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◆ 钼:洛阳拥有中国最大的钼矿,储藏量居于全球第三。年产各类钼产
Molybdenum: Luoyang has the largest molybdenum mine in China and the reserves is the third large all over the world.
洛阳是河南省重要的工业城市。在2005中国城市综 合竞争力200强中,洛阳名列第82名。 2005年8月被《福布斯》杂志评为中国内地最适合建 工厂的十个城市之一。
Luoyang is the most important industry city in Henan Province. Luoyang stands the 82nd among the Cities of Comprehensive Competitiveness Top 200 in 2005. In Aug., 2005, Luoyang was ranked by “Forbes” magazine as one of the top 10 cities which are suitable for establishing factories in China inland.

——装备制造产业 Manufacturing Equipment Industry
Luoyang is an important industry base in Central China
◆ 洛阳一拖集团公司:中国最大的拖拉机生产企业。目前具有年产大马力轮式 拖拉机5000-6000台,履带式拖拉机25000台,中小马力轮式拖拉机15-20万台, 柴油发动机10万台,联合收割机 4000台,压路机4000台,工业推土机2000台 的生产能力。 China Yituo Group Corporation Limited: the largest enterprises manufacturing tractors in China. ◆ 洛阳中信重型机械有限公司:中国主要的重型机械生产企业,生产水泥成套设 备、矿山设备、工程机械。2007年销售收入60亿元人民币。 Luoyang CITIC Heavy Machinery Company Ltd.: one of the major enterprises manufacturing heavy machinery in China. Main Products are complete set of cement equipment, pit equipment and engineering mechanism. Sales income in 2007 is 6 billion RMB. ◆ 洛阳轴承集团有限公司:中国最大的轴承生产企业,年产各类轴承6000万套。 Luoyang Bearing Corp.(Group): the largest bearing production enterprise in China which manufacturing various bearings over 60,000,000 sets annually.
千年帝都 牡丹花城 工业重镇 科技中心
An Ancient Capital with Thousand Years History, a Peony City, an Important Industry Base, a Science&Technology Center
Luoyang’s Location
洛阳位于中国中部的河南省,是进入中国中西部的门户。总面积为15208平 方公里,市区面积544平方公里,总人口640万,洛阳有5000年的建城历史。 Luoyang is located in Central China, Henan Province and is an entry to the western China. It Occupies a total area of 15,208KM2 among which the urban area is 544Km. Luoyang is a 5000-year-old city with a population of 6.4 million.
◆ 钛:洛阳是中国主要的钛产业基地。目前已形成年产1万吨的海绵钛加
Titanium: Luoyang is China’s major titanium industry base.

——玻璃及耐火材料 Glass Industry & refractory Industry
Luoyang was the earliest ancient capital in China with the longest history. It was was successively the capital of 13 dynasties including Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han, Wei, Jin, Sui, Tang and so on. There is an famous verse: if you want to know China’ history, you can see Luoyang, which shows Luoyang’s important political and economical situation in China’s history.
Luoyang’s Peony is well-known all over the world
Baiyun Mountain’s scene
● 洛阳是中部工业重镇
Luoyang is an important industry base in Central China
洛阳市场 辐Байду номын сангаас情况
Luoyang’s Market
Transportation of Luoyang
● 洛阳是千年帝都
Luoyang is an ancient capital with thousand years history 洛阳是中国历史上建都时间最早、朝代最多、时间最长 的都城,先后有夏、商、周、汉、魏、晋、隋、唐等13个朝 代在此建都,建都史1500年,是中国建都历史最长的城市。 司马光曾云:“若问古今兴废事,请君只看洛阳城。”道出 了洛阳在中国五千年文明史中重要的政治经济地位。

——装备制造产业 Manufacturing Equipment Industry
Luoyang is an important industry base in Central China
◆ 洛阳北方玻璃技术股份有限公司:主要从事以玻璃钢化技术为主的玻璃深加工 技术及设备的研制、开发。“北玻”目前在行业内综合实力排名世界第一。 2007年销售收入61367.6万元。 Luoyang North Glass Technology Inc.: the NO.1 in the industry worldwide, devote in research and development on deep processing glass technology and glass processing equipment. Sales income is 0.6 billion RMB. ◆ 中色科技股份有限公司:国内唯一以有色金属加工行业规划、工程设计、设备 研制、科研开发及工程总承包为主的综合性机构。2007年销售收入7亿元。 CNPT:the only technical enterprise in China mainly engaged in planning, project designing, equipment research, technical research and development and general project contracting in China’s Nonferrous Metals Processing field. ◆ 中航光电科技股份有限公司:国内专业致力于光、电连接器技术研发、生产、 销售,提供整套连接器应用解决方案的知名企业。2007年销售收入52287.6万 元。 China Aviation Optical-Electrical Technology Co, Ltd :a well-known enterprise devoting in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of optical and electrical connectors, and providing complex connecting solution.
中华民族的人文始祖是炎黄二帝,他们都出生在河 洛地区。6000年前,在洛阳出现的河图洛书是中华文明 产生的标志。儒家思想渊源于此,道家学说产生于此, 佛教首传于此。中国文圣孔子曾入周问礼,形成了儒家 的正统思想。许多文化名著如《道德经》《汉书》《资 治通鉴》《三国志》等在此著成。
He-Luo Area is the birthplace for the ancestors of the Chinese, Yan and Huang Kings. ‘HeTu LuoShu’, representing the early Chinese culture of 6000years ago was found in Luoyang. Many masterpiece was written here.

——有色金属材料产业 Non-ferrous metal Industry
Luoyang is an important industry base in Central China
◆ 铝:洛阳拥有丰富的铝矾土资源,是中国最大的铝工业基地,年产氧
Aluminum: Luoyang has abundant bauxite and is the largest aluminum industry base.
◆ 铜:中铝洛阳铜业有限公司年加工各类高精度铜材11万吨。
Copper: Luoyang Copper Processing Group Co. Ltd. (LCPG) processes various high purity copper over 110,000 ton every year.
White Horse Temple
Guanlin Temple
The World Cultural Heritage Longmen Grottoes
● 洛阳是优秀旅游城市
Luoyang is an excellent tourism city
依靠洛阳的悠久历史、 深厚的文化积淀、具有现代 气息的市区以及洛阳南部山 区的秀美山川,洛阳成为中 国的旅游胜地,05年入选最 受欧洲人欢迎的十个中国旅 游城市之列。 Luoyang is a mecca in China for tourists. In 2005, Luoyang was elected by Europeans to be one of the most popular tourism cities in China.
The Tomb of Emperor Guangwudi of Han Dynasty
Lijing Gate
The Tomb of Zhou Dynasty’s Emperor
Luoyang • China
● 洛阳是国家历史文化名城
Luoyang is a famous historical and cultural city