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1. 讲解第37 课单词、语法、课文、语言点。






1. 表达:①the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会,②a great many people大批的人,③an immense

stadium 一个大型体育场,④ a new Olympic-standard swimming pool —个新的奥运会标准游泳池,⑤ build a special railway line 一条铁路专线,⑥ outside the capital 在首都近郊,⑦ complete the new roads 把新路铺好,⑧ finish work on the new stadium 建成新的体育馆,⑨ look forward to the Olympic Games 盼望奥运会的到来,⑩ hold the Olympic Games 举办奥运会(11)by the end of

this year 在今年年底(12) watch anxiously 急切地注视着(13)the whole area 整个地区(M)fantastic

modern buildi ng 巨大的现代化建筑

2. 句型The Olympic games will be held in our country in four years 'ime.

As a great many people will be visiting t he country, the government will be building new hotels …

By the end of this year, they will_have_finished_ work on the new stadium.

Everybody will be watch ing an xiously as the new buildi ngs go up.

We are looking_forward__to the new Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this coun try.

3. 语法:复习将来时:一般将来时、将来进行时、bei ng look ing forward to 盼望

学习将来完成时will + have + 过去分词



1. Sixty million years ago, the whole area was an i ______ desert.

2. Air quality s ________ vary from state to state.

3. It 's a f ______ place, really beautiful.

4. My mother says she's l _____ meeting you.

5. The g _______ are playing further cuts in public spending.

6. The s ________ has a capacity of at least 10,000.

7. The tower was d _________ by Gilbert Scott.

8. This year's conference will be h _____ at the Hilton Hotel.

9. Washington, D. C. is the c ________ of the United States.

10. Winning an O______ gold medal was, I suppose, the supreme moment of the life.


1. They will have built a large swimming pool _______ (be end of/ be the end of) next


2. We will go to England ________ (in/after) two years'time.

3. They will be _______ (looking/ watching) as the building goes up.

4. He has _______ (held/ owned) the record for over twenty years.

5. How many people can this room _______ (hold/ take)?

6. _____ (look/ see) out! There's a car coming.

7. The team _________ (intended/ promised) to reach the top of the mountain.

8. He is looking ______ (for/ up) the new word in his dictionary.

9. Have you looked ________ (for/ up) the key under your bed?

10. How often are the Olympics ________ (held/ played)?


1. Have you ever ________ (take) a train?

2. It _______ (be) more than three years since Jim _______ (leave) here.

3. Have you _______ (make) friends with your new classmates yet?

4. I _______ (have) my lunch and I'm not hungry now.

5. Him has never seen a panda, _______ (has) he?

6. We _______ (be) good friends since we met at school.

7. He _______ (read) the book before.

8. We can't find him anywhere. Perhaps he ________ (go) home.

9. Mr. Green ______ (teach) us a lot about social studies since September.

10.I ________ never ________ (meet) her sister before.


1. How often _______ your school sports meeting _______ ?

A. does, hold

B. was, hold

C. is held

D. did, hold

2. The boy cried ______ the glass broken.

A. because

B. as

C. for

D. with

3. By the end of this year, I ______ enough money for a holiday.

A. will save

B. will be saved

C. will have saved

D. will have been saved

4. Come and see me at eight 'oclock, I ______ my bathby then.

A. will have had

B. will be having

C. can have had

D. may have
