经典英语童谣歌词简单易学(幼儿教育必读已整理方便打印)1.Good MorningGood morning, good morning, And how do you do? Good morning, good morning, I'm fine. How are you?2.The Alphabet SongA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W and XYZ Happy, happy, I am happy I can sing my ABCA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XY and Z NowI know my ABC Won't you come and sing with me?3. Happy Birthday to youHappy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear my friend. Happy Birthday to you.4.BingoThere was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was his name, sir. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name, sir!There was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was his name, sir. _-I-N-G-O, _-I-N-G-O, _-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name, sir!There was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was his name, sir. _-_-N-G-O, _-_-N-G-O, _-_-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name, sir!There was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was his name, sir. _-_-_-G-O, _-_-_-G-O, _-_-_-G-O, And Bingo was his name, sir!5. Under the spreading chestnut treeUnder the spreading chestnut tree, there we sit both you and me. Oh, how happy we will be! Under the spreading chestnut tree.6. Ten little IndiansOne little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians. seven little, eight little, nine little Indians. Ten little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians. Seven little, six little,five little Indians. four little, three little, two little Indians.One little Indian boys.7.HelloHello, Hello. Hello, How are you? I'm fine, I'm fine. I hope that you are, too.8.Twinkle, twinkle, little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are!9. Head, Shoulders, Knees and T oesHead, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Oh, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes.10.Row, row, row your boatRow, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily. Life is but a stream.11. Clap, clap, bowClap, clap, bow, bow, bow, Clap, clap, bow, bow, bow, Stamp, Stamp , Stamp , Stamp , Stamp . Turn around and bow, bow, bow,12. Days of the WeekSunday, ra-ra-ra, Monday ra-ra-ra, Tuesday, ra-ra-ra, Wednesday. Thursday, ra-ra-ra, Friday, ra-ra-ra, Saturday. This make a week.13.Twelve monthsJanuary, February, March, April, May and June, July and August, September, October, November, December.14. Humpty Dumpty(胖墩儿)Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men, Couldn't putHumpty together again.15. Are you sleepingAre you sleeping, Are you sleeping, Brother John, brother John? Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing, Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong!16 Teddy bearTeddy bear, Teddy bear, Turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear, Teddy bear show your shoe, Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Show what you can do.17. Where's Mr. Thumb?Where's Mr. Thumb? Where's Mr. Thumb? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, sir? V ery well, I thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide.Where's Peter Pointer? Where's Peter Pointer(食指先生)? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, sir? V ery well, I thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide. Where's Mary Middle? Where's Mary Middle(中指小姐)? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today,ma'am? Very well, I thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide.Where's Mrs. Ring? Where's Mrs. Ring(无名指太太)? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, ma'am? V ery well, I thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide. Where's Little Pinky? Where's Little Pinky(小手指)? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, sir? V ery well, I thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide. Where are the fingers? Where are the fingers? Here we are. Here we are. How are you today, guys? V ery well, we thank you. Run and hide. Run and hide.18. My BonnieMy Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me!Bring back, bring back, Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me!Bring back,bring back, Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me!Oh, blow, ye winds, over the ocean, Oh, blow, ye winds, over the sea, Oh, blow, ye winds, over the ocean, And bring back my Bonnie to me! Bring back, bring back, Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me! Bring back, bring back, Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me!19. Do Re MiDoe, a deer, a female deer, Ray, a drop of golden sun, Me, a name I call myself, Far, a long, long way to run, Sew, a needle pulling thread, La, a note to follow sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to doe. Do re me fa so la ti do so do!20. Hicktory, dickory, dock(滴答,滴答,当)Hicktory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Hicktory, dickory, dock..(滴答,滴答,当,老鼠跳到大钟上。
0-1岁英语儿歌1. 《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》- 对于0 - 1岁的小宝贝呀,《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》就像天上最闪亮的星星一样迷人。
这歌可简单啦,“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are.”就像我们在跟小星星聊天似的。
2. 《The Wheels on the Bus》- 哟,《The Wheels on the Bus》可太有趣啦!“The wheels on the bus go round and round.”就像真的有辆小巴士在宝宝面前开动一样。
3. 《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》- 《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》是超级经典的英语儿歌哦。
“E - I - E - I - O”一唱出来,就特别有活力。
你听那歌词“With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there.”感觉就像真的在农场里,小动物们都在身边。
我表妹家的小宝贝听到牛叫“moo moo”的时候,笑得那叫一个甜,就好像他自己也在农场里跟小动物们玩耍呢。
4. 《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》- 嘿,《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》这首歌呀,轻柔得像一阵微风。
“Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.”唱起来就感觉像是带着宝宝在小船上,顺着小溪漂流。
以下是一些适合少儿英语启蒙的经典儿歌:1.ABC Song (字母歌):此歌帮助孩子记忆英文字母表的顺序,是英语学习的基础。
2.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (小星星):通过这首歌,孩子可以学习颜色、形状,并且加强基本的日常用语。
3.Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (头肩膀膝盖脚):通过这首歌,孩子可以学到身体各部位的英文表达,同时锻炼语言的重复和记忆能力。
4.The Wheels on the Bus (公共汽车之歌):通过歌曲描述公共汽车上不同的部分,加深孩子对交通工具和基本动作的认识。
5.If You're Happy and You Know It (如果你快乐,你就拍手):这首歌通过描述快乐时的动作,帮助孩子学习一些简单的动词和日常表达。
6.Old MacDonald Had a Farm (老麦当劳有个农场):通过这首歌,孩子可以学到动物名称、动物的叫声,同时了解一些基本的农场事物。
7.Five Little Ducks (五只小鸭子):通过描述小鸭子的离去与回归,加强数字的学习和记忆。
8.The Itsy Bitsy Spider (小小蜘蛛):通过这首歌,孩子可以学到一些天气和动作的词汇,同时锻炼手指灵活性。
9.Baby Shark (小鲨鱼):这是一首极富互动性的歌曲,通过描述不同家庭成员的活动,帮助孩子学习家庭生活用语。
10.Hello, How Are You? (你好吗?):这首歌适合教孩子问候语和简单的社交用语,帮助培养孩子与他人交往的能力。
super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集
![super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b34525907d1cfad6195f312b3169a4517623e545.png)
super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集以下是为您生成的二十条主题为“super simple songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集”的相关文案,每条文案都包含了运用的例子:1. 哇塞,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这简直就是孩子英语世界的魔法宝盒!就像给孩子插上了飞向英语乐园的翅膀,你能想象他们在这个乐园里快乐翱翔的样子吗?比如《The Wheels on the Bus》,那欢快的旋律,孩子跟着唱起来,英语单词不就自然而然记住啦?2. 朋友们,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集真的太绝啦!这不就是给孩子们打开英语大门的神奇钥匙嘛!像《Five Little Monkeys》,每次播放,孩子都跟着手舞足蹈,难道这还不能让孩子爱上英语?3. 天呐,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,简直是英语启蒙的超级神器!好比是一艘带领孩子畅游英语海洋的快艇。
就说《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,孩子唱着就能认识好多动物单词,这难道不神奇吗?4. 亲,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集可太棒啦!它就像一座充满惊喜的英语城堡,等着孩子们去探索。
像《If You're Happy and You Know It》,孩子一唱就开心得不得了,难道您不想让孩子也这样快乐学英语?语学习路上的璀璨星光呀!如同为孩子点亮了英语梦想的灯塔。
比如说《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,优美的旋律,孩子能不陶醉其中?6. 嘿,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,那可真是不得了!简直是孩子英语启蒙的秘密武器!就像《Head Shoulders Knees and Toes》,边唱边指,英语身体部位单词轻松掌握,这效果难道不好?7. 哇哦,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这绝对是开启孩子英语智慧的宝藏!宛如一个装满英语知识糖果的罐子。
20首0—1岁龄宝宝英文启蒙儿歌1.One little fingerOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger down Put it on your head headOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger down Put it on your nose noseOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger downPut it on your ear earOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger down Put it on your mouth mouthOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger downPut it on your eyeOne little finger one little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPoint your finger up Point your finger downPut it on your foot foot2.Hello Hello!Hello Hello!Can you clap your handsHello Hello!Can you clap your hands Can you stretch up high(举起双臂)Can you touch your toes?Can you turn around?Can you say Hello?Hello Hello!Can you stamp your feet(跺跺脚)?Hello Hello!Can you stamp your feet?Can you stretch up high?Can you touch your toes?Can you turn around?Can you say Hello?Hello Hello! Can you clap your hands?Hello Hello! Can you stamp your feet?3.Hello How Are YouHello hello hello hello hello hello how are youHello hello hello hello hello hello how do you doI'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very muchI'm fine I'm fine And I hope that you are tooHello hello hello hello hello hello how are youHello hello hello hello hello hello how do you doI'm fine I'm fine Thank you thank you very muchI'm fine I'm fine And I hope that you are too4.Walking, walkingWalking, walking. Walking, walking.Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop(蹦蹦跳跳).Running, running, running. Running, running, running.Now let's stop. Now let's stop.Tiptoe ,tiptoe.Tiptoe,tiptoeJump,jump,jump.Jump,jump,jump. Swimming,swimming,swimming.Swimming,swimming,swimming.Now let's sleep. Now let's sleep.5.Apple SongApple round apple red. Apple juicy apple sweetApple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eatApple round apple red.Apple juicy apple sweetApple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eatApple round apple red. Apple juicy apple sweetApple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eatApple round apple red. Apple juicy apple sweetApple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat6.The Finger FamilyDaddy finger daddy finger where are youHere I am here I am how do you doMommy finger mommy finger where are youHere I am here I am how do you do Brother finger brother finger where are you Here I am here I am how do you doSister finger sister finger where are youHere I am here I am how do you doBaby finger baby finger where are youHere I am here I am how do you do7.ABC SongA B C D E F G,H I J K L M N,O P Q R S T U,V W X Y ZX Y Z Now you see, I can say my A B C8.Head, shoulders, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.9.Are You SleepingAre You Sleeping Are You SleepingBrother John Brother John Morning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing Ding ding dong Ding ding dongAre You Sleeping Are You SleepingBrother John Brother JohnMorning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing Ding ding dong Ding ding dong10.Baby SharkBaby Shark do do do do do doBaby Shark do do do do do do doBaby Shark do do do do do do doBaby SharkMama Shark do do do do do do doMama Shark do do do do do do doMama Shark do do do do do do doMama SharkDaddy Shark do do do do do do doDaddy Shark do do do do do do doDaddy Shark do do do do do do doDaddy SharkGrandma Shark do do do do do do doGrandma Shark do do do do do do doGrandma Shark do do do do do do doGrandma SharkGrandpa Shark do do do do do do doGrandpa Shark do do do do do do doGrandpa Shark do do do do do do doGrandpa SharkLet's go hunt do do do do do doLet's go hunt do do do do do doLet's go hunt do do do do do doLet's go huntRun away do do do do do do doRun away do do do do do do doRun away do do do do do do doRun awaySafe at last do do do do do do doSafe at last do do do do do do doSafe at last do do do do do do doSafe at lastIt's the end do do do do do doIt's the end do do do do do doIt's the end do do do do do doIt's the end It's the end11.If you are happyIf you are happy happy happy , clap your hands(拍拍手)If you are happy happy happy , clap your handsIf you are happy happy happy, clap your hands clap your hands If you are happy happy happy , clap your handsIf you are happy happy happy, nod your head(点点头)If you are happy happy happy , nod your headIf you are happy happy happy, nod your head nod your head If you are happy happy happy, nod your headIf you are happy happy happy, stomp your feet(跺跺脚)If you are happy happy happy ,stomp your feetIf you are happy happy happy,stomp your feet stomp your feet If you are happy happy happy stomp your feet12.I'm a little teapotI'm a little teapot(茶壶),short and stout(胖)Here is my handle(把手),here is my spout(壶嘴)When I get all steamed up,hear me shoutTip me over and pour me outI'm a little teapot, short and stoutHere is my handle,here is my spoutWhen I get all steamed up,hear me shoutTip me over and pour me out13.phonics songA is for apple a a apple.B is for ball b b ballC is for cat c c cat.D is for dog d d dogE is for elephant e e elephant.F is for fish f f fishG is for gorilla g g gorilla(大猩猩). H is for hat h h hatI is for igloo i i igloo(冰屋).J is for juice j j juiceK is for kangaroo k k kangaroo(袋鼠).L is for lion l l lion M is for monkey m m monkey.N is for no n n noO is for octopus o o octopus(章鱼).P is for pig p p pig Q is for question q q question.R is for rain r r rainS is for sun s s sun.T is for train t t trainU is for umbrella u u umbrella.V is for van v v van(小货车)W is for watch w w watch. X is for box x x boxY is for yellow y y yellow. Z is for zoo z z zooSo many things for you to learn aboutSo many ways to sing your song14.Old MacDonald had a farmOld MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.With a moo moo here and a moo moo there.Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.With an oink oink here and an oink oink there.Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O。
英语26字母歌曲儿歌慢版歌词如下:A is for Apple,红苹果B is for Ball,圆皮球C is for Cat,猫咪叫D is for Dog,小狗旺E is for Elephant,大象鼻F is for Fish,鱼儿游G is for Giraffe,长颈鹿H is for Hat,帽子头上戴I is for Ice Cream,冰淇淋J is for Jeep,吉普车K is for Kitty,猫咪美L is for Light,灯光亮闪闪M is for Mouse,老鼠真机灵N is for Noah,诺亚方舟O is for Orange,橙子甜又酸P is for Parrot,鹦鹉学舌边Q is for Quail,鹌鹑咕咕叫R is for Rainbow,彩虹多美丽S is for Ship,船儿水中荡漾T is for Telephone,电话响起来U is for Umbrella,雨伞为我遮太阳V is for Vroom!小车在路上飞奔W is for Wagon,小车拉货忙又忙X is for Xylophone,木琴奏鸣乐声响Y is for Yellow,黄色代表阳光和希望Z is for Zoo,动物园里真热闹Now you know your ABCs,现在你知道26字母了吧!以上就是英语26字母歌曲儿歌慢版的歌词内容。
26个英文字母英文儿歌一、字母歌歌词A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V WX Y ZNow you see, I can say my A B C二、字母发音1. A:[ei],发音时,由[e]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
2. B:[bi:],双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流冲出,声带振动。
3. C:[si:],发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量接近,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
4. D:[di:],舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然下降,使气流冲出口腔,声带振动。
5. E:[i:],舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
6. F:[ef],上齿轻轻接触下唇,然后吹气,使气流从唇齿间通过,声带振动。
7. G:[dʒi:],发音时,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身后缩至舌尖不抵下齿,舌身尽量向软腭抬起并振动声带。
在单词中有时发[g],如go(去);有时发[d ʒ],如giraffe(长颈鹿)。
8. H:[eitʃ],气流不受阻碍,自由呼出,声带不振动。
9. I:[ai],由[a]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
例如ice cream(冰淇淋),ice(冰)。
10. J:[dʒei],发这个音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌面前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,声带振动。
儿童节英文歌曲歌词大全集简谱As Children's Day is coming up, it is the perfect time to gather some great children's songs that can be sung by kids and parents alike. Additionally, we have included some of the popular nursery rhymes from around the world, which is a great way to learn about different cultures. Here is a comprehensive list of children's songs that are perfect for Children's Day!1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarLyrics: Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you are2. If You're Happy and You Know ItLyrics:If you're happy and you know it clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it clap your hands3. The Wheels on the BusLyrics:The wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll through the town4. Old MacDonald Had a FarmLyrics:Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-OWith a moo-moo here and a moo-moo thereHere a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-mooOld MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O5. I'm a Little TeapotLyrics:I'm a little teapot, short and stoutHere is my handle, here is my spoutWhen I get all steamed up, hear me shoutTip me over and pour me out6. The Alphabet SongLyrics:A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O PQ R S T U V W X Y ZNow I know my ABCsNext time won't you sing with me?7. London Bridge Is Falling DownLyrics:London Bridge is falling downFalling down, falling downLondon Bridge is falling downMy fair lady8. Five Little MonkeysLyrics:Five little monkeys jumping on the bedOne fell off and bumped his headMama called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!9. The Itsy-Bitsy SpiderLyrics:The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spoutDown came the rain and washed the spider outOut came the sun anddried up all the rainAnd the itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout again10. Yankee DoodleLyrics:Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a ponyStuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroniYankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandyMind the music and the step and with the girls be handyHere are the simple music notes that can be played on a piano or keyboard for these songs:1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star:C C G G A A G2. If You're Happy and You Know It:C C G G A A G G E E D D3. The Wheels on the Bus:C C C D E E E D D C4. Old MacDonald Had a Farm:C C C G G G G A A G G5. I'm a Little Teapot:D D G G A A D D6. The Alphabet Song:C C C D D E E F F G GG G F F E E D D C7. London Bridge Is Falling Down:C C G G A A GC C G G A A G8. Five Little Monkeys:C C G G A A G G E E D D9. The Itsy-Bitsy Spider:C C G G A A G G E E D DG G A A B B C10. Yankee Doodle:C C G G G A A G G E E D D CIn conclusion, these children's songs are great for not just entertaining children, but also for bonding with them and helpingthem learn valuable life skills. Music is a powerful tool for connecting people and breaking down barriers, so encourage your children to sing and be creative! Happy Children's Day!。
3岁幼儿英语启蒙儿歌01 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star(《小星星》)Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you are一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星,挂在天空放光明,好像许多小眼睛。
一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星,02 Baby Shark(《鲨鱼宝宝》)Baby shark du du du du du du du宝宝鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Mommy shark du du du du du du du妈妈鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Daddy shark du du du du du du du爸爸鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Grandma shark du du du du du du du奶奶鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Grandpa shark du du du du du du du爷爷鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Let’s go hunt, doo doo doo doo doo doo 我们去打猎,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Run away du du du du du du du游得远呀,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Swimming fast du du du du du du du游得快,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Brush your teeth du du du du du du du刷刷牙,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Happy shark du du du du du du du做只快乐鲨,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟It’s the end du du du du du du du这就结束啦,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟03 old macdonald had a farm(《王老先生有块地》)Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟And on his farm he had a cow,E I E I O他的农场养奶牛,咿呀咿呀呦With a moo moo here,And a moo moo thereHere a moo there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo这里哞哞,那里哞哞,这里哞哞那里哞哞,到处都哞哞Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟And on his farm he had a sheep,E I E I O他的农场养绵羊,咿呀咿呀哟With a baa baa here,And a baa baa thereHere a baa there a baa,Everywhere a baa baa这里咩咩,那里咩咩,这里咩咩那里咩咩,到处都咩咩Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟And on his farm he had a pig,E I E I O他的农场养小猪,咿呀咿呀哟With a oink oink here,And a oink oink thereHere a oink there a oink,Everywhere a oink oink这里哼哼,那里哼哼,这里哼哼那里哼哼,到处都哼哼Old MacDonald had a farm,E I E I O•老麦唐纳有农场,咿呀咿呀哟•elephant大象大象的叫声toot [tuːt]•fish,鱼的叫声blub•还可以替换成其他的动物——dog,狗的叫声woofcat,猫t的叫声meow [miˈaʊ]bird,鸟的叫声tweetmouse,老鼠的叫声squeekcow,牛的叫声moofrog,青蛙的叫声croakelephant,大象的叫声tootduck,鸭子的叫声quackseal,海豹的叫声ow04 Rain Rain Go Away(《小雨,小雨,快走开》)Rain, rain go away, 小雨小雨快走开Come again another day ,改天再来Daddy wants to play ,爸爸想出去玩儿----(替换daddy)Mommy妈妈/ Brother 哥哥/Sister妹妹/baby宝宝...... All the family wants to play ,所有家人都想出去玩儿05Apple Song(《苹果歌》)Apple round,apple red, apple juicy apple sweet.苹果圆,苹果红,苹果多汁苹果甜Apple apple, i love you.苹果苹果我爱你Apple sweet i love to eat.我喜欢吃甜苹果06 The Finger Family(《手指家族》)Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am!How do you do?我在这里,我在这里!你好吗?Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am!How do you do?手指妈妈,手指妈妈,你在哪?我在这里,我在这里!你好吗?Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am!How do you do?手指哥哥,手指哥哥,你在哪?我在这里,我在这里!你好吗?Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am!How do you do?手指姐姐,手指姐姐,你在哪?我在这里,我在这里!你好吗?Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am!How do you do?我在这里,我在这里!你好吗?另外这首儿歌还有复杂一点的版本,不光可以认识家庭成员,每个家庭成员在做什么也有唱出来。
(一)边弹边唱(大班)1 植树歌1=C 2/43 1 1 3 5 ︱5 -|64 4 1 6 ︱5 - ︱6 6 1 ︱6 5 3 ︱1 3 2 1 ︱2 - ︱三月里春风吹,河岸上蝴蝶飞,小朋友排好队,老师来指挥。
3 3 1|(3333 10)|5 5 3|(5555 30)|1 1 6 5 ︱ 6 - |2 2 2 3 ︱6 6 5|你浇水,我施肥,谁也不说累,一棵一棵又一棵,3 5 2 3 ︱1 - ﹕‖小树也排队。
2 The more we get together1=C 3/41 ︱5· 6 5 4︱3 1 1 ︱2 5 5 ︱3 1 1 ︱5· 6 5 4︱3 1 1 ︱The more we get to-geth-er, to-geth-er, to- geth-er, the more we get to-geth-er, the2 2 5 5 ︱1 — 1 ︱2 5 5︱3 1 1 ︱2 5 5 ︱3 1 1 ︱hap-pi- er we’ll be, For your friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends.The 5· 6 5 4︱3 1 1 ︱2 2 5 5 ︱1 —‖more we get to-geth-er, the hap-pi- er we’ll be.3 画妈妈1=D 2/43 5 5 |1 3 3|3 5 5|1 3 6|1 1 6 6 |3 3 2 |5 3 0|5 3 0 |1 1 3 3 |小蜡笔咪哩咪画呀画咪哩咪画出我的好妈妈咪哩咪里画出我的好妈妈咪哩咪笑哈哈咪哩咪胸前戴朵大红花咪哩咪里胸前带朵1 3 |6 - ‖好妈妈。
大红花4 The muffin man1=G 4/45 |5 1 1 · 2 | 3 1 1 · 7|6 2 2· 1 |7 5 5· 5 |Oh, do you know the muf-fin man,the muf-fin man,the muf-fin man? Oh,5 1 1 · 2 | 3 1 1 ·1 | 2 2 5 5 |1 - - -‖do you know the muf-fin man,who lives on drur-y lane?5大树妈妈1=D 2/43 5 5 3∣5 -∣3 6 1∣2 -∣3 5 3 ∣6 5 3∣2 3 1 6∣5 -∣1 1 5 ∣6 -∣大树妈妈,个儿高,对着摇篮唱歌谣,摇啊摇大树妈妈,个儿高,对着小鸟呵呵笑,风来了3 3 1 ∣2 —∣5 6 5 3 ∣2 3 ∣1 6 3 2∣1 -‖摇啊摇,摇篮里的小鸟睡着了。
Shop and zoo, Shop and zoo.
Bookshop, garden,
park and school.
Park and school,
these are the places I often go to. These are the places I often go to.
Friends, friends, friends.
OICU, OICU, Oh, I can see you, Oh, I can see you.
Orange, orange, pineapple. Orange, orange, pineapple. The queen is sitting at home, at the table and eating a pineapple.
R S T, R S T. Rr is for rabbit. R-A-B-B-I-T. R S T, R S T. Ss is for snake. S-N-A-K-E. R S T, R S T. Tt is for turtle. T-U-R-T-L-E.
Uu Vv Ww, Uu Vv Ww, umbrella, vest and window. Uu Vv Ww, Uu Vv Ww, umbrella, vest and window.
Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Monkey Munchy! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Panda Pandy!
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Monkey Munchy! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Panda Pandy! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Dog Doffy! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Cat Catty!
英语幼儿启蒙早教动歌1. Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star. (一闪一闪小星星。
)How I wonder what you are. (我好想知道你是什么。
)Up above the world so high,(在世界上,你如此的高。
)Like a diamond in the sky. (像一颗钻石在天空中。
)Twinkle, twinkle, little star,(一闪一闪小星星。
)How I wonder what you are. (我好想知道你是什么。
)When the blazing sun is gone,(当太阳落下去了。
)when he nothing shines upon. (当它不在照耀了。
)Then you show your little light,(你就闪烁着微光。
)Twinkle twinkle all the night. (整个晚上都在眨眼睛。
)Twinkle, twinkle, little star. (一闪一闪小星星。
)How I wonder what you are. (我好想知道你是什么。
)2. Rain, Rain, Go AwayRain, rain,(雨,雨,)go away. (快走吧。
)Come again another day. (改天再来吧。
)Daddy wants to play. (爸爸想去玩。
)Rain, rain, go away. (雨,雨,快走吧。
)Rain, rain,(雨,雨,)go away. (快走吧。
)Come again another day. (改天再来不。
)MOMMY wants to play. (妈妈想去玩。
)Rain, rain, go away. (雨,雨,快走吧。
)3. Row Row Row Your BoatRow,row,row your boat. (划船啊划船。
少儿英语音标入门儿歌1. 《A 字母之歌》哎呀,小朋友们,你们知道吗?字母 A 就像一个大嘴巴,张得大大的,念“[æ]”,比如“cat(猫)”,“hat(帽子)”,是不是很好玩?难道你们不想跟着唱起来?2. 《E 字母的奇妙发音》嘿,小伙伴们!字母 E 有时候发音像小蜜蜂嗡嗡叫“[e]”,像“bed (床)”,“red(红色)”。
这难道不有趣吗?你们能想到更多这样的单词吗?3. 《I 字母的魔法之声》哇哦!字母 I 就像一个小精灵,它的发音“[ɪ]”出现在“big(大的)”“pig(猪)”里。
这难道不是很神奇?你们有没有发现呢?4. 《O 字母的欢乐之歌》小朋友们呀,字母 O 有时会发出“[ɒ]”的声音,像在说“dog (狗)”“hot(热的)。
这难道不可爱吗?快跟我一起唱!5. 《U 字母的俏皮发音》哈哈,小宝贝们!字母 U 会调皮地念“[ʌ]”,像“cup(杯子)”“bus(公共汽车)”。
是不是超级有趣呀?6. 《元音组合 AI 的魅力》哟呵,孩子们!“AI”组合在一起,发出“[eɪ]”的声音,比如“rain (雨)”“train(火车)”。
这就像两个好朋友手拉手,难道不棒吗?7. 《元音组合 EA 的奇妙旅程》亲爱的小朋友,“EA”有时会变成“[i:]”的声音,像“tea(茶)”“pea (豌豆)”。
这难道不像一场神奇的旅行?8. 《辅音组合 CH 的欢乐派对》哇噻!“CH”在一起的时候会念“[tʃ]”,像“chair(椅子)”“bench (长椅)”。
这就像一场欢乐的派对,不是吗?9. 《辅音组合 SH 的神秘之歌》哎呀呀!“SH”组合的声音“[ʃ]”可神秘啦,像“fish(鱼)”“dish (盘子)”。
你们能感受到这份神秘吗?10. 《TH 组合的独特旋律》嘿哟!“TH”组合有两种发音哦,“[θ]”和“[ð]”,像“thin(瘦的)”“this(这个)”。
这难道不是很特别?11. 《元音组合 EE 的甜蜜之声》哇哦,小天使们!“EE”总是发出甜甜的“[i:]”音,像“bee(蜜蜂)”“see(看见)”。