......<Jane Eyre>Chapter1Summary:Jane Eyre was always ill-treated at Gateshead Hall where her aunt, Mrs. Reed and her cousins-Eliza, John and Georgiana lived. Once, she was reading on the window-seat behind a curtain. John came and drove her away.To her anger, she defended herself, but her aunt came and commanded tolock her in the red-room.Feelings: I feel really bad for Jane as a child at her age. Imagine if I were herat that time, I may give myself up and die early.Even if facing such bad situation, she still loved reading. I admire her very much.Chapter2Summary:Jane was dragged away by two servants, Bessie and Miss Abbot,and locked in the red-room. It was the place where her Uncle Reed died. Thus, the whole atmosphere reminded her of ghosts. She couldn’tstand it anymore and passed out.Feelings: I can ’thelp feeling that Jane was suffering some kind of mental disease because her aunt and cousins’attitude towards her. Poor little child!I hope some time in the future it can be healed.Chapter3Summary:The doctor Mr. Lloyd came to see if Jane was OK. He asked herwhether she would like to go to school or not and that was all. Meanwhile,Miss Abbot told Bessie about Jane. Her mother was Mr. Reed’ssister. Shemarried a nearly penniless clergyman, and her father was furious and hadnothing more to do with her. They went away to work among poor people,caught typhoid, and died when Miss Jane was a baby, so she was sent toGateshead Hall. Bessie felt sorry after hearing these.Feelings: Jane was sure unfortunate, but to some extent, she was really lucky.She had someone like Bessie who cared about her. I think Jane will start a newlife at school.Chapter4Summary: Jane was introduced to a school’sheadmaster Mr. Brocklehurst.Her aunt talked bad about her to that tall, grim man, which means her schoollife didn ’thave a good beginning.Feelings: I just feel sick for Mrs. Reed’sbehavior. One cannot judge others no matter what, let alone she was Jane’s aunt. What she had done could probably destroy Jane’swhole life!Chapter5Summary:Jane arrived at a school at Lowood. The living condition there wasreally poor. Girls there only had a little food to eat and some of it couldn’tbe called as “food ”.But there was a teacher called Miss Miller who cared aboutthe girls, ordering extra bread and cheese for them.Feelings: I wonder why on earth there was a school like that in the past. Whatkind of parents would send their children to hell on earth? I am worried aboutJane right now.Chapter6Summary:Helen was a friend of Jane when she was at school. There was ateacher called Miss Scatcherd who was always directed against Helen. Shescolded Helen whenever she had a chance. But Helen was pretty positivetowards these. She believed that since life was short, we should be happy.Feelings: Helen had a strong character as a kid. I think that must due to her early experience as an orphan. She could face anything p eacefully.Many adults can ’tdo that in my opinion.Chapter7Summary:Mr. Brocklehurst announced to all the girls in the school that Janewas a liar and he warned them against her. But Helen trusted her and gaveher courage.Feelings: It ’srude to say bad things about others no matter in front of themor behind their backs. Mr. Brocklehurst’sbehavior can be really hurtful.Chapter8......Summary:Miss Temple was another person who chose to believe Jane. Sheasked Mr. Lloyd whether Jane’sside of story was true. As Mr. Lloyd convincedJane’sword, Miss Temple announced to the school that Jane was innocent ofMr. Brocklehurst ’scharges against her.Feelings: Miss Temple is that kind of person who gives you a light of hopewhen you are truly down. It’sa great luck to have such a person be your side and support you. I think Miss Temple will influence Jane throughout her lifetime.Chapter9Summary:Typhoid fever struck Lowood when spring came. Thus, many ofthe students were kept apart. Helen was also ill, not typhoid but with consumption. Knowing Helen might die soon, Jane couldn’thelp tiptoeing tothe room Helen stayed in to be with her as her last company. They spent anight together and Helen died in Jane’sarm during her dream.Feelings: Helen ’sdeath was a great loss for Jane in my opinion. But anyhow,Helen ’sspirit leaves a deep impression on me, and I believe, on everyone whohas ever read this book.Chapter10Summary:Soon after the typhoid, there was an inquiry, which brought tolight the truth about Lowood with its wretched clothing, poor food, and badconditions. Lowood was put into the care of kind and sensible trustees, andboth diet and clothing improved. After six years of study there, Jane becamea teacher. After her tutor both in study and in life, Miss Temple, get marriedand left, Jane decided to leave as well. On her last night at Lowood, Bessievisited her with her son Bobby. She brought the news about Gateshead toJane.Feelings: It ’stime for Jane to find a new place to go. She had been at Lowoodfor so many years and she should search for some new opportunity and starta new life at Thornfield Hall.Chapter11Summary:On arriving at Thornfield Hall, Jane met the house keeper Mrs. Fairfax and her student Adele whose guardian was Mr. Edward Fairfax Rochester, who was also the owner of the house. She also met a solidly builtservant called Grace Poole.Feelings: I guess Jane can live an at least comfortable life here at ThornfieldHall since nobody is after her. Jane’sbright new life starts right now.Chapter12Summary:Jane met Mr. Rochester on her way to post a letter. Mr. Rochestersprained his ankle in the lane.Feelings: It ’sa pretty strange way to meet your employer the first time likethat. I bet there would be interesting stories between them.Chapter13Summary:Adele was having a lot of trouble concentrating when she knowsMr. Rochester was downstairs—she kept trying to sneak downstairs to seehim or to guess what presented he might have brought her. Mr. Rochesterand Jane talked about Jane’searly experiences and Mr. Rochester called Janeas elf. Thus, Jane considered Mr. Rochester changeful and abrupt.Feelings: I kind of feel the same as Jane did. How could an almost strangersay such rude thing during our first chat? If I were Jane, I might be reallyangry.Chapter14Summary: One evening, Rochester sent for Jane and Adele after d inner. Suddenly, because she was staring at him, Rochester asked Jane if she thought he ’ s handsome. Without thinking, she g ave an honest answer: no.Rochester told her that he’ s feeling chatty tonight, and ordered Jane to chatwith him about something. While Jane and Rochester had been talking, Adelehad run out to try on one of the dresses that were among her new presentsfrom Rochester. When she comes back and frolics around in the dress, shelooks just like her mother.Feelings: I don ’t know why but I just feel that the whole conversationbetween them is super intense and kind of awkward to me...Chapter15Summary: One day when Mr. Rochester and Jane were wandering in the garden, Mr. Rochester talked about Adele ’s mother, Celine Varens. That evening, Jane finds Rochester asleep in his bed with the curtains and hisbedclothes on fire, and she puts out the flames and rescues him.Feelings: I feel like the relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is changing-I see something about love.Chapter16Summary:Mrs. Fairfax told Jane that Mr. Rochester was taking a trip to Mr.Eshton ’shouse which was filled with girls who were fond of Mr. Rochester,especially Blanche Ingram, Lord Ingram’sdaughter. After hearing this, Janewas pretty sure that Mr. Rochester would not be with her no matter what, soshe became really sad.Feelings: I don ’tthink Mr. Rochester is that kind of guy who only cares aboutmoney and beauty to be honest. And if he has feelings for Jane, he maymarry her.Chapter17Summary:Everyone spends the three days making frantic preparations for allthe guests. When they rode up, some in carriages and some on horses, abeautiful woman in a purple dress was riding beside Rochester. It’ s Blanche Ingram! The visitors enter, and Jane sat with Adele,half-listening to theirnoise and trying to keep Adele from running down and bothering them. Blanche and Rochester sang a song, and Jane wanted to leave, but she ’ s mesmerized by Rochester’ s voice. As soon as hed, finisheslipped out intothe hallway. Rochester came out after Jane and asked why she didn’ t comeand talk to him in the drawing room. He wanted her to come back, but hecould tell she’ s about to cry, so he let her go.Feelings: Now I am more than sure that Jane was in love with Mr. Rochester completely. It ’sobvious that Miss Blanche’sheart is not as beautiful as her appearance, so basically Mr. Rochester won’tchoose her over Jane.Chapter18Summary: With Rochester absent, a stranger arrived at Thornfield.The stranger, whose name was Mason, claimed to be an old friend of Mr. Rochester Later’s. that day, a strange gypsy woman arrived, offering to telltheir fortunes. Blanche Ingram went first. Everyone waited excitedly for her tocome back and tell them what the woman said, but when she did come backshe said the woman was obviously a fraud. The servant, Sam, told Jane that the gypsy woman said she kne w there’ s another single woman in the group,and that she thought that must mean her. Jane’ s curious about the woman, soshe went to see her and had her own fortune told.Feelings: Though I wonder who Mason was,I m’more excited about the storybetween Jane and that“gypsy woman”.It could be really interesting!Chapter19Summary:Jane entered the library and saw the old gypsy woman reading aprayer-book by the fire. Her hat and handkerchief threw shadows over herface. The gypsy asked Jane about Mr. Rochester, and when she did n ’ t saymuch in response, the gypsy suggested that Mr. Rochester was in love with Blanche Ingram. Jane admitted that the rumor was that Rochester and Blanche were engaged, but corrected the woman on one thing—they werenot in love. In a moment, the woman’ s voicedchange—theold gypsy womanwas Mr. Rochester in disguise, and he’singjustwithbeenveryonemes. Shetold him about Mason’ s arrival, and he’ s so horrifiedouldnthat’ hetevenc stand up anymore. Then, Jane called Mason to meet Mr. Rochester in theroom.Feelings: From this chapter, I m’happy to see that Mr. Rochester loved Janetoo and he wanted to see if Jane had the same feelings as he did. From ourpoint of view, they both love each other more than anything. However, Mr.Rochester ’sbehavior shows that Mason ’ s presence means something terriblehas happened, or will happen.Chapter20Summary:Everyone in the house is woken up by all the noise. The guestsstumble around in the corridor in their robes, but nobody seems to knowwhat ’goings on. Jane gets dressed, then sits by the window waiting. Mr.Rochester knocks on her door and asks her to come with him. He sends Janeback to get a sponge and some salts.Rochester tells Jane to stay with Masonand to make sure he stays awake, but not to talk to him at all for any reason.He gives her the sponge, which is bloody now, so that she can tend to thewound a little, too. For a long time, Jane stays there, wiping blood, trying tokeep him conscious. Rochester says that he warned Mason, and Masonshould have listened. Mason says he thought he could have done somethingto make things better. While Mason is sent away, Rochester and Jane are leftalone together outside the house, and he asks her to walk with him in thewoods as the sun is rising before they go back to Thornfield Hall.Feelings: Mason is bitten by somebody! Who on earth he is? Why he comesto Thornfield? Who is the person that bites Mason? What’stheir relationshipwith Mr. Rochester? There are still lots of answers to be found.Chapter21Summary: One afternoon, Jane is visited by Mr. Reed He’tellscoachman.Jane that John Reed is dead and that Mrs. Reed had a stroke when she heard.Jane goes in to see Mrs. Reed, who is lying ill in bed. Mrs. Reed is still harsh......and bad-tempered, but she does want Jane to stay so that they can talk things over. As she’ s dying, Mrs. Reedapologizes to Jane for concealing aletter from Jane’ s uncle,Eyre,Johnwhich came three years ago. Mrs. Reed lets Jane read the letter, in which John asked where Jane was so that he couldwrite a will making her the heir of his fortune when he died. Then Mrs. Reedadmits something else: she wrote to John Eyre and told him Jane died oftyphoid at Lowood.Feelings: Mrs. Reed ’sbehavior crossed the line. No matter what she has noright to conceal Jane’sletter from her uncle. She could treat Jane badly, butwhen somebody else wants to treat her like his own child, she just robbed her chance away? That ’snot what elder people should do to her child.Chapter22Summary: Jane goes back to Thornfield. During the next two weeks, it’s pretty quiet and seems like Mr. Rochester is busy preparing his wedding with Blanche Ingram.Feelings: Sometimes things are not like what it seems to be.I m’sure it is Jane who Mr. Rochester really loves and the bride is going to be Jane instead ofBlanche Ingram.Chapter23Summary:Rochester asks Jane to walk with him. Jane and Rochester sit onthe bench under the chestnut tree. Rochester asks her to marry him. And ofcourse, Jane agrees.Feelings: Looks like what I guess finally comes true. But everything is just waytoo perfect ⋯Chapter24Summary:The next morning, Jane is blissfully happy and wonders if this is alla dream. Rochester starts telling Jane about all the fancy jewelry and clotheshe ’ s going to give herShe. looks him in the eye, and tells him that, if he keepsdecking her out in expensive clothes and jewelry and behaving so badlyabout it, she’ ll never wear anything he buys her.Feelings: The dialogues between them are cute and full of sweetness. Theycould have a successful marriage.Chapter25Summary: The previous evening, Jane went to bed, but couldn’ t sleep. She thought she could hear a weird howling sound in the wind. When Jane wokeup, there was a burning candle on the table in her room. Then Jane noticedthat her closet door was open and someone was messing with her weddingdress and veil. Jane sat up in bed, shocked: the woman wasn’ t anyone she knew at Thornfield, but someone else, a stranger. The stranger was a tallwoman with long, dark hair dressed in white; her face was disturbing, withbloodshot red eyes, swollen, dark lips, and thick black eyebrows. The strangewoman was wearing Jane’ s wedding veil, and, as Jane watched, the womanpulled it off, tore it in half, and trampled on it. Jane asks Mr. Rochester whothe woman is. Rochester says that she imagined this nightmarish creature.Jane ’ s not really satisfied with this explanation, but she pretends to be tomake Rochester feel better.Feelings: It could be a nightmare even if in dreams, let alone it real happens.That strange woman might be somebody who has a special and interestingidentity.Chapter26Summary: It's the day of Jane and Rochester's wedding. It should be thehappiest day of Jane's life, but during the church ceremony two men show upclaiming that Rochester is already married. Mrs. Rochester is Bertha Mason,the "madwoman in the attic" who tried to burn Rochester to death in his bed,stabbed and bit her own brother, and who’ s been doing other creepy things at night. Rochester was tricked into marrying Bertha fifteen years ago inJamaica. Rochester claims that he’ s not really married because his relationship with Bertha isn’ t a real marriage. He wants Jane to go and live with him inFrance, where they can pretend to be a married couple and act like husbandand wife. Jane refuses to be his next mistress and runs away before shetempted to agree.Feelings: What a mess! I bet that’snot what Mr. Rochester wants and also notwhat Jane wants. Actually, none of them did anything wrong, but life is life.Chapter27Summary:Jane stays in her room for most of the day with a debate raging inher head: does she really have to leave Thornfield? Rochester wants Jane togo with him to France and live with him in a villa there as his "virtual" wife. Heclaims that he’reallysnotmarried and that Jane would basically be his wife,not his mistress. Jane realizes that what matters most is her own respect forherself, and that it’ s even more important for her to cling to her principles at this difficult moment. Jane wakes up early and packs a few small things,leaving all the presents Rochester bought her.Feelings: God bless Jane! Hope she has made the right choice and will starta new life somewhere else.Chapter28Summary:Jane travels in a random direction away from Thornfield. Havingno money, she almost starves to death before being taken in by the Riversfamily, who live at Moor House near a town called Morton.Feelings:Jane is not that lucky, she never made it to live a happy life shewants. But she is lucky, too. She has got some warm-hearted people who arewilling to help when she is in danger. I don’tknow how to express that, butit ’ssad to know life isn’teasy at all.Chapter29Summary: The Rivers siblings — Diana, Mary, and St. John—are about Jane’ sage and well-educated, but somewhat poor. They take whole-heartedly toJane, who has taken the pseudonym "Jane Elliott" so that Mr. Rochester canfind her.Feelings: Jane has friends at her own age right now. They could get alongwith each other well.Chapter30Summary: Jane wants to earn her keep, so St. John arranges for her tobecome the teacher in a village girls St. John ’getschoolaletter. stating thatthe Rivers’ Uncle John is dead. Jane watches as all the members of the Riversfamily behave somewhat strangely about this—they’ re not exactly sad; she’ s not sure what they’ re feeling. St. John explains that their uncle had arguedwith their father long before, and that he had a fortune of twenty thousandpounds, but decided to leave all the money to another relative.Feelings: Well, Jane has an uncle whose name is John, and the Rivershappens to have an Uncle John too? That’sdefinitely not a coincidence. Thetruth is that the Rivers are actually Jane’scousin! She has her family right now!Chapter31Summary:Jane moves into her little cottage, which is simple but adequate. St.John tells her about his own experience—a year ago, he thought that hehated being a priest, but then he felt called by God to become a missionary.A young woman comes up and wishes St. John good evening. St. Johncompletely freaks out for a moment, but then calms himself down and turnsto talk to her. Jane notices how beautiful the woman is. It turns out that thisis Miss Rosamond Oliver, the daughter of the man who salary’.s paying Jane Miss Oliver says she’ ll come and helpt atJanethe ouschool sometimes. MissOliver tries to talk to St. John about normal things like a recent dance, but St.John is cold and disapproving.Feelings: I do think St. John is like that kind of crazy man who knows nothingbut hi work. He may do harm to Jane.Chapter32Summary:On a school holiday, Jane is sitting alone at home, finishing thepicture of Rosamond Oliver, when St. John drops by to bring her a new bookto read. When he sees the portrait, he becomes disturbed. Jane asks St. Johnabout the portrait for a bit, and eventually he admits that he knows itRosamond. She offers to make a copy for him—if he will admit that he wantsone. St. John admits that he wants a copy of the picture, but says that itwouldn’ t be good for him to have it.St. John pulls a piece of scrap paper overthe portrait so that he doesn’ t have to look at itandanymorethenhe sees—something on the paper that really surprises him. Jane can’ t figure o it is, but he tears off a piece and keeps it.Feelings: Clearly Rosamond Oliver and St. John love each other. So I think it’snot worthy of giving up their love and insisting on choosing a missionary’ swife.Chapter33Summary:St. John arrives, even though he had to struggle through the snow.He won ’ t tell her why he’ s there, and he’ s behaving really strangely. She st to worry that he might be a little bit insane. It comes out that Diana, Mary,and St. John are all Jane When’s cousins!Jane’ s Uncle Mr. Eyre diesnd aleaveshis fortune to Jane, she shares her inheritance with the other three.Feelings: Jane hadn ’thad the feeling of being with true families since she wassent to Gateshead Hall. I m’so happy for her that she finally finds a real homefor her.Chapter34Summary: St. John wants to be more than Jane’ s cousin. He admires Janework ethic and asks her to marry him, learn Hindustani, and go with him toIndia on a long-term missionary trip. Jane refuses because she knows shedoesn ’ t love St. JohnJane. offers to go to India with him, but just as his cousin......and co-worker, not as his wife. St. John won't give up and keeps pressuringJane to marry him.Feelings: I still can ’tunderstand St. John ’sinsane behavior. Things end up likenobody is happy.Chapter35Summary: Just as Jane’ abouts to give in, she supernaturally hears Mr.Rochester’ s voice calling her name from somewhere far away.Feelings: I know Jane is meant to be Mr. Rochester’swife. Even if they are so far away from each other, they can still hear the other’svoice through theirheart.Chapter36Summary:Jane arranges a journey back to Thornfield. Jane comes up towardThornfield walking along the wall of the orchard. She peeks out from arounda corner of the wall... and sees a complete ruin.It’burneds down, blackenedand collapsed. Shocked, Jane goes back to the inn and asks the host whathappened. From him she learns the whole story of what happened: Berthaburned down the house in the middle of the night by setting fire to whatused to be Jane s own’bed.Rochester saved the servants and then climbed up to a high wall where Bertha was standing to try to rescue her, but she jumped off and committed......suicide. Rochester was blinded and lost a hand when the wall collapsed. Janeasks where Rochester is now, and the innkeeper tells her that he’ s at his oth home, Ferndean. Jane arranges to go there in a chaise right away.Feelings: Oh! Mr. Rochester is disabled right now. I couldn’thelp thinking ifJane didn ’tleave Thornfield, Mr. Rochester won’tlose his sight and his hand,and they could have live a happy life right now. Is Jane’ s decision to leavewrong? It ’s not obviously. Maybe that ’s what life is like, full of strangecombinations of circumstances.Chapter37Summary:Jane goes to Ferndean to find Rochester. When she comes up tothe house, she sees him coming out and watches him for a long time withoutletting him know she ’theres. Jane offers to be Rochester’nurse or housekeeper, convinced that he will immediately ask her to marry him again,bu t he doesn ’Janet. insists that Rochester eat supper, which he usuallydoesn ’Int. the morning, Jane comes down to breakfast, and then takesRochester outside so they can stroll in the wood and meadows. They sit downin a dry place and Rochester asks Jane to tell him where she’ s been and what’happened to her. Rochester laments his blindness and lost hand, but asksJane to marry him anyway. She accepts gladly. Rochester also tells Jane that,four days before, between eleven and twelve at night, he called her namethree times frantically—and he heard her respond. He thinks that perhaps......they met in spirit.Jane doesn’ t tell Rochester that she heard him call hername and responded to him while she was sitting, miles away, with St. John. Feelings: Just like“ Nomatter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.Even though” Mr. Rochester loses something, he gains love and that ’s the most important thing for him. The story finally comes down to this point and I just wish they can be happy together..Chapter38Summary: They have a quiet wedding, and after two years of marriage Rochester gradually gets his sight back. They also have a son.Feelings: What can I say right now? I m’just honored to see such a romanticlife experience of Jane Eyre, who is that kind of women I admire.Question1Mr. Rochester asked Jane Eyre twice to marry him. (In Chapter23 and Chapter37) Jane agreed to both but the first time they didn’tget married successfully because Jane knew about Mr. Rochester had already been married during their wedding. I think the reason why Jane chose to marry toMr. Rochester even if he lost one of his hands and got blind was when shewas away from Mr. Rochester at the Moor House, she realized she really caredabout and was deeply in love with him. This time she chose to follow her......heart instead of others’words or judgments. Where there is great love, thereare always miracles.Question2Turning point No.1: when Mrs. Reed sent her to LowoodTurning point No.2: when Jane met Helen and Temple at LowoodTurning point No.3: when she left Lowood and started to teach at Thornfield HallTurning point No.4: when she fall in love with Mr. RochesterTurning point No.5: when she knew Mr. Rochester had already been married and decided to leave Thornfield HallTurning point No.6: when she found the Moor House as a shelterTurning point No.7: when she noticed her friends was also her familyTurning point No.8: when she returned to find Mr. Rochester.专业 word 可编辑.。
<Jane Eyre>Chapter1Summary:Jane Eyre was always ill-treated at Gateshead Hall where her aunt, Mrs. Reed and her cousins-Eliza, John and Georgiana lived. Once, she was reading on the window-seat behind a curtain. John came and drove her away. To her anger, she defended herself, but her aunt came and commanded to lock her in the red-room.Feelings: I feel really bad for Jane as a child at her age. Imagine if I were her at that time, I may give myself up and die early. Even if facing such bad situation, she still loved reading. I admire her very much.Chapter2Summary: Jane was dragged away by two servants, Bessie and Miss Abbot, and locked in the red-room. It was the place where her Uncle Reed died. Thus, the whole atmosphere reminded her of ghosts. She couldn’t stand it anymore and passed out.Feelings: I can’t help feeling that Jane was suffering some kind of mental disease because her aunt and cousins’ attitude towards her. Poor little child! I hope some time in the future it can be healed.Chapter3Summary:The doctor Mr. Lloyd came to see if Jane was OK. He asked her whether she would like to go to school or not and that was all. Meanwhile, Miss Abbot told Bessie about Jane. Her mother was Mr. Reed’s sister. She married a nearly penniless clergyman, and her father was furious and had nothing more to do with her. They went away to work among poor people, caught typhoid, and died when Miss Jane was a baby, so she was sent to Gateshead Hall. Bessie felt sorry after hearing these.Feelings: Jane was sure unfortunate, but to some extent, she was really lucky. She had someone like Bessie who cared about her. I think Jane will start a new life at school.Chapter4Summary: Jane was introduced to a school’s headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst. Her aunt talked bad about her to that tall, grim man, which means her school life didn’t have a good beginning.Feelings:I just feel sick for Mrs. Reed’s behavior. One cannot judge others no matter what, let alone she was Jane’s aunt. What she had done could probably destroy Jane’s whole life!Chapter5Summary:Jane arrived at a school at Lowood. The living condition there was really poor. Girls there only had a little food to eat and some of it couldn’t be called as “food”. But there was a teacher called Miss Miller who cared about the girls, ordering extra bread and cheese for them.Feelings: I wonder why on earth there was a school like that in the past. What kind of parents would send their children to hell on earth? I am worried about Jane right now.Chapter6Summary:Helen was a friend of Jane when she was at school. There was a teacher called Miss Scatcherd who was always directed against Helen. She scolded Helen whenever she had a chance. But Helen was pretty positive towards these. She believed that since life was short, we should be happy.Feelings: Helen had a strong character as a kid. I think that must due to her early experience as an orphan. She could face anything peacefully. Many adults can’t do that in my opinion.Chapter7Summary: Mr. Brocklehurst announced to all the girls in the school that Jane was a liar and he warned them against her. But Helen trusted her and gave her courage.Feelings: It’s rude to say bad things about others no matter in front of them or behind their backs. Mr. Brocklehurst’s behavior can be really hurtful. Chapter8Summary:Miss Temple was another person who chose to believe Jane. She asked Mr. Lloyd whether Jane’s side of story was true. As Mr. Lloyd convinced Jane’s word, Miss Temple announced to the school that Jane was innocent of Mr. Brocklehurst’s charges against her.Feelings: Miss Temple is that kind of person who gives you a light of hope when you are truly down. It’s a great luck to have such a person be your side and support you. I think Miss Temple will influence Jane throughout her lifetime. Chapter9Summary: Typhoid fever struck Lowood when spring came. Thus, many of the students were kept apart. Helen was also ill, not typhoid but with consumption. Knowing Helen might die soon, Jane couldn’t help tiptoeing to the room Helenstayed in to be with her as her last company. They spent a night together and Helen died in Jane’s arm during her dream.Feelings:Helen’s death was a great loss for Jane in my opinion. But anyhow, Helen’s spirit leaves a deep impression on me, and I believe, on everyone who has ever read this book.Chapter10Summary: Soon after the typhoid, there was an inquiry, which brought to light the truth about Lowood with its wretched clothing, poor food, and bad conditions. Lowood was put into the care of kind and sensible trustees, and both diet and clothing improved. After six years of study there, Jane became a teacher. After her tutor both in study and in life, Miss Temple, get married and left, Jane decided to leave as well. On her last night at Lowood, Bessie visited her with her son Bobby. She brought the news about Gateshead to Jane.Feelings: It’s time for Jane to find a new place to go. She had been at Lowood for so many years and she should search for some new opportunity and start a new life at Thornfield Hall.Chapter11Summary: On arriving at Thornfield Hall, Jane met the house keeper Mrs. Fairfax and her student Adele whose guardian was Mr. Edward Fairfax Rochester, who was also the owner of the house. She also met a solidly built servant called Grace Poole.Feelings: I guess Jane can live an at least comfortable life here at Thornfield Hall since nobody is after her. Jane’s bright new life starts right now.Chapter12Summary:Jane met Mr. Rochester on her way to post a letter. Mr. Rochester sprained his ankle in the lane.Feelings: It’s a pretty strange way to meet your employer the first time like that.I bet there would be interesting stories between them.Chapter13Summary: Adele was having a lot of trouble concentrating when she knows Mr. Rochester was downstairs—she kept trying to sneak downstairs to see him or to guess what presented he might have brought her. Mr. Rochester and Jane talked about Jane’s early experiences and Mr. Rochester called Jane as elf. Thus, Jane considered Mr. Rochester changeful and abrupt.Feelings: I kind of feel the same as Jane did. How could an almost stranger say such rude thing during our first chat? If I were Jane, I might be really angry.Chapter14Summary: One evening, Rochester sent for Jane and Adele after dinner. Suddenly, because she was staring at him, Rochester asked Jane if she thought he’s handsome. Without thinking, she gave an honest answer: no. Rochester told her that he’s feeling chatty tonight, and order ed Jane to chat with him about something. While Jane and Rochester had been talking, Adele had run out to try on one of the dresses that were among her new presents from Rochester. When she comes back and frolics around in the dress, she looks just like her mother. Feelings: I don’t know why but I just feel that the whole conversation between them is super intense and kind of awkward to me...Chapter15Summary: One day when Mr. Rochester and Jane were wandering in the garden, Mr. Rochester talked about Adele’s mother, Celine Varens. That evening, Jane finds Rochester asleep in his bed with the curtains and his bedclothes on fire, and she puts out the flames and rescues him.Feelings: I feel like the relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is changing-I see something about love.Chapter16Summary:Mrs. Fairfax told Jane that Mr. Rochester was taking a trip to Mr. Eshton’s house which was filled with girls who were fond of Mr. Rochester, especially Blanche Ingram, Lord Ingram’s daughter. After hearing this, Jane was pretty sure that Mr. Rochester would not be with her no matter what, so she became really sad.Feelings:I don’t think Mr. Rochester is that kind of guy who only cares about money and beauty to be honest. And if he has feelings for Jane, he may marry her. Chapter17Summary:Everyone spends the three days making frantic preparations for all the guests. When they rode up, some in carriages and some on horses, a beautiful woman in a purple dress was riding beside Rochester. It’s Blanche Ingram! The visitors enter, and Jane sat with Adele, half-listening to their noise and trying to keep Adele from running down and bothering them. Blanche and Rochester sang a song, and Jane wanted to leave, but she’s mesmerized by Rochester’s voice. As soon as he finished, she slipped out into the hallway. Rochester came out after Jane and asked why she didn’t come and talk to him in the drawing room. He wanted her to come back, but he could tell she’s about to cry, so he let her go. Feelings:Now I am more than sure that Jane was in love with Mr. Rochestercompletely. It’s obvious that Miss Blanche’s heart is not as beautiful as her appearance, so basically Mr. Rochester won’t choose her over Jane.Chapter18Summary: With Rochester absent, a stranger arrived at Thornfield. The stranger, whose name was Mason, claimed to be an old friend of Mr. Rochester’s. Later that day, a strange gypsy woman arrived, offering to tell their fortunes. Blanche Ingram went first. Everyone waited excitedly for her to come back and tell them what the woman said, but when she did come back she said the woman was obviously a fraud. The servant, Sam, told Jane that the gypsy woman said she kne w there’s another single woman in the group, and that she thought that must mean her. Jane’s curious about the woman, so she went to see her and had her own fortune told.Feelings:Though I wonder who Mason was, I’m more excited about the story between Jane and that “gypsy woman”. It could be really interesting!Chapter19Summary: Jane entered the library and saw the old gypsy woman reading a prayer-book by the fire. Her hat and handkerchief threw shadows over her face. The gypsy asked Jane about Mr. Rochester, and when she did n’t say much in response, the gypsy suggested that Mr. Rochester was in love with Blanche Ingram. Jane admitted that the rumor was that Rochester and Blanche were engaged, but corrected the woman on one thing—they were not in love. In a moment, the woman’s voice change d—the old gypsy woman was Mr. Rochester in disguise, and he’s just been mes sing with everyone. She told him about Mason’s arrival, and he’s so horrified that he c ouldn’t even stand up anymore. Then, Jane called Mason to meet Mr. Rochester in the room.Feelings: From this chapter, I’m happy to see that Mr. Rochester loved Jane too and he wanted to see if Jane had the same feelings as he did. From our point of view, they both love each other more than anything. However, Mr. Rochester’s behavior shows that Mason’s presence means somethi ng terrible has happened, or will happen.Chapter20Summary: Everyone in the house is woken up by all the noise. The guests stumble around in the corridor in their robes, but nobody seems to know what’s going on. Jane gets dressed, then sits by the window waiting. Mr. Rochester knocks on her door and asks her to come with him. He sends Jane back to get a sponge and some salts.Rochester tells Jane to stay with Mason and to make sure he stays awake, but not to talk to him at all for any reason. He gives her the sponge, which is bloody now, so that she can tend to the wound a little, too. For along time, Jane stays there, wiping blood, trying to keep him conscious. Rochester says that he warned Mason, and Mason should have listened. Mason says he thought he could have done something to make things better. While Mason is sent away, Rochester and Jane are left alone together outside the house, and he asks her to walk with him in the woods as the sun is rising before they go back to Thornfield Hall.Feelings: Mason is bitten by somebody! Who on earth he is? Why he comes to Thornfield? Who is the person that bites Mason? What’s their relationship with Mr. Rochester? There are still lots of answers to be found.Chapter21Summary: One afternoon, Jane is visited by Mr. Reed’s coachman. He tells Jane that John Reed is dead and that Mrs. Reed had a stroke when she heard. Jane goes in to see Mrs. Reed, who is lying ill in bed. Mrs. Reed is still harsh and bad-tempered, but she does want Jane to stay so that they can talk things over. As she’s dying, Mrs. Reed apologizes to Jane for concealing a letter from Jane’s uncle, John Eyre, which came three years ago. Mrs. Reed lets Jane read the letter, in which John asked where Jane was so that he could write a will making her the heir of his fortune when he died. Then Mrs. Reed admits something else: she wrote to John Eyre and told him Jane died of typhoid at Lowood.Feelings: Mrs. Reed’s behavior crossed the line. No matter what she has no right to conceal Jane’s letter from her uncle. She could treat Jane badly, but when somebody else wants to treat her like his own child, she just robbed her chance away? That’s not what elder people should do to her child.Chapter22Summary: Jane goes back to Thornfield. During the next two weeks, it’s pretty quiet and seems like Mr. Rochester is busy preparing his wedding with Blanche Ingram.Feelings: Sometimes things are not like what it seems to be. I’m sure it is Jane who Mr. Rochester really loves and the bride is going to be Jane instead of Blanche Ingram.Chapter23Summary: Rochester asks Jane to walk with him. Jane and Rochester sit on the bench under the chestnut tree. Rochester asks her to marry him. And of course, Jane agrees.Feelings: Looks like what I guess finally comes true. But everything is just way too perfect…Chapter24Summary: The next morning, Jane is blissfully happy and wonders if this is all a dream. Rochester starts telling Jane about all the fancy jewelry and clothes he’s going to give her. She looks him in the eye, and tells him that, if he keeps decking her out in expensive clothes and jewelry and behaving so badly about it, she’ll never wear anything he buys her.Feelings: The dialogues between them are cute and full of sweetness. They could have a successful marriage.Chapter25Summary:The previous evening, Jane went to bed, but couldn’t sleep. She thought she could hear a weird howling sound in the wind. When Jane woke up, there was a burning candle on the table in her room. Then Jane noticed that her closet door was open and someone was messing with her wedding dress and veil. Jane sat up in bed, shocked: the woman wasn’t anyone she knew at Thornfield, but someone else, a stranger. The stranger was a tall woman with long, dark hair dressed in white; her face was disturbing, with bloodshot red eyes, swollen, dark lips, and thick black eyebrows. The strange woman was wearing Jane’s wedding veil, and, as Jane watched, the woman pulled it off, tore it in half, and trampled on it. Jane asks Mr. Rochester who the woman is. Rochester says that she imagined this nightmarish creature. Jane’s not really satisfied wit h this explanation, but she pretends to be to make Rochester feel better.Feelings: It could be a nightmare even if in dreams, let alone it real happens. That strange woman might be somebody who has a special and interesting identity.Chapter26Summary: It's the day of Jane and Rochester's wedding. It should be the happiest day of Jane's life, but during the church ceremony two men show up claiming that Rochester is already married. Mrs. Rochester is Bertha Mason, the "madwoman in the attic" who tried to burn Rochester to death in his bed, stabbed and bit her own brother, and who’s been doing other creepy things at night. Rochester was tricked into marrying Bertha fifteen years ago in Jamaica. Rochester claims that he’s not really married because his relationship with Bertha isn’t a real marriage. He wants Jane to go and live with him in France, where they can pretend to be a married couple and act like husband and wife. Jane refuses to be his next mistress and runs away before she’s tempted to agree.Feelings: What a mess! I bet that’s not what Mr. Rochester wants and also not what Jane wants. Actually, none of them did anything wrong, but life is life. Chapter27Summary: Jane stays in her room for most of the day with a debate raging in herhead: does she really have to leave Thornfield? Rochester wants Jane to go with him to France and live with him in a villa there as his "virtual" wife. He claims that he’s not really married and that Jane would basically be his wife, not his mistress. Jane realizes that what matters most is her own respect for herself, and that it’s even more important for her to cling to her principles at this difficult moment. Jane wakes up early and packs a few small things, leaving all the presents Rochester bought her.Feelings: God bless Jane! Hope she has made the right choice and will start a new life somewhere else.Chapter28Summary: Jane travels in a random direction away from Thornfield. Having no money, she almost starves to death before being taken in by the Rivers family, who live at Moor House near a town called Morton.Feelings: Jane is not that lucky, she never made it to live a happy life she wants. But she is lucky, too. She has got some warm-hearted people who are willing to help when she is in danger. I don’t know how to express that, but it’s sad to know life isn’t easy at all.Chapter29Summary: The Rivers siblings—Diana, Mary, and St. John—are about Jane’s age and well-educated, but somewhat poor. They take whole-heartedly to Jane, who has taken the pseudonym "Jane Elliott" so that Mr. Rochester can’t find her. Feelings: Jane has friends at her own age right now. They could get along with each other well.Chapter30Summary: Jane wants to earn her keep, so St. John arranges for her to become the teacher in a village girls’ school.St. John gets a letter stating that the Rivers’ Uncle John is dead. Jane watches as all the members of the Rivers family behave somewhat strangely about this—they’re not exactly sad; she’s not sure what they’re feeling. St. John explains that their uncle had argued with their father long before, and that he had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, but decided to leave all the money to another relative.Feelings: Well, Jane has an uncle whose name is John, and the Rivers happens to have an Uncle John too? That’s definitely not a coincidence. The truth is that the Rivers are actually Jane’s cousin! She has her family right now!Chapter31Summary: Jane moves into her little cottage, which is simple but adequate. St.John tells her about his own experience—a year ago, he thought that he hated being a priest, but then he felt called by God to become a missionary. A young woman comes up and wishes St. John good evening. St. John completely freaks out for a moment, but then calms himself down and turns to talk to her. Jane notices how beautiful the woman is. It turns out that this is Miss Rosamond Oliver, the daughter of the man who’s paying Jane’s salary. Miss Oliver says she’ll come and help Jane out at the school sometimes. Miss Oliver tries to talk to St. John about normal things like a recent dance, but St. John is cold and disapproving.Feelings: I do think St. John is like that kind of crazy man who knows nothing but hi work. He may do harm to Jane.Chapter32Summary: On a school holiday, Jane is sitting alone at home, finishing the picture of Rosamond Oliver, when St. John drops by to bring her a new book to read. When he sees the portrait, he becomes disturbed. Jane asks St. John about the portrait for a bit, and even tually he admits that he knows it’s of Rosamond. She offers to make a copy for him—if he will admit that he wants one. St. John admits that he wants a copy of the picture, but says that it wouldn’t be good for him to have it. St. John pulls a piece of scra p paper over the portrait so that he doesn’t have to look at it anymore—and then he sees something on the paper that really surprises him. Jane can’t figure out what it is, but he tears off a piece and keeps it. Feelings: Clearly Rosamond Oliver and St. John love each other. So I think it’s not worthy of giving up their love and insisting on choosing a missionary’s wife. Chapter33Summary: St. John arrives, even though he had to struggle through the snow. He won’t tell her why he’s there, and he’s behaving really strangely. She starts to worry that he might be a little bit insane. It comes out that Diana, Mary, and St. John are all Jane’s cousins!When Jane’s Uncle Mr. Eyre dies and leaves his fortune to Jane, she shares her inheritance with the other three.Feelings: Jane hadn’t had the feeling of being with true families since she was sent to Gateshead Hall. I’m so happy for her that she finally finds a real home for her.Chapter34Summary: St. John wants to be more than Jane’s cousin. He admires Jane’s work ethic and asks her to marry him, learn Hindustani, and go with him to India on a long-term missionary trip. Jane refuses because she knows she doesn’t love St. John. Jane offers to go to India with him, but just as his cousin and co-worker, not as his wife. St. John won't give up and keeps pressuring Jane to marry him.Feelings:I still can’t understand St. John’s insane behavior. Things end up like nobody is happy.Chapter35Summary:Just as Jane’s about to give in, she supernaturally hears Mr. Rochester’s voice calling her name from somewhere far away.Feelings: I know Jane is meant to be Mr. Rochester’s wife. Even if they are so far away from each other, they can still hear the other’s voice through their heart. Chapter36Summary: Jane arranges a journey back to Thornfield. Jane comes up toward Thornfield walking along the wall of the orchard. She peeks out from around a corner of the wall... and sees a complete ruin. It’s burned down, blackened and collapsed. Shocked, Jane goes back to the inn and asks the host what happened. From him she learns the whole story of what happened: Bertha burned down the house in the middle of the night by setting fire to what used to be Jane’s own bed. Rochester saved the servants and then climbed up to a high wall where Bertha was standing to try to rescue her, but she jumped off and committed suicide. Rochester was blinded and lost a hand when the wall collapsed. Jane asks where Rochester is now, and the innkeeper tells her that he’s at his other hom e, Ferndean. Jane arranges to go there in a chaise right away.Feelings: Oh! Mr. Rochester is disabled right now. I couldn’t help thinking if Jane didn’t leave Thornfield, Mr. Rochester won’t lose his sight and his hand, and they could have live a happy life right now. Is Jane’s decision to leave wrong? It’s not obviously. Maybe that’s what life is like, full of strange combinations of circumstances.Chapter37Summary: Jane goes to Ferndean to find Rochester. When she comes up to the house, she sees him coming out and watches him for a long time without letting him know she’s there.Jane offers to be Rochester’s nurse or housekeeper, convinced that he will immediately ask her to m arry him again, but he doesn’t. Jane insists that R ochester eat supper, which he usually doesn’t. In the morning, Jane comes down to breakfast, and then takes Rochester outside so they can stroll in the wood and meadows. They sit down in a dry place and Rochester asks Jane to tell him where she’s been and what’s happened to her. Rochester laments his blindness and lost hand, but asks Jane to marry him anyway. She accepts gladly. Rochester also tells Jane that, four days before, between eleven and twelve at night, he called her name three times frantically—and he heard her respond. He thinks that perhaps they met in spirit. Jane doesn’t tell Rochester that she heard him call her name and responded to him while she was sitting, miles away,<Jane Eyre> with St. John.Feelings: Just like “No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.” Even though Mr. Rochester loses something, he gains love and that’s the most important thing for him. The story finally comes down to this point and I just wish they can be happy together..Chapter38Summary: They have a quiet wedding, and after two years of marriage Rochester gradually gets his sight back. They also have a son.Feelings: What can I say right now? I’m just honored to see such a romantic life experience of Jane Eyre, who is that kind of women I admire.Question1Mr. Rochester asked Jane Eyre twice to marry him. (In Chapter23 and Chapter37) Jane agreed to both but the first time they didn’t get married successfully because Jane knew about Mr. Rochester had already been married during their wedding. I think the reason why Jane chose to marry to Mr. Rochester even if he lost one of his hands and got blind was when she was away from Mr. Rochester at the Moor House, she realized she really cared about and was deeply in love with him. This time she chose to follow her heart instead of others’ words or judgments. Where there is great love, there are always miracles. Question2•Turning point No.1: when Mrs. Reed sent her to Lowood•Turning point No.2: when Jane met Helen and Temple at Lowood•Turning point No.3: when she left Lowood and started to teach at Thornfield Hall•Turning point No.4: when she fall in love with Mr. Rochester•Turning point No.5: when she knew Mr. Rochester had already been married and decided to leave Thornfield Hall•Turning point No.6: when she found the Moor House as a shelter•Turning point No.7: when she noticed her friends was also her family •Turning point No.8: when she returned to find Mr. Rochester11/ 11。
《简爰》英文读后感带翻译(精选10篇)《简爱》英文读后感带翻译2《简爰》英文读后感带翻译4《简爱》英文读后感带翻译5《简爱》英文读后感带翻译6《简爱》英文读后感带翻译10The human brain needs a constant supply of nourishment, and nourishment comes from books. Summer naturally to read some masterpieces, these days, I read one of the worlds top ten masterpieces of Jane Eyre.This book tells the story of a girl in the difficult life environment tenacious growth, the final metamorphosis into a personal charm of the excellent female story. The most attractive part of this story is the setting of the heroine, Jane Eyre. Her personality is sometimes complicated to be difficult to understand, and sometimes simple to be able to see through at a glance. She was an unusual person, and when she was sent to the prison camp-like school, she was fed little and unpalatable food. Here she met a friend unfortunately will die of disease, Jane Eyre quietly slipped to her bedside;with her until death. In the trapped in her little bit of growth, finally found the love of their own people.In the process of growing up, you may be spite, disgust, frustration, trampled all over the body hurt, but as long as strong, there will always be ahappy and happy ending.人的大脑需要源源不断的养分,养分来自于书本儿。
《简爱》每章概括简爱(Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的一部经典小说,于1847年首次出版。
该小说讲述了主人公简·爱(Jane Eyre)从小孤苦无依到成为独立自主的女性的成长故事,也是一部探讨爱情、社会地位、性别角色等主题的作品。
《简爱》每一章节内容概括《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。
《简爱》读后感英文带翻译(精彩10篇)《简爱》英文读后感篇一This is a novel with a strong romantic realism, the noveldescribes the love of Jane Eyre and Rochester. Jane Eyre is a pure heart, womenare good at thinking, she lives in the bottom of society, suffered hardships.But she has a stubborn character and the courage to pursue the spirit ofequality and happiness. The technique of lyric novel by rich and profound anddelicate psychological description, introduced into the resort shows theheroine of tortuous experience of love, praise from all the old customs andprejudices. Rooted in mutual understanding. On the basis of mutual respect ofdeep love, with a strong shock of the mind force. The most successful thing isto create a woman who dares to resist and dare to fight for freedom and peace。
简爱读后感英文带翻译《简爱》是一部完美而伟大的著作,因为它使我懂得了什么是善恶美丑,学会了怎样做人,以下是小编为您整理的简爱读后感英文带翻译相关资料,欢迎阅读!简爱读后感英文带翻译【一】"Jane Eyre" in the heroine Jane love when the parents were gone, according to Mrs. Reed's uncle aunt Home Furnishing. There is no dignity in Jane Eyre, but also often suffers from the abuse of cousins and cousins, being ill treated by all kinds of criminals, and not having the freedom and happiness of childhood. Then she was thrown to the raund school by her aunt, like a burden. The school in which she is located has no sufficient food, no good teachers, and the conditions are very poor. But Jane Eyre was not pessimistic and negative, and learned a lot of things there, such as playing the piano, the foreign language, the textile, and so on. Later became a knowledgeable teacher, are candidates to Thornfield tutors. Later, she and her master, Mr. Rochester, had a love of each other and married. But when Jane finds out Mr. Rochester already married, desperation in Rochester's ex-wife's destruction, she resigned, wandering along the way toSaint John home, found his real brother sister, later inherited a large estate Pro uncle, a rich man. But she was deeply in love with Rochester, and she abandoned a huge amount of property and returned to Rochester. But she saw that the people she used to love had been blind and broken legs... The original mansion turned into ruins. Jane's love is to live a happy life with the people she loves.Jane Eyre, she admired me. In the past, she had no dignity and no belonged to herself, but she created her own life with her strong spirit and hard work.When she was driven to no dignity, she still did not give up her future, unwilling to become a puppet of others, and determined to succeed in the red carpet.And my mother, she was a tenacious person with Jane's love. She also lives hard and stubbornly, and depends on her own labor to get out of her wonderful future in society. My mother, who was not rich before, was a small clerk, and was in the flow of ordinary people. Her marriage is not Jane that experienced Shenglisibie, but is very rough, it is almost reduced to fragments against mother. So he cried all day long, do not wantto stand up again. But later, she felt it wasn't the answer, if not to work out their own piece of heaven and earth in the society, all day at home so useless, then you, and what? So, the mother is so a year after year, do not give up, work hard to learn knowledge... At last, she set up her own chain store, bought and bought the car, and earned more than a couple of times a year than other workers. She also made many acquaintance with the general managers of many big companies. The big bosses also trusted their mothers very much. This is what mother spent years of effort to create. If Mommy gave up early and didn't stick to it, could you have this kind of life today? I still remember what my mother once said to me: "my child, I don't want you to go on with your knees forever, and always go towards your goals. I don't want you to do the obscure grass. I want you to do the peony in the grass. You need to learn more knowledge, dig up your ability, enter the high end of the society, so that the darkness of the society will not be swallowed. Do you look at your mother, not just by his own knowledge and work to create a result that is proud of me? Of course,that's not enough. When the mother made more money, she continued to step up the mother's position step by step. You have to use your mother as an example to create a wonderful life in the future by your own hands, not to live by others. In this way, you will feel proud of your own way of life. "《简爱》中的主人公简爱小时候父母就相继逝去,按舅舅的遗愿到舅妈里德太太家居住。
《简爱》读后感英文版【一】Today, I saw it in one breath. Because of the teacher's recommendation, Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.The hero of the text, Jane's parents, because of wind and cold, both left the world. After Jane Eyre has been followed her aunt, and a wicked cousin John Reed often called Jane, always beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises.Think of me, mom and Dad took me as a pearl in the palm, I am afraid there is a collision point.Later, the hateful aunt sent Jane to a charity school. Inside the food is very poor, very little quantity, the clothes are very thin.From small to large, I did not once hungry, not once, clothing is bad, are brand-name. I'm really happy compared to Jane eyre.Jane graduated from school, but she worked as a teacher for two years at work, but she felt that it had been so empty that she longed for a free and carefree life,. So Jane found another job, a tutor. Met Rochester, that is, she was tutor, Schonfeld's master.The two fell in love, but when Jane was about to become a bride in Rochester, she knew that Rochester was married and that her wife was a woman maniac. Jane Aichen succumbed to blow awayFinally, Jane Eyre and Rochester finally together.After reading the book. Jane Eyre for free life respected, her self-esteem, although beauty is not outstanding, but her heart is good is the most white. Of course, God does not live up to Janeeyre. It made Jane love a good love. With an unexpected fortune.Once again, I am too insignificant. I'm selfish. I remember once, my favorite clothes are small, and my mother said I could give it to my sister, but I would never die. So far that dress is still at home! I'm really hateful. I regret it《简爱》读后感英文版【二】Charlotte, Blanc. "Jane Eyre" is my most love a book, the book's protagonist Jane Eyre has a strong and noble mind, her indomitable spirit often touched me, so I couldn't breath, almost finished the world famous. This works, the language of the beautiful and fluent, then why do I have to say?. And the heroine's rough and tortuous experience and her pursuit of equality and sincere love deeply moved me, and I really like her.Jane Eyre from parents, depend on others, suffering from bullying. Later, she went to the orphanage, a friend did not, the dean is very bad, she let Jane love to wipe the table, mopping the floor, a little touched, she will call Jane eyre. Jane Eyre suffered all kinds of hardships. Jane later became a good friend with a little girl named Helen, but a few years later, Helen died of a fatal illness. Jane was very sad and she had no friends.In this way, Jane Eyre grew up in solitude. She was poor, short, and not very impressive, but with a strong, noble heart, she was proud of herself and became a tutor. The owner of the family was very gentle and he was so kind to Jane that they soon fell in love with each other. However, when they really loved each other, Jane found the owner and wife, Jane Eyre unwilling to become a mistress, she left sadly. Later, the host was killed in the fire because his mad wife set fire to the manor, and his master was blind as a result. When the host was desperate and lonely, Jane Eyre returned to the host's side. After all the hardships, theyfinally won the most sincere and precious love.How can you see the rainbow without the wind and rain? This is a true portrayal of Jane eyre. She has gone through ups and downs, and finally won the most sincere love. The book has a striking contrast between the beginning and the end of the book, and highlights the point that if you put in effort and sweat, there will always be good results. From a little girl to a slim girl, Jane Eyre, the only constant is good, strong and confident. She takes a heart Gao Jie, maintaining self-esteem of female image, loved by readers, which is one of the reasons for this book for one hundred years the unfailing.In life, many people like Jane as love, they have suffered enough, with a good heart to win the trust of others, and thus bear the sweet fruit. Life need to pay, the world is willing to sincere, kind-hearted people begetsgood.《简爱》读后感英文版【三】In the history of literature, there are many classical means to be immortal, but can look like "Jane Eyre" so deeply into people's souls, it has attracted tens of thousands of readers with an irresistible beauty, affecting people's spiritual world, even for some people, affect their lives is not a lot of work. Jane love 1000 wordsJane Eyre is a novel with rotation color. It illustrates such a theme: human value = dignity + love.Jane Eyre's author, Charlotte Bront, and author of Wuthering Heights, Emily, are sisters. Although two people living in the same community, family environment, personality is not the same, Charlotte. Bront has become more gentle, more pure, more love the pursuit of some good things, although her family was poor, young lost love, father rarely, coupled with her short stature,appearance is not beautiful but, perhaps such a soul deep inferiority complex, reflected in her character is a very sensitive self-esteem, self-esteem in her heart to the inferiority of the compensation. She describes jane. Love is a beautiful, short woman, but she has a very strong sense of self-respect. She was steadfast in her pursuit of a bright, holy, and beautiful life.Jane. Love living in an orphaned, happy environment, grew up under treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin of contempt, insults and beatings cousin...... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps it is because of all this, Jane. Love unlimited confidence and firm and inflexible spirit, which can overcome the inherent personality.In front of Rochester, she never because he is a low status of the family teachers feel inferior, but that they are equal. Should not be because she is a servant, but not respected by others. It is because of her integrity, noble, pure, spiritual not secular society of pollution, making Rochester the shocked, and she can be seen as a spirit of equality and in their conversation, and slowly fell in love with her. In his heart, she moved, she accepted him. And when they get married that day, Jane. Love to know Rochester has a wife, she felt she must leave, she said, "I want to follow God's law issued by the world recognized, I want to hold on to me awake and not like this madness is now accepted the principle", I will firmly hold this position". This is Jane Eyre tells Rochester she must leave the grounds, but from the heart, a deeper thing was Jane realized that he had been deceived, her pride was teasing, because she loves Rochester, which woman can withstand the most trusted by oneself, closest to deceive people Jane? Love bear to live, but also to make a very rational decision. In this surrounded by a very powerful force of love, in abeautiful, prosperous life under the temptation, she still must adhere to their own personal dignity, this is Jane Eyre most has the spirit of place.Novel design of a very bright at the end - although Rochester's manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but we see that it is such a condition, so that Jane is no contradiction between love and dignity, and at the same time be met when she married in Rochester and there is dignity at the same time, there is love.The novel tells us that the best human life is human dignity and love, and the ending of the novel is such a kind of life for the heroine. Although I think such an outcome is too perfect, even such a superficial marks itself, but I still respect the ideal -- the author of this wonderful life is the dignity and love, after all, in today's society, the people's value = dignity + love this formula to pay to achieve often cannot do without the help of money. People seem crazy to drown love for money and status. Between the poor and the rich, choose between rich and poor, choose between love and not love. Few people, like Jane, abandon everything for love and for personality, and proceed without hesitation. "Jane Eyre" show to us is a simplified, is a kind of recover the original simplicity is a dedicated pursuit, a feeling, no gain or loss is a simplified feelings, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers.。
《简爱》读后感英文版【一】Today, I saw it in one breath. Because of the teacher's recommendation, Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.The hero of the text, Jane's parents, because of wind and cold, both left the world. After Jane Eyre has been followed her aunt, and a wicked cousin John Reed often called Jane, always beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises.Think of me, mom and Dad took me as a pearl in the palm, I am afraid there is a collision point.Later, the hateful aunt sent Jane to a charity school. Inside the food is very poor, very little quantity, the clothes are very thin.From small to large, I did not once hungry, not once, clothing is bad, are brand-name. I'm really happy compared to Jane eyre.Jane graduated from school, but she worked as a teacher for two years at work, but she felt that it had been so empty that she longed for a free and carefree life,. So Jane found another job, a tutor. Met Rochester, that is, she was tutor, Schonfeld's master.The two fell in love, but when Jane was about to become a bride in Rochester, she knew that Rochester was married and that her wife was a woman maniac. Jane Aichen succumbed to blow awayFinally, Jane Eyre and Rochester finally together.After reading the book. Jane Eyre for free life respected, her self-esteem, although beauty is not outstanding, but her heart is good is the most white. Of course, God does not live up to Janeeyre. It made Jane love a good love. With an unexpected fortune.Once again, I am too insignificant. I'm selfish. I remember once, my favorite clothes are small, and my mother said I could give it to my sister, but I would never die. So far that dress is still at home! I'm really hateful. I regret it《简爱》读后感英文版【二】Charlotte, Blanc. "Jane Eyre" is my most love a book, the book's protagonist Jane Eyre has a strong and noble mind, her indomitable spirit often touched me, so I couldn't breath, almost finished the world famous. This works, the language of the beautiful and fluent, then why do I have to say?. And the heroine's rough and tortuous experience and her pursuit of equality and sincere love deeply moved me, and I really like her.Jane Eyre from parents, depend on others, suffering from bullying. Later, she went to the orphanage, a friend did not, the dean is very bad, she let Jane love to wipe the table, mopping the floor, a little touched, she will call Jane eyre. Jane Eyre suffered all kinds of hardships. Jane later became a good friend with a little girl named Helen, but a few years later, Helen died of a fatal illness. Jane was very sad and she had no friends.In this way, Jane Eyre grew up in solitude. She was poor, short, and not very impressive, but with a strong, noble heart, she was proud of herself and became a tutor. The owner of the family was very gentle and he was so kind to Jane that they soon fell in love with each other. However, when they really loved each other, Jane found the owner and wife, Jane Eyre unwilling to become a mistress, she left sadly. Later, the host was killed in the fire because his mad wife set fire to the manor, and his master was blind as a result. When the host was desperate and lonely, Jane Eyre returned to the host's side. After all the hardships, theyfinally won the most sincere and precious love.How can you see the rainbow without the wind and rain? This is a true portrayal of Jane eyre. She has gone through ups and downs, and finally won the most sincere love. The book has a striking contrast between the beginning and the end of the book, and highlights the point that if you put in effort and sweat, there will always be good results. From a little girl to a slim girl, Jane Eyre, the only constant is good, strong and confident. She takes a heart Gao Jie, maintaining self-esteem of female image, loved by readers, which is one of the reasons for this book for one hundred years the unfailing.In life, many people like Jane as love, they have suffered enough, with a good heart to win the trust of others, and thus bear the sweet fruit. Life need to pay, the world is willing to sincere, kind-hearted people begetsgood.《简爱》读后感英文版【三】In the history of literature, there are many classical means to be immortal, but can look like "Jane Eyre" so deeply into people's souls, it has attracted tens of thousands of readers with an irresistible beauty, affecting people's spiritual world, even for some people, affect their lives is not a lot of work. Jane love 1000 wordsJane Eyre is a novel with rotation color. It illustrates such a theme: human value = dignity + love.Jane Eyre's author, Charlotte Bront, and author of Wuthering Heights, Emily, are sisters. Although two people living in the same community, family environment, personality is not the same, Charlotte. Bront has become more gentle, more pure, more love the pursuit of some good things, although her family was poor, young lost love, father rarely, coupled with her short stature,appearance is not beautiful but, perhaps such a soul deep inferiority complex, reflected in her character is a very sensitive self-esteem, self-esteem in her heart to the inferiority of the compensation. She describes jane. Love is a beautiful, short woman, but she has a very strong sense of self-respect. She was steadfast in her pursuit of a bright, holy, and beautiful life.Jane. Love living in an orphaned, happy environment, grew up under treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin of contempt, insults and beatings cousin...... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps it is because of all this, Jane. Love unlimited confidence and firm and inflexible spirit, which can overcome the inherent personality.In front of Rochester, she never because he is a low status of the family teachers feel inferior, but that they are equal. Should not be because she is a servant, but not respected by others. It is because of her integrity, noble, pure, spiritual not secular society of pollution, making Rochester the shocked, and she can be seen as a spirit of equality and in their conversation, and slowly fell in love with her. In his heart, she moved, she accepted him. And when they get married that day, Jane. Love to know Rochester has a wife, she felt she must leave, she said, "I want to follow God's law issued by the world recognized, I want to hold on to me awake and not like this madness is now accepted the principle", I will firmly hold this position". This is Jane Eyre tells Rochester she must leave the grounds, but from the heart, a deeper thing was Jane realized that he had been deceived, her pride was teasing, because she loves Rochester, which woman can withstand the most trusted by oneself, closest to deceive people Jane? Love bear to live, but also to make a very rational decision. In this surrounded by a very powerful force of love, in abeautiful, prosperous life under the temptation, she still must adhere to their own personal dignity, this is Jane Eyre most has the spirit of place.Novel design of a very bright at the end - although Rochester's manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but we see that it is such a condition, so that Jane is no contradiction between love and dignity, and at the same time be met when she married in Rochester and there is dignity at the same time, there is love.The novel tells us that the best human life is human dignity and love, and the ending of the novel is such a kind of life for the heroine. Although I think such an outcome is too perfect, even such a superficial marks itself, but I still respect the ideal -- the author of this wonderful life is the dignity and love, after all, in today's society, the people's value = dignity + love this formula to pay to achieve often cannot do without the help of money. People seem crazy to drown love for money and status. Between the poor and the rich, choose between rich and poor, choose between love and not love. Few people, like Jane, abandon everything for love and for personality, and proceed without hesitation. "Jane Eyre" show to us is a simplified, is a kind of recover the original simplicity is a dedicated pursuit, a feeling, no gain or loss is a simplified feelings, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers.。
《简爱》每章概括(精选)Chapter 1: Jane Eyre's Childhood at Gateshead HallIn the first chapter of "Jane Eyre," we are introduced to the protagonist, Jane Eyre, as she endures a difficult and lonely childhood at Gateshead Hall. Jane is an orphan, living with her aunt and cousins after the death of her parents. However, she is treated poorly by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and tormented by her cousins.Chapter 2: Jane at Lowood SchoolIn this chapter, Jane is sent away to Lowood School, a charity school for orphaned girls. She meets other girls who have also suffered neglect and mistreatment, and together they navigate the strict and often harsh educational environment. Jane forms a close friendship with Helen Burns, who teaches her endurance and forgiveness.Chapter 3: Life at Thornfield Hall and Meeting Mr. RochesterJane secures a position as a governess at Thornfield Hall in this chapter. There, she meets her enigmatic employer, Mr. Rochester. Jane is intrigued by his mysterious nature and finds herself drawn to him, despite the differences in their social status. She begins to develop deep feelings for him, unaware of the secrets that lie within Thornfield Hall.Chapter 12: The Revelation of Mr. Rochester's SecretIn the twelfth chapter, Jane discovers the truth about Mr. Rochester's past. She finds out that he is already married to Bertha Mason, a woman who is kept hidden away in the attic due to her madness. Jane is devastated bythis revelation, feeling betrayed by Mr. Rochester's attempts to court her while concealing his marital status. She makes the difficult decision to leave Thornfield Hall.Chapter 23: Jane's New Life at Moor HouseAfter leaving Thornfield Hall, Jane finds herself in a destitute state and seeks refuge at Moor House. There, she meets three siblings: Diana, Mary, and St. John Rivers. Gradually, Jane earns their trust and becomes part of their family. She also discovers that they are her cousins. Jane refocuses her energy on her studies and teaching, finding a sense of purpose and independence.Chapter 27: Jane's Inheritance and Reunion with Mr. RochesterIn this chapter, Jane receives news of a substantial inheritance from her uncle. This newfound wealth enables her to return to Mr. Rochester and confront her unresolved feelings for him. She travels back to Thornfield Hall to find it in ruins, having been burnt down by Bertha in a fit of madness. Jane discovers Mr. Rochester living in a nearby mansion, now blinded and crippled. They confess their love for each other and decide to marry.Chapter 38: Jane and Mr. Rochester's Happy EndingThe final chapter of "Jane Eyre" depicts the happy ending of Jane and Mr. Rochester's love story. They marry and have a child together. Mr. Rochester's vision slightly improves, and Jane finds contentment in her life as his wife and mother. The novel concludes with Jane reflecting on her journey and the obstacles she overcame to find love and happiness."Jane Eyre" is a timeless classic that delves into themes of love, independence, and societal expectations. Through Jane's resilience and determination, the novel presents a powerful portrayal of a woman's search for identity and a place where she truly belongs.。
长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 1Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit,Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes,for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice.It’s like a companion with the goodness.But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’sfeet.Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 2lls us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love.Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life.Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life.------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ……长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 3Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend ofmine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 4Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”.Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much.After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book.The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless.whats more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is blind at last due to rescue his mad wife.And I like the Classic lines what Jane said to Mr.Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leaveyou.I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in life and always sensible when handling with some motional problems.Jane was huge in my heart.She can control her life and fate.She knew how to continue her life and she got it!Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 5Jane Eyre — A Beautiful SoulJane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring,small in body but huge insoul,obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the coversof the book,after having a long journey of the spirit,Jane Eyre,a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded ineyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness,and evenfor someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice.It’s like a companion with thegoodness.But still, a virtuous person should promote thegoodnesson one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet.Thoughthere are differences in status、in property and also in appearance,but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life,her toughness and herconfidence…When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty faceor a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply,but ahuge charm of her personality.Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearancedidn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt feltdisgusted with it.And some others even thought that she was easyto look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre,she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much moreprettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’.But as the littlegoverness had said: ‘Do you think,because I am poor, obscure,plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind.God hadn’t givenher beauty and wealth,but instead, God gave her a kind mind and athinking brain.Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us somuch and let us feel the power inside her body.In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make othersonce feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mindisn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannotlast for,when others find that the beauty which had charmed themwas only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person nomore.For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just asKahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soulenchanted’.I can feel that how beauty really is,as we are allfleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of noblenessor humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether aman is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are greatdifferences in our souls, and from that,we can know that whether aman is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he isbeautiful or not.Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from hereXperience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the realbeauty.长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 6Jane Eyre gives me much useful inspiration after reading it.I respect Jane Eyre’s independence and I am most impressed by the true love between jane Eyre and Mr.Rochester who was apoor blind man, twenty years older than her.Jane Eyre never felt herself inferior as a tutor before Mr.Rochester and gained an equal status.She had lofty sentiments and was pure in mind.She had not been contaminated by common customs,so Mr.Rochester was attracted by her independent personality and falling love with her.In the story, Jane Eyre dismissed the chaise and driver with the double remuneration,which reflected her determination to come back to Mr.Rochester.She did not know whether Mr.Rochester was really there, but she still groped about in the twilight and came to the desolate house.She missed him that much.She only hoped that Mr Rochester let her live with him even if she found Mr Rochester blind and mutilated.Mr rochester became eXtremely eXcited when he heard and felt his beloved Jane was still living.He suggested that Jane marry one of the other young men because he thought himself as a sightless block.But he also showed his jealousy when Jane talked about St.John’s proposing marriage.All in all,Mr.Rochester was always loving Jane deeply.Mr.Rochester once eXclaimedJane,Jane!Janeand Jane heared Rochester’s voice calling to her.Her voice replied,I am coming.Wait for me I think these are the call of love and theanswer of love.Later on, after their marriage, Mr.Rochester miraculously regained his sight and lived happily with Jane.Personally,love can fasten the hearts of lovers tightly.Love is beyond time and space and the miracle of love can lead prayers to become reality.长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 7《Jane Eyre》is a great novel which was written by Charotte Bronte,the famous woman author,in1847.Jane Eyre was an orphan and she have to lived in her aunt’s home.She was terribly treated by her aunt.She is longing for freedom.After graduated from Lowood,a boarding school,she became a tutor and began to teach in Thornfield.At Thornfield,the owner of the hall,Mr.Rochester and Jane began to love each ether.But when they were at the wedding,someone brought a message which said that Mr.Rochester has married.Jane got a shock and leave Mr.Rochester.After suffered much misfortune.She became rich and gentility.But she went back to the side of Mr.Rochester who needed help and love.Jane Eyre is neither gentility nor beautiful at first.But she is full of love and abhor evil as a deadly foe.She eXcused her aunt and Mr.Rochester.She pursued true love,so she refusedSt.John’s proposing.Jane Eyre’s rough live was very similar with Charlotte Bronte’s.Charlotte used Jane’s mouth eXpatiated her idea-freedom,true love,equality,respect.and peaceful life.These seems easy to get,but they are the most valuable things in the world.长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 8《Jane Eyre》is a great novel which was written by Charotte Bronte,the famous woman author, Eyre was an orphan and she have to lived in her aunt’s home.She was terribly treated by her is longing for r graduated from Lowood,a boarding school,she became a tutor and began to teach in Thornfield,the owner of the hall,ester and Jane began to love each when they were at the wedding,someone brought a message which said that ester has got a shock and leave r suffered much became rich and she went back to the side of ester who needed help and love.Jane Eyre is neither gentility nor beautiful at she is full of love and abhor evil as a deadly eXcused her aunt and pursued true love,so she refused ’s Eyre’s rough live was very similar with Charlotte Bronte’lotte used Jane’s mouth eXpatiated her idea-freedom,true love,equality, peaceful e seems easy to get,but they are the most valuable things in the world.长篇小说《简爱》英文读后感 9Jane Eyre gives me much useful inspiration after reading it。
简爱每章观后感Chapter 1:The first chapter of Jane Eyre introduces us to the protagonist, Jane Eyre, a young orphan girl.In this chapter, we see Jane"s resilience and strength as she endures abuse and neglect at the hands of her relatives.Despite the hardships she faces, Jane remains compassionate and holds on to her dignity.第一章《简爱》为我们介绍了主人公简爱,一个年轻的孤女。
Chapter 2:In chapter 2, Jane is sent to Lowood School, where she experiences further hardship and suffering.However, she finds solace in her friendship with Helen Burns, a kind and gentle girl who becomes her closest companion.This chapter highlights Jane"s ability to form deep connections with others, despite the circumstances.第二章,简被送往洛伍德学校,在那里她经历了更多的困难和痛苦。
简爱每章内容简要概括Jane Eyre is a classic novel by Charlotte Bronte that tells the story of Jane Eyre, an orphan who overcomes adversity and finds love and independence. The novel is divided into 38 chapters, each detailing different aspects of Jane's life journey from childhood to adulthood. From her harsh upbringing at the hands of her cruel aunt and cousins to her time at Lowood School, where she befriends Helen Burns and Miss Temple, Jane's resilience and inner strength shape her character.简爱是夏洛蒂·勃朗特的经典小说,讲述了简·爱的故事,一个克服逆境并找到爱与独立的孤儿。
As Jane grows older, she becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she meets the enigmatic Mr. Rochester, her employer. Despite their class differences, Jane and Mr. Rochester develop a deep bond and fall in love. However, their happiness is threatened by darksecrets that haunt Thornfield Hall, leading to a tragic event that changes Jane's life forever. Throughout these chapters, themes of love, social class, and morality are explored, challenging Jane to navigate complex relationships and difficult decisions.随着简日渐长大,她成为了桑菲尔德庄园的家庭教师,在那里她遇见了神秘的雇主罗切斯特先生。
《Jane Eyre》简爱读后感英文版
Book ReportBook:Jane EyreAuthor:Charlotte BronteContent(内容梗概):When the novel begins, Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River’s marriage proposal. By novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester.Abstract(摘要):"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!"Summary(总结):The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Brontedid was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.Jane Eyre is known as one of the greatest and the most popular works in the world English Literature. Written by Charlotte Bronte, she is one of my favorite women writers. It is my favorite novel. I can’t forget how excited when I read it for the first time five years ago. I have read this work many times over the years and each time I can discover new and meaningful elements in the novel that have never failed to move me.It is a true Jane tenacious, humble, kind and severe with pursuing of equality. She is small and plain, but has determination than any other character we meet. She has a pure, beautiful heart and passionate tender soul. It is Jane Eyre that tells me the real meanings of charming ladies.Why do I love Jane Eyre:What Jane Eyre impresses me most are her self-respect and her clear situation on equality. Although it is always said that everyone is equal, is that really engraved on most of people’s hearts? No, it is not. Otherwise , why so many of us still feel ashamed of our plainness and poverty,or why so many of us still laughed at others who are disabled or we think are inferior to us. Just because we do not admit that we are all equal form the bottom of our hearts, we look down on others and even ourselves. However, Jane Eyre, a girl lives in the bureaucratically society does believe in equality, and pursue for it , why people like us edified in the modern society do not?I don’t know what others feel,but frankly speaking,I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing,this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another,this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films remindedme to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story,but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you would get.”。
简爱读后感英文版篇一Today, I saw it in one breath. Because of the teachers recommendation, Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.The hero of the text, Janes parents, because of wind and cold, both left the world. After Jane Eyre has been followed her aunt, and a wicked cousin John Reed often called Jane, always beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises.Think of me, mom and Dad took me as a pearl in the palm, I am afraid there is a collision point.Later, the hateful aunt sent Jane to a charity school. Inside the food is very poor, very little quantity, the clothes are very thin.From small to large, I did not once hungry, not once, clothing is bad, are brand-name. Im really happy compared to Jane eyre.Jane graduated from school, but she worked as a teacher for two years at work, but she felt that it had been so empty that she longed for a free and carefree life,。
简爱英文章节概括及读后感第一篇:简爱英文章节概括及读后感Chapter1 Summary: Jane Eyre was always ill-treated at Gateshead Hall where her aunt, Mrs.Reed and her cousins-Eliza, John and Georgiana lived.Once, she was reading on the window-seat behind a curtain.John came and drove her away.To her anger, she defended herself, but her aunt came and commanded to lock her in the red-room.Feelings: I feel really bad for Jane as a child at her age.Imagine if I were her at that time, I may give myself up and die early.Even if facing such bad situation, she still loved reading.I admire her very much.Chapter2 Summary: Jane was dragged away by two servants, Bessie and Miss Abbot, and locked in the red-room.It was the place where her Uncle Reed died.Thus, the whole atmosphere reminded her of ghosts.She couldn’t stand it anymore and passed out.Feelings: I can’t help feeling that Jane was suffering some kind of mental disease because her aunt and cousins’ attitude towards her.Poor little child!I hope some time in the future it can be healed.Chapter3 Summary: The doctor Mr.Lloyd came to see if Jane was OK.He asked her whether she would like to go to school or not and that was all.Meanwhile, Miss Abbot told Bessie about Jane.Her mother was Mr.Reed’s sister.She married a nearly penniless clergyman, and her father was furious and had nothing more to do with her.They went away to work among poor people, caught typhoid, and died when Miss Jane was a baby, so she was sent to Gateshead Hall.Bessie felt sorry after hearing these.Feelings: Jane was sure unfortunate, but to some extent, she was really lucky.She had someone like Bessie who cared about her.I think Jane will start a new life at school.Chapter4 Summary: Jane wasintroduced to a school’s headmaster Mr.Brocklehurst.Her aunt talked bad about her to that tall, grim man, which means her s chool life didn’t have a good beginning.Feelings: I just feel sick for Mrs.Reed’s behavior.One cannot judge others no matter what, let alone she was Jane’s aunt.What she had done could probably destroy Jane’s whole life!/ 11Chapter5 Summary: Jane arrived at a school at Lowood.The living condition there was really poor.Girls there only had a little food to eat and some of it couldn’t be called as “food”.But there was a teacher called Miss Miller who cared about the girls, ordering extra bread and cheese for them.Feelings: I wonder why on earth there was a school like that in the past.What kind of parents would send their children to hell on earth? I am worried about Jane right now.Chapter6 Summary: Helen was a friend of Jane when she was at school.There was a teacher called Miss Scatcherd who was always directed against Helen.She scolded Helen whenever she had a chance.But Helen was pretty positive towards these.She believed that since life was short, we should be happy.Feelings: Helen had a strong character as a kid.I think that must due to her early experience as an orphan.She could face anything peacefully.Many adults can’t do that in my opinion.Chapter7 Summary: Mr.Brocklehurst announced to all the girls in the school that Jane was a liar and he warned them against her.But Helen trusted her and gave her courage.Feelings: It’s rude to say bad things about others no matter in front of them or behind their backs.Mr.Brocklehurst’s behavior can be really hurtful.Chapter8 Summary: Miss Temple was another person who chose to believe Jane.She asked Mr.Lloyd whether Jane’s side of story was true.As Mr.Lloyd convinced Jane’sword, Miss Temple announced to the school that Jane was innocent of Mr.Brocklehurst’s charges against her.Feelings: Miss Temple is that kind of person who gives you a light of hope when you are truly down.It’s a great luck to have such a person be your side and support you.I think Miss Temple will influence Jane throughout her lifetime.Chapter9 Summary: Typhoid fever struck Lowood when spring came.Thus, many of the students were kept apart.Helen was also ill, not typhoid but with consumption.Knowing Helen might die soon, Jane couldn’t help tiptoeing to the room Helen/ 11stayed in to be with her as her last company.They spent a night together and Helen died in Jane’s arm during her dream.Feelings: Helen’s death was a great loss for Jane in my opinion.But anyhow, Helen’s spirit leaves a deep impression on me, and I believe, on everyone who has ever read this book.Chapter10 Summary: Soon after the typhoid, there was an inquiry, which brought to light the truth about Lowood with its wretched clothing, poor food, and bad conditions.Lowood was put into the care of kind and sensible trustees, and both diet and clothing improved.After six years of study there, Jane became a teacher.After her tutor both in study and in life, Miss Temple, get married and left, Jane decided to leave as well.On her last night at Lowood, Bessie visited her with her son Bobby.She brought the news about Gateshead to Jane.Feelings: It’s time for Jane to find a new place to go.She had been at Lowood for so many years and she should search for some new opportunity and start a new life at Thornfield Hall.Chapter11 Summary: On arriving at Thornfield Hall, Jane met the house keeper Mrs.Fairfax and her student Adele whose guardian was Mr.Edward Fairfax Rochester,who was also the owner of the house.She also met a solidly built servant called Grace Poole.Feelings: I guess Jane can live an at least comfortable life here at Thornfield Hall since nobody is after her.Jane’s bright new life starts right now.Chapter12 Summary: Jane met Mr.Rochester on her way to post a letter.Mr.Rochester sprained his ankle in the lane.Feelings: It’s a pretty strange way to meet your employer the first time like that.I bet there would be interesting stories between them.Chapter13 Summary: Adele was having a lot of trouble concentrating when she knows Mr.Rochester was downstairs—she kept trying to sneak downstairs to see him or to guess what presented he might have brought her.Mr.Rochester and Jane talked about Jane’s early experiences and Mr.Rochester called Jane as elf.Thus, Jane considered Mr.Rochester changeful and abrupt.Feelings: I kind of feel the same as Jane did.How could an almost stranger say such rude thing during our first chat? If I were Jane, I might be really angry.3 / 11Chapter14 Summary: One evening, Rochester sent for Jane and Adele after dinner.Suddenly, because she was staring at him, Rochester asked Jane if she thought he’s handsome.Without thinking, she gave an honest answer: no.Rochester told her that he’s feeling chatty tonight, and ordered Jane to chat with him about something.While Jane and Rochester had been talking, Adele had run out to try on one of the dresses that were among her new presents from Rochester.When she comes back and frolics around in the dress, she looks just like her mother.Feelings: I don’t know why but I just feel that the whole conversation between them is super intense and kind of awkward to me...Chapter15 Summary: One day when Mr.Rochester and Jane were wandering in the garden, Mr.Rochester talked aboutAdele’s mother, Celine Varens.That evening, Jane finds Rochester asleep in his bed with the curtains and his bedclothes on fire, and she puts out the flames and rescues him.Feelings: I feel like the relationship between Jane and Mr.Rochester is changing-I see something about love.Chapter16 Summary: Mrs.Fairfax told Jane that Mr.Rochester was taking a trip to Mr.Eshton’s house which was filled with girls who were fond of Mr.Rochester, especially Blanche Ingram, Lord Ingram’s daughter.After hearing this, Jane was pretty sure that Mr.Rochester would not be with her no matter what, so she became really sad.Feelings: I don’t think Mr.Rochester is that kind of guy who only cares about money and beauty to be honest.And if he has feelings for Jane, he may marry her.Chapter17 Summary: Everyone spends the three days making frantic preparations for all the guests.When they rode up, some in carriages and some on horses, a beautiful woman in a purple dress was riding beside Rochester.It’s Blanche Ingram!The visitors enter, and Jane sat with Adele, half-listening to their noise and trying to keep Adele from running down and bothering them.Blanche and Rochester sang a song, and Jane wanted to leave, but she’s mesmerized by Rochester’s voice.As soon as he finished, she slipped out into the hallway.Rochester came out after Jane and asked why she didn’t come and talk to him in the drawing room.He wanted her to come back, but he could tell she’s about to cry, so he let her go.Feelings: Now I am more than sure that Jane was in love with Mr.Rochester/ 11completely.It’s obvious that Miss Blanche’s heart is not as beautiful as her appearance, so basically Mr.Rochester won’t choose her over Jane.Chapter18 Summary: With Rochesterabsent, a stranger arrived at Thornfield.The stranger, whose name was Mason, claimed to be an old friend of Mr.Rochester’ter that day, a strange gypsy woman arrived, offering to tell their fortunes.Blanche Ingram went first.Everyone waited excitedly for her to come back and tell them what the woman said, but when she did come back she said the woman was obviously a fraud.The servant, Sam, told Jane that the gypsy woman said she knew there’s another single woman in the gr oup, and that she thought that must mean her.Jane’s curious about the woman, so she went to see her and had her own fortune told.Feelings: Though I wonder who Mason was, I’m more excited about the story between Jane and that “gypsy woman”.It could be reall y interesting!Chapter19 Summary: Jane entered the library and saw the old gypsy woman reading a prayer-book by the fire.Her hat and handkerchief threw shadows over her face.The gypsy asked Jane about Mr.Rochester, and when she didn’t say much in response, the gypsy suggested that Mr.Rochester was in love with Blanche Ingram.Jane admitted that the rumor was that Rochester and Blanche were engaged, but corrected the woman on one thing—they were not in love.In a moment, the woman’s voice changed—the old gypsy woman was Mr.Rochester in disguise, and he’s just been messing with everyone.She told him about Mason’s arrival, and he’s so horrified that he couldn’t even stand up anymore.Then, Jane called Mason to meet Mr.Rochester in the room.Feelings: From this chap ter, I’m happy to see that Mr.Rochester loved Jane too and he wanted to see if Jane had the same feelings as he did.From our point of view, they both love each other more than anything.However, Mr.Rochester’s behavior shows that Mason’s presence means some thingterrible has happened, or will happen.Chapter20 Summary: Everyone in the house is woken up by all the noise.The guests stumble around in the corridor in their robes, but nobody seems to know what’s going on.Jane gets dressed, then sits by the window waiting.Mr.Rochester knocks on her door and asks her to come with him.He sends Jane back to get a sponge and some salts.Rochester tells Jane to stay with Mason and to make sure he stays awake, but not to talk to him at all for any reason.He gives her the sponge, which is bloody now, so that she can tend to the wound a little, too.For a/ 11long time, Jane stays there, wiping blood, trying to keep him conscious.Rochester says that he warned Mason, and Mason should have listened.Mason says he thought he could have done something to make things better.While Mason is sent away, Rochester and Jane are left alone together outside the house, and he asks her to walk with him in the woods as the sun is rising before they go back to Thornfield Hall.Feelings: Mason is bitten by somebody!Who on earth he is? Why he comes to Thornfield? Who is the person that bites Mason? What’s their relationship with Mr.Rochester? There are still lots of answers to be found.Chapter21 Summary: One afternoon, Jane is visited by Mr.Reed’s coachman.He tells Jane that John Reed is dead and that Mrs.Reed had a stroke when she heard.Jane goes in to see Mrs.Reed, who is lying ill in bed.Mrs.Reed is still harsh and bad-tempered, but she does want Jane to stay so that they can talk things over.As she’s dying, Mrs.Reed apologizes to Jane for concealing a letter from Jane’s uncle, John Eyre, which came three years ago.Mrs.Reed lets Jane read the letter, in which John asked where Jane was so that he could write a will making herthe heir of his fortune when he died.Then Mrs.Reed admits something else: she wrote to John Eyre and told him Jane died of typhoid at Lowood.Feelings: Mrs.Reed’s behavior crossed the line.No matter what she has no right to conceal Jane’s letter from her uncle.She could treat Jane badly, but when somebody else wants to treat her like his own child, she just robbed her chance away? That’s not what elder people should do to her child.Chapter22 Summary: Jane goes back to Thornfield.During the next two weeks, it’s pretty quiet and se ems like Mr.Rochester is busy preparing his wedding with Blanche Ingram.Feelings: Sometimes things are not like what it seems to be.I’m sure it is Jane who Mr.Rochester really loves and the bride is going to be Jane instead of Blanche Ingram.Chapter23 Summary: Rochester asks Jane to walk with him.Jane and Rochester sit on the bench under the chestnut tree.Rochester asks her to marry him.And of course, Jane agrees.Feelings: Looks like what I guess finally comes true.But everything is just way too perfect…Chapter24/ 11Summary: The next morning, Jane is blissfully happy and wonders if this is all a dream.Rochester starts telling Jane about all the fancy jewelry and clothes he’s going to give her.She looks him in the eye, and tells him that, if he keeps decking her out in expensive clothes and jewelry and behaving so badly about it, she’ll never wear anything he buys her.Feelings: The dialogues between them are cute and full of sweetness.They could have a successful marriage.Chapter25 Summary: The previous evening, Jane went to bed, but couldn’t sleep.She thought she could hear a weird howling sound in the wind.When Jane woke up,there was a burning candle on the table in her room.Then Jane noticed that her closet door was open and someone was messing with her wedding dress and veil.Jane sat up in bed, shocked: the woman wasn’t anyone she knew at Thornfield, but someone else, a stranger.The stranger was a tall woman with long, dark hair dressed in white;her face was disturbing, with bloodshot red eyes, swollen, dark lips, and thick black eyebrows.The strange woman was wearing Jane’s wedding veil, and, as Jane watched, the woman pulled it off, tore it in half, and trampled on it.Jane asks Mr.Rochester who the woman is.Rochester says that she imagined this nightmar ish creature.Jane’s not really satisfied with this explanation, but she pretends to be to make Rochester feel better.Feelings: It could be a nightmare even if in dreams, let alone it real happens.That strange woman might be somebody who has a special and interesting identity.Chapter26 Summary: It's the day of Jane and Rochester's wedding.It should be the happiest day of Jane's life, but during the church ceremony two men show up claiming that Rochester is already married.Mrs.Rochester is Bertha Mason, the “madwoman in the attic” who tried to burn Rochester to death in his bed, stabbed and bit her own brother, and who’s been doing other creepy things at night.Rochester was tricked into marrying Bertha fifteen years ago in Jamaica.Rochester claims that he’s no t really married because his relationship with Bertha isn’t a real marriage.He wants Jane to go and live with him in France, where they can pretend to be a married couple and act like husband and wife.Jane refuses to be his next mistress and runs away befo re she’s tempted to agree.Feelings: What a mess!I bet that’s not what Mr.Rochester wants and also not what Jane wants.Actually, none of them did anything wrong, but life islife.Chapter27 Summary: Jane stays in her room for most of the day with a debate raging in her/ 11head: does she really have to leave Thornfield? Rochester wants Jane to go with him to France and live with him in a villa there as his “virtual” wife.He claims that he’s not really married and that Jane would basically be his wife, not his mistress.Jane realizes that what matters most is her own respect for herself, and that it’s even more important for her to cling to her principles at this difficult moment.Jane wakes up early and packs a few small things, leaving all the presents Rochester bought her.Feelings: God bless Jane!Hope she has made the right choice and will start a new life somewhere else.Chapter28 Summary: Jane travels in a random direction away from Thornfield.Having no money, she almost starves to death before being taken in by the Rivers family, who live at Moor House near a town called Morton.Feelings: Jane is not that lucky, she never made it to live a happy life she wants.But she is lucky, too.She has got some warm-hearted people who are willing to help when she is in dan ger.I don’t know how to express that, but it’s sad to know life isn’t easy at all.Chapter29 Summary: The Rivers siblings—Diana, Mary, and St.John—are about Jane’s age and well-educated, but somewhat poor.They take whole-heartedly to Jane, who has taken the pseudonym “Jane Elliott” so that Mr.Rochester can’t find her.Feelings: Jane has friends at her own age right now.They could get along with each other well.Chapter30 Summary: Jane wants to earn her keep, so St.John arranges for her to become the teacher in a village girls’ school.St.John gets a letter stating that the Rivers’ Uncle John is dead.Jane watches as all the members of the Rivers familybehave somewhat strangely about this—they’re not exactly sad;she’s not sure what they’re feeling.St.John explain s that their uncle had argued with their father long before, and that he had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, but decided to leave all the money to another relative.Feelings: Well, Jane has an uncle whose name is John, and the Rivers happens to have an Uncle John too? That’s definitely not a coincidence.The truth is that the Rivers are actually Jane’s cousin!She has her family right now!Chapter31 Summary: Jane moves into her little cottage, which is simple but adequate.St.8 / 11John tells her about his own experience—a year ago, he thought that he hated being a priest, but then he felt called by God to become a missionary.A young woman comes up and wishes St.John good evening.St.John completely freaks out for a moment, but then calms himself down and turns to talk to her.Jane notices how beautiful the woman is.It turns out that this is Miss Rosamond Oliver, the daughter of the man who’s paying Jane’s salary.Miss Oliver says she’ll come and help Jane out at the school sometimes.Miss Oliver tries to talk to St.John about normal things like a recent dance, but St.John is cold and disapproving.Feelings: I do think St.John is like that kind of crazy man who knows nothing but hi work.He may do harm to Jane.Chapter32 Summary: On a school holiday, Jane is sitting alone at home, finishing the picture of Rosamond Oliver, when St.John drops by to bring her a new book to read.When he sees the portrait, he becomes disturbed.Jane asks St.John about the portrait for a bit, and eventually he admits that he knows it’s of Rosamond.She offers to make a copy for him—if he will admit that he wants one.St.John admits that he wants a copy of thepicture, but says that it wouldn’t be good for him to have it.St.John pulls a piece of scrap paper over the portrait so that he doesn’t have to look at it anymore—and then he sees something on the paper that really surprises him.Jane can’t figure out what it is, but he tears off a piece and keeps it.Feelings: Clearly Rosamond Oliver and St.John love each other.So I think it’s not worthy o f giving up their love and insisting on choosing a missionary’s wife.Chapter33 Summary: St.John arrives, even though he had to struggle through the snow.He won’t tell her why he’s there, and he’s behaving really strangely.She starts to worry that he might be a little bit insane.It comes out that Diana, Mary, and St.John are all Jane’s cousins!When Jane’s Uncle Mr.Eyre dies and leaves his fortune to Jane, she shares her inheritance with the other three.Feelings: Jane hadn’t had the feeling of being with true families since she was sent to Gateshead Hall.I’m so happy for her that she finally finds a real home for her.Chapter34 Summary: St.John wants to be more than Jane’s cousin.He admires Jane’s work ethic and asks her to marry him, learn Hindustani, and go with him to India on a long-term missionary trip.Jane refuses because she knows she doesn’t love St.John.Jane offers to go to India with him, but just as his cousin and co-worker, not as his wife.St.John won't give up and keeps pressuring Jane to marry him.9 / 11Feelings: I still can’t understand St.John’s insane behavior.Things end up like nobody is happy.Chapter35 Summary: Just as Jane’s about to give in, she supernaturally hears Mr.Rochester’s voice calling her name from somewhere far away.Feelings: I kn ow Jane is meant to be Mr.Rochester’s wife.Even if they are so far away from each other, they can still hear the other’s voice through their heart.Chapter36 Summary:Jane arranges a journey back to Thornfield.Jane comes up toward Thornfield walking along the wall of the orchard.She peeks out from around a corner of the wall...and sees a complete ruin.It’s burned down, blackened and collapsed.Shocked, Jane goes back to the inn and asks the host what happened.From him she learns the whole story of what happened: Bertha burned down the house in the middle of the night by setting fire to what used to be Jane’s own bed.Rochester saved the servants and then climbed up to a high wall where Bertha was standing to try to rescue her, but she jumped off and committed suicide.Rochester was blinded and lost a hand when the wall collapsed.Jane asks where Rochester is now, and the innkeeper tells her that he’s at his other home, Ferndean.Jane arranges to go there in a chaise right away.Feelings: Oh!Mr.Rochester is disabled right now.I couldn’t help thinking if Jane didn’t leave Thornfield, Mr.Rochester won’t lose his sight and his hand, and they could have live a happy life right now.Is Jane’s decision to leave wrong? It’s not obviously.Maybe that’s what life is like, full o f strange combinations of circumstances.Chapter37 Summary: Jane goes to Ferndean to find Rochester.When she comes up to the house, she sees him coming out and watches him for a long time without letting him know she’s there.Jane offers to be Rochester’s nu rse or housekeeper, convinced that he will immediately ask her to marry him again, but he doesn’t.Jane insists that Rochester eat supper, which he usually doesn’t.In the morning, Jane comes down to breakfast, and then takes Rochester outside so they can stroll in the wood and meadows.They sit down in a dry place and Rochester asks Jane to tell him where she’s been and what’s happened to her.Rochester laments his blindness and lost hand, but asks Janeto marry him anyway.She accepts gladly.Rochester also tells Jane that, four days before, between eleven and twelve at night, he called her name three times frantically—and he heard her respond.He thinks that perhaps they met in spirit.Jane doesn’t tell Rochester that she heard him call her name and responded to him while she was sitting, miles away,10 / 11with St.John.Feelings: Just like “No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.” Even though Mr.Rochester loses something, he gains love and that’s the most important thing for him.The story finally comes down to this point and I just wish they can be happy together..Chapter38 Summary: They have a quiet wedding, and after two years of marriage Rochester gradually gets his sight back.They also have a son.Feelings: What can I say right now? I’m just honored to see such a romantic life experience of Jane Eyre, who is that kind of women I admire.Question1 Mr.Rochester asked Jane Eyre twice to marry him.(In Chapter23 and Chapter37)Jane agreed to both but the first time they didn’t get married successfully because Jane knew about Mr.Rochester had already been married during their wedding.I think the reason why Jane chose to marry to Mr.Rochester even if he lost one of his hands and got blind was when she was away from Mr.Rochester at the Moor House, she realized she really cared about and was deeply in love with him.This time she chose to follow her heart instead of others’ words or judgments.Where there is great love, there are always miracles.Question2 Turning point No.1: when Mrs.Reed sent her to Lowood Turning point No.2: when Jane met Helen and Temple at Lowood Turning point No.3: when she left Lowood and started to teach at Thornfield Hall Turning point No.4: when she fall in love with Mr.Rochester Turningpoint No.5: when she knew Mr.Rochester had already been married and decided to leave Thornfield Hall Turning point No.6: when she found the Moor House as a shelter Turning point No.7: when she noticed her friends was also her family Turning point No.8: when she returned to find Mr.Rochester / 11第二篇:简爱概括1、盖茨黑德的悲惨遭遇简爱从小父母双亡,被寄养到舅舅里德先生家,舅舅死后将她托付给他妻子,但舅妈十分讨厌她,她还常受到表哥表姐的欺辱,但她仍有着强烈的自尊。
简爱英文读后感(一)Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!让我告诉你们我觉得阅读后,伟大的工作,Jane Erye。
我真的把Jane Erye关了这本书之后,什么样的好女人!Eyre夫人有一颗金子般的心。
有时我很困惑,我都会想起她,我会想象她会怎么做如果她是I.为什么不读Jane Erye的书,我的朋友!简爱英文读后感(二)I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since. It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although that's how I probably would have defined it at age 13. I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr. Rochester. They take on new depth every time I meet them...and their's is alove story for the ages.Charlotte Bronte's first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story. Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy society's expectations of her. This is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market. It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family. Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead. Jane's Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs. Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children. This unfair treatment emphasized Jane's status as an unwanted outsider. She was often punished harshly. On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her. Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result. Jane's Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs. Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber. Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the child's feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned. Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage. She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness. Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself. She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate herpassions to her reason. Her passions still erupt unchecked. Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community. This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.Mrs. Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr. Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people. All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made. At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life. Jane's need for love was so great. It really becomes obvious in this first friendship. Helen later died from fever, in Jane's arms. Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths. Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher. Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield. The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester. Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele. Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him. The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love. Again, Jane's need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature. She blooms. A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane. Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.All is not as it seems at Thornfield. There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room. She keeps to herself and is rarely seen. From the first,however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochester's life by a seemingly unknown person. Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs. Poole. Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr. Rochester. Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctor's help. The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood. He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning. Jane's questions are not answered directly. This visit will have dire consequences on all involved. An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made. Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.Charlotte Bronte's heroine Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life. Ms. Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, women's equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion. This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions. It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times. Ms. Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.我第一次读《Jane Eyre》是在第八年级,从那以后每隔几年读一次。
Jane eventually finds herself taken in by a kind family, the Rivers, and she learns that she has inherited a fortune from a long-lost uncle. She decides to share her wealth with her newfound family, but she also discovers that she is related to them. In the end, she reunites with Mr. Rochester, who has lost his sight and one hand in a fire that destroyed Thornfield. They marry and live happily together.
Furthermore, the love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester is both passionate and tumultuous, adding emotional depth to the novel. Their relationship is marked by obstacles and sacrifices, but it ultimately triumphs against all odds. Their love exemplifies the enduring nature of true affection and the resilience of the human heart.
《简爱》读后感英⽂带翻译 当看完⼀本著作后,⼤家⼀定对⽣活有了新的感悟和看法,为此需要认真地写⼀写读后感了。
《简爱》读后感英⽂带翻译篇1 "Jane eyre" is a very good book, is my favorite book. "Jane eyre" this book is the great writer charlotte Brontes famous work, is also a famous novel. In the novel, she joined the own life background, succeeded in shaping the Jane eyre this have ideal, have ambition, have individual character of woman, you love. Jane eyre parents early death in my uncle, my uncle died, after her aunt sends her to an orphanage, came to thorne field, when the hero home tutor, Mr Roach department Mr Roach eccentric, after several contact, Jane eyre fell in love with him. When their wedding, mason came into pointed out that the castle attic room is a roach, a mad woman, the wife of Mr, Jane would not as a mistress, left the thorne field. Came to a remote place with the help of the priests found a village teacher profession. When the priest asked Jane got married, she reminded Mr Roach division. When back to thorne stole the castle is in ruins. Jane eyre to Finn, Mr Roach, live to the roach Mr Forrests arms... After reading this book, appearance is ordinary to my heart as if added a confidence, because it is I understand the connotation of the rich more than the beauty of appearance. I believe that the writing can bring women a lot of enlightenment, also, it can also become our younger generation on the life philosophy of revelation. It is not only the face of love, people should show the dignity, more let a person produce such a belief, that is in the life, autonomy, self-reliance, self-esteem makes people believe that their own ability, frequency more courage to strive for success and dignity. 《简·爱》是⼀本很好看的书,也是我最喜欢的书。
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<Jane Eyre>Chapter1Summary:Jane Eyre was always ill-treated at Gateshead Hall where her aunt, Mrs. Reed and her cousins-Eliza, John and Georgiana lived. Once, she was reading on the window-seat behind a curtain. John came and drove her away. To her anger, she defended herself, but her aunt came and commanded to lock her in the red-room.Feelings: I feel really bad for Jane as a child at her age. Imagine if I were her at that time, I may give myself up and die early. Even if facing such bad situation, she still loved reading. I admire her very much.Chapter2Summary: Jane was dragged away by two servants, Bessie and Miss Abbot, and locked in the red-room. It was the place where her Uncle Reed died. Thus, the whole atmosphere reminded her of ghosts. She couldn’t stand it anymore and passed out.Feelings: I can’t help feeling that Jane was suffering some kind of mental disease because her aunt and cousins’ attitude towards her. Poor little child! I hope some time in the future it can be healed.Chapter3Summary:The doctor Mr. Lloyd came to see if Jane was OK. He asked her whether she would like to go to school or not and that was all. Meanwhile, Miss Abbot told Bessie about Jane. Her mother was Mr. Reed’s sister. She married a nearly penniless clergyman, and her father was furious and had nothing more todo with her. They went away to work among poor people, caught typhoid, and died when Miss Jane was a baby, so she was sent to Gateshead Hall. Bessie felt sorry after hearing these.Feelings: Jane was sure unfortunate, but to some extent, she was really lucky. She had someone like Bessie who cared about her. I think Jane will start a new life at school.Chapter4Summary: Jane was introduced to a school’s headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst. Her aunt talked bad about her to that tall, grim man, which means her school life didn’t have a good beginning.Feelings:I just feel sick for Mrs. Reed’s behavior. One cannot judge others no matter what, let alone she was Jane’s aunt. What she had done could probably destroy Jane’s whole life!Chapter5Summary:Jane arrived at a school at Lowood. The living condition there was really poor. Girls there only had a little food to eat and some of it couldn’t be called as “food”. But there was a teacher called Miss Miller who cared about the girls, ordering extra bread and cheese for them.Feelings: I wonder why on earth there was a school like that in the past. Whatkind of parents would send their children to hell on earth? I am worried about Jane right now.Chapter6Summary:Helen was a friend of Jane when she was at school. There was a teacher called Miss Scatcherd who was always directed against Helen. She scolded Helen whenever she had a chance. But Helen was pretty positive towards these. She believed that since life was short, we should be happy.Feelings: Helen had a strong character as a kid. I think that must due to her early experience as an orphan. She could face anything peacefully. Many adults can’t do that in my opinion.Chapter7Summary: Mr. Brocklehurst announced to all the girls in the school that Jane was a liar and he warned them against her. But Helen trusted her and gave her courage.Feelings: It’s rude to say bad things about others no matter in front of them or behind their backs. Mr. Brocklehurst’s behavior can be really hurtful.Chapter8Summary:Miss Temple was another person who chose to believe Jane. She asked Mr. Lloyd whether Jane’s side of story was true. As Mr. Lloyd convinced Jane’s word, Miss Temple announced to the school that Jane was innocent of Mr. Brocklehurst’s charges against her.Feelings: Miss Temple is that kind of person who gives you a light of hope when you are truly down. It’s a great luck to have such a person be your side and support you. I think Miss Temple will influence Jane throughout her lifetime.Chapter9Summary: Typhoid fever struck Lowood when spring came. Thus, many of the students were kept apart. Helen was also ill, not typhoid but with consumption. Knowing Helen might die soon, Jane couldn’t help tiptoeing to the room Helenstayed in to be with her as her last company. They spent a night together and Helen died in Jane’s arm during her dream.Feelings:Helen’s death was a great loss for Jane in my opinion. But anyhow, Helen’s spirit leaves a deep impression on me, and I believe, on everyone who has ever read this book.Chapter10Summary: Soon after the typhoid, there was an inquiry, which brought to lightthe truth about Lowood with its wretched clothing, poor food, and bad conditions. Lowood was put into the care of kind and sensible trustees, and both diet and clothing improved. After six years of study there, Jane became a teacher. After her tutor both in study and in life, Miss Temple, get married and left, Jane decided to leave as well. On her last night at Lowood, Bessie visited her with her son Bobby. She brought the news about Gateshead to Jane.Feelings: It’s time for Jane to find a new place to go. She had been at Lowood for so many years and she should search for some new opportunity and start a newlife at Thornfield Hall.Chapter11Summary: On arriving at Thornfield Hall, Jane met the house keeper Mrs. Fairfax and her student Adele whose guardian was Mr. Edward Fairfax Rochester, who was also the owner of the house. She also met a solidly built servant called Grace Poole.Feelings: I guess Jane can live an at least comfortable life here at Thornfield Hall since nobody is after her. Jane’s bright new life starts right now.Chapter12Summary:Jane met Mr. Rochester on her way to post a letter. Mr. Rochester sprained his ankle in the lane.Feelings: It’s a pretty strange way to meet your employer the first time like that.I bet there would be interesting stories between them.Chapter13Summary: Adele was having a lot of trouble concentrating when she knows Mr. Rochester was downstairs—she kept trying to sneak downstairs to see him or to guess what presented he might have brought her. Mr. Rochester and Jane talked about Jane’s early experiences and Mr. Rochester called Jane as elf. Thus, Jane considered Mr. Rochester changeful and abrupt.Feelings: I kind of feel the same as Jane did. How could an almost stranger say such rude thing during our first chat? If I were Jane, I might be really angry.Chapter14Summary: One evening, Rochester sent for Jane and Adele after dinner. Suddenly,because she was staring at him, Rochester asked Jane if she thought he’shandsome. Without thinking, she gave an honest answer: no. Rochester told herthat he’s feeling chatty tonight, and order ed Jane to chat with him aboutsomething. While Jane and Rochester had been talking, Adele had run out to tryon one of the dresses that were among her new presents from Rochester. Whenshe comes back and frolics around in the dress, she looks just like her mother.know why but I just feel that the whole conversation betweenFeelings: I don’tthem is super intense and kind of awkward to me...Chapter15Summary: One day when Mr. Rochester and Jane were wandering in the garden,Mr. Rochester talked about Adele’s mother, Celine Varens. That evening, Janefinds Rochester asleep in his bed with the curtains and his bedclothes on fire, andshe puts out the flames and rescues him.Feelings: I feel like the relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is changing-Isee something about love.Chapter16Summary:Mrs. Fairfax told Jane that Mr. Rochester was taking a trip to Mr.Eshton’s house which was filled with girls who were fond of Mr. Rochester,especially Blanche Ingram, Lord Ingram’s daughter. After hearing this, Jane waspretty sure that Mr. Rochester would not be with her no matter what, so shebecame really sad.Feelings:I don’t think Mr. Rochester is that kind of guy who only cares aboutmoney and beauty to be honest. And if he has feelings for Jane, he may marry her.Chapter17Summary:Everyone spends the three days making frantic preparations for allthe guests. When they rode up, some in carriages and some on horses, a beautifulThewoman in a purple dress was riding beside Rochester. It’s Blanche Ingram!visitors enter, and Jane sat with Adele, half-listening to their noise and trying tokeep Adele from running down and bothering them. Blanche and Rochester sanga song, and Jane wanted to leave, but she’s mesmerized by Rochester’s voice. As soon as he finished, she slipped out into the hallway. Rochester came out afterJane and asked why she didn’tcome and talk to him in the drawing room. Hewanted her to come back, but he could tell she’s about to cry, so he let her go.Feelings:Now I am more than sure that Jane was in love with Mr. Rochestercompletely. It’s obvious that Miss Blanche’s heart is not as beautiful as her appearance, so basically Mr. Rochester won’t choose her over Jane.Chapter18Summary: With Rochester absent, a stranger arrived at Thornfield. The stranger,Later that whose name was Mason, claimed to be an old friend of Mr. Rochester’s. day, a strange gypsy woman arrived, offering to tell their fortunes. Blanche Ingram went first. Everyone waited excitedly for her to come back and tell themwhat the woman said, but when she did come back she said the woman was obviously a fraud. The servant, Sam, told Jane that the gypsy woman said she knew there’s another single woman in the group, and that she thought that mustwent to see her and had hermean her. Jane’s curious about the woman, so sheown fortune told.Feelings:Though I wonder who Mason was, I’m more excited about the story between Jane and that “gypsy woman”. It could be really interesting!Chapter19Summary: Jane entered the library and saw the old gypsy woman reading a prayer-book by the fire. Her hat and handkerchief threw shadows over her face.The gypsy asked Jane about Mr. Rochester, and when she did n’t say much in response, the gypsy suggested that Mr. Rochester was in love with Blanche Ingram. Jane admitted that the rumor was that Rochester and Blanche were engaged, but corrected the woman on one thing—they were not in love. In ad—the old gypsy woman was Mr. Rochester moment, the woman’s voice changein disguise, and he’s just been messing with everyone. She told him about Mason’s arrival, and he’s so horrified that he couldn’t even stand up anymore. Then, Jane called Mason to meet Mr. Rochester in the room.Feelings: From this chapter, I’m happy to see that Mr. Rochester loved Jane tooand he wanted to see if Jane had the same feelings as he did. From our point ofview, they both love each other more than anything. However, Mr. Rochester’s behavior shows that Mason’s presence means something terrible has happened,or will happen.Chapter20Summary: Everyone in the house is woken up by all the noise. The guests stumble around in the corridor in their robes, but nobody seems to know whatgoing on. Jane gets dressed, then sits by the window waiting. Mr. Rochester knocks on her door and asks her to come with him. He sends Jane back to get asponge and some salts.Rochester tells Jane to stay with Mason and to make surehe stays awake, but not to talk to him at all for any reason. He gives her the sponge, which is bloody now, so that she can tend to the wound a little, too. For along time, Jane stays there, wiping blood, trying to keep him conscious. Rochester says that he warned Mason, and Mason should have listened. Mason says he thought he could have done something to make things better. While Mason is sent away, Rochester and Jane are left alone together outside the house, and he asks her to walk with him in the woods as the sun is rising before they go back to Thornfield Hall.Feelings: Mason is bitten by somebody! Who on earth he is? Why he comes to Thornfield? Who is the person that bites Mason? What’s their relationship with Mr. Rochester? There are still lots of answers to be found.Chapter21Summary: One afternoon, Jane is visited by Mr. Reed’s coachman.He tells Jane that John Reed is dead and that Mrs. Reed had a stroke when she heard. Jane goes in to see Mrs. Reed, who is lying ill in bed. Mrs. Reed is still harsh and bad-tempered, but she does want Jane to stay so that they can talk things over. As she’s dying, Mrs. Reed apologizes to Jane for concealing a letter from JaneJohn Eyre, which came three years ago. Mrs. Reed lets Jane read the letter, in which John asked where Jane was so that he could write a will making her theheir of his fortune when he died. Then Mrs. Reed admits something else: she wrote to John Eyre and told him Jane died of typhoid at Lowood.Feelings: Mrs. Reed’s behavior crossed the line. No matter what she has no rightto conceal Jane’s letter from her uncle. She could treat Jane badly, but when somebody else wants to treat her like his own child, she just robbed her chance away? That’s not what elder people should do to her child.Chapter22Summary: Jane goes back to Thornfield. During the next two weeks, it’spretty quiet and seems like Mr. Rochester is busy preparing his wedding with Blanche Ingram.Feelings: Sometimes things are not like what it seems to be. I’m sure it is Jane who Mr. Rochester really loves and the bride is going to be Jane instead of Blanche Ingram.Chapter23Summary: Rochester asks Jane to walk with him. Jane and Rochester sit on the bench under the chestnut tree. Rochester asks her to marry him. And of course,Jane agrees.Feelings: Looks like what I guess finally comes true. But everything is just waytoo perfect…Chapter24Summary: The next morning, Jane is blissfully happy and wonders if this is all adream. Rochester starts telling Jane about all the fancy jewelry and clothes hegoing to give her. She looks him in the eye, and tells him that, if he keeps deckingher out in expensive clothes and jewelry and behaving so badly about it, she’llnever wear anything he buys her.Feelings: The dialogues between them are cute and full of sweetness. They couldhave a successful marriage.Chapter25sleep. SheSummary:The previous evening, Jane went to bed, but couldn’tthought she could hear a weird howling sound in the wind. When Jane woke up,there was a burning candle on the table in her room. Then Jane noticed that hercloset door was open and someone was messing with her wedding dress and veil.,Jane sat up in bed, shocked: the woman wasn’t anyone she knew at Thornfieldbut someone else, a stranger. The stranger was a tall woman with long, dark hairdressed in white; her face was disturbing, with bloodshot red eyes, swollen, darklips, and thick black eyebrows. T he strange woman was wearing Jane’s weddingveil, and, as Jane watched, the woman pulled it off, tore it in half, and trampled onit. Jane asks Mr. Rochester who the woman is. Rochester says that she imaginednot really satisfied with this explanation, butthis nightmarish creature. Jane’sshe pretends to be to make Rochester feel better.Feelings: It could be a nightmare even if in dreams, let alone it real happens.That strange woman might be somebody who has a special and interestingidentity.Chapter26Summary: It's the day of Jane and Rochester's wedding. It should be the happiestday of Jane's life, but during the church ceremony two men show up claiming thatRochester is already married. Mrs. Rochester is Bertha Mason, the "madwomanin the attic" who tried to burn Rochester to death in his bed, stabbed and bit herown brother, and who’s been doing other creepy things at night. Rochester wastricked into marrying Bertha fifteen years ago in Jamaica. Rochester claims thathe’s not really married because his relationship with Bertha isn’t a real He wants Jane to go and live with him in France, where they can pretend to be amarried couple and act like husband and wife. Jane refuses to be his nextmistress and runs away before she’s tempted to agree.Feelings: What a mess! I bet that’s not what Mr. Rochester wants and also notwhat Jane wants. Actually, none of them did anything wrong, but life is life.Chapter27Summary: Jane stays in her room for most of the day with a debate raging in herhead: does she really have to leave Thornfield? Rochester wants Jane to go withhim to France and live with him in a villa there as his "virtual" wife. He claimsthat he’s not really married and that Jane would basically be his wife, not hismistress. Jane realizes that what matters most is her own respect for herself, andeven more important for her to cling to her principles at this difficultthat it’smoment. Jane wakes up early and packs a few small things, leaving all thepresents Rochester bought her.Feelings: God bless Jane! Hope she has made the right choice and will start a newlife somewhere else.Chapter28Summary: Jane travels in a random direction away from Thornfield. Having nomoney, she almost starves to death before being taken in by the Rivers family,who live at Moor House near a town called Morton.Feelings: Jane is not that lucky, she never made it to live a happy life she wants.But she is lucky, too. She has got some warm-hearted people who are willing tohelp when she is in danger. I don’t know how to express that, but it’s sad to knowlife isn’t easy at all.Chapter29Summary: The Rivers siblings—Diana, Mary, and St. John—are about Jane’s ageand well-educated, but somewhat poor. They take whole-heartedly to Jane, whohas taken the pseudonym "Jane Elliott" so that Mr. Rochester can’t find her Feelings: Jane has friends at her own age right now. They could get along witheach other well.Chapter30Summary: Jane wants to earn her keep, so St. John arranges for her to becomeSt. John gets a letter stating that the Riversthe teacher in a village girls’ school.Uncle John is dead. Jane watches as all the members of the Rivers family behavenot sure whatsomewhat strangely about this—they’renot exactly sad; she’sthey’re feeling. St. John explains that their uncle had argued with their father longbefore, and that he had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, but decided toleave all the money to another relative.Feelings: Well, Jane has an uncle whose name is John, and the Rivers happens tohave an Uncle John too? That’s definitely not a coincidence. The truth is that theRivers are actually Jane’s cousin! She has her family right now!Chapter31Summary: Jane moves into her little cottage, which is simple but adequate. St.John tells her about his own experience—a year ago, he thought that he hatedbeing a priest, but then he felt called by God to become a missionary. A youngwoman comes up and wishes St. John good evening. St. John completely freaksout for a moment, but then calms himself down and turns to talk to her. Janenotices how beautiful the woman is. It turns out that this is Miss RosamondOliver, the daughter of the man who’s paying Jane’s salary. Miss Oliver says she come and help Jane out at the school sometimes. Miss Oliver tries to talk to St.John about normal things like a recent dance, but St. John is cold anddisapproving.Feelings: I do think St. John is like that kind of crazy man who knows nothing buthi work. He may do harm to Jane.Chapter32Summary: On a school holiday, Jane is sitting alone at home, finishing the pictureof Rosamond Oliver, when St. John drops by to bring her a new book to read.When he sees the portrait, he becomes disturbed. Jane asks St. John about theportrait for a bit, and eventually he admits that he knows it’s of Rosamon offers to make a copy for him—if he will admit that he wants one. St. John admitsthat he wants a copy of the picture, but says that it wouldn’t be good for him to have it. St. John pulls a piece of scrap paper over the portrait so that he doesnhave to look at it anymore—and then he sees something on the paper that reallyat it is, but he tears off a piece and keeps it.surprises him. Jane can’t figure out whFeelings: Clearly Rosamond Oliver and St. John love each other. So I think it’s not.worthy of giving up their love and insisting on choosing a missionary’s wifeChapter33Summary: St. John arrives, even though he had to struggle through the snow. Hewon’t tell her why he’s there, and he’s behaving really strangely. She starts toworry that he might be a little bit insane. It comes out that Diana, Mary, and St.When Jane’s UncleMr. Eyre dies and leaves his fortuneJohn are all Jane’s cousins!to Jane, she shares her inheritance with the other three.Feelings: Jane hadn’t had the feeling of being with true families since she wassent to Gateshead Hall. I’m so happy for her that she finally finds a real home forher.Chapter34Summary: St. John wants to be more than Jane’s cousin. He admires Jane’ethic and asks her to marry him, learn Hindustani, and go with him to India on alove St.long-term missionary trip. Jane refuses because she knows she doesn’tJohn. Jane offers to go to India with him, but just as his cousin and co-worker, notas his wife. St. John won't give up and keeps pressuring Jane to marry him.Feelings:I still can’t understand St. John’s insane behavior. Things end up likenobody is happy.Chapter35Summary:Just as Jane’s about to give in, she supernaturally hears Mr.Rochester’s voice calling her name from somewhere far away.Feelings: I know Jane is meant to be Mr. Rochester’s wife. Even if they are so faraway from each other, they can still hear the other’s voice through their heart.Chapter36Summary: Jane arranges a journey back to Thornfield. Jane comes up towardThornfield walking along the wall of the orchard. She peeks out from around acorner of the wall... and sees a complete ruin. It’s burned down, blackened andcollapsed. Shocked, Jane goes back to the inn and asks the host what happened.From him she learns the whole story of what happened: Bertha burned down thehouse in the middle of the night by setting fire to w hat used to be Jane’s own bed. Rochester saved the servants and then climbed up to a high wall where Berthawas standing to try to rescue her, but she jumped off and committed suicide.Rochester was blinded and lost a hand when the wall collapsed. Jane asks whereRochester is now, and the innkeeper tells her that he’s at his other home,Ferndean. Jane arranges to go there in a chaise right away.Feelings: Oh! Mr. Rochester is disabled right now. I couldn’t help thinking if Janedidn’t leave Thornfield, Mr. Rochester won’t lose his sight and his hand, and theycould have live a happy life right now. Is Jane’s decision to leave wrong?It’s notobviously. Maybe that’s what life is like, full of strange combinations of circumstances.Chapter37Summary: Jane goes to Ferndean to find Rochester. When she comes up to thehouse, she sees him coming out and watches him for a long time without lettingnurse or housekeeper,him know she’s there.Jane offers to be Rochester’sconvinced that he will immediately ask her to m arry him again, but he doesn’t.Jane insists that Rochester eat supper, which he usually doesn’t. In the mor Jane comes down to breakfast, and then takes Rochester outside so they canstroll in the wood and meadows. They sit down in a dry place and Rochester asksRochester lamentsJane to tell him where she’s been and what’s happened to her.his blindness and lost hand, but asks Jane to marry him anyway. She acceptsgladly. Rochester also tells Jane that, four days before, between eleven and twelveat night, he called her name three times frantically—and he heard her respond.tell Rochester that sheHe thinks that perhaps they met in spirit. Jane doesn’theard him call her name and responded to him while she was sitting, miles away,with St. John.Feelings: Just like “No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.” Even though Mr. Rochester loses something, he gains love and that’s the most important thing for him. The story finally comes down to this point and I just wish they can be happy together..Chapter38Summary: They have a quiet wedding, and after two years of marriage Rochester gradually gets his sight back. They also have a son.Feelings: What can I say right now? I’m just honored to see such a romantic life experience of Jane Eyre, who is that kind of women I admire.Question1Mr. Rochester asked Jane Eyre twice to marry him. (In Chapter23 and Chapter37) Jane agreed to both but the first time they didn’t get married successfully because Jane knew about Mr. Rochester had already been married during their wedding. I think the reason why Jane chose to marry to Mr. Rochester even if he lost one of his hands and got blind was when she was away from Mr. Rochester at the Moor House, she realized she really cared about and was deeply in love with him. This time she chose to follow her heart instead of others’ words or judgments. Where there is great love, there are always miracles.Question2Turning point No.1: when Mrs. Reed sent her to LowoodTurning point No.2: when Jane met Helen and Temple at LowoodTurning point No.3: when she left Lowood and started to teach at Thornfield HallTurning point No.4: when she fall in love with Mr. RochesterTurning point No.5: when she knew Mr. Rochester had already been married and decided to leave Thornfield HallTurning point No.6: when she found the Moor House as a shelterTurning point No.7: when she noticed her friends was also her familyTurning point No.8: when she returned to find Mr. Rochester。