Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2: 电视频道
simon 口语part2 范文

simon 口语part2 范文Simon 口语part2 范文:我的梦想职业我最想成为的职业是一名独立电影导演。

雅思口语part2话题范文:电视剧雅思口语part2范文解析:电视剧【题目】Describe aTV seriesyo like you should say:what the TV series arewho act these serieswhat is the plotand e某plain how you feel about it描述TV电视剧你应该说:这电视剧是什么谁扮演了这个系列情节是什么并解释你的感受Part3What kinds of TV programs are popular in your country?Why people enjoy watching reality show?What's the difference between the programs that young people enjoy watching and the programs that old people enjoy watching?Why young people don't like watching educational orograms today?你们国家流行什么样的电视节目?为什么人们喜欢看真人秀?年轻人喜欢看的节目和老年人喜欢看的节目有什么区别?为什么现在的年轻人不喜欢看教育性的动画片?【口语范文】My favorite TV series isJourney to the West. It is madeaccording to a namesake Chineseclassic. It mainly describes a longourney to theWestern Heaven tofetch the Buddhist Sutras. Themain characters ofthis TV series are a monk, named 某uanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Each of the four disciples has his own special skills and they have toprotect their master from various monsters and calamities throughout the journey. Afterencountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reach their destination and successfully get the Buddhist sutras. I like this TV series because it tells people that even though you may encounter a lot of difficulties in your life, you should never shrink back. Try your best to get over the difficulties and never stop pursuing your final target. Every time I meet difficulties in my life and want to give up, I will think of this TV series, and then I will put myself together and keep on moving forward.我最喜欢的电视剧是《西游记》。
Simon考官范文-【雅思大作文】CCTV essay

题目:In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom.Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?范文:It is true that video surveillance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks.There are two main reasons why people might disapprove of the use of video cameras in public places. The first objection is that these cameras invade our privacy, in the sense that we are constantly being watched by the authorities or by private security firms. Many people find this intrusive and feel that the recording of their movements is a form of state control that curtails their individual freedom. The second argument against the proliferation of CCTV cameras is that they are being used as an alternative to police officers patrolling the streets. If this is indeed happening, then it is unlikely that members of the public will feel safer.In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, I believe that the use of video cameras to monitor public areas is a positive measure. The key objective of video surveillance is to deter criminals and to prevent crime. For example, petty criminals like shoplifters and pickpockets are less likely to operate in parts of cities where they know that they are being watched. At the same time, when crimes are committed, the police can use video evidence to catch and prosecute offenders. Therefore, in my view, video cameras offer valuable support to police officers, and they make cities safer for inhabitants, workers and visitors alike.In conclusion, it seems to me that we gain more than we lose from the enhanced security that CCTV cameras bring to our cities.。

雅思口语Part2话题范例:NewsQuestionDescribe your favourite news source.Sample answerIf I wanted to talk about the best news source, I would definitely pick TV channels as the superior medium. In the first place, it is really available almost everywhere. I usually turn to TV channels on a daily basis when I return home from work. I guess it is designed to hold the viewers attention for a short period of time which seems a perfect fit for today’s fast-paced life. In the second place, it presents the most recent round-up on the news providing the opportunity for us to see and enjoy live incidents by reporters on the scene. That’s why shared viewing of TV programs can bring families together even for a while. So, I always count on TV as a handy, reliable and efficient source of news.In fact, TV is my favourite source for news and I watch TV news almost daily. With the fast pacing life, it is often tough to totally concentrate on radio news or daily newspaper and that's why for the last few years the TV news programs are becoming more and more popular. I can turn on my TV set and there are plenty of dedicated news channels to watch. The handiest part of the TV news is that you do not have to get 100% engaged on the TV set. I can do other things at the same time the news updates get in my ear.The audio-visual presentation, the detailed coverage and modern facilities have made the TV news really easy to grasp. For all those reason my personal favourite source of news is Television.Similar Cue Card TopicsYour ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:Describe a TV program you have recently watched.Describe a radio news program you often listen to.Describe your favourite source for latest news.。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A person in the news that you would like to meet

题目:Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.You should say:who he or she iswhat this person shows up on TVhow you know this personand explain why you want to meet them.答案:I would say that I’d like to meet the incredibly famous Chinese pop singer, Jay Chou, whom is often seen in the entertainment channel on TV. He grew up in a single-parent family. When he was a little boy Jay didn’t get good grades at school. His mother was really concerned about him, but he just looked on the bright side. When he felt down or lonely, he always looked for nice music to cheer him up.I firstly knew him in 2000 when he released his first album “Jay”, in which his soft voice was so unique and this album turned out to be an instant hit. I was really impressed by his voice, talent and versatility in music.His music is always original, and sometimes blends with different genres, like R&B, hip-hop, and folk music. That’s why I simply adore him and just want to meet him in person. It seemed like he was really into giving his songs some traditional Chinese appeal, like he did in “The Porcelain”.必备词汇:1.我想说:I would say that2.我想:I’d like to3.流行歌手:pop singer4. 电视的娱乐频道:entertainment channel on TV5.单亲家庭:single-parent family6.在学校成绩不理想:didn’t get good grades at school7.鼓励他自己;cheer him up8.他发行他的第一本专辑:he released his first album9.独一无二的;unique10.很快成为:turn out to be11.炙手可热的:instant hit12.我深深为他的嗓音而折服:I was really impressed by his voice13.原创:original14.混入一些不同的元素:blends with different genres15.这就是为什么我超级喜欢他的原因:that’s why I adore him16.想单独见见真人:want to meet him person17.青花瓷:Porcelain。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A time when you feel surprised to meet someone

题目:Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone.You should say:when this happenedwho this person waswhat did you do together on that dayand explain why you thought it was a surprise to meet this person.参考答案:Let me tell you about a time when I met with my friend in the airport in Guangzhou. That was in the end of last year, when the Spring Festival was coming, and I was going back to my hometown. I was reading a magazine while waiting for my flight, then I heard a voice calling my name. I looked around and found that my old friend was standing in front of me and smiling at me. It was so surprise because you know, it was nearly impossible to meet a person you know in such a big city and we even would take the same flight to the same destination. He was taking a business trip to my hometown.It was so exciting to meet old friend and we hadn’t seen each other for two years, so we had lots of things to talk about. We shared a drink in the cafe and talked about the past things happened during the two years. The waiting hours passed very quickly and before we started to board, we left each other’s number and promised to keep in touch in the future必备词汇:1.年末:the end of last year2.当春节来临:when the Spring Festival was coming3.我回到了家乡:I was going back to my hometown4.对我微笑: smiling at me5.同一班飞机去同一个目的地: same flight to same destination6.出差:Business trip7.我们两年没见面了:we hadn’t seen each other for two years8.我们可多聊的了:we had lots of things to talk about9.过去的事情:past things10.等待的时间:waiting hours11.在将来保持联系: keep in touch in the future。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A time you watched the sky

题目:Describe a time you watched the sky.You should say:when this happenedwho you were withwhat you sawand how you felt about watching the sky.参考答案:I remembered when I was a boy, ten years old maybe, my parents took me to the countryside to take a summer holiday. There, I was really into watching the sky especially at night to count the countless stars. I sometimes laid down in the grass for hours with dad to watch the shining stars because I was fond of imaging the folk stories about the stars.As my hometown is a tourism city and there is no any industrial pollution, the sky is always clean and clear, and I could see the stunning night sky with countless and glittering stars and sometimes even the galaxy. But unfortunately now in a metropolis like Beijing light pollution makes the night sky invisible.When I watched the borderless dark sky, I wished that I could one day take an airplane or an space ship to explore the universe, like the Japanese cartoon, Robotech. Maybe that was the reason why I was fond of reading science fiction novels when I was in secondary school later.必备词汇:1.乡下:countryside2.度暑假:take a summer holiday3.我特别喜欢仰望星空: I was really into watching the sky at night4.数无尽的星星:to count the countless stars5.有时:sometimes6.躺在草地上:laid down in the grass7.闪亮的星:shining stars8.童话故事:folk stories9.旅游城市:tourism city10.工业污染:industrial pollution11.干净与清新的天空:the sky is always clean and clear12.迷人的夜空:stunning night sky13.无数晶莹的星星:countless and glittering stars14.银行:the galaxy15.大城市:metropolis16.轻度污染:light pollution17.看不清:invisible18.探索宇宙:explore the universe19.科幻小说:science fiction novels。

雅思口语part2范文:电视节目为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语part2范文:电视节目,希望对你们有所帮助!雅思口语Part2答案:电视节目I do not watch TV that often nowadays but when I was a student, I used to watch televisions a lot. There are lots of programs that really liked and watched regularly. In those days I watch mostly news and some selective TV programs. The TV program that made a strong impression on me was a documentary that I watched on Discovery Channel.The TV program w as called “The sacrifice of genius” and it was a serial that had around 10 episodes. I watched all of those episodes and enjoyed a lot. This was mainly a documentary serial which emphasized the sacrifice the famous and genius scientists like Marie Curie, Thomas Edison and 8 other scientists.I watched the TV program in my third year of my graduation program. In our local time, the program was broadcasted at 9.00 pm every Thursday. The program showed the life and work of the famous scientists and the sacrifices they made for humans and to make the world a better place. These stories were presented in a fascinating way and were very professionally made. The spectators would have the impression that they were actually watching the real scientists and their works.I have learned so many things about those scientists and learned the sacrifices they made. Those sacrifices were unbelievable and after watching this program, I could not stop thinking about those famous scientist and their supreme sacrifices. This program has helped me thinking in a different perspective that sacrifices for others can be more important thanpersonal achievements like wealth, fame and self-awareness. I later searched about details of those scientists and other famous persons as well and learned many things. I was actually inspired by this program and started learning closely about the people who made the world a place where we no longer need to live in the dark and do not have to fight the wild animals to earn our foods.Similar Cue Card topics that you should be able to answer as well:1. Describe a TV programme that you watched and would like to watch again2. Describe a radio or TV program that you like.3. Describe a famous TV program in your country.4. Describe a TV program that you watched and did not like.5. Describe a TV program you have recently watched.6. Describe a comedy show that you watched.雅思口语part2高分示范答案--教育类电视节目You should sayWhat are educational TV programs?What function do they have?How they influence people?Recently, the discussion on western public service broadcasting system and public media problem has become a popular issue. Public service broadcasting, which is generally believed to originate in UK, is a pervasive broadcasting system based on the aim of serving the public interest. Their products contribute to the spread of freedom, pluralism, education prosperity and high quality program production. In this system, educational TV programs are the vital parts. For instance, the Open University program, which is produced by BBC, has beenaired for more than forty years. It is so successful that it set a good example for the other public educational programs. Many British people who don’t have a chance to study in a college have learned knowledge from this program. Because of this program, some of them are able to seek further education and get a college degree, which offers them more opportunities for better jobs. Moreover, the services have provided a competitive relationship with other media services agencies, leading to the increase in service quality of this industry. With the support of the UK government, BBC’s programs grow so fast. They are able to produce independent educational programs without any influence from other forces. That is to say, they can broadcast the truth faithfully. It offers a chance for people to speak freely with a neutral, equitable and objective stand.雅思口语Part2题库:电视教育节目Describe an educational TV program.You should say:what the program iswhat type of program it iswhat contents it hasand explain what you learned from the program.I’d like to talk about a program from my childhood called “How 2”, I believe it’s originally a British TV show that was televised in my country with subtitles. The presenters certainly spoke with a British accent.It’s hard to pin down exactly what type of program it was, I guess a mixture of science and history, with some everyday facts thrown in for good measure. The title itself is a play on words, as the series would show you ‘how to’ do certain t hings.The show is aimed at kids in middle school or high school.The hosts would routinely do experiments to demonstrate science in action, I remember one in particular where the presenters were trying to pour water out of a bottle in the quickest way possible. The winner had a very good technique whereby she would swirl the water, creating a vortex and causing the liquid to fly out of the bottle far quicker than any of the others’.As you would expect, the show got me interested in science and learning, but it also showed that you could do many experiments yourself and have fun at home, with everyday objects and materials that were easy to get hold of. At school we would need equipment and the teacher would have to supervise us, but at home we could be left to our own devices, with just a bottle and some water to keep us amused.雅思口语成绩如何有效提高雅思考试作为一门出国必备的语言测试,近几年在各国认可程度不断提升。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A special trip

题目:Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future.You should say:where this place iswho you would like to go withwhat would you do thereand explain why this would be a special trip.答案:I’d like to say that if possible, I feel like travelling to the Great Barrier Reef which is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. I am keen on going there because it is the paradise for travelling and photography there. Though there are thousands of kilometres away from Changsha, I believe I will get there as long as I’m free.I once watched the BBC documentary film introducing the Great Barrier Reef, I was attracted by the colourful undersea world and the superb scenery. For example, I can enjoy the laid-back beach, experience the memorable diving trips to see the magnificent coral and the magical marine life; moreover, I will select one of the fantastic and uninhabited islands to camp for a couple of days. Besides, I would take my camera with me to capture the stunning natural scenery. It is really a valuable pleasures of life.I would like to go there with my girl friend for the special trip. I want her to experience the natural wonders as well as getting close to it.必备词汇:1.大堡礁: the Great Barrier Reef2.珊瑚海:Coral Sea3.在澳洲昆士兰的海边:off the coast of Queensland, Australia4.我超级想去那儿:I am keen on going there5.因为那是旅行和拍照的天堂:because it is the paradise for traveling and photography there6.我曾经看过BBC介绍大堡礁的纪录片:I once watched the BBC documentary film introducing the Great Barrier Reef7.多彩的海底世界:colourful undersea world and the superb scenery8.令人放松的沙滩:laid-back beach9.壮丽的珊瑚:magnificent coral10.神奇的海洋申请:magical marine life11.无人岛:uninhabited islands12.迷人的自然风光:stunning natural scenery13.体验自然的神奇:experience the natural wonders。
雅思口语Part 2话题卡:Describe a TV program 电视节目.doc

雅思口语Part 2话题卡:Describe a TV program 电视节目思路点拨:以下思路谨供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案答好这个题目的关键在于对TV program的理解上。
首先,TV program的范围极广,无论是电视剧、访谈,还是综艺、纪录片都可以算作电视节目的范畴,大家不要把自己的思路局限在某一类节目上,进而逼死自己。
其次,根据维基百科的解释,TV program不单单指那些在电视上播放的节目,互联网上的也算。
Describe a TV programYou should say:What the TV program isHow you know itWhat it is likeWhy you like it我要告诉你的节目是一部叫做犯罪心理的电视剧。
The program I am going to talk about is a TV series called criminal minds. The first time I saw it can be traced back to 6 years ago when I was browsing Douban, a TV series ranking website. This drama was at the top of the list, getting a score of 9.5 out of 10. I thought there must be something good in it. So I downloaded it and began watching.从第一眼开始,我就被吸引住了。

雅思口语Part2范文范文:你喜欢的电视节目Describe a television program that you like to watch.You should say:what program it iswhat the program is abouthow often you watch itand explain why you like watching this program.Over the course of my life, I have been watching a lot of television programs, ranging from scientific to reality shows. However, the TV program that I am addicted to is the Apprentice on NBC channel. The show airs for about 30 minutes, twice a week. The show is hosted by Donald Trump, one of the richest and most powerful billionaires in the world.在我的一生中,我看了很多电视节目,从科学节目到真人秀。
There are often 10 people in each episode and all the participants are young, dynamic, enthusiastic and talented people from all walks of life. Despite of different backgrounds, they all share the same dream of becoming successful people, which is the very reason why they join this program.每集通常有10个人,所有的参与者都是来自各行各业的年轻人,充满活力,热情,有才华。
雅思口语part2实例educational TV programme

雅思口语part2实例educational TV programme编者按:今天给大家带来的是一篇关于教育性电视节目的雅思口语part2话题讲解,答案来自于前考官simon的博客。
【话题: educational TV programme】Describe an educational television programme that you liked.You should say- what the programme was about- when and where you saw it- how you found out about this programme- and why you liked it【9分考官答案】I’m going to talk about one of my favourite educational TV programmes, which is a nature docume ntary called ‘Planet Earth’. There were eleven episodes of this programme, and each one featured a different habitat on Earth, such as mountains, caves, deserts and jungles. The aim of the ‘Planet Earth’ series was to take the viewer into those habitats, u sing spectacular footage of interesting animals, plants and landscapes.小编点评:首句定语从句可谓先声夺人。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:An article you read about healthy life

题目:Describe an article you read from a magazine or from the internet about healthy life.You should say:what the article was aboutwhen and where you read ithow it was related to healthy lifeand explain why you think it is a good or bad article.答案:Several days ago, I read an article about introducing a bunch of health tips for healthy living in the , which is a professional healthcare website and provides easy-to-read, in-depth medical information for its readers. This article was shared in the Facebook for thousands of times, so I didn’t hesitate to click the link to go for it.This article is designed to give tips to readers about how they can improve or augment actions in their life to have a healthy lifestyle. It provides loads of feasible practices of eating, physical activities and exercise, mental health, tobacco use and etc, so you can see, all these aspects are very important and closely related to the healthy life. For example, it advises me to get to know the source of all stress to help me fell in control because the more control I feel I have over my life, the less damaging the stress in my life will be.Therefore, I felt that the article was really helpful because it clearly uncovered some advantages and drawbacks of different lifestyles and provided me the most healthy way beneficial to my body.必备词汇:1.许多天前:several days ago2.一篇文章: an article3.健康生活的建议:health tips for healthy living4.职业健康网站:professional healthcare website5.易读: easy-to-read6.深度医学信息:in-depth medical information7.几千次:thousands of times8.点击:click9.读者:readers10.健康方式:healthy style11.可行的:feasible12.运动: physical activities and exercise13.心理健康:mental health14.吸烟:tobacco use15.例如:for example16.这建议我:it advises me to X17.因此:therefore18.有用的:helpful19.解开了:uncovered20.优点和缺点:advantages and drawbacks21.最健康的方式:the most healthy way。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:An article that you read from a magazine or newspaper

题目:Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.You should say:1.what the article was2.when and where you read it3.what you learnt from the article4.and explain why you think it is a good or bad article.答案:Several days ago, I read an article about introducing a bunch of health tips for healthy living in the local newspaper column, which provides easy-to-read, in-depth medical information for its readers.This article is designed to give tips to readers about how they can improve or augment actions in their life to have a healthy lifestyle. It provides loads of feasible practices of eating, physical activities and exercise, mental health, tobacco use and etc, so you can see, all these aspects are very important and closely related to the healthy life. For example, it advises me to get to know the source of all stress to help me fell in control because the more control I feel I have over my life, the less damaging the stress in my life will be.Therefore, I felt that the article was really helpful because it clearly uncovered some advantages and drawbacks of different lifestyles and provided me the most healthy way beneficial to my body.必备词汇:1.一堆:a bunch of/loads of2.健康的建议:health tips3.健康的生活方式:healthy living/healthy lifestyle4.当地报纸的专栏:local newspaper column5.易读的:easy-to-read6.有深度的医学信息:in-depth medical information7.读者:readers8.可行的饮食方法:feasible practices of eating9.体育锻炼和运动:physical activities and exercise10.心里健康:mental health11.吸烟:tobacco use12.所有这些因素:all these aspects13.例如:for example14. 它会劝导我:it advises me XX15.压力的来源:the source of all stress16.因此:Therefore17.我觉得文章特有用:I felt that the article was really helpful18.不同生活的优缺点:some advantages and drawbacks of different lifestyles。

问题:Describe an artist or entertainer you admireYou should say1.who they are and what they they became you found out about them and why you admire them范例答案:1.I’m going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... He’s a singer who also plays the guitar and writes his own songs. I think he recorded his first album about 10 years ago, and he’s released several other CDs since then.2.He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing live in small venues all over the country. Gradually he built a following of people who liked his music. I think the key to his success was one of his songs that was used on a TV advertisement. This meant that more people became aware of his music.3.I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in concert.I hadn’t heard any of his music before, but I went along to the gig and really enjoyed it. After that I bought the first CD, and now I’ve got all of them.4.The reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success: it takes years of practice to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent several years playing to very small audiences before he became successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I admire people who have worked hard to get where they are.。

雅思推荐电视英文作文英文:When it comes to TV shows, there are a lot of options out there. Some people love to watch dramas, while others prefer comedies. Personally, I enjoy watching reality shows.I find them entertaining and often learn something new from them.One of my favorite reality shows is "Survivor". It's a competition show where contestants are stranded on a deserted island and have to compete in challenges to win rewards and avoid elimination. I love the strategic gameplay and the social dynamics that come into play. It's also fascinating to see how people react under pressure and how they adapt to living in the wild.Another reality show that I enjoy is "The Amazing Race". It's a race around the world where teams of two have to complete challenges in different countries. I love seeingthe different cultures and landscapes that the contestants encounter, as well as the teamwork and communication skills that are necessary to succeed.中文:说到电视节目,有很多选择。
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P3:TV programme话题

问题1. Do you think most people watch TV for education or for entertainment?回答:I think people watch TV primarily for entertainment. There are far more entertainment programmes than educational ones, and in my experience most people treat television as a form of relaxation in the evening. If I think about the most popular TV programmes in the UK, such as talent shows like 'X Factor' or soap operas like 'Eastenders', the focus is definitely on entertainment rather than education.问题2. Should TV play a role in educating children? How?回答:Yes, it definitely should play a role in my opinion. Good children's TV programmes should tell stories that contain some kind of lesson about how to behave or what is morally right and wrong. Many of the traditional fairy tales, such as 'Cinderella', have been made into TV programmes, and there is always a postive message in those stories.问题3. How do you think TV viewing habits change as people get older?回答:TV viewing habits obviously change a lot as we get older. While toddlers might watch programmes about talking animals, teenagers prefer action and adventure or sports, and as adults we start taking an interest in news and politics. My own preferences, for example, have changed over the years - I would never have watched news programmes when I was younger. I think it would be very strange if our viewing habits didn't mature!。
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Describe a TV programme or channel that you enjoy watching regularly.?
1.What it is called? and what is it about?
2.When do you usually watch it
3.Why do you prefer it to other programmes or channels?
1.I rarely watch traditional television channels nowadays; I much prefer searching for interesting programmes or videos online. So, although it’s not a normal TV channel or programme, I’d like to talk about a website which I think is kind of a modern version of a TV channel. It’s called TED, which stands for ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’, and it’s a great place to watch short talks and presentations about all sorts of interesting topics.
2.The good thing about the videos on TED is that I can watch them whenever I want.
I have saved as one of my favourites on my laptop, and I tend to visit the website every few days to check whether there is anything new. I often watch TED videos on my phone while I’m travelling to work on the train.
3.The reason I like watching online videos on TED is that I learn something new every time I watch one. The tagline for the TED website is ‘ideas worth spreading’, and this really sums up the appeal of the site for me. Instead of watching meaningless soap operas and talk shows on TV, I’d much rather spend 10 minutes watching someone talk about a breakthrough in technology, science or healthcare.。