五月天英语介绍 ppt课件
Ashin Real Name: 陈信宏
Lead Guitar
Monster Real Name:温尚翊
Lead Guitar
Stone Real Name:石锦航
Bass Guitar
Masa【玛莎】 Real Name:蔡升晏
Guan You【冠佑】 Real Name:刘谚明
Now I will introduce one of their songs
Mayday’s Beautiful sentences:
When a wind blows by, a kite flies to the heavens I pray【祈祷】 for you, and wish happiness, and am moved At last your shadow 【身影】disappears in a sea of people, Then I realize, laughing through tears, the greatest hurt 当一阵风吹来风筝飞上天空 为 了你而祈祷而祝福而感动 终于 你身影消失在人海尽头 才发现 笑着哭最痛 ——《知足》 词曲: 阿信/怪兽
Mayday is a Chinese rock bandthat originated in the 1997,but has since become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture.
As one of Taiwan’s million-selling rock artists, they have received a range of [众 多的】accolades 【赞誉】 as well as moving records all over the
五月天 PPT介绍
Monster Real Name: Wen Shang Yi (温尚翊) Date of Birth: 28 November 1976 Place of Birth: Hsin-Chu, Taiwan Instrument: Guitar Position: Leader Height/Weight: 168cm/62kg
May day of music of faith
他们的音乐具有独特的魅力,深深的打动 歌迷的内心,使他们潸然泪下。他们唱的 歌曲是话语歌曲,有些歌迷认为他们的闽 南语歌曲的情感真挚动人,能够打动人心。 不像其它的一些摇滚乐队的颓废与低迷, 他们又着良好的社会形象,他们不吸烟, 不吸毒,努力树立一个良好的引导形象。
Their music has the unique ability to bring the listener to his feet or move the listener to tears. They sing songs mostly in Taiwanese and Chinese although some fans profess that their Taiwanese songs are more emotional and touching. Unlike some rock bands, they also project a clean and healthy image and have never been seen smashing musical instruments wilfully, drinking or gambling.
Stone Real Name: Shih Chin-hang (石锦航) Date of Birth: 11 December 1976 Place of Birth: Taipei, Taiwan Instrument: Guitar Height/Weight: 172cm/67kg
We all want to change the world to become better ,for instance, less indifference, more enthusiasm and impartiality. We all know that the last ,this thing will not happen in mayday's hands. But at least we need to do a huge background music, and to encourage these people who will change the world. This is what we want to do. 我们都想要这个世界有 一点改变,可能变得更 好,变得更不冷漠,变 得更热情,变得更正义 。我们都知道最后这件 事情不会在五月天手上 发生。但至少,我们要 做一个庞大的背景音乐 ,来鼓舞这些会改变世 界的人。这是我们想做 的。
本名:石锦航 别名:石头,石爸 亚洲天团五月天吉他手,慷慨浪 漫温柔的酒鬼,五月天里唯一跳 舞能看的,有戏剧天分的,就是 他石锦航。在音乐世界里,浪漫 温柔的石锦航,热情洋溢的石锦 航,安静祥和的石锦航,不会转 弯抹角的石锦航,不会掩饰喜怒 哀乐的石锦航,真实的活在这个 疯狂世界的石锦航,天马行空的 游走于海海人生里的石锦航。
Poetry of the Day After Rock Records
笑忘歌 突然好想你 Suddenly Missing You 你不是真正的快乐 You are not truly happy 我心中尚未崩 坏的地方 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire 春天的呐喊 Spring's Scream 噢买尬 OMG 后青春期的诗 Poetry of the Day After 出头天 Breakthrough Day 爆肝 Liver-Busting
Viva Love Rock Records
为什么 Why
终结孤独 Loneliness Terminator 明白 Understanding 有 你的将来 A Future without You 憨人 Fool 雨眠 Rainy Night
心中无别人 Nobody Else in my Heart
生命中有一种绝对 Life Has a Kind of Certainty 我们 US 小时候 Childhood
在这一秒 At This Second
Flying Angels With A Falling Soul Rock Records
倔强 Stubborn 约翰蓝侬 John Lennon 晚安地球人 Good Night 神的孩子都在跳舞 回来吧 Come Back
如烟 Like Smoke
Second Round Rock Records
仓颉 Cang Jie
干杯 我不愿让你一个人 Cheers I don't want to leave you alone 星空 Starry Night OAOA
诺亚方舟 Noah's Ark
Suddenly missing you, where could you be are you doing well or not Suddenly missing you, a suddenly sharp memory, suddenly indistinct vision I’m most afraid that in this life which I’ve already determined to live without you
五月天经典PPT介绍 英文
Monster Masa Ashin
Mayday or Wu Yue Tian (五月天), is a Chinese rock band that originated in the late 1990s but has since become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture. As one of Taiwan's million-selling rock artists, they have received a range of accolades as well as moving records all over the world.
They are locally regarded as the best rock band after Beyond, a popular rock band that is based in Hong Kong. Mayday's songs resonate greatly with many Taiwanese youths who can identify with their themes of love, world peace and growing up. They are also influenced by The Beatles, which is their favourite group whom they aspire to be leal Name: Liu Yen-ming (刘谚明) Date of Birth: 28 July 1973 Place of Birth: Miaoli, Taiwan Instrument: Drums Height/Weight: 178 cm/60 kg
Monster Masa Ashin
Mayday or Wu Yue Tian (五月天), is a Chinese rock band that originated in the late 1990s but has since become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture. As one of Taiwan's million-selling rock artists, they have received a range of accolades as well as moving records all over the world.
They are locally regarded as the best rock band after Beyond, a popular rock band that is based in Hong Kong. Mayday's songs resonate greatly with many Taiwanese youths who can identify with their themes of love, world peace and growing up. They are also influenced by The Beatles, which is their favourite group whom they aspire to be leal Name: Liu Yen-ming (刘谚明) Date of Birth: 28 July 1973 Place of Birth: Miaoli, Taiwan Instrument: Drums Height/Weight: 178 cm/60 kg
五月天(Mayday),台湾殿堂级实力派创作型摇滚乐团,由 乐队团长兼吉他手怪兽、主唱阿信、吉他手石头、贝斯玛莎 和鼓手冠佑组成,前身为“So Band”乐团,在1997年3月 29日改名为“五月天”。乐团的名称是来自贝斯手玛莎在网 络论坛上的代号。截至2012年6月,已经共四次拿下台湾金曲 奖“最佳乐团奖”,其它诸多荣誉数不胜数。代表作有《志 明与春娇》、《温柔》、《憨人》、《疯狂世界》、《终结 孤单》、《人生海海》、《倔强》、《知足》、《天使》、 《突然好想你》、《我不愿让你一个人》、《诺亚方舟》等
玛莎本名蔡升晏,五月天乐队贝司手, 辅仁大学社会系毕业,使用乐器乐器, Bass、A.Guitar、一点Piano、口琴, 喜爱的歌手,U2、Sting、罗纮武、李 宗盛、Beatles、罗大佑,喜爱的乐手, Sting、Eric Clapton、Dave Grusin、 埃拉妮丝Live的鼓手Bass、Sting Live 的鼓手。
主 要 成 就
· 亚洲第一摇滚天团 · 四次台湾金曲奖“最佳乐团奖” · 《第二人生》十白金唱片认证 · 钱柜KTV国台语双料冠军奖 · 华语乐坛最受欢迎乐团奖 · 最受欢迎创作团体奖 · 港台地区最佳乐团奖 · 亚洲传媒大奖 · 全年最高销量歌手大奖 · 新加坡金曲奖
温尚翊(1976年11月28日-),为台湾 知名乐团五月天团长兼吉他手,绰号为怪 兽,他也创作了不少曲目。温出身于台湾 新竹,师大附中毕业、国立台湾大学社会 系肄业,同时是台湾强辩乐团主唱黄牛的 表哥。
五月天(Mayday)的吉他手石头 本名:石锦航 别名:石航玮,石拔拔 生日:1975/12/11 生肖:兔 出生地:台北 血型:B型 星座:射手 身高:172CM 体重:67KG 爱好:游泳,骑脚踏车 乐器:吉他 妻子:路渟瀛(狗狗) 在2002年五月天的<你要去哪里>巡回演唱 会第二场(2月14日,高雄),石头向狗狗(其老婆 的小名)求婚成功后,于 年10月18日结婚。
玛莎本名蔡升晏,五月天乐队贝司手, 辅仁大学社会系毕业,使用乐器乐器, Bass、A.Guitar、一点Piano、口琴, 喜爱的歌手,U2、Sting、罗纮武、李 宗盛、Beatles、罗大佑,喜爱的乐手, Sting、Eric Clapton、Dave Grusin、 埃拉妮丝Live的鼓手Bass、Sting Live 的鼓手。
主 要 成 就
· 亚洲第一摇滚天团 · 四次台湾金曲奖“最佳乐团奖” · 《第二人生》十白金唱片认证 · 钱柜KTV国台语双料冠军奖 · 华语乐坛最受欢迎乐团奖 · 最受欢迎创作团体奖 · 港台地区最佳乐团奖 · 亚洲传媒大奖 · 全年最高销量歌手大奖 · 新加坡金曲奖
温尚翊(1976年11月28日-),为台湾 知名乐团五月天团长兼吉他手,绰号为怪 兽,他也创作了不少曲目。温出身于台湾 新竹,师大附中毕业、国立台湾大学社会 系肄业,同时是台湾强辩乐团主唱黄牛的 表哥。
五月天(Mayday)的吉他手石头 本名:石锦航 别名:石航玮,石拔拔 生日:1975/12/11 生肖:兔 出生地:台北 血型:B型 星座:射手 身高:172CM 体重:67KG 爱好:游泳,骑脚踏车 乐器:吉他 妻子:路渟瀛(狗狗) 在2002年五月天的<你要去哪里>巡回演唱 会第二场(2月14日,高雄),石头向狗狗(其老婆 的小名)求婚成功后,于 年10月18日结婚。
NAME monster
本名:蔡升晏 别名;玛莎,玛甜甜 亚洲天团五月天贝斯手 乐团中最小的一个,擅长以细腻、 亚洲天团五月天贝斯手,乐团中最 犀利的文笔描写女性情感,被称为 小的一个。一直擅长以细腻、犀利 妇女之友。飘逸的长发丝毫不减他 的文笔描写女性情感,被称之为妇 的男儿本性。他时而张扬时而沉静, 女之友 。有着大大的眼睛,娃娃 那样平凡而真实地存在。魔力尖嘴 脸,看起来很清秀。时而张扬时而 犀利莎,黑框长发文艺咖。笑容明 沉静,那样平凡而真实地存在。 媚亮瞎眼,妇女之友猛过天。
• 不要忘记开出梦想的花就 行了,当你还是一颗种子 时就与生俱来的梦想,不 要背叛你自己就行了,该 是你的时候,不要忘记开 花就行了。
• You're right. If you don't Know me, my self-introduction • 你說的沒錯。如果你不 is "small & countries ,high 認識我,我的自我介紹會是 school, university of practice, 「北投國小&國中,師大附 mayday,StayReal, life 中,實踐大學,五月天, download progress 36%, StayReal,人生下載進度 I36%,希望有一個死後很難 hope that my life is very difficult to be defined after 被定義的人生。」 ... 我 the death.”I don„t know what 也不知道我的最終夢想會是 is my ultimate(最终的) 什麼,我只知道眼前的事我 dream is, I only know that 都會全力以赴。 I will try my best.
them after they form the band in 1997 , and officially debut in and more popular
to好th听e ,many Orchestra disbanded In the fifteen years, but they are becoming more
wi年ll 月 怪兽 石头 玛莎
冠佑 阿信 和你
The world is not beautiful, it was Very different from what I kown when I was small ,So I began to arm myselves
怪兽 石头 玛莎 and more popular
My every emotion can find the sustenance in their songs ,no matter is the Feelings, the attitude to life,the life.
怪兽 石头 玛莎
冠佑 阿信 和你
五月天是: you Mayday is Monster,Stone,Masa,Ming,Ashin&U
--by阿信 旅行要有计划也要有变化,要走路更要迷路. 我喜欢他们,因为他们的音乐给我力量和安慰
they form the band in 1997 , and officially debut in ,many Orchestra disbanded In the fifteen years, but they are becoming more
• This year is their 20th anniversary on March 29th, I will complete it as a gift for them. • I’m honored to introduce my favorite band ,joining them will never be too late.
Why do you like the band ?
• I like the group of mayday’s st year I took part in a crowdfunding party,I met a lot of people like me who liked the band,they are older than we are,but we all get along like a family.I like the atmosphere very much.At that time I understood what the Internet was saying “maybe it’s because people who like mayday are generally older,so they have a good quality.233”来自Second Round
• This is the eighth album of Mayday,the creation in 2011.Ashin says that while the entire album’s background is the end of the world,the core message is that if the end doesn’t come,you will have the opportunity to choose your second life. • Album songs:<仓颉><诺 亚方舟><第二人生>· · ·
Guan You(Ming) Real Name: Liu Yen-ming (刘谚明) Date of Birth: 28 July 1973 Place of Birth: Miaoli, Taiwan Instrument: Drums Height/Weight: 178 cm/60 kg
Monster Real Name: Wen Shang Yi (温尚翊) Alias : Eugene Wen Date of Birth: 28 November 1976 Place of Birth: Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Instrument:Lead Guitar/Back-Vocals Position: Leader Height/Weight: 168 cm/62 kg
Stone Real Name: Shih Chin-hang (石锦航) Date of Birth: 11 December 1976 Place of Birth: Taipei, Taiwan Instrument:Lead Guitar/Back-Vocals Height/Weight: 172 cm/67 kg
They are locally regarded as the best rock band after Beyond, a popular rock band that is based in Hong Kong. Mayday's songs resonate greatly with many Taiwanese youths who can identify with their themes of love, world peace and growing up. They are also influenced by The Beatles, which is their favourite group whom they aspire to beums
May Day
Chinese rock band originated in the late 1990s become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture.
bring the listener to his feet or move the listener to tears a clean and healthy image(形象) have never been seen smashing(猛烈 的) musical instruments(砸乐器), drinking or gambling(冒险).
Guan You,who wears a pair of glasses,he plays the drum(鼓),and he also has his own clothes brand (服装品牌)with his wife.
•莎(Matthew )is the bassist(贝斯) , he speeches sharply and he is a columnist
Love ,friendship
•All of this made their music powerful which inspires many people.
In my young age I enjoy their music ,they give me power,make me up,I sincere hope they will be active forever
怪兽(monster),is the
guitarist and the captain(团 长).He is good at math and was the student of taiwan university.
May Day
Chinese rock band originated in the late 1990s become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture.
bring the listener to his feet or move the listener to tears a clean and healthy image(形象) have never been seen smashing(猛烈 的) musical instruments(砸乐器), drinking or gambling(冒险).
Guan You,who wears a pair of glasses,he plays the drum(鼓),and he also has his own clothes brand (服装品牌)with his wife.
•莎(Matthew )is the bassist(贝斯) , he speeches sharply and he is a columnist
Love ,friendship
•All of this made their music powerful which inspires many people.
In my young age I enjoy their music ,they give me power,make me up,I sincere hope they will be active forever
怪兽(monster),is the
guitarist and the captain(团 长).He is good at math and was the student of taiwan university.
By Jennifer 胡梦琦
My favorite month is May.
Mayday is also the name of my most beloved band.
what color is may?
Is it white?
Is it red?
Is it purple?
May is positive. 五月是积极的. This is a time for adventure.
In 1620, the first crew of British emigration sailed to new continent and started a new era with Mayflower(五月花号) . 这是一个冒险的时刻,第一批英国殖民者乘坐
在五月,最繁茂的槐树如同 强壮的男人一般,为生物撑 起一片歇息的树荫
Wisteria rises to its peak, as angle’s appearance, such sensitive and delicate. She is supposed to bloom in paradise.在五月,紫藤有如
May is sweet. this is a month for loving.
Birds falling in love with sky Admiring its vast its purity
By Jennifer 胡梦琦
My favorite month is May.
Mayday is also the name of my most beloved band.
what color is may?
Is it white?
Is it red?
Is it purple?
May is positive. 五月是积极的. This is a time for adventure.
In 1620, the first crew of British emigration sailed to new continent and started a new era with Mayflower(五月花号) . 这是一个冒险的时刻,第一批英国殖民者乘坐
在五月,最繁茂的槐树如同 强壮的男人一般,为生物撑 起一片歇息的树荫
Wisteria rises to its peak, as angle’s appearance, such sensitive and delicate. She is supposed to bloom in paradise.在五月,紫藤有如
May is sweet. this is a month for loving.
Birds falling in love with sky Admiring its vast its purity
NO.4眼泪一壶酒 For years, May Day has brought us many moving moments.If you come to their concerts,you would find that everyone at present is full of energy. People get crazy with their idols (偶像). They go back to their young age with dreams through the beautiful music.
If you have a chance ,please take the person who is the most important in your life to watch Mayday’s concert at the end of the world. And tell him or her,“I don't want to leave you alone”.
May day is a Chinese rock band that originated in the late 1990s but has since become one of the biggest rock bands to hit Taiwan pop culture. As one of Taiwan‘s million-selling rock artists, they have received a range of accolades(赞扬) as well as moving records all over the world.
NO.1梦想一克拉 Don’t forget to leave dream of flowers, when you were a seed, born with dream, do not betray(背叛) yourself, it is the time for you, don't forget to bloom.
五月天(Mayday)是台湾的 音乐组合,由乐队团长兼吉他 手怪兽、主唱阿信、吉他手石 头、贝斯玛莎和鼓手冠佑组成, 前身为“So Band”乐团,在 1997年3月29日改名为“五月 天”。乐团的名称是来自贝斯 手玛莎在网络论坛上的代号。 截至2009年6月,夺下三座金 曲“最佳乐团奖”,代表作 《知足》、《疯狂世界》、 《终结孤单》、《心中无别人》 等。
Let’s have a song!
• 听五月天的歌,总是感觉充满活力,富有 青春,希望大家可以支持他,并一起期待 着这一张专辑。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 今年岁末,五月天将推 出出道以来的第八张专 辑。这张新专辑距离上 一张专辑《后青春期的 诗》已有三年之久,他 们一路积累不断加歌, 终于赶在年底推出《明 日版》、《末日版》两 个版本。11月30日,专 辑中的新歌《诺亚方舟》 正式首发,这也是五月 天2012世界巡回演唱会 主题曲。
五月天(Mayday)是台湾的 音乐组合,由乐队团长兼吉他 手怪兽、主唱阿信、吉他手石 头、贝斯玛莎和鼓手冠佑组成, 前身为“So Band”乐团,在 1997年3月29日改名为“五月 天”。乐团的名称是来自贝斯 手玛莎在网络论坛上的代号。 截至2009年6月,夺下三座金 曲“最佳乐团奖”,代表作 《知足》、《疯狂世界》、 《终结孤单》、《心中无别人》 等。
Let’s have a song!
• 听五月天的歌,总是感觉充满活力,富有 青春,希望大家可以支持他,并一起期待 着这一张专辑。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 今年岁末,五月天将推 出出道以来的第八张专 辑。这张新专辑距离上 一张专辑《后青春期的 诗》已有三年之久,他 们一路积累不断加歌, 终于赶在年底推出《明 日版》、《末日版》两 个版本。11月30日,专 辑中的新歌《诺亚方舟》 正式首发,这也是五月 天2012世界巡回演唱会 主题曲。
生命中有一种绝对 Life Has a Kind of Certainty 我们 US 小时候 Childhood
在这一秒 At This Second
Flying Angels With A Falling Soul Rock Records
倔强 Stubborn 约翰蓝侬 John Lennon 晚安地球人 Good Night 神的孩子都在跳舞 回来吧 Come Back
一颗苹果 The Apple 能不能不要说 Don't Tell Me 相信 Faith 透露 Let It Out 好不好 Will You?
OK啦 OK la!
借问众神明 Buddha Knows
永远的永远 Forever, Forever 啾啾啾 纯真 Innocence
人海茫茫 cean Wild 彩虹 Rainbow
Guan You Real Name:刘谚明 Date of Birth:28 July 1973 Place of Birth: Miaoli,Taiwan Instrument: Drums,Keyboards Height/Weight:178cm/60Kg
Now I will introduce their albums
Poetry of the Day After Rock Records
笑忘歌 突然好想你 Suddenly Missing You 你不是真正的快乐 You are not truly happy 我心中尚未崩 坏的地方 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire 春天的呐喊 Spring's Scream 噢买尬 OMG 后青春期的诗 Poetry of the Day After 出头天 Breakthrough Day 爆肝 Liver-Busting
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Nobody Else in my Heart
反而 And Yet
叫我第一名 Call Me Number One
憨人 Fool
雨眠 Rainy Night
温柔 Tenderness
罗密欧与茱丽叶 Romeo and Juliet
爱情万岁 Viva Love
一颗苹果 The Apple
Here is a mayday all albums
拥抱 Embrace
爱情的摸样 This Is Love
黑白讲 Bullshit
风若吹 When the Wind Blows
透露 Let It Out
轧车 Motor Rock
疯狂世界 World Crazy
Forgotten Words
Offering to Heaven
A Thousand Centuries
突然好想你 Suddenly Missing You
你不是真正的快乐 You are not truly happy 我心中尚未崩 坏的地方
轻功 Qinggong
恒心的恒心 Star of Perseverance
雌雄同体 Masquerade
阿姆斯壮 Armstrong
而我知道 And I Know
赌神 God of Gambling
别惹我 Don't Bother M
九号球 The Nine Ball
时光机 Time Machine 生命中有一种绝对 Life Has a Kind of Certainty 我们
武装 Camouflage
在这一秒 At This Second
小时候 Childhood
倔强 Stubborn
约翰蓝侬 John Lennon
回来吧 Come Back
晚安地球人 Good Night
超人 Superman
圣诞夜惊魂 Christmas Surprise
love in
生活 My Life
嘿,我要走了! Hey! I'm Leaving
I Love you无望 I Love You, Hopeless为什么 Why五月天英语介绍明白
Loneliness Terminator
有 你的将来
A Future without You
仓颉 Cang Jie
干杯 我不愿让你一个人 Cheers I don't want to leave you alone
星空 Starry Night
诺亚方舟 Noah's Ark
If you have a chance ,please take the person who is most important in your life to watch Mayday’s concert at the day that the world comes to an end. And tell TA “I don't want to leave you alone”.
能不能不要说 Don't Tell Me
OK啦 好不好 OK la! Will You?
Forever, Forever
Let It Out
纯真 Innocence
人海茫茫 cean Wild
候鸟 Migratory Bird
彩虹 Rainbow
借问众神明 Buddha Knows
my favourite band
Maydy is a Taiwanese rock band that was formed in the late 1990s with five members,namely Ashin,Monster,Stone,Masa and Guan You
Now,let me introduce them to you
Lead Guitar
Lead Guitar
Bass Guitar
夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire
春天的呐喊 Spring's Scream
噢买尬 OMG
出头天 Breakthrough Day
爆肝 Liver-Busting
如烟 Like Smoke
后青春期的诗 Poetry of the Day After
错错错 Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
前传 Prologue
为爱而生 Born to Love
我又初恋了 Another First Love
天使 Angel
摩托车日记 Motorcycle Diary
香水 Perfume
快乐很伟大 Happiness is Grand