



English class is usually boring and tedious. To spice up the class and keep students interested and motivated, teachers should include some games in the lesson plan. Here are some games that are suitable for English class.1. Spell the Word. This game is played by making the students form two teams. Each team is given a word and they must spell it out loud. The team who spells it correctly first gets the point.2. Word Association. This game requires the students to think quickly and come up with a word that is related to the one given by the teacher. It can be an adjective, adverb, noun, etc. The team that comes up with the most words related to the one given by the teacher wins the game.3. Word Scramble. This game requires the students to unscramble a word given by the teacher. The team that unscrambles it the fastest wins the game.4. Hangman. This game is played by making the students form two teams. Each team is given a word and they must guess the letters in the word. The team who guesses the most letters correctly first wins the game.5. Charades. This game is played by making the students form two teams. Each team is given a phrase or a sentence and they must act it out without saying any words. The team that guesses the phrase or sentence correctly first wins the game.These games are great for English class as they help to keep students engaged in the lesson and help them improve their language skills. They also encourage teamwork and promote healthy competition among the students.。



英语课堂游戏大全—单词操练类游戏English Classroom Games n (Part 1)Word Practice Games1.Blow the BalloonsGame n: Students say words while blowing up balloons。

and the sound changes with the size of the balloon。

This game is used for XXX.2.Opposite XXXGame n: XXX's voice is loud。

and the student's voice is small。

the teacher's voice is small。

and the student's voice XXX。

This game can be used for XXX.3.Fly a KiteGame n: The teacher holds a kite model。

and the student's voice changes according to the teacher's gestures。

This game can be used for XXX.4.Clap HandsGame n: The teacher and students clap hands while saying words。

When the teacher s。

the students。

This game can be used for vocabulary practice and can help focus students' n.5.Grow TallerGame n: The student's voice changes according to theteacher's gestures。

English games英语课堂游戏

English games英语课堂游戏


二、游戏实施的原因及目的:"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."(只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻)儿童具有活泼好动、好模仿、好玩、好奇心强、自制力差、认识活动以具体形象为主的特点。









1、猜测性利用儿童的好奇心理,引导儿童通过游戏拉力探寻未知世界,使孩子们感受成功的喜悦,此类游戏有:神猜、Words in heart、The bad Queen, etc2、对抗性利用儿童好胜心理进行游戏,孩子们在游戏中都希望取胜,关注游戏的结果。


如:Golden touch、High and low voice。


英语课堂游戏 Games for English class

英语课堂游戏  Games for English class

1.抢椅子(get the chair)游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。

2.照镜子(Look in the mirrow)游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。

3.争分夺秒(urgent task)游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。

(也可传问题和句子)4.无敌转转转(turn turn)游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。


5..点手掌(catch the finger)游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。

6..魔力手指(magic finger)游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。


8..过山车(get on the train)游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。

9..相反动作(opposite actions)游戏说明:(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。

10.谁最快(who is the best?)游戏说明:(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go 老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。

11..下命令(up and down)游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple 手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down..那么手拿banana卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。


English Classroom Games
- Available
• Introduction • Types of games suitable for English
classrooms • Game design and implementation • The application of games in teaching • Game case sharing
Prepare clear and simple rules that students can
understand easily
Teacher's role
Prepare the teacher's role in the game, so as being
the timer or scorer
Game Preparation
Prepare all necessary materials such as dice,
cards, timers, etc
Ensure that the classroom is large enough for the game to be played
Spoken language games
Role Play
Divide students into pairs and ask them to role play a given scenario using only English For example, a scenario where one student is a tour and the other is a local guide



88个有趣的英文教学游戏88 Fun English Teaching Games.Teaching English can be a challenging task, especially when trying to keep students engaged and interested in learning. However, with the use of fun and interactive games, the process can become much more enjoyable for both the teacher and the students. Here are 88 fun and creative English teaching games that can be used in the classroom to make learning English a fun and exciting experience.1. Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with English vocabulary words and have students mark off the words as they are called out.2. Simon Says: Use English commands to play a game of Simon Says, such as "Simon says touch your nose."3. Story Starters: Have students create a story using a given English word or phrase as the starting point.4. Word Scramble: Jumble up English words and have students unscramble them to form the correct words.5. Pictionary: Have students draw pictures to represent English words and have their classmates guess the word.6. Hangman: Play a game of hangman using English vocabulary words.7. Charades: Act out English words or phrases without speaking and have classmates guess what is being acted out.8. Spelling Bee: Have students take turns spelling English words out loud.9. Memory Game: Create a matching game with English vocabulary words and their corresponding definitions.10. Hot Seat: Have one student sit in the "hot seat" and answer English vocabulary questions while the rest of the class gives clues.11. Word Chain: Start with an English word and have students take turns adding a new word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.12. Taboo: Describe an English word without using certain "taboo" words and have classmates guess the word.13. 20 Questions: Have students ask yes or no questions to guess an English word or phrase.14. Categories: Name a category and have students take turns naming English words that fit into that category.15. Word Search: Create a word search puzzle with English vocabulary words for students to find.16. Tic-Tac-Toe: Play a game of tic-tac-toe using English vocabulary words.17. Vocabulary Relay: Divide the class into teams and have them race to write down English vocabulary words based on given categories.18. Sentence Scramble: Jumble up the words in an English sentence and have students unscramble them to form a correct sentence.19. Spelling Race: Have students race to spell English words correctly on the board.20. Word Building: Give students a set of letters and have them create as many English words as possible using those letters.21. Hangman: Play a game of hangman using English vocabulary words.22. Charades: Act out English words or phrases without speaking and have classmates guess what is being acted out.23. Spelling Bee: Have students take turns spelling English words out loud.24. Memory Game: Create a matching game with English vocabulary words and their corresponding definitions.25. Hot Seat: Have one student sit in the "hot seat" and answer English vocabulary questions while the rest of the class gives clues.26. Word Chain: Start with an English word and have students take turns adding a new word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.27. Taboo: Describe an English word without using certain "taboo" words and have classmates guess the word.28. 20 Questions: Have students ask yes or no questions to guess an English word or phrase.29. Categories: Name a category and have students take turns naming English words that fit into that category.30. Word Search: Create a word search puzzle with English vocabulary words for students to find.31. Tic-Tac-Toe: Play a game of tic-tac-toe using English vocabulary words.32. Vocabulary Relay: Divide the class into teams and have them race to write down English vocabulary words based on given categories.33. Sentence Scramble: Jumble up the words in an English sentence and have students unscramble them to form a correct sentence.34. Spelling Race: Have students race to spell English words correctly on the board.35. Word Building: Give students a set of letters and have them create as many English words as possible using those letters.36. Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with English vocabulary words and have students mark off the words as they are called out.37. Simon Says: Use English commands to play a game of Simon Says, such as "Simon says touch your nose."38. Story Starters: Have students create a story using a given English word or phrase as the starting point.39. Word Scramble: Jumble up English words and have students unscramble them to form the correct words.40. Pictionary: Have students draw pictures to represent English words and have their classmates guess the word.41. Hangman: Play a game of hangman using English vocabulary words.42. Charades: Act out English words or phrases without speaking and have classmates guess what is being acted out.43. Spelling Bee: Have students take turns spelling English words out loud.44. Memory Game: Create a matching game with English vocabulary words and their corresponding definitions.45. Hot Seat: Have one student sit in the "hot seat" and answer English vocabulary questions while the rest of the class gives clues.46. Word Chain: Start with an English word and have students take turns adding a new word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.47. Taboo: Describe an English word without using certain "taboo" words and have classmates guess the word.48. 20 Questions: Have students ask yes or no questions to guess an English word or phrase.49. Categories: Name a category and have students take turns naming English words that fit into that category.50. Word Search: Create a word search puzzle with English vocabulary words for students to find.51. Tic-Tac-Toe: Play a game of tic-tac-toe using English vocabulary words.52. Vocabulary Relay: Divide the class into teams and have them race to write down English vocabulary words based on given categories.53. Sentence Scramble: Jumble up the words in an English sentence and have students unscramble them to form a correct sentence.54. Spelling Race: Have students race to spell English words correctly on the board.55. Word Building: Give students a set of letters and have them create as many English words as possible using those letters.56. Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with English vocabulary words and have students mark off the words as they are called out.57. Simon Says: Use English commands to play a game of Simon Says, such as "Simon says touch your nose."58. Story Starters: Have students create a story using a given English word or phrase as the starting point.59. Word Scramble: Jumble up English words and have students unscramble them to form the correct words.60. Pictionary: Have students draw pictures to represent English words and have their classmates guess the word.61. Hangman: Play a game of hangman using English vocabulary words.62. Charades: Act out English words or phrases without speaking and have classmates guess what is being acted out.。


6. Can you say something about your dream in 3 or 4 sentences?
7. say something about your favorite sports.
8. Translate the sentence “不要 在背地里说别人的坏话” into English.
4. Who is J.K. Rowling ?
The writer of Harry Potter
5. What is the full form of WTO? Word Trade Organization
7. What is the full form of CCTV?
Washington DC
6. Translate the sentence “ Diamond cuts diamond” into Chinese
7. What is the full name of NBA? National Basketball Association
9. Introduce your English teacher Amy to the class.
10. Sing the first four sentences of the song “ baby”.
You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever, and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever , ever be apart



How to Use Games in English TeachingAs English becomes more and more accepted as an international language,interest in the English teaching to younger learners has been steadily growing in recent years. Accompanied with the carrying out of the new English Curriculum Standard by the Ministry of Education of Chinese government, there are a lot of new problems arising from the field of English teaching in the primary schools. This thesis holds the hypothesis that game-teaching approach should be adopted in children’s English teaching, and also probes into the reliability and pros and cons of using games in the teaching process.Games are a different kind of play activity. They are highly structured and include specific rules to be followed (Spodek Bernard and Saracho Olivia, 1994, p.132). Specially, teaching game is one of the kinds of the games. Byrne (1995) gave the definition to games as a form of play governed by rules. He suggested:“Games should be enjoyed and fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game.”(Byrne, 1995, p. 32).From the above, we can safely drawn a conclusion that “game” in language teaching (teaching game) can be defined as an organized activity that usually has the following properties: A. a particular task or objective; B. a set of rules; C. competition between players; D. communication between players by spoken or written language.There is a widely-held lay belief that younger second language learners generally do better than older learners. Children exercise a good deal of both cognitive and affective effort in order to internalize both native and second languages. Moreover, one of most essential thing that teachers teaching children’s English should make all means to motivate their spirit and sustain their interest in learning English. Therefore, most of those teachers chose the method by using games in the teaching process,because games using is closely related to characteristics of children for their age and their features of psychology. However, just as we know, language learning is no t easy work. In a word, games can help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and they play an important role in language teaching:It has been found that one appropriate strategy to encourage language acquisition is using language games. Children have a greater need to be motivated by the teacher or the material, and they are easier to be motivated.Many scholars agree that games in the language classroom have been considered a better way to arouse the interest of children, John Dewey claimed games were integral to schooling since they provided active and position learning experience. Games are also listed in the language skills for the learning stage of primary school in the New English Curriculum Standard. When using games in the classroom, it is beneficial for teachers to have a complete understanding of the definitions of games: a form of play concerning rules, competition, and an element of fun. Teachers should also consider the advantages of games: the ability to capture students’ attention; lower students’ stress; and give students the chance for real communication. (Campell Linda, Campell Bruce and Dickson dee, 1999).For adults and children, difference between the age group in learning styles, abilities and motivation entail corresponding differences in selection of materials and methodology and in lesson plan. Children have a greater immediate need to be motivated by the teacher or the material in order to learn effectively. Teacher can raise children’s motivation and enthusiasm by se lecting interesting activities. They are always curious about the interesting things. Games are one excellent means to maintain the curiosity in the English course. When the teachers ask the children to play games, they are prepared to enjoy. All this mean that it is easy to maintain a high degree of motivation and to make the English class into an enjoyable and stimulating experience for the children.To successfully teach children English requires specific skills and intuitions that differ from those that a teacher would use for adult teaching. Brown (1994) suggestedfive categories help the teacher to give some practical approaches to teaching children as follows:The first one is intellectual development. Since children (up to the age of about eleven) ar e still in an intellectual stage of what Piaget called “concrete operations,” we should remember their limitations. Rules, explanations, and other even slightly abstract talk about language must be approached with extreme caution. Play (game) is a way of m anipulating the outside world so that it serves a vital function in the child’s developing intellect and remains.The second one is attention span. One of the most salient differences between adults and children is attention span. Children have short attention spans. The short attention spans come up only when the teachers present stuff that to them is boring, useless, or too difficult. Since language lessons can at times be difficult for children, the teachers should try to make them interesting, lively, and fun.The third one is sensory input. Children need to have all five sense stimulated. The activities should strive to go well beyond the visual and auditory modes that we usually feel are sufficient for a classroom. As it is mentioned above, games use both visual and aural channels to activate the language production.The fourth one is affective factors. Children are often innovative in language forms but still have a great many inhibitions. They are extremely sensitive, especially to peers: What do others think of me? What will so-and-so think when I speak in English? Children are in many ways much more fragile than adults. Their egos are still being shaped, and therefore the slightest nuances of communication can be negatively interpreted. Teachers need to help them to overcome such potential barriers to learning.And the last one is authentic, meaningful language. Children are focus on what the new language can actually be used for right here and now. They are less willing to put up with language that does not hold immediate rewards for them. The need for meaningfulness in language learning has been accepted for some years. If the children are amused, angered, challenged, intrigued or surprised, the content is clearly meaningful to them., therefore the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speakand write will be more vividly experienced and better remembered. Games in language can meet the needsfor “meaningfulness”.OrganizationGames in language teaching can be divided into different categories. There are five types of language teaching games, consisting role-play, musical activity, intelligence games, sports games and drama performing, which met the need to develop students’ multi-intelligence.In games for language learning, the authors (Wright Andrew, Betteridge David and Buchby Michael, 1984) grouped the games according to their general and spirit (different functions as: picture games, psychology games, word games, true or false games, memory games, question and answer games, story games, guessing and speculating games and miscellaneous, which is easy for the teachers to handle.) Games can be found to give practice in all the skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), in all the stages of the teaching/learning sequences (presentation, repetition, recombination and free use of language) and for many types of communication (e.g. encouraging, criticizing, agreeing, explaining). Several characteristic of teaching games must be considered: First, a game is a closed activity. Games must have a beginning and an end. It must be easy for the players, or the teacher, to know who is about to reach the aim. Second, a game needs less supervision from the teacher. This must be understood as linguistic supervision. Sometimes the game is conducted by the teacher who acts as judge, scorer and/or referee. Third, it is easier for students to keep going. Compared with pair or group work, a game has a lucid element that other interaction patterns do not have. This makes the activity more attractive.There are four types of games as cooperative games, competitive games, communication games and code-control games, which has been greatly adopted and will be stressed as following:The first one is Cooperative Games. In this type of game, the main action is centered in trying to reach the aim in cooperation. Players or teams work together towards the common goal (Jill Hadfield, 1984). This type of game is excellent toencourage the shy students, since it requires the participation of all the members of a team, group or pair. Some typical activities may include the completion of a drawing, putting things in order, grouping things, finding pairs or finding hidden things. Students are involved in the exchange of information to complete the task and in giving instructions. For example:Title: Cards on the TableAim: To memorize the correct spelling of words in an enjoyable way.Procedure: First, give the students one letter card each, and clear a space in the classroom and put a table in the middle. Then have the students stand in a circle round the table, 3 or 4 meters from it. Each student has one letter card each.Then the teacher calls out words he wants to revise, one at a time, and any student who holds a letter that is in that word must run forward and put the letter on the table.The last person who puts his letter down must spell the word and give its meaning. If unsuccessful, he/she is out of the game, and the teacher gives the correct answer. Students should take back a different letter from the table each time, i.e. they should swap with someone else.The second one is Competitive Games. In this kind of games, players or teams race to be the first to reach the goal. As the name indicates, in this type of game there is an overt competition between teams, or sometimes of an individual against the rest of the class (as in 20questions). The competition may also be of individuals against other individuals. The object of this type of game is finishing of reaching the end before the other competitors, making more points, surviving elimination, or avoiding penalties. The rules may require the players to produce correct language as part of the game and force students to draw conclusions more quickly. For example: Title: Slap itAim: To recognize words and listen for relevant informationPreparation: A set of 10-15 pictures of different kinds of food items for each team of 4 to 6 people.Procedure: Put the items on a desk and the students sit around the desk. The teacher describes the food item. When a student has an answer, she/he slaps the cardand says the word aloud. If the student is correct, he/she gets a team point. If the student is wrong, he/she is out of the game. Alternatively, in each group each student plays independently. If the student slaps the correct picture, he/she keeps the card as a point. The person or team with the most cards/points wins.The third one is Communication GamesThe main objective in this type of the games is getting the message over to the other players and reacting appropriately to their messages. For example when giving instructions, the player must be clear about rules, and the player following them must do exactly what he is required to. The tasks are usually practical, like following instructions, drawing, persuading other players, etc. this means that players will concentrate on the task rather than on the language, besides, students can see the results of their use of language at once, which will help to build students’ confidence.The thesis shows another illustration to this point at follow:Title: Have You Seen My SheepAim: to encourage careful description and listening about dressProcedure: A circle is formed with one player called IT outside the circle. He/She moves around the outside of the circle and taps someone on the shoulder asking, "Have you seen my sheep (or dog, cat, goat...)?" The Student responds: "Yes I have seen it." IT asks, "What's it wearing?" or "How is it dressed?" The student must describe someone in the circle e.g. green shirt, brown shoes, long hair. On recognizing that he/she is being described, the student must run round the outside of the circle away from IT. If caught before getting back to his/her place, he/she takes the place of IT.The fourth one is Code-control Games. This type of game requires that students produce correct language: structures, spelling, pronunciation, etc. the production of correct language will make the players of the team win points. For example: Title: Listen and ActAim: understand the meaning of some verbsProcedure: after learning some verbs, such as: run, walk, sit, stand, and swim, and so on, teacher say one word of them fast. Then have students stand in front of the blackboard and show the correct actions. Then continue.At the end of this part, one major problem must be mention about is that how can teachers adopt teaching games to sustain young learners’ interest in those teaching games. There lays a fact that those teaching games must changeable and variety. The teacher should find “new” games through different channels includi ng newspaper, radios and television programs. It is a wise precaution to collect and file games for use whenever you happen to come across them. Nowadays we also can surf the net get more information including the new games. The games we discussed above re fer to the games in classroom. After class we can encourage the children to use the games on the Internet if the condition permits. Thus, the language level is determined by the type of use, not just by the structures and vocabulary items.ConclusionThis thesis aims to examine the assumptions about game-teaching approach for children English teaching in the light of some literature and research, and also probes into the reliability and pros and cons of using games in the process. One useful strategy to encourage language acquisition is using language games which are defined as a form of play concerning rules, competition, and an element of fun. Games have the ability to capture students’ attention; lower students’ stress; give students the chance for real communication. All this mean that it is easy to maintain a high degree of motivation and to make the English class into an enjoyable and stimulating experience for the children. Games provide not only a learning experience but an enjoyable activity as well. Students, in the informal atmosphere of game playing, are less self-conscious and therefore more apt to experiment and freely participate in using the foreign language. Therefore, it may be challenging for teachers to try to add some games in class in order to develop students’ English proficiency of the target language.References中国基础教育司(2001年7 月).国家英语课程标准(实验稿).中国基础教育司工作组出版.Cesar Klauer.(2001).Teaching with the brain in mind. Association for Supervision&Curriculum Development.Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century.New York, NY: Basic Books.Jill Hadfield, (1999). Elementary communication games .Oxford University Press. Spodek, Bernard; Saracho, Olivia (1994). Foundations of early childhood education.Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall Canada.Wright Andrew, Betteridge David and Buchby Michael. (2001).Reframes of mind: Thetheory of multipleintelligences. New York, NY: Basic Books./book_details/index2.php?isbn=0133267377&type= classification&mysearchterms=JDD... - 27k/nyutoday/archives/14/09/green.nyu - 7k/yingyu/xinwen3.htm - 23k。



英语学习游戏(English Learning Games)Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students’ interest in learning English. Games are co nsidered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency(效果)in langu age learning. Following are some 50 games for various levels of English stud ents. I collected some of them and created others.Vocabulary and Phrase Games1. A Game of Collocation CardsAim: To let students review and memorize collocations(搭配).Preparation: Make a set of cards with the verbs (or verb phrases) such as ta ke, have, do, play, make, and give. Prepare a second set with nouns (noun p hrases) such as homework, a meeting, a trip, a test, a lecture and basketball.Procedure: Two or more than two students can play this game. The purpose is to form a collocation.1) Put all those cards in random order in a pile on the table with students si tting around.2) In turns, each student takes 6 cards from the pile one by one. Then one s tudent takes one card from the pile. The student keeps it if he/she finds a c ollocation with one of the cards in his hand or he/she thinks he/she can find a collocation easily with this card later. Otherwise, she/he gives it to the nex t person.3) The next person keeps it, if he/she finds a collocation with one of the car ds in his/her hand.4) Then the student chooses one of the difficult cards in his/her hand and gi ves it to the next person.5) If he/she cannot form a collocation, he/she takes another card from the pile. The next person does the same until one of them forms three collocations.The first person that forms three correct collocations wins.Variation: You can play this game with prepositional phrases and adjective ph rases, as well as verb phrases or you can put all these together.2. Word Spelling CardsAim: To review and memorize the English words students have learned.Preparation: Make at least 100 cards with the following written on them: letter s, roots, suffixes(词缀), such as, -tion, -ment, and -or prefixes, such as, -un, -im and –ir, clusters of vowels, such as, -ow-, -ight and -oo- and consonants (辅音), such as, th-, ch- and sp-.Procedure: Two or more than two students can play this game.1) Put all cards in random order in a pile on the table with students sitting a round.2) Each student takes 4, 5, or 6 cards from the pile one by one. (Students d etermine the number of cards they hold in their hands before the game starts. The bigger the number, the easier the game is.)3) The object is to construct meaningful words (a word found in the dictionar y) by putting the cards together. When successful, the student shows the wo rd to the other players and puts the cards aside. At the same time, he/she g ets the same number of additional cards from the pile.4) The first player tries to form more words, which he/she shows to the other players. If he/she cannot form a meaningful word, he/she can take another c ard from the pile.5) If he/she still fails to form a word, he/she chooses one from his/her cards and gives it to the next person.6) The next person can get this card if he/she can form a word with the othe r cards. Each time a word is formed, the student shows the card(s) to the ot her players and puts the card(s) aside.7) If the player cannot form a word with the card given by the previous playe r, he/she can get one from the pile and try to form a word. Again, if a player fails to form a word, he/she selects one of his/her cards and gives it to the next person. The next person will do the same.Finally, the person who gets the most meaningful words wins.3. Preposition CardsAim: To practise prepositions.Preparation: Write a number of prepositions (say, 10–20) on separate cards. E ach student has a set of the cards.Procedure: The aim is to make up sentences using common prepositions.1) Students can hold the cards in their hands or put them on the desk.2) The teacher says a noun, a verb or an adjective or a phrase (or writes on the blackboard.)3) The students think of a sentence quickly using one of the prepositions on their cards. The student who thinks his/her sentence is right can raise his/h er hand and the teacher nominates(指定)him/her. He/She reads out the sent ence. If the teacher says "correct" (the sentence is correct in grammar and m eaning), the student can put that preposition card aside.4) The procedure is repeated. The student who surrenders all his/her cards fir st will win.4. BingoLevel: Absolute beginner to lower intermediateAim: to review or preview letters, or vocabularyMaterials: item list, bingo cards (students can make these)Procedure: Draw a 9-square box (as in tic-tac-toe) and ask students to draw a picture with the target words in each box. You might draw each picture on the board in random(随机)order and have the students draw them in their grid. (This is very useful since you can review the words together with the w hole class as you go along and help students with ideas of how to draw the m). Then draw the pictures in your box on the board and ask the students to choose a word. Choose the students at random. When they get a bingo (any three in a row), they get a team point, a card or a reward. A variation may be to reward them only if they get a bingo before you. This makes it more c hallenging and covers more vocabulary.5. Slap itAim: to recognize words and listen for relevant informationPreparation: a set of 10-15 pictures of different kinds of food items for each t eam of 4 to 6 peopleProcedure: Put the items on a desk and the students sit around the desk. T h e teacher describes the food item. When a student has an answer, she/he slaps th e card and says the word aloud. If the student is correct, he/she gets a team poin t. If the student is wrong, he/she is out of the game. Alternatively, in each group e ach student plays independently. If the student slaps the correct picture, he/she ke eps the card as a point. The person or team with the most cards/points wins.6. HangmanLevel: Absolute beginner to lower intermediateAim: to practice vocabularyMaterials: writing surfaceProcedure: First, the teacher thinks of a word and writes the same number of dashes, as there are letters in the word on the board.Then, students begin to call out letters from the alphabet. When a student gu esses a correct letter, he/she will put the letter in its proper place. The letter may be repeated. If a letter that is in the word has not been mentioned, the t eacher will draw one stroke for the hangman. If they can guess the word bef ore the picture of the hangman is finished, they will win. Otherwise they will lose.Variation: This works best with phrases, not individual words. Scoring need n ot be a hanged man. It can be any picture, or word that has about 10 parts. The pictures can be drawn bit by bit or erased bit by bit.7. Word Shark. (Similar to hangman) Similarly confusingAim: to practise vocabulary.Procedure: Instead of a man being hung, you can draw a man dangling(悬浮)from a cliff, with the ocean, complete with one ravenous shark, underneath him. When the first incorrect letter is guessed, the man begins his descent to ward the shark, who, five or six wrong guesses later, will eat him. Graphicall y, (图形上)I find Word Shark more interesting than Hangman.8. ScrambleAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: You first write one or two letters in the centre of the blackboard. Then ask the students one by one to form a meaningful word by putting ano ther letter on the left or right, over or under the given letter. The student wh o fails to form a meaningful word loses one point.9. Musical Chairs with a TwistAim: to review vocabularyPreparation: all the chairs are arranged in a circle and a tag with the target v ocabulary (i.e. jobs) is placed on each chairProcedure: Play music and have the students march in a circle. When the mu sic stops, the students all go for the chairs. There is a chair for each studen t except one. Then the IT (person in the middle) can ask anyone sitting down, "Who are you?" If they know what the tag on their chair represents, they re main seated. If not, that student becomes IT. This is continued 3 times and t hen the music is played again. The students like this game and it reviews vo cabulary very well.10. Last LetterAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: First, have a student say a word. For example: "apple." Then have the next student say a word that begins with the last letter of the last word. ("apple" "elephant" ) and so on through everyone in the class. This can hel p you to know the kinds of words your students know, which helps communi cation with them. You can also use a ball to do it or a screwed-up piece of paper. The teacher throws the ball to one student and says a word such as "dog". The student must reply with a word starting with "g," such as "girl". When answered, the ball is thrown back to the teacher and it is then thrown to the next student, who continues.Variation: you can ask a student to say a short sentence and then ask the n ext student to say a sentence that begins with the last word of the last sente nce.11. DictionaryAim: to learn the meaning of vocabularyProcedure: In each round, one player reads aloud from the dictionary a word without the meaning. Players announce if they know the meaning. If anyone does, that word is abandoned and a new, unknown word is selected. Then everyone writes a definition for the word, with the dictionary holder writing the correct meaning but not exactly a direct copy. All the definitions are handed to the holder who mixes them up and reads each one. Players declare their picks verbally clockwise from the holder. Alternately, all the students could w rite down their guesses. Everyone that guesses the right answer gets 1 point. The writer of the wrong definition gets a point for every guess of their defin ition. The dictionary holder gets one point anyway. The dictionary is then pa ssed on.12. Fast WordsAim: review vocabularyProcedure: The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is g iven a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams are formed. The teacher names a letter and the students must writ e as many words beginning with that letter as they can in the allocated time. Their teammates can call out hints. Be warned: this is very noisy. Next, the second team member takes the chalk, goes to the board and the teacher call s out a new letter. The team with the most correct words is the winner.13. Vocabulary Tic-Tac-ToeStudents' Level of English: Beginner Intermediate AdvancedMaterials Needed: The attached handoutAim: Practice using the words like "want" "have" and "need"Procedure: Read through the activity with the students and explain that they are to fill in the answers to the number 1 paper with a partner. Ask partner A to guess partner B's answers. If they guess correctly, they get to mark "X" on the answer. If they guess incorrectly, they mark a "0" on the answer. Th e goal is to get a line of three "Xs". When finished, partner B tries to guess partner A's answers using the same sentence patterns.14. Adjective and Noun CombinationsAim: To get students to think about and practice combinations.Level: This game works well with all levels. Lower-level students can make u p simple sentences and higher level students more complex ones.Procedure: The purpose of this game is to give students the chance to practi ce adjective-noun combinations. Begin by giving them a male or female first name. They must then invent a sentence similar to the following: Albert likesawful apes. Linda likes little limes. Richard likes roaring racecars. Wendy lik es wiggling(蠕动的)worms. The game should move fast, so you should be prepared with a list of names to fire at your students. You should go throug h the list ahead of time to make sure that you can think of matching adjectiv e-noun combinations within the vocabulary range of your students. It is some times helpful to have a large list of alphabetized adjectives copied off and rea dy to hand out, especially for lower level students.Variation: you can use this to practice other combinations, for instance verb-noun combinations.15. Frozen tagLevel: anyMaterials: cards (with words or pictures representing vocabulary) spaceAim: review, fluencyProcedure: Hand out the cards, one to each student and practice the vocabul ary so that everyone knows their own word. One person is "it." When "it" to uches another person, he/she becomes "frozen" (cannot move), but their frien ds can unfreeze him/her. To do this, the friend tells the frozen person what's on their card. The frozen person then either repeats or acts out the item. If correct, they are free.Variation: from time to time have students switch cards and teach each other the new vocabulary and change the person who is "it."16. Word CategoryAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: This game calls for words within categories(范围)and sets up a hand-clapping or finger-snapping rhythm with a circle of students. At a desig nated rhythmic point, the first student must call out a word in the target cate gory (country name, flower, article of clothing, etc.) Then at the same point i n the rhythm, the next student must supply an appropriate word, and so on, around the circle until someone gets stuck. Since no word can be repeated, i t also promotes listening to each other.17. Jumble WordAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: Give students some letters and ask them to form words. At first, you can give them a few letters and then progress to more letters. The stude nt(s) who can form the most words or form a word using most of the letters given is the winner.18. Christmas PuddingAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: This game is an anagram(颠倒字母顺序)activity. Have students make as many words as they can out of the letters in the words "Christmas Pudding" ex. mud, camp, or aspirin. Have them work individually and then ch eck in small groups. As they check, common words are crossed out. Devise a point scale appropriate to the students' level. Try again with different words: "Silver bells," "Happy Holidays," etc.19. Word RaceAim: to review target vocabularyProcedure: The teacher says a word like bedroom or kitchen and the student s in groups have to draw as many items related to that word as they can. Af ter 5 minutes the teacher calls "pencil down." The students must call out the names of all the pictures they have drawn. The team who can call out the most is the winner.20. Wolves and LambsAim: to reinforce and review vocabularyPreparation: 2 or 3 sets of the target vocabularyProcedure: The teams or groups sit in circles well apart from each other, and are visited by 'wolves' from other teams. Each "wolf" has a list of pictures/w ords to be recognized. Anyone who does not know the words has to stand a side as a captive 'lamb.' (The wolf may ask anyone, What is this?) After som e time, the 'shepherd' (teacher) chases the wolves away and the wolves take the 'captives' back to their groups. The team with the most captives wins.21. Preposition CardsAim: to practise prepositions using kinesthetic(肌肉运动)drama techniques.Preparation: Cards with prepositions written on them.Procedure: Each student takes a card. In turns, they have to mime the prepo sition they have until the class guesses which preposition it is. When this ac tivity is over, they have to create a scene where everyone has to speak usin g his/her preposition; they should not use any other prepositions. Students r ole-play their scene.22. Cards on the TableAim: To memorize the correct spelling of words in an enjoyable way.Procedure:1) Give the students one letter card each.2) Clear a space in the classroom and put a table in the middle.3) The students stand in a circle round the table, 3 or 4 meters from it. Each student has one letter card each.4) The teacher calls out words he wants to revise, one at a time, and any st udent who holds a letter that is in that word must run forward and put the le tter on the table.5) The last person who puts his letter down must spell the word and give its meaning. If unsuccessful, s/he is out of the game, and the teacher gives the correct answer.6) Students should take back a different letter from the table each time, i.e. t hey should swap with someone else.23. In the Manner ofAim: To practise adverbsProcedure: Elicit adverbs from the students and ask a scribe to write them o n the white board. On a different part of the whiteboard write, 'You sat on th e chair _____ly." Explain that you are going to sit on your chair in the mann er of one of the adverbs on the board. Sit on the chair appropriately and usi ng the sentence on the board, elicit from the students how you sat down. Fo r instance, 'You sat on the chair slowly.' Invite learners to take turns sitting on the chair using adverbs from the board and elicit the sentence from their classmates. As the learners warm up to the activity, erase the material on the whiteboard and see how much they remember.Variation: The teacher calls out a series of imperatives and students sit down appropriately. For example: sit down heavily, sit down sadly, sit down angril y.24. Word GuessingAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: Divide the class into teams. Give one student on each team a pie ce of paper with seven words on it centered on a theme. For example, 7 wor ds that start with M, or 7 words that are parts of the body. In two minutes (l et the other teams watch the clock for you), the student with the paper must try to get one of the students on his/her team to say as many of the words on the list without using the word itself. One point is scored for each word guessed. The challenge here with a class full of students who all speak the s ame language is keeping them from giving hints in their native tongue. Usuall y, the other teams are vigilant about policing this for you, but when they are lazy, you'll have to lay down the law on your own.25. The P icnicAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: This is a simple game that requires students to generate vocabula ry in English. The class is asked to imagine that they are going on a picnic. Their job is to suggest things to bring along. The teacher says yes or no to each suggestion. What the students do not know is that the teacher says yes when a student suggests something whose first letter is the same as the fir st letter of the name of the student. The teacher says no if the first letter of the suggested object and the first letter of the name of the student do not m atch. For example: Alicia: I want to bring apples. Teacher: You can bring app les, Alicia. Alicia can bring apples. What do you want to bring, Marco? Marco: I want to bring a radio. Teacher: Sorry, you cannot bring a radio. If students need a hint, you can interject something like: Maria: I want to bring bananas. Teacher: Sorry, you cannot bring bananas. Why not ask Barbara to bring ba nanas? Usually someone figures out the game. Knowing the secret forces the m to narrow their suggestions to words beginning with the same letter as the ir name.26. Feel and GuessAim: to review vocabularyPreparation: bring plastic or real food in a bagProcedure: The class is divided into teams. A representative(代表)from eac h team comes to the board and the teacher places a food item in their hand s behind their back. The first person to identify the food correctly scores a p oint for their team. Then new representatives come up.27. Word AssociationAim: to review vocabularyProcedure: The teacher starts the game by saying a word such as "Hotel." F or example: Teacher: Hotel. Student A: Bed. Student B: Room. Student C: Ser vice. Student D: Food. As you can see, any association is ok. If the studen t cannot answer (5-second limit), he or she must stand up. The last student seated is the winner. If the association is not obvious, the student is asked t o explain the association.Games for Listening and Speaking1. Chinese WhispersAim: to practice time and pronunciationProcedure: Have 2 teams in a U- shape facing each other: Team A and Team B. Call 2 representatives, one from each team, to your desk and whisper a t ime. Then they go back to their teams and whisper the time into the ear of t he first person, who whispers it to the next person, and so on down the line. The last person writes it down and gives it to the person who whispered it first. Then the 2 original representatives run to write it on the board. If the w ords written on the paper and the board are the same, the fastest team score s a point; however, if it is not correct they have to go back and whisper it a gain. This encourages not only time recognition but good pronunciation, like distinguishing between 15 and 50 or 14 and 40. The students love this game.2. Twenty questionsAim: to practise saying interrogative sentencesProcedure: One student has something on his mind. Other students try to fin d what he is thinking of by asking twenty questions, e.g., "Are you thinking of a person? Are you thinking of a man?" etc. The student answers only wit h "yes" or " no." If the students can guess the answer with twenty or fewer questions, they win; otherwise they lose.3. Taboo word descriptionAim: to practise speakingProcedure: One student thinks of a certain word in his mind and describes it without mentioning any words related to it. For example, with the word "boo k," you cannot mention the words: book, letter and paper. Another student ac ts as judge. Other students listen. If the student mentions those taboo words, he will lose. The winner is the student who can talk the longest time withou t using taboo words.4. CharadesAim: to get students to describe class itemsProcedure: Have a representative of each team go to the board and stand wit h their backs to it. Then the teacher puts up or draws a picture on the board behind the representatives. Then, the teams take turns describing the picture to them, without mentioning the word itself. When one of the representatives identifies the picture correctly, he/she scores a team point. (In the beginning, you might like to choose the most alert students.)5. Repeat and AddAim: to practise speakingProcedure: First, one student says a sentence of an improvisational(即兴)st ory. The next student repeats the sentence and adds another one. The 3rd st udent repeats the sentences and adds one more sentence. This continues unt il a student fails to repeat all the sentences correctly. Typically, this will mak e a funny story. The student who can repeat the story fully will win.6. Speak and GuessAim: to practise speakingProcedure: Choose 4 students to come to the front of the room or the middl e of the circle with their ears covered so as to prevent them from hearing. T hen, show the other students an expression or a sentence without letting the four students see it. Finally, the students try to convey to the four students the word or expression with gestures. The student who guesses correctly win s.7. Right or WrongAim: to practise listening and speakingProcedure: First ask 4 students to come to the front of the room. Have other students ask them some questions or tag questions concerning geography, history, music, arts, etc. For example, "Name the parts of Great Britain." [Eng land, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.] Then the four students try to an swer them. The student who answers the most questions correctly wins.8. DescriptionAim: to practise speakingProcedure: Use a homework assignment from the previous day. For example, the assignment was to describe the student's bedroom or dorm room. In the game, the student reads the description of his/her room. The class draws a replica of the room as they hear it described. When the student finishes, s/he draws the room for the class. Often, the comparisons are very funny. It is also a good vocabulary builder. Time needed per student about fifteen minu tes.9. CatchMaterials: ball (or other throwable item)Aim: review, student fluencyInstructions: List a set of vocabulary items on the board. The student holding the ball selects an item says it and throws the ball to another student. The 2nd student has to say the previous item, select, and say another item.Variation: Assign students one vocabulary item. Have the first student pronou nce her/his item and the item of the student to whom the ball is thrown.10. Blind OlympicsAim: to reinforce directionPreparation: rearrange the class into an open space. Make two (or more) tea ms and in each team blindfold one person. Assign a scorekeeper/judge for ea ch team. The students sit at the back of the classroom after creating an obst acle course from desk and chairs. Then the students from each group have t o give directions to their candidate to reach the finish line at the end of the room. Each time their competitor touches an item in the room, they loose a point. If they touch the other competitor, they loose two points (or any combi nation you like). This is a very noisy game, but students love it. It is very us eful in reinforcing directions. (It is ideal for a big class to split them into 4 t eams and start at opposite ends of the classroom.)11. Hide and FindAim: to practice directionsPreparation: paper cups and something to blindfold half the studentsProcedure: Number 12 paper cups on the bottom from 1 to 12, depending on the number of students. Divide the students into two teams. For larger class es, you could make three teams or more. Students on each team are paired. One student is blindfolded (蒙上眼)and the other student becomes the guide. Hide the cups all over the room but they should not be under anything. Ass ign team one cups 1-6 to find and team 2 cups 7-12. Guides cannot touch or lead their partners by the hand. They can only give them directions such as turn right, turn left, go straight, etc. They cannot use their native language, only English, to explain the cup's location. When they have found a cup, they must return it to the place that has been chosen by the teacher. I have the m stack each cup on top of the cup they have just found. They remain blindf olded until they have completed finding and returning the cup to the proper place. Their partners must give them directions on where to put the cup that has been found. As soon as a cup has been found and returned by one pai r of students, the next pair goes, etc. The cups must be found and returned in order. The first team to find and return all the cups is the winner.12. Magic BagAim: to have students ask questions and answer them correctly Preparation: Bring an empty bag.Procedure: Before the game, collect items from the students' desks or bags a nd put them in your bag without them seeing what you have taken. Then the y have to ask you, "Do you have a...?" If the guess is correct, her/his team gets a point. After you put all the items on the table, one team asks the othe r, "Is this your ...?" For every correct response, add a point to the team's s core.13. Have You Seen My SheepAim: to encourage careful description and listening about dressProcedure: A circle is formed with one player called IT outside the circle. He/ She moves around the outside of the circle and taps someone on the should er asking, "Have you seen my sheep (or dog, cat, goat...)?" The Student re sponds: "Yes I have seen it." IT asks, "What's it wearing?" or "How is it dressed?" The student must describe someone in the circle e.g. green sh。



I. 抢椅子(get the chair)游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。

2. 照镜子(Look in the mirrow)游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。

3. 争分夺秒(urgent task)游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。

(也可传问题和句子)4. 无敌转转转(turn turn)游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。


5.. 点手掌(catch the finger)游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。

6.. 魔力手指(magic finger)游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。


8.. 过山车(get on the train)游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。

9.. 相反动作(opposite actions)游戏说明:(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。

10. 谁最快(who is the best?)游戏说明:(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。

II. .下命令(up and down)游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down.. 那么手拿banana 卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。



适合小学生 适合家庭亲子互动
适合英语初学者 适合英语教师用于课堂游戏
游戏时间:30分钟-1小时 游戏地点:室内或室外 适用人数:4-10人 所需材料:英语单词卡片、游戏道具等
字母卡片:用于游戏中的单词拼写 和认读
头饰:用于扮演不同角色,增强游 戏体验
单词卡片:用于游戏中的单词匹配 和记忆
道具箱:用于存放游戏道具,方便 收纳和整理
教师:负责游戏规则讲解 和监督
学生:积极参与游戏,遵 守规则
家长:协助准备游戏道具 和材料
游戏主持人:负责组织游 戏和协调各个环节
调整难度设置,适应不同水 平的小学生
增加互动环节,提高游戏趣 味性
丰富游戏内容,增加游戏多 样性
加强游戏规则说明,确保小 学生理解并遵守规则
游戏内容丰富,有助于提高孩子 英语学习兴趣
游戏难度适中,适合小学生年龄 段
游戏互动性强,有助于培养孩子 的团队协作能力
游戏时间安排合理,不会影响孩 子的学习和生活
游戏设计:符合小学生认知水平,易于理解 互动性:能够激发小学生的参与热情,促进团队合作 趣味性:游戏内容生动有趣,能够吸引学生的注意力 知识性:游戏过程中融入英语知识,有助于学生记忆和巩固所学内容
培养口语能力:游戏中的互动环节 可以帮助小学生练习英语口语,提 高他们的口语表达能力。

七年级英语下册Unit 14课堂游戏

七年级英语下册Unit 14课堂游戏

七年级英语下册Unit 14课堂游戏
本文档旨在提供一份关于七年级英语下册Unit 14课堂游戏的简要介绍和指导。


Unit 14课堂游戏
- 帮助学生复和巩固七年级英语下册Unit 14的相关知识
- 激发学生研究英语的兴趣
- 促进学生的合作与互动能力
- 制作游戏所需要的物品,如卡片、图片等
- 安排游戏所需的座位和场地
1. 学生分组,每组人数根据班级实际情况确定。

2. 游戏开始前,老师会给每组一份题目卡片,并简要介绍游戏

3. 学生根据卡片上的提示进行相应的英语问题回答,可以是单词、短语、句子的补全或翻译等。

4. 回答正确的学生将获得相应的得分,并继续下一个问题。

5. 游戏时间结束后,根据各组的得分,评选出最高得分的组别

- 通过课堂游戏的形式,让学生在轻松的氛围中进行英语知识

- 提高学生对英语研究的积极性和主动性。

- 培养学生的团队合作和沟通能力。

- 游戏的难度应根据学生的英语水平和课程要求进行适当调整。

- 确保游戏流程简单明了,避免过多的规则和复杂的内容。

- 鼓励学生参与并积极互动,创造良好的研究氛围。

以上是对七年级英语下册Unit 14课堂游戏的简要介绍和指导。



小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching

小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching
-West Cowboy
Teacher asks two students back to back, each of them holds a card in front of the body. When teacher counts one, two, three, the two students
– Passing Words or Sentences
Teacher will divide students into two groups, then murmur a word or sentence to the first two students. Then the two students should pass the word or sentence to the next student. Which group is faster, which group is the winner.
g) Cross the River
Teacher puts a rope on the floor, then makes the rope like a river, and puts some flashcards in a row in the river, when teacher reads one of the words, students should jump over the card and read aloud the word.
a) Touching Game Teacher reads the words and students touch the cards with hands, hammers, or fly pats. b) Matching Game Teacher asks the students to match the letters, like A and a, B and b;picture and word. c) Jumping or hopping to the flashcards Teacher reads the words and asks students to jump or hop to the flashcards. d) Yes/No Chair/Wall Game Teacher reads a right or wrong word or a






1. 找朋友游戏(Find a Friend Game):这个游戏可以帮助幼儿学习英语的基本问候语和自我介绍。

首先,老师可以写上一些简单的问候语和自我介绍的句子,比如“Hello, my name is _____”和“How are you?”. 将这些句子分成两半并写在小卡片上,然后将卡片随机发给每个幼儿。



2. 动作猜谜游戏(Action Charades Game):这个游戏可以帮助幼儿学习并练习不同动作的英文表达。





3. 足球传球游戏(Pass the Ball Game):这个游戏可以帮助幼儿学习并练习数字和颜色的英文表达。







英语课堂上的小游戏(Little games in English class)1, size sound: I read aloud, you read quietly2, draw inferences: I read once, you read three times3, the word clap clap: (one, two, three, four,), take a few of these students out4, bomb: when practicing words, put a bomb on a word, in the process of reading words, you can't read the words with bombs5, the palm of the hand back: reach for the heart to read, stretch one's hand, do not read6 Jin fingers: how many times have you studied a few fingers?7, microphone: in the form of interviews to ask students, practice words, sentences8, the teacher stopped drumming drums pass: pass, who finally got the ball will stand up and read the words or sentences, reading time, teacher students lose, is the winner, then the teacher acting, such as: the rabbit jump, wall, eyes, big teapot9, grab chairs: read words or sentences at the same time, around the chair to turn, when the teacher said stop, see who grabbed the chair at the fastest speed, grab bonus points10, wood: such as: I can fiy I can jump read the sentences and perform the action, the teacher said, no matter what your attitude, do not move, the teacher choose a student to makeperformance students, who know who foulThe irony of: I, say, sit, down, You, say, stand, up12, small pistol: point to who, who reads the next word of the word13, find treasure: choose a classmate, back to everyone, cards or other things hid to a student where, everyone began to read words or sentences, when the treasure hunt students closer to the treasure, the greater the reading sound14, radish squat: use words instead of students' names, one after another squat15. Top cards: read the sentences and use the head to top the cards16, interactive Name: give students a new name (the words in class) to ask each other questions and answers17, police catch thief: pick a classmate, back to everyone, pick two students, we read the word together, these two students read the word does not pronounce18, words turn around: people standing under the word, everyone represents a word, read which word, quickly move, slow down, change for another person19, plus one: I read one, you read two, I, and you three, and so on, add, practice word, sentence20, take pictures: the production of good words, pictures posted on the blackboard, which one to read which to read,Several popular English Teaching Games in foreign countriesI. Running Dictation (mobile dictation)1. prepare several dictation materials (sentences, articles, etc.) and put them on the wall, or outside of the classroom separately.2. students will be divided into several groups, each one holding left behind (real seat), the rest to the classroom or outdoor around to find the content posted dictation, dictation and recite the content (not copy), and then let the group stay dictation, the last to see which team first complete the task.3. the purpose of this game is to train students' dictation ability, memory ability, coordination ability and team spirit.Two, Stop Game (pause writing words)1. divide the students into groups and name each group and senda blank sheet to each group.2. the teacher drew the form on the blackboard as follows:3. let a student to sing the alphabet song, the teacher said "Stop", then begin with the students just sings this letter, let each write out the words, can give each student 2 minutesof thinking and discussion, and then will slip up, look at the group to write several, finally calculate the total score.4. the purpose of this game is to consolidate vocabulary and develop cooperative spirit.Three, Listen and Say (a line)1. prepare a few sentences related to the content of the study.2. divide the students into groups and stand in line.3. the first classmate in each group comes to the teacher,Listen to the teacher's whisper, after listening, quickly run back to the group of second students, the last classmate loudly say the sentence. Which group is the winner?.4. the purpose of this activity is to train students' listening and speaking ability.Four, Honeycomb (honeycomb labyrinth)1. divide the students into 2 groups.2., the teacher painted on the blackboard, a honeycomb shaped figure (each grid is hexagonal), and write letters, as follows:3. decide by coin. The group that goes first chooses one letter, the teacher says one sentence, in this sentence contain a word, in the word contain this letter, such as A, the teacher says:"I like eatA. student answer: apple.". The answer is correct. Take this hexagon and return the wrong one last.4. if the road was blocked, the other. For example, a group of L, B and K occupy, another group to occupy M, then the M group lost, because the road is blocked.Five, Scramble, for, the, Seat (grab seat)1. place the seat in A or B, as shown below:2. let all students walking around the stool (one more than the number of students walked, stool) say a teacher prescribed English sentence, the teacher said stop, all the people stopped walking, began to rob stool, no one was eliminated to grab the students.3. the next round, take out a stool and move on.4., the purpose of this activity is to train students' ability of speech, movement, coordination and response.Six, Guessing (guess words)1. prepare large cards, each of which has an item or animal on it.2. ask one of the students to stand in front, and the others can ask the student with some questions, such as 1s, it, round, Does, it, eat, meat, and the answer is only Yes or No.3., students can guess what is on the card according to the information they can get from the question and answer.Seven, Bingo (dictation)1. the teacher squared the blackboard and asked the students to have one hand as follows:2., the teacher asked the students to dictation words, students can fill in the box.3. after dictation, if the words are written in a straight line or a diagonal line, the student becomes a lucky Bingo.4. the purpose of this game is to train students dictation ability.1, alphabet game.Find the pairs. After 26 letters are all out of order, they are issued to the students, each with a letter card,Ask students to find letters or lowercase letters corresponding to their letters. Case matching can also be changed to printing and handwriting matching.Classification of letters and sounds. Change the lyrics in ABC Song to the alphabetical order of the letters, so that the students can remember them in the song. An apple picking game is also made: an apple tree bears some apples (letters) so that students can pick it in the appropriate basket (vowel).2, instruction game.Instructions can be issued by the teacher or the student can issue instructions. Show me your... (Touch your... ) use head., mouth., nose., eyes., ears., hair., hand (s) or a, pen., a, pencil., rubber., book and other classified nouns. The starter is starting, each only have a wrong action, let students out, which group the rest, which group is the winner.3, a game.In groups, the host speaks one English to each of the students in the group, and asks them to turn in turn. Only when the legend said again, and not let the other hear and see which group travels fast and accurate.4 guessing game.The Touch and guess. teachers can some of the items will be put into the bag, let the students wear cotton gloves, into the bag, touch and guess items.Look, and, guess. training -Are you... Ing? When,率先在小纸条上写好:看电视。





















Divide the class into teams
Briefingຫໍສະໝຸດ Game schedule
The teacher prepares the necessary materials and explains the rules of the game before hand
Adult games
Games with different themes
Animal Hide and See
Animal Charades
Animal themed games
One student volunteers to be the "animal" and leaves the room The rest of the class quickly assigns them to a specific "animal" group The "animal" returns and trials to see which group each student belongs to based on their clubs
Developing teamwork and communication skills: The game requires students to work together, communicate effectively, and make strategic decisions as a team
Game purpose
Each team has a captain who is responsible for making decisions and communicating with the teacher

适合所有年级甚至研究生的英语课上游戏ENGLISH GAME

适合所有年级甚至研究生的英语课上游戏ENGLISH GAME

5. You can only use your body language!
6.The group that guesses more animal names in 3 minutes win; if having the same number, group in less time win the game. 7. The losing group will receive a certain punishment.
Which group want to go first?
The losing group will choose a member to read a tongue twister quickly. If slowly,once again. All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tedy language!
1.Students will be divided into two groups, group 1 and group 2, each group has the same number of people. 2.Members in a group stand in a row. The last person turn round, then I will show him an animal card each time. 3.From the last person, member behind tell the member in front of him in body language, one by one, you can't look back until the member behind you ask you to turn round. 4.After the first person write his answer on the blackboard, a new loop will start.
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I. 抢椅子(get the chair)游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。

2. 照镜子(Look in the mirrow)游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。

3. 争分夺秒(urgent task)游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。

(也可传问题和句子)4. 无敌转转转(turn turn)游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。


5.. 点手掌(catch the finger)游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。

6.. 魔力手指(magic finger)游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。


8.. 过山车(get on the train)游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。

9.. 相反动作(opposite actions)游戏说明:(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。

10. 谁最快(who is the best?)游戏说明:(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。

II. .下命令(up and down)游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down.. 那么手拿banana 卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。

12.. 听名字(whose name?)游戏说明:老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,被喊到名字的学生马上起立说出该单词,老师在喊名字时同时手指另外一个孩子,如果被指到的孩子起立就会被扣分。

13.. 看手势(gesture)游戏说明:老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,同时手指另外一个孩子,被指到的孩子起立说出该单词,,如果被喊到名字的孩子起立就会被扣分。

14. 照镜子look at the mirror游戏说明:学生与老师做同样的动作并操练单词或句型。

15. 狼来了the wolf is coming游戏说明:学生围成一圈,当教师说出一个约定的单词时,学生向自己的座位跑去,慢的学生就会被教师抓住,为保证安全,人多时可分组进行。

16. 猜声音guess the sound游戏说明:教师请一名学生背对同学,另一名同学拍打前一名同学的小手并说出单词,回座后,请前一名同学猜出是哪一位同学,用于单词的操练或句型的练习。

17. 藏小手hide the hands游戏说明:教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生将小手藏在背后,动作慢的同学将被扣分。

18. 猜拳stone scissors and clothes游戏说明:教师与学生进行猜拳,边猜拳边说单词,最终有一名胜利者可以得分。

19. 传话whisper游戏说明:可用于分组游戏,两组同学传不同的句子,看哪组传的又快又好,可以进行奖励。

20. 老狼,老狼,几点了?Wolf wolf what ' s the time?游戏说明:可用于与数字或时间相关的知识操练,大家围成一圈一起问“wolf wolf what ' s the time? ”当说到约定的时间时所有同学跑向自己的座位或指定的安全区,被抓住的学生要进行扣分或表演节目的处罚。

21. 拍后背pad pad游戏说明:老师背对学生站立,学生一边说单词或者句子一边向前走,教师回过头时必须停下来,谁先拍到教师的后背并且没被教师抓到就算赢。

22. 魔力之手(magic hand)游戏说明:教师指学生个人或者小组回答。

23. 背靠背(back to back)游戏说明:教师给参加游戏的孩子在后背贴上单词或者图片,当孩子转过身来时,谁先说出对方的单词谁获胜。

24. 篮球比赛(play basketball)游戏说明:讲到basketball 时表演投篮。

25. 举重比赛(heavy and heavy )游戏说明:讲到heavy时表演举重,不断加大砝码。

26. 游泳比赛(swimming match)游戏说明:讲到swim时表演游泳接力赛。

27. 时间的学习(what time is it?)游戏说明:请12名幼儿分演12个钟点,胸前帖上数字卡片,围站成一圈。

游戏开始,大家一起说:“what' s the time? Wha f s the time?”老师突然指向一个小朋友,大家根据数字回答"It's One ......... "同时蹲下,只有被指到的小朋友站着28. 数字的学习(numbers)游戏说明:很多小图片,几张做遮盖用的纸导入数字:黑板上帖好几组小图片,数量分别是1到10,用纸遮盖好,有种神秘感。


可以用这些图片来练习“ How many.?”29. 救人(save)游戏说明:两组分别选出一个队员站到前面教师说单词,哪一组最先回答并且声音响亮该组队员就可以让在前面的学生往前走一步先到达目的地就是胜利者.30. 射击(shoot)游戏说明:这一游戏适于单词复习环节每人手中拿一个单词教师不定向指哪个学生谁有错误谁被淘汰31. 串项链(necklace )游戏说明:适于操练句子将句中单个名词串成项链最后戴到脖子上32. 淘汰赛(we are the same)游戏说明:根据教师说的数字相应反应数字的学生站起来,没做对就被淘汰下去。

33. 火眼金睛(eyes and ears)游戏说明:适合复习环节使用,即教师只摆口型,不出声音。


34. Who am I ?游戏说明:适用于操练句型you are…She /He is ….也可用于操练单词玩法:找一个同学到前面背对大家然后下面同学变音说句子单词,前面的同学猜是谁35. 贴膏药(relay race)游戏说明:分两组到前面站好然后最后一位同学说句子也可说单词说完之后跑到最前面后面接着说哪组最快又最准确的完成就算胜利36. 找宝藏(hide and seek)游戏说明:游戏之前先让学生把眼睛闭好然后把要找的单词藏起来让学生去找并连说三次37. 丢手帕(where is the handkerchief)游戏说明:让学生站一圈并蹲下老师围着学生转并一起说单词,句子老师把准备好的手帕轻轻放在学生后面一圈之后学生没发现就要说句子/单词然后回到座位上38. 传球(pass the ball)游戏说明:适于句子.单词学生边说边传球当老师说stop时球在谁手里谁就要快速站起来说三次39. X-RAY游戏说明:适合大班型。


40. 考考你的记忆力(good memory)游戏说明:学完的单词卡扣过来放在地上,让同学回忆放在地上的单词按顺序分别是哪些。

41. 考老师(guess and say)游戏说明找小朋友到前面,背对着同学拿单词卡,老师来猜,猜对了,同学一起读;猜错了,同学一起告诉老师。

42. 切西瓜(cut the watermelon)游戏说明找五至六名学生,手拉手站成一个圈(即西瓜)。




未参与游戏的同学在下面说单词加油,即可作整体操练又可作one by one 环节。

43. 接糖果(throw and catch)游戏说明老师做个大糖果(糖纸中包惩罚方法)。






44. 排雷(where is the bomb?)游戏说明:老师准备20左右个乒乓球,其中半数表明是炸弹。



45. 邮递员(postman)游戏说明:准备两套可拼成句子的单词卡,每组选派两名同学成为邮递员,老师把两套卡打乱。


46. 猜价格(how much is it?)游戏说明:找一名同学到前面来猜价格,老师给出一个数字,让其他学生在下面提示。

比如,lower与higher ,在限定的时间内看其能否猜出来,此游戏适合反义词操练以及比较级单词的操练。

47. 魔法棒(magic sticks)游戏说明:充分利用魔法棒进行个体操练,提高孩子学习的主动性48. 向左走向右走(Left right)游戏说明:教师踏步走,当踏左脚时男孩读单词;当踏右脚时女孩读单词49. 冰糖葫芦(one by one )游戏说明:适合单词操练,被老师的冰棍指到的同学要快速说出所学单词,同时指向其他任意一个同学,下一个被指到的同学也要继续传词。

此游戏可让家长参与,如果一名学生的家长的糖葫芦没穿上,则该生要完成特殊任务或该生小组扣分50. 心有灵犀(say and do)游戏说明:当学过两三个单词后,两个同学站前边,听到指令后,两人同时转一圈并同时说出一词,若说出同样的此就获胜,否则不得分。

51. 狼卡(wolves)游戏说明:画一张狼的图片,混在所学单词卡中,找两个或四个同学于前并排站立,看老师手中卡片读单词并向前走一步,当遇到狼卡时,同学后退,退的慢的被老师(狼)逮到,被淘汰,最后剩余为胜利者。

52. 小和尚挑水(carry water)游戏说明:两三个学生为一单位,老师叫到一学生名字时,与他相邻的两个人 (或一人)起立说词;句子时,相邻的人说问句,被点名字的人来回答。

53. 快速反应(answer quickly)游戏说明:老师规定句型,让学生来做相应替换,两人于前站立,听到老师指令后,开始说出句子,快且好的人得分。
