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以下是这次日本游的一些心得,都是自己亲身经历而非照搬旅游指南的,所以真实可靠,希望能对想去日本的朋友有些帮助。(有疏漏欢迎指出~)对于完全没有日语基础的朋友建议出门前稍稍学几句,除非是自助游(这不是废话吗,不会日语谁敢自助游啊!),随团游的话不要白费力气学些如“很高兴认识你”、“我的名字叫什么”没用的,如果实在是脑子不好使,请记住这最最基本的:“谢谢,不好意思,我要买单,等一下”这些是一定要学会的,特别是“我要买单”和“等一下”用手势表达非常困难。日本人、韩国人喜欢用前臂比大叉来表示cancel,所以如果想取消点好的东西,或不要的东西,用手指一指,然后做这个动作对方就明白了。 日本商店十点开门,个别商店是十点半开门,这点跟国内一样,尤其是秋叶原,一率十点,所以不要白费力气到处碰运气,找到综合性的商店等着开门吧~电器和动漫的商铺是混在一起的,9点多就看到一些商铺门前排着长龙,走近一看原来是等开门买新游戏的首发。商店8、9关门,但居酒屋都开到12点,强烈推荐“土间”居酒屋,扎着头巾的服务生很帅、很友善,明明不会英文还硬要和我们聊天,汗~得知我们是来旅游的,还特地送了份当地的地图给我们呢~日本70%是山,而且乌鸦非常非常多,到处都能看到,那种凄惨的“啊——啊——啊”的叫声也不绝于耳。相传丰臣秀吉到森林里打猎迷路了,最后是由乌鸦指引才找到出路,所以乌鸦被日本人奉为神鸟。 便利店都是24小时营业的,是搜罗盒蛋的好去处哦~ 八卦杂志很少,色情杂志很多,酒店客房的酒店指南里也夹着色情片的介绍,日本人啊~离谱的是书店满满一架子的性感写真,一转身正对的却是一架子的语言学习书,非常瓜三的感觉。 横滨出租车起步价为710元(各个地方也许会有不同,听好心人说好像还有600左右的,在东京的比较高一些,福冈和大阪相对价钱就低),车门是自动开、自动关的,别闹笑话哦~ 便利店买卫生棉店员会特地另外用纸袋子装起来,再用胶带封好了,并问你:“这样可以吗?”好贴心~ 个别便利店的门上虽然写着“自动”,但下面还写着“押”,如果发现站在门前门却不开的话,拍一下就开了。 迪斯尼洗手间的洗手液不是自动的,装洗手液的盒子底端的出液管往里侧掰一下就会出液了,当时研究半天,超尴尬的说… …买到的明信片结账时说要寄往中国收营员会帮你把邮票贴好,当然那是要钱的,商店门口就有邮筒的。 日本大约4层以上的楼房,玻璃上都会贴红色倒置三角,那表示这块玻璃是紧急逃生口。 日本租房子要先给房东礼金,来感谢房东为你在搬入前打扫房间,并支付至少一个月的押金。 要买化妆品有三个选择:大型百货公司,免税店和药妆店。大家都知道这三者的价格是呈递减趋势的,但到的新货都是先到百货公司,卖不出去再运到免税店,最后才到药妆店的,所以尽管药妆店因其低廉的价格深受广大年轻女孩的喜爱,但购买时要注意保质期哦!另外药妆店里的化妆品都是些平民产品,即使是知名品牌如资生堂,也只有其旗下如“恋爱魔镜”等平民品牌,或是本牌的低廉


纽约的城市介绍 New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most popular metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. 第五大道 Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business the Rockefeller Center to the 58th Street,there are many luxury avenue’s most illustrious name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’this movie,every day morning ,Audrey Hepburn came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her bread and dreaming that she could have breakfast in the jewelry shop one day. the Metropolitan Museum大都会艺术博物馆 One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass


Japan (English: Japan) is the island in the eastern part of Asia, from Hokkaido, honshu, shikoku, and kyushu, four large islands and more than 6900 islands. Japan's name means "sunrise". Japan's population of 120 million, the nation, and family as gm in Japanese language. Japan is a very pay attention to the etiquette of country, Say "hello" is basically a bow. because the economy developed, where the environment after many years of hard work is very good。 Japan is one of the famous tourist destinations in the world,such as: Mount Fuji, the highest peak in Japan.Tokyo tower: Tokyo tower is the tallest of the Japanese tower, located in the city, built in 1958. It is a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 333 meters high, the tower as the pyramid, with yellow, white, red three colors. Japanese people are more serious, serious.the people there quality is high。Japan's festival mainly include national holiday and traditional folk festivals. Compare distinctive episodes and cherry https://www.360docs.net/doc/582399963.html,ing-of-age day - the second Monday of January 。On this day all young age are dressed up to go to the adult ceremony.Sakura offering - on March 15, march cherry blossoms in full bloom, the Japanese people think cherry


英文演讲稿,关于日本旅游 篇一:英语旅游演讲稿 Good morning everyone, my name is ZhouChangsong and my partner YangWeijin and QiuShurong. Today, we will introduce the topic of travelling. Ok, now my lecture has three parts. The first one is the history of traveling. The second is the ways of traveling and the last one is the impact of traveling. Ok, it seems that traveling is a recent invention, but as a matter of fact, traveling exists since ancient times. And traveling activities rise in China as early as 22 century In the late Ming dynasty, a famous geographer and traveler— he was 22, he began traveling through all over the country. After 30 years, he traveled most cities and sight spots of China. The next one, Marco Polo, a famous traveler from Italian, his famous book ”The travels of Marco Polo” contains a large amount of information about an unknown world and its nations, have been described the flourish of Yuan dynasty.

日本 英文介绍

JapanJapanAdd To WorkspaceBritannica Elementary Article Online Search World Data View Table of Contents Notes Viewer Minimize ToolbarMaximize Toolbar Find Print Save Bookmark Preferences Take a Note Show Notes Hide Notes Introduction Flag of Japan Japan is a country marked by contrast between old and new. The country values its complex and ancient cultural tradition. Yet life in modern Japan is increasingly focused on cities and modern technology. In the second half of the 1900s, Japan emerged as one of the world's most economically and technologically advanced societies. Japan is located off the east coast of Asia. The country consists of a string of four large islands and more than 3,900 smaller islands. From north to south, the main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The largest is Honshu, which is regarded as the Japanese mainland. The Ryukyu Islands, including Okinawa, arc to the south and west of Kyushu. Tokyo, on Honshu, is the capital and one of the world's largest cities. Geography The islands of Japan form an arc that stretches about 2,400 kilometres (1,500 miles) from north-east to south-west. Japan has no land border with any other country. The open waters of the Pacific Ocean border Japan's eastern and south-eastern shores. China is to the south-west, across the East China Sea. North and South Korea are to the west, across the Sea of Japan. Russia lies across the Sea of Japan to the north-west and the Sea of Okhotsk to the north. Japan has a total land area of 377,835 kilometres (145,883 square miles). Mountains cover more than 80 per cent of Japan's land surface. They divide the islands into hundreds of smaller sections. The largest and highest mountain mass lies in central Honshu. Part of the range is known as the Japanese Alps. Many


Japan Japan Japanese: 日本Nihon or Nippon, officially 日本国Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku) is an island nation in East Asia.[9] Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is sometimes referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun". Japan is an archipelago of 6,852 islands.[10] The four largest islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku, together accounting for ninety-seven percent of Japan's land area. Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. The Greater Tokyo Area, which includes the de facto capital city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million residents. Archaeological research indicates that people lived in Japan as early as the Upper Paleolithic period. The first written mention of Japan is in Chinese history texts from the 1st century AD. Influence from other nations followed by long periods of isolation has characterized Japan's history. Since adopting its revised constitution in 1947, Japan has maintained a unitary constitutional monarchy with an emperor and an elected parliament called the Diet.
