
适合小学二年级学生的英语阅读三篇I'm Taking a BusI can‘t eat lunch here.我不能在这里吃午餐。
Where are you going?你要去哪里?I’m going to my cousin‘s house.我要去我表哥家。
How are you going there?你怎么去那里?I am taking a bus!我乘公共汽车!Where is she going?她去哪?She is going to her cousin’s house.她去她的表哥家。
She‘s taking a bus.她乘公共汽车。
You can’t take a bus.你不能坐公共汽车。
Hmmmph!Then I‘m walking.呃呃!那我走路。
Maxie! Be careful, Maxie!马克西!要小心,马克西!Oh, pee-yew! Skunks!哦,撒尿-红豆杉!臭鼬!Run, run as fast as you can!跑,尽你所能快跑!Otis and Olive,奥蒂斯和奥利芙,thank you so much.非常感谢你们。
【篇二】We Ate NoodlesMaxie! Taco! Where were you yesterday?马克西!塔可!你们昨天在哪儿?Yesterday we were at the park.我们昨天在公园里。
What did you do?你们做了什么?We ate lunch with skunks.我们和臭鼬一起吃午餐。
What did you eat?你吃了什么?We ate noodles.我们吃了面条。
What did you drink?那你喝什么?We drank juice.我们喝了果汁。
What did you do yesterday, Heddy?你昨天做了什么,海蒂?I saw a reporter.我看到了一个记者。

小学生英语阅读理解练习题(三篇)【篇一】Aunt Judy’s birthdayAunt Judy’s birthday is coming. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. She lives in Guangzhou. We are going to go there by train. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture . I am drawing it now. I am drawing some beautiful flowers. I am drawing a small dog, too. That’s because she likes dogs. The picture will be very nice.根据短文内容,选择答案。
( )1. Aunt Judy’s birthday party will be on______.A FridayB. SaturdayC. Sunday.( )2. This is Aunt Judy’s ______ birthday.A. thirty-eighthB. fortiethC. thirtieth( )3. She lives in ______,so we are going there by_____.A.Shanghai;trainB. Guangzhou;planeC. Guangzhou;train( )4. I am drawing ______.A. some dogs and a flowerB. some flowers and a dogC.a dog and a flower【篇二】The WeatherThe weather in Shanghai is not always good. In winner it is often cold and wet. In summer it is very hot. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very hot. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in spring. Autumn is the best season. The days are clear and dry and it is sunny and warm all the time.The weather in Shanghai is sometimes warmer than in Beijing. But in summer it is cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai.判断下列各题。

以下是一些例题供您练:1. 阅读理解题Passage 1:Mary is a girl. She is eight years old. She has a brother. His name is John. He is ten years old. They go to school together. They are in the same class. Today is Saturday. They don't go to school. They go to the park. They see many birds in the park. Mary likes birds. John likes dogs. They have a good time.Questions:1) How old is Mary?2) How old is John?3) Do they go to school together?4) Where do they go on Saturday?5) What does Mary like?Passage 2:Tom is a student. He is in Class Two, Grade Two. He is six. His mother is a teacher. She is thirty-three. She teaches Chinese. Tom's father is a policeman. He is thirty-six.Questions:1) What grade is Tom in?2) How old is Tom's mother?3) What does Tom's mother teach?4) What does Tom's father do?2. 填空题Passage:This is my pet dog. Its name is Max. It has _______ legs. Max is_______ years old. It is a _______ dog. It likes to _______ and _______.Questions:1) How many legs does Max have?2) How old is Max?3) What kind of dog is Max?4) What does Max like to do?请根据以上题目自行完成练习,并在每个题目后面填写答案。

Mum:Bill. Bill:Yes,mum. Mum:Areyoureadinginthebedroom? Bill:No,Iamnot.Mum:Whatareyoudoing? Bill:Totellyouthetruth,Iamplayingacomputergame. Mum:Whatgameisit?Bill:DrivingCar. Mum:Isitveryinteresting? Bill:Yes,itis.Oh,mycarisbroken.(坏了). Mum:Well,Ithinkyoushoulddosomereading. 根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容doesn’tliketheChinesefoodatall. ()5.Rebeccacanmakedumplingsandnoodleswithsoup. 答案 1-5FFTFT
精心整理 C.Hercousin. 答案 1-5BACBC
根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容,如符合写 T,否则写 F。 RebeccaisanAustraliangirl.SheisinGuangzhouwithherparentsnow .Sheisaschoolgirl.HerfatherisherEnglishteacherandhermotheri shermusicteacher.ShelikesChinaandshelikesChinesefoodverymuc h.ShecanmakesomeChinesefood.Shegetsupearlyinthemorningandsh ebeginstomakedumplingsornoodleswithsoupforherfamilyforbreak fast.Butshedoesn’tmakebreakfastforherparentsonSundaysorSat urdays. ()1.Rebecca’smotherisherEnglishteacherandherfatherishermus icteacher. ()2.RebeccalivesinAustralianow. ()3.RebeccacanmakesomeChinesefood.

【篇一】Mum: Bill.Bill: Yes, mum.Mum: Are you reading in the bedroom?Bill: No, I am not. Mum: What are you doing?Bill: To tell you the truth, I am playing a computer game.Mum: What game is it? Bill: Driving Car.Mum: Is it very interesting?Bill: Yes, it is. Oh, my car is broken. (坏了).Mum: Well, I think you should do some reading.根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容,如符合写T,否则写F。
( ) 1. Bill is reading in the classroom.( ) 2. The computer game is very interesting.( ) 3. Bill’s mother is talking with him.( ) 4. Bill’s mother likes playing computer games.( ) 5. Bill’s mother thinks Mike should play comp uter game.答案1-5 FTTFF 【篇二】Julia is a girl. She is eleven. She looks a little fat. She likes ice-cream very much. She almost has two ice cream every day! She also likes hamburgers and chips. She goes to McDonald’s to have ice cream, hamburgers and chips every Saturday afternoon. Her cousins Ben doesn’t like ice-cream, but he likes McDonald’s too. Ben goes to McDonald’s with Julia very Saturday afternoon.( ) 1. How old is Julia?A. 10.B. 11.C. 12.( ) 2. Who likes ice cream very much?A. Julia.B. Ben.C. Julia and Ben.( ) 3. When does Julia go to McDonald’s?A. Every Sunday morning.B. Every Sunday afternoon.C. Every Saturday afternoon.( ) 4. Does Ben like McDonal’s?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t .C. No, he does.( ) 5. Who goes to McDonal’s with Julia?A. Her parents.B. Her friends.C. Her cousin.答案1-5 BACBC 【篇三】根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容,如符合写T,否则写F。

精心整理二年级下学期英语阅读理解习题三篇()3.SunWeiis___ClassThree,GradeOne.A.inB.onC.of()4.DavidisinRow___.A.FourB.FiveC.One()5.SunWeiisNumber___.A.FourB.FiveD.Eight解析:1.A.2.C.3.A.4.B.5.B.介绍自己学号,座位时可以用句型"IamNumberXXX,RowXXX." 【篇二】GregHeffleyisan11-year-oldboy.Heiskind,honest,smartandnaugh ty.Hehasalotofideas.Hehasadiary.Inhisdiary,hewritesmanyinte比赛捉弄洋相榜样际上相反id(奖项)atthe2010Kids’ChoiceAwardsintheUS.【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。
想想也是啊,他老是捣乱、出状况,我们可不能学习他噢!【篇三】It’sthefirstdayofschool.Mikewantstogobacktoschool.Hewantst oseehisfriends.Hewantstomeethisnewteacher.2.Heseeshisclassmatesintheclassroom/ontheplayground.3.ShecanspeakEnglishverywell.CardC:Dialogue---MySchool Writethreesentencesaboutyourschool.Thinkaboutthesequestions:1.Whatspecialroomsdoesithave?2.Whatdoyoulikeaboutit?3.Whatisyourfavoriteclass?。

小学二年级英语阅读练习题【三篇】【篇一】Thereisanewparknearmyhouse.Itsafinedaytoday.MyfamilyandIare intheparknow.Onmyleft,thereisacafe.Onmyright,thereisabiglak e.Therearemanyflowersandtreesnearthelake.Theresasmallhillbe hindthelake.Nearthelake,thereisasign.Itsays,Dontswiminthela ke!Thereisaplaygroundinthemiddleofthepark.Therearesomesmall shopsnearthegate.Theparkissobeautiful.Welikeit*erymuch.( )1.Theparknearmyhouseis_____.A.newandbeautifulB.oldandbeautifulC.cleanandnewD.oldandclea n( )2.Isthereacafeinthepark? ______A.Yes,thereisnt.B.No,thereisnt.C.Yes,thereis.D.No,thereis.( )3.Peoplecant_______inthelake.A.swimB.fishC.boatD.play( )4.Theshopsintheparkarenot_______.A.smallB.bigC.goodD.pretty( )5. -Dowelikethepark? -________A.Yes,wedo.B.No,wedo.C.Yes,youdo.D.No,wedont.注解:1.A-从短文第一句Thereisanewparknearmyhouse.在我家附近有一个新的公园。

二年级英语阅读训练20篇(简单)14页【篇一】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Mary is a girl of ten.Her parents are teachers.She loves them.She likes eating many things.She likes sweets,meat and ice cream.She doesn't like noodles.(1)Mary's mother and father are teachers.( )(2)Mary is nine years old.( )(3)She likes noodles.( )(4)She doesn't like meat.( )(5)She doesn't like sweets.( )2、Amy:What do you like,Sam?Sam:I like football.Amy:Here's a present for you.Sam:What is it in your bag?Amy:It's a football.Sam:Thank you.(1)Amy likes football.( )(2)Sam likes football.( )(3)Here's a present for Amy.( )(4)Here's a present for Sam.( )(5)It's a basketball in the bag.( )【篇二】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Oh! So many animals. One orange cat is on the bed. Two yellow cats are on the chair. Four birds are in the box. One black cat is under the desk. Three dogs are on the desk.(1)There is one orange cat. ( )(2)There are two yellow cats.( )(3)There are five birds. ( )(4)There are two dogs.( )(5)Two orange cats are on the chair.( )2、This is a big zoo.Look,that's a big lion.The small lion is her baby.They are scary.Oh,look at the pigs.They are very fat.They are cute.What are these over there?They are pandas.Thet are lovely.They are black and white.(1)This is a big park.( )(2)That's a big lion.( )(3)The small lion is her baby.( )(4)The pigs are big.( )(5)The pandas are black and white.( )【篇三】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Mary is a girl of ten.She likes swimming very much.But she doesn't like cycling,so she goes to school on foot every day.And she likes red.She has a lot of red clothes.(1)Mary is eleven years old. ( )(2)Mary likes cycling. ( )(3)She walks to school every day. ( )(4)She doesn't like red.( )(5)She doesn't have red clothes.( )2、An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."(1)An old man had a cat.( )(2)The cat was very old.( )(3)The old woman became very happy.( )(4)The cat can kill the mouse.( )(5)The old woman was killed by mouse.( )。

二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题【篇一】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Mary is a girl of ten.Her parents are teachers.She loves them.She likes eating many things.She likes sweets,meat and ice cream.She doesn’t like noodles. (1)Mary’s mother and father are teachers.( )(2)Mary is nine years old.( ) (3)She likes noodles.( )(4)She doesn’t like meat.( ) (5)She doesn’t like sweets.( )2、Amy:What do you like,Sam?Sam:I like football. Amy:Here’s a present for you. Sam:What is it in your bag? Amy:It’s a football. Sam:Thank you.(1)Amy likes football.( ) (2)Sam likes football.( ) (3)Here’s a present for Amy.( )(4)Here’s a present for Sam.( ) (5)It’s a basketball in the bag.( )【篇二】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Oh! So many animals. One orange cat is on the bed. Two yellow cats are on the chair. Four birds are in the box. One black cat is under the desk. Three dogs are on the desk. (1)There is one orange cat. ( ) (2)There are two yellow cats.( ) (3)There are five birds. ( )(4)There are two dogs.( )(5)Two orange cats are on the chair.( )2、This is a big zoo.Look,that’s a big lion.The small lion is herbaby.They are scary.Oh,look at the pigs.They are very fat.They are cute.What are these over there?They are pandas.Thet are lovely.They are black and white.(1)This is a big park.( ) (2)That’s a big lion.( ) (3)The small lion is her baby.( ) (4)The pigs are big.( ) (5)The pandas are black and white.( )【篇三】二年级小学生英语阅读理解练习题1、Mary is a girl of ten.She likes swimming very much.But she doesn’t like cycling,so she goes to school on foot every day.And she likes red.She has a lot of red clothes. (1)Mary is eleven years old. ( ) (2)Mary likes cycling. ( ) (3)She walks to school every day. ( )(4)She doesn’t like red.( ) (5)She doesn’t have red clothes.( )2、An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, “Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind tothe old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.”(1)An old man had a cat.( ) (2)The cat was very old.( ) (3)The old woman became very happy.( ) (4)The cat can kill the mouse.( ) (5)The old woman was killed by mouse.( )。

A: Good evening, Liu Tao.B: Good evening, Mike.A: Happy Birthday.B: Thank you. Look at my new jacket.A: How cool! This gift is for you.B: What’s this?A: It’s a robot(机器人).B: Wow, it’s blue. It’s my favorite(最喜欢)color. Thank you so much!It’s 5 o’clock. Let’s have dinner.A: OK.B: Would you like a hamburger?A: Yes, please.B: How about a glass of juice?A: No, thanks. I’d like a glass of water.B: Here you are.A: Thank you.( ) 1.Today is ___________birthday.A. Liu Tao’sB. Mike’sC. Robot’s( ) 2. B’s wearing(穿) a ___________.A. blue jacketB. red jacketC. new jacket ( ) 3. B’s got(得到) a gift. What is it?A. It’s a jacket.B. It’s a robot.C. It’s a hamburger. ( ) 4. What’s the time(时间)now?A. It’s 5 o’clock in the morning.B. It’s 5 o’clock in the evening.C. It’s 6 o’clock in the evening..( ) 5.Which one is right(哪句话是正确的)?A. Mike would like a hamburger and a glass of juice.B. Liu Tao would like a hamburger and a glass of juice.C. Mike would like a hamburger and a glass of water.(2)根据表格,判断下列句子是否与表格中相符, 用“√或×”表示. NameTim √Mike √√Helen √John √√( ) 1. Tim would like a robot.( ) 2. Mike would like a ball and a CD.( ) 3. Helen would like an ice cream and a robot.( ) 4. Tim and John would like a CD.( ) 5. Mike would not like an ice cream.(3)阅读对话,判断对(√)错(×)。

【篇一】Some cats are black. Some cats are white. Some cats are black and white. But no cats are green. I have a mother cat. She has three sons and two daughters. The mother cat loves her sons and daughters and they love their mother very much. And she looks after them.( )1. Cats are .A. blackB. whiteC. black and whiteD. A or B or C( )2. Cats green.A. areB. are notC. loveD. have( )3. I have .A. two sonsB. three daughtersC. some catsD. three sons and two daughters( )4. The sons and the daughters love very much.A. the mother catB. my motherC. meD. their mother’s cats( )5. Who looks after the sons and the daughters?A. The white mother cat.B. The black mother cat.C. The mother cat.D. No one.【篇二】One day Tom tells his friends, “ I’m going to have holidays in Beijing. But I can’t speak Chinese, so I’m going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month.” Soon his holidays come and he goes to China happily. After he comes back, his friends ask him, “ Do you have any trouble with your Chinese when you are in Beijing, Tom?”“No, I don’t.”answers Tom, “But the Chinese do!”( )1. Tom Beijing.A. lives inB. is going toC. stays inD. comes to( )2. Tom Chinese for a month.A. studiesB. is aC. meetsD. looks for( )3. Tom China very happily.A. lives inB. is inC. goes toD. comes back from( )4. Tom trouble with his Chinese in China.A. has someB. does have anyC. has noD. can understand( )5. “But the Chinese do.” Means .A. the Chinese people have trouble with my Chinese.B. the Chinese people don’t understand Chinese.C. Tom’s Chinese good. People can understand him easily.D. the Chinese know themselves.【篇三】I’m Helen . I’m an English girl . I’m a student .I’m in Class 1, Grade 1. I get up at six o’clock . I go to school at seven o’clock. We have three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon . We go home at four thirty . My father is a policeman . My mother is a driver . I love my father and mother .( ) 1. Helen is a student .( ) 2. Helen’s mother is a doctor .( ) 3. Helen goes to school at 6:00 .( ) 4. She goes home at four thirty .( ) 5. She has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.小学二年级英语寒假阅读理解习题三篇。

###小编在此整理了二年级英语阅读练习,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获!二年级英语阅读练习题1Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.( ) American boy.A. isB. amC. are( ) is___ .A. tenB. elevenC. twelve( ) Wei is___ Class Three, Grade One.A. inB. onC. of( ) is in Row___ .A. FourB. FiveC. One( ) Wei is Number___ .A. FourB. Five D. Eight解析:.第三人称单数后be动词用is.从短文第五句"He is twelve."能够得出答案.在几班,在几年级用介词"in".从短文倒数第二句"He is Number Eight, Row Five."能够得出答案.从短文最后一句"I am Number Five, Row Four."能够得出答案笔记整理:1.介绍自己姓名能够用句型"My name is ..."2.介绍自己年龄能够用句型"I'm eleven/ten."3.介绍自己所在班级和年级能够用句型"I'm in Class XXX, Grade XXX."4.介绍自己学号,座位时能够用句型"I am Number XXX, Row XXX."二年级英语阅读练习题2My name is Li Fang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven years. Shelikes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess, too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers. Linda will come to China soon. She is in England now. I’m excited.请仔细阅读以下问题,并判断准确与否, 准确的写"T", 错误的写"F"。

###小编在此整理了二年级英语阅读练习供大家参阅希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获!二年级英语阅读练习题1Hello! My name is Sun Wei Here is an American boy His name is David Smith He is twelve And I am twelve, too David is in Class Three, Grade One I am in Class Three, Grade One, too He is Number Eight, Row Five I am Number Five, Row Four( )1 David___an American boyA isB amC are( )2 He is___A tenB elevenC twelve( )3 Sun Wei is___ Class Three, Grade OneA inB onC of( )4 David is in Row___A FourB FiveC One( )5 Sun Wei is Number___A FourB Five D Eight解析:1 A 第三人称单数后be动词用is2 C 从短文第五句"He is twelve "能够得出答案3 A 在几班在几年级用介词"in"4 B 从短文倒数第二句"He is Number Eight, Row Five "能够得出答案5 B 从短文最后一句"I am Number Five, Row Four "能够得出答案笔记整理:1 介绍自己姓名能够用句型"My name is "2 介绍自己年龄能够用句型"I'm eleven/ten "3 介绍自己所在班级和年级能够用句型"I'm in Class XXX, Grade XXX "4 介绍自己学号座位时能够用句型"I am Number XXX, Row XXX "二年级英语阅读练习题2请仔细阅读以下问题并判断准确与否, 准确的写"T", 错误的写"F"。

小学英语阅读理解(三篇)【篇一】小学英语阅读理解Bett.an.Kitt.ar.twins.They’r.1.year.old.The.loo.th.same.Bu.the.hav.differen.ho bbies.Bett.like.collectin.stamps.Sh.ha.man.beautifu .stamps.They’r.fro.differen.citie.an.countries.Bu.Kitt.like.grow in.flowers.Th.flower.ar.al.ver.beautiful.Bett.an.Ki tt.bot.lik.readin.books.Bett.like.readin.storybooks ua ll.rid.bike.t.th.park.The.ca.pla.wit.thei.friend.th ere.Sometime.thei.parent.g.there.too.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。
..1.Bett.i.Kitty’.sister...2.Bett.like.growin.flowers...3.Kitt.like.readin.storybooks...4.They’r.twelv.year.old.uall.tak..bu.t.th.par.o.Saturday.【篇二】小学英语阅读理解uall.c ome.befor.eigh.o’uall.hav.eggs.som.meat.brea d.frui.juic.an.coffee.Lunc.i.betwee.twelv.an.on.o’clock.I.i.lik..ligh.mea.an.workin.peopl.mus.tak.lun c.wit.the.o.ge.i.nea.workplace.Childre.i.schoo.tak.sandwiches.fruit.an.cookie.wit. the.o.ea.i.school.Supper.th.mai.meal.i.betwee.si.an .eigh.i.th.evening.Peopl.coo.i.carefully.The.ma.hav .mea.o.chicken.turke.an.duck.The.ma.al.hav.potatoe. k e.th.dessert..)1.American.hav.breakfas.________.A.afte.eigh.o’cloc.B.a.eigh.o’clockC.befor.eigh.o’cloc.i.th.mornin.D.i.th.morning.)2.______.i.th.mos.importan.mea.i..day.A.Breakfas.B.Lunc.C.Meal.D.Supper.)3.Wha.doe.“light.mea.i.Chinese._______A.重.B.有用.C.轻.D.不太重要的.)uall.hav.breakfas.an.suppe.a.___ ___.A.hom.B.offic.C.in.D.wor.place.)5.Whe.American.hav.supper.______st.A.drin.B.mea.C.desser.D.vegetables【篇三】小学英语阅读理解Ther.wa.onc..teache.i..village.Hi.nam.wa.Joh.Smith.H.wa..kind-hearte.man.bu.h.wa.alway.poor.H.taugh.hi msel.medicine.s.sometime.peopl.calle.hi.Docto.Smith .On.da..poo.woma.aske.Mr.Smit.t.g.an.se.he.husband.b ecaus.h.wa.ver.il.an.coul.no.ge.up.Mr.Smit.di.so.H. foun.tha.th.famil.neede.hel.ver.much.Th.ma.wa.ou.o. wor.fo..lon.time.H.wa.jus.hungr.becaus.ther.wa.n.fo o.i.th.house.“Com.t.m.roo.thi.evening,.sai.Mr.Smit.t.th.woman.“.wil.giv.yo.som.medicin.fo.you.husband.”I.th.evenin.th.woma.came.Mr.Smit.gav.he..littl.pape .box.“Her.i.th.medicine,.h.said.“Tak.i.an.i.wil.d.you.husban..grea.dea.o.good.Bu.d on‘.ope.th.bo.unti.yo.ge.home..“Wha.ar.th.directions(指导.fo.takin.it?.aske.th.woman.“Yo.wil.fin.the.insid.o.th.box..h.answered.Whe.th.woma.reache.home.sh.sa.dow.b.he.husband’.si de.an.the.opene.th.box.The.foun.i.wa.ful.o.money.An .o.th.mone.wer.th.directions:“TAK.I.WHE.YO.NEE.IT.”1.Peopl.calle.th.kin.ma.Docto.Smit.becaus.h._______ .A.wa..docto.i..hospitalB.kne.somethin.abou.medicin.an.h.wa.kin.t.th.peopleC.alway.gav.awa.hi.mone.t.othersD.worke.i..shop2.On.da.th.woma.aske.Mr.Smit.t.g.an.se.he.husban.be caus.sh.though.he.husban._______.A.wa.to.il.t.ge.upB.wa.to.tire.t.ge.upC.ha.n.workD.ha.n.foo.t.eat3.Mr.Smit.foun.ou.tha._______.A.th.ma.worke.to.hardB.th.ma.di.no.ea.anythin.fo.som.timeC.ther.wa.somethin.wron.wit.th.man‘.legsD.th.ma.wa.ver.ill.4.Mr.Smit.gav.th.poo.famil..littl.bo.o._______.A.foo.B.medicin.C.mone.D.papers5.Mr.Smit.aske.th.woma.t.ope.th.bo.a.hom.becaus.h._ ______.A.wante.t.mak.th.husban.happyB.tol.he.th.bo.wa.ful.o.moneyC.wa.afrai.tha.h.woma.woul.los.th.mone.o.he.wa.homeD.reall.wante.th.woma.t.tak.th.money。

精心整理二年级下学期英语阅读理解习题三篇()3.SunWeiis___ClassThree,GradeOne.A.inB.onC.of()4.DavidisinRow___.A.FourB.FiveC.One()5.SunWeiisNumber___.A.FourB.FiveD.Eight解析:1.A.2.C.3.A.4.B.5.B.介绍自己学号,座位时可以用句型"IamNumberXXX,RowXXX." 【篇二】GregHeffleyisan11-year-oldboy.Heiskind,honest,smartandnaugh ty.Hehasalotofideas.Hehasadiary.Inhisdiary,hewritesmanyinte比赛捉弄洋相榜样际上相反id(奖项)atthe2010Kids’ChoiceAwardsintheUS.【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。
想想也是啊,他老是捣乱、出状况,我们可不能学习他噢!【篇三】It’sthefirstdayofschool.Mikewantstogobacktoschool.Hewantst oseehisfriends.Hewantstomeethisnewteacher.2.Heseeshisclassmatesintheclassroom/ontheplayground.3.ShecanspeakEnglishverywell.CardC:Dialogue---MySchool Writethreesentencesaboutyourschool.Thinkaboutthesequestions:1.Whatspecialroomsdoesithave?2.Whatdoyoulikeaboutit?3.Whatisyourfavoriteclass?。

【第⼀篇:New York】New York, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before move to a big city, they should think about the problem of living there. 1. In big cities people can ________. A. go to different kinds of museums B. see all kinds of plays and films C. buy things from all over the world D. A, B and C 2. which of the following is true? A. Big cities are not clean and safe enough. B. People can easily find good place to live in big cities. C. People can always have many chances to live in big cities. D. All people like to live in big cities. 3. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people ________. A. to move to big cities B. not to move to big cites C. to move to big cities without thinking of any problems D. not to move big cities before think over the problems of living there 4. This passage doesn't tell us that ________. A. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in B. big cities have a lot of serious problems C. big cities are all very dirty D. usually people can get very dirty 5. Which is the best title for this passage? A. Big cities. B. Interesting Things in Big Cities. C. Good School in Big Cities. D. New York, London and Paris. 答案: DCDDA【第⼆篇:Bus timetable】 1. You may take the ______ bus if your live near the Daping and have lessons at eight. A. five fifty B. twenty past six C. six five D. twenty-five to seven 2. Which bus can take you to the Book shop before eight? A. Bus 1 B. Bus 2 C. Bus 3 D. Bus 4 3. If you live near the bus stop, you may take Bus 4 to the park at ______. A. 6:25 B. 6:45 C. 6: 55 D. 7:18 4. How long does it take to go to school before eight by bus if you live near the park and have breakfast at six forty? A. About one hour. B. Thirty minutes. C. One hour and ten. D. One hour and two. 5. What time must you get on the bus if you live near the factory and want to buy some books at nine o'clock? A. About twenty past seven B. Half past seven C. A quarter to eight D. Forty past seven 答案: CADAB【第三篇:TV】American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday. Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programs(节⽬) help children to understand (理解)the news, others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home. Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime(犯罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do. ( )1. Some children spend eight hours more _______. A. studying B. playing games C. watching TV D. helping their parents. ( )2. On television children can see _____. A. games B. big animals C. oceans D. almost everything ( )3. Children usually spend _______ a day in school. A. six hours B. more than eight hours C. only a few hours D. four hours. ( )4. “Television brings places and events into homes” means_____. A. television makes things happen in homes B. we can know places and events without going to see them. C. we can see houses and buildings on TV. D. we can find them easily. ( )5. Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is ____ for children . A. a bad programs B. an animal C. a game D. an uninteresting film 答案: CDABA。

###小编在此整理了二年级英语阅读练习,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获!二年级英语阅读练习题 1Hello!MynameisSunWei.HereisanAmericanboy.HisnameisDavidSmith.Heistwelve.AndIamtwelve,too. DavidisinClassThree,GradeOne.IaminClassThree,GradeOne,too.HeisNumberEight,RowFive.IamNumberFi ve,RowFour.()Americanboy.A.isB.amC.are()is___.A.tenB.elevenC.twelve()Weiis___ClassThree,GradeOne.A.inB.onC.of()isinRow___.A.FourB.FiveC.One()WeiisNumber___.A.FourB.FiveD.Eight分析:.第三人称单数后be动词用is.从短文第五句"Heistwelve." 可以得出答案.在几班,在几年级用介词 "in".从短文倒数第二句"HeisNumberEight,RowFive." 可以得出答案.从短文最后一句"IamNumberFive,RowFour." 可以得出答案笔录整理:介绍自己姓名可以用句型"Mynameis..."1.介绍自己年纪可以用句型"I'meleven/ten."3.介绍自己所在班级和年级可以用句型GradeXXX.""I'minClassXXX,4.介绍自己学号,座位时可以用句型XXX.""IamNumberXXX,Row二年级英语阅读练习题 2MynameisLiFang.Ihaveanewfriend.HernameisLinda.ShelivesinNewY ork.Lindaiselevenyears.Shelikesplayingchess.Myhobbyisplayingchess,too.Sheoftengoestoschoolbybus.Hermotherisadoctor.Shegoestoworkonfoot.Herfatherisateacher.Hegoestoworkbycar.EveryeveningLindadoesherhomework.HermotherwatchesTVandherfatherreadsnewspapers.LindawillcometoChinasoon.SheisinEnglandnow.I’mexcited."F"请认真阅读以下问题,并判断正确与否。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and Iare in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind thelake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, Dont swim in the lake! There is aplayground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.
( )1. The park near my house is _____.
A. new and beautiful
B. old and beautiful
C. clean and new
D. old and clean
( )2. Is there a cafe in the park? ______
A. Yes, there isnt.
B. No, there isnt.
C. Yes, there is.
D.No, there is.
( )3. People cant _______in the lake.
A. swim
B. fish
C. boat
D. play
( )4. The shops in the park are not _______.
A. small
B. big
C. good
( )5. -Do we like the park? -________
A. Yes, we do.
B.No,we do.
C.Yes, you do.
D. No,we dont.
1.A-从短文第一句There is a new park near my house.在我家附近有一个新的公园。
和倒数第二句The park isso beautiful.这个公园很漂亮。
可以得出答案new and beautiful.
Van and Ted are twin brothers. They look the same. They are English. They are eleven. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new students in Class One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.
( )1. Van and Ted are ___.
A. twins brothers
B. twin brother
C. twin brothers
( )2. They are___.
A. English
B. American
C. Chinese
( )3. They are___.
A. ten
B. eleven
C. twelve
( )4. They are___students.
A. new
B. old
C. good
( )5. Ted sits___Row Three.
A. on
B. in
C. at
1.C.从文章第一句Van and Ted are twin brothers.“Van和Ted是双胞胎兄弟。
2.A.从文章第三句They are English.“他们都是英国人。
3.B.从文章第四句They are eleven.“他们十一岁。
4.A.从文章第六句They are new students in Class One, Grade One.“他们是一年级一班的新生。
5.B.从文章最后一句Ted sits in Row Three.“Ted坐在第三排。
My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.
( )1. Jim Green is eleven.
( )2. His mother is teacher.
( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher.
( )4. His sister is twelve.
( )5. He has a bird.
1.F.从文章第二句I am twelve.可以得出答案“Jim Green是12岁,不是11岁”噢。
2.T.从文章第四句She is a teacher. 可以得出答案。
3.F.从文章第八句He is an English teacher.可以得出答案:Jim的爸爸是英语老师,不是语文老师。
4.F.从文章倒数第四句She is eight.可以得出答案:Jim的妹妹Kate是8岁,不是12岁。
5.T.从文章最后三句:This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.“这是Polly,是只小鸟,它是只鹦鹉。