为学生引路,为学员服务第 1 页 共 1 页 2016天津大学MTI 考研真题回忆版为圆北洋梦,两年披荆斩棘,挥洒汗水!考研帮给了我很大的帮助,无论是复习所用的资料,学长学姐的回忆,还是那些充满正能量的帖子,都是我成长路上的助推器!所以我也想回报考研帮,尽我所能帮助学弟学妹们!政治:全国统考,个人感觉单选较简单,多选有些纠结且涉及时政比较多,不过肖四对很多选择题有所体现,然而由于反压题越来越严重,肖四貌似只预测对一道大题!所以学习学妹在复习的过程用一定要扎实,不能单单寄希望于最后压题。
翻译硕士英语:选择题算是考词汇的,难度不大,基本没有不认识的,但是有个别形近义近的词不太好区分,比如裤子接缝撕裂应该用broken slipt 还是 cracked 。
记忆中选项中涉及到的词还有exclusive, consent, proceded proceeded progressed reproduce restore 神马的。
改错还是以前的老形式,ABCD 中选出错误的就行的,也不难。
阅读理解篇幅很长,而且出的题悄悄有些乱,个人做着不顺手,但是阅读回答问题挺简单,但是要注意审题,今年题目要求no more than five words.记得去年是不多于十个词。
英语翻译基础:首先词汇翻译大部分是Chinadaily 英语点津的2015新闻热词.大家可以定期整理记忆,今年的汉译英有 命运共同体,餐桌污染, 零团费。
英译汉有CAT, CAP, DOJ, transit trade, binge-watch, adorkable, social media whiz 。
篇章翻译英译汉是关于living windmill 个人感觉不简单,汉译英第一个是澳洲孩子上学问题,比较简单,第二个是农业文化问题,结构复杂。
2016年天津外国语大学德语翻译基础考研样卷 推免 学制 学费
![2016年天津外国语大学德语翻译基础考研样卷 推免 学制 学费](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/781a5bfa102de2bd96058840.png)
2016年天津外国语大学德语翻译基础考研样卷推免学制学费德语笔译学制:2.5年学费:10000元/生学年2016年天津外国语大学各学科、专业硕士研究生招生规模学术型专业/专业学位类别(领域)名称2016招生规模(含推免人数)接收推免硕士生人数德语笔译702016年德语翻译基础考研样卷天津外国语大学XXXX年攻读专业学位研究生入学考试试题(样卷)考试科目:德语翻译基础(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上)仅供参考(考试时间180分钟总分150分)I.Übersetzen Sie die folgenden Wörter vom Deutschen ins Chinesische und umgekehrt!(30P)(1-5je2P,6-10je4P)1.intertextuelle Kohärenz2.Adäquatheit3.Äquivalenz4.kulturspezifisch5.Textrezeption6.以人为本7.三严三实8.拍苍蝇打老虎9.将制度关进法律的笼子10.以人为本II.Beantworten Sie die Fragen!(10P)a.Erklären Sie bitte ausführlich das Wort‚Übersetzensprozess‘!b.WelcheÜbersetzungsstrategien kennen Sie?III.Übersetzen Sie die folgenden Texte vom Deutschen ins Chinesische und umgekehrt!(110P)Text1:Seit unserem Vorstellungsgespräch gehe ich jeden Tag ein bisschen früherins Bett und quäle mich jeden Tag ein bisschen später raus.Aberirgendwie finde ich keine Ruhe.Ich lege mich ins Bett,wenn ich dasGefühl habe,nicht mehr zu können,und stehe auf,wenn ich das Gefühlhabe,ich muss.Aber bei Katharina ist seit Tagen der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen.Sie istwegen ihres Spielfilms kaum mehr ansprechbar.Dauernd klingelt dasTelefon.Entweder ist es der Regisseur,Dauernd klingelt das Telefon.Entweder ist es der Regisseur,eine Schauspielerin oder dieProduktionsfirma,und Katharina stürzt jedes Mal wie eine Ertrinkendeans Telefon.Es wirdüber Drehorte diskutiert,und es werden Flügeüberdas Internet gebucht.Katharina ist wie im Rausch,ständig unterwegs undarbeitet bis tief der Nacht an Skizzen für Kameraeinstellung.Der Filmhandelt von einer jungen Frau,die im Kreuzberg der Achtzigerjahre beiihrer Hippiemutter großgeworden ist und sich auf die Suche nach sichselbst und ihrem verschollenen Künstlervater in Wales begibt.Katharinaschwärmt von dem Film,weil sie hier bei ihrer Kameraarbeit ihreDoku-Erfahrungen einfließen lassen kann,um den Ton des Berlin derAchtziger zu treffen.Außerdem erinnert sie die Geschichte an eine ihrerFreundinnen.Zwischendurch schläft sie immer mal wieder auf dem Sofa ein,aber nichtwie sonst für ein oder manchmal zwei Stunden,sondern nur kurz,undschon sehe ich sie,wie sie wieder im Drehbuch blättert und die Szenenstudiert.Es ist jedenfalls immer zu kurz,um sich zwischendurchdazuzukuscheln.Ich freue mich für Katharina,aber ich bin auch neidisch.All das,wofür sieseit Jahren gekämpft hat,scheint für sie jetzt zum Greifen nah.Sie gehtnicht mehr nur einfach durch die Wohnung,sondern hopst geschäftig hinund her.Text2:旅游与友谊在古老的中国,诗人墨客、士大夫,甚至一些皇帝都把游历看作是与读书同等重要的获取知识的途径。
下面凯程老师把专业的真题全面展示给大家,供大家估分使用,以及2017年考研的同学使用,本试题凯程首发!汉语写作五百科知识名词解释创客一带一路111计划职业年金退避三舍PM2.5 波茨坦公告单选1.哪种火灾不能用水A.碱金属B金属碳化物C重油D燃气2.屠呦呦发现了A青蒿素B青霉素c绿~ D绿霉素3.梨园杏林戏曲界医药界4.最北边的城市漠河海林5.下弦月怎么观测?东部西部傍晚下半夜6.天津哪里举行第三节绿化博览会?武清蓟县津南滨海开发区7.天下第一行书?颜真卿王羲之8.希腊神话美神智慧女神?9.五岳在哪几个省?陕西山西山东河南湖南湖北10.双11起源于哪国中国韩国日本美国11.张择端的清明上河图描绘的哪个朝代?宋12.赵树理孙犁周立波是什么派山药蛋派荷花淀派13.哪个不是天津大学2015新成立的学院文学院法学院14.马头琴是哪个民族的乐器?藏族蒙古族维吾尔族15.八路军最高总指挥?张自忠16.五代十国的五朝17.三峡不包括哪个瞿塘峡巫峡18.不胫而走的胫指什么?小腿屁股19.哪个乐器不是古代乐器?筑鏜铙20.哪个国家领导人没参加今年中国抗战阅兵?白俄罗斯总统韩国朴槿惠朝鲜金正恩巴基斯坦总统21.香港台湾地区统一的文字编码22道教发源地武当山什么鸣山三、应用文写作春节即将到来,以中华人民共和国教育部的名义,给广大教师写一封安慰信,给他们诚挚的问候,崇高的敬意,节日的祝福。
Part ALinguistics (100 points)I. Studying linguistics, we have come across a lot of technical terms, some of which are listed below. Please write out the most acceptable definitions for each of them. (10 points)a) linguistics; b) language; c) morphology: d) duality; e) cultural transmission:f) phoneme; g) syntax; h) synonyms; i) pragmatics; j) speech communityII. Studying linguistics we have been acquainted with many linguists, five of whom are listed below. Write out a phrase that may best represent their contributions to linguistics.(10 points)a) Ferdinand de Saussure; b) Noam Chomsky; c) M. A. K. Hallidayd) H. P. Grice; e) Leonard BloomfieldIII. Linguistics as a specified discipline has its own technical ways of operation. Try to fill the blanks to demonstrate your technical sense of linguistics. (15 points)1. Please give the corresponding sound segments according to the descriptions:voiced bilabial stop: a)________; alveolar nasal: b)_________Voiceless labiodental fricative: c)__________2. A morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a d)____________ morpheme, whereas amorpheme that must be attached to another one is a e)_________ morpheme. The plural -s in “books”, for example, is a f)__________ morpheme.3. Words that are opposite in meaning are antonyms. Oppositeness can be found on differentdimensions and different kinds of antonyms have been recognized by linguists. For example, “hot” and “cold” are recognized as g)___________ antonyms, “male” and “female” ash)______________ antonyms and teacher and pupil as i)____________ opposites.4. There are 4 maxims in Cooperative Principle, namely, the maxim of quantity, the maxim ofj)__________, the maxim of k)_________, and the maxim of l)__________.5. What function does language perform? Three main functions are often recognized: them)______________ function, the n)_________________function and the o) ____________ function.III. To be a student of linguistics, it is important to develop a sense of critical thinking.Please answer the following questions to demonstrate your critical potentials. (35 points)专业:外国语言学及应用语言学课程名称:语言学及翻译(804)共3页第2页1. Prescriptive and descriptive approaches represent two different types of linguistic study.What is the significance of this distinction?2. The distinction between langue and parole was made in the early 20th century. Why was thisdistinction made?3. The classic semantic triangle was suggested by Ogden and Richards to explain therelationship between words and things. What is the shortcoming of this triangle?4. First consider the following situation:A: Shall we go to the party tonight?B: Well, I have to prepare for the coming exam.Then answer the question: what implicature can you get from B’s utterance?5. First read the following newspaper report:The main factor for the success of Toyota, the number-one company for customer service, is not only its products. Toyota provides the products that customers most want to buy, and designs models that meet people’s changing priorities. In particular, it has responded to the industry trend by providing smaller, more environmentally friendly cars, such as the Prius, a hybrid car with both petrol and electric engines.Then try to analyze the newspaper report in terms of field of discourse, tenor of discourse and mode of discourse.V. Write two short essays on the following topics to demonstrate your potential of doing linguistics. (30 points)1.The following two passages will reveal how language can vary in the degree of formality:Passage A:It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.Passage BThe number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and don’t forget that the library is for everyone’s convenience. So from now on, we’re going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned!Passage A is obviously more formal than Passage B. Now please compare the two passages and try to point out, with examples, what makes Passage A more formal.2. Different languages may reflect different cultures; different cultures entail different languageexpressions. Proverbs, sayings and idioms, derived from different origins, also demonstrate cultural differences. Try to use the animal “dogs” to illustrate this point of view.专业:外国语言学及应用语言学课程名称:语言学及翻译(804)共3页第3页Part BTranslation (50 points)I. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (25 points)Living alone is the new norm. The extraordinary rise of solitary living is the biggest social change that we have neglected to identify, let alone examine. Consider that in 1950, a mere 4 million Americans lived alone, and they made up only 9% of households. Back then, living alone was most common in the open Western states—Alaska, Montana and Nevada—that attracted migrant workingmen, and it was usually short-lived stage on the road to a more conventional domestic life. Not anymore. According to 2011 census data, people who live alone—nearly 33 million Americans—make up 28% of all U.S. households, which means they are now tied with childless couples as the most prominent residential type, more common than the nuclear family and the multigenerational family.Living alone, being alone and feeling lonely are hardly the same, yet in recent years experts have routinely conflated them. In fact, there’s little evidence that the rise of living alone is making more Americans lonely. It’s the quality, not the quantity, of social interactions that best predicts loneliness. As John T. Cacioppo at the University of Chicago concluded in the book he coauthored, Loneliness, what matters is not whether we live alone but whether we feel alone. There’s much support for this idea outside the laboratory. As divorced or separated people often say, there’s nothing lonelier than living with the wrong person. After all, living alone serves a purpose: it helps us pursue sacred modern values—individual freedom, personal control and self-realization—that carry us from adolescence to our final days.II. Translate the following passage into English. (25 points)前后加起来,我在北京已经住了四十多年,算是一个老北京了。
天津大学法律硕士复试真题2016年至2020年持续更新中 天大复试复试真题 天大法硕复试经验
![天津大学法律硕士复试真题2016年至2020年持续更新中 天大复试复试真题 天大法硕复试经验](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dbe92c9da6c30c2258019e96.png)
作文(1×30分=30分)关于How to be a professional translator,字数要求300字,比其他学校都少。
词条翻译(1分×30=30分)福利彩票连环恐怖袭击案零团费按揭贷款一带一路扶贫微商西藏高原真人秀增值税餐桌污染九二共识保险索赔命运共同体探月工程CA T. HIV. CPA. DOJmodern pentathlontransit-tradegraffito pollutionstealth shoppercredit-card fraudanimated featurecampus enterpreneurinter-city commutersocial media whizadorkablebinge-watch二。
[考研类试卷]2016年国际关系学院翻译硕士英语真题试卷一、Vocabulary1 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things______to teach you the art of learning.(A)but(B)nor(C)as(D)like2 All flights______, we decided to take a greyhound.(A)were canceled(B)had been canceled(C)having canceled(D)having been canceled3 This company has now introduced a policy______pay rises are related to performance at work.(A)which(B)where(C)whether(D)what4 The American businessman had difficulty at times working with his local counterparts in Guangdong Province, for he could speak______Cantonese than Mandarin.(A)no more(B)not more(C)no less(D)not less5 He came into the manager's office______ that he was dismissed.(A)only to be told(B)being told(C)in order to be told(D)telling6 The new director made it clear that his staff were not to accept gifts from clients,______.(A)be they jewelry or football tickets(B)they are jewelry or football tickets(C)whether are jewelry or football tickets(D)no matter are jewelry or football tickets7 The terrible disease is said ______the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.(A)being(B)to be(C)to have been(D)having been8 ______your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work. (A)Unless(B)But for(C)Except for(D)Not for9 The doctor ______a medicine for the child's stomach pains.(A)described(B)subscribed(C)prescribed(D)inscribed10 The ______family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housing than before. (A)normal(B)average(C)usual(D)general11 Prices are ______to variation without notice.(A)possible(B)trendy(C)likely(D)subject12 Be careful when you talk to your boss. He is in a very bad ______today. (A)motive(B)mood(C)mind(D)notion13 The government has allocated ten million pounds to the tsunami-______area. (A)sticken(B)stricken(C)stuck(D)striked14 The branches could hardly ______the weight of the fruit.(A)retain(B)sustain(C)maintain(D)remain15 Her speeches are full of ______wit and warmth.(A)captivating(B)captivated(C)captive(D)captured16 After the terrorist attacks in Europe, he ______the idea of going to Spain for a holiday.(A)gave in(B)dismissed(C)missed(D)struck17 He asked for $ 5, 000 in ______for the injury he suffered in the accident.(A)damages(B)losses(C)damage(D)loss18 Unfortunately, most public places are simply not geared ______the needs of people with disabilities.(A)with(B)for(C)to(D)at19 A solar cell takes radiation from the sun and ______it into electricity.(A)alters(B)modifies(C)shapes(D)converts20 His constructive proposal for improving the program is ______of our attention. (A)worth(B)worthy(C)worthwhile(D)worthless21 A good English learner is supposed to ______a large vocabulary.(A)command(B)order(C)control(D)lead22 The government has launched several campaigns to crack ______on pirating.(A)up(B)in(C)down(D)for23 Traditionally people believed that obesity resulted from overeating only. Today, however, many doctors believe that it is a (n) ______of genes.(A)affair(B)matter(C)thing(D)object24 We were so poor in those days that the whole family had only one ______and were ashamed of being seen.(A)clothes(B)clothing(C)garment(D)costume25 Everybody says that he takes ______his grandfather, with his big fleshy nose that takes ______too much space on his face.(A)to; up(B)after; up(C)of; off(D)from; away26 Seeing the closet on fire, he made a <u>futile</u> attempt to save the paintings from the flames. The underlined word probably means______.(A)prompt(B)frenzied(C)frantic(D)useless27 Her parents keep her on a short______, although she has turned 20.(A)leash(B)lash(C)blush(D)lush28 This is a widely ______book owing to its insightful understanding of the subject. (A)exclaimed(B)claimed(C)reclaimed(D)acclaimed29 Doctors recommend Vitamin C for keeping colds ______bay.(A)to(B)for(C)in(D)at30 Normally he is rather______, but sometimes he talks freely about himself.(A)reserved(B)informal(C)peaceful(D)sociable二、Reading Comprehension30 The temperature of the sun is over 5, 000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to perhaps more than 16 million degrees at the center. The sun is so much hotter than the earth that matter can exist only as a gas, except at the core. In the core of the sun, the pressures are so great against the gases that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core. However, no one really knows, since the center of the sun can never be directly observed.Solar astronomers do know that the sun is divided into five layers or zones. Starting at the outside and going down into the sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere, photosphere, convection zone and finally the core. The first three zones are regarded as the sun's atmosphere. But since the sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the main body of the sun begins.The sun's outermost layer begins about 10, 000 miles above the visible surface and goes outward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the sun that can be seen during an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time, the corona can be seen only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to shut out the glare of the sun's rays.The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full moon. Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike rays near the sun's north and south poles. The corona is thickest at the sun's equator.The corona rays are made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds and reaching a temperature of more than 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. The rays of gas thin out as they reach the space around the planets. By the time the sun's corona rays reach the Earth, they are weak and invisible.31 Matter on the sun can exist only in the form of gas because of the sun's______. (A)size(B)age(C)location(D)temperature32 The second paragraph is mainly concerned with______.(A)how the sun evolved(B)the structure of the sun(C)why scientists study the sun(D)the distance of the sun from the planets33 All of the following are parts of the sun's atmosphere EXCEPT the______.(A)corona(B)chromosphere(C)photosphere(D)core34 The word "glare" in the passage probably means______.(A)strong heat(B)harmful effect(C)bright unpleasant light(D)endless warmth35 According to the passage, as the corona rays reach the planets, they become______. (A)hotter(B)clearer(C)thinner(D)stronger36 Which of the following do the paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss? (A)The remaining layers of the sun.(B)The evolution of the sun to its present form.(C)The eclipse of February 1979.(D)The scientists who study astronomy.36 Seeing the wreck for the first time, under the great arc of a sunny sky on that level shore, I was initially impressed by its remoteness. Here was the focus of those weeks of discussion, of seemingly endless careful planning: a slightly projecting, elongated outline. The warmth of the day meant that many holiday-makers were about, and our equipment rapidly attracted them to the site, unmistakable with its brilliant orange marker, each attached to a steel post. These posts marked off the four corners of our working area, and were linked by a rope to keep it clear of curious sightseers.Many structural features of the wreck which would normally have been visible were obscured by the sand, which was not only right up to but even above the upper gun deck. We went to work immediately when the first low tide made a start possible, and set up our basic survey line running down the middle of the wreck from bow to stern. As we set about measuring the sides of the ship in their relation to survey line, the "Amsterdam" emerged as a vessel of substance, and more so when the members of the team had scoured her aged timbers free from mussel shells and seaweed.All this activity attracted an increasing number of sightseers, whose interest was natural and welcome, since the more people who were moved to understand what we were about, the better it was for archaeology in general and for the future preservation of the " Amsterdam" in particular. However, there were also predatory souvenir hunters who were most disappointed by our merely taking elaborate measurements, with no apparent intention of digging up more objects.37 Seeing the wreck of the "Amsterdam", the author was impressed by______.(A)its apparent isolation(B)its accessibility from the shore(C)the crowds of people round it(D)the effect of its outline against the sky38 According to the passage, the holiday-makers on the beach were______.(A)confined within a roped-off area(B)confined to the upper part of the wreck(C)kept well away from the orange markers(D)discouraged from entering the roped-off area39 The word "obscured" in the passage probably means______.(A)made clearer(B)made less clear(C)obtained(D)filled40 We are told that work on the wreck was made difficult by______. (A)the slope of the beach(B)the height of the ship(C)the number of holiday-makers(D)the volume of the sand41 The passage suggests that the "Amsterdam" had been a______. (A)submarine(B)warship(C)fishing boat(D)passenger liner42 The passage suggests that "I" was most likely a (n) ______. (A)reporter(B)archaeologist(C)tourist(D)beach keeper42 Nineteenth-century associationist theories assumed that the mind functions in terms of association, forming sets of concepts and experiences. Associationists argued that mental contents could be studied by noting the links of similarity, contrast and proximity which exist in an individual's thought and behavior patterns. Pavlov's notion of conditioning is itself base on the associationist theory that one stimulus becomes associated with another. If a bell is rung each time a dog is given food, the dog will become conditioned to salivate on hearing the bell ring, despite the absence of food.First used to investigate the differences in cognitive styles, word-association tests became a sensitive instrument for the detection of emotional concerns.In a word-association test, a subject is presented with a list of about 100 words as stimuli. Each word is chosen by the tester and the subject is required to respond with the first word that comes into his or her mind on hearing the stimulus word. The tester notes the subject's response time for each of the words with the use of a chronometer.It is argued that if the subject is emotionally indifferent to a stimulus word, the response time for the reaction is very short. If, on the other hand, the stimulus word carries emotional significance for the subject, the response time is likely to be significantly longer. In addition, reactions to significant words may also include hesitation, stuttering, involuntary movement or other symptoms of disturbance.Jung, who used word-association tests in the early part of his career, showed that family members, in particular mothers and daughters and husbands and wives, exhibited similar responses to the same stimulus words. He argued that this indicated a failure to achieve individuation and was indicative of the potentially negative dynamics that exist in family relationships.In a test carried out by Donald D. Jaffe, a pioneer of word-association tests, a subject was observed to exhibit delay and disturbance in response to the words "friend", "bottle", and "fight". Jaffe suggested that the subject had been involved in a drunken fight with a friend in which a window had been broken. The subject admitted that such an experience had, indeed, taken place and that the friend had asked the subject to pay for the damages resulting from injuries he had received.43 Associationist theories______.(A)were useful only for studying how people think(B)were first used by Jung in word-association tests(C)formed the basis for Pavlov's notion of conditioning(D)were used to assess a person's vocabulary44 According to the passage, a chronometer is a device to measure______.(A)time(B)facial expressions(C)voice(D)association between words45 In a word-association test, ______can be significant.(A)the time of response(B)the word provided by a subject(C)facial expressions of the subject on hearing the word(D)all of the above46 According to Jung, ______.(A)the father and the daughter in a family responded quite differently to a word stimulus(B)the similarity of the responses in a family indicated that the family members got on well with each other(C)the similarity of the responses in a family indicated that children in the family were not capable of individual thinking(D)if members in a family responded similarly to a word stimulus, the family was going to break up47 Jaffe's experiment shows that______.(A)the word-association test is very powerful(B)word-association tests can be used only for assessing unpleasant experiences (C)the subject was an aggressive man(D)the friend was right in asking the subject to pay for the injuries48 The passage mainly talks about the significance of word-association tests in assessing______.(A)people's cognitive styles(B)people's emotional concerns(C)people's potentials for a task(D)family relationships48 When we feel stressed, our adrenal glands release a peptide called Cortisol. Our body responds with Cortisol whether it faces physical, environmental, academic, or emotional danger. This triggers a string of physical reactions including depression of the immune system, tensing of the large muscles, blood-clotting, and increasing blood pressure. It's the perfect response to the unexpected presence of a sable-toothed tiger. But in school, that kind of response leads to problems. Chronically high Cortisol levels lead to the death of brain cells in the hippocampus, which is critical to explicit memory formation.These physical changes are significant. Stanford scientist Robert Sapolsky found that atrophy levels in the hippocampus of Vietnam veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) ranged from 8 to 24 percent above the control group. Chronic stress also impairs a student's ability to sort out what's important and what's not. Jacobs and Nadel (1985) suggest that thinking and memory are affected under stress. The brain's short-term memory and ability to form long-term memories are inhibited.There are other problems. Chronic stress makes students more susceptible to illness. In one study, students showed a depressed immune system at test time; they had lower levels of an important antibody for fighting infection. This may explain the vicious academic cycle; more test stress means more sickness, which means poor health and missed classes, which contribute to lower test scores.A stressful physical environment is linked to student failure. Crowded conditions, poor student relationships, and even lighting can matter. Optometrist Ray Gottlieb says thatschool stress causes vision problems. That in turn impairs academic achievement and self-esteem. He says that, typically, a stressed child will constrict breathing and change how he or she focuses to adapt to the stress. This pattern hurts learning in the short and long run. Under stress, the eyes become more attentive to peripheral areas as a natural way to spot predators first. This makes it nearly impossible to track across a page of print, staying focused on small areas of print.49 What does NOT Cortisol do?(A)It leads to the death of brain cell.(B)It causes the release of adrenal glandsblood-clotting.(C)It prepares one for the attack of saber-toothed tigers.(D)It affects one's immune system.50 Stress does NOT usually result in______.(A)lower atrophy levels(B)impaired ability to distinguish what is important and what is not(C)weakened thinking(D)inhibited ability to form short and long-term memories51 Which of the following statements is very possibly wrong?(A)People under chronic stress get ill easily.(B)People under chronic stress have more antibody than an average person.(C)The more test stress you have, the lower test scores you might have.(D)Test stress may produce better test scores.52 When would one very possibly NOT feel stressful?(A)When there are few people around.(B)When you do not have many friends.(C)When you are in very bright light.(D)When you read a book of small print.53 Ray Gottlieb is specialized in______.(A)stress studies(B)light studies(C)studies of human eyes(D)education studies54 When Ray Gottlieb says that school stress causes vision problems, he meansthat______.(A)stress leads to short-sightedness of students(B)stress affects students' breathing(C)stress leads to failure to spot predators(D)stress deviates students' focus of attention54 What is happening in the United States today is truly astonishing. In a society that prides itself on its preference for facts over hearsay, on its openness to research, and on its respect for "expert" opinion, parents, educators, administrators, and legislators are ignoring the facts, the research, and the expert opinion about how young children learn and how best to teach them.All across the country, educational programs intended for school-aged children are being appropriated for the education of young children. In some states (for example, New York, Connecticut, and Illinois) educational administrators are advocating that childrenenter school at age four. Many kindergarten programs have become full-day kindergartens, and nursery-school programs have become pre-kindergartens. Moreover, many of these kindergartens have introduced curricula, including work papers, once reserved for first-grade children. And in books addressed to parents a number of writers are encouraging parents to teach infants and young children reading, math, and science. When we instruct children in academic subjects, or in swimming, gymnastics, or ballet, at too early an age, we miseducate them; we put them at risk for short-term stress and long-term personality damage for no useful purpose. There is no evidence that such early instruction has lasting benefits, and considerable evidence that it can do lasting harm.Why, then, are we engaging in such unhealthy practices on so vast a scale? Like all social phenomena, the contemporary miseducation of large numbers of infants and young children derives from the coming together of multiple and complex social forces that both generate and justify these practices. One thing is sure: miseducation does not grow out of established knowledge about what is good pedagogy for infants and young children. Rather, the reasons must be sought in the changing values, size, structure, and style of American families, in the residue of the 1960s efforts to ensure equality of education for all groups, and in the new status, competitive, and computer pressures experienced by parents and educators in the eighties.While miseducation has always been with us — we have always had pushy parents —today it has become a societal norm. If we do not wake up to the potential danger of these harmful practices, we may do serious damage to a large segment of the next generation.55 What is happening in the United States today is truly astonishing because______. (A)people prefer facts over hearsay(B)the Americans are open to research(C)the Americans respect expert opinions(D)many people are blind to facts, research and expert opinions56 Which of the following statements is right according to the text?(A)Educational programs are adopted for young children.(B)Children enter school at age four in the US.(C)Nursery school are becoming more like kindergartens in the US.(D)Parents teach infants and young children reading, math, and science in the US.57 We should not instruct children in academic subjects, or in swimming, gymnastics, or ballet, at too early an age because______.(A)there are short-term stress and long-term personality damages(B)it is not useful(C)it brings too many benefits to be useful(D)we miseducate them58 Which of the following statements is wrong?(A)We educate our children wrongly because social forces make us to do so.(B)We educate our children wrongly because we believe it is good for infants and young children.(C)We educate our children wrongly because our values, size, structure, and style of American families have changed.(D)We educate our children wrongly because we did it to ensure better education of our children.59 The term "miseducation" means______in the passage.(A)educating children wrongly(B)educating children at too early an age(C)educating children according to wrong theories(D)educating children wrong types of knowledge60 Which of the following best sums up the arguments of the text?(A)Education and misdeucation.(B)Parents and education.(C)Kindergartens, nurseries and schools in the US.(D)Health of US education.61 What do you think of the word-association tests as discussed in Passage 3?62 Do you think our, body's response with Cortisol is harmful to our health? Why? (This question is based on Passage 4)63 Please explain in your own words why stress can cause a vicious academic cycle. ( This question is based on Passage 4)64 Many Americans think that very early education is important because they find support from recent educational studies. Do you agree with the statement? (This question is based on Passage 5)65 Why has miseducation become a societal norm? (This question is based on Passage 5)三、Writing66 Directions: Please write a paper of no fewer than 300 words about the following question: Do you think, with growing power of China, Chinese will become an international language in the future? Why?答案见麦多课文库。
2016年四川大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(总分:72.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money .(分数:2.00)A.at any placeB.at any price √C.in any languageD.in any country解析:解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。
从字面理解画线短语for love or money可能表示“为了爱和钱”,引申义为“无论如何”。
四个选项中,只有at any price(以任何代价)中的(price)与画线短语中的money 含义相近,且在语义上也合理。
2.The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake .(分数:2.00)A.in danger √B.in despairC.out of conditionD.out of danger解析:解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。
根据句中的the firemen acted quickly判断,应是紧急状态,且原因状语从句中画线短语at stake的主语是lives(生命),只有in danger(处于危险之中)符合上下文逻辑和语义。
in despair意为“陷于绝望之中”,out of condition意为“健康不佳”,out of danger意为“脱离危险”均不符合语义。
3.A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday.(分数:2.00)A.waited on √B.talked toC.spoke toD.stayed with解析:解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。
三、作文(1×30分=30分)关于How to be a professional translator,字数要求300字,比其他学校都少。
翻译基础一、词条翻译(1分×30=30分)福利彩票;连环恐怖袭击案;零团费;按揭贷款;一带一路;扶贫;微商;西藏高原;真人秀;增值税;餐桌污染;九二共识;保险索赔;命运共同体;探月工程;CAT;HIV;CPA;DOJ;modern pentathlon;transit-trade;graffito pollution;stealth shoppe;credit-card fraud;animated feature;campus enterpreneurship;inter-city commuter;social media whiz;adorkable;binge-watch。
二、翻译英译汉(60分)The living windmill is not only beautiful but romantic too: a willing, man-serving creature, yoked to the elements, a whirling monster, often a thing of terror. No one can stand very near the crashing sweeps of a windmill in half of a gale without a frightening of the hearta feeling comparable to that which comes from watching the waves break over a wall in a storm. And to be within the mill at such a time is to know something of sounds very sources; it is the cave of noise itself. No doubt there are dens of hammering energy which are more shattering, but the noise of a windmill is largely natural, the product of wood striving with the good sou-wester; it fills the ears rather than assaults them. The effect, moreover, is by no means lessened by the absence of the wind itself and the silent nonchalance of the millerand his man, who move about in the midst of this appalling racket with the quiet efficiency of vergers.In my mill, of course, there is no such uproar; nothing but the occasional shaking of the cross-pieces of the idle sails. Everything is still, and the pity of it is that everything is in almost perfect order for the days work. The mill one day? some score years agotwas full of life; the next, and ever after, mute and lifeless, like a stream frozen in a night or the palace in Tennysons ballad of the Sleeping Beauty. There is no decayt merely inanition. One or two of the apple-wood cogs have been broken from the great wheel;a few floor planks have been rotted; but that is all. A weeks overhauling would put everything right. But it will never come, and the cheerful winds that once were to drive a thousand English mills so happily now bustle over the Channel in vain.。
二、工程网络计划常规的工程网络计划题,没想起来哪里有原题,画出工程网络图,求关键路径,然后有大概四五道小题,大概是:1. 某一个工序延期20天会不会对工期有影响2. 某一个工序从12天缩短到6天,工程工期有什么变化3. 某一个工序不影响工期的情况下最晚哪天开始4. 如果想要在75天完成工程,需要采取什么措施可能还有一道小题,忘记了三、线性规划证明题1. 类似于1997年真题第一题的第一问2. 2006年真题的第三题的第一问四、报童模型1.证明报童模型的公式2.给出了具体数值,求缺货损失在什么范围内Q=4五、排队论设备损坏维修的M/M/1模型,给出了λ=2台/天,μ未知而且与企业每年的某种费用k满足一个线性关系,设备损坏维修每天每台的损失已知,要求分析费用k为多少的时候企业费用成本最低。
2016年天津师范大学考研教育硕士(Ed.M)教育综合真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 名词解释题 2. 简答题 3. 论述题1.互联网+教育正确答案:“互联网+教育”的理想场景是,不分国界、不分老幼,随时随地接触全球最好的教育资源。
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作文(1×30分=30分)关于How to be a professional translator,字数要求300字,比其他学校都少。
词条翻译(1分×30=30分)福利彩票连环恐怖袭击案零团费按揭贷款一带一路扶贫微商西藏高原真人秀增值税餐桌污染九二共识保险索赔命运共同体探月工程CA T. HIV. CPA. DOJmodern pentathlontransit-tradegraffito pollutionstealth shoppercredit-card fraudanimated featurecampus enterpreneurshipinter-city commutersocial media whizadorkablebinge-watch二。
翻译1.英译汉60分The living windmill is not only beautiful but romantic too: a willing, man-serving creature, yoked to the elements, a whirling monster, often a thing of terror. No one can stand very near the crashing sweeps of a windmill in half of a gale without a frightening of the hearta feeling comparable to that which comes from watching the waves break over a wall in a storm. And to be within the mill at such a time is to know something of sounds very sources; it is the cave of noise itself. No doubt there are dens of hammering energy which are more shattering, but the noise of a windmill is largely natural, the product of wood striving with the good sou-wester; it fills the ears rather than assaults them. The effect, moreover, is by no means lessened by the absence of the wind itself and the silent nonchalance of the miller and his man, who move about in the midst of this appalling racket with the quiet efficiency of vergers.In my mill, of course, there is no such uproar; nothing but the occasional shaking of the cross-pieces of the idle sails. Everything is still, and the pity of it is that everything is in almost perfect order for the days work. The mill one day some score years agotwas full of life; the next, and ever after, mute and lifeless, like a stream frozen in a night or the palace in Tennysons ballad of the Sleeping Beauty. There is no decayt merely inanition. One or two of the apple-wood cogs have been broken from the great wheel; a few floor planks have been rotted; but that is all. A weeks overhauling would put everything right. But it will never come, and the cheerful winds that once were to drive a thousand English mills so happily now bustle over the Channel in vain.附上译文,大家看着方便译文: 转动着的风车不仅看起来美丽,而且非常浪漫:一个受制于自然的魔力但情愿为人类服务的温顺家伙,一个飞舞旋转的怪物或者往往是一个使人惧怕的东西。