关于刷ECU 的看法!可以提升动力,省油!每辆车的发动机都像人一样,只要给予恰当的锻炼和适当的外界条件,它机体中的潜力就可以被发挥出来。
2、为何原车出厂不如此设计呢?电子控制单元简称ECU(Electrical Control Unit) 其生产厂商均为国际跨国企业,例如:BOSCH、SIE MENS、MM……生产产品均销售至全世界各国使用。
(1)发动机参数设置。在EngineAplication模块需要设置发 动机的齿数以及缺齿个数、上止点位置以及点火提前角位置。本
(燕山大学车辆与能源学院 066000)
摘要:在发动机的电子控制中,喷油控制策略的开发一般采用手写控制代码,难度系数大,开发周期长。本文采用MATLAB/Simulink开发工具,搭建发动机喷油控制 模型,通过RapaidECU开发平台,实现代码的快速生成,借助产品级ECU实现控制策略的快速验证。 关键词:Similink;喷油控制;快速原型 中图分类号:U464 文献标示码: A
作者简介: 齐田斌(1991—),男,硕士,主要研究方向为发动机电子控制。
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113 2018.01
研究中使用的Honda WH125-6发动机是单缸四冲程发动机,齿数
D2P快速原型开发系统技术协议华晨汽车工程研究院(以下简称甲方)向意昂神州(北京)科技有限公司(以下简称乙方)采购D2P快速原型开发系统,双方经过共同讨论,协商拟定如下技术协议:一、交付内容列表:二、系统说明:D2P快速原型开发系统及电控单元总线分析系统是一套基于MATLAB/Simulink和产品级ECU的控制系统开发软硬件平台,它主要包括建模软件D2P -- MotoHawk,标定刷写软件D2P – MotoTune & CANLab,编译软件GreenHills,产品级开发版ECU及相关附件。
1) D2P -- MotoHawk快速原型模型工具包D2P -- MotoHawk是一套基于产品级ECU的快速原型模型工具包,将底层相关软件、标定/监测变量接口、诊断管理接口等进行封装,形成底层软件应用模型库供工程师自由调用,使整个开发过程能够基于MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow图形化的语言平台。
D2P - MotoHawk应用模块库底层软件应用模型库包含ControlCore底层操作系统,I/O接口驱动软件模型库,故障诊断模型库,Memory Management目标硬件管理器,CAN底层接口模型库,CCP协议接口模块库等;支持C代码在S-Function, Embedded Code中集成调入及Stateflow;D2P -- MotoHawk支持最新MATLAB/Simulink版本,并提供相应升级报务;支持离线上位机仿真;可执行代码一键自动生成;通过D2P--MotoTune调试软件进行功能验证和调试;与标定部门专业标定软件(如ETAS INCA, ATI VISION等)无缝对接,节省成本;一套D2P -- MotoHawk软件支持所有应用平台开发或批量硬件,且不相互绑定,从而解决多项目或多任务同时开展的要求,大大节省时间和成本。
2) D2P – MotoTune & CANLab刷写、标定、总线分析工具D2P --MotoTune用于程序刷写与功能验证及参数调试,能实现变量监测、实时记录、曲线显示、在线调试,工程师可完成日常的调试工作;而且其界面直观友好,工程师可以很容易地通过CAN总线接口获得ECU中RAM和ROM主要参数:所有的标定参数和测试信号均可以工程单位显示能同时连接多个ECU单个ECU可以连接多个应用程序完善的在线帮助系统用户可自定义快捷键界面友好,操作容易、简单ATI CANLab是一款来自美国ATI公司的专业总线测试分析软件,该软件基于Windows .NET架构,提供多种形式的数据检测和分析界面,软件操作直观易用,使工程师可以将主要精力放在对总线数据的分析上面。
ControlBase — 基于全自动代码生成的ECU快速开发解决方案“使用ControlBase可以缩短50%开发周期,降低80%开发成本。
另外,通过集成的诊断功能集(Diagnostic Feature Set),CANape提供了对诊断数据和诊断服务的符号化访问。
功能CANape的基本功能包括:∙同步地实时采集和显示ECU内部信号(通过CCP/XCP),CAN、LIN、FlexRay总线信号以及来自外部测量设备的信号∙通过CCP/XCP进行在线标定和通过XCP进行实时激励(Stimulation)∙离线标定∙快速而安全地使用二进制文件和参数组刷写Flash(Flash编程)∙无缝集成KWP2000和UDS诊断函数∙强大的标定数据管理、参数组比较和合并功能∙在测量、离线分析或旁通(bypassing)过程中使用集成的MATLAB/Simulink模型进行计算∙ASAM MCD3 测量和标定自动化接口∙与ECU测量数据一起同步采集视频、音频、GPS和外部测量设备的环境数据∙使用集成的编程语言自动执行用户输入序列和处理测量值与信号特殊功能和选项∙监视CAN、FlexRay和LIN总线(1.3,2.0和Cooling Bus)∙通过CAN、FlexRay、LIN(1.3,2.0和Cooling Bus)、USB、以太网和串口进行测量和标定∙支持针对flash和诊断数据的ODX2.0标准∙受ODX-F文件控制的自动Flash编程过程∙无需键盘输入就可通过音频和视频记录对驾驶状况进行可靠且同步的评价∙使用独立的数据库工具eASEE.cdm可对标定数据进行可靠的、基于服务器的管理∙选用插件可扩充CANape的功能,使其能够显示GPS车辆位置、加入ASAM MCD3接口、观察OSEK操作系统以及在开发驾驶员辅助系统时通过目测法来主观评价目标识别算法使用多种测量、显示和标定窗口的配置实例应用领域CANape是进行ECU标定的综合工具。
快速原型(Bypass)功能基于 canape12.0; 在Matlab中安装CANape实时 对象,文档中以2011b版本为例, 下同; CANape实时对象包含在 CANape Matlab集成包中,安装时 需要进行选择; 继续下一步;
5)优化设置,勾选Inline parameters;
在搭建完bypass模型之后,对模型参数与信号进行获取: 1)运行模型测试脚本工具,如右所示; 2)按照2->3->7的顺序获得mpt数据文件; 3)加载模型mpt文件至Workspace中;
mpt文件的信号与参数设置窗口如下: StorageClass属性需改为“Ex数设置窗口
对搭建完成的bypass模型进行编译,可以通过Ctrl+B实现; 编译后生成的DLL文件在之前设定的文件夹(配置管理步骤3)中; 模型描述文件在<模型名称>_cnp_model文件夹中; 模型代码在<模型名称>_cnp_rtw文件夹中。
接口变量link设置 DLL被加载入CANape之后,出现右边的 界面,界面中Inputs/Outputs栏中的模型输 入输出尚未与ECU中的实际变量相关联; 点击单个接口变量,在弹出的手动link窗 口中选取ECU程序对应的变量; 依次完成所有接口变量的link设置,得到 如下所示的界面,表示link设置完成; 需要注意的是,测量模式下,模型输入 的采样率与输入信号是保持一致的,如link的 信号是8ms采样周期,则模型输入周期设为 ‘on <ECU name> 8ms’;模型输出周期 则设为‘on <modelname> calculated’。
ECU系统开发工具链ECU System Development Tool Chain
ECU系统开发工具链ECU System Development Tool Chainalen-eyre@ECU 开发V模型 ECU V Model1CRManager2Excel2DBC3CodeFormatter4A2L Compare9 LabelManager10 TimeLineCalc5 INCA Add-on6 AutoCalSystem7 DataAnalyzer8 DCM Compare工具链 Tool Chain编号No. 名称Name描述Description1 CRManager 基于数据库的需求管理Change requirement management based on database2 Excel2DBC CAN DBC生成Create CAN DBC from Excel3 CodeFormatter 自动代码格式化Standardize code format4 A2L Compare A2L模块和系统常数管理A2L function and system constant managment5 INCA Add-on INCA实验环境插件:INCAEnum、INCAMask、INCABitCalINCA Experiment Add-on:INCAEnum、INCAMask、INCABitCal 6 AutoCalSystem 自动测量标定系统Automatic calibration system编号No. 名称Name描述Description7 DataAnalzyer 数据分析:dat、asc等格式Analyze data, support dat\asc format8 DCM Compare 基于Excel的标定数据管理Calibration data management based on Excel9 LabelManager 基于数据库的标定数据管理Calibration data management based on database 10 TimeLineCalc 时间节点计算Time line calculate关键技术 Key Feature⏹常用工具的二次开发,如INCA、PUMA、CAMEO、CANalzyer。
频率量输入:8 路电压型 磁电式信号输入:2 路 喷油驱动:8 路 高端开关:4 路,2.9A (1) 高端开关:1 路,6.5A (1) 继 电 器 低 端 开 关 : 16 路 , 300mA/500mA (2) 低端开关:6 路,1.1A/0.55A (3)
高端开关:1 路,3.9A
(1) 给出值均为典型电流值
z ControlBase 硬件平台
系统 CPU 供电
MCU : MC9S12XEP100 , 主 频 MCU:MPC5554,主频 80MHz,
CAN:4 路,高速
CAN:3 路,高速
K-Line/LIN:2 路
传感器供电:4 路 5V 传感器供电电 传感器供电:4 路 5V 传感器供电
模拟量输入:0-5V 输入,12 位精度, 模拟量输入:0-5V 输入,12 位精
6 路无源传感器输入,7 路有源传感 度,13 路无源传感器输入,13 路
ControlBase 系列产品的特点在于其汽车级的最小系统、信号处理和功率驱动电路,以 及模块化的基础软件。
作为快速控制原型产品,ControlBase 系列产品通过了符合汽车级标准的环境试验,因 此可以作为产品级控制器来支持后续的台架、实车试验,以及小批量装车。
ETAS ECU开发快速原型介绍
DO NOT TYPE IN THIS FOOTER SECTION ON PAGE 1. TEXT WILL BE INSERTED INTO THIS AREA BY SAE STAFF UPON RECEIPT OF THE FINAL APPROVED MANUSCRIPT AT SAE INTERNATIONAL.09CV-0113EHOOKS – Prototyping is Rapid AgainVivek JaikamalETAS Inc.Nigel TraceyETAS Ltd.Copyright © 2009 SAE InternationalABSTRACTAutomotive controls engineers have traditionally used bypass rapid prototyping techniques to quickly try their new ideas before integrating them into the final embedded control unit (ECU) software. In order to make this possible, switches (or “hooks”) are required to be inserted in the ECU source code. The development disruption and costs associated with this can be extremely high. ETAS has developed a unique patent pending technology which solves this problem in a reliable way. This technology, to be productized under the name “EHOOKS”, allows the controls engineer to quickly add the necessary hooks in the base ECU software without any modifications to the source code. EHOOKS technology, therefore, enables “rapid” software prototyping and testing.INTRODUCTIONRapid controls prototyping is an integral part of the mainstream algorithm development process at most major car manufacturers (OEMs) and ECU suppliers (Tier 1s). For the end user (i.e., the algorithm developer) it means major gains in productivity. However, in order for it to be really effective, organizations have to create formal methods and allocate resources to maintain the several moving parts involved. In a lot of cases, companies find it extremely expensive to maintain and support the tools and processes required. As a consequence, algorithm engineers often find themselves unable to leverage the power of rapid prototyping and companies do not realize the return on the heavy investments made in tools and resources.In the following sections, we will first describe the technical challenges facing conventional bypass rapid prototyping and then present how the ETAS EHOOKS technology addresses those challenges. We will also explain in detail how the EHOOKS technology works and what makes it stand out as compared to other solutions on the market today. Finally, we will propose how EHOOKS may be used in other applications to help reduce development time and increase productivity.CONVENTIONAL RAPID PROTOTYPINGDEFINITION - Let’s first define bypass rapid prototyping in order to set the framework for the rest of this paper. Figure 1 shows a high level concept of bypass rapid prototyping. Here, an ECU native function (Throttle) is bypassed (or over-written) by calculations in an external model (e.g. in Simulink). As shown in this simple diagram, the external model first reads the inputs to the Throttle function, performs its own calculations and then overwrites the output of the Throttle function before it is routed to the ECU output ports. Conventional rapid prototyping requires several pieces to work in harmony. For example, the following components are needed (see Figure 2):1. ECU: The ECU hardware needs to be instrumentedwith the correct data interface (e.g. ETK from ETAS, or a CAN controller), and the base software needs to be configured to support those interfaces.2. Prototyping Hooks: The ECU function or variablethat will be bypassed needs to have a “hook”implemented that allows the software to switch between its internal value and that calculated by the bypass function. It also allows the user to control which value is used.Figure 1: Schematic of Bypass Rapid Prototyping3. External Processor: Usually the bypass function isexecuted on an external processor that is more powerful than the ECU’s microprocessor.4. The data interface: The data interface between theECU and the external processor is crucial for the real-time performance of the bypass system.5. Software Services: Support services in the ECUsoftware are needed to manage the efficient transport of data to/from the external processor.These services also monitor the health of the data link, and abort bypass if the link is broken.6. Trigger Mechanism: In order for the bypassfunction to run synchronously with the timer and event based tasks of the real-time operating system (RTOS) implemented in the ECU, a trigger mechanism needs to be in place. This allows the ECU microprocessor to be the master scheduler, and the external processor to be the slave.7. Configuration Tool: The PC application that allowsthe new control algorithms to be mapped to the bypass hooks in the ECU base software, compile and execute the algorithms in the external processor, and manage/control the experiment in real-time.Typically, an ECU tool vendor provides some of the pieces above, while the Tier 1 supplier or OEM provides the rest. There is an initial integration phase where the software services, hooks, interfaces and tools are tested to conform to the targeted development process. After this is done, the tools are made available for thealgorithm engineer to use.Figure 2: Typical System Components EXAMPLES OF HOOKS – The usefulness and application of hooks (or switches) is determined by their location relative to an ECU function of interest. For example, for rapid prototyping, a hook is typically placed after an internal ECU function calculation is complete (Figure 3). Thus the ECU calculated value is overwritten by a different value. Bypass rapid prototyping relies onhooks of this type to allow testing of new algorithms.Figure 3: A Rapid Prototyping HookIf the hook is placed at the input of the ECU function, however, it represents a different application (Figure 4). Test and validation engineers may use hooks of this type to test the robustness of the ECU function in the presence of input variability. Design engineers, on theother hand, find it useful to test new sensor designs withexisting ECU software.Figure 4: A Test and Validation HookHooks may also be placed to re-write any ECU variable located in RAM with a calibration parameter that may be adjusted during run-time (Figure 5). Such hooks are useful when you need to fix a certain ECU value in order to focus on behavior observed downstream or isolate problems one by one. Calibration and diagnosticengineers find such hooks to be especially useful.Figure 5: Calibration and Diagnostics HooksEHOOKS TECHNOLOGYIn the conventional framework described above, new control algorithms invariably require new software hooks to be placed in the base software. This task is arduous, expensive and causes significant development disruption – taking the rapid out of rapid prototyping! EHOOKS enables the end user to place all necessary hooks without the hassle of making changes to the base software. EHOOKS does this in the following way. PREPARATION PHASE – An essential element of EHOOKS technology is the Preparation Tool. This software tool allows the initial one-time preparation of the ECU base software (e.g., by the Tier 1 supplier). It also captures and stores the following information inside an encrypted block in the ASAM-MCD-2MC (or A2L) file:• Memory information – e.g. ROM and RAM for theaddition of user functions and bypass hooks.• Information regarding the ECU software architecture(e.g., the structure of global and local variables, update rate of key variables etc.)• ECU variables and functions that may be bypassedby the end user. Software suppliers can use this feature to protect certain areas of their software (e.g. key input/output and diagnostic functions) from being overwritten unintentionally by the end user. • ECU variables and functions that can be utilized bythe bypass functions (e.g., math libraries, internal sensor values etc.)• ECU RTOS tasks and function containers that maybe used to execute bypass models.In addition, this phase disables the ECU checksums (which might otherwise cause the ECU to shut down) and adds certain EHOOKS support functions and administrative calibrations/variables to the base software. Through this process, EHOOKS ensures that the subsequent hook installation phase results in a robust and reliable ECU image.HOOK INSTALLATION PHASE – The second tool (called the EHOOKS Hook Insertion Tool) exploits the information stored in the A2L file by the Preparation Tool and uses it to configure and install the bypass hooks into the base HEX file. It does this in several steps:• First, the user selects (from the A2L file) whichvariables in the base software will be bypassed, and with which type of hooks (e.g. constant, calibration, external, internal). EHOOKS also allows a copy of the original ECU value to be created for comparison purposes. Example dialogs are shown in Figures 6 and 7. Both replacement and offset modes of bypass are supported (Figure 8).Figure 6: Selection dialog for Installing Hooks• The Installation Tool then locates the writeinstructions to these variables in the base HEX file. As part of EHOOKS technology, ETAS hasdeveloped an instruction set simulator (ISS) that allows these write instructions to be correctly locatedeven in the presence of complex address calculations (Figure 9).•Once the writes are located, the Hook Insertion Tool patches those locations with jump instructions to reserved memory areas where special hook-code is inserted (Figure 9).•The hook control parameters are also added to the calibration memory of the ECU (e.g. the Enable parameter for each hook in Figure 8).•User provided code for bypass functions is compiled by EHOOKS, which then generates the necessary link script to ensure the code (and its data) are located within the ECU memory sections reserved for use by EHOOKS as described in the encrypted section of the A2L file.•During each build EHOOKS checks to ensure the available ECU resources reserved for EHOOKS use are sufficient for the specific configuration. If not, the build is halted with an error.•The A2L file is updated with all the necessary hook control parametersFigure 7: Selection of Hook PropertiesFigure 8: Bypass Modes supported by EHOOKSThe user can now rewrite the ECU memory with the new HEX file using standard flashing and/or debugging tools or calibration tools that support flashing (e.g. ETAS INCA software). The new A2L file may be used by standard calibration tools for accessing and controlling the operation of the hooks during run-time.Figure 9: The original and patched ECU imagesTYPES OF HOOKS – With EHOOKS, several types of hooks may be inserted in the original ECU software image, enabling several different use cases.1. Constant Value Hooks (Figure 10) are useful whenyou need to fix an ECU RAM variable to a constant value (e.g. to simulate a faulty sensor). Once fixed, the value cannot be changed during run-time. It has to be changed by the EHOOKS Installation Tool anda new software image has to be flashed to the ECU.Figure 10: A Constant Value Hook2. Calibration Hooks (Figure 11) are useful when youneed to control the value of an ECU RAM variable during run-time using a standard calibration tool (e.g., INCA from ETAS). The calibration parameter is automatically added to the A2L file by theEHOOKS Installation Tool.Figure 11: A Calibration Value Hook3. Internal Bypass Hooks (Figure 12) allow an ECURAM variable to be overwritten by an algorithm running directly on the ECU. This methodology, commonly known as on-target prototyping, is very useful when the ECU has spare resources (ROM,RAM, task-time) available to run new algorithms.Figure 12: Internal Bypass Hooks4. External Bypass Hooks (Figure 13) allow traditionalbypass rapid prototyping using an external processor. Bypass algorithms may be developed in model-based tools such as ASCET from ETAS or Simulink from The Mathworks, or directly in C-code. EHOOKS only configures the hooks in the ECU image to accept values written by an external target, independent of which external target or modeling language is actually used.EHOOKS, therefore, provides a completely scalable solution for a wide variety of applications – starting from simple calibration use cases (that require minimum additional ECU resources) to on-target and externalrapid prototyping.Figure 13: External Bypass HooksThe technology leverages proprietary ECU internal information encrypted and stored in the A2L file by the Tier 1 supplier. This allows EHOOKS to not only reliably detect all write instances of a RAM variable, but also institute run-time safety detection mechanisms that alert the user to potential data inconsistencies during run-time. In addition, the hook code inserted by EHOOKS includes the code from the original ECU software such that, if the hook is disabled, the original ECU software functionality is restored.ADVANCED APPLICATIONSIn addition to the use cases described above, EHOOKS technology may be applied to solve a myriad of advanced problems related to software development and validation. Some of these are described below.1. Disabling an ECU process: The order of executionof processes inside an ECU task is pre-defined andnormally cannot be altered by the user.Figure 14: Disabling an ECU processThe encrypted A2L block created by the EHOOKS Preparation Tool allows the Tier 1 supplier to securely provide the process list to the EHOOKS Installation Tool, which then allows the user to select and control the execution of specific processes (Figure 14). This feature is useful, for example, when:•An entire ECU function has to be bypassed. By disabling the whole process, significant CPU resources can be freed-up for a new algorithm, or• An errant ECU process is preventingdownstream processes from functioning properly, or is paralyzing the ECU.2. Scheduling of on-target algorithms: EHOOKSprovides the flexibility to leverage existing ECU resources in the best way possible. One way to do this is to allow user code for on-target algorithms to run within a dedicated process created solely for that purpose. These processes are known as “bypass containers” (Figure 15). The actual software hook may reside in a different (e.g. faster) process, but due to bandwidth limitations it may be not be possible to execute the new algorithm in the same task. In many cases, it is still be acceptable to run the new algorithm in a slower task in order to check its validity. The EHOOKS Hook Insertion Tool (optionally) allows the user to pick the bypass container from an available list of processes, andassign the algorithm to it.Figure 15: Bypass Container Process3. Function in the Loop (FiL): In a traditional hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) setup (Figure 16), the ECU is connected via an electrical harness to a HiL system that runs a vehicle system model in real-time and generates the necessary sensor signals (e.g., crank, cam, wheel speeds). The sensor signals are identical to those available on a real vehicle and are passed to the ECU via the electrical harness. In return, the actuator signals computed by the ECU software are sent back over the harness to the HiL system, where electrical or simulated loads are used to emulate the conditions found on the vehicle. This process requires extensive signal conditioning on the HiL system in order to convert physical values (e.g. temp in deg F, speed in m/s) to electrical values (e.g. voltage) and vice-versa.Figure 16: A conventional HiL system setupFigure 17: A Function-in-the-Loop SystemAlthough HiL systems come close to simulating the environment of an ECU, there are significant costs involved in building the signal conditioning hardware necessary for proper operation. In the recent past, the FiL methodology has emerged as a way to overcome these challenges of HiL and reap some of the same benefits. With FiL (Figure 17), the expensive signal conditioning and load hardware is avoided. The plant model running on a real-time PC(e.g. the ETAS LABCAR-RTPC) generates sensorsignals that are copied directly to the ECU memory.Similarly, the actuator commands are read directly from the ECU memory and connected to back to the plant model. This direct exchange of software signals is made possible via a memory emulator probe (e.g. the ETAS ETK device) mounted on the ECU. Since the electrical interfaces of the ECU are idle, it is necessary to disable diagnostic functions in the ECU software for FiL to work.EHOOKS technology is used to install the necessary software hooks for FiL – e.g., to overwrite an ECU memory location that is normally used to store a sensor value calculated by the ECU.CASE STUDIESAt the time of writing, ETAS is in the final stages of releasing the EHOOKS product to the market. However, the technology has already been proven and refined through select lead customer projects over the last eighteen months. Some key examples of customer projects are presented below.•In Asia, a major OEM is using EHOOKS for accelerating the development of new ECU functions via traditional rapid prototyping. They are now able to avoid the cost (typically €10k - €30k) of each new software change request for new hooks charged by their Tier 1 supplier. They are also able to reduce the number of ECU software releases required before start of production by about 50%.•In Europe, a major OEM is reporting that by using EHOOKS they are able to create a new software version in about 5 minutes, when it previously took them anywhere from one to eight weeks.•In Europe, another major OEM’s Tier1 supplier is unable to manually add hooks to the software because they don’t have access to certain sections of the code. In this situation, the only option for the OEM is to use EHOOKS to add the necessary bypass hooks.• A FiL system developed by ETAS jointly with a leading European Tier 1 supplier is in use for software development, system integration and testing. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have presented a new patent-pending technology from ETAS that inserts software hooks and code into an existing ECU software image without the need for the source code. This technology allows the software vendor (Tier 1) to securely share proprietary ECU architecture and implementation details (necessaryto make EHOOKS flexible and robust), without exposing their core intellectual property to the OEMs. Using this technology, controls engineers can once again “rapidly” develop and test new strategies either directly on the ECU (if there is enough memory and processor bandwidth available) or on an external rapid prototyping system (such as the ETAS ES910) without incurring the cost and delays associated with traditional software hooks.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe wish to acknowledge the tireless efforts and innovative spirit of the entire EHOOKS development and product management team at ETAS. In addition, thanks go to several lead customers who provided invaluable input and feedback to help ETAS refine the technology.REFERENCES1. Gebhard, M.; Lauff, U.; Schnellbacher, K.: Operationam offenen Herzen – Entwicklung und Test von Steuergerätefunktionen mit der Bypass-Methode, Elektronik Automotive 2008, Issue 6, Pg. 34-39.2. Dubitzky, W.; Eismann, W; Schinagl, J.:Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Bypass-Methode für Entwicklung und Test von Steuergerätefunktionen,Electronik Automotive 2008, Issue 8, Pg. 52-56.3. Triess, B.; Müller, C; Lauff, U.; Mößner C.:Entwicklung und Applikation von Motor- und Getriebesteuerungen mit der ETK-Steuergeräteschnittstelle. ATZ AutomobiltechnischeZeitschrift 109 (2007), Issue 1, Pg. 32-39.4. INCA, ASCET, LABCAR-RTPC, ETK and otherETAS products: 5. ASAM-MCD-2MC, CONTACTVivek Jaikamal is a Marketing Manager for software engineering tools at ETAS, Inc. in Ann Arbor, MI. He can be reached via email at vivek.jaikamal@ Nigel J. Tracey is a Product Manager for ETAS embedded software tools based out of York, UK. He may be reached via email at nigel.tracey@。
其次,ETAS ECU开发快速原型解决方案支持使用模型开发环境来设计和验证ECU功能。
开发人员可以使用MATLAB / Simulink等流行的建模和仿真工具,创建ECU功能模型并将其部署到ETAS计算平台上进行测试和验证。
ControlBase — 基于全自动代码生成的ECU快速开发解决方案“使用ControlBase可以缩短50%开发周期,降低80%开发成本。
双击模块,弹出如下参数设置窗口,同样可以对输 入信号进行设置,其中Symbolic name可以填写具 体数字或者变量名,变量名即传递到CANape中的 变量名,需保证CANape中有对应的变量。
安装完成后,打开Matlab Simulink; 在左侧目录中新增了bypass相关的条目,表示相关的功能模块安装成功。
5)优化设置,勾选Inline parameters;
在搭建完bypass模型之后,对模型参数与信号进行获取: 1)运行模型测试脚本工具,如右所示; 2)按照2->3->7的顺序获得mpt数据文件; 3)加载模型mpt文件至Workspace中;
Device设置 点击配置界面的Create device;
Device设置 选择编译的a2l文件及其路径; 点击下一步;
Device设置 在MAP文件设置界面,选择MAP file(s) predetermined; 点击new;
MotoTron ECU快速开发平台MotoTron ECU R&D Platform控制代码通过CAN进行刷写,高速、可靠所有的ROM 和RAM 参量均可以工程单位显示能同时连接多个ECU ,单个ECU 可以连接多个应用程序完善的在线帮助系统,用户可自定义快捷键界面友好,操作简便易用主要特性:MotoTune -ECU 调试工具通过使用MotoHawk 完成控制算法的规格定义和功能设计之后,使用MotoTune 用户可将软件策略针对相应硬件ECU 自动生成可执行性代码,并通过专业的调试工具,将其刷写到ECU 中,并能够进行一些底层的调试。
MotoTune 标定工具能够实现各种典型的调试功能,而且其界面直观友好,用户可以很容易地获得ECU 中RAM 和ROM 内的每个相关参数,并对其进行分析、调节或修改。
DEV ECU-MotoTron 开发ECU根据不同的应用范围,MotoTron 可以提供24针、48针、80针、112针和128针不同的ECU 硬件选择,微处理器包括:16位HCS12, 32位MPC5XX 和MPC55XX 。
对于用户已有的以其它处理器为核心的ECU ,MotoTron 也可以提供控制策略移植的支持服务。
MotoTron 开发平台硬件均是由Continental 公司生产并且可以批量供应的产品级ECU ,因此将快速原型开发阶段和产品化阶段可以无缝地结合起来。
这些产品级的MotoTron 开发平台硬件具有耐久性和完全密封性的特点,能够在一些极限的工作环境条件下正常工作。
同时,对于需要采购大量原型开发系统硬件进行批量路试或者台架试验的客户来讲,MotoTron 具有非常大的价格优势,目前世界上已有超过100万套的MotoTron 硬件ECU-555-8080 pins-MPC555ECU-5554-112112 pins-MPC5554ECU-565-128128 pins-MPC565PIM-5554-60New Product概念设计SCR 硬件评估和供应集成和设计工作传感器定义以及ECU 匹配新的ECU 功能开发发动机标定SCR 优化变速箱控制系统快速开发平台基于MotoTron 的变速箱控制系统开发平台是一套理想的开发AMT, CVT, DCT 等控制系统的解决方案。
ETAS ECU开发快速原型介绍
DO NOT TYPE IN THIS FOOTER SECTION ON PAGE 1. TEXT WILL BE INSERTED INTO THIS AREA BY SAE STAFF UPON RECEIPT OF THE FINAL APPROVED MANUSCRIPT AT SAE INTERNATIONAL.09CV-0113EHOOKS – Prototyping is Rapid AgainVivek JaikamalETAS Inc.Nigel TraceyETAS Ltd.Copyright © 2009 SAE InternationalABSTRACTAutomotive controls engineers have traditionally used bypass rapid prototyping techniques to quickly try their new ideas before integrating them into the final embedded control unit (ECU) software. In order to make this possible, switches (or “hooks”) are required to be inserted in the ECU source code. The development disruption and costs associated with this can be extremely high. ETAS has developed a unique patent pending technology which solves this problem in a reliable way. This technology, to be productized under the name “EHOOKS”, allows the controls engineer to quickly add the necessary hooks in the base ECU software without any modifications to the source code. EHOOKS technology, therefore, enables “rapid” software prototyping and testing.INTRODUCTIONRapid controls prototyping is an integral part of the mainstream algorithm development process at most major car manufacturers (OEMs) and ECU suppliers (Tier 1s). For the end user (i.e., the algorithm developer) it means major gains in productivity. However, in order for it to be really effective, organizations have to create formal methods and allocate resources to maintain the several moving parts involved. In a lot of cases, companies find it extremely expensive to maintain and support the tools and processes required. As a consequence, algorithm engineers often find themselves unable to leverage the power of rapid prototyping and companies do not realize the return on the heavy investments made in tools and resources.In the following sections, we will first describe the technical challenges facing conventional bypass rapid prototyping and then present how the ETAS EHOOKS technology addresses those challenges. We will also explain in detail how the EHOOKS technology works and what makes it stand out as compared to other solutions on the market today. Finally, we will propose how EHOOKS may be used in other applications to help reduce development time and increase productivity.CONVENTIONAL RAPID PROTOTYPINGDEFINITION - Let’s first define bypass rapid prototyping in order to set the framework for the rest of this paper. Figure 1 shows a high level concept of bypass rapid prototyping. Here, an ECU native function (Throttle) is bypassed (or over-written) by calculations in an external model (e.g. in Simulink). As shown in this simple diagram, the external model first reads the inputs to the Throttle function, performs its own calculations and then overwrites the output of the Throttle function before it is routed to the ECU output ports. Conventional rapid prototyping requires several pieces to work in harmony. For example, the following components are needed (see Figure 2):1. ECU: The ECU hardware needs to be instrumentedwith the correct data interface (e.g. ETK from ETAS, or a CAN controller), and the base software needs to be configured to support those interfaces.2. Prototyping Hooks: The ECU function or variablethat will be bypassed needs to have a “hook”implemented that allows the software to switch between its internal value and that calculated by the bypass function. It also allows the user to control which value is used.Figure 1: Schematic of Bypass Rapid Prototyping3. External Processor: Usually the bypass function isexecuted on an external processor that is more powerful than the ECU’s microprocessor.4. The data interface: The data interface between theECU and the external processor is crucial for the real-time performance of the bypass system.5. Software Services: Support services in the ECUsoftware are needed to manage the efficient transport of data to/from the external processor.These services also monitor the health of the data link, and abort bypass if the link is broken.6. Trigger Mechanism: In order for the bypassfunction to run synchronously with the timer and event based tasks of the real-time operating system (RTOS) implemented in the ECU, a trigger mechanism needs to be in place. This allows the ECU microprocessor to be the master scheduler, and the external processor to be the slave.7. Configuration Tool: The PC application that allowsthe new control algorithms to be mapped to the bypass hooks in the ECU base software, compile and execute the algorithms in the external processor, and manage/control the experiment in real-time.Typically, an ECU tool vendor provides some of the pieces above, while the Tier 1 supplier or OEM provides the rest. There is an initial integration phase where the software services, hooks, interfaces and tools are tested to conform to the targeted development process. After this is done, the tools are made available for thealgorithm engineer to use.Figure 2: Typical System Components EXAMPLES OF HOOKS – The usefulness and application of hooks (or switches) is determined by their location relative to an ECU function of interest. For example, for rapid prototyping, a hook is typically placed after an internal ECU function calculation is complete (Figure 3). Thus the ECU calculated value is overwritten by a different value. Bypass rapid prototyping relies onhooks of this type to allow testing of new algorithms.Figure 3: A Rapid Prototyping HookIf the hook is placed at the input of the ECU function, however, it represents a different application (Figure 4). Test and validation engineers may use hooks of this type to test the robustness of the ECU function in the presence of input variability. Design engineers, on theother hand, find it useful to test new sensor designs withexisting ECU software.Figure 4: A Test and Validation HookHooks may also be placed to re-write any ECU variable located in RAM with a calibration parameter that may be adjusted during run-time (Figure 5). Such hooks are useful when you need to fix a certain ECU value in order to focus on behavior observed downstream or isolate problems one by one. Calibration and diagnosticengineers find such hooks to be especially useful.Figure 5: Calibration and Diagnostics HooksEHOOKS TECHNOLOGYIn the conventional framework described above, new control algorithms invariably require new software hooks to be placed in the base software. This task is arduous, expensive and causes significant development disruption – taking the rapid out of rapid prototyping! EHOOKS enables the end user to place all necessary hooks without the hassle of making changes to the base software. EHOOKS does this in the following way. PREPARATION PHASE – An essential element of EHOOKS technology is the Preparation Tool. This software tool allows the initial one-time preparation of the ECU base software (e.g., by the Tier 1 supplier). It also captures and stores the following information inside an encrypted block in the ASAM-MCD-2MC (or A2L) file:• Memory information – e.g. ROM and RAM for theaddition of user functions and bypass hooks.• Information regarding the ECU software architecture(e.g., the structure of global and local variables, update rate of key variables etc.)• ECU variables and functions that may be bypassedby the end user. Software suppliers can use this feature to protect certain areas of their software (e.g. key input/output and diagnostic functions) from being overwritten unintentionally by the end user. • ECU variables and functions that can be utilized bythe bypass functions (e.g., math libraries, internal sensor values etc.)• ECU RTOS tasks and function containers that maybe used to execute bypass models.In addition, this phase disables the ECU checksums (which might otherwise cause the ECU to shut down) and adds certain EHOOKS support functions and administrative calibrations/variables to the base software. Through this process, EHOOKS ensures that the subsequent hook installation phase results in a robust and reliable ECU image.HOOK INSTALLATION PHASE – The second tool (called the EHOOKS Hook Insertion Tool) exploits the information stored in the A2L file by the Preparation Tool and uses it to configure and install the bypass hooks into the base HEX file. It does this in several steps:• First, the user selects (from the A2L file) whichvariables in the base software will be bypassed, and with which type of hooks (e.g. constant, calibration, external, internal). EHOOKS also allows a copy of the original ECU value to be created for comparison purposes. Example dialogs are shown in Figures 6 and 7. Both replacement and offset modes of bypass are supported (Figure 8).Figure 6: Selection dialog for Installing Hooks• The Installation Tool then locates the writeinstructions to these variables in the base HEX file. As part of EHOOKS technology, ETAS hasdeveloped an instruction set simulator (ISS) that allows these write instructions to be correctly locatedeven in the presence of complex address calculations (Figure 9).•Once the writes are located, the Hook Insertion Tool patches those locations with jump instructions to reserved memory areas where special hook-code is inserted (Figure 9).•The hook control parameters are also added to the calibration memory of the ECU (e.g. the Enable parameter for each hook in Figure 8).•User provided code for bypass functions is compiled by EHOOKS, which then generates the necessary link script to ensure the code (and its data) are located within the ECU memory sections reserved for use by EHOOKS as described in the encrypted section of the A2L file.•During each build EHOOKS checks to ensure the available ECU resources reserved for EHOOKS use are sufficient for the specific configuration. If not, the build is halted with an error.•The A2L file is updated with all the necessary hook control parametersFigure 7: Selection of Hook PropertiesFigure 8: Bypass Modes supported by EHOOKSThe user can now rewrite the ECU memory with the new HEX file using standard flashing and/or debugging tools or calibration tools that support flashing (e.g. ETAS INCA software). The new A2L file may be used by standard calibration tools for accessing and controlling the operation of the hooks during run-time.Figure 9: The original and patched ECU imagesTYPES OF HOOKS – With EHOOKS, several types of hooks may be inserted in the original ECU software image, enabling several different use cases.1. Constant Value Hooks (Figure 10) are useful whenyou need to fix an ECU RAM variable to a constant value (e.g. to simulate a faulty sensor). Once fixed, the value cannot be changed during run-time. It has to be changed by the EHOOKS Installation Tool anda new software image has to be flashed to the ECU.Figure 10: A Constant Value Hook2. Calibration Hooks (Figure 11) are useful when youneed to control the value of an ECU RAM variable during run-time using a standard calibration tool (e.g., INCA from ETAS). The calibration parameter is automatically added to the A2L file by theEHOOKS Installation Tool.Figure 11: A Calibration Value Hook3. Internal Bypass Hooks (Figure 12) allow an ECURAM variable to be overwritten by an algorithm running directly on the ECU. This methodology, commonly known as on-target prototyping, is very useful when the ECU has spare resources (ROM,RAM, task-time) available to run new algorithms.Figure 12: Internal Bypass Hooks4. External Bypass Hooks (Figure 13) allow traditionalbypass rapid prototyping using an external processor. Bypass algorithms may be developed in model-based tools such as ASCET from ETAS or Simulink from The Mathworks, or directly in C-code. EHOOKS only configures the hooks in the ECU image to accept values written by an external target, independent of which external target or modeling language is actually used.EHOOKS, therefore, provides a completely scalable solution for a wide variety of applications – starting from simple calibration use cases (that require minimum additional ECU resources) to on-target and externalrapid prototyping.Figure 13: External Bypass HooksThe technology leverages proprietary ECU internal information encrypted and stored in the A2L file by the Tier 1 supplier. This allows EHOOKS to not only reliably detect all write instances of a RAM variable, but also institute run-time safety detection mechanisms that alert the user to potential data inconsistencies during run-time. In addition, the hook code inserted by EHOOKS includes the code from the original ECU software such that, if the hook is disabled, the original ECU software functionality is restored.ADVANCED APPLICATIONSIn addition to the use cases described above, EHOOKS technology may be applied to solve a myriad of advanced problems related to software development and validation. Some of these are described below.1. Disabling an ECU process: The order of executionof processes inside an ECU task is pre-defined andnormally cannot be altered by the user.Figure 14: Disabling an ECU processThe encrypted A2L block created by the EHOOKS Preparation Tool allows the Tier 1 supplier to securely provide the process list to the EHOOKS Installation Tool, which then allows the user to select and control the execution of specific processes (Figure 14). This feature is useful, for example, when:•An entire ECU function has to be bypassed. By disabling the whole process, significant CPU resources can be freed-up for a new algorithm, or• An errant ECU process is preventingdownstream processes from functioning properly, or is paralyzing the ECU.2. Scheduling of on-target algorithms: EHOOKSprovides the flexibility to leverage existing ECU resources in the best way possible. One way to do this is to allow user code for on-target algorithms to run within a dedicated process created solely for that purpose. These processes are known as “bypass containers” (Figure 15). The actual software hook may reside in a different (e.g. faster) process, but due to bandwidth limitations it may be not be possible to execute the new algorithm in the same task. In many cases, it is still be acceptable to run the new algorithm in a slower task in order to check its validity. The EHOOKS Hook Insertion Tool (optionally) allows the user to pick the bypass container from an available list of processes, andassign the algorithm to it.Figure 15: Bypass Container Process3. Function in the Loop (FiL): In a traditional hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) setup (Figure 16), the ECU is connected via an electrical harness to a HiL system that runs a vehicle system model in real-time and generates the necessary sensor signals (e.g., crank, cam, wheel speeds). The sensor signals are identical to those available on a real vehicle and are passed to the ECU via the electrical harness. In return, the actuator signals computed by the ECU software are sent back over the harness to the HiL system, where electrical or simulated loads are used to emulate the conditions found on the vehicle. This process requires extensive signal conditioning on the HiL system in order to convert physical values (e.g. temp in deg F, speed in m/s) to electrical values (e.g. voltage) and vice-versa.Figure 16: A conventional HiL system setupFigure 17: A Function-in-the-Loop SystemAlthough HiL systems come close to simulating the environment of an ECU, there are significant costs involved in building the signal conditioning hardware necessary for proper operation. In the recent past, the FiL methodology has emerged as a way to overcome these challenges of HiL and reap some of the same benefits. With FiL (Figure 17), the expensive signal conditioning and load hardware is avoided. The plant model running on a real-time PC(e.g. the ETAS LABCAR-RTPC) generates sensorsignals that are copied directly to the ECU memory.Similarly, the actuator commands are read directly from the ECU memory and connected to back to the plant model. This direct exchange of software signals is made possible via a memory emulator probe (e.g. the ETAS ETK device) mounted on the ECU. Since the electrical interfaces of the ECU are idle, it is necessary to disable diagnostic functions in the ECU software for FiL to work.EHOOKS technology is used to install the necessary software hooks for FiL – e.g., to overwrite an ECU memory location that is normally used to store a sensor value calculated by the ECU.CASE STUDIESAt the time of writing, ETAS is in the final stages of releasing the EHOOKS product to the market. However, the technology has already been proven and refined through select lead customer projects over the last eighteen months. Some key examples of customer projects are presented below.•In Asia, a major OEM is using EHOOKS for accelerating the development of new ECU functions via traditional rapid prototyping. They are now able to avoid the cost (typically €10k - €30k) of each new software change request for new hooks charged by their Tier 1 supplier. They are also able to reduce the number of ECU software releases required before start of production by about 50%.•In Europe, a major OEM is reporting that by using EHOOKS they are able to create a new software version in about 5 minutes, when it previously took them anywhere from one to eight weeks.•In Europe, another major OEM’s Tier1 supplier is unable to manually add hooks to the software because they don’t have access to certain sections of the code. In this situation, the only option for the OEM is to use EHOOKS to add the necessary bypass hooks.• A FiL system developed by ETAS jointly with a leading European Tier 1 supplier is in use for software development, system integration and testing. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have presented a new patent-pending technology from ETAS that inserts software hooks and code into an existing ECU software image without the need for the source code. This technology allows the software vendor (Tier 1) to securely share proprietary ECU architecture and implementation details (necessaryto make EHOOKS flexible and robust), without exposing their core intellectual property to the OEMs. Using this technology, controls engineers can once again “rapidly” develop and test new strategies either directly on the ECU (if there is enough memory and processor bandwidth available) or on an external rapid prototyping system (such as the ETAS ES910) without incurring the cost and delays associated with traditional software hooks.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe wish to acknowledge the tireless efforts and innovative spirit of the entire EHOOKS development and product management team at ETAS. In addition, thanks go to several lead customers who provided invaluable input and feedback to help ETAS refine the technology.REFERENCES1. Gebhard, M.; Lauff, U.; Schnellbacher, K.: Operationam offenen Herzen – Entwicklung und Test von Steuergerätefunktionen mit der Bypass-Methode, Elektronik Automotive 2008, Issue 6, Pg. 34-39.2. Dubitzky, W.; Eismann, W; Schinagl, J.:Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Bypass-Methode für Entwicklung und Test von Steuergerätefunktionen,Electronik Automotive 2008, Issue 8, Pg. 52-56.3. Triess, B.; Müller, C; Lauff, U.; Mößner C.:Entwicklung und Applikation von Motor- und Getriebesteuerungen mit der ETK-Steuergeräteschnittstelle. ATZ AutomobiltechnischeZeitschrift 109 (2007), Issue 1, Pg. 32-39.4. INCA, ASCET, LABCAR-RTPC, ETK and otherETAS products: 5. ASAM-MCD-2MC, CONTACTVivek Jaikamal is a Marketing Manager for software engineering tools at ETAS, Inc. in Ann Arbor, MI. He can be reached via email at vivek.jaikamal@ Nigel J. Tracey is a Product Manager for ETAS embedded software tools based out of York, UK. He may be reached via email at nigel.tracey@。
发动机ECU快速原型开发及硬件在环测试一体化解决方案版本:V1.0日期:2011.12.10目录目录 (2)1.概述 (3)2.RCP-快速控制原型 (4)2.1.D2P 128pin快速原型开发平台主要接口资源 (4)2.2.D2P 128pin快速原型开发平台介绍 (4)3.HiL实时仿真测试系统 (8)4.快速原型开发&HiL实时仿真测试系统 (9)4.1.系统架构 (9)4.2.系统功能介绍 (10)4.3.系统信号连接说明 (11)2 / 111. 概述在发动机控制器(ECU)设计开发及标定测试阶段,对工程技术人员而言,所面临的无非是两种应用问题:一是在开发的初期阶段,快速地建立控制对象及控制器模型,并对整个控制系统进行多次的、离线的及在线的试验来验证控制系统软、硬件方案的可行性。
本方案基于意昂科技D2P 128pin快速原型开发平台和dSPACE快速控制原型MicroAutoBox,搭建一套发动机ECU快速原型开发平台和HiL实时仿真测试系统。
3 / 112. RCP-快速控制原型要实现快速控制原型,必须有集成了良好易用的建模、设计、离线仿真、实时开发及测试的工具。
意昂科技D2P 128pin快速原型开发平台允许反复修改模型设计,进行离线及实时仿真。
关键词:电控系统;快速原型开发中图分类号:U464 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988 (2017)17-11-05Rapid prototyping of engine ECU based on FlexECU platformHu Junyong, Yu Weifei, Du Chenglei, Li jie(Anhui Jianghuai Automobile group Co., Ltd, Anhui Hefei 230601)Abstract: This paper introduces the composition and characteristics of FlexECU rapid prototyping platform, and completes the system modeling and code in the Matlab / Simulink simulation environment with graphic language and architecture based on software architecture. Generation, ECU brush write, calibration work, to achieve the target engine's main control performance.Keywords: Electronic control system; Rapid prototypingCLC NO.: U464 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988 (2017)17-11-05概述进入21世纪,我国汽车工业在产销规模、产品开发、市场开拓、对外开放、结构调整等方面取得了相当大的成就。
电动汽车整车控制器快速原型开发发表时间:2020-07-30T16:35:41.163Z 来源:《工程管理前沿》2020年第11期作者:韩磊[导读] 整车控制器是电动汽车运行的核心单元,基于此,本文探讨了电动汽车整车控制器快速原型开发。
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3. 快速原型开发工具的选择
针对不同行业及不同被控对象,快速原型可以分为通用原型及产品原型。汽 车电控系统由于应用环境恶劣,可靠性要求高,一般的通用原型难以满足汽车电 控系统快速原型的要求,必须使用与最终产品控制器性能更接近的产品原型。另 外,由于通用原型自动生成的代码无法移植到产品阶段,使用通用原型的实际意 义较小。为提高开发效率,需要保证产品阶段能够复用快速原型阶段自动生成的 代码,必须使用产品原型。 在产品阶段, 用户自主开发量产控制器, 为了缩短开发周期, 降低开发成本, 需要尽可能地复用快速原型阶段所形成的软件源代码, 这就对快速原型工具提出 了以下 3 点要求: 1) 为支持用户自主开发的控制器硬件,自动代码生成工具需要提供芯片级模块 库; 2) 为了能够对控制器软件持续改进,用户需要获取内容开放、架构清晰的软件 源代码; 3) 为了获取更大的成本与技术优势,需要支持新一代的主流微控制器芯片。
否 产品级原型?
是 提供芯片级 模块库? 是 否 源代码开放? 否
是 支持新一代 主流芯片? 是 选择
4. RapidECU 控制器快速开发解决方案
RapidECU 提供了多款产品级控制器硬件平台,适用于各类电控系统的开 发,硬件设计符合汽车级标准,良好的环境适应性和可靠性;用户基于模型开发 控制器软件,一键式全自动代码生成,无需手工编程与手工代码集成,用户可获 得内容开放、架构清晰的基础软件与应用软件源代码,可直接复用于产品阶段; 自动代码生成工具提供了芯片级模块库,支持用户自主开发的控制器硬件,并支 持新一代的主流微控制器芯片。 使用 RapidECU,一套工具同时支持原型和产品开发,克服了产品开发另起 炉灶的高成本问题和技术壁垒,能够帮助客户快速形成电控开发的能力,显著提 高开发效率并大幅降低成本。
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ECU 快速原型开发工具的选择
1. 控制器快速原型概述
控制器快速原型的基本原理是用快速原型控制器硬件替代产品控制器硬件, 通过自动代码生成技术将建模与仿真阶段所形成的控制算法模型下载到快速原 型控制器硬件中,并连接实际被控对象,进行控制算法的实物验证。 控制器快速原型可以在没有控制器硬件的情况下,提前进行控制算法的开发 与验证,尤其适合于新产品、新型号的开发研究,快速原型的试验结果还可以为 硬件设计提供参考。因此,控制器快速原型在进行软件快速验证的同时,也降低 了硬件返工几率,从而缩短开发周期,降低开发成本,提高控制器设计质量。
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2. 快速原型开发工具的一般要求
为达到快速验证控制器软件并为控制器量产打下良好基础的目的, 用户所选 择的快速原型开发工具需要满足以下要求: z z z z z 硬件具有一定的通用性,适合常用汽车电控系统的快速原型,适合实验室、 台架、装车等各个阶段; 硬件符合汽车级标准,具有良好的环境适应性与可靠性; 基于模型开发,一键式全自动代码生成,无需手工编程与手工代码集成; 实用友好的上位机试验管理软件,全图形化操作,实用高效,使用简单; 一套工具同时支持原型和产品开发,能为控制器量产打下良好软硬件基础。