























跨文化交际的特点主要有以下几个方面:1. 多样性:不同国家和地区之间存在着各种语言、文化和传统,人们在跨文化交际中需要面对多元的差异性和复杂性。

2. 动态性:跨文化交际不是一成不变的,随着社会、历史和经济等因素的变化,跨文化交际需要不断地适应和调整。

3. 矛盾性:不同文化之间的差异和冲突是不可避免的,跨文化交际需要协调和解决各种矛盾问题。

二、跨文化交际中常见的问题在跨文化交际中,我们需要面对各种各样的问题,下面列举了一些常见的问题:1. 语言障碍:不同国家和地区之间存在着各种语言,语言障碍是跨文化交际中最基本的问题。

2. 文化差异:不同文化之间存在着种种不同,如礼仪、宗教、道德等方面的差异,这些差异可能会导致误解或矛盾。

3. 沟通方式不同:不同文化之间的沟通方式和表达方式也存在差异,如在中国,说话时一般比较委婉、含蓄,而在美国,人们则更注重直接表达和说话技巧。

4. 价值观不同:不同文化之间的价值观存在着差异,如在西方国家,人们更注重个人的自由和权利,而在亚洲国家,人们则更重视集体意识和家庭观念。

三、跨文化交际的解决方法如何在跨文化交际中解决上述问题,使得交流和合作更加顺利呢?以下几点可以作为参考:1. 学习对方的语言和文化:学习对方的语言和文化是解决跨文化交际问题的基本方法,能够更好地理解对方的观念和行为方式。


















一个人所处的社会生产方式及其所处的经济地位,对其价值观的形成有决定性的影响;同时舆论宣传,以及父母、老师、朋友和公众名人的观点与行为,对一个人的价值观形成也有不可忽视的作用4.体态语体态语(body language )是非语言交际的重要组成部分,它包括眼神、手势、身势、面部表情、体距、体触等。















3.G. Hofstede与 G.J.Hofstede(2004)提出的文化要素包括几个层次?包括象征符号、英雄人物、礼仪、价值观4个层次。




1. 跨文化交际特点之一就是多样性啦!就像一个大花园里有各种各样的花朵,不同文化就是那些色彩斑斓、形态各异的花儿。

2. 还有啊,语言障碍有时候真是个大难题!这就好比爬山时遇到的陡峭山峰。


3. 文化差异也会导致行为习惯不同哟!好比不同的菜系有着独特的风味。

4. 跨文化交际中,理解和包容可太重要啦!这就像是船只在大海上航行的灯塔。

5. 礼貌表达方式的不同也是一个特点呢!就好像不同风格的衣服。

6. 情感表达也有差别呢!像不同的音乐旋律。















具体来说,非语言交际在交际中有五个方面的辅助作用:1.重复(repeating) 在说别人某一地点的时候,我们往往可以用手指向地点所处的方位,用手势予以重复。

2.补足(complementing) 补足通常能对语言犯罪行为起著润色和叙述的促进作用,提供更多更多的信息。

3.替代(substituting) 有时我们用非语言犯罪行为替代讲话,可以表达同样的信息。


4.调节(regulating) 在攀谈中,人们可以利用摇头、摇摇头、保持沉默等非语言犯罪行为向对方表达信息并且以此去掌控交际的进一步发展。

5.强调(accenting) 这个功能主要用来强调语言信息或其他非语言信息的.特别或重要之处。



The Major Features of Intercultural CommunicationCommunication is the process of understanding and sharing meaning. It occurs whenever information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. Sending signals of one kind or another is inevitable. And the process of sending and receiving message is complex. What a signal means to the sender is not always what it means to the receiver. Therefore, the trick is to transmit appropriate information to appropriate receivers at appropriate times.Communication is a symbolic behavior. And the most important mode of communication is verbal. Language is a highly developed symbolic system of human communication. As a most basic element of culture, language is the means, by which culture is transmitted from generation to generation and a person’s language greatly influences how he or she perceives the world.The major features of communication inclouds:munication is symbolicHuman communication is symbolic. We employ symbols as a way of sharing our internal states. The ability to produce and use symbols enables human beings to share their internal status and infer what another human being is experiencing, thus distinguishing human beings with other animals. Symbols are at the core of communication, but no symbol means the same thing to everyone, because different cultures often employ different symbols and usually assign special meaning to them. For example, dragon has been taken as totem by Chinese for thousands of years, it represents a kind of powerful and propitious animal, although it may never really exist. However, in western cultures, dragon is a kind of fierce and evil animal. Therefore, many people insist that we should not translate “龙” into “dragon”, sincethe two symbols represents totally different things.munication can be intentional and unintentional behavior Communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to messages, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be considered part of the communication event. Just like the Chinese phrase—“言者无心,听者有意”, so being aware that your actions convey many potential messages is very important when engaging in intercultural communication.munication has a consequenceCommunication influences other people whether we intend it to be or not. This feature of communication—communication has a consequence—means that when we receive a message, something happens to us. It also means that all of our messages, in one degree or another, do something to someone else. We cannot send message without influencing other people.4. Communication is dynamicCommunication is a behavioral process. It is not static. Communication is dynamiclike a motion picture, not a single snapshot. What is said can not be unsaid and what is done cannot be undone. Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable. It is very important to realize that communication is dynamic. And when we send signals to others, we’d better think thrice before we act in order not to cause any trouble that can not be made up.5. Communication is contextual and governed by rulesContext is a key element in both communication and culture. Communication is contextual. Messages exchange always takes place in specific and definable location, not in a vacuum. Different context call for different modes of behavior. The regulations for each context are culturally based. Since communication is contextual and governed by rules, we should never imagine everyone behaves in the same way as we do. And when the context or culture changes, the mode of our behavior must change at the same time. That is what is called “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”As for culture, it is a complex, abstract, and pervasive matrix of social elements that functions as an all encompassing form or pattern for living by laying out a predictable world in which all individual is firmly oriented. It enables us to make sense of our surroundings, aiding the transition from the womb to this new life. There are three aspects of culture: material life such as material things, essential for human survival; social life such as lifestyles, social organizations, and political and economic relations; and spiritual life such as religion, philosophy, value system, science and art.The major features of culture are as follows:1. Culture is not innate, but learned.As animals, all of us must eat, drink, sleep, find shelter, give and receive affection, and meet all of the other biologic requirements that flesh is heir to. But what we eat when we eat and how we eat are all behaviors we have learned from the groups in which we have grown up. Not only the language we speak and the way we think, but even what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell are conditioned by the culture in which we have been raised.It is not difficult to find that culture is not innate but learned. When we leave our hometown or any certain culture that we have been very familiar with, and then enter another culture, we will find many things new or strange. But soon we can accustom ourselves to the new circumstance. That is because we can learn the new culture very quickly. I am often amazed by we human being’s ability to adjust to the dynamic circumstances. Whatever obstacle or even disaster, we are able to overcome it.2. Various facets of culture are interrelated.Culture is composed of many different facets, such as religion, philosophy, science, art, etc. They are related to each other, they influence each other and interact.3.Culture is invisible.This feature of culture suggests that bulk of culture is invisible. That is what is termed as “hidden dimensions”. Culture influences us from the very day we were born but we are rarely conscious of many messages that we are receiving. Members of a culture learn the perceptions, rules, and behavior of the membership without beingaware of it.We not only learn the cultural behavior below the level of consciousness, but also perform them almost habitually, automatically. Though there is certain conscious learning, we learn the bulk of our culture at the unconscious level. The unconsciousness of the cultural behavior in both its acquisition and expression is an important dimension for intercultural communication because it presents hidden behaviors.4. Culture is dynamic.Culture changes continuously over time. It seldom remains still. Taking fashion for example, it changes sooner than the weather. However, the fact that culture is dynamic does not mean culture has no fixed content. Chinese culture has a history as long as thousands of years, time passed, but many facets of culture have survived, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, poems of Tang Dynasty, Chinese characters, etc. They become our classic culture.5. Culture is ethnocentric.Ethnocentrism is “a habitual disposition to judge foreign peoples or groups by the standards and practices of one’s own culture or ethnic group and a tendency toward viewing alien cultures with disfavor and resulting a sense of inherent superiority”.Like culture itself, ethnocentrism is not innate. It is learned. Many languages teach a certain degree of ethnocentrism.It is not difficult to find that people tend to regard their own culture as superior to others. This is why we have capitalist camp and socialist camp in politics, while in language, we are very proud that Chinese is spoken by the largest population and more and more foreigners start learning it; most of the Frenchman can speak English very well, still they think their own language French is most beautiful in the world; Japanese are always proud of their own culture…Ethnocentrism can be good, because our unique culture is part of our life, we should never forget or give up our own culture. It can alse be bad. The whole world is composed of various different cultures, which is what makes it colorful and fascinating. If some cultures are neglected or contempted, we may lose them for ever. We should allow various cultures to co-exist.Having realized the major features of communication and culture, we can see how culture influences our interaction with people of different cultural groups, and we can learn to predict and solve possible problems in intercultural communication. Intercultural communication can be easy for us as long as we increase ourcross-cultural awareness.。


























美国的大众文化特别强调个人主义精神,麦当劳的广告叫“我就喜欢他”(I am loving it),我不管你有多少人喜欢,我喜欢就行。












饮食、节日、礼仪等方面的习 俗在不同文化中存在差异。
由于文化背景的差异,可能导致 对对方行为的误解和偏见。
不同文化背景的人可能使用不同 的语言或术语,导致沟通困难。
不同文化背景的人Hale Waihona Puke 能有不同的 沟通风格,如直接或委婉。
根据对方的文化背景调整自己的 沟通方式。
跨商务文化交际是指在不同 文化背景下的商务交流和合 作。成功的跨商务文化交际 需要具备文化意识和跨文化 沟通能力,以促进相互理解 和合作。
文化差异对商务交流和合作 产生重要影响,包括语言沟 通、谈判技巧、决策方式等 方面。因此,在跨商务文化 交际中,需要充分了解和尊 重文化差异,以避免误解和 冲突。
文化是社会凝聚力的源泉, 它有助于形成共同的社会 规范和价值观,促进社会 和谐与稳定。
文化对个体的思想、行为 和价值观产生深远影响, 塑造个体在社会中的角色 和行为方式。
文化作为一种产业,能够 创造经济价值,推动经济 发展和社会进步。
肢体语言、面部表情等非语言信息在不同文化中 可能有不同的含义,可能导致沟通障碍。
语言是跨文化交际的核心媒介,但不同语言的语 法、语义、表达方式等方面存在差异,可能导致 信息传递的误解。
尊重文化差异,增强文化敏感性和包容性;学习 并掌握目标文化的语言和非语言信息;培养有效 的沟通技巧,如倾听、表达和反馈;利用专业机 构和人士进行跨文化培训和指导。

跨文化交际 知识点整理

跨文化交际 知识点整理






















1、社会科学的方法(social science,有时称 为functionalist)
2、 描述性方法(interpretive approach)
3、评论性方法(critical approach)
社会科学法 所依赖的学科 研究的目的 对现实的假设 对人类行为的 假设 心理学 描述和预见行为 外部的 描述性的 可预见性的 描述法 文化人类学 社会语言学 描述行为 主观的 创造性的 随意的 评论法 多种学科 改变行为 主观的 可变化的
国际关系学 文化人类学、社会学 语言学 哲学 心理学
(1)传播学:减少不确定性理论 (2)心理学:归因理论
(3)语言学:修辞学理论 (4)哲学:世界观、人生观、价值观 (5)文化人类学:文化规范冲突理论 (6)社会学:适应理论 (7)国际关系学
图 2.4
(2)跨文化传播的模式(A) 发送者 编码 传递信息 接收者 解码 阐明 正确 编码反馈信息 图 2.5 解码 阐明
无 误 会 反 馈
误 会 反 馈
不正确 编码反馈信息
发 送
发送信息 信 息 ○ 渠 道
○ ○
编码 甲 (依据甲文化码本和程序)
(反应) 意向 (反应) ○ □ 化 使原意改变 与原意重合 文 发 解码 (依甲文化码本和程序) 送 者
100 %
美国/法国 美国/德国 美国/意大利
0 % 美国/英国 美国/加拿大 0 %
(1)两种文化的异同与互动 (2)两种文化的冲突点 (3)文化发展的变异 (4)文化的依附与独立



跨文化交际在国际商务中的重要性第一章: 引言随着全球化的深入发展,国际贸易越来越繁荣。




第二章: 跨文化交际的概念和特点2.1 跨文化交际的概念跨文化交际是指在不同的文化背景和语言环境下进行的交流活动。


2.2 跨文化交际的特点跨文化交际具有以下几个特点:1)在跨文化交际中,不同的文化背景和语言环境会对信息的传递和理解产生影响,从而容易产生误解和文化冲突。



第三章:跨文化交际在国际商务中的重要性3.1 提升商务合作的成功率在国际商务中,跨文化交际能够提升商务合作的成功率。



3.2 减少商务风险在国际商务中,跨文化交际能够减少商务风险。



3.3 增强国际竞争力在国际商务中,跨文化交际能够增强企业的国际竞争力。





















汉语中形容烹调方法的字有50多个,如烤、烧、蒸、煨、炖、煮、炸、煎、炒、烩、熏、煲、烘、焙、熬、涮、溜、氽…而英文用以形容烹调方法的词,大约只有10余个,例如,bake(烤),broil(用猛火烤),barbecue(烧),steam(蒸),stew(用文火慢慢煨炖),boil(用白水煮熟,汤通常弃之不要),simmer(用文火短时间的炖煨),deep fry(炸),panfry(介于炸与煎之间),stir fry (炒)。



The Major Features of Intercultural Communication Communication is the process of understanding and sharing meaning. It occurs whenever information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. Sending signals of one kind or another is inevitable. And the process of sending and receiving message is complex. What a signal means to the sender is not always what it means to the receiver. Therefore, the trick is to transmit appropriate information to appropriate receivers at appropriate times.Communication is a symbolic behavior. And the most important mode of communication is verbal. Language is a highly developed symbolic system of human communication. As a most basic element of culture, language is the means, by which culture is transmitted from generation to generation and a person’s language greatly influences how he or she perceives the world.The major features of communication inclouds:munication is symbolicHuman communication is symbolic. We employ symbols as a way of sharing our internal states. The ability to produce and use symbols enables human beings to share their internal status and infer what another human being is experiencing, thus distinguishing human beings with other animals. Symbols are at the core of communication, but no symbol means the same thing to everyone, because different cultures often employ different symbols and usually assign special meaning to them. For example, dragon has been taken as totem by Chinese for thousands of years, it represents a kind of powerful and propitious animal, although it may never really exist. However, in western cultures, dragon is a kind of fierce and evil animal. Therefore, many people insist that we should not translate “龙”into “dragon”, since the two symbols represents totally different things.munication can be intentional and unintentional behavior Communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to messages, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be considered part of the communication event. Just like the Chinese phrase—“言者无心,听者有意”, so being aware that your actions convey many potential messages is very important when engaging in intercultural communication.munication has a consequenceCommunication influences other people whether we intend it to be or not. This feature of communication—communication has a consequence—means that when we receive a message, something happens to us. It also means that all of our messages, in one degree or another, do something to someone else. We cannot send message without influencing other people.4. Communication is dynamicCommunication is a behavioral process. It is not static. Communication is dynamic like a motion picture, not a single snapshot. What is said can not be unsaid and what is done cannot be undone. Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable. It is veryimportant to realize that communication is dynamic. And when we send signals to others, we’d better think thrice before we act in order not to cause any trouble that can not be made up.5. Communication is contextual and governed by rulesContext is a key element in both communication and culture. Communication is contextual. Messages exchange always takes place in specific and definable location, not in a vacuum. Different context call for different modes of behavior. The regulations for each context are culturally based. Since communication is contextual and governed by rules, we should never imagine everyone behaves in the same way as we do. And when the context or culture changes, the mode of our behavior must change at the same time. That is what is called “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”As for culture, it is a complex, abstract, and pervasive matrix of social elements that functions as an all encompassing form or pattern for living by laying out a predictable world in which all individual is firmly oriented. It enables us to make sense of our surroundings, aiding the transition from the womb to this new life. There are three aspects of culture: material life such as material things, essential for human survival; social life such as lifestyles, social organizations, and political and economic relations; and spiritual life such as religion, philosophy, value system, science and art.The major features of culture are as follows:1. Culture is not innate, but learned.As animals, all of us must eat, drink, sleep, find shelter, give and receive affection, and meet all of the other biologic requirements that flesh is heir to. But what we eat when we eat and how we eat are all behaviors we have learned from the groups in which we have grown up. Not only the language we speak and the way we think, but even what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell are conditioned by the culture in which we have been raised.It is not difficult to find that culture is not innate but learned. When we leave our hometown or any certain culture that we have been very familiar with, and then enter another culture, we will find many things new or strange. But soon we can accustom ourselves to the new circumstance. That is because we can learn the new culture very quickly. I am often amazed by we human being’s ability to adjust to the dynamic circumstances. Whatever obstacle or even disaster, we are able to overcome it.2. V arious facets of culture are interrelated.Culture is composed of many different facets, such as religion, philosophy, science, art, etc. They are related to each other, they influence each other and interact.3.Culture is invisible.This feature of culture suggests that bulk of culture is invisible. That is what is termed a s “hidden dimensions”. Culture influences us from the very day we were born but we are rarely conscious of many messages that we are receiving. Members of a culture learn the perceptions, rules, and behavior of the membership without being aware of it.We not only learn the cultural behavior below the level of consciousness, but alsoperform them almost habitually, automatically. Though there is certain conscious learning, we learn the bulk of our culture at the unconscious level. The unconsciousness of the cultural behavior in both its acquisition and expression is an important dimension for intercultural communication because it presents hidden behaviors.4. Culture is dynamic.Culture changes continuously over time. It seldom remains still. Taking fashion for example, it changes sooner than the weather. However, the fact that culture is dynamic does not mean culture has no fixed content. Chinese culture has a history as long as thousands of years, time passed, but many facets of culture have survived, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, poems of Tang Dynasty, Chinese characters, etc. They become our classic culture.5. Culture is ethnocentric.Ethnocentrism is “a habitual disposition to judge foreign peoples or groups by the standards and practices of one’s own culture or ethnic group and a tendency toward viewing alien cultures with disfavor and resulting a sense of inherent superiority”.Like culture itself, ethnocentrism is not innate. It is learned. Many languages teach a certain degree of ethnocentrism.It is not difficult to find that people tend to regard their own culture as superior to others. This is why we have capitalist camp and socialist camp in politics, while in language, we are very proud that Chinese is spoken by the largest population and more and more foreigners start learning it; most of the Frenchman can speak English very well, still they think their own language French is most beautiful in the world; Japanese are always proud of their own culture…Ethnocentrism can be good, because our unique culture is part of our life, we should never forget or give up our own culture. It can alse be bad. The whole world is composed of various different cultures, which is what makes it colorful and fascinating. If some cultures are neglected or contempted, we may lose them for ever. We should allow various cultures to co-exist.Having realized the major features of communication and culture, we can see how culture influences our interaction with people of different cultural groups, and we can learn to predict and solve possible problems in intercultural communication. Intercultural communication can be easy for us as long as we increase ourcross-cultural awareness.。




A:与外国人交流 B:郑和下西洋 C:与家人交流 D:佛教传播答案:C2.以下不属于跨文化交际的特点的是()。

A:冲突性 B:差异性 C:隐蔽性 D:挑战性答案:C3.以下会造成跨文化交际困难的是()。

A:非语言行为 B:思维模式 C:语言 D:交际风格答案:ABCD4.跨文化交际既是指一种人类的社会活动,也是指一门研究跨文化交际活动的学科。

()A:错 B:对答案:B5.跨文化交际是不同文化背景的人们之间的交际。

()A:对 B:错答案:A6.跨文化交际中并不会涉及很多差异性。

()A:对 B:错答案:B7.差异性是导致跨文化交际出现冲突的主要原因。

()A:错 B:对答案:B8.跨文化交际是一种挑战,但更是一种收获。

()A:对 B:错答案:A9.接受批评时直视老师的眼睛被西方学生看作礼貌的行为,但是这种行为在中国文化中却是一种不尊重老师的表现。


()A:对 B:错答案:A10.在新的环境中常常会由于语言和文化的不同而产生心理上的不适或者交际上的障碍,感受到“文化休克”。

()A:对 B:错答案:A第二章测试1.以下属于非言语文化的是()。

A:手势 B:表情 C:作为排列 D:身体接触答案:ABCD2.有人把文化比喻成一个"洋葱",包含了以下四个层次。


A:价值观 B:礼仪 C:英雄人物 D:象征符号答案:D3.以下属于文化的要素的是()。

A:艺术 B:服饰 C:法律 D:文学答案:ABCD4.社会组织包括()A:学校 B:政府 C:部落等社会机制 D:家庭答案:ABCD5.所谓文化和文明乃是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及包括作为社会成员的个人而获得的其他任何能力、习惯在内的一种综合体。














非语言交际的作用fivefunctions1.repeating重复3.substituting替代4.regulating强调5.contradicting驳斥1.repeating重复peopleoftenusenornverbalmessagestorepeatapointtheyaretryingtomake.substituting替代weperformsomeactioninsteadofspeaking.regulating调节contradicting否定ournonverbalactionssendsignalsoppositefromtheliteralmeaningcontainedinourverba lmessages.fivefunctions1.repeating重复3.substituting替代4.regulating特别强调5.contradicting否定 thankyou!。

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The Major Features of Intercultural Communication Communication is the process of understanding and sharing meaning. It occurs whenever information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. Sending signals of one kind or another is inevitable. And the process of sending and receiving message is complex. What a signal means to the sender is not always what it means to the receiver. Therefore, the trick is to transmit appropriate information to appropriate receivers at appropriate times.Communication is a symbolic behavior. And the most important mode of communication is verbal. Language is a highly developed symbolic system of human communication. As a most basic element of culture, language is the means, by which culture is transmitted from generation to generation and a person’s language greatly influences how he or she perceives the world.The major features of communication inclouds:munication is symbolicHuman communication is symbolic. We employ symbols as a way of sharing our internal states. The ability to produce and use symbols enables human beings to share their internal status and infer what another human being is experiencing, thus distinguishing human beings with other animals. Symbols are at the core of communication, but no symbol means the same thing to everyone, because different cultures often employ different symbols and usually assign special meaning to them. For example, dragon has been taken as totem by Chinese for thousands of years, it represents a kind of powerful and propitious animal, although it may never really exist. However, in western cultures, dragon is a kind of fierce and evil animal. Therefore, many people insist that we should not translate “龙” into “dragon”, since the two symbols represents totally different things.munication can be intentional and unintentional behavior Communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to messages, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be considered part of the communication event. Just like the Chinese phrase—“言者无心,听者有意”, so being aware that your actions convey many potential messages is very important when engaging in intercultural communication.munication has a consequenceCommunication influences other people whether we intend it to be or not. This feature of communication—communication has a consequence—means that when we receive a message, something happens to us. It also means that all of our messages, in one degree or another, do something to someone else. We cannot send message without influencing other people.4. Communication is dynamicCommunication is a behavioral process. It is not static. Communication is dynamic like a motion picture, not a single snapshot. What is said can not be unsaid and what is done cannot be undone. Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable. It is veryimportant to realize that communication is dynamic. And when we send signals to others, we’d better think thrice before we act in order not to cause any trouble that can not be made up.5. Communication is contextual and governed by rulesContext is a key element in both communication and culture. Communication is contextual. Messages exchange always takes place in specific and definable location, not in a vacuum. Different context call for different modes of behavior. The regulations for each context are culturally based. Since communication is contextual and governed by rules, we should never imagine everyone behaves in the same way as we do. And when the context or culture changes, the mode of our behavior must change at the same time. That is what is called “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”As for culture, it is a complex, abstract, and pervasive matrix of social elements that functions as an all encompassing form or pattern for living by laying out a predictable world in which all individual is firmly oriented. It enables us to make sense of our surroundings, aiding the transition from the womb to this new life. There are three aspects of culture: material life such as material things, essential for human survival; social life such as lifestyles, social organizations, and political and economic relations; and spiritual life such as religion, philosophy, value system, science and art.The major features of culture are as follows:1. Culture is not innate, but learned.As animals, all of us must eat, drink, sleep, find shelter, give and receive affection, and meet all of the other biologic requirements that flesh is heir to. But what we eat when we eat and how we eat are all behaviors we have learned from the groups in which we have grown up. Not only the language we speak and the way we think, but even what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell are conditioned by the culture in which we have been raised.It is not difficult to find that culture is not innate but learned. When we leave our hometown or any certain culture that we have been very familiar with, and then enter another culture, we will find many things new or strange. But soon we can accustom ourselves to the new circumstance. That is because we can learn the new culture very quickly. I am often amazed by we human being’s ability to adjust to the dynamic circumstances. Whatever obstacle or even disaster, we are able to overcome it.2. Various facets of culture are interrelated.Culture is composed of many different facets, such as religion, philosophy, science, art, etc. They are related to each other, they influence each other and interact.3.Culture is invisible.This feature of culture suggests that bulk of culture is invisible. That is what is termed a s “hidden dimensions”. Culture influences us from the very day we were born but we are rarely conscious of many messages that we are receiving. Members of a culture learn the perceptions, rules, and behavior of the membership without being aware of it.We not only learn the cultural behavior below the level of consciousness, but alsoperform them almost habitually, automatically. Though there is certain conscious learning, we learn the bulk of our culture at the unconscious level. The unconsciousness of the cultural behavior in both its acquisition and expression is an important dimension for intercultural communication because it presents hidden behaviors.4. Culture is dynamic.Culture changes continuously over time. It seldom remains still. Taking fashion for example, it changes sooner than the weather. However, the fact that culture is dynamic does not mean culture has no fixed content. Chinese culture has a history as long as thousands of years, time passed, but many facets of culture have survived, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, poems of Tang Dynasty, Chinese characters, etc. They become our classic culture.5. Culture is ethnocentric.Ethnocentrism is “a habitual disposition to judge foreign peoples or groups by the standards and practices of one’s own culture or ethnic group and a tendency toward viewing alien cultures with disfavor and resulting a sense of inherent superiority”.Like culture itself, ethnocentrism is not innate. It is learned. Many languages teach a certain degree of ethnocentrism.It is not difficult to find that people tend to regard their own culture as superior to others. This is why we have capitalist camp and socialist camp in politics, while in language, we are very proud that Chinese is spoken by the largest population and more and more foreigners start learning it; most of the Frenchman can speak English very well, still they think their own language French is most beautiful in the world; Japanese are always proud of their own culture…Ethnocentrism can be good, because our unique culture is part of our life, we should never forget or give up our own culture. It can alse be bad. The whole world is composed of various different cultures, which is what makes it colorful and fascinating. If some cultures are neglected or contempted, we may lose them for ever. We should allow various cultures to co-exist.Having realized the major features of communication and culture, we can see how culture influences our interaction with people of different cultural groups, and we can learn to predict and solve possible problems in intercultural communication. Intercultural communication can be easy for us as long as we increase ourcross-cultural awareness.。
