破产姐妹 英文介绍ppt



Jonathan Kite
Jennifer Coolidge
Matthew Moy
Han Lee
Restaurant owners, south koreans. Have read law for two years. Often come up with different ways for the restaurant to attract guests. Was short so often make fun of, and the personality weakness, is kind, caring, very wants to become a fashionable person.
The bankruptcy sisters "(2 Broke Girls), is a time in the United States on September 19, 2011 in Columbia broadcasting company (CBS) premiere of sitcom. Starring Michael Patrick king and Whitney cumming to create, for warner bros. television production company.
Max Black


The waitress from the lower classes, work for a New York rich lady as a nanny(保姆) .
Often yellow, sharp and confidence.But not confidence for their own cupcakes business .Do not have a plan for the future.
and took
And Chestnut - Caroline’s horse
A gift from her father for her first menses.
They took it to their new fa Nhomakorabeaily.
They tried their best saving to open their capcakes shop
They finally had their first shop.
Even if they ended up losing him
Even if they ended up losing it
But they didn’t give up,they are still positive, confident, passionate, and happy.
Caroline made her a
CTahreowlianiteress from a wealthy
family, lived happy and rich until her father be arrested.Good at financial planning and sell their cupcakes . Too young too simple,small breast and small ually flirting(调情) with Max.


largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Starting
Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know.
Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know.
Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know.

破产姐妹 英文介绍pptppt

破产姐妹 英文介绍pptppt
餐厅收银员,曾入过音乐行业, 现年75岁。
Listen,everbody’s broke in theirs 20s,and everybody hidesform stuff,you run into freezers,I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.
来自低下阶层的女侍应, 亦为一位纽约名流作保姆, 她现实主义、大胆且喜爱 讽刺别人,能烤得一手好 的纸杯蛋糕。
Caroline Channing
Come down in the rich girl Caroline sunshine and cheerful, hardworking, competent were liked by the audience.
DNA decides what we are,but not who we are.What we are never changed,but who we are never stop changing. DNA决定了我们是什么人,但不能决定我们 将成为什么人。我们是什么不会变,但我们 能成为什么则在一直变化着。
The play takes place in Williamsburg, brooklyn, New York City area, about two completely different urban identity background story of a girl. Max was born in poor families, and Caroline was born in rich families. Caroline come down, she had to earn money to work in Max hotel. Two people to consult to raise $250000 to start a new career.



破产姐妹放映时间:2011年9月19日——现在人物:Max Caroline剧情介绍:纽约市布鲁克林区,两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。

Max(Kat Dennings饰)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs 饰)生在富人家庭。







对Caroline 来说,Max就像她真正的另一半,无论经历多少风雨,他们都会携手共进,即便可能因为她们的善良或者是生活的考验,他们最终还是实现不了开一家属于自己的蛋糕店的梦想,但生活需要的就是无止境。

Max正在告诉我们——Do what you want to do!Caroline——是典型的白富美,但在父亲破产之后,沦落在布鲁克林区在夜间打工。



她同时也经常为Max 打抱不平,在创业路上,她就像一颗开心果,将自己的正能量传递给Max,给身边的每一个人。



• 《破产姐妹》(2 Broke Girls),是美国哥伦比 亚广播公司(CBS)于2011年9月19日首播的情 景喜剧。该剧由米高· 帕特里克· 金与惠特尼· 甘明 斯联手打造,制作公司为华纳兄弟电视。 • 该剧设定地点是在纽约市布鲁克林区,讲述两个 身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings饰)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs饰)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令 她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。两人商量 着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。
• • • • 终有一天 你会学会泪往心里流 男女之间就不可能有纯友谊 人生就是如此 别总是期望太高 与其奋力挣扎不如闭眼享受
• 我不是过胖 只是过于不够高大 • 因为人生中唯一确定的事就只有死亡了
• 滚回学校好好读书 • 在花完你爹的钱之前学门手艺
• • • • • •

圣诞 剧照剧中服装 Nhomakorabea剧中服装
细节 穿帮 笑点
• 第一季第一集里 • 当max骂响指没有礼貌的时候 • earl八卦的挪开一边耳机听max说话并贱兮兮的笑了
细节 穿帮 笑点
• • • • max和caroline平分小费时 c说蛋糕定价低的离谱我们可以卖七块钱赚差价 在这之前镜头从没有拍到蛋糕盖子下的定价:1.5元 然后镜头一转到max随后看见定价:$1.5
• • 第一季 该剧讲述两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings扮演)生在穷人家庭,而 Caroline(Beth Behrs扮演)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚 钱。两人商量着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。[3] 第二季 适应能力超强的时髦女孩Max一天打两份工,其中一份是在仿古风潮的威廉斯堡饭店当夜间服务员。 精通世故的Caroline是一位信托基金老板的千金,父亲的破产让她失去了一切。为了生存,她不得不放 下小姐的尊严到威廉斯堡饭店来工作。 第三季 精通世故的Max(凯特· 戴琳斯扮演)一天打两份工,其中一份是在仿古风潮的威廉斯堡饭店当夜间服 务员。 电视剧图片(33张) 适应能力超强的时髦女孩Caroline(贝丝· 比厄扮演)是一位信托基金老板的千金,父亲破产让,她失 去了一切,为了生存,到威廉斯堡饭店来工作。Caroline和Max的同事包括:特别喜欢和她们调情的乌 克兰大厨Oleg(Jonathan Kite扮演);75岁高龄、颇有童心的收银员Earl(加勒特· 莫里斯扮演);还 有渴望得到每一名顾客赞赏的饭店韩裔新老板李憨(马修· 摩伊扮演)。[5] Caroline偶然发现Max有一手烤纸杯蛋糕的绝活,立刻有了一个让两人都摆脱现状的主意--只要她们 设法筹集到足够的启动资金,她们就能创办自己的烤蛋糕生意。梦想归梦想,现实终究是现实,她们 还得老老实实呆在这家饭店里一分一厘地攒钱。世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要两个女孩团结一致并 持之以恒,她们终能在这个梦幻般的大都市里找到属于自己的位置



介绍破产姐妹英语作文Title: "Breaking Bad with a Sisterly Bond: An Insight into the Hilarious and Heartfelt World of '2 Broke Girls'"In the fast-paced and often unpredictable world of television comedies, few shows have captured the hearts of viewers like the American sitcom '2 Broke Girls'. With its unique blend of humor, heart, and real-life challenges,this show has resonated with audiences across the globe, becoming a household name. Its protagonists, Max Black and Caroline Channing, embody the spirit of resilience and sisterhood, offering a refreshing perspective on female friendship and entrepreneurship.Set in a dingy diner in New York City's Lower East Side, '2 Broke Girls' revolves around the lives of Max and Caroline, two young women who find themselves broke and stranded after a series of misadventures. With no other option, they decide to pool their resources and open a cupcake business, naming it "Cupcakes" after Caroline'schildhood nickname. As the series progresses, the girls face various challenges, from managing their finances to dealing with the quirks of their eccentric neighbors and customers.The charm of '2 Broke Girls' lies in its ability to strike a perfect balance between humor and emotion. The dialogues are witty and often hilarious, with the characters delivering them with impeccable timing and delivery. The show's writers cleverly weave in pop culture references, puns, and inside jokes, keeping the audience engaged and laughing throughout. However, the humor never comes at the cost of the characters' emotional journeys, which are as compelling as they are relatable.Max and Caroline's relationship is the heart of the show. They are polar opposites in terms of personality and background, but their shared experiences and mutual support form an unbreakable bond. Max, the tough and street-smart girl, provides the practical sense and business acumen needed to keep the cupcake business afloat. Caroline, on the other hand, brings a sense of optimism and creativity,often serving as the voice of reason in Max's sometimes impulsive decisions. Together, they make an unstoppable team, facing the challenges of life with courage and humor.The show also does an excellent job of exploring the complexities of female friendship. Max and Caroline's relationship is not without its ups and downs. They argue, they fight, they even go their separate ways at times. But ultimately, they always find their way back to each other, reminding us that true friendship is built on understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional support.Beyond the humor and heart, '2 Broke Girls' also offers a commentary on the challenges faced by young women intoday's society. The girls' struggles with financial instability, career choices, and personal growth are relatable to many viewers, particularly those who are also navigating their way through life's many obstacles. The show encourages us to stay strong, to believe in ourselves, and to never give up on our dreams, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.In conclusion, '2 Broke Girls' is not just a comedy show; it's a celebration of female friendship, resilience, and the power of dreams. Its characters, storylines, and themes resonate with audiences across the globe, making it a timeless addition to the television landscape. Whether you're looking for a good laugh or some inspiration, this show is sure to leave you feeling uplifted and hopeful.。



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.Got it.Hey,when you get a second,stop looking at my boobs. Excuse me.Waitress?Dude?Hi, what can I get ya?We need some...Is that annoying?Is that obnoxious and rude?Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working?Oh, you don't have a job.Sorry.Damn, dude,she burned you.Oh.No, hipster.Do not think we're on the same team. We have nothing in common.I wear knit hats when it's cold out.You wear knit hats'cause of coldplay.You have tattoos to piss off your dad.My dad doesn't know he's my dad.You think...This is the sound that gets you service.I think...This is the sound that dries up my vagina.The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one.We need horseradish.Please.That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress.Paulina!Oh, so... so good, oh...oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on break.I just need some horseradish.- Here. - Oh, cool.Excuse me,where's my waitress?She's coming.Earl. Earl!I made your favorite,red velvet.My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.Let me pay you for that.Oh, no, no.It's on the house.It's your birthday.How old are you gonna be?75.Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger.Max, Max, big news.The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina.Turns out Chesty Kournikova was Vladimir Puttin' it out. Hello today.I have paycheck for you.I need to talk to you.You fired Paulina, Han?I am no longer Han Lee.I have new American name to go with changing neighborhood.To go with the changing neighborhood.You need to remember this for your immigration exam. Correct. To go with the changing neighborhood.Bryce? Your name is Bryce Lee?Wait, wait,um, um, um...Don't hire a new waitress,okay?I've been doing all the work anyway,and I really could use the extra money.You need help.- No, I don't. - Everyone need help sometimes.I don't. I've been waiting my whole life, okay?I've waited on tables,I've waited in bars,I've waited on home pregnancy tests.I already hire new waitress.She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan.I gave her Paulina's uniform.Hi.Mr. Lee,not to complain,but I think someone wore this uniform before me,like right before me.Is it possible that I could get another one?Maybe one that's a little less moist.Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone, neither do the mustard stains...And these various other stains,and smells.I hope that's clam chowder.So...I think it'd be better for everyone,including my immune system,if I just keep on wearing what I'm wearing,and not the apron,cause this is chanel.So thank you,and let's waitress.Whatever that is,it does not belong in this diner.It belongs in a show on bravo.But she blonde,hair so shiny,good for business.Where do you even find these people?The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict.You train her,I am boss.- The boss. - OhFine, but make her wear the uniform.Are you sure we can't get the meth addict back?She was really good at cleaning.But her teeth fall out.You are really judgmental,you know that?I'm only gonna say this once,so pay attention.I'm Caroline, by the way.And you're Max?Don't get attached.This is the Williamsburg diner,owned by Han Lee,who just changed his name to Bryce Lee,because I guess he wants people to take him even less seriously.Eight months ago he bought it from the Russian mob. Clientele used to be all eastern bloc criminals and crack whores,but then he took it over and ruined it.Hey, sexy woman.You look so pretty today.You look so beautiful, I forgot how bad your personality is. Thanks, Oleg.Hey, Barbie.That's Oleg.He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly.He doesn't realize he looks like that,and I don't have the heart to tell him.Could we have some menus?Oh, sure.Don't smile.'Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile,and I can't be doing that.It's exhausting and I have a bad back.That's Earl, we're in love.Do not talk to him,unless you want to feel whiter than you already are. Oh, and that stain?Not clam chowder.Go marry the ketchups.Marry the ketchups. I'm on it.Okay. Now divorce the ketchups.Stop. Just stop.There's no such thing as divorcing the ketchups.You've never waitressed a day in your life.Yes, I have.You expect me to believe youafter watching that whole temple grandin routine?- I'm telling Lee. - Okay, okay,I may have enhanced my resume.Enhanced? What, are we in Paris?Please, I really need this job, okay?We lost all of our money.My trust fund was taken for legal fees.My dad is in jail.What? What are you, Martin Channing's daughter? Where's the paper?Martin Channing?The guy who ripped off the entire city is your father.He told us we were having a good year.You're Caroline Channing.You're like a billionaire.Was. Was a billionaire.They froze all our assets, everything's gone.I only have what I could grab,and I grabbed all the wrong things.- So do you know the president? - I've met him.- He's hot. - He's the president.- Have you been to Switzerland? - Yes.- Do you have a horse? - Yes.- Do you know Paris Hilton? - No, she's a hundred. Excuse me, uh, two hot chocolate, please.- Comin' up. - It...let me do that, please.I'm a really fast learner.I went to Wharton business school.I got 2,300 on my SAT'scan you make a hot chocolate, or not?Nailed it.We split the tips. Give me yours.You did better than I thought you would.Listen, tonight I thought of a way we could make someextra money.They've totally underestimated the price point on those red velvet cupcakes.In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven,so we could sell them for seven, and then pocket the difference.Nothing about that sounds wrong to you?It's not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcakes doesn't know their worth.I'm the idiot who makes the cupcakes.New information.That's stupid.No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes.Really? 'Cause...Well, at least we know you're not adopted.So how'd you even end up in Brooklyn?Oh, I went on .Typed in "place where nobody from the Upper East Side would ever go, ever,"and this diner came up.You can't wear a fancy leather jacketoutside in this neighborhood.You have to turn it inside out.Oh.Fur. Cool. Turn it back.So where do you live?Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so... Is this where I'm supposed to feel sorry for you?I mean, I don't want you to,but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would.I'm dead inside.You make that pretty obvious.Anyway, I'm just gonna stay in the city with a friend.I live a couple of blocks that way.I'd walk you to the subway, it's just that I don't want to.- Okay. - Okay.Robbie!Why is the music so loud?Whoa!It's 3:00 in the morning.I'm sorry.It's cool. So what are you doin'?The band's practicing.But you're not playing any instruments.Yeah, that's how we practice. We, like, listen to other good musicand play it in our head.It's like the secret.Well, I have a secret for you guys.- Get out! - Whoa!- Uh, you guys better go. - We should go.Sorry, guys, I still have to make the cupcakes. Cupcakes? For why? You can just buy 'em at the store. You can do that in the morning, babe, come to bed. No, I can't. I have to be in the city by 10:00.Fine. You can have three minutes.Fine, you can have eight, one for each ab.Stand clear of the closing doors.Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.Hey.I have a taser!Oh!Oh, my God.I am so sorry.I didn't think it would hurt so much. It's pink.It didn't feel pink.I didn't know it was you. I thought I was being raped. That's not what rape feels like.Did you...did you sleep on the subway?I had nowhere else to go,and I'm too afraid to sleep outside on the street. God, you're spoiled.Next stop, Greenpoint.Get your stuff. Come on, I'll take you to my place,but hurry. 'Cause I have to be in the city in 30 minutes. Call me.Oh, my God, you've been robbed!This is how it always looks.Oh, my God, totally cute!All right, I'll be back at 4:00,and we can go to work together. Bathroom, bedroom, boyfriend sleeps till 4:00, yard.Oh, you have a yard.Looks like a really nice place to relax and do crack.It is.I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for my other job in the city. You have two jobs?Yes, I babysit for a Manhattan socialite diva.Now I have a set.Sorry I'm late.Oh, thank God you're here,there is a bridge and tunnel smell over by the babies that's stressing me out.Their diapers probably need to be changed.Again? I swear, the morning nanny just did that. Motherhood is for reals.Max, remind me, what's my Twitter password?Twitter password.Yes!Hi, Brad. Hi, Angelina.Max, I need to tell you something because we're family. Now get me room temperature water and come over here. We are victims of the Channing Ponzi scheme.Me, David, and Brangelina.How much money did you lose?Hold my hands.Nothing.But it really scared me.Open that?So do you know Caroline Channing?No, but she lost everything.She has no money.Can you imagine having no money?I mean, you wouldn't even have any money.You should twit that.And no one will even talk to her.I heard she went to six different friends' houses for a place to stay,and they all had to pretend they weren't home.- That's not cool. - Yeah.- That's really sad. - So sad. Breaks my heart.I guess motherhood has really opened me up emotionally. Max, I need to hold one of the babies, bring me one. No, the other one. That's not the good one.Hello.Oh, hi. Oh, I'm so sorry if I woke you up.Who are you?I'm Max's friend. Uh, don't tell her I said that.I have a feeling if she heard me call her my friend, she'd stab me.What are you doin' over there?Just washing my uniform,trying to make it a little more cute and a little less crusty. Oh, watch out!Oh! Sorry, oh, my...- Do you have a towel or a rag? - No, I... I got it.Oh, okay.I'm Robbie.I'm uncomfortable.You're getting me wet.That's the point.You're Max's boyfriend.It's cool.No, it's not. Back up, Jersey shore.You're pathetic,and that's coming from someone who's homelessand wearing white after labor day.And I've seen better.No, you haven't.Hey. Why didn't you wait for me?I thought we were coming over together.Oh. Um, I wanted to get here early to marry the ketchups. Listen,I heard somethingreally upsetting about you today.What did he say,that I came on to him?Him who?Nothing.Him, Robbie?It's none of my business,but you deserve better than that guy.Yeah,it is none of your business.Ooh, I was just starting to feel sorry for you.I'm just saying,you're worth more than that.What, I'm supposed to believe you about this?The person who lied on their resume,and lied about the cupcakes...you're a liar.- I'm just trying to help. - You know what?Since you seem to know so much about everything,why don't you take your Wharton degree,and your ridiculous coat, and figure this all out yourself. Max.Max, wait.Oh, look,the arcade fire concert just let out across the street,good luck with that.She's coming back,right?She's not gonna leave me here alone with a restaurant full of people?Let me put it to you this way.You might as well be a night maid at the Schwarzenegger house.You got screwed.- Oh. - Oh, yeah.That feels so good.Now put your tambourine around it.Hi, honey, I'm home.I want you gone by the time I get back.Babe!Babe, I can explain.You weren't supposed to be home.People say I deserve better than you.Who?That blonde girl? She doesn't know what she's talkin' about.She went to Whartonand Switzerland.Yo, yo.Look at that.That girl is workin' harder than Stephen Hawking tryin' to put in a pair of cufflinks.Here, let me help you with that.I don't need any help.Everyone needs help sometimes.This isn't what I ordered.This is Caroline.She may have gotten your order wrong,but she does get some things right.Thank you.No, thank you.What'd you see in that guy, anyway?He had these muscle thingies.- Oh, those things? - Yeah.I don't know what those are called,but they make smart girls stupid.Max!I thought your tight ass wasn't coming in tonight,and my heart broke in half.You know what, Oleg?I needed that.So, um...I need a roommate, if you want to crash.Hmm. Not gonna lie, the subway's cleaner than your couch. Wow.I just felt myself starting to like you.Really? Because I really feel like we could...I knew that wouldn't last.Come on.Tomorrow we can go into the city and get the rest of your stuff.Everything's locked up.What, you have nothing that you care about that we can get?Well, there is one thing.The weirdest thing is that nobody stopped us.I'm gonna save a fortune,keeping him here instead of in the stables.When did you put this whole horse-in-my-yard thing together?I can't help it.I see an opportunity, and I make it happen,like with your cupcakes.Like what with my cupcakes?Ready? To open a bake shop,all we need is 250 grand start-up money,for the real estate, and the basic equipment...yeah. Oh.250 grand, that's all? - Yeah.Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the headwhile I was in Starbucks?Hear me out.If we both worked two jobs and made $2,000 a week,we could open a cupcake business in a little over a year.In the past two days,we've made $387,and that's a good start.We can make extra money at other jobs,like publicists, advertising executives...janitors, drug mules.We really need to work on your self-esteem.So...You, cupcakes, me, business background, us, success. What do you think?I think you have a horse.I think we have a horse.Don't get attached.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hi, ready to order?Do you have anything that's really special?Not according to my high school guidance counselor.I'll have the veggie plate.But instead of beets, I want kale.And instead of broccoli, more kale.I want the veggies steamed.And instead of dressing, I want lemons.Don't you need to write this down?I'm afraid if I start writing that down,it'll turn into a suicide note.I'm assuming this table's gonna have a lot more of those requests.Yes, I could tell by the hats.Earl, I have something new I want you to try.That's the exact same sentence that got me hooked on cocaine in the '80s.It's my new cupcake flavor.Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love.I'm calling it "The Earl."I know you got that right.Hi, I'm here.I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me. And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.So I walked the whole way here.The apartment's three blocks away.Yes, I know.Three blocks and 15 "Hola chicas" Away.Well, you can't be late again.I'm already worried about me being late...every month.On my way here, a homeless man asked me for money. And I told him that I usually always give,but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandaland I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse,so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn,but, in spite of it all, I'm still optimistic that you and I will achieve successin our exciting new cupcake business venture.And look what he gave me!You took money from a homeless man?I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor. Pick up! Special sandwich.I can think of even more special sandwich.You, me and the hot blonde giraffe.Well, she recently lost her dignity,so you might have a shot.Hello today!I have nametag for you.Only your second day and look, nametag already.As new owner, I am killing it.Thank you.Oh, it says "Carolin."It's Caroline. With an "E."I'm Caroline.As new owner, I am sucking it.Just put it on.You can't tell an Asian he made a mistake.He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword.Thank you, Mr. Lee.You may call me Han.H a nH-a-n.No trap in my name.I'm thinking we should take the first step in our new cupcake businessby writing "Max's Homemade Cupcakes" up on the specials board.No, I can't have my name up there.Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle.Oh, we used to own Seattle.Max, we've got to get the name out there.Create a buzz. Ooh, good idea!Let's create a buzz.- Exactly, in order to launch-- - I'm mocking you.When in doubt, I'm always mocking you.Seriously, Max.This new cupcake business is our lifeline.A way out for both of us.And I wanna thank you again for letting me move in.If there's anything I can do to help you--You mean besides starting to wait on tables?I meant, anything I can do to help you through yourbreakup with Robbie.Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine.And we're working.Well, one of us is.Are you sure you're fine?'Cause I heard you crying last night.I don't cry.I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago.I was on the couch.And I heard you crying alone in your bedroom.Really? What did the crying sound like?Like...I wasn't crying.Well, then what were you d...Oh! So none of my business.That's right. And remember that.Got it.In fact, let's just say that anything having to dowith my bedroom, my tables, or my life--you should stay away from.Boundaries. Got it.And please don't tell anyone at workI let you move into my apartment.That is one boundary we both don't want crossed. Why?Hey, roomies.That's why.Hope those sheets are okay.Oh, don't worry about it.I know they're the best you could afford.Not really. The good ones are on my bed.Max, that oven is so hot.Could you do me a favor and open the back door?We've known each other two daysand you're already asking for back door?Dear God!I forgot you're Equestrian Barbie.You came with a horse.No.Out, horse, bad! Bad horse.Chestnut.No need to yell, he's a champion.Champion stink bomb.It's smelling pretty ripe out in that yard. That's not Chestnut, that's Brooklyn.Okay, well, I'm watching "The Champion"drop some steaming hot "Brooklyn" Right now.Max, I've been thinking about how you completely overreactedto your name up on the specials board.Do you think it's a fear of success?I am too poor to have a fear of success.At Wharton Business School, we learnedthat every new venture can bring up a certain amount of fear.Is there any way to do a yelp reviewof Wharton Business School?Maybe you're having a hard time imaginingthis cupcake business could ever even happenbecause nobody ever believed in you or your dreams.I'm guessing.I can make this happen, Max.For me, for you, for us.Just keep making those amazing cupcakes.And I'll do the rest till you believe.I believe everything you just saidand that children are the future.Max, it's me!I know it's you.You sleep with a knife under your pillow?It's the only home security system I can afford.And I'm a cutter.I can't sleep on that couch.I think Ikea might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica. And there's weird sounds in the street.And I don't have my white noise machine.Well, that's Puerto Rican noise.You'll get used to it.Can I just lay down here and get a little sleep?I don't even let the men I sleep with sleep with me.I can't get into your issues right now.I just need to sleep!Fine, get in then.What is that?Potato chips. I sleep-eat.Cool ranch and bacon?Dude, they're delicious.Because of your breakup with Robbie?Just get in.I have to be in the city to babysit in five hours.Oh, great, you're like a nightlight.You're so blonde.Thank you.Max, someone's in the living room.Max, someone's in the bedroom!Robbie!What's up, babe?Robbie, what are you doing here?We broke up.Still?Yes, still. You hit on me.And then she caught you with someone elsein these very sheets.Which I'm hoping she washed.Oh, I get it.You blew me off 'cause you like the ladies.Which is cool. I like the ladies, too.And right now, it's the two ladies I like.Robbie, if I were gonna go lesbian,she would be the last "Les" I'd "Bian."Listen, babe--You really hurt her.Stop.She sleep-eats trans fats thanks to you.Here, stuff all of these in your mouth.Got it, your thing. I'll be quiet.Robbie, this isn't cool at all.Mm-mm.Showing up here after what you did?You go, girl.I have something to say to you and you had better listen. Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo.What are you, the relationship ghost?Robbie, just go!I can't say what I need to in front of the relationship ghost. I'll call you to come get your stuffand we can talk then.Leave the key.Straight up, Max, you're breaking my heart.You're the only woman that I feel this way about. Here.Ladies, I don't know what's going on here,but it would've been a lot sexier if I was in it.Are you okay? If you wanna talk, I'm here.Can I get a hit off that?You think these are good?God, we're poor.Morning!It's a beautiful day.These shades belong down.From now on, think of me as a vampirewithout all the annoying marketing.Bad news.A pipe broke in the street so the water's off.Good news, when I went out to get us two coffees,I spoke to Juan and Javier, two city workers.And they assured me the water'll be on no later than 3:00.I also stopped at the health food storeand got us a fresh-squeezed juice to split.It's ginger-apple-strawberry.That was the name of the hooker who had this apartment before me.What is this?From me.It says "Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night."I prefer my usual cash on the bedside table.When I went to the cute coffee place,I spoke to the counter girl, Nabulangi--If someone named Nabulangi is making an appearancein the first sentence, I have to sit down.And she said her manager'll be in at 11:00.So I thought I'd chanel it up,walk on over there,introduce myself and your fabulous cupcakes.That's exactly what I was gonna do.I'm just gonna go say good-bye to Chestnut and get going. You know, having only one cute outfittakes hours off getting dressed.Oh. That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn.Morning, Chestnut.It's a beautiful--No. Way.Look, Chanel Number Two.Tell me it's mud.T-tell me it's mud.It's mud?What is that?A carrot?There's carrots in the mud?There's no water.Oh, get it off me, please.Please do something.Just get it off me, get it off me.Stop!This is dry-clean only.Max, please, please take mesomewhere they have a hot shower, I beg of you.Calm down, it's just mud.Max, please--Don't touch me!Thank you so much for taking me to shower at your babysitting job.Well, I didn't have much of a choice.You pulled the pillow knife on me.I'll just introduce myself to your bossand tell her what happened.Look, I don't want Peach to know you were here.This is a job. Not a meet-and-greet.Got it.You get in there, you take a five-minute shower,clean it up and go.Fine, I'll hide in the hallway till she's gone.No need, just follow me in. She never really looks at me. Morning!Hi, Max.Go!Hey, Peach.Uh, hair and makeup.What's the big occasion?Pilates.Max, good news.They found a way to make diamonds more sparkly?I got Brad and Angelina a playdatewith another set of twins in the building.It starts in five minutes.Cool, what are their names?6B.Bye-bye, Brangelina.Mommy loves you.Guys? Before you leave,stop at this one.Angelina could use a little help.Contour that neck, she's a fatty. Peach, come on, that's baby fat.Still, kids can be cruel.Don't you listen to your mommy, Angelina.She never eats.Oh, no, she doesn't.Here it is.Caroline with an "E."I have your new and correct nametag.Oh, thank you, Han.Oh.I've seen something I should not have.I will just put correct nametag here on counter.So sorry, but many thank yous.What are you doing?I know you said you don't want it up there.But now that you see it...How does it feel?It feels like you're not listening to meat this job or at my other job.I said a five-minute shower and get out.Did you take a nap at Peach's?The thread count was calling to me.Peach found blonde hairs in her bedand thought her husband was cheating on her.Which he is, but that's not the point.You almost ruined a perfectly happy fake marriage,and there are innocent children involved.Well, I have some good news.Look, it's Nabulangi.I invited her in to taste your amazing cupcakes.And when she loves them, we'll have an in at her bakery. Come over and say hello.No, I can't now. I wanna call Robbie before we get too busy.Tell him when to come over and get his stuff.Max, wait.No, don't distract me.I wanna sound cool and hot and all like,"You can't have me anymore, sucka."Max--Robbie, it's me.Classy burp on your outgoing message.Max, I--No.I need you to come get your stuff tomorrow.。


Brief Introduction
• 2 Broke Girls is an American
television sitcom that debuted on CBS during the 2011–12 television season. The series follows the misadventures of roommates Max (Kat Dennings) and Caroline (Beth Behrs), both financially poor, and their efforts to start a cupcake business in the Williamsburg area ofBrooklyn, New York. The first episode aired
• the cashier at the Williamsburg Diner, an elderly former jazz musician. Max is very close to him, frequently claiming she wishes he was her father.
Eight months ago he bought it from the Russian mob. Clientele
used to be all eatern bloc criminals and crack bitches, but then he took ie over and ruined it.
Max Black
• one of the waitresses at the Williamsburg Diner. She's a poor working class girl who has had a rough childhood and current adult life, riven by genuine poverty and a childhood raised by a mother who was usually absent and was dangerously incompetent when she was around. Han initially allowed her to sell homemade cupcakes in the diner, which led to Caroline's idea to go into the cupcake business.



介绍破产姐妹英语作文The "Broke Girls" is a popular sitcom that captured the hearts of many viewers with its humor and relatable storyline. It revolves around two young women from different backgrounds who, despite their financial struggles, dream of opening a cupcake bakery together.Max, the more street-smart of the two, works as awaitress in a diner and has a sharp wit that often lands herin humorous situations. Her character is portrayed asresilient and resourceful, always finding ways to make ends meet.Her best friend, Caroline, is a former wealthy socialite who, after her father's bankruptcy, finds herself in the same financial boat as Max. Caroline's journey from riches to rags adds a layer of depth to the show, as she learns to adapt to her new life.Their friendship is the heart of the series, as they support each other through various challenges and misadventures. The dynamic between Max and Caroline is both heartwarming and hilarious, showcasing the power offriendship in tough times.The show also features a colorful cast of characters,each with their unique quirks and personalities. The interactions between the characters provide a lot of theshow's humor and charm.Throughout the series, the girls face numerous setbacksin their pursuit of the American dream. However, their determination and entrepreneurial spirit keep them going, even when the odds are stacked against them."Broke Girls" is not just a comedy; it's a testament to the power of friendship, resilience, and the pursuit of one's dreams, no matter the circumstances. It's a story that resonates with many, reminding us that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of humor and a lot of heart to get through life's ups and downs.。



2 Broke Girls (stylized as 2 BROKE GIRL$) is an American television sitcom that debuted on CBS during the 2011–12 television season. The series follows the misadventures of roommates Max (Kat Dennings) and Caroline (Beth Behrs), both financially poor, and their efforts to start a cupcake business in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, New York. The first episode aired at 9:30 pm (E/P) after Two and a Half Men on September 19, 2011. Later episodes followed How I Met Your Mother on Monday nights at 8:30 pm (E/P).[1] The series was created by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings for Warner Bros. Television. On October 5, 2011, CBS gave a full-season order to the freshman comedy.[2]On March 27, 2013, CBS announced that 2 Broke Girls would return for a third season during the 2013–2014 television season. [3]The series has received a generally mixed to positive response since its debut. It was nominated for three 2012 Emmy Awards, winning for "Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series". et in the Williamsburg neighborhood of the New York City borough of Brooklyn, the series chronicles the lives of two waitresses in their mid twenties—Max (Kat Dennings), who comes from a poor working-class family, and Caroline (Beth Behrs), who was born rich but is now disgraced and penniless due to her father, Martin Channing, getting caught operating a Bernard Madoff-esque Ponzi scheme—working together at a Brooklyn restaurant. The two become friends and build toward their dream of one day opening a cupcake shop. Among those working with them at the restaurant are their boss, Han Lee (Matthew Moy); Oleg (Jonathan Kite), an upbeat but perverted Ukrainian cook; and Earl (Garrett Morris), a 75-year-old African-American cashier. Also featured starting late in the first season is their neighbor and part time boss Sophie (Jennifer Coolidge), a Polish immigrant who runs the housecleaning company Sophie's Choice. During most of the first season Max is also a part-time nanny for the twin babies of Peach Landis (Brooke Lyons), who during the season adopts Caroline's horse Chestnut. At the end of each episode a tally shows how much they have made toward their goal of $250,000 needed to open their business. Early in the second season, Sophie lends the girl s $20,000, which is enough for them to start their business.。



Role Introduction
Max Black
Max is a 30-year old man who works as a bank in New York He is described as being very intelligent and successful in his career, but also very long and crossed
Family Drama and personal issues are introduced, adding emotional complexity to the storyline
The sea concludes wraps up the sea's conflicts and brings a sense of closure to the storylines
• Fashion Trends: The sisters' unique style has also been a source of inspiration for fashion designers From their signature outfits to their hairstyles, the sisters have set trends that are copied by many This has had a prospective impact on the fashion industry and how people view fashion
Production and distribution
Production Team
Director: Jane Smith



But it still owns the top ratings of comedies in America and won one Emmy Awards and one People's Choice Awards last year.
Now let’s move to another popular America sitcom which describing another kind of life…
Max Black
• She's a poor working class girl who has had a rough childhood and current adult life, riven by genuine poverty and a childhood raised by a mother who was usually absent and was dangerously incompetent when she was around.
Caroline Channing
• She is a former rich, high society girl who lost all of her money when her father was jailed. She is forced to start over and becomes Max's coworker, roommate and eventual best friend. She used to studied in Wharton School. She comes up with the idea of starting a cupcake business with Max.


Conclusion analysis
Although Carrie encountered many setbacks and difficulties in urban life, she ultimately found her own direction and achieved an increase in self-worth.
The plot of the story
Plot Overview
Carrie experiences career and emotional ups and downs in the city, gradually losing herself.
Plot development
Sister Carrie, a young rural girl, comes to a big city to pursue her dreams and a better life.
Desite limited resources, Carrie's parents emphasis education She attended a local elementary school and then a high school where she excelled academically
The evolution of values
The characters in the novel constantly evolve and adjust their values as their experiences and environment change, reflecting the dynamism and plasticity of their values.



Caroline found the Max cupcakes talent. So they began their business at Han’s rese still so poor that they sneak into Caroline's previous home and took some valuables.
capcakes shop
They finally had their first shop.
Even if they ended up losing him
Even if they ended up losing it
But they didn’t give up,they are still positive, confident, passionate, and happy.
• I like these two girls and wish this time they can finally be succeed.
• Caroline made her a highly motivated girl.
The waitress from a wealthy family, lived happy and rich until her father be arrested.Good at financial planning and sell their cupcakes . Too young too simple,small breast and small ually flirting( 调情) with Max.
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The bankruptcy sisters "(2 Broke Girls), is a time in the United States on September 19, 2011 in Columbia broadcasting company (CBS) premiere of sitcom. Starring Michael Patrick king and Whitney cumming to create, for warner bros. television production company.
Max Black
Waitress from the lower classes, and also for a New York socialite nannies, realism, bold and love her irony, others to be baked good cupcakes.
Beth Behrs
Oleg:Restaurant chef, Ukrainians. Sophie: Sophie has a maid clean company, is a rich woman.
Jonathan Kite
Jennifer Coolidge
Oleg: 餐厅厨师,乌克兰人
DNA decides what we are,but not who we are.What we are never changed,but who we are never stop changing. DNA决定了我们是什么人,但不能决定我们 将成为什么人。我们是什么不会变,但我们 能成为什么则在一直变化着。
Sophie:拥 Lee
Restaurant owners, south koreans. Have read law for two years. Often come up with different ways for the restaurant to attract guests. Was short so often make fun of, and the personality weakness, is kind, caring, very wants to become a fashionable person. 餐厅老板,韩国人。曾读过 两年法学。经常想出不同方 法为餐厅招徕客人。个子很 矮所以经常受到取笑,且个 性软弱,却善良,有爱心, 很想成为时髦的人。
The play takes place in Williamsburg, brooklyn, New York City area, about two completely different urban identity background story of a girl. Max was born in poor families, and Caroline was born in rich families. Caroline come down, she had to earn money to work in Max hotel. Two people to consult to raise $250000 to start a new career.
来自低下阶层的女侍应, 亦为一位纽约名流作保姆, 她现实主义、大胆且喜爱 讽刺别人,能烤得一手好 的纸杯蛋糕。
Kat Dennings
Caroline Channing
Come down in the rich girl Caroline sunshine and cheerful, hardworking, competent were liked by the audience. 落魄富家女Caroline 阳光开朗又勤劳能 干,受到观众们的 喜爱。
听着,谁二十多岁时不 是穷光蛋。人人都有要 逃避的事情,你选择躲 进冷藏室,我选择视而 不见和酒精麻醉。
Look eventually,you’ll learn to do that on the inside. 终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。
Don‘t run,it’s Han.For him, every step we take is like a 100meter dash. 不用跑,是Han而已。我们每走一步, 对他的小短腿来说都是百米冲刺。
Matthew Moy
Restaurant cashier, once into the music industry, a 75 - year – old man. Garrett Gonzalez Morris
餐厅收银员,曾入过音乐行业, 现年75岁。
Listen,everbody’s broke in theirs 20s,and everybody hidesform stuff,you run into freezers,I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.