()[扬州大学2014 年研]15、所有的声音都是由于物体的振动引起的。
Indoor Environment Pollution Present Situation AndCountermeasureAbstract:Indoor air pollution has on people's physical health caused great harm.It is a kind of more and more valued environmental pollution type.This paper introduces the indoor environment pollution status and measures.Keywords:Indoor air,Air pollution,Status,Health,Measures.一、室内环境污染现状㈠、概述随着社会发展,城乡居民收入增加,生活水平不断提高,买房装修成为时尚,大量新型建筑和装修材料,日用化学品进入住宅和公共建筑物。
1环境工程与科学 Environmental Engineering and Science 2环境监测与评价 Environmental monitoring and assessment3温室气体 greenhouse gases 4地表水 the surface water 浅层水 the subsurface water 地下水 the ground water5环境影响评(EIA )environmental impact assessment6臭氧层减少 ozone depletion 7沙漠化 desertification 8点源 point sources 非点源 nonpoint sources 9初级污染物 primary pollutant 次级污染物 secondary pollutant 10光化学烟雾 photochemical smog 11室内污染 indoor air pollution12固体及有害废弃物污染 solid and hazardous waste pollution13生物多样性减少biodiversity loss 14传统决策 traditional decision making 15原生环境 primary environment 次生环境 secondary environment 16不可再生资源 nonrenewable resources 17生态示范区 ecological demonstrate area 18保护林 protection forest 19环境危机 environmental crisis 20环境预测environmental forecasting 21环境效应environmental effect 22环境承载力environmental capacity 23环境演化evolution of environment 24草地退化 grassland degeneration 25水中悬浮物 suspended solids26孔隙水 void water 27岩溶水 karst water 28流域保护 water basin protection 29淡水 fresh water 海水 salt water 30降雨量 amount of precipitation 降雨强度 intensity of precipitation 31 海洋倾倒 ocean dumping 32水力工程 hydro-engineering33水环境功能区 function district of water environment34土壤肥力 soil fertility33土壤酸碱度 soil acidity and alkalinity 36土壤盐渍化 soil salination 37土壤酸化 soil acidification 38缓冲能力 buffer capacity39盐基饱和度 base saturation percentage 40污水灌溉 wastewater irrigation41事后评价 afterwards assessment 42大气扩散 atmospheric diffusion 43而授限度 limits of tolerance 44生命周期评价 life cycle assessment 45慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity test 46生物富集 bioaccumulation 47生物浓缩 bioconcentration 48生物放大 biomagnification 49边缘效应 edge effect5总悬浮颗粒物 total suspended particulates(TSP) 51化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD) 52生物化学需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)53总有机碳 total organic carbon (TOC ) 54活性碳 active carbon 55萃取剂 extracting agent56有机高分子絮凝剂 organic pdymer flocculant 57固定大气污染源 stationary sources of air pollution移动大气污染源 mobile sources of air pollution 5环境优先污染物environmental priority pollutant 59回归分析 regression analysis 相关分析 correlation analysis 60相关系数 correlation coefficient 61系数误差 systematic error 62随机误差 random error 63土壤修复 soil-remediation 64绝对湿度 absolute humidity 相对湿度 relative humidity 65热辐射 thermal radiation 湍流扩散 turbulent diffusion6煤的综合利用 comprehensive-utilization of coal 67清洁生产 cleaner production 68采矿排水 mining drainage69分子筛吸附NOx 化物过程 control of NOx by adsorption process with molecular sieve70公害 public nuisance 71涡流 eddy current 72富营养化废水 eutrophic wastewater 73富营养化 eutrophication 74中度营养湖泊 mesotrophic lake 75贫营养湖泊 oligotropic lake 76腐殖质化 humification 77土壤质地 soil texture78海水淡化 desalination of seawater 79检出限 detection limit80生态位 niche 81生态型 ecotype 82表面活性剂 surfactant 83光催化作用 photo catalysis84催化作用 catalysis 85格栅 grill86筛网 grid screen 87气浮池 floatation basin 88微电解法 micro-electroanalysis89微生物合成代谢 micro-organism synthetic metabolism90杀菌 sterilization 除味 taste removal 91紫外光消毒 disinfection with ultroviolet vays 93脱臭 odor removal 94脱色decoloration 95污泥浓缩sludge thickening 污泥硝化sludge digestion 污泥脱水sludge dewatering 污泥干燥sludge drying96陆地填埋landfill 97焚烧incineration 98渗滤液处理leachate treatment99最大允许浓度maximum permissible concentration100理境伦理学environmental ethics 101环境适宜度environmental suitability 102排放总量控制total discharge control of pollutant103谁污染谁治理pollutant-treats 104谁开发谁保护explorer-protects105国家级生态示范区national ecological demonstration area106环境管理信息系统information system for environmental management I07环境标记物environmental label 108外部经济性external economics 外部非经济性external diseconomics 109生态足迹the ecological footprint 110代际公平equality between generation 111公众参与public participantion 112回收水系统water reuse system 113绿化用水greenbelt sprinkling 114自然沉降plain sedimentation 115过程水process water116未预见用水量unforeseen water demand 117絮凝沉淀coagulation sedimentation 118垃圾处理sewage disposal 119居民生活垃圾domestic sewage 居民生活污水 domestic water 120市政垃圾municipal sewage121水体自净self-purification of waterbodies 122一级处理primary treatment 二级处理secondary treatment 生物处理biological treatment123活性污泥处理activated sludge process 124污泥焚烧sludge incinerationThe answer to this question requires detailed analyse of local conditions and needs,application of scientific knowledge and engineering judgement based on past experience,and consideration of federal,state,and local regulations. 要解答这个问题首先需要详细的分析当地的实际情况和需求,其次需要应用科学知识和基于经验的工程决断,最后考虑联邦,州和当地法规。
(1)工业企业 主要来源与防护重点
主要工业燃料: 煤(70%)、石油、天然气
中东:1.5-2%(4%) 氮化物、微量金属 完全燃烧:CO2、SO2、NO2、灰分、水
A:320-400nm B:275-320nm
紫外线(ultraviolet) 200-400nm
可见光(visible light) 400-760nm
红外线(infrared) 760-1000nm
太太 阳阳 辐辐 射射
人为污染 anthropogenic pollution
天然污染 火山爆发、森林火灾、植物花粉、真菌孢子 植物分泌的挥发性物质
人为污染:生产与生活产生的废气 固定污染源:烟囱、工业排气管 流动污染源:汽车、火车、轮船、飞机
UAP unexplained atmospheric phenomenon
氧气: 12%呼吸困难
10%智力活动减弱 7-8%危及生命 其他微量气体:
氪、一氧化二氮 臭氧
氩 0.93 氧 20.95
二氧化碳 0.03
其他 0
氮 78.09
(三)大气的物理性状 • 包括:太阳辐射、气象、空气离子化
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污泥的自动升温高温好氧消化工艺介绍冯磊1程洁红2朱南文1(1上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200240;2同济大学城市污染控制国家工程研究中心,上海200092)摘要自动升温高温好氧消化(AT AD)作为一种污泥稳定工艺,与中、高温厌氧消化和中温好氧消化相比具有反应速度快、停留时间短、占地少、能杀灭病原体、节约能量等诸多优点。
对AT AD 的运行条件、作用机理及其作用效果进行了综述。
关键词污泥污泥高温好氧消化自动升温污泥稳定化Auto O thermal thermophilic aerobic digestion of sludgeFeng Lei1,Cheng Jie O hong2,Zhu N an O w en1(1.S chool of Environmental S cience and Engineer ing,Shanghai J iao Tong University,Shanghai200240,China; 2.Ur ban P ollution Control Engineering Resear ch Center,T ongj i Univer sity,S hanghai200092,China)Abstract:As a pro cess o f sludg e stabilization,w hen compared w ith traditional process including mesophilic aero bic dig estio n,meso philic anaero bic dig estio n and therm ophilic anaerobic digestion,auto O thermal thermophilic aero bic digestion(AT AD)has a lot of virtues,such as higher reactio n r ate,short hydraulic retention time,low fo otprint,pathog en kill and sav ing energy. Description of o peratio n condition,reaction principle and stabilization effect about AT AD w as g iven in this paper.Keywords:Sludge;Sludge therm ophilic aerobic dig estion;Autothermal ther mophilic;Sludge stabilization0引言近年来,我国人口密集的大型城市污水处理率迅速上升,同时,在污水处理中产生的污泥量也迅速增加。
空气医生 让污染无处遁形
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空气医生 让污染无处遁形
空气医生 让污染无处遁形
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空气医生 让污染无处遁形
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空气医生 让污染无处遁形
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空气医生 洁净每一寸空气
甲醛检测卡随着甲醛浓度增加而发生变化 人眼只能确定大致浓度
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空气医生 让污染无处遁形
空气医生 让污染无处遁形
CN201110459053;CN201120468118(授权);CN201120281582(授 权)
空气医生 让污染无处遁形
Ar2 Ar1 Ar1 O O S O Ar2
Herbicide除草剂pesticide杀虫剂primary air pollutant一次大气污染物secondary air pollutant二次大气污染物stagnation停滞;迟钝biodegradation生物降解full-scale工业规模municipal sewage treatment plant市政污水处理厂rendering plants炼油厂obstacle障碍物trickling filter滴滤池episode事件insult 损害subtle敏感的;微妙的symptom症状;征兆carbon monoxide一氧化碳sulfur dioxide二氧化碳switchgear电力设施runoff排水,流放口sewage污水organic有机的microorganisms微生物oxidizer 氧化剂purification净化waterborne水中的activated sludge活性污泥let alone更不用说coagulation 絮凝sedimentation沉淀reverse osmosis反向渗透flocculation絮凝turbidity浊度at the tap自来水plain sedimentation普通沉淀法highly turbid water高度浑浊的水moderately turbid water中等浑浊的水chlorine dioxide二氧化氯ultraviolet light紫外线catch-basin雨水井in contrast to与……相反with great care and caution以极细心和谨慎的态度recision and accuracy精确度和准确度bulk collection 散装收集matrix material 基质材料analytical sequence 分析序列multivariate statistics 多元统计interactive effect 互动效应insofar 到这个程度overall analytical scheme 总体分析图表sensitive 灵敏度sampling 采样real time 真实时间sample pretreatment 样品预处理stability 稳定性curve fitting 曲线拟合adsorption 吸附accumulative 累积analysis and evaluation 分析评价Physical separation 物理分离dimensional map因次图standard deviation 标准方差Primary pollution 一次污染物secondary pollution 二次污染物air stagnation 空气滞留Nitrous oxide 一氧化氮nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾Ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂normal concentration 正常浓度Seriously polluted 严重污染的determining factors 决定因素photochemical oxide 光化学氧化物liquid droplets液体微滴radioactive substances放射性物质incomplete combustion 不完全氧化sub fur-containing 含硫的mind erosion风化automobile exhaust 汽车尾气Pulmonary cyst 肺囊fluorosis氟中毒soot煤烟respiratory system呼吸系统filter过滤adsorb吸附concentration浓度hydrogen硫化氢lead sulfide硫化铅EPA:Environmental Protection AgencyIAQ:indoor air qualityVOCs:volatile organic compoundsETS:environmental tobacco smokeAPC:air pollution controlSS:suspended solidsVSS:volatile suspended solidsTOC:total organic carbonCOD:chemical oxygen demandBOD:biochemical oxygen demandTSP:total suspended particulatesEnvironmental Science:Whereas the disciplines of biology,chemistry,and physics are focused on a particular aspect of natural science,environmental science in its broadest sense encompasses all the fields of natural science.环境科学:鉴于学科的生物学,化学和物理学都集中在某一方面的天然科学,环境科学,在其最广泛的意义上涵盖了所有自然科学领域的。
实验报告样例一、课题名称:(中文):室内空气质量与室内空气污染(英文):indoor air quality (IAQ)and indoo r air pollution二、检索过程:关键词的提取(关键词间用“;”隔开) :室内空气;质量;污染隐性关键词的提取与组配(不要是句子):室内空气+组成或组份、室内空气+状况、室内空气+污染、室内空气+污染+状况或监测、室内空气+质量+评价或评测、室内空气+质量+监测、室内空气+清洁、室内空气+消毒或清新、室内空气+危害三、检索工具、信息源或数据库的选择:●搜索引擎:百度、Google;●信息源:如,国家环境保护部、与环境保护的相关网站●馆藏纸质图书:可借助图书馆馆藏目录检索;●中文数据库:●中文电子图书:超星数字图书馆、读秀●中文电子期刊:中国期刊网、维普数据库、人大复印资料等●中文学位论文:中国期刊网、万方数据库●外文数据库:Springer、EBSCOhost等数据库四、检索结果:1、搜索引擎:A:中文网站:关键词:室内空气组份/0_theme/air/air05.html关键词:室内空气组份.mo/tchinese/07/lotus11/l1113.asp室内空气污染常见的来源有人体本身、衣物、家具、墙纸、地毯等物品,以及各种物质燃烧所产生的烟气等。
文章介绍了致病建筑物综合症(Sickbuilding syndrome)及其要症状和致病因素:环境烟草烟(ETS-EnvironmentalTobaccoSmoke,).关键词:室内空气组份/include/content_display.asp?ID=1348关键词:室内空气质量评价B 英文网站:关键词:Indoor Air quality/ indoor air pollution/iaq/关键词:Indoor Air quality/ indoor air pollution/The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) is a nonprofit, multi-disciplined organization, dedicated to promoting the exchange of indoor environmental information, through education and research, for the safety and well being of the general public.关键词:Indoor Air quality/ indoor air pollution、馆藏纸质图书:I)中文电子图书:以读秀为例(/)3、中文电子期刊以中国期刊网为例:/kns50/index.aspx 检索词:室内空气污染检索字段:题名逻辑组配:与检索结果:前20条4、外文数据库:以Springer数据库为例:/home/main.mpx检索字段:title关键词:Indo or air; pollu tion布尔逻辑:and检索结果:共19条1 期刊文章Danger at homeN. Port Saravanan...Health Organisation (WHO). Unfortunately, indoor pollution has not been given much...The health effects from indoor air pollutants may beexperienced soon...Resonance, Volume 9, Number 1 / 2004年1月DOI: 10.1007/BF029025242 图书章节Indoor Air PollutionIan Colbeck and Zaheer Ahmad NasirPopulation exposure to various air pollutants is likely to be...types and strength of air pollution sources across the globe and...Environmental Pollution, Human Exposure to Pollutants via Dermal Absorption and InhalationDOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8663-1_2PDF (996.1 KB)HTML3 图书章节Sensory Evaluation of Indoor Air Pollution SourcesPhilomena M. Bluyssen...the more complex psychological responses of odorant/irritant stimulation.Techniques to evaluate air quality with humans are based on measurable attributes such as detection, intensity...The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Air PollutionDOI: 10.1007/b94835PDF (499.3 KB)HTML共19条记录五、检索报告:室内空气质量与室内空气污染(需要综合提炼)1.影响室内空气质量的原因影响室内空气质量的原因大致可分以下三个方面:1.1 人类自身的活动1)人体本身不断地向外界呼出二氧化碳、水蒸气,释放出多种细菌和多种气味,据研究,人肺可排出25种有毒物质,人呼出的气体中含有16种挥发性毒物。
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution) PPT课件
航 • 空气污染的影响
源 – 酸雨
动 – CO2
力 学
– 臭氧空洞
院 • 方式
– 空气污染
– 水土污染
– 噪声污染
南 京
前言 污染 (Pollution)
航 • 空气污染-内燃机,交通工具
天 大
– 汽车排放标准
学 能
– 2004年7月全面执行欧II标准(上海2003
源 – 2008年全面执行欧III标准
与 动
– 汽油机,柴油机
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)
航 • 含氧量
天 大
学 能
源 与 动
例如:对于不同基准含氧量的NOx值换 算公式如下:
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)
航 • 比较标准
天 大
5% O2 Nox 250 ppm
天 大
学 能
源 物质:
动 含硫化合物:Sox, H2S
学 含氮化合物:Nox,NH3
院 含碳化合物:CO,CO2,CnHm
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)航空航
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)
U n i t 1Part Two: Read and PracticeRead and ThinkII. Answer the following questions according to the text.1.What are the main type of air Pollution?An.: These include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and "holes" in the ozone layer.2.Where does exhaust come from?An.: The exhaust comes from burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industries.3.Why is the amount of carbon dioxide in the air continuing to increase?reaction8. derive v. to obtain; to come from9. consequence n. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual10. exposure n. the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous mightaffect youV. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text.1. He explained that his delay was due to an accident.2. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.3. This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.4. This garden has the best collection of native plants. In addition , it contains numerous trees and flowersfrom overseas.5.The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain.VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form ifnecessary.1.We refer to copper and silver as good conductors.2.Here patience is essential.3.The company supply, the children in the mountain area with a lot of books.4.These phenomena are very common now.5.These English words derive from Greek.6.The storm caused untold damage to the farmer’s production.7.The region continues to suffer from serious pollution.8.How do you convert iron into steel?译:They supplied the people in the flood-stricken area with food aids.2. 示例:This type of pollution is sometimes referred to as“black carbon” pollution. He is referred to as aliving Shakespeare.他们称他是一位政治家。
湿地植物芦苇、香蒲根分泌物提取及其组分研究杨奇1唐利1,邱江平1王欣泽2李旭东1(1.上海交通大学生态毒理和环境污染与防治实验室,上海2002402. 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200240 )摘要利用连续收集装置对种植于人工湿地中的芦苇、香蒲根分泌物中蛋白质、总糖和氨基酸进行了提取、分离和初步鉴定并确定了最适收集条件;考察了它们各自根分泌物对湿地系统中微生物种类和数量以及氮磷去除能力的影响。
关键词芦苇,香蒲,根分泌物,组分,根际微生物Extraction of Root Exudates from Two Kinds of Wetland Plants:Phragmites Australis & Typha Orientalis Presl, Analysisof Their ComponentYANG Qi1, TANG Li1, Qiu Jiangping1, Wang Xinze2, LI Xudong1, (Laboratory of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Pollution and Control , Shanghai JiaotongUniversity ,Shanghai 200240 ,ChinaSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai1200240, China)Abstract Extraction, separation and preliminarily identification of root exudates such as proteins,polysaccharides and amino acids in Phragmites Australis,Typha orientalis Presl from constructed wetlands, usinga continuous trapping device; Meanwhile, the most suitable condition of the device, root exudates’ influencetowards the breed and quantity of rhizospheric microorganism in the wetlands system as well as the removalcapability of nitrogen& phosphonium in wetland systems were studied. The results show that PhragmitesAustralis&Typha orientalis Presl both have high contents of polysaccharides, proteins and amino acids, andfurthermore, their respective contents are balanced; The most suitable condition of the continuous trapping deviceproves to be : loads ultrapure water 3L, extracts 5d, collects 6 tubes of elutriants (20ml/tube), concentrates on℃Constructed wetlands could produce obvious rhizospheric effects on microorganism, in which quantity of 60;actinomycetes is most significantly positively affected by the root exudates; The change of rhizosphericmicroorganism’s breeds collaborates changes of plants’ sorts and external environment; The removal rate of TN inPhragmites Australis wetland is 77.6%,and of TP’s is 33.3%,while of TN in Typha orientalis Presl wetland is93.2%,and of TP’s is 20.0%; The removal rate of total nitrogen mainly concerns with direct absorption, sticking,enrichment of plants themselves in wetlands; Removal of ammonia nitrogen& total phosphonium depends on the1作者简介:杨奇(1986 - ) ,女,上海人,在读硕士研究生。
化学需氧量(COD Cr)是指在强酸并加热条件下,用重铬酸钾作为氧化剂处理水样时所消耗氧化剂的量,以氧的mg/L来表示。
COD Cr是我国实施排放总量控制的指标之一。
本文认为根据GB/T11914-89《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐指数法》中的定义氯离子作为还原性物质,在反应的过程中消耗了重铬酸盐,也应该作为COD Cr结果的一部分。
•试看部分内容第一部分考研真题精选一、选择题1生态系统中能量流动有两个显著特点,一是能量在流动过程中,数量逐级____ __;二是能量流动是______的,______的。
()[北京师范大学2010年研] A.增加,单向,不可逆B.减少,单向,不可逆C.增加,多向,可逆D.减少,多向,可逆【答案】B查看答案【解析】生态系统中能量流动的特点包括:①单向性,生态系统内能量单向流动;②递减性,经过各个营养级的能量逐级递减,根据通过各营养级的能量流量,从低到高就构成了一个能量锥体或能量金字塔;③能量的质量逐渐提高,能量流动的另一个趋势是把低质量能转化为高质量能,从太阳能固定到生态系统后,能量流动的过程实际上就是一个低质量能向高质量能转化的过程;④变动性,与物理系统不同,生态系统的能量是不断变化的,它取决于输入端和输出端消化率与新生物量的产生速率等因素。
[北京师范大学2010年研] A.致癌作用B.物理性损害C.生物性损害D.化学性损害【答案】ABCD查看答案【解析】环境污染物对人体健康的损害,可表现为:①特异性损害,是指环境污染物可引起人体急性或慢性中毒,以及产生致畸作用、致突变作用和致癌作用等;②非特异性损害,是指一些多发病的发病率增高,人体抵抗力和生活质量下降等。
SCI分区——环境科学类期刊列表2011-07-01 15:30:45| 分类:投稿指南| 标签:|字号大中小订阅刊名全称大类名称大类分区2009年影响因子Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 环境科学1 5.252Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 环境科学1 4.133Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 环境科学1 7.091Ecology Letters 环境科学1 10.318Ecological Monographs 环境科学1 4.862Ecology 环境科学1 4.411Environmental Health Perspectives 环境科学1 6.191Environmental Microbiology 环境科学1 4.909Evolution 环境科学1 5.429Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 环境科学1 6.922Global Change Biology 环境科学1 5.561Global Ecology and Biogeography 环境科学1 5.913Isme Journal 环境科学1 6.397Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 环境科学2 3.130American Naturalist 环境科学2 4.796Annual Review of Environment and Resources 环境科学2 3.657Aquatic Toxicology 环境科学2 3.124Atmospheric Environment 环境科学2 3.139Behavioral Ecology 环境科学2 2.981Biogeosciences 环境科学2 3.246Biological Conservation 环境科学2 3.167Chemosphere 环境科学2 3.253Climatic Change 环境科学2 3.635Conservation Biology 环境科学2 4.666Diversity and Distributions 环境科学2 4.224Ecography 环境科学2 4.385Ecological Applications 环境科学2 3.672Ecosystems 环境科学2 3.586Ecotoxicology 环境科学2 3.507Environment International 环境科学2 4.786Environmental Pollution 环境科学2 3.426Environmental Research 环境科学2 3.237Environmental Science and Pollution Research 环境科学2 2.411…Environmental Science & Technology 环境科学2 4.630Evolutionary Ecology 环境科学2 3.193Functional Ecology 环境科学2 4.546Global Biogeochemical Cycles 环境科学2 4.294Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 环境科学2 3.340Indoor Air-International Journal of Indoor Air Quality and Climate 环境科学2 2.891Journal of Animal Ecology 环境科学2 3.714Journal of Applied Ecology 环境科学2 4.197Journal of Biogeography 环境科学2 4.087Journal of Ecology 环境科学2 4.690Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C-Environmental Carcinogen 环境科学2 3.227Journal of Soils and Sediments 环境科学2 2.613Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews 环境科学2 3.617 Oecologia 环境科学2 3.129Oikos 环境科学2 3.147Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 环境科学2 4.684Remote Sensing of Environment 环境科学2 3.612Water Research 环境科学2 4.355Advances in Water Resources 环境科学3 2.354Aerosol Science and Technology 环境科学3 2.739Ambio 环境科学3 2.486Animal Conservation 环境科学3 2.358Aquatic Microbial Ecology 环境科学3 1.743Aquatic Sciences 环境科学3 2.045Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 环境科学3 1.743Austral Ecology 环境科学3 1.578Basic and Applied Ecology 环境科学3 2.422Biodiversity and Conservation 环境科学3 2.066Biogeochemistry 环境科学3 2.771Biological Invasions 环境科学3 3.074Biotropica 环境科学3 2.270Catena 环境科学3 1.933Chemistry & Biodiversity 环境科学3 1.926Conservation Genetics 环境科学3 1.849Ecohealth 环境科学3 2.089Ecohydrology 环境科学3 1.719Ecological Complexity 环境科学3 2.040Ecological Economics 环境科学3 2.422Ecological Engineering 环境科学3 2.745Ecological Indicators 环境科学3 3.102Ecological Modelling 环境科学3 1.871Ecology and Society 环境科学3 1.735Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 环境科学3 2.133Environmental Chemistry 环境科学3 1.850Environmental and Experimental Botany 环境科学3 3.164Environmental Health 环境科学3 2.481Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 环境科学3 2.868Environmental Research Letters 环境科学3 3.342Environmental Reviews 环境科学3 2.529Environmental Science & Policy 环境科学3 2.322Environmental Toxicology 环境科学3 1.831………..Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 环境科学3 2.565Geomicrobiology Journal 环境科学3 1.708Hydrological Processes 环境科学3 1.870International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 环境科学3 3.644International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 环境科学3 2.636Journal of Aerosol Science 环境科学3 2.529Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 环境科学3 1.670Journal of Chemical Ecology 环境科学3 2.411Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 环境科学3 2.010Journal of Environmental Management 环境科学3 2.367Journal of Environmental Monitoring 环境科学3 2.225Journal of Environmental Quality 环境科学3 2.291Journal of Industrial Ecology 环境科学3 2.393Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues 环境科学3 1.724 Journal of Vegetation Science 环境科学3 2.376Landscape Ecology 环境科学3 3.293Landscape and Urban Planning 环境科学3 2.170Marine Ecology-Progress Series 环境科学3 2.519Marine Environmental Research 环境科学3 1.755Marine Pollution Bulletin 环境科学3 2.630Pedobiologia 环境科学3 2.414Restoration Ecology 环境科学3 1.665Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 环境科学3 2.477River Research and Applications 环境科学3 1.599Sar and Qsar in Environmental Research 环境科学3 1.682Science of the Total Environment 环境科学3 2.905Sustainability Science 环境科学3 1.651Systematics and Biodiversity 环境科学3 1.894Waste Management 环境科学3 2.433Water Resources Research 环境科学3 2.447Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 环境科学4 1.609Advances in Ecological Research 环境科学4 0.762Aerobiologia 环境科学4 1.173African Journal of Ecology 环境科学4 0.629American Midland Naturalist 环境科学4 0.665American Museum Novitates 环境科学4 1.326Amazoniana-Limnologia Et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas 环境科学4 0.231Applied Vegetation Science 环境科学4 1.349Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 环境科学4 1.476Aquatic Ecology 环境科学4 1.549Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 环境科学4 0.636Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 环境科学4 1.383Archives of Environmental Protection 环境科学4 0.284Arid Land Research and Management 环境科学4 0.612Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 环境科学4 0.992Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 环境科学4 0.000 Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 环境科学4 0.669Canadian Field-Naturalist 环境科学4 0.156Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 环境科学4 0.606Chemistry and Ecology 环境科学4 0.634Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 环境科学4 0.750Chemoecology 环境科学4 1.474Chinese Geographical Science 环境科学4 0.426Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 环境科学4 1.016Clean-Soil Air Water 环境科学4 1.412Coastal Management 环境科学4 1.063Community Ecology 环境科学4 0.792Contemporary Problems of Ecology 环境科学4 0.127Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S-Chemia I Inzynieria Ekologiczna S 环境科学4 0.615 Ecological Informatics 环境科学4 1.299Ecological Research 环境科学4 1.485Ecoscience 环境科学4 1.117Ekoloji 环境科学4 0.230Environmental Biology of Fishes 环境科学4 1.155Environmental Chemistry Letters 环境科学4 2.109Environmental Conservation 环境科学4 1.541Environmental Earth Sciences 环境科学4 0.000Environmental and Ecological Statistics 环境科学4 1.180Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 环境科学4 0.885Environmental Engineering Science 环境科学4 1.111Environmental Fluid Mechanics 环境科学4 1.000Environmental Forensics 环境科学4 0.529Environmental Geochemistry and Health 环境科学4 1.622Environmental Geology 环境科学4 1.078Environmental Management 环境科学4 1.408Environmental Modeling & Assessment 环境科学4 1.056Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 环境科学4 1.356Environmental Progress 环境科学4 0.921Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 环境科学4 0.000Environment Protection Engineering 环境科学4 0.276Environmental Technology 环境科学4 0.762Environment 环境科学4 1.918Environmetrics 环境科学4 1.000Estuaries and Coasts 环境科学4 1.554European Journal of Soil Biology 环境科学4 1.247Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 环境科学4 0.531Fungal Ecology 环境科学4 0.895Global Nest Journal 环境科学4 0.565Ground Water 环境科学4 1.831Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 环境科学4 1.033Grundwasser 环境科学4 0.838Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau 环境科学4 0.136Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 环境科学4 1.528Hydrology Research 环境科学4 0.845Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 环境科学4 1.418Indoor and Built Environment 环境科学4 0.698International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 环境科学4 1.703International Journal of Environment and Pollution 环境科学4 0.624International Journal of Environmental Research 环境科学4 0.781International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 环境科学4 1.417 International Journal of Phytoremediation 环境科学4 1.321International Journal of Sediment Research 环境科学4 0.908International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 环境科学4 0.525 International Journal of Water Resources Development 环境科学4 0.881Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 环境科学4 1.063Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 环境科学4 0.725Journal of the American Water Resources Association 环境科学4 1.618Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 环境科学4 0.644Journal of Arid Environments 环境科学4 1.426Journal of Cleaner Production 环境科学4 1.867Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 环境科学4 1.508Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 环境科学4 0.941Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce 环境科学4 1.048Journal of Environmental Health 环境科学4 0.817Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 环境科学4 0.168Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 环境科学4 1.268Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substanc 环境科学4 1.363Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contamin 环境科学4 1.097Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 环境科学4 1.412Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 环境科学4 1.000Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 环境科学4 0.780Journal of Mountain Science 环境科学4 0.400Journal For Nature Conservation 环境科学4 0.711Journal of Occupational 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Journal 环境科学4 0.493Water Environment Research 环境科学4 0.965Water Policy 环境科学4 1.175Water Resources Management 环境科学4 2.013Water Resources 环境科学4 0.073Water Sa 环境科学4 0.911Water Science and Technology 环境科学4 1.094Western North American Naturalist 环境科学4 0.305Wetlands 环境科学4 1.328基本资料期刊名AQUATIC ECOLOGYAQUAT ECOL出版周期Quarterly出版ISSN 1386-2588通讯方式SPRINGER, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ期刊主页网址/life+sciences/ecology/journal/10452在线投稿网址/aeco/其他相关链接Science Citation Index ExpandedCurrent Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental SciencesZoological RecordBIOSIS Previews期刊名ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETYECOTOX ENVIRON SAFE出版周期Monthly出版ISSN 0147-6513通讯方式ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495期刊主页网址/science/journal/01476513在线投稿网址/ees/其他相关链接Science Citation IndexScience Citation Index ExpandedCurrent Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental SciencesCurrent Contents - Life SciencesZoological RecordBIOSIS Previews期刊名ECOTOXICOLOGYECOTOXICOLOGY出版周期Bimonthly出版ISSN 0963-9292通讯方式SPRINGER, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ期刊主页网址/environment/journal/10646在线投稿网址/ectx/其他相关链接Science Citation IndexScience Citation Index ExpandedCurrent Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental SciencesZoological RecordBIOSIS PreviewsInland Water Biology(Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod) publishes thematic reviews and original papers devoted to flora and fauna in waterbodies, biodiversity of hydrobionts, biology, morphology, systematics, ecology, ethology, ecological physiology and biochemistry of aquatic organisms, patterns of biological cycle, structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems, anthropogenic and uncontrolled natural impacts on aquatic organisms and ecosystems, invasion of nonindigenous species into ecosystems and their ecology, methods of hydrobiological and ichthyological studies, as well as book reviews, information about symposia, conferences and congresses.Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB) 1.295 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION。
【摘要】空气化工产品公司、上海交通大学、美国德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)于2007年9月18日共同签署具有里程碑意义的合作意向书,并启动—个综合的“3—2项目”,为优秀的中国学生提供获得本科与研究生学位及去企业工作的机会。
1.空气产品公司与西安交通大学签署谅解备忘录深化战略合作关系 [J],
3.美国德雷塞尔(Drexel)大学的合作教育模式研究及启示 [J], 王静;
4.美国Trimble导航公司与武汉大学合作建设GNSS网络项目暨启动建立“天宝基金”合作协议签署仪式在武汉大学举行 [J],
5.“产”“学”为邻携手未来——上海交通大学与英特尔在沪签署备忘录,全面提升至战略合作伙伴关系 [J],
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Cracks in walls
Radon from soil gas is the main cause of radon problems.
How much of radon reaches the surface depends on the uranium content of the underlying earth materials together with their depth and permeability (that is, the presence of fractures and interconnected pore spaces that act as conduits for radon).
IndoorAirPollution上海交通大学 环境科学及工程学院
Introduction Where does radon come from? How does radon get inside buildings? The level and distribution of radon The Risk of Living With Radon Reducing Radon Risks
What’s radon(氡)?
Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive(放 射性的) but inert(惰性的) gas part of the decay chain that starts with uranium(铀) and ends with plumbum (铅).
Cracks and pores in floor slabs, walls, and floor-wall joints;
Openings around sump pumps, floor drains, and pipes penetrating floors and walls.
Structures with a crawl space between the ground and lowest floor level may be less vulnerable to radon, which tends to escape to the outside air when appropriate vents are installed, but can still admit some of the gas through cracks in the flooring.
Small public water works and private domestic wells often have closed systems and short transit times that do not allow radon to decay to harmless by-products before entering a home.
Radon can also enter into homes through the water system. This is mainly true for houses in which ground water is used as the main water supply.
Although pollutant concentrations vary significantly from building to building, the levels of some common air pollutants often are greater indoors than outdoors. Since most people spend more time indoors than outdoors, exposure to indoor air pollutants is an important environmental problem.
The Average Level of Radon
Found in a Home
Based on a national residential radon survey completed in 1991, the average indoor radon level is about 1.3 picocuries(皮居里=10-12Ci) per liter (pCi/L) in the United States. The average outdoor level is about 0.4 pCi/L.
How does radon get inside buildings?
Cavities inside walls
Gaps around service pipes
Cracks in solid floors Construction joints
Tended floors
What’s indoor air pollution?
Indoor Air Pollution is the term used to describe the amount of contaminants in the air inside a building from sources such as cigarette smoking, fuel combustion for heating or cooking, certain wallboards, carpets, or insulation as well as the geology of the area (radon in soil or rocks beneath the structure).
The Risk of Living With Radon
Radon gas decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe.
As they break down further, these particles release small bursts of energy. This can damage lung tissue and lead to lung cancer over the course of your lifetime.
Uranium-238 Decay Chain
Property of Radon
Single atom gas Inert, colorless, odorless at ordinary temperatures Melting point: 202 degrees K Boiling point: 211 degrees K Atomic radius: 1.34 angstroms (the heaviest known gas) Half-life: 3.8days
Where does radon come from?
Natural source:
Earth and rock beneath home; Well water; Outdoor air;
Artificial source:
Daily life materials: leather; low density plastic (like plastic bags, etc.); paints Building materials: gypsum board (sheetrock), concrete block, mortar, sheathing paper (tarpaper), wood paneling, and most insulation.
The safe level of radon
There is no safe level of radon--any
exposure poses some risk of cancer.
Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) (red zones) Zone 2 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (orange zones) Zone 3 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level less than 2 pCi/L (yellow zones)
Some uranium is present in all earth materials.
On continental surfaces the rocks, sediments and soils typically contain between 1 and 3 parts per million (abbreviated ppm) of uranium. Some earth materials may have more.
Water in rivers and reservoirs usually contains very little radon, because it escapes into the air. Thus homes that rely on surface water usually do not have a radon problem from their water. In big cities, water processing in large municipal systems aerates the water, which allows radon to escape, and also delays the use of water until most of the remaining radon has decayed.