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7)By the time it ended, more than 700 people ___________ (死亡)and 2700 _______________(受伤). 8)Thousands of people are believed to still ___________under collapsed buildings. 9)The traffic ___________ and the supply of water and electricity _____________. 10)Tens of thousands of people_____________(被困在)the earthquake stricken areas. 拓展的短语 :
common people donate money(捐钱);showed their love in different ways(以各种方式献爱心) foreign countries donate money 课文句子精选填空: 1) The worst earthquake ________________________(发生)the United States in 1906,________(导致)the worst fires in the nation’s history. 2) The fires _______ three days, which __________a total of 25,000 buildings.
具体做法如下:一册书复习结束之后,按照写作 的话题安排,确定需要整合的话题,然后围绕中 心话题,通过同类归纳的方式,在1-8册书中把相 同话题的模块整合起来,创设话题情境,总结复 习同类词汇,归纳典型句式,训练类似的话题写 作,然后再拓展该话题新材料的阅读,以提高词 汇复习的效率。我们把高中阶段外研社的从第一 册到第八册的教科书,归纳分类,选择了“学校 生活,环境灾难,旅游,文化体育,人物介绍, 饮食与健康”等几大类的话题材料,穿插进传统 的复习过程中。每个话题所用课时不是固定的, 一般是用三个课时。王老师的这一节课就是有关 旅游这一话题的整合的第二课时。
3)The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,________ (影响)three US states. 4) In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent_____________, such as floods, droughts, mudslide, earthquakes, windstorms and sand storm 5)The earthquakes________________破坏整个城市), ______________(8万多人 死亡),with thirty thousand people injured,and making five million people homeless. 6) The hurricane ________________(持续了 3天)which_________________(真是可怕)
2.A Letter about WenChuan Earthquake.
Dear Doris, Haven’t heard from you for a long time, I’m writing to tell you something about WenChuan Earthquake. On May the 12th, 2008, a powerful earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, causing great destruction to a large area of Sichuan and neighboring provinces. Many houses collapsed and the traffic was cut off. Millions of people were injured and more than 60 thousand even lost their lives.
call on sb. to do号召某人做 share pains and sorrows with... 与…分担痛苦 与伤悲 in a short time在短时间里 make contributions to为…做出贡献 Step Ⅲ.阅读下列两段短文,注意涉及本话题的词 汇短语及句子: 1)In the Face of Snow Disaster Last winter, unexpectedly, heavy snowstorms hit/struck/happened in/occurred in more than ten provinces in China, which did great harm to the affected areas. The traffic was blocked and the supply of water and electricity was cut off. Timely help was in great need.
高三一轮复习程中词汇复习起着至关重要的作用, 但往往词汇复习也是问题最多的。最大的问题就 是知识的讲解和训练与听、说、读、写综合语言 运用能力的脱离.知识传授与语言技能培养严重 分割开来,词汇学习效率低下,最终达不到需要 的目的和要求。在词汇复习过程中,教师是“字 典”和“题库,例句库”.脱离运用讲解语言知 识点。学生辛辛苦苦地记笔记,最后还是不会实 际运用。针对这个问题,武老师在本学期期初到 我们学校视导时给我们提出了按话题复习的指导 和建议,我们组全体同志经过认真集备和研讨, 确定了话题复习的范围和方法。
Hearing the news, people throughout China showed their love in different ways. The government immediately made careful arrangements, and sent many skilled workers to help repair things that had been damaged. Some big companies sent a lot of goods to the disaster areas for free. People in other parts of China also donated a lot of money. In the face of the severe /serious /terrible/terrifying snow disaster, the Chinese people were not afraid and united like a big family. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, everything is back to normal again.
Flights water and electricity
traffic /Roads
people cause/ affect
Present situation
destroy,damage, ruin,bury,burn;wipe out(冲毁),level / flatten 夷为平地be reduced to ashes(化为灰烬)collapse(倒塌) traffic /Roads
be in ruins变成废墟
in a flash顷刻间
as a result结果 become homeless无家可归 what’s worse更糟糕的是 lose one’s life丧生 take action采取行动 donate money捐钱 raise/collect money筹集资金
How to respond government respond
foreign countries
common people
organizations /companies
How to respond offer help;show one’s love to;donate money/clothes/blood to;volunteer ;devote; raise/collect money ;get aid; rescue ; support;rebuild the government
flood,block, cut off water and electricity cut off; suffere from the shortage of water, vegetables and power supply(缺乏水、电和蔬 菜),be in urgent need of drinking water and food (急需饮用水和食品)
take all kinds of urgent measures to ensure everything returned to normal as soon as possible采取各种积极措施确保一切尽快恢复正 常); send soldiers, aid workers (救援工人) organizations/companies send a lot of goods to the disaster areas for free(免费送物品)
tsunami 海啸
typhoon 台风
sand storm 沙尘暴
debris flow/ mudslide泥石流 volcanic eruption 火山爆发 flood 洪水
time at…clock,on…day; in…year location distaster/stricken area 受灾地区shelter 避难所 How to happen Hit, strike, break out, occur, take place, happen last last for……(时间) Ways of happening all of a sudden, suddenly, (突然) unexpectedly(出乎意料)
cause/ affect disease spread(疾病传播);lack of food, clean water and medicine(缺乏干净水,药和 食物) ;suffer a great loss(遭受很大损失) Present situation terrible terrifying serious awful(可怕), violent (肆虐的,猛烈的), strong(强烈的) worse worst huge dangerous heavy severe(剧烈的,严重的)
natural disasters
Ways of happening
How to happen
natural disasters
earthquake 地震
flooding 洪水
tropical storm 热带风暴 hurricane 飓风 a state of emergency 紧急状态 dense fog 浓雾 drought 干旱
Flights call off /cancel(取消) Trains delay(晚点) people kill,injure, homeless,missing ,lose one’s life,be trapped in / be caught in ;get into trouble,suffered from,survivor(幸存者), victim(受害者), suffer(难民), jammed 困 住的take refuge 避难
第一课时的重点是词汇的整合拓展。以复习“环 境灾难”为例,第一课时的课堂教学设计如下: Step I 教师创设话题情境,引导学生走入话题。 教师可以先展示一些有关于环境问题的图片或者 录像片段,设计问题: What problems of environment are there on the earth? Step II 引导学生采用联想法,总结复习同类词 汇