


1 Active management Attempts to achieve portfolio returns more than commensurate with risk, either by forecasting broad market trends or by identifying particular mispriced sectors of a market or securities in a market. Agency problem Conflicts of interest among stockholders, bondholders, and managers.

Asset allocation decision Choosing among broad asset classes such as stocks versus bonds.

Derivative security See primitive security.

Equity Ownership in a firm. Also, the net worth of a margin account. Financial assets Financial assets such as stocks and bonds are claims to the income generated by real assets or claims on income from the government. Financial intermediary An institution such as a bank, mutual fund, investment company, or insurance company that serves to connect the household and business sectors so households can invest and businesses can finance production.

Fixed-income security A security such as a bond that pays a specified cash flow over a specific period.

Passive management Buying a well-diversified portfolio to represent a broad-based market index without attempting to search out mispriced securities.

Real assets, financial assets Real assets are land, buildings, and equipment that are used to produce goods and services. Financial assets are claims such as securities to the income generated by real assets.

Securitization Pooling loans for various purposes into standardized securities backed by those loans, which can then be traded like any other security. Security analysis Determining correct value of a security in the marketplace. Security selection decision Choosing the particular securities to include in a portfolio.

2 Asked price The price at which a dealer will sell a security..

Bid price The price at which a dealer is willing to purchase a security.

Bid-asked spread The difference between a dealer's bid and asked price.

Call option The right to buy an asset at a specified exercise price on or before a specified expiration date.

Capital markets Includes longer-term, relatively riskier securities. Eurodollars Dollar-denominated deposits at foreign banks or foreign branches of American banks.

Futures contract Obliges traders to purchase or sell an asset at an agreed-upon price on a specified future date. The long position is held by the trader who commits to purchase. The short position is held by the trader who commits to sell. Futures differ from forward contracts in their standardization, exchange trading, margin requirements, and daily settling (marking to market).

London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Rate that most creditworthy banks charge one another for large loans of Eurodollars in the London market.

Market-value-weighted index An index of a group of securities computed by calculating a weighted average of the returns of each security in the index, with weights proportional to outstanding market value.

Money market Includes short-term, highly liquid, and relatively low-risk debt instruments.

Preferred stock Nonvoting shares in a corporation, paying a fixed or variable stream of dividends

Price-earnings ratio The ratio of a stock's price to its earnings per share. Also referred to as the P/E multiple.

Put option The right to sell an asset at a specified exercise price on or before a specified expiration date.

Repurchase agreements Short-term, often overnight, sales of government securities with an agreement to repurchase the securities at a slightly higher price. A reverse repo is a purchase with an agreement to resell at a specified price on a future date.

Treasury bond or note Debt obligations of the federal government that make semiannual coupon payments and are issued at or near par value

Yield to maturity A measure of the average rate of return that will be earned on a bond if held to maturity.

3How Securities are Traded

Dealer market A market where traders specializing in particular commodities buy and sell assets for their own accounts. The OTC market is an example. Electronic communication network (ECN) A computeroperated trading network offering an alternative to formal stock exchanges or dealer markets for trading securities.

Initial public offering Stock issued to the public for the first time by a formerly privately owned company.

Limit order An order specifying a price at which an investor is willing to buy or sell a security.

Margin Describes securities purchased with money borrowed from a broker. Current maximum margin is 50 percent.

Prospectus A final and approved registration statement including the price at which the security issue is offered.

Short sale The sale of shares not owned by the investor but borrowed through a broker and later repurchased to replace the loan. Profit is earned if the initial sale is at a higher price than the repurchase price.

Stop-loss orders The trade is not to be executed unless the stock price falls below a given level.

Underwriting,Underwriters (investment bankers) purchase securities from the issuing company and resell them. Usually a syndicate of investment bankers is organized behind a lead firm.

4 12b-1 fees Annual fees charged by a mutual fund to pay for marketing and distribution costs.

Closed-end (mutual) fund A fund whose shares are traded through brokers

at market prices; the fund will not redeem shares at their net asset value. The market price of the fund can differ from the net asset value.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Offshoots of mutual funds that allow investors to trade portfolios of securities just as they do shares of stock. Hedge fund A private investment pool, open to institutional or wealthy investors, that is exempt from SEC regulation and can pursue more speculative policies than mutual funds.

Net asset value (NAV) The value of each share expressed as assets minus liabilities on a per-share basis.

Open-end (mutual) fund A fund that issues or redeems its own shares at their net asset value (NAV).


Convertible bond A bond with an option allowing the bondholder to exchange the bond for a specified number of shares of common stock in the firm. ce.

Coupon rate A bond's interest payments per dollar of par value.

Current yield A bond's annual coupon payment divided by its price. Differs from yield to maturity.

Debenture or unsecured bond A bond not backed by specific collateral. Debt securities Bonds; also called fixed-income securities.

Discount bonds Bonds selling below par value.

Face value The maturity value of a bond.

Floating-rate bond A bond whose interest rate is reset periodically according to a specified market rate.

Par value The face value of the bond.

Premium bonds Bonds selling above par value.

Put bond A bond that the holder may choose either to exchange for par value at some date or to extend for a given number of years.

Yield to maturity A measure of the average rate of return that will be earned on a bond if held to maturity.

Zero-coupon bond A bond paying no coupons that sells at a discount and provides payment of face value only at maturity

18 Constant-growth model A form of the dividend discount model that assumes dividends will grow at a constant rate.

Dividend discount model (DDM) A formula stating that the intrinsic value of a firm is the present value of all expected future dividends.

Dividend payout ratio Percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. Present value of growth opportunities (PVGO) Net present value of a firm's future investments.


名词解释 1.标准解剖学姿势(anatomical position):人体直立,两眼平视,上肢下垂,手掌向前,两足并拢,足尖向前。 2.胸骨角(sternal angle):胸骨柄与胸骨体连接处微向前突的部分成为胸骨角,两侧平对第二肋,胸骨角向后平对第四胸椎体下缘,是计数肋的重要标志。 3.翼点(pterion):颞窝前下部较薄,在额、顶、颞、蝶骨的会合处最为薄弱,此处常形成H形的缝,成为翼点,其内面有血管沟,有脑膜中动脉的前支通过,骨折时易伤及此动脉,是是临床上X线检查的部位。 4.椎间盘(intervertebral disc):是连接相邻两个椎体的纤维软骨盘(第1及第2颈椎之间除外),由周围的纤维环和中央的髓核构成。 5.喙肩韧带:为三角形的扁韧带,连于肩胛骨的喙突与肩峰之间,它与喙突、肩峰共同构成喙肩弓,防止肩关节向上脱位。6.斜角肌间隙(scalene fissure):前、中斜角肌与第1肋之间的间隙为斜角肌间隙,有锁骨下动脉和臂丛神经通过。 7.咽峡(isthmus of fauces):腭垂、腭帆游离缘、两侧的腭舌弓及舌根共同围成咽峡。 8.肝门(porta hepatis):脏面中部有略呈“H”形的三条沟,其中横行的沟位于脏面正中,有肝左、右管,肝固有动脉左、右支,肝门静脉左、右支,和肝的神经、淋巴管等由此出入,故

称肝门。出入肝门的这些结构被结缔组织包绕,构成肝蒂。9.Calot三角(或胆囊三角):胆囊管、肝总管和肝的脏面围成的三角形区域成为胆囊三角,三角内常有胆囊动脉通过,因此该 三角是胆囊手术中寻找胆囊动脉的标志。 10.弹性圆锥:又称环声膜,是圆锥形的弹性纤维膜。其余甲状软骨前角后面,呈扇形向后、向下止于杓状软骨声带突和环状软 骨上缘。其上缘游离增厚,紧张于甲状软骨与声带突之间,称 声韧带,较前庭韧带厚而短。声韧带连同声带肌及覆盖于其表 面的喉粘膜一起,成为声带。弹性圆锥中部弹性纤维增厚称环 甲正中韧带(急性喉阻塞时,为抢救病人生命可在环甲正中韧 带处进行穿刺,以建立暂时性通气道。当紧急切开动脉圆锥进 行抢救时,注意切勿损伤环甲动脉吻合弓)。 11.声带(vocal cord):由声韧带、声带肌和喉粘膜构成。声门裂是位于两侧声襞及杓状软骨底和声带突之间的裂隙比前庭裂长 而窄,是喉腔最狭窄之处。声带和声门裂合称为声门(glottis)。12.气管隆嵴:在气管杈的内面,有一矢状位向上的半月状嵴称气管隆嵴,略偏向左侧,是支气管镜检查时判断气管分叉的重要 标志。(异物坠落偏向左侧) 13.肺门(hilum 0f lung):纵膈面即内侧面,与纵膈相邻,其中央为椭圆形凹陷,称肺门,肺门为支气管、肺动脉、肺静脉、


生物药剂学与药物动力学专业名词英文及相关名词解释 第一章绪论 1、生物药剂学(biopharmaceutics):研究药物及其剂型在体内的吸收、分布、代谢与排泄过程,阐明药物的剂型因素、机体的生物因素与药物效应三者之间相互关系的科学。 2、吸收(absorption),分布(distribution),代谢(metabolism),排泄(excretion)——ADME 3、转运(transport):吸收+分布+排泄,处置(disposition):分布+代谢+排泄,消除(elimination):代谢+排泄 第二章药物的吸收 1、药物吸收(absorption of drug):指药物从给药部位进入体循环的过程。 2、膜转运(membrane transport):物质通过生物膜的现象。 3、跨细胞途径(transcellular pathway):指一些脂溶性药物借助细胞膜的脂溶性、或者特殊转运机制的药物借助膜蛋白的作用、或者大分子和颗粒状物质借助特殊细胞的作用等,而穿过细胞膜的转运途径。 4、细胞间途径(paracellular pathway):指一些水溶性小分子物质通过细胞连接处微孔而进行扩散的转运途径。 5、被动转运(passive transport):不需要消耗能量,生物膜两侧的药物由高浓度侧向低浓度侧转运的过程。 6、单纯扩散/被动扩散(simple diffusion),促进扩散/易化扩散(facilitated diffusion) 7、膜孔转运(membrane pore transport):物质通过细胞间微孔按单纯扩散机制转运的过程。 8、主动转运(active transport):需要消耗能量,生物膜两侧的药物借助载体蛋白的帮助由低浓度向侧向高浓度侧转运的过程。 9、膜动转运(membrane mobile transport):通过细胞膜的主动变形将物质摄入细胞内或从细胞内释放到细胞外的转运过程。包括入胞作用(endocytosis),出胞作用(exocytosis) 10、多药耐药(multidrug resistance, MDR):外排转运体对抗肿瘤药物的外排作用会导致肿瘤细胞内药量减少,从而对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用下降。 11、胃排空(gastric emptying):胃内容物从胃幽门排入十二指肠的过程。 12、肝首过效应(live first pass effect):经胃肠道给药的药物在尚未吸收进入血液循环前即在肝脏被代谢,而使进入血液循环的原形药量减少的现象。 13、肝肠循环(enterohepatic cycle):指经胆汁排入肠道内的药物,在肠道中被重新吸收,经门静脉又返回肝脏的现象。 14、pH-分配假说(pH-partition hypothesis):药物的吸收取决于吸收部位pH条件下未解离型药物的比例和油/水分配系数的假说。 15、生物药剂学分类系统(biopharmaceutics classification system, BCS):根据药物的体外溶解性和肠道渗透性的高低,对药物进行分类的一种科学方法。 16、吸收数(absorption number, An):反映药物在胃肠道渗透性高低的函数。(无单位!) 17、剂量数(dose number, Do):药物溶解性能的函数。 18、溶出数(dissolution number, Dn):反映药物从制剂中释放速度的函数。


名词解释 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5740130.html,petence and Performance: The distinction is discussed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s. Competence----the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. Performance----the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. (American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s proposed the distinction between competence and performance. Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. This internalized set of rules enables the language user to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences and recognize sentences that are ungrammatical and ambiguous. According to Chomsky, performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Although the speaker’s knowledge of his mother tongue is perfect, his performances may have mistakes because of social and psychological factors such as stress, embarrassment, etc.. Chomsky believes that what linguists should study is the competence, which is systematic, not the performance, which is too haphazard. ) 2.Sociolinguistics: is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.( It is a field of study that assumes that human society is made up of many related patterns and behaviors, some of which are linguistic.) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5740130.html,nguage Acquisition: refers to t he child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community. (Language acquisition is concerned with language development in humans. In general, language acquisition refers to children’s devel opment of their first language, that is, the native language of the community in which a child has been brought up.) 4.the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is a theory put forward by the American anthropological linguists Sapir and Whorf (and also a belief held by some scholars). It states that the way people view the world is determined wholly or partly by the structure of their native language. (2) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts, i.e. linguistic determinism and relativism. Whorf proposed first that all higher levels of thinking are dependent on language. Or put it more bluntly, language determines thought, i.e. the notion of linguistic determinism. Because languages differ in many ways, Whorf also believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experience the world differently, i.e. relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of linguistic relativism. 5.Phrase structure rule: The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule, such as: NP →(Det) + N +(PP)……e.g. those people, the fish on the plate, pretty girls. VP →(Qual) + V + (NP)……e.g. always play games, finish assignments. AP →(Deg) + A + (PP)……very handsome, very pessimistic, familiar with, very close to PP →(Deg) + P + (NP)……on the shelf, in the boat, quite near the station.


四、名词解释 1.投资:投资是指经济主体为了获得未来的预期收益,预先垫付一定量的货币或实物以经营某项事业的经济行为。 2.金融投资:金融投资是以金融资产为投资对象的投资活动。 3.证券投资:指个人或法人对有价证券的购买行为,这种行为会使投资者在证券持有期内获得与其所承担的风险相称的收益。 四、名词解释 1.证券投资者:证券投资主体购买证券的目的是为了待一定时期后取得股息和利息,并期待证券增值,为此他们在购买证券后相当长的时间内持有证券,这种行为被认为是投资行为,这类投资主体被称为证券投资者或长期投资者。 2.证券投机者:自认为可以预测证券价格的未来走势,为了在短期的价格变动中获取价差利益,甘愿承担风险,不断买卖证券的机构或个人。 3.有价证券:具有一定票面金额、代表财产所有权或债权,并借以取得一定收入的一种证书。 4.股票:股份公司发给股东以证明其投资份额并对公司拥有相应的财产所有权的证书。 5.债券:依照法定程序发行,约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券。 6.证券投资基金:是一种利益共享、风险共担的集合证券投资方式,即通过发行基金份额集中投资者的资金,形成独立财产,由基金托管人托管,由基金管理人管理和运作,以组合投资方式进行证券证券投资,所得收益按出资比例由投资者分享的投资工具。 7.封闭型基金:指设立基金时限定基金的发行总额,在初次发行达到预定的发行计划后,基金宣告成立,并加以封闭,在一定时期内不再追加发行新基金份额的基金。 8.开放型基金:指基金发行总额不固定,在基金按规定成立后,投资者可以在规定的场所和开放的时间内向基金管理人申购或赎回基金份额的基金。 9.证券中介机构:为证券市场参与者如发行者、投资者等提供相关服务的专职机构。 10.证券经营机构:由证券主管机关依法批准设立的在证券市场上经营证券业务的金融机构。 四、名词解释 1.证券发行市场:新发行的证券从发行者手中出售到投资者手中的市场,它包括证券发行从规划、推销和承购等阶段的全部活动过程。 2.公募发行:又称公开发行,是指发行人向不特定的社会公众投资者发售证券的发行。 3.私募发行:又称不公开发行或私下发行、内部发行,是指以特定少数投资者为对象的发行。 4.直接发行:发行人直接向投资者推销出售证券的发行。 5.间接发行:由发行公司委托投资银行、证券公司等证券中介机构代理出售证券的发行。 6.初次发行:新组建股份公司或原非股份制企业改制为股份公司或原私人持股公司转为公众持股公司时,公司


【经济人】 从事经济活动的人所采取的经济行为都是力图以自己的最小经济代价去获得自己的最大经济利益。 【需求】 消费者在一定时期内在各种可能的价格水平愿意而且能够购买的该商品的数量。 【供给】 生产者在一定时期内在各种价格水平下愿意并且能够提供出售的该种商品的数量。 【均衡价格】。 一种商品的均衡价格是指该种商品的市场需求量和市场供给量相等时的价格。 【供求定理】。 其他条件不变的情况下,需求变动分别引起均衡价格和均衡数量的同方向的变动,供给变动引起均衡价格的反方向变动,引起均衡数量的同方向变动。 【经济模型】。 经济模型是指用来描述所研究的经济事物的有关经济变量之间相关关系的理论结构。 【弹性】 当一个经济变量发生1%的变动时,由它引起的另一个经济变量变动的百分比。 【弧弹性】 表示某商品需求曲线上两点之间的需求量的变动对于价格的变动的反应程度。 【点弹性】 表示需求曲线上某一点上的需求量变动对于价格变动的反应程度。 【需求的价格弹性】 表示在一定时期内一种商品的需求量变动对于该商品的价格变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品的价格变化百分之一时所引起的该商品的需求量变化的百分比。【需求的交叉价格弹性】。 表示在一定时期内一种商品的需求量的变动相对于它的相关商品的价格变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品的价格变化百分之一时所引起的另一种商品的需求量变化百分比。 【替代品】 如果两种商品之间能够相互替代以满足消费者的某一种欲望,则称这两种商品之间存在着替代关系,这两种商品互为替代品。 【需求的收入弹性】 需求的收入弹性表示在一定时期内消费者对某种商品的需求量变动对于消费者收入量变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当消费者的收入变化百分之一时所引起的商品需求量变化的百分比。 【恩格尔定律】。 在一个家庭或在一个国家中,食物支出在收入中所占的比例随着收入的增加而减少。用弹性的概念来表述它则可以是:对于一个家庭或一个国家来说,富裕程度越高,则食物支出的收入弹性就越小;反之,则越大。 【总效用和边际效用】 总效用是指消费者在一定时间内从一定数量的商品的消费中所得到的效用量的总和。边际效用是指消费者在一定时间内增加一单位商品的消费所得到的效用量的增量。 【边际效用递减规律】 在一定时间内,在其他商品的消费数量保持不变的情况下,随着消费者对某种商品消费的增


生物药剂学英文汉译英要求 Biopharmaceutics生物药剂学 Absorption吸收 Distribution分布 Metabolism代谢 Excretion排泄 Transport转运 Disposition处置 Elimination消除 Transcellular pathway细胞通道转运 Paracellular pathway细胞旁路通道转运 Passive transport被动转运 Pore transport膜孔转运 Carrier-mediated transport载体媒介转运 Facilitated diffusion易化扩散、促进扩散 Active transport主动转运 Membrane mobile transport膜动转运 Pinocytosis胞饮作用 Phagocytosis吞噬作用 First pass effect首过效应 pH-partition hypothesis pH-分配假说 Dissolution溶出 Parenteral drug delivery注射给药 Oral cavity mucosa drug delivery口腔粘膜给药Transdermal drug delivery皮肤给药 Nasal mucosa drug delivery鼻粘膜给药 Pulmonary drug delivery肺部给药 Rectal drug delivery直肠给药 Ophthalmic drug delivery眼部给药 Distribution分布 Accumulation蓄积 Apparent volume of distribution表观分布容积Metabolize, metabolism代谢 Biotransformation生物转化 Inhibition酶抑制作用 Inhibitor酶抑制剂 Induction酶诱导作用 Inducer酶诱导剂


What is a summary? A summary is a short piece of writing that gives the main facts or ideas of a story or article,etc. The qualities of a good summary? It should be objective,that is,the writer does not include any ideas of his/her own. It should be complete ,that is,the writer does not leave out important facts or ideas. It should be balanced,in other words,the writer gives equal attention to each main idea. The goal of a summary? It is to give readers an objective,complete,accurate and balanced view of something(an article,a story ,a novel,a play,etc) Paragraph unity A unified paragraph contains only sentences that explain or support the general statement made in the topic sentence.Any sentence that does not relate to (=is not connected in some way)the main idea will not develop it. How to achieve paragraph unity? Begin with a discussable point and express it in a topic sentence. Stick to this single point throughout,that is,all other sentence should be about this point. Prove or develop the point;don 't merely repeat it. Link your sentence to make your ideas easy to follow. How to outline (=to give the main facts about something) a story? Divide the story into smaller parts. Summarize each part in one sentence. Number your sentence summaries to make them an outline of the story. What is a narrative paragraph? A narrative paragraph is one that briefly describes an incident or a personal experience. Requirements that a good narrative paragraph should meet? Though its length is limited,it is complete,that is,it has a beginning,middle and end. It includes as little conversation as possible. Its sentences are connected by suitable linking words or expressions. Here are some common time linking words/expressions. Afterward later when shortly afterward soon while the next day/night then Paragraph coherence(Coherence is connection ) A coherent paragraph is one in which every sentence after the first is connected to the one before it,to the topic sentence ,or to both ,and readers can readily follow the writer 's train of thought(= a related series of thoughts) An incoherence paragraph is one in which the sentences are badly connected or not connected at all,and the readers are likely to lose their way. How to achieve paragraph coherence? Arrange sentence in a clear order. Use correct pronouns Use correct linking words and expressions. What is exposition?


《证券投资学》复习题1 一、名词解释 1.套利定价模型(APT):是将股票的收益率与未知数量的未知因素相联系,即利用因素模型来描述资产价格决定因素和均衡价格的形成机理。它的最基本假设就是投资者相信证券I收益率随意受K个共同因素的影响。 2.马柯维茨有效组合:在构造证券资产组合时,投资者谋求在既定风险水平下具有最高预期收益的证券组合,满足这一要求的组合称为有效组合,也称马柯维茨有效组合。 3.股票收益:主要是指股票投资所带来的收益,主要来源于两个方面:股票所带来的股息(红利)和股票买卖的溢价收入。 4.开放式基金和封闭式基金:开放式基金是指基金设立后,投资者可以随时申购或赎回基金单位,基金规模不固定;封闭式基金的基金规模在基金发行前就已经确定,在发行完毕后的规定期限内,基金规模固定不变。 5.心理线:是由上涨日的比率来衡量的。这种设计的理论基础是;投资者买卖的心理倾向必然影响到交易的结果,而交易的结果又决定着股价的走势,因而投资者的买卖心理倾向不仅可以作为研判行情参考,而且可以用交易的结果表示出来。 二、单选题 1.某人投资了三种股票,这三种股票的方差一协方差矩阵如下表,矩阵第(i, j)位置上的元素为股票i与j的协方差,已知此人投资这三种股票的比例分别为0.3,0.3,0.4,则该股票投资组合的风险是( C )。 A.8.1 B.5.1 C.6.1 D.9.2 2.对于付息债券,如果市场价格低于面值,则(B )。 A.到期收益率低于票面利率 B.到期收益率高于票面利率 C.到期收益率等于票面利率 D.不一定 3.假设某股票组合含N种股票,它们各自的非系统风险是互不相关的,且投资于每种股票的资金数相等。则当N变得很大时,投资组合的非系统风险和总风险的变化分别是( B )。 A.不变,降低B.降低,降低C.增高,增高D.降低,增高 4.某种债券A,面值为1000元,期限是2年。单利每年付一次,年利率是10%,投资者认为末来两年的折算率为r=8%,则该种债券的投资价值是( C )。 A.923.4 B.1000.0 C.1035.7 D.1010.3 5.一般地,银行贷款利率和存款利率的降低,分别会使股票价格发生如下哪种变化( B ) A、上涨、下跌 B、上涨、上涨 C、下跌、下跌 D、下跌、上涨 股票的β系数为,Y股票的β系数为,现在股市处于牛市,请问你想短期获得较大的收益,则应该选哪种股票(A ) A、X B、Y C、X和Y的某种组合 D、无法确定


宏观经济学 第十五章MEASUREING A NATION’S INCOME一国收入的衡量 Microeconomics the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets. 微观经济学:研究家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及他们如何在市场上相互交易。 Macroeconomics the study of economy-wide phenomena,including inflation,unemployment,and economic growth 宏观经济学:研究整体经济现象,包括通货膨胀、失业和经济增长。 GDP is the market value of final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. 国内生产总值GDP:给定时期的一个经济体内生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值 Consumption is spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchased of new housing. 消费:除了购买新住房,家庭用于物品与劳务的支出。 Investment is spending on capital equipment inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing. 投资:用于资本设备、存货和建筑物的支出,包括家庭用于购买新住房的支出。 Government purchases are spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal government. 政府支出:地方、州和联邦政府用于物品和与劳务的支出。 Net export is spending on domestically produced goods by foreigners (exports) minus spending on foreign goods by domestic residents (imports) 净出口:外国人对国内生产的物品的支出(出口)减国内居民对外国物品的支出(进口)。 Nominal GDP is the production of goods and services valued at current prices. 名义GDP:按现期价格评价的物品与劳务的生产。 Real GDP is the production of goods and services valued at constant prices. 实际GDP:按不变价格评价的物品和服务的生产。 GDP deflator is a measure of the price level calculated as the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP times 100. GDP平减指数:用名义GDP与实际GDP的比率计算的物价水平衡量指标。


1.Piphyseal cartilage(epiphysial line)骺软骨(骺线) 长骨的两端膨大称为骺。幼年时,骨干与骺之间的有透明软骨,成年后软骨骨化,骨干与骺融为一体,其间遗留的痕迹,叫骺线。 2.Pterion翼点 翼点是额、顶、颞、蝶四骨会合处,骨质薄弱,内面有脑膜中动脉前支通过。Paranasal sinuses鼻旁窦 又名副鼻窦,是上颌骨,额骨,筛骨,蝶骨内骨腔,位于鼻腔周围,并开口于鼻腔。共四对,均位于同名骨内。由于鼻旁窦粘膜与鼻腔粘膜相续,故鼻腔炎症可蔓延至鼻旁窦引起鼻窦炎。 3.Diploe 板障 颅盖骨表层为密质,分别称内板和外板。两板之间的松质称为板障,有板障静脉通过。 4.Vertebral foramen(vertebral canal) 椎孔(椎管) 椎体与椎弓围成椎孔,各椎骨的椎孔连成椎管,椎管内容纳脊髓及其被膜。5.Intervertebral foramina 椎间孔 相邻椎骨椎弓根的上下切迹围成椎间孔,有脊神经和血管通过。 6.Sternal angle 胸骨角 胸骨柄和体连接处微向前凸,称胸骨角,可在体表扪及,两侧平对第2肋,是计数肋的重要标志。向后平对第4胸椎体下缘。 7.Intervertebral disc 椎间盘 椎间盘是连结相邻两个椎体的纤维软骨盘。 8.Costal arch 肋弓 为第8~10肋软骨各与上位肋软骨相连形成;为重要的体表标志。 9.Scalene fissure 斜角肌间隙 为前、中斜角肌与第1肋围成的三角形的空隙;内有臂丛神经及锁骨下动脉通过。 10.Isthmus of fauces(oropharyngeal isthmus) 咽峡 腭垂、腭帆游离缘、两侧的腭舌弓,和舌根共同围成咽峡。是口腔和咽的分界处。 11.Calot triangle(cystohepatic triangle) 卡洛氏三角(胆囊三角) 胆囊管、肝总管及肝脏脏面三者构成的三角形区域称为胆囊三角,内有胆囊动脉通过,是胆囊手术中寻找胆囊动脉的标志。 12.Dentate line 齿状线 连接各肛柱下端与各肛瓣边缘的锯齿状环行线称齿状线。 13.Costodiaphragmatic recess 肋膈隐窝 肋胸膜和膈胸膜互相转折处形成较大的间隙。 14.Renal region 肾区 是指竖脊肌外侧缘与第12肋之间的区域,为肾门的体表投影处(相当于第1腰椎水平)。 15.Renal hilum 肾门 renal sinus肾窦 肾内侧缘中间凹陷称为肾门,是肾盂,肾动静脉,淋巴管,神经的出入处。出入肾门的结构合成肾蒂(从前向后静动盂,从上到下动静盂)。由肾门深入肾实质的凹陷称为肾窦。


1、药剂学:是研究药物制剂的基本理论、处方设计、制备工艺和合理应用的综合性技术科学。 2、剂型(药物剂型):为适应治疗或预防的需要而制备的药物应用形式即称为药物剂型。 3、药物制剂:在各种剂型中都包含有许多不同的具体品种,将其称为药物制剂。亦根据药典或药政管理部门批准的标准、为适应治疗或预防的需要而制备的药物应用形式的具体品种,称为药物制剂。 4、生物药剂学:是研究药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢与排泄的机制及过程,阐明药物因素、剂型因素和生理因素与药效之间关系的边缘科学。 5、药物动力学:是采用数学的方法,研究药物的吸收、分布、代谢与排泄的经时过程及其与药效之间关系的科学,对指导制剂设计、剂型改革、安全合理用药等提供了量化的控制指标。 6、药典:是一个国家记载药品标准、规格的法典。它由权威医药专家组成的国家药典委员会编辑、出版,由国家政府颁布、执行,具有法律约束力。 7、《中华人民共和国药典》:简称《中国药典》。(现行《中国药典》2010版——ChP.2010) 8、药品生产质量管理规范:简称GMP 。 9、处方药:是必须凭执业医师或职业助理医师处方才可调配、购买并在医生指导下使用的药品。 10、非处方药:是由专家遴选的、不需执业医师或职业助理医师处方并经过长期临床实践被认为患者可以自行判断、购买和使用并能保证安全的药品。 11、溶解度:指在规定温度和压力下溶质在一定体积溶剂中溶解的量。 12、分配系数(P ):指药物在两个不相混溶的溶剂中溶解并达到平衡时浓度的比值。 水 油;度在水相中药物的质量浓度在油相中药物的质量浓C C P P == 13、晶型:指晶态物质晶格内分子的排列形式。 14、多晶型(同质多晶现象):药物常存在有一种以上的晶型。 15、吸湿性:指固体表面能从周围环境空气中吸附水分的现象。 16、临界相对湿度:粉末吸湿达到平衡时的相对湿度称为临界相对湿度。 17、被动扩散:药物分子通过被动扩散方式透过生物膜,即由高浓度区向低浓度区移动。 18、主动扩散:一些生命必需物质和有机酸、碱等弱电解质的离子型等,通常不能透过微孔,且脂溶性小,必须借助载体或酶促系统透过生物膜转运,这种过程成为主动转运。 19、促进扩散:指一些非脂溶性物质或亲水性物质,借助细胞膜上转运蛋白的帮助,由膜的高浓度一侧向低浓度一侧,顺浓度梯度或电化学梯度差扩散或转运的过程。 20、吸收:指药物从给药部位进入体循环的过程。 21、溶出速度:指在一定条件下,单位时间内药物溶解进入溶液主体的药量。 22、药物的分布:指药物从给药部位进入血液后,由循环系统运送体内各脏器组织(包括靶细胞)的过程。 23、表观分布溶剂:指药物在体内的分布达到平衡状态时,体内总药量与血药浓度的比值。是按照血药浓度推算体内药物总量在理论上占有的体液容积。 24、血脑屏障:脑组织对外来物质有选择地摄取的能力称为血脑屏障。 25、胎盘屏障:由胎盘将母亲与胎儿血液隔开的屏障。 26、药物的代谢:指药物在体内吸收、分布的同时,在机体各种酶以及体液环境作用下,可发生一系列化学反应,导致药物化学结构的改变。 27、药物的排泄:指药物及其代谢物经不同途径排出体外的过程。 28、隔室模型:最常用的药物动力学模型。 29、消除:指体内药物不可逆失去的过程,主要包括代谢和排泄。 30、消除速度常数(k ):大多数药物从体内的消除符合表观一级速度过程,其速度与药量之间的比例常数k 称为表观一级消除速度常数,简称消除速度常数,其单位为时间的倒数。 31、生物半衰期:血浆药物浓度消除一半所需的时间。 32、清除率(Cl ):指机体或机体的某些消除器官、组织在单位时间内清除掉相当于多少体积的流经血液中的药物。清除率是表示机体或组织器官中清除药物的速率或效率的药动学参数。 33、生物利用度:衡量血管外给药用药剂量中进入体循环的相对数量与在大循环中出现的相对速率。 34、粉体:指细小固体粒子的集合体。 35、粒子:粉体运动的最小单元,包括粉末(粒径小于100μm )和颗粒(粒径大于100μm )。


证券投资学名词解释 1.债券:债券是一种金融契约,是政府、金融机构、工商企业等机构直接向社会借债筹措资金时,向投资者发行,同时承诺按一定利率支付利息并按约定条件偿还本金的债权债务凭证。 2.股票:股票是股份有限公司在筹集资本时向出资人或投资者发行的股份凭证,代表其持有者(即股东)对股份公司的所有权。 3.普通股:普通股是指在公司的经营管理、盈利及财产的分配上享有普通权利的股份,代表满足所有债权偿付要求及优先股股东的收益权与求偿权要求后对企业盈利和剩余财产的索取权。 4.优先股:优先股在利润分红及剩余财产分配的权利方面,优先于普通股。 5.证券投资基金:证券投资基金是一种实行组合投资、专业管理、利益共享、风险共担的集合投资方式。 6.封闭式基金:封闭式基金是指基金的单位数目在基金设立时就已确定,在基金存续期内基金单位的数目一般不会发生变化。 7.开放式基金:开放式基金是指基金股份总数是可以变动的基金,它既可以向投资者销售任意多的基金单位,也可以随时应投资者要求赎回已发行的基金单位。 8.证券市场:证券市场是股票、债券、证券投资基金、金融衍生工具等各种有价证券发行和买卖的场所。 9.一级市场:也称发行市场。一级市场是通过发行股票进行筹资活动的市场,一方面为资本的需求者提供筹集资金的渠道,另一方面为资本的供应者提供投资场所。 10.二级市场:也称交易市场。二级市场是有价证券的交易场所。二级市场是有价证券的流通市场,是已发行的有价证券进行买卖交易的场所。二级市场为有价证券提供流动性,使证券持有者可以随时卖掉手中的有价证券,用以变现。11.股票价格指数:股票价格指数(简称股价指数)是衡量股票市场上股价综合变动方向和幅度的一种动态相对数,其基本功能是用平均值的变化来描述股票市场股价的动态。 12.经济周期:由于受多种因素的影响,宏观经济的运行总是呈现出周期性的变化。宏观经济周期一般经历四个阶段,即萧条、复苏、繁荣、衰退。四个阶段循环反复,构成一个经济周期。 13.财政政策:财政政策是通过财政收入和财政支出的变动来影响宏观经济活动水平的经济政策。 14.货币政策:货币政策是指政府或中央银行为影响经济活动所采取的措施,尤指控制货币供给以及调控利率的各项措施。用以达到特定或维持政策目标——比如,抑制通胀、实现完全就业或经济增长。直接地或间接地通过公开市场操作和设置银行最低准备金(最低储备金)。 15.汇率政策:汇率政策指一国政府利用本国货币汇率的升降来控制进出口及资本流动以达到国际收支均衡之目的。 16.周期型产业:周期型产业的运动状态直接与经济周期相关。 17.防御型产业:防御型产业与周期型产业刚好相反,这种类型产业的运动状态并不受经济周期的影响。 18.产业生命周期:产业会经历一个由产生到成长再到衰落的发展演变过程,这个过程称为产业的生命周期。产业的生命周期可分为四个阶段,即初创阶段(也


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.
