
BLOG:short message service,短信。
另外,mms(multimedia messaging sevice)可翻译为彩信。
CEO:chief executive officer,首席执行官。
BT:BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"Bit Torrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载" 。
BBS:是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,现在国内统称做论坛。
不过,亦有歪解,即Big-Breasted Sister,请看官自行消化。
XP:是英文Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念。
HTTP:hypertext transfer protocol,超文本传输协议,自WWW诞生以来,一个多姿多彩的资讯和虚拟的世界便出现在我们眼前,可是我们怎么能够更加容易地找到我们需要的资讯呢?当决定使用超文本作为WWW文档的标准格式后,于是在1990年,科学家们立即制定了能够快速查找这些超文本文档的协议,即HTTP协议。
MSN:MSN 即MICROSOFT service NETWORK, 微软网络服务,是微软公司的一个门户站点. MSN作为互联网上最受欢迎的一个门户, 具备了为用户提供了在线调查、浏览和购买各种产品和服务的能力.DJ:DJ是DISCO JOCKEY(唱片骑士)的英文缩写,以DISCO为主,DJ这两个字现在已经代表了最新、最劲、最毒、最HIGH的Muisc。

【一】常见的口语缩写在口语中我们经常碰到一些缩写,诸如wanna, gonna 之类,那么他们到底是怎么来的呢? 又是什么意思呢?1.wanna (= want to) 【美国口语】wanna 是"want to" 的缩写,意为“想要”“希望”eg:Wanna grab a drink tonight?今晚喝一杯如何?wanna的使用范围极广,从日常口语到歌曲名称都有它的影子,有一首传唱度很高的歌想必大家都听过,歌名就是"B What U Wanna B"2.gonna(= going to)gonna 是"going to" 的缩写,用在将来时中,一般与be 动词连用成“be gonna”结构,但在口语中也有省略be 的情况出现。
【美国口语】eg:Who's gonna believe you?谁会信你呢?3.kinda (= kind of)kinda 是"kind of"的缩写,意为“有点”“有几分”eg:I'm kinda freaking out!我快疯了!4.sorta (=sort of)【美国口语】sorta 是"sort of" 的缩写,意为“有几分”“可以说是”eg:I'm sorta excited.我有点小兴奋!5.gotta (=got to)【美国口语】gotta是"got to"的缩写,意为“不得不”“必须”eg:I gotta go now.我现在得走了。
【二】常见的书面缩写【品牌缩写】“IKEA:(宜家)瑞典公司的牌子为四个词【Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd】的首字母缩写,在瑞典语中的发音确实是“ee-key-a”,英美人的发音却是“eye-key-a”,估计是遵从了“IBM”、“ISO”这种缩略词的字母I发音模式,只不过后面的“KEA”连读而已,类似“ide a”。

1. A.D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) 公元
2. A.M. - Ante Meridian (before noon) 上午
3.P.M. - Post Meridian (after noon) 下午
4.etc. - Et cetera (and so forth) 等等
5.i.e. - Id est (that is) 就是
6. e.g. - Exempli gratia (for example) 例如
7. A.D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) 公元
8. A.M. - Ante Meridian (before noon) 上午
9.P.M. - Post Meridian (after noon) 下午
10.etc. - Et cetera (and so forth) 等等
11.i.e. - Id est (that is) 就是
12.e.g. - Exempli gratia (for example) 例如

常见英语字母缩写缩写英文单词全称中文释义ABC 基础知识ABC Agriculture Bank of China 中国农业银行AD anon Domini 公元AM ante meridiem 上午A-bomb atomic bomb 原子弹Apr. April 四月份ARMY Army 陆军AF AIR FORCE (空军)APEC the Asia—Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织AUG August 八月份BBQ barbecue 烧烤BBS Bulletin Board System 电子论坛BC Before Christ 公元前BC Bank of China 中国银行BT Bit Torrent 一种P2P共享软件CATV Cable television 有线电视CCP China Communist Party 中国*CCTV China Central Television 中国中央电视台CD Compact Disc 光盘CEOChief Executive Officer 首席执行官类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表CIA Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局CPU Central Processing Unit 电脑中央处理器DC Washington D .C 华盛顿特区DEC December 十二月份DIY Do It Yourself 自己动手做,泛指操作、使用、安装、维护电脑的人DJ DISCO JOCIKEY 唱片骑士DVD Digital Video Disk 数字视盘ED Education Department 教育署EEC European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体e.g. example 例子,示范E-mail Electrical mail 电子邮〔函〕件etc et cetera 等等,诸如此类ETV Educational Television 教育电视EU European Union 欧洲联盟FB Fire brigade 消防队FBI Federal Bureau of investigation 美国联邦调查局FEB February 二月份FRI FRIDAY 星期五fwd forward 前进〔遥控器〕gif Graphics Interchange Format 一种图形格式HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区HP Hewlett Packard 惠普:一家科技產品公司ICBC Industry and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字会IDIdentification 身份证明文件IE Internet Explorer Microsoft开发的瀏览器IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会IQ Intelligence Quotient 智能测验值ISBN 国际标准书号ITInformation Technology 信息技术JAN January 一月份June June 六月份JUL July 七月份LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD liquid crystal display 液晶体显示LD LASER DISC 激光视盘MAR March 三月份MAY Nay 五月份MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士MM Mass Media 大众媒体MON MONDAY 星期一MS Microsoft 微软MTR Underground 地铁NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NAVY Navy 海军NBANational Basketball Association 美国国家篮球协会NOV November 十一月份NY New York 纽约OCT October 十月份OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原设备制造商OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织PBOC The People's Bank of China 中国人民银行PC Personal Computer 个人电脑PLA People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军PM post meridiem 下午PRCPeople's Republic of China 中华人民共和国QC quality management 品质管理质检qq :QQ 由腾讯公司开发,原名OICQ。

常见英语字母缩写缩写英文单词全称中文释义ABC 基础知识ABC Agriculture Bank of China 中国农业银行AD anon Domini 公元AM ante meridiem 上午A-bomb atomic bomb 原子弹Apr. April 四月份ARMY Army 陆军AF AIR FORCE (空军)APEC the Asia—Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织AUG August 八月份BBQ barbecue 烧烤BBS Bulletin Board System 电子论坛BC Before Christ 公元前BC Bank of China 中国银行BT Bit Torrent 一种P2P共享软件CATV Cable television 有线电视CCP China Communist Party 中国*CCTV China Central Television 中国中央电视台CD Compact Disc 光盘CEOChief Executive Officer 首席执行官类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表CIA Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局CPU Central Processing Unit 电脑中央处理器DC Washington D .C 华盛顿特区DEC December 十二月份DIY Do It Yourself 自己动手做,泛指操作、使用、安装、维护计算机的人DJ DISCO JOCIKEY 唱片骑士DVD Digital Video Disk 数字视盘ED Education Department 教育署EEC European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体e.g. example 例子,示范E-mail Electrical mail 电子邮(函)件etc et cetera 等等,诸如此类ETV Educational Television 教育电视EU European Union 欧洲联盟FB Fire brigade 消防队FBI Federal Bureau of investigation 美国联邦调查局FEB February 二月份FRI FRIDAY 星期五fwd forward 前进(遥控器)gif Graphics Interchange Format 一种图形格式HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区HP Hewlett Packard 惠普:一家科技產品公司ICBC Industry and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字会IDIdentification 身份证明文件IE Internet Explorer Microsoft开发的瀏览器IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会IQ Intelligence Quotient 智能测验值ISBN 国际标准书号ITInformation Technology 信息技术JAN January 一月份June June 六月份JUL July 七月份LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD liquid crystal display 液晶体显示LD LASER DISC 激光视盘MAR March 三月份MAY Nay 五月份MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士MM Mass Media 大众媒体MON MONDAY 星期一MS Microsoft 微软MTR Underground 地铁NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NAVY Navy 海军NBANational Basketball Association 美国国家篮球协会NOV November 十一月份NY New York 纽约OCT October 十月份OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原设备制造商OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织PBOC The People's Bank of China 中国人民银行PC Personal Computer 个人电脑PLA People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军PM post meridiem 下午PRCPeople's Republic of China 中华人民共和国QC quality management 品质管理质检qq :QQ 由腾讯公司开发,原名OICQ。

1.DIY:Do It Yourself(自己动手做)
2.ASAP:As Soon As Possible(尽快)
3.FYI:For Your Information(供参考)
4.TGIF:Thank God It’s Friday(谢天谢地,周五了)
5.LOL:Laugh Out Loud(大声笑)
6.BTW:By The Way(顺便说一句)
7.IMHO:In My Humble Opinion(依我拙见)
8.BRB:Be Right Back(马上回来)
9.FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
10.TMI:Too Much Information(信息量太大)

电子科技类IT:信息技术(Information Technology)PC:个人电脑(Personal Computer)APP:应用程序(Application)CPU:中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)www:环球信息网/万维网(World Wide Web)WiFi:无线网络/无线保真技术(Wireless Fidelity)CD:光盘/激光唱片(Compact Disk)DJ:音乐节目主持人(Disc Jockey)TEL:电话机(Telephone)VCD:录像光盘(Video Compact Disk)DVD:数字录像光盘(Digital Video Disk)(Video Cassette Recorder)MV:音乐短片(Music Video)KTV:卡拉OK(Karaok TV)TV:电视(TeleVision)GPS:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)ETC:不停车收费系统(Electronic Toll Collection)ABS:防锁死刹车系统(Antilock Brake System)SUV:运动型多用途轿车(Sport Utility Vehicle)BRT:快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)LRT:轻轨公交系统(Light Rail Transit)ATM:自动取款机(Automatic Teller Machine)国家/地区及国际组织类PRC:中华人民共和国(The People s Republic of China)HK:香港(Hong Kong)JP:日本(Japan)KR:韩国(Korea)UK:英国(United Kingdom)US:美国(United States)USA:美国(United States of America)RUS:俄罗斯(Russia)SGP:新加坡(Singapore)EU:欧洲联盟/欧盟(European Union)UN:联合国(United Nations)(World Trade Organization)WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)CIA:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)FBI:美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of investigation)FDA:食品药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)ICAC:廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption)OPEC:石油输出国组织/欧佩克(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)机构/公司和协会类EMS:邮政特快专递(Express Mail Service)PLA:中国人民解放军(People s Liberation Army)CCTV:中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CBA:中国篮球协会(Chinese Basketball Association)(National Basketball Association)BBC:英国广播公司(British Broad-casting Corporation)VOA:美国之音(Voice of America)IOC:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)ISBN:国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number)其他常见杂类缩写Ad:广告(Advertisement)Add:地址(Address)BBQ:烧烤(Barbecue)DIY:自己动手/自助服务(Do it Yourself)ET:外星人(Extra Terrestrial)ID:身份证(Identification Card)(Intelligence Quotient)EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)PE:体育(Physical Education)No.:号码/编号(Number)KFC:肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)DNA:遗传基因组织(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)GMT:格林威治时间或国际标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)GDP:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)OMG:我的上帝/我的天哪(Oh My God)SOS:求救信号(Save Our Soul)UFO:不明飞行物(Unknown Flying Object)VIP:重要人物/贵宾(Very Important Person)(Water Closet)Mr.:先生(Mister)Ms.:女士(Mrs. or Miss)Mrs.:夫人/太太(Mistress)AD:公元(Anno Domini)BC:公元前(Before Christ)AM:上午(Ante Meridiem)(before noon) PM:下午(Post Meridiem)(afternoon) CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)CFO:首席财务官(Chief Finance Officer)COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)CTO:首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer)(Philosophy Doctor)MBA:工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)MPA:公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)国内银行缩写中国人民银行:PBC(The People s Bank of China)中国建设银行:CCB(China Construction Bank)中国农业银行:ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)中国工商银行:ICBC(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)中国银行:BOC(Bank of China)交通银行:BCM(Bank of Communications)招商银行:CMB(China Merchants Bank)星期/月份缩写星期一:Mon.(Monday)星期二:Tues.(Tuesday)星期三:Wed.(Wednesday)星期四:Thur.(Thursday)星期五:Fri.(Friday)星期六:Sat.(Saturday)星期天:Sun.(Sunday)一月:Jan.(January)二月:Feb.(February)三月:Mar.(March)四月:Apr.(April)(May)六月:Jun.(June)七月:Jul.(July)八月:Aug.(August)九月:Sep.(September)十月:Oct.(October)十一月:Nov.(November)十二月:Dec.(December)计量单位缩写克G(Gram)公斤KG(Kilogram)公吨MT(Metric Ton)(Metre)厘米 CM (Centimetre)毫米 MM (Milimetre)公里 KM (Kilometre)码Yd.(Yard)英尺Ft.(Foot)英寸In.(Inch)升L(Litre)毫升 ML (Millilitre)加仑Gal (Gallon)千瓦KW (Kilowatt)马力HP (Horse Power)平方米Sq.m(Square metre)立方米Cu.m(Cubic metre)小时Hr.(Hour)分Min.(Minute)秒Sec.(Second)英文句子表达常见缩写not相关的否定缩写通常在原词后加n’t,若原词以n结尾,直接加’t。

例如,UN代表联合国(United Nations)、UK代表英国(United Kingdom)、DIY 代表自己动手做(Do It Yourself)等。
例如,NASA代表美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)、FBI代表联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)、AIDS代表获得性免疫缺陷综合症(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)等。
例如,ASAP代表尽快(As Soon As Possible)、VIP代表重要人物(Very Important Person)、FAQ代表常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)等。

常见英文缩写各国名称:A ngola 安哥拉 Afghanistan 阿富汗 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 Andorra 安道尔共和国 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 Argentina 阿根廷 Armenia 亚美尼亚 Ascension 阿森松 Australia 澳大利亚Austria 奥地利 Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆B ahamas 巴哈马 Bahrain 巴林 Bangladesh 孟加拉国 Barbados 巴巴多斯 Belarus 白俄罗斯 Belgium 比利时 Belize 伯利兹 Benin 贝宁 Bermuda Is. 百慕大群岛 Bolivia 玻利维亚 Botswana 博茨瓦纳 Brazil 巴西 Brunei 文莱 Bulgaria 保加利亚 Burkina-faso 布基纳法索 Burma 缅甸 Burundi 布隆迪C ameroon 喀麦隆 Canada 加拿大 Cayman Is. 开曼群岛 Central African Republic 中非共和国 Chad 乍得 Chile 智利China 中国 Colombia 哥伦比亚 Congo 刚果 Cook Is. 库克群岛 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 Cuba 古巴 Cyprus 塞浦路斯Czech Republic 捷克D enmark 丹麦 Djibouti 吉布提 Dominica Rep. 多米尼加共和国E cuador 厄瓜多尔 Egypt 埃及 EI Salvador 萨尔瓦多 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 Fiji 斐济 Finland 芬兰F rance 法国 FrenchG uiana 法属圭亚那 Gabon 加蓬 Gambia 冈比亚 Georgia 格鲁吉亚 Germany 德国 Ghana 加纳 Gibraltar 直布罗陀Greece 希腊 Grenada 格林纳达 Guam 关岛 Guatemala 危地马拉 Guinea 几内亚 Guyana 圭亚那H aiti 海地 Honduras 洪都拉斯 Hongkong 香港 Hungary 匈牙利I celand 冰岛 India 印度 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Iran 伊朗 Iraq 伊拉克 Ireland 爱尔兰 Israel 以色列 Italy 意大利 Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦J amaica 牙买加 Japan 日本 Jordan 约旦K ampuchea (Cambodia ) 柬埔寨 Kazakstan 哈萨克斯坦 Kenya 肯尼亚 Korea 韩国 Kuwait 科威特Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯坦L aos 老挝 Latvia 拉脱维亚 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 Lesotho 莱索托 Liberia 利比里亚 Libya 利比亚 Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 Lithuania 立陶宛 Luxembourg 卢森堡M acao 澳门 Madagascar 马达加斯加 Malawi 马拉维 Malaysia 马来西亚 Maldives 马尔代夫 Mali 马里 Malta 马耳他Mariana Is 马里亚那群岛 Martinique 马提尼克 Mauritius 毛里求斯 Mexico 墨西哥 Moldova, Republic of 摩尔多瓦Monaco 摩纳哥 Mongolia 蒙古 Montserrat Is 蒙特塞拉特岛 Morocco 摩洛哥 Mozambique 莫桑比克N amibia 纳米比亚 Nauru 瑙鲁 Nepal 尼泊尔 Netheriands Antilles 荷属安的列斯 Netherlands 荷兰 New Zealand 新西兰 Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 Niger 尼日尔 Nigeria 尼日利亚 North Korea 朝鲜 Norway 挪威O man 阿曼P akistan 巴基斯坦 Panama 巴拿马 Papua New Cuinea 巴布亚新几内亚 Paraguay 巴拉圭 Peru 秘鲁 Philippines 菲律宾Poland 波兰 French Polynesia 法属玻利尼西亚 Portugal 葡萄牙 Puerto Rico 波多黎各Q atar 卡塔尔R eunion 留尼旺 Romania 罗马尼亚 Russia 俄罗斯S aint Lueia 圣卢西亚 Saint Vincent 圣文森特岛 Samoa Eastern 东萨摩亚(美) Samoa Western 西萨摩亚 San Marino 圣马力诺 Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比 Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 Senegal 塞内加尔 Seychelles 塞舌尔Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂 Singapore 新加坡 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 Solomon Is 所罗门群岛 Somali 索马里 South Africa 南非 Spain 西班牙 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 St.Lucia 圣卢西亚 St.Vincent 圣文森特 Sudan 苏丹Suriname 苏里南 Swaziland 斯威士兰 Sweden 瑞典 Switzerland 瑞士 Syria 叙利亚Taiwan 台湾省 Tajikstan 塔吉克斯坦 Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 Thailand 泰国 Togo 多哥 Tonga 汤加 Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 Tunisia 突尼斯 Turkey 土耳其 Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦U ganda 乌干达 Ukraine 乌克兰 United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Kiongdom 英国 United States of America 美国 Uruguay 乌拉圭 Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦V enezuela 委内瑞拉 Vietnam 越南Y emen 也门 Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫Z imbabwe 津巴布韦 Zaire 扎伊尔Zambia 赞比亚协会组织:VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (import)进口 EXP (export)出口 MAX (maximum)最大的、的最大限度的MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 DOC (document)文件、的单据 INT (international)国际的EMS (express mail special)特快传递 IRC(International Red Cross)国际红十字会UNESCO(the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织W.C(water closet) CIA(central intelligence agence)美国中情局FBI(feberal bureau of investigation)美国联邦调查局 FA(football association)足协WTO 世界贸易组织WHO世界卫生组织 UN 联合国 UNICEF 联合国教科文组织建筑1.CBD:中央商务区 (Central Business District) CBD应具备以下特征:现代城市商务中心,汇聚世界众多知名企业,经济、金融、商业高度集中,众多最好的写字楼、商务酒店和娱乐中心,最完善便利的交通,最快捷的通讯与昂贵的地价。

下面列举一些常见的英文缩写单词及其含义:1. A.M.–Ante Meridiem,表示上午。
2.P.M.–Post Meridiem,表示下午。
3.ASAP–As Soon As Possible,尽快。
4.DIY–Do It Yourself,自己动手做。
5.CEO–Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官。
6.CFO–Chief Financial Officer,首席财务官。
7.CEO–Chief Operating Officer,首席运营官。
8.VIP–Very Important Person,非常重要的人。
9.FYI–For Your Information,供参考。
10.HR–Human Resources,人力资源。
11.IT–Information Technology,信息技术。
A–United States of America,美利坚合众国。
–United Kingdom,英国。
14.EU–European Union,欧盟。
15.UN–United Nations,联合国。
16.NASA–National Aeronautics and Space Administration,美国国家航空航天局。
17.DI–Developmental Intelligence,发展情报。
18.IQ–Intelligence Quotient,智商。
19.FY–Fiscal Year,财政年度。
21.DVD–Digital Versatile Disc,数字多功能光盘。
22.CEO–Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官。

英语单词缩写1)UN 联合国的英文缩写2)P.R.C. 中华人民共和国的英文缩写3)UK 英国的英文缩写:4)U.S.A.或U.S.美国的英文缩写:5)UNESCO联合国教育、科学、文化组织的英文缩写是6)中国传媒英文缩写:CMG7)SOS 求救信号8)RAC 皇家汽车俱乐部9)FBI 中央情报局 1.B.C.——British Columbia加拿大卑诗省的英文名,也称“英属哥伦比亚”省或“不列颠哥伦比亚”省2.BCSIP——British Columbia Settlement and Integration Program卑诗省新移民安置及融入计划3.CPP——Canada Pension Plan加拿大退休金计划4.CIC——Citizenship and Immigration Canada加拿大公民及移民部5.CPR——Canadian Pacific Railway加拿大太平洋铁路6.EI——Employment Insurance就业保险7.ESL——English as a Second Language英语作为第二语言8.GIC——Guaranteed Investment Certificate保证投资回报存款证9.GST——Goods and Services Tax货品服务税10.ICBC——Insurance Corporation of British Columbia卑诗省汽车保险公司11.ID——Identification身份证明文件12.IFH——Interim Federal Health联邦政府临时医疗纸13.MSP——Medical Services Plan医疗保健计划14.OLA——Open Learning Agency公开成人教育中心15.PST——Provincial Sales Tax省销售税16.RCMP——Royal Canadian Mounted Police加拿大皇家骑警17.RRSP——Registered Retirement Savings Plan注册退休储蓄计划18.WCB——Worker's Compensation Board工人赔偿局19.YMCA——Young Men's Christian Association基督教男青年会20.YWCA——Young Women's Christian Association基督教女青年会(以上缩写的发音是逐个英文字母念)(以下缩写的发音是将缩写字母拼读)21.CANN——Community Airport Newcomer's Network新移民社区适应及机场接待处22.ICES——International Credential Evaluation Service国际文凭审核服务处23.SAFER——Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters为老年租户提供租金援助计划24.SIN——Social Insurance Number社会保险卡星期星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT星期天:SUNDAY=SUN月份一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB三月份=MAR 四月份=APR五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC常用词4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回)BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请)BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢ALLRG=过敏军事术语USMC=海军陆战队NAVY=海军AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军宗教类C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教)C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教)I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教)NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰)。

小学英语单词的缩写总结归纳单词的缩写小学常见的单词缩写:1.am缩写成'm,例如I'm = I am。
2.is缩写成's,例如he's = he is,she's = she is,it's = it is,who's = who is,where's = where is,what's = what is,how's = how is,name's = name is,that's = that is。
3.not缩写成n't或't,例如isn't = is not,aren't = are not,wasn't = was not,weren't = were not,don't = do not,doesn't = does not,didn't = did not,couldn't = could not,shouldn't = should not,wouldn't = would not,can't = cannot,won't = will not。
4.are缩写成're,例如we're = we are,you're = you are,they're = they are,who're = who are,what're = what are,where're = where are。
缩写成's,例如let's = let us。
6.will缩成'll,表示将会,例如I'll = I will,we'll = we will,there'll be = there will be,shall缩写成'll,只用于I。

1.ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)
2.DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手做)
3.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
4.CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)
5.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid(脱氧核糖核酸)
6.GPS - Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)
7.HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol(超文本传输协
8.PC - Personal Computer(个人电脑)
9.VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)
10.IQ - Intelligence Quotient(智商)

1- one 2-two 3-three 4-four 5-five 6-six 7-seven 8-eight 9-nine 10-ten
一月:January 缩写:Jan
二月:February 缩写:Feb
三月:March 缩写:Mar
四月:April 缩写:Apr
五月:May 缩写:May
六月:June 缩写:Jun
七月:July 缩写:Jul
八月:August 缩写:Aug
九月:September 缩写:Sept
十月:October 缩写:Oct
十一月:November 缩写:Nov
十二月:December 缩写:Dec
星期一:Monday 缩写:Mon
星期二:Tuesday 缩写:Tue
星期三:Wednesday 缩写:Wed
星期四:Thursday 缩写:Thu
星期五:Friday 缩写:Fri
星期六:Saturday 缩写:Sat
星期日:Sunday 缩写:Sun
春天:Spring 夏天:Summer
秋天:Autumn 冬天:Winter
第一:First 第二:Second 第三:Third 第四:Fourth 第五:Fifth 第六:Sixth 第七:Seventh 第八:Eighth 第九:Ninth 第十:Tenth。

常见的英文缩写的含义常见的英文缩写的含义NO.1 CEO是什么意思?CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即“首席执行官”,源自美国20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时。
No.2 IT是什么意思?IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写。
No.3 BT是什么意思?BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫“BitTorrent”,中文全称:“比特流”又名“变态下载”。
No.4 DIY是什么意思?DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写。
No.5 OEM是什么意思?OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是“原设备制造商”。
No.6 BBS是什么意思?BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是“电子公告板系统”,现在国内统称做论坛。
No.7 XP(Windows XP中的)是什么意思?XP,是英文Experience(体验)的缩写,自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念。
No.8 ZT是什么意思?论坛上常见文章标有zt字样,新手不知所云,其实不过是“转帖”的拼音缩写而已。
No.9 PS是什么意思?在网上,常用软件一般都用缩写代替Photoshop简称PS,DreamWeaver简称DW。
No.10 ID是什么意思?ID是英文IDentity的缩写,ID是身份标识号码的意思。
No.11 IP是什么意思?IP是英文单词Internet Protocol的缩写,含义为“因特网协议”。
IP地址由4个数组成,每个数可取值0~255,各数之间用一个点号“.”No.12 MSN是什么意思?MSN 即MicroSoft Network,是微软公司的一个门户站点。

下面是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译:• A.M.: 上午(Ante Meridiem)•P.M.: 下午(Post Meridiem)•ASAP: 尽快(As Soon As Possible)•USA: 美国(United States of America)•UK: 英国(United Kingdom)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CFO: 首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)•DIY: 自己动手(Do It Yourself)•VIP: 贵宾(Very Important Person)•FAQ: 常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)•FYI: 供您参考(For Your Information)•RSVP: 请回复(Répondez S’il Vous Plaît)•WWW: 万维网(World Wide Web)•TV: 电视(Television)•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)•IQ: 智商(Intelligence Quotient)•TOEFL: 托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)•SAT: 学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)以上是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译,希望这些信息对您有所帮助。

英语单词词性简写n=名词nounu=不可数名词uncountablenounc=可数名词countablenounpl=复数pluralv=动词verbvi=不及物动词intransitiveverbvt=及物动词transitiveverbadj=形容词adjectiveadv=副词adverbpron=代词pronounprep=介词prepositionconj=连词conjunctionaux.v=助动词auxiliaryart=冠词articlenum=数词numeralint=感叹词interjection中学常见英文单词的缩写一月:January缩写:Jan二月:February缩写:Feb三月:March缩写:Mar四月:April缩写:Apr五月:May缩写:May六月:June缩写:Jun七月:July缩写:Jul八月:August缩写:Aug九月:September缩写:Sept十月:October缩写:Oct十一月:November缩写:Nov十二月:December缩写:Dec星期一:Monday缩写:Mon星期二:Tuesday缩写:Tue星期三:Wednesday缩写:Wed星期四:Thursday缩写:Thu星期五:Friday缩写:Fri星期六:Saturday缩写:Sat星期日:Sunday缩写:Sun常见的缩写单词A.D. 公元:Anno DominiB.C. 公元前:Before ChristCHN中国:ChinaPRC中国:People's Republic of ChinaTPE 中国台北:Chinese TaipeiUN联合国:United NationsUSA美国:United States of AmericaUK英国:United KingdomTM 商标:trademarkIQ 智商:Intelligence QuotientEQ 情商:Emotional QuotientPQ体能商数:PowerQuest PartitionMagic CEO 总裁:chief executive officerDIY 自己动手制作:Do It YourselfA.M.(a.m.)上午:ante meridiemP.M.下午,午后:post meridiem(=afternoon) Add 地址:addressPE 体育:physical educationW.C 厕所:water closetVIP 重要人物:very important personIMP 进口:importEXP出口:exportMAX最大的、的最大限度的:maximumMIN 最小的,最低限度:minimumDOC 文件、单据:documentINT 国际的:internationalEMS 特快传递:express mail special Dept部,司,局,系,科:Department Lab 实验室:Laboratory。

常见的英文大写字母缩写如有侵权请联系网站删除,仅供学习交流1. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局)2. OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国祖国)3.NYSE (New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所)4. IMF (International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织)5. FIFA (International Federation of Football Association 国际足球联合会)6. DJIA (Dow Jones Industrials Average 道琼斯工业平均指数)7. CPI (Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数)8. NPC (National People’s Congress全国人大)9. MP (Member of Parliament 国会议员)10. SOE ( State Owned Enterprise 国有企业)11. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权)12. APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织)13. NSB (National Statistics Bureau 国家统计局)14. MPA (Master of Public Administration 公共管理硕士)15. NBC (National Broadcasting Company美国全国广播公司)16. NGO (Non-government Organization 非政府组织)17. PPI (Producer Price Index 制造者价格指数)18. NMD (National Missile Defense) 国家导弹防御系统19. CFO (Chief Finance Officer 首席财务官)20. API (Air Pollution Index 空气污染指数)仅供学习交流。

WORD ABBREVIATION Abandon ABANAbandoned ABDAbbreviate ABBR Abbreviated ABR Abbreviation ABRAbility ABLAbundance ABUND Accelerate ACLRAccelerated ACLR Acceleration ACLRAccept ACPTAcceptability ACPT Acceptance ACPTAccepted ACPTAccess ACSAccessibility ACSAccomplish ACMP Accomplishment ACMP Account ACCTAccountable ACCT Accounting ACCTAccrual ACRUAccrue ACCRAccrued ACRUAccumulate ACCUM Accumulated ACUM Accumulator ACUMAcquire ACQAcquired ACQAcquisition ACQAcre ACREAcreage ACREAcreage ACRGAcronym ACROActing ACTAction ACTNActivation ACTVActive ACTVActively ACTVActivity ACTVActual ACTLAdded ADDAddendum ADDMAdditional ADTLWORD ABBREVIATION Address ADRAdequate ADQAdjacent AJCNAdjoin ADJNAdjoining ADJNAdjust ADJAdjusted ADJAdjustment ADJAdministrate ADM Administration ADM Administrative ADMAdvance ADVAdverse ADVRSAdvertised AD Advertisement ADAdvisor ADVSAerial ARLAffect AFCTAffected AFCTAffiliate AFFILAffiliate AFLAffiliation AFLAfrican AFRAfter AFTAgency AGCYAgency AGNAgent AGNTAggregate AGGRAging AGEAgreement AGRAgreement AGREE Agriculture AGAhead AHDAircraft ACFTAirport ARPRTAlaska AKAlfalfa ALFAlien ALNAlignment ALIGNAlimony ALMYAllelopathic ALEPTHAlley ALYAllocate ALLOCAllocated ALOCWORD ABBREVIATION Allocation ALOCAllotment ALLOTAllotment ALOTAllowable ALLOWAllowance ALLOW Allowance ALOWAllowed ALLOWAllowed ALOWAlongside ALSDAlpha ALPAlpha ALPAlphabetic ALBT Alphanumeric ALNUM Already ALRDYAltered ALTAlternate ALTAlternative ALTAmended AMEND Amendment AMEND American AMER Amortization AMTZAmortize AMTZAmount AMTAnaerobic ANERBAnalysis ANLSAnalyst ANLSAngle ANGAnimal ANIMAnimal ANMLAnniversary ANNVAnnounce ANNCAnnounced ANNC Announcement ANNCAnnual ANLAnnual ANNAnnuity ANTYAnswer ANSRAnticipate ANTCPAnticipated ANTCP Apartment APTApparent APRTAppeal APLAppealability APLApple APLEWORD ABBREVIATION Appliance APLNC Applicability APPLApplicant APPApplicant APPLNT Application APPApplication APPLNApplied APPApply APPApply APPLApplying APPAppointment APNT Appointment APPNT Apportionment APRN Appraisal APRSAppraised APRSAppraiser APRSAppreciation APRC Appropriation APPRO Appropriation APROApproval APVLApprove APPRApproved APRVApproving APRVApril APRArchival ARCVLArea ARAromatic AROMArray ARAYArrears ARERArrival ARRArrive ARRArtificial ARTFLAsbestos ASBSTAscending ASCAside ASDAssessment ASMTAsset ASETAssigned ASGNAssignee ASGNAssignment ASGNAssist ASSTAssistance ASSTAssistant ASSTAssociate ASSCWORD ABBREVIATION Associate ASSOCAssociation ASSN Association ASSOCAssumed ASUMAssumption ASUMAssurance ASURAttach ATCHAttachment ATCHAttempt ATMPAttend ATNDAttended ATNDAttention ATTNAttorney ATTYAttorney ATYAttribute ATRBAttribute ATTRIBAttribution ATRBAudit AUDAugust AUGAuthority AUTH Authorization AUTH Authorized AUTHAutomate AUTOAutomated AUTOAutomatic AUTOAuxiliary AUXAvailability AVLAvailable AVAILAvailable AVLAverage AVGAward AWRDAwarded AWRDBackup BKUPBagging BAGBalance BALBankruptcy BKPTBarcode BRCDBargain BRGNBargaining BRGNBarge BARGBarge BRGBarley BABarred BARBasic BASWORD ABBREVIATION Basis BASBatch BATBatch BTCHBefore BEFBegin BEGBeginning BEGBegun BEGBelow BLWBeneficiary BENBenefit BENEBenefit BNFTBetween BTWNBicolored BIBidder BIDBilateral BLTRLBilling BILLBinder BNDRBirth BRTHBiweekly BIWEEKBlack BLKBlank BLNKBleached BLCHBlended BLNDBlind BLNDBloat BLOATBlock BLKBlocked BLKBloom BLOOMBonus BNSBooked BOOKBorrower BORRBorrower BRWRBotannical BOTBottom BTMBranch BRCHBranch BRNCHBrand BRNDBreakline BRKLNBreed BRDBroken BRKBrought BRGTBrown BRNBrowsed BRSBudget BDGTWORD ABBREVIATION Budgetary BDGTBuild BLDBuilding BLDBulblets BULBBundle BNDLBureau BURBurley BRLYBushel BUBushels BUBusiness BUSButton BTNBuyback BYBKBuydown BYDNBuyer BUYBuying BUYBuyout BYOTCable CBLCalculated CALCCalculation CALCCalendar CALCanadian CANCancel CANCCancel CNCLCanceled CNCLCancellation CNCLCanola CNLACanopy CNPYCapability CPBLCapable CAPBLCapacity CAPCCapital CPTLCardborad CDBDCareer CRERCargo CRGCarrier CARRCarrying CARRCarryover CRVRCarryover CRYOVRCartridge CARTCatalog CTLGCatastrophic CATCategory CATCaucasian CCSNCause CSEWORD ABBREVIATION Ceiling CEILCenter CTRCentral CTRCentury CENTCertificate CERTCertificate CERTIF Certification CERTCertified CERTCertify CERTChain CHNChair CHRChalky CHKYChalky CHLKChange CHGChanged CHGChannel CHNLCharacter CHAR Characteristic CHARCharge CHRGCharged CHRGChart CHRTCharter CHTRChattel CHTLCheck CKCheck CKChild CHLDChoice CHCChristmas XMASCigar Binder CBCigar CGRCircuit CRCTCircumference CRCF Circumference CRCM Circumstances CRCM Citizenship CTZNCivil CVLClaim CLMClass CLSClassification CLSClassifier CLSClassing CLSClause CLClean CLNCleanliness CLNWORD ABBREVIATION Clearance CLRClerk CLRKClient CLNTClimatic CLMTClosed CLSEClosing CLSECluster CLSTRCo-applicant CAPPCoarse CRSCoast CSTCoastal CSTCode CDCoded CDCoding CDCohort CHRTCollateral CLTRLCollect COLLCollected COLLCollection COLLCollocated CLOCColor COLORColor COLRColumn COLCombination CMBCombine CMBCombine COMBCombined Yield CYLD Combined CMBComfort CMFTCommand CMDComment CMNTComment COMCommercial CMCL Commercial COMRCL Commission CMSNCommit CMTCommitment CMT Commitment COMMIT Committee CMTECommittee COMTE Committing CMTCommodity CMDY Commodity COMMCommon CMNWORD ABBREVIATION Common COMN Communicate COM Communication COMM Community CMNY Community COMUN Company COComparative COMPR Compare CMPRCompared CMPR Comparison CMPR Compensation COMP Compensation COMPE Compensatory COMP Complete CMPLTComplete CPLTCompletion CPLTComplexity CPLX Compliance CMPL Compliance COMPLComply CMPLComponent CMPOENT Component CPNTCompress COMPRS Compression CMPRSCompromise COMPRM Compromise CPRM Compromised CPRM Computation CMPT Computed CMPTComputer CMPTComsumed CNSM Comsumption CNSM Concatenate CNCT Concatenation CNCT Concentration CONC Concentration CONCTRN Concept CNCPTConcern CNCRNConcession CNSNConclude CONCLConcluded CONCL Conclusion CONCL Concurred CNCRConcurs CNCRWORD ABBREVIATION Condition CONDConditional CONDConducted CDCTConference CNFR Configuration CNFG Configuration CONFIG Confirmation CNFRM Congress CONGR Congressional CONG Congressional CONGR Connect CNCTConnection CNCT Consecutive CNSC Conservation CNSVConserve CONSVConserving CNSVConserving CONSV Consideration CSDN Considered CSDNConsignee CNSGN Consolidated CONS Consolidated CSLDConsolidation CONS Consolidation CSLD Conspicuous CSPCConstant CNSTConstituent CNSTNT Constituent CSTNConstraint CSTRConstruction CSTRContact CNTCTContainer CTNRContaminant CNTMContent CNTNTContingent CTGTContinue CONTContinued CONTContinuous CONTContract CNTRCTContract CTRContractor CNTRCT Contractor CTRContrasting CTRSTContribute CONTRBWORD ABBREVIATION Contributed CTRB Contribution CTRBControl CTLControlled CTLControversial CTRV Controvert CTRV Conversation CVRS Conversion CNVRSN Conversion CVSNConvert CNVRSNConvert CVRTConverted CVRTConvertible CVRTConvey CNVYConvict CVCTConviction CVCTCooperate COOPCooperative COOP Coordinate CNCopier COPYCopies COPYCoppice COPPICECorporate CORPCorporation CORPCorrect CORCorrect CORRCorrected CORCorrection CORCorrective CORCorrespond CRSPCosign CSGNCosigner CSGNCost CSTCotton CNCotton CTNCount CNTCount CTCounter CNTCounter CTCountry CTRYCounty CNTYCounty CTYCourse CRSECourt CTWORD ABBREVIATION Cover CVRCoverage CVRCovered CVRCrambe CRMBCreate CRECreated CRECreation CRECredit CRCreditor CRCriteria CRITCritical CRITCropland CPLDCropland CRPLNDCropped CROPCross CRSCrosswalk CRSWKCrush CRSHCrystal CRYSTCubic CUCubic CUCultivar CLTVRCumulate CUMLCumulative CUMLCured CURECurrency CRCYCurrent CURCurrent CURRCustodian CSTDCustomer CUSTCutoff CTOFCycle CYCCycle CYCLCyclical CYCLDaily DLYDairy DRYDamage DAMGDamage DMGDamaged DMGDatabase DBDate DTDaylight DYLTDeactivation DACTVDealer DLRDebarrment DBRMTWORD ABBREVIATION Debit DBDebit DRDebtor DEBTDebtor DEBTRDeceased DECSEDDeceased DSDDecember DECDecision DCSNDeclaration DCLRDeclared DCLR Decombination DCMB Decombination DECOMB Decrease DCRDecrease DECRDedicated DEDDeduction DDCTDefault DFLTDefect DEFDefect DFCTDeferral DFRLDeferred DFRDeficiency DEFICDeficiency DFCYDefined DEFDefinition DEFDefinition DEFNDefraud DFRDDehulled DHLDelay DLYDelegate DLGTDelegated DLGTDelegator DLGTDelete DELDeleted DELDeletion DELDelinquent DELQDeliver DELVRDelivery DELVRDelivery DLVRDemand DMNDDemarcation DMRCDemerge DMRG Demonstrate DEMOWORD ABBREVIATION Demurrage DMURDenied DENYDenominator DNMTRDensity DENDeobligate DOBL Deobligation DOBLDepart DPTDepartment DEPT Departmental DEPTDepend DEPNDDependent DEPND Dependent DPNDDeposit DEPDepositor DEPSTRDepth DPTHDerivation DRVDescending DSCDescribe DESCDescribed DESCDescription DESCDescriptive DESCDesign DSGNDesign DSGNDesignate DESIGDesignated DSGT Designation DSGTDesire DSRDesired DSRDesired DSRDDestination DESTDestroy DESTRYDestroy DSTRDestroyed DSTRDetail DETDetailed DETDetermination DTER Determine DTERDetermined DTERDetriment DTRM Development DVLPDeviation DVTDevice DVCDiagram DGMWORD ABBREVIATION Diameter DIAMDiameter DIAMDifference DIFDifference DIFFDifferent DIFDifferential DIFFDigit DGTDigital DGTDimension DIMDirect DIRDirection DIRDirector DIRDisability DSBLDisabled DSBL Disadvantage DADVG Disadvantaged DADVG Disapproval DISAPPR Disapproved DAPRV Disassociate DASSCDisaster DISADisaster DSTRDisburse DISBDisbursement DISBDischarge DCHGDisclaimer DSCLDiscolor DISCOLRDiscolored DCLRDiscontinue DCONTDiscount DISCDiscovery DCVR Discrepancy DCRP Discrepancy DSCRPYDisk DSKTDiskette DSKTDiskette DSKTDisplace DISPDisplay DISPDisplay DPLYDisposal DISPDisposed DISPDisposed DISPODisposition DISPDispute DSPTDissolve DSLVWORD ABBREVIATION Distance DISTDistributed DISTDDistributed DSTRDistributing DSTRDistribution DSTRDistributor DISTDDistrict DISTDiversion DIVRNDiversion DVRSDivert DVRTDiverted DVRTDivision DIVDockage DOCKDocument DOC Documentation DOCDollar DLRDomain DMNDomestic DOMDominant DMNTDonated DNTDonation DNTDouble DBLDownload DNLD Downloaded DOWNLD Downpayment DPYMTDraft DRFTDraft DRFTDrive DRVDrought DRGHTDuplicate DUPDuplication DUPDuration DRTNDurum DUDwelling DWLGEarly ERLYEarmark ERMKEarned EARNEasement ESMTEastern EASTEducation EDUEffect EFFEffective EFFEfficiency EFCYEfficiency EFFWORD ABBREVIATION Effort EFRTEight EGTElapse ELAPElapse ELPSElapsed ELPSElderly ELDRElect ELCTElected ELCTElection ELCTElectronic ELECElement ELEEleven ELVNEligibility ELGEligibility ELIGEligible ELGEmbassy EMBSYEmergency EMEREmergency EMERGEminent EMNTEmployee EMPEmployment EMPEnable ENBLEnclosure ENCLEncrypt ENCRPEncrypted ENCRPEncryption ENCRPEndanger ENDGRD Endangered ENDGREnding ENDEndorsement ENDRSEnduring ENDREngaged ENGEngineering ENGEnhance ENHC Enhancement ENHC Enhancement ENHNCEnrolled ENROLLEnrollment ENRLEnroute ENRTEnter ENTREntered ENTREnterprise ENTPEntitlement ENTLEntity ENTYWORD ABBREVIATION Entry ENTEntry ENTREnvelope ENVLP Environment ENVLP Environment ENVR Environmental ENVREqual EQEquation EQTNEquipment EQPEquity EQTYEquivalent EQUIVEquivalent EQVErgot ERGTErgoty ERGOTErodibility ERODErodible ERODErosion ERSNError ERRErucic ERUCEscrow ESCREssential ESNLEstablish ESTBEstablished ESTB Establishment ESTBEstate ESTEstimate ESTIEstimated ESTEthnicity ETHNCEvaluation EVALEvent EVNTEvict EVCTEvicted EVCTEviction EVCTEvidence EVDEvidence EVIDExamination EXAMExamine EXAMExaminer EXAMExceed EXCDExceeded EXCDExceeds EXCDExcept XCPTException EXCPException EXCPTNWORD ABBREVIATION Excess EXCSExcess EXSExcessive EXCSExchange EXCHExcise EXCISExcise XCSEExclude EXCLExecutable EXEExecute EXECExecuting EXEExecution EXEExecutor EXEExecutor EXECExempt EXMPExempt XMPTExhausted EXHSTExhibit EXBTExist EXSTExistence EXSTExisting EXSTExpandable EXPAN Expansion EXPANExpect EXPExpected EXPExpected EXPDExpended EXPNExpenditure EXPExpense EXPExperience EXPRC Experiment EXPRMNT Experimental EXPRM Expiration EXPRExpire EXPIRExpire EXPRExpired EXPRExpiring EXPRExplain EXPLExplanation EXPLExport EXPTExported EXPTExporter XPTExposure EXPExpression EXPSExtend EXTDWORD ABBREVIATION Extended EXTExtension EXTExtension EXTNExtent EXTExtent EXTNExternal EXTLExtra XTRAExtract XTRCExtraneous XTRAFabricate FABFacility FACILFacility FCLYFactor FCTRFactored FCTRFailed FAILFailure FAILFaith FTHFamily FAMFarmed FARMFarmer FARMFarming FARMFarmland FMLDFatty FATFeasibility FEASFeature FEATFeature FETRFebruary FEBFederal FEDFeedback FDBKFeeder FDRFeet FTFertility FERTFiber FBRFiduciary FDRYField FLDFifteen FTNFifth FTHFigure FIGFiled FILEFilename FLNMFiling FILEFiller FILFilter FLTRFinal FINLWORD ABBREVIATIONFinal FNLFinance FINC Finance FNC Financial FINC Financial FNCL Financing FNC Finding FINDFinish FNSH Finished FNSHFirst FSTFiscal FISCFiscal FSCLFixed FIXFlaxseed FLAX Flaxseed FLXS Flexibility FLX Flexible FLEX Flexible FLXFlood FLDFloor FLRFloral FLRLFlower FLWR Fluctuation FLCT Focal FCLFodder FODDR Foliage FOLG Followup FLWUP Follow-up FLWUP Footnote FTNT Forage FRGForbear FRBR Forbearance FRBR Force FRCForced FORCE Forecast FRCST Forecasting FRCST Foreclose FRCLS Foreclosure FRCLS Foreign FGN Foreman FORMN Forest FRSTForest FST Forestland FORSTLND Forestland FSLDWORD ABBREVIATION Forestry FSTForfeit FFTForfeit FORFTForfeited FFTForfeiture FFTForgive FRGVForgiven FRGVForgiveness FRGVFormat FMTFormat FORMTFormattted FMTFormer FRMRFormula FMLAForward FRWRDForward FWDForwarded FWDForwarder FWDForwarding FWDFound FNDFoundation FNDTNFourteen FRTNFourth FRTHFraction FRCTNFragile FRGLFragment FRGMTFrame FRMFranchise FRNCFreeze FREZFreeze FRZFreezer FRZFreight FRGTFreight FRTFrequency FREQFrequency FRQFrost FROSTFruit FRUTFruit/Vegetable FAVFully FULLFumigation FUMGTN Function FCTNFunction FUNCFunctional FUNCFunding FUNDFungus FNGSWORD ABBREVIATION Furnish FURNSFuture FTRFuture FUTGallon GALGarlic GARLGarlic GRLCGarnish GRNSGarnished GRNS Garnishment GRNSGender GNDRGeneral GENGenerate GNRTGenerated GENGenerated GNRTGenus GENUSGeographic GEOGlobal GLBLGlucosinolate GLCO Government GOVT Government GVTGrade GRDGradual GRADGraduated GRADGraduation GRADGrain GRNGrandparent GPRNTGranted GRANTGraph GRPHGrass GRASGrayness GRAYGraze GRZGrazed GRZGrazing GRAZGrazing GRZGreat GREATGreater GRTGreen GRNGregorian GREGGross GRGroup GRPGrouping GRPGrowth GRWGuarantee GUARGuaranteed GUARWORD ABBREVIATION Guarantor GUARGuardian GRDNGuardian GUARDNHabit HABITHabital HABITHabitat HBTHandbook HDBKHandicap HANDCPHandicap HCPHandicapped HCPHandle HNDLHandled HNDLHandling HNDLHandoff HDOFHardware HWHarvest HARVHarvest HVSTHarvested HVSTHazard HZRDHeader HDRHeader HEADHeadquarters HDQ Headquarters HQHearing HEARHeater HEATHedging HEDGHeight HGTHeight HTHighest HIGHHighly HIGHHispanic HSPCHispanic HSPNCHistorical HISTHistory HISTHolder HLDRHoliday HLDYHoliday HOLHoney HNYHopper HOPRHopper HOPRHours HRSHousehold HSHLHousehold HSHLDHousing HSGWORD ABBREVIATION Hubzone HBZNHuman HUMANHumidity HUMID Hundredweight CWTHybrid HYBRDHydrologic HYDRO Hydrological HYDRO Hydrology HYDRO Identification IDIdentified IDIdentifier IDIdentity IDImage IMGImmediate IMDTImmediate IMMEDImminent IMNTImpact IMPCImplement IMPLImplement IMPLMNT Implementation IMPL Implementation IMPLMNT Implemented IMPLImport IMPTImportance IMPTImporter IMPTImporter IMPTImproved IPRVInaccurate INACInactive IACTVInbound INBDIncentive INCTVIncluded INCLInclusive INCLIncome INCMIncompetent ICMP Incompetent INCOMPIncomplete ICPLT Inconspicuous ICSPC Inconspicuous INCNSPC Incorrect ICORIncrease INCRIncrease INCRIncrement INCMTIncrement INCRMTWORD ABBREVIATION Incumbency ICMBIncurred INCURIndebted INDEBT Indebtedness INDEBT Indemnity IDMTY Independent INDPIndex IDXIndex INDXIndian INDIndicator INDIndirect IDIRIndividual INDIVIndividual INDVIndustrial IDSTIndustrial INDUSTIndustry IDSTIneligible IELGIneligible INELIGInfested INFSInformation INFOInherited INHRTInhouse IHSInitial INITInitialization INITInitials INITInitiate INITInitiate INIInitiation INITInitiator INITInland INLDInlieu INLUInput IPInput IPUTInquiry INQInsect ISCTInsert INSRTInserted INSRTInside INSDInspect INSPInspection INSPInspector INSPInstall INSTALInstallation INSTAL Installation ISTLWORD ABBREVIATION Installed ISTLInstallment INSTAL Installment ISTLInstance INSTCInstitution INSTInstore ISTRInstruction ISTRInstrument INSTRInsufficient ISFCInsurable INSBInsurance INSInsurance INSInsured INSInteger INTIntegrated INTGIntended INTNIntention INTNIntercom ITCMInterest INTInterface INTFCInterface IRFInterim INTRMInterim ITRMIntermediate INTMD Intermodal INTMDInternal INTLInterrupt INTRPTInterval INTRVLInterval INTVLIntervene ITVNIntervening ITVNIntitiated INITInvalid INVLDInvalid IVLDInventory INVInventory INVNInvestment INVSTInvitation INVTInvite INVTInvoice INVInvoice INVCInvoluntary INVOLUNT Involve INVLInvolved INVLWORD ABBREVIATION Involvement INVLIodine IIrrevocable IRVCIrrigated IRRIrrigation IRRIslander ISLIssuance ISUIssue ISSIssue ISUIssued ISSIterate ITRTIteration ITRTJanuary JANJoint JNTJournal JRNLJudgement JDGJudgement JGMNTJulian JULJulian JULNJuly JULJunction JCTJune JUNJustification JUSTJustify JUSTKernel KRNLKeystroke KSTRKKilobyte KBKilogram KGKilosegment KSGMT Knowledge KNWLGLabel LBLLabor LBRLandlord LLRDLanguage LANGLarge LRGLateral LTRLLatino LTNLatitude LATDLawyer LWYRLayout LYOTLeach LCHLease LSELeave LVLedger LDGRWORD ABBREVIATION Legacy LGCYLegal LGLLegislation LEGISLender LNDRLength LGTHLessee LSEELessor LSORLetter LTRLevel LVLLiability LIALiability LIBLTYLibrary LIBLicense LICLicensed LICLienholder LHLDRLifespan LFSPLimit LMTLimitation LMTLimited LTDLinkage LNKLiquid LIQLiquidate LIQLiquidated LQDLiquidation LQDList LSTListing LISTLitigate LTGTLitigated LTGTLitigation LTGTLivestock LVSTKLivestock LVSTOCK Liveweight LIVEWT Liveweight LVWTLoaded LOADLoading LOADLoadout LDOTLoaned LOANLocal LCLLocation LOCLocator LOCLocked LOCKLodging LDGLogical LOGLogical LOGCLWORD ABBREVIATION Login LOGINLogon LOGONLongitude LGTDLosses LOSSLower LOWLowest LOWLumber LMBRMachine MACHMacro MACMagnetic MAGMailed MAILMailing MAILMainframe MFRM Maintenance MAINT Maintenance MNTMajor MAJMaker MAKEMalting MALTManaged MNGManagement MGMT Management MGTManager MGRMandatory MANDMandatory MNDManual MNLManufacture MFRMarch MARMargin MRGNMarginal MARGNMarginal MRGNMarital MRTLMarket MKTMarketing MKTMaryland MDMass MSMaster MSTMatch MTCHMaterial MTRLMatter MTRMature MATRMature MTRMaturity MTRTYWORD ABBREVIATION Maximum MAXMay MAYMeasure MEASMeasured MEAS Measurement MEAS Mechanism MECHMedia MEDIAMedian MDNMediation MDTMedium MEDMeeting MTGMegabyte MBMember MBRMember MEMBMemory MEMMerge MERGMerger MRGMerit MRTMessage MSGMeter MTRMethod MTHDMetric MTRCMicrocode MICROMicronaire MCRNMiddle MIDMigrated MIGRMigration MIGRMileage MLGMilitary MILMinimal MINMinimum MINMinimum MINIMinor MNRMinority MINRTYMinority MNRMinute MINMinute MNMisaction MACTN Miscellaneous MISCMissed MISSMissing MISSMissing MSNGMitigation MITGWORD ABBREVIATION Mixed MIXMixture MIXModel MDLModem MDMModification MODModified MODModifier MODModify MODModule MDLModule MODMohair MOHRMoisture MSTMonetize MNTZMoney MNYMoney MNYMonth MOMonthly MOMortal MRTLMortgage MORTMotor MTRMount MTMove MOVEMoved MOVEMoving MOVEMudslide MSLDMultiple MULTMultiplier MULTMustard MSTRDMusty MSTYNafec NAFName NMName NMENation NATNational NATNational NTLNationwide NATNative NTVNatural NTRLNearest NEARNegative NEGNegotiable NGTNegotiate NGTNegotiation NGTNetwork NTWKWORD ABBREVIATION Next NXTNickname NKNMNight NGHTNightly NGHTNitrogen NNoise NOISENon Operational NOPER Nonaction NACTN Nonagricultural NAG Nonallocated NALOC Noncapitalized NCPTL Noncash NCASH Noncompliance NCMPL Nonconcurrence NCNCR Nonessential NESNL Nonestablished NESTB Nongrazing NGRZ Nonguaranteed NGUAR Nonharvested NHARV Noninspected NINSP Nonirrigated NINonirrigation NINonoil NOILNonoperational NOPER Nonparticipating NP Nonpayment NPYMT Nonpossession NPSN Nonprocurement NPCMT Nonprofit NPRFT Nonprogram NPGM Nonproven NPRVNonquota NQTANonresident NRES Nonsovereign NSVRN Nonstandard NSTDNormal NORMNotation NOTENotice NTCENotification NOTIFY Notification NTFYNotified NTFYNotify NTFYNovember NOVNoxious NOXWORD ABBREVIATION Nuclear NUCLRNumber NBRNumber NUMNumerator NMRTRNumeric NUMNursery NURSObject OBJObjectionable OBJ Objectionable OBJBLE Objective OBJObligate OBLObligated OBLObligation OBLObligor OBLGRObservation OBSObsolete OBSLTOccupancy OCPYOccupation OCCOccupation OCCPOccupational OCCPOccur OCCOccurrence OCCOccurrence OCROcean OCNOctober OCTOffer OFROfferor OFROffice OFCOfficer OFCOfficial OFCLOffload OFLDOffset OFSTOilseed OILOnboard ONBRDOnhand OHNDOpen OPNOpened OPENOpening OPENOperate OPOperating OPEROperation OPOperation OPEROperator OPEROperator OPRWORD ABBREVIATION Oppose OPOSOpposing OPOSOptimum OPTMOption OPTOptional OPTOrchard ORCHOrder ORDOrdered ORDOrdering ORDOrganization ORG Organizational ORG Organized ORGOrient ORNTOrientation ORNTOriented ORNTOrigin ORGNOriginal ORGNOriginating ORGNOrigination ORGNOriginator ORGNOther OTOutage OUTGOutbound OTBDOutcome OTCMOutgoing OTGOOutlay OTLYOutput OPUTOutside OSIDOutstanding OTSD Outstanding OUTSTDOver OVROverall OVRL Overdisbursement OVDB Overdue OVRDOverflow OFLWOverflow OVROverlay OVLYOvermarket OVRMKT Overmarketed OMKT Overpaid OVPD Overpayment OPYMT Overpayment OVRPYMT Override OVRIDEOverride OVRRDWORD ABBREVIATION Overstate OVRSTOverstated OVSTOvertime OVRTIMEOvertime OVTMOverweight OVWTOverwrite OVWRTOwned OWNOwner OWNROwnership OWNROwnership OWNSHPOwning OWNPackage PKGPackaging PKGPacked PACKPacked PKDPacket PKTPairing PAIRPalatability PALATPanel PNLPaper PAPRParagraph PARAParameter PARMParcel PRCLParent PRNTParity PRTYPartial PARTLPartial PTLPartially PTLParticipant PARTIC Participant PTCPParticipated PTCP Participating PARTIC Participating PTCP Participation PTCPPartner PARTNPartner PTNRPartnership PARTN Partnership PTNRParty PRTYParty PTYPassword PSWRDPassword PWDPasture PSTRPastureland PASTRLND WORD ABBREVIATION Pastureland PSLDPatch PTCHPattern PATRNPattern PTRNPayable PYPayable PYBLPayee PYEPayer PYRPayment PYMTPayoff PYOFPayroll PAYRPayroll PYRLPeanut PNUTPecan PCNPenalty PENTYPenalty PNLPending PENDPercent PCTPercentage PCTPerennial PRNLPerfected PFCTPerforate PERFPerform PERFPerformance PERF Performance PRFMPerformed PRFMPeriod PERIPeriod PRDPermanent PERMPermission PMSNPermit PMITPermitted PERMPermitted PMITPerpetual PRPTPerson PERSPerson PRSNPersonal PERSPersonal PRSNPersonnel PERSPersonnel PRSNPhase PHSEPhone PHNPhotograph PHOTO Photograph PHTOWORD ABBREVIATION Physical PHYPicture PICPilot PLTPlace PLPlane PLNEPlanned PLNPlanning PLNPlant PLNTPlanted PLNTPlanting PLNTPlate PLT。
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及广播、录像电子广告牌广告等。狭义的 pop 广告概念,仅指在购买场所和零售 店内部设置的展销专柜以及在商品周围悬挂、摆放与陈设的可以促进商品销售的 广告媒体。
pop 广告的种类繁多,分类方法各异。如果从使用功能上分类,pop 广告大至 可分为以下四类:
(1)悬挂式 pop 广告;
(2)商品的价目卡、展示卡式 pop 广告;
ps 是什么意思? 在网上,常用软件一般都用缩写代替 photoshop 简称 ps,DreamWeaver 简称 dw. ID 是什么意思? ID 是英文 IDentity 的缩写,ID 是身份标识号码的意思. IP 是什么意思? 为了使 Internet 上的众多电脑主机在通信时能够相互识别,Internet 上的每一 台 主机都分配有一个唯一的 32 位地址,该地址称为 IP 地址,也称作网际地址。IP 地 址由 4 个数组成,每个数可取值 0~255,各数之间用一个点号“.” msn 是什么意思? MSN 即 MICROSOFT NETWORK, 是微软公司的一个门户站点. MSN 作为互联网上最 受 欢迎的一个门户, 具备了为用户提供了在线调查、浏览和购买各种产品和服务的 能力. DJ 是什么意思? DJ 是 DISCO JOCIKEY(唱片骑士)的英文缩写,以 DISCO 为主,DJ 这两个字现在已 经代 表了最新、最劲、最毒、最 HIGH 的 Muisc。 URL 是什么意思? URL 是英文 Uniform Resoure Locator 的缩写,即统一资源定位器,它是 WWW 网页 的地 址,如 / ova 是什么意思? OVA 是英文录象带的缩写. vip 什么意思? VIP 是英文 Very Important Person 的缩写,就是贵宾的意思。 mc 是什么意思? MC 的意思是 Micphone Controller 的意思,翻译差不多是“控制麦克风的人”。 也 可以理解为 Rapper,很多 Rap 都在自己的艺名前面加上“MC”,比如台湾的 MChotdog,香港的 MCYan,美国的 MC Hammer 等。 cs 是什么意思? CS 是非常流行的网络游戏,中文名是反恐精英。 SOHO 是什么意思? SOHO,是 SMALLOFFICEHOMEOFFICER 的简称,意思是“在家办公”。还有就是 SOHO 网 啦! banner 是什么意思?logo 是什么意思? BANNER 是横幅广告,logo 是图标广告. ftp 是什么意思? FTP 是英文 File Transfer Protocol 的缩写,即文本传输协议。 pm 是什么意思 Private Messages 论坛短信
12.G.O.D 生活模式
G.O.D 生活模式是"一切为您住好!"的体现。
建筑 1.CBD:中央商务区 (Central Business District) CBD 应具备以下特征:现代 城市商务中心,汇聚世界众多知名企业,经济、金融、商业高度集中,众多最好 的写字楼、商务酒店和娱乐中心,最完善便利的交通,最快捷的通讯与昂贵的地 价。
2.CLD:中央居住区,指由若干个居住区组成的可以满足城市居民居住、教育、 购物、娱乐、休闲的大型集中型居住区,国际上普遍称为 Central Living District(简称 CLD)。CLD 最重要的两个因素是空间和环境。
oem 是什么意思? OEM 是英文 Original Equipment Manufacturer 的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。 bbs 是什么意思? BBS 是英文 Bulletin Board System 的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,现在 国内统称做论坛。 xp 是什么意思? XP,是英文 Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布 Office XP 后,成为软件 流行命名概念. ZT 是什么意思? 论坛上常见文章标有 zt 字样,新手不知所云,其实不过是"转帖"的拼音缩写而 已.
14.国际 5S 标准别墅
sport 运动
story 故事
sun 阳光
stream 梦想
scenery 景色
15.POP 广告是许多广告形式中的一种,它是英文 pointof purchase advertising 的缩写,意为“购买点广告”,简称 pop 广告。pop 广告的概念有 广义的和狭义的两种:广义的 pop 广告的概念,指凡是在商业空间、购买场所、 零售商店的周围、内部以及在商品陈设的地方所设置的广告物,都属于 pop 广告。 如:商店的牌匾、店面的装满和橱窗,店外悬挂的充气广告、条幅,商店内部的 装饰、陈设、招贴广告、服务指示,店内发放的广告刊物,进行的广告表演,以
3.COD:中央行政区,全称是 CentraL OffiCiaL DistriCt ,其名称源于该区 内汇集了多家国家部委、机关、办事机构
4.MORE:互动商务居住区,英文 Mobile Office Residential Edifice 的缩写, 其文意为移动、办公、居住等意。MORE 社区具有最轻松的办公室、较正规的环 境、最有效的商务团队,还有住宅内更隐私的空间等诸多优点。
(3)与商品结合式 pop 广告;
(4)大型台架式 pop 广告。
16.SP 是指 sales promotion,即促销,包括折扣,优惠券,试用,赠送样品等。 住宅销售 SP 促销常见方式有:赠送面积、代缴相 CEO(Chief executive officer) 首席执行官 类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。 COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官类似财务总经理 CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师 CIO(Chief information officer)首席信息官主管企业信息的收集和发布
常用英文缩写 VIP = very improtant person 重要人物 IMP (import)进口 EXP (export)出口 MAX (maximum)最大的、的最大限度的 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 DOC (document)文件、的单据 INT (international)国际的 EMS (express mail special)特快传递 IRC(International Red Cross)国际红十字会 UNESCO(the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织 W.C(water closet) CIA(central intelligence agence)美国中情局 FBI(feberal bureau of investigation)美国联邦调查局 FA(football association)足协 WTO 世界贸易组织 WHO 世界卫生组织 UN 联合国 Uug 表示“臭虫”的意思。但在电脑行业却把电脑内部发生的小故障 也 称为 “bug”,如程序运行不畅等,这种叫法也许与臭虫不无关系。有人猜测,之所 以 用 bug,是因为它非常简洁明快。其次,臭虫也确实使人连休息也不得安宁,如同 电 脑中 的小故障一样,它虽小,但麻烦还是很大的。 平时出现频率较高的英文缩写:
10.CITY HOUSE:城市新住宅
11.MALL:中文俗称摩尔,英文 Shopping Mall 的简称,可译为超级休闲购物 中心,是 20 世纪 50 年代初兴起于美国,现在欧、美、日、东南亚广为流传并开 始风行世界的一种全新商业模式,其定义为:以大型零售业为主体,众多专业店 为辅助业态和多功能商业服务设施形成的综合性商业聚合体。
国家: USA 美国: United States of America UK 英国: United Kingdom PRC 中国: People's Republic of China 国际组织、机构、公司:
UN 联合国: United Nations UNESCO 联合国教科文组织: United Nations Educational,Scientific and
5.CID:以中关村为中心的高科技园区,是 Central Information District 的缩写。这是一个过渡的概念,并不成熟。很多关于 CID 的提法,都是与 CBD 和 CLD 共存的。
13."SBI 创业街":是一种产权式科技企业孵化器(shared business incubator) 的英文缩写,是一种新型的支持区域性创新与创业活动的孵化系统。该系统通过 对孵化器投资结构的重新设计,改变过去孵化器单一投资主体的模式,吸引社会 资本参与孵化器建设,全面提升孵化器的孵化能力与管理水平
这里总结 CAO----CZO 的代表意思,大家有兴趣看看,对你工作有帮助哦!
CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CEO: Executive 首席执行官 CFO: Finance 财务总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CIO: Information 技术总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人 CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO: Operation 首席营运官 CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CTO: Technology 首席技术官