罗斯蒙特 系列电导率传感器样本




罗斯蒙特1199 远传膜片系统(全球供货系列产品)用于罗斯蒙特3051S、 3051 、1151 与 2088 型变送器扩大压力变送器应用范围•极热与极冷的温度•腐蚀性的测量场合•易堵塞的过程•要求清洁卫生的场合应用•液位、流量、压力、界面与密度的测量。

目录技术规格 (3)远传膜片选择指南 (5)订货信息 (9)远传膜片的连接 (10)一般用途膜片组件 (16)综合技术资料 (58)全球最完整的供货实力罗斯蒙特 1199 型远传膜片系统提供世界最广泛的产品品种与规格,满足各种测量与应用的要求。

本产品选型资料重点介绍罗斯蒙特 1199 型远传膜片各种过程连接结构形式、直接安装或毛细管系统,以及各种结构材料。


采用此系统可带来 :•变送器安装费用减少 20%•总的系统性能提高 10%•时间响应特性改善 80%以上。

仪表工程软件Instrument Toolkit :•计算远传膜片系统的温度指标与响应时间•帮助第一次及以后每次正确选型远传膜片系统要了解关于仪表工程软件更多的内容,详见第 68 页。

要了解关于优化非平衡系统(Tuned-System) 更多的内容,详见第 60 页。

可选用罗斯蒙特1199 型远传膜片的压力变送器类型罗斯蒙特 1199 型远传膜片可组装到罗斯蒙特 3051S、3051 、1151 及 2088 型差压、表压 与绝压变送器及液位变送器上。

有关详细信息,请在定购罗斯蒙特 1199 型远传膜片前,查阅下列产品选型资料:罗斯蒙特 3051S 型压力变送器规模可变的压力、流量与液位测量解决方案,实现了安装与维护的最佳应用实践。

罗斯蒙特 3051 型压力变送器全面领先的性能、灵活的共平面(Coplanar™)平台、5 年稳定性保证。

罗斯蒙特 3095MV 型质量流量变送器精确地测量差压、静压与过程温度,完全实时补偿计算质量流量。

艾默生 Rosemount 225 环形电导率传感器 数据表

艾默生 Rosemount 225 环形电导率传感器 数据表

产品说明书00813-0106-3225, Rev AC2023 年 5 月Rosemount™ 225环形电导率传感器高电导率卫生应用的可靠传感器Rosemount 225 环形电导率传感器为需要卫生设计的制药、食品及饮料应用而设计。

此类耐腐蚀和抗污染传感器适用于测量 CIP 溶液浓度、检测产品/水界面、检查产品质量和监测色谱溶液中的元素。

概述Rosemount 225 是适合高电导率卫生应用的可靠传感器。

Rosemount 225 环形电导率传感器为需要卫生设计的制药、食品及饮料应用而设计。

此类耐腐蚀和抗污染传感器适用于测量CIP 溶液浓度、检测产品/水界面、检查产品质量和监测色谱分离中的洗脱剂。


■符合 USP VI 级要求。

■符合 FDA 食品接触 21CFR177.2415 标准。

■符合 3-A 卫生标准之 74-06。


■2-in. tri-clamp 过程连接件。

■安装灵活,配合分体式接线盒(另购),传感器和变送器之间电缆最长可达到 200 ft. (61 m)(标准为 100 ft. [30 m] 内)。


■可靠的测量 - 对过程流量和方向不敏感。

■具有 PEEK 和 Tefzel ® 等多种耐化学品的主体材质选项,可满足应用的兼容性需求。

内容概述.......................................................................................................................................................................................................2订购信息...............................................................................................................................................................................................3技术规格...............................................................................................................................................................................................4尺寸图...................................................................................................................................................................................................5附件.......................................................................................................................................................................................................6工程规格.. (6)2023 年 5 月/Rosemount订购信息Rosemount 225 卫生型环形电导率传感器在最高 2 S/cm (2,000,000 µS/cm) 电导率的液体中表现良好。

罗斯蒙特 848T中文样本

罗斯蒙特 848T中文样本

塑料盒,导管入口 (5 个堵孔,适用于安装 1/2 英寸 NPT 接头)
铝制电缆密封套 (9 x M20 黄铜镀镍密封套,适用于 7.5–11.9 毫米非铠装电缆)
铝制导管入口 (5 个堵孔,适用于安装 1/2 英寸 NPT 接头)
JS3 JX3(6)
不锈钢接线盒,电缆密封套 (9 x M20 黄铜镀镍密封套,适用于 7.5–11.9 毫米非铠装电缆) 不锈钢盒,导管入口 (5 个堵孔,适用于安装 1/2 英寸 NPT 接头) 隔爆盒,导管入口 (4 个堵孔,适用于安装 1/2 英寸 NPT 接头)
日期、描述信息、消息和无线参数定制组态 (订购时需要提供 CDS)
• 自组网络提供可靠性高达 >99% 的丰富数据,且极其 稳定
• IEC 认证 WirelessHART® 协议 • 艾默生 SmartPower™ 方案提供本质安全电源模块,
支持现场更换,不需要从过程设备上拆卸变送器,从而 确保人员安全并节省维护费用 • 艾默生过程管理的多层无线网络安全方案可确保数据 传输的安全性
50 Hz 线路电压滤波器
校准证书 (3 点校准)
美国验船局 (ABS) 认证
劳氏船级社 (LR) 认证
测试至 –51.1 °C (–60 °F)

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 (Rosemount) 3418 数据表

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 (Rosemount) 3418 数据表

产品样本00813-0106-3418, Rev AB2022 年 8 月罗斯蒙特 (Rosemount™) 3418八声道气体超声波流量计3418 型气体超声波流量计面向贸易交接的高精度罗斯蒙特 3418 是一款 8 声道气体超声波流量计,设计用于天然气贸易交接应用,在这些应用中,由于传输体积量大,且安装设施紧凑,因此高精度和长期可靠的性能是关键。

这款 8 声道弦向流量计的 8 个声道位于四个彼此相对的位置上,让流量计能够消除不对称流速效应。



罗斯蒙特 3418 通过十六 (16) 个传感器模块形成八 (8) 个弦向声道,它配有一个变送器,能够对来自这八个弦向声道的流速测量值求取平均值,从而计算总流量。


声学处理由专门的自研 3410 电子元件执行,这些电子元件能够实现高采样率,并提供稳定的超声波信号和理想的小流量响应。

罗斯蒙特 3418 有 DN250 至 DN1050(10 英寸至 42 英寸)口径可供选择,它支持双向流测量,拥有更大的流量测量容量,且不存在逐渐增大的压降,因此能降低测量风险,尽可能降低运营成本。

罗斯蒙特 3418 气体超声波流量计设计用于减小因安装影响所致的偏移,从而降低不确定性。

它的 OIML 准确度等级为 0.5 级,只需要配置长度相当于五倍管径的直管段,不需要流量调节装置。

为进一步提高测量可靠性,流量计经过特殊配置,能够实时处理声速计算,且可使用 AGA 10 或 GERG 2008 方法将理论值与实际值进行比较。


艾默生 Rosemount 228 环形电导率传感器 数据表

艾默生 Rosemount 228 环形电导率传感器 数据表

产品说明书00813-0106-3228, Rev AC2023 年 五月Rosemount™ 228环形电导率传感器全能电导率传感器,应对多样化应用挑战Rosemount 228 环形电导率传感器能可靠测量电导率最高为 2 S/cm (2,000,000 μS/cm) 的高电导率液体。


Rosemount 228 的稳固设计十分适合测量酸、碱、盐溶液的浓度。

概述高性能和可靠性:■具有 PEEK 和 Tefzel ® 等多种耐化学品的主体材质选项,可满足具挑战性的应用需求。


■可耐受最高 392 °F (200 °C) 过程温度的高温选项,并且适合在最高 295 psig (2135 kPa [abs]) 的高压下使用。


■丰富的安装选项,可使用 ¾-in. MNPT 或 ⅝-in. 11 UNC 过程连接件。


订购信息Rosemount 228 环形电导率传感器由具有化学抗性的玻璃充填 PEEK 或 Tefzel ™制成,十分适合测量酸、碱、盐溶液的浓度。

该传感器包含一个补偿温度的一体化 PT-100 热电阻 (RTD) 和一根 20 ft. (6.1 m) 长的一体化电缆。

Rosemount 228 可用于多种插入式转接器,满足您的安装需要(参阅 附件)。

注如需更高的 EMI/RFI 屏蔽性,请选择 56-61 电缆选项(用于 Rosemount 1181T 、1054 和 2054)。

3 级和 4 级允许的组合:54-61、56-61 和 54-62。

表 1: Rosemount 228 环形电导率传感器订购信息内容概述.......................................................................................................................................................................................................2订购信息...............................................................................................................................................................................................2技术规格...............................................................................................................................................................................................3尺寸图...................................................................................................................................................................................................6附件.. (11)2023 年 五月/Rosemount2023 年 五月不适用于选项 -50-62 和 -54-62。



FIGURE 1. Transmitter Housing Temperature Rise vs. Uninsulated Exsing Rise Above Ambient (°C)
815 °C 540
30 20 10
ProcePsrsoTceesmspTeermatpuererature °C Process Temperature

Sensors and Accessories (Metric)
Product Data Sheet
00813-0200-2654, Rev HA Catalog 2008 - 2009
Rosemount integral mount temperature sensors, accessory hardware, and assemblies constitute a complete line of industrial temperature-sensing instruments. A variety of RTD and thermocouple sensors are available alone, or as complete assemblies including connection heads, thermowells, and extension fittings. Emerson Process Management (“Emerson”) offers s complete temperature measurement assemblies including Rosemount Smart and Programmable Temperature Transmitters. Please ask your Emerson representative for details.



推荐最小范围(1) 数字精度(2) 数/模转换精度(3)(4) °C °F °C °F
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 ± 0.10 ± 0.10 ± 0.22 ± 0.14 ± 0.10 ± 0.08 ± 1.00 ± 0.75 ± 0.20 ± 0.25 ± 0.25 ± 0.40 ± 0.60 ± 0.50 ± 0.25 ± 0.18 ± 0.18 ± 0.40 ± 0.25 ± 0.18 ± 0.14 ± 1.80 ± 1.35 ± 0.36 ± 0.45 ± 0.45 ± 0.72 ± 1.08 ± 0.90 ± 0.45 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围

可用 4-20 mA/HART® 或 FOUNDATIONTM 现场总线协议进 行通讯。 集成化 LCD 显示器(可选)便于显 示主传感器的输入和变送器的诊断 信息。 可进行单传感器或双传感器输入。 温 差和平均温度的测量提高了系统的 灵活性。 双隔室外套在恶劣工业环境下仍可 确保最高的可靠性。

NA, E5,K5, K6, KB 未包括,需 订购可选代码 G1 N1, E1, I1, ND , K1, E7 , 包括 N7, I7, K7,KA, I2 和 E4

罗斯蒙特 400和400VP接触式导电度传感器说明书

罗斯蒙特 400和400VP接触式导电度传感器说明书

Product Data Sheet00813-0100-3400, Rev ABNovember 2019 Rosemount™ 400 and 400VPContacting Conductivity SensorsReliable conductivity measurements for your processWith Rosemount 400 and 400VP contacting conductivity sensors, you can accurately measure electrolytic conductivity in a broad range of applications from high purity water to clean cooling water. These sensors are ideal for use in clean, non-corrosive liquid having conductivity less than 20,000 µS/cm.OverviewMinimize startup and installation time.■ A factory-measured cell constant ensures out-of-the-boxaccuracy and no initial calibration requirements.■Available in cell constants of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0/cm.Meet your process mounting needs.■The sensors are designed for direct screw-in insertion intoprocess piping using a front facing ¾-in. MNPT fitting.■Can alternatively be used with a pipe tee or flow cell in asidestream installation.■Offered with Variopol (VP6) quick disconnect fittings.ContentsOverview...........................................................................................................................................................................................2Ordering information........................................................................................................................................................................3Specifications....................................................................................................................................................................................5Dimensional drawings.......................................................................................................................................................................8Accessories......................................................................................................................................................................................13Engineering specifications (14)Rosemount 400/400VPNovember 2019/RosemountOrdering informationThe Rosemount 400/400VP contacting conductivity sensors are intended to measure electrolytic conductivity in clean water applications. You can configure these sensors with a 0.01/cm, 0.1/cm, or 1.0/cm to accommodate varying levels of conductivity.The sensors are available with either an integral cable connection or Variopol (VP6)connector. Variopol cables sold separately (see Accessories ).Table 1: Rosemount 400 Contacting Conductivity Sensor Ordering Information Option Description400Conductivity sensor - Endurance screw-inCell constant November 2019Rosemount 400/400VPRosemount 400/400VP 3Rosemount 400/400VP November 2019(1) 5.5-in. (139.7 mm) from the bottom of threads to tip of sensor.NoteThe Endurance™ Rosemount 400 screw-in conductivity sensors consist of titanium electrodes and a ¾-in. stainless steel process connector. Maximum temperature range for the standard sensor is 221 °F (105 °C) with an option for use in applications up to 392°F (200 °C).Table 2: Rosemount 400VP Contacting Conductivity Sensor Ordering Information(1) 5.5-in. (139.7 mm) from the bottom of threads to tip of sensor.NoteAn integral six pin Variopol (VP6) connector is standard and must be installed with a mating VP connector cable. The standard Rosemount 400VP sensor is compatible with Rosemount 5081-C, 1056, 1057, and 56 and can be made compatible with other instruments by using code -54./RosemountNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VP SpecificationsTable 3: Rosemount 400/400VP Contacting Conductivity Sensor SpecificationsRosemount 400/400VP5Rosemount 400/400VP November 2019 Figure 1: Recommended Range - Contacting ConductivityTable 4: Rosemount 400/400VP Weights and Shipping WeightsRounded up to the nearest 1 lb. or 0,5 kg./RosemountNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VP Figure 2: Flow CellTable 5: Flow Cell (24092-02) SpecificationsRosemount 400/400VP7Dimensional drawingsFigure 3: Rosemount 400 with Integral Cable Connection Dimensional DrawingA.Dimension (see Table 6)B.Dimension (see Table 6)C.Dimension (see Table 6)D.¾-in. -14 NPTE.Equally spacedTable 6: Rosemount 400 with Integral Cable DimensionsRosemount 400/400VPNovember 2019/RosemountNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VP Figure 4: Rosemount 400 with Integral Junction Box Dimensional DrawingA.Dimension (see Table 7)B.Dimension (see Table 7)C.Dimension (see Table 7)D.Equally spacedTable 7: Rosemount 400 with Integral Junction Box DimensionsRosemount 400/400VP9Rosemount 400/400VP November 2019 Figure 5: Rosemount 400VP with Variopol Cable Connection Dimensional DrawingA.Dimension (see Table 8)B.Dimension (see Table 8)C.Dimension (see Table 8)D.Dimension (see Table 8)E.Equally spacedTable 8: Rosemount 400VP with Variopol Cable Connection Dimensions Array/RosemountFigure 6: Flow Cell (PN24091-02)A.OutletB.InletC.Rosemount 400D.Low flow cell - PN 24091-02Rosemount 400 with Integral Cable ConnectionFigure 7: Large Pipe or Tank InstallationYou can screw the Endurance sensor into a weldalet in either a pipe or large tank.A.Process pipingB.WeldaletC.SensorNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VPRosemount 400/400VP 11Figure 8: The Junction Box AdvantageSelect the optional junction box for installations where a long length of cable must be run through conduit.A.Process pipingB.WeldaletC.SensorFigure 9: Standard Tee InstallationFor systems with small diameter piping, install the sensor in a pipe tee. You can also use a pipe tee for sidestream samples. For best performance, orient the sensor with the end facing the liquid flow.A.OutletB.InletC.1-in. pipe tee with ¾-in. bushing shownRosemount 400 with Variopol cable connectionFigure 10: Large Pipe or Tank InstallationYou can screw the Endurance sensor into a weldalet in either a large pipe or tank.A.SensorB.WeldaletC.Process pipingRosemount 400/400VPNovember 2019/RosemountFigure 11: Standard Tee InstallationFor systems with small diameter piping, install the sensor in a pipe tee. You can also use a pipe tee for sidestream samples. For best performance, orient the sensor with the end facing the liquid flow.A.SensorB.OutletC.InletAccessoriesNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VPRosemount 400/400VP 13Rosemount 400/400VP November 2019 Engineering specificationsCell constants 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0/cm■The sensor shall be suitable for the determination of electrolytic conductivity in clean, non-corrosive samples.■The sensor shall have a ¾-in. MNPT fitting for direct insertion into pipes or tees. A clear plastic flow cell shall also be available for sidestream samples.■The sensor shall incorporate titanium electrodes and a PEEK insulator.■The sensor shall have an integral platinum resistance temperature device (RTD) for temperature measurement.■The sensor shall be available with either integral cable or a Variopol quick disconnect fitting.■The maximum temperature for the sensor shall be 221 °F (105 °C) at 250 psig (1825 kPa [abs]). A high temperature option that can be used at 392 °F (200 °C) shall also be available.■The sensor shall be suitable for vacuum service as low as 1.6 in. Hg (5.2 kPa).■The sensor shall be Rosemount 400 (integral cable) or 400VP (Variopol fitting) or approved equal./RosemountNovember 2019Rosemount 400/400VP Rosemount 400/400VP1500813-0100-3400Rev. AB November 2019GLOBAL HEADQUARTERSEmerson Automation Solutions6021 Innovation BlvdShakopee, MN 55379, USA+1 800 999 9307 or +1 952 906 8888 F +1 952 949 7001**********************NORTH AMERICAEmerson Automation Solutions 8200 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317Toll Free +1 800 999 9307F +1 952 949 7001**********************EUROPEEmerson Automation Solutions Neuhofstrasse 19a P.O. Box 1046 CH-6340 BaarSwitzerlandT + 41 (0) 41 768 6111F + 41 (0) 41 768 6300**********************MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICAEmerson Automation SolutionsEmerson FZEJebel Ali Free ZoneDubai, United Arab Emirates, P.O. Box 17033T +971 4 811 8100F +971 4 886 5465**********************ASIA-PACIFICEmerson Automation Solutions1 Pandan CrescentSingapore 128461SingaporeT +65 777 8211F +65 777 0947**********************/Rosemount_News /Rosemount ©2019 Emerson. All rights reserved.Emerson Terms and Conditions of Sale are available upon request. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Rosemount is a mark of one of the Emerson family of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.。

艾默生 罗斯蒙特轴承温度传感器 (WEX 926 型) 数据表

艾默生 罗斯蒙特轴承温度传感器 (WEX 926 型) 数据表

罗斯蒙特 248 型温度变送器
头部安装式 (DIN B) 和导轨安装式采用 HART 协议,并配有全套 温度组件。
罗斯蒙特 648 型无线温度变送器
罗斯蒙特 648 型把温度测量集成到一个自组无线网络中,提供 一流的安全性、可靠性、 SmartPower™ 能力和网络规模可变 性,在实现最佳工厂绩效的同时最大限度地减少维护。

2014 年 2 月
图 1. WEX926 轴承传感器热电阻和热电偶线芯排列布置
热电阻引线排列布置 单元件 3 线 单元件 4 线 4 3 1
1 3 4
4 3
6 1
红色 黄色 1 棕色 2 白色 4 黄色 蓝色 黑色
பைடு நூலகம்
双元件 3 线 3 2 黄色 白色
2014 年 2 月
图 4. 压力接头 G1/2
55 15
部件 弹簧 安装管 压力接头 螺纹衬套
表 5. 组件材质概览
材质 SW 27 SW 24 ASTM316Ti/1.4571 ASTM316Ti/1.4571 ASTM303/1.4305 G 1/2 65 20 ASTM301/1.4310

2014 年 2 月
表 2 提供罗斯蒙特轴承热电偶和热电阻温度传感器组件的性能和物理方面的快速参考信息。
表 2. 性能规格
热电偶 根据 IEC 584 确定的热电偶误差互换性限值 1类 E型 J型 K型 N型 精度 T型 2类 E型 J型 K型 N型 T型 环境温度限值 温度测量范围 等级 绝缘电阻 连接电缆 -50 至 60°C (-58 至 140°F) 0 至 180°C (32 至 356°F) 最高 IP65 在室温下为 1,000 MΩ,试验电压为 500 Vac PTFE、箔、金属丝网、 PTFE 绝缘 AWG24 多股电缆,带色标。 引线排列布置参见第 5 页上的图 1 PTFE、箔、金属丝网、 PTFE 绝缘 AWG24 镍镀铜线。引线排列布置参见 第 5 页上的图 1 ±2.5°C ±2.5°C ±2.5°C ±2.5°C ±1.0°C ±0.0075 x t°C 0 至 133°C 133 至 180°C ±1.5°C ±1.5°C ±1.5°C ±1.5°C ±0.5°C ±0.004 x t°C 0 至 125°C 125 至 180°C 根据 IEC 751 (DIN EN 60751) A 类 :(0.15 + 0.0020 x t) B 类 :(0.20 + 0.0050 x t) “t” 是温度,单位为 °C 热电阻



美国罗斯蒙特Rosemount 3051,1151压力/差压变送器,产品有3051C,3051S系列,1151智能压力变送器,2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器,3095MV多变量质量流量变送器,4600石油与天然气压力变送器,4500卫生型压力变送器,1810嵌入式安装压力变送器。

性能优异:精度0.075%量程比100:1差压:校验量程从0.5inH2O至2000psi表压:校验量程从2.5inH2O至2000psi绝对压力:校验量程从0.167psia至4000psia过程隔离膜片:不锈钢,哈氏合金CR,蒙乃尔R,钽(仅限CD,CG)及镀金蒙乃尔设计小巧、坚固而质轻,易于安装3051S压力变送器系列1.工业标准产品,提供无以匹敌的性能与可靠性;2.同类产品性能最优,精度高达0.025%;3.规模可变平台,具有HART、基金会现场总线,过程诊断与安全认证证书;4.共面法兰设计把阀组,密封件(膜盒)与一次元件一体化成为单个组合件.3051C型差压、表压与绝压变送器1.性能优异:精度0.4%2.总体性能高达0.125%,五年稳定性3.共平面平台允许将阀组、一次元件和远传装置一体化4.校验量程从0.1inH2O至4000psia(25Pa到27.6mPa)5.过程隔离膜片:316L不锈钢,哈氏合金C,蒙乃尔,钽(仅限CD,CG)及镀金蒙及尔,镀金不锈钢6.设计小巧、坚固而质轻,易于安装7.复合量程(仅限CD、CG),可测量负压3051T型表压与绝压变送器1.性能优异:精度0.04%2.绝压:校验量程从0.3至10,000psia3.不锈钢与哈氏合金C过程隔离膜片4.灌充液:硅油与惰性液5.可选DIN和与压力反应罐相配的过程相连3051L型液位变送器1.液位测量精度达0.075%2.校验量程从0.25inH2O垤8310inH2O3.平膜片式,2-,4-,与英寸伸出式膜片4.多种灌充液可选,可满足不同应用场合要求5.小巧而质轻,易于安装与维护6.接液件材料:316L不锈钢,哈氏合金和钽1151DP、GP和AP型差压、表压和绝压变送器1.性能优越:精度0.075%,量程比50:12.差压测量范围:30inH2O至1,000psi(7.5-6895kPa)3.表压测量范围:30inH2O至6,000psi(7.5-41369kPa)4.绝压测量范围:150inH2O至1,000psi(37.4-6895kPa)1151HP型高静压差压变送器1.性能优越:精度0.075%,量程比50:12.差压测量范围:150inH2O至300psi(37.3-2068kPa)3.在4500psi(31Mpa)高静压下,可实现差压的精确测量1151LT型法兰安装式液位变送器1.液位测量精度0.25%2.测量范围:0-25至0-2,770inH2O (0-6.2至0-690kPa)3.平膜片式,2-,4-和6-英寸伸出式膜片4.多种灌充液选择,可满足各种应用要求5.阻尼可调6.接液件材料:不锈钢,哈氏合金C-276和钽2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器——1. 绝压和表压测量10.3Kpa至27.6Mpa2. 0.1%参考精度(0.075%高精度选项)3. 20:1量程比4. 采用HART通讯协议5. 外部零部和量程调整6. 可选的液晶表头(刻度可调)7. 超过35年的变送器制造经验,工业领域中完善的服务和支持网络美国罗斯蒙特3051C,3051S压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特4600石油与天然气压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特4500卫生型压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特1151智能压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特3095MV多变量质量流量变送器美国罗斯蒙特375手操器罗斯蒙特Saab Rex计量级雷达液位计罗斯蒙特5600 过程级雷达液位计罗斯蒙特3300导波雷达液位计罗斯蒙特PRO库存管理级雷达罗斯蒙特P/H 分析仪罗斯蒙特3244MV 基金会现场总线型多参数温度变送器罗斯蒙特244EH型和244ER型248型为PC机可编程温度变送器罗斯蒙特484T型644H型和644R型智能温度变送器罗斯蒙特3144/3244 温度变送器美国罗斯蒙特质量流量计美国罗斯蒙特流量计算机美国丹尼尔超声波气体流量计罗斯蒙特8800型质量流量计罗斯蒙特8700系列电磁流量计罗斯蒙特阿牛巴3095MFA质量流量计罗斯蒙特阿牛巴3051SFA体积流量计罗斯蒙特3095MFC孔板质量流量计罗斯蒙特3051SFC孔板流量计罗斯蒙特高准公司R系列质量流量计罗斯蒙特RFT9739高准质量流量和密度变送器。



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罗斯蒙特 DIN-Style 温度传感器和温度井(公制)产品数据手册说明书

罗斯蒙特 DIN-Style 温度传感器和温度井(公制)产品数据手册说明书

Product Data Sheet00813-0200-2654, Rev MBJuly 2022 Rosemount™ DIN-Style Temperature Sensors and Thermowells (Metric)■RTDs (0065) and thermocouples (0185) available to meet any process requirement■DIN-style for easy installation and replacement■Integrated temperature assembly with Rosemount transmitters availableFeatures and benefitsOptimize plant efficiency and increase measurement reliability with industry-proven design and specifications ■Available in a wide variety of sensing technologies – RTD and thermocouples.■All sensor styles and lengths are available in 6 mm diameter.■State of the art manufacturing procedures provide robust element packaging and increasing reliability.■Industry-leading calibration capabilities allow for Callendar-Van Dusen values to give increased accuracy when paired withRosemount transmitters.■Optional Class A accuracy for critical temperature measurement points.Streamline operations and maintenance with sensor and thermowell design■DIN-style sensor uses connection heads that allow quick mounting and replacement while maintaining environmental integrity.■Terminal block, flying leads, and spring loaded threaded adapter styles offer remote or integral transmitter mountingconfiguration.ContentsFeatures and benefits........................................................................................................................................................................2Rosemount DIN-Style Sensor and Thermowell...................................................................................................................................4Rosemount Series 96 Barstock Thermowell.....................................................................................................................................23Sensor reference information..........................................................................................................................................................27Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................................31Product certifications......................................................................................................................................................................34Sensor-to-transmitter matching .....................................................................................................................................................43Accessories......................................................................................................................................................................................49Wake frequency calculation. (52)Sensor and Accessories (Metric)July 2022Explore the benefits of Complete Point Solutions ™ from Emerson■An “Assemble Sensor to Specific Transmitter” option enables Emerson to provide a complete point temperature solution,delivering an installation-ready transmitter and sensor assembly.■Emerson has a complete portfolio of single point and high density temperature measurement solutions, allowing you toeffectively measure and control your processes with the reliability you trust from Rosemount products.Experience global consistency and local support from numerous worldwide Rosemount Temperature manufacturing sites ■World-class manufacturing provides globally consistent products from every factory and the capacity to fulfill the needs of anyproject, large or small.■Experienced instrumentation consultants help select the right product for any temperature application and advise on bestinstallation practices.■An extensive global network of Emerson service and support personnel can be on-site when and where they are needed.Access information when you need it with asset tagsNewly shipped devices include a unique QR code asset tag that enables you to access serialized information directly from the device. With this capability, you can:■Access device drawings, diagrams, technical documentation, and troubleshooting information in your MyEmerson account ■Improve mean time to repair and maintain efficiency ■Ensure confidence that you have located the correct device■Eliminate the time-consuming process of locating and transcribing nameplates to view asset informationJuly 2022Sensor and Accessories (Metric)Rosemount DIN-Style Sensor and ThermowellOnline Product ConfiguratorMany products are configurable online using our Product Configurator. Select the Configure button or visit our website to start.With this tool's built-in logic and continuous validation, you can configure your products more quickly and accurately.Model codesModel codes contain the details related to each product. Exact model codes will vary; an example of a typical model code is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Model code example1.Required model components (choices available on most)2.Additional options (variety of features and functions that may be added to products)Specifications and optionsThe purchaser of the equipment must make the specification and selection of product materials, options, or components. For more information, see the Material selection section.Sensor and Accessories (Metric)July 2022July 2022Sensor and Accessories (Metric)Optimizing lead timeThe starred offerings (★) represent the most common options and should be selected for the fastest delivery times. The non-starred offerings are subject to additional delivery lead time.Series 65 Platinum RTD and 185 Thermocouple without thermowellRequired model componentsModelConnection head(1)To maintain IP rating, use a suitable cable gland on the conduit connection thread. All threads must be sealed with a suitable sealing tape.Sensor and Accessories (Metric)July 2022 Sensor lead wire terminationSensor typeExtensionExtension length (N) in millimetersJuly 2022Sensor and Accessories (Metric)Thermowell materialSensor length (L) in millimetersAdditional optionsSensor optionsAvailable with Series 65 Sensor only.Product certificationsRefer to Table 3 for limitation on options available with approvals.Sensor and Accessories (Metric)July 2022Ground screwCable glandsCover chain optionExtension ringJuly 2022Sensor and Accessories (Metric) TerminationAssemble-to optionIf ordering Assemble-to option XA with a transmitter, specify the same option on the transmitter model number.Sensor calibration with works certificateAvailable with Series 65 only.VS system calibrationAvailable with Series 65 Sensor only.GOST calibration certificateTemperature range optionSensor and Accessories (Metric)July 2022 Series 65 Platinum RTD and 185 Thermocouple with tubular thermowellRequired model componentsModelConnection head(1)To maintain IP rating, use a suitable cable gland on the conduit connection thread. All threads must be sealed with a suitable sealing tape.Sensor lead wire terminationSensor typeExtensionExtension length (N) in millimetersThermowell materialImmersion length (U)Thermowell mounting style(1)The NAMUR stepped profile is available in both thermowell material options, however to maintain NAMUR compliance material code Y isrequired. 115 mm is the minimum immersion length stepped thermowells are available and is the minimum requirement to maintain NAMUR compliance however for lengths shorter than 115 mm a straight thermowell with a 8 mm OD will be provided.(2)Not available with thermowell Material code D.Additional optionsSensor optionsAvailable with Series 65 Sensor only.Product certificationsRefer to Table 3 for limitation on options available with approvals.Ground screwCable glandsCover chain optionExtension ringMaterial certificationExternal pressure testDye testAssemble-to optionIf ordering Assemble-to option XA with a transmitter, specify the same option on the transmitter model number.Sensor calibration with works certificateAvailable with Series 65 only.Temperature range optionSeries 65 Platinum RTD and 185 Thermocouple with barstock thermowellRequired model componentsModelConnection head(1)To maintain IP rating, use a suitable cable gland on the conduit connection thread. All threads must be sealed with a suitable sealing tape. Sensor lead wire terminationSensor typeExtensionExtension length (N) in millimetersThermowell materialImmersion lengthThermowell mounting style(1)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T040.(2)Full penetration weld option R07 is required with this mounting style.(3)This mounting style has a minimum lagging length of 80 mm.(4)Only available with extension style T.(5)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T075.(6)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T135.Additional optionsSensor optionsAvailable with Series 65 Sensor only.Product certificationsRefer to Table 3 for limitation on options available with approvals.Ground screwCable glandsCover chain optionExtension ringTerminationMaterial certificationExternal pressure testInternal pressure testDye testNACE approvalOnly available with thermowell material codes D, J, and A.Assemble-to optionIf ordering Assemble-to option XA with a transmitter, specify the same option on the transmitter model number.Sensor calibration with works certificateAvailable with Series 65 only.VS system calibrationAvailable with Series 65 Sensor only.Temperature range optionRosemount Series 96 Barstock ThermowellOnline Product ConfiguratorMany products are configurable online using our Product Configurator. Select the Configure button or visit our website to start. With this tool's built-in logic and continuous validation, you can configure your products more quickly and accurately.Model codesModel codes contain the details related to each product. Exact model codes will vary; an example of a typical model code is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Model code example1.Required model components (choices available on most)2.Additional options (variety of features and functions that may be added to products)Specifications and optionsThe purchaser of the equipment must make the specification and selection of product materials, options, or components. For more information, see the Material selection section.Optimizing lead timeThe starred offerings (★) represent the most common options and should be selected for the fastest delivery times. The non-starred offerings are subject to additional delivery lead time.Required model components ModelThermowell materialAdditional materials are available upon request.Immersion length (L) in millimetersThermowell mounting style(1)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T040.(2)Full penetration weld option R07 is required with this mounting style.(3)This mounting style has a minimum lagging length of 80 mm.(4)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T075.(5)This mounting style is only available with the lagging length code T135. Lagging lengthInstrument connection thread typeAdditional optionsMaterial certificationExternal pressure testInternal pressure testDye testNACE approvalOnly available with thermowell material codes D, J, and A.Plug/chainWeld optionFlange typeWake frequency calculationSensor reference informationOverviewRosemount integral mount temperature sensors, accessory hardware, and assemblies constitute a complete line of industrial temperature-sensing instruments. A variety of RTD and thermocouple sensors are available alone, or as complete assemblies including connection heads, thermowells, and extension fittings. Emerson offers complete temperature measurement assemblies including Rosemount Smart and Programmable Temperature Transmitters. Ask your Emerson representative for details.Series 65 Platinum RTD Temperature Sensors are highly linear and have a stable resistance versus temperature relationship. These sensors are used primarily in industrial environments where high accuracy, durability, and long-term stability are required. Series 65 Sensors are designed to meet the most critical parameters of international standards: IEC 751:1983, Amendment 1:1986 and2:1995 and DIN EN 60751:1996. This standardization provides sensor interchangeability without the need for transmitter circuitry adjustment.Enhanced performance and optimal temperature measurement accuracy is available for Series 65 Sensors coupled with a range of Rosemount Temperature Transmitters through calibration schedules and Callendar-Van Dusen constants.Series 185 Thermocouple Temperature Sensors conform to IEC 584:1982, Amendment 1:1989 and are available in types J, K, and N. Series 185 Sensors are available single ungrounded, or dual ungrounded, isolated.All sensors are available in a variety of lengths(1) and ranges with flying lead, terminal block, or ½-in. NPT spring-loaded adapter lead wire terminations.In addition to complete assemblies, Emerson offers a selection of separate accessory hardware including connection heads and thermowells.Selecting an extension and thermowellAside from ambient temperature variations, heat from the process, in a direct mounting configuration, is transferred from the thermowell to the transmitter housing. If the expected process temperature is near or beyond the transmitter specification limits,consider the use of additional thermowell extension length, an extension nipple, or a remote mounting configuration to isolate the transmitter from these excessive temperatures. Figure 3 provides an example of the relationship between transmitter housing temperature rise and extension length. Use Figure 3 and the accompanying example as a guide for determining adequate thermowell extension length.Figure 3: Transmitter Housing Temperature Rise vs. Uninsulated Extension Length605040302010075100125150175200225H o u s i n g R i s e A b o v e A m b i e n t (°C )Uninsulated Extension “N” Length (mm)A B CA.815 °C process temperatureB.540 °C process temperatureC.250 °C process temperature ExampleThe rated ambient temperature specification for the transmitter is 85 °C. If the maximum ambient temperature is 40 °C and the temperature to be measured is 540 °C, the maximum allowable housing temperature rise is the rated temperature specification limit minus the existing ambient temperature (85 – 40 °F), or 45 °C.As shown in Figure 3, an “N” dimension of 90 mm will result in a housing temperature rise of 22 °C. An “N” dimension of 100 mm would therefore be the minimum recommended length, and would provide a safety factor of about 25 °C. A longer “N” dimension,such as 150 mm, would be desirable in order to reduce errors caused by transmitter temperature effect, although in that case the transmitter may require extra support.Integral mount sensors and assembliesSeries 65 RTD and Series 185 Thermocouple Temperature Sensors may be ordered as complete assemblies, which provide a complete, yet simple, means of specifying the proper industrial hardware for most temperature measurements. One assembly model number, derived from one ordering table, completely defines the type of sensing element, as well as the material, length,and style of extension fittings and thermowells.All sensor assemblies are sized and inspected by Emerson to ensure complete component compatibility and performance.(1)Sensors over one meter long will be supplied coiled unless otherwise requested.Mounting configurationsSeries 65 Platinum RTDs and Series 185 ThermocouplesYou may order the Series 65 RTDs and the Series 185 Thermocouples with flying leads, a terminal block, or a ½-in. NPT spring-loaded adapter.Ordered with flying leads, the sensors are designed to be used with a head mount temperature transmitter attached directly to the sensor. The flying lead configuration allows the removal of the sensor and transmitter as one assembly.The BUZH connection head allows terminal block style sensors and transmitters to be mounted together. The transmitters in these assemblies will be mounted in the cover of the BUZH connection head.The sensors with a ½-in. NPT spring-loaded adapter are used with directly mounted Rosemount 3144P Field Mount Temperature Transmitters or through the use of Rosemount connection heads. This assembly requires a terminal block to be mounted inside the head.Hazardous area approvals are available with all three types of sensors, but they are dependent on the configuration of the entire temperature measurement assembly (see Product certifications).Temperature considerationsAmbient temperature limits for the connection head are –40 °C to +85 °C. The LT option may be extended down to a range of –51°C to +85 °C.Ambient temperature range addresses the connection head only, and requires suitable cable glands and field wiring provisions to meet the temperature requirements below –40 °C.Figure 4: Series 65 RTD Lead Wire ConfigurationSeries 65 RTD terminal block termination code 2Dual element (1)Red Red Wht321Red Red Wht654123456(1)The color of the terminal posts in the terminal block may not match the color of the lead wires connected to the capsule.Figure 5: Series 185 Lead Wire ConfigurationSeries 185 RTD thermocouple terminal block Dual elementSpecificationsSeries 65 Platinum RTD100 Ω RTD at 0 °C, α = 0.00385 °C-1Temperature range-50 to 450 °C (-58 to 842 °F) or -196 to 300 °C (-321 to 572 °F) depending on typeSelf heating0.15 °C/mW when measured per method defined in IEC 751:1983, Amendments 1 and 2Thermal response timeNine seconds maximum required to reach 50 percent sensor response when tested in flowing water according to IEC 751:1983, Amendments 1 and 2Immersion error60 mm minimum usable depth of immersion when tested according to IEC 751:1983, Amendments 1 and 2Insulation resistance1,000 MΩ minimum insulation resistance when measured at 500 Vdc and at room temperatureSheath material316 SST sensor tip (hot end) with 321SST mineral insulated cable constructionLead wirePTFE insulated, silver-coated, 0.21mm2 (24 AWG) stranded copper wire. See Figure 4 for wire configuration.Identification dataThe model and serial numbers are marked on each sensor.Ingress protection (IP) ratingsThe Rosemount connection head is rated to IP66/IP68 and NEMA® 4X. The BUZ and BUZH connection heads are rated to IP65. To maintain IP rating at installation, one of the following options must be used with the connection head:■Extension and/or adapter and barstock thermowell■Tubular thermowell■Sensor and sealing screw (extension option “V”)■General purpose adapterVibration limitsFor sensor types option code “1”, “2”, and “5”, the vibration resistance is ±0.02 percent (0.05 °C) maximum ice-point resistance shift after 3 g vibration between 10 and 500 Hz for 150 hours according to IEC 751:1983, Amendments 1 and 2.For sensor types option code “3”, “4”, and “6” the vibration resistance is 0.1 °C maximum ice-point resistance shift after 1 g vibration between 10 and 500 Hz for 150 hours according to IEC 60751:2008, Amendments 1 and 2.For sensor types option code “7”, “9”, and “0”, the vibration resistance is ±0.02 percent (0.05 °C) maximum ice-point resistance shift after 10 g vibration between 10 and 500 Hz for 150 hours according to IEC 751:1983, Amendments 1 and 2.Table 1: Series 65 InterchangeabilitySeries 185 ThermocoupleConstructionA thermocouple consists of a junction between two dissimilar metals that produces a change in thermoelectric emf in relationship to a change in temperature. Rosemount Series 185 Thermocouple sensors are manufactured from selected materials to meet IEC 584 Tolerance Class 1. The junction of these wires is welded to form a pure joint, maintaining the integrity of the circuit and ensuring the highest accuracy. Ungrounded junctions are protected from the environment by the sensor sheath. The ungrounded and isolated junctions provide electrical isolation from the sensor sheath.Sheath materialRosemount thermocouples are made of a mineral insulated cable design with a variety of sheath materials available to suit both the temperature and the environment. For temperatures up to 800 °C in air, 1.4541 (321 SST) is standard. For temperatures from 800 to 1100 °C in air, 2.4816 (Alloy 600) is standard. For temperatures above 1100 °C, precious metal or ceramic protective sheaths are available upon request. For strongly oxidising or reducing atmospheres, consult your local Emerson representative.Lead wiresPTFE insulated, 0.52 mm2 (20 AWG) stranded thermocouple wire. Color coded per IEC 584. See Figure 5 for wire configuration. Identification dataThe model and serial numbers are marked on each sensor.Insulation resistance1,000 MΩ minimum insulation resistance when measured at 500 Vdc and at room temperature.Ingress protection (IP) ratingsThe Rosemount connection head is rated to IP66/IP68 and NEMA 4X. The BUZ and BUZH connection heads are rated to IP65. To maintain IP rating at installation, one of the following options must be used with the connection head:■Extension and/or adapter and barstock thermowell■Tubular thermowell■Sensor and sealing screw (Extension option “V”)■General purpose adapterTable 2: Characteristics of Series 185 ThermocouplesMaterial selectionEmerson provides a variety of Rosemount product with various product options and configurations including materials of construction that can be expected to perform well in a wide range of applications. The product information presented is intended as a guide for the purchaser to make an appropriate selection for the application. It is the purchaser’s sole responsibility to make a careful analysis of all process parameters (such as all chemical components, temperature, pressure, flow rate, abrasives, contaminants, etc.), when specifying product, materials, options and components for the particular application. Emerson is not in a position to evaluate or guarantee the compatibility of the process fluid or other process parameters with the product, options, configuration or materials of construction selected.Functional specificationsPowerOvervoltage category IEnvironmentalPollution degree 4Product certificationsRev 1.36European Directive informationA copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at the end of the Quick Start Guide. The most recent revision of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at /Rosemount.Ordinary Location CertificationAs standard, the transmitter has been examined and tested to determine that the design meets the basic electrical, mechanical, and fire protection requirements by a nationally recognized test laboratory (NRTL) as accredited by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).North AmericaThe US National Electrical Code® (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) permit the use of Division marked equipment in Zones and Zone marked equipment in Divisions. The markings must be suitable for the area classification, gas, and temperature class. This information is clearly defined in the respective codes.Hazardous locations certificationsUSAE5 USA Explosionproof (XP) and Dust-Ignitionproof (DIP)Certificate70044744Standards FM 3600:2011, FM 3615:2006, UL 50E:2007, UL 61010-1:2010, ANSI/ISA 60529:2004Markings XP CL I, DIV 1, GP B, C, D; DIP CL II, DIV 1, GP E, F, G; CL III; T6 (-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +80 °C), T5 (-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +95 °C); Seal not required; installed per Rosemount drawing 00214-1030; Type 4X† and IP 66/67; V max 35VDC, 750mW max CanadaE6 Canada Explosionproof (XP) and Dust-Ignitionproof (DIP)Certificate70044744Standards CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0:2010, CAN/CSA No. 25-1966 (R2000), CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986 (R2012), CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 94-M1991 (R2011), CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1:2012Markings XP CL I, DIV 1, GP B, C, D; DIP CL II, DIV 1, GP E, F, G; CL III; T6 (-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +80 °C), T5 (-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +95 °C); Seal not required; installed per Rosemount drawing 00214-1030; Type 4X(2) and IP 66/67; Vmax 35VDC, 750mWmax(2)Spring loaded indicator has reduced ingress and dust ratings. Spring loaded sensors must be installed in a thermowell to maintain dust and ingress ratings.EuropeE1 ATEX FlameproofCertificate DEKRA 19ATEX0076XStandards EN IEC 60079-0: 2018, EN 60079-1: 2014Markingsa ≤ +80 °C)Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.Flameproof joints are not intended for repair.2.Non-Standard Paint options may cause risk from electrostatic discharge. Avoid installations that cause electrostatic build-upon painted surfaces, and only clean the painted surfaces with a damp cloth. If paint is ordered through a special option code, contact the manufacturer for more information.3.When provided on their own, the adapter style sensors must be assembled to a suitable Ex db enclosure with a free internalvolume no greater than 550 cm3.4.Guard DIN sensors against impacts greater than 4 Joules.(1)Minimum process temperature and minimum ambient temperature is limited to -50 °C for models with enclosure designation “7”, “8”, “9”, “K”,“R” or “W”.I1 ATEX Intrinsic SafetyCertificate Baseefa16ATEX0101XStandards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012MarkingsSpecial Condition for Safe Use (X):The equipment must be installed in an enclosure which affords it a degree of ingress protection of at least IP20.N1 ATEX Type nCertificate BAS00ATEX3145Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-15:2010Markingsa ≤ + 70 °C)ND ATEX DustATEX Certificate DEKRA 19ATEX0076XStandards EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EN 60079-31:2014Markingsa ≤ + 80 °C);Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.Non-Standard Paint options may cause risk from electrostatic discharge. Avoid installations that cause electrostatic build-upon painted surfaces, and only clean the painted surfaces with a damp cloth. If paint is ordered through a special option code, contact the manufacturer for more information.2.When provided on their own, the adapter style sensors must be assembled to a suitable Ex tb enclosure with a free internalvolume no greater than 550 cm3.3.The spring loaded adapter style sensors and DIN style sensors must be installed in a thermowell to maintain Ex tbprotection.(1)Minimum process temperature and minimum ambient temperature is limited to -50 °C for models with enclosure designation “7”, “8”,“9”, “K”, “R” or “W”.InternationalE7 IECEx FlameproofCertificate IECEx DEK 19.0041XStandards IEC 60079-0: 2017, IEC 60079-1: 2014Markings Ex db IIC T6...T1 Gb, (–60 °C ≤ T a ≤ + 80 °C)Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.Flameproof joints are not intended for repair.2.Non-Standard Paint options may cause risk from electrostatic discharge. Avoid installations that cause electrostatic build-upon painted surfaces, and only clean the painted surfaces with a damp cloth. If paint is ordered through a special option code, contact the manufacturer for more information.3.When provided on their own, the adapter style sensors must be assembled to a suitable Ex db enclosure with a free internalvolume no greater than 550 cm3.4.Guard DIN sensors against impacts greater than 4 Joules.。

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 RBI pH ORP 传感器 数据表

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 RBI pH ORP 传感器 数据表

产品数据表00813-0106-3008, Rev AD2020 年 9 月罗斯蒙特™ RBI pH/ORP 传感器用于恶劣环境应用的高性能 pH/ORP 测量罗斯蒙特 RBI pH/ORP 传感器采用多重参比液接设计,使之非常适合用在含硫化物及其他有毒离子的恶劣环境应用。


订购信息罗斯蒙特 RBI pH/ORP 传感器主体材质为 Kynar ®,提供两种配置:一种是 ¾-in. 美制标准管螺纹 (MNPT) 外螺纹直接/浸没式,允许传感器用于 T 型管或浸没储罐;另一种是可插拔式,可以穿过球阀进行各式安装。

高性能和坚固耐用设计■坚固的 Kynar 主体和可选 O 型圈材料 (EPDM 、Viton ® 或Kalrez ™),化学抗性出色。

■可耐受高达 150 psig (1,035 kPa) 的压力■多重参比液接更大程度增加传感器寿命。

易于安装■直接/浸没式主体采用 ¾-in. NPT 前端和后部过程连接,直接安装到过程介质管道中,或连入一个 ¾-in. FNPT 接合延长管用于潜水安装。


通用 VP8 连接■使用 Variopol (VP8) 电缆连接器选件避免了缆线缠绕,实现电缆向传感器快速电缆释放。




内容订购信息 (2)规格...................................................................................................................................................................................................5尺寸图...............................................................................................................................................................................................6附件. (13)罗斯蒙特 RBI2020 年 9 月/Rosemount型号测量类型/电极A10 和 A11 配有 PT100 热电阻 (RTD),用于温度补偿。

罗斯蒙特 3900 3900VP 通用型 pH ORP 传感器 产品手册说明书

罗斯蒙特 3900 3900VP 通用型 pH ORP 传感器 产品手册说明书

Product Data Sheet00813-0100-3900, Rev ACAugust 2021 Rosemount™ 3900/3900VPGeneral Purpose pH/ORP SensorsHigh performance for your process pH/ORP needsThe Rosemount 3900 and 3900VP pH/ORP combination sensors are used for reliable pH or oxidation reduction potential measurements of aqueous solutions in pipelines, open tanks, or ponds. Their robust designs allow the Rosemount 3900 and 3900VP sensors to be used in a wide range of applications.OverviewA robust sensor design■Extended sensor life and protection against poisoning ionsusing a double junction reference.■Enhanced performance and increased life with crackingresistant glass.■Maximum chemical resistance provided by a ruggedpolyphenylene sulfide body.■Operates in sub-zero temperatures down to 14 °F (-10 °C).■Built-ins solution ground for advanced diagnostics.Versatile installation options■The sensor body features a one-piece construction with both front facing and rear facing process threads.■¾-in. and 1-in. male national pipe thread (MNPT) process connections to meet a variety of application installationrequirements.■Variopol (VP8) cable connection option, for quick cable-to-sensor release, eliminates cable twisting.SMART preamplifier■Automatic recognition of pH sensors by Rosemount transmitters: 1066, 1057, 1056, and 56.■pH calibration data is stored, which allows sensors to be calibrated in advance for "plug and play" installations in the field.Ordering informationThe Rosemount 3900 and 3900VP General Purpose pH/ORP Sensors feature a chemically resistant Ryton ® plastic body,along with a built-in solution ground for advanced diagnostics and a Pt-100 resistance temperature device (RTD) fortemperature compensation. These sensors are available with either an integral cable connection (Rosemount 3900) orVariopol (VP8) connector (Rosemount 3900VP). Variopol cables are sold separately (see Accessories ).ContentsOverview...........................................................................................................................................................................................2Ordering information........................................................................................................................................................................2Accessories........................................................................................................................................................................................5Specifications....................................................................................................................................................................................6Rosemount pH/ORP sensor(s) product certifications.........................................................................................................................7Dimensional and installation drawings.. (12)Rosemount 3900/3900VPAugust 2021/RosemountAugust 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VP Rosemount 3900 ordering informationThe Rosemount 3900 pH/ORP Sensor is housed in a Ryton® plastic body with built-in solution ground for advanced diagnostics.Pt-100 is offered for a temperature compensator. The sensor is available with an integral cable. You can mount the sensor using a process connector, both ordered separately. You can also order junction box kits with preamplifiers separately if the transmitter does not have an integral preamplifier.ModelPreamplifier options(1)Standard preamplifier if used with oxidation reduction potential (ORP).Measuring codeCalibration certificates - optional levelRosemount 3900/3900VP3Rosemount 3900/3900VP August 2021 Rosemount 3900VP ordering informationModelPreamplifier options(1)Standard preamplifier if used with oxidation reduction potential (ORP).Measuring codeCalibration certificates - optional level/RosemountAugust 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VP AccessoriesRosemount 3900/3900VP5Rosemount 3900/3900VP August 2021 SpecificationsTable 1: Percent Linearity over pH RangeTable 2: Rosemount 3900/3900VP pH/ORP Sensor Specifications/RosemountAugust 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VPRosemount pH/ORP sensor(s) product certificationsRev 0.5European directive informationA copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at the end of the Quick Start Guide. The most recent revision of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at /Rosemount.Ordinary location certificationAs standard, the transmitter has been examined and tested to determine that the design meets the basic electrical, mechanical, and fire protection requirements by a nationally recognized test laboratory (NRTL) as accredited by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).Installing equipment in North AmericaThe US National Electrical Code® (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) permit the use of Division marked equipment in Zones and Zone marked equipment in Divisions. The markings must be suitable for the area classification, gas, and temperature class. This information is clearly defined in the respective codes.USAFM Intrinsic SafetyCertificate FM17US0198XStandards FM Class 3600:1998, FM Class 3610:2010, FM Class 3611: 2004, FM Class 3810: 2005Markings IS/I,II,III/1/ABCDEFG/T6 Ta = –20 °C to 60 °CI/0/AEx ia IIC/T6 Ta = –20 °C to 60 °CNI/I/2/ABCD/T6 Ta = –20 °C to 60 °CS/II,III/2/EFG/T6 Ta = –20 °C to 60 °CSpecific Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.Sensors with Model 1700702 preamplifier:a.Model 385+-a-b-c. Triple junction pH/ORP sensorRosemount 3900/3900VP7Rosemount 3900/3900VP August 2021b.Model 389-a-b-c-d-e. pH/ORP sensorc.Model 389VP-a-b-c-d. pH/ORP sensord.Model 396VP-a-b-c-d. Submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensore.Model 396P-a-b-c-d-e. Submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensorf.Model 396PVP-a-b-c-d-e. Submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensorg.Model 396RVP-a-b-c-d-e. Retraction/submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensorh.Model 398RVP-a-b-c-d-e-f. pH/ORP sensori.Model 3200HP-00. High purity water pH sensorj.Model 3300HTVP-a-b-c-d. High performance pH and ORP sensork.Model 3400HTVP-a-b-c-d-e. High performance pH and ORP sensorl.3500P-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensorm.3500VP-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensorn.Model 3900-a-b-c. General purpose pH/ORP sensoro.Model 3900VP-a-b. General purpose pH/ORP sensorThe polymeric surface of all the apparatus listed above may store electrostatic charge and become a source of ignition.Clean surface should only be done with a damp cloth.2.Sensors without Model 1700702 preamplifier (simple apparatus):a.Model 385-a-b-c-d-e. Retractable pH/ORP sensorb.Model 385+-a-b-c Triple junction pH/ORP sensorc.Model 389-a-b-c-d-e. pH/ORP sensord.Model 389VP-a-b-c. pH/ORP sensore.Model 396-a-b-c. Submersion/insertion pH sensorf.Model 396VP-a-b. Submersion/insertion pH sensorg.Model 396P-a-b-c-d-e. Submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensorh.Model 396PVP-a-b-c-d. Submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensori.Model 396R-a-b-c-d-e. Retraction/submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensorj.Model 396RVP-a-b-c-d. Retraction/submersion/insertion pH/ORP sensork.Model 397-a-b-c-d-e. pH sensorl.Model 398-a-b-c-d-e. pH/ORP sensorm.Model 398VP-a-b-c. pH/ORP sensorn.Model 398R-a-b-c-d-e-f. pH/ORP sensoro.Model 398RVP-a-b-c-d-e-f. pH/ORP sensorp.Model 3200HP-00. High purity water pH sensorq.Model 3300HT-a-b-c-d. High performance pH and ORP sensorr.Model 3300HTVP-a-b-c-d. High performance pH and ORP sensors.Model 3400HT-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensort.Model 3400HTVP-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensoru.Model 3500P-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensor/RosemountAugust 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VPv.Model 3500VP-a-b-c-d-e-f. High performance pH and ORP sensorw.Model 3800-a. Autoclaveable and steam sterilizable pH sensorsx.Model 3800VP-a. Autoclaveable and steam sterilizable pH sensorsy.Model 3900-a-b-c. General purpose pH/ORP sensorz.Model 3900VP-a-b. General purpose pH/ORP sensorThe polymeric surface of all the apparatus listed above may store electrostatic charge and become a source of ignition.Clean surface should only be done with a damp cloth.CSA Intrinsic SafetyCertificate70164066Standards C22.2 No 0-10, C22.2 No 0.4-M2004, C22.2 No 94-M1991, C22.2 No 142 – M1987, C22.2 No 157-M1992, CAN/CSA E60079-0:07, CAN/CSA E60079-11:02, UL 50-11th Ed, UL 508-17th Ed, UL 913-7th Ed, UL 60079-0: 2005, UL60079-11: 2002Markings Preamplifier assembly:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; ambienttemperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C; Ex ia IIC; T6: Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC ; T6Sensor apparatus with preamplifier:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; ambienttemperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C; Ex ia IIC; T6: Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC ; T6Sensor apparatus:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; Ex ia IIC;T6; ambient temperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C: (simple apparatus)CanadaCSA Intrinsic SafetyCertificate70164066Standards C22.2 No 0-10, C22.2 No 0.4-M2004, C22.2 No 94-M1991, C22.2 No 142 – M1987, C22.2 No 157-M1992, CAN/CSA E60079-0:07, CAN/CSA E60079-11:02, UL 50-11th Ed, UL 508-17th Ed, UL 913-7th Ed, UL 60079-0: 2005, UL60079-11: 2002Markings Preamplifier assembly:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; ambienttemperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C; Ex ia IIC; T6: Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC ; T6Sensor apparatus with preamplifier:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; ambienttemperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C; Ex ia IIC; T6: Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC ; T6Sensor apparatus:Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD; Ex ia IIC;T6; ambient temperature rating –20 °C to +60 °C: (simple apparatus)Rosemount 3900/3900VP9Rosemount 3900/3900VP August 2021 EuropeATEX Intrinsic SafetyCertificate Baseefa10ATEX0156Standards EN 60079-0: 2012+A11: 2013, EN 60079-11: 2012Markings pH/ORP sensors with no preamplifier fittedpH sensors with integral smart preamplifier fittedORP sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)pH sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)Specific Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.All pH/ORP sensor models with a plastic enclosure or exposed plastic parts may provide an electrostatic ignition hazard andmust only be cleaned with a damp cloth to avoid the danger of ignition due to build-up of electrostatic charge.2.All pH/ORP sensor models with a metallic enclosure may provide a risk of ignition by impact or friction. Care should be takenduring installation to protect the sensor from the risk.3.External connections to the sensor must be suitably terminated and provide a degree of protection of at least IP20.4.All pH/ORP sensor models are intended to be in contact with the process fluid and may not meet the 500V r.m.s. test toearth. This must be taken into consideration at installation.InternationalIECEx Intrinsic SafetyCertificate IECEx BAS 10.0083XStandards IEC 60079-0: 2011, IEC 60079-11: 2011Markings pH/ORP sensors with no preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +60 °C)pH sensors with integral smart preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +60 °C)ORP sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +80 °C)Ex ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)pH sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +80 °C)Ex ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)Specific Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.All pH/ORP sensor models with a plastic enclosure or exposed plastic parts may provide an electrostatic ignition hazard andmust only be cleaned with a damp cloth to avoid the danger of ignition due to build-up of electrostatic charge./Rosemount2.All pH/ORP sensor models with a metallic enclosure may provide a risk of ignition by impact or friction. Care should be takenduring installation to protect the sensor from the risk.3.External connections to the sensor must be suitably terminated and provide a degree of protection of at least IP20.4.All pH/ORP sensor models are intended to be in contact with the process fluid and may not meet the 500V r.m.s. test toearth. This must be taken into consideration at installation.ChinaNepsi Intrinsic SafetyCertificate GYB19.1035XStandards GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.4-2010, GB 3836.20-2010Markings Ex ia II C T4 Ga (–20 °C to +60 °C)Specific Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.It is strictly forbidden to rub the plastic shell parts of the product to prevent the risk of static ignition.2.When the product shell contains light metals, it should be prevented in a zone 0 environment.Technical Regulations Customs Union (EAC)EAC Intrinsic SafetyCertificate TC RU C-US .MIO62. B.06011Markings pH/ORP sensors with no preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +60 °C)pH sensors with integral smart preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +60 °C)ORP sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +80 °C)Ex ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)pH sensors with integral standard preamplifier fittedEx ia IIC T4 Ga (–20 °C to +80 °C)Ex ia IIC T5 Ga (–20 °C to +40 °C)Specific Condition for Safe Use (X):See certificate for special conditions.Dimensional and installation drawings Figure 1: Proper Sensor Installation OrientationInstall sensor within 80 degrees of vertical.Figure 2: Rosemount 3900 with Integral Cable ConnectionA.1-in. male national pipe thread (MNPT)B.Wrench flats, 1.30 in. acrossC.1-in. MNPTD.¾-in. MNPTFigure 3: Rosemount 3900VP with Variopol Cable ConnectionA.Temperature compensation solution groundB.Reference junctionC.pH electrodeTable 3: Horizontal Pipe Tee (PN 2002011) Pressure/Temperature RatingsFigure 4: Typical Flow-through Insertion Installation using PN 2002011 Pipe TeeA.1½-in. x 1-in. reducing bushingB.1½-in. pipe tee PN 2002011Table 4: Low Flow Cell Specifications PN 24091-00/24091-02Figure 5: Low Flow Cell (PN 24091-00)A.IncheslimetersC.OutletD.InletFigure 6: Flow-through Tee (2-in.) (PN 914240-XX)A.AdapterThe following flow-through tees are available for the Rosemount 3900/3900VP.■915240-03■915240-04■915240-05For a new installation, use the appropriate tee above and add the S10283-LQD adapter.When replacing an existing Rosemount 399 with a Rosemount 3900 sensor, add the S10283-LQD adapter to convert the tee to accept the Rosemount 3900 sensor.Figure 7: Jet Spray CleanerA.Cleaning solution by othersB.Solenoid valve or manual valve (supplied by others)C.Corrosion resistant tubing (supplied by others)D.Polypropylene ¼-in. (6.4 mm) compression fittingE.¼-in. (6.4 mm) 316 stainless steelF.¼-in. (6.4 mm) polypropyleneG.Stainless set screw for adjustable spray nozzle heightH.2-in. (50.8 mm) NPT threadsI.SensorJ.1-in. (25.4 mm) PVC coupling for submersible applications (supplied by others) K.1-in. (25.4 mm) PVC or stainless conduit (supplied by others)L.CableM.Timer supplied by others or use timer feature in Rosemount instrument.Figure 8: Rosemount 3900 Sensor with Jet Spray CleanerThe jet spray cleaner eliminates routine, manual sensor maintenance by cleaning the sensor with water or compressed air. You can control flow through the cleaner with a solenoid valve.NoteYou can use the jet spray cleaner with the handrail mounting assembly (PN 11275-01, not shown), or you can mount it through the conduit as shown in Figure 8.Figure 9: Low Flow Panel PN 00390-7101-0001Table 5: Low Flow Panel Specifications(1)The minimum inlet pressure is required to open a check valve, which prevents the flow cell from draining if sample flow is lost. Removing thecheck valve lowers the inlet pressure requirement to a few feet of water head.August 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VP Rosemount 3900/3900VP21Rosemount 3900/3900VP August 2021 /RosemountAugust 2021Rosemount 3900/3900VP Rosemount 3900/3900VP2300813-0100-3900Rev. ACAugust 2021For more information: ©2021 Emerson. All rights reserved.Emerson Terms and Conditions of Sale are available uponrequest. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark ofEmerson Electric Co. Rosemount is a mark of one of theEmerson family of companies. All other marks are the propertyof their respective owners.。

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 565、566 和 765 温度传感器 数据表

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 565、566 和 765 温度传感器 数据表

0、+40 和 +80 °C(+32、+104 和 +176 °F)时的传感器标定,采用 0、A 和 B Callendar-Van Dusen 常数 M25000 A 0 4 16 P 2 2 00 Q8 AE VE - 温度传感器位置(8)
(1) 需要温度传感器接线代码 4(4 线制)。 (2) 此类别下互相排斥的选项。 (3) 适用于导波管。 (4) 适用于自由悬挂。 (5) 在传感器软管周围的部分中安装。 (6) 需要两个适配器(IA 和 IB)。 (7) 需要温度传感器接线代码 4 和选件认证代码 Q4。 (8) 温度传感器位置在罗斯蒙特储罐计量系统组态数据表中指定。
固定重锤 (SST AISI 304)(2) AA(3) AB(3) AC(3) AD(4) AE(4) AF(4) AP(5) 锚定重锤。2.0 kg (4.4 lbs),Ø= 40x200 mm (Ø=1.6 x 7.9 in.) 锚定重锤。3 kg (6.6 lbs),Ø= 50x200 mm (Ø=2.0 x 7.9 in.) 锚定重锤。4 kg (8.8 lbs),Ø= 45x330 mm (Ø=1.8 x 13.0 in.) 锚定重锤。5 kg (11 lbs),Ø= 100x85 mm (Ø=3.9 x 3.3 in.) 锚定重锤。10 kg (22 lbs),Ø= 95x175 mm height (Ø=3.7 x 6.9 in.) 锚定重锤。15 kg (33 lbs),Ø= 140x130 mm (Ø=5.5 x 5.1 in.) 锚定重锤。3 kg (6.6 lbs),Ø= 48.5x270 mm (1.9 x 10.6 in.)

2014 年 10 月

艾默生 Rosemount 400 和 400VP 接触式电导率传感器 数据表

艾默生 Rosemount 400 和 400VP 接触式电导率传感器 数据表

产品数据表00813-0106-3400, Rev AC12 年 2020 月Rosemount™ 400 和 400VP接触式电导率传感器适合您的过程的可靠电导率测量利用 Rosemount 400和400VP 接触式电导率传感器,您可以精确测量从高纯水到冷却净水的广泛应用中的电解电导率。

这些传感器非常适合在洁净、非腐蚀性且电导率低于 20,000 uS/cm 的流体中使用。



■池常数包括 0.01、0.1 和 1.0/cm。


■传感器可使用前向的 ¾-in. 美制标准管外螺纹 (MNPT) 接头直接拧紧插入过程管道。


■配有 Variopol (VP6) 快速断开接头。

内容概述...................................................................................................................................................................................................2订购信息...........................................................................................................................................................................................3技术规格...........................................................................................................................................................................................6工程规格...........................................................................................................................................................................................8尺寸图.. (9)Rosemount 400/400VP12 年 2020 月/Rosemount订购信息Rosemount 400/400VP 接触式电导传感器用于测量清水应用的电解电导率。

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 225 环形电导率传感器 数据表

艾默生 罗斯蒙特 225 环形电导率传感器 数据表

Product Data Sheet00813-0100-3225, Rev ADDecember 2024 Rosemount™ 225Toroidal Conductivity SensorsA reliable sensor for high conductivity sanitary applicationsRosemount 225 toroidal conductivity sensors are intended to be used in many pharmaceutical and food and beverage applications where a sanitary design is required. These corrosion and fouling resistant sensors are ideal for measuring the concentration of CIP solutions, detecting product/water interfaces, checking product quality, and monitoring elements in chromatographic solutions.OverviewRosemount 225 sensors are reliable sensors for high conductivity sanitary applications.Rosemount 225 Toroidal Conductivity Sensors are intended to be used in many pharmaceutical and food and beverage applications where a sanitary design is required. These corrosion and fouling resistant sensors are ideal for measuring the concentrations of CIP solutions, detecting product/water interfaces, checking product quality, and monitoringeluents in chromatographic separations.Meet various sanitary requirements.■USP Class VI compliant.■FDA food contact 21CFR177.2415 compliant.■3-A Sanitary Standard 74-06 compliant.Ease of installation.■2-in. tri-clamp process connection.■Installation flexibility with maximum cable lengths up to 200 ft. (61 m) (up to 100 ft. [30 m] is standard) between sensor and transmitter when paired with remote junction box (sold separately).High performance and reliability.■Robust measurements - insensitive to process flow and direction.■Meet application compatibility requirements with a selection of chemical resistant body options including PEEK and Tefzel ®.ContentsOverview (2)Ordering information (3)Specifications (4)Dimensional drawing (5)Accessories (6)Engineering specifications (6)December 2024December 2024Ordering informationNoteThe Rosemount 225 with 2-in. Tri-Clamp fitting is molded from unfilled or glass-filled PEEK. The sensor has an integral Pt 100 RTD and 20 ft. (6.1 m) of cable. For improved EMI/RFI shielding, choose cable option 56.Option 07 meets 3-A sanitary standards. CONFIGURE > VIEW PRODUCT >ModelCode Description225Toroidal Conductivity SensorBody material and mounting typeCode Description03Glass-filled PEEK with Tri-Clamp07Unfilled PEEK with Tri-Clamp08USP Class VI unfilled PEEK with Tri-Clamp09Unfilled Tefzel™(1)Only available with 56 option.Transmitter compatibilityCode Description50For use with Rosemount 1181T54For use with Rosemount series 1054 and 205456Integral cable with additional shielding for improved EMI/RFI protection. Recommended for use with Rosemount transmitter models 56, 1056, 5081, and 1056.Additional cable options: 20 ft. (6.1 m) is standardCalibration and conformance certificatesMaterial traceability certificates - optional levelSpecificationsCell constant (nominal): 2.7/cmWetted materials:Body materials either glass-filled PEEK, glass-filled Tefzel, or unfilled Tefzel.Minimum conductivity:200 µS/cm (15 µS/cm when used with Rosemount 1056 and 56 transmitters)Process connection:2-in. Tri ClampConformance to 3-A sanitary standards:Sensors with option -07 meet 3-A sanitary standards for sensors and sensor fittings and connections used on milk and milk products equipment (74-06).Compliance with FDA food contact requirements:Sensors with option -07 are molded from PEEK that meet pliance with USP Class VI:Sensors with option -08 are molded from PEEK that meet USP Class VI requirementsStandard cable length:20 ft. (6.1 m)Maximum cable length:200 ft. (61 m), up to 100 ft. (30 m) is standard.Weight/shipping weight:2 lb./3 lb. (1.0 kg/1.5 kg)Table 1: Maximum Temperature and PressureDecember 2024Dimensional drawingFigure 1: Rosemount 225 Dimensional DrawingA.Male connector 316 stainless steelB.Cap 316 stainless steelC.Clamp tee and gasket (supplied by others)D.Molded housingDecember 2024December 2024 AccessoriesTable 2: Accessory listEngineering specifications1.The sensor will measure electrolytic conductivity using the inductive or toroidal method.2.The sensor will have a large bore to reduce fouling from fibrous materials in the process stream.3.The sensor will be molded from glass-filled PEEK, unfilled PEEK, or unfilled Tefzel® and have a 2-inch tri-clampfitting.4.The unfilled PEEK sensor will be available in a version that meets 3A sanitary standard 74-06 and 21CFR177.2415.5.The unfilled PEEK sensor will also be available in an option that is molded from USP Class VI material.6.The glass-filled PEEK and unfilled Tefzel sensor will withstand 230 °F (110 °C) at 200 psig (1480 kPa abs).7.The unfilled PEEK sensors will withstand 266 °F (130 °C) at 200 psig (1480 kPa abs).8.The sensor will be Rosemount Model 225 or approved equal.December 202400813-0100-3225Rev. ADDecember 2024For more information: /global©2024 Emerson. All rights reserved.Emerson Terms and Conditions of Sale are availableupon request. The Emerson logo is a trademark andservice mark of Emerson Electric Co. Rosemount is amark of one of the Emerson family of companies. Allother marks are the property of their respective owners.。

艾默生 Rosemount200 系列传感器卡箍 数据表

艾默生  Rosemount200 系列传感器卡箍 数据表

产品数据表00813-0206-4210, Rev AA2022 年 9 月Rosemount™ 200 系列传感器卡箍用于 Rosemount Wireless Permasense WT210 变送器■工作温度最高 570 °F (300 °C) 的管道螺柱焊替代方案■兼容 Rosemount™ Wireless Permasense WT210 变送器■卡箍尺寸范围 2 in 至 42 inRosemount 200 系列传感器卡箍2022 年 9 月200 系列传感器卡箍200 系列传感器卡箍为常用尺寸卡箍,2 NPS – 4 NPS 管径最多可固定 2 个均匀分布的传感器,6 NPS – 42 NPS 管径上 6 个均匀分布的传感器。

200 系列传感器卡箍用于其固定的传感器的超声波性能。



涂漆选项适用于200 °C 以内的场所。

/Rosemount2022 年 9 月Rosemount 200 系列传感器卡箍技术规格物理规格材料选择艾默生罗斯蒙特产品有多种组态和型号包括广泛用于各种应用工况的结构材料。




重量因管道尺寸而异结构材料卡箍材料316L 不锈钢可选涂层Intertherm 228 + 灰:Ral 码 7004螺柱材料316L 不锈钢性能规格温度限值未涂漆卡箍的工作温度限值:-22 至 570 °F(-30 至 300 °C)涂漆卡箍的工作温度限值:-22 至 390 °F(-30 至 200 °C)兼容性Rosemount™ WT210 Wireless 耐腐蚀变送器Rosemount 200 系列传感器卡箍3Rosemount 200 系列传感器卡箍2022 年 9 月随附金属配件每个卡箍组件随附四个卡箍弦及以下紧固件(见下表)。

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插入式 (拧入式)
0-105℃ (32-221°F) *-60: 0-200℃ (32-392°F)
250psig (1825KPa)
钛, 316 SST PEEK 和 EPDM
电缆 长度
标准 10 英尺 (3.1 米)
*选择项 50 英尺 (15.2 米) ¾" MNPT
401 10.0/cm 0.85/cm (4 电极) 插入式 (拧入式) 0-100℃ (32-212°F)
402 可抽取式电导率传感器 如果 402 可抽取式电导率传感器匹配相应的抽取附件,则用户可以在不停产的情况下,对传感器进行维修或
更换。402 的主要特征是传感器带一根较长的不锈钢套管,其插入深度从 2.34 英寸到 5.34 英寸有几种选择。此 外,套管尾部可选择的接线盒,使传感器在带压的情况下,在操作人员进行插入或抽取操作时,便于对传感器进 行更换和维护。该传感器允许抽取的最大工作压力为 64psig(542KPa)。
标准 10 英尺 (3.1 米)
*选择项 50 英尺 (15.2 米)
3/8"塑料过程接头 ¼"管道接头
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
电导池常数 1054B LC 1054B R 1054B DC 1054B C
1055 54e C 1181C 2081C 81C/3081C 4081C 5081-C Xmt-C
400 电导率传感器 400 插入式/拧入式电导率传感器,其电导池常数有:0.01/cm、
0.1/cm 和 1.0/cm 三种选择,该传感器适合于下列应用场合:监视冷却 水中溶解固体的浓度(该浓度随温度、压力的变化而不同)、测量锅 炉水和锅炉给水中溶解固体物质的浓度。400 电导率传感器也可以用来 监视反向渗透工况和离子交换软化装置的工况。
运行成本低 ⎯ 传感器选用的材料经久耐用,并且,抗腐蚀性能好,从而保证了 ENDURANCE 电导率传感器 的使用寿命长,维护工作量小,运行成本低。400、402 和 404 传感器由抗化学腐蚀的钛电极和 PEEK(聚醚醚 酮)绝缘材料构成,403-11/12/13 卫生法兰传感器由钛电极和 Kel-F2 绝缘材料构成,401 和 403-14 传感器由石墨电 极和环氧树脂绝缘材料构成,后者主要用于高电导率溶液的检测需要。
型号:400 系列电导 71-400
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
* 接线盒不适用于 401 传感器。 8
200psig(1481Kpa) 允许抽取的
最大工作压力: 64psig(542KPa)
-11,-12,-13: 钛, 316 SST, PEEK EPDM,石墨,氯丁橡胶 -14: 石墨, 316 SST
环氧树脂 EPDM, 氯丁橡胶
标准 10 英尺 (3.1 米)
*延长时要选 -60, -61 接线盒 1-1/4" NPT 球阀
403 卫生法兰式电导率传感器 403 卫生法兰式电导率传感器是专门为医药、食品和饮料行业设计
的产品。该传感器适用于 Tri-Clover 卫生过程法兰连接,并且,有两种 可供选择的法兰规格(1-1/2"和 2")。此外,403-11/12/13 传感器还适用 于蒸汽消毒工艺,其最高工作温度为:275°F(135℃)。
有两种不锈钢抽取附件:PN23765-00 和 PN23765-01,前者与 402VP-11/12/13 传感器匹配,后者与 402VP-14 传感器匹配。这两种附 件的区别在于它们密封连接器的长度不同。一套安装附件包括:一个 1-1/4 英寸的球阀、一个 1-1/4 英寸的 MNPT 接头、一个带石墨密封圈 的密封连接器和一个固定传感器的夹具,后者将传感器固定到要求插 入的深度。
1 磅(0.5 公斤)
2 磅(0.9 公斤)
3 磅(1.4 公斤)
4 磅(1.8 公斤)
2 磅(0.9 公斤)
3 磅(1.4 公斤)
2 磅(0.9 公斤)
3 磅(1.4 公斤)
4 磅(1.8 公斤)
5 磅(2.3 公斤)
带 50 英尺电缆
4 磅(1.8 公斤) 5 磅(2.3 公斤)
• 多种可供选择的安装方式:拧入式/插入式、可抽取式、卫生法兰 式和流通式。
• 可以与罗斯蒙特分析仪器公司的绝大多数导电率分析仪/变送器配 合使用。
PDS 71-400
投运快速、方便 ⎯ 罗斯蒙特分析仪器公司 ENDURANCE 电导率传感器的设计,确保了仪器可以投运快速、 方便,并且故障率低。传感器在出厂时,已经设置好精确的电导池常数,从而简化了日常标定工作,可以不必使 用标定液,零点标定在空气中进行即可,量程标定输入其相应的电导池常数即可。
测量精度高 ⎯ 传感器出厂时,已经过标定,从而可以保证仪器的测量精度。由于其坚固耐用的外形设计和良 好的抗腐蚀材料,确保了电极的间隔和表面积恒定,因此,电导池常数可以在较长的时间内,保持稳定。对于温 度补偿,Pt1000 测温热电阻是标准的,也可以选择 Pt100 或热敏电阻。ENDURANCE 的设计理念是使电导率传感 器的检测值可以密切跟踪温度的变化,从而使电导率的测量结果可以随时得到精确的温度补偿。
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
400 拧入式电导率传感器的电极材质为钛材,本体材质为 316 不锈钢,接口规格为 3/4 英寸 MNPT。传感器标 准的测温电阻为 Pt1000,电缆长度为 10 英尺(3.1 米),50 英尺(15.2 米)电缆是选择项,若电缆长度超过 50 英 尺,要与工厂协商。400 电导率传感器可以与 1054BLC、1054BR、1054BDC、1055、54eC、3081C、4081C、 5081-C 和 Xmt-C 分析仪配合使用。选型代码-54、-55 和-56 可以与其它型号的分析仪配合使用。
0.01 最高至 20µS/cm 最高至 20µS/cm 最高至 20µS/cm
不推荐采用 最高至 25µS/cm 最高至 25µS/cm
不推荐采用 不推荐采用 最高至 20µS/cm 最高至 20µS/cm 最高至 20µS/cm 最高至 20µS/cm
0.1 - 1.0-200µS/cm 1.0-2,000µS/cm 10-2,000µS/cm 1.0-2,000µS/cm 1.0-2,000µS/cm 10-2,000µS/cm 10-2,000µS/cm 2.0-200µS/cm 2.0-200µS/cm 1.0-500µS/cm 1.0-500µS/cm
PDS 71-400
401 电导率传感器 401 插入式/拧入式电导率传感器的电极材质是石墨,其适应于高电导
率溶液(500-200,000µS/cm)的检测应用,有 10/cm 两电极传感器(40114)和 0.85/cm 四电极传感器(401-15)两种选择。四电极传感器只能与 四电极分析仪 Solu Comp 配套使用。
404 流通式电导率传感器 404 流通式电导率传感器带一个流通池,该流通池的作用是在低流量
情况下,确保传感器可以快速响应过程电导率的变化,流通池有 303 不锈 钢和 PVC 两种材质选择。由于 404 传感器的外部电极是安装在流通池上 的,所以,仪器标定时,要将传感器和流通池作为一个整体单元来考虑。 不锈钢流通池可以拆开进行清洗,PVC 流通池则不能拆开。
403 0.01/cm, 0.1/cm 1.0/cm, 10.0/cm
-11, -12, -13: 0-105℃ (32-221°F) -14: 0-100℃ (32-212°F)
-11,-12,-13: 钛,316 SST, Kel-F(新氟隆)
EPDM 所有 FDA 都适用 -14: 石墨, 316 SST 环氧 树脂, EPDM
拧入式/插入式:400 传感器电导池常数为:0.01/cm、0.1/cm 和 1.0/cm,其通过 3/4 英寸 MNPT 的不锈钢接 头,与过程连接。传感器可以直接安装在 3/4 英寸的 T 形三通上,也可以选择 PN 24091-02 聚碳酸酯的流通池。
可抽取式/带球阀:402 可抽取式传感器通过接口为 1-1/4 英寸 NPT 的球阀,与过程连接,其它配套附件与球 阀的接口尺寸一致。
400 系列电导率传感器的重量和装运重量(以磅为单位的数值,其小数部分已进位至整数部分)
400 401-14 401-15
402 403 404-16(PVC) 404-17(SS)
带 10 英尺电缆
1 磅(0.5 公斤)
2 磅(0.9 公斤)
1 磅(0.5 公斤)
2 磅(0.9 公斤)
卫生法兰式:403 传感器通过接口为 1-1/2 英寸或 2 英寸的卫生法兰,与过程连接,其适合于 Tri-Clover3 卫生 过程的连接。
型号:400 系列电导率传感器
PDS 71-400
流通式/流通池:对于那些低流速、需快速响应的测量需求,可使用 404 传感器,该传感器配有流通池,流通 池的接口为 3/8 英寸卡套、3/8 英寸棘接头接塑料软管、或 1/4 英寸 FNPT 连接。
标准 10 英尺 (3.1 米)