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In western countries, people‘s thinking mode characterized by Aristotle’s logical and analytical thinking;(亚里士多德的逻辑和分 析思维为特征)
In China, people‘s thinking mode characterized by dialectical thinking and organism thinking(辩证和整体思维为主要 特征)。
追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。 2020年 11月7 日星期 六下午 10时4 9分36 秒22:4 9:362 0.11.7
Baidu Nhomakorabea
专业精神和专业素养,进一步提升离 退休工 作的质 量和水 平。20 20年1 1月下 午10时 49分20 .11.72 2:49N ovember 7, 2020
加强做责任心,责任到人,责任到位 才是长 久的发 展。20. 11.72 0.11.7 Saturd ay, November 07, 2020
人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。 22:49: 3622:4 9:362 2:4911 /7/20 20 10:49:36 PM
安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20. 11.72 2:49:3 622:4 9Nov-207-N ov-20
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Westerners:Little groups Chinese:Large groups
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Queue up(排队)
Westerns:order Chinese:disorder
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Leader position(领导地位)
4. From the view of traditional culture:
Chinese culture was dominated by Selected Readings of Confucian and other Ancient Chinese Classics.(儒家为主、兼有诸子百家)
人生不是自发的自我发展,而是一长 串机缘 。事件 和决定 ,这些 机缘、 事件和 决定在 它们实 现的当 时是取 决于我 们的意 志的。 2020年 11月7 日星期 六10 时49分3 6秒Saturday, November 07, 2020
感情上的亲密,发展友谊;钱财上的 亲密, 破坏友 谊。20. 11.72 020年 11月7 日星期 六10时 49分3 6秒20. 11.7
时间是人类发展的空间。2020年11 月7日星 期六1 0时49 分36秒 22:49: 367 November 2020
科学,你是国力的灵魂;同时又是社 会发展 的标志 。下午 10时49 分36 秒下午1 0时49 分22:4 9:362 0.11.7
每天都是美好的一天,新的一天开启 。20.1 1.720. 11.722 :4922: 49:36 22:49: 36Nov -20
The layout of the construction:Closed layout Vs Open layout. The development of architecture:Chinese construction is Conservative ,and the west building often change their structure and materials rapidly.
3. From the view of their thinking orientation:
In western countries: Their thinking orientation(思维取向)inclines to individuals ;
While in China: It is an interpersonal (人际 式) thinking orientation.
•Culture differences between Western and Chinese
The difference idea about food(饮食理念)
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W h a t Chinese p e o p l e c a r e about is the deliciousness of food.
In a restaurant
So,what are the reasons for these differences
Reasons for these differences
the culture of east and west has its own features:
Western : The bride dress is usually white,the groom a black dress,the whole wedding was a solemn seriousness. West are the romantic type wedding,the entire wedding from start to finish to the full romantic.
Different countries have different cultures.
Fully understand and respect when communicating withpeople from different countries Remove gross while keeping the essence.
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usually pay attention to the calories,vitamins,proteins and so on
perple like eating hamburgers, chips,pizza,pasta as their main course
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The difference of drinking
1. From the view of social background(社会背景):
Philosophers emphasize on personal characteristics and freedom in ancient Greece.(古希腊社会强调个人特性和自由)
While in ancient China ,we emphasize the relationship between individuals and society. (个人与社会的关系)
Westerners:equal Chinese:top
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The life of old age(晚年生活)
Westerners:living with pets
Chinese:living with children
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they eat with separate plates
Sitting around the table
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二、The difference between Architectural art The different materials:Stone Vs Wood.
In China,the wedding main colors are red,which is representative of traditional Chinese festive colors.This also makes changing the joyous weddings.
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重于泰山,轻于鸿毛。22:49:3622:4 9:362 2:49Saturday, November 07, 2020
安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。20.1 1.720. 11.722 :49:36 22:49: 36No vember 7, 2020
加强自身建设,增强个人的休养。20 20年1 1月7日 下午1 0时49 分20.1 1.720. 11.7
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A c c o r d i n g t o our tradit ional idea, we tend to seek the relationship between two different objects, and make them change to each other.
2. From the view of social cognition(认知):
Chinese people are inclined to depedent(依 赖性), their social relationship is more complex(复杂);
While the relationship between western people is relatively simple.(简单)
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Eiffel Tower
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Sydney Opera House
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the Bird's Nest
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Tian An Men
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三、Difference between Western and Eastern in wedding
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Tea and Wine
Chinese people love tea while westerners prefer to drink red wine
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The difference of table manners(餐桌礼仪)
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Chopsticks vs Knife and Fork
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四 、 some interesting pictures about differences in Chinese and Western
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Human relations(人际关系)
Westerners:Simple Chinese:complex
While western philosophers(哲学思想) emphasize analytical(分析) method.
So it forms the differences between organism thinking and individual thinking.
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We prefer noodles, rice,jiaozi as the main course
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In their opinion, one should choose his food only according to his need as an independent individual and the balanced requirement of all kinds of nutrients for each part of his body.