personality and character, which makesthem relatable to readers of all ages and backgrounds. The novel is a testament to the enduring power of family and the bonds that hold us together, even in the darkest of times.。

主要角色乔(Jo March)乔是故事中的主人公,她是一个聪明、独立和有文学天赋的女孩。
乔的扮演者是:1.Winona Ryder(1994年版)2.Saoirse Ronan(2019年版)梅格(Meg March)梅格是乔的姐姐,她是一个温柔善良的女孩,非常注重家庭和传统价值观。
梅格的扮演者是:1.Trini Alvarado(1994年版)2.Emma Watson(2019年版)艾米(Amy March)艾米是乔的妹妹,她是一个有艺术天赋且有点自恋的女孩。
艾米的扮演者是:1.Kirsten Dunst(1994年版)2.Florence Pugh(2019年版)伯狄克(Beth March)伯狄克是乔的妹妹,她是一个善良、纯洁和害羞的女孩,非常喜欢音乐。
伯狄克的扮演者是:1.Claire Danes(1994年版)2.Eliza Scanlen(2019年版)劳里(Laurie)劳里是乔的朋友和邻居,他是一个热情、活泼和有点浪漫的年轻人。
劳里的扮演者是:1.Christian Bale(1994年版)2.Timothée Chalamet(2019年版)其他角色除了主要角色,还有一些重要的次要角色,他们也为故事增添了色彩。
汉娜的扮演者是:1.Mary Wickes(1994年版)2.Jayne Houdyshell(2019年版)梅弗尔夫人(Mrs. March)梅弗尔夫人是乔等姐妹们的母亲,她是一个聪明、慈爱和坚强的女性。
梅弗尔夫人的扮演者是:1.Susan Sarandon(1994年版)ura Dern(2019年版)约翰(John Brooke)约翰是劳里的朋友,也是梅格的恋人,他是一个善良、可靠和上进的年轻人。

小妇人中英文对照版小妇人 Little Women作者:路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)主要人物:1. 乔(Jo March):故事的主人公,一个有才华、有冲劲的女孩子,梦想成为一名作家。
2. 梅格(Meg March):乔的姐姐,一个温柔贤淑的女孩子,喜欢家庭生活。
3. 贝丝(Beth March):乔的妹妹,一个纯真善良的女孩子,善于弹琴。
4. 艾米(Amy March):乔的妹妹,一个聪明漂亮的女孩子,梦想成为一名画家。
经典语句:1. "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."(我不怕风暴,因为我正在学会如何驾驶我的船。
)2. "I like good strong words that mean something."(我喜欢有意义的好词汇。
)3. "Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault."(观察和祈祷,亲爱的,永远不要厌倦尝试,也永远不要认为征服你的缺点是不可能的。

小妇人描写英文作文初中"Little Women" is a classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott. It tells the story of the four March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—growing up during the Civil War era in Concord, Massachusetts. Here, I'll provide an English essay discussing the portrayal of the characters and themes in "Little Women."---。
"Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott is a timelessliterary work that delves into the lives of the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Set against the backdropof the Civil War, the novel explores themes of family, love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of individual dreams.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its portrayal of the four sisters, each with her own distinct personality and aspirations. Meg, the eldest, isresponsible and traditional, aspiring to a life ofdomesticity and marriage. Jo, on the other hand, isfiercely independent and ambitious, dreaming of becoming a successful writer. Beth is gentle and compassionate,finding solace in music and her family. Lastly, Amy is artistic and vivacious, longing for a life of luxury and social status.Through the characterization of the March sisters,Alcott highlights the different paths that women could pursue during the 19th century. Meg represents the conventional role of women as homemakers and wives, whileJo challenges societal norms by seeking a career and independence. Beth embodies the virtues of kindness and selflessness, and Amy grapples with the desire for bothlove and personal fulfillment.Another central theme of the novel is the importance of family and sisterhood. Despite their differences, the March sisters share a deep bond and support each other throughlife's trials and tribulations. Whether it's Meg's marriage, Jo's literary pursuits, Beth's illness, or Amy's artistic endeavors, the sisters stand by each other, demonstratingthe strength of familial love.Additionally, "Little Women" explores the theme of sacrifice, particularly in the context of the Civil War. The March family experiences hardship and loss as they cope with the absence of their father, who is serving as a chaplain in the Union Army. Despite their own struggles, the sisters engage in acts of charity and kindness, emphasizing the importance of empathy and selflessness.Throughout the novel, Alcott presents a nuanced portrayal of femininity and womanhood, challenging traditional gender roles and societal expectations. Jo, in particular, emerges as a feminist icon, defying convention and advocating for female independence and empowerment.In conclusion, "Little Women" remains a beloved classic due to its rich characterization, poignant themes, and timeless message of love, family, and resilience. Through the March sisters, Louisa May Alcott offers readers a glimpse into the lives of women in the 19th century whilealso imparting valuable lessons that resonate across generations.。

小妇人描写英文作文英文:Little Women is a novel written by Louisa May Alcott, which depicts the lives of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, during the Civil War era in America. The novel is a classic coming-of-age story that explores themes of family, love, and personal growth.As a reader, I was immediately drawn into the world of the March sisters. Each sister has a unique personality and struggles with her own challenges. Meg is the responsible and traditional sister, Jo is the tomboyish and independent sister, Beth is the gentle and kind sister, and Amy is the artistic and ambitious sister. Through their experiences, I was able to see how they grew and changed over time.One of the most memorable moments in the novel for me was when Jo cut off her hair to raise money for herfather's trip to Washington D.C. to visit her sick husband.This act of sacrifice showed Jo's love for her family and her willingness to do whatever it takes to help them. It also symbolized her transition from a rebellious tomboy to a mature and responsible young woman.Overall, Little Women is a heartwarming and inspiring novel that has touched the lives of many readers around the world. Its timeless themes and relatable characters make it a must-read for anyone who loves classic literature.中文:《小妇人》是路易莎·梅·奥尔科特写的一本小说,描绘了四个姐妹梅格、乔、贝丝和艾米在美国内战时期的生活。




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clothes ,and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who rapidly shooting up into a woman, and didn't like it.
译文:十五岁的乔身材修长,皮肤黝黑,见了使人想到一匹小公马,因为 她修长的四肢相当碍事,她仿佛总是不知道该如何处置它们。她 嘴巴(显得她这个人)刚毅,鼻子俊俏,灰色的眼睛异常敏锐, 似乎能看穿一切,眼神时而炽烈,时而风趣,时而又像在沉思。 她美丽的又长又厚的头发用发网网着! 她双肩圆润,大手大脚,穿着又宽又大的衣服。正迅速长成一个 成熟的女性,她心里却极不愿,因此常常露出这个阶段的女孩所 特有的尴尬神情。
appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, or thoughtful. 4.Her long, thick hair was hlly bundled into a net , to be out of her way. Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, 5.a flyaway look to her
The character’s appearance
Little women
Jo, the 2nd daughter of the family
15 years old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown ,and 1.reminded one of a colt, for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs ,2.which were very much in her way. She had 3.a decided mouth ,a comical nose, and sharp, grey eyes, which